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Hannah Palfreeman
Day One 08/05/2018
This was the first day of production. For the first lesson, I
decided that I would get everything organised before I
would start my production. I got all up to date with my
blogger as well as adding any final details into my theory
work. While doing this I thought about how I would get the
independent shops in York to answer some of the
questions which I had produced to create this article. The
following lesson, I decided to look on websites of
independents shop for email addresses and I found a few
which I emailed asking if they wanted to contribute with this
and if they did I would send them the questions in another
email. A few shops said they were more than happy to
answer the questions which I had set and they will make
sure I have the answers soon. While I was waiting for some
responses, I started to edit my front cover. This took a while
I didn't know which font to use. I also wanted to experiment
more with the different effects which I can create on
Photoshop. I felt as though today went really well as I had
sent some emails which will help my for my articles. In the
future I will find the tasks which I did today extremely
useful. For tomorrow, I hopefully should of received more
responses from the shops which I contacted, this should
mean that I can start writing one of my articles.
While waiting for some of the responses to
come back from the email which I sent around I
decided to start one of my articles. This was
about the best coffee shops in York. I really
enjoyed to create this article, I already had
collected some images of coffee which I had
taken my own. I created a layout on InDesign
before I added in any text as I wanted to have a
clear plan of where my writing was going to go
and where the 2 images were going to be. The
main images are placed on the right hand side
as when you read a magazine I look at the right
hand side page first, if the image was big and
appealing it would attract the audience to read
this article. As you can see from the bottom
screenshot I added the text in, I learnt that a
convention of a article is that the text should be
no bigger than 13pt. This was very new to me
so I was unsure if this was going to look ok but
in the end I looked at it completely and it looked
good. It was still unfinished though but as soon
as I get a image for the bottom of the right hand
page is should be finished.
Day Two 09/05/2018
Today I started a rough copy on my second
article. This was about the best place in York to
visit. Today was spent researching where the best
shops and buildings which are the most popular in
York. I looked on different websites and on trip
advisor and found the best restaurants, shopping
places and places to visit when in the city. I found
the prices and opening times of the York Minster
and events at York Racecourse. This was really
interesting and I learnt a lot about the city which I
actually live in. I noted down the specific
restaurants like Il Paradiso in York and Bettys
tearooms. I found some information on Bettys
tearooms and added this in to my notes as I
thought this would be good to put into my article.
Towards the end of the day I started to put all my
notes together and start the article. This
information which I gathered today will be very
useful for this article as I most of the places which
I have recommended I have visited and I have a
positive view of this. The next day I will start this
article and create a layout which would attract the
Day Three 10/05/2018
Today was spent creating my article and deciding which
layout would be best. To start off I referred to the notes which
I made yesterday and added it into a professional article
which will be full of information for the reader. Compared to
the article which I wrote last time I felt this article was much
harder to write as I needed to make it relevant and fun for the
reader. I carried on and started to get into what I was starting
to write. I found some images on my camera which I took a
while ago on separate occasions. In the summer I liked to go
and take images of York and the ones which I liked I kept.
These images turned very useful for this double page
spread. This layout was different to my other layouts. I
decided throughout this magazine I would add different
layouts so the reader doesn't get bored if all the layouts were
all the same. The images help as well, this is because they
are both bright and pretty so the reader will be attracted to
the images and then will read the article and feel even more
interested. I felt today was very useful as I finished an article
which meant I had completed 2 articles in the first week of
production so I was on track with everything I needed to do.
On Tuesday, I will redesign my front cover and finish that off
Day Four 11/05/2018
Day Five 15/05/2018
This was the second week of my production. I aimed to finish my front
cover and my video advert this week. At the start of the day I went
through my emails to see if any shops have replied to my email- 2 of
them did. After copying them into a word document to keep them safe I
started to finish off my front cover. I started all again from the last raft I
tried to complete. Instead this time, I added softer and saturated tones
as well as different font for the cover lines and a banner at the top to
sell the magazine more. At first I edited the York minster image, I went
onto filter gallery and used the effect of ‘cutout’. After adjusting the
brightness/contrast and the vibrance effect I started to add the typical
features of a front cover (Barcode, Masthead, Cover lines,
date/issue/price). I tested different ways of having the cover lines to
stand out. I had the main cover line in a larger font than the rest. I also
tried a star and blob on my front cover, at first I liked how the blob
stood out in front of the background image and the other cover lines
but after a while I realised it made it look very childish and not
professional at all.
After lunch I started to create my advert, i recorded the advert on my
phone like I did for one of my experiments because I thought it worked
quite well. When I was editing on Premiere Pro I learnt how to crop the
image as at the top of my video there was a red bar and the typical
phone settings at the top. This took a while but at the end I had used
the Just eat soundtrack and put it on in the background. I had planned
that tomorrow I would edit the background song to create my own. I
had a few ideas on how to create my own twist on this song but I was
Day Six 16/05/2018
Today I decided to fix my front cover from my experiment
yesterday. I felt as though the front cover was a bit bare
after I took the shape off and tried to figure out how I would
catch the readers eye with the offer on the front page. I tried
adding a triangle in the bottom of the front page but it didn't
look good as it cropped half of one of my cover lines and I
couldn't locate the cover line somewhere else as it looked
weird like that. I decided to leave the front cover as I had
spent awhile trying to add the offer but I needed to get on
with finishing my advert. I decided with the track I had on my
advert that I would remix the track on garage band. Initially I
didn't know how to add the ‘Magic is real’ track into a garage
band document. I asked Dave and he couldn't find out a
way either. In the end I managed to, I learnt that I could rag
the track into this document but before when I was trying it, I
was dragging it onto a track which already had a purpose. I
started to get different beats off garage band. This meant I
had to use the method of trial and error to see which sounds
sound best on this track. It was near the end of the day and
I had completed half of the track. Today seemed very
productive and I felt as though I learnt quite a lot in the short
period of time I had. Tomorrow I will complete the rest of the
soundtrack and add it into my Premiere Pro document.
Today was spent finishing off my music for my advert. I tried
multiple beats and effects to try match the theme of the music.
This turned out to be very tricky as the second part of the song
had different beats and different tunes so I couldn't keep the
same sound for the end of the song. At first I tried to add some
shakers into the tune but this didn't sound good. After a few trial
and error I decided to add a tune which I had already included in
the beginning. This tuned out to be very helpful and created a
good tune. After I had finished the music I had to export the tune
into my documents. This was rather tricky. There is no actual
export option on garage band so I had to use the share option. I
tried to share the ’song to media Browser’. For some reason this
wasn’t working, after a few attempts I tried sharing the song to
my email and emailing myself this finally worked. I downloaded
the attachment from my emails and added it into my pre-edited
premiere pro document. I learnt that the music which I created
was too long for my advert. This made me learn that in the future
when creating my own music I would have to check the duration
of the video so I can make it as accurate as possible. I ended up
cutting the song to match the duration so after all the editing
which I did it was ready to export. I managed to get it exported by
the end of the morning on Thursday. Tomorrow I will start on a
new aspect of my magazine- the back cover.
Day Seven 17/05/2018
Day Eight 18/05/2018
Today, I started to create my back cover, I looked at various back covers of
magazines and realised that most feature a advert on the back. This made me think
about different experiments I could do to form a similar theme to my actual lifestyle
magazine. I didn't let the theme bother me for my first experiment. I went into the
studio and took some images of Maya which I was going to make into a horror
movie. After I had edited the photo below with a cracking effect I realised that I
could not use this because of the different themes and why would someone who is
reading a lifestyle/nature magazine would watch a horror movie. I reverted back to
my research to see if my target audience would connect with this advert. Most of
the target audiences favourite movies were chick flicks and sci-fi films and not
horror films. I started again, this time with a moisturising cream advert. I wanted to
include something which would appeal to my target audience. I decided to use
images of one of my peers and edit it so it looks natural. I started to mess around
with the different ideas which I could create. As this was a Friday I decided that if I
did not like this idea I had all day on Tuesday to create a advert worthy enough to
be used and something which my target audience would like. There were many
things which I didn't like- the colour of the background, how stretched Maya was
and the typography did not stand out. By the end of Friday I didn't have time to start
another back cover. This meant that on Tuesday I need to start another back cover
as well as creating my content page. I learnt a lot while doing these experiments
today. I learnt how to create the cracked face effect which might come in handy if I
want to edit any of my images I could use this to create a different aspect to appeal
Day Nine 22/05/2018
Today I spent the day creating the advert to go on the back of my
magazine. Over the weekend I started to think about what would appeal to
my audience and how I would create something which was eye-catching. I
decided I would use the flowers from the ’blossom’ experiment and use it
as my background. I felt as though my image was still stretched so I
decided to open a new document and edit the image of Maya in there then
move it into the background document and work around the image. I felt as
though a perfume advert suited the magazine as it can appeal to my
audience as women might want to buy it and men might want to buy it for a
gift. I got an image of google for the perfume bottle and added a colour
overlay of a pink colour to grab the attention of the audience. I looked at
the different flower names and decided to call the brand ‘Azalea’ and the
perfume bottle ‘Petunia’. The only problem with this advert was the fact
that the font didn't stand out. Any colour which I used blended into my
background. After I had placed everything in the right position I decided to
leave the font until I could speak to Dave to see what I could do to make
the typography look more professional and stand out. While I was waiting I
started on my content page. This would include headlines of the features,
regulars and events which were going on. I didn't know what software
would be better for the contents page so I started on Photoshop. I looked
at how different lifestyle magazines set out their contents pages and how I
could make my one different but still like a lifestyle magazine. By the time I
had started my contents page it was my last lesson of the day. I set the
goal of completing my contents page by tomorrow afternoon. I found today
very useful as it helped me complete my back cover advert and started on
Day Ten 23/05/2018
As you can see from the screenshots I had started a new contents
page. I decided that Photoshop wasn’t working for the layout which I
wanted and instead I wanted to create it on InDesign. I laid out the
masthead for the page. Next to this is a box which I will add a image of
York in to create a interesting contents page as well as bringing some
colour into the page. I also added the green text to create more colour
into the page. The page numbers were also in green. I learnt how to
add a colour into a InDesign document, I had never needed to add a
colour before but after a little messing about I found out how to and
created the green colour. This was really useful as if I just kept the
whole text black and no colour it would be very boring and it would not
catch anyone's attention. I liked the style of this page more than my first
attempt as this is more natural and would appeal to my audience
because of its simplicity. This took a while to create because of the
different cover lines. I wanted to make sure all the cover lines were
something which would be in lifestyle magazines. After I completed the
contents page I showed Dave the back cover which needed to be
improved with the font. He showed me how to create a drop shadow to
make the font stand out more. This worked and I started to really like
what the back cover was like. I exported this out as a jpg and that was
the end of Wednesday afternoon. I found today was very useful and
productive. I learnt how to use specific tools on InDesign to create a
more effective contents page. Tomorrow, I will start to create my last
article which will be about the independents shops in York.
Today I had the day off because of GCSE exams. I decided to spent the day adding images to the
articles which I had wrote and laid out at the beginning of my production. I had to use 4 images
from google which were the coffee shops logos which I featured in the article. The other 2 coffee
images were my own which I took and also made. I liked the way the layout worked and how
much space there was. If I have time at the end of my production time I would have liked to move
the images around so it looks more professional and attractive to the audience.
Day Eleven 24/05/2018
Today was very useful as I
could finish off some of the
work which needed to be
finished as well as looking at all
my work so far and changing
the small details to make my
work more professional.
Day Twelve 25/05/2018
I was ill on this day so instead of starting anything new I finished any pieces which needed to
be done. Today was just spent organising and finishing anything which needed to be done. This
was a very productive day as instead of starting the last double page spread or my website I
finished the second double page spread and exporting any documents which needed to be
This is the finished work which I
have completed to this date.
Today I started to look back at the work which I had already completed
and on ways which I could improve it. I looked at both of the articles
which I had already completed and exported it. It looked nothing like
my contents page. I had a little thing and decided to redo my two
articles which I had already exported. Instead this time, I added the
same colour theme which will be on the website as well as the
contents page. This was rather easy as I had already got the written
up work for my article, all I needed to do was arrange the layout. As I
had explained the other day I exported my first double page spread
about the coffee shop. I disliked the layout at the bottom, re-doing the
two articles helped me figure out the layout of this article which at the
end of the day looked so much better than what I started off with. At
first, I kept the same font as the article for the headline. However, I
looked at my contents page and decided that I would use the font
which I used for the page numbers and the contents font. I learnt that
by doing this it looked more professional as well as meeting a
convention of a lifestyle magazine by having the same theme
throughout my work. Re-doing the two articles became very useful as I
decided that I would keep the same theme throughout my work. It was
also useful because it gave me a rough idea of what I wanted it to look
like when I completed my final article which would be for tomorrows
lesson. I kept the same layout for the York article because I liked how
the images looked and how they stood out against the text. For the
coffee article I disliked the background on one of the images which I
used. I decided to go onto Photoshop to edit the background so it
Day Thirteen 28/05/2018
Today was spent writing and exporting my final article
about independent shops in York. The first lesson I spent
writing up my article. I found this quite hard to start off
with as I couldn't think what to do or how to write the
article so the audience would understand. After a while of
trial and error I decided to use the colour theme in my
favour. I introduced the shop which I would be talking
about and then stated a question which I had asked in
green so it would stand out to the audience. After getting
the hang out of my layout I started to write up my article.
At first I started writing my article in a word document but
once I added it into a InDesign document it was easier.
However, I soon worked out that when writing in InDesign
it did not spell check, this meant that at the end I had to
copy all my article into word to double check that I hadn't
misspelt anything. After I made sure everything was spelt
correctly, I found the logos for the two shops which I had
written about and placed them in my document. Writing
and exporting this article took all day but I felt it was very
useful to copy my article into a word document to check
that everything was good.
Day Fourteen 05/06/2018
Today, I decided to create a new article about the
events in York. This was a really good idea seen as
though I wanted to create a print advert on a double
page spread like a advert which you would see in a
magazine. I used the same colour theme on this as well
as the other 3 double page spreads. I created the
advert on Photoshop using a image of Maya and a
image of a tablet box which I edited and made my own
. I found this very useful as it was showing the set of
skills which I have and ended up looking really good on
my magazine. I looked on the York Theatre Royal, John
Cooper studio and The Grand Opera house websites to
see what theatre studios on. I also looked on other
websites to see what would interest the audience which
I am aiming for. I ended up really liking the design
which I had done and I found it incredibly useful to do. I
liked it because it went with my colour theme and it
matched the genre of my magazine as well as being
interesting for anyone to read. By the end of today I
have finished all my articles which meant all I had to do
now was to start and publish my website then I should
be done.
Day Fifteen 06/06/2018
Seen as though the other day I had completed all my articles and front/back covers I decided to
start on my website. This meant I was back on track with my original schedule. I started on my
home page today. My aim was to make the home page look very aesthetic and eye catching for
people to look at. I used the website to create my own website. You can choose various
templates to work with so I started to play with some of them. I learnt that what all of these
templates had wasn’t the look which I was going for. I found out how to create my own template
and started from scratch. This was very useful as it meant I could put my own twist on what I
wanted in my website. My first page starts with a slider which had three slides for the three
features which I was focusing on for this platform. My first slider was a picture of some plants
which had the title on to introduce the audience. This looked really good apart from that the
image wasn’t mine. The second slider consisted of a picture of the York minster which I took
myself which a caption ‘Feature of the week’ and a button which can guide you to the designated
page. The third slide was a slide for my competitions which would navigate to the page with the
different type of competitions. I then started on the ’About Us’ content. I wrote a little paragraph
explaining what Urban was. I chose an image which was very aesthetic and showed a sunset.
The picture with the train and the sunset which features on my website looked as though there
was something in the left hand corner of the image. I decided to open the photo up in Photoshop
and use the blur tool to blur it out and to blue the corners so that there was more attention on the
train and the text which was going to be over the image. I felt that this was very useful as it
would mean all the images were up to the same standard and they all looked simple and
Day Sixteen 12/06/2018
Today was spent doing more work on my website. I decided to finish off the home page which I created.
The home page consisted off a slide which welcomed you to the website, a strip explaining what this
company is about and a slide of all the places which the company has been. Also included in this home
page was an advert which I had made on day 6/7. I decided that the advert shouldn't be placed as soon
as you open the home page, instead as you scroll down the advert pops up on the ’About Us’ strip. This
was very effective as I felt as though if the audience saw an advert pop up as soon as they open the
website they wont be intrigued to read on just in case more adverts popped up. I learnt when doing the
home page that I could add a grey box over the image to create a minimalistic tone as well as having the
text stand out to the reader. This was very useful as with the box the text could stand out and it wouldn't
drag the attention away from the image as well. I also changed the slide image from the plants to a bike
with a pretty background. This looked so much better as it was my own image instead of someone else's.
After I had perfected the two features of my home page I started to create a slide feature which shows the
reader the places where the magazine have been to. Luckily, I have been to all these places and I was
able to find images from the cities which I have been to and added them into my website. This was very
effective because the slider looks really well and is very eye catching. The home page is very natural and
simple which is the look which I really wanted to achieve. I had enough time to start my feature of the
week article. I decided to go with a new idea which I hoped would work out, this idea was to have the
feature of the week text to be on a slider which would rotate every 30 seconds. To start the page off I had
created a strip which explained what the feature of the week was, this was located at the top of the page
and had an image of the York Minster as the background. Tomorrow I will start the article for this page and
also complete the competitions page.
Day Seventeen 13/06/2018
Day Eighteen 14/06/2018
Today, I finished off my feature of the week as well as my competitions page. My first task of the day was to finish
my feature of the week page. I started with testing my idea and adding a slider effect- this included three pages
which had different images. Two background images were different angles of the York Minster and the other one
was a building in York. I used the article which I produced for one of my double page spreads and added a blue
background underneath to make the text stand out and be brighter than the images. I felt this was very effective
because it can attract the audience. It isn't just a page full of writing either it is something which is very interactive
which is something which can appeal to most people. I learnt how to change the speed of the slides to match the
time which my readers could be able to read at. To do this I clicked on the slide and at the top it came up with the
settings, I clicked on that button and it came up with various questions- one of these were “How long between
slides (secs)” I chose the highest duration which was 30 seconds, this still felt quite quick but I later learnt that 30
seconds is quite a short time and the slides don’t change as quick as I thought. This was a really good thing to
learn as it could mean that in the future I could create another website and use the skills which I have learnt today
and apply them. This looked really good so I decided to move on with my competition page. This included another
strip with a basic description of what the competitions consist of and how you can win the prizes. To create the
word searches I used the website below to create 2 word searches which I made myself.
This worked out really well, I screenshotted the word search and added it into a Photoshop document and made it
transparent and added the words. I repeated this process twice. To create the crossword I used the website and followed the instructions. By the time I had created the
puzzles i just had time to add the buttons on the side and then it was the end of the day. I liked the look of the two
pages which I had completed and I found today really useful as I had managed to stick to my schedule and I had
left a day to complete to fix any of my production work which might have needed to be improved.
Today was a very busy day, it was my last day of production. In the first lesson I created a contact us page with
any information which needed to be included in this page, this was a very quick process and I didn't have any
problems when creating it. I looked over my website and decided to publish it- This meant that I had finally
completed my website. After I finished the website, I asked Dave if he could take a look at my project and see
what needed to be improved and what I could do to get a better grade. He gave me a list of things which I could
improve on: Front Cover- this doesn't match my theme for my magazine and isn't simple or aesthetic for my
magazine. Website- One of the images which I had added looked very pixelated and the lighting wasn't as bright
as the other images. Double page spreads- Make sure that all of the spreads are the same length of text and
make sure there are no hyphens. This was quite a lot of work to fit into 2 lessons and a tutorial. However, I
decided to start with my website, I found an image which was less pixelated and matched my website theme and
the other images around it. This was very useful for me to change this image as it looked better with this new
image. I then started with my 4 double page spreads. I started with the York article- I started with lining all the
work up. This meant that the image and all the text would end on the same line. This was quite easy to do as I
just played around with the character styles until all the text ended on the same line, after this I removed every
hyphens which was in the title. To do this I added a new line before every hyphen, I didn't know that I could
highlight all the article and look on paragraph styles to untick the hyphens. I learnt this after I had finished this
spread. This was very useful that I learnt this, mainly because it would have taken a while to remove all the
hyphens. This was easier for when I edited the other three double page spreads. The next article I edited was my
coffee shop article- I decided that I would use different images because all the image look the same- to give
more variety I added a coffee machine into the top of the right hand side of my article. I also added a mint hot
chocolate with whipped cream in the right hand corner of my work. This made my article look more professional
with high quality images. I fixed the text making sure that there were no hyphens or text not on the same line as
everything else. I did this with the rest of my double page spreads, by the time of break I had improved all the
double page spreads and the website.
Day Nineteen 15/06/2018
I started my front cover, this was very hard to think of minimal ideas. I had the thought of adding a polaroid
into the middle to make it more aesthetic. I tried this, it took me a while to get my head round how I could
make this look professional as well as making it go with my colour theme. This to the right is the version
which I am talking about. I did not like this idea as it didn't appeal to me so it wouldn't have appealed to my
target audience. I decided to look online for front cover inspiration. By this time, Josh (another tutor) came
into the room and I asked him to look at my work and give me some ideas. This worked out really well.
Underneath is my finished version of my front cover, it is very minimal and aesthetic as well as matching the
colour theme inside my magazine. Also it includes a back cover which was also something which I needed to
improve. This design is very simplistic yet the colours stand out. I learnt that the less words the more minimal
it is. However, this front cover isn't perfect the writing below is very hard to read, this is something which could
be improved. By the time I had completed this front cover it was the end of lesson which meant the end of
production. I overall, thought my production weeks were very productive and I got a lot done in that amount of
Day Nineteen 15/06/2018

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6. Production Reflection

  • 2. Day One 08/05/2018 This was the first day of production. For the first lesson, I decided that I would get everything organised before I would start my production. I got all up to date with my blogger as well as adding any final details into my theory work. While doing this I thought about how I would get the independent shops in York to answer some of the questions which I had produced to create this article. The following lesson, I decided to look on websites of independents shop for email addresses and I found a few which I emailed asking if they wanted to contribute with this and if they did I would send them the questions in another email. A few shops said they were more than happy to answer the questions which I had set and they will make sure I have the answers soon. While I was waiting for some responses, I started to edit my front cover. This took a while I didn't know which font to use. I also wanted to experiment more with the different effects which I can create on Photoshop. I felt as though today went really well as I had sent some emails which will help my for my articles. In the future I will find the tasks which I did today extremely useful. For tomorrow, I hopefully should of received more responses from the shops which I contacted, this should mean that I can start writing one of my articles.
  • 3. While waiting for some of the responses to come back from the email which I sent around I decided to start one of my articles. This was about the best coffee shops in York. I really enjoyed to create this article, I already had collected some images of coffee which I had taken my own. I created a layout on InDesign before I added in any text as I wanted to have a clear plan of where my writing was going to go and where the 2 images were going to be. The main images are placed on the right hand side as when you read a magazine I look at the right hand side page first, if the image was big and appealing it would attract the audience to read this article. As you can see from the bottom screenshot I added the text in, I learnt that a convention of a article is that the text should be no bigger than 13pt. This was very new to me so I was unsure if this was going to look ok but in the end I looked at it completely and it looked good. It was still unfinished though but as soon as I get a image for the bottom of the right hand page is should be finished. Day Two 09/05/2018
  • 4. Today I started a rough copy on my second article. This was about the best place in York to visit. Today was spent researching where the best shops and buildings which are the most popular in York. I looked on different websites and on trip advisor and found the best restaurants, shopping places and places to visit when in the city. I found the prices and opening times of the York Minster and events at York Racecourse. This was really interesting and I learnt a lot about the city which I actually live in. I noted down the specific restaurants like Il Paradiso in York and Bettys tearooms. I found some information on Bettys tearooms and added this in to my notes as I thought this would be good to put into my article. Towards the end of the day I started to put all my notes together and start the article. This information which I gathered today will be very useful for this article as I most of the places which I have recommended I have visited and I have a positive view of this. The next day I will start this article and create a layout which would attract the audience. Day Three 10/05/2018
  • 5. Today was spent creating my article and deciding which layout would be best. To start off I referred to the notes which I made yesterday and added it into a professional article which will be full of information for the reader. Compared to the article which I wrote last time I felt this article was much harder to write as I needed to make it relevant and fun for the reader. I carried on and started to get into what I was starting to write. I found some images on my camera which I took a while ago on separate occasions. In the summer I liked to go and take images of York and the ones which I liked I kept. These images turned very useful for this double page spread. This layout was different to my other layouts. I decided throughout this magazine I would add different layouts so the reader doesn't get bored if all the layouts were all the same. The images help as well, this is because they are both bright and pretty so the reader will be attracted to the images and then will read the article and feel even more interested. I felt today was very useful as I finished an article which meant I had completed 2 articles in the first week of production so I was on track with everything I needed to do. On Tuesday, I will redesign my front cover and finish that off Day Four 11/05/2018
  • 6. Day Five 15/05/2018 This was the second week of my production. I aimed to finish my front cover and my video advert this week. At the start of the day I went through my emails to see if any shops have replied to my email- 2 of them did. After copying them into a word document to keep them safe I started to finish off my front cover. I started all again from the last raft I tried to complete. Instead this time, I added softer and saturated tones as well as different font for the cover lines and a banner at the top to sell the magazine more. At first I edited the York minster image, I went onto filter gallery and used the effect of ‘cutout’. After adjusting the brightness/contrast and the vibrance effect I started to add the typical features of a front cover (Barcode, Masthead, Cover lines, date/issue/price). I tested different ways of having the cover lines to stand out. I had the main cover line in a larger font than the rest. I also tried a star and blob on my front cover, at first I liked how the blob stood out in front of the background image and the other cover lines but after a while I realised it made it look very childish and not professional at all. After lunch I started to create my advert, i recorded the advert on my phone like I did for one of my experiments because I thought it worked quite well. When I was editing on Premiere Pro I learnt how to crop the image as at the top of my video there was a red bar and the typical phone settings at the top. This took a while but at the end I had used the Just eat soundtrack and put it on in the background. I had planned that tomorrow I would edit the background song to create my own. I had a few ideas on how to create my own twist on this song but I was
  • 7. Day Six 16/05/2018 Today I decided to fix my front cover from my experiment yesterday. I felt as though the front cover was a bit bare after I took the shape off and tried to figure out how I would catch the readers eye with the offer on the front page. I tried adding a triangle in the bottom of the front page but it didn't look good as it cropped half of one of my cover lines and I couldn't locate the cover line somewhere else as it looked weird like that. I decided to leave the front cover as I had spent awhile trying to add the offer but I needed to get on with finishing my advert. I decided with the track I had on my advert that I would remix the track on garage band. Initially I didn't know how to add the ‘Magic is real’ track into a garage band document. I asked Dave and he couldn't find out a way either. In the end I managed to, I learnt that I could rag the track into this document but before when I was trying it, I was dragging it onto a track which already had a purpose. I started to get different beats off garage band. This meant I had to use the method of trial and error to see which sounds sound best on this track. It was near the end of the day and I had completed half of the track. Today seemed very productive and I felt as though I learnt quite a lot in the short period of time I had. Tomorrow I will complete the rest of the soundtrack and add it into my Premiere Pro document.
  • 8. Today was spent finishing off my music for my advert. I tried multiple beats and effects to try match the theme of the music. This turned out to be very tricky as the second part of the song had different beats and different tunes so I couldn't keep the same sound for the end of the song. At first I tried to add some shakers into the tune but this didn't sound good. After a few trial and error I decided to add a tune which I had already included in the beginning. This tuned out to be very helpful and created a good tune. After I had finished the music I had to export the tune into my documents. This was rather tricky. There is no actual export option on garage band so I had to use the share option. I tried to share the ’song to media Browser’. For some reason this wasn’t working, after a few attempts I tried sharing the song to my email and emailing myself this finally worked. I downloaded the attachment from my emails and added it into my pre-edited premiere pro document. I learnt that the music which I created was too long for my advert. This made me learn that in the future when creating my own music I would have to check the duration of the video so I can make it as accurate as possible. I ended up cutting the song to match the duration so after all the editing which I did it was ready to export. I managed to get it exported by the end of the morning on Thursday. Tomorrow I will start on a new aspect of my magazine- the back cover. Day Seven 17/05/2018
  • 9. Day Eight 18/05/2018 Today, I started to create my back cover, I looked at various back covers of magazines and realised that most feature a advert on the back. This made me think about different experiments I could do to form a similar theme to my actual lifestyle magazine. I didn't let the theme bother me for my first experiment. I went into the studio and took some images of Maya which I was going to make into a horror movie. After I had edited the photo below with a cracking effect I realised that I could not use this because of the different themes and why would someone who is reading a lifestyle/nature magazine would watch a horror movie. I reverted back to my research to see if my target audience would connect with this advert. Most of the target audiences favourite movies were chick flicks and sci-fi films and not horror films. I started again, this time with a moisturising cream advert. I wanted to include something which would appeal to my target audience. I decided to use images of one of my peers and edit it so it looks natural. I started to mess around with the different ideas which I could create. As this was a Friday I decided that if I did not like this idea I had all day on Tuesday to create a advert worthy enough to be used and something which my target audience would like. There were many things which I didn't like- the colour of the background, how stretched Maya was and the typography did not stand out. By the end of Friday I didn't have time to start another back cover. This meant that on Tuesday I need to start another back cover as well as creating my content page. I learnt a lot while doing these experiments today. I learnt how to create the cracked face effect which might come in handy if I want to edit any of my images I could use this to create a different aspect to appeal
  • 10. Day Nine 22/05/2018 Today I spent the day creating the advert to go on the back of my magazine. Over the weekend I started to think about what would appeal to my audience and how I would create something which was eye-catching. I decided I would use the flowers from the ’blossom’ experiment and use it as my background. I felt as though my image was still stretched so I decided to open a new document and edit the image of Maya in there then move it into the background document and work around the image. I felt as though a perfume advert suited the magazine as it can appeal to my audience as women might want to buy it and men might want to buy it for a gift. I got an image of google for the perfume bottle and added a colour overlay of a pink colour to grab the attention of the audience. I looked at the different flower names and decided to call the brand ‘Azalea’ and the perfume bottle ‘Petunia’. The only problem with this advert was the fact that the font didn't stand out. Any colour which I used blended into my background. After I had placed everything in the right position I decided to leave the font until I could speak to Dave to see what I could do to make the typography look more professional and stand out. While I was waiting I started on my content page. This would include headlines of the features, regulars and events which were going on. I didn't know what software would be better for the contents page so I started on Photoshop. I looked at how different lifestyle magazines set out their contents pages and how I could make my one different but still like a lifestyle magazine. By the time I had started my contents page it was my last lesson of the day. I set the goal of completing my contents page by tomorrow afternoon. I found today very useful as it helped me complete my back cover advert and started on
  • 11. Day Ten 23/05/2018 As you can see from the screenshots I had started a new contents page. I decided that Photoshop wasn’t working for the layout which I wanted and instead I wanted to create it on InDesign. I laid out the masthead for the page. Next to this is a box which I will add a image of York in to create a interesting contents page as well as bringing some colour into the page. I also added the green text to create more colour into the page. The page numbers were also in green. I learnt how to add a colour into a InDesign document, I had never needed to add a colour before but after a little messing about I found out how to and created the green colour. This was really useful as if I just kept the whole text black and no colour it would be very boring and it would not catch anyone's attention. I liked the style of this page more than my first attempt as this is more natural and would appeal to my audience because of its simplicity. This took a while to create because of the different cover lines. I wanted to make sure all the cover lines were something which would be in lifestyle magazines. After I completed the contents page I showed Dave the back cover which needed to be improved with the font. He showed me how to create a drop shadow to make the font stand out more. This worked and I started to really like what the back cover was like. I exported this out as a jpg and that was the end of Wednesday afternoon. I found today was very useful and productive. I learnt how to use specific tools on InDesign to create a more effective contents page. Tomorrow, I will start to create my last article which will be about the independents shops in York.
  • 12. Today I had the day off because of GCSE exams. I decided to spent the day adding images to the articles which I had wrote and laid out at the beginning of my production. I had to use 4 images from google which were the coffee shops logos which I featured in the article. The other 2 coffee images were my own which I took and also made. I liked the way the layout worked and how much space there was. If I have time at the end of my production time I would have liked to move the images around so it looks more professional and attractive to the audience. Day Eleven 24/05/2018 Today was very useful as I could finish off some of the work which needed to be finished as well as looking at all my work so far and changing the small details to make my work more professional.
  • 13. Day Twelve 25/05/2018 I was ill on this day so instead of starting anything new I finished any pieces which needed to be done. Today was just spent organising and finishing anything which needed to be done. This was a very productive day as instead of starting the last double page spread or my website I finished the second double page spread and exporting any documents which needed to be exported.
  • 14. This is the finished work which I have completed to this date.
  • 15.
  • 16. Today I started to look back at the work which I had already completed and on ways which I could improve it. I looked at both of the articles which I had already completed and exported it. It looked nothing like my contents page. I had a little thing and decided to redo my two articles which I had already exported. Instead this time, I added the same colour theme which will be on the website as well as the contents page. This was rather easy as I had already got the written up work for my article, all I needed to do was arrange the layout. As I had explained the other day I exported my first double page spread about the coffee shop. I disliked the layout at the bottom, re-doing the two articles helped me figure out the layout of this article which at the end of the day looked so much better than what I started off with. At first, I kept the same font as the article for the headline. However, I looked at my contents page and decided that I would use the font which I used for the page numbers and the contents font. I learnt that by doing this it looked more professional as well as meeting a convention of a lifestyle magazine by having the same theme throughout my work. Re-doing the two articles became very useful as I decided that I would keep the same theme throughout my work. It was also useful because it gave me a rough idea of what I wanted it to look like when I completed my final article which would be for tomorrows lesson. I kept the same layout for the York article because I liked how the images looked and how they stood out against the text. For the coffee article I disliked the background on one of the images which I used. I decided to go onto Photoshop to edit the background so it Day Thirteen 28/05/2018
  • 17. Today was spent writing and exporting my final article about independent shops in York. The first lesson I spent writing up my article. I found this quite hard to start off with as I couldn't think what to do or how to write the article so the audience would understand. After a while of trial and error I decided to use the colour theme in my favour. I introduced the shop which I would be talking about and then stated a question which I had asked in green so it would stand out to the audience. After getting the hang out of my layout I started to write up my article. At first I started writing my article in a word document but once I added it into a InDesign document it was easier. However, I soon worked out that when writing in InDesign it did not spell check, this meant that at the end I had to copy all my article into word to double check that I hadn't misspelt anything. After I made sure everything was spelt correctly, I found the logos for the two shops which I had written about and placed them in my document. Writing and exporting this article took all day but I felt it was very useful to copy my article into a word document to check that everything was good. Day Fourteen 05/06/2018
  • 18. Today, I decided to create a new article about the events in York. This was a really good idea seen as though I wanted to create a print advert on a double page spread like a advert which you would see in a magazine. I used the same colour theme on this as well as the other 3 double page spreads. I created the advert on Photoshop using a image of Maya and a image of a tablet box which I edited and made my own . I found this very useful as it was showing the set of skills which I have and ended up looking really good on my magazine. I looked on the York Theatre Royal, John Cooper studio and The Grand Opera house websites to see what theatre studios on. I also looked on other websites to see what would interest the audience which I am aiming for. I ended up really liking the design which I had done and I found it incredibly useful to do. I liked it because it went with my colour theme and it matched the genre of my magazine as well as being interesting for anyone to read. By the end of today I have finished all my articles which meant all I had to do now was to start and publish my website then I should be done. Day Fifteen 06/06/2018
  • 19. Seen as though the other day I had completed all my articles and front/back covers I decided to start on my website. This meant I was back on track with my original schedule. I started on my home page today. My aim was to make the home page look very aesthetic and eye catching for people to look at. I used the website to create my own website. You can choose various templates to work with so I started to play with some of them. I learnt that what all of these templates had wasn’t the look which I was going for. I found out how to create my own template and started from scratch. This was very useful as it meant I could put my own twist on what I wanted in my website. My first page starts with a slider which had three slides for the three features which I was focusing on for this platform. My first slider was a picture of some plants which had the title on to introduce the audience. This looked really good apart from that the image wasn’t mine. The second slider consisted of a picture of the York minster which I took myself which a caption ‘Feature of the week’ and a button which can guide you to the designated page. The third slide was a slide for my competitions which would navigate to the page with the different type of competitions. I then started on the ’About Us’ content. I wrote a little paragraph explaining what Urban was. I chose an image which was very aesthetic and showed a sunset. The picture with the train and the sunset which features on my website looked as though there was something in the left hand corner of the image. I decided to open the photo up in Photoshop and use the blur tool to blur it out and to blue the corners so that there was more attention on the train and the text which was going to be over the image. I felt that this was very useful as it would mean all the images were up to the same standard and they all looked simple and aesthetic. Day Sixteen 12/06/2018
  • 20. Today was spent doing more work on my website. I decided to finish off the home page which I created. The home page consisted off a slide which welcomed you to the website, a strip explaining what this company is about and a slide of all the places which the company has been. Also included in this home page was an advert which I had made on day 6/7. I decided that the advert shouldn't be placed as soon as you open the home page, instead as you scroll down the advert pops up on the ’About Us’ strip. This was very effective as I felt as though if the audience saw an advert pop up as soon as they open the website they wont be intrigued to read on just in case more adverts popped up. I learnt when doing the home page that I could add a grey box over the image to create a minimalistic tone as well as having the text stand out to the reader. This was very useful as with the box the text could stand out and it wouldn't drag the attention away from the image as well. I also changed the slide image from the plants to a bike with a pretty background. This looked so much better as it was my own image instead of someone else's. After I had perfected the two features of my home page I started to create a slide feature which shows the reader the places where the magazine have been to. Luckily, I have been to all these places and I was able to find images from the cities which I have been to and added them into my website. This was very effective because the slider looks really well and is very eye catching. The home page is very natural and simple which is the look which I really wanted to achieve. I had enough time to start my feature of the week article. I decided to go with a new idea which I hoped would work out, this idea was to have the feature of the week text to be on a slider which would rotate every 30 seconds. To start the page off I had created a strip which explained what the feature of the week was, this was located at the top of the page and had an image of the York Minster as the background. Tomorrow I will start the article for this page and also complete the competitions page. Day Seventeen 13/06/2018
  • 21. Day Eighteen 14/06/2018 Today, I finished off my feature of the week as well as my competitions page. My first task of the day was to finish my feature of the week page. I started with testing my idea and adding a slider effect- this included three pages which had different images. Two background images were different angles of the York Minster and the other one was a building in York. I used the article which I produced for one of my double page spreads and added a blue background underneath to make the text stand out and be brighter than the images. I felt this was very effective because it can attract the audience. It isn't just a page full of writing either it is something which is very interactive which is something which can appeal to most people. I learnt how to change the speed of the slides to match the time which my readers could be able to read at. To do this I clicked on the slide and at the top it came up with the settings, I clicked on that button and it came up with various questions- one of these were “How long between slides (secs)” I chose the highest duration which was 30 seconds, this still felt quite quick but I later learnt that 30 seconds is quite a short time and the slides don’t change as quick as I thought. This was a really good thing to learn as it could mean that in the future I could create another website and use the skills which I have learnt today and apply them. This looked really good so I decided to move on with my competition page. This included another strip with a basic description of what the competitions consist of and how you can win the prizes. To create the word searches I used the website below to create 2 word searches which I made myself. cross This worked out really well, I screenshotted the word search and added it into a Photoshop document and made it transparent and added the words. I repeated this process twice. To create the crossword I used the website and followed the instructions. By the time I had created the puzzles i just had time to add the buttons on the side and then it was the end of the day. I liked the look of the two pages which I had completed and I found today really useful as I had managed to stick to my schedule and I had left a day to complete to fix any of my production work which might have needed to be improved.
  • 22. Today was a very busy day, it was my last day of production. In the first lesson I created a contact us page with any information which needed to be included in this page, this was a very quick process and I didn't have any problems when creating it. I looked over my website and decided to publish it- This meant that I had finally completed my website. After I finished the website, I asked Dave if he could take a look at my project and see what needed to be improved and what I could do to get a better grade. He gave me a list of things which I could improve on: Front Cover- this doesn't match my theme for my magazine and isn't simple or aesthetic for my magazine. Website- One of the images which I had added looked very pixelated and the lighting wasn't as bright as the other images. Double page spreads- Make sure that all of the spreads are the same length of text and make sure there are no hyphens. This was quite a lot of work to fit into 2 lessons and a tutorial. However, I decided to start with my website, I found an image which was less pixelated and matched my website theme and the other images around it. This was very useful for me to change this image as it looked better with this new image. I then started with my 4 double page spreads. I started with the York article- I started with lining all the work up. This meant that the image and all the text would end on the same line. This was quite easy to do as I just played around with the character styles until all the text ended on the same line, after this I removed every hyphens which was in the title. To do this I added a new line before every hyphen, I didn't know that I could highlight all the article and look on paragraph styles to untick the hyphens. I learnt this after I had finished this spread. This was very useful that I learnt this, mainly because it would have taken a while to remove all the hyphens. This was easier for when I edited the other three double page spreads. The next article I edited was my coffee shop article- I decided that I would use different images because all the image look the same- to give more variety I added a coffee machine into the top of the right hand side of my article. I also added a mint hot chocolate with whipped cream in the right hand corner of my work. This made my article look more professional with high quality images. I fixed the text making sure that there were no hyphens or text not on the same line as everything else. I did this with the rest of my double page spreads, by the time of break I had improved all the double page spreads and the website. Day Nineteen 15/06/2018
  • 23. I started my front cover, this was very hard to think of minimal ideas. I had the thought of adding a polaroid into the middle to make it more aesthetic. I tried this, it took me a while to get my head round how I could make this look professional as well as making it go with my colour theme. This to the right is the version which I am talking about. I did not like this idea as it didn't appeal to me so it wouldn't have appealed to my target audience. I decided to look online for front cover inspiration. By this time, Josh (another tutor) came into the room and I asked him to look at my work and give me some ideas. This worked out really well. Underneath is my finished version of my front cover, it is very minimal and aesthetic as well as matching the colour theme inside my magazine. Also it includes a back cover which was also something which I needed to improve. This design is very simplistic yet the colours stand out. I learnt that the less words the more minimal it is. However, this front cover isn't perfect the writing below is very hard to read, this is something which could be improved. By the time I had completed this front cover it was the end of lesson which meant the end of production. I overall, thought my production weeks were very productive and I got a lot done in that amount of time. Day Nineteen 15/06/2018

Editor's Notes

  1. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  4. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  5. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  6. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  7. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  8. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  9. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  10. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  11. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  12. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  13. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  14. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  15. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  16. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  17. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  18. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.