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When I started this production my intentions were to create a twelve-page
booklet that would encourage more males to participate in veganuary. The way I
planned to do this was by using famous sport athletes how were vegan and
talking about they became vegan and showing if they can do it so can you. My
original plan for the multi-page article was to write about the different sport
athletes and there lifestyles before and whilst they were vegan. It was meant to
try to encourage not only male to participate but also people how were just fans
of sport athletes who have come vegan and try to follow them in their footsteps.
My aim was to have a booklet that was appealing to the reader and that had
interesting facts about different people and their lifestyles. I think that I met my
goals after looking back at the product that I created. I think I put more effect
into some parts than others so they didn’t come out exactly the way I want but
at the end the product had everything I wanted in the pages and had the bright
appealing colours as the background.
My work was aimed at a male audience so the use of stereotypical male things is what I
tried to aim my booklet at. For instance aiming it around sport, which is more of a male
thing stereotypically, as well as using the colours blue and green. The reason I was aiming
at males was because when veganuary happens most of the people doing it are female so
was aiming to bring more male participants. The target audience that this booklet is
aimed at is young adults to middle age people. When planning for the age rating I had to
find something that all male people between these ages like and something that a lot of
males like between these ages is sports so basing the booklet on something that my
target audience will like would help make it appeal to them. An example of this would be
fitness men which is aimed at men and shows men products and gives advice on to look
the person on the front that is the sort of thing I was aiming for using sport to get my
point across about veganism.
Within the content there was a multi-page article. The planning for this was choosing a theme
that you wanted to base it of and relate that to sport. Seen, as my theme was sport I focused
on this, I decided to write about the lifestyle before and after being vegan for a sport athlete.
When planning I would find a sport athlete who is vegan and than write about how being
vegan affected his life. I did this a couple of times to get the best version for the booklet. The
first version and the second were to long and drawn out so shortening them to the most
important bits was key for the booklet which is what I did for the third version which ended up
being the one I choose. The time management for this was good I planned to have it take two
days to complete which is the time I took on it. I made a couple of versions to make it last the
amount of pages planned. Originally it was only going to be three pages, which was not
enough so adding pictures allowed it to be longer. Originally I was only going to have images in
the middle of the page and the text on the outside but this would not fill enough pages so
putting the images under the text used up a lot more space to allow me to fill the pages up.
The creative aspects of the main article would be the images and the editing of the images to
get them from what they were to what I wanted them to look like to fit into the article. In this
article they have one big image to cover the entire page like a front cover with on one side a
bit of text about what the article is about and then with the image there is a quote from the
person in the image. They have made this stand out to make sure people see it and they have
made this quote important compared to the rest of the text. In my main article I have multiple
images because in my article I am taking about multiple different sport vegans whereas this is
about one subject. In my article I have focused on having multiple images going with the text
whereas in this example there is only one image and one chunk of text.
The next thing in the booklet was the fact file for this I planned to get famous quotes and use
them with a description of the person who said it. The people I got the quotes from were sport
athlete to stick to the theme that I had. The planning for the fact file was I would go and find the
quotes that I felt were the best from a vegan athlete. When choosing the quotes I tried to use
different ones talking about different aspects of veganism within the quotes. For this I only
made one version of it I added a bit of text with each quote so you could get a feeling for the
person who said the quote. The time management for this was good again as I planed this to
only take a day as before I started production I already had the text that I needed so it wouldn’t
take long as all I had to do was put the text with the background and it was complete. A review
in my work would be when I completed all this I wasn’t planning on having images on the fact
file but I decided to add images so you could see the image of the person who sad. This would
be more the people who don’t know the person.
Another thing that was in the booklet was the info graphic which initially it was going to be a
graph but ended being facts of the veganuary website. The planning for this were I would find
out facts from the veganuary website and then use them. I had also gotten other facts than just
the information for the graph, which came in handy for when I changed from doing the graph.
This saved time because otherwise I would have to find and search for other facts during the
production time. The time management was okay for this, it took longer than expected due to
the change from doing a graph to putting in facts and images related to those facts. If I would
have done this again I would of find lots of facts and got three different ideas so that if one
doesn’t work out I would be able to try out the others whereas this time I only had a few facts
that I could use so I think I could improve it if I improved on my time management skill for the
info graphic. When working I changed the graph because the fact wasn’t telling a good fact
veganuary whereas he one I changed it to was more positive towards veganuary. The creative
aspects of this would be creating the info graphic in general making all the different images to
go with the text and also the text would be creative with having the big letter to start all the
text. Also the background because all the other backgrounds were faded to 50% capacity
whereas on this I changed to 100% to make it stand out more. When I did the peer feedback
they said that the info graphic was creative in the aspect of the images to the text.
Also in the booklet I added an introduction to give people a feeling for the magazine and a
very brief introduction to what veganism is. There was not much planning for this I used the
preparation research to be able to do this. In the research I looked into what veganism was
and how started it, which is the information I used in the introduction. The time management
for this was okay when doing the research I found plenty of information on how and why it
was started and had plenty of time left to research for other parts of the booklet. When first
creating the booklet I didn’t plan on having an introduction but decided that most
booklet/magazines have a little introduction especially on the first issue so I fought it would
make sense to introduce the booklet so people would get a feel for what the magazine is
about. The creative aspects of the introduction would be the background and the title and the
technical side to the introduction would be the text. An area for me to improve on for the
introduction would be to more information on what will be in the booklet as I didn’t touch on
that and just explained what veganism was so people might of got an idea of what the booklet
is about but then I do the rest of the booklet on sport athletes and there careers after being
Another thing that was in the booklet was looking at what sport athletes eat. This is something
that I planned to do with one person but I ended up doing a male and female. This was to show
the difference between the two and also to show the variety of foods that vegan people can eat.
The planning for this was looking on the Internet for the foods that the individual people eat
and then putting them into a document until I needed the information. The preparation for this
was making sure that I got the information from the document into the booklet and made sure
that I got all the different foods correct. The time management for this was good, as this didn’t
take to long to find the information. When making this I was going to add a image of the type of
foods that the person would eat so people could get a image of what they would eat but finding
the specific types of food they would be hard as they would have some of the foods within the
image but there would be something missing from the dish on the internet so I decided not to
put the images. The only thing I could of done differently would of put them as separate foods
and found the three foods he would have for breakfast and put individual images of them. This
would of taken a lot longer than I would of planned to put on this as finding all the images and
than sizing them and making them look good would of eaten into time I would of spent on
something else.
The front cover and back cover were the only other parts to the contents. There was not much
planning for this as I was going to just put an image on the front with a title. The preparation
that went into this was getting the picture from the veganuary website and picking one that
would grab the attention of the reader to make them want to read the magazine.
The time management for this wasn’t great as when making the product I didn’t think that it
looked the best It could so I ended up spending more time on this but I think this was a good
decision because the few adjustments I did made the front cover stand out more and made it
more appealing for the reader. The review in progress was adding a leaf to the background,
which was suggested by the tutor to give it more, to make it stand out. This would go behind the
background and would look really good behind the background. It was used to make a texture
for the page and also I added a logo and a slogan to the front page to make it look more
professional and show of veganuary. I also changed the colours to try and keep to the two-
colour scheme of blue and green. Having the blue images on the blue background and vice verse
allowed it two keep the two-colour set up and made it stand out at the same time. The creative
abilities for this piece would be changing the colours of the text to match the background and
also adding the texture of the leaf into the background. The technical stuff would be the placing
of all the images and text, making sure I was using up most of the space. When comparing the
front cover to other magazines it has a similar style in the fact there is one big image that takes
up most of the page in my booklet the image only takes up the middle of the front cover
whereas in other magazines the images covers the entire image and then the parts of the image
that are not important they put text over. On my booklet I have what to expect in the booklet
like other examples. I have a title that stands out and it clear and easy to read like other titles on
magazines it is big and grabs the intentions of the reader. A lot of magazines have a plain
background or the background of the image whereas in my booklet I have the leaf behind the
colours as extra detail to make people want to read it more. This makes my booklet different
and stand out compared to other magazine out there.
A lot of the magazines have all of the text to the right or to the left of the front cover whereas
mine is directly in the middle except the things that are in the booklet. Also my front cover
seems like it is not cluttered with stuff like other magazines like fashion magazine where there is
text all over the front cover and it looks all cluttered up and there is no space on the front cover
whereas in mine there are areas on the page I have left spaced which in my opinion looks better
than trying to shove as much stuff on the front cover as possible.
The back cover was originally going to be similar to the front cover during the planning stage.
But by the end I changed it up to make it have an interesting look. The planning for this was
simply having an image and a bit of text. The preparation for this was getting the correct image
and making sure the font I would use would be the same from the front cover to keep it
consistent. Just like the front cover the plan was not to spend too much time on this and more
on the contents within the booklet but after looking at it didn’t look appealing and I want to
make it so it would stand out like the front cover after some changes. I decided to look at some
other back covers before completing it and decided to add the link of veganuary, which I got
from another magazine. The time management went okay until I decided to change and add
more to it to make it look more like a back cover, so it took longer than expected but I think at
the end it was worth it. When reviewing the back page at first I fought it was plain and boring
and just adding the extra bit of text and making it stand out just adds more life to the page. The
creative stuff on this page would be the image and the look of the text. The technical stuff
would be the placement of the images and the text used on the page. be theme throughout.
The planning for the style was that I wanted two colours that would go well together and
because it would be aimed at males so I tried to choose stereotypical male colours. I made the
colours light throughout the booklet except from the font cover when I decided to make the
colours stand out more and make them darker to interest more readers. The time management
of the style was okay, as it did not take long to create the look I was going for. When looking at
the two colours I decided to make the colour capacity at 50% to make it have a lighter side
instead of having it darker but then putting the first page darker to stand out from the rest of
the pages because it is an important page as this is the first page a person sees when buying the
booklet. In my questionnaire feedback people side that the dark colours for the front page made
it stand out more then the regular pages. They said the it shows the importance of the front
cover, meaning that this page is important as it is what people will decide on, if they are going to
get it. The style doesn’t really show creative ability, as it is just two colours and one on top of the
other. All the pages are a similar style with the background. Also most of the pages have text
going across the page with the image at the end of the text but in some I have put the image at
the top. But the style of the booklet is very similar in the fact that I have used the same colours
throughout it.
The new skills I have gained would be able to use the InDesign programme. At the start of the
project I hadn’t even use the programme before this project. In this programme I learnt how to
add text and images. When I first put images into the programme I struggled to get them the
correct size and struggled to use the system for adding images. Then I started to use Photoshop
to make the image look how I wanted to then the images would come out a lot better and
would look the way I wanted. I also learned about placing the text into columns and trying out
different looks with the text and seeing which one is best. Using this programme made it easier
to work with long sections of text and made it look better than it would of in Photoshop.
Another skill I acquired would be using the magic wand in Photoshop. Before this project I didn’t
use the magic wand but now I know what it does I find myself using It a lot more as it is a
quicker method than using the rubber tool to erase part of the image you o not want. This tool
has saved me lots more time, as before trying to get rid of parts you don’t want with a rubber is
very time consuming so using this tool it is quick and easier and save time.
The way in which I could improve the front cover would be to make it more of a traditional style
of a front cover, as the type I have gone for is more of an old style than a new one. So I could
make the image cover the entire page instead of just some of the page. I could also look into
putting more information on the front of the booklet to show what is going to be in the booklet.
So when people look at my front cover there is only two things they know will be in the
magazine and if they are not that interesting they are not going to get the booklet but if there is
more on there, is a chance that people might see something they are into, so this may lead
them to buy the product.
The way I could improve the introduction would be to more information on what the booklet is
about as the information I put is to do with the veganuary topic and then the rest of the booklet
is about sport stars so changing the introduction to talk more about sport vegans would make
more sense. This is because the introduction is a bit misleading as someone reading the booklet
may think that the information in the booklet is about veganuary and what it is to be like when
being vegan because of the introduction. But because of the information I put could make
people read the first page and then nothing else as it is not what they expected.
The way I could improve the multi-page article would be make sure all the images are not blurry
as when I put the images into InDesign after editing them in Photoshop some of them would
come out blurry, so making sure that they are not would be something I could improve. Another
thing I could improve would be keeping each page consistent with each over, as some of the
images are much bigger than other. Also some of the pages have more text than others and the
same with images, so making this more of a consistent number of images and a similar amount
of text would make it look more professional. Make sure that the text is only in one big text box
instead of splitting up the text. The reason for this was to make sure it would fit otherwise I
would have had to do another page of something.
The way I could improve the info graphic would be making all the information consistent,
meaning that all the graphs would be the same and all the images would be the similar style and
not having a outline of one image and a cartoon style for another. A good way to show how I
should of done this would be the one for veganuary as this one has the same colours and the
graphs are all the same keeping it more consistent compared to the one a put in my booklet.
The fact file is what I aimed it to be with the quotes from famous sport athletes with a bit of
information about them so in my opinion there is not much I could improve on this. The only
improvements I think I could make are to the way the images are presented. The images could
have been done better in Photoshop before going onto the final piece.
The way in which I could improve the meal plan would be to add images of the foods so people
could see what they eat. But as this was hard to do as there would be some of the meals but not
everything hat they had so it made it difficult to add some images of the foods. I could of got
them individually instead of together to give more to the page as the page doesn’t look that
exciting so maybe adding more images would do that. But with the fact file this is what I aimed
to do with this page so there is not much to improve in my opinion as I did what I planned to do.
The way in which I could improve the back page is to better prepare for this page as when I
originally made it I wanted to make it not as interesting as it turned out. So if I prepared better I
could have made what I did without using as much time. Another way I could improve the back
cover would be to have an image fill the page like on the front cover and then have a little
information on where to find more information instead of having the title on the back cover
because there is no need to have the title there as people will see the title on the front page.
The thoughts I got from the audience from the feedback of the book were very positive. They
believed it was a good piece of work and would be something that they would be interested in.
Some people said that seeing how their favourite sport athlete was vegan made them think
about trying out being vegan for a month. One of the audiences was a female and she said this
was definitely aimed more at more male then female, which was the aim at the start. She also
believed that if I was to find more female vegan athletes than more female might get into more
which would not be what I was aiming at but would bring in more people and would make more
people aware of veganuary than just the people I was aiming it at. People said that the booklet
had a good and consistent colour scheme. People liked the fact it had a 50% capacity to make it
a lighter colour and then they could see the difference in colour from that to the front cover
where the capacity is 100%. When I asked about if there was a consistent style going throughout
the booklet a lot of people mentioned about each page is very similar as it has the same
background colours and also has text with images. But the images would be placed in different
places depending on what the page was about which was not consistent but other than that the
size of the font on every page was the same. The advantages that were given from the booklet
was that it came out the way it was planned to, also another advantage to the booklet was the
main article as a lot of people liked it and thought it made people think that if there idols could
be vegan and achieve what they have then they should be able to do the same. Some
disadvantages given were some of the images were blurry so it made it hard to make out what
was happening in the image. Another disadvantage was the introduction page as it was
informative but the page itself was boring and unless you read the text and was interested in
the subject you wouldn’t read on. Everybody how did the questionnaire said that it got the point
across and it showed that lifestyles don’t have to change just because you are vegan. Everybody
said they would send to other people how are into sports or into the people inside the booklet
but would not recommend to someone how does not know much about sport as it would be
less interesting for that person. An improvement that they recommended about the info graphic
was keep the images consistent and make the information stand out more as the text is small
and as much as the image helps understand the text it doesn’t stand out as much as it would if
the text was bigger because it would catch the attention of the reader because they would see
big text and think that is important. All the people how I asked were not vegan or vegetarian
but some had tried in the past but never continued but after looking into this booklet they
would be willing to try for a month to see what it would be like and it would change and effect
there lives in that one month.

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Evaluation 1

  • 1. When I started this production my intentions were to create a twelve-page booklet that would encourage more males to participate in veganuary. The way I planned to do this was by using famous sport athletes how were vegan and talking about they became vegan and showing if they can do it so can you. My original plan for the multi-page article was to write about the different sport athletes and there lifestyles before and whilst they were vegan. It was meant to try to encourage not only male to participate but also people how were just fans of sport athletes who have come vegan and try to follow them in their footsteps. My aim was to have a booklet that was appealing to the reader and that had interesting facts about different people and their lifestyles. I think that I met my goals after looking back at the product that I created. I think I put more effect into some parts than others so they didn’t come out exactly the way I want but at the end the product had everything I wanted in the pages and had the bright appealing colours as the background.
  • 2. My work was aimed at a male audience so the use of stereotypical male things is what I tried to aim my booklet at. For instance aiming it around sport, which is more of a male thing stereotypically, as well as using the colours blue and green. The reason I was aiming at males was because when veganuary happens most of the people doing it are female so was aiming to bring more male participants. The target audience that this booklet is aimed at is young adults to middle age people. When planning for the age rating I had to find something that all male people between these ages like and something that a lot of males like between these ages is sports so basing the booklet on something that my target audience will like would help make it appeal to them. An example of this would be fitness men which is aimed at men and shows men products and gives advice on to look the person on the front that is the sort of thing I was aiming for using sport to get my point across about veganism.
  • 3. Within the content there was a multi-page article. The planning for this was choosing a theme that you wanted to base it of and relate that to sport. Seen, as my theme was sport I focused on this, I decided to write about the lifestyle before and after being vegan for a sport athlete. When planning I would find a sport athlete who is vegan and than write about how being vegan affected his life. I did this a couple of times to get the best version for the booklet. The first version and the second were to long and drawn out so shortening them to the most important bits was key for the booklet which is what I did for the third version which ended up being the one I choose. The time management for this was good I planned to have it take two days to complete which is the time I took on it. I made a couple of versions to make it last the amount of pages planned. Originally it was only going to be three pages, which was not enough so adding pictures allowed it to be longer. Originally I was only going to have images in the middle of the page and the text on the outside but this would not fill enough pages so putting the images under the text used up a lot more space to allow me to fill the pages up. The creative aspects of the main article would be the images and the editing of the images to get them from what they were to what I wanted them to look like to fit into the article. In this article they have one big image to cover the entire page like a front cover with on one side a bit of text about what the article is about and then with the image there is a quote from the person in the image. They have made this stand out to make sure people see it and they have made this quote important compared to the rest of the text. In my main article I have multiple images because in my article I am taking about multiple different sport vegans whereas this is about one subject. In my article I have focused on having multiple images going with the text whereas in this example there is only one image and one chunk of text.
  • 4.
  • 5. The next thing in the booklet was the fact file for this I planned to get famous quotes and use them with a description of the person who said it. The people I got the quotes from were sport athlete to stick to the theme that I had. The planning for the fact file was I would go and find the quotes that I felt were the best from a vegan athlete. When choosing the quotes I tried to use different ones talking about different aspects of veganism within the quotes. For this I only made one version of it I added a bit of text with each quote so you could get a feeling for the person who said the quote. The time management for this was good again as I planed this to only take a day as before I started production I already had the text that I needed so it wouldn’t take long as all I had to do was put the text with the background and it was complete. A review in my work would be when I completed all this I wasn’t planning on having images on the fact file but I decided to add images so you could see the image of the person who sad. This would be more the people who don’t know the person. Another thing that was in the booklet was the info graphic which initially it was going to be a graph but ended being facts of the veganuary website. The planning for this were I would find out facts from the veganuary website and then use them. I had also gotten other facts than just the information for the graph, which came in handy for when I changed from doing the graph. This saved time because otherwise I would have to find and search for other facts during the production time. The time management was okay for this, it took longer than expected due to the change from doing a graph to putting in facts and images related to those facts. If I would have done this again I would of find lots of facts and got three different ideas so that if one doesn’t work out I would be able to try out the others whereas this time I only had a few facts that I could use so I think I could improve it if I improved on my time management skill for the info graphic. When working I changed the graph because the fact wasn’t telling a good fact towards
  • 6. veganuary whereas he one I changed it to was more positive towards veganuary. The creative aspects of this would be creating the info graphic in general making all the different images to go with the text and also the text would be creative with having the big letter to start all the text. Also the background because all the other backgrounds were faded to 50% capacity whereas on this I changed to 100% to make it stand out more. When I did the peer feedback they said that the info graphic was creative in the aspect of the images to the text. Also in the booklet I added an introduction to give people a feeling for the magazine and a very brief introduction to what veganism is. There was not much planning for this I used the preparation research to be able to do this. In the research I looked into what veganism was and how started it, which is the information I used in the introduction. The time management for this was okay when doing the research I found plenty of information on how and why it was started and had plenty of time left to research for other parts of the booklet. When first creating the booklet I didn’t plan on having an introduction but decided that most booklet/magazines have a little introduction especially on the first issue so I fought it would make sense to introduce the booklet so people would get a feel for what the magazine is about. The creative aspects of the introduction would be the background and the title and the technical side to the introduction would be the text. An area for me to improve on for the introduction would be to more information on what will be in the booklet as I didn’t touch on that and just explained what veganism was so people might of got an idea of what the booklet is about but then I do the rest of the booklet on sport athletes and there careers after being vegan.
  • 7. Another thing that was in the booklet was looking at what sport athletes eat. This is something that I planned to do with one person but I ended up doing a male and female. This was to show the difference between the two and also to show the variety of foods that vegan people can eat. The planning for this was looking on the Internet for the foods that the individual people eat and then putting them into a document until I needed the information. The preparation for this was making sure that I got the information from the document into the booklet and made sure that I got all the different foods correct. The time management for this was good, as this didn’t take to long to find the information. When making this I was going to add a image of the type of foods that the person would eat so people could get a image of what they would eat but finding the specific types of food they would be hard as they would have some of the foods within the image but there would be something missing from the dish on the internet so I decided not to put the images. The only thing I could of done differently would of put them as separate foods and found the three foods he would have for breakfast and put individual images of them. This would of taken a lot longer than I would of planned to put on this as finding all the images and than sizing them and making them look good would of eaten into time I would of spent on something else. The front cover and back cover were the only other parts to the contents. There was not much planning for this as I was going to just put an image on the front with a title. The preparation that went into this was getting the picture from the veganuary website and picking one that would grab the attention of the reader to make them want to read the magazine.
  • 8. The time management for this wasn’t great as when making the product I didn’t think that it looked the best It could so I ended up spending more time on this but I think this was a good decision because the few adjustments I did made the front cover stand out more and made it more appealing for the reader. The review in progress was adding a leaf to the background, which was suggested by the tutor to give it more, to make it stand out. This would go behind the background and would look really good behind the background. It was used to make a texture for the page and also I added a logo and a slogan to the front page to make it look more professional and show of veganuary. I also changed the colours to try and keep to the two- colour scheme of blue and green. Having the blue images on the blue background and vice verse allowed it two keep the two-colour set up and made it stand out at the same time. The creative abilities for this piece would be changing the colours of the text to match the background and also adding the texture of the leaf into the background. The technical stuff would be the placing of all the images and text, making sure I was using up most of the space. When comparing the front cover to other magazines it has a similar style in the fact there is one big image that takes up most of the page in my booklet the image only takes up the middle of the front cover whereas in other magazines the images covers the entire image and then the parts of the image that are not important they put text over. On my booklet I have what to expect in the booklet like other examples. I have a title that stands out and it clear and easy to read like other titles on magazines it is big and grabs the intentions of the reader. A lot of magazines have a plain background or the background of the image whereas in my booklet I have the leaf behind the colours as extra detail to make people want to read it more. This makes my booklet different and stand out compared to other magazine out there.
  • 9. A lot of the magazines have all of the text to the right or to the left of the front cover whereas mine is directly in the middle except the things that are in the booklet. Also my front cover seems like it is not cluttered with stuff like other magazines like fashion magazine where there is text all over the front cover and it looks all cluttered up and there is no space on the front cover whereas in mine there are areas on the page I have left spaced which in my opinion looks better than trying to shove as much stuff on the front cover as possible.
  • 10. The back cover was originally going to be similar to the front cover during the planning stage. But by the end I changed it up to make it have an interesting look. The planning for this was simply having an image and a bit of text. The preparation for this was getting the correct image and making sure the font I would use would be the same from the front cover to keep it consistent. Just like the front cover the plan was not to spend too much time on this and more on the contents within the booklet but after looking at it didn’t look appealing and I want to make it so it would stand out like the front cover after some changes. I decided to look at some other back covers before completing it and decided to add the link of veganuary, which I got from another magazine. The time management went okay until I decided to change and add more to it to make it look more like a back cover, so it took longer than expected but I think at the end it was worth it. When reviewing the back page at first I fought it was plain and boring and just adding the extra bit of text and making it stand out just adds more life to the page. The creative stuff on this page would be the image and the look of the text. The technical stuff would be the placement of the images and the text used on the page. be theme throughout. The planning for the style was that I wanted two colours that would go well together and because it would be aimed at males so I tried to choose stereotypical male colours. I made the colours light throughout the booklet except from the font cover when I decided to make the colours stand out more and make them darker to interest more readers. The time management of the style was okay, as it did not take long to create the look I was going for. When looking at the two colours I decided to make the colour capacity at 50% to make it have a lighter side instead of having it darker but then putting the first page darker to stand out from the rest of the pages because it is an important page as this is the first page a person sees when buying the booklet. In my questionnaire feedback people side that the dark colours for the front page made it stand out more then the regular pages. They said the it shows the importance of the front cover, meaning that this page is important as it is what people will decide on, if they are going to
  • 11. get it. The style doesn’t really show creative ability, as it is just two colours and one on top of the other. All the pages are a similar style with the background. Also most of the pages have text going across the page with the image at the end of the text but in some I have put the image at the top. But the style of the booklet is very similar in the fact that I have used the same colours throughout it. The new skills I have gained would be able to use the InDesign programme. At the start of the project I hadn’t even use the programme before this project. In this programme I learnt how to add text and images. When I first put images into the programme I struggled to get them the correct size and struggled to use the system for adding images. Then I started to use Photoshop to make the image look how I wanted to then the images would come out a lot better and would look the way I wanted. I also learned about placing the text into columns and trying out different looks with the text and seeing which one is best. Using this programme made it easier to work with long sections of text and made it look better than it would of in Photoshop. Another skill I acquired would be using the magic wand in Photoshop. Before this project I didn’t use the magic wand but now I know what it does I find myself using It a lot more as it is a quicker method than using the rubber tool to erase part of the image you o not want. This tool has saved me lots more time, as before trying to get rid of parts you don’t want with a rubber is very time consuming so using this tool it is quick and easier and save time.
  • 12. The way in which I could improve the front cover would be to make it more of a traditional style of a front cover, as the type I have gone for is more of an old style than a new one. So I could make the image cover the entire page instead of just some of the page. I could also look into putting more information on the front of the booklet to show what is going to be in the booklet. So when people look at my front cover there is only two things they know will be in the magazine and if they are not that interesting they are not going to get the booklet but if there is more on there, is a chance that people might see something they are into, so this may lead them to buy the product. The way I could improve the introduction would be to more information on what the booklet is about as the information I put is to do with the veganuary topic and then the rest of the booklet is about sport stars so changing the introduction to talk more about sport vegans would make more sense. This is because the introduction is a bit misleading as someone reading the booklet may think that the information in the booklet is about veganuary and what it is to be like when being vegan because of the introduction. But because of the information I put could make people read the first page and then nothing else as it is not what they expected. The way I could improve the multi-page article would be make sure all the images are not blurry as when I put the images into InDesign after editing them in Photoshop some of them would come out blurry, so making sure that they are not would be something I could improve. Another thing I could improve would be keeping each page consistent with each over, as some of the images are much bigger than other. Also some of the pages have more text than others and the same with images, so making this more of a consistent number of images and a similar amount of text would make it look more professional. Make sure that the text is only in one big text box instead of splitting up the text. The reason for this was to make sure it would fit otherwise I would have had to do another page of something.
  • 13. The way I could improve the info graphic would be making all the information consistent, meaning that all the graphs would be the same and all the images would be the similar style and not having a outline of one image and a cartoon style for another. A good way to show how I should of done this would be the one for veganuary as this one has the same colours and the graphs are all the same keeping it more consistent compared to the one a put in my booklet. The fact file is what I aimed it to be with the quotes from famous sport athletes with a bit of information about them so in my opinion there is not much I could improve on this. The only improvements I think I could make are to the way the images are presented. The images could have been done better in Photoshop before going onto the final piece. The way in which I could improve the meal plan would be to add images of the foods so people could see what they eat. But as this was hard to do as there would be some of the meals but not everything hat they had so it made it difficult to add some images of the foods. I could of got them individually instead of together to give more to the page as the page doesn’t look that exciting so maybe adding more images would do that. But with the fact file this is what I aimed to do with this page so there is not much to improve in my opinion as I did what I planned to do. The way in which I could improve the back page is to better prepare for this page as when I originally made it I wanted to make it not as interesting as it turned out. So if I prepared better I could have made what I did without using as much time. Another way I could improve the back cover would be to have an image fill the page like on the front cover and then have a little information on where to find more information instead of having the title on the back cover because there is no need to have the title there as people will see the title on the front page.
  • 14. The thoughts I got from the audience from the feedback of the book were very positive. They believed it was a good piece of work and would be something that they would be interested in. Some people said that seeing how their favourite sport athlete was vegan made them think about trying out being vegan for a month. One of the audiences was a female and she said this was definitely aimed more at more male then female, which was the aim at the start. She also believed that if I was to find more female vegan athletes than more female might get into more which would not be what I was aiming at but would bring in more people and would make more people aware of veganuary than just the people I was aiming it at. People said that the booklet had a good and consistent colour scheme. People liked the fact it had a 50% capacity to make it a lighter colour and then they could see the difference in colour from that to the front cover where the capacity is 100%. When I asked about if there was a consistent style going throughout the booklet a lot of people mentioned about each page is very similar as it has the same background colours and also has text with images. But the images would be placed in different places depending on what the page was about which was not consistent but other than that the size of the font on every page was the same. The advantages that were given from the booklet was that it came out the way it was planned to, also another advantage to the booklet was the main article as a lot of people liked it and thought it made people think that if there idols could be vegan and achieve what they have then they should be able to do the same. Some disadvantages given were some of the images were blurry so it made it hard to make out what was happening in the image. Another disadvantage was the introduction page as it was informative but the page itself was boring and unless you read the text and was interested in the subject you wouldn’t read on. Everybody how did the questionnaire said that it got the point across and it showed that lifestyles don’t have to change just because you are vegan. Everybody said they would send to other people how are into sports or into the people inside the booklet but would not recommend to someone how does not know much about sport as it would be
  • 15. less interesting for that person. An improvement that they recommended about the info graphic was keep the images consistent and make the information stand out more as the text is small and as much as the image helps understand the text it doesn’t stand out as much as it would if the text was bigger because it would catch the attention of the reader because they would see big text and think that is important. All the people how I asked were not vegan or vegetarian but some had tried in the past but never continued but after looking into this booklet they would be willing to try for a month to see what it would be like and it would change and effect there lives in that one month.