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Cameron Barnes
Campaign Ideas
My campaign was to raise awareness and help people understand
more about smoking and what effects it has on the person
smoking or on people around the person smoking. In my campaign
I have used a dark tone throughout the posters by using images
that make you feel something. I also used cartoon style on some of
the posters and some of the merchandise. I also believe that using
some of the images would capture the attention of the viewer and
make them feel a sense of urgency to make a change from seeing
the images and seeing the text describing what can happen. I have
used images of other posters from the internet where there are
children how look like they are in distress and need a way out or
need help in the situation they are in. But having the cartoon
elements soften the darkness of the posters and also it would
bring in more of an audience as you would have people who like
the cartoon stuff and people who like the dark posters.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
The first part of the project was creating the logo for my campaign. For
my logo I initially decided to use a coffin as the base and make it out of
cigarettes as this would show that if you smoke that it can affect your
life and can lead to death. After putting it onto my posters and
merchandise I decided it didn’t look as good as I would like it to so I
decided to add to the logo. At first I added a heart monitor to further
my point about smoking leading to death but it still seemed like it
could be better. So I decided to completely change my idea and try
something new so I looked up so already created logo for the same
campaign as mine and I saw one that I really liked and thought it was
very creative so I decided to take that and I it my own version. So my
new logo had the same name and used some of the same features in
the fact that both used cigarettes in the logo. But instead of it being a
coffin shape it would be made into a circle shape. The line going
through he logo was meant to be smoke coming from the cigarette. At
first the content inside the logo was small so it didn’t fill the entire
circle so making the text bigger and moving it around made it fill the
circle better. Making the text big makes it stand out more and using
the colour red gives it the sense of danger or gives it the meaning of
stop doing something which was the aim of the campaign.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
I created a variety of posters from using real life images and making cartoon posters. My first type of
posters I created was a cartoon style. I used the image to bring people in as it is a serious image of a
person in a hospital bed. I was hoping it would create a sense of worry for people who could end up
like this. This was the first poster I created I think that it could do with a background colour but I
would have to be a colour that didn’t contradict the colours that were used in the image. I think that it
gets it point across and helps to convey the message that the campaigns is about. I have used a
serious and dark style to the poster with the image but the fact that it is a cartoon image I feel like
that is not as bad as it could be. I think that most people would understand what is going on in the
image I think they would think something bad has happened to the person in the bed but without the
text they may not know that smoking put him there. I think using the bold and using black makes the
title stand out and it is kind of getting the viewer involved as it is saying it could be you, so you stop
and think could this be you and then become interested in the rest of the poster to see what it is all
about and how to avoid this happening to you. Also it seems like this is warning you so you are
captured by the warning. The second poster I created was also a cartoon themed poster. This poster is
more about the effects of smoking and what you can get from smoking. The images shows what can
happen to your lungs when you smoke and the list of things that happen when you smoke. I feel like
this poster is not as good as the other one as it more text based which could draw people away also
most people know the effects of smoking and know what can happen to them. Also the poster seems
less interesting as the previous one. The way I could maybe make it more interesting is by showing all
of the diseases listed at the top instead of just listing them and kind of making a cartoon image of
each with potentially a tick next to them which would show that this is something that you could get if
you decide to smoke. I could of made the text stand out more by making it bold or bigger and in a
different colour to make it stand out more. I did add the logo to the poster and try to stick to the aim
of the campaign.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
For this poster I decided to come away from the cartoon style and go with a dark
tone with images of the internet. I also changed what the aim was for these as
this poster was about second hand smoke and not about stopping smoking. I did
this because I felt like this was something that less people know about as people
know that smoking is bad but a lot will not realizing that them smoking is not
only damaging there life but the lives of other around them. I got inspiration
from other posters that were similar in style as this one. I decided to fade the
background and black that out so you could only see the face of the child. I think
that this type of poster is a lot more dark and gets the point across in more of a
worrying way. As people see the image and seem sad and worried fort he child
that is being affected. Using children to get my point across about second smoke
was done because because people actually want to change to see children happy
and not sad. Also using the child helps to shock the audience as the fact backs
the image up. People generally will do more when there are kids involved with
situations compared to adults. Also with the text being red makes it stand out
and gives it a sense of danger. The background goes well with the poster as it is
trying to show a dark theme so using dark colours like red and black goes well
with getting the point across. In the second poster I changed it to landscape
instead of portrait this was due to the image of the internet being cut so doing
this got rid of the sharp lines from the image. I made the boy in the image look
lifeless being making his skin look more grey and it also was done to show the
effects that second hand smoke can have on people. On this one I choose to go
black background with white text instead of the red I felt like it fitted well with
the background and also the colour of white could be linked to living so seeing
this colour could make people think that the life the child is living is not a happy
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
For my merchandise I decided to make a T-shirt,
wristband and coffee mug. With the wristband I
wanted it to be more like a reminder than anything.
So for example if you are craving a cigarette you can
just look at the quote on your wristband and resist
the temptations of having one. The coffee mug and
T-shirt were made to be similar to the posters with a
cartoon but serious style. They also have that sense
of being interesting and the T-shirt may not be seen
as a stop smoking T-shirt but one with a cool image
on, so that if your were to wear it would be just like
wearing a shirt with a image on and not suggesting
something about smoking. I was trying to make
something that people would wear and would not
seem out of place. For the coffee mug it was similar
to the wristband in more of a reminder than
anything. But It would express stopping smoking
more than the wristband would. The cartoon fitted in
well with the posters and the T-shirts.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
I feel like my finished pieces are good for the purpose of my campaign as
they help raise awareness about smoking and the harm it can cause on
yourself and on others around you. When I asked about how it made
people feel they believed it would have some change on smoking but
believed that people having being trying to stop it for a long time. They like
the mix of the cartoon style and the dark tone style. Also with the cartoon
style they said that it gave a different style compared to the ones that are
out there right know and the other ones made you think about the effects
you are having on not only yourself but the people surrounding you. It
made my audience think about life without smoking and seeing how
different things would be for people lives, not only the ones how smoke but
the ones how don’t. They liked the decision to do wristbands as this is
something that a lot of the time you don’t see made by companies and
they believed that it is a good reminder as it is always with you if you wear
it. They liked the variety in T-shirts as there were different designs and
some would have different versions so there would be an image with some
text and there would be a version without the text.
Are your finished pieces fit for their
intended purpose?
I think that my posters are very similar in style to these
one. They follow the same style as the ones that I made
by using children in the poster. Also the fact they have a
little quote and then the picture overlooking the text.
Using the black background with the white text is
similar to my posters and having the text stand out. I
feel like these posters are aimed at an older audience
due to the use of the children. As it will be aimed at
people who have children and also smoke. These were
the types of posters that I looked at when looking into
second hand smoke. I feel like both of these posters get
there point across well and I believe that my campaign
just like these have a strong message that helps people
understand more about second hand smoke. These
posters made me think about how it affects children
which is the reason I looked into them, so I knew that if
they made me feel sad for the children than making
similar ones for my campaign would make other people
feel the same.
Do they communicate your message
I feel that my campaign does communicate my message
clearly as most of the people I talked to about my campaign
said that there opinion on second hand smoke and smoking
in general had changed. Most people knew that there was a
lot of risks with smoking but didn’t know as much about
second hand smoke and how it effects the people next to
you more when you smoke than it does you. They all
understood the message my campaign was trying to get
across. I feel from the things that I made that my message is
very clear from not only the images but the information
that is used throughout the campaign. I think that my
message is shown clearly as it has raised awareness in the
people I talked to in smoking and the effects. This is also
shown from the types of responses I got from people
looking at my work.
Do they communicate your message
The responses I got overall were good most people said that there opinion
had changed or had improved but people believed that I should of stuck to
one style instead of having two different ones. As they felt that it didn’t fit
well together as one was cartoon and not as serious as the ones with the
images of children sad with a quote. People felt like it was like two
campaign instead of one as some was about stopping smoking and some
was about second hand smoke so trying to stick one or the over would of
helped this as the stop smoking posters were the ones that were cartoon
and the second hand smoke were the more serious ones that made you
think more. They did like the cartoon ones as they believed it was creative
and different but either wanted me to stick with that style throughout the
campaign and change. My campaign did do well at getting the point across
and showing how dangerous it can be as most people didn’t realize they
were effecting other people when they would smoke and most people I
talked to have changed there attitudes towards it. My campaign did well at
creating feelings between the viewer and the children in the posters and it
made people feel bad for them and want change to happen and believed if
more people knew there would be. I have raised more awareness with my
campaign and have hopefully made people go out and make a change.
I wanted to get my message out there, so I took inspiration from companies like NHS how
have different posters about lots of health problems but the ones I was interested in was
to do with smoking and second hand smoke. When I saw these posters they made me
want to go with a very serious style in the posters I would make. I don’t think that I used
imagery as bad as NHS did in there poster but I think that my text got the message across
just as well as the images did in the NHS poster. Using text like smoking harms your child
to help push my message of what happens when people smoke. This made the message
from my campaign very clear and hopefully it would have the same success as it did with
Do they communicate your message
Are they appropriate for your target
My target audience was young adults and teenagers as this is when people start to
smoke, so I was trying to stop smoking before people got seriously into it. I think the
fact that I used carton style images it allowed for a younger audience. I feel like the
other posters were more aimed at and older audience as they are more likely to have
children and seeing images of children in distress would have more impact on them
than a younger audience. Most of the people I talked to about my campaign believed
that the campaign was good for most ages as you have the cartoon stuff for the
younger audience and then for the older audience you have the more serious style of
posters. People thought that my posters were informing people what could happen if
they were to continue therefore it made it better for an older audience. Most of my
audience felt like my campaign is appropriate for all ages but said that depending on
the poster would depend on how other people would see it as each one would have a
different meaning to different ages. Most people thought that my posters were hinting
at what could happen if you smoke which because of this made it more appropriate
for all age ranges. They believed that the style of the poster helps get the point across
and I think that most of my audience did like the mix that the posters brought. My
campaign follows a similar style to other talking about second hand smoke as it uses
the vulnerability of people by using pictures of children. Using text that is gripping to
the audience to draw them in.
Compare and contrast your original
intentions with the outcomes you
arrived at.
My original intentions for this project was to make carton style posters that would make a young
adult and teenage audience stop smoking and realized the problems that smoking brings. I
started like this but changed to focus on other aspects of smoking like second hand smoke. This
would widen my audience as I would be targeting two audience. I feel my posters have a
powerful meaning and have a scary and dark style to them. I feel like I achieved this with the
choice of images used in the posters but with having the cartoon posters it adds some what of a
lighter side to them, it is serious but it is more of a warning them telling this will happen. My
main inspiration for my posters was looking at what other posters had and then trying to do
something a little different, I noticed that not many of the smoking posters were cartoon styled
so I fought I should try to use that style in my posters as it would make it stand out compared to
the others. My inspiration for the second hand smoke posters was posters that used images and
text that combined together to make you feel bad, for example the NHS poster a couple of slides
ago. I liked the idea of using a strong type of text that is out going and gets straight to the point.
I feel like I started with a plan and then over production I started to branch out into another
source of smoking. I felt like the market I was going into was very broad and I needed to narrow
it down to something specific and not just smoking in general. I wanted the campaign to make
noise than there was within smoking as I felt like people are not putting as much attention to it
as much as they were, so I as hoping that with my campaign it can get people talking about
smoking and second hand smoke again. I wanted to create some sort of empathy for the
audience by using children in the posters as people have more feelings when it comes to
children than if it was a adult or young adult and when children are involved it seems worse as
they are young and can’t defend them selves or speak up about the problem.
How effective are the techniques you
have used?
I feel like my techniques are effective as my campaign made people more
aware of the problems in second hand smoke and made people want to
change there ways when smoking or even quit as they didn’t want to
have to not only worry about themselves but there children. People said
that my posters were very informative and made people think that it
could be them in hospital or it could be people they care about because
of there smoking. I have used different style of imagery from cartoon
images and then use of children to appeal to a larger audience. Also it
has raised awareness in people which was one of my aims. I feel like my
campaign has changed the way people think for the rest of their lives and
there opinion on smoking has changed especially knowing that they are
effecting other people. Most people felt like the most impactful part of
my campaign was the images I used which were the main focuses on
most of the products I made. But some people felt that the text was very
informative even if there was not much text they believed the text was
straight to the point and came across in a way that made you stop and
think. It also made them more aware of what could happen to them if
they smoke which was one of my aims to raise awareness for my
Is the content effective?
I do feel that the content of my campaign is effective as I have
raised the awareness of people when it comes to smoking and
the effects. I felt that my campaign was similar but also
different to others. I feel like the originality of the first poster I
made it stand out compared to others which I felt would make
my campaign successful as it would be something new for
people to look at. Most people said that my campaign worked
well together and helped to show more of a understanding to
smoking and second hand smoke. Most people felt like my
work was well suited for my purpose of stopping smoking and
second hand smoke. Most people said it was good and
effective and made them think more about what they are
doing when smoking or made them think of giving up as there
are to many risks compered to rewards.
Is the content effective?
This poster is about trying to stop smoking. I felt like the gloominess of the
poster makes it more scary then my poster and also the use of the of real
life images makes the poster stands out and makes you worried. This
poster is aimed at young adults and teenagers. Which was my target
audience when I first started my campaign but I decided to grow a bigger
audience by doing different things. I feel like teenagers would look at this
and not take it seriously because nowadays people are saying you can get
cancer from anything so when people hear you can get cancer from
smoking people just say or but you can apparently get cancer from this
and that. However the bed and the person with his head in his hands
makes more of an impact of the text. I feel like the background and the
smoke adds to the posters and adds to the intensity of the poster. I feel
like the cartoon style of imagery makes my poster seem less serious and it
doesn’t have the same fear factor as the other poster. The additional of a
black background and smoke could of made my poster seem more intense
and add to the scariness of the poster. Compared to this poster, I feel my
campaign is more suitable to all ages and I also feel like my poster is easier
to look at and brings in the audience in a easier way and less scarier way. I
feel like this poster gets It point across and it looks aesthetically pleasing
and a unique colour style especially in the word cancer. I feel like point of
the poster is clear and it is shown clearly from the use of images and text.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
I have used lots of different technical qualities in my work.
My cartoon style is one of the technical elements of my
work, this style has helped make my work original and more
aesthetically pleasing. My cartoon style was created using
rotorscope which was the main technical element of the
original posters. I feel like creating my cartoon style images
made my campaign stand out more. My use of bold and big
black letters is also another technical aspect of my work that
I I believe works well to stand out and grab the audience
attention. However this is not as aesthetically pleasing as the
image. Some of the text was big and bold which made it
stand out but there was some text that wasn’t and this was
because some parts where more important then others but I
feel like overall the work I created was aesthetically pleasing.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
I made the title bold and bigger than the rest of the text as it would make it stand
out more and grab people attention. It also makes it stand out more from the
background. I have also made the text sharp to make it seem like it is shouting at
you to look at this poster. I also used a small drop shadow which gave it more of a
stand out factor. The other text was meant big but not as big as the title as it
needed to be clear and easy to read. But the title is meant to draw you in then the
next bit of text is meant to keep your attention to then look at the image. To create
the image i orignally found a hospital bed to see what it looks like and to use when
putting mine together. I created lots of rectangles and build the bed up from sratch.
The way i put it together was basically copy the way the hospital bed image i had
was. The way i created the people was at first i made the person in the bed, i
created the head by using the circle tool and then put it onto the pillow from the
bed. The i made some more rectangles which then i would rotate to make it look
like the person was lying on the bed. I made the redtangles blue as it made the
person look like he was in a hospital gown. When creating the doctor i did it a
similar way as the the patient. Using the circe and the rectangle to put it together.
The way i did the feet was using the rotoscope tool and went around a pair of shoes
and then connected them to the legs. I had to make it look like he was stood behind
the bed which meant i had to madke the legs of the patient look like part of the
body of the doctor. Finally i added the blood line from the person to a bag of blood.
I created the logo by creating lots of individual cigarette and then i combined them
togehter to make it in the shape of a coffin. After this i thought of a title for my
logo. I decided to make it in a circle shape to make it diffrent to regular logo as
most would have there name just in a straight line so i decided to make it a little
diffrent. The final thing on the logo was a heart moniter which was added to keep
the point going of that smoking can kill you and it was to show the person who has
evenually died from smoking.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
In this poster there is a different style and this is aimed at second hand smoke
and not stopping smoking. In this poster I got an image of the internet of a
child how looks scared and affected by the effects of second hand smoke. In
the original image it had sharp lines so to get rid of this I used the rectangular
marquee tool which allowed me to get rid of the sharp lines and then only
have the face in the image turn out for people to see. I also made the face a
bit grey to make the child seem even more scared then see was and it also
makes her seem like she is lost and needs help. I decided to use a black
background with red text because the colours worked well together and it
added to the scariness. The text would get smaller for the less important text
so at the start you have the title and the first line which is the biggest as it is
meant to grab the attention and then the information would get smaller
because it wasn’t as important and the bigger text would already of gotten the
attention so the information just had to be informative to keep them
interested. For this poster I decided to change the logo to the second logo I
created. The way I created the logo was I looked at other logo and try to base
it on one that I found. I started with a red circle with my title and then had the
idea of having smoke coming from the circle. So instead of having a image of
smoke I decided to get rid of a line which would seem like smoke. Then made
the cigarette which was similar to when I created it on the original logo.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
I created a range of merchandise using different
cartoon styles which were based either from my
poster or things that I would find and liked. I
wanted to use the entire space the T-Shirt gave and
wanted to fill it with either cartoon images and
text. I also wanted the shirts to fit in with regular
shirts that you would see when walking around. It
has more of a teenage style which is my target
audience. There was not much technical work as a
lot of the images were already created and I took
them from the internet and would try them with
different styles like have the image with smoke or
having text. But I did have to resize and adjust the
positioning of the images. I feel like it is
aesthetically pleasing and is interesting to look at
though I feel like it is different to the posters.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
I created the coffee mug by basing it very similar to the
other merchandise. I used different cartoon images
and put them together in this example. I also put the
name of my campaign on the mug, like the wristband it
was meant to be a reminder for people so that every
time they need a drink they can see a cartoon image
on the mug reminding them to stop. This was similar
when creating the wristband. This was made as a
reminder and I think it would be very useful as it is
something you can have on you all the time and if you
feel like you want to have a cigarette than you can look
down at your wrist and it will remind you and stop you
from having one. The way I created the wristband was I
found the letters and felt like the letters would seem
like they sinked into the wristband which I really liked. I
did make this same wristband in different colours so
you could choose your favorite colour. I think the
letters on the wristband was a technical aspect.
What are the technical and aesthetic
qualities of your work?
My feedback about the style of campaign was positive.
Most of the responses thought my style was very good
and most people found my campaign aesthetically
pleasing. They liked the consistency throughout the
products and also some mixture allowed for a change
and made it more interesting. All of the elements of
the campaign are easy to identify. I have technically
put a lot work into the logos, merchandise and posters
which I feel have worked well to create something
aesthetic pleasing. Also most people I talked to said
that there was a lot of technical work put into the
different aspects of my campaign and the final
products were aesthetically pleasing.

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  • 2. Campaign Ideas My campaign was to raise awareness and help people understand more about smoking and what effects it has on the person smoking or on people around the person smoking. In my campaign I have used a dark tone throughout the posters by using images that make you feel something. I also used cartoon style on some of the posters and some of the merchandise. I also believe that using some of the images would capture the attention of the viewer and make them feel a sense of urgency to make a change from seeing the images and seeing the text describing what can happen. I have used images of other posters from the internet where there are children how look like they are in distress and need a way out or need help in the situation they are in. But having the cartoon elements soften the darkness of the posters and also it would bring in more of an audience as you would have people who like the cartoon stuff and people who like the dark posters.
  • 3. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? The first part of the project was creating the logo for my campaign. For my logo I initially decided to use a coffin as the base and make it out of cigarettes as this would show that if you smoke that it can affect your life and can lead to death. After putting it onto my posters and merchandise I decided it didn’t look as good as I would like it to so I decided to add to the logo. At first I added a heart monitor to further my point about smoking leading to death but it still seemed like it could be better. So I decided to completely change my idea and try something new so I looked up so already created logo for the same campaign as mine and I saw one that I really liked and thought it was very creative so I decided to take that and I it my own version. So my new logo had the same name and used some of the same features in the fact that both used cigarettes in the logo. But instead of it being a coffin shape it would be made into a circle shape. The line going through he logo was meant to be smoke coming from the cigarette. At first the content inside the logo was small so it didn’t fill the entire circle so making the text bigger and moving it around made it fill the circle better. Making the text big makes it stand out more and using the colour red gives it the sense of danger or gives it the meaning of stop doing something which was the aim of the campaign.
  • 4.
  • 5. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? I created a variety of posters from using real life images and making cartoon posters. My first type of posters I created was a cartoon style. I used the image to bring people in as it is a serious image of a person in a hospital bed. I was hoping it would create a sense of worry for people who could end up like this. This was the first poster I created I think that it could do with a background colour but I would have to be a colour that didn’t contradict the colours that were used in the image. I think that it gets it point across and helps to convey the message that the campaigns is about. I have used a serious and dark style to the poster with the image but the fact that it is a cartoon image I feel like that is not as bad as it could be. I think that most people would understand what is going on in the image I think they would think something bad has happened to the person in the bed but without the text they may not know that smoking put him there. I think using the bold and using black makes the title stand out and it is kind of getting the viewer involved as it is saying it could be you, so you stop and think could this be you and then become interested in the rest of the poster to see what it is all about and how to avoid this happening to you. Also it seems like this is warning you so you are captured by the warning. The second poster I created was also a cartoon themed poster. This poster is more about the effects of smoking and what you can get from smoking. The images shows what can happen to your lungs when you smoke and the list of things that happen when you smoke. I feel like this poster is not as good as the other one as it more text based which could draw people away also most people know the effects of smoking and know what can happen to them. Also the poster seems less interesting as the previous one. The way I could maybe make it more interesting is by showing all of the diseases listed at the top instead of just listing them and kind of making a cartoon image of each with potentially a tick next to them which would show that this is something that you could get if you decide to smoke. I could of made the text stand out more by making it bold or bigger and in a different colour to make it stand out more. I did add the logo to the poster and try to stick to the aim of the campaign.
  • 6. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? For this poster I decided to come away from the cartoon style and go with a dark tone with images of the internet. I also changed what the aim was for these as this poster was about second hand smoke and not about stopping smoking. I did this because I felt like this was something that less people know about as people know that smoking is bad but a lot will not realizing that them smoking is not only damaging there life but the lives of other around them. I got inspiration from other posters that were similar in style as this one. I decided to fade the background and black that out so you could only see the face of the child. I think that this type of poster is a lot more dark and gets the point across in more of a worrying way. As people see the image and seem sad and worried fort he child that is being affected. Using children to get my point across about second smoke was done because because people actually want to change to see children happy and not sad. Also using the child helps to shock the audience as the fact backs the image up. People generally will do more when there are kids involved with situations compared to adults. Also with the text being red makes it stand out and gives it a sense of danger. The background goes well with the poster as it is trying to show a dark theme so using dark colours like red and black goes well with getting the point across. In the second poster I changed it to landscape instead of portrait this was due to the image of the internet being cut so doing this got rid of the sharp lines from the image. I made the boy in the image look lifeless being making his skin look more grey and it also was done to show the effects that second hand smoke can have on people. On this one I choose to go black background with white text instead of the red I felt like it fitted well with the background and also the colour of white could be linked to living so seeing this colour could make people think that the life the child is living is not a happy one.
  • 7. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? For my merchandise I decided to make a T-shirt, wristband and coffee mug. With the wristband I wanted it to be more like a reminder than anything. So for example if you are craving a cigarette you can just look at the quote on your wristband and resist the temptations of having one. The coffee mug and T-shirt were made to be similar to the posters with a cartoon but serious style. They also have that sense of being interesting and the T-shirt may not be seen as a stop smoking T-shirt but one with a cool image on, so that if your were to wear it would be just like wearing a shirt with a image on and not suggesting something about smoking. I was trying to make something that people would wear and would not seem out of place. For the coffee mug it was similar to the wristband in more of a reminder than anything. But It would express stopping smoking more than the wristband would. The cartoon fitted in well with the posters and the T-shirts.
  • 8. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? I feel like my finished pieces are good for the purpose of my campaign as they help raise awareness about smoking and the harm it can cause on yourself and on others around you. When I asked about how it made people feel they believed it would have some change on smoking but believed that people having being trying to stop it for a long time. They like the mix of the cartoon style and the dark tone style. Also with the cartoon style they said that it gave a different style compared to the ones that are out there right know and the other ones made you think about the effects you are having on not only yourself but the people surrounding you. It made my audience think about life without smoking and seeing how different things would be for people lives, not only the ones how smoke but the ones how don’t. They liked the decision to do wristbands as this is something that a lot of the time you don’t see made by companies and they believed that it is a good reminder as it is always with you if you wear it. They liked the variety in T-shirts as there were different designs and some would have different versions so there would be an image with some text and there would be a version without the text.
  • 9. Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose? I think that my posters are very similar in style to these one. They follow the same style as the ones that I made by using children in the poster. Also the fact they have a little quote and then the picture overlooking the text. Using the black background with the white text is similar to my posters and having the text stand out. I feel like these posters are aimed at an older audience due to the use of the children. As it will be aimed at people who have children and also smoke. These were the types of posters that I looked at when looking into second hand smoke. I feel like both of these posters get there point across well and I believe that my campaign just like these have a strong message that helps people understand more about second hand smoke. These posters made me think about how it affects children which is the reason I looked into them, so I knew that if they made me feel sad for the children than making similar ones for my campaign would make other people feel the same.
  • 10. Do they communicate your message clearly? I feel that my campaign does communicate my message clearly as most of the people I talked to about my campaign said that there opinion on second hand smoke and smoking in general had changed. Most people knew that there was a lot of risks with smoking but didn’t know as much about second hand smoke and how it effects the people next to you more when you smoke than it does you. They all understood the message my campaign was trying to get across. I feel from the things that I made that my message is very clear from not only the images but the information that is used throughout the campaign. I think that my message is shown clearly as it has raised awareness in the people I talked to in smoking and the effects. This is also shown from the types of responses I got from people looking at my work.
  • 11. Do they communicate your message clearly? The responses I got overall were good most people said that there opinion had changed or had improved but people believed that I should of stuck to one style instead of having two different ones. As they felt that it didn’t fit well together as one was cartoon and not as serious as the ones with the images of children sad with a quote. People felt like it was like two campaign instead of one as some was about stopping smoking and some was about second hand smoke so trying to stick one or the over would of helped this as the stop smoking posters were the ones that were cartoon and the second hand smoke were the more serious ones that made you think more. They did like the cartoon ones as they believed it was creative and different but either wanted me to stick with that style throughout the campaign and change. My campaign did do well at getting the point across and showing how dangerous it can be as most people didn’t realize they were effecting other people when they would smoke and most people I talked to have changed there attitudes towards it. My campaign did well at creating feelings between the viewer and the children in the posters and it made people feel bad for them and want change to happen and believed if more people knew there would be. I have raised more awareness with my campaign and have hopefully made people go out and make a change.
  • 12. I wanted to get my message out there, so I took inspiration from companies like NHS how have different posters about lots of health problems but the ones I was interested in was to do with smoking and second hand smoke. When I saw these posters they made me want to go with a very serious style in the posters I would make. I don’t think that I used imagery as bad as NHS did in there poster but I think that my text got the message across just as well as the images did in the NHS poster. Using text like smoking harms your child to help push my message of what happens when people smoke. This made the message from my campaign very clear and hopefully it would have the same success as it did with NHS. Do they communicate your message clearly?
  • 13. Are they appropriate for your target audience? My target audience was young adults and teenagers as this is when people start to smoke, so I was trying to stop smoking before people got seriously into it. I think the fact that I used carton style images it allowed for a younger audience. I feel like the other posters were more aimed at and older audience as they are more likely to have children and seeing images of children in distress would have more impact on them than a younger audience. Most of the people I talked to about my campaign believed that the campaign was good for most ages as you have the cartoon stuff for the younger audience and then for the older audience you have the more serious style of posters. People thought that my posters were informing people what could happen if they were to continue therefore it made it better for an older audience. Most of my audience felt like my campaign is appropriate for all ages but said that depending on the poster would depend on how other people would see it as each one would have a different meaning to different ages. Most people thought that my posters were hinting at what could happen if you smoke which because of this made it more appropriate for all age ranges. They believed that the style of the poster helps get the point across and I think that most of my audience did like the mix that the posters brought. My campaign follows a similar style to other talking about second hand smoke as it uses the vulnerability of people by using pictures of children. Using text that is gripping to the audience to draw them in.
  • 14. Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at. My original intentions for this project was to make carton style posters that would make a young adult and teenage audience stop smoking and realized the problems that smoking brings. I started like this but changed to focus on other aspects of smoking like second hand smoke. This would widen my audience as I would be targeting two audience. I feel my posters have a powerful meaning and have a scary and dark style to them. I feel like I achieved this with the choice of images used in the posters but with having the cartoon posters it adds some what of a lighter side to them, it is serious but it is more of a warning them telling this will happen. My main inspiration for my posters was looking at what other posters had and then trying to do something a little different, I noticed that not many of the smoking posters were cartoon styled so I fought I should try to use that style in my posters as it would make it stand out compared to the others. My inspiration for the second hand smoke posters was posters that used images and text that combined together to make you feel bad, for example the NHS poster a couple of slides ago. I liked the idea of using a strong type of text that is out going and gets straight to the point. I feel like I started with a plan and then over production I started to branch out into another source of smoking. I felt like the market I was going into was very broad and I needed to narrow it down to something specific and not just smoking in general. I wanted the campaign to make noise than there was within smoking as I felt like people are not putting as much attention to it as much as they were, so I as hoping that with my campaign it can get people talking about smoking and second hand smoke again. I wanted to create some sort of empathy for the audience by using children in the posters as people have more feelings when it comes to children than if it was a adult or young adult and when children are involved it seems worse as they are young and can’t defend them selves or speak up about the problem.
  • 15. How effective are the techniques you have used? I feel like my techniques are effective as my campaign made people more aware of the problems in second hand smoke and made people want to change there ways when smoking or even quit as they didn’t want to have to not only worry about themselves but there children. People said that my posters were very informative and made people think that it could be them in hospital or it could be people they care about because of there smoking. I have used different style of imagery from cartoon images and then use of children to appeal to a larger audience. Also it has raised awareness in people which was one of my aims. I feel like my campaign has changed the way people think for the rest of their lives and there opinion on smoking has changed especially knowing that they are effecting other people. Most people felt like the most impactful part of my campaign was the images I used which were the main focuses on most of the products I made. But some people felt that the text was very informative even if there was not much text they believed the text was straight to the point and came across in a way that made you stop and think. It also made them more aware of what could happen to them if they smoke which was one of my aims to raise awareness for my campaign.
  • 16. Is the content effective? I do feel that the content of my campaign is effective as I have raised the awareness of people when it comes to smoking and the effects. I felt that my campaign was similar but also different to others. I feel like the originality of the first poster I made it stand out compared to others which I felt would make my campaign successful as it would be something new for people to look at. Most people said that my campaign worked well together and helped to show more of a understanding to smoking and second hand smoke. Most people felt like my work was well suited for my purpose of stopping smoking and second hand smoke. Most people said it was good and effective and made them think more about what they are doing when smoking or made them think of giving up as there are to many risks compered to rewards.
  • 17. Is the content effective? This poster is about trying to stop smoking. I felt like the gloominess of the poster makes it more scary then my poster and also the use of the of real life images makes the poster stands out and makes you worried. This poster is aimed at young adults and teenagers. Which was my target audience when I first started my campaign but I decided to grow a bigger audience by doing different things. I feel like teenagers would look at this and not take it seriously because nowadays people are saying you can get cancer from anything so when people hear you can get cancer from smoking people just say or but you can apparently get cancer from this and that. However the bed and the person with his head in his hands makes more of an impact of the text. I feel like the background and the smoke adds to the posters and adds to the intensity of the poster. I feel like the cartoon style of imagery makes my poster seem less serious and it doesn’t have the same fear factor as the other poster. The additional of a black background and smoke could of made my poster seem more intense and add to the scariness of the poster. Compared to this poster, I feel my campaign is more suitable to all ages and I also feel like my poster is easier to look at and brings in the audience in a easier way and less scarier way. I feel like this poster gets It point across and it looks aesthetically pleasing and a unique colour style especially in the word cancer. I feel like point of the poster is clear and it is shown clearly from the use of images and text.
  • 18. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? I have used lots of different technical qualities in my work. My cartoon style is one of the technical elements of my work, this style has helped make my work original and more aesthetically pleasing. My cartoon style was created using rotorscope which was the main technical element of the original posters. I feel like creating my cartoon style images made my campaign stand out more. My use of bold and big black letters is also another technical aspect of my work that I I believe works well to stand out and grab the audience attention. However this is not as aesthetically pleasing as the image. Some of the text was big and bold which made it stand out but there was some text that wasn’t and this was because some parts where more important then others but I feel like overall the work I created was aesthetically pleasing.
  • 19. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? I made the title bold and bigger than the rest of the text as it would make it stand out more and grab people attention. It also makes it stand out more from the background. I have also made the text sharp to make it seem like it is shouting at you to look at this poster. I also used a small drop shadow which gave it more of a stand out factor. The other text was meant big but not as big as the title as it needed to be clear and easy to read. But the title is meant to draw you in then the next bit of text is meant to keep your attention to then look at the image. To create the image i orignally found a hospital bed to see what it looks like and to use when putting mine together. I created lots of rectangles and build the bed up from sratch. The way i put it together was basically copy the way the hospital bed image i had was. The way i created the people was at first i made the person in the bed, i created the head by using the circle tool and then put it onto the pillow from the bed. The i made some more rectangles which then i would rotate to make it look like the person was lying on the bed. I made the redtangles blue as it made the person look like he was in a hospital gown. When creating the doctor i did it a similar way as the the patient. Using the circe and the rectangle to put it together. The way i did the feet was using the rotoscope tool and went around a pair of shoes and then connected them to the legs. I had to make it look like he was stood behind the bed which meant i had to madke the legs of the patient look like part of the body of the doctor. Finally i added the blood line from the person to a bag of blood. I created the logo by creating lots of individual cigarette and then i combined them togehter to make it in the shape of a coffin. After this i thought of a title for my logo. I decided to make it in a circle shape to make it diffrent to regular logo as most would have there name just in a straight line so i decided to make it a little diffrent. The final thing on the logo was a heart moniter which was added to keep the point going of that smoking can kill you and it was to show the person who has evenually died from smoking.
  • 20. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? In this poster there is a different style and this is aimed at second hand smoke and not stopping smoking. In this poster I got an image of the internet of a child how looks scared and affected by the effects of second hand smoke. In the original image it had sharp lines so to get rid of this I used the rectangular marquee tool which allowed me to get rid of the sharp lines and then only have the face in the image turn out for people to see. I also made the face a bit grey to make the child seem even more scared then see was and it also makes her seem like she is lost and needs help. I decided to use a black background with red text because the colours worked well together and it added to the scariness. The text would get smaller for the less important text so at the start you have the title and the first line which is the biggest as it is meant to grab the attention and then the information would get smaller because it wasn’t as important and the bigger text would already of gotten the attention so the information just had to be informative to keep them interested. For this poster I decided to change the logo to the second logo I created. The way I created the logo was I looked at other logo and try to base it on one that I found. I started with a red circle with my title and then had the idea of having smoke coming from the circle. So instead of having a image of smoke I decided to get rid of a line which would seem like smoke. Then made the cigarette which was similar to when I created it on the original logo.
  • 21. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? I created a range of merchandise using different cartoon styles which were based either from my poster or things that I would find and liked. I wanted to use the entire space the T-Shirt gave and wanted to fill it with either cartoon images and text. I also wanted the shirts to fit in with regular shirts that you would see when walking around. It has more of a teenage style which is my target audience. There was not much technical work as a lot of the images were already created and I took them from the internet and would try them with different styles like have the image with smoke or having text. But I did have to resize and adjust the positioning of the images. I feel like it is aesthetically pleasing and is interesting to look at though I feel like it is different to the posters.
  • 22. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? I created the coffee mug by basing it very similar to the other merchandise. I used different cartoon images and put them together in this example. I also put the name of my campaign on the mug, like the wristband it was meant to be a reminder for people so that every time they need a drink they can see a cartoon image on the mug reminding them to stop. This was similar when creating the wristband. This was made as a reminder and I think it would be very useful as it is something you can have on you all the time and if you feel like you want to have a cigarette than you can look down at your wrist and it will remind you and stop you from having one. The way I created the wristband was I found the letters and felt like the letters would seem like they sinked into the wristband which I really liked. I did make this same wristband in different colours so you could choose your favorite colour. I think the letters on the wristband was a technical aspect.
  • 23. What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work? My feedback about the style of campaign was positive. Most of the responses thought my style was very good and most people found my campaign aesthetically pleasing. They liked the consistency throughout the products and also some mixture allowed for a change and made it more interesting. All of the elements of the campaign are easy to identify. I have technically put a lot work into the logos, merchandise and posters which I feel have worked well to create something aesthetic pleasing. Also most people I talked to said that there was a lot of technical work put into the different aspects of my campaign and the final products were aesthetically pleasing.