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Toni Ann
Production Process Evaluation
With my research I think that I was looking into the right things to benefit my production. I
wanted to look mainly into four things magazines, contents page, websites and video look-book
in hope they give me inspiration on how I should design and create my products. I looked into
these four things because I wanted to look at how other people designed their magazines,
contents page, websites and video look-book.
When researching different magazine covers I found a
design that I really liked from LOOK Magazine and
because I already had a brief idea of what type of
magazine I wanted to create, it was close to what I
wanted to create. I like how the position of the models
on the page have all of the text fit around them. This
was a strength when it comes to creating my own
product based off of this one because I know what type
of photo to use and what information I should include
on the cover. From looking at this cover I found it better
not to overload the cover with loads of information
otherwise there would be no point buying the actual
magazine. The cover also shows that the magazine is
very popular due to the fact the name of the magazine
is hidden.
I looked into how a contents page is designed and I liked
how this one looked with the images that are included
referencing to a page number
• The biggest weakness when it came to my research was the individual surveys that
I had to do. It was a weakness because the majority of the answers I got were from
teen males which wasn’t good when it came to finding out information for my
chosen target audience. Some of the information I got cant be used when
referencing to my target audience because it doesn’t fit in with what I decided to
base my magazines audience on.
Out of all the people I surveyed, only 30%
of people were female I only focused on
the answers from the females. I think that
this diffidently didn’t help when it came to
making my product. If I had more time I
would improve this by making a featured
part in the magazine for males, or making
the whole magazine cater to both gender.
If I had more time I think that the research
I had done would have been a lot better in
helping me choose what I wanted to be in
the magazine.
Overall the audience research surveys I did didn’t really help when it came to making my
product because the answers I got weren't from my chosen target audience age group. I could
only go off what I had from my audience research to choose the content of my magazine.
• As well as researching other magazines and the target
audience, I also looked into different styles of editing to see
what I would use in my magazine. The strengths of this
specific edit is that it is magazine based and I used it in my
actual production because it fits in well with a magazine
theme. This helps my magazine give off a more professional
looking vibe.
I chose do a color replacement because I wanted
to see what replacing color on a person looks
The weakness of doing my experiments was that
I was unsure at the time what sort of photos I
was going to use so I didn’t know what type of
tutorials to follow.
If I could do my experiments again I would look
in more detail the type of edits I wanted to do
so I knew what sort of tutorials to look at.
This would of better improved my work and effecting my product
positively because the photos I had would of looked a lot better and
more professional within my magazine.
Time ManagementOverall I don’t think my time was
manged very well because I didn’t get to
complete everything I had originally
planned to do. I started off with creating
my magazine. I had originally planned to
take my photos in the third week so that
I had them ready for when I wanted to
start my production. Due to issues that
the people I was meant to be
photographing had, it was pushed back
to week 5 not giving very much time to
edit the photos and create everything I
wanted to make.
My product wasn’t as finished as I would
of liked it to be. When I had originally
planned my product, I was going to do
three things a magazine, website and
look book. I wanted to mainly focus on
the magazine first because I knew that
would be the most to do. So if I had
more time to complete my work I would
of created the website and look book.
If I had more time to do my production I
would of re-taken a lot of my photos
because I wasn’t very happy with a lot
the outcome of a lot of the photos. I would of re-taken them in the studio to ensure that the
lighting was right. I would also changed the clothing and hairstyle of the models, and because its
a fashion magazine the model could have had make up on because that is what you
stereotypically see on a fashion magazine cover. This would have benefited the final out come of
my production, it would of looked more appealing and professional fashion magazine. If I had
more time I would of created more pages catering more specifically to my chosen age group,
this would have made the magazine more appealing to my target audience. I would of changed
the colour scheme to fit the specific pages content, this would of given my magazine a bigger
variety of colours making it less plain and nicer to look at.
Overall I don’t think that my time was managed very well because I didn’t end up completing
everything that I had originally planned to do. If I had more time I would have been able to
create more pages and edited my photos better.
Technical Qualities
With the magazine cover I looked at I liked how the models used are placed over the title of the
magazine, this shows that the magazine brand is well known. I liked this idea so idea so I
decided to do the same with my front cover to give it a more professional look. Another thing I
liked about the researched magazine was the color scheme of pink and green/blue.
The differences of these magazines is the
quality and how much is on the cover.
The quality of the photo on my own
magazine isn’t very good quality, to fix
this I added on some filters to make sure
that the image stands out from the back
ground. The amount of content I on my
cover wasn’t a lot compared to the
researched magazine.
One of the similarities of the two covers
is design of the cover. Both magazines
are catered towards fashion and because
the researched magazine is popular I
A lot of my magazine is similar. With the content I have on front cover I took the idea to have a
coloured box under the text to make sure the text is easy to read. The coloured boxes also
break up the content on the cover to give the cover more structure.
Technical Qualities
The similarities of these products is the layout
design. I like the look of having photos at the top and
bottom of the page to give the a brief preview of
what's on the numbered page. Both contents pages
have large headings to show that it is a contents
page. The colored box underneath both titles help
for the title to stand out from the background
making it easy to read. Mimicking the shape on my
own work was a little difficult because there wasn't
already a premade shape created. To make this I had
to use a rectangle and carefully shape it into a point
making sure that the line was straight. They also both
include sub headings and cover lines to give a brief
description of what is to offer on those specific
The differences of the two contents pages is the
color scheme and what its catered to promote. The
researched page I looked at filled a lot of the white
Space with a graphic, with my own I decided I wanted to make the text and images larger, this is
so that it was easier when it came to make my other pages. I also don’t think having a graphic on
my contents page would work for what its promoting, so I decided to only include the name of
my magazine and the release date of it. The color scheme is very different I stuck with a red and
pink theme and they went for a white and black theme. Both colors fit what each magazine
Is advertising. Pink for fashion, because it is stereotypically a female focused occupation and
pink is seen as a female only color. Where as the researched magazine, which is focused on
technology used black and white which are colors used by the company Apple, which is a tech
company. The type of imagery used is also very different, the images I used were from a
planned photo-shoot and from looking at the other contents page, a lot of the images look like
screen shots from things like talks and venues.
Aesthetic Qualities
I think that the magazine cover came out quite well and could pass
as an actual cover. I think my work was quite creative because I
tried to take different types of photos so not all of my photos
looked the same. I like that my cover has the same color scheme
throughout. If I was to improve my work I would do that by re-
taking a lot of the photos. I would do this by taking the photos in
the studio and not outside. I would make sure that all of the
photos I used were in focus and related to what the magazine is
advertising. When editing the image I chose due to the poor
quality I would try to make the image a have a pink color overlay to
fit in with the color scheme of the magazine, I edited the photo like
that to make the image look a lot better than the original.
I also looked at the
different styles of fonts
that I would like to use. I
originally wanted my title
on my cover to be cursive
so it would fit in with the
fashion theme, after
trying out different fonts
I decided to have bolder
font to fill out space on
the magazine and so that
it was easier to read. With my magazine I found that the strengths when creating my cover was
when it came to designing the layout. From looking at popular magazines I knew what styles
would work and what wouldn’t. I didn’t want the cover to be overloaded with text, so I decided
to take key names and information from the articles in the magazine and place them around
the cover. I think that this makes the magazine cover look a lot better and gives a reason for
buying the magazine. I also found it easy when writing the content due to knowing the people in
the photographs and looking into what other magazines write about and finding what is
I think the weaknesses of my work was when it came to choosing what photos to use. Due to
the photos being taken outside, a lot of the images lighting was off. To improve this I should of
taken the photos inside to make sure the photos had even lighting and were in focus. Another
weakness was when it came to choosing a colour scheme for the magazine. To help me choose I
looked at the stereotypical colours linked with fashion and females.
Aesthetic Qualities
I think that the article that I made has been
written well. I took what's popular from other
magazines and modify it to fit around the different
images I had taken. I think the article looks like
and an actual article, to improve it I would of
changed the background from one solid colour to
something a lot better and not as plain. I would
possible do this by including more of the images I
had taken within the articles. The weaknesses of
this piece of work is how plain it looks, to improve this I could pull out more quotes and add
more images. I could of made the text bigger to fill more space on the page. The strengths of
this is the way the article is written. With the larger letter at the beginning of the story it looks
a lot more professional. I think that part of this looks good, that being the
structure of the written work. I think it was
creative by having a comment section because I
think it makes the magazine seem more realistic.
Similar with the Q&A page, reading that would
help understanding the people in the images a lot
better. I would improve this work by changing the
background I think it looks really plain and needs
more images. I would also make the text all the
same size, the title and page numbers a lot bigger.
The weaknesses of my work is mostly with the
Text and font. I would improve this by making sure that all of the articles that I have written
have all of the same font and font size, doing this makes the article look a lot more professional.
To do this I would go through all of my work making sure that the text and font were the same.
The strengths of my work was with the colours that I used, all of the colours I used within my
production linked with fashion and my chosen target audience. I also used images that had
colours in them that linked with this as well. The background colour fits very well with what the
magazine is about though I would now change it to a lighter colour because I think that it would
make the article look a lot better. With my contents page I think looks very similar
to a lot of other contents pages. When creating
mine I looked at tech magazine contents and
liked the idea so I modified it to fit my own. I
think its not that creative since the idea was
from another magazine. I liked the idea of having
images around the contents page to give the
reader a preview of what on the page. The
weakness of this is the contents title. I think that
the red title with the black background does look
good, though I would improve this by making the
black a little bit small because having it so big
draws your attention to that and not the text or images. I would also add in more images to fill
the left over spaces. The strengths of this is the layout of the content. The text is big enough to
read, with labelled headings and a description of what is to offer. I also had included the logo of
the magazine along with when it was released. I did this to fill out extra space. Though I would
improve this by making them bigger to stand out a lot more off of the pink background.
I think that the poster came out quite well, but due to
the fact that it was taken outside there was a lot of
shadows. I think the idea behind this photo is quite
creative because it shows off all the outfit as well as the
hair style. I do like how the shadows formed I think that
it gives the photo a more defining look. The strengths of
this is the organisation when it came to taking the
photos. I had a plan of where the photos are being taken
and what clothes are going to be worn. The weakness of
this would be that the people in the photos didn’t always
stick to the time schedule which delayed a lot of
production time. A strength of this would be that the
people in the photos do preforming arts and understand
what way to stand, though a lot of the poses they did
were good it would improve my product if I had a variety
of different photos.
Another weakness of this is the issues
of getting the people in the photos to
actually turn up. To improve this I
should of gotten reliable people who
could be there when needed.
Audience AppealI think that my products have appealed to my target audience
because I have included a lot of things in my magazine that you
would expect to see in an actual magazine. From asking people
of a variety of ages I found that a lot of younger people would
prefer to read the magazine online, whereas the age ground that
I researched prefer to read a physical magazine.
Comparing my work to similar magazines shows that my work
should appeal to my chosen target audience because it does
look like a lot of the popular magazines that already exists.
After asking people in my actual target
audience I found that it is more popular for
people to want to read an actual magazine
rather than online. ->
Do you prefer a online or
Magazine Online
Specific parts of my magazine that will be that I
have included celebrity gossip which is a quite
popular topic amongst my target audience age
Though my main product is mainly catered to
females in their 20s I did have some things that
catered to ages from my questionnaire. I included
things like posters, Q&A’s and reader comments,
which are the types of things that you would
usually find in a teen magazine.
Due to the majority of the people that answered my questionnaire were between the ages of
16-18 I didn’t have any answers that fell into my age category. To fix this issue I asked people in
my own life the same questions that did fit the age category, the answers I got were quite
different to the original ones. I asked what type of content they would expect to see in this sort
of magazine, the mot popular answer I got was to include something to do with celebrities. A lot
of my magazine does involve “celebrities”, things like gossip and stories. Including these sort of
things means that I have appealed to my target audience. If I was to create this magazine again I
would include more specific things that cater to my audience. I had originally had planned to
include fashion tips and advice but due to running out of time I was unable to include those
pages in my final product, if I had done I would have had more content that appealed to my
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
• I liked the overall design of the magazines, the colour
schemes worked well together and the content was
interesting I also like the way you’ve done the lettering of
contents. The general setup is good and it follows an
order and the font is easy to rad and understand content.
• What improvements could have been made to the
• Make your models SMILE and not look as if they wished
they were somewhere else.
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
• I like how professional the magazine cover looks, the layout of the cover is very
neatly organised and the pink that is used matches the light blue background.
Looking at the cover, it looks like a magazine that you would see in a shop because,
of the way that it has been laid out. Both double-page spread also look very
professional, and match the cover. I also like how the text isn’t all in one giant
paragraph, and that it’s split up with images.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
• You could have maybe made a magazine website where you advertise and sell
your magazines. Another improvement you could have made is maybe add some
more images and colours to the “Are the Rumours True?” page. Just to split the
page up a bit and make it look more visually interesting like use a different shade
of pink in places.
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
– I do like the cover photos and fonts for the magazine. And the title of
the magazine is really well thought out.
– the actual articles in the page are really well laid out and really easy to
read with the fonts chosen and the colour scheme.
– The photography done for the magazines are top quality with them
done really well and showing off the skill of the photographer with the
photos and modelling fitting well with the themes.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
– Understanding so far that this product may be best suited to the teen-
early adult women. It would be nice to see variation to it.
Feedback 4
• What did you like about the product?
– I like the layout of the magazine as it is clear and presentable to
the audience.
– I like the bright colours used in the magazine as it draws your
attention to the product.
• What improvements could have been made to the
• I would improve the font as it isn't clear to read and doesn’t
stand out to the audience.
• I would use the same size font throughout the whole
Feedback 5
• What did you like about the product?
– I liked how the front cover was laid out and the way that the
text was added, it looks very professional. The text was an easily
readable font and size, the images were big enough to see but
not drowning out the text. The fonts didn’t randomly change to
make it confusing but the occasional changes were well placed
to catch the viewer’s attention.
• What improvements could have been made to the
- Perhaps the images would have benefitted from having some more
colour grading, even if it’s to make the person stand out more.
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer
– I agree that the colour scheme that I chose fits really well with the
type of magazine I created.
– Some of the photos could have had better colouring edits to help the
person in the image to stand out.
• What do you disagree with from your peer
– That the fonts are are different sizes. I made sure when creating the
products that all the fonts would be the same size if it was an article
and are clear to read.
– It could of included a larger variety of content.
Peer Feedback Summary
From reading my feed back I would have a bigger variety of colours within my
magazine, by doing this my magazine would of looked less plain by only having one
colour as the majority of the backgrounds. I would change the way that my photos
have been edited. A lot of my photos have been edited to fit the colour scheme of my
I would change who I had in my product. The people who were in my product didn’t
portray what I was trying to get across in my photos very well, I would change this
because I think that the photos would of looked a lot better.
If I was to make these products again, I would add more photos in the article/ stories
that I have included. If I had done this it would of broken up a lot of the text, making
the article/ stories easier and more enjoyable to read.
After creating these products I found that they would be more suited to a younger
audience due to what content I ended up included.
When making the product again I would change the type of font I had used. I would
change it because don’t think it ended up complementing what my product is. I would
also change the size of the font because I think that it is to small and making it larger
would be easier to read.

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7. evaluation

  • 3. Research With my research I think that I was looking into the right things to benefit my production. I wanted to look mainly into four things magazines, contents page, websites and video look-book in hope they give me inspiration on how I should design and create my products. I looked into these four things because I wanted to look at how other people designed their magazines, contents page, websites and video look-book. When researching different magazine covers I found a design that I really liked from LOOK Magazine and because I already had a brief idea of what type of magazine I wanted to create, it was close to what I wanted to create. I like how the position of the models on the page have all of the text fit around them. This was a strength when it comes to creating my own product based off of this one because I know what type of photo to use and what information I should include on the cover. From looking at this cover I found it better not to overload the cover with loads of information otherwise there would be no point buying the actual magazine. The cover also shows that the magazine is very popular due to the fact the name of the magazine is hidden. I looked into how a contents page is designed and I liked how this one looked with the images that are included referencing to a page number
  • 4. Research • The biggest weakness when it came to my research was the individual surveys that I had to do. It was a weakness because the majority of the answers I got were from teen males which wasn’t good when it came to finding out information for my chosen target audience. Some of the information I got cant be used when referencing to my target audience because it doesn’t fit in with what I decided to base my magazines audience on. Out of all the people I surveyed, only 30% of people were female I only focused on the answers from the females. I think that this diffidently didn’t help when it came to making my product. If I had more time I would improve this by making a featured part in the magazine for males, or making the whole magazine cater to both gender. If I had more time I think that the research I had done would have been a lot better in helping me choose what I wanted to be in the magazine. Overall the audience research surveys I did didn’t really help when it came to making my product because the answers I got weren't from my chosen target audience age group. I could only go off what I had from my audience research to choose the content of my magazine.
  • 5. Research • As well as researching other magazines and the target audience, I also looked into different styles of editing to see what I would use in my magazine. The strengths of this specific edit is that it is magazine based and I used it in my actual production because it fits in well with a magazine theme. This helps my magazine give off a more professional looking vibe. I chose do a color replacement because I wanted to see what replacing color on a person looks like. The weakness of doing my experiments was that I was unsure at the time what sort of photos I was going to use so I didn’t know what type of tutorials to follow. If I could do my experiments again I would look in more detail the type of edits I wanted to do so I knew what sort of tutorials to look at. This would of better improved my work and effecting my product positively because the photos I had would of looked a lot better and more professional within my magazine.
  • 6. Time ManagementOverall I don’t think my time was manged very well because I didn’t get to complete everything I had originally planned to do. I started off with creating my magazine. I had originally planned to take my photos in the third week so that I had them ready for when I wanted to start my production. Due to issues that the people I was meant to be photographing had, it was pushed back to week 5 not giving very much time to edit the photos and create everything I wanted to make. My product wasn’t as finished as I would of liked it to be. When I had originally planned my product, I was going to do three things a magazine, website and look book. I wanted to mainly focus on the magazine first because I knew that would be the most to do. So if I had more time to complete my work I would of created the website and look book. If I had more time to do my production I would of re-taken a lot of my photos because I wasn’t very happy with a lot
  • 7. the outcome of a lot of the photos. I would of re-taken them in the studio to ensure that the lighting was right. I would also changed the clothing and hairstyle of the models, and because its a fashion magazine the model could have had make up on because that is what you stereotypically see on a fashion magazine cover. This would have benefited the final out come of my production, it would of looked more appealing and professional fashion magazine. If I had more time I would of created more pages catering more specifically to my chosen age group, this would have made the magazine more appealing to my target audience. I would of changed the colour scheme to fit the specific pages content, this would of given my magazine a bigger variety of colours making it less plain and nicer to look at. Overall I don’t think that my time was managed very well because I didn’t end up completing everything that I had originally planned to do. If I had more time I would have been able to create more pages and edited my photos better.
  • 8. Technical Qualities With the magazine cover I looked at I liked how the models used are placed over the title of the magazine, this shows that the magazine brand is well known. I liked this idea so idea so I decided to do the same with my front cover to give it a more professional look. Another thing I liked about the researched magazine was the color scheme of pink and green/blue. The differences of these magazines is the quality and how much is on the cover. The quality of the photo on my own magazine isn’t very good quality, to fix this I added on some filters to make sure that the image stands out from the back ground. The amount of content I on my cover wasn’t a lot compared to the researched magazine. One of the similarities of the two covers is design of the cover. Both magazines are catered towards fashion and because the researched magazine is popular I A lot of my magazine is similar. With the content I have on front cover I took the idea to have a coloured box under the text to make sure the text is easy to read. The coloured boxes also break up the content on the cover to give the cover more structure.
  • 9. Technical Qualities The similarities of these products is the layout design. I like the look of having photos at the top and bottom of the page to give the a brief preview of what's on the numbered page. Both contents pages have large headings to show that it is a contents page. The colored box underneath both titles help for the title to stand out from the background making it easy to read. Mimicking the shape on my own work was a little difficult because there wasn't already a premade shape created. To make this I had to use a rectangle and carefully shape it into a point making sure that the line was straight. They also both include sub headings and cover lines to give a brief description of what is to offer on those specific pages. The differences of the two contents pages is the color scheme and what its catered to promote. The researched page I looked at filled a lot of the white Space with a graphic, with my own I decided I wanted to make the text and images larger, this is so that it was easier when it came to make my other pages. I also don’t think having a graphic on my contents page would work for what its promoting, so I decided to only include the name of my magazine and the release date of it. The color scheme is very different I stuck with a red and pink theme and they went for a white and black theme. Both colors fit what each magazine
  • 10. Is advertising. Pink for fashion, because it is stereotypically a female focused occupation and pink is seen as a female only color. Where as the researched magazine, which is focused on technology used black and white which are colors used by the company Apple, which is a tech company. The type of imagery used is also very different, the images I used were from a planned photo-shoot and from looking at the other contents page, a lot of the images look like screen shots from things like talks and venues.
  • 11. Aesthetic Qualities I think that the magazine cover came out quite well and could pass as an actual cover. I think my work was quite creative because I tried to take different types of photos so not all of my photos looked the same. I like that my cover has the same color scheme throughout. If I was to improve my work I would do that by re- taking a lot of the photos. I would do this by taking the photos in the studio and not outside. I would make sure that all of the photos I used were in focus and related to what the magazine is advertising. When editing the image I chose due to the poor quality I would try to make the image a have a pink color overlay to fit in with the color scheme of the magazine, I edited the photo like that to make the image look a lot better than the original. I also looked at the different styles of fonts that I would like to use. I originally wanted my title on my cover to be cursive so it would fit in with the fashion theme, after trying out different fonts I decided to have bolder font to fill out space on the magazine and so that
  • 12. it was easier to read. With my magazine I found that the strengths when creating my cover was when it came to designing the layout. From looking at popular magazines I knew what styles would work and what wouldn’t. I didn’t want the cover to be overloaded with text, so I decided to take key names and information from the articles in the magazine and place them around the cover. I think that this makes the magazine cover look a lot better and gives a reason for buying the magazine. I also found it easy when writing the content due to knowing the people in the photographs and looking into what other magazines write about and finding what is popular. I think the weaknesses of my work was when it came to choosing what photos to use. Due to the photos being taken outside, a lot of the images lighting was off. To improve this I should of taken the photos inside to make sure the photos had even lighting and were in focus. Another weakness was when it came to choosing a colour scheme for the magazine. To help me choose I looked at the stereotypical colours linked with fashion and females.
  • 13. Aesthetic Qualities I think that the article that I made has been written well. I took what's popular from other magazines and modify it to fit around the different images I had taken. I think the article looks like and an actual article, to improve it I would of changed the background from one solid colour to something a lot better and not as plain. I would possible do this by including more of the images I had taken within the articles. The weaknesses of this piece of work is how plain it looks, to improve this I could pull out more quotes and add more images. I could of made the text bigger to fill more space on the page. The strengths of this is the way the article is written. With the larger letter at the beginning of the story it looks a lot more professional. I think that part of this looks good, that being the structure of the written work. I think it was creative by having a comment section because I think it makes the magazine seem more realistic. Similar with the Q&A page, reading that would help understanding the people in the images a lot better. I would improve this work by changing the background I think it looks really plain and needs more images. I would also make the text all the same size, the title and page numbers a lot bigger. The weaknesses of my work is mostly with the
  • 14. Text and font. I would improve this by making sure that all of the articles that I have written have all of the same font and font size, doing this makes the article look a lot more professional. To do this I would go through all of my work making sure that the text and font were the same. The strengths of my work was with the colours that I used, all of the colours I used within my production linked with fashion and my chosen target audience. I also used images that had colours in them that linked with this as well. The background colour fits very well with what the magazine is about though I would now change it to a lighter colour because I think that it would make the article look a lot better. With my contents page I think looks very similar to a lot of other contents pages. When creating mine I looked at tech magazine contents and liked the idea so I modified it to fit my own. I think its not that creative since the idea was from another magazine. I liked the idea of having images around the contents page to give the reader a preview of what on the page. The weakness of this is the contents title. I think that the red title with the black background does look good, though I would improve this by making the black a little bit small because having it so big draws your attention to that and not the text or images. I would also add in more images to fill the left over spaces. The strengths of this is the layout of the content. The text is big enough to read, with labelled headings and a description of what is to offer. I also had included the logo of the magazine along with when it was released. I did this to fill out extra space. Though I would improve this by making them bigger to stand out a lot more off of the pink background.
  • 15. I think that the poster came out quite well, but due to the fact that it was taken outside there was a lot of shadows. I think the idea behind this photo is quite creative because it shows off all the outfit as well as the hair style. I do like how the shadows formed I think that it gives the photo a more defining look. The strengths of this is the organisation when it came to taking the photos. I had a plan of where the photos are being taken and what clothes are going to be worn. The weakness of this would be that the people in the photos didn’t always stick to the time schedule which delayed a lot of production time. A strength of this would be that the people in the photos do preforming arts and understand what way to stand, though a lot of the poses they did were good it would improve my product if I had a variety of different photos. Another weakness of this is the issues of getting the people in the photos to actually turn up. To improve this I should of gotten reliable people who could be there when needed.
  • 16. Audience AppealI think that my products have appealed to my target audience because I have included a lot of things in my magazine that you would expect to see in an actual magazine. From asking people of a variety of ages I found that a lot of younger people would prefer to read the magazine online, whereas the age ground that I researched prefer to read a physical magazine. Comparing my work to similar magazines shows that my work should appeal to my chosen target audience because it does look like a lot of the popular magazines that already exists. After asking people in my actual target audience I found that it is more popular for people to want to read an actual magazine rather than online. -> Do you prefer a online or magazine? Magazine Online Specific parts of my magazine that will be that I have included celebrity gossip which is a quite popular topic amongst my target audience age bracket. Though my main product is mainly catered to females in their 20s I did have some things that catered to ages from my questionnaire. I included things like posters, Q&A’s and reader comments, which are the types of things that you would usually find in a teen magazine.
  • 17. Due to the majority of the people that answered my questionnaire were between the ages of 16-18 I didn’t have any answers that fell into my age category. To fix this issue I asked people in my own life the same questions that did fit the age category, the answers I got were quite different to the original ones. I asked what type of content they would expect to see in this sort of magazine, the mot popular answer I got was to include something to do with celebrities. A lot of my magazine does involve “celebrities”, things like gossip and stories. Including these sort of things means that I have appealed to my target audience. If I was to create this magazine again I would include more specific things that cater to my audience. I had originally had planned to include fashion tips and advice but due to running out of time I was unable to include those pages in my final product, if I had done I would have had more content that appealed to my audience.
  • 19. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? • I liked the overall design of the magazines, the colour schemes worked well together and the content was interesting I also like the way you’ve done the lettering of contents. The general setup is good and it follows an order and the font is easy to rad and understand content. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • Make your models SMILE and not look as if they wished they were somewhere else.
  • 20. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? • I like how professional the magazine cover looks, the layout of the cover is very neatly organised and the pink that is used matches the light blue background. Looking at the cover, it looks like a magazine that you would see in a shop because, of the way that it has been laid out. Both double-page spread also look very professional, and match the cover. I also like how the text isn’t all in one giant paragraph, and that it’s split up with images. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • You could have maybe made a magazine website where you advertise and sell your magazines. Another improvement you could have made is maybe add some more images and colours to the “Are the Rumours True?” page. Just to split the page up a bit and make it look more visually interesting like use a different shade of pink in places.
  • 21. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? – I do like the cover photos and fonts for the magazine. And the title of the magazine is really well thought out. – the actual articles in the page are really well laid out and really easy to read with the fonts chosen and the colour scheme. – The photography done for the magazines are top quality with them done really well and showing off the skill of the photographer with the photos and modelling fitting well with the themes. • What improvements could have been made to the product? – Understanding so far that this product may be best suited to the teen- early adult women. It would be nice to see variation to it.
  • 22. Feedback 4 • What did you like about the product? – I like the layout of the magazine as it is clear and presentable to the audience. – I like the bright colours used in the magazine as it draws your attention to the product. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • I would improve the font as it isn't clear to read and doesn’t stand out to the audience. • I would use the same size font throughout the whole magazine
  • 23. Feedback 5 • What did you like about the product? – I liked how the front cover was laid out and the way that the text was added, it looks very professional. The text was an easily readable font and size, the images were big enough to see but not drowning out the text. The fonts didn’t randomly change to make it confusing but the occasional changes were well placed to catch the viewer’s attention. • What improvements could have been made to the product? - Perhaps the images would have benefitted from having some more colour grading, even if it’s to make the person stand out more.
  • 24. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – I agree that the colour scheme that I chose fits really well with the type of magazine I created. – Some of the photos could have had better colouring edits to help the person in the image to stand out. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? – That the fonts are are different sizes. I made sure when creating the products that all the fonts would be the same size if it was an article and are clear to read. – It could of included a larger variety of content.
  • 25. Peer Feedback Summary From reading my feed back I would have a bigger variety of colours within my magazine, by doing this my magazine would of looked less plain by only having one colour as the majority of the backgrounds. I would change the way that my photos have been edited. A lot of my photos have been edited to fit the colour scheme of my product. I would change who I had in my product. The people who were in my product didn’t portray what I was trying to get across in my photos very well, I would change this because I think that the photos would of looked a lot better. If I was to make these products again, I would add more photos in the article/ stories that I have included. If I had done this it would of broken up a lot of the text, making the article/ stories easier and more enjoyable to read. After creating these products I found that they would be more suited to a younger audience due to what content I ended up included. When making the product again I would change the type of font I had used. I would change it because don’t think it ended up complementing what my product is. I would also change the size of the font because I think that it is to small and making it larger would be easier to read.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  4. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  5. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  6. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  7. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  8. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  9. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  10. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the center of a page and analyze them Use text boxes and arrows
  11. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  12. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  13. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  14. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  15. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  16. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?