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Module 63
A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
How are you today? In your previous lesson you have learned
about the parts of a newspaper.
In this module, you will learn how to write editorial.
In the letter boxes, write the correct word for each given
meaning. Choose your answer from the big box.
1. - a belief based not on certainty but
on what seems true or probable.
2. - statement of news on events.
3. - way of responding to a stimulus/
To the Learner
Let’s Try This
Let’s Learn This
reaction the news issue
news peg apology opinion
How will you react about this issue?
a. What was the paragraph all about?
Recording star Christian Bautista sings the Philippine National
Anthem during the opening ceremonies of the boxing match.
b. Was there a PROBLEM or an ISSUE that was raised with Christian
Bautista’s public performance? State the ISSUE or PROBLEM.
Christian Bautista forgot the correct line in one part of the
Lupang Hinirang that made the boxing fans felt disappointed,
and that drew violent reactions from the televiewers.
Let’s Study This
RP pop star misses anthem lines in public
Philippine Recording Star Christian
Bautista forgot to sing the two lines of the lyrics
of “Lupang Hinirang” when he sang the national
anthem during the boxing exhibition between
Gerry Peñalosa ang Conception Bernabe in
Alabang, recently.
Hundreds of boxing fans expressed
disappointment about the public performance
of Bautista, who was expected to sing the
anthem professionally.
Bautista offered an apology to the public
after the incident saying “I apologize to the
Filipino people for the lapse of memory that
occurred during my rendition of the national
anthem.” He promised to sing the national
anthem with mastery next time.
c. What is your reaction about this issue?
Every Filipino, most especially public figures like Christian
Bautista should set an example to the youth as to how the
National Anthem should be sung. Everyone must sing the
“Lupang Hinirang” with pride and dignity.
d. What type of editorial do you think is this kind of issue?
Editorial of Interpretation or Editorial of Critisicm.
e. What is your reaction, opinion and comments about the issue?
You may have your own reactions or opinions but refer to the
following for some possible answers:
a. Christian Bautista who is a popular recording singer of the
Philippines and supposedly a model to the youth should
sing the national anthem professionally.
b. A true Filipino sings the “Lupang Hinirang” with pride and
dignity, masters its correct lyrics.
c. Christian Bautista, being human can commit mistakes.
Performing of hundreds of people could bring/cause
nervousness to the performer.
d. A true patriotic person could sing the “Lupang Hinirang”
amidst unexpected conditions.
e. Practice makes the performance perfect. Lapses in focus
and lack of practice may change the performace.
f. It is embarrassing for a professional and popular
recording artist to forget the lyrics of his own national
g. Great men and women had sacrificed their lives in the
past to bring the best anthem to the present generations.
Let their sacrifices be not in vain.
h. The “Lupang Hinirang” represents the beliefs and ideals of
the Filipino people. It must be sung with pride and
i. Any adult person who doesn’t know how to sing the
correct lyrics of the national anthem is advised to learn
and master it.
j. Bautista displayed a gesture of humility when he admitted
his mistake with sincerity and asked for public apology.
f. How many paragraphs does it have?
It has three (3) paragraphs.
Reactions, issues, views, comments are forms of expression
in editorial that discuss an issue affecting the lives of people.
Editorial is an expression of facts and opinions presented in
a pleasing order as to influence and mold public opinions.
If the news story does not allow the expression of opinion in
its content, it is in the editorial where a writer may express his
opinion based from the gathered facts and observations.
Here are the different types of editorials:
Can you cite some example of news or issues suitable for each
type of editorial? How can you present your opinion in a pleasing
manner? Let us consider the following points in coming up with an
effective editorial essay:
1. Before writing, be sure to understand thoroughly the situation
or problem which you are going to write about.
1. Editorial of interpretation- it explains the significance or
meaning of news events, situation or issue.
2. Editorial of criticism- it points out the fault in a situation
mentioned and solutions.
3. Editorial of argumentation- it takes a stand on a
controversial issue whether in favor or contrary.
4. Editorial of commendation- it gives praise to a worthy deed
done by a person or by an institution.
5. Editorial of persuasion – enlists the reader’s support of a
program or a plan of action. It gives reasons for support. In
closing, it cites advantages to be gained or contains a plea
for action.
2. Plan a catchy and interesting introduction. This is the newspeg,
the situation, the problem about which the editorial is
3. Build up your arguments in a logical sequence. Explain your
reactions to the problem. Give examples to support your
arguments. This is an effective way to drive home your point.
4. The last part of the editorial should tie up with your
introduction. Suggest either a solution or present a challenge.
In writing you should follow correct mechanics such as:
1. indention
2. neatness and orderliness
3. punctuation marks
4. capitalization
5. margin
Below is a paragraph which shows the correct mechanics in
indention capitalization
The period (.), comma (,), exclamation point (!), and question
mark (?) are all examples of punctuation marks.
When the paragraph has no erasures, it is considered neat or it
shows neatness.
Parents just like their children, look forward to having
summer fun with their children. They spend time with their
children in the house as they got to learn new skills like
cooking! Nowadays girls and boys alike are fond of tinkering
with the utensils in the kitchen.
What type of editorial will you find in each of the following
The effectiveness of the “bayanihan” spirit was best shown by
groups of students, hundreds of them, as they took the streets in
support of the Metro Manila clean-up and beautification drive.
The students coming from different schools in Tondo, pooled
themselves together, cleaned the streets and beautified them with
potted ornamental plants.
This is “Bayanihan” in action.
“Bayanihan” is an ancient Filipino custom, symbolic of the Filipino
way of group work. As found in the Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala
(1745) by P. Juan de Noceda and P. Perdo de Sanlucar, the word
“bayanihan” is derived from the root word “bayani” meaning Obra
Cumun or group work.
Another related word, “Magpabayani” is a request for help by one
who wants a job done for him, and evokes response from neighbors
who come in groups to offer their services in all forms and in their own
simple ways. In return the “magpabayani” offers free breakfast, lunch,
or “meriendas” as a token of appreciation and gratitude of the
“Bayanihan” is more than help extended to another. It includes all
kinds of assistance: aid, relief, or rescue given free. It may be getting
together to pray for a departed soul, or the grouping together for
operation linis or operation tulong.
Working together in a spirit of faith, love and charity is the
essence of “bayanihan”, that spirit of togetherness that makes the
Filipino distinct from other peoples of the world. It is a fine spirit of
Let’s Do This
group work to instill in the young for the development of team work, at
home, in school, and in the community.
“Bayanihan” could be basis for the strengthening and the
enriching of our group life that will evolve a strong unity properly
directed towards useful citizenship.
Today, the Philippines has a population of 50 million. At the
present rate of growth, this small country, within 35 years would have
to support more than 100 million.
This means that most of our high school students now, who
would only be in their early 40’s or 50’s at that time will be the ones to
be most affected by the evil effects of population explosion.
Even today, with our relatively small population, our basic
problems are food, water, housing, education and pollution.
Just imagine how these problems would be aggravated by the 100
million mouth to feed, backs to clothe, heads to shelter, and minds to
Also, today, the world has a population of three billion. These will
double in 35 year’s time. The world population is increasing at the rate
of an additional 1,000 million every eight years.
In six and a half centuries from now, there would be one person
standing on every square foot of land on earth. By that time, men
would be devouring one another for there would be no more place for
plants to grow.
The only ways to avoid these mass starvation and political chaos
is population planning.
The first consequence can be seen in the faces of hungry men.
One half of humanity is hungering at this moment. There is less food
per person on earth today than there was 20 years ago in the world-
wide depression. Political chaos is death through world wars,
revolutions, aggressions, rebellions and the like.
The third and the best remedy is population planning done
through family planning. Family planning simply means the planning of
size and spacing of one’s family by means of scientific knowledge and
Can science be reconciled with religion?
This was the argument discussed in the open forum during the
science seminar-workshop held July 18 at the school social hall in
observance of National Science and Technology Week.
This stemmed from the speech of Mr. Ernesto L. Damasco of the
National Science and Technology Association who said that only truth
does not change.
There is no contradiction between science and religion when both
are properly understood. What is needed is a proper knowledge of
religion and a more scholarly interpretation of the Bible, the Koran and
other similar books, for there can never be a contradiction between any
truth revealed by God in the holy scriptures and any findings of
science, properly tested and verified.
Holy scriptures of whatever religion, are not textbooks of science.
Their purpose is all the same – to inculcate moral, spiritual and
religious truth.
The subject matter science, on the other hand, is the physical
universe. It’s purpose is to discover the law of nature.
Religion and science move in essentially different orbits. Religion
is concerned primarily with spiritual realities, with moral values, with
the intangibles, which elude both the pills and the test tubes, science
with matter and energy which can be seen, weighed and measured.
Religion has no fear of science. It does not tremble before
discussion, but before ignorance. It welcomes with eager hospitality
every new findings. The further man goes into outer space, the better
vision he has of God, and the deeper insight he acquires into the
Divine Administration of the universe.
Scientists are searching for the truth in the field of nature, just as
the moralists are seeking to clarify the application of ethereal and
eternal truth to be changing social and economic conditions of modern
The church welcomes truth wherever it may be found—in history,
in Biblical researches, in psychological, and natural fields of human
inquiry. It welcomes every wise thought and every useful discovery,
whatever its origin.
Write an editorial using one of the issues below:
1. The use of computer in schools.
2. No toilets inside the classroom.
3. Smoking inside the school premise.
In writing you will be rated according to these criteria.
Criteria Excellent Fair Needs
Validity and
strength of
Arguments are
strong and
factual as
supported by
citations of data
and information.
Arguments are
not convincing
and only few
sources of data
and information
are needed.
Arguments are
not at all
supported by
citations and
sources of data
and information.
Accuracy in
spelling and
The paper is
flawless in
terms of
spelling and
The paper
minimal errors
in spelling,
grammar and
The paper
errors in
spelling and
Organization of
Ideas are
connected by
Ideas are not
connected as
Ideas are not at
all connected
logically as no
Let’s Do More
Reactions, view, comments, or opposing opinions are
formS of expression in an editorial. They discuss issues
affecting the lives of people.
An editorial essay is an expression of facts or opinions
presented in a pleasing order as to influence and mold public
A good paragraph follows mechanics in writing
signals, unified
in tense and
ideas, and
some transitions
signals are
incorrectly used,
but unified in
tense and ideas
and emphatic.
signals are
used. Some
ideas go out of
focus and use of
tense are not
Write your own editorial essay about the “Absence of School” in
your place.
You rate your work according to the criteria set in “Let’s Do
You have just made a very good job.
You deserve a medal for a job well done.
Let’s Remember This
Let’s Test Ourselves
Write the type of editorial that you find in each article.
A flag ceremony, whether it be a flag raising or flag retreat is
sacred. Therefore, it should be observed with all the solemnity and
sacredness a Filipino citizen can muster.
The National Anthem (Pambansang Awit) like the national flag
should be treated with ceremonial respect.
On this, the anniversary of the declaration of independence in
Kawit 1898, it is perhaps timely to remind all and sundry to behave
during flag ceremonies.
Sad to say, many students, during the Monday morning flag
raising ceremonies, instead of standing at attention while singing the
National Anthem, and while reciting the Patriotic Pledge (Panatang
Makabayan), move around, play and make fun completely disregarding
whats going on.
It is for this reason that we are calling the attention of all
teachers, especially the social studies teachers to give more emphasis
on teaching values, love of country, respect for the flag, veneration of
heroes and proper behavior during flag ceremonies.
If flag ceremonies cannot be held properly, why then do we hold
them at all?
Type of editorial: __________________________________
Let’s Enrich
“And the Lord said unto Cain. Where is Abel your
brother? and he said, I don’t know, am I my brother’s
-- Genesis 4:9
This question asked millions of years ago in the Garden of Eden
has not lost its meaning.
This was the same question students of Osmeña High School has
sought to answer and answered, when the biggest flood in recent years
hit Luzon.
When the appeal for help was aired by the mass media, local
student leaders launched the three-pronged drive to solicit relief aid
for the flood victims.
Majority of the students belong to the poor family. Most of them
cannot even afford to buy more than a pair of uniform for their daily
use. But when the appeal for aid was sounded, they lost no time in
finding ways and means to help their less fortunate brothers. They
knew that they were their brother’s keepers.
The hat was literally passed around. In no time, the sum of P500
was collected. Aside from this, canned goods, rice, medicine, and old
clothes were also collected.
The drive which was started as a spark, soon grew and spread like
wild fire. The teachers, alumni and former members of the editorial
staff joined the “Help Our Brothers’’ bandwagon.
A part of the money was sent to the flood victims through the
national dailies. The rest, plus the relief goods were personally
delivered to them in Central Luzon during the height of the floods by
the student leaders.
The school’s aid may be just like a drop of water in the bucket.
But true to what James Russel Lowell said in his poem, “The Vision of
Sir Launfal.”
“Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift
without the giver is bare, Who gives himself with
his aid feeds three, Himself, His hungering
neighbor and me.”
May these students from Osmeña High School serve as models for
other students to emulate. May their tribe Increase.
Type of editorial: ______________________________
Were you able to identify them correctly?___________
Do you have the same answers as those of the answer
What is your score?_______________
Great Job!
Let’s Try This
1. opinion
2. news peg
3. reaction
Let’s Do This
1. Editorial of Interpretation
2. Editorial of Interpretation
3. Editorial of Criticism
4. Editorial of Argumentation
Let’s Do More
Let your teacher check your work using the rubric.
Let’s Test Ourselves
Let your teacher check your work using the rubric.
Let’s Enrich Ourselves
A. Editorial of Persuasion
B. Editorial of Commendation
Answer Key

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Filipino 6 dlp 20 pagsusuri ng pangungusap
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 19 paghinuha sa saloobing pandamdamin
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Filipino 6 dlp 19 paghinuha sa saloobing pandamdamin
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 21 mga katangian ng tauhan
Filipino 6 dlp 21   mga katangian ng tauhanFilipino 6 dlp 21   mga katangian ng tauhan
Filipino 6 dlp 21 mga katangian ng tauhan
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 18 maghinuha ka
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Filipino 6 dlp 18 maghinuha ka
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 17 gamitin ang mga salitang pang-ugnay sa tambalan at hu
Filipino 6 dlp 17   gamitin ang mga salitang pang-ugnay sa tambalan at huFilipino 6 dlp 17   gamitin ang mga salitang pang-ugnay sa tambalan at hu
Filipino 6 dlp 17 gamitin ang mga salitang pang-ugnay sa tambalan at hu
Alice Failano
Filipno 6 dlp 16 pagbibigay ng sanhi at bunga
Filipno 6 dlp 16   pagbibigay ng sanhi at bungaFilipno 6 dlp 16   pagbibigay ng sanhi at bunga
Filipno 6 dlp 16 pagbibigay ng sanhi at bunga
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 15 kilalanin ang mga pag-ugnay sa tambalan at hugnayan
Filipino 6 dlp 15   kilalanin ang mga pag-ugnay sa tambalan at hugnayanFilipino 6 dlp 15   kilalanin ang mga pag-ugnay sa tambalan at hugnayan
Filipino 6 dlp 15 kilalanin ang mga pag-ugnay sa tambalan at hugnayan
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 14 naku! mga grapiko
Filipino 6 dlp 14   naku! mga grapikoFilipino 6 dlp 14   naku! mga grapiko
Filipino 6 dlp 14 naku! mga grapiko
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 13 mga pumapailalim na paksa
Filipino 6 dlp 13   mga pumapailalim na paksaFilipino 6 dlp 13   mga pumapailalim na paksa
Filipino 6 dlp 13 mga pumapailalim na paksa
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 12 ano ang iyong reaksyon
Filipino 6 dlp 12   ano ang iyong reaksyonFilipino 6 dlp 12   ano ang iyong reaksyon
Filipino 6 dlp 12 ano ang iyong reaksyon
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 11 pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Filipino 6 dlp 11   pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuroFilipino 6 dlp 11   pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Filipino 6 dlp 11 pagsabi ng sarilig palagay o kuru-kuro
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 7 pormularyong pampaaralan sagutin
Filipino 6 dlp 7   pormularyong pampaaralan sagutinFilipino 6 dlp 7   pormularyong pampaaralan sagutin
Filipino 6 dlp 7 pormularyong pampaaralan sagutin
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 9 detalye ng mga balita
Filipino 6 dlp 9   detalye ng mga balitaFilipino 6 dlp 9   detalye ng mga balita
Filipino 6 dlp 9 detalye ng mga balita
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 8 pagbibigay ng maaaring kalabasan
Filipino 6 dlp 8   pagbibigay ng maaaring kalabasanFilipino 6 dlp 8   pagbibigay ng maaaring kalabasan
Filipino 6 dlp 8 pagbibigay ng maaaring kalabasan
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 5 mga salitang magkatulad ang baybay ngunit magkaiba ang
Filipino 6 dlp 5   mga salitang magkatulad ang baybay ngunit magkaiba angFilipino 6 dlp 5   mga salitang magkatulad ang baybay ngunit magkaiba ang
Filipino 6 dlp 5 mga salitang magkatulad ang baybay ngunit magkaiba ang
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 6 Id at kard ng pang-aklatan sagutin
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Filipino 6 dlp 6 Id at kard ng pang-aklatan sagutin
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 4 magkasingkahulugan o magkasalungat
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Filipino 6 dlp 4 magkasingkahulugan o magkasalungat
Alice Failano
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Filipino 6 dlp 3   halina't gumawa ng babalaFilipino 6 dlp 3   halina't gumawa ng babala
Filipino 6 dlp 3 halina't gumawa ng babala
Alice Failano
Filipino 6 dlp 2 ano nga ba ang paksa o ideya
Filipino 6 dlp 2   ano nga ba ang paksa o ideyaFilipino 6 dlp 2   ano nga ba ang paksa o ideya
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English 6-dlp-63-writing-editorials

  • 1. ENGLISHENGLISHENGLISHENGLISH 6666 Module 63 A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development WRITING EDITORIALS
  • 2. 141 How are you today? In your previous lesson you have learned about the parts of a newspaper. In this module, you will learn how to write editorial. In the letter boxes, write the correct word for each given meaning. Choose your answer from the big box. 1. - a belief based not on certainty but on what seems true or probable. 2. - statement of news on events. 3. - way of responding to a stimulus/ influence To the Learner Let’s Try This Let’s Learn This reaction the news issue news peg apology opinion
  • 3. 142 How will you react about this issue? a. What was the paragraph all about? Recording star Christian Bautista sings the Philippine National Anthem during the opening ceremonies of the boxing match. b. Was there a PROBLEM or an ISSUE that was raised with Christian Bautista’s public performance? State the ISSUE or PROBLEM. Christian Bautista forgot the correct line in one part of the Lupang Hinirang that made the boxing fans felt disappointed, and that drew violent reactions from the televiewers. Let’s Study This RP pop star misses anthem lines in public Philippine Recording Star Christian Bautista forgot to sing the two lines of the lyrics of “Lupang Hinirang” when he sang the national anthem during the boxing exhibition between Gerry Peñalosa ang Conception Bernabe in Alabang, recently. Hundreds of boxing fans expressed disappointment about the public performance of Bautista, who was expected to sing the anthem professionally. Bautista offered an apology to the public after the incident saying “I apologize to the Filipino people for the lapse of memory that occurred during my rendition of the national anthem.” He promised to sing the national anthem with mastery next time. introduction body conclusion
  • 4. 143 c. What is your reaction about this issue? Every Filipino, most especially public figures like Christian Bautista should set an example to the youth as to how the National Anthem should be sung. Everyone must sing the “Lupang Hinirang” with pride and dignity. d. What type of editorial do you think is this kind of issue? Editorial of Interpretation or Editorial of Critisicm. e. What is your reaction, opinion and comments about the issue? You may have your own reactions or opinions but refer to the following for some possible answers: a. Christian Bautista who is a popular recording singer of the Philippines and supposedly a model to the youth should sing the national anthem professionally. b. A true Filipino sings the “Lupang Hinirang” with pride and dignity, masters its correct lyrics. c. Christian Bautista, being human can commit mistakes. Performing of hundreds of people could bring/cause nervousness to the performer. d. A true patriotic person could sing the “Lupang Hinirang” amidst unexpected conditions. e. Practice makes the performance perfect. Lapses in focus and lack of practice may change the performace. f. It is embarrassing for a professional and popular recording artist to forget the lyrics of his own national anthem. g. Great men and women had sacrificed their lives in the past to bring the best anthem to the present generations. Let their sacrifices be not in vain. h. The “Lupang Hinirang” represents the beliefs and ideals of the Filipino people. It must be sung with pride and dignity. i. Any adult person who doesn’t know how to sing the correct lyrics of the national anthem is advised to learn and master it. j. Bautista displayed a gesture of humility when he admitted his mistake with sincerity and asked for public apology.
  • 5. 144 f. How many paragraphs does it have? It has three (3) paragraphs. Reactions, issues, views, comments are forms of expression in editorial that discuss an issue affecting the lives of people. Editorial is an expression of facts and opinions presented in a pleasing order as to influence and mold public opinions. If the news story does not allow the expression of opinion in its content, it is in the editorial where a writer may express his opinion based from the gathered facts and observations. Here are the different types of editorials: Can you cite some example of news or issues suitable for each type of editorial? How can you present your opinion in a pleasing manner? Let us consider the following points in coming up with an effective editorial essay: 1. Before writing, be sure to understand thoroughly the situation or problem which you are going to write about. 1. Editorial of interpretation- it explains the significance or meaning of news events, situation or issue. 2. Editorial of criticism- it points out the fault in a situation mentioned and solutions. 3. Editorial of argumentation- it takes a stand on a controversial issue whether in favor or contrary. 4. Editorial of commendation- it gives praise to a worthy deed done by a person or by an institution. 5. Editorial of persuasion – enlists the reader’s support of a program or a plan of action. It gives reasons for support. In closing, it cites advantages to be gained or contains a plea for action.
  • 6. 145 2. Plan a catchy and interesting introduction. This is the newspeg, the situation, the problem about which the editorial is centered. 3. Build up your arguments in a logical sequence. Explain your reactions to the problem. Give examples to support your arguments. This is an effective way to drive home your point. 4. The last part of the editorial should tie up with your introduction. Suggest either a solution or present a challenge. In writing you should follow correct mechanics such as: 1. indention 2. neatness and orderliness 3. punctuation marks 4. capitalization 5. margin Below is a paragraph which shows the correct mechanics in writing. indention capitalization Margin The period (.), comma (,), exclamation point (!), and question mark (?) are all examples of punctuation marks. When the paragraph has no erasures, it is considered neat or it shows neatness. Parents just like their children, look forward to having summer fun with their children. They spend time with their children in the house as they got to learn new skills like cooking! Nowadays girls and boys alike are fond of tinkering with the utensils in the kitchen.
  • 7. 146 What type of editorial will you find in each of the following articles? 1. BAYANIHAN: FILIPINO CULTURAL HERITAGE The effectiveness of the “bayanihan” spirit was best shown by groups of students, hundreds of them, as they took the streets in support of the Metro Manila clean-up and beautification drive. The students coming from different schools in Tondo, pooled themselves together, cleaned the streets and beautified them with potted ornamental plants. This is “Bayanihan” in action. “Bayanihan” is an ancient Filipino custom, symbolic of the Filipino way of group work. As found in the Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (1745) by P. Juan de Noceda and P. Perdo de Sanlucar, the word “bayanihan” is derived from the root word “bayani” meaning Obra Cumun or group work. Another related word, “Magpabayani” is a request for help by one who wants a job done for him, and evokes response from neighbors who come in groups to offer their services in all forms and in their own simple ways. In return the “magpabayani” offers free breakfast, lunch, or “meriendas” as a token of appreciation and gratitude of the “nagpabayani”. 2. DEEPER MEANING “Bayanihan” is more than help extended to another. It includes all kinds of assistance: aid, relief, or rescue given free. It may be getting together to pray for a departed soul, or the grouping together for operation linis or operation tulong. Working together in a spirit of faith, love and charity is the essence of “bayanihan”, that spirit of togetherness that makes the Filipino distinct from other peoples of the world. It is a fine spirit of Let’s Do This
  • 8. 147 group work to instill in the young for the development of team work, at home, in school, and in the community. “Bayanihan” could be basis for the strengthening and the enriching of our group life that will evolve a strong unity properly directed towards useful citizenship. 3. A TALE OF HORROR: POPULATION EXPLOSION Today, the Philippines has a population of 50 million. At the present rate of growth, this small country, within 35 years would have to support more than 100 million. This means that most of our high school students now, who would only be in their early 40’s or 50’s at that time will be the ones to be most affected by the evil effects of population explosion. Even today, with our relatively small population, our basic problems are food, water, housing, education and pollution. Just imagine how these problems would be aggravated by the 100 million mouth to feed, backs to clothe, heads to shelter, and minds to educate. Also, today, the world has a population of three billion. These will double in 35 year’s time. The world population is increasing at the rate of an additional 1,000 million every eight years. In six and a half centuries from now, there would be one person standing on every square foot of land on earth. By that time, men would be devouring one another for there would be no more place for plants to grow. The only ways to avoid these mass starvation and political chaos is population planning. The first consequence can be seen in the faces of hungry men. One half of humanity is hungering at this moment. There is less food per person on earth today than there was 20 years ago in the world- wide depression. Political chaos is death through world wars, revolutions, aggressions, rebellions and the like.
  • 9. 148 The third and the best remedy is population planning done through family planning. Family planning simply means the planning of size and spacing of one’s family by means of scientific knowledge and method. 4. SCIENCE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH RELIGION Can science be reconciled with religion? This was the argument discussed in the open forum during the science seminar-workshop held July 18 at the school social hall in observance of National Science and Technology Week. This stemmed from the speech of Mr. Ernesto L. Damasco of the National Science and Technology Association who said that only truth does not change. There is no contradiction between science and religion when both are properly understood. What is needed is a proper knowledge of religion and a more scholarly interpretation of the Bible, the Koran and other similar books, for there can never be a contradiction between any truth revealed by God in the holy scriptures and any findings of science, properly tested and verified. Holy scriptures of whatever religion, are not textbooks of science. Their purpose is all the same – to inculcate moral, spiritual and religious truth. The subject matter science, on the other hand, is the physical universe. It’s purpose is to discover the law of nature. Religion and science move in essentially different orbits. Religion is concerned primarily with spiritual realities, with moral values, with the intangibles, which elude both the pills and the test tubes, science with matter and energy which can be seen, weighed and measured. Religion has no fear of science. It does not tremble before discussion, but before ignorance. It welcomes with eager hospitality every new findings. The further man goes into outer space, the better vision he has of God, and the deeper insight he acquires into the Divine Administration of the universe.
  • 10. 149 Scientists are searching for the truth in the field of nature, just as the moralists are seeking to clarify the application of ethereal and eternal truth to be changing social and economic conditions of modern life. The church welcomes truth wherever it may be found—in history, in Biblical researches, in psychological, and natural fields of human inquiry. It welcomes every wise thought and every useful discovery, whatever its origin. Write an editorial using one of the issues below: 1. The use of computer in schools. 2. No toilets inside the classroom. 3. Smoking inside the school premise. In writing you will be rated according to these criteria. Criteria Excellent Fair Needs Development Validity and strength of argument Arguments are strong and factual as supported by citations of data and information. Arguments are not convincing and only few sources of data and information are needed. Arguments are not at all supported by citations and sources of data and information. Accuracy in grammar, spelling and punctuation The paper is completely flawless in terms of grammar, spelling and punctuation The paper contains minimal errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. The paper contains prominent errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Organization of ideas Ideas are logically connected by Ideas are not clearly connected as Ideas are not at all connected logically as no Let’s Do More
  • 11. 150 Reactions, view, comments, or opposing opinions are formS of expression in an editorial. They discuss issues affecting the lives of people. An editorial essay is an expression of facts or opinions presented in a pleasing order as to influence and mold public opinion. A good paragraph follows mechanics in writing transition signals, unified in tense and ideas, and emphatic. some transitions signals are incorrectly used, but unified in tense and ideas and emphatic. transition signals are used. Some ideas go out of focus and use of tense are not accurate. Write your own editorial essay about the “Absence of School” in your place. You rate your work according to the criteria set in “Let’s Do More.” Finished! You have just made a very good job. You deserve a medal for a job well done. Let’s Remember This Let’s Test Ourselves
  • 12. 151 Write the type of editorial that you find in each article. A. A JUNE 12 THOUGHT: RESPECT FLAG RITES A flag ceremony, whether it be a flag raising or flag retreat is sacred. Therefore, it should be observed with all the solemnity and sacredness a Filipino citizen can muster. The National Anthem (Pambansang Awit) like the national flag should be treated with ceremonial respect. On this, the anniversary of the declaration of independence in Kawit 1898, it is perhaps timely to remind all and sundry to behave during flag ceremonies. Sad to say, many students, during the Monday morning flag raising ceremonies, instead of standing at attention while singing the National Anthem, and while reciting the Patriotic Pledge (Panatang Makabayan), move around, play and make fun completely disregarding whats going on. It is for this reason that we are calling the attention of all teachers, especially the social studies teachers to give more emphasis on teaching values, love of country, respect for the flag, veneration of heroes and proper behavior during flag ceremonies. If flag ceremonies cannot be held properly, why then do we hold them at all? Type of editorial: __________________________________ Let’s Enrich Ourselves
  • 13. 152 B. WE ARE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPERS “And the Lord said unto Cain. Where is Abel your brother? and he said, I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?” -- Genesis 4:9 This question asked millions of years ago in the Garden of Eden has not lost its meaning. This was the same question students of Osmeña High School has sought to answer and answered, when the biggest flood in recent years hit Luzon. When the appeal for help was aired by the mass media, local student leaders launched the three-pronged drive to solicit relief aid for the flood victims. Majority of the students belong to the poor family. Most of them cannot even afford to buy more than a pair of uniform for their daily use. But when the appeal for aid was sounded, they lost no time in finding ways and means to help their less fortunate brothers. They knew that they were their brother’s keepers. The hat was literally passed around. In no time, the sum of P500 was collected. Aside from this, canned goods, rice, medicine, and old clothes were also collected. The drive which was started as a spark, soon grew and spread like wild fire. The teachers, alumni and former members of the editorial staff joined the “Help Our Brothers’’ bandwagon. A part of the money was sent to the flood victims through the national dailies. The rest, plus the relief goods were personally delivered to them in Central Luzon during the height of the floods by the student leaders. The school’s aid may be just like a drop of water in the bucket. But true to what James Russel Lowell said in his poem, “The Vision of Sir Launfal.”
  • 14. 153 “Not what we give, but what we share, for the gift without the giver is bare, Who gives himself with his aid feeds three, Himself, His hungering neighbor and me.” May these students from Osmeña High School serve as models for other students to emulate. May their tribe Increase. Type of editorial: ______________________________ Were you able to identify them correctly?___________ Do you have the same answers as those of the answer key?________ What is your score?_______________ Great Job!
  • 15. 154 Let’s Try This 1. opinion 2. news peg 3. reaction Let’s Do This 1. Editorial of Interpretation 2. Editorial of Interpretation 3. Editorial of Criticism 4. Editorial of Argumentation Let’s Do More Let your teacher check your work using the rubric. Let’s Test Ourselves Let your teacher check your work using the rubric. Let’s Enrich Ourselves A. Editorial of Persuasion B. Editorial of Commendation Answer Key