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Childhood Vaccinations Essay
"Prevention is better than cure." This common statement could not relate any better than it does with
the controversy surrounding the morality, effectiveness, and safety of childhood immunizations. The
major argument is whether or not laws should be established to declare vaccination mandatory for
all children. "The US food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and
effectiveness," (, 2012) therefor there should not be any reason to risk the health of any
child. Vaccinating our children not only ensures their safety but also that of their future to come. The
first major concern parents have when it comes to childhood vaccinations is that of the health and
safety of their children. Some more content...
When children who have been vaccinated do contract a disease, despite being vaccinated against it,
they usually have milder symptoms with less serious complications than an un–vaccinated child that
gets the same disease. It is true that some children who receive vaccinations may still become ill
when exposed to other disease–ridden children. Research shows that 70–90% of the entire
population must be vaccinated to attain "herd immunity", "the resistance of a group to attack by a
disease to which a large proportion of the members are immune." (Farlex, 2012) When herd
immunity is accomplished the spread of the disease can be averted throughout. If all parents were to
take proper responsibilities and keep their children's immunizations up–to–date, herd immunity
would be achieved against all 16 of the major life threatening diseases. Parents need to realize that
the risks of not being vaccinated greatly compensate the minimal risks associated with vaccination.
Diseases such as measles and mumps are entirely preventable, and if are not prevented can cause
permanent disability and death. A little over a decade ago a measles outbreak amongst unvaccinated
children in Philadelphia resulted in seven deaths. It is also known that children who become infected
with mumps become permanently deaf. What many parents do not realize is that an outbreak can be
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Essay on My Day
My Day I wake up every morning with a shock, my mum knocking at the door and shouting,
"Time for a shower." I'm always tired in the mornings and find getting up for a shower really
horrible, though it does a good job of waking me up and after it I'm ready for another day at school.
Well that is what I think but I usually end up in bed asleep right up until 7.45 am. Luckily I have
usually packed my school stuff the night before.
My house is quite big and there is lots of room to get away from the rest of my family. I have a
computer in my room and I spend quite a lot of time more content...
Another couple of friends arrive at this house too and we all get together and walk to school. This
walking to school together gives me a good opportunity to make after school arrangements. Once
at school (the walk takes about 15 minutes) I go to my tutor base and catch up with my friends who
don't walk to school with me. After a short rest I make my way to my first lesson on a Monday
usually English.
English requires a lot of work and its quite interesting. All year it's work, work, work, which is
hardly surprising seeing that it's GCSE year. I'm going to need to work hard because qualifications
are a necessary part of any career and I definitely want a career not just a job.
After the first two lessons I usually eat my lunch. It may seem strange that I eat my lunch at break
but it takes so much time queuing at lunchtime just so I can sit down and eat some food that I would
rather eat my packed lunch early freeing up time at lunch for other activities. The only downside to
this is that you have lots of people surrounding you begging for food. Most people would probably
just say "No", but I have real problems with saying "No" and more often than not half my food is
devoured by these hungry beasts.
Once break is finished I work until the real lunch time and then I hang around the common room or
go to the library and do
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Essay on Parents and their Children
As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles
each year. However, there are multiple psychological factors involved in this process. The factors
include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is raised, and
television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a
child's role model and support since birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the
difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to love,
care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because
they are different individuals with more content...
However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are
known as permissive parents. They show more affection than control over their children, allowing
the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all, show
strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents
who show no affection or interest in their children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting
parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues
such as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early
teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than parents, peers play a factor in development
as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be
positive as well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and
appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare themselves to others their own age,
they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like
communication, such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon
by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive
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Essay on Child Birth
Birth of a child can be such a happy time, especially when the little one is very healthy. We all
have seen the movies when a new child is born, some of us are lucky to see it first hand. Some of
us do get goose bumps, me being one of them. It is just so exciting to see that little life come out
of what has been in that big belly for nine months. We sometimes refer to the birth of a child as
labor. If only it was as easy as the name sounds. However, it is not. There are three main stages in
birth. The first stage is the longest stage that can last 12 to 14 hours with the first birth, and later
births are shorter. Dilation and effacement of the cervix take place here. That is when the uterine
contractions gradually become more frequent more content...
Getting the most care that they can helps a lot. Even normal babies need the support and to grow
a good relationship with their parents to last forever. Although babies spend most of their time
sleeping and eating they still have transitions to different stages. For example, reflexes are the
most common for people to recognize the organized patterns of behavior. Also, a crying baby is
what everyone recognizes. However, it is somewhat good when the baby cries, because it
stimulates strong discomfort that the adults can realize. Usually the baby just needs a diaper
change or needs to be feed, but sometimes its more and it is the parent's job to figure out why the
baby is crying. The parents have to soothe them; they can do this by rocking, walking, swaddling,
and talking softly. The baby also is developing their five senses, so it is important that the parents
do not interfere with the development. For example, using screaming very loudly can ruin a baby's
hearing. Vision is the one that develops the least. Nerveless, newborns can recognize human faces
and want the mother's familiar face instead of a stranger. The most widely used instrument for
helping the behavior of the newborn infant is Brazelton's Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
(NBAS). It has helped researchers understand newborns better. The baby's arriving is one of the
happiest times for a new parent, but can be very stressful. The parents do have different
responsibilities; it
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Essay about My Child
My Child
Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my
psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears
to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown
curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin.
There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he
just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though
there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was
by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more
Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could
interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were
some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made
a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in
proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by
showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own
(Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured
child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230.
After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled
something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without
sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all,
communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear
signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following
them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page
194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not
make any recognizable word sounds but
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Scary Story Essay example
Scary Story I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and
the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided
that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it
seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I
was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the
quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I
began to whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was
in, it was hard for me to believe that I could more content...
I took a glance around and found myself looking right into a pair of dark, glassy eyes peering at
me through the bushes. I knew I was not seeing things at that moment. Were those the evil eyes of
a goblin lurking waiting for it's next meal? My breath became too rapid for me to be able to
whistle. I took a big gulp and decided to step on it and quicken my pace. I would never get home
at this rate. The same moment I decided to quicken my speed, a deer burst through the night. I
screamed, stumbled and hit the ground with a loud thump. I sat on the moist ground for a
moment to try to recover but my heart began to throb as if it was beating within my throat. It was
just a deer I told myself, I had to be brave. Trying to get myself together I began to feel this hot puffs
of air on the back of my neck. "It's the goblin!" I screamed as I rapidly rose to my feet. My head
spun like an owl as I went to look for what was behind me. I looked to the ground and discovered a
little white dog. "You scared me to death little guy. What is a cute little puppy like you doing in a
dense forest like this?" I said to him. I was relieved it was only a dog instead of the ghastly goblin,
but I only made it half–way home by then. As I proceeded on the white little dog followed me. I felt
more at ease now that I had him following me but he would not be considered much of a watch dog
to most
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Essay about the human brain
In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't
the largest organ of the human body it is the most complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how
complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has
main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia
holds the lentiform and the caudate.
The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain
on the things going on with the human body. The brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the
right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content...
The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes
and processes information concerning touch, pain, temperature, and pressure on skin is the
thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such
as fear, rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are
controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates
sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves
going up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray
area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex receives senses from the nose that it then sorts
out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual
cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for
analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning new information, forming thoughts, and
making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The
cerebellum is vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain.
If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion
has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing how god has created the brain to have so many
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My Childhood Essay
In addition, I have never forgotten my singular neighborhood which saw me when I was born, my
first steps, my first words and so on. Hence, I had been living there for almost twenty years.
There, I grew up with my family and unique neighbors who sharing unforgettable memories. My
neighborhood was placed next to the principal port of my country, so everybody could get the
most fresh fish and seafood at markets. Close to my house living people who had jobs in the port
such as fish man, merchant marine, and captains. I remember that the community formed groups in
order to gather money for any purpose. For example, the soccer field of my neighbor was old and
careless. We made many activities as bingo, garage sale, and food sale. After more
February is the hottest month of the year in my country, so since children to adults play this kind of
comic game outside homes watching who is "dry" and get "wet.
Finally, my first school during the elementary was one of the most important in my life. There, I met
many friends whom I still keep their friendship. I was six years old when I went at this female school,
so all of my friends were woman. Every class, I used to go late because my parents would work the
entire day every day; therefore, my grandmother after cook, she got to take me to at school. One
day when I was going to my school on bus, I saw in the same bus a black long hair girl also with her
grandmother and I remembered have seen her in my classroom. That day, after finishing the
class, I started to talk with that girl called "Vanessa". Coincidently, after a long talking, we
realized living close to each other. Therefore, I used to go her home to do homework or play
chequers. Sometimes, I came home from school with Vanessa and her grandmother when my
grandmother could not. Vanessa and I sang popular songs or telling jokes on the back way home.
As I met Vanessa, I talked with Sara, Giuliana and Emily also. We are five– girls, so we sat together
everyday that my parents talked with their parents, and if some of us were absent in the school, one
of the parents called to tell them the homework of the day. They were my first
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Child Observation Essay examples
For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16,
2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The
park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with
jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well.
I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine
motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41 pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little
shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that
her height is in the normal range for kids her more content...
She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time
she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and she eventually gave up and refused to return to the
jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far or
accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as
ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb trees and over things, and catch a ball
( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but
she did pick up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started
drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble, fold paper, draw vertical lines and
manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp
pencils like a grown adult, and copy complex shapes (
I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When
observing Faustine, I realized that she is one extremely talkative child. She would talk about
everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while
playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private
speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves, either silently or out
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To Make A Difference Essay
To Make A Difference
We build our lives upon what we have been taught. From basic skills in reading, writing, and
arithmetic to the importance of social interaction, teachers are given the opportunity to make a
difference in the lives of their students. I feel that the greatest impact a teacher can have on their
students is to fill them with a desire to learn.
I think the nature of students can vary tremendously depending on several different factors. The first
is the cognitive domain of the students. This includes how students organize and retain the
knowledge that is presented to them as well as their preferred learning style. A successful teacher
should be aware of these factors and their curriculum should reflect this more content...
I believe the purpose of education is to teach students how to function as a competent and
successful member of society. As a teacher, I hope to make a difference in the lives of children by
sharing with them my love of knowledge and by effectively expressing the importance of continuing
to build upon the education they receive throughout life. I also hope to teach children how vital it is
to respect others and their opinions regardless of the difference they may have. Considering the
dynamic diversity of our society, I feel it is pertinent that children respect the differences that our
society entails.
The primary educational philosophy I plan on incorporating into my classroom is progressivism.
This approach encourages social interaction by using learning groups, urges critical thinking and
problem solving, and focuses more on "hands on" learning activities. Progressive educators believe
that students learn more by doing rather than by listening to information that is presented to them or
by reading material out of a textbook. I feel this will be particularly accurate at the elementary
school level, because it can be a challenge attempting to hold the attention of small children for
extended periods of time. I think that if students are actively involved in the learning process their
attention will be more focused resulting in a successful education.
I will manage my classroom using
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Persuasive Short Stories
As we are nearing our destination our bus driver yells out "I am going to stop at this gas station
and fill up." When our bus driver came back onto the bus he exclaimed "The gas station is out of
gasoline so we will stay here overnight." Then, everyone in the bus started grunting and moaning.
"But guys we can make this fun if we tell stories to pass the time, Here, I will start." I said. And we
began telling each other our stories. "Can we please adopt this one, Mom? Pretty please, he is so
cute! With his bright green eyes and his pink little nose," said Jacob, a thirteen year old boy with
red hair. "After this we will be pretty much bankrupt," said Jacob's mom, with her deep blue eyes
staring into Jacob's "Please just this one thats all," said Jacob "Ok but promise me that you will take
responsibility of him by taking care of him," said Jacob's mom. And they strutted to the individual
behind the counter. When they got back home with their new puppy they decided to name him Spot
due to a cinnamon–colored spot on his back. The next morning, when Jacob woke up he noticed
that Spot's nose is not the same shade of pink. In fact, it is quite pale. "Mom we need to take spot
to the vet now!" screamed Jacob wistfully. "Ok, I will get Spot while you get in the car," replied
Mom. When they got to their destination, Jacob sprinted out of the car and went to the vet's office
and almost immediately the vet said "Spot is going to need surgery, do you have insurance?" "No,
how much
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Essay Growing Up
When I Grow Up..
"Being 'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up."
–AmberGrace Seguin
Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do
'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood thinking of what we would do when we finally
'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of
what it is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what
it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it finally comes for the picture to be taken off
the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting.
"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional."
We all have the more content...
"The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he
forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan
As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once
convinced ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once
we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we think back at our youth and laugh
because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than
ever, we crave for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to
become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was simple and we could imagine it
any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it.
"A grownup is a child with layers on." –Woody
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Early Childhood Education Essay examples
"Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with
opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood
education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood
education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth
and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the
communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from
within themselves, and also from the educators.
Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns
on a daily basis, they learn the skills more content...
Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that
are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children
actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are
needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play
experiences, they can develop appropriately. Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's
early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized.
The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and
goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the
environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce.
They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them
and know they will come back. The second stage is called the preoperational stage. During this stage
of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the
beginning of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in
time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next
stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially.
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Short Essay Examples For Kids

  • 1. Childhood Vaccinations Essay "Prevention is better than cure." This common statement could not relate any better than it does with the controversy surrounding the morality, effectiveness, and safety of childhood immunizations. The major argument is whether or not laws should be established to declare vaccination mandatory for all children. "The US food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and effectiveness," (, 2012) therefor there should not be any reason to risk the health of any child. Vaccinating our children not only ensures their safety but also that of their future to come. The first major concern parents have when it comes to childhood vaccinations is that of the health and safety of their children. Some more content... When children who have been vaccinated do contract a disease, despite being vaccinated against it, they usually have milder symptoms with less serious complications than an un–vaccinated child that gets the same disease. It is true that some children who receive vaccinations may still become ill when exposed to other disease–ridden children. Research shows that 70–90% of the entire population must be vaccinated to attain "herd immunity", "the resistance of a group to attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members are immune." (Farlex, 2012) When herd immunity is accomplished the spread of the disease can be averted throughout. If all parents were to take proper responsibilities and keep their children's immunizations up–to–date, herd immunity would be achieved against all 16 of the major life threatening diseases. Parents need to realize that the risks of not being vaccinated greatly compensate the minimal risks associated with vaccination. Diseases such as measles and mumps are entirely preventable, and if are not prevented can cause permanent disability and death. A little over a decade ago a measles outbreak amongst unvaccinated children in Philadelphia resulted in seven deaths. It is also known that children who become infected with mumps become permanently deaf. What many parents do not realize is that an outbreak can be totally Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on My Day My Day I wake up every morning with a shock, my mum knocking at the door and shouting, "Time for a shower." I'm always tired in the mornings and find getting up for a shower really horrible, though it does a good job of waking me up and after it I'm ready for another day at school. Well that is what I think but I usually end up in bed asleep right up until 7.45 am. Luckily I have usually packed my school stuff the night before. My house is quite big and there is lots of room to get away from the rest of my family. I have a computer in my room and I spend quite a lot of time more content... Another couple of friends arrive at this house too and we all get together and walk to school. This walking to school together gives me a good opportunity to make after school arrangements. Once at school (the walk takes about 15 minutes) I go to my tutor base and catch up with my friends who don't walk to school with me. After a short rest I make my way to my first lesson on a Monday usually English. English requires a lot of work and its quite interesting. All year it's work, work, work, which is hardly surprising seeing that it's GCSE year. I'm going to need to work hard because qualifications are a necessary part of any career and I definitely want a career not just a job. After the first two lessons I usually eat my lunch. It may seem strange that I eat my lunch at break but it takes so much time queuing at lunchtime just so I can sit down and eat some food that I would rather eat my packed lunch early freeing up time at lunch for other activities. The only downside to this is that you have lots of people surrounding you begging for food. Most people would probably just say "No", but I have real problems with saying "No" and more often than not half my food is devoured by these hungry beasts. Once break is finished I work until the real lunch time and then I hang around the common room or go to the library and do Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Parents and their Children As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles each year. However, there are multiple psychological factors involved in this process. The factors include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is raised, and television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a child's role model and support since birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to love, care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because they are different individuals with more content... However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are known as permissive parents. They show more affection than control over their children, allowing the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all, show strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents who show no affection or interest in their children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues such as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than parents, peers play a factor in development as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be positive as well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare themselves to others their own age, they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like communication, such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Child Birth Birth of a child can be such a happy time, especially when the little one is very healthy. We all have seen the movies when a new child is born, some of us are lucky to see it first hand. Some of us do get goose bumps, me being one of them. It is just so exciting to see that little life come out of what has been in that big belly for nine months. We sometimes refer to the birth of a child as labor. If only it was as easy as the name sounds. However, it is not. There are three main stages in birth. The first stage is the longest stage that can last 12 to 14 hours with the first birth, and later births are shorter. Dilation and effacement of the cervix take place here. That is when the uterine contractions gradually become more frequent more content... Getting the most care that they can helps a lot. Even normal babies need the support and to grow a good relationship with their parents to last forever. Although babies spend most of their time sleeping and eating they still have transitions to different stages. For example, reflexes are the most common for people to recognize the organized patterns of behavior. Also, a crying baby is what everyone recognizes. However, it is somewhat good when the baby cries, because it stimulates strong discomfort that the adults can realize. Usually the baby just needs a diaper change or needs to be feed, but sometimes its more and it is the parent's job to figure out why the baby is crying. The parents have to soothe them; they can do this by rocking, walking, swaddling, and talking softly. The baby also is developing their five senses, so it is important that the parents do not interfere with the development. For example, using screaming very loudly can ruin a baby's hearing. Vision is the one that develops the least. Nerveless, newborns can recognize human faces and want the mother's familiar face instead of a stranger. The most widely used instrument for helping the behavior of the newborn infant is Brazelton's Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS). It has helped researchers understand newborns better. The baby's arriving is one of the happiest times for a new parent, but can be very stressful. The parents do have different responsibilities; it Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about My Child My Child Wednesday, July 19th, I had a chance to observe carefully an infant for about half an hour in my psychology class at Santa Monica College. The infant, Ali Osman, a healthy, playful boy appears to be of Middle Eastern origin. He is 15.5 months old, 32" tall and weighs about 24 lbs with brown curly hair, dark brown eyes and fairly tanned skin. There were several kinds of toys like blocks, dolls, and automobiles in the room. However, when he just came in, he was immediately drawn to the dolls with intense interest and focus. Even though there wasn't any way to measure his heart rate or brain wave, I could easily tell how interested he was by the way he gazed, touched and played with the dolls. This could be explained by more content... Ali is quite a friendly kid, he is not afraid to be with strangers proven by the fact that he could interact very comfortably with me, my classmates, and other babies. However, when there were some unfamiliar things happening (like when the new baby twins came in or when someone made a scary face to him), he always looked for his mother and ran toward her as described in proximity–seeking behaviors (Berger 226). He is a representative of secure attachment by showing that he had no problem with being away from his mother and exploring on his own (Berger 228). Besides, he also reacted to the Strange Situation the way we expected from a secured child as stated in Berger on page 228 and on table 7.1, page 230. After play for a while, he came up to me with a book and showed me the content, then he gurgled something, clearly wanting me to read it to him. His intention was well understood. Without sufficient vocabulary, using only hollow phrases, he still has no communication problem. After all, communication is about understanding not vocabulary anyway (Berger 198). He showed clear signs of understanding his mother's commands such as "up, down, kiss, bye, etc." by following them. His spoken language has been developed normally according to table 6.2 in Berger, on page 194. One interesting thing was that when he was sitting in the chair and reading the book, he did not make any recognizable word sounds but Get more content on
  • 6. Scary Story Essay example Scary Story I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was in, it was hard for me to believe that I could more content... I took a glance around and found myself looking right into a pair of dark, glassy eyes peering at me through the bushes. I knew I was not seeing things at that moment. Were those the evil eyes of a goblin lurking waiting for it's next meal? My breath became too rapid for me to be able to whistle. I took a big gulp and decided to step on it and quicken my pace. I would never get home at this rate. The same moment I decided to quicken my speed, a deer burst through the night. I screamed, stumbled and hit the ground with a loud thump. I sat on the moist ground for a moment to try to recover but my heart began to throb as if it was beating within my throat. It was just a deer I told myself, I had to be brave. Trying to get myself together I began to feel this hot puffs of air on the back of my neck. "It's the goblin!" I screamed as I rapidly rose to my feet. My head spun like an owl as I went to look for what was behind me. I looked to the ground and discovered a little white dog. "You scared me to death little guy. What is a cute little puppy like you doing in a dense forest like this?" I said to him. I was relieved it was only a dog instead of the ghastly goblin, but I only made it half–way home by then. As I proceeded on the white little dog followed me. I felt more at ease now that I had him following me but he would not be considered much of a watch dog to most Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about the human brain In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isn't the largest organ of the human body it is the most complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate. The brain isn't just "THE BRAIN" it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The only more content... The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain, temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear, rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain. If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a "one man machine" I'm sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing how god has created the brain to have so many areas Get more content on
  • 8. My Childhood Essay In addition, I have never forgotten my singular neighborhood which saw me when I was born, my first steps, my first words and so on. Hence, I had been living there for almost twenty years. There, I grew up with my family and unique neighbors who sharing unforgettable memories. My neighborhood was placed next to the principal port of my country, so everybody could get the most fresh fish and seafood at markets. Close to my house living people who had jobs in the port such as fish man, merchant marine, and captains. I remember that the community formed groups in order to gather money for any purpose. For example, the soccer field of my neighbor was old and careless. We made many activities as bingo, garage sale, and food sale. After more content... February is the hottest month of the year in my country, so since children to adults play this kind of comic game outside homes watching who is "dry" and get "wet. Finally, my first school during the elementary was one of the most important in my life. There, I met many friends whom I still keep their friendship. I was six years old when I went at this female school, so all of my friends were woman. Every class, I used to go late because my parents would work the entire day every day; therefore, my grandmother after cook, she got to take me to at school. One day when I was going to my school on bus, I saw in the same bus a black long hair girl also with her grandmother and I remembered have seen her in my classroom. That day, after finishing the class, I started to talk with that girl called "Vanessa". Coincidently, after a long talking, we realized living close to each other. Therefore, I used to go her home to do homework or play chequers. Sometimes, I came home from school with Vanessa and her grandmother when my grandmother could not. Vanessa and I sang popular songs or telling jokes on the back way home. As I met Vanessa, I talked with Sara, Giuliana and Emily also. We are five– girls, so we sat together everyday that my parents talked with their parents, and if some of us were absent in the school, one of the parents called to tell them the homework of the day. They were my first Get more content on
  • 9. Child Observation Essay examples For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, 2007, at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children and dogs are allowed. There is a large play area with jungle–jims and slide and it includes a sandy area which has a variety of playing equipment as well. I first observed Faustine's biosocial development such as physical growth, gross motor and fine motor skills. Faustine is 3 feet tall and she weighs 41 pounds according to my Aunt. She is a little shorter than a lot of the six year old that she hangs out with and the ones in the park but I think that her height is in the normal range for kids her more content... She had a hard time conquering the jugle–jim though. She kept waddling back and forth every time she tried to get her feet up on the next bar and she eventually gave up and refused to return to the jungle jim again. She threw a few balls here and there but she was unable to throw it very far or accurate. By the age of three, children can already kick, throw, jump and climb things such as ladder. By the age of six, children can skip, climb trees and over things, and catch a ball ( I was unable to observe a lot of fine motor skills from Faustine but she did pick up a stick from the ground, hold it like a normal adult would hold a pencil, and started drawing in the sand. By the age of 2, children can scribble, fold paper, draw vertical lines and manage semi–large object with their hands. By the age of six, children can copy letters, grasp pencils like a grown adult, and copy complex shapes ( I then observed her cognitive skills which included her language, memory, and perception. When observing Faustine, I realized that she is one extremely talkative child. She would talk about everything and anything sometimes she'd just sit in front of us and talk to us and to herself while playing in the sand. According to Lev Vygotskyand his social learning theory, children use private speech ("The internal dialogue that occurs when people talk to themselves, either silently or out Get more content on
  • 10. To Make A Difference Essay To Make A Difference We build our lives upon what we have been taught. From basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic to the importance of social interaction, teachers are given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of their students. I feel that the greatest impact a teacher can have on their students is to fill them with a desire to learn. I think the nature of students can vary tremendously depending on several different factors. The first is the cognitive domain of the students. This includes how students organize and retain the knowledge that is presented to them as well as their preferred learning style. A successful teacher should be aware of these factors and their curriculum should reflect this more content... I believe the purpose of education is to teach students how to function as a competent and successful member of society. As a teacher, I hope to make a difference in the lives of children by sharing with them my love of knowledge and by effectively expressing the importance of continuing to build upon the education they receive throughout life. I also hope to teach children how vital it is to respect others and their opinions regardless of the difference they may have. Considering the dynamic diversity of our society, I feel it is pertinent that children respect the differences that our society entails. The primary educational philosophy I plan on incorporating into my classroom is progressivism. This approach encourages social interaction by using learning groups, urges critical thinking and problem solving, and focuses more on "hands on" learning activities. Progressive educators believe that students learn more by doing rather than by listening to information that is presented to them or by reading material out of a textbook. I feel this will be particularly accurate at the elementary school level, because it can be a challenge attempting to hold the attention of small children for extended periods of time. I think that if students are actively involved in the learning process their attention will be more focused resulting in a successful education. I will manage my classroom using Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Short Stories As we are nearing our destination our bus driver yells out "I am going to stop at this gas station and fill up." When our bus driver came back onto the bus he exclaimed "The gas station is out of gasoline so we will stay here overnight." Then, everyone in the bus started grunting and moaning. "But guys we can make this fun if we tell stories to pass the time, Here, I will start." I said. And we began telling each other our stories. "Can we please adopt this one, Mom? Pretty please, he is so cute! With his bright green eyes and his pink little nose," said Jacob, a thirteen year old boy with red hair. "After this we will be pretty much bankrupt," said Jacob's mom, with her deep blue eyes staring into Jacob's "Please just this one thats all," said Jacob "Ok but promise me that you will take responsibility of him by taking care of him," said Jacob's mom. And they strutted to the individual behind the counter. When they got back home with their new puppy they decided to name him Spot due to a cinnamon–colored spot on his back. The next morning, when Jacob woke up he noticed that Spot's nose is not the same shade of pink. In fact, it is quite pale. "Mom we need to take spot to the vet now!" screamed Jacob wistfully. "Ok, I will get Spot while you get in the car," replied Mom. When they got to their destination, Jacob sprinted out of the car and went to the vet's office and almost immediately the vet said "Spot is going to need surgery, do you have insurance?" "No, how much Get more content on
  • 12. Essay Growing Up When I Grow Up.. "Being 'grown up' isn't as fun as the idea of growing up." –AmberGrace Seguin Remember when we were young and all we could think of was growing up and getting to do 'grownup' things? We spent our whole childhood thinking of what we would do when we finally 'grew up', and here we are, almost completely grown up and we still haven't made up our mind of what it is we will do when we grow up. We've painted this pretty little picture in our head of what it'll be like when we eventually do grow up, and when it finally comes for the picture to be taken off the wall and put into action, it's not nearly as fun as creating the painting. "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional." –Anonymous We all have the more content... "The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." –Alden Nowlan As we continue to grow up, we learn that being grown up is not as we imagined it. We once convinced ourselves that growing up was the goal to achieve, and life would be much better once we were in fact grown up. When we in fact do grow up, we think back at our youth and laugh because we thought growing up was the most wondrous thing to accomplish, but now, more than ever, we crave for our youth; for the days we would sit in the grass and daydream of what we are to become when we grow up; and finally for the days when life was simple and we could imagine it any which way we wanted it and no one could do a thing about it. "A grownup is a child with layers on." –Woody Get more content on
  • 13. Early Childhood Education Essay examples "Play is developmentally appropriate for primary–age children and can provide them with opportunities that enrich the learning experience" (Copple & Bredekamp 2009). Early childhood education holds two main focuses; a child–based focus and a family–based focus. Early childhood education has positive outcomes on the child through their learning experiences, and their growth and development. Based on the family, the results of early education happen through the communication that the family has with the educators and by the encouragement they get from within themselves, and also from the educators. Children learn most of what they know through play. There are many ways in which a child learns on a daily basis, they learn the skills more content... Educators can facilitate the children with different materials and environments in the classrooms that are in the early learning centres. The children need to develop their minds cognitively. "Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world" (Berk 2007). Children are needing to develop their abilities through their play experiences, and also through their play experiences, they can develop appropriately. Early childhood education plays a large part in a child's early development. Children develop cognition through two main stages that Jean Piaget theorized. The stages run from birth and infancy to school age children. Sensorimotor is the first stage and goes from birth to about the age of two. This stage implies that the children learn about the environment they live in and they learn this through the reflexes and movements they produce. They also learn that they are separate people from their parents and they can say goodbye to them and know they will come back. The second stage is called the preoperational stage. During this stage of development, children will learn how to incorporate symbols to represent objects. This is also the beginning of learning the alphabet and speech. The child is still very much egocentric at this point in time, but with the help of understanding educators, the child will grow appropriately onto the next stages of development. Finally, the children need to develop emotionally/socially. Get more content on