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Adult Dermatology:
       Name That Rash and Lesion

       Wendy L. Wright, MS, RN, ARNP, FNP, FAANP
                Adult/Family Nurse Practitioner
         Owner - Wright & Associates Family Healthcare
                         Amherst, NH

         Partner – Partners in Healthcare Education, LLC


        Upon completion of this lecture, the
        participant will:
        1. Identify various dermatology conditions found
          in adults
        2. Discuss those dermatology conditions that
          require an immediate referral
        3. Develop an appropriate plan for evaluation,
          treatment, and follow-up of the various lesions


         Common, benign asymptomatic lesions
         May be slightly itchy; Retract beneath the skin
         when you try to elevate them
         1 10
         1-10 lesions occurring on the extremities; most
         common location is the anterior surface of the
         lower leg
         Etiology: fibrous reaction to trauma, virus or an
         insect bite
           Multiple lesions: Systemic lupus

Wright, 2008                                                 1

          Size: 3 – 10 mm in size
          Color: pink - brown
          Appearance: may appear slightly scaly and
          feel hard
           Generally – nothing needs to be done about these
           Not worrisome
           Biopsy occasionally warranted if unsure of lesion



Wright, 2008                                                   2

            Elli ti l excision
                         i i
            Shave excision

                    Contact Dermatitis:
                     Rhus Dermatitis
        Rhus Dermatitis
         Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac produce more
         cases of contact dermatitis than all other contactants
         Occurs when contact is made between the leaf or
         internal parts of the roots and stem and the individual
            Can occur when individual touches plant or an animal
            does and then touches human
         Eruption can occur within 8 hours of the contact but may
         take up to 1 week to occur

                       Clinical Pearls
         Poison ivy is not spread by scratching
         No oleoresin is found in the vesicles and
         therefore, can not be spread by
         Lesions will appear where initial contact
         with plant occurred
         Resin needed to be washed from skin
         within 15 minutes of exposure to
         decrease risk of condition

Wright, 2008                                                        3
Clinical Presentation

        Clinical presentation
          Characteristic linear appearing vesicles are likely to
          appear first
          Often surrounded by erythema
                              y y
          Intensely itchy
          Lesions often erupt for a period of 1 week and will
          last for up to 2 weeks
          More extensive and widespread presentation can
          occur with animal exposures or burning of the plants
          / smoke exposure

                    Contact Dermatitis

                    Contact Dermatitis

Wright, 2008                                                       4

          Cool compresses 15 – 30 minutes three
          times daily
          Topical calamine or caladryl lotions
          Zanfel (OTC) wash – binds urushiol oil and
          removes from body/blisters
           75% decrease in itching and rash within 24 hours
           per package
          Colloidal oatmeal baths (AVEENO) once

          Oral antihistamines
           May wish to use sedating antihistamines at
          Topical corticosteroids
           A id usage on th f
                         the face
          Oral prednisone vs. injectable Kenalog or
           20 mg two times daily x 7 days
           Kenalog 40 mg injection (IM)


          Monitor for secondary infections
           Staph vs. strep
           Lesions will decrease over a 2 week period
           May continue to erupt over 48 hours despite
           steroid administration
           Not spreading lesions with rubbing or scratching

Wright, 2008                                                  5
Hot Tub Folliculitis
         Inflammation of the hair follicle
         Caused by infection which occurs within 8 hours
         – 5 days of using contaminated hot tub or
         Unfortunately showering after exposure
         provides no protection
         Pseudomonas is the most common cause of hot
         tub folliculitis
         May also be caused by Staphylococcus, but
          MSSA or MRSA

                 Clinical Presentation

          One or more pustules may first appear
          Fever may or may not be present;
          usually low grade if it does occur
          Malaise and fatigue may accompany
          the outbreak
          Pustules may have wide rims of

                   Hot Tub Folliculitis

Wright, 2008                                               6
        Culture of lesions is likely warranted
        White vinegar wet compresses – 20 minutes
        on three x daily may provide significant
        Oral Antibiotics
         Ciprofloxacin is preferred agent if hot tub
         folliculitis is suspected due to pseudomonas
        Discuss contagiousness
         No evidence that it is spread person - person

                   Perioral Dermatitis
        Occurs in young women and closely
        resembles acne
        Papules and pustules are frequently present
        Lesions are confined to chin and nasolabial
        f ld
        Can also occur in children
        Cause is unknown but is believed to be
        exacerbated by benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin,
        alcohol based products and frequent

                  Perioral Dermatitis

Wright, 2008                                             7
          Tetracycline creams
           Two times daily x 4 weeks
          Erythromycin creams
           Two times daily x 4 weeks
           Two times daily x 4 weeks
           May not be as effective as above agents
          Avoid topical steroids
          Stop moisturizing

                Seborrheic Keratoses

          Most common benign skin lesion
          Unknown origin
          No potential for malignancy
          Usually asymptomatic
          Rarely familial
          Most individuals develop 1 or more of
          these lesions throughout lifetime

                Seborrheic Keratoses

           Smooth surface with tiny round, embedded
           May be
           M b rough, d and cracked
                        h dry d       k d
           Sharply demarcated
           Appear stuck on the surface
           Vary in size from 2 mm to 3 cm
           Lesions are completely epidermal with no
           deep tissue penetration

Wright, 2008                                          8
Seborrheic Keratoses

               Seborrheic Keratosis

          Can Mimic a Malignant Melanoma

Wright, 2008                               9
Seborrheic Keratoses

           Lesions are only removed for cosmetic
           purposes or f a biopsy if pathology i
                        for bi           th l    is
           If removed, shave excision
           Monitor for any increase in size, change in

                      Acne Vulgaris
          Disease involving the pilosebaceous unit
          Most frequent and intense where sebaceous
          glands are the largest
          Acne begins when sebum production
          Propionibacterium acnes proliferates in the
          P. acnes is a normal skin resident but can
          cause significant inflammatory lesions when
          trapped in skin

                      Acne Vulgaris

          Noninflammatory lesions
           Open and closed comedones
          Inflammatory lesions
           Papules, pustules and nodules (cysts)

Wright, 2008                                             10
Acne Vulgaris

          Papular lesions on the face, chest and
          White heads
          Whi h d
          Black heads
          Papular lesions
          Closed and open comedones

                 Closed Comedones

                 Closed Comedones

Wright, 2008                                       11
Open Comedones

                     Cystic Acne

                  Acne Vulgaris

          History and physical examination
          Diagnostic: None

Wright, 2008                                 12
Acne Vulgaris
          Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%, 5% and 10%)
            Effective as initial medication
            Begin early on in the disease process
            Very effective agent
            Start with 0.05% - 0.1% cream
            Reduces and minimizes scarring
          Topical Antibiotics
            Initial medication or can be combined with benzoyl peroxide
            Erygel, clindamycin are most commonly utilized

                        Acne Vulgaris
          Oral Antibiotics
              y      y
            Should only be used when topicals are ineffective or when
            patient has moderate disease at presentation
            Women desiring contraception who also have acne
            Cystic acne or mod-severe disease

                        Acne Vulgaris
            6 weeks for improvement to be seen
            Avoid antibacterial soaps
            Dove soap or similar is recommended
            Avoid hats
            Foods have not been implicated as a cause
            Caramel products may worsen situation
            Avoid picking at the lesions
            Review side effects of the medications

Wright, 2008                                                              13
         1-3% of the population worldwide
         Transmitted genetically
         Disease is lifelong; often beginning in childhood
         Characterized by chronic, recurrent
         exacerbations and remissions
         Stress can precipitate an episode
         Strep pharyngitis has been known to precipitate
         the onset

          Physically and emotionally disabling
          Erodes self esteem and often forces the
          patient into a life of concealment
          Medications can precipitate (Beta
          blockers, lithium)

          Red, scaling papules that coalesce to form
          round-oval plaques
          Scale is silvery white and is adherent
          When removed, bleeding occurs (Auspitz’s
          May begin at a site of a sunburn or surgery
            This is called Koebner’s phenomenon
          Elbows, knees, scalp, gluteal cleft, toenails, fingernails
            Extensor surfaces

Wright, 2008                                                           14
         Erythematous papules
         Nail involvement
         May be associated with arthritis


                  Guttate Psoriasis

Wright, 2008                                15
           History and physical examination
           Biopsy if uncertain
           Diagnostic: None

           Topical corticosteroids
             Pulse therapy
             Two weeks on/ two weeks off
             Caution: side effects
             Vitamin D3 analogue
             Works by inhibiting epidermal cell proliferation
             Can be used long-term and is very safe
             Dovonex ointment two times daily x 8 weeks
             May see about a 70% improvement
           Tar: newer preparations are more pleasant
           Intralesional steroids


           Ultraviolet light B
           Systemic Treatments

Wright, 2008                                                    16

           Consider psychological therapy
           Review the nature of this chronic

           Skin Tags (Achrochordons)

         Very commonly encountered benign
         Seen in approximately 25% of men and
         Most common locations: axilla, neck,
         inguinal region
         Usually begin in 2nd decade and peak by
         the 5th decade of life

           Skin Tags (Achrochordons)
          Begins as a tiny flesh-toned or brown
          May increase t 1 cm i size
          M i            to      in i
          Hallmark: polypoid mass on a long
          narrow stalk
          Bleeds very easily; particularly because
          they often get caught on a necklace or

Wright, 2008                                         17
               Linked with____________?

                      Skin Tags

           Skin Tags (Achrochordons)

           Shave excision

Wright, 2008                              18
Case Study
        S:TM is a 64-year-old Caucasian male who presents with
        a painful rash located on his right buttock.
          Describes the rash as red and blistered
          Has been present x 96 hours and is in for an evaluation because
          the pain is severe.
          Pain is “9” on 0 – 10 scale. Has tried oral OTC medications without
          significant improvement Pain is described as a burning sensation;
          deep in his buttock.
          Denies precipitating factors. Pain began approx 2 days before the
          rash appeared. Denies fever, chills, new soaps, lotions, changes in
        Medications: atorvastatin 40 mg 1 po qhs; amlodipine 5
        mg 1 po qhs; loratidine 10mg 1 po qd; aspirin 81 mg 1 po
        qam; various vitamins

                             Case Study
         Allergies: NKDA
         PMH: dyslipidemia; hypertension; obesity,
         allergic rhinitis
         Social history: 30 pack year history of
         cigarette smoking; none x 10 years; M hi i t
          i     tt       ki                   Machinist;
         happily married x 40+ years

                             Case Study
          O: T:97.8; P: 94; R:18; BP: 148/90
            Skin: p/w/d; approximately 15-20 vesicles
            located on right buttock overlying an
            erythematous base; vesicles are clustered but
            without obvious pattern; no streaking,
            petecchiae. Few scattered vesicles on posterior
            aspect of right thigh; no lesions on left buttock or
            Hips: FROM: no tenderness, erythema,

Wright, 2008                                                                    19
Case Study
        O: PE continued
          Back: From: no tenderness, erythema, masses
          Abdomen: Soft, large; + BS; no masses, tenderness,
          Neuro: intact including light touch pain vibratory to
                                         touch, pain,
          right lower extremity; heel, toe walking intact
             + Allodynia
               Clothing, light touch, cool object
            + Hyperalgesia
               Painful stimuli elicited significant pain

            Examples of Herpes Zoster

                         Herpes Zoster

Wright, 2008                                                      20
Acute Herpes Zoster

           © Dr P. Marazzi, Science Photo Library. Image used with permission.

                                   Herpes Zoster
        Highly contagious DNA virus which during
        the varicella infection (primary infection)
        gains access into the dorsal root ganglia
        Virus remains dormant for decades and is
        reactivated when an insult occurs to the
        individual’s immune system
          Examples: HIV, chemotherapy, illness, stress,
          corticosteroid usage

               Incidence and Prevalence
         3 million cases of chickenpox yearly
          Disease of childhood
         600,000 - 1 million cases of herpes zoster
         each year in the United States
          Tends to be more of a disease of aging
          By age 80, 20% of us will have zoster at some
          point in our lifetime
          Men = Women


Wright, 2008                                                                     21
Risk Factors
           Increasing age (50-60 years and beyond)
           Varicella infection when < 2 years of age
           Stress (controversial)
              25% of patients with Hodgkin’s will develop
           1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam
           Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8)

                           Goals of Treatment

          Treat acute viral infection
             Shorten course
             Reduce lesions
          Treat acute pain
          Prevent complications
             Postherpetic neuralgia

                   Acute Treatment Options
              Goal: Reduce viral reproduction
              Initially postulated that these reduce viral
              replication; recent studies have not found this to
              be true
              However, they do decrease pain
           Pain Management
              Topical agents
              Anti-inflammatory agents
           Postherpetic neuralgia prevention

Wright, 2008                                                                                     22
Antiviral Treatment Options

         Ideally, want to begin within the first 72
         hours of the eruption as benefits may be
         reduced if started after that
         These medications decrease duration of
         the rash and severity of the pain
           Studies vary as to how much these products
           actually reduce the incidence of post-
           herpetic neuralgia
           1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam
           Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8)

        Controlled Trials of Antiviral Agents in
                    Herpes Zoster
        % of patients                3 months                         6 months
        with PHN at:
        Acyclovir vs.                25% vs. 54%                      15% vs. 35%
        Valacyclovir vs.             31% vs. 38%                      19.9% vs. 25.7%
        Famciclovir vs.              34.9% vs. 49.2% 19.5% vs. 40.3%

            Adapted from Johnson RW. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2001;47:1-8.

         Often utilized despite mixed results in clinical
         Prednisone, when used with acyclovir, in one
         study reduced pain associated with herpes
         Corticosteroids are currently recommended for
         individuals over 50 years of age with HZ
           30 mg bid x 7 days; 15 mg bid x 7 days; 7.5 mg bid x
           7 days1
             1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam
             Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8)

Wright, 2008                                                                                       23

         Pain associated with herpes zoster can range
         from mild – severe
         Clinician must tailor pain medication options
         based upon individual presentation

                          Pain Management
         Topical Agents
           Calamine lotion to lesions 2 – 3x/day
           Betadine to lesions qd
           Capsaicin cream once lesions crusted 3 – 5x/day
           Topical lidocaine 5% patch f 12 h
           T i l lid     i         t h for    hours at a ti
                                                     t time
           once lesions are crusted

            1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam
            Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8)

                 Acute Pain Management
         Oral Agents
             Has not been shown to be effective in trials)
          Ibuprofen or similar
             Not likely to be effective with neuropathic p
                      y                           p      pain
         Nerve Blocks
          Have been shown to be effective for many individuals
          with severe pain in some trials; other trials -

Wright, 2008                                                                                      24
And…the use of medications such
          as TCA’s, gabapentin, pregabalin,
         oxycodone and tramadol during the
          acute phase of HZ decrease pain
         but also may also reduce the risk of


          Monitor for secondary infections
          Monitor for evidence of postherpetic
          Monitor for adverse impact on
          quality of life

                  Bullous Pemphigoid
        Bullous pemphigoid is a rare, benign subepidermal
        rash characterized by bullae formation
        Origin is unknown
        Disease of the elderly
        Most cases occur after 60 years of age
        No evidence to support any association with other
        conditions or diseases
        May be an association with concomitant
        medication usage

Wright, 2008                                                25
Bullous Pemphigoid

        Clinical Manifestations
          Begins with a localized area of erythema
          which looks similar to hives/urticaria
          Itching i
          It hi is moderate – severe
                      d t
          Over the course of 1 – 3 weeks – area
          becomes darker red or cyanotic in
          Resembles – erythema multiforme
          Vesicles and bullae rapidly appear

                 Bullous Pemphigoid

          Clinical Manifestations
           Most common locations are:
              Flexor surfaces of the arms and legs
              Palms and soles are also affected
           Nikolsky’s sign is negative

                 Bullous Pemphigoid

          Clinical Manifestations
           May last 9 weeks – 17 years
           Average – 2 years
           Periods of remission will follow
           No systemic illness

Wright, 2008                                         26
Bullous Pemphigoid


          History and physical examination
          CBC with differential
             Eosinophilia will be present in 70%
             or greater of individuals
          Biopsy of lesions/skin

        Atarax or similar for itching
        Topical steroids
          May be helpful in some
        Oral antibiotics
          Successful resolution i some with th f ll i agents:
          S      f l     l ti in        ith the following t
            TCN or Minocycline
        Systemic steroids
        Immunosuppressive agents

Wright, 2008                                                    27
Actinic Keratoses
          Common, sun-induced, premalignant
          Incidence: Increases with age, light
          Caused by years of sun exposure
          Lesions frequently appear after the
          summer suggesting that sun exposure
          may cause lesions to become more

                     Actinic Keratoses
        Clinical presentation:
          Slightly roughened area that often bleeds when
          Best recognized by palpation than observation when
          first begins
          Progresses to an adherent yellow crust
          Size: 3-6 mm
          Common location: scalp, temples, forehead, hands
          Lesion with drainage suggests degeneration into a

                     Actinic Keratosis

Wright, 2008                                                   28
Actinic Keratosis

         Keratin may
         accumulate and
         transform lesion into
         a cutaneous horn
         Frequently seen on
         the pinna of the ear

                    Actinic Keratoses

          Can spontaneously regress if sun
          exposure is eliminated
          G d prognosis if treated adequately
                         i        d d       l
          Small percentage transform into a
          squamous cell carcinoma which can
            60% of all squamous cell carcinomas
            began as an actinic keratosis

                    Actinic Keratoses

            Preferred method
          Surgical Removal
          S i lR         l
            0.05% - 0.1% cream applied once daily at bedtime
            If no improvement in 3 – 4 months, treat with

Wright, 2008                                                   29
Actinic Keratoses

           Topical chemotherapeutic agents
               Example – Actinex
           Imiquimod (Aldara)
               2x weekly x 16 weeks
           Acid peels
               Glycolic acid chemical peels


          Continuous monitoring of skin for changes in
          Monitor for new lesions
          Sunscreen is essential
          Minimize sun exposure

                  Basal Cell Carcinoma

          Most common cutaneous malignancy found
          in humans
          Presenting complaint: bleeding or scabbing
          sore that heals and recurs
          Risk factors: fair skin, sun exposure, tanning
          salon, previous injury
          Incidence: Men > women: Incidence
          increases after age 40

Wright, 2008                                               30
Basal Cell Carcinoma
          Location: 85% appear on the head and
          neck; 25-30% on the nose alone
          Prognosis: Excellent because basal cell
          carcinomas rarely metastasize but will
          grow and spread to adjacent locations
          Very common for a 2nd or 3rd basal cell
          to appear

                 Basal Cell Carcinoma
         Six Clinical Types:
           Nodular (21%): rounded mass
               Most common form
               Pearly white or pink
               Telangiectatic vessels are present
               T l    i t ti         l          t
               Ulcerating center is common
               May present as a nonhealing lesion
           Superficial (17%): Least aggressive lesion
           Pigmented: May resemble a melanoma

                 Basal Cell Carcinoma
         Six Clinical Types:
           Cystic: Similar to nodular lesion
           Sclerosing: Borders indistinct
               May grow for years before recognized
               May resemble a scar – depressed lesion
           Nevoid: very rare; inherited as an
           autosomal dominant trait; Multiple
           BCC’s appear at birth

Wright, 2008                                            31
Basal Cell Carcinoma

               Basal Cell Carcinoma

               Basal Cell Carcinoma

           Mohs’ micrographic surgery
           Imiquimod (superficial basal cells)

Wright, 2008                                     32
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

          Arises in the epithelium and is common
          in middle-aged to elderly population
          2 types
           Areas of prior radiation or thermal injury
           and in chronic ulcers: most likely to
           Actinically damaged skin: Least likely to

               Squamous Cell Carcinoma

          Risk factors
           Sun exposure
           Renal transplant recipients (253 fold
           increase secondary to immunosuppression)
           Areas of chronic inflammation or thermal
           Sun exposed regions: scalp, back of the
           hands, and superior aspect of the pinna

               Squamous Cell Carcinoma

          Clinical Presentation
           May arise from previous actinic keratosis
           Thick, adherent scale with a red, inflamed
           Firm, movable, elevated lesion with a
           sharply defined border
           Can spread locally and metastasize

Wright, 2008                                            33
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

               Squamous Cell Carcinoma

               Squamous Cell Carcinoma

           Referral to dermatology or plastics
           depending upon location / availability
             p       g p                        y
           Excision with margins

Wright, 2008                                        34
Malignant Melanoma
         Very dangerous cancer that arises from the
         cells of the melanocytic system
         Can metastasize to any organ including the
         Epidemic proportions - Lifetime risk: 1:90
         Risk factors
           Sun exposure
           Family history of melanoma

                 Malignant Melanoma

         ABCDE’s of Malignant Melanoma
           Diameter enlargement
           Enlarging or evolving

                 Malignant Melanoma

         Can be black, brown, red, white or blue
         Superficial spreading
         Lentigo maligna
         Nodular melanoma
         Acrallentiginous melanoma

Wright, 2008                                          35
Malignant Melanoma

                 Malignant Melanoma

                 Malignant Melanoma

         Biopsy with elliptical excision only
         Shave excision and punch biopsy are NOT
         Referral to dermatology/general surgeon/plastics
         depending upon access
         Surgical excision with margin clearing
           1-2 cm margin
           Recent evidence that a 3 cm margin may improve
           survival rates

Wright, 2008                                                36
Thank You!

         I Would Be Happy To
            Entertain Any

        Wendy L. Wright, MS, RN, ARNP, FNP, FAANP

        Partners in Healthcare Education, LLC

Wright, 2008                                        37

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44 adultdermatology

  • 1. Adult Dermatology: Name That Rash and Lesion Wendy L. Wright, MS, RN, ARNP, FNP, FAANP Adult/Family Nurse Practitioner Owner - Wright & Associates Family Healthcare Amherst, NH Partner – Partners in Healthcare Education, LLC Objectives Upon completion of this lecture, the participant will: 1. Identify various dermatology conditions found in adults 2. Discuss those dermatology conditions that require an immediate referral 3. Develop an appropriate plan for evaluation, treatment, and follow-up of the various lesions Dermatofibroma Common, benign asymptomatic lesions May be slightly itchy; Retract beneath the skin when you try to elevate them 1 10 1-10 lesions occurring on the extremities; most common location is the anterior surface of the lower leg Etiology: fibrous reaction to trauma, virus or an insect bite Multiple lesions: Systemic lupus Wright, 2008 1
  • 2. Dermatofibroma Size: 3 – 10 mm in size Color: pink - brown Appearance: may appear slightly scaly and feel hard Treatment: Generally – nothing needs to be done about these lesions Not worrisome Biopsy occasionally warranted if unsure of lesion etiology Dermatofibroma Dermatofibroma Wright, 2008 2
  • 3. Dermatofibroma Treatment Monitor Elliptical Elli ti l excision i i Shave excision Cryosurgery Contact Dermatitis: Rhus Dermatitis Rhus Dermatitis Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac produce more cases of contact dermatitis than all other contactants combined Occurs when contact is made between the leaf or internal parts of the roots and stem and the individual Can occur when individual touches plant or an animal does and then touches human Eruption can occur within 8 hours of the contact but may take up to 1 week to occur Clinical Pearls Poison ivy is not spread by scratching No oleoresin is found in the vesicles and therefore, can not be spread by scratching Lesions will appear where initial contact with plant occurred Resin needed to be washed from skin within 15 minutes of exposure to decrease risk of condition Wright, 2008 3
  • 4. Clinical Presentation Clinical presentation Characteristic linear appearing vesicles are likely to appear first Often surrounded by erythema y y Intensely itchy Lesions often erupt for a period of 1 week and will last for up to 2 weeks More extensive and widespread presentation can occur with animal exposures or burning of the plants / smoke exposure Contact Dermatitis Contact Dermatitis Wright, 2008 4
  • 5. Treatment Cool compresses 15 – 30 minutes three times daily Topical calamine or caladryl lotions Zanfel (OTC) wash – binds urushiol oil and removes from body/blisters 75% decrease in itching and rash within 24 hours per package Colloidal oatmeal baths (AVEENO) once daily Treatment Oral antihistamines May wish to use sedating antihistamines at bedtime Topical corticosteroids Avoid A id usage on th f the face Oral prednisone vs. injectable Kenalog or similar 20 mg two times daily x 7 days Kenalog 40 mg injection (IM) Follow-up Monitor for secondary infections Impetigo Staph vs. strep MRSA Education: Lesions will decrease over a 2 week period May continue to erupt over 48 hours despite steroid administration Not spreading lesions with rubbing or scratching Wright, 2008 5
  • 6. Hot Tub Folliculitis Inflammation of the hair follicle Caused by infection which occurs within 8 hours – 5 days of using contaminated hot tub or whirlpool Unfortunately, Unfortunately showering after exposure provides no protection Pseudomonas is the most common cause of hot tub folliculitis May also be caused by Staphylococcus, but unusual MSSA or MRSA Clinical Presentation One or more pustules may first appear Fever may or may not be present; usually low grade if it does occur Malaise and fatigue may accompany the outbreak Pustules may have wide rims of erythema Hot Tub Folliculitis Wright, 2008 6
  • 7. Treatment Culture of lesions is likely warranted White vinegar wet compresses – 20 minutes on three x daily may provide significant benefit Oral Antibiotics Ciprofloxacin is preferred agent if hot tub folliculitis is suspected due to pseudomonas coverage Discuss contagiousness No evidence that it is spread person - person Perioral Dermatitis Occurs in young women and closely resembles acne Papules and pustules are frequently present Lesions are confined to chin and nasolabial folds f ld Can also occur in children Cause is unknown but is believed to be exacerbated by benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, alcohol based products and frequent moisturizing Perioral Dermatitis Wright, 2008 7
  • 8. Treatment Tetracycline creams Two times daily x 4 weeks Erythromycin creams Two times daily x 4 weeks Metrogel Two times daily x 4 weeks May not be as effective as above agents Avoid topical steroids Stop moisturizing Seborrheic Keratoses Most common benign skin lesion Unknown origin No potential for malignancy Usually asymptomatic Rarely familial Most individuals develop 1 or more of these lesions throughout lifetime Seborrheic Keratoses Characteristics Smooth surface with tiny round, embedded pearls May be M b rough, d and cracked h dry d k d Sharply demarcated Appear stuck on the surface Vary in size from 2 mm to 3 cm Lesions are completely epidermal with no deep tissue penetration Wright, 2008 8
  • 9. Seborrheic Keratoses Seborrheic Keratosis Can Mimic a Malignant Melanoma Wright, 2008 9
  • 10. Seborrheic Keratoses Treatment Reassurance Lesions are only removed for cosmetic purposes or f a biopsy if pathology i for bi th l is unknown If removed, shave excision Cryosurgery Monitor for any increase in size, change in appearance Acne Vulgaris Etiology Disease involving the pilosebaceous unit Most frequent and intense where sebaceous glands are the largest Acne begins when sebum production increases Propionibacterium acnes proliferates in the sebum P. acnes is a normal skin resident but can cause significant inflammatory lesions when trapped in skin Acne Vulgaris Noninflammatory lesions Open and closed comedones Inflammatory lesions Papules, pustules and nodules (cysts) Wright, 2008 10
  • 11. Acne Vulgaris Symptoms Papular lesions on the face, chest and back White heads Whi h d Black heads Signs Papular lesions Closed and open comedones Closed Comedones Closed Comedones Wright, 2008 11
  • 12. Open Comedones Cystic Acne Acne Vulgaris Diagnosis History and physical examination Plan Diagnostic: None Wright, 2008 12
  • 13. Acne Vulgaris Therapeutic Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%, 5% and 10%) Effective as initial medication Begin early on in the disease process Tretinoin Very effective agent Start with 0.05% - 0.1% cream Reduces and minimizes scarring Topical Antibiotics Initial medication or can be combined with benzoyl peroxide Erygel, clindamycin are most commonly utilized Acne Vulgaris Therapeutic Oral Antibiotics Tetracycline Minocycline Erythromycin y y Cephalosporins Should only be used when topicals are ineffective or when patient has moderate disease at presentation OCP’s Women desiring contraception who also have acne Accutane Cystic acne or mod-severe disease Acne Vulgaris Plan Educational 6 weeks for improvement to be seen Avoid antibacterial soaps Dove soap or similar is recommended Avoid hats Foods have not been implicated as a cause Caramel products may worsen situation Avoid picking at the lesions Review side effects of the medications Wright, 2008 13
  • 14. Psoriasis Etiology 1-3% of the population worldwide Transmitted genetically Disease is lifelong; often beginning in childhood Characterized by chronic, recurrent exacerbations and remissions Stress can precipitate an episode Strep pharyngitis has been known to precipitate the onset Psoriasis Etiology Physically and emotionally disabling Erodes self esteem and often forces the patient into a life of concealment Medications can precipitate (Beta blockers, lithium) Psoriasis Symptoms Red, scaling papules that coalesce to form round-oval plaques Scale is silvery white and is adherent When removed, bleeding occurs (Auspitz’s sign) May begin at a site of a sunburn or surgery This is called Koebner’s phenomenon Elbows, knees, scalp, gluteal cleft, toenails, fingernails Extensor surfaces Wright, 2008 14
  • 15. Psoriasis Signs Erythematous papules Plaques Nail involvement May be associated with arthritis Psoriasis Guttate Psoriasis Wright, 2008 15
  • 16. Psoriasis Diagnosis History and physical examination Biopsy if uncertain Plan Diagnostic: None Psoriasis Therapeutic Topical corticosteroids Pulse therapy Two weeks on/ two weeks off Caution: side effects Dovonex Vitamin D3 analogue Works by inhibiting epidermal cell proliferation Can be used long-term and is very safe Dovonex ointment two times daily x 8 weeks May see about a 70% improvement Tar: newer preparations are more pleasant Intralesional steroids Psoriasis Therapeutic Ultraviolet light B Retinoids Systemic Treatments Methotrexate Plaquenil Enbrel Wright, 2008 16
  • 17. Psoriasis Plan Educational Moisturize Consider psychological therapy Review the nature of this chronic disease Skin Tags (Achrochordons) Very commonly encountered benign lesions Seen in approximately 25% of men and women Most common locations: axilla, neck, inguinal region Usually begin in 2nd decade and peak by the 5th decade of life Skin Tags (Achrochordons) Appearance Begins as a tiny flesh-toned or brown lesion May increase t 1 cm i size M i to in i Hallmark: polypoid mass on a long narrow stalk Bleeds very easily; particularly because they often get caught on a necklace or clothing Wright, 2008 17
  • 18. Diagnosis? Linked with____________? Skin Tags Skin Tags (Achrochordons) Treatment Shave excision Cryosurgery C Electrocautery Wright, 2008 18
  • 19. Case Study S:TM is a 64-year-old Caucasian male who presents with a painful rash located on his right buttock. Describes the rash as red and blistered Has been present x 96 hours and is in for an evaluation because the pain is severe. Pain is “9” on 0 – 10 scale. Has tried oral OTC medications without significant improvement Pain is described as a burning sensation; improvement. deep in his buttock. Denies precipitating factors. Pain began approx 2 days before the rash appeared. Denies fever, chills, new soaps, lotions, changes in medications. Medications: atorvastatin 40 mg 1 po qhs; amlodipine 5 mg 1 po qhs; loratidine 10mg 1 po qd; aspirin 81 mg 1 po qam; various vitamins Case Study Allergies: NKDA PMH: dyslipidemia; hypertension; obesity, allergic rhinitis Social history: 30 pack year history of cigarette smoking; none x 10 years; M hi i t i tt ki Machinist; happily married x 40+ years Case Study O: T:97.8; P: 94; R:18; BP: 148/90 Skin: p/w/d; approximately 15-20 vesicles located on right buttock overlying an erythematous base; vesicles are clustered but without obvious pattern; no streaking, petecchiae. Few scattered vesicles on posterior aspect of right thigh; no lesions on left buttock or leg Hips: FROM: no tenderness, erythema, masses Wright, 2008 19
  • 20. Case Study O: PE continued Back: From: no tenderness, erythema, masses Abdomen: Soft, large; + BS; no masses, tenderness, hsm Neuro: intact including light touch pain vibratory to touch, pain, right lower extremity; heel, toe walking intact + Allodynia Clothing, light touch, cool object + Hyperalgesia Painful stimuli elicited significant pain Examples of Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Wright, 2008 20
  • 21. Acute Herpes Zoster © Dr P. Marazzi, Science Photo Library. Image used with permission. Marazzi, Herpes Zoster Highly contagious DNA virus which during the varicella infection (primary infection) gains access into the dorsal root ganglia Virus remains dormant for decades and is reactivated when an insult occurs to the individual’s immune system Examples: HIV, chemotherapy, illness, stress, corticosteroid usage Incidence and Prevalence 3 million cases of chickenpox yearly Disease of childhood 600,000 - 1 million cases of herpes zoster each year in the United States y Tends to be more of a disease of aging By age 80, 20% of us will have zoster at some point in our lifetime Men = Women Wright, 2008 21
  • 22. Risk Factors Increasing age (50-60 years and beyond) Varicella infection when < 2 years of age Immunosuppression Stress (controversial) Trauma Malignancies 25% of patients with Hodgkin’s will develop zoster1 1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8) Goals of Treatment Treat acute viral infection Shorten course Reduce lesions Treat acute pain Prevent complications Postherpetic neuralgia Acute Treatment Options Antiviral Goal: Reduce viral reproduction Corticosteroids Initially postulated that these reduce viral replication; recent studies have not found this to be true However, they do decrease pain Pain Management Topical agents Anti-inflammatory agents Narcotics Postherpetic neuralgia prevention Wright, 2008 22
  • 23. Antiviral Treatment Options Ideally, want to begin within the first 72 hours of the eruption as benefits may be reduced if started after that These medications decrease duration of the rash and severity of the pain Studies vary as to how much these products actually reduce the incidence of post- herpetic neuralgia 1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8) Controlled Trials of Antiviral Agents in Herpes Zoster % of patients 3 months 6 months with PHN at: Acyclovir vs. 25% vs. 54% 15% vs. 35% Placebo Valacyclovir vs. 31% vs. 38% 19.9% vs. 25.7% Acyclovir Famciclovir vs. 34.9% vs. 49.2% 19.5% vs. 40.3% Placebo Adapted from Johnson RW. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2001;47:1-8. Corticosteroids Often utilized despite mixed results in clinical trials Prednisone, when used with acyclovir, in one study reduced pain associated with herpes zoster t Corticosteroids are currently recommended for individuals over 50 years of age with HZ Dosage: 30 mg bid x 7 days; 15 mg bid x 7 days; 7.5 mg bid x 7 days1 1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8) Wright, 2008 23
  • 24. Pain Pain associated with herpes zoster can range from mild – severe Clinician must tailor pain medication options based upon individual presentation Pain Management Topical Agents Calamine lotion to lesions 2 – 3x/day Betadine to lesions qd Capsaicin cream once lesions crusted 3 – 5x/day Topical lidocaine 5% patch f 12 h T i l lid i t h for hours at a ti t time once lesions are crusted 1Stankus, S. et. Al. Management of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:2437-44, 2447-8) Acute Pain Management Oral Agents Acetaminophen Has not been shown to be effective in trials) Ibuprofen or similar Not likely to be effective with neuropathic p y p pain Nerve Blocks Have been shown to be effective for many individuals with severe pain in some trials; other trials - ineffective Wright, 2008 24
  • 25. And…the use of medications such as TCA’s, gabapentin, pregabalin, oxycodone and tramadol during the acute phase of HZ decrease pain but also may also reduce the risk of PHN Follow-up Monitor for secondary infections Monitor for evidence of postherpetic neuralgia g Monitor for adverse impact on quality of life Bullous Pemphigoid Bullous pemphigoid is a rare, benign subepidermal rash characterized by bullae formation Origin is unknown Disease of the elderly Most cases occur after 60 years of age No evidence to support any association with other conditions or diseases May be an association with concomitant medication usage Wright, 2008 25
  • 26. Bullous Pemphigoid Clinical Manifestations Begins with a localized area of erythema which looks similar to hives/urticaria Itching i It hi is moderate – severe d t Over the course of 1 – 3 weeks – area becomes darker red or cyanotic in appearance Resembles – erythema multiforme Vesicles and bullae rapidly appear Bullous Pemphigoid Clinical Manifestations Most common locations are: Abdomen Groin Flexor surfaces of the arms and legs Palms and soles are also affected Nikolsky’s sign is negative Bullous Pemphigoid Clinical Manifestations May last 9 weeks – 17 years Average – 2 years Periods of remission will follow exacerbations Afebrile No systemic illness Wright, 2008 26
  • 27. Bullous Pemphigoid Diagnosis History and physical examination CBC with differential Eosinophilia will be present in 70% or greater of individuals Biopsy of lesions/skin Treatment Atarax or similar for itching Topical steroids May be helpful in some Oral antibiotics Successful resolution i some with th f ll i agents: S f l l ti in ith the following t TCN or Minocycline Erythromycin Systemic steroids Immunosuppressive agents MTX Azathioprine Wright, 2008 27
  • 28. Actinic Keratoses Common, sun-induced, premalignant lesions Incidence: Increases with age, light complexion Caused by years of sun exposure Lesions frequently appear after the summer suggesting that sun exposure may cause lesions to become more active Actinic Keratoses Clinical presentation: Slightly roughened area that often bleeds when excoriated Best recognized by palpation than observation when first begins Progresses to an adherent yellow crust Size: 3-6 mm Common location: scalp, temples, forehead, hands Lesion with drainage suggests degeneration into a malignancy Actinic Keratosis Wright, 2008 28
  • 29. Actinic Keratosis Keratin may accumulate and transform lesion into a cutaneous horn Frequently seen on the pinna of the ear Actinic Keratoses Prognosis Can spontaneously regress if sun exposure is eliminated Good G d prognosis if treated adequately i d d l Small percentage transform into a squamous cell carcinoma which can metastasize 60% of all squamous cell carcinomas began as an actinic keratosis Actinic Keratoses Treatment Cryosurgery Preferred method Surgical Removal S i lR l Tretinoin 0.05% - 0.1% cream applied once daily at bedtime If no improvement in 3 – 4 months, treat with cryosurgery Wright, 2008 29
  • 30. Actinic Keratoses Treatment 5-fluorouracil Topical chemotherapeutic agents Example – Actinex Imiquimod (Aldara) 2x weekly x 16 weeks Acid peels Glycolic acid chemical peels Sunscreen Follow-up Continuous monitoring of skin for changes in lesions Monitor for new lesions Sunscreen is essential Minimize sun exposure Basal Cell Carcinoma Most common cutaneous malignancy found in humans Presenting complaint: bleeding or scabbing sore that heals and recurs Risk factors: fair skin, sun exposure, tanning salon, previous injury Incidence: Men > women: Incidence increases after age 40 Wright, 2008 30
  • 31. Basal Cell Carcinoma Location: 85% appear on the head and neck; 25-30% on the nose alone Prognosis: Excellent because basal cell carcinomas rarely metastasize but will grow and spread to adjacent locations Very common for a 2nd or 3rd basal cell to appear Basal Cell Carcinoma Six Clinical Types: Nodular (21%): rounded mass Most common form Pearly white or pink Telangiectatic vessels are present T l i t ti l t Ulcerating center is common May present as a nonhealing lesion Superficial (17%): Least aggressive lesion Pigmented: May resemble a melanoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Six Clinical Types: Cystic: Similar to nodular lesion Sclerosing: Borders indistinct May grow for years before recognized May resemble a scar – depressed lesion Nevoid: very rare; inherited as an autosomal dominant trait; Multiple BCC’s appear at birth Wright, 2008 31
  • 32. Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment Electrodessication Excision Cryosurgery Mohs’ micrographic surgery Radiation Imiquimod (superficial basal cells) Wright, 2008 32
  • 33. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arises in the epithelium and is common in middle-aged to elderly population 2 types Areas of prior radiation or thermal injury and in chronic ulcers: most likely to metastasize Actinically damaged skin: Least likely to metastasize Squamous Cell Carcinoma Risk factors Sun exposure Renal transplant recipients (253 fold increase secondary to immunosuppression) Areas of chronic inflammation or thermal burns Location Sun exposed regions: scalp, back of the hands, and superior aspect of the pinna Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Presentation May arise from previous actinic keratosis Thick, adherent scale with a red, inflamed base Firm, movable, elevated lesion with a sharply defined border Can spread locally and metastasize Wright, 2008 33
  • 34. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment Referral to dermatology or plastics depending upon location / availability p g p y Electrodessication Excision with margins Wright, 2008 34
  • 35. Malignant Melanoma Very dangerous cancer that arises from the cells of the melanocytic system Can metastasize to any organ including the brain Epidemic proportions - Lifetime risk: 1:90 Risk factors Sun exposure Family history of melanoma Immunosuppression Malignant Melanoma ABCDE’s of Malignant Melanoma Asymmetry Borders Color Diameter enlargement Enlarging or evolving Malignant Melanoma Characteristics Can be black, brown, red, white or blue Types yp Superficial spreading Lentigo maligna Nodular melanoma Acrallentiginous melanoma Wright, 2008 35
  • 36. Malignant Melanoma Malignant Melanoma Malignant Melanoma Treatment Biopsy with elliptical excision only Shave excision and punch biopsy are NOT recommended Referral to dermatology/general surgeon/plastics depending upon access Surgical excision with margin clearing 1-2 cm margin Recent evidence that a 3 cm margin may improve survival rates Wright, 2008 36
  • 37. Thank You! I Would Be Happy To Entertain Any Questions Wendy L. Wright, MS, RN, ARNP, FNP, FAANP Partners in Healthcare Education, LLC Wright, 2008 37