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Electrodiagnosis of GBS
• Most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide
• Collective term for several variants and subtypes
• Distinct clinical, pathological and electrophysiological features
• Difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds
• Electrophysiology plays a major role
• Two main GBS subtypes are AIDP and axonal GBS
• Nerve conduction studies (NCS) remain the mainstay in the
electrodiagnosis and classification into subtypes
• AIDP - conduction slowing, conduction block, and temporal dispersion
• Axonal - absence of demyelinating features and decrease in distal
• In the last three decades, different electrodiagnostic criteria sets have
been proposed
• Based on a single study
NCS changes in AIDP
• Initial changes - delayed, absent, or impersistent F and H responses,
reflecting proximal demyelination
• Later - prolonged distal latencies, along with other evidence of
segmental demyelination, especially conduction block and temporal
• Present in 50% of patients by 2 weeks and in 85% by 3 weeks
Electrodiagnostic criteria for AIDP
• Asbury et al. (1978) summarised the electrophysiological features and
highlighted the parameters useful for GBS diagnosis:
• (1) approximately 80% of patients have evidence of nerve conduction
slowing or block at some point during the illness;
• (2) CV is usually less than 60% of normal, but the process is patchy
and not all nerves are affected;
• (3) DMLs may be increased to as much as three times normal;
• (4) F-waves often give good indication of slowing over proximal
portions of the nerve trunks and roots; and
• (5) up to 20% of patients will have normal conduction studies
Electrodiagnostic criteria
Albers et al. (1985)
• Must have one of the following in two nerves
• CV <95% LLN <85% if d-amp <50% LLN
• DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN
• TD defined abnormal when ‘unequivocal’
• CB were both defined by a proximal to distal CMAP ratio <0.7
• F Lat >120% ULN
Cornblath (1990)
• Originally designed for detecting primary demyelination in CIDP
• Must have three of the following in two nerves - more stringent but
lacking of sensitivity
• CV <80% LLN <70% if d-amp <80% LLN
• DL >125% ULN >150% if d-amp <80% LNN
• TD >20% prox-dist NP area or amp decrease;>15% prox-dist dur
• CB >20% prox-dist NP area or amp decrease;<15% prox-dist dur
• F Lat >120% ULN >150% if d-amp <80% LNN
Ho et al. (1995)
• slightly modified version of the Albers’ criteria set, to differentiate
AIDP from AMAN in a Chinese population
• one of the following in two nerves
• CV <90% LLN <85% if d-amp <50%
• DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN
• TD Unequivocal
• CB Not considered
• F Lat >120% ULN
Hadden et al. (1998)
• Further modified Albers’ criteria not considering TD but reintroducing
• one of the following in two nerves
• CV <90% LLN <85% if d-amp <50% LNN
• DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN
• TD Not considered
• CB <0.5 prox-dist amp ratio and d-amp >20% LLN
• F Lat >120% ULN
Electrodiagnostic criteria for AMAN
• Ho’s and Hadden’s criteria sets - based on the initial assumption -
AMAN was characterised by simple axonal degeneration
• Ho - No evidence of demyel
• d-amp <80% in two nerves
• Motor nerves with very low CMAP amplitudes due to axonal
degeneration may show prolonged DML and F-wave latency or
reduced CV
• Hadden’s criteria set for AMAN
• allows the existence of one demyelinating feature in one nerve if the
distal CMAP is <10% of lower limit of normal
• None of the criteria for demyelination, except in one nerve if d-amp
<10% of LLN
• d-amp <80% in two nerves
Reversible conduction failure in AMAN
• Kuwabara et al., 1998 - AMAN patients with antibody to gangliosides
may show in some nerves rapidly reversible CB/slowing - reversible
conduction failure (RCF)
• CB in intermediate nerve segments promptly resolves
• dCMAP amplitudes rapidly increase
• DMLs, when prolonged, return to normal values
• without the development of excessive TD and polyphasia of CMAPs
Acute motor axonal degeneration, IgG anti-
GM1 and anti-GD1a
Reversible conduction failure in intermediate
and distal nerve segments, antibodies to GM1
Reversible conduction failure in distal nerve
segment, antibodies to GD1b
Serial electrophysiological findings in patients
with axonal GBS and AIDP
dCMAP amplitudes expressed as percentages
of values at first recordings considered 100%
DML expressed as percentages of upper
limits of controls
AIDP, no antibodies to gangliosides
Acute Motor CB Neuropathy
• 2003, Capasso et al.
• two patients - acutely developed symmetric weakness without
sensory symptoms
• antecedent diarrhoea (C. jejuni was isolated from one)
• high titres of IgG antibodies to GM1, GD1a and GD1b
• Electrophysiological studies
• Reduction of dCMAP amplitudes and early partial motor CB in
intermediate nerve segments
• normal sensory conductions even at the sites of motor CB
• dCMAP amplitudes normalised and CB resolved in 2–5 weeks without
development of excessive TD
• Motor CV was slowed at the sites of CB, in the range considered
• At serial recordings, CVs increased with the decrease of CB and
reversed to normal when CB had disappeared
Serial electrophysiological findings of two patients
withc acute motor conduction block neuropathy
and antibodies to GM1, GD1a, GD1b
• conduction slowing at CB sites - not due to de-remyelinatin
• preferential block of large-diameter fastest conducting fibres
• altered resting membrane potential and sodium channel inactivation
with delay of the action potential rising time
• AMCBN - ‘arrested AMAN’
• anti-ganglioside antibodies bind to the nodal axolemma
• induce RCF not progressing to axonal degeneration in any nerve
• AMCBN, AMAN with RCF and AMAN with axonal degeneration are a
pathophysiological continuum
• AMCBN is a mild form of AMAN with RCF in most of nerves
Length-dependent conduction failure
• Abnormal amplitude reduction of proximal CMAP, which disappears
at serial recordings
• dCMAP amplitude decreases and equalises proximal CMAP
• without development of excessive TD or other features of
• explained by progressive loss of excitability in fibres undergoing
Wallerian-like degeneration
Length-dependent conduction failure, IgG
anti-GM1 and anti-GD1a antibodies
• RCF occurring at first and progressing to axonal degeneration
• RCF in intermediate nerve segments followed by adjunctive axonal
degeneration in distal nerve terminals
• Distinction between these conditions is impossible
• Pattern has ben defined as length-dependent conduction failure
• Considered as an expression of axonal damage
• less favourable prognosis
• IgG deposit at the nodes of Ranvier
• Complement activation with the formation of the MAC at the nodal
• disruption of nodal sodium channel clusters
• lengthening of nodal region
• detachment of paranodal myelin terminal loops
• eventually axonal degeneration
• All these changes lower the safety factor for impulse transmission
Immunopathological cascades in AMAN
• Pathophysiologic process in AMAN varies from
• mild functional axonal involvement manifesting electrophysiologically
as RCF
• axonal degeneration appearing as distal CMAP reduction or length-
dependent conduction failure
• these conditions are a continuum
• Explains why recovery in AMAN patients - either very rapid and
complete or very prolonged with poor outcome
• AMAN patients do not necessarily have a poor prognosis and
• may improve more rapidly or more slowly according to the relative
proportion of axonal degeneration and reversible conduction failure
• AMAN with reversible conduction failure or AMCBN - best prognosis
and complete recovery
Electrodiagnostic criteria of AMSAN
• Feasby et al, Rees et al electrodiagnostic criteria for AMSAN are
• (1) no evidence of demyelination
• (2) distal CMAP amplitude <80% of lower limit of normal (as in
• (3) reduction of sensory nerve action potential amplitude
(SNAP)<50% of lower limits of normal in at least two nerves
Sensory conductions in AIDP
• AIDP - abnormal sensory conductions were found in 85% in the
median and ulnar nerves and in 38% in the sural nerves
• sensory nerve conduction, especially in the distal nerve segments, is
impaired in almost all AIDP
• normal or relatively spared sural response
• sural-sparing pattern - combination of normal sural SNAPs and low-
amplitude or absent upper-extremity SNAPs
• Distinctive of AIDP
• highly specific (96% specific) for AIDP
• preferential, early involvement of the smaller myelinated fibers
• relative resistance of the larger diameter myelinated fibers in the
sural trunk compared to the smaller nerve fibers in the digital nerves
of the hands
• lack of length dependent axonal degeneration
Sural sparing pattern
Sensory conductions in AMAN and AMSAN
• Capasso et al., 2011
• Serial conductions in 13 AMAN and three AMSAN patients were
• In 34% of initially normal sensory nerves of six AMAN patients SNAP
amplitude increased by 57–518%,
• whereas in three nerves of three patients SNAP decreased by 50 -69%
• Overall, serial recordings allowed detection of some sensory fibre
involvement in 49% of nerves and in 69% of AMAN patients
• In one AMSAN patient, SNAP increased in two nerves by 150–300%
• in another patient, SNAPs, unrecordable at baseline, reappeared
during follow-up and normalised
• In nerves of some patients, SNAP amplitudes increased rapidly,
suggesting RCF of sensory fibres.
• In other nerves, SNAP increased over months, as for axonal
• Sensory fibres - often involved subclinically in AMAN
• RCF may be present in sensory fibres of both AMAN and AMSAN
• RCF has been reported in sensory fibres in acute sensory ataxic
neuropathy, and in motor and sensory fibres in the pharingo-cervical
brachial variant of GBS and in GBS–Miller Fisher overlap
Pitfalls in electrodiagnosis
• Uncini et al., 2010
• Italian GBS population, investigated whether and how serial recordings
changed the initial classification
• Both the Ho’s and Hadden’s criteria sets were tested in 55 patients
• At first test, the electrodiagnosis was almost identical with both criteria
• 65–67% of patients were classifiable as AIDP
• 18% as axonal GBS (AMAN or AMSAN), 14–16% were equivocal.
• At follow-up, 24% of patients changed classification:
• AIDP decreased to 58%, axonal GBS increased to 38% and equivocal
patients decreased to 4%
• Majority of shifts - AIDP and equivocal groups to axonal GBS
• Main reasons - recognition of the RCF and of the length-dependent
conduction failure as expression of axonal pathology
• All patients who shifted to the axonal group had antibodies to
Utility of Serial NCS
• Early phase of GBS the distinction between AIDP and axonal GBS may
be impossible in some patients
• Lack of distinction among demyelinating CB, RCF and length-
dependent conduction failure
• may fallaciously classify patients with axonal GBS as having AIDP
• Serial NCS are advocated to establishing the electrodiagnosis of GBS
• AMAN and AIDP differ in their evolution of changes on serial NCS
• AMAN, 2 possible patterns of evolution
• Rapid improvement in CMAP amplitudes and CV from resolution of
nodal conduction failure
• decrease of distal CMAP amplitudes due to axonal degeneration
• AIDP with gradual remyelination, CV remains decreased, and
persistently increased TD is seen
• Such changes can best be demonstrated on serial NCS
Rajabally et al., 2015
AIDP Axonal
• At least one of the following in at least two
MCV <70% LLN
DML >150% ULN
F lat >120% ULN, or >150% ULN (if distal CMAP
<50% of LLN)
F-wave absence in two nerves with distal CMAP
≥20% LLN, with an additional parameter, in one
other nerve
Proximal CMAP/distal CMAP ratio <0.7
(excluding the tibial nerve), in two nerves with
an additional parameter, in one other nerve
• None of the above features of demyelination
in any nerve and at least one of the following:
Distal CMAP <80% LLN in two nerves
F-wave absence in two nerves with distal CMAP
≥20% LLN, in absence of any demyelinating
feature in any nerve
Proximal CMAP/distal CMAP ratio <0.7, in two
nerves (excluding the tibial nerve)
Uncini 2017
• At first or second study at least one of the
following in at least two nerves:
• MCV <70% LLN
• DML>130 % ULN
• dCMAP duration >120% ULN
• pCMAP/dCMAP duration ratio >130%
• F Lat >120% ULN
• OR one of the above in one nerve
• Absent F waves in two nerves with dCMAP >
20% LLN
• Abnormal ulnar SNAP amplitude and normal
sural SNAP amplitude
• At first and second study none of the above
AIDP features in any nerve (demyelinating
features allowed in one nerve if dCMAP <20%
• At first study at least one of the following in
each of two nerves:
• dCMAP<80% LLN
• pCMAP/dCMAP amplitude ratio <0.7
• (excluding tibial nerve)
• isolated F wave absence (or <20%persistence)
• at least one of the followings in two nerves is
evidence of reversible conduction failure:
• >150% increase dCMAP amplitude without
increased dCMAP duration (<130% ULN)
• pCMAP/dCMAP amplitude ratio <0.7 at first test
which improves more than 0.2 because of
increased pCMAP without temporal dispersion
(pCMAP/d CMAP duration ratio <130%)
• isolated F wave absence (or <20% persistence) that
recovers without increased minimal latency
(<120% of ULN)
• At first study the same criteria of AMAN in motor
• SNAP amplitudes < 50%LLN in at least two nerves
• At second study:
• evidence for axonal degeneration and reversible
conduction failure in motor nerves as in AMAN
• there is evidence of axonal degeneration in
sensory nerves if
• SNAP amplitude in two nerves it is stable or
• there is evidence of RCF in sensory nerves
• if SNAP amplitude in two nerves it is increased
(>50% in median and ulnarnerves and >60% in

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Electrodiagnosis of GBS

  • 2. Introduction • Most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide • Collective term for several variants and subtypes • Distinct clinical, pathological and electrophysiological features • Difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds • Electrophysiology plays a major role
  • 3. • Two main GBS subtypes are AIDP and axonal GBS • Nerve conduction studies (NCS) remain the mainstay in the electrodiagnosis and classification into subtypes • AIDP - conduction slowing, conduction block, and temporal dispersion • Axonal - absence of demyelinating features and decrease in distal CMAPs and SNAPs • In the last three decades, different electrodiagnostic criteria sets have been proposed • Based on a single study
  • 4. NCS changes in AIDP • Initial changes - delayed, absent, or impersistent F and H responses, reflecting proximal demyelination • Later - prolonged distal latencies, along with other evidence of segmental demyelination, especially conduction block and temporal dispersion • Present in 50% of patients by 2 weeks and in 85% by 3 weeks
  • 5.
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  • 8.
  • 9. Electrodiagnostic criteria for AIDP • Asbury et al. (1978) summarised the electrophysiological features and highlighted the parameters useful for GBS diagnosis: • (1) approximately 80% of patients have evidence of nerve conduction slowing or block at some point during the illness; • (2) CV is usually less than 60% of normal, but the process is patchy and not all nerves are affected; • (3) DMLs may be increased to as much as three times normal; • (4) F-waves often give good indication of slowing over proximal portions of the nerve trunks and roots; and • (5) up to 20% of patients will have normal conduction studies
  • 11. Albers et al. (1985) • Must have one of the following in two nerves • CV <95% LLN <85% if d-amp <50% LLN • DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN • TD defined abnormal when ‘unequivocal’ • CB were both defined by a proximal to distal CMAP ratio <0.7 • F Lat >120% ULN
  • 12. Cornblath (1990) • Originally designed for detecting primary demyelination in CIDP • Must have three of the following in two nerves - more stringent but lacking of sensitivity • CV <80% LLN <70% if d-amp <80% LLN • DL >125% ULN >150% if d-amp <80% LNN • TD >20% prox-dist NP area or amp decrease;>15% prox-dist dur increase • CB >20% prox-dist NP area or amp decrease;<15% prox-dist dur increase • F Lat >120% ULN >150% if d-amp <80% LNN
  • 13. Ho et al. (1995) • slightly modified version of the Albers’ criteria set, to differentiate AIDP from AMAN in a Chinese population • one of the following in two nerves • CV <90% LLN <85% if d-amp <50% • DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN • TD Unequivocal • CB Not considered • F Lat >120% ULN
  • 14. Hadden et al. (1998) • Further modified Albers’ criteria not considering TD but reintroducing CB • one of the following in two nerves • CV <90% LLN <85% if d-amp <50% LNN • DL >110% ULN >120% if d-amp <LLN • TD Not considered • CB <0.5 prox-dist amp ratio and d-amp >20% LLN • F Lat >120% ULN
  • 15. Electrodiagnostic criteria for AMAN • Ho’s and Hadden’s criteria sets - based on the initial assumption - AMAN was characterised by simple axonal degeneration • Ho - No evidence of demyel • d-amp <80% in two nerves • Motor nerves with very low CMAP amplitudes due to axonal degeneration may show prolonged DML and F-wave latency or reduced CV
  • 16. • Hadden’s criteria set for AMAN • allows the existence of one demyelinating feature in one nerve if the distal CMAP is <10% of lower limit of normal • None of the criteria for demyelination, except in one nerve if d-amp <10% of LLN • d-amp <80% in two nerves
  • 17. Reversible conduction failure in AMAN • Kuwabara et al., 1998 - AMAN patients with antibody to gangliosides may show in some nerves rapidly reversible CB/slowing - reversible conduction failure (RCF) • CB in intermediate nerve segments promptly resolves • dCMAP amplitudes rapidly increase • DMLs, when prolonged, return to normal values • without the development of excessive TD and polyphasia of CMAPs
  • 18. Acute motor axonal degeneration, IgG anti- GM1 and anti-GD1a
  • 19. Reversible conduction failure in intermediate and distal nerve segments, antibodies to GM1
  • 20.
  • 21. Reversible conduction failure in distal nerve segment, antibodies to GD1b
  • 22.
  • 23. Serial electrophysiological findings in patients with axonal GBS and AIDP dCMAP amplitudes expressed as percentages of values at first recordings considered 100% DML expressed as percentages of upper limits of controls
  • 24. AIDP, no antibodies to gangliosides
  • 25. Acute Motor CB Neuropathy • 2003, Capasso et al. • two patients - acutely developed symmetric weakness without sensory symptoms • antecedent diarrhoea (C. jejuni was isolated from one) • high titres of IgG antibodies to GM1, GD1a and GD1b
  • 26. • Electrophysiological studies • Reduction of dCMAP amplitudes and early partial motor CB in intermediate nerve segments • normal sensory conductions even at the sites of motor CB • dCMAP amplitudes normalised and CB resolved in 2–5 weeks without development of excessive TD • Motor CV was slowed at the sites of CB, in the range considered demyelinating • At serial recordings, CVs increased with the decrease of CB and reversed to normal when CB had disappeared
  • 27. Serial electrophysiological findings of two patients withc acute motor conduction block neuropathy and antibodies to GM1, GD1a, GD1b
  • 28. • conduction slowing at CB sites - not due to de-remyelinatin • preferential block of large-diameter fastest conducting fibres • altered resting membrane potential and sodium channel inactivation with delay of the action potential rising time
  • 29. • AMCBN - ‘arrested AMAN’ • anti-ganglioside antibodies bind to the nodal axolemma • induce RCF not progressing to axonal degeneration in any nerve • AMCBN, AMAN with RCF and AMAN with axonal degeneration are a pathophysiological continuum • AMCBN is a mild form of AMAN with RCF in most of nerves
  • 30. Length-dependent conduction failure • Abnormal amplitude reduction of proximal CMAP, which disappears at serial recordings • dCMAP amplitude decreases and equalises proximal CMAP • without development of excessive TD or other features of demyelination • explained by progressive loss of excitability in fibres undergoing Wallerian-like degeneration
  • 31. Length-dependent conduction failure, IgG anti-GM1 and anti-GD1a antibodies
  • 32. • RCF occurring at first and progressing to axonal degeneration • RCF in intermediate nerve segments followed by adjunctive axonal degeneration in distal nerve terminals • Distinction between these conditions is impossible • Pattern has ben defined as length-dependent conduction failure • Considered as an expression of axonal damage • less favourable prognosis
  • 33. Pathophysiology • IgG deposit at the nodes of Ranvier • Complement activation with the formation of the MAC at the nodal axolemma • disruption of nodal sodium channel clusters • lengthening of nodal region • detachment of paranodal myelin terminal loops • eventually axonal degeneration • All these changes lower the safety factor for impulse transmission
  • 35. • Pathophysiologic process in AMAN varies from • mild functional axonal involvement manifesting electrophysiologically as RCF • axonal degeneration appearing as distal CMAP reduction or length- dependent conduction failure • these conditions are a continuum
  • 36. • Explains why recovery in AMAN patients - either very rapid and complete or very prolonged with poor outcome • AMAN patients do not necessarily have a poor prognosis and • may improve more rapidly or more slowly according to the relative proportion of axonal degeneration and reversible conduction failure • AMAN with reversible conduction failure or AMCBN - best prognosis and complete recovery
  • 37. Electrodiagnostic criteria of AMSAN • Feasby et al, Rees et al electrodiagnostic criteria for AMSAN are • (1) no evidence of demyelination • (2) distal CMAP amplitude <80% of lower limit of normal (as in AMAN) • (3) reduction of sensory nerve action potential amplitude (SNAP)<50% of lower limits of normal in at least two nerves
  • 38. Sensory conductions in AIDP • AIDP - abnormal sensory conductions were found in 85% in the median and ulnar nerves and in 38% in the sural nerves • sensory nerve conduction, especially in the distal nerve segments, is impaired in almost all AIDP • normal or relatively spared sural response • sural-sparing pattern - combination of normal sural SNAPs and low- amplitude or absent upper-extremity SNAPs
  • 39. • Distinctive of AIDP • highly specific (96% specific) for AIDP • preferential, early involvement of the smaller myelinated fibers • relative resistance of the larger diameter myelinated fibers in the sural trunk compared to the smaller nerve fibers in the digital nerves of the hands • lack of length dependent axonal degeneration
  • 41. Sensory conductions in AMAN and AMSAN • Capasso et al., 2011 • Serial conductions in 13 AMAN and three AMSAN patients were reviewed • In 34% of initially normal sensory nerves of six AMAN patients SNAP amplitude increased by 57–518%, • whereas in three nerves of three patients SNAP decreased by 50 -69% • Overall, serial recordings allowed detection of some sensory fibre involvement in 49% of nerves and in 69% of AMAN patients
  • 42. • In one AMSAN patient, SNAP increased in two nerves by 150–300% • in another patient, SNAPs, unrecordable at baseline, reappeared during follow-up and normalised • In nerves of some patients, SNAP amplitudes increased rapidly, suggesting RCF of sensory fibres. • In other nerves, SNAP increased over months, as for axonal regeneration.
  • 43. • Sensory fibres - often involved subclinically in AMAN • RCF may be present in sensory fibres of both AMAN and AMSAN • RCF has been reported in sensory fibres in acute sensory ataxic neuropathy, and in motor and sensory fibres in the pharingo-cervical brachial variant of GBS and in GBS–Miller Fisher overlap
  • 44. Pitfalls in electrodiagnosis • Uncini et al., 2010 • Italian GBS population, investigated whether and how serial recordings changed the initial classification • Both the Ho’s and Hadden’s criteria sets were tested in 55 patients • At first test, the electrodiagnosis was almost identical with both criteria sets: • 65–67% of patients were classifiable as AIDP • 18% as axonal GBS (AMAN or AMSAN), 14–16% were equivocal. • At follow-up, 24% of patients changed classification: • AIDP decreased to 58%, axonal GBS increased to 38% and equivocal patients decreased to 4%
  • 45.
  • 46. • Majority of shifts - AIDP and equivocal groups to axonal GBS • Main reasons - recognition of the RCF and of the length-dependent conduction failure as expression of axonal pathology • All patients who shifted to the axonal group had antibodies to gangliosides
  • 47. Utility of Serial NCS • Early phase of GBS the distinction between AIDP and axonal GBS may be impossible in some patients • Lack of distinction among demyelinating CB, RCF and length- dependent conduction failure • may fallaciously classify patients with axonal GBS as having AIDP • Serial NCS are advocated to establishing the electrodiagnosis of GBS
  • 48. • AMAN and AIDP differ in their evolution of changes on serial NCS • AMAN, 2 possible patterns of evolution • Rapid improvement in CMAP amplitudes and CV from resolution of nodal conduction failure • decrease of distal CMAP amplitudes due to axonal degeneration • AIDP with gradual remyelination, CV remains decreased, and persistently increased TD is seen • Such changes can best be demonstrated on serial NCS
  • 49. Rajabally et al., 2015 AIDP Axonal • At least one of the following in at least two nerves: MCV <70% LLN DML >150% ULN F lat >120% ULN, or >150% ULN (if distal CMAP <50% of LLN) OR F-wave absence in two nerves with distal CMAP ≥20% LLN, with an additional parameter, in one other nerve OR Proximal CMAP/distal CMAP ratio <0.7 (excluding the tibial nerve), in two nerves with an additional parameter, in one other nerve • None of the above features of demyelination in any nerve and at least one of the following: Distal CMAP <80% LLN in two nerves F-wave absence in two nerves with distal CMAP ≥20% LLN, in absence of any demyelinating feature in any nerve Proximal CMAP/distal CMAP ratio <0.7, in two nerves (excluding the tibial nerve)
  • 50. Uncini 2017 • AIDP • At first or second study at least one of the following in at least two nerves: • MCV <70% LLN • DML>130 % ULN • dCMAP duration >120% ULN • pCMAP/dCMAP duration ratio >130% • F Lat >120% ULN • OR one of the above in one nerve • PLUS: • Absent F waves in two nerves with dCMAP > 20% LLN • Abnormal ulnar SNAP amplitude and normal sural SNAP amplitude • AMAN • At first and second study none of the above AIDP features in any nerve (demyelinating features allowed in one nerve if dCMAP <20% LLN) • At first study at least one of the following in each of two nerves: • dCMAP<80% LLN • pCMAP/dCMAP amplitude ratio <0.7 • (excluding tibial nerve) • isolated F wave absence (or <20%persistence)
  • 51. • at least one of the followings in two nerves is evidence of reversible conduction failure: • >150% increase dCMAP amplitude without increased dCMAP duration (<130% ULN) • pCMAP/dCMAP amplitude ratio <0.7 at first test which improves more than 0.2 because of increased pCMAP without temporal dispersion (pCMAP/d CMAP duration ratio <130%) • isolated F wave absence (or <20% persistence) that recovers without increased minimal latency (<120% of ULN) • AMSAN • At first study the same criteria of AMAN in motor nerves • PLUS • SNAP amplitudes < 50%LLN in at least two nerves • At second study: • evidence for axonal degeneration and reversible conduction failure in motor nerves as in AMAN • there is evidence of axonal degeneration in sensory nerves if • SNAP amplitude in two nerves it is stable or decreased • there is evidence of RCF in sensory nerves • if SNAP amplitude in two nerves it is increased (>50% in median and ulnarnerves and >60% in sural)

Editor's Notes

  1. CMAPs recorded from ADM after stimulation of the ulnar nerve at wrist, below elbow, above elbow Distal CMAP amplitude was already decreased (4 mV) on day 4 further decreased (2 mV) on day 11
  2. CMAPs recorded from ADM after stimulation of the ulnar nerve at wrist, below elbow, above elbow, and at the axilla The abnormal CMAP amplitude ratio (0.2) across the elbow on day five rapidly resolved on day 11 without the development excessive temporal dispersion 140% increase of the distal CMAP amplitude with shortening of distal motor latency (DML) from 4.8 to 2.7 ms
  3. CMAPs recorded from the ADM after ulnar nerve stimulation at the wrist, below-elbow and above-elbow day 10, there was a partial CB across the elbow which improved on day 20 resolved at day 27 without the development of excessive temporal dispersion
  4. CMAPs recorded from the EDB muscle after stimulation of the peroneal nerve at ankle, below-fibular head and above-fibular head day 6, DML is prolonged (7.4 ms) and distal CMAP amplitude reduced (1.6 mV) day 12, DML is still slightly prolonged (5.9 ms) and distal CMAP amplitude is 106% increased day 25, DML is in the normal range (4.4 ms), and the distal CMAP amplitude is 150% compared with day 6
  5. CMAPS from APB after median nerve stimulation at the wrist and elbow day 6, distal and proximal CMAP amplitudes were reduced (2.6 mV) day 12, distal CMAP was increased 142%, returning within the normal range no excessive temporal dispersion of proximal or distal CMAP in all recordings from day 6 to day 25.
  6. AMAN nerves with RCF distal CMAP amplitudes promptly increased and DMLs returned to normal values in few weeks
  7. CMAPs recorded from ADM after stimulation of the ulnar nerve at wrist, below elbow, above elbow day 2, all conduction parameters were normal day 14, all CMAPs were dispersed, distal CMAP amplitude was greatly reduced (1 mV), distal motor latency was increased (5.7 ms), the CMAP amplitude ratio between below-elbow and wrist stimulation was 0.2, and conduction velocities were reduced (20 m/s in the below-elbow wrist segment and 26 m/s across the elbow) day 40, the CMAP amplitude ratio between below-elbow and wrist stimulation was 0.5 but all CMAPs were still reduced in amplitude and dispersed, DML was further increased (7.2 ms) and conduction velocities further reduced (19 m/s in the below-elbow wrist segment and 16 m/s across the elbow)
  8. conduction velocity (CV) in the segment above-below elbow (continuous line) and below-elbow wrist (dashed lines) CVs improved in the above-below elbow segment in parallel with the resolution of conduction block without development of excessive temporal dispersion of proximal CMAPs.
  9. CMAPs recorded from after stimulation of the ulnar nerve at wrist, below elbow, above elbow day 2, there was a mild reduction (28%) of CMAP amplitude from below-elbow stimulation compared with wrist stimulation and an abnormal amplitude reduction of CMAP (65%) from above-elbow compared with below elbow stimulation day 11, all CMAP amplitudes were reduced, and there was an abnormal amplitude reduction (64%) of CMAP from below-elbow stimulation compared with wrist, whereas the CMAP amplitude drop across the elbow was decreased (29%) day 26, distal CMAP amplitude was further decreased, but amplitude reduction in CMAPs from proximal stimulation sites were no longer evident