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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                              DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION


         A differential equation is an equation which relates an unknown function of a
         single variable with one or more of its derivatives.


                                               x                y      cos x   0

        Independent variable                                        Dependent variable

                                           Derivative of y wrt x

         The order of a differential equation is the highest derivative involved in the
         equation, and the degree is the power of the highest derivative in the

         Example :

                     dy         1 x
                a.                   is a DE of order 1 and degree 1.
                     dx         1 y2

                b. x 2              y sin x is a DE of order 1 and degree 1.
                     d2y            dy
                c.              4          2y        x 2 is a DE of order 2 and degree 1.
                     dx 2           dx
                d. xy               xy 2       x     is a DE of order 1 and degree 1.
                       2               dy
                e. y        1        x              is a DE of order 1 and degree 2
                       d2 y                    dy
                f.                         2      10y         cos 2x is a DE of order 2 and degree 2.
                       dx2                     dx

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                               DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

Example 1

State the dependent variable, the independent variable, the order and degree for each
differential equation.

         ds             s                                           dm
i.                                                       ii.                  2mn         0
         dt             t                                           dn

             dy                 4 x                                     ds
iii.                                                     iv.       t2          sin t          0
             dx                  x3                                     dt

                        dy                                              dy
v.        t2 1                       yt                  vi.        x         xy         y2 1
                        dt                                              dx

               d2y              dy                                             dv
vii.     x                  4             2 xy       0   viii.      u3 1                 uv2         u
               dx 2             dx                                             du

             d2y                    dy                                  d2y         dy
ix.                             3          2y        0   x.         x           4             2 xy       0
             dx 2                   dx                                  dx2         dx


                            Dependent Variable                                                       Order         Degree
          i.                                     s                      t                                1             1
         ii.                                     m                      n                                1             1
         iii.                                    y                      x                                1             2
         iv.                                     s                      t                                1             1
         v.                                      y                      t                                1             1
         vi.                                     y                      x                                1             1
         vii.                                    y                      x                                2             1
        viii.                                    v                      u                                1             1
         ix.                                     y                      x                                2             2
         x.                                      y                      x                                2             1

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                     DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

4.2      Formation of Differential Equations

         If y       10x2       A ; Differential Equation is formed when the arbitrary constant A
         is eliminated from this equation.
         Example 2

         i.      If y          10x2       A

                 Differentiate with respect to x,

                          20 x

                        20x          0                                    Differential equation.

         ii.     If y      x     Ax 2 ------
                 Differentiate with respect to x, gives,
                         1 2 Ax               -----
                                          y           x
                 From , A                        2
                                              y               x
                 Subtituting A                            2
                                                                          into 
                           dy                     y               x
                 Then,                1 2                     2
                           dx                         x

                                                                  y        x
                                          1 2
                                                  1 2                          2
                 Multiply both sides with x.
                 So, x               x 2 y 2x
                                 x            2y                  x

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                            DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

iii.     If y     Ax 2    Bx      x      -----

                 Differentiate with respect to x, gives,

                         2 Ax B 1             -----

                 Differentiate           with respect to x.

                           2A          -----
                  dx 2

                                         1 d2y
                 From  , A                              -----
                                         2 dx 2

                 Substituting  into  to get B.

                  dy             1 d2y
                          2            x B 1
                  dx             2 dx2

                           x              B 1

                           d2y          dy
                  B      x                 1           -----
                           dx2          dx

                 Then, substitute  and  into .

                           1 d2y 2                 d2y       dy
                  y              x                x 2           1 x x
                           2 dx2                   dx        dx

                         1 2 d2y              d2y            dy
                           x             x2              x        x   x
                         2   dx2              dx2            dx

                              1 2 d2y             dy
                                x             x
                              2   dx2             dx

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION


Form differential equation of the following:

i.       y       x3        Ax 2                           iv.       y       4Bx A

ii.      y       Ax 2       7x                            v.    y       A sin 2 x B kos x

iii.      y      Dx 2        Ex                           vi. y         Ce       x
                                                                                     2 De x


                dy                                                          dy
i.       x2             3x 4       2( y       x3 )        iv            x            2 y 7x
                dx                                                          dx
                   dy        x2 d 2 y                                   d2y
ii.      y       x                                        v.                         0
                   dx        2 dx2                                      dx2

         d2y                                                            d2y
iii.                  4y       0                          vi                         y   0
         dx 2                                                           dx 2


We already know that DE is one that contains differential coefficient.

Example:              i.                       4x - 1st order DE

                                    d2 y             dy
                                                2         4y    0 - 2nd order DE
                                    dx               dx

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                         DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

4.3.1           f(x) - Solve By Direct Integration; i.e. y                                f(x)dx

Example 3: Find the general solution of the DE                               3x 2      sin2x
                      dy                                                    cos2x
                         dx       (3x 2       sin2x)dx so y = x3                          c
                      dx                                                      2

Example 4: Find the particular solution of de 5                             2x       3 , given the boundary
                 conditions y 1             when x = 2 .

                      dy                      dy                       dy   3 2x          3       2x
                  5          2x   3       5            3 2x
                      dx                      dx                       dx    5            5       5

                                  3       x2
                 Hence y            x              c
                                  5       5

                 Substituting the boundary conditions;
                  7        3     22                7    6     4                  7    6       4    5
                             (2)          c                       c         c=                         1
                  5        5     5                 5    5     5                  5    5       5    5

                                                            3     x2
                 The particular solution, y                   x         1
                                                            5     5

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                              DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

4.3.2 Solve By Variable Separable;
                         dy                                       dy                  f(y) - rearranged to give                 dx and then solve by direct
                         dx                                      f(y)
                         integration; i.e.                 dx

Example 5: Find the general solution of de 5                         sin2 3y .

                dy                                  dy
         5      2
                          dx         dx = 5
             sin 3y                             sin2 3y

         x = 5 cosec 2 3y dy = 5[-                  ] +c

         i.e. x = - cot3y +c

Example 6: Find the particular solution of de (y 2 1)                          3y given that y = 1 when

                     x   13

         (y 2 1)                             1 y2 1                     1          1
                 dy        dx         dx =         dy            dx =         (y     ) dy
            3y                               3   y                      3          y

                1 y2
         x=      (   - ln y) + c
                3 2

         Substituting y=1 and x              13 ;
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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                     DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

         13   1 1                               13 1
            =  ( - ln 1) + c              c=       -   =2
          6   3 2                                6   6

                                                     1 2   1
                The particular solution is x =         y     ln y 2
                                                     6     3

                          dy                                           dy               f(x)g(y) - rearranged to give                 f(x)dx and then solve
                          dx                                          g(y)

                       by direct integration

                 dy               2x3 1
Example 7: Solve
                 dx               3 2y
Separating the variables gives: (3 -2y)dy = (2x3 – 1)dx

  (3 2y)dy           (2x 3 1)dx         3y - y 2 =         x c

Example 8: The current in an electric circuit containing resistance R and inductance L
                   in series with a constant voltage source E is given by the de E L               Ri .
                   Solve the equation and find i in terms of time t given that when t = 0 and i
                   = 0.
             di                   di      1
         L         E Ri                    dt
             dt                  E-Ri     L

         Let u = E-Ri , du = -Rdi
                 1 du 1                       1              1
               -       =    dt            -     ln (E - Ri) = t c
                 R u     L                    R              L

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                  DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

         When t = 0, i= 0;

                                       1                            1
                                   -     ln E = c ;       c=-         ln E
                                       R                            R

                                           1              1  1
                                       -     ln (E - Ri) = t   ln E
                                           R              L R
                               1       1              t
                           =     ln E - ln (E - Ri) =
                               R       R              L
                                                                    Rt              Rt                      Rt
                                 E      Rt             E                 E-Ri
                           ln (      )=                            eL           e   L           E-Ri = Ee   L
                                E-Ri    L             E-Ri                E
                                               E      -
                                            i = ( 1-e     L    )

Example 9:                Solve the Des:

                           dy     2x        xy                                  dy       y(2 3x)
                 a.                    2
                           dx      y            1                               dx       x(1 3y)

                           ds      s2       6s 9                                dy       6t 2    2t 1
                 b.                                                      e.
                           dt               t   2                               dt       cos y ey
                           dy      sec h y
                           dx       2 x

4.3.3 Homogeneneous First Order DEs

An equation of the form P              = Q , where P and Q are function of both x and y of the
same degree – said to be homogenous in y and x.


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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                        DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

                                    f(x,y)           Homogeneous           degree
                         1       x2 + 3xy + y2             yes                   2
                                   x 3y
                         2                                 yes                   1
                                   2x y

                                 4 x 2 3y 2
                         3                                 yes                   2
                                     2 xy

                                    x2   y                                  y–1
                         4                                 no
                                  2 x2   y2                                     x-2

Procedure to solve DE of the form P                   =Q
                                 dy                   dy Q
       i.       Rearrange P         = Q into the form   =
                                 dx                   dx P
                                                        dy             dv
      ii.       Make the substitution y =vx, from          = v (1) + x    , by the product rule.
                                                        dx             dx
                                              dy                 dy Q
                Substitute for both y and        in the equation   =            . Simplify, by
      iii.                                    dx                 dx P
                cancelling, and on equation result in which the variables are separable.
      iv.       Separate the variable and solve as direct integrating.
      v.        Substitute v =       to solve in terms of the original variables.

Example 10: Solve the DE y - x = x                  , given x = 1 when y = 2.
                                             dy y - x
                   i.        Rearranging;       =
                                             dx    x
                                         dy       dv
                   ii.       Let y = vx,    =v+x
                                         dx       dx

                                                          dy              dv v x - x
                   iii.      Substitute for both y and       gives: v + x    =
                                                          dx              dx    x

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                                 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

                                      dv x(v - 1)                     dv
                           v+x           =                        x            v-1-v
                                      dx    x                         dx
                                 dv                              dx
                           x                  -1         dv=-                  v = - ln x +c
                                 dx                               x
                                 = - ln x +c                  Subtitute x =1 and y = 2
                                      c            c=2
                                     = - ln x + 2 or y = - x ( ln x - 2 )

                                                                               dy        x2       y2
Example 11: Find the particular solution of DE; x                                                      given the boundary
                                                                               dx             y
                 conditions that y = 4 when x = 1.

                                                         dy     x2        y2        dy        x2     y2
                 i.       Rearranging; x
                                                         dx           y             dx             yx
                                                    dy      dv
                 ii.      Let y = vx,                  =v+x
                                                    dx      dx

                                                    dv   x2 + v 2 x2                x2 (1 + v 2 )             (1 + v 2 )
                 iii.                     v+x          =
                                                    dx      vx2                           vx2                    v

                                              dv         (1 + v 2 )            1 + v2          v2         1
                                          x                         v
                                              dx            v                       v                     v

                                              vdv    =      dx

                                             = ln x + c

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                                           = ln x + c           y2    2x 2 (ln x c)
                                             c           c=8                y 2 = 2x 2
                                                                                     (lnx + 8)

4.3.4 Linear First Order DEs

If P = P(x) and Q = Q(x) are functions of x only, then                    + Py = Q    is called a linear
differential equation order 1. We can solve these linear DEs using an integrating
factor. For linear DEs of order 1, the integrating factor is: e∫Pdx

The solution for the DE is given by multiplying y by the integrating factor (on the left)
and multiplying Q by the integrating factor (on the right) and integrating the right side
with respect to x, as follows:

                                 y eò                    Q eò
                                           Pdx                  Pdx
                                                     ò                +K

                                       dy 3
Example 12:               Solve for      - y = 7.
                                       dx x


                  dy 3                                    3
                    - y = 7.      then P(x) = -             and Q(x) = 7
                  dx x                                    x
                 Now for the integrating factor:
                                       3                 3
                       ò Pdx = e ò - x dx = e ò - x dx = e- 3 ln x = x- 3
                 IF= e

                 For the left hand side of the formula

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                  ye ò                 Qe ò
                         Pdx                  Pdx
                                   ò                dx

                 we have ye∫Pdx = yx-3

                 For the right hand of the formula, Q = 7 and the IF = x-3, so:

                         Pdx           - 3
                               = 7x

                                                                  Qe ò
                                                                         Pdx                                    7 -2
                                                              ò                       ò 7x
                                                                                              - 3
                 Applying the outer integral:                                  dx =                 dx = -        x +K

                                                                         ye ò                 Qe ò
                                                                                Pdx                  Pdx
                 Now, applying the whole formula;                                     =
                                                                                          ò                dx

                                       - 3        7 -2
                 we have ; yx                =-     x +K
                                                          7       3
                 Multiplying throughout by x3 gives: y = - x + Kx

Example 13:                Solve          + (cot x)y = cos x
                     + (cot x)y = cos x
                 Here, then P(x) = cot x and Q(x) = cos x

                                   ò Pdx = ò cot xdx = lnsin x
                 IF = e
                          ò Pdx = eln sin x = sin x

                               ò Pdx = cos x sin x
                 Now Qe
                 Apply the formula:

                  ye ò                 Qe ò
                         Pdx                  cot xdx
                                   ò                     dx

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                  y sin x =
                                  ò     cos x sin xdx

                 The integral needs a simple substitution: u = sin x, du = cos x dx
                            sin x
                  y sin x =       +K
                 Divide throughout by sin x:
                       sinx    K     sinx
                  y=        +      =      + K cosecx
                         2    sinx     2

                                                             - 3x
Example 14:                  Solve dy + 3ydx = e                    dx

                 Dividing throughout by dx to get the equation in the required form, we get:
                  dy         - 3x
                     + 3y = e
                 In this example, P(x) = 3 and Q(x) = e-3x.
                 Now e∫Pdx = e∫3dx = e3x

                  Qe ò
                                      òe                         ò 1dx = x
                                            - 3x 3x
                                  =             e dx =

                          ò           Pdx
                                                    Qe ò
                 Using ye                   =
                                                ò                dx + K      , we have:

                 ye3x = x + K
                 or we could write it as:
                       x +K

Example 15:                  Solve 2(y - 4x2)dx + x dy = 0


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                 We need to get the equation in the form of a linear DE of order 1.
                 Expand the bracket and divide throughout by dx:
                               2           dy
                  2y - 8x + x                 = 0
                      dy           2
                  x      + 2y = 8x
                 Divide throughout by x:
                  dy 2
                    + y = 8x
                  dx x
                 Here, P(x) =                   and Q(x) = 8x
                          ò Pdx                ò x dx               2 ln x        ln x
                 IF = e                = e                    = e            = e             = x

                 Now Qe ò
                                   Pdx                   2            3
                                           = 8xx              = 8x
                 Applying the formula:

                  ye ò                     Qeò
                         Pdx                      Pdx
                                       ò                     dx + K

                                   2                 3                        4
                 gives: yx =                    8x dx + K              = 2x + K

                                                                               2         K
                 Divide throughout by x2:                            y = 2x +

                                               dy         6 x
Example 16:                Solve x                - 4y = x e
                 Divide throughout by x:
                  dy 4    5 x
                    - y= x e
                  dx x
                                               4             5 x
                 Here, P(x) = -                  and Q(x) = x e

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                                     ò - dx        -                          4
                  IF = e ò
                           P(x)dx              ln x                                   - 4
                                  = e x     = e                                   = x

                 Now Qe
                             ò P(x)dx = x5 ex x- 4 = xex

                                                                   ye ò                   Qeò
                                                                          Pdx                    Pdx
                 Applying the formula:                                            =
                                                                                      ò                dx + K       gives

                                                            - 4               x
                                                        yx        =       xe dx + K

                 This requires integration by parts, with
                  u= x             dv=e
                  du = dx          v=e

                                 - 4            x           x
                 So        yx          = xe - e + K

                                                                                                 5 x         4 x        4
                 Multiplying throughout by x4 gives:                                      y = x e - x e +Kx

                                       dy               x
Example 17:               Solve                     e           2y , x    0 , subject to the initial condition y = 2
                          when x = 0


                 The differential equation can be expressed in the proper form by adding
                 2y to both sides:

                           dy                       x
                                   2y        e                     for x          0

                 We have P(x) = 2 and Q(x) = e

                                                                                        P(x)dx         2dx
                 An integrating factor is given by IF = e                                         e           e2x for x       0

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                                      DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

                 Next, use the first-order linear differential equation theorem, where IF =
                  e 2 x and Q(x) = e                 , to find y:

                           y=         2x
                                                e2x e x dx C

                             =       2x
                                                ex       C       e    x
                                                                           e   2x
                                                                                    C   for x   0

                 To find C, insert y = 2 when x = 0, to obtain C = 1

                                      x         2x
                 Thus y = e                 e        ,     x     0

                                          dy         2xy
Example 18:                Solve                                 sin x with y = 1 when x = 0
                                          dx     1 x2


                    P(x) =                 ; Q(x) = sin x
                             1 x2

                                                               2 1)
                    IF = e       1 x2           = e ln(x                  x2 1

                     y=          2
                                           (x 2 1)sin xdx C
                           1 x

                       =          2
                                           x 2 sin xdx                sin xdx C
                           1 x

                       =          2
                                          2x sin x (2 x 2 )cos x cos x C
                           1 x

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                        =           2
                                        2x sin x (1 x 2 )cos x C
                            1 x

                   Since y = 1 when x = 0,

                   1=     0 1 C             implies C = 0

                   y=           2
                                    2xsinx +(1- x 2 )cosx
                        1+ x

Example 19:

a. Solve the DE            = sec θ + y tan θ , given the boundary conditions y=1 when θ = 0.

                                                                            [Ans: y = (θ + 1) sec θ]

                            dy                                                               5     c
b. Solve the DE t              -5 t = -y .                                       [ ans: y      t     ]
                            dt                                                               2     t
c. Consider a simple electric circuit with the resistance of 3           an inductance of 2H. If a
    battery gives a constant voltage of 24V and the switch is closed when t = 0, the
    current, I(t), after t seconds is given by

                                               dI   4
                                                  +   t = 15, I(0) = 0
                                               dt   3

                                                                                        45           t
    i) Obtain I(t)                                                       [ans:   I(t)      (1 e    3 )]
    ii) Determine the difference in the amount of current flowing through the circuit from
                the fourth to eight seconds. Give your answer to 3 d.p.

                                                                                            [ans: 0.05 A]

    iii) If the current is allowed to flow through the circuit for a very long period of time,
                estimate I(t).

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                              DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

                                                                                [ans:      A]


The general form of the second order differential equation with constant coefficients is

                                          d2y         dy
                                      a          +b      + cy = Q( x )
                                          dx 2        dx

where a, b, c are constants with a > 0 and Q(x) is a function of x only.

4.4.1 Homogeneous Equation

In this section, most of our examples are homogeneous 2nd order linear DEs (that is, with
Q(x) = 0):

                              d 2y    dy
                          a        +b    + cy = 0 , where a, b, c are constants.
                              dx 2    dx

Method of Solution

The equation am2 + bm + c = 0 is called the Auxiliary Equation (A.E.) (or
Characteristic Equation)

The general solution of the differential equation depends on the solution of the A.E. To
find the general solution, we must determine the roots of the A.E. The roots of the A.E.
are given by the well-known quadratic formula:

                                       m= -b ± b2 - 4ac

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If Differential Equation: ay'' + by' + c = 0 and Associated auxiliary equation is:
am2 + bm + c = 0

                 Nature of roots         Condition            General Solution

     4.4.1. Real and distinct roots,
                                         b2 − 4ac > 0          y = Aem1x + Bem2x
                      m1, m2

     4.4.2. Real and equal roots, m      b2 − 4ac = 0           y = emx(A + Bx)

     4.4.3. Complex roots

                m1 = α + jω              b2 − 4ac < 0    y = eαx(A cos ωx + B sin ωx)

                m1 = α − jω

Example 20

                                                                 d i     di
The current i flowing through a circuit is given by the equation     + 60 + 500i = 0 ,
                                                                 dt      dt
Solve for the current i at time t > 0.


The auxiliary equation arising from the given differential equations is:

A.E.: m + 60m + 500 = 0 = (m + 50)(m + 10) = 0
So       m = - 50 and m = - 10 and
           1                     2

We have 2 distinct real roots, so we need to use the first solution from the table above
(y = Aem1x + Bem2x), but we use i instead of y, and t instead of x.

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                     - 10t            - 50t
So         i = Ae            + Be

                                                            - 10t         - 50t
We could have written this as:                 i= C e               + C e
                                                        1             2

Since we have 2 constants of integration. We would be able to find these constants if
we were given some initial conditions.

Example 21

Solve the following equation in which s is the displacement of a object at time t.

d s             ds                              ds
          - 4      + 4s = 0 , given that s = 1,    = 3 when t = 0
      2         dt                              dt

(That is, the object's position is 1 unit and its velocity is 3 units at the beginning of the


The auxiliary equation for our differential equation is:
                2                              2
A.E.       m - 4m + 4 = 0 = (m - 2) = 0
In this case, we have: m = 2                  (repeated root or real equal roots)
We need to use the second form from the table above (y = emx(A + Bx)), and once again
use the correct variables (t and i, instead of x and y).
So          S(t) = ( A + Bt )e        .
Now to find the values of the constants:
s(0) = 1 Þ A = 1
So we can write              S(t) = (1+ Bt )e

  '                    2t        2t
S (t) = 2(1+Bt)e            +Be

s '(0) = 3 Þ 2 + B = 3 Þ B = 1

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So       s t)
         ( =(1+ t )e

The graph of our solution is as follows:

Example 22

                              d 2y           dy
Solve the equation                     - 2      + 4y = 0
                                   2         dx


This time the auxiliary equation is:                       m - 2m + 4 = 0

Solving for m, we find that the solutions are a complex conjugate pair:
m = 1- j 3         and m = 1 + j 3
  1                       2

The solution for our DE, using the 3rd type from the table above:
y = eαx(A cos ωx + B sin ωx)
we get:         y(x) = e (Acos 3 x +Bsin 3 x)

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B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

Example 23

In a RCL series circuit, R = 10 Ω, C = 0.02 F, L = 1 H and the voltage source is E = 100
V. Solve for the current i(t) in the circuit given that at time t = 0, the current in the circuit
is zero and the charge in the capacitor is 0.1 C.

[Note: Damping and the Natural Response in RLC Circuits

Consider a series RLC circuit (one that has a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor) with
a constant driving electro-motive force (emf) E. The current equation for the circuit is
             di       1                         di       1
         L      + Ri + ò idt = E       or   L      + Ri + q = E
             dt       C                         dt       C
Differentiating, we have
             d i           di 1
         L            +R     + i = 0 ; This is a second order linear homogeneous equation.]
                  2        dt C


d 2i + 10 di + 50i = 0
dt 2      dt

AE :     m2 + 10m + 50 = 0 ,

Sa`adiah Saad                                                                          JMSK, POLIMAS   Page 23
B5001- Engineering Mathematics                                                     DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION

The factors are:           m = - 5 - j5 and m = - 5 + j5
                             1                       2

So,      i = e- 5t ( Acos5t + B sin5t ) ; éù
                                                   = A = 0 ; (This means at t = 0, i = A = 0 in this
                                            t= 0

Then i = e- 5t B sin5t , We need to find the value of B.
Differentiating gives:
         di    - 5t                          - 5t    - 5t
            = e (5B cos5t ) + (B sin5t )(- 5e ) = 5Be (cos5t - sin5t )
At t = 0,      = 5B
Returning to equation           + 10i + 50q = 100
                         di                                    di
Now, at time t = 0,               + 10(0) + 50(0.1) = 100 ; So          = 95 = 5B , so B = 19.
                         dt t = 0                              dt t = 0

Therefore, i = 19e sin5t

Sa`adiah Saad                                                                              JMSK, POLIMAS   Page 24

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Differential equation

  • 1. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 4.1 INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A differential equation is an equation which relates an unknown function of a single variable with one or more of its derivatives. Example: dy x y cos x 0 dx Independent variable Dependent variable Derivative of y wrt x The order of a differential equation is the highest derivative involved in the equation, and the degree is the power of the highest derivative in the equation. Example : dy 1 x a. is a DE of order 1 and degree 1. dx 1 y2 dy b. x 2 y sin x is a DE of order 1 and degree 1. dx d2y dy c. 4 2y x 2 is a DE of order 2 and degree 1. dx 2 dx dy d. xy xy 2 x is a DE of order 1 and degree 1. dx 2 2 dy e. y 1 x is a DE of order 1 and degree 2 dx 2 d2 y dy f. 2 10y cos 2x is a DE of order 2 and degree 2. dx2 dx Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 1
  • 2. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Example 1 State the dependent variable, the independent variable, the order and degree for each differential equation. ds s dm i. ii. 2mn 0 dt t dn 2 dy 4 x ds iii. iv. t2 sin t 0 dx x3 dt dy dy v. t2 1 yt vi. x xy y2 1 dt dx d2y dy dv vii. x 4 2 xy 0 viii. u3 1 uv2 u dx 2 dx du 2 d2y dy d2y dy ix. 3 2y 0 x. x 4 2 xy 0 dx 2 dx dx2 dx Answer Independent Dependent Variable Order Degree variable i. s t 1 1 ii. m n 1 1 iii. y x 1 2 iv. s t 1 1 v. y t 1 1 vi. y x 1 1 vii. y x 2 1 viii. v u 1 1 ix. y x 2 2 x. y x 2 1 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 2
  • 3. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 4.2 Formation of Differential Equations If y 10x2 A ; Differential Equation is formed when the arbitrary constant A is eliminated from this equation. Example 2 i. If y 10x2 A Differentiate with respect to x, dy 20 x dx dy 20x 0 Differential equation. dx ii. If y x Ax 2 ------ Differentiate with respect to x, gives, dy 1 2 Ax ----- dx y x From , A 2 x y x Subtituting A 2 into  x dy y x Then, 1 2 2 x dx x y x 1 2 x y 1 2 2 x Multiply both sides with x. dy So, x x 2 y 2x dx dy x 2y x dx Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 3
  • 4. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION iii. If y Ax 2 Bx x ----- Differentiate with respect to x, gives, dy 2 Ax B 1 ----- dx dy Differentiate with respect to x. dx d2y 2A ----- dx 2 1 d2y From  , A ----- 2 dx 2 Substituting  into  to get B. dy 1 d2y 2 x B 1 dx 2 dx2 d2y x B 1 dx2 d2y dy B x 1 ----- dx2 dx Then, substitute  and  into . 1 d2y 2 d2y dy y x x 2 1 x x 2 dx2 dx dx 1 2 d2y d2y dy x x2 x x x 2 dx2 dx2 dx 1 2 d2y dy x x 2 dx2 dx Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 4
  • 5. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION EXERCISE 1 Form differential equation of the following: i. y x3 Ax 2 iv. y 4Bx A ii. y Ax 2 7x v. y A sin 2 x B kos x iii. y Dx 2 Ex vi. y Ce x 2 De x Answer dy dy i. x2 3x 4 2( y x3 ) iv x 2 y 7x dx dx dy x2 d 2 y d2y ii. y x v. 0 dx 2 dx2 dx2 d2y d2y iii. 4y 0 vi y 0 dx 2 dx 2 4.3 SOLUTIONS OF FIRST ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (DE) We already know that DE is one that contains differential coefficient. dy Example: i. 4x - 1st order DE dx d2 y dy ii. 2 2 4y 0 - 2nd order DE dx dx Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 5
  • 6. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION dy 4.3.1 f(x) - Solve By Direct Integration; i.e. y f(x)dx dx dy Example 3: Find the general solution of the DE 3x 2 sin2x dx Answer dy cos2x dx (3x 2 sin2x)dx so y = x3 c dx 2 dy Example 4: Find the particular solution of de 5 2x 3 , given the boundary dx 2 conditions y 1 when x = 2 . 5 Answer dy dy dy 3 2x 3 2x 5 2x 3 5 3 2x dx dx dx 5 5 5 3 x2 Hence y x c 5 5 Substituting the boundary conditions; 7 3 22 7 6 4 7 6 4 5 (2) c c c= 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 x2 The particular solution, y x 1 5 5 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 6
  • 7. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 4.3.2 Solve By Variable Separable; dy dy f(y) - rearranged to give dx and then solve by direct dx f(y) dy integration; i.e. dx f(y) dy Example 5: Find the general solution of de 5 sin2 3y . dx Answer dy dy 5 2 dx dx = 5 sin 3y sin2 3y cot3y x = 5 cosec 2 3y dy = 5[- ] +c 3 5 i.e. x = - cot3y +c 3 dy Example 6: Find the particular solution of de (y 2 1) 3y given that y = 1 when dx x 13 6 Answer (y 2 1) 1 y2 1 1 1 dy dx dx = dy dx = (y ) dy 3y 3 y 3 y 1 y2 x= ( - ln y) + c 3 2 Substituting y=1 and x 13 ; 6 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 7
  • 8. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 13 1 1 13 1 = ( - ln 1) + c c= - =2 6 3 2 6 6 1 2 1 The particular solution is x = y ln y 2 6 3 dy dy f(x)g(y) - rearranged to give f(x)dx and then solve dx g(y) by direct integration dy 2x3 1 Example 7: Solve dx 3 2y Answer Separating the variables gives: (3 -2y)dy = (2x3 – 1)dx x4 (3 2y)dy (2x 3 1)dx 3y - y 2 = x c 2 Example 8: The current in an electric circuit containing resistance R and inductance L di in series with a constant voltage source E is given by the de E L Ri . dt Solve the equation and find i in terms of time t given that when t = 0 and i = 0. Answer di di 1 L E Ri dt dt E-Ri L Let u = E-Ri , du = -Rdi 1 du 1 1 1 - = dt - ln (E - Ri) = t c R u L R L Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 8
  • 9. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION When t = 0, i= 0; 1 1 - ln E = c ; c=- ln E R R 1 1 1 - ln (E - Ri) = t ln E R L R 1 1 t = ln E - ln (E - Ri) = R R L Rt Rt Rt E Rt E E-Ri ln ( )= eL e L E-Ri = Ee L E-Ri L E-Ri E Rt E - i = ( 1-e L ) R Example 9: Solve the Des: dy 2x xy dy y(2 3x) a. 2 d. dx y 1 dx x(1 3y) ds s2 6s 9 dy 6t 2 2t 1 b. e. dt t 2 dt cos y ey dy sec h y c. dx 2 x 4.3.3 Homogeneneous First Order DEs dy An equation of the form P = Q , where P and Q are function of both x and y of the dx same degree – said to be homogenous in y and x. Example; Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 9
  • 10. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION f(x,y) Homogeneous degree 1 x2 + 3xy + y2 yes 2 x 3y 2 yes 1 2x y 4 x 2 3y 2 3 yes 2 2 xy x2 y y–1 4 no 2 x2 y2 x-2 dy Procedure to solve DE of the form P =Q dx dy dy Q i. Rearrange P = Q into the form = dx dx P dy dv ii. Make the substitution y =vx, from = v (1) + x , by the product rule. dx dx dy dy Q Substitute for both y and in the equation = . Simplify, by iii. dx dx P cancelling, and on equation result in which the variables are separable. iv. Separate the variable and solve as direct integrating. y v. Substitute v = to solve in terms of the original variables. x dy Example 10: Solve the DE y - x = x , given x = 1 when y = 2. dx Answer dy y - x i. Rearranging; = dx x dy dv ii. Let y = vx, =v+x dx dx dy dv v x - x iii. Substitute for both y and gives: v + x = dx dx x Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 10
  • 11. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION dv x(v - 1) dv v+x = x v-1-v dx x dx dv dx x -1 dv=- v = - ln x +c dx x y = - ln x +c Subtitute x =1 and y = 2 x 2 c c=2 1 y = - ln x + 2 or y = - x ( ln x - 2 ) x dy x2 y2 Example 11: Find the particular solution of DE; x given the boundary dx y conditions that y = 4 when x = 1. Answer dy x2 y2 dy x2 y2 i. Rearranging; x dx y dx yx dy dv ii. Let y = vx, =v+x dx dx dv x2 + v 2 x2 x2 (1 + v 2 ) (1 + v 2 ) iii. v+x = dx vx2 vx2 v dv (1 + v 2 ) 1 + v2 v2 1 x v dx v v v 1 vdv = dx x v2 = ln x + c 2 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 11
  • 12. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION y2 2 = ln x + c y2 2x 2 (ln x c) 2x 16 c c=8 y 2 = 2x 2 (lnx + 8) 2 4.3.4 Linear First Order DEs dy If P = P(x) and Q = Q(x) are functions of x only, then + Py = Q is called a linear dx differential equation order 1. We can solve these linear DEs using an integrating factor. For linear DEs of order 1, the integrating factor is: e∫Pdx The solution for the DE is given by multiplying y by the integrating factor (on the left) and multiplying Q by the integrating factor (on the right) and integrating the right side with respect to x, as follows: y eò Q eò Pdx Pdx = ò +K dy 3 Example 12: Solve for - y = 7. dx x Answer dy 3 3 - y = 7. then P(x) = - and Q(x) = 7 dx x x Now for the integrating factor: 3 3 ò Pdx = e ò - x dx = e ò - x dx = e- 3 ln x = x- 3 IF= e For the left hand side of the formula Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 12
  • 13. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION ye ò Qe ò Pdx Pdx = ò dx we have ye∫Pdx = yx-3 For the right hand of the formula, Q = 7 and the IF = x-3, so: Qeò Pdx - 3 = 7x Qe ò Pdx 7 -2 ò ò 7x - 3 Applying the outer integral: dx = dx = - x +K 2 ye ò Qe ò Pdx Pdx Now, applying the whole formula; = ò dx - 3 7 -2 we have ; yx =- x +K 2 7 3 Multiplying throughout by x3 gives: y = - x + Kx 2 dy Example 13: Solve + (cot x)y = cos x dx Answer dy + (cot x)y = cos x dx Here, then P(x) = cot x and Q(x) = cos x Determine ò Pdx = ò cot xdx = lnsin x IF = e ò Pdx = eln sin x = sin x ò Pdx = cos x sin x Now Qe Apply the formula: ye ò Qe ò Pdx cot xdx = ò dx Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 13
  • 14. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION y sin x = ò cos x sin xdx The integral needs a simple substitution: u = sin x, du = cos x dx 2 sin x y sin x = +K 2 Divide throughout by sin x: sinx K sinx y= + = + K cosecx 2 sinx 2 - 3x Example 14: Solve dy + 3ydx = e dx Answer Dividing throughout by dx to get the equation in the required form, we get: dy - 3x + 3y = e dx In this example, P(x) = 3 and Q(x) = e-3x. Now e∫Pdx = e∫3dx = e3x and Qe ò Pdx òe ò 1dx = x - 3x 3x = e dx = ò Pdx Qe ò Pdx Using ye = ò dx + K , we have: ye3x = x + K or we could write it as: x +K y= 3x e Example 15: Solve 2(y - 4x2)dx + x dy = 0 Answer Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 14
  • 15. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION We need to get the equation in the form of a linear DE of order 1. Expand the bracket and divide throughout by dx: 2 dy 2y - 8x + x = 0 dx Rearrange: dy 2 x + 2y = 8x dx Divide throughout by x: dy 2 + y = 8x dx x 2 Here, P(x) = and Q(x) = 8x x 2 ò Pdx ò x dx 2 ln x ln x 2 2 IF = e = e = e = e = x Now Qe ò Pdx 2 3 = 8xx = 8x Applying the formula: ye ò Qeò Pdx Pdx = ò dx + K ò 2 3 4 gives: yx = 8x dx + K = 2x + K 2 K Divide throughout by x2: y = 2x + 2 x dy 6 x Example 16: Solve x - 4y = x e dx Answer Divide throughout by x: dy 4 5 x - y= x e dx x 4 5 x Here, P(x) = - and Q(x) = x e x Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 15
  • 16. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 4 ò - dx - 4 IF = e ò P(x)dx ln x - 4 = e x = e = x Now Qe ò P(x)dx = x5 ex x- 4 = xex ye ò Qeò Pdx Pdx Applying the formula: = ò dx + K gives ò - 4 x yx = xe dx + K This requires integration by parts, with x u= x dv=e x du = dx v=e - 4 x x So yx = xe - e + K 5 x 4 x 4 Multiplying throughout by x4 gives: y = x e - x e +Kx dy x Example 17: Solve e 2y , x 0 , subject to the initial condition y = 2 dx when x = 0 Answer The differential equation can be expressed in the proper form by adding 2y to both sides: dy x 2y e for x 0 dx x We have P(x) = 2 and Q(x) = e P(x)dx 2dx An integrating factor is given by IF = e e e2x for x 0 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 16
  • 17. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Next, use the first-order linear differential equation theorem, where IF = x e 2 x and Q(x) = e , to find y: 1 y= 2x e2x e x dx C e 1 = 2x ex C e x e 2x C for x 0 e To find C, insert y = 2 when x = 0, to obtain C = 1 x 2x Thus y = e e , x 0 dy 2xy Example 18: Solve sin x with y = 1 when x = 0 dx 1 x2 Answer 2x P(x) = ; Q(x) = sin x 1 x2 2x dx 2 1) IF = e 1 x2 = e ln(x x2 1 1 y= 2 (x 2 1)sin xdx C 1 x 1 = 2 x 2 sin xdx sin xdx C 1 x 1 = 2 2x sin x (2 x 2 )cos x cos x C 1 x Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 17
  • 18. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 1 = 2 2x sin x (1 x 2 )cos x C 1 x Since y = 1 when x = 0, 1 1= 0 1 C implies C = 0 1 1 y= 2 2xsinx +(1- x 2 )cosx 1+ x Example 19: dy a. Solve the DE = sec θ + y tan θ , given the boundary conditions y=1 when θ = 0. dθ [Ans: y = (θ + 1) sec θ] dy 5 c b. Solve the DE t -5 t = -y . [ ans: y t ] dt 2 t c. Consider a simple electric circuit with the resistance of 3 an inductance of 2H. If a battery gives a constant voltage of 24V and the switch is closed when t = 0, the current, I(t), after t seconds is given by dI 4 + t = 15, I(0) = 0 dt 3 4 45 t i) Obtain I(t) [ans: I(t) (1 e 3 )] 4 ii) Determine the difference in the amount of current flowing through the circuit from the fourth to eight seconds. Give your answer to 3 d.p. [ans: 0.05 A] iii) If the current is allowed to flow through the circuit for a very long period of time, estimate I(t). Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 18
  • 19. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 45 [ans: A] 4 4.4 SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION The general form of the second order differential equation with constant coefficients is d2y dy a +b + cy = Q( x ) dx 2 dx where a, b, c are constants with a > 0 and Q(x) is a function of x only. 4.4.1 Homogeneous Equation In this section, most of our examples are homogeneous 2nd order linear DEs (that is, with Q(x) = 0): d 2y dy a +b + cy = 0 , where a, b, c are constants. dx 2 dx Method of Solution The equation am2 + bm + c = 0 is called the Auxiliary Equation (A.E.) (or Characteristic Equation) The general solution of the differential equation depends on the solution of the A.E. To find the general solution, we must determine the roots of the A.E. The roots of the A.E. are given by the well-known quadratic formula: m= -b ± b2 - 4ac 2a Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 19
  • 20. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Summary: If Differential Equation: ay'' + by' + c = 0 and Associated auxiliary equation is: am2 + bm + c = 0 Nature of roots Condition General Solution 4.4.1. Real and distinct roots, b2 − 4ac > 0 y = Aem1x + Bem2x m1, m2 4.4.2. Real and equal roots, m b2 − 4ac = 0 y = emx(A + Bx) 4.4.3. Complex roots m1 = α + jω b2 − 4ac < 0 y = eαx(A cos ωx + B sin ωx) m1 = α − jω Example 20 2 d i di The current i flowing through a circuit is given by the equation + 60 + 500i = 0 , dt dt Solve for the current i at time t > 0. Answer The auxiliary equation arising from the given differential equations is: 2 A.E.: m + 60m + 500 = 0 = (m + 50)(m + 10) = 0 So m = - 50 and m = - 10 and 1 2 We have 2 distinct real roots, so we need to use the first solution from the table above (y = Aem1x + Bem2x), but we use i instead of y, and t instead of x. Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 20
  • 21. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION - 10t - 50t So i = Ae + Be - 10t - 50t We could have written this as: i= C e + C e 1 2 Since we have 2 constants of integration. We would be able to find these constants if we were given some initial conditions. Example 21 Solve the following equation in which s is the displacement of a object at time t. 2 d s ds ds - 4 + 4s = 0 , given that s = 1, = 3 when t = 0 2 dt dt dt (That is, the object's position is 1 unit and its velocity is 3 units at the beginning of the motion.) Answer The auxiliary equation for our differential equation is: 2 2 A.E. m - 4m + 4 = 0 = (m - 2) = 0 In this case, we have: m = 2 (repeated root or real equal roots) We need to use the second form from the table above (y = emx(A + Bx)), and once again use the correct variables (t and i, instead of x and y). 2t So S(t) = ( A + Bt )e . Now to find the values of the constants: s(0) = 1 Þ A = 1 2t So we can write S(t) = (1+ Bt )e ' 2t 2t S (t) = 2(1+Bt)e +Be s '(0) = 3 Þ 2 + B = 3 Þ B = 1 Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 21
  • 22. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 2t So s t) ( =(1+ t )e The graph of our solution is as follows: Example 22 d 2y dy Solve the equation - 2 + 4y = 0 2 dx dx Answer 2 This time the auxiliary equation is: m - 2m + 4 = 0 Solving for m, we find that the solutions are a complex conjugate pair: m = 1- j 3 and m = 1 + j 3 1 2 The solution for our DE, using the 3rd type from the table above: y = eαx(A cos ωx + B sin ωx) x we get: y(x) = e (Acos 3 x +Bsin 3 x) Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 22
  • 23. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Example 23 In a RCL series circuit, R = 10 Ω, C = 0.02 F, L = 1 H and the voltage source is E = 100 V. Solve for the current i(t) in the circuit given that at time t = 0, the current in the circuit is zero and the charge in the capacitor is 0.1 C. [Note: Damping and the Natural Response in RLC Circuits Consider a series RLC circuit (one that has a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor) with a constant driving electro-motive force (emf) E. The current equation for the circuit is di 1 di 1 L + Ri + ò idt = E or L + Ri + q = E dt C dt C Differentiating, we have 2 d i di 1 L +R + i = 0 ; This is a second order linear homogeneous equation.] dt 2 dt C Answer d 2i + 10 di + 50i = 0 dt 2 dt AE : m2 + 10m + 50 = 0 , Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 23
  • 24. B5001- Engineering Mathematics DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION The factors are: m = - 5 - j5 and m = - 5 + j5 1 2 So, i = e- 5t ( Acos5t + B sin5t ) ; éù i êú ëû = A = 0 ; (This means at t = 0, i = A = 0 in this t= 0 case.) Then i = e- 5t B sin5t , We need to find the value of B. Differentiating gives: di - 5t - 5t - 5t = e (5B cos5t ) + (B sin5t )(- 5e ) = 5Be (cos5t - sin5t ) dt di At t = 0, = 5B dt di Returning to equation + 10i + 50q = 100 dt di di Now, at time t = 0, + 10(0) + 50(0.1) = 100 ; So = 95 = 5B , so B = 19. dt t = 0 dt t = 0 -5t Therefore, i = 19e sin5t Sa`adiah Saad JMSK, POLIMAS Page 24