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Drugs for Peptic Ulcer and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Antiemetic, Prokinetic and Digestant Drugs
Drugs for Constipation and Diarrhoea
 Too frequent, often too precipitate passage of poorly formed stools
 WHO defined:- 3 or more loose or watery stools in a 24 hrs. period
 ↑frequency of stool + consistency (watery stool)
 Occurs due to passage of excess water & Electrolytes in faces
 Dehydration-most common cause of death in diarrhea
 ↓ electrolyte and water absorption
 ↑ secretion by intestinal mucosa
 ↑ luminal osmotic load
 Inflammation of mucosa and exudation into lumen
Irritable bowel
Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s
Acute chronic
Mild Moderate
dominant IBS
dominant IBS
Persist for more
than 2 weeks
Mild Moderate
Body water loss
Body water loss
 Bacterial:-
Vibrio cholera
Enterotoxigenic E.coli(ETEC)
Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile
Campylobacter jejuni
Y. Enterocolitis
 Viral:-
Infectious agents
 Absorption:-
 Inhibition of Na+K+ ATPase and structural damage to mucosal cell by Rota virus
causes diarrhoea by reducing absorption
 Secretion:-
 Excess of bile acids also cause diarrhoea by activating adenylyl cyclase
 Prostaglandins, Intracellular Ca++ also stimulate secretory process
 Cholera toxin, Enterotoxigenic E. coli(ETEC) , Staph aureus, Salmonella
stimulate adenylyl cyclase- increasing secretion
 GI motility:-↓segmentation + ↑peristalsis
Treatment should always be directed according to underlying cause.
-most diarrhea-self limiting
Rehydration therapy
Drug therapy
I.V. Oral
# severe
fluid loss >10% BW
Oral rehydration therapy
 The recommended composition of i.v. fluid
Nacl-5gm (85mM)
Kcl-1gm (13mM) in 1L of water or 5%
NaHCO3-4gm (48mM) glucose solution.
 Volume equivalent to 10% BW should be infused over 2-4 hours
Dhaka Fluid:-
 ORS therapy is the core of management of acute diarrhoea(mild-5-7%
BW/moderate-7.5-10% BW)
 A mixture of salts and water
 Purpose:-
 To correct water electrolyte deficient
 To prevent dehydration
 Reduce mortality
 Advantages:-
Simplest, safest, least expensive life saving method
 Improved form of ORS with addition of certain actively transported amino
acids like alanine, glycine
 Glucose is replace with boiled rice powder
 Advantages:-
 enhanced absorption
 decrease frequency of diarrhoea
 less chance of osmotic diarrhoea in high dose also
# it has been found to reduce stool volume compared to WHO-ORS in cholera
 Mainly in children below 5 yr. age
 Zn+ORS-↓severity of acute diarrhoea
 Zn supplement cont. for 10-14days
 Mechanism:-
1. ↓fluid secretion in intestine by inhibiting cAMP dependent Cl-
2. improve immune response
and help regeneration
of intestinal epithelium
Roll of Zinc in diarrhoea
Diarrhoea patients
 Watery Stool Without mucus or blood
 Frequent vomiting,
 Periumbilical cramps,
 No fever
Causative organism:- (non-invasive enterotoxigenic bacteria)
 Cholera,
 Salmonella enteritidis,
 Staph. aureus,
 Bacillus cereus
 Rota virus
ORS and not Antimicrobials
 Watery Stool + mucus / blood
 No vomiting,
 Abdominal cramps
 Mild dehydration with fever
Causative organism:- (entero-invasive
organisms) include
 Shigella,
 Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC),
 Campy jejuni,
 Salmonella typhimurium,
 Yersinia enterocolitica,
 E. histolytica,
 Clostridium difficile
Non-invasive diarrhoea Invasive diarrhoea
Infective gastroenteritis
Specific antimicrobial
Non-Specific antimicrobial
Lactobacillus sp.
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Strep. faecalis
Enterococcus sp.
Saccharomyces b
Absorbants Anti-motility
Methylcellulose Racecadotril
Bismuth subsalisylate
Antimicrobial Agents
Cholera ORS, Tetracycline, Co-trimoxazole
Campylobacter Norfloxacin, other fluroquinolones
Clostridium difficile Metronidazole, Vancomycin
Amoebiasis/giardiasis Metronidazole
Yersinia enterocolitica Cotrimoxazole, Ciprofloxacin
Rotavirus Non-antimicrobial therapy
Salmonella food poisoning ORT, Infant/elderly-ciprofloxacin/azithromycin
Travellers diarrhoea Norfloxacin, cotrimoxazole, doxycycline
Specific Antimicrobial drugs
WHO:- “Live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts
confer a health benefit on the host”
 Microbial cell preparations, Live cultures or lyophillised powder
E.g.-Lactobacillus sp, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Strep.faecalis, Enterococcus sp.,
Saccharomyces b
 Advantages:-
1. Restore and maintain healthy gut flora
2. Recolonization of the gut by non-pathogenic mostly lactic acid forming
 Use:-Acute infectious diarrhoea, Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea,Travellers
diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, relief in bloating and flatulence
#curd/yogurt is an abundant source of lactic acid producing organisms, which can
serve as probiotics.
Absorbed Water & ↑ stool bulk
Modify consistency & frequency of stool
No action on water electrolytes loss
Eg.- Ispaghula , Psyllium, methylcellulose
Irritable bowel syndrome
During ileostomy
Colostomy diarrhea
Bile salt induced diarrhea-Cholestyramine
Bismuth subsalicylate
Prodrug Converted
δ-Opioid receptor
(secretary) agonist
↓Mucosal cAMP
Prevent degradation of
Endogenous enkephalins ↓ intestinal hyperhypersecretion
Enkephalinase inhibitors
 Use:- Acute secretary diarrhoeas
 Use In children
 SE:- Nausea, Vomiting, flatulence, Drowsiness
Bismuth Subsalicylate
Anti microbial effects(H. pylori)
Action:- ↓ PG synthesis in intestinal mucosa
↓Cl- secretion
use:- Traveller’s diarrhoea (prophylaxis)
 Antispasmodic actions
 ↓ bowel motility and secretion
 Used in drug induced diarrhoea
 Provide some symptomatic relief in dysenteries
 They may beneficial in drug induced diarrhoeas
 Atropine- used in nervous(stress induced) & drug induced diarrhoea
Anti- cholinergics
 Synthetic octapeptide analogue of Somatostatin
 Longer acting-t1/2-90min
 Action-
 Potent anti- secretory & antimotility action on the gut.
 It Suppresses hormone (gastrin, cck, glucagon secretin, pancreatic polypeptide, vasoactive
intestinal peptide, and 5-HT) which enhance intestinal mucosal secretion
 control diarrhoea in carcinoid
 Refractory diarrhoea in AIDS pt.(S.C.)
 higher doses diarrhoea due to vagotomy or dumping syndrome
 pancreatic fistula
SE:-nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence
Anti-motility drugs
These are opioid drugs acting through μ-receptor(enteric neuronal network)
Only symptomatic relief in diarrhoea
 Opioid receptor Action:-
 δ receptor action- secretion
 μ receptor action- propulsive movement
↑ tone & segmenting activity of the bowel
↓propulsive movement & intestinal secretion
No tolerance develops to constipating action
Anti- motility drugs not to be given in infective diarrheas
 Codeine-Prominent constipating action at 60 mg TDS
 MOA:-μ-receptor agonist-↓Peristalsis
 Central effect
 Side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness
 Not been used due to abuse potential
 synthetic opioid, chemically related to pethidine
 Most prominent antidiarrheal agent
 Produced opioid dependence
 Atropine is added in sub pharmacological dose to discourage abuse (dryness of
mouth-unpleasant which masks the euphoria produce by Diphenoxylate)
 (2.5 mg diphenoxylate + 0.025 mg atropine)-FDC
 The anticholinergic properties of atropine may contribute to the antidiarrheal
 Contraindication:-
 below 6 year of age- respiratory depression, paralytic ileus and toxic megacolon
in children
 Semisynthetic opioid analogue
 Major peripheral μ-opioid action+ Weak anti- cholinergic property
 Most effective, suitable antimotility antidiarrheal agents
 Acts on μ-opioid receptor on circular+ longitudinal muscle fibers-inhibit
propulsive movement
 Advantage:-
1) As antimotility agent-40 time more potent than morphine
2) Poor CNS penetration-no abuse liability
3) Longer duration of action (12hr)
4) ↑anal sphincter tone, antisecretory property
5) interaction with calmodulin receptor-inhibition
 USE:-traveler diarrhoea
 Adverse effects:- abdominal cramps and rashes
 Contraindicated:-
 Children age < 4 yrs.:- paralytic ileus occur
 Infective diarrhea- delays clearance of pathogen by producing constipation
may also produced disastrous symptoms
 US-FDA approve minimally absorbed oral rifamycin
 Active against-E. coli
 It is as effective as ciprofloxacin
 Less side effect due to poor absorption
 Used-
1.empiric treatment of “travellers diarrhoea”
2.hepatic encephalopathy
3.IBS, before & after gut surgery
Side effect:- flatulence, abdominal pain, defecation urgency and headache
Inflammatory bowel disease
Group of Auto-immune disease in which intestine becomes inflamed
Occurs due to imbalance b/w pro-inflammatory & anti-inflammatory cytokines
major 2 types 1. Crohn’s disease 2.Ulcerative colitis
5-amino salicylic acid
TNF inhibitor
Pharmacotherapy of Constipation
Too infrequent passage of stool that may be due to decrease motility of
colon or due to difficulty in evacuation
 low stool frequency alone is not the sole criterion for the diagnosis of
 Many constipated patients have a normal frequency of defecation but complain of
excessive straining
 hard stools,
 lower abdominal fullness, or a sense of incomplete evacuation
General measures:-
Adequate fluid intake
High fiber contents in diet
Regular exercise
Regulation of bowel habit
Avoid drug causing constipation are best to avoid constipation
According to intensity of action:-
Laxatives Purgatives
Milder action
Soft stool formation
Stronger Action
More fluid evacuation
Drugs to treat constipation
Bulk purgatives Osmotic
Stool wetting
Dietary fibers
Natural plant products & semi
synthetic hydrophilic colloids
Synthetic non absorbed resins
Increase volume of non-absorbable solid residue
1.Dietary fibers-
Undigested polysaccharide vegetables, fruits, grains, bran, pectin,
2. Natural plant products & semi synthetic hydrophilic colloids
Psyllium seed, methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC),
3.Synthetic non absorbed resins:- calcium polycarbophil
Bulk Purgatives
↑ Bulk of intestinal content by water absorption
↑ Mechanical pressure on the wall of intestine
(mechanical distension)
Stimulate of stretch receptors
(Promote defecation)
Caution:- large amount of water to be taken along with bulk purgatives
to avoid intestinal obstruction
Irritable bowel syndrome-
 Functional bowel disorder associated by characteristic clusters of symptoms in
the absence of detectable structural abnormalities in GIT motility
Megacolon ,
Megarectum ,
gut ulceration
Side effect:-
Abdominal discomfort ,flatulance
Dietary fibers
 Consists of –unabsorbable cell wall +(cellulose, gums, pectin's)
 Residual product of flour industry
 Facilitates colonic transit-absorbs water & ↑H20 content of stool in intestine
 Support bacterial growth –contribute to faecal mass
 Certain DF (gums,pectins,lignins )-binds bile acid & promote there excretion in
 Functional constipation
 Constipation-(irrespective of improving straining of stools)
Obtain from seed of Plantago ovata
They contain natural colloidal mucilage which forms a gelatinous mass
by absorbing water
Largey fermented in colon – increase bacterial mass & softens the
Dose:- Ispaghula hask(3-8g)+ water (OD/BID)
Should not swallowed dry- cause esophageal impaction
Semi-synthetic, colloidal hydrophilic derivatives of cellulose
Largely unfermented in colon
4-6 gm/day is satisfactory
Generous amount of water must be taken with all bulk forming agents
Drugs ↑ water content in large intestine
Most powerful & rapidly acting purgative
Organic purgatives:-
semi-synthetic disaccharide of fructose & lactose
Neither digested nor absorbed in small intestine-retains water
Osmotic purgative
Organic purgatives
Non-Organic purgatives /
Saline purgatives
After fermentation by colonic bacteria convert to Lactic acid & acetic
Reduces luminal pH in the colon
+ (unabsorbed)
Blood ammonia level decrease
Liver cirrhosis/Hepatic coma:- ↓ NH3 Absorption by converting into
+(Ammonium ion)
Hepatic encephalopathy
Constipation in children & pregnancy
Non-Organic purgatives /Saline purgatives
Salts of Mg,Na,K
E.g.-MgS04-epson’s salts
MgO-(milk of magnesia)
Sodium phosphate
Osmotic purgatives are given orally, early morning on empty stomach with plenty of water
Acts on the small & large intestines(within 1-3 hr)
Not absorbed in the gut
Draw fluid into the lumen by osmotic activity
Distend the bowel
Stimulate peristalsis
Evacuation of watery stools in 1-3 hrs
• They should be avoided in young children & pt with renal failure-as
they may cause CNS & cardiac depressant
• Sodium phosphate- commonly used in colonoscopy
• Can also be used as enema
• Should be avoided in cardiac pt.
Polyethylene glycol-
Used to evacuate the bowel prior to surgical, Radiological and endoscopic
Stimulant or Irritant purgatives
 Acts via direct stimulation of enteric nervous system
 Leading to peristalsis & purgation
 Also ↑PG and cAMP levels but Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the intestinal mucosa
 Site of action-colon
 They cause evacuation –semi fluid stools
 SE:- upon chronic use-atonic colon
 Large doses may cause loss of fluid & electrolytes
 contraindicated- pregnancy(reflex stimulation of uterus)
E.g.-Bisacodyl, anthraquinone derivatives, castor oil
Bisacodyl Anthraquinone derivatives
Available- rectal n tab form
Oral absorption-poor
Preferred-at bed time(Effect seen
after-6-8hrs of admist.)
Constipation & empty the bowel before
SE:-local irritation,
Senna & cascara
Preferred-at bed time(Effect seen
after-6-8hrs of admist.)
Acts locally & induce purgation
Contraindicated in-lactating mother
as they secret by milk
SE:- skin rashes, black pigmentation
of colonic mucosa, discoloration of urine
Fecal softeners (lubricants)
Or Stool wetting agents
Non-absorbed drugs that soften the feces-promoting defecation
1. Surfactants- ↓ surface tension of faces
Commonly prescribed-hospitalized pt to minimized straining
e.g.-Docudate-sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate/Enema
2.Glycerin(suppository)- given twice after surgey to avoid any damage to
the surgery.
Preferred- children
Mineral oil-(liquid paraffin) good for radiology preparation
1.Functional constipation-
a. Spastic Constipation(Irritable bowel)- dietary fibers
b. Atonic constipation –Bulk purgatives
2. Bedridden pt-bulk purgatives
3.To avoid straining at stools-bulk purgatives ,luctolose
4.Preparation of bowel for surgery, colonoscopy-bisacodyl
Emetics & Anti emetics
• Vomiting:- it is a complex series of protective reflex that help to remove toxic
substances from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
• It is the forceful expulsion of the contents of the stomach and upper intestinal
tract through the mouth
• Nausea:- the feeling of vomiting (↓gastric tone & peristalsis)
• Vomiting center-Reticular formation in medulla
• Stimulation of this center occur from cerebellum, cerebral cortex, CTZ, Nucleus
tractus solitarius(NTS)
• CTZ-unprotected by BBB
• Neurotransmitter:-involve in control of vomiting are acetylcholine (ACh),
histamine,5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine
Vomiting center
Chemoreceptor trigger
Nucleus tractus solitarius
Smell, pain, sight,
psychogenic stimuli,
Past memory, Fear
Inner ear (Motion)
Ototoxic drugs like
+ +
Drug induced vomiting (
Cytotoxic drug, opioids,
Cardiac glycosides,
Bacterial & viral infection)
GI irritation(Pharyngeal
Pragnancy (oestrogen) +
M1,H1 receptor
H1,D2,5-HT3,M1,CB1,μ receptor
CB1-Cannabinoid 1 receptor
NK1-Neurokinin1 receptor
μ-opioid receptor
• Drugs that cause vomiting-emetics
• Uses:-
 Acute case of poisoning
Alcohol intoxication
Removal of foreign bodies from oesophagus
• Contraindication of emetics:-
In poisoning of any corrosive (danger of perforation)
CNS stimulant (precipitation of convulsion)
Kerosene poisoning (Aspiration pneumonia due to low viscosity)
Morphine or phenothiazine overdose (emetics are ineffective)
In unconscious pt.(laryngeal reflex impaired.)
• Apomorphine:-
• Semisynthetic derivatives of morphine
• Acts as dopaminergic agonist on CTZ
• Induce vomiting (within 5-10min) after administered I.M./S.C.
• Ipecacuanha:-
• Obtained from root of plant Ipecacuanha
• Contains emetine which is used as syrup
• Produce CTZ stimulation & gastric mucosal irritation
• Household remedy:- Mustard oil, strong salt solution can be use in emergency
• They act through stimulation of receptor in stomach
Drug induced vomiting:-
Anti-cancer drug, Apomorphine, chloroquine, quinine, Diltizem, ergot
derivatives, tetracycline, metronidazole
• Drugs:- Hyoscine (Scopolamine),dicyclomine
• Used as transdermal patch in motion sickness
• Not effective-chemotherapy induced vomiting
• SE:-tachycardia, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
• Dicyclomine-effective in morning sickness + motion sickness
• Safe to use in pregnancy
• Anti-spasmodic action-use for colicky pain
• MOA:- Central anti-cholinergic, peripheral antimuscarinic & sedative properties
• USES:- effective against morning sickness, postoperative vomiting, motion
sickness, morning sickness, Meniere's disease
• They are less effective→ substance induce vomiting by acting directly on CTZ
• Cyclizine, Meclizine→ (long acting) use for sea sickness
• Cinnarizine → Anti-vertigo drug. Additional action. i.e. inhibit influx of Ca++
from endolymph into the vestibular sensory cells which mediate labyrinthine
• Morning sickness in pregnancy-(Doxylamine+VitB6) safe drug
• In motion sickness→ should be given half to one hour before journey
• These should be avoided in first trimester of pregnancy to avoid any foetal
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists
Drugs:- Ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron and palonosetron.
MOA:- block the depolarizing action of 5-HT3 receptors or vagal afferents in
GIT as well as in CTZ & NTC
It blocks emetogenic impulses both of central & peripheral origin
• Advantage:- highly effective(DOC) for anti-cancer drug induced vomiting such
as cisplatin
• Disadvantage:- not effective for motion sickness
• Ondansetron:- prototype drug with short duration of action
• 5HT3 receptor Antagonist
• Pharmacokinetics:-
• Absorption-orally with BA of 70% (due to First pass metabolism)
• Distribution- through out the body
• Metabolism-(hepatic metabolism + glucuronide conjugation)
• Excretion-urine
Chemotherapy(cisplatin) induce vomiting-I.V. infusion
Post operative vomiting
• SE:- constipation, headache, rashes, hypotension
• Neuroleptics (D2-receptor Antagonist):-
• Antiemetic effect → blockade of D2-receptors in the CTZ
• D2 blocked in gut →↑gut motility
• Drugs:-phenothiazines, haloperidol
• Advantages:- antipsychotic action+ potent Anti-emetic action
• Disadvantages:-
Not effective → Motion sickness (Muscarinic & Histaminic receptors involve)
Cause Extra pyramidal side effect (EPS)
Prochlorperazine:-D2 blocking phenothiazine
Antivertigo and antiemetic actions- labyrinthine suppressant
Effective-Orally + i.v. preparation
Prokinetic Agents:-
• Agents which ↑propulsive gastric motility in coordinated manner to promote
gastric emptying
• Metoclopramide:-
• Prokinetic action due to 5-HT4 Agonist activity in GIT (Peripheral action)
• Central action→D2 blocked in CTZ
• Cumulative effect result in-↑↑gastric and duodenal emptying
• The effects of metoclopramide on the upper GI tract are:
1.↑tone of lower oesophageal sphincter (LES).
2. ↑tone and amplitude of antral contractions.
3. Relaxation of pyloric sphincter.
4. ↑peristalsis of small intestine.
Thus, it promotes forward movement of contents in the upper GIT.
5-HT4 agonism D2-antagonism 5-HT3 antagonism
↑↑ACh secretion from the myenteric motor neurons
 Pharmacokinetics:-
 Absorption:-well absorbed orally
 Distribution- cross “BBB”-produce EPS (not seen with domperidone)
 Plasma t1/2-4-6hr.
 Metabolism-sulfation & glucuronide conjugation in liver
 Excretion-urine
• USES:-
Vomiting due to
drug induced, Radiation induced,
Post operative, Toxins induced
Post operative paralytic ileus, diabetic gastroparesis
GERD- but less effective than PPI or H2 blockers
Emergency surgery-as pt. May not be empty stomach (before GA)
SE:- sedation, drowsiness, dizziness and diarrhoea, EPS
Long-term use →gynaecomastia, galactorrhoea and menstrual irregularity
Metoclopramide ×Diazepam- ↑absorption of diazepam(Toxicity)
Metoclopramide ×Digoxin-↓absorption of Digoxin (therapeutic failure)
Metoclopramide ×levodopa- interfering anti-parkinsonian effect(due to D2 blocked action )
• Similar anti-emetic action of metoclopramide
• Don’t cross “BBB”-No EPS →preferred in children
• Prokinetic action→due to blocked of D2 receptor
• less potent and less efficacious than metoclopramide
• Pharmacokinetics:-
• Absorption-orally effective but low BA (High first-pass metabolism)
• Distribution- Cant cross BBB
• Plasma t1/2-7-8hr
• Metabolism-liver
• Excretion- urine
• USES:-
• Vomiting in children
• levodopa induced vomiting in Parkinson pt.
• Drug induce vomiting-mild-moderate case
• Not effective→ sever vomiting, Morning sickness
• SE:-
• Hyperprolactinaemia-D2 blocked action (Pituitary devoid of BBB)
• Dryness of mouth,
• diarrhoea, headache,
• skin rashes, galactorrhoea and menstrual irregularities
• Dose-adult-10-40mg children-0.3-0.6mg/kg(TDS)
Mosapride:-5-HT4 agonist
Neurokinin-1 receptor blockers:- Aprepitant
These are substance-P antagonist that acts by blocking neurokinin-1 receptor
DOC-delayed chemotherapy induce nausea & vomiting
Use for PO nausea & vomiting
Adjuvant Antiemetics
• Glucocorticoids:-
• Dexamethasone, betamethasone and methylprednisolone are used as adjuvant
• USES:-
Anticancer drug-induced vomiting:- in combination with ondansetron or
metoclopramide due to anti-inflammatory action by blocking PG synthesis
Benzodiazepines:- (sedative, amnesic and antianxiety effects)
Lorazepam and alprazolam are used to control psychogenic and anticipatory
Question paper:-
Q1. Write short notes on:- (2.5M)
 Metoclopramide (2.5M)
 Prokinetic Agents(3M/2.5M)
 Antiemetics-(3M)
 Ondansetron (3M)
Q2.Discuss the pharmacological basis of :-
Ondansetron in vomiting (3M)
Metoclopramide as prokinetic agent(3M)
Domperidone as antiemetic(3M)
Q3.Discuss treatment of:- Vomiting (3M)
• Acid peptic disease → includes
Peptic ulcer
GERD-gastroesophageal reflex disease
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZE-syndrome)-pathological hypersecretory states
induced by gastrin secreting tumour
Ulcer→ occur in any part of GIT due to imbalance between aggressive(acid,
pepsin, and H.pylori infection) & defensive mucosal factor (gastric mucosa,
bicarbonates, prostaglandins)
Peptic ulcer- stomach & duodenum expose to acid(HCl) & pepsin
Factors affecting HCL secretion
Factor ↑Acid secretion
 Acetylcholine
 Histamine
 Gastrin
Factor ↓Acid secretion
 PGE2
 somatostatin
• Mucosal barrier:-
• Consist of →mucous & bicarbonate (HCO3-) secreted by neck cells of gastric
gland & surface of mucosal cells
• Function:-
Protection of GI-tract from infective, chemical, physical agents
It encloses the gastric juice in stomach (impermeable porcelain vase)
HCO3- is trapped in mucous gel together help in maintaining the pH gradient
Luminal side-pH (1-2)
Surface of epithelial cells-pH(6-7)
• PGs→ stimulate mucous+HCO3 secretion & also ↑mucosal BF
• Epithelial protection also involve though tight junction that serve as a physical
• HCL(gastric acid)→secreted from gastric parietal cells due to stimulation of
proton pump (H+/K+ ATPase pump)
• Physiology of Gastric secretion:-
• The stomach secretes -2–3 L of gastric juice/day.
• The chief or peptic cells secrete pepsinogen,
• Pepsinogen pepsin
• Parietal or oxyntic cells secrete acid and intrinsic factor (IF).
• Regulation of gastric acid secretion:-
• Receptor mediated binding of Ach(M3), histamine(H2), gastrin(CCK2) in the
activation of protein kinase→ stimulate proton pump to secrete H+ ions in
exchange for K+ into the lumen of stomach
• A Cl- channel couple chloride efflux to the release of H+
• In contrast receptor binding of PG E2 & somatostatin diminish gastric acid
Gastric acid
 Classification of drugs used in peptic ulcer:-
Reduction of gastric acid
H2 Antihistaminics
• Cimetidine,
• Ranitidine,
• Famotidine,
• Roxatidine
Proton pump
• Omeprazole,
• Esomeprazole,
• Lansoprazole,
• Pantoprazole,
• Rabeprazole
Anticholinergic drugs
• Pirenzepine,
• Telenzepine
• Propantheline
Prostaglandin analogues:
• Misoprostol
• Sodium bicarbonate,
• Sodium citrate
• Magnesium hydroxide,
• Magnesium trisilicate,
• Aluminum hydroxide,
• Calcium carbonate.
• Sucralfate
• Colloidal bismuth
subcitrate (CBS).
• Amoxicillin,
• Tetracycline,
• Clarithromycin,
• Metronidazole,
• Tinidazole
Neutralization of Gastric acid(Antacids)
Ulcer protectives
Anti-H. Pylori drugs
• Gastric Anti-secretory Drugs:-
• H2 Receptor Blocker(Anti-Histaminics):-
• Drugs:-Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Roxatidine
Cimetidine is the prototype drug and was the first H2-blocker to be used in clinical
MOA:-Competitively block H2 receptor on parietal cells→↓Acid production
↓Nocturnal acid secretion (histamine mediated) more effectively than acid
secretion stimulated by gastrin,Ach-most effective for duodenal ulcer
Famotidine-higher dose-blocks Non-Competitively
PPI Preferred over H2 blockers due to Side effect & potency
All absorbed orally-food doesn’t interfere with absorption
Lowest BA-Famotidine(40%) & highest BA-Nizatidine(>90%)
Cimetidine-Cross BBB produces CNS side effects especially in elderly patients
T1/2-1.5-4hr. Duration of Acting-6-12hr.
Excretion →urine
Cimetidine→not use due to First pass metabolism & antiandrogenic effect
Anti-androgenic effect-
reversible gynecomastia in male→↑prolactin release (higher dose)
Menstrual irregularities and galactorrhoea in women
Cimetidine× Phenytoin, digoxin, theophylline, warfarin, propranolol
(Cimetidine -enzyme inhibitor of Cytochrome-P450-may cause toxicity)
Famotidine-Most potent + longest Acting drug
less Side effect(Anti-androgenic effect) & less drug interaction
Duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, stress induce ulcer, ZE syndrome, GERD
Proton pump inhibitors:-
Drugs:-Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole
Irreversible inhibit H+K+ATPase pump(proton pump) plays an important role in
the final step of gastric acid secretion
Omeprazole is the prototype drug
MOA:- PPI(Prodrug)
Activated in Acidic medium in canaliculi of parietal cells into sulfenamide
Active form react with sulfhydryl group(-SH) in H+K+ATPase
Irreversible inhibit proton pump
(Inhibit gastric acid secretion)
• Pharmacokinetics:-
• Absorption:-PPI→ degraded in Acidic pH of stomach (except-Pantoprazole)
• ↓BA-when taken with food (should be taken empty stomach/Enteric coated
gelatine capsule)
• Omeprazole+NaHCo3→combination therapy (↑pH of stomach→ prevent
• Distribution-Highly bound to plasma protein
• They hv shorter t1/2-1-2hr but action last for more than 24hr.due to irreversible
inhibition (hit & run drug)
• Metabolism-sulfation by liver cytochrome-P-450(CYP3A4,CYP2C19)
• Excretion-urine
• Lansoprazole→ most potent, safe in pregnancy
• Pantoprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole→ can be given I.V. route
• Rabeprazole→ fastest onset of Action
 USES:-
1. Peptic ulcer:-
PPI →Preferred over H2-blockers due to rapid onset of action & ulcer healing.
omeprazole is 20 mg and lansoprazole is 30 mg once daily.
Duodenal ulcers- require 4-weeks therapy and gastric ulcers require 6–8-weeks
therapy for healing.
In acute bleeding ulcers-I.V. PPIs are preferred. (Pantoprazole)
H. pylori-associated ulcers:- triple & quadruple therapy (Lansoprazole)
Stress ulcers (Curling ulcer):- Prophylactic use of oral omeprazole /i.v.PPI
NSAID-induced ulcers:- PPIs are more effective
2. GERD-DOC-PPI(Esomeprazole most effective)
3. Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (Z–E syndrome):- PPI →DOC for Higher doses
of PPIs are needed for healing of ulcers. Surgery is the definitive treatment.
• SE:-
Uncommon-safe drug in short term use
Long term therapy-
Sever hypocholorhydria
Hypergastrinemia-include gastric hyperplasia
↓absorption of Vit-B12
Risk of hip fracture-↓Ca++ absorption
• Omeprazole × Diazepam, phenytoin, warfarin→
• PPI inhibit metabolism (CYP2C19) leading to ↑plasma levels (interaction rare
with pantoprazole, rabeprazole)
• Drugs:- Pirenzepine,Telenzepine
• MOA:- Inhibit M1 receptor in intramural ganglia, histamine secreting cells,
gastric parietal cells
• ↓acid secretion at dose→that have minimal effect on heart, eye, bladder
• Oral efficacy equal to anti-histaminic(cimetidine) action in healing gastric &
duodenal ulcer
• SE:-dry mouth, blurring of vision
• Low efficacy
• side effects
Not commonly use
 Prostaglandin analogues:- Drug-Misoprostol-PGE1 Analogue orally effective
 Action-
 Inhibit Acid secretion
 Promote ↑HCO3 secretion
Cytoprotective action-
Reinforce mucus layer by ↑phospholipid content of surface epithelium &
↑mucosal BF
• NSAID-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers→ Producing cytoprotective
• SE:-Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramp, dysmenorrhea
• Contraindication-
• Pregnancy-promote abortion (Abortifacients)
• Weak bases that neutralize GA (They don’t ↓ Acid production )
• ↑pH of gastric contents (optimum peptic activity between pH 2-4)
• Major role→ to provide prompt relief from ulcer pain
Neutralization of Gastric acid (Antacids)
An ideal antacid:-
 should be insoluble and capable of neutralizing acid.
should not liberate CO2
should be nonabsorbable
should not disturb the acid–base balance of the body
Types:- Systemic(absorbed from GIT),Local (poorly absorbed)
Systemic antacids:-
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3):-
Water soluble short acting rapidly neutralizes gastric acid
Disadvantages :-
Highly Water soluble & rapidly dissolve from gut
pH raise above 7 cause alkalosis & CO2 accumulation in stomach
Release CO2 cause belching & gastric distension(perforation of ulcer can occur)
Contraindicated in chronic cardiac failure pt.→↑Na+ load cause water retention
Sodium citrate:- Action similar to NaHCO3 but no CO2 production
Use to treat systemic acidosis
Local Antacids:-
• Drugs:- Magnesium hydroxide, Magnesium trisilicate, Aluminum hydroxide, Calcium
• Insoluble in water are poorly absorbed.
• formed chloride salt in stomach which react with bicarbonate
• HCO3¯ is not available for absorption, hence, there is no systemic alkalosis -no acid
base disturbance
• Combination of antacids produces various beneficial effects.
• 1. Aluminum salts cause constipation and magnesium salts cause diarrhea; so
combination of these two can counteract the adverse effects of each other.
• 2. Magnesium hydroxide has a rapid onset of action, but aluminum hydroxide acts
slowly—the combined product produces rapid and sustained effect.
• 3. Dose of individual antacid is reduced; hence systemic toxicity is minimized.
• SE of antacids:-
• 1. NaHCO3-cause systemic alkalosis and sodium overload.
• 2. Magnesium hydroxide- cause diarrhoea.
• 3. Aluminium hydroxide may produce constipation and phosphate depletion.
• 4. Calcium carbonate may produce hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria.
• 5. Acid rebound can occur
• Drug interactions:-
• Antacids × iron, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, ketoconazole
(Antacids ↓ absorption of those drug by forming complex)
• These drugs forms a cover over ulcer surface
• Drugs- Sucralfate, Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS)
Ulcer Protectives
• Sucralfate:-
• It is a complex of aluminium hydroxide and sulphated sucrose.
• MOA:-
• In the acidic environment of the stomach (pH <4)
undergoes polymerization to form a sticky gel
Which bind to protein & glycoprotein in the ulcer
Form a protective coating which acts as barrier to acid, pepsin & bile salt
(Ulcer protecting action)
Cytoprotective effect by→↑PG release, ↑mucus & HCO3- secretion (↑mucosal defence)
Acidic medium (pH-4)
• Sucralfate × Antacids-(for action acidic medium require)
• Sucralfate × digoxin, tetracyclines, ketoconazole, fluoroquinolones→
sucralfate↓absorption of these drugs (to be taken 2hr after the consumption of
these drugs )
• Minimal absorption-orally
• Should be given empty stomach & 1hr before meal
• Contraindication-Chronic renal insufficiency- Al toxicity occur
• SE:-constipation, Nausea
• Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS):-
Most commonly used oral bismuth preparations
React with protein in the base of the ulcer and protect it from peptic digestion.
Stimulate the secretion of PGE2, mucus and bicarbonate.
Effective against H. pylori along with tetracycline, metronidazole etc.
• SE:-Nausea, vomiting, blackening of the tongue and stools
• H.Pylori infection:-
• Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative, helical rod-shaped bacteria, is associated
with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastric carcinoma
• Bacteria Residing in deeper portion of mucus gel between mucus layer &
• H.pylori produced urease which convert urea → NH3
• Developing countries-80% population infected
• Transmission occur→ contaminated water & food
• Diagnosis-biopsy urease test
• Single Antibiotic regimen → ineffective
• The objectives of combination therapy:-
• To prevent or delay the development of resistant organism.(relapse)
• Promote rapid ulcer healing→by eradicating H.pylori infection
Triple Therapy:- (for 2 weeks)
Lansoprazole-30mg BD
Any 2 of –
1.Amoxycillin-1000mg BD
2.Clarithromycin-500mg BD
BD/Tinidazole-500mg BD
H.Pylori Regimens
Quadruple therapy:- (for 2 weeks)
1.Omeprazole-20mg BD
2.Colloidal bismuth subcitrate-120mg QID
3.Tetracycline-500mg QID
4.Metronidazole-400mg TDS
Question paper
• Q1. Write Drug treatment of: - H. Pyroli infection
• Q2. Write short notes on:- (2.5M)
 Omeprazole (2.5M)
 Proton pump inhibitors (5M)
• Q3. Briefly describe drug treatment of any:- Peptic ulcer
• 4.Discuss the following: -Therapeutic use of Clarithromycin in peptic ulcer (3M)
• 5.Describe the following: - Proton pump inhibitors (2.5 M)
• 6.Discuss the pharmacological basis of the use of: (5M)
 Omeprazole in peptic ulcer
 Sucralfate in peptic ulcer
 Antacids in GERD
 7. Classify drugs used for treatment of peptic ulcer. Discuss mechanism of action, uses and
adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors

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Gastro-intestinal Pharmacology

  • 1.
  • 2. Drugs for Peptic Ulcer and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Antiemetic, Prokinetic and Digestant Drugs Drugs for Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • 3.
  • 4.  Too frequent, often too precipitate passage of poorly formed stools  WHO defined:- 3 or more loose or watery stools in a 24 hrs. period  ↑frequency of stool + consistency (watery stool)  Occurs due to passage of excess water & Electrolytes in faces  Dehydration-most common cause of death in diarrhea Cause:-  ↓ electrolyte and water absorption  ↑ secretion by intestinal mucosa  ↑ luminal osmotic load  Inflammation of mucosa and exudation into lumen
  • 5.
  • 6. Diarrhoea Infective gastroenteritis Irritable bowel syndrome Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease Acute chronic diarrhoea Mild Moderate Secretory Diarrhoea Constipation dominant IBS Diarrhoea dominant IBS Villous adenoma
  • 7. Type s 1.acute Diarrhoea- 2.chronic diarrhoea- Persist for more than 2 weeks Mild Moderate 5-7% Body water loss 7-10% Body water loss
  • 8.  Bacterial:- Vibrio cholera Enterotoxigenic E.coli(ETEC) Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile Salmonella Shigella Campylobacter jejuni Y. Enterocolitis  Viral:- Rotavirus- CMV Infectious agents
  • 9.  Absorption:-  Inhibition of Na+K+ ATPase and structural damage to mucosal cell by Rota virus causes diarrhoea by reducing absorption  Secretion:-  Excess of bile acids also cause diarrhoea by activating adenylyl cyclase  Prostaglandins, Intracellular Ca++ also stimulate secretory process  Cholera toxin, Enterotoxigenic E. coli(ETEC) , Staph aureus, Salmonella stimulate adenylyl cyclase- increasing secretion  GI motility:-↓segmentation + ↑peristalsis -:Pathophysiology:-
  • 10.
  • 11. Treatment should always be directed according to underlying cause. -most diarrhea-self limiting Rehydration therapy Drug therapy I.V. Oral # severe fluid loss >10% BW Oral rehydration therapy
  • 12.  The recommended composition of i.v. fluid Composition:- Nacl-5gm (85mM) Kcl-1gm (13mM) in 1L of water or 5% NaHCO3-4gm (48mM) glucose solution.  Volume equivalent to 10% BW should be infused over 2-4 hours Dhaka Fluid:-
  • 13.  ORS therapy is the core of management of acute diarrhoea(mild-5-7% BW/moderate-7.5-10% BW)  A mixture of salts and water  Purpose:-  To correct water electrolyte deficient  To prevent dehydration  Reduce mortality  Advantages:- Simplest, safest, least expensive life saving method ORS-Therapy
  • 14.  Improved form of ORS with addition of certain actively transported amino acids like alanine, glycine  Glucose is replace with boiled rice powder  Advantages:-  enhanced absorption  decrease frequency of diarrhoea  less chance of osmotic diarrhoea in high dose also # it has been found to reduce stool volume compared to WHO-ORS in cholera
  • 15.  Mainly in children below 5 yr. age  Zn+ORS-↓severity of acute diarrhoea  Zn supplement cont. for 10-14days  Mechanism:- 1. ↓fluid secretion in intestine by inhibiting cAMP dependent Cl- transport 2. improve immune response and help regeneration of intestinal epithelium Roll of Zinc in diarrhoea
  • 16. Diarrhoea patients  Watery Stool Without mucus or blood  Frequent vomiting,  Periumbilical cramps,  No fever Causative organism:- (non-invasive enterotoxigenic bacteria) include  Cholera,  ETEC,  Salmonella enteritidis,  Staph. aureus,  Bacillus cereus  Rota virus ORS and not Antimicrobials  Watery Stool + mucus / blood  No vomiting,  Abdominal cramps  Mild dehydration with fever Causative organism:- (entero-invasive organisms) include  Shigella,  Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC),  Campy jejuni,  Salmonella typhimurium,  Yersinia enterocolitica,  E. histolytica,  Clostridium difficile Antimicrobials Non-invasive diarrhoea Invasive diarrhoea Infective gastroenteritis
  • 17. DRUGS FOR DIARRHOEA Specific antimicrobial drugs Non-Specific antimicrobial drugs Probiotics Norfloxacin Ciprofloxacin Ofloxacin Rifaximin Cotrimoxazolc Tetracycline Erythromycin Metronidazole . Lactobacillus sp. Bifidobacterium bifidum Strep. faecalis Enterococcus sp. Saccharomyces b Absorbants Anti-motility Drugs Anti-secretory agents Ispaghula Methylcellulose Racecadotril Bismuth subsalisylate Anticholinergics Octerotides Codeine Diphenoxylate Loperamide
  • 18. Causative organism/Disease Antimicrobial Agents Cholera ORS, Tetracycline, Co-trimoxazole Campylobacter Norfloxacin, other fluroquinolones Clostridium difficile Metronidazole, Vancomycin Amoebiasis/giardiasis Metronidazole Yersinia enterocolitica Cotrimoxazole, Ciprofloxacin Rotavirus Non-antimicrobial therapy Salmonella food poisoning ORT, Infant/elderly-ciprofloxacin/azithromycin Travellers diarrhoea Norfloxacin, cotrimoxazole, doxycycline Specific Antimicrobial drugs
  • 19. WHO:- “Live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”  Microbial cell preparations, Live cultures or lyophillised powder E.g.-Lactobacillus sp, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Strep.faecalis, Enterococcus sp., Saccharomyces b  Advantages:- 1. Restore and maintain healthy gut flora 2. Recolonization of the gut by non-pathogenic mostly lactic acid forming bacteria  Use:-Acute infectious diarrhoea, Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea,Travellers diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, relief in bloating and flatulence #curd/yogurt is an abundant source of lactic acid producing organisms, which can serve as probiotics. Probiotics
  • 20. Absorbed Water & ↑ stool bulk Modify consistency & frequency of stool No action on water electrolytes loss Eg.- Ispaghula , Psyllium, methylcellulose USE:- Irritable bowel syndrome During ileostomy Colostomy diarrhea Bile salt induced diarrhea-Cholestyramine
  • 21. Racecadotril Bismuth subsalicylate Anti-cholinergic Octreotide Racecadotril Racecadotril Prodrug Converted Thiorphan + δ-Opioid receptor (secretary) agonist ↓Mucosal cAMP Prevent degradation of Endogenous enkephalins ↓ intestinal hyperhypersecretion Enkephalinase inhibitors
  • 22.  Use:- Acute secretary diarrhoeas  Use In children  SE:- Nausea, Vomiting, flatulence, Drowsiness Bismuth Subsalicylate Anti-secretory Anti-inflammatory Anti microbial effects(H. pylori) Action:- ↓ PG synthesis in intestinal mucosa ↓Cl- secretion use:- Traveller’s diarrhoea (prophylaxis)
  • 23.  Antispasmodic actions  ↓ bowel motility and secretion  Used in drug induced diarrhoea  Provide some symptomatic relief in dysenteries  They may beneficial in drug induced diarrhoeas  Atropine- used in nervous(stress induced) & drug induced diarrhoea Anti- cholinergics
  • 24.  Synthetic octapeptide analogue of Somatostatin  Longer acting-t1/2-90min  Action-  Potent anti- secretory & antimotility action on the gut.  It Suppresses hormone (gastrin, cck, glucagon secretin, pancreatic polypeptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and 5-HT) which enhance intestinal mucosal secretion Use:-  control diarrhoea in carcinoid  Refractory diarrhoea in AIDS pt.(S.C.)  higher doses diarrhoea due to vagotomy or dumping syndrome  pancreatic fistula SE:-nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence Octreotide
  • 25. Anti-motility drugs These are opioid drugs acting through μ-receptor(enteric neuronal network) Only symptomatic relief in diarrhoea  Opioid receptor Action:-  δ receptor action- secretion  μ receptor action- propulsive movement Advantages:- ↑ tone & segmenting activity of the bowel ↓propulsive movement & intestinal secretion No tolerance develops to constipating action Anti- motility drugs not to be given in infective diarrheas
  • 26.  Codeine-Prominent constipating action at 60 mg TDS  MOA:-μ-receptor agonist-↓Peristalsis  Central effect  Side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness  Not been used due to abuse potential Codeine
  • 27.  synthetic opioid, chemically related to pethidine  Most prominent antidiarrheal agent  Produced opioid dependence  Atropine is added in sub pharmacological dose to discourage abuse (dryness of mouth-unpleasant which masks the euphoria produce by Diphenoxylate)  (2.5 mg diphenoxylate + 0.025 mg atropine)-FDC  The anticholinergic properties of atropine may contribute to the antidiarrheal action  Contraindication:-  below 6 year of age- respiratory depression, paralytic ileus and toxic megacolon in children Diphenoxylate
  • 28.  Semisynthetic opioid analogue  Major peripheral μ-opioid action+ Weak anti- cholinergic property  Most effective, suitable antimotility antidiarrheal agents  Acts on μ-opioid receptor on circular+ longitudinal muscle fibers-inhibit propulsive movement  Advantage:- 1) As antimotility agent-40 time more potent than morphine 2) Poor CNS penetration-no abuse liability 3) Longer duration of action (12hr) 4) ↑anal sphincter tone, antisecretory property 5) interaction with calmodulin receptor-inhibition Loperamide
  • 29.  USE:-traveler diarrhoea  Adverse effects:- abdominal cramps and rashes  Contraindicated:-  Children age < 4 yrs.:- paralytic ileus occur  Infective diarrhea- delays clearance of pathogen by producing constipation may also produced disastrous symptoms
  • 30.  US-FDA approve minimally absorbed oral rifamycin  Active against-E. coli  It is as effective as ciprofloxacin  Less side effect due to poor absorption  Used- 1.empiric treatment of “travellers diarrhoea” 2.hepatic encephalopathy 3.IBS, before & after gut surgery Side effect:- flatulence, abdominal pain, defecation urgency and headache Rifaximin
  • 31. Inflammatory bowel disease Group of Auto-immune disease in which intestine becomes inflamed Occurs due to imbalance b/w pro-inflammatory & anti-inflammatory cytokines major 2 types 1. Crohn’s disease 2.Ulcerative colitis Drugs 5-amino salicylic acid compound Sulfasalazine Mesalazine Balsalazide Olsalazine Glucocorticoids Prednisolone Hydrocortisone (enema) Immunosuppressants Azathioprine Methotrexate Cyclosporine TNF inhibitor infliximab
  • 33. Too infrequent passage of stool that may be due to decrease motility of colon or due to difficulty in evacuation  low stool frequency alone is not the sole criterion for the diagnosis of constipation.  Many constipated patients have a normal frequency of defecation but complain of excessive straining  hard stools,  lower abdominal fullness, or a sense of incomplete evacuation Introduction
  • 34. General measures:- Adequate fluid intake High fiber contents in diet Regular exercise Regulation of bowel habit Avoid drug causing constipation are best to avoid constipation According to intensity of action:- Laxatives Purgatives Milder action Soft stool formation Stronger Action More fluid evacuation
  • 35. Drugs to treat constipation Bulk purgatives Osmotic purgatives Stimulant Or Irritant purgatives Fecal softeners (lubricants) Stool wetting agents Dietary fibers Natural plant products & semi synthetic hydrophilic colloids Synthetic non absorbed resins
  • 36. Increase volume of non-absorbable solid residue E.g.- 1.Dietary fibers- Undigested polysaccharide vegetables, fruits, grains, bran, pectin, 2. Natural plant products & semi synthetic hydrophilic colloids Psyllium seed, methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC), Ispaghula 3.Synthetic non absorbed resins:- calcium polycarbophil Bulk Purgatives
  • 37. Mechanism:- ↑ Bulk of intestinal content by water absorption ↑ Mechanical pressure on the wall of intestine (mechanical distension) Stimulate of stretch receptors ↑peristalsis (Promote defecation)
  • 38. Caution:- large amount of water to be taken along with bulk purgatives to avoid intestinal obstruction USES:- Irritable bowel syndrome-  Functional bowel disorder associated by characteristic clusters of symptoms in the absence of detectable structural abnormalities in GIT motility Contraindication:- Megacolon , Megarectum , gut ulceration Side effect:- Abdominal discomfort ,flatulance
  • 39. Dietary fibers  Consists of –unabsorbable cell wall +(cellulose, gums, pectin's)  Residual product of flour industry  Facilitates colonic transit-absorbs water & ↑H20 content of stool in intestine  Support bacterial growth –contribute to faecal mass  Certain DF (gums,pectins,lignins )-binds bile acid & promote there excretion in faeces  USES-  Functional constipation  Constipation-(irrespective of improving straining of stools)
  • 40. -:Ispaghula:- Obtain from seed of Plantago ovata MOA:- They contain natural colloidal mucilage which forms a gelatinous mass by absorbing water Largey fermented in colon – increase bacterial mass & softens the faeces Dose:- Ispaghula hask(3-8g)+ water (OD/BID) Should not swallowed dry- cause esophageal impaction
  • 41. Methylcellulose Semi-synthetic, colloidal hydrophilic derivatives of cellulose Largely unfermented in colon 4-6 gm/day is satisfactory Generous amount of water must be taken with all bulk forming agents
  • 42. Drugs ↑ water content in large intestine Most powerful & rapidly acting purgative -:Types:- Organic purgatives:- Lactulose:- semi-synthetic disaccharide of fructose & lactose Neither digested nor absorbed in small intestine-retains water Osmotic purgative Organic purgatives (sugars) Non-Organic purgatives / Saline purgatives
  • 43. MOA:- Lactulose ↓ After fermentation by colonic bacteria convert to Lactic acid & acetic acid ↓ Reduces luminal pH in the colon ↓ NH3 NH4 + (unabsorbed) ↓ Blood ammonia level decrease
  • 44. USES:- Liver cirrhosis/Hepatic coma:- ↓ NH3 Absorption by converting into NH4 +(Ammonium ion) Hepatic encephalopathy Constipation in children & pregnancy Non-Organic purgatives /Saline purgatives Salts of Mg,Na,K E.g.-MgS04-epson’s salts MgO-(milk of magnesia) Sodium phosphate
  • 45. Mechanism:- Osmotic purgatives are given orally, early morning on empty stomach with plenty of water ↓ Acts on the small & large intestines(within 1-3 hr) ↓ Not absorbed in the gut ↓ Draw fluid into the lumen by osmotic activity ↓ Distend the bowel ↓ Stimulate peristalsis ↓ Evacuation of watery stools in 1-3 hrs
  • 46. • They should be avoided in young children & pt with renal failure-as they may cause CNS & cardiac depressant • Sodium phosphate- commonly used in colonoscopy • Can also be used as enema • Should be avoided in cardiac pt. Polyethylene glycol- Used to evacuate the bowel prior to surgical, Radiological and endoscopic procedure
  • 47. Stimulant or Irritant purgatives  Acts via direct stimulation of enteric nervous system  Leading to peristalsis & purgation  Also ↑PG and cAMP levels but Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the intestinal mucosa  Site of action-colon  They cause evacuation –semi fluid stools  SE:- upon chronic use-atonic colon  Large doses may cause loss of fluid & electrolytes  contraindicated- pregnancy(reflex stimulation of uterus) E.g.-Bisacodyl, anthraquinone derivatives, castor oil
  • 48. Bisacodyl Anthraquinone derivatives Available- rectal n tab form Oral absorption-poor Preferred-at bed time(Effect seen after-6-8hrs of admist.) Uses:- Constipation & empty the bowel before endoscopy,surgery,radiological investigation SE:-local irritation, Inflammation Senna & cascara Preferred-at bed time(Effect seen after-6-8hrs of admist.) Acts locally & induce purgation Contraindicated in-lactating mother as they secret by milk SE:- skin rashes, black pigmentation of colonic mucosa, discoloration of urine
  • 49. Fecal softeners (lubricants) Or Stool wetting agents Non-absorbed drugs that soften the feces-promoting defecation 1. Surfactants- ↓ surface tension of faces Commonly prescribed-hospitalized pt to minimized straining e.g.-Docudate-sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate/Enema 2.Glycerin(suppository)- given twice after surgey to avoid any damage to the surgery. Preferred- children Mineral oil-(liquid paraffin) good for radiology preparation
  • 50. CHOICE & USES OF PURGATIVES 1.Functional constipation- a. Spastic Constipation(Irritable bowel)- dietary fibers b. Atonic constipation –Bulk purgatives 2. Bedridden pt-bulk purgatives 3.To avoid straining at stools-bulk purgatives ,luctolose 4.Preparation of bowel for surgery, colonoscopy-bisacodyl
  • 51. Emetics & Anti emetics • Vomiting:- it is a complex series of protective reflex that help to remove toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) • It is the forceful expulsion of the contents of the stomach and upper intestinal tract through the mouth • Nausea:- the feeling of vomiting (↓gastric tone & peristalsis) • Vomiting center-Reticular formation in medulla • Stimulation of this center occur from cerebellum, cerebral cortex, CTZ, Nucleus tractus solitarius(NTS) • CTZ-unprotected by BBB • Neurotransmitter:-involve in control of vomiting are acetylcholine (ACh), histamine,5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine
  • 52. Medulla Vomiting center Stimulation Chemoreceptor trigger zone(CTZ)-Area postrema Cerebellum Nucleus tractus solitarius cortex Smell, pain, sight, psychogenic stimuli, Past memory, Fear + + Inner ear (Motion) Ototoxic drugs like Aminoglycosides + + Drug induced vomiting ( Cytotoxic drug, opioids, Cardiac glycosides, Radiation, Chemotherapy Bacterial & viral infection) + + + GI irritation(Pharyngeal gagging) Pragnancy (oestrogen) + M1,H1 receptor H1,D2,5-HT3,M1,CB1,μ receptor H1,D2,5-HT3,M1,NK1-receptor CB1-Cannabinoid 1 receptor NK1-Neurokinin1 receptor μ-opioid receptor
  • 53. Emetics:- • Drugs that cause vomiting-emetics • Uses:-  Acute case of poisoning Alcohol intoxication Removal of foreign bodies from oesophagus • Contraindication of emetics:- In poisoning of any corrosive (danger of perforation) CNS stimulant (precipitation of convulsion) Kerosene poisoning (Aspiration pneumonia due to low viscosity) Morphine or phenothiazine overdose (emetics are ineffective) In unconscious pt.(laryngeal reflex impaired.)
  • 54. • Apomorphine:- • Semisynthetic derivatives of morphine • Acts as dopaminergic agonist on CTZ • Induce vomiting (within 5-10min) after administered I.M./S.C. • Ipecacuanha:- • Obtained from root of plant Ipecacuanha • Contains emetine which is used as syrup • Produce CTZ stimulation & gastric mucosal irritation • Household remedy:- Mustard oil, strong salt solution can be use in emergency • They act through stimulation of receptor in stomach Drug induced vomiting:- Anti-cancer drug, Apomorphine, chloroquine, quinine, Diltizem, ergot derivatives, tetracycline, metronidazole
  • 56. Anti-cholinergic • Drugs:- Hyoscine (Scopolamine),dicyclomine • Used as transdermal patch in motion sickness • Not effective-chemotherapy induced vomiting • SE:-tachycardia, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention • Dicyclomine-effective in morning sickness + motion sickness • Safe to use in pregnancy • Anti-spasmodic action-use for colicky pain • MOA:- Central anti-cholinergic, peripheral antimuscarinic & sedative properties • USES:- effective against morning sickness, postoperative vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, Meniere's disease H1-Antihistaminics
  • 57. • They are less effective→ substance induce vomiting by acting directly on CTZ • Cyclizine, Meclizine→ (long acting) use for sea sickness • Cinnarizine → Anti-vertigo drug. Additional action. i.e. inhibit influx of Ca++ from endolymph into the vestibular sensory cells which mediate labyrinthine reflex. • Morning sickness in pregnancy-(Doxylamine+VitB6) safe drug • In motion sickness→ should be given half to one hour before journey • These should be avoided in first trimester of pregnancy to avoid any foetal damage 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists Drugs:- Ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron and palonosetron. MOA:- block the depolarizing action of 5-HT3 receptors or vagal afferents in GIT as well as in CTZ & NTC It blocks emetogenic impulses both of central & peripheral origin
  • 58. • Advantage:- highly effective(DOC) for anti-cancer drug induced vomiting such as cisplatin • Disadvantage:- not effective for motion sickness • Ondansetron:- prototype drug with short duration of action • 5HT3 receptor Antagonist • Pharmacokinetics:- • Absorption-orally with BA of 70% (due to First pass metabolism) • Distribution- through out the body • Metabolism-(hepatic metabolism + glucuronide conjugation) • Excretion-urine Uses:- Chemotherapy(cisplatin) induce vomiting-I.V. infusion Post operative vomiting
  • 59. • SE:- constipation, headache, rashes, hypotension • Neuroleptics (D2-receptor Antagonist):- • Antiemetic effect → blockade of D2-receptors in the CTZ • D2 blocked in gut →↑gut motility • Drugs:-phenothiazines, haloperidol • Advantages:- antipsychotic action+ potent Anti-emetic action • Disadvantages:- Not effective → Motion sickness (Muscarinic & Histaminic receptors involve) Cause Extra pyramidal side effect (EPS) Prochlorperazine:-D2 blocking phenothiazine Antivertigo and antiemetic actions- labyrinthine suppressant Effective-Orally + i.v. preparation
  • 60. Prokinetic Agents:- • Agents which ↑propulsive gastric motility in coordinated manner to promote gastric emptying • Metoclopramide:- • Prokinetic action due to 5-HT4 Agonist activity in GIT (Peripheral action) • Central action→D2 blocked in CTZ • Cumulative effect result in-↑↑gastric and duodenal emptying • The effects of metoclopramide on the upper GI tract are: 1.↑tone of lower oesophageal sphincter (LES). 2. ↑tone and amplitude of antral contractions. 3. Relaxation of pyloric sphincter. 4. ↑peristalsis of small intestine. Thus, it promotes forward movement of contents in the upper GIT.
  • 61. Metoclopramide 5-HT4 agonism D2-antagonism 5-HT3 antagonism ↑↑ACh secretion from the myenteric motor neurons Peristalsis  Pharmacokinetics:-  Absorption:-well absorbed orally  Distribution- cross “BBB”-produce EPS (not seen with domperidone)  Plasma t1/2-4-6hr.  Metabolism-sulfation & glucuronide conjugation in liver  Excretion-urine
  • 62. • USES:- Vomiting due to drug induced, Radiation induced, Post operative, Toxins induced Post operative paralytic ileus, diabetic gastroparesis GERD- but less effective than PPI or H2 blockers Emergency surgery-as pt. May not be empty stomach (before GA) SE:- sedation, drowsiness, dizziness and diarrhoea, EPS Long-term use →gynaecomastia, galactorrhoea and menstrual irregularity Interaction:- Metoclopramide ×Diazepam- ↑absorption of diazepam(Toxicity) Metoclopramide ×Digoxin-↓absorption of Digoxin (therapeutic failure) Metoclopramide ×levodopa- interfering anti-parkinsonian effect(due to D2 blocked action )
  • 63. Domperidone:- • Similar anti-emetic action of metoclopramide • Don’t cross “BBB”-No EPS →preferred in children • Prokinetic action→due to blocked of D2 receptor • less potent and less efficacious than metoclopramide • Pharmacokinetics:- • Absorption-orally effective but low BA (High first-pass metabolism) • Distribution- Cant cross BBB • Plasma t1/2-7-8hr • Metabolism-liver • Excretion- urine • USES:- • Vomiting in children • levodopa induced vomiting in Parkinson pt. • Drug induce vomiting-mild-moderate case
  • 64. • Not effective→ sever vomiting, Morning sickness • SE:- • Hyperprolactinaemia-D2 blocked action (Pituitary devoid of BBB) • Dryness of mouth, • diarrhoea, headache, • skin rashes, galactorrhoea and menstrual irregularities • Dose-adult-10-40mg children-0.3-0.6mg/kg(TDS) Mosapride:-5-HT4 agonist Neurokinin-1 receptor blockers:- Aprepitant These are substance-P antagonist that acts by blocking neurokinin-1 receptor DOC-delayed chemotherapy induce nausea & vomiting Use for PO nausea & vomiting
  • 65. Adjuvant Antiemetics • Glucocorticoids:- • Dexamethasone, betamethasone and methylprednisolone are used as adjuvant antiemetics. • USES:- Anticancer drug-induced vomiting:- in combination with ondansetron or metoclopramide due to anti-inflammatory action by blocking PG synthesis Benzodiazepines:- (sedative, amnesic and antianxiety effects) Lorazepam and alprazolam are used to control psychogenic and anticipatory vomiting.
  • 66. Question paper:- Q1. Write short notes on:- (2.5M)  Metoclopramide (2.5M)  Prokinetic Agents(3M/2.5M)  Antiemetics-(3M)  Ondansetron (3M) Q2.Discuss the pharmacological basis of :- Ondansetron in vomiting (3M) Metoclopramide as prokinetic agent(3M) Domperidone as antiemetic(3M) Q3.Discuss treatment of:- Vomiting (3M)
  • 68. • Acid peptic disease → includes Peptic ulcer GERD-gastroesophageal reflex disease Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZE-syndrome)-pathological hypersecretory states induced by gastrin secreting tumour Ulcer→ occur in any part of GIT due to imbalance between aggressive(acid, pepsin, and H.pylori infection) & defensive mucosal factor (gastric mucosa, bicarbonates, prostaglandins) Peptic ulcer- stomach & duodenum expose to acid(HCl) & pepsin Factors affecting HCL secretion Factor ↑Acid secretion  Acetylcholine  Histamine  Gastrin Factor ↓Acid secretion  PGE2  somatostatin
  • 69. • Mucosal barrier:- • Consist of →mucous & bicarbonate (HCO3-) secreted by neck cells of gastric gland & surface of mucosal cells • Function:- Protection of GI-tract from infective, chemical, physical agents It encloses the gastric juice in stomach (impermeable porcelain vase) HCO3- is trapped in mucous gel together help in maintaining the pH gradient of Luminal side-pH (1-2) Surface of epithelial cells-pH(6-7) • PGs→ stimulate mucous+HCO3 secretion & also ↑mucosal BF • Epithelial protection also involve though tight junction that serve as a physical barrier • HCL(gastric acid)→secreted from gastric parietal cells due to stimulation of proton pump (H+/K+ ATPase pump)
  • 70. • Physiology of Gastric secretion:- • The stomach secretes -2–3 L of gastric juice/day. • The chief or peptic cells secrete pepsinogen, • Pepsinogen pepsin • Parietal or oxyntic cells secrete acid and intrinsic factor (IF). • Regulation of gastric acid secretion:- • Receptor mediated binding of Ach(M3), histamine(H2), gastrin(CCK2) in the activation of protein kinase→ stimulate proton pump to secrete H+ ions in exchange for K+ into the lumen of stomach • A Cl- channel couple chloride efflux to the release of H+ • In contrast receptor binding of PG E2 & somatostatin diminish gastric acid production Gastric acid
  • 71.
  • 72.  Classification of drugs used in peptic ulcer:- Reduction of gastric acid secretion H2 Antihistaminics • Cimetidine, • Ranitidine, • Famotidine, • Roxatidine Proton pump inhibitors(PPI) • Omeprazole, • Esomeprazole, • Lansoprazole, • Pantoprazole, • Rabeprazole Anticholinergic drugs • Pirenzepine, • Telenzepine • Propantheline Prostaglandin analogues: • Misoprostol Systemic • Sodium bicarbonate, • Sodium citrate Non-systemic • Magnesium hydroxide, • Magnesium trisilicate, • Aluminum hydroxide, • Calcium carbonate. • Sucralfate • Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS). • Amoxicillin, • Tetracycline, • Clarithromycin, • Metronidazole, • Tinidazole Neutralization of Gastric acid(Antacids) Ulcer protectives Anti-H. Pylori drugs
  • 73. • Gastric Anti-secretory Drugs:- • H2 Receptor Blocker(Anti-Histaminics):- • Drugs:-Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Roxatidine Cimetidine is the prototype drug and was the first H2-blocker to be used in clinical practice MOA:-Competitively block H2 receptor on parietal cells→↓Acid production ↓Nocturnal acid secretion (histamine mediated) more effectively than acid secretion stimulated by gastrin,Ach-most effective for duodenal ulcer Famotidine-higher dose-blocks Non-Competitively PPI Preferred over H2 blockers due to Side effect & potency Pharmacokinetics:- All absorbed orally-food doesn’t interfere with absorption Lowest BA-Famotidine(40%) & highest BA-Nizatidine(>90%) Cimetidine-Cross BBB produces CNS side effects especially in elderly patients
  • 74. T1/2-1.5-4hr. Duration of Acting-6-12hr. Excretion →urine Cimetidine→not use due to First pass metabolism & antiandrogenic effect Anti-androgenic effect- reversible gynecomastia in male→↑prolactin release (higher dose) Menstrual irregularities and galactorrhoea in women Cimetidine× Phenytoin, digoxin, theophylline, warfarin, propranolol (Cimetidine -enzyme inhibitor of Cytochrome-P450-may cause toxicity) Famotidine-Most potent + longest Acting drug less Side effect(Anti-androgenic effect) & less drug interaction USES:- Duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, stress induce ulcer, ZE syndrome, GERD
  • 75. Proton pump inhibitors:- Drugs:-Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole Irreversible inhibit H+K+ATPase pump(proton pump) plays an important role in the final step of gastric acid secretion Omeprazole is the prototype drug MOA:- PPI(Prodrug) ↓ Activated in Acidic medium in canaliculi of parietal cells into sulfenamide ↓ Active form react with sulfhydryl group(-SH) in H+K+ATPase ↓↓ Irreversible inhibit proton pump (Inhibit gastric acid secretion)
  • 76. • Pharmacokinetics:- • Absorption:-PPI→ degraded in Acidic pH of stomach (except-Pantoprazole) • ↓BA-when taken with food (should be taken empty stomach/Enteric coated gelatine capsule) • Omeprazole+NaHCo3→combination therapy (↑pH of stomach→ prevent degradation) • Distribution-Highly bound to plasma protein • They hv shorter t1/2-1-2hr but action last for more than 24hr.due to irreversible inhibition (hit & run drug) • Metabolism-sulfation by liver cytochrome-P-450(CYP3A4,CYP2C19) • Excretion-urine • Lansoprazole→ most potent, safe in pregnancy • Pantoprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole→ can be given I.V. route • Rabeprazole→ fastest onset of Action
  • 77.  USES:- 1. Peptic ulcer:- PPI →Preferred over H2-blockers due to rapid onset of action & ulcer healing. omeprazole is 20 mg and lansoprazole is 30 mg once daily. Duodenal ulcers- require 4-weeks therapy and gastric ulcers require 6–8-weeks therapy for healing. In acute bleeding ulcers-I.V. PPIs are preferred. (Pantoprazole) H. pylori-associated ulcers:- triple & quadruple therapy (Lansoprazole) Stress ulcers (Curling ulcer):- Prophylactic use of oral omeprazole /i.v.PPI NSAID-induced ulcers:- PPIs are more effective 2. GERD-DOC-PPI(Esomeprazole most effective) 3. Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (Z–E syndrome):- PPI →DOC for Higher doses of PPIs are needed for healing of ulcers. Surgery is the definitive treatment.
  • 78. • SE:- Uncommon-safe drug in short term use Long term therapy- Sever hypocholorhydria Hypergastrinemia-include gastric hyperplasia ↓absorption of Vit-B12 Risk of hip fracture-↓Ca++ absorption Interaction:- • Omeprazole × Diazepam, phenytoin, warfarin→ • PPI inhibit metabolism (CYP2C19) leading to ↑plasma levels (interaction rare with pantoprazole, rabeprazole)
  • 79. Anti-cholinergic:- • Drugs:- Pirenzepine,Telenzepine • MOA:- Inhibit M1 receptor in intramural ganglia, histamine secreting cells, gastric parietal cells • ↓acid secretion at dose→that have minimal effect on heart, eye, bladder • Oral efficacy equal to anti-histaminic(cimetidine) action in healing gastric & duodenal ulcer • SE:-dry mouth, blurring of vision • Low efficacy • side effects Not commonly use  Prostaglandin analogues:- Drug-Misoprostol-PGE1 Analogue orally effective  Action-  Inhibit Acid secretion  Promote ↑HCO3 secretion
  • 80. Cytoprotective action- Reinforce mucus layer by ↑phospholipid content of surface epithelium & ↑mucosal BF • USES- • NSAID-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers→ Producing cytoprotective • SE:-Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramp, dysmenorrhea • Contraindication- • Pregnancy-promote abortion (Abortifacients) • Weak bases that neutralize GA (They don’t ↓ Acid production ) • ↑pH of gastric contents (optimum peptic activity between pH 2-4) • Major role→ to provide prompt relief from ulcer pain Neutralization of Gastric acid (Antacids)
  • 81. An ideal antacid:-  should be insoluble and capable of neutralizing acid. should not liberate CO2 should be nonabsorbable should not disturb the acid–base balance of the body Types:- Systemic(absorbed from GIT),Local (poorly absorbed) Systemic antacids:- Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3):- Water soluble short acting rapidly neutralizes gastric acid Disadvantages :- Highly Water soluble & rapidly dissolve from gut pH raise above 7 cause alkalosis & CO2 accumulation in stomach Release CO2 cause belching & gastric distension(perforation of ulcer can occur)
  • 82. Contraindicated in chronic cardiac failure pt.→↑Na+ load cause water retention Sodium citrate:- Action similar to NaHCO3 but no CO2 production Use to treat systemic acidosis Local Antacids:- • Drugs:- Magnesium hydroxide, Magnesium trisilicate, Aluminum hydroxide, Calcium carbonate • Insoluble in water are poorly absorbed. • formed chloride salt in stomach which react with bicarbonate • HCO3¯ is not available for absorption, hence, there is no systemic alkalosis -no acid base disturbance • Combination of antacids produces various beneficial effects. • 1. Aluminum salts cause constipation and magnesium salts cause diarrhea; so combination of these two can counteract the adverse effects of each other. • 2. Magnesium hydroxide has a rapid onset of action, but aluminum hydroxide acts slowly—the combined product produces rapid and sustained effect. • 3. Dose of individual antacid is reduced; hence systemic toxicity is minimized.
  • 83. • SE of antacids:- • 1. NaHCO3-cause systemic alkalosis and sodium overload. • 2. Magnesium hydroxide- cause diarrhoea. • 3. Aluminium hydroxide may produce constipation and phosphate depletion. • 4. Calcium carbonate may produce hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria. • 5. Acid rebound can occur • Drug interactions:- • Antacids × iron, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, ketoconazole (Antacids ↓ absorption of those drug by forming complex) • These drugs forms a cover over ulcer surface • Drugs- Sucralfate, Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS) Ulcer Protectives
  • 84. • Sucralfate:- • It is a complex of aluminium hydroxide and sulphated sucrose. • MOA:- • In the acidic environment of the stomach (pH <4) Sucralfate undergoes polymerization to form a sticky gel Which bind to protein & glycoprotein in the ulcer Form a protective coating which acts as barrier to acid, pepsin & bile salt (Ulcer protecting action) Cytoprotective effect by→↑PG release, ↑mucus & HCO3- secretion (↑mucosal defence) Acidic medium (pH-4) Stomach
  • 85. • Sucralfate × Antacids-(for action acidic medium require) • Sucralfate × digoxin, tetracyclines, ketoconazole, fluoroquinolones→ sucralfate↓absorption of these drugs (to be taken 2hr after the consumption of these drugs ) • Minimal absorption-orally • Should be given empty stomach & 1hr before meal • Contraindication-Chronic renal insufficiency- Al toxicity occur • SE:-constipation, Nausea • Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS):- Most commonly used oral bismuth preparations MOA:- React with protein in the base of the ulcer and protect it from peptic digestion. Stimulate the secretion of PGE2, mucus and bicarbonate. Effective against H. pylori along with tetracycline, metronidazole etc.
  • 86. • SE:-Nausea, vomiting, blackening of the tongue and stools • H.Pylori infection:- • Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative, helical rod-shaped bacteria, is associated with gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastric carcinoma • Bacteria Residing in deeper portion of mucus gel between mucus layer & epithelium • H.pylori produced urease which convert urea → NH3 • Developing countries-80% population infected • Transmission occur→ contaminated water & food • Diagnosis-biopsy urease test • Single Antibiotic regimen → ineffective • The objectives of combination therapy:- • To prevent or delay the development of resistant organism.(relapse) • Promote rapid ulcer healing→by eradicating H.pylori infection
  • 87. Triple Therapy:- (for 2 weeks) Lansoprazole-30mg BD Any 2 of – 1.Amoxycillin-1000mg BD 2.Clarithromycin-500mg BD 3.Metronidazole-400mg BD/Tinidazole-500mg BD H.Pylori Regimens Quadruple therapy:- (for 2 weeks) 1.Omeprazole-20mg BD 2.Colloidal bismuth subcitrate-120mg QID 3.Tetracycline-500mg QID 4.Metronidazole-400mg TDS
  • 88. Question paper • Q1. Write Drug treatment of: - H. Pyroli infection • Q2. Write short notes on:- (2.5M)  Omeprazole (2.5M)  Proton pump inhibitors (5M) • Q3. Briefly describe drug treatment of any:- Peptic ulcer • 4.Discuss the following: -Therapeutic use of Clarithromycin in peptic ulcer (3M) • 5.Describe the following: - Proton pump inhibitors (2.5 M) • 6.Discuss the pharmacological basis of the use of: (5M)  Omeprazole in peptic ulcer  Sucralfate in peptic ulcer  Antacids in GERD  7. Classify drugs used for treatment of peptic ulcer. Discuss mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors