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Stage 1
Infancy (0-2)
Psychosocial Crisis
Trust VS. Mistrust
Too much Too much
Stage 2
Early Childhood
Psychosocial Crisis
Autonomy VS. Shame & Doubt
Too much
Too much
Stage 3
Psychosocial Crisis
Initiative VS. Guilt
Purpose (courage)
Too much Too much
Stage 4
School Age
Psychosocial Crisis
Industry VS. Inferiority
Narrow Virtousity
Too much
Too much
Stage 5
Psychosocial Crisis
Identity VS. Role Confusion
Too much Too much
During my first year or a year old and a half, I am so sensitive about what’s
happening around. I easily like to do things at once which I do not think it would harm
me or not. I oftentimes cry whenever I cannot satisfy things to happen.
I am almost curious of things around. I want to do such gestures even without my
capacity. But I can still recall that whenever I intend to do things which I cannot perform
wee. I noticed that my parents at once extended their help which on the other hand
would not give any positive outcome later. Good parents are always these every minute
to help me satisfy things but for my own good it will not warmth because as I
experienced, my effort and trust to overcome and develop my curiosity become failure
on the other hand. I am used to do things with the help of somebody in the absence of
my parents.
There should be a well balance in the development of child’s curiosity which will
help improve one’s ability with determination and satisfaction. My eagerness to perform
such gesture always in control or conflict because of the precious experiences I have
encountered. I used to ask help whenever I do the gesture I now realized that
overprotected of parents to children would really affect one’s psychosocial factor. My
mother told me that I was so attached to her as compared to my father due to the fact
that at this stage happens the feeding event. I am always crying whenever someone is
carrying me expect for my mother. I gain trust through feeding, teething and comforting
which were all given by my mother.
The first two months of infancy is called the neonatal period. At this point, my life
is mostly a matter of satisfying my basic needs: Enough milk (preferably mom's),
staying warm and dry, and, of course, pooping. Lots and lots of pooping. More
seriously, I need to be protected from harm and infection, the latter being the greatest
threat at this time of life.
When I asked my mother about this stage, she said that I can see at birth, but
very nearsighted and can't coordinate my eye movements. Smell and taste are sharp at
birth, and I have a preference for sweets, which, not coincidentally, includes breast milk.
In the neonate, my mother can clearly see the presence of some basic reflexes,
such as rooting (searching for mom's nipple) and the startle reflex. My father can also
see certain instinctual patterns: I seem to orient towards faces and voices, especially
female ones, and seem to recognize my mother's voice and smell.
My parents have been many interesting experiments in this regard, and they use
some interesting special techniques: They sometimes videotape my face to keep track
of where I am looking and how I am responding; my father uses a special pacifier that
keeps track of the rate of my sucking. I suck more rapidly when I am experiencing
something interesting.
The most important psychological task for this stage is called attachment,
meaning the establishment of a tight bond with mom, dad, and other significant people.
This is our human version of the imprinting process we see in animals, where a baby
animal learns to follow its mother. Since I can't walk, my parents make effective use of
their instincts to be attracted to me, by cooing, gurgling, smiling, and generally acting
Middle infancy (about 2 to 15 months) is a period of rapid growth and weight
gain. The nervous system is clearly pulling its act together, and the infant has a strong
drive to move and make noise. Among my needs is not only the presence of a loving
adult, but opportunities to experience the environment and to explore it.
Inborn personality differences (called temperaments) become very clear: Some
babies are easily upset or frightened, some quick tempered, some easygoing and calm;
Some are active, restless, and fidgety, some quiet an lazy; Some like people, some are
shy, some are independent.
From 15 to 30 months, we call the baby a toddler, from the way they walk. During
this period, I am getting control over my fine and large muscles, learning to speak, and
learning to use the potty. At the same time, I am developing a serious sense of
independence, strong likes and dislikes, and the ability to say no to my parents.
My parents or even other people kept on talking to me; my parents even let me
hear music especially the ABC’s, counting numbers and other nursery songs and
rhymes. According to my mom, these are of great help to develop my skills even at a
very young age.
This stage is very much crucial among children ages 1 and ½ years to 3 or 4
years old. This stage needs much parental supervision and guidance as the children are
exposed to their open environment. The factors affecting people social development for
their children at this very young age play vital role as they grow and live. Children at this
young age tend to do things at their own extent. This means that they do not even think
or weigh what will be the results. They do the things as if they really can do or perform
by themselves. This stage easily learns fact so what they see, hear, feel and say is
good, correct or true.
I myself had my unforgettable experience as I can still recall. I learned at this very
young age to handle pens, pencils and crayons. I used to draw lines, signs, figures and
the like. My parents allowed me to handle these things because of my exposure to
television show that those things are used to utilize in writing, drawing and the like. I
cried whenever I am not given the pencils and paper with my “yaya” and even with my
mom. Until finally learned how to write letters, numbers, shapes, my name even without
entering the formal schooling.
But sad to note my experience that I used to put the pencil inside my mouth. My
parents got angry and told me that I would be poisoned because of the lead it
contained. Sometimes, I did not listen but time came I gradually learn to note the
disadvantage of putting the pencil in my mouth. I was just satisfied and happy if the
pencil is contained with my little saliva the more it has, the closer and darker I can write.
Another thing was whenever I take a bath; I do not want my “yaya” or my mom to do it
for me. I want to take a bath alone. I cried when I cannot do it by myself. Until I realized
that I might be drowned because of the lesson taught to me from the real story. It’s
really fun for me to perform the gestures with my own without thinking of what may
Good because they explained what might occur whenever I may not be managed
or supervised by somebody. Sometimes I had a cut wound, knees bruises and even
face masks because of m foolishness. I just realized later when met accident hen that’s
the time my parents told me to be good girl always. Behave all the time so that I will not
encounter trouble.
This means that there is always parental guidance which take place so that
children at this stage will develop positive outcomes. This enhances the positive
development of children relative to psychosocial development. Whenever a child
commits mistakes, he/she has to be well addressed. Explain to them the mistake
committed, discuss what will happen, what to do but so learning took place for positive
results allowing children to perform such activity would be better but see to it that there
is always a follow-up, guidance, supervision without affecting the children’s risk to do in
their behalf. Let the children at this young age to perform the activity at their own risk for
whatever faults they might encounter will surely the way or an avenue for them to learn
as a reflection of the saying that experience is the best teacher.
I also had an experience story of my neighbors’ son with the same ages who’s
always saying bad words whenever feel angry. The parents and other older members of
the family were just laughing at that young boy. They just laughed at the boy feeling
proud because the young boy is doing it so without thinking it would be used for the boy
to say bad words all the time until he grows and older. Now, this little boy could no
longer be checked and avoided to say the words which are not pleasing to the ears of
everybody. I find it crucial because the parents ignored the attitude being developed
when still young. It is better for the young age boy to learn and know what should be
learned and developed.
At this stage, I learned to have independence and the important relationship for
me is my family. My interests continue to become more assertive in exploration,
discovery, adventure and play. Sometimes I show too much force in this stage causing
feelings of guilt
According o my parents when I was at this stage, I usually do daydreaming. I love
reading fairytales as well as watching movies like the very most popular princesses. I
am fond of imagining things which are impossible to happen. Of course just like the
other kids, ruthlessness is very common to me. I was always eager to try and do new
things without thinking the result of such behaviors.
However, my parents made sure that even though they were very busy with their
works and I was only with the company of my “yaya”, they still manage to take good
care of me. Even at a very young age, they thought me of doing good deeds and avoid
being ruthless. They encouraged me to think first before doing certain actions which I
know is wrong and always ask for their assistance and help. Whatever things my
parents told me I always took those as a lesson and a virtue to live with, that’s why as
time goes by, I learned to rely first on my parent’s opinions, I always ask for their
permissions. If they don’t permit me to take such actions, then I would not do such. But
if they, then I’ll pursue it.
I could still remember that whenever we were at other people’s house, I usually
stay only with my parents company. I was so egocentric and was so shy.
I had a friend at school. Her name was Angel. We were the best of friends. We
were together every day. They had a lot in common, and they made each other smile.
We even traded clothes, because we liked each other's style. But one day Angel did
something that made me feel sad. She told another friend about a secret I had.
I find difficulties behind in my math class, and I needed a hand. I had to get a tutor who
could help me understand. I hoped no one would find out. People might think I was
slow. So I kept it a secret that only Angel would know. But she told another friend, and
she told someone too. She didn't keep the secret, and now everybody knew! It made
me embarrassed. It was not to be discussed. But she broke her promise, and now she
lost my trust. So I told her I can't trust her anymore. And then she turned around and
quickly headed out the door.
It hurt to hear me say those words and watch her walk away. And Angel was afraid that
she lost me that day. So Andy followed after me, and when she found her me,
she told me she'd do anything to have my trust again.
Then I just told her that I want to trust her, but trust must be earned. She didn't
keep her promise, and I really hope she has learned. But trust comes when you show
you care about how someone feels, and it may take a little time before this heartache
Then Angel said she would not ever make the same mistake. She said she'd earn
my trust again, whatever it may take. She told me that our friendship meant too much to
just let go. And she knew that our friendship still had lots of room to grow.
So Angel was more careful in the things she did and said. She didn't tell my
secrets. She protected me instead. She showed how much she cared by doing what
was best for me. Their friendship grew much stronger and was able to endure.
Then I told her that I'm so glad she’s still my friend. She always looks out for me,
and I'll trust her 'till the end."
The important event is school and the important relationships are teachers,
friends and neighbourhood. I learned to deal with new skills and develop a sense of
achievement and accomplishment.
Everyone said when you are a child, you are having a good happy life and you
don't have any problems at all. But I think not all children are so lucky enough to have a
happy childhood life experience. Me by myself, I don't want to judge anyone or criticize
anybody what's going on about their life but what I'm going to talked here is basic to my
true story about my childhood life. Sometimes things happened when you are not
expecting it, and you are just asking yourself why?
Memories of childhood can be represented in many ways: a blanket, stuffed
animal, rattle, song, or maybe even a movie. We can cling to these things for support in
times of need, or just to recall fond memories of a simpler, and in most cases happier
time. As our lives change around us, and we change to adapt to our lives we recall
these items. We return to them for comfort, or we pass them to others who need them.
Growing up from the beautiful land of Bicol continues to provide me with fond
memories, strong morals, and simple beliefs. It was living a life with an obtainable
means, working and playing as a family unit that would attract even the average person,
some of these things so many people have long forgotten.
To wake up each morning to the sunrise, to lie in bed and listen to all the activity
knowing that today, like any other day, will become a challenge that is unexplainable.
Excited to meet friends and playmates and just enjoying the day like there is no
At this point of time, I learned to think and act more mature. Avoid being
egocentric and learned to put myself on the shoes of other people. I tried my best to
socialize with other people. I joined several school organizations and other
extracurricular activities. During first grade, my parents engaged me to some tutorial
activities which really helped me a lot not only intellectually but also on how to cope with
other people around me. I met friends who helped me to enjoy my life and accept
During my second grade, I was asked to join in Quiz Bee for Science. I could say
that this really helped a lot because I’ve realized that I have potentials. I learned to be
responsible and be studious. At this point of time, I also learned to be competitive
enough. I met more new friends. I engaged my school days with the company of my
classmates and teachers. Because my parents always encourage me as well as my
teachers who were very supportive, I became more confident, competent and fearless
but in a positive way.
During grades four and five, I became more mature than before. I was very active
in school activities. I became more accountable of things and be responsible leader. I
was just great with the support my parents gave me. I always set standards. Whenever I
won a contest or did a great job, I was always rewarded. The encouragement, support
and care my teachers gave me add to my eagerness to learn and be ready for higher
level of learning.
However my parents were so strict when it comes to my academic performances. They
always expect me to be on top so I always try my very best to do the best that I can. But
there are times when my best were not enough and I failed. I was so worried of what my
parents will tell me. Maybe they were very angry about the result and so much
disappointed. I just remain silence whenever I made failures. I wanted to talk to them
and tell them that I am a just a human, and I’m not perfect. I also have limitations but, I
can’t. I don’t have the courage to do so. These are the reasons why I learned to be
fearless, to be responsible, to do actions that would benefit and make my parents happy
and proud of me. But, with that, I forgot to enjoy my life; to play with others. I usually
spend my time alone with my books.
This is how I describe my life when I was still young and innocent. There are lots
of things I really want to try and questions I want to be answered. But still it was a stage
of my life that I will never forget in my whole life.
This picture was taken when
I was in fourth grade during
my first communion. I was
selected to render the
responsorial psalm.
This picture was taken during
my third grade during our
Recognition Day. I was
awarded as 5th
Honors and
was selected to make an
intermission number.
Whenever I was performing
to crowds, I always feel goose
This picture was taken during my fifth grade. It was our
Reading Festival wherein each grade level presented a play. I
was selected to give the opening song entitled “When you
wish upon a star” from the movie Pinocchio.
I was still chosen to be flower girl even at fifth grade. I
was also exposed to several academic competitions. I
used to compete in school, district, division and even
regional. I always make sure that I give my very best to
every competition I’m into.
My High School Life
I can't believe it has been four years since I met my gorgeous classmates, there
has been great and bad memories, my friends and I cried and laughed together, shared
each other everything, we are really like one family, when one of us get hurt, have hard
times like threats or losing someone close we all feel the pain, cry together and try to be
supportive, when we feel that one of our classmates is not able to buy the necessary
things and in need, we allocate our saves and buy too expensive gifts for birthday or
The photos above were taken
during our Graduation Day. It
was a blessing when I graduated
as the school Valedictorian. I was
so happy and thankful for such
wonderful gift because I made
my parents as well as my whole
family and friends proud of me.
any occasion without making our friend feel that we are intending to help. When one of
us have something pleasant like a party we all feel happy, we help her with choosing
clothes make up advice her how to do her hair etc, and even do her homework as she
will be busy. When one of us can’t understand a subject all the students try to teach her,
repeat the subject over and over till she understands it! The relationship we have is
strong, and I wish it'll always remain like this…
I'll share you some of my best memories;
One of my best memories was when our class made a surprise party for our
adviser Mrs. Clara Hitter in relation with the celebration of the World’s teachers’ day. I
thought. It would be a simple celebration but it turned out to be a fantastic and a lively
party. All of us participated and with some of our saves, we bought a gift for our adviser,
wrapped it and took the present to school. Our teacher was shocked; it was the best
day ever.
Beside all the good events there have been very painful memories, when one of
my classmates lost her dad and my other classmate transferred to other school. But, I'll
always remember the good events and laugh, and the hard ones will only give me the
strength, power and make me prepared for every hard thing I may face in the future
My fears, frustrations, failures & anxieties
Our achievements speak for themselves. However, when it comes to our
setbacks, failures and weaknesses, we feel uncomfortable talking about them. All of us
have failed at some time to equal our dreams of perfection or to perform well. The big
issue is not your weaknesses; they are part of life.
I had some experiences in which I was able to face those fears, frustrations,
failures and anxieties with the help of my parents.
I was shy; I didn't make a very good first impression and wanted to change this. I
noticed that when I spent some time with people, I could open up. People appreciated
my sense of humor and trusted me. This gave me the confidence to overcome the
problem by taking it head on. My mother and I never saw eye to eye on any issue
because we were so different. But some time later when I really felt that I wanted
someone to talk to I ask her if I can have some mother and daughter bonding. And to
my surprised, she said ok. I had a nice conversation with her for I am not just the one
who shared my feelings and emotions but she also shared hers. As we opened our
hearts to each other, we realized how similar we really were and how strong she was. It
did not take long for me to start admiring my mother. Now she has become a great
source of inspiration for me. I understand her so well that I am able to anticipate her
response to a situation and act accordingly.
Another experience I had was with my father.
I never trusted anyone with anything, so I believed in doing everything
myself. I felt others would never measure up to my standards. But a particular situation
in my high school life drove me up the wall. I had nearly given up in despair when my
father, helped me tide over the situation. I was touched and felt very blessed to have
him in my life. That day I resolved to trust others, especially with my friends. My life
turned out well for the last three years mainly because of my ability to motivate and trust
others, and develop unique solutions through positive interactions with other people.
Dealing with my Emotions
As a teenager, you may be dealing with lots of emotional highs and lows. One
minute you might feel great, and the next you feel sad and tearful.
Our life is changing, just like our body. These mood swings - sometimes we may
be feeling a lot more pressure these days, we are still developing the skills and we need
to deal with that pressure. We may be facing added responsibilities at home, tougher
grading policies in school and your friends may be changing.
As I grow older I will develop the skills, I need to manage stress, but for now, I will
just remember I am in a tough spot and need all the support I can get. I will always
reach out to adults and friends for I know that there is always someone there who cares
for me and who will encourage me to be best even during hard times.
I would say that I am really a human for I can encounter some emotional
experiences. I have my moments of happiness, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety
and a host of others feelings. Some questions we may ask are how to deal with these
emotions and why are some feelings harder to handle than others.
College Days…
Another milestone in my life has arrived, new environment, new things, new faces and
new learning, and experiences. At first I found it very difficult to cope with the situation
but, somehow I managed to get through the busy day. Although it’s not satisfying even
a little, I feel so out of place. I still don't have friends, while everyone has and they're
happily fooling around, joking, introducing with each other. I really wanted to talk and
But when we were asked to introduce ourselves, I just told myself that I should make
myself comfortable when talking in front and make a good impression in class. I kept on
talking and talking all about myself and I was just shocked when I noticed that my
classmates were all ears on me as if they were very fascinated about me. They show
interests in listening to my discussions. This made me happy knowing that at least I
made myself recognizable.
After that, almost all my classmates approached me and became interested with me. I
was also surprised when they elected me as the block president. I know it was a very
difficult and challenging role but I told myself that maybe they saw that I have that ability
to do such responsibility. They also elected me to be the Block NSTP-President and I
was asked to participate in the re-organizational meeting of the BUCE NSTP SETCODE
Organization. I was so blessed to be elected as the BUCE NSTP-SETCODE President.
I promised not only the freshmen students but also myself that I will do my very best to
be an excellent leader with my burning desire to serve and lead. I will not waste this
opportunity and a very big responsibility given to me since, they give me their 100%
At this point of time, I may not be able to say that I really know myself well, but little by
little I can now understand myself. I may not be perfect but, I am still trying my best to
be responsible enough to any actions I am doing. I consider the help and guidance of
the people around me. I am careful in my actions, decisions and the way I talk. I am
now a mature individual and ready for a higher level of development.
When I was in 3rd year high
school, I decided to join the
Youth for Christ. I was so
grateful to be part of this
family. I can say that this
family helped me a lot to know
myself and God Almighty. My
shyness and fear of crowd
vanished because of my
exposure to people. During our
camp, I served as one of the
talk givers, “DGL” Discussion
Group Leader; I was also
assigned to facilitate the
registration. My experiences
with them were so memorable
and of great avenue for me to
learn how to serve others and
be confident in facing my
fears. I participated in some
provincial and regional
conferences which enhanced
my abilities, skills and be a
better person as well as a good
model for the youth.
Now, I am actively serving as the BUCE NSTP –SETCODE
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
A Travel to My Life
Prepared By:
Kristine Ann B. de Jesus
BEED 1-5
Submitted To:
Dr. Miguela Requiero
Educ 2 erick erickson
Educ 2 erick erickson

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  • 1. Stage 1 Infancy (0-2) Psychosocial Crisis Trust VS. Mistrust Virtue Hope Malignancy Withdrawal Maladaptation Sensory Maladjustment Too much Too much
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  • 3. Stage 3 Pre-School Psychosocial Crisis Initiative VS. Guilt Virtue Purpose (courage) Malignancy Inhibition Maladaptation Ruthlessness Too much Too much
  • 4. Stage 4 School Age Psychosocial Crisis Industry VS. Inferiority Virtue Competence Malignancy Inertia Maladaptation Narrow Virtousity Too much Too much
  • 5. Stage 5 Adolescence Psychosocial Crisis Identity VS. Role Confusion Virtue Fidelity Malignancy Repudiation Maladaptation Fanaticism Too much Too much
  • 6. STAGE 1 During my first year or a year old and a half, I am so sensitive about what’s happening around. I easily like to do things at once which I do not think it would harm me or not. I oftentimes cry whenever I cannot satisfy things to happen. I am almost curious of things around. I want to do such gestures even without my capacity. But I can still recall that whenever I intend to do things which I cannot perform wee. I noticed that my parents at once extended their help which on the other hand would not give any positive outcome later. Good parents are always these every minute to help me satisfy things but for my own good it will not warmth because as I experienced, my effort and trust to overcome and develop my curiosity become failure on the other hand. I am used to do things with the help of somebody in the absence of my parents. There should be a well balance in the development of child’s curiosity which will help improve one’s ability with determination and satisfaction. My eagerness to perform such gesture always in control or conflict because of the precious experiences I have encountered. I used to ask help whenever I do the gesture I now realized that overprotected of parents to children would really affect one’s psychosocial factor. My mother told me that I was so attached to her as compared to my father due to the fact that at this stage happens the feeding event. I am always crying whenever someone is carrying me expect for my mother. I gain trust through feeding, teething and comforting which were all given by my mother. The first two months of infancy is called the neonatal period. At this point, my life is mostly a matter of satisfying my basic needs: Enough milk (preferably mom's), staying warm and dry, and, of course, pooping. Lots and lots of pooping. More seriously, I need to be protected from harm and infection, the latter being the greatest threat at this time of life. When I asked my mother about this stage, she said that I can see at birth, but very nearsighted and can't coordinate my eye movements. Smell and taste are sharp at birth, and I have a preference for sweets, which, not coincidentally, includes breast milk.
  • 7. In the neonate, my mother can clearly see the presence of some basic reflexes, such as rooting (searching for mom's nipple) and the startle reflex. My father can also see certain instinctual patterns: I seem to orient towards faces and voices, especially female ones, and seem to recognize my mother's voice and smell. My parents have been many interesting experiments in this regard, and they use some interesting special techniques: They sometimes videotape my face to keep track of where I am looking and how I am responding; my father uses a special pacifier that keeps track of the rate of my sucking. I suck more rapidly when I am experiencing something interesting. The most important psychological task for this stage is called attachment, meaning the establishment of a tight bond with mom, dad, and other significant people. This is our human version of the imprinting process we see in animals, where a baby animal learns to follow its mother. Since I can't walk, my parents make effective use of their instincts to be attracted to me, by cooing, gurgling, smiling, and generally acting cute. Middle infancy (about 2 to 15 months) is a period of rapid growth and weight gain. The nervous system is clearly pulling its act together, and the infant has a strong drive to move and make noise. Among my needs is not only the presence of a loving adult, but opportunities to experience the environment and to explore it. Inborn personality differences (called temperaments) become very clear: Some babies are easily upset or frightened, some quick tempered, some easygoing and calm; Some are active, restless, and fidgety, some quiet an lazy; Some like people, some are shy, some are independent. From 15 to 30 months, we call the baby a toddler, from the way they walk. During this period, I am getting control over my fine and large muscles, learning to speak, and learning to use the potty. At the same time, I am developing a serious sense of independence, strong likes and dislikes, and the ability to say no to my parents.
  • 8. My parents or even other people kept on talking to me; my parents even let me hear music especially the ABC’s, counting numbers and other nursery songs and rhymes. According to my mom, these are of great help to develop my skills even at a very young age.
  • 9. STAGE 2 This stage is very much crucial among children ages 1 and ½ years to 3 or 4 years old. This stage needs much parental supervision and guidance as the children are exposed to their open environment. The factors affecting people social development for their children at this very young age play vital role as they grow and live. Children at this young age tend to do things at their own extent. This means that they do not even think or weigh what will be the results. They do the things as if they really can do or perform by themselves. This stage easily learns fact so what they see, hear, feel and say is good, correct or true.
  • 10. I myself had my unforgettable experience as I can still recall. I learned at this very young age to handle pens, pencils and crayons. I used to draw lines, signs, figures and the like. My parents allowed me to handle these things because of my exposure to television show that those things are used to utilize in writing, drawing and the like. I cried whenever I am not given the pencils and paper with my “yaya” and even with my mom. Until finally learned how to write letters, numbers, shapes, my name even without entering the formal schooling. But sad to note my experience that I used to put the pencil inside my mouth. My parents got angry and told me that I would be poisoned because of the lead it contained. Sometimes, I did not listen but time came I gradually learn to note the disadvantage of putting the pencil in my mouth. I was just satisfied and happy if the pencil is contained with my little saliva the more it has, the closer and darker I can write. Another thing was whenever I take a bath; I do not want my “yaya” or my mom to do it for me. I want to take a bath alone. I cried when I cannot do it by myself. Until I realized that I might be drowned because of the lesson taught to me from the real story. It’s really fun for me to perform the gestures with my own without thinking of what may happen. Good because they explained what might occur whenever I may not be managed or supervised by somebody. Sometimes I had a cut wound, knees bruises and even face masks because of m foolishness. I just realized later when met accident hen that’s the time my parents told me to be good girl always. Behave all the time so that I will not encounter trouble. This means that there is always parental guidance which take place so that children at this stage will develop positive outcomes. This enhances the positive development of children relative to psychosocial development. Whenever a child commits mistakes, he/she has to be well addressed. Explain to them the mistake committed, discuss what will happen, what to do but so learning took place for positive results allowing children to perform such activity would be better but see to it that there is always a follow-up, guidance, supervision without affecting the children’s risk to do in their behalf. Let the children at this young age to perform the activity at their own risk for
  • 11. whatever faults they might encounter will surely the way or an avenue for them to learn as a reflection of the saying that experience is the best teacher. I also had an experience story of my neighbors’ son with the same ages who’s always saying bad words whenever feel angry. The parents and other older members of the family were just laughing at that young boy. They just laughed at the boy feeling proud because the young boy is doing it so without thinking it would be used for the boy to say bad words all the time until he grows and older. Now, this little boy could no longer be checked and avoided to say the words which are not pleasing to the ears of everybody. I find it crucial because the parents ignored the attitude being developed when still young. It is better for the young age boy to learn and know what should be learned and developed.
  • 12. STAGE 3 At this stage, I learned to have independence and the important relationship for me is my family. My interests continue to become more assertive in exploration, discovery, adventure and play. Sometimes I show too much force in this stage causing feelings of guilt According o my parents when I was at this stage, I usually do daydreaming. I love reading fairytales as well as watching movies like the very most popular princesses. I am fond of imagining things which are impossible to happen. Of course just like the other kids, ruthlessness is very common to me. I was always eager to try and do new things without thinking the result of such behaviors. However, my parents made sure that even though they were very busy with their works and I was only with the company of my “yaya”, they still manage to take good care of me. Even at a very young age, they thought me of doing good deeds and avoid being ruthless. They encouraged me to think first before doing certain actions which I
  • 13. know is wrong and always ask for their assistance and help. Whatever things my parents told me I always took those as a lesson and a virtue to live with, that’s why as time goes by, I learned to rely first on my parent’s opinions, I always ask for their permissions. If they don’t permit me to take such actions, then I would not do such. But if they, then I’ll pursue it. I could still remember that whenever we were at other people’s house, I usually stay only with my parents company. I was so egocentric and was so shy. I had a friend at school. Her name was Angel. We were the best of friends. We were together every day. They had a lot in common, and they made each other smile. We even traded clothes, because we liked each other's style. But one day Angel did something that made me feel sad. She told another friend about a secret I had. I find difficulties behind in my math class, and I needed a hand. I had to get a tutor who could help me understand. I hoped no one would find out. People might think I was slow. So I kept it a secret that only Angel would know. But she told another friend, and she told someone too. She didn't keep the secret, and now everybody knew! It made me embarrassed. It was not to be discussed. But she broke her promise, and now she lost my trust. So I told her I can't trust her anymore. And then she turned around and quickly headed out the door. It hurt to hear me say those words and watch her walk away. And Angel was afraid that she lost me that day. So Andy followed after me, and when she found her me, she told me she'd do anything to have my trust again. Then I just told her that I want to trust her, but trust must be earned. She didn't keep her promise, and I really hope she has learned. But trust comes when you show you care about how someone feels, and it may take a little time before this heartache heals. Then Angel said she would not ever make the same mistake. She said she'd earn my trust again, whatever it may take. She told me that our friendship meant too much to just let go. And she knew that our friendship still had lots of room to grow.
  • 14. So Angel was more careful in the things she did and said. She didn't tell my secrets. She protected me instead. She showed how much she cared by doing what was best for me. Their friendship grew much stronger and was able to endure. Then I told her that I'm so glad she’s still my friend. She always looks out for me, and I'll trust her 'till the end."
  • 15. STAGE 4 The important event is school and the important relationships are teachers, friends and neighbourhood. I learned to deal with new skills and develop a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Everyone said when you are a child, you are having a good happy life and you don't have any problems at all. But I think not all children are so lucky enough to have a happy childhood life experience. Me by myself, I don't want to judge anyone or criticize anybody what's going on about their life but what I'm going to talked here is basic to my true story about my childhood life. Sometimes things happened when you are not expecting it, and you are just asking yourself why? Memories of childhood can be represented in many ways: a blanket, stuffed animal, rattle, song, or maybe even a movie. We can cling to these things for support in times of need, or just to recall fond memories of a simpler, and in most cases happier time. As our lives change around us, and we change to adapt to our lives we recall these items. We return to them for comfort, or we pass them to others who need them. Growing up from the beautiful land of Bicol continues to provide me with fond memories, strong morals, and simple beliefs. It was living a life with an obtainable means, working and playing as a family unit that would attract even the average person, some of these things so many people have long forgotten.
  • 16. To wake up each morning to the sunrise, to lie in bed and listen to all the activity knowing that today, like any other day, will become a challenge that is unexplainable. Excited to meet friends and playmates and just enjoying the day like there is no tomorrow. At this point of time, I learned to think and act more mature. Avoid being egocentric and learned to put myself on the shoes of other people. I tried my best to socialize with other people. I joined several school organizations and other extracurricular activities. During first grade, my parents engaged me to some tutorial activities which really helped me a lot not only intellectually but also on how to cope with other people around me. I met friends who helped me to enjoy my life and accept myself. During my second grade, I was asked to join in Quiz Bee for Science. I could say that this really helped a lot because I’ve realized that I have potentials. I learned to be responsible and be studious. At this point of time, I also learned to be competitive enough. I met more new friends. I engaged my school days with the company of my classmates and teachers. Because my parents always encourage me as well as my teachers who were very supportive, I became more confident, competent and fearless but in a positive way. During grades four and five, I became more mature than before. I was very active in school activities. I became more accountable of things and be responsible leader. I was just great with the support my parents gave me. I always set standards. Whenever I won a contest or did a great job, I was always rewarded. The encouragement, support and care my teachers gave me add to my eagerness to learn and be ready for higher level of learning. However my parents were so strict when it comes to my academic performances. They always expect me to be on top so I always try my very best to do the best that I can. But there are times when my best were not enough and I failed. I was so worried of what my parents will tell me. Maybe they were very angry about the result and so much disappointed. I just remain silence whenever I made failures. I wanted to talk to them
  • 17. and tell them that I am a just a human, and I’m not perfect. I also have limitations but, I can’t. I don’t have the courage to do so. These are the reasons why I learned to be fearless, to be responsible, to do actions that would benefit and make my parents happy and proud of me. But, with that, I forgot to enjoy my life; to play with others. I usually spend my time alone with my books. This is how I describe my life when I was still young and innocent. There are lots of things I really want to try and questions I want to be answered. But still it was a stage of my life that I will never forget in my whole life. This picture was taken when I was in fourth grade during my first communion. I was selected to render the responsorial psalm. This picture was taken during my third grade during our Recognition Day. I was awarded as 5th Honors and was selected to make an intermission number. Whenever I was performing to crowds, I always feel goose
  • 18. This picture was taken during my fifth grade. It was our Reading Festival wherein each grade level presented a play. I was selected to give the opening song entitled “When you wish upon a star” from the movie Pinocchio. I was still chosen to be flower girl even at fifth grade. I was also exposed to several academic competitions. I used to compete in school, district, division and even regional. I always make sure that I give my very best to every competition I’m into.
  • 19. STAGE 5 My High School Life I can't believe it has been four years since I met my gorgeous classmates, there has been great and bad memories, my friends and I cried and laughed together, shared each other everything, we are really like one family, when one of us get hurt, have hard times like threats or losing someone close we all feel the pain, cry together and try to be supportive, when we feel that one of our classmates is not able to buy the necessary things and in need, we allocate our saves and buy too expensive gifts for birthday or The photos above were taken during our Graduation Day. It was a blessing when I graduated as the school Valedictorian. I was so happy and thankful for such wonderful gift because I made my parents as well as my whole family and friends proud of me.
  • 20. any occasion without making our friend feel that we are intending to help. When one of us have something pleasant like a party we all feel happy, we help her with choosing clothes make up advice her how to do her hair etc, and even do her homework as she will be busy. When one of us can’t understand a subject all the students try to teach her, repeat the subject over and over till she understands it! The relationship we have is strong, and I wish it'll always remain like this… I'll share you some of my best memories; One of my best memories was when our class made a surprise party for our adviser Mrs. Clara Hitter in relation with the celebration of the World’s teachers’ day. I thought. It would be a simple celebration but it turned out to be a fantastic and a lively party. All of us participated and with some of our saves, we bought a gift for our adviser, wrapped it and took the present to school. Our teacher was shocked; it was the best day ever. Beside all the good events there have been very painful memories, when one of my classmates lost her dad and my other classmate transferred to other school. But, I'll always remember the good events and laugh, and the hard ones will only give me the strength, power and make me prepared for every hard thing I may face in the future Sunshine. My fears, frustrations, failures & anxieties Our achievements speak for themselves. However, when it comes to our setbacks, failures and weaknesses, we feel uncomfortable talking about them. All of us have failed at some time to equal our dreams of perfection or to perform well. The big issue is not your weaknesses; they are part of life.
  • 21. I had some experiences in which I was able to face those fears, frustrations, failures and anxieties with the help of my parents. I was shy; I didn't make a very good first impression and wanted to change this. I noticed that when I spent some time with people, I could open up. People appreciated my sense of humor and trusted me. This gave me the confidence to overcome the problem by taking it head on. My mother and I never saw eye to eye on any issue because we were so different. But some time later when I really felt that I wanted someone to talk to I ask her if I can have some mother and daughter bonding. And to my surprised, she said ok. I had a nice conversation with her for I am not just the one who shared my feelings and emotions but she also shared hers. As we opened our hearts to each other, we realized how similar we really were and how strong she was. It did not take long for me to start admiring my mother. Now she has become a great source of inspiration for me. I understand her so well that I am able to anticipate her response to a situation and act accordingly. Another experience I had was with my father. I never trusted anyone with anything, so I believed in doing everything myself. I felt others would never measure up to my standards. But a particular situation in my high school life drove me up the wall. I had nearly given up in despair when my father, helped me tide over the situation. I was touched and felt very blessed to have him in my life. That day I resolved to trust others, especially with my friends. My life turned out well for the last three years mainly because of my ability to motivate and trust others, and develop unique solutions through positive interactions with other people. Dealing with my Emotions As a teenager, you may be dealing with lots of emotional highs and lows. One minute you might feel great, and the next you feel sad and tearful.
  • 22. Our life is changing, just like our body. These mood swings - sometimes we may be feeling a lot more pressure these days, we are still developing the skills and we need to deal with that pressure. We may be facing added responsibilities at home, tougher grading policies in school and your friends may be changing. As I grow older I will develop the skills, I need to manage stress, but for now, I will just remember I am in a tough spot and need all the support I can get. I will always reach out to adults and friends for I know that there is always someone there who cares for me and who will encourage me to be best even during hard times. I would say that I am really a human for I can encounter some emotional experiences. I have my moments of happiness, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety and a host of others feelings. Some questions we may ask are how to deal with these emotions and why are some feelings harder to handle than others. College Days… Another milestone in my life has arrived, new environment, new things, new faces and new learning, and experiences. At first I found it very difficult to cope with the situation but, somehow I managed to get through the busy day. Although it’s not satisfying even a little, I feel so out of place. I still don't have friends, while everyone has and they're happily fooling around, joking, introducing with each other. I really wanted to talk and socialize. But when we were asked to introduce ourselves, I just told myself that I should make myself comfortable when talking in front and make a good impression in class. I kept on talking and talking all about myself and I was just shocked when I noticed that my classmates were all ears on me as if they were very fascinated about me. They show interests in listening to my discussions. This made me happy knowing that at least I made myself recognizable. After that, almost all my classmates approached me and became interested with me. I was also surprised when they elected me as the block president. I know it was a very
  • 23. difficult and challenging role but I told myself that maybe they saw that I have that ability to do such responsibility. They also elected me to be the Block NSTP-President and I was asked to participate in the re-organizational meeting of the BUCE NSTP SETCODE Organization. I was so blessed to be elected as the BUCE NSTP-SETCODE President. I promised not only the freshmen students but also myself that I will do my very best to be an excellent leader with my burning desire to serve and lead. I will not waste this opportunity and a very big responsibility given to me since, they give me their 100% trust. At this point of time, I may not be able to say that I really know myself well, but little by little I can now understand myself. I may not be perfect but, I am still trying my best to be responsible enough to any actions I am doing. I consider the help and guidance of the people around me. I am careful in my actions, decisions and the way I talk. I am now a mature individual and ready for a higher level of development.
  • 24. When I was in 3rd year high school, I decided to join the Youth for Christ. I was so grateful to be part of this family. I can say that this family helped me a lot to know myself and God Almighty. My shyness and fear of crowd vanished because of my exposure to people. During our camp, I served as one of the talk givers, “DGL” Discussion Group Leader; I was also assigned to facilitate the registration. My experiences with them were so memorable and of great avenue for me to learn how to serve others and be confident in facing my fears. I participated in some provincial and regional conferences which enhanced my abilities, skills and be a better person as well as a good model for the youth.
  • 25.
  • 26. Now, I am actively serving as the BUCE NSTP –SETCODE President.
  • 27. Bicol University College of Education Daraga, Albay A Travel to My Life
  • 28. Prepared By: Kristine Ann B. de Jesus BEED 1-5 Submitted To: Dr. Miguela Requiero