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Common Medical
      Issues For People
      Who are Homeless
Ellen M. Brown, RN, LCSW
DHHS Program Manager
Health Care for Homeless

Danielle Jacques, RN, MSN
Community Health Nurse II
Health Care for the Homeless   1
Today we’ll discuss
  some common
  medical problems
  and the issues that
  arise in providing
  care to people who
  are homeless.
We will also review
  where to refer the
  homeless for primary
  medical care

                             2   2
Why is this important?
   Studies show that 40% of
    homeless suffer from one or more
    chronic health problems
   Chronic diseases among the
    homeless are typically more
    severe than in people who are
   The management of health
    problems is more difficult in the
                                  3     3
 Homelessness can be
the cause of poor health
Poor health can lead to
 Homelessness makes
  management of any
 health problem more


Objectives of this training:
    Be aware of the major health
     problems encountered among people
     who are homeless
    Gain knowledge into which clients
     should go immediately to the
     emergency room and which to refer
     for an appointment with primary care
    Be knowledgeable of the primary care
     providers for homeless clients

                                            5   5
The Top Ten Medical Conditions
   1. Upper respiratory infection    2. Skin problems

   3. Dental problems                4. Hypertension

   5. Diabetes                       6. Asthma

   7. Peripheral vascular disease 8. Allergies

   9. Seizures                      10. Joint Pain
                                            6           6
Upper Respiratory
             Prevention is

             Treatment is
              encourage fluids,
              take OTC meds,
              and rest

             Need to make sure
              it’s not bronchitis,
              pneumonia, or

                              7      7
Common Cold vs.
Serious Respiratory Infection
 Routine visit    Send to clinic Send to ER

 Runny nose,     Coughing up    Breathing

 Dry cough or    sputum          rapidly
 small amt        Normal         Has high fever

 sputum           breathingCoughi Sudden onset
 Gradual onset   ng up           Skin color not


                                              8     8
Skin Problems
           Many kinds of skin
            problems; most are
            not contagious

           Treat with creams
            or occasionally
            need oral meds

           Watch out for lice
            or scabies

                            9    9
         Caused by a mite,
          Sarcoptes scabei
          burrowing under
          the skin
         Causes severe
          itching, especially
          at night
         Transmitted by skin
          to skin contact,
          very contagious
         Treatment:
          prescription cream
          wash clothes in hot

                         10     10
   Caused when tissues freeze
    and ice crystals form and
    rupture causing tissue death
   3 stages
        1st redness and pain
        2nd blistering
        3rd deep red/purple, hard
   Treatment is re-warming
    tissues and preventing
   DO NOT Burn the skin by
    trying to reheat over an open
   DO NOT rub skin, this causes
    further breakdown of tissues

                                       11   11
Fungal Infections
Athlete's foot      Can affect any part
                     of the body
                    Can be contagious
                    Often treated with
                     creams or other
                    Can take a long
                     time to resolve
                    Can be recurrent

                            12        12
Bacterial infections
                   Pus-filled blisters
                    (“pustules”) or
                    open wound
                    draining purulent
                   May have
                    swelling, redness,

                            13            13
Is it MRSA?
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

                           Skin Infections
                           Transmitted by skin
                            to skin contact
                           Characterized by a
                            reddish rash with a
                           Requires
                            antibiotic therapy

                                       14         14
‘Universal’ Precautions
   Wash your hands often, carry
    disposable hand wipes
   Protect you hands from cracking
   Wear gloves when handing
    contaminated items
   Cover open wounds and change
    dressings when they are wet
   Properly discard all contaminated
    materials by double bagging
   Clean soiled surfaces with a 1:10
    bleach solution
                                        15   15
Skin Problems
    Routine visit         Send to clinic          Send to ER

Bleeding stopped
                     Cut or sore: red       Deep cut and

with pressure         puffy                   bleeding not stopped
                      Human bite that        with pressure
                      breaks skin             Burn over large area

                      Small burn on top      Itchy lesion with

                      layer of skin           swelling, can’t breath
Itchy lesions that
                      Itchy lesion, wet with
don’t disturb sleep
                      blisters, trouble
                      Open wound that is

                                                       16              16
Dental Problems
           Refer to primary
            care for
            infections then
            dental clinic
           May need
           May need pain
           Need immediate
            care if extra-oral
            swelling occurs

                            17   17
Teeth/Mouth Problems
    Routine visit       Send to Clinic        Send to ER

Toothache          Bleeding gums        Bleeding gums and
Needs dental       Tooth knocked out    takes blood thinner
cleaning            and doesn’t have it   Tooth knocked out

                    Toothache with       and has tooth
                    swelling, bleeding,   Mouth sores-can’t

                    fever                eat or drink
                                          Swollen face, can’t

                                          talk or can’t swallow

                                                     18           18
Hypertension (HTN)
      HTN is elevated blood pressure
      More common in the homeless
       population than in the general
      HTN is twice as prevalent in
       alcoholics than in non-alcoholics
      HTN may have no symptoms
       Found on routine examination
      HTN can be an emergency

                               19          19
Hypertension: The keys
                to treatment
                Try to avoid salt
                Avoid alcohol and drugs
                Take prescribed Medications
                Monitor BP

             HCTZ                     Verapamil
             Lisinopril               Atenolol

10/01/09                                          20   20
Heart and Circulation Problems
     Routine Visit   Send to Clinic       Send to ER

Running out of     Shortness of     Chest pain &
blood pressure      breath with       weakness,
pills in a few days movement or       numbness
Running out of     lifting           Shortness of

blood thinner pills Is out of meds   breath
 in a few days                        Pale skin


                                             21        21
   Symptoms may include excessive
    urination, excessive thirst, fatigue

   It is diagnosed through blood tests

   Complications can include peripheral
    neuropathy (loss of feeling in
    extremities), kidney problems, eye

                                           22   22
Management of Diabetes
   Clients need to monitor blood glucose with a
    glucometer, primary medical provides them
   May be controlled with diet (avoid sugar)
   May need oral medication or insulin injections
   Clients need to have regular, balanced
    meals. Timing is important.
   Dental and foot care is important

                                       23        23
  Routine visit     Send to Clinic      Send to ER

Blood sugar less   Blood sugar is    Change in
than 120 and       getting higher.   mental status,
feels well. Is     Increased         with either high
taking meds        urination.        or low sugar
regularly.         Out of meds.
Running out of
                                           24           24
   A chronic inflammatory disease of
    the airways
   Prevalent in people experiencing
   Symptoms may include wheezing,
    dry cough at night, tightness in
    chest, especially when exercising

                                   25   25
Management of Asthma
             Inhalers

             Oral meds

             Control environment as

             Flu vaccine, pneumonia

                            26         26
Asthma Triggers
   Tobacco

   Cold air

   Perfume, paint, cleaning fluids

   Allergens such as mites, pollen, cockroaches

   Common cold, flu, other respiratory illness

                                             27    27
    Routine visit   Send to Clinic      Send to ER

Can breath OK if Trouble breathing Trouble breathing
uses inhaler      Increased use of  and unable to
Has enough       “rescue” inhaler   converse
meds/inhaler and More frequent      Change in skin

is taking them    coughing           color

                                          28         28
Peripheral Vascular
  Disease (PVD)
          Includes a broad group of
           problems: chronic
           edema, cellulitis of the
           legs, phlebitis (blood
          Prevalence is 10-15 times
           greater than in general
          High rates are related to
           lifestyle: constant
           walking, inability to
           elevate feet during sleep

                      29          29
Cellulitis as a result of
Contributing factors:
 Malnutrition

 Lack of adequate rest

 Exposure to the

 Limited access to

 Psych issues/substance


                            30   30
Treatment of
       Peripheral Vascular Disease
   Elevate feet as much as possible
   May use compression stockings or ace
   Proper footwear
   Patients with ulcers may need dressing changes
   Infected wounds may need antibiotics

                                       31       31
Peripheral Vascular Disease
 Routine visit    Send to Clinic    Send to ER

Swelling in feet Persistent        Swelling of
or ankles by     swelling of feet, feet, ankles,
the end of the ankles, legs        legs with
day, goes                          shortness of
down in the AM                     breath or other

                                            32       32
   There are many
    types of allergies
   Possible symptoms
    include sneezing,
    watery eyes,
    itching, skin rash or
    hives, wheezing,
    coughing, vomiting,
    diarrhea, swelling
    around the mouth…

                            33   33
   Rarely, an allergic
    reaction can become life-

   “Anaphylaxis” may
    begin with severe itching
    of the eyes, and rapidly
    progress to difficulty in
    breathing and
    swallowing, cramps, and

                                34   34
Management of Allergies
   Oral antihistamine
    (Benadryl, Loratadine)

   Skin creams

   Nasal sprays

   Control of

                             35   35
  Routine visit     Send to Clinic      Send to ER

Sneezing.          Swelling of an    Swelling of the
Rash but skin      arm or leg        face or throat
unbroken.          Skin rash with    Difficulty
                   excoriation.      breathing or
                   Sneezing,         swallowing
                   coughing          Weakness
                                           36          36
   This is most common neurological
    illness in the homeless population.

   The most common cause is alcohol
    abuse, followed by head trauma.

   There are many other causes.

                                     37   37
What does a seizure look like?
                  Any of these:
                   Sudden falling

                   Passing out

                   Drooling, frothing at mouth

                   Grunting, snorting

                   Breathing stops temporarily

                   Uncontrollable muscle

                   Teeth clenching

                   Eye movements

                   Unusual behavior

                   Staring

                                 38          38
Management of Seizures
   Requires good relationship with a
    primary medical care provider

   Compliance with Medications

   Controlling environmental factors

                                        39   39
What to do if someone has a
   Don’t panic
   Keep him from hurting himself by easing
    to the ground or positioning him safely
   If possible, try to gently turn him on his
   Tell someone to call 911
   Note how long the seizure lasts
   Don’t try to put anything in his mouth
   When it’s over, have him rest
    comfortably. Don’t try to move him right

                                                 40   40
  Routine visit    Send to Clinic      Send to ER

Takes seizure    Is out of meds.    Witnessed
meds but has     Reports having     seizure, esp. if
had no seizures. seizure            for first time.

                                              41       41
Joint Pain
   Back pain, hip pain, leg pain
    very common

   Made worse by walking,
    sleeping on an uncomfortable

   May be a sign of more serious

                                    42   42
Joint Pain
    Routine visit        Send to Clinic       Send to ER

Past injury         New injury that     New injury.
causing              is bruised,          Bone is sticking out

discomfort; still    swollen, and         No feeling
has feeling, joint   painful; still has   Can’t move part of
can be used          feeling, joint can   body
                     be used              Change in skin color

                                                  43          43

       44   44
Flu Symptoms
   Sudden onset of illness
   Fever higher than 100.4
   Chills
   Cough
   Headache
   Sore throat
   Stuffy nose
   Muscle aches
   Feeling of weakness and fatigue
   Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, esp in

                                               45   45
“High Risk” Medical
    Conditions Susceptible to
   Pregnancy
   Diabetes
   Heart problems
   Kidney Disease
   Immunosuppression
   Age over 65
   Chronic lung disease

                           46   46
Is it flu or a common cold?
          Influenza           Common cold
   Sudden fever, lasts 3-4      Fever is rare
   Headache is common,          Headache is rare
    can be severe
   Aches and pains are          Aches and pains are rare
    common and can be
   Fatigue is common and
                                 Sometimes mild fatigue
    can be severe

                                                  47         47
Is it flu or a common cold?
           Influenza            Common cold
   Nausea, vomiting,              Nausea,vomiting,
    diarrhea in children, esp       diarrhea are rare
    < 5 years old
   Watery eyes rare               Watery eyes is common
   Sneezing rare in early         Sneezing is common
   Stuffy nose rare               Stuffy nose is common
   Chest discomfort               Chest discomfort rare
    common and can be
                                                  48        48
Is it flu or a common cold?
          Influenza        Common Cold
   Complications:            Complications: Earache,
    respiratory failure,       congestion
    worsening of chronic
                              Not fatal
   Can be fatal

                                             49          49
What to do for flu
   Prevent spread of flu to others:
     Wash hands
     Dispose of tissues properly

     Clean counters/surfaces with usual

   Get a Flu Shot
   If you get sick, rest, drink fluids,
    and treat symptoms

                                           50   50
  Routine visit    Send to Clinic     Send to ER

Needs vaccine     Underlying        Shortness of
                  medical condition breath
                  Has had           Poor color
                  symptoms for 5
                  days and no
                                           51      51
Primary Medical Providers for
Community Clinic Inc.
      Serves uninsured men, women and children
      Contracted with HHS for uninsured homeless adults
      Participates with MA, PAC and Medicare
      3 locations:
         Gaithersburg Clinic

            200 Girard St. Gaithersburg
            301-216-0880 /Ride On #61
         Silver Spring (Progress Place)

            8210 Dixon St. Silver Spring
            301-585-1250 / one block from SS Metro
         Takoma Park

             7676 New Hampshire Ave.
             301-431-2972 / Ride On # 15, 16, 17, 18
Primary Medical Providers for
Kaseman Clinic Inc.
   Serves uninsured men and women
   Contracted with HHS for uninsured homeless

   Does not participate with any insurance

     Kaseman Clinic
         8 West Middle Lane, Rockville, MD
         301-917-6800 /Ride On # 46

When you need help…
   Call DHHS Health Care for the Homeless
      Danielle Jacques, RN, MSN

        240-777-3104 office
        240-277-1003 cell

       Ellen M. Brown, RN, LCSW-C
        240-777-3963 office
        240-380-7717 cell

   The National Health Care for the Homeless Council
                                             54         54

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Healthcare 101

  • 1. Common Medical Issues For People Who are Homeless Ellen M. Brown, RN, LCSW DHHS Program Manager Health Care for Homeless Danielle Jacques, RN, MSN Community Health Nurse II Health Care for the Homeless 1
  • 2. Introduction Today we’ll discuss some common medical problems and the issues that arise in providing care to people who are homeless. We will also review where to refer the homeless for primary medical care 2 2
  • 3. Why is this important?  Studies show that 40% of homeless suffer from one or more chronic health problems  Chronic diseases among the homeless are typically more severe than in people who are housed  The management of health problems is more difficult in the homeless. 3 3
  • 4. Homeless Homelessness can be the cause of poor health Poor health can lead to homelessness Homelessness makes management of any health problem more difficult Health 4
  • 5. Objectives of this training:  Be aware of the major health problems encountered among people who are homeless  Gain knowledge into which clients should go immediately to the emergency room and which to refer for an appointment with primary care  Be knowledgeable of the primary care providers for homeless clients 5 5
  • 6. The Top Ten Medical Conditions  1. Upper respiratory infection 2. Skin problems  3. Dental problems 4. Hypertension  5. Diabetes 6. Asthma  7. Peripheral vascular disease 8. Allergies  9. Seizures 10. Joint Pain 6 6
  • 7. Upper Respiratory Infection  Prevention is important  Treatment is encourage fluids, take OTC meds, and rest  Need to make sure it’s not bronchitis, pneumonia, or allergies 7 7
  • 8. Common Cold vs. Serious Respiratory Infection Routine visit Send to clinic Send to ER ASAPend Runny nose, Coughing up Breathing Dry cough or sputum rapidly small amt Normal Has high fever sputum breathingCoughi Sudden onset Gradual onset ng up Skin color not normal 8 8
  • 9. Skin Problems  Many kinds of skin problems; most are not contagious  Treat with creams or occasionally need oral meds  Watch out for lice or scabies 9 9
  • 10. Scabies  Caused by a mite, Sarcoptes scabei burrowing under the skin  Causes severe itching, especially at night  Transmitted by skin to skin contact, very contagious  Treatment: prescription cream wash clothes in hot water 10 10
  • 11. Frostbite  Caused when tissues freeze and ice crystals form and rupture causing tissue death  3 stages  1st redness and pain  2nd blistering  3rd deep red/purple, hard  Treatment is re-warming tissues and preventing infection  DO NOT Burn the skin by trying to reheat over an open fire  DO NOT rub skin, this causes further breakdown of tissues 11 11
  • 12. Fungal Infections Athlete's foot  Can affect any part of the body  Can be contagious  Often treated with creams or other “topical” medications  Can take a long time to resolve  Can be recurrent 12 12
  • 13. Bacterial infections  Pus-filled blisters (“pustules”) or open wound draining purulent drainage  May have swelling, redness, warmth 13 13
  • 14. Is it MRSA? Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus  Skin Infections  Transmitted by skin to skin contact  Characterized by a reddish rash with a boil  Requires aggressive antibiotic therapy 14 14
  • 15. Practice ‘Universal’ Precautions  Wash your hands often, carry disposable hand wipes  Protect you hands from cracking  Wear gloves when handing contaminated items  Cover open wounds and change dressings when they are wet  Properly discard all contaminated materials by double bagging  Clean soiled surfaces with a 1:10 bleach solution 15 15
  • 16. Skin Problems Routine visit Send to clinic Send to ER ASAP Bleeding stopped  Cut or sore: red Deep cut and with pressure puffy bleeding not stopped Human bite that with pressure breaks skin Burn over large area Small burn on top Itchy lesion with layer of skin swelling, can’t breath Itchy lesions that  Itchy lesion, wet with don’t disturb sleep blisters, trouble sleeping Open wound that is draining 16 16
  • 17. Dental Problems  Refer to primary care for infections then dental clinic  May need antibiotics  May need pain meds  Need immediate care if extra-oral swelling occurs 17 17
  • 18. Teeth/Mouth Problems Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Toothache Bleeding gums Bleeding gums and Needs dental Tooth knocked out takes blood thinner cleaning and doesn’t have it Tooth knocked out Toothache with and has tooth swelling, bleeding, Mouth sores-can’t fever eat or drink Swollen face, can’t talk or can’t swallow 18 18
  • 19. Hypertension (HTN)  HTN is elevated blood pressure  More common in the homeless population than in the general population  HTN is twice as prevalent in alcoholics than in non-alcoholics  HTN may have no symptoms Found on routine examination  HTN can be an emergency 19 19
  • 20. Hypertension: The keys to treatment  Try to avoid salt  Avoid alcohol and drugs  Take prescribed Medications  Monitor BP HCTZ Verapamil Lisinopril Atenolol Clonidine 10/01/09 20 20
  • 21. Heart and Circulation Problems Routine Visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Running out of Shortness of Chest pain & blood pressure breath with weakness, pills in a few days movement or numbness Running out of lifting Shortness of blood thinner pills Is out of meds breath in a few days Pale skin Sweating 21 21
  • 22. Diabetes  Symptoms may include excessive urination, excessive thirst, fatigue  It is diagnosed through blood tests  Complications can include peripheral neuropathy (loss of feeling in extremities), kidney problems, eye problems 22 22
  • 23. Management of Diabetes  Clients need to monitor blood glucose with a glucometer, primary medical provides them  May be controlled with diet (avoid sugar)  May need oral medication or insulin injections  Clients need to have regular, balanced meals. Timing is important.  Dental and foot care is important 23 23
  • 24. Diabetes Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Blood sugar less Blood sugar is Change in than 120 and getting higher. mental status, feels well. Is Increased with either high taking meds urination. or low sugar regularly. Out of meds. Running out of meds. 24 24
  • 25. Asthma  A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways  Prevalent in people experiencing homelessness  Symptoms may include wheezing, dry cough at night, tightness in chest, especially when exercising 25 25
  • 26. Management of Asthma  Inhalers  Oral meds  Control environment as possible  Flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine 26 26
  • 27. Asthma Triggers  Tobacco  Cold air  Perfume, paint, cleaning fluids  Allergens such as mites, pollen, cockroaches  Common cold, flu, other respiratory illness 27 27
  • 28. Asthma Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Can breath OK if Trouble breathing Trouble breathing uses inhaler Increased use of and unable to Has enough “rescue” inhaler converse meds/inhaler and More frequent Change in skin is taking them coughing color 28 28
  • 29. Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)  Includes a broad group of problems: chronic edema, cellulitis of the legs, phlebitis (blood clots)  Prevalence is 10-15 times greater than in general population  High rates are related to lifestyle: constant walking, inability to elevate feet during sleep 29 29
  • 30. Cellulitis as a result of PVD Contributing factors:  Malnutrition  Lack of adequate rest  Exposure to the elements  Limited access to showers/hygiene  Psych issues/substance abuse 30 30
  • 31. Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease  Elevate feet as much as possible  May use compression stockings or ace bandages  Proper footwear  Patients with ulcers may need dressing changes  Infected wounds may need antibiotics 31 31
  • 32. Peripheral Vascular Disease Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Swelling in feet Persistent Swelling of or ankles by swelling of feet, feet, ankles, the end of the ankles, legs legs with day, goes shortness of down in the AM breath or other symptoms 32 32
  • 33. Allergies  There are many types of allergies  Possible symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, itching, skin rash or hives, wheezing, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling around the mouth… 33 33
  • 34. Allergies  Rarely, an allergic reaction can become life- threatening.  “Anaphylaxis” may begin with severe itching of the eyes, and rapidly progress to difficulty in breathing and swallowing, cramps, and shock. 34 34
  • 35. Management of Allergies  Oral antihistamine medications (Benadryl, Loratadine)  Skin creams  Nasal sprays  Control of environment 35 35
  • 36. Allergies Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Sneezing. Swelling of an Swelling of the Rash but skin arm or leg face or throat unbroken. Skin rash with Difficulty excoriation. breathing or Sneezing, swallowing coughing Weakness 36 36
  • 37. Seizures  This is most common neurological illness in the homeless population.  The most common cause is alcohol abuse, followed by head trauma.  There are many other causes. 37 37
  • 38. What does a seizure look like? Any of these:  Sudden falling  Passing out  Drooling, frothing at mouth  Grunting, snorting  Breathing stops temporarily  Uncontrollable muscle spasms  Teeth clenching  Eye movements  Unusual behavior  Staring 38 38
  • 39. Management of Seizures  Requires good relationship with a primary medical care provider  Compliance with Medications  Controlling environmental factors 39 39
  • 40. What to do if someone has a seizure  Don’t panic  Keep him from hurting himself by easing to the ground or positioning him safely  If possible, try to gently turn him on his side  Tell someone to call 911  Note how long the seizure lasts  Don’t try to put anything in his mouth  When it’s over, have him rest comfortably. Don’t try to move him right away. 40 40
  • 41. Seizures Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Takes seizure Is out of meds. Witnessed meds but has Reports having seizure, esp. if had no seizures. seizure for first time. Prolonged seizure. 41 41
  • 42. Joint Pain  Back pain, hip pain, leg pain very common  Made worse by walking, sleeping on an uncomfortable bed  May be a sign of more serious disease 42 42
  • 43. Joint Pain Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Past injury New injury that New injury. causing is bruised, Bone is sticking out discomfort; still swollen, and No feeling has feeling, joint painful; still has Can’t move part of can be used feeling, joint can body be used Change in skin color 43 43
  • 44. Flu! 44 44
  • 45. Flu Symptoms  Sudden onset of illness  Fever higher than 100.4  Chills  Cough  Headache  Sore throat  Stuffy nose  Muscle aches  Feeling of weakness and fatigue  Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, esp in children 45 45
  • 46. “High Risk” Medical Conditions Susceptible to Flu  Pregnancy  Diabetes  Heart problems  Kidney Disease  Immunosuppression  Age over 65  Chronic lung disease 46 46
  • 47. Is it flu or a common cold? Influenza Common cold  Sudden fever, lasts 3-4  Fever is rare days  Headache is common,  Headache is rare can be severe  Aches and pains are  Aches and pains are rare common and can be severe  Fatigue is common and  Sometimes mild fatigue can be severe 47 47
  • 48. Is it flu or a common cold? Influenza Common cold  Nausea, vomiting,  Nausea,vomiting, diarrhea in children, esp diarrhea are rare < 5 years old  Watery eyes rare  Watery eyes is common  Sneezing rare in early  Sneezing is common stage  Stuffy nose rare  Stuffy nose is common  Chest discomfort  Chest discomfort rare common and can be severe 48 48
  • 49. Is it flu or a common cold? Influenza Common Cold  Complications:  Complications: Earache, respiratory failure, congestion worsening of chronic conditions  Not fatal  Can be fatal 49 49
  • 50. What to do for flu  Prevent spread of flu to others:  Wash hands  Dispose of tissues properly  Clean counters/surfaces with usual products  Get a Flu Shot  If you get sick, rest, drink fluids, and treat symptoms 50 50
  • 51. Influenza Routine visit Send to Clinic Send to ER ASAP Needs vaccine Underlying Shortness of medical condition breath Has had Poor color symptoms for 5 days and no better 51 51
  • 52. Primary Medical Providers for Homeless Community Clinic Inc.  Serves uninsured men, women and children  Contracted with HHS for uninsured homeless adults  Participates with MA, PAC and Medicare  3 locations:  Gaithersburg Clinic 200 Girard St. Gaithersburg 301-216-0880 /Ride On #61  Silver Spring (Progress Place) 8210 Dixon St. Silver Spring 301-585-1250 / one block from SS Metro  Takoma Park 7676 New Hampshire Ave. 301-431-2972 / Ride On # 15, 16, 17, 18 52
  • 53. Primary Medical Providers for Homeless Kaseman Clinic Inc.  Serves uninsured men and women  Contracted with HHS for uninsured homeless women  Does not participate with any insurance  Kaseman Clinic 8 West Middle Lane, Rockville, MD 301-917-6800 /Ride On # 46 53
  • 54. When you need help…  Call DHHS Health Care for the Homeless  Danielle Jacques, RN, MSN 240-777-3104 office 240-277-1003 cell  Ellen M. Brown, RN, LCSW-C 240-777-3963 office 240-380-7717 cell  The National Health Care for the Homeless Council website: 54 54

Editor's Notes

  1. Here are some good resources: The National Health Care for the Homeless