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Veganuary Evaluation
Alex Walker
For this task, I had three weeks to create a booklet that supports
Veganuary. Veganuary is an not for profit organisation that tries to
encourage people to turn vegan for the month of January and stay
vegan for the long term.
I prepared for this in a number of different ways; mood boards, idea
generation, looking at what already existed and talking to people who
are already vegan and seeing their point of view and seeing how they
want people to see veganism rather than the stereotypes.
By doing all this preparation, it made creating a rough draft of how I
wanted my booklet to look and also the content I wanted to include.
This also helped with the time management of the project as it meant
I wasn’t struggling for ideas all the time and had back up ideas for if
these ones didn’t work. I had everything near completion in the space
of two weeks, I improved on things that needed improving and spent
the last week completing the last few things and placing it into an
InDesign document .
This is the first draft of my multi
page spread, for this I decided to
do an interview with someone
who is already a vegan. This
would give me a chance to show
people what its actually like
rather than what people think it
is. I asked her 10 questions and
went from there.
I edited the interview so that the
style of it was more chatty than
formal. This is because I wanted
to booklet to feel welcoming so
that more people would want to
read it. I didn’t include the last
question in this draft and made
that into a separate article of “top
This was my original time management plan, it was brief but it listed everything I
needed to do before starting the production of this booklet.
These are some screen shots of my idea generation, mood boards and existing products.
This helped me create my paper rough plan (the previous slide), which I stuck to when
creating the final version of the booklet. I began to use some of the colour schemes that I
have shown here, however I ended up going for a cleaner and simpler design that didn’t
use that much colour, I just used splashes of colour in different places – for example the
title and pull quotes of my multi page article.
Primary Research
Primary Research
The slide above shows some of my primary research. I conducted two types of
research- an interview and a survey. This would give me the variety of answers I
needed to start my production process.
By getting people to do the interviews, it let me ask questions that I could get
longer more detailed answers for than if I were to ask them through the survey.
This is one of the reasons I decided to focus on the positives of veganism rather
than the negatives. I also did it to inform people of some of the common
misconceptions that were occurring throughout the interviews.
By doing the survey, it gave me a more generalised set of answers that helped
me decide further what the content of my booklet would cover and also helped
me get a general overview of what peoples opinions of veganism are. This also
helped me decide on the tone of the booklet- a positive tone. This is because
the majority of people that did my survey said that nothing appeals to them
about being vegan.
61% of the people who answered my survey said that they couldn’t turn vegan,
in the comments people said things like “I don’t know how expensive it would
be” and “I like meat too much”, these are subjects I feel I tackled in my booklet
with the “interview with a vegan” and “alternative foods” pages.
Secondary Research
Secondary Research
For this research, I looked at a number of different sources for
example, blogs, books, articles, websites, videos. I also looked at
existing products and places that already do accidentally vegan foods.
This gave me the inspiration for the page “accidentally vegan foods”, I
didn’t end up using the restaurants that do vegan food on their menu
but general foods that were accidentally vegan. I did the “top five
vegan restaurants” based around this idea however, focused on places
that were intentionally vegan.
I also researched facts about the dairy industry from a variety of
different sources. This helped me gain different facts and figures about
the industry- most of them being negative. This is because there isn’t
really anything good about the industry as a whole. The infographic
that I made about this is the most negative aspect of the booklet,
however its only negative towards the dairy industry, it actually
supports vegan views on dairy and why we shouldn’t consume it.
My audience was not gender specific or age specific, I wanted to aim it at people who didn’t know a lot about
veganism and show it to them in a positive way. This is a similar aim to the audience of the “positively vegan” blog.
This blog shows veganism in a way that makes it more accessible to people from different walks of life. For
example, it gives recipes that are easy to make and cheap to buy the ingredients for. This means that people who
worry about how expensive living the vegan lifestyle is now have been shown ways around it.
I feel that by showing alternatives and talking with a person who is vegan has helped me achieve the positive
outlook on veganism that the blog achieved for its followers. I also feel that my booklet would appeal to the people
that follow the blog as we have a similar goal which is to make people see the up side to being vegan rather than
the down side.
In comparison to websites and webpages that pick apart veganism, like “empowered sustenance”, this page gives
health advice. One of the things it mentions is how a vegan diet doesn’t give you all of the vital vitamins that you
need. There is a lot of research for and against this point, it all depends on the person reading as to whether they
agree with it or not.
The most susceptible audience to target when trying to turn people vegan would be a younger audience. This is due
to the fact that they will have more facts and knowledge about issues like the dairy industry and animal cruelty due
to freedom of information, which wasn’t as widely accessible in the past as it is now.
Another audience that would be easier to target are people who are vegetarian. This is because they already don’t
eat meat so it would just be taking the extra step to turning vegan. By showing them all of the positives, this would
make them see the benefits and possibly make them turn.
Women are also more receptive to at least trying something new like veganism. This is backup by the statistics from
the ‘Veganuary’ site. They say that there are more women that take part each year than there are men. Their
research also states that more women stay vegan after January than men do.
The demographics of people also affect whether they will turn vegan or not. I feel that the layout of my booklet
appeals to the prime demographic of trying to get people to try vegan, this group is ABC1. This is because they
usually have more time in order to actively try these things. They would also want to do it for heath benefits as
quite a few celebrities do it for this reason.
Where people live is also a big factor, this is because if people live in more affluent areas, they are more likely to be
accepted as a vegan than in a more working lass environment.
I conducted primary and secondary research into what type of content I would include in my booklet. By
doing this, it helped me produce the main parts of my booklet- an infographic, a multi page spread and a
fact file.
My multipage spread is the interview with a vegan, this ended up being more words than originally
intended. This is due to the number of drafts I did to improve the interview and make the style of writing fit
with the rest of the booklet. The final version I went with is a chatty version, this made it easier to read and
more accessible to a wider audience. Originally, I was going to write the questions I asked Amy as a sub
heading for each answer and just write what she said. This didn’t use the space I had left effectively, so
when I rewrote it, I used more words to make it more inviting for people to read. I went for a more positive
outlook on being vegan with this article, which contrasts with the article I researched from the vegan
society. This article was telling people to turn vegan for the reasons it was giving. It wasn’t making it an
option .
My infographic on the dairy industry came from my secondary research into elements of things vegans don’t
agree with. This was one of the main things that shocked me and this is why I chose to write about it. I found
the facts from reliable sources like the vegan society and had the idea of a calf drinking milk from its mother
as positive imagery that would make people want to read it. The negative facts work in favor for vegans as it
shows part of the reason why they are vegan. I used strong imagery like this to shock people when they read
the facts, this is a technique that is used a lot, especially by the vegan society. They use it in their posters a
lot to shock people and make them consider to turn vegan. My infographic has the shock factor and is the
only pushy piece of information in my booklet that is aimed at changing peoples mind on being vegan.
The fact file is something I researched separately. This is because I researched things that interested me and
I didn’t know. This was one of the first things I did as part of this booklet, this is so that I would be able to
research things that actually interest me rather than writing about things that I was already researching. The
facts I used were a variety of different facts, this is so that I wouldn’t repeat myself. I tried to make it look
more interesting than the fact file on the PETA website. This was very plain and not very interesting as there
weren’t any images, it was just information. Even though one of the pieces of feedback I had on this piece
said this needed work done to it, I feel it is minimal work to be done, however I do agree that some parts do
need to be improved.
This is the final front cover I went with. I
changed this cover quite a few times, at
first I wasn’t even going to use typography
as the front cover. I had an image of a
heart made out of fruit, it was a strong first
attempt however, not final front cover
The typography front cover went through a
number of alterations, for example, I didn’t
have anything above the ‘broccoli’ other
than the title, which wasn’t even in that
font. It then moved to the title and a quote
from a notable vegan. This front cover style
didn’t work as there were too many
different sections on the page in writing.
With this final front cover, it is more simple
and clear to read and I feel it stands out
more. To improve it, I would edit the
colour for ‘raspberry’ and ‘peas’. I would
also change the typography above the
This is the first article that you come to in
the booklet. I had to edit this page a lot in
order to get it fit together so well, it was
just things like reducing the font size or
cropping the images a little or making the
stars smaller to make everything fit. I feel I
made fit together effectively and also left
enough space so that it doesn’t look too
The title is the first one I created, I decided
to use this style all the way through my
booklet as I feel it looks interesting yet clean
and clear to read.
Originally, I was going to write a short
review about the places myself, however I
have only been to one of these places. This
wouldn’t have worked as an article had I not
researched each place and either got a
short review or overview. I got the star
ratings from trip advisor, this is because
these ratings will often be the most reliable
to go with as its from people who have
actually been to the place.
This article is nearer the end of the
booklet. Originally, it was going to be part
of the interview as these tips came from
the last question I asked Amy. I asked too
many questions so that I would have extra
things to either fill in the spaces, if I had
any, or just in case I didn’t like the other
questions I asked.
This question was quite interesting
however, and I fell that its something that
most people who are thinking about
turning vegan would want to know. This is
something that ‘Veganuary’ use on their
website. It shows that it is a useful thing
for people to have.
I feel that this article, along with my multi-
page spread appeals to a female audience
due to the fact the vegan I am interviewing
is a female, I could have found a male
Who is vegan in order to make it more
accessible to a wider audience.
Skills/Skills development
In order to create this booklet, I have had to use a variety of different skills and programs.
All of these programs I have used before in previous projects; InDesign, Photoshop and
I have used InDesign when creating things for customers at the printers I used to work at,
so I had more than a basic understanding of how to use the program. I developed my skills
in this program when creating this leaflet, I learned how to make text wrap around the
outline of an image. I used this at the end of my multipage spread, this helped give me an
interesting image placement in the article rather than just leaving room for an image at the
end of my article, like I was originally going to do.
In Photoshop, I revisited skills that I have used sporadically throughout the course such as
rotoscoping . I used this technique when creating my infographic, I created both of the
cows. I also created the spots on the cow in order to make the text fit into them effectively
and clearly. This is so that I didn’t have to make the text too small so that it wasn’t legible
but I could also make them actually look like spots you would find on a cow. I feel these
skills have developed a lot since the beginning of the course and the infographic is proof of
Also in Photoshop, I created my front cover and titles for articles. This is further proof of
my development as previous to this booklet, I haven’t used typography in any of my other
work. I feel for a first attempt of the style, I created an effective and interesting piece of
work. By using the same font but different weights and colours, it helped give me the look I
wanted that I wasn’t getting from the images I was using before. I feel that using it the
whole way through my booklet, it gave me a theme and helped show that it was my style.
In Word, I created a few of drafts for the multipage spread, the fact file and the top tips.
These drafts included finding spelling mistakes and correcting them, making pieces of text
longer or shorter, and making sure things made sense.
The first infographic is the first infographic I created.
This was for a previous task. This is more of a ‘scientific’
based infographic than an image based one. This is the
style I wanted to use for my booklet infographic as it is
clean and clear like the rest of my leaflet, however I feel
the infographic I went with is definitely more suited for
the kind of message I am trying to get across.
My infographic in the booklet isn’t how you would
picture a generic infographic, like the one below,
however I feel this is what helps it stand out more. If I
were to do this again, I would probably show the whole
cow in order to get more information on the pages. I
would also try and include some positive quotes about
cows in order to show that the dairy industry is bad
even further.
The infographic at the bottom has not a lot to with what
I have been talking about, I have just included this to
show how I may set my infographic out in future. This is
a combination of the two infographics I have made, it
would be clean and clear and would therefore fit better
with my other pieces of work.
Areas for improvement
There are a few things that I need to do in order to improve my work, this has
become apparent whilst evaluating it and by the feedback that I have received.
To gain the feedback, I did two things. I created a survey that helped me identify
where things were stronger or weaker and I also got some feedback from my peers.
Both of these methods of feedback help me improve my work and make it more
accessible to a wider audience.
By getting feedback from my peers, this gave me a clear understanding in a technical
sense as to to what I need to improve, for example my fact file. Someone said that to
improve it, I should either design something that fits with the rest of the style of the
booklet or improve what I already have.
To improve, I should turn the opacity of the background down and change the font
to something similar to the one I have used the whole way through. Having looked
at my work again, I agree mainly with this because this was one of the first pieces of
work that I created. If I did this again, I would probably just create a new fact file.
This will mean that I will be able to make the booklet come together better and also
make it look more clean and clear.
By getting feedback from a survey that was accessible by a lot of people, this helped
give me a variety of different answers, mainly to do with content rather than the
design. This is because people that did the survey probably had more of an interest
in that than the design. This is because even though the survey is accessible by a lot
of people, I got vegans from twitter to fill in the survey. This gave me an idea of how
I could improve the articles that aren’t as strong as others with topics that interest
people who are actually vegans.

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  • 2. Overall For this task, I had three weeks to create a booklet that supports Veganuary. Veganuary is an not for profit organisation that tries to encourage people to turn vegan for the month of January and stay vegan for the long term. I prepared for this in a number of different ways; mood boards, idea generation, looking at what already existed and talking to people who are already vegan and seeing their point of view and seeing how they want people to see veganism rather than the stereotypes. By doing all this preparation, it made creating a rough draft of how I wanted my booklet to look and also the content I wanted to include. This also helped with the time management of the project as it meant I wasn’t struggling for ideas all the time and had back up ideas for if these ones didn’t work. I had everything near completion in the space of two weeks, I improved on things that needed improving and spent the last week completing the last few things and placing it into an InDesign document .
  • 3. This is the first draft of my multi page spread, for this I decided to do an interview with someone who is already a vegan. This would give me a chance to show people what its actually like rather than what people think it is. I asked her 10 questions and went from there. I edited the interview so that the style of it was more chatty than formal. This is because I wanted to booklet to feel welcoming so that more people would want to read it. I didn’t include the last question in this draft and made that into a separate article of “top tips”.
  • 4. This was my original time management plan, it was brief but it listed everything I needed to do before starting the production of this booklet.
  • 5.
  • 6. These are some screen shots of my idea generation, mood boards and existing products. This helped me create my paper rough plan (the previous slide), which I stuck to when creating the final version of the booklet. I began to use some of the colour schemes that I have shown here, however I ended up going for a cleaner and simpler design that didn’t use that much colour, I just used splashes of colour in different places – for example the title and pull quotes of my multi page article.
  • 8. Primary Research The slide above shows some of my primary research. I conducted two types of research- an interview and a survey. This would give me the variety of answers I needed to start my production process. By getting people to do the interviews, it let me ask questions that I could get longer more detailed answers for than if I were to ask them through the survey. This is one of the reasons I decided to focus on the positives of veganism rather than the negatives. I also did it to inform people of some of the common misconceptions that were occurring throughout the interviews. By doing the survey, it gave me a more generalised set of answers that helped me decide further what the content of my booklet would cover and also helped me get a general overview of what peoples opinions of veganism are. This also helped me decide on the tone of the booklet- a positive tone. This is because the majority of people that did my survey said that nothing appeals to them about being vegan. 61% of the people who answered my survey said that they couldn’t turn vegan, in the comments people said things like “I don’t know how expensive it would be” and “I like meat too much”, these are subjects I feel I tackled in my booklet with the “interview with a vegan” and “alternative foods” pages.
  • 10. Secondary Research For this research, I looked at a number of different sources for example, blogs, books, articles, websites, videos. I also looked at existing products and places that already do accidentally vegan foods. This gave me the inspiration for the page “accidentally vegan foods”, I didn’t end up using the restaurants that do vegan food on their menu but general foods that were accidentally vegan. I did the “top five vegan restaurants” based around this idea however, focused on places that were intentionally vegan. I also researched facts about the dairy industry from a variety of different sources. This helped me gain different facts and figures about the industry- most of them being negative. This is because there isn’t really anything good about the industry as a whole. The infographic that I made about this is the most negative aspect of the booklet, however its only negative towards the dairy industry, it actually supports vegan views on dairy and why we shouldn’t consume it.
  • 11. Audience My audience was not gender specific or age specific, I wanted to aim it at people who didn’t know a lot about veganism and show it to them in a positive way. This is a similar aim to the audience of the “positively vegan” blog. This blog shows veganism in a way that makes it more accessible to people from different walks of life. For example, it gives recipes that are easy to make and cheap to buy the ingredients for. This means that people who worry about how expensive living the vegan lifestyle is now have been shown ways around it. I feel that by showing alternatives and talking with a person who is vegan has helped me achieve the positive outlook on veganism that the blog achieved for its followers. I also feel that my booklet would appeal to the people that follow the blog as we have a similar goal which is to make people see the up side to being vegan rather than the down side. In comparison to websites and webpages that pick apart veganism, like “empowered sustenance”, this page gives health advice. One of the things it mentions is how a vegan diet doesn’t give you all of the vital vitamins that you need. There is a lot of research for and against this point, it all depends on the person reading as to whether they agree with it or not. The most susceptible audience to target when trying to turn people vegan would be a younger audience. This is due to the fact that they will have more facts and knowledge about issues like the dairy industry and animal cruelty due to freedom of information, which wasn’t as widely accessible in the past as it is now. Another audience that would be easier to target are people who are vegetarian. This is because they already don’t eat meat so it would just be taking the extra step to turning vegan. By showing them all of the positives, this would make them see the benefits and possibly make them turn. Women are also more receptive to at least trying something new like veganism. This is backup by the statistics from the ‘Veganuary’ site. They say that there are more women that take part each year than there are men. Their research also states that more women stay vegan after January than men do. The demographics of people also affect whether they will turn vegan or not. I feel that the layout of my booklet appeals to the prime demographic of trying to get people to try vegan, this group is ABC1. This is because they usually have more time in order to actively try these things. They would also want to do it for heath benefits as quite a few celebrities do it for this reason. Where people live is also a big factor, this is because if people live in more affluent areas, they are more likely to be accepted as a vegan than in a more working lass environment.
  • 12. Content I conducted primary and secondary research into what type of content I would include in my booklet. By doing this, it helped me produce the main parts of my booklet- an infographic, a multi page spread and a fact file. My multipage spread is the interview with a vegan, this ended up being more words than originally intended. This is due to the number of drafts I did to improve the interview and make the style of writing fit with the rest of the booklet. The final version I went with is a chatty version, this made it easier to read and more accessible to a wider audience. Originally, I was going to write the questions I asked Amy as a sub heading for each answer and just write what she said. This didn’t use the space I had left effectively, so when I rewrote it, I used more words to make it more inviting for people to read. I went for a more positive outlook on being vegan with this article, which contrasts with the article I researched from the vegan society. This article was telling people to turn vegan for the reasons it was giving. It wasn’t making it an option . My infographic on the dairy industry came from my secondary research into elements of things vegans don’t agree with. This was one of the main things that shocked me and this is why I chose to write about it. I found the facts from reliable sources like the vegan society and had the idea of a calf drinking milk from its mother as positive imagery that would make people want to read it. The negative facts work in favor for vegans as it shows part of the reason why they are vegan. I used strong imagery like this to shock people when they read the facts, this is a technique that is used a lot, especially by the vegan society. They use it in their posters a lot to shock people and make them consider to turn vegan. My infographic has the shock factor and is the only pushy piece of information in my booklet that is aimed at changing peoples mind on being vegan. The fact file is something I researched separately. This is because I researched things that interested me and I didn’t know. This was one of the first things I did as part of this booklet, this is so that I would be able to research things that actually interest me rather than writing about things that I was already researching. The facts I used were a variety of different facts, this is so that I wouldn’t repeat myself. I tried to make it look more interesting than the fact file on the PETA website. This was very plain and not very interesting as there weren’t any images, it was just information. Even though one of the pieces of feedback I had on this piece said this needed work done to it, I feel it is minimal work to be done, however I do agree that some parts do need to be improved.
  • 13. Style This is the final front cover I went with. I changed this cover quite a few times, at first I wasn’t even going to use typography as the front cover. I had an image of a heart made out of fruit, it was a strong first attempt however, not final front cover worthy. The typography front cover went through a number of alterations, for example, I didn’t have anything above the ‘broccoli’ other than the title, which wasn’t even in that font. It then moved to the title and a quote from a notable vegan. This front cover style didn’t work as there were too many different sections on the page in writing. With this final front cover, it is more simple and clear to read and I feel it stands out more. To improve it, I would edit the colour for ‘raspberry’ and ‘peas’. I would also change the typography above the ‘broccoli’.
  • 14. Style This is the first article that you come to in the booklet. I had to edit this page a lot in order to get it fit together so well, it was just things like reducing the font size or cropping the images a little or making the stars smaller to make everything fit. I feel I made fit together effectively and also left enough space so that it doesn’t look too crowded. The title is the first one I created, I decided to use this style all the way through my booklet as I feel it looks interesting yet clean and clear to read. Originally, I was going to write a short review about the places myself, however I have only been to one of these places. This wouldn’t have worked as an article had I not researched each place and either got a short review or overview. I got the star ratings from trip advisor, this is because these ratings will often be the most reliable to go with as its from people who have actually been to the place.
  • 15. Style This article is nearer the end of the booklet. Originally, it was going to be part of the interview as these tips came from the last question I asked Amy. I asked too many questions so that I would have extra things to either fill in the spaces, if I had any, or just in case I didn’t like the other questions I asked. This question was quite interesting however, and I fell that its something that most people who are thinking about turning vegan would want to know. This is something that ‘Veganuary’ use on their website. It shows that it is a useful thing for people to have. I feel that this article, along with my multi- page spread appeals to a female audience due to the fact the vegan I am interviewing is a female, I could have found a male Who is vegan in order to make it more accessible to a wider audience.
  • 16. Skills/Skills development In order to create this booklet, I have had to use a variety of different skills and programs. All of these programs I have used before in previous projects; InDesign, Photoshop and Word. I have used InDesign when creating things for customers at the printers I used to work at, so I had more than a basic understanding of how to use the program. I developed my skills in this program when creating this leaflet, I learned how to make text wrap around the outline of an image. I used this at the end of my multipage spread, this helped give me an interesting image placement in the article rather than just leaving room for an image at the end of my article, like I was originally going to do. In Photoshop, I revisited skills that I have used sporadically throughout the course such as rotoscoping . I used this technique when creating my infographic, I created both of the cows. I also created the spots on the cow in order to make the text fit into them effectively and clearly. This is so that I didn’t have to make the text too small so that it wasn’t legible but I could also make them actually look like spots you would find on a cow. I feel these skills have developed a lot since the beginning of the course and the infographic is proof of this. Also in Photoshop, I created my front cover and titles for articles. This is further proof of my development as previous to this booklet, I haven’t used typography in any of my other work. I feel for a first attempt of the style, I created an effective and interesting piece of work. By using the same font but different weights and colours, it helped give me the look I wanted that I wasn’t getting from the images I was using before. I feel that using it the whole way through my booklet, it gave me a theme and helped show that it was my style. In Word, I created a few of drafts for the multipage spread, the fact file and the top tips. These drafts included finding spelling mistakes and correcting them, making pieces of text longer or shorter, and making sure things made sense.
  • 17. Infographic The first infographic is the first infographic I created. This was for a previous task. This is more of a ‘scientific’ based infographic than an image based one. This is the style I wanted to use for my booklet infographic as it is clean and clear like the rest of my leaflet, however I feel the infographic I went with is definitely more suited for the kind of message I am trying to get across. My infographic in the booklet isn’t how you would picture a generic infographic, like the one below, however I feel this is what helps it stand out more. If I were to do this again, I would probably show the whole cow in order to get more information on the pages. I would also try and include some positive quotes about cows in order to show that the dairy industry is bad even further. The infographic at the bottom has not a lot to with what I have been talking about, I have just included this to show how I may set my infographic out in future. This is a combination of the two infographics I have made, it would be clean and clear and would therefore fit better with my other pieces of work.
  • 18. Areas for improvement There are a few things that I need to do in order to improve my work, this has become apparent whilst evaluating it and by the feedback that I have received. To gain the feedback, I did two things. I created a survey that helped me identify where things were stronger or weaker and I also got some feedback from my peers. Both of these methods of feedback help me improve my work and make it more accessible to a wider audience. By getting feedback from my peers, this gave me a clear understanding in a technical sense as to to what I need to improve, for example my fact file. Someone said that to improve it, I should either design something that fits with the rest of the style of the booklet or improve what I already have. To improve, I should turn the opacity of the background down and change the font to something similar to the one I have used the whole way through. Having looked at my work again, I agree mainly with this because this was one of the first pieces of work that I created. If I did this again, I would probably just create a new fact file. This will mean that I will be able to make the booklet come together better and also make it look more clean and clear. By getting feedback from a survey that was accessible by a lot of people, this helped give me a variety of different answers, mainly to do with content rather than the design. This is because people that did the survey probably had more of an interest in that than the design. This is because even though the survey is accessible by a lot of people, I got vegans from twitter to fill in the survey. This gave me an idea of how I could improve the articles that aren’t as strong as others with topics that interest people who are actually vegans.