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Enteric Fever
Presented by Dr. Ankit Agarwal
Guided by: Dr. B.S. Natani
Dept. of Pediatrics
NIMS, Jaipur
• History
• Epidemiology
• Etiology
• Pathogenesis
• Clinical Features
• Complications
• Diagnosis
• Differential Diagnosis
• Treatment
• Prevention and Vaccination
• References
Thomas Willis: In 1659 credited with the first
description of Typhoid fever
Evidence of cases of Typhoid Fever dates back to 430 BC, when a devastating
illness killed one-third of the population of Athens. In 2006, a study detected
DNA sequences similar to Salmonella in dental pulp extracted from a burial pit
dated to the time of the outbreak.
Until the nineteenth century Typhoid Fever and
Typhus were considered the same. John Huxam
in 1739 first described the difference between the
Thomas Willis
In 1880, Karl Joseph Eberth described a
typhoid bacillus. In 1884, pathologist Georg
Theodor August Gaffky confirmed Eberth's
findings, and the organism was given names
such as Eberth's bacillus, Eberthella typhi, and
Gaffky-Eberth bacillus.
French physician Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis
in 1829 first proposed the name “Typhoid Fever”-
meaning to resemble typhus.
In 1837 William Wood Gerhard was the first to
differentiate clearly between typhus fever and
William Budd in 1856 described the feco-oral
method of transmission of Typhoid fever
Pierre Charles Alexandre
Karl Joseph Eberth
In 1896 Georges-Fernand-Isidor Widal described the
‘Widal agglutination reaction’ and called it “Sero-
In the same year Sir Almroth Edward Wright
developed an injectable heat killed whole cell vaccine for
S. Paratyphi isolated in 1902 by H. Kayser
Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary. In 1907, she
became the first American carrier to be identified and
traced. She was a cook in New York and was associated
with 53 cases and 3 deaths. Health authorities told Mary
to give up working as a cook or have her gall bladder
removed. She was detained and quarantined after
another typhoid outbreak. She died of pneumonia after
26 years in quarantine.
• Over 21.6 million cases of Typhoid annually
• Over 2,00,000 deaths annually due to Typhoid
• Additional 5.4 million cases of Paratyphoid annually
• Indian subcontinent has the highest incidence of
the disease worldwide.
• Enteric Fever is endemic in India
• In India the incidence is 214.2/1,00,000/yr
• Age-Specific studies show that incidence in younger
children are higher (0-4y:2,730; 5-19y:1,170; 20-
40y:110 /1,00,000 per year)
Enteric Fever
is a collective term used for
Typhoid and Paratyphoid fevers.
• Typhoid fever is caused by Samonella enterica sub-
species enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi)
• Paratyphoid fever is caused by Samonella enterica sub-
species enterica serovar Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B (also
called S. schottmuelleri), Paratyphi C (also called S.
• Belong to Enterobacteriaceae family
• Gram Negetive, Rod-shaped, non-spore-forming,
predominantly motile bacteria with and
peritrichous flagella
• Are chemoorganotrophs and facultative anaerobes.
Antigenic Structure
• Salmonella posses following antigens on which
they are classified and identified:
1. Flagellar or H Antigen: present on the flagella
and is dual core heat labile protein. Strongly
Immunogenic. Agglutinate rapidly with antisera.
(Large, loose, fluffy clumps)
2. Somatic or O Antigen: phospholipid-protein-
polysaccharide complex. Integral part of cell wall.
Endotoxin. Heat Stable. Slow agglutination with
antisera (Compact, chalky, granular clumps)
3. Surface, Capsule or Vi Antigen: surface
polysaccharide antigen enveloping O antigen.
Heat labile. Act as Virulence factor. Poorly
Gram Staining of S. Typhi
S. Typhi showing
peritrichous flagella
• Humans are the only reservoir of S. Typhi and S.
Paratyphi A.
• S. Paratyphi B, and S. Paratyphi C also infect
dogs, cattle and poultry and can also transmit by
eggs or poorly cooked meat.
• Mode of Transmission : Feco-Oral Route (Most
Common). Less commonly urine of infected
• Infectious Dose : 105 – 109 organisms.
• Incubation Period : usually 7 – 14 days (can be
upto 3 – 30 days depending upon the infecting
Ingestion of contaminated food or water
S. typhi reaches terminal ileum and invades gut mucosa
through specialized antigen-sampling cells known as M cells (Microform cells).
Within the Peyer patches in the terminal ileum. S. typhi is phagocytosed by
These macrophages then enter the mesenteric lymphoid system and then pass into
the blood stream via the lymphatics.
These bacteria are disseminated throughout the body and colonize the organs of
the reticuloendothelial system
They replicate within macrophages and are shed back into the blood, causing a
secondary bacteremia.
• The surface Vi polysaccharide capsular antigen found in
S. Typhi interferes with phagocytosis and an virulence
trait encoded by the PhoP regulon gives ability to survive
within macrophages after phagocytosis
• S. typhi avoids triggering of an early inflammatory
response in the gut and instead colonize deeper tissues
and organ systems.
• Produces an inflammatory response in the deeper
mucosal layers and underlying lymphoid tissue causing
hyperplasia of Peyer patches and subsequent necrosis
and sloughing of overlying epithelium.
• These ulcers can bleed but usually heal
without scarring or stricture formation.
• Inflammatory lesion may occasionally
penetrate the muscularis and serosa of the
intestine and produce perforation.
• The mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and
spleen are hyperemic and generally have
areas of focal necrosis as well.
• A mononuclear response may be seen in the
bone marrow in association with areas of
focal necrosis.
• The propensity to become a carrier follows the epidemiology
of gallbladder disease.
• Increasing with patient age and the antibiotic resistance of the
prevalent strains.
• Carriage are generally lower in children than adults.
• Types of Carriers:
– Convalescent carrier: passes bacilli in the excreta form
3weeks-3months after clinical cure of typhoid.
– Temporary carrier: passes bacilli in the excreta form 3months-
1year after clinical cure of typhoid
– Chronic faecal carrier: continues to pass bacilli intermittently in
the excreta at least one year after infection.
– Chronic urinary carrier: the renal pelvis is infected & bacilli
pass in urine
Clinical Features
• Mean age of onset in India is 10yrs.
• Onset is insidious and varies from a mild
illness with low-grade fever, malaise, and
slight, dry cough to a severe clinical picture
with abdominal discomfort and multiple
• Presentation of typhoid may be more
dramatic in children younger than 5 yrs of
age, with comparatively higher rates of
complications and hospitalization.
Features of 1st week of illness
• Rising Step ladder type of fever, with chills but
rigors are rare
• Relative Bradycardia
• Dull, expressionless and toxic facies
• Dry skin with little sweating
• Coated tongue
• Musty, damp hay-like/baked bread like odour
• Vomiting
• Tender, doughy abdomen with slight guarding
• Constipation / Diarrhea (Pea Soup diarrhea)
• Occasionally minimal, non-productive cough
• Meningismus may occur early.
Dull, expressionless and toxic
Coated Tongue
Pea Soup Stools
Features of 2nd week of illness
• Continuous High grade fever (39.5-40.5 C)
• Worsening of cough may occur
• Rose Spots
• Abdominal Pain and tenderness
• Soft tender splenomegaly
• Soft tender hepatomegaly
Rose Spots
• Faint salmon coloured macules on the trunk and
• Appear in crops of 10-15
• First seen after 7-10 days of illness
• Last for upto 2-3 days
• Fades on pressure
• Difficult to see in dark-skinned children.
Features of 3rd week of illness
• Hepatosplenomegaly
• Intestinal bleeding or perforation
• Features of peritonitis
• Septic Shock
• Altered Sensorium
• In absence of acute complications or death,
symptoms gradually resolve over 2-4 weeks,
however, the illness may be associated with
malnutrition in a number of affected children
• Enteric fever caused by S. Paratyphi
organisms classically have a milder
• However, there have been several
outbreaks of infection with drug-resistant
S. paratyphi A, suggesting that
paratyphoid fever may also be severe,
with significant morbidity and
Intestinal haemorrhage, perforation
Central nervous system
Encephalopathy, cerebral edema, subdural
empyema, cerebral abscess, meningitis,
ventriculitis, transient parkinsonism, motor neuron
disorders, ataxia, seizures, Guillain-Barré
syndrome, psychosis, optic neuritis
Hepatobiliary system
Cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatic abscesses, splenic
abscess, peritonitis, paralytic ileus, acute
pancreatitis, splenic rupture
Pulmonary system
Pneumonia, empyema, bronchopleural
fistula, Bronchitis, pleural effusion,
Cardiovascular system
Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis,
arteritis, congestive heart failure, shock
Musculoskeletal System
Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, Periostitis,
typhoid spine, muscular rupture, Psoas
abscess, gluteal abscess, cutaneous
Genitourinary system
Urinary tract infection, renal abscess, pelvic
infections, testicular abscess,
prostatitis, epididymitis, Glomerulonephritis,
pyelonephritis, cystitis
Haemolysis, DIC, Hemophagocytosis
Bed sores, hypercalcaemia, decubitus
ulceration, abortion
• Bacteriological diagnosis of enteric fever
consists of:
1. Isolation of the bacilli from patient (Culture)
2. Demonstration of antibodies in serum
3. Demonstration of typhoid antigen in serum or
urine (Serological)
Blood Culture
• Bacteremia occurs early in the disease
• Blood culture is positive in about
90% cases in 1st week
75% cases in 2nd week
60% cases in 3rd week
25% thereafter till subsidence of pyrexia
• Blood cultures rapidly becomes negative
on treatment with antibiotics.
Isolation of the bacilli from patient
Method of Blood Culture
• 5-10 ml of blood is collected and inoculated into a
culture bottle containing 50-100 ml of 0.5% bile broth.
• After incubation overnight at 37 oC, the bile broth is
sub cultured on MacConkey agar.
• Pale, non-lactose fermenting colonies that grow are
further subjected to biochemical tests.
• Salmonella will be motile, indole and urease negative
and ferment glucose, mannitol and maltose but not
lactose or sucrose.
• Typhoid bacillus will be anaerogenic while Paratyphoid
bacilli will form acid and gas from sugar.
• Further confirmation is done by slide agglutination of
the colonies
• Cultures should be declared negative only after the
broth is sub cultured every day for ten days.
MacConkey agar with LF and non-LF colonies
S. Typhi
Does not
fermet sugar to
produce acid
and gas
Fermet sugar to
produce acid
and gas
• Other samples which can be cultured
1. Bone Marrow
2. Blood Clot
3. Feces
4. Urine
5. Bile
6. CSF
7. Pus from suppurative lesions
8. Sputum
9. Rose Spots
Wilson Blair Bismuth Sulphate Agar. Selective for S. Typhi
Demonstration of antibodies in serum
Widal Test
• This is a test for the measurement of H
and O agglutinins for typhoid and
paratyphoid bacilli in the patients sera.
• The antigens used in the test are the H
and O antigens of S. typhi and H antigens
of S. paratyphi A and B.
• Readymade Widal kits of stained antigen
are now available commercially for use
Interpreting the Widal Test
1. The agglutination titre will depend upon the stage of
the disease. Agglutinins usually appear by the end of
the first week and increases steadily till the third or
the fourth week, after which it declines gradually.
2. Demonstrating of a rise in titre of antibodies, by
testing two or more serum samples, is more
meaningful than a single test.
3. The result of a single test should be interpreted with
caution. It is difficult to lay down levels of significance
though it is generally stated that titres of 1/100 or
more of O agglutinins and 1/200 or more for H
agglutinins are significant.
4. Agglutinins may be present on account of prior
disease, inapparent infection or immunization.
Therefore the mere presence of agglutinin in the
Widal test should not be taken as proof of typhoid
5. Persons who have had a prior infection or
immunization may develop an anamnestic response
during an unrelated fever. This may be differentiated
by repetition of the test after a week. The anamnestic
response shows only a transient rise, while in entric
fever the rise is sustained.
6. Bacterial suspensions used as antigens should be
free form fimbria. False positive results may
otherwise occur.
7. Cases treated early with chloramphenicol may show
a poor agglutinin response.
Other test to detect circulating antibodies:
1. ELISA – e.g. Typhidot
Typhidot consists of a dot ELISA kit that detects IgM and IgG
antibodies against the outer membrane protein of S. typhi. The
typhidot test becomes positive within 2–3 days of infection and
separately identifies IgM and IgG antibodies. The most
important limitation of this test is that it is not quantitative and
result is only positive or negative.
2. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis(CIE)
3. Indirect Hemeagglutination
Demonstration of antigen in
1. Sensitized Staphylococcal coagglutination test.
2. PCR
Other investigations
• Results of other laboratory investigations are
• CBC:
– Leukocytopenia in relation to the fever and toxicity. In younger
children leukocytosis is common and may reach 20,000-25,000
– Thrombocytopenia: may be a marker of severe illness and
may accompany disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
• Liver function test results may be deranged, but
significant hepatic dysfunction is rare.
Differential Diagnosis
O t h e r S a l m o n e l l a I n f e c t i o n  GIT symptoms (V&D) are more
acute than the general
 Pyrexia much lower and of shorter
M a l a r i a  History of previous attacks
 More rapid onset
 Shivering and sweating
 High early pyrexia
 Relative infrequent abdominal
symptoms and signs
 Positive blood smear
I n f l u e n z a  More rapid onset
 High temperature,
 Severe sore throat and cough
 Absence of a palpable spleen and
rose spots.
B a c i l l a r y d y s e n t e r y  Acute onset
 Severe bloody diarrhea
 The signs and symptoms in
dysentery are usually abdominal
Typhus a n d o t h e r
r i c k e t t s i a l i n f e c t i o n s
 Acute onset
 High temperature at an early stage.
 Rigors are common
 Prostration is rapid.
 Rash is brownish red in colour, and
much more profuse and does not
fade on pressure.
 Leukocytosis
 Weil-Felix test becomes
significantly positive at about the
tenth day
Tu b e r c u l o s i s
( Ab d o m i n a l / P u l m o n a r y )
 The pyrexia and vague symptoms
and signs may be very similar.
 A chest X-ray, or laboratory
confirmation of typhoid, may be the
only sure method of diagnosis.
B r u c e l l o s i s  Onset tends to be more insidious.
 Painful joint is frequently present.
• Majority of children with typhoid fever can be managed at home with oral
antibiotics and close medical follow-up for complications or failure of
response to therapy.
• Patients with persistent vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal distention
may require hospitalization and parenteral antibiotic therapy.
• General Measure
– Adequate rest
– Adequate hydration
– correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance.
– Antipyretic therapy (Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kgevery 4-6 hr PO) should be
provided as required.
– Soft, easily digestible diet should be continued unless the patient has abdominal
distention or ileus.
• Traditional therapy with chloramphenicol or amoxicillin is
associated with relapse rates of 5-15% and 4-8%,
• Use of the quinolones and third generation cephalosporins is
associated with higher cure rates.
• The antibiotic treatment of typhoid fever is also influenced by
the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Emergence of
multidrug-resistant strains of S. Typhi (i.e., isolates fully
resistant to amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and
chloramphenicol) has necessitated treatment with
fluoroquinolones with cephalosporins as an alternative.
• The emergence of resistance to quinolones places
tremendous pressure on public health systems because
alternative therapeutic options are limited.
• Azithromycin may be an alternative antibiotic for children with
uncomplicated typhoid fever.
Guidelines for management of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011
Dexamethasone (3 mg/kg for the initial dose, followed by 1 mg/kg every 6 hr
for 48 hr) is recommended for severely ill patients with shock, obtundation,
stupor, or coma;
Fluoroquinolones : A dilemma!!!
• The fluoroquinolone drugs are generally very well tolerated.
However, in some countries the use of fluoroquinolones is
relatively contraindicated in children because of concerns that
they may cause articular damage.
• There is now extensive experience in the use of these drugs
in large numbers of children with long term follow-up. Their
considerable benefits, particularly in areas where there
are no affordable oral alternatives, outweigh the putative
• The only known articular side effect is Achilles tendon rupture
in patients who are also taking corticosteroids, and this has
been reported only rarely.
• A Cochrane systematic review of the treatment of typhoid
fever also indicates that there is little evidence to support the
carte blanche administration of fluoroquinolones in all cases
of typhoid fever
Why Fluoroquinolones???
• High drug levels are achieved within the GI lumen
after oral administration  no need of isolation
• The MIC for most salmonella is extremely low
• Bactericidal against Salmonella  low relapse
• Good Intracellular penetration  rapid onset and
high cure rate
• Ciprofloxacin is concentrated in the biliary tract, a
known site of persistent infection during chronic
carriage of salmonella  prevention of carrier
• Oral form and IV form are available  cheap
Treatment of Carriers
Drugs Duration Cure Rate
Amoxicillin or Ampicillin (100 mg/kg/d)
probenecid (1 g orally or 23 mg/kg)
TMP-SMZ (160- 800 mg twice daily)
6 weeks 60%
Ciprofloxacin (750mg twice daily)
Norfloxacin (400mg twice daily)
28 days 80%
Cholecytectomy may be required in chronic cases not treated by
the above regimens and carriers with cholelithiasis
Guidelines for management of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011
Best prevention Scrub them off your hands
Simple hand hygiene and
washing can reduce several
cases of Typhoid
• Typhoid vaccination was part of India’s
national immunization program till 1985
• Types of Typhoid Vaccines
1. Whole cell inactivated typhoid/ paratyphoid
(TAB) Vaccine
2. Vi-capsular polysaccharide (Vi-PS) vaccine
3. live oral vaccine
Whole cell inactivated typhoid/ paratyphoid (TAB) Vaccine
• Type of Vaccine: Heat-inactivated phenol-
preserved whole-cell
• Protective Efficacy: 51-88%
• Age of vaccination: >6 mths of age
• Vaccination Schedule: 2 doses s.c 4 weeks apart
• Revaccination: 2 yrs
Discontinued due to side effects like fever, malaise,
local pain
Vi-capsular polysaccharide (Vi-PS) vaccine
• Type of Vaccine: Highly purified antigenic fraction of Vi antigen of
S. typhi
• Protective Efficacy: 55-72%
• Age of vaccination: >2 yrs of age
• Vaccination Schedule: single dose (25mcg of antigen) s.c. or i.m.
• Revaccination: 3yrs
 The vaccine is stable for 6 mths at 37ºC and for 2 yrs at 22ºC.
 It is not immunogenic in below 2 years of age and has no
immune memory
 Protection begins seven days after injection and maximum
reached at 28 days after injection
Live oral vaccine
• Type of Vaccine: live attenuated vaccine of Ty21a strain
• Protective Efficacy: 50-60%
• Age of vaccination: >6 yrs.
• Vaccination Schedule: 3 doses of enteric coated capsule(2-6
million bacteria) given on alternated days
• Revaccination:3yrs
 Antibiotics should not be given 3 days before and 7 days after
 Protection starts from 10-14 days after 3rd dose.
 Also provides Herd Immunity
 Contraindicated in immunodeficiency
Newer Vaccines
• Vi-capsular polysaccharide conjugated with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (Vi-rEPA)
• Vi-PS Conjugate Vaccine Conjugated with Tetanus
Toxoid (Pedatyph®) by Bio-Med Pvt. Ltd.
• Vi-polysaccharide conjugate vaccine conjugated
with Tetanus Toxoid from Bharat Biotech (Typbar-
• S. paratyphi A vaccine composed of the surface
O-specific polysaccharide conjugated with
tetanus toxoid
1. Ananthnarayan and Panikarys textbook of microbiology 7th
2. Atul Kothari, Amit Pruthi, Tulsi D. Chugh. The Burden of
Enteric Fever. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(4): 253-
3. Background document: The diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of typhoid fever. World Health Organization. May-
4. Crump JA, Luby SP, Mintz ED (2004) The global burden of
typhoid fever. Bull World Health Organ 82:346-353.
5. Ghai Essential Pediatrics 8th Edition
6. Guidelines for managemet of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011
7. Huang DB, DuPont HL: Problem pathogens: extra-intestinal
complications of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi
infection, Lancet Infect Dis 5:341–348, 2005
8. K. D. Moudgil M.D., B. S. Narang M.D., Pathogenesis of
typhoid fever. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics July 1985,
Volume 52, Issue 4, pp 371-378
9. IAP guidebook on immunization 2013-2014
10. IAP Task Force Report: Management of Enteric Fever in Children.
Indian Pediatrics. Vol 43 Oct 2006
11. Manuela Raffatellu, R. Paul Wilson et al. Clinical pathogenesis of
typhoid fever. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(4): 260-266.
12. Nelson Text of Pediatrics 19th Edition
13. Ochiai RL, Acosta CJ, Danovaro-Holliday MC et al. (2008) A study
of typhoid fever in five Asian countries: disease burden and
implications for control. Bull World Health Organ 86(4):260-68.
14. PG textbook of Pediatrics
15. Sinha A, Sazawal S, Kumar R et al. (1999) Typhoid fever in
children aged less than 5 years. Lancet 354:734-737
16. Victor Vaughan: A Biography of the pioneering Bacteriologist,
1851-1929 By Richard Adler
17. YK Joshi. SYMPOSIUM : TYPHOID FEVER. Journal Indian
Academy of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 1 and 2 , January-June
Thank You…

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Enteric fever in children

  • 1. Enteric Fever Presented by Dr. Ankit Agarwal Guided by: Dr. B.S. Natani Dept. of Pediatrics NIMS, Jaipur
  • 2. Overview • History • Epidemiology • Etiology • Pathogenesis • Clinical Features • Complications • Diagnosis • Differential Diagnosis • Treatment • Prevention and Vaccination • References
  • 3. History Thomas Willis: In 1659 credited with the first description of Typhoid fever Evidence of cases of Typhoid Fever dates back to 430 BC, when a devastating illness killed one-third of the population of Athens. In 2006, a study detected DNA sequences similar to Salmonella in dental pulp extracted from a burial pit dated to the time of the outbreak. Until the nineteenth century Typhoid Fever and Typhus were considered the same. John Huxam in 1739 first described the difference between the two. Thomas Willis
  • 4. In 1880, Karl Joseph Eberth described a typhoid bacillus. In 1884, pathologist Georg Theodor August Gaffky confirmed Eberth's findings, and the organism was given names such as Eberth's bacillus, Eberthella typhi, and Gaffky-Eberth bacillus. French physician Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis in 1829 first proposed the name “Typhoid Fever”- meaning to resemble typhus. In 1837 William Wood Gerhard was the first to differentiate clearly between typhus fever and typhoid William Budd in 1856 described the feco-oral method of transmission of Typhoid fever Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis Karl Joseph Eberth
  • 5. Georges-Fernand-Isidor Widal In 1896 Georges-Fernand-Isidor Widal described the ‘Widal agglutination reaction’ and called it “Sero- Diagnosis” In the same year Sir Almroth Edward Wright developed an injectable heat killed whole cell vaccine for Typhoid. S. Paratyphi isolated in 1902 by H. Kayser Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary. In 1907, she became the first American carrier to be identified and traced. She was a cook in New York and was associated with 53 cases and 3 deaths. Health authorities told Mary to give up working as a cook or have her gall bladder removed. She was detained and quarantined after another typhoid outbreak. She died of pneumonia after 26 years in quarantine.
  • 6. Epidemiology • Over 21.6 million cases of Typhoid annually worldwide • Over 2,00,000 deaths annually due to Typhoid • Additional 5.4 million cases of Paratyphoid annually • Indian subcontinent has the highest incidence of the disease worldwide. • Enteric Fever is endemic in India • In India the incidence is 214.2/1,00,000/yr • Age-Specific studies show that incidence in younger children are higher (0-4y:2,730; 5-19y:1,170; 20- 40y:110 /1,00,000 per year)
  • 7.
  • 8. Enteric Fever is a collective term used for Typhoid and Paratyphoid fevers.
  • 9. • Typhoid fever is caused by Samonella enterica sub- species enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) • Paratyphoid fever is caused by Samonella enterica sub- species enterica serovar Paratyphi A, Paratyphi B (also called S. schottmuelleri), Paratyphi C (also called S. hirschfeldii) • Belong to Enterobacteriaceae family • Gram Negetive, Rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, predominantly motile bacteria with and peritrichous flagella • Are chemoorganotrophs and facultative anaerobes. Etiology
  • 10. Antigenic Structure • Salmonella posses following antigens on which they are classified and identified: 1. Flagellar or H Antigen: present on the flagella and is dual core heat labile protein. Strongly Immunogenic. Agglutinate rapidly with antisera. (Large, loose, fluffy clumps) 2. Somatic or O Antigen: phospholipid-protein- polysaccharide complex. Integral part of cell wall. Endotoxin. Heat Stable. Slow agglutination with antisera (Compact, chalky, granular clumps) 3. Surface, Capsule or Vi Antigen: surface polysaccharide antigen enveloping O antigen. Heat labile. Act as Virulence factor. Poorly immunogenic
  • 11.
  • 12. Gram Staining of S. Typhi S. Typhi showing peritrichous flagella
  • 13. Pathogenesis • Humans are the only reservoir of S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A. • S. Paratyphi B, and S. Paratyphi C also infect dogs, cattle and poultry and can also transmit by eggs or poorly cooked meat. • Mode of Transmission : Feco-Oral Route (Most Common). Less commonly urine of infected person. • Infectious Dose : 105 – 109 organisms. • Incubation Period : usually 7 – 14 days (can be upto 3 – 30 days depending upon the infecting dose)
  • 14. Ingestion of contaminated food or water S. typhi reaches terminal ileum and invades gut mucosa through specialized antigen-sampling cells known as M cells (Microform cells). Within the Peyer patches in the terminal ileum. S. typhi is phagocytosed by macrophages. These macrophages then enter the mesenteric lymphoid system and then pass into the blood stream via the lymphatics. These bacteria are disseminated throughout the body and colonize the organs of the reticuloendothelial system They replicate within macrophages and are shed back into the blood, causing a secondary bacteremia.
  • 15.
  • 16. • The surface Vi polysaccharide capsular antigen found in S. Typhi interferes with phagocytosis and an virulence trait encoded by the PhoP regulon gives ability to survive within macrophages after phagocytosis • S. typhi avoids triggering of an early inflammatory response in the gut and instead colonize deeper tissues and organ systems. • Produces an inflammatory response in the deeper mucosal layers and underlying lymphoid tissue causing hyperplasia of Peyer patches and subsequent necrosis and sloughing of overlying epithelium.
  • 17. • These ulcers can bleed but usually heal without scarring or stricture formation. • Inflammatory lesion may occasionally penetrate the muscularis and serosa of the intestine and produce perforation. • The mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and spleen are hyperemic and generally have areas of focal necrosis as well. • A mononuclear response may be seen in the bone marrow in association with areas of focal necrosis.
  • 18. Carriers • The propensity to become a carrier follows the epidemiology of gallbladder disease. • Increasing with patient age and the antibiotic resistance of the prevalent strains. • Carriage are generally lower in children than adults. • Types of Carriers: – Convalescent carrier: passes bacilli in the excreta form 3weeks-3months after clinical cure of typhoid. – Temporary carrier: passes bacilli in the excreta form 3months- 1year after clinical cure of typhoid – Chronic faecal carrier: continues to pass bacilli intermittently in the excreta at least one year after infection. – Chronic urinary carrier: the renal pelvis is infected & bacilli pass in urine
  • 19. Clinical Features • Mean age of onset in India is 10yrs. • Onset is insidious and varies from a mild illness with low-grade fever, malaise, and slight, dry cough to a severe clinical picture with abdominal discomfort and multiple complications • Presentation of typhoid may be more dramatic in children younger than 5 yrs of age, with comparatively higher rates of complications and hospitalization.
  • 20. Features of 1st week of illness • Rising Step ladder type of fever, with chills but rigors are rare • Relative Bradycardia • Dull, expressionless and toxic facies • Dry skin with little sweating • Coated tongue • Musty, damp hay-like/baked bread like odour • Vomiting • Tender, doughy abdomen with slight guarding • Constipation / Diarrhea (Pea Soup diarrhea) • Occasionally minimal, non-productive cough • Meningismus may occur early.
  • 21. Dull, expressionless and toxic facies Coated Tongue Pea Soup Stools
  • 22. Features of 2nd week of illness • Continuous High grade fever (39.5-40.5 C) • Worsening of cough may occur • Rose Spots • Abdominal Pain and tenderness • Soft tender splenomegaly • Soft tender hepatomegaly
  • 23. Rose Spots • Faint salmon coloured macules on the trunk and abdomen • Appear in crops of 10-15 • First seen after 7-10 days of illness • Last for upto 2-3 days • Fades on pressure • Difficult to see in dark-skinned children.
  • 24. Features of 3rd week of illness • Hepatosplenomegaly • Intestinal bleeding or perforation • Features of peritonitis • Septic Shock • Altered Sensorium • In absence of acute complications or death, symptoms gradually resolve over 2-4 weeks, however, the illness may be associated with malnutrition in a number of affected children
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  • 27. • Enteric fever caused by S. Paratyphi organisms classically have a milder course. • However, there have been several outbreaks of infection with drug-resistant S. paratyphi A, suggesting that paratyphoid fever may also be severe, with significant morbidity and complications
  • 28. Complications Gastrointestinal Intestinal haemorrhage, perforation Central nervous system Encephalopathy, cerebral edema, subdural empyema, cerebral abscess, meningitis, ventriculitis, transient parkinsonism, motor neuron disorders, ataxia, seizures, Guillain-Barré syndrome, psychosis, optic neuritis Hepatobiliary system Cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatic abscesses, splenic abscess, peritonitis, paralytic ileus, acute pancreatitis, splenic rupture
  • 29. Pulmonary system Pneumonia, empyema, bronchopleural fistula, Bronchitis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax Cardiovascular system Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, arteritis, congestive heart failure, shock Musculoskeletal System Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, Periostitis, typhoid spine, muscular rupture, Psoas abscess, gluteal abscess, cutaneous vasculitis
  • 30. Genitourinary system Urinary tract infection, renal abscess, pelvic infections, testicular abscess, prostatitis, epididymitis, Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis Haemopoeitic Haemolysis, DIC, Hemophagocytosis syndrome Others Bed sores, hypercalcaemia, decubitus ulceration, abortion
  • 31. Diagnosis • Bacteriological diagnosis of enteric fever consists of: 1. Isolation of the bacilli from patient (Culture) 2. Demonstration of antibodies in serum (Serological) 3. Demonstration of typhoid antigen in serum or urine (Serological)
  • 32. Blood Culture • Bacteremia occurs early in the disease • Blood culture is positive in about 90% cases in 1st week 75% cases in 2nd week 60% cases in 3rd week 25% thereafter till subsidence of pyrexia • Blood cultures rapidly becomes negative on treatment with antibiotics. Isolation of the bacilli from patient
  • 33. Method of Blood Culture • 5-10 ml of blood is collected and inoculated into a culture bottle containing 50-100 ml of 0.5% bile broth. • After incubation overnight at 37 oC, the bile broth is sub cultured on MacConkey agar. • Pale, non-lactose fermenting colonies that grow are further subjected to biochemical tests. • Salmonella will be motile, indole and urease negative and ferment glucose, mannitol and maltose but not lactose or sucrose. • Typhoid bacillus will be anaerogenic while Paratyphoid bacilli will form acid and gas from sugar. • Further confirmation is done by slide agglutination of the colonies • Cultures should be declared negative only after the broth is sub cultured every day for ten days.
  • 34. MacConkey agar with LF and non-LF colonies
  • 35. S. Typhi Does not fermet sugar to produce acid and gas S.Paratyphi Fermet sugar to produce acid and gas
  • 36. • Other samples which can be cultured 1. Bone Marrow 2. Blood Clot 3. Feces 4. Urine 5. Bile 6. CSF 7. Pus from suppurative lesions 8. Sputum 9. Rose Spots
  • 37. Wilson Blair Bismuth Sulphate Agar. Selective for S. Typhi
  • 38. Demonstration of antibodies in serum Widal Test • This is a test for the measurement of H and O agglutinins for typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli in the patients sera. • The antigens used in the test are the H and O antigens of S. typhi and H antigens of S. paratyphi A and B. • Readymade Widal kits of stained antigen are now available commercially for use
  • 39. Interpreting the Widal Test 1. The agglutination titre will depend upon the stage of the disease. Agglutinins usually appear by the end of the first week and increases steadily till the third or the fourth week, after which it declines gradually. 2. Demonstrating of a rise in titre of antibodies, by testing two or more serum samples, is more meaningful than a single test. 3. The result of a single test should be interpreted with caution. It is difficult to lay down levels of significance though it is generally stated that titres of 1/100 or more of O agglutinins and 1/200 or more for H agglutinins are significant.
  • 40. 4. Agglutinins may be present on account of prior disease, inapparent infection or immunization. Therefore the mere presence of agglutinin in the Widal test should not be taken as proof of typhoid fever 5. Persons who have had a prior infection or immunization may develop an anamnestic response during an unrelated fever. This may be differentiated by repetition of the test after a week. The anamnestic response shows only a transient rise, while in entric fever the rise is sustained. 6. Bacterial suspensions used as antigens should be free form fimbria. False positive results may otherwise occur. 7. Cases treated early with chloramphenicol may show a poor agglutinin response.
  • 41. Other test to detect circulating antibodies: 1. ELISA – e.g. Typhidot Typhidot consists of a dot ELISA kit that detects IgM and IgG antibodies against the outer membrane protein of S. typhi. The typhidot test becomes positive within 2–3 days of infection and separately identifies IgM and IgG antibodies. The most important limitation of this test is that it is not quantitative and result is only positive or negative. 2. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis(CIE) 3. Indirect Hemeagglutination
  • 42. Demonstration of antigen in serum/urine 1. Sensitized Staphylococcal coagglutination test. 2. PCR Other investigations • Results of other laboratory investigations are nonspecific. • CBC: – Leukocytopenia in relation to the fever and toxicity. In younger children leukocytosis is common and may reach 20,000-25,000 cells/μL. – Thrombocytopenia: may be a marker of severe illness and may accompany disseminated intravascular coagulopathy • Liver function test results may be deranged, but significant hepatic dysfunction is rare.
  • 43. Differential Diagnosis O t h e r S a l m o n e l l a I n f e c t i o n  GIT symptoms (V&D) are more acute than the general manifestations  Pyrexia much lower and of shorter duration M a l a r i a  History of previous attacks  More rapid onset  Shivering and sweating  High early pyrexia  Relative infrequent abdominal symptoms and signs  Positive blood smear I n f l u e n z a  More rapid onset  High temperature,  Severe sore throat and cough  Absence of a palpable spleen and rose spots.
  • 44. B a c i l l a r y d y s e n t e r y  Acute onset  Severe bloody diarrhea  The signs and symptoms in dysentery are usually abdominal Typhus a n d o t h e r r i c k e t t s i a l i n f e c t i o n s  Acute onset  High temperature at an early stage.  Rigors are common  Prostration is rapid.  Rash is brownish red in colour, and much more profuse and does not fade on pressure.  Leukocytosis  Weil-Felix test becomes significantly positive at about the tenth day Tu b e r c u l o s i s ( Ab d o m i n a l / P u l m o n a r y )  The pyrexia and vague symptoms and signs may be very similar.  A chest X-ray, or laboratory confirmation of typhoid, may be the only sure method of diagnosis. B r u c e l l o s i s  Onset tends to be more insidious.  Painful joint is frequently present.
  • 45. Treatment • Majority of children with typhoid fever can be managed at home with oral antibiotics and close medical follow-up for complications or failure of response to therapy. • Patients with persistent vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal distention may require hospitalization and parenteral antibiotic therapy. • General Measure – Adequate rest – Adequate hydration – correct fluid and electrolyte imbalance. – Antipyretic therapy (Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kgevery 4-6 hr PO) should be provided as required. – Soft, easily digestible diet should be continued unless the patient has abdominal distention or ileus.
  • 46. Antimicrobials • Traditional therapy with chloramphenicol or amoxicillin is associated with relapse rates of 5-15% and 4-8%, respectively • Use of the quinolones and third generation cephalosporins is associated with higher cure rates. • The antibiotic treatment of typhoid fever is also influenced by the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. Emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of S. Typhi (i.e., isolates fully resistant to amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and chloramphenicol) has necessitated treatment with fluoroquinolones with cephalosporins as an alternative. • The emergence of resistance to quinolones places tremendous pressure on public health systems because alternative therapeutic options are limited. • Azithromycin may be an alternative antibiotic for children with uncomplicated typhoid fever.
  • 47. Guidelines for management of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011
  • 48. Dexamethasone (3 mg/kg for the initial dose, followed by 1 mg/kg every 6 hr for 48 hr) is recommended for severely ill patients with shock, obtundation, stupor, or coma;
  • 49. Fluoroquinolones : A dilemma!!! • The fluoroquinolone drugs are generally very well tolerated. However, in some countries the use of fluoroquinolones is relatively contraindicated in children because of concerns that they may cause articular damage. • There is now extensive experience in the use of these drugs in large numbers of children with long term follow-up. Their considerable benefits, particularly in areas where there are no affordable oral alternatives, outweigh the putative risk. • The only known articular side effect is Achilles tendon rupture in patients who are also taking corticosteroids, and this has been reported only rarely. • A Cochrane systematic review of the treatment of typhoid fever also indicates that there is little evidence to support the carte blanche administration of fluoroquinolones in all cases of typhoid fever
  • 50. Why Fluoroquinolones??? • High drug levels are achieved within the GI lumen after oral administration  no need of isolation • The MIC for most salmonella is extremely low (<0.1mcg/ml) • Bactericidal against Salmonella  low relapse • Good Intracellular penetration  rapid onset and high cure rate • Ciprofloxacin is concentrated in the biliary tract, a known site of persistent infection during chronic carriage of salmonella  prevention of carrier • Oral form and IV form are available  cheap
  • 51. Treatment of Carriers Drugs Duration Cure Rate Amoxicillin or Ampicillin (100 mg/kg/d) PLUS probenecid (1 g orally or 23 mg/kg) OR TMP-SMZ (160- 800 mg twice daily) 6 weeks 60% Ciprofloxacin (750mg twice daily) OR Norfloxacin (400mg twice daily) 28 days 80% Cholecytectomy may be required in chronic cases not treated by the above regimens and carriers with cholelithiasis Guidelines for management of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011
  • 53. Best prevention Scrub them off your hands
  • 54. Simple hand hygiene and washing can reduce several cases of Typhoid
  • 55.
  • 56. Vaccination • Typhoid vaccination was part of India’s national immunization program till 1985 • Types of Typhoid Vaccines 1. Whole cell inactivated typhoid/ paratyphoid (TAB) Vaccine 2. Vi-capsular polysaccharide (Vi-PS) vaccine 3. live oral vaccine
  • 57. Whole cell inactivated typhoid/ paratyphoid (TAB) Vaccine • Type of Vaccine: Heat-inactivated phenol- preserved whole-cell • Protective Efficacy: 51-88% • Age of vaccination: >6 mths of age • Vaccination Schedule: 2 doses s.c 4 weeks apart • Revaccination: 2 yrs Discontinued due to side effects like fever, malaise, local pain
  • 58. Vi-capsular polysaccharide (Vi-PS) vaccine • Type of Vaccine: Highly purified antigenic fraction of Vi antigen of S. typhi • Protective Efficacy: 55-72% • Age of vaccination: >2 yrs of age • Vaccination Schedule: single dose (25mcg of antigen) s.c. or i.m. • Revaccination: 3yrs  The vaccine is stable for 6 mths at 37ºC and for 2 yrs at 22ºC.  It is not immunogenic in below 2 years of age and has no immune memory  Protection begins seven days after injection and maximum reached at 28 days after injection
  • 59. Live oral vaccine • Type of Vaccine: live attenuated vaccine of Ty21a strain • Protective Efficacy: 50-60% • Age of vaccination: >6 yrs. • Vaccination Schedule: 3 doses of enteric coated capsule(2-6 million bacteria) given on alternated days • Revaccination:3yrs  Antibiotics should not be given 3 days before and 7 days after vaccination  Protection starts from 10-14 days after 3rd dose.  Also provides Herd Immunity  Contraindicated in immunodeficiency
  • 60. Newer Vaccines • Vi-capsular polysaccharide conjugated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (Vi-rEPA) • Vi-PS Conjugate Vaccine Conjugated with Tetanus Toxoid (Pedatyph®) by Bio-Med Pvt. Ltd. • Vi-polysaccharide conjugate vaccine conjugated with Tetanus Toxoid from Bharat Biotech (Typbar- TCV®) • S. paratyphi A vaccine composed of the surface O-specific polysaccharide conjugated with tetanus toxoid
  • 61. References 1. Ananthnarayan and Panikarys textbook of microbiology 7th edition 2. Atul Kothari, Amit Pruthi, Tulsi D. Chugh. The Burden of Enteric Fever. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(4): 253- 259. 3. Background document: The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of typhoid fever. World Health Organization. May- 2003 4. Crump JA, Luby SP, Mintz ED (2004) The global burden of typhoid fever. Bull World Health Organ 82:346-353. 5. Ghai Essential Pediatrics 8th Edition 6. Guidelines for managemet of typhoid fever. WHO. July 2011 7. Huang DB, DuPont HL: Problem pathogens: extra-intestinal complications of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi infection, Lancet Infect Dis 5:341–348, 2005 8. K. D. Moudgil M.D., B. S. Narang M.D., Pathogenesis of typhoid fever. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics July 1985, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp 371-378
  • 62. 9. IAP guidebook on immunization 2013-2014 10. IAP Task Force Report: Management of Enteric Fever in Children. Indian Pediatrics. Vol 43 Oct 2006 11. Manuela Raffatellu, R. Paul Wilson et al. Clinical pathogenesis of typhoid fever. J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(4): 260-266. 12. Nelson Text of Pediatrics 19th Edition 13. Ochiai RL, Acosta CJ, Danovaro-Holliday MC et al. (2008) A study of typhoid fever in five Asian countries: disease burden and implications for control. Bull World Health Organ 86(4):260-68. 14. PG textbook of Pediatrics 15. Sinha A, Sazawal S, Kumar R et al. (1999) Typhoid fever in children aged less than 5 years. Lancet 354:734-737 16. Victor Vaughan: A Biography of the pioneering Bacteriologist, 1851-1929 By Richard Adler 17. YK Joshi. SYMPOSIUM : TYPHOID FEVER. Journal Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 1 and 2 , January-June 2001

Editor's Notes

  1. Evidence of typhoid fever dates back to 430 BC. It was first described by Thomas willis of  "Circle of Willis” fame on 1659.
  2. In 1829 the term “typhoid fever” was coined and in 1880 the organism was described by karl joseph eberth
  3. 5400000
  4. peritrichous flagella: flagella that are all around the cell body Chemoorganotrophs: obtaining their energy from oxidation and reduction reactions using organic sources facultative anaerobes: organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent.
  5. H antigen: induces antibody formation rapidly and in high titres O antigen: less immunogenic than h antigen. Low titer of antibody. Virulence factor : Inhibits phagocytosis, resisting complement activation and bacterial lysis by alternative pathway and peroxidase mediate killing. Strains found to possess Vi antigen were found to cause clinical disease more consistently Poorly immunogenic: very low titres of antibody formed. Exotoxins are toxic substances secreted by bacteria and released outside the cell. Endotoxins are bacterial toxins consisting of lipids that are located within a cell.
  6. Gram negative so pink in colour
  7. Thus a direct contact with an infected person is a prerequisite for typhoid fever
  8. Pass stomach: so any condition of reduced acidity will be risk factor. Like antacid use, achlorhydra This primary bacteremia is usually asymptomatic, and blood culture results are frequently negative at this stage of the disease. secondary bacteremia that coincides with the onset of clinical symptoms and marks the end of the incubation period
  9. 2-4% become chronic fecal carrier
  10. Classic untreated cases. The fever may rise gradually, but the classic stepladder rise of fever is relatively rare. Relative bradycardia is also rare in children Constipation and diarrhea occur with equal frequency. Diarrhea is more common in younger children. Stools are small in volume, resemble pea-soup, contains erythrocytes but are not grossly bloody.
  11. Rose spots: faint salmon coloured macules on the trunk and abdomen lesions may appear in crops of 10-15 on the lower chest and abdomen and last 2-3 days (Fig. 198-5). These lesions may be difficult to see in dark-skinned children.
  12. Blood contains growth inhibitory substance hence its essential that sufficient quantity of broth be taken
  13.  Lac+ bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Enterobacter and Klebsiella  Non-Lactose fermenting bacteria such as Salmonella, Proteus species, Yersinia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella 
  14. Bone Marrow: cultures are positive in most cases even if blood culture is negetive. Blood clot: blood collected is allowed to clot. Serum pipetted out and used for serological tests. Clot broken and added to bile broth with streptokinase. Has higher rate of isolation Feces: almost as valuable as blood culture. organism is shed in feces throughout the course of disease and even in convalescence with varying frequency. Also positive in carrier. Valuable in patients on antibiotics as antibiotics act late in bacilli in the gut. Has to be culture in selctive media like Wilson-blair bismuth sulphate agar. Urine: Positive only in the 2nd and 3rd week and thereafter only in 25% cases. Very irregulary positive Bile: duodenal aspiration. Employed mostly to detect carriers
  15. S.Typhi forms large black colonies with a metallic sheen – rabbit eye colonies. S. Paratyphi A produces green colonies due to absence of H2S production
  16. The paratyphoid O antigens are not used as they cross react with the typhoid O antigen due to their sharing of factor 12
  17. So that blood taken earlier than 1 week may give a negative result. If the first sample is taken late in the disease, a rise may not be demonstrated. Instead a fall may be seen in some cases. . It is necessary to obtain information on the distribution of agglutinin levels in ‘’normal sera” in different areas
  18. 4. H agglutinins persists longer than O agglutinins. Individuals with TAB Vaccination will generally have antibodies to S. typhi, s. paratyphi A and B, while in case of infection antibodies will be seen only against infecting species
  19. 1. Staph aureus which contain protein A, is stabilised and coated with s. typhi antibody. When such cells are mixed with serum of a patient it shows agglutination reaction within 2 minutes. This test is rapid sensitive and specific but is not positive after the first week of disease.
  20. Bloddy diarrhea is rare in typhoid
  21. corticosteroids should be administered only under strict controlled conditions and supervision, because their use may mask signs of abdominal complications.
  22. Floroquinilones which are the antimicrobial drug of choice for treatment of salmonellosis in adults,
  23. Only Typhoid vaccine available in India