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6 Critical Mistakes Association Managers Make
With Their Non-Dues Revenue Programs Now That
Staff Has Been Slashed and
Resources Have Evaporated and ...
How You Can Avoid Them

                            Mistake #1: Ignoring member feedback and
                            not understanding members’ needs or your
                           association’s fundamental mission

                         According to a recent McKinley Marketing survey of 300
                         association executives, improving member retention is the #1
                         priority for associations in 2009.

So, how do you overcome the pitfalls of using costly and ineffective “old ways” of
retaining your members … and start focusing on new ways to achieve better results?

Your first step is to read this white paper and take advantage of four industry experts who
share their secrets. Stop losing members and start overcoming the challenges of engaging
new members … even during our current economic meltdown.

What’s Your Purpose?
What are your members’ most pressing issues? What problems do they need you to help
them solve?

Get back to the basics and make sure you know (really know) the expectations of your
members and the reasons they’ve chosen “you.” Make sure you fulfill (and understand)
their needs … as well as their expectations.

Remind members you exist for them and are with them for the long term. It’s also
important to be the most credible source for information in your industry — a resource
for your members.

Ask for Feedback … (and never stop asking)
Always be listening! It may
                                 “We conduct a Friday Focus Survey and ask our members
seem obvious, but not only       1 to 3 questions on a topic that’s been on our listserv,” says
do you need to ask for           Karen Krzmarzick from ASOA. “We’ve used these surveys
member feedback, you also        for benchmarking and have developed a publication for our
need to respond and follow       members around the results.”
up on questions, comments
and suggestions … which is just as important as (if not more important than) asking for
    • Survey members via email and/or your website to inquire
       about their needs                                              Ron Precourt from NTCA
    • Conduct surveys on a regular basis                              says, “Our organization
                                                                      does a survey every other
    • Conduct focus groups – virtual or in person at your             year to ask members if
       meetings                                                       they had $100, how would
    • Utilize feedback from event evaluations                         they spend it?”
    • Listen and respond to anecdotal comments

Don’t forget: Sharing feedback is also another great excuse for you to communicate
important information to members.

Battling the Loss of Members
                         During these tough economic times, while you’re doing more
                         with less, you still need ways to keep members happy, engaged
                         and looking to you for answers, solutions and help.

                        Your first tactic in the battle of member retention is to keep in
                        front of your members … don’t let them forget about you and
                        don’t make it easy to put you on the chopping block for cutting
                        back costs.

                                                  Hear how Karen Krzmarzick
                                                        from ASOA is battling
                                                          the loss of members

Easy (and Quick) Tactics with Load$ of Value
   •   Offer a dues payment plan
   •   Offer a job search service
   •   Offer trial (e.g., 3 months) or complimentary membership for members in dire
       financial straits
   •   When it’s time for membership renewal, make your first offer your best offer —
       give them the most benefits, save them the most money, etc. Don’t “train” people
       to wait until the last minute to renew
   •   Provide value in your communications, e.g., “tip of the week”
   •   Offer a newsletter or listserv for members’ direct reports or bosses

Go Beyond Retention … to Engagement
Offer a new member a mentor — a long-time member who can answer their questions,
provide guidance and be your association’s “cheerleader.”

Develop a system for categorizing members’ involvement –
   • Track their purchases, webinar and conference attendance, etc.
•   Watch their interaction with your social media tools – are they participating on
       your blog and listservs? Are they “fans” and “friends” and “followers?”
   •   Create surveys to elicit even more specific information about their needs

Then USE the information
   • Customize your communications based on their interests
   • Develop “stop doing” and “do more of” lists based on what your members
      perceive to be of value

             Mistake #2: Not Maximizing Non-Dues Revenue
              Opportunities from Your Annual Conferences and
                       Offer More Educational Opportunities … Not Less
                       What’s the main reason your members attend annual conferences
                      and meetings? Education.

               At a time when you’re forced to cut costs and scale back sessions, don’t
lose sight of the hard-core fact that most members attend your annual conference for the
sheer educational value.

You can skip the free morning muffins or use public transportation instead of shuttles,
but do not lose your focus on education. It’s the best way to increase value to your
members … and increase your non-dues revenue.

                           Making Your Educational Sessions Count More
                           Make your hard work (and hours of time) pay off with
                           increased non-dues revenue and greater member satisfaction.
                           Improve your educational sessions (and skimp on some other
                           stuff members don’t value as much …)
                               • Offer continuing education credits and/or credits toward
                                  certificate programs
                               • Create a ‘kit’ to assist members who need to get
                                  permission from their bosses to attend
   •   Retain the best and most knowledgeable
       top-name speakers                                  “We’ve developed a template for
                                                          members to take to their supervisor
   •   Get people engaged months before the event
                                                          with information about our annual
       by using listservs and other media …               meeting that includes all the benefits
       including social media                             he or she will get out of attending,”
   •   Hold your events in attractive, yet affordable says Karen Krzmarzick from ASOA.
       locations                                          “We’ve even included evaluations
   •   Conduct focus groups                               and testimonials for members to
   •   Go Virtual! Add a web conferencing                 personalize and take to their boss.”
       element such as a webinar of your hottest
topic or top speaker — to include members who aren’t able to travel to your
       face-to-face events

                     Mistake #3: Relying exclusively on face-to-face
                     events to generate non-dues revenue and not
                     offering a web conferencing option for participants
                     unable to travel due to budget cuts and time
                     It should come as no surprise to you that many companies have
                     imposed restrictions on employees for attending professional
                     conferences, meetings and seminars.

                     If you’re an association that relies heavily on annual conferences as
a source of non-dues revenue, you’re probably searching for ways to save your
conferences … and your budget!

Reach Those Who Can’t Travel
Now’s the time to “think outside the box” to find innovative ways to be where your
members are … and where they can afford to be.

The traditional in-person conferences are no longer effective in gaining the non-dues
revenue you’ve hoped for and need.

The reality is: travel budgets have been slashed and employees can’t take time away from
the office. Unfortunately, if you’re like most association managers, you’re under-utilizing
web conferencing technology.

What’s the Solution? Uniting Both Worlds for Maximum Results
The real world and virtual world collide. Use webinars and other web conferencing
solutions to make up for non-dues revenue lost from canceled or poorly attended face-to-
face events.
    • Webinars = no travel. Offer value to those who can’t travel to face to face
        conferences, but don’t want to miss out on all the educational sessions
    • Repurpose recordings from face-to-face conferences and turn into saleable
    • Think hot topics + hot speakers = successful webinar. Give members who can’t
        attend the opportunity to get great content and speakers online.
    • Use webinars to complement members’ needs and learning styles
    • Offer CE credit
    • Offer speakers you would not be able to get at a face to face conference (industry
        experts, congressional staff, well-known authors)
    • Use streaming technology to simulcast portions of your face-to-face conferences
        … especially the sold out and hot-topic sections.
•   For international members, offer webinars using speakers from outside the U.S.
       and schedule at times that are convenient for this audience

The After-math Counts
One of the biggest marketing mistakes is forgetting to reach back to those who attended
(or those who may not have been able to attend) your events after they’re over.

                                                              Deirdre Hackett,
                                                 Kiplinger Washington Editors,
                                                    talks about the tactics she
                                                              uses to increase
                                                   audio conference attendees
                                                                  and revenue

Fact: Not Everyone Can Attend Your Live Events
   •   Promote availability of recordings when you market the live event and continue to
       promote after the event
   •   Remind your members of the value of creating a library of events
   •   Inspire members to share event information with colleagues
   •   Sell recordings after events … and earn up to an additional 20 to 30 percent
       more non-dues revenue
   •   Promote recordings using email, direct mail, press releases, social media, etc.

             Mistake #4: Using low-bidder technology that provides
             substandard audio and video quality for your webinars,
             resulting in complaints and refund requests.
            The old adage, “You get what you pay for” certainly rings true when it
comes to choosing a web conferencing technology provider.

Have you ever found yourself distracted by barking dogs, rustling papers or robotic,
chopped up voices instead of listening to a speaker (because you can’t hear him or her
anyway) deliver content via a webinar?

Eliminate lost non-dues revenue from poorly executed webinars where members want
their money back. Make sure your ‘word of mouth’ is always positive! Ensure audience
engagement and satisfaction by choosing a reliable web conferencing technology partner.

Get Your Members To Attend More Webinars
(even though they have few training dollars to spend … make it worth their while):
    • Choose a reliable and flexible web
        conferencing provider that focuses on       “Attendance to our webinars fluctuates, but
        customer service and can provide            with hot topics or niche topics, we get huge
        support services … basically everything     registration numbers with no pushback on the
                                                    cost from members,” says Ron Precourt,
        you need for a successful webinar
•   Provide high-quality webinars – ‘need-to-know’ topics and the best speakers you
        can get
    •   Use appropriate technology, taking into consideration:
           o Is the content visual, requiring PowerPoint slides? Do you require a video
           o Your members’ comfort level with and access to technology (e.g., are they
                accustomed to attending webinars? Are there firewall or bandwidth issues
                at their place of employment?)
           o Are you charging a fee and/or is it a high-profile event where attendees’
                expectations are higher?
    •   Read this white paper: 47 Questions Every Senior Association Executive Must
        Ask Their Audio/Webinar/Video Conference Provider In Order To Avoid
        Making Embarrassing Mistakes

Mistake #5: Relying exclusively on blast email to increase
attendance to non-dues revenue programs and maintain
communications with members

It’s a brave new world out there.

                         First: You have a multi-generational membership base (from
                         Baby Boomers to Gen Y’s) with vastly differing communication
                         styles, expectations and needs.

                         Second: Once you’ve figured out how your members want to
                         receive information, you have to compete with thousands — no
                         wait, millions — of other messages to actually get your members’

And … let’s not forget the gigantic, life-changing, membership-altering array of
communication forms called Social Media.

All of this together means you have to work even harder to get your members to pay
attention to the information you send them. And, as hard as it is to change habits, relying
on email is NOT the most effective or all-inclusive way to communicate (especially if
you want it to be effective) and promote non-dues revenue programs.

Resistance is Futile
It’s time to let go of your inhibitions and start responding to your members’ needs.

The first thing to do is figure out what communication tools your members use … and
then work from there. The second thing to do is remember that it’s important to use many
tools, not just one, to appeal to the varying ages and demographics of your membership.

Yes, it’s still important to use email, but not as a one-size fits all solution.
Popular Alternatives To Blast Email
   • Listservs
   • Website
   • eNewsletters
   • Magazines
   • Opt-in email alerts based on interests
   • Blogs
   • Facebook
   • Twitter
   • RSS feeds

More Easy Tips
  • Coordinate communications from your association by using a communications
  • Market and promote at face-to-face events, e.g., PowerPoint slides on screens in
      conference rooms between breakout sessions; flyers; sample CDs

                   Never Stop Communicating … and Make It Count
                   Your members expect to hear from you. Don’t make them guess
                    what you’re up to or the value you have to offer. When it comes to
                    communication, more is more.

                   The more ways you connect and offer valuable information, the more
                  engaged members become … and the more likely they are to value
                your relationship (and not give it up easily).

   •   Personal interaction via phone call before memberships are due
   •   Personal email instead of blast email
   •   Direct and personal responses to listserv comments and emails from an executive
       director or manager
   •   Produce specific messages – phone, email, direct mail “We try to reach subscribers in as
       or better yet, all the above for specific constituencies many ways as possible,” says
       within your membership (e.g., HR, finance, etc.) – it    Deirdre Hackett, from Kiplinger
       makes communication more personal … and more             Washington Editors. “We use E-
       effective                                                zines, RSS feeds, Facebook, Twitter
   •   Social media sites to engage in conversations and        and our political blog where people
       help members build a community and network for           blog daily about hot issues in D.C.”
       sharing information … and solutions.
Mistake #6: Not leveraging staff and resources effectively
Do more with less staff and fewer resources by first looking at the things
you can stop doing:

What Isn’t Adding Value For Your Members?
   •   Stop printing and mailing your magazines, member and service
       directories, etc. – offer them electronically only
   •   Trim or cut back services your members don’t find value in or
       aren’t using anymore
   •   Eliminate some of the “frills” at your conferences
   •   Ask them! Survey your members to learn what is most important to them … and
       focus exclusively on those things

Focus on “What You Want To Do” and Do More of That
   •   Find ways to partner with other organizations and leverage resources, e.g., join
       forces with a publication that is in the same ‘space’ as your association
   •   “Repurpose” existing content in new formats – turn a magazine article into a
       webinar … turn an email into a blog posting … capture ‘nuggets’ from
       conference and webinar recordings and post them as ‘podcasts’ on your website
       … turn a member’s question into a poll question to your entire membership

Get more tools and resources (free, must have) to overcome mistakes and start
engaging (and keeping) your members.
Go to

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6 critical-mistakes-association-managers-make

  • 1. 6 Critical Mistakes Association Managers Make With Their Non-Dues Revenue Programs Now That Staff Has Been Slashed and Resources Have Evaporated and ... How You Can Avoid Them Mistake #1: Ignoring member feedback and not understanding members’ needs or your association’s fundamental mission According to a recent McKinley Marketing survey of 300 association executives, improving member retention is the #1 priority for associations in 2009. So, how do you overcome the pitfalls of using costly and ineffective “old ways” of retaining your members … and start focusing on new ways to achieve better results? Your first step is to read this white paper and take advantage of four industry experts who share their secrets. Stop losing members and start overcoming the challenges of engaging new members … even during our current economic meltdown. What’s Your Purpose? What are your members’ most pressing issues? What problems do they need you to help them solve? Get back to the basics and make sure you know (really know) the expectations of your members and the reasons they’ve chosen “you.” Make sure you fulfill (and understand) their needs … as well as their expectations. Remind members you exist for them and are with them for the long term. It’s also important to be the most credible source for information in your industry — a resource for your members. Ask for Feedback … (and never stop asking) Always be listening! It may “We conduct a Friday Focus Survey and ask our members seem obvious, but not only 1 to 3 questions on a topic that’s been on our listserv,” says do you need to ask for Karen Krzmarzick from ASOA. “We’ve used these surveys member feedback, you also for benchmarking and have developed a publication for our need to respond and follow members around the results.” up on questions, comments
  • 2. and suggestions … which is just as important as (if not more important than) asking for feedback. • Survey members via email and/or your website to inquire about their needs Ron Precourt from NTCA • Conduct surveys on a regular basis says, “Our organization does a survey every other • Conduct focus groups – virtual or in person at your year to ask members if meetings they had $100, how would • Utilize feedback from event evaluations they spend it?” • Listen and respond to anecdotal comments Don’t forget: Sharing feedback is also another great excuse for you to communicate important information to members. Battling the Loss of Members During these tough economic times, while you’re doing more with less, you still need ways to keep members happy, engaged and looking to you for answers, solutions and help. Your first tactic in the battle of member retention is to keep in front of your members … don’t let them forget about you and don’t make it easy to put you on the chopping block for cutting back costs. Hear how Karen Krzmarzick from ASOA is battling the loss of members Easy (and Quick) Tactics with Load$ of Value • Offer a dues payment plan • Offer a job search service • Offer trial (e.g., 3 months) or complimentary membership for members in dire financial straits • When it’s time for membership renewal, make your first offer your best offer — give them the most benefits, save them the most money, etc. Don’t “train” people to wait until the last minute to renew • Provide value in your communications, e.g., “tip of the week” • Offer a newsletter or listserv for members’ direct reports or bosses Go Beyond Retention … to Engagement Offer a new member a mentor — a long-time member who can answer their questions, provide guidance and be your association’s “cheerleader.” Develop a system for categorizing members’ involvement – • Track their purchases, webinar and conference attendance, etc.
  • 3. Watch their interaction with your social media tools – are they participating on your blog and listservs? Are they “fans” and “friends” and “followers?” • Create surveys to elicit even more specific information about their needs Then USE the information • Customize your communications based on their interests • Develop “stop doing” and “do more of” lists based on what your members perceive to be of value Mistake #2: Not Maximizing Non-Dues Revenue Opportunities from Your Annual Conferences and Meetings Offer More Educational Opportunities … Not Less What’s the main reason your members attend annual conferences and meetings? Education. At a time when you’re forced to cut costs and scale back sessions, don’t lose sight of the hard-core fact that most members attend your annual conference for the sheer educational value. You can skip the free morning muffins or use public transportation instead of shuttles, but do not lose your focus on education. It’s the best way to increase value to your members … and increase your non-dues revenue. Making Your Educational Sessions Count More Make your hard work (and hours of time) pay off with increased non-dues revenue and greater member satisfaction. Improve your educational sessions (and skimp on some other stuff members don’t value as much …) • Offer continuing education credits and/or credits toward certificate programs • Create a ‘kit’ to assist members who need to get permission from their bosses to attend • Retain the best and most knowledgeable top-name speakers “We’ve developed a template for members to take to their supervisor • Get people engaged months before the event with information about our annual by using listservs and other media … meeting that includes all the benefits including social media he or she will get out of attending,” • Hold your events in attractive, yet affordable says Karen Krzmarzick from ASOA. locations “We’ve even included evaluations • Conduct focus groups and testimonials for members to • Go Virtual! Add a web conferencing personalize and take to their boss.” element such as a webinar of your hottest
  • 4. topic or top speaker — to include members who aren’t able to travel to your face-to-face events Mistake #3: Relying exclusively on face-to-face events to generate non-dues revenue and not offering a web conferencing option for participants unable to travel due to budget cuts and time restrictions It should come as no surprise to you that many companies have imposed restrictions on employees for attending professional conferences, meetings and seminars. If you’re an association that relies heavily on annual conferences as a source of non-dues revenue, you’re probably searching for ways to save your conferences … and your budget! Reach Those Who Can’t Travel Now’s the time to “think outside the box” to find innovative ways to be where your members are … and where they can afford to be. The traditional in-person conferences are no longer effective in gaining the non-dues revenue you’ve hoped for and need. The reality is: travel budgets have been slashed and employees can’t take time away from the office. Unfortunately, if you’re like most association managers, you’re under-utilizing web conferencing technology. What’s the Solution? Uniting Both Worlds for Maximum Results The real world and virtual world collide. Use webinars and other web conferencing solutions to make up for non-dues revenue lost from canceled or poorly attended face-to- face events. • Webinars = no travel. Offer value to those who can’t travel to face to face conferences, but don’t want to miss out on all the educational sessions • Repurpose recordings from face-to-face conferences and turn into saleable content • Think hot topics + hot speakers = successful webinar. Give members who can’t attend the opportunity to get great content and speakers online. • Use webinars to complement members’ needs and learning styles • Offer CE credit • Offer speakers you would not be able to get at a face to face conference (industry experts, congressional staff, well-known authors) • Use streaming technology to simulcast portions of your face-to-face conferences … especially the sold out and hot-topic sections.
  • 5. For international members, offer webinars using speakers from outside the U.S. and schedule at times that are convenient for this audience The After-math Counts One of the biggest marketing mistakes is forgetting to reach back to those who attended (or those who may not have been able to attend) your events after they’re over. Deirdre Hackett, Kiplinger Washington Editors, talks about the tactics she uses to increase audio conference attendees and revenue Fact: Not Everyone Can Attend Your Live Events • Promote availability of recordings when you market the live event and continue to promote after the event • Remind your members of the value of creating a library of events • Inspire members to share event information with colleagues • Sell recordings after events … and earn up to an additional 20 to 30 percent more non-dues revenue • Promote recordings using email, direct mail, press releases, social media, etc. Mistake #4: Using low-bidder technology that provides substandard audio and video quality for your webinars, resulting in complaints and refund requests. The old adage, “You get what you pay for” certainly rings true when it comes to choosing a web conferencing technology provider. Have you ever found yourself distracted by barking dogs, rustling papers or robotic, chopped up voices instead of listening to a speaker (because you can’t hear him or her anyway) deliver content via a webinar? Eliminate lost non-dues revenue from poorly executed webinars where members want their money back. Make sure your ‘word of mouth’ is always positive! Ensure audience engagement and satisfaction by choosing a reliable web conferencing technology partner. Get Your Members To Attend More Webinars (even though they have few training dollars to spend … make it worth their while): • Choose a reliable and flexible web conferencing provider that focuses on “Attendance to our webinars fluctuates, but customer service and can provide with hot topics or niche topics, we get huge support services … basically everything registration numbers with no pushback on the cost from members,” says Ron Precourt, you need for a successful webinar NTCA.
  • 6. Provide high-quality webinars – ‘need-to-know’ topics and the best speakers you can get • Use appropriate technology, taking into consideration: o Is the content visual, requiring PowerPoint slides? Do you require a video component? o Your members’ comfort level with and access to technology (e.g., are they accustomed to attending webinars? Are there firewall or bandwidth issues at their place of employment?) o Are you charging a fee and/or is it a high-profile event where attendees’ expectations are higher? • Read this white paper: 47 Questions Every Senior Association Executive Must Ask Their Audio/Webinar/Video Conference Provider In Order To Avoid Making Embarrassing Mistakes Mistake #5: Relying exclusively on blast email to increase attendance to non-dues revenue programs and maintain communications with members It’s a brave new world out there. First: You have a multi-generational membership base (from Baby Boomers to Gen Y’s) with vastly differing communication styles, expectations and needs. Second: Once you’ve figured out how your members want to receive information, you have to compete with thousands — no wait, millions — of other messages to actually get your members’ attention. And … let’s not forget the gigantic, life-changing, membership-altering array of communication forms called Social Media. All of this together means you have to work even harder to get your members to pay attention to the information you send them. And, as hard as it is to change habits, relying on email is NOT the most effective or all-inclusive way to communicate (especially if you want it to be effective) and promote non-dues revenue programs. Resistance is Futile It’s time to let go of your inhibitions and start responding to your members’ needs. The first thing to do is figure out what communication tools your members use … and then work from there. The second thing to do is remember that it’s important to use many tools, not just one, to appeal to the varying ages and demographics of your membership. Yes, it’s still important to use email, but not as a one-size fits all solution.
  • 7. Popular Alternatives To Blast Email • Listservs • Website • eNewsletters • Magazines • Opt-in email alerts based on interests • Blogs • Facebook • Twitter • RSS feeds More Easy Tips • Coordinate communications from your association by using a communications calendar • Market and promote at face-to-face events, e.g., PowerPoint slides on screens in conference rooms between breakout sessions; flyers; sample CDs Never Stop Communicating … and Make It Count Your members expect to hear from you. Don’t make them guess what you’re up to or the value you have to offer. When it comes to communication, more is more. The more ways you connect and offer valuable information, the more engaged members become … and the more likely they are to value your relationship (and not give it up easily). • Personal interaction via phone call before memberships are due • Personal email instead of blast email • Direct and personal responses to listserv comments and emails from an executive director or manager • Produce specific messages – phone, email, direct mail “We try to reach subscribers in as or better yet, all the above for specific constituencies many ways as possible,” says within your membership (e.g., HR, finance, etc.) – it Deirdre Hackett, from Kiplinger makes communication more personal … and more Washington Editors. “We use E- effective zines, RSS feeds, Facebook, Twitter • Social media sites to engage in conversations and and our political blog where people help members build a community and network for blog daily about hot issues in D.C.” sharing information … and solutions.
  • 8. Mistake #6: Not leveraging staff and resources effectively Do more with less staff and fewer resources by first looking at the things you can stop doing: What Isn’t Adding Value For Your Members? • Stop printing and mailing your magazines, member and service directories, etc. – offer them electronically only • Trim or cut back services your members don’t find value in or aren’t using anymore • Eliminate some of the “frills” at your conferences • Ask them! Survey your members to learn what is most important to them … and focus exclusively on those things Focus on “What You Want To Do” and Do More of That • Find ways to partner with other organizations and leverage resources, e.g., join forces with a publication that is in the same ‘space’ as your association • “Repurpose” existing content in new formats – turn a magazine article into a webinar … turn an email into a blog posting … capture ‘nuggets’ from conference and webinar recordings and post them as ‘podcasts’ on your website … turn a member’s question into a poll question to your entire membership Get more tools and resources (free, must have) to overcome mistakes and start engaging (and keeping) your members. Go to