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Your Total Metabolism Test:
       The Basics
• Body Fat %
    • Ideal for women 18-25%
    • Ideal for men 8-18 %
• BMI – Body Mass Index
    • You should be between 18 -24.9
• Hydration
    • Total Body Water divided by weight
    • men 55-60% women 50-55%
• BMR-Basal Metabolic Rate
    • This should be your weight times 10 if you are a
      women, times 11 if you are a man
Your Team Medical Advisor,
        Dr. Dalal Akoury
• Founder of AWAREmed Medical Institute
• Fellows Advanced, ABAARM Board Certified
• Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
  Certification (AFMCP)
• Emergency Room Physician for 20 years
• Pediatrician Since 1989
• Pediatrics Hematology/ Oncology fellowship at
  Emory University and ST Jude’s Hospital
• Genetics Research at CDC
• Fellow, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

      •Many of the
       toxins abundant
       in our
       today did not
       even exist 30
       years ago!
What Contributes to your
   Total Toxic Burden?

• We are all exposed to thousands of toxins
  and chemicals on a daily basis at work,
 in the home, through the air we breathe,
  our food and water supply, and through
      the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
What are the toxins we
  should be worried about
• Heavy Metals
  – Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Copper,
• Organochloric and organophosphic
  – Smoke, agriculture treatments,
• Petrochemicals
  – Solvents, fine and industrial chemicals
How bad is it
world wide?
                • 80 billion
                  pounds of toxins
                  are released
                  world wide
                  every year
                • A MICROGRAM
                  dose of many of
                  these can impact
                  human health
What is Ozone?
• Ozone is found in two regions of the Earth’s
   – Upper atmosphere ozone provides a protective barrier from
     the sun’s harmful UVA radiation
   – Ground-level ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but
     forms through a reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
     volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of
• NOx & VOCs are created by emissions from
  industrial facilities, electric utilities, motor vehicle
  exhaust, gasoline vapors and chemical solvents
• Ozone production is accelerated by sunlight and hot
  weather making it mainly a summertime air
• Ozone can be carried from hundreds of miles away
  and therefore is found in urban and rural settings.
Exposure to Ozone Can:
• Make breathing deeply & vigorously more
  difficult by reducing lung function.
• Irritate airways, causing coughing, sore or
  scratchy throat, pain when taking deep
  breaths and shortness of breath.
• Increase frequency of asthma attacks.
• Inflame and damage the lung lining.
• Increase susceptibility of respiratory
• Aggravate chronic lung diseases like
  asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.
What can you do to
 minimize your exposure to
• Read the Air Quality Report
• Exercise early in the morning when it
  is cooler out
• Avoid vigorous exercise during the
  warmer days of the year.
• Decrease your output of ozone
  causing compounds.
Petrochemicals affect

• When the body is trying to detoxify these
  chemicals glycine is depleted and
  threonine is stressed.
• What happens:
  – It impairs gluconeogensis
  – This can cause hypoglycemia
  – This can lead to insulin resistance
Petrochemicals affect

•Impairment in insulin
response may lead to
abnormal weight gain
and weight loss resistance.

• Following a comprehensive detoxification
  program that includes increasing supportive
  nutrients is critical for healing the metabolic
  damage and reversing this process.
What other toxins we
   should be worried about

• Stress
• Infections
• Drugs (Rx & OTC)
• Foods
• Damaged Fats
• Smoke
• “Silver” Dental Fillings
• In addition, we are
  eating more sugar
  and processed foods
  than ever before in
  human history and
  regularly abuse our
  bodies with various
  stimulants and
Toxins in the body

• Toxins and “dead”
  foods lead to poor
  constipation, toxic
  colon build-up,
  weight gain and low

• Water is an integral part of
  a successful detoxification plan:
  – Eight or more glasses a day will flush toxins
    from your body and aid your natural
    detoxification system—but the water needs to be
     • Do you know what's in your drinking water?
        – Chlorine is toxic to humans.
        – Fluoride has been found to inhibit enzymes crucial in the
          digestive process.
Foods Add to
          Your Toxic Load
• The liver has to metabolize
  the fatty acids delivered by
  the bloodstream after fats
  in the diet are broken down
  and absorbed in the small
• The more energy the liver
  has to expend in this final
  process of the digestion of
  high-fat foods, the less it
  has available for other
  detoxification work.
• Foods like white flour, white sugar and refined
  foods rob your body on two levels:
  – failing to provide real nutrition
  – depleting nutrients used in their digestion

 Sugar weakens our tissues’ resistance to disease
Sugar Cravings
• Craving for foods high in
  sugar and carbohydrates is
  different than general
Sugar Cravings
• Eating these foods creates a
  biochemical chain reaction that leads
  to a temporary increase in serotonin

• Serotonin helps you feel relaxed, less
  anxious & stressed and improves
  your mood.
Sugar Cravings
• If you are struggling
  with overwhelming
  cravings for certain
  trigger foods high in
  sugar and carbs you
  may be low in the
  important “feel
  good” brain chemical
Problems Associated with
   Excess Sugar Intake
• Tooth Decay            •   Yeast Overgrowth
• Obesity                •   Hyperactivity
                         •   Alcoholism
• Nutritional
  Deficiency             •   Hyperactivity
                         •   Mood Swings
• Hypoglycemia
                         •   Heart Disease
• Immune Dysfunction
• Menstrual
  Irregularities & PMS
Prescription Rx

• Just because your doctor prescribes a drug doesn't mean it's
  not treated as a toxin by your body (like red wine, something
  can be both helpful and toxic).
• Work actively with your physician and your pharmacist to
  ensure that you are taking only pharmaceutical agents that are
  absolutely necessary.
   – Even for necessary drugs, a lower dosage may still be effective.
     Ask your doctor whether you can safely experiment with taking a
     reduced amount.
   – Make sure you understand any risks and possible side effects
     associated with drugs—especially if they are prescribed for long
     term use, or if you take multiple medications.
Prescription Rx
also deplete nutrients

• Replacing those nutrients
  can reduce side effects that
  are caused by those
Over-The-Counter (OTC)
• Over-the-counter
  (OTC) drugs become
  part of your toxic load
  as well.
• Occasional use of an
  OTC remedy may
  have no ill effects, but
  be careful about long-
  term or repeated
  exposure to any
  chemical agents.
Consider the Contributors
• All substances, legal or illegal,
  prescribed or over-the-counter, need
  to be considered possible
  contributors to your toxic load, as
  well as monitored to avoid adverse
  drug reactions.

• One of the most freely
  marketed addictive
• Coffee has become an
  overused stimulant
  – It is often consumed with
    other addictive substances
    including nicotine and

• Areas of concern:
  – Toxic chemicals used in
    growing & processing coffee
  – Oils can easily become rancid
  – Irritating acids
• Unless you are drinking WATER-PROCESSED
  – Your decaf is treated with:
     • Trichlorethlene (TCE)
     • Methylene chloride
Other sources of Caffeine
     •   Cocoa
     •   Cola
     •   “Energy” drinks
     •   Tea
     •   Stimulant OTC (NoDoz, Vivarin, etc)
     •   Weight Control (Dexatrim, Dietac)
     •   Pain Relief (Excedrin, Anacin)
     •   PMS relief (Midol, Aqua-Ban, Premens)
     •   Cold Remedies (Dristan, Sinarest)
Negative Effects of Caffeine
• Excess          • Loss of minerals   • Increased blood
  Nervousness     • Depletion of B       pressure
• Headaches         vitamins           • Increased
• Heartburn       • Reduced              cholesterol
• General           absorption of      • Increased
  anxiety           Iron                 Norepinephrine
• Hyperactivity                          secretion
                  • Reduced
• Increased HCL     absorption of      • Heart rhythm
                    calcium              disturbances
• Diarrhea
                  • Osteoporosis       • Interrupted
• Dizziness
                  • Anemia               growth in
• Insomnia                               children &
• Kidney stones   • Depletion of
                    vitamin C            adolescents
• Whether you smoke yourself or you
  have friends, family or colleagues
  who smoke in your presence, you are
  getting exposed to more
  environmental toxins.

• Smoking also harms the cilia, which
  the respiratory system uses as a
  transport mechanism to help detoxify
  your body.
• If you do smoke and aren't
  ready to quit, it is even
  more important that you
  balance out your toxic load
  in other areas, and take
  supplements to replace
  nutrients depleted by the
  tobacco and to support the
  organs damaged by
• Though alcohol can never be called
  healthful, moderate amounts of
  alcohol—one or two glasses of wine
  or beer daily—may not be overly
• Nonetheless, it still places a toxic
  load on your liver. Immoderate
  drinking of alcohol can overstress the
  liver and its detoxification capacity.
• Recently, medical studies have shown
  that some of the constituents of red wine
  can be helpful to the body, though the
  alcohol it contains still must be detoxified.
  Unless the wine is organic, it may also
  contain toxic pesticide residues.
• People who want the benefits of red wine
  without the toxins can drink (dark) grape
  juice or take Grape Seed Supreme which
  contains grape seed skin and seed.

• Even if you limit damaged fats, many toxins come in
  the form of preservatives and chemical additives in
  packaged foods and beverages.
• Immunologists advise individuals who are immuno-
  suppressed to eat only fresh whole organic food.
• It is recommended that you do the same through the
  detoxification process and beyond.
• It is best to minimize or better yet eliminate the
  consumption of processed foods, especially desserts,
  snack foods and fast foods.
Damaged FATS

• The more energy
  the liver has to
  expend in this final
  process of the
  digestion of high-
  fat foods, the less
  it has available for
  other detoxification
Damaged FATS
• Any oils that have been processed
  and are stored in clear plastic
  containers exposed to light in the
  grocery stores are rancid.
• Think of these oils, margarine and
  hydrogenated fats as the “white
  bread” of fats. Our new term for
  them is “white oils”!
• U.S. farmers used:
  –   50 million pounds in 1948 (7% crop loss)
  –   335 million pounds in 1965
  –   806 million pounds in 1989
  –   985 million pounds in 1997
  –   ~1 billion pounds in 2000 (13% crop loss)
• 3.5 pounds of chemicals for every person in
  the U.S. at a cost of $8 billion.
• 20% of these approved-for-use pesticides
  are listed as carcinogenic by the EPA.
• Even “healthy” foods can be toxic if one
  has a food allergy to them.
• IgG food allergies affect millions and often
  go undiagnosed as the classic test for food
  allergies just looks for immediate IgE
  immune responses and this type of IgG
  response is delayed. This also means that
  the patient doesn’t clearly relate his
  symptoms back to the offending cause due
  to the lag time between ingestion and

(A.K.A. Mercury Amalgams)
• So-called "silver" fillings, which are really a mercury amalgam
  made of mercury, tin, copper and zinc, have actually been
  declared a hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection
• Yet, the American Dental Association still approves them for
  use in your mouth.
• The World Health Organization indicates that a single filling can
  release from 3 to 17 micrograms of mercury a day, and
  mercury toxicity has been associated with anorexia,
  depression, fatigue, insomnia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
  irritability, memory loss and gum disease, among other
Is Detox Right for You?
• Detoxification can be beneficial for those
  with any of the following conditions:

Chronic constipation      Parasite infestation
Frequent gas & bloating   Recurring headaches
Excess weight             Bad breath
Frequent fatigue          Hemorrhoids
Impaired digestion        Joint pain
allergies                 Irritability
Irritable Bowel           Frequent colds
Syndrome (IBS)            Protruding belly
Skin conditions           Hypothyroid
Candida infection
begins in the gut
The Liver is the Major
       Detoxifying Organ
• The liver utilizes a two-phase system in
  detoxifying the body of harmful substances:
  – 1st: Transforms toxins into more water-soluble
    compounds that are then carried through the
    blood to the liver for further processing, or to
    the kidney for elimination.
  – 2nd: Completing the detoxification in the liver
    and sending the toxins back to the kidney for
    elimination, or into the bile for elimination via
Phase I & Phase II
• The congested or sluggish liver is
  characterized by a diminished bile flow,
  while impaired liver (hepatic)
  detoxification refers to decreased phase I
  and/or phase II enzyme activity.

• Phase I detoxification rates that are in
  excess of phase II activity will also cause
  toxicity problems due to excessive
  accumulation of activated intermediates.
Potential Benefits of
the Detoxification Program
•   Increased Energy & Vitality
•   Weight Loss
•   Breaking Weight Loss Plateaus
•   Better gut function
•   Clearer thinking
•   Improved Skin
•   Better Sleep
•   Improved Mood
• In our day-to-day life, we are
  exposed to toxins on numerous
  levels, some within our control, some
  totally outside it, and others are
  somewhere in between.
• We ingest pounds of foods and
  beverages on a daily basis.
The Basics: Basic Detox Diet

 • The foundation of health begins by
   what we put into our bodies.
 • Our detox diet strengthens the organs
   involved in detoxification and releases
   stored toxins, expelling them through
   the organs of elimination: the skin,
   intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and
   lymphatic system.
Goal of Detox
• Week one is to reduce our toxin
  exposure by eliminating as many of
  the factors that we can control as
• Weeks two through four are to
  reduce exposure and enhance
Week 1 Simple Detox
• Eliminate the SNACCS
  – sugar, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and
• Reduce wheat (gluten), dairy, and soy
  in diet.
Basic Detox Diet

  It is strongly recommended to
  eliminate soy, gluten and dairy
    products from your diet while
undergoing a detoxification treatment
 due to their potential allergenicity.
A Simple Detox Diet
• Additionally this diet eliminates
  potential food allergens and toxic

• For optimal result you should follow
  a whole-foods, macronutrient based
  – Organic vegetables & fruits, healthy fats
    and lean, clean protein.
Balanced Food Circle

      Lean            Healthy
     Protein           Fats


                      High Fiber Carbs
                      & Low Glycemic
                        Index Fruits

     Non Starchy
Optimal Food Choices

• These are Gluten & Dairy Free, and be
 sure to choose organic whenever
  – Optimal Protein Choices
  – Optimal Fat Choices
  – Optimal Non-Starchy Vegetable Choices
  – High Fiber Starchy Carbohydrate Choices
  – Low Glycemic Index Fruit Choices
    • Low, Medium, High
Sample Detox Diet Day
 Replace Breakfast & Lunch
BREAKFAST      LUNCH               DINNER
                                   Green salad with sprouts
                                   and vinaigrette
                                   Baked Cod topped with
                                   Avocado salsa
                                   Chop: 1 avocado, 1
               OPTIONAL SNACK      tomato, ½ c red onion,
               Celery and almond   ½ c capers
               butter              (drained),1/4 c fresh
               Herbal tea          cilantro, ½ tsp.
                                   cumin,1/8 tsp. cayenne
                                   and 2 Tbl. lime juice
                                   ½ c. Quinoa
• Green drinks are
  naturally alkalizing
  and can also act as
  an anti-inflammatory
 – Which can help the body
   regain balance against
   toxicity and are particularly
   effective against
   acetaldehyde (the toxin
   produced from metabolizing
Detoxification Support Packets

 • Supplements support detoxification
   and improve the benefits of the
   – Amino D Tox, Three A Day Antioxidant,
     & LV/GB Complex.
 • We find that people who take the
   recommended supplements have
   better results and feel better while
   going through their detoxification
A Supplement to Support
   the Detox Process
    • Formulated to aid the liver in
      Phase II detoxification of
      harmful chemicals. This formula
      is well suited to even the most
      sensitive of patients, such as
      those with multiple chemical
      sensitivity (MCS)
Three A Day Antioxidant
• Not only quenches free radicals
  but its combination of nutrients
  is excellent for detoxifying
  chemical like heavy metals.
  – Vit C, Vit E, Zinc, Selenium, N-Acetyl
    Cysteine, Leucine, Lipoic Acid, Green Tea,
    Turmeric Extract, Grape Seed Extract
• It is a most beneficial formula for
  strengthening the immune system.
Supplements: LV-GB Complex

         • LV-GB Complex provides
           support for liver and
           gallbladder function by
           substances to aid in the
           elimination of fatty
           substances from the liver, as
           well as promoting proper
           bile flow.
What else can you do?

• Exercise
• Infrared Saunas
 – Start weeks 3 & 4 if you
   have access

• Daily
• Water
How bad is it in the
          Coachella Valley
Region 9: State Designations
Boundary Designations for 8-hour Ozone Standard - EPA Region 9
                      (as of November 14, 2007)

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Detox Diet Plan

  • 2. Your Total Metabolism Test: The Basics • Body Fat % • Ideal for women 18-25% • Ideal for men 8-18 % • BMI – Body Mass Index • You should be between 18 -24.9 • Hydration • Total Body Water divided by weight • men 55-60% women 50-55% • BMR-Basal Metabolic Rate • This should be your weight times 10 if you are a women, times 11 if you are a man
  • 3.
  • 4. Your Team Medical Advisor, Dr. Dalal Akoury • Founder of AWAREmed Medical Institute • Fellows Advanced, ABAARM Board Certified • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice Certification (AFMCP) • Emergency Room Physician for 20 years • Pediatrician Since 1989 • Pediatrics Hematology/ Oncology fellowship at Emory University and ST Jude’s Hospital • Genetics Research at CDC • Fellow, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
  • 5. ENVIROMENTAL TOXINS •Many of the toxins abundant in our environment today did not even exist 30 years ago!
  • 6. What Contributes to your Total Toxic Burden? • We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
  • 7. What are the toxins we should be worried about • Heavy Metals – Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Copper, Cadmium • Organochloric and organophosphic compounds – Smoke, agriculture treatments, environmental • Petrochemicals – Solvents, fine and industrial chemicals
  • 8. How bad is it world wide? • 80 billion pounds of toxins are released world wide every year • A MICROGRAM dose of many of these can impact human health
  • 9. What is Ozone? • Ozone is found in two regions of the Earth’s atmosphere – Upper atmosphere ozone provides a protective barrier from the sun’s harmful UVA radiation – Ground-level ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but forms through a reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. • NOx & VOCs are created by emissions from industrial facilities, electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors and chemical solvents • Ozone production is accelerated by sunlight and hot weather making it mainly a summertime air pollutant. • Ozone can be carried from hundreds of miles away and therefore is found in urban and rural settings.
  • 10. Exposure to Ozone Can: • Make breathing deeply & vigorously more difficult by reducing lung function. • Irritate airways, causing coughing, sore or scratchy throat, pain when taking deep breaths and shortness of breath. • Increase frequency of asthma attacks. • Inflame and damage the lung lining. • Increase susceptibility of respiratory infections • Aggravate chronic lung diseases like asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.
  • 11. What can you do to minimize your exposure to ozone? • Read the Air Quality Report • Exercise early in the morning when it is cooler out • Avoid vigorous exercise during the warmer days of the year. • Decrease your output of ozone causing compounds.
  • 12. Petrochemicals affect Metabolism • When the body is trying to detoxify these chemicals glycine is depleted and threonine is stressed. • What happens: – It impairs gluconeogensis – This can cause hypoglycemia – This can lead to insulin resistance
  • 13. Petrochemicals affect Metabolism •Impairment in insulin response may lead to abnormal weight gain and weight loss resistance. • Following a comprehensive detoxification program that includes increasing supportive nutrients is critical for healing the metabolic damage and reversing this process.
  • 14. What other toxins we should be worried about • Stress • Infections • Drugs (Rx & OTC) • Foods • Damaged Fats • Smoke • “Silver” Dental Fillings
  • 15. EXPOSURE • In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives.
  • 16. Toxins in the body • Toxins and “dead” foods lead to poor digestion, constipation, toxic colon build-up, weight gain and low energy.
  • 17. WATER • Water is an integral part of a successful detoxification plan: – Eight or more glasses a day will flush toxins from your body and aid your natural detoxification system—but the water needs to be pure. • Do you know what's in your drinking water? – Chlorine is toxic to humans. – Fluoride has been found to inhibit enzymes crucial in the digestive process.
  • 18. Foods Add to Your Toxic Load • The liver has to metabolize the fatty acids delivered by the bloodstream after fats in the diet are broken down and absorbed in the small intestine. • The more energy the liver has to expend in this final process of the digestion of high-fat foods, the less it has available for other detoxification work.
  • 19. SUGAR • Foods like white flour, white sugar and refined foods rob your body on two levels: – failing to provide real nutrition – depleting nutrients used in their digestion Sugar weakens our tissues’ resistance to disease
  • 20. Sugar Cravings • Craving for foods high in sugar and carbohydrates is different than general hunger.
  • 21. Sugar Cravings • Eating these foods creates a biochemical chain reaction that leads to a temporary increase in serotonin levels. • Serotonin helps you feel relaxed, less anxious & stressed and improves your mood.
  • 22. Sugar Cravings • If you are struggling with overwhelming cravings for certain trigger foods high in sugar and carbs you may be low in the important “feel good” brain chemical serotonin.
  • 23. Problems Associated with Excess Sugar Intake • Tooth Decay • Yeast Overgrowth • Obesity • Hyperactivity • Alcoholism • Nutritional Deficiency • Hyperactivity • Mood Swings • Hypoglycemia • Heart Disease • Immune Dysfunction • Menstrual Irregularities & PMS
  • 24. Prescription Rx • Just because your doctor prescribes a drug doesn't mean it's not treated as a toxin by your body (like red wine, something can be both helpful and toxic). • Work actively with your physician and your pharmacist to ensure that you are taking only pharmaceutical agents that are absolutely necessary. – Even for necessary drugs, a lower dosage may still be effective. Ask your doctor whether you can safely experiment with taking a reduced amount. – Make sure you understand any risks and possible side effects associated with drugs—especially if they are prescribed for long term use, or if you take multiple medications.
  • 25. Prescription Rx also deplete nutrients • Replacing those nutrients can reduce side effects that are caused by those medications.
  • 26. Over-The-Counter (OTC) • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs become part of your toxic load as well. • Occasional use of an OTC remedy may have no ill effects, but be careful about long- term or repeated exposure to any chemical agents.
  • 27. Consider the Contributors • All substances, legal or illegal, prescribed or over-the-counter, need to be considered possible contributors to your toxic load, as well as monitored to avoid adverse drug reactions.
  • 28. Caffeine • One of the most freely marketed addictive substances • Coffee has become an overused stimulant – It is often consumed with other addictive substances including nicotine and sugar
  • 29. Coffee • Areas of concern: – Toxic chemicals used in growing & processing coffee – Oils can easily become rancid – Irritating acids • Unless you are drinking WATER-PROCESSED decaf… – Your decaf is treated with: • Trichlorethlene (TCE) • Methylene chloride
  • 30. Other sources of Caffeine • Cocoa • Cola • “Energy” drinks • Tea • Stimulant OTC (NoDoz, Vivarin, etc) • Weight Control (Dexatrim, Dietac) • Pain Relief (Excedrin, Anacin) • PMS relief (Midol, Aqua-Ban, Premens) • Cold Remedies (Dristan, Sinarest)
  • 31. Negative Effects of Caffeine • Excess • Loss of minerals • Increased blood Nervousness • Depletion of B pressure • Headaches vitamins • Increased • Heartburn • Reduced cholesterol • General absorption of • Increased anxiety Iron Norepinephrine • Hyperactivity secretion • Reduced • Increased HCL absorption of • Heart rhythm production calcium disturbances • Diarrhea • Osteoporosis • Interrupted • Dizziness • Anemia growth in • Insomnia children & • Kidney stones • Depletion of vitamin C adolescents
  • 32. SMOKE • Whether you smoke yourself or you have friends, family or colleagues who smoke in your presence, you are getting exposed to more environmental toxins. • Smoking also harms the cilia, which the respiratory system uses as a transport mechanism to help detoxify your body.
  • 33. SMOKE • If you do smoke and aren't ready to quit, it is even more important that you balance out your toxic load in other areas, and take supplements to replace nutrients depleted by the tobacco and to support the organs damaged by smoking.
  • 34. ALCOHOL • Though alcohol can never be called healthful, moderate amounts of alcohol—one or two glasses of wine or beer daily—may not be overly harmful. • Nonetheless, it still places a toxic load on your liver. Immoderate drinking of alcohol can overstress the liver and its detoxification capacity.
  • 35. ALCOHOL • Recently, medical studies have shown that some of the constituents of red wine can be helpful to the body, though the alcohol it contains still must be detoxified. Unless the wine is organic, it may also contain toxic pesticide residues. • People who want the benefits of red wine without the toxins can drink (dark) grape juice or take Grape Seed Supreme which contains grape seed skin and seed.
  • 36. PROCESSED FOODS • Even if you limit damaged fats, many toxins come in the form of preservatives and chemical additives in packaged foods and beverages. • Immunologists advise individuals who are immuno- suppressed to eat only fresh whole organic food. • It is recommended that you do the same through the detoxification process and beyond. • It is best to minimize or better yet eliminate the consumption of processed foods, especially desserts, snack foods and fast foods.
  • 37. Damaged FATS • The more energy the liver has to expend in this final process of the digestion of high- fat foods, the less it has available for other detoxification work.
  • 38. Damaged FATS • Any oils that have been processed and are stored in clear plastic containers exposed to light in the grocery stores are rancid. • Think of these oils, margarine and hydrogenated fats as the “white bread” of fats. Our new term for them is “white oils”!
  • 39. Pesticides • U.S. farmers used: – 50 million pounds in 1948 (7% crop loss) – 335 million pounds in 1965 – 806 million pounds in 1989 – 985 million pounds in 1997 – ~1 billion pounds in 2000 (13% crop loss) • 3.5 pounds of chemicals for every person in the U.S. at a cost of $8 billion. • 20% of these approved-for-use pesticides are listed as carcinogenic by the EPA.
  • 40. FOOD ALLERGIES • Even “healthy” foods can be toxic if one has a food allergy to them. • IgG food allergies affect millions and often go undiagnosed as the classic test for food allergies just looks for immediate IgE immune responses and this type of IgG response is delayed. This also means that the patient doesn’t clearly relate his symptoms back to the offending cause due to the lag time between ingestion and symptoms.
  • 41. ‘Silver-Fillings’ (A.K.A. Mercury Amalgams) • So-called "silver" fillings, which are really a mercury amalgam made of mercury, tin, copper and zinc, have actually been declared a hazardous waste by the Environmental Protection Agency. • Yet, the American Dental Association still approves them for use in your mouth. • The World Health Organization indicates that a single filling can release from 3 to 17 micrograms of mercury a day, and mercury toxicity has been associated with anorexia, depression, fatigue, insomnia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritability, memory loss and gum disease, among other disorders.
  • 42. Is Detox Right for You? • Detoxification can be beneficial for those with any of the following conditions: Chronic constipation Parasite infestation Frequent gas & bloating Recurring headaches Excess weight Bad breath Frequent fatigue Hemorrhoids Impaired digestion Joint pain allergies Irritability Irritable Bowel Frequent colds Syndrome (IBS) Protruding belly Skin conditions Hypothyroid Candida infection
  • 44. The Liver is the Major Detoxifying Organ • The liver utilizes a two-phase system in detoxifying the body of harmful substances: – 1st: Transforms toxins into more water-soluble compounds that are then carried through the blood to the liver for further processing, or to the kidney for elimination. – 2nd: Completing the detoxification in the liver and sending the toxins back to the kidney for elimination, or into the bile for elimination via feces.
  • 45. Phase I & Phase II • The congested or sluggish liver is characterized by a diminished bile flow, while impaired liver (hepatic) detoxification refers to decreased phase I and/or phase II enzyme activity. • Phase I detoxification rates that are in excess of phase II activity will also cause toxicity problems due to excessive accumulation of activated intermediates.
  • 46. Potential Benefits of the Detoxification Program • Increased Energy & Vitality • Weight Loss • Breaking Weight Loss Plateaus • Better gut function • Clearer thinking • Improved Skin • Better Sleep • Improved Mood
  • 47. YOU HAVE MORE CONTROL THAN YOU THINK • In our day-to-day life, we are exposed to toxins on numerous levels, some within our control, some totally outside it, and others are somewhere in between. • We ingest pounds of foods and beverages on a daily basis.
  • 48. The Basics: Basic Detox Diet • The foundation of health begins by what we put into our bodies. • Our detox diet strengthens the organs involved in detoxification and releases stored toxins, expelling them through the organs of elimination: the skin, intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and lymphatic system.
  • 49. Goal of Detox • Week one is to reduce our toxin exposure by eliminating as many of the factors that we can control as possible. • Weeks two through four are to reduce exposure and enhance elimination.
  • 50. Week 1 Simple Detox • Eliminate the SNACCS – sugar, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and chemicals • Reduce wheat (gluten), dairy, and soy in diet.
  • 51. Basic Detox Diet It is strongly recommended to eliminate soy, gluten and dairy products from your diet while undergoing a detoxification treatment due to their potential allergenicity.
  • 52. A Simple Detox Diet • Additionally this diet eliminates potential food allergens and toxic chemicals. • For optimal result you should follow a whole-foods, macronutrient based diet. – Organic vegetables & fruits, healthy fats and lean, clean protein.
  • 53. Balanced Food Circle Lean Healthy Protein Fats Nuts High Fiber Carbs & Low Glycemic Index Fruits Non Starchy Veggies
  • 54. Optimal Food Choices • These are Gluten & Dairy Free, and be sure to choose organic whenever possible: – Optimal Protein Choices – Optimal Fat Choices – Optimal Non-Starchy Vegetable Choices – High Fiber Starchy Carbohydrate Choices – Low Glycemic Index Fruit Choices • Low, Medium, High
  • 55. Sample Detox Diet Day Replace Breakfast & Lunch BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Green salad with sprouts and vinaigrette Baked Cod topped with Avocado salsa Chop: 1 avocado, 1 OPTIONAL SNACK tomato, ½ c red onion, Celery and almond ½ c capers butter (drained),1/4 c fresh Herbal tea cilantro, ½ tsp. cumin,1/8 tsp. cayenne and 2 Tbl. lime juice ½ c. Quinoa
  • 56. Green Drinks/Soups • Green drinks are naturally alkalizing and can also act as an anti-inflammatory – Which can help the body regain balance against toxicity and are particularly effective against acetaldehyde (the toxin produced from metabolizing alcohol)
  • 57. Detoxification Support Packets • Supplements support detoxification and improve the benefits of the cleanse. – Amino D Tox, Three A Day Antioxidant, & LV/GB Complex. • We find that people who take the recommended supplements have better results and feel better while going through their detoxification process.
  • 58. A Supplement to Support the Detox Process Amino-D-Tox • Formulated to aid the liver in Phase II detoxification of harmful chemicals. This formula is well suited to even the most sensitive of patients, such as those with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
  • 59. Three A Day Antioxidant • Not only quenches free radicals but its combination of nutrients is excellent for detoxifying chemical like heavy metals. – Vit C, Vit E, Zinc, Selenium, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Leucine, Lipoic Acid, Green Tea, Turmeric Extract, Grape Seed Extract • It is a most beneficial formula for strengthening the immune system.
  • 60. Supplements: LV-GB Complex • LV-GB Complex provides support for liver and gallbladder function by substances to aid in the elimination of fatty substances from the liver, as well as promoting proper bile flow.
  • 61. What else can you do? • Exercise • Infrared Saunas – Start weeks 3 & 4 if you have access • Daily Elimination • Water
  • 63. How bad is it in the Coachella Valley Region 9: State Designations Boundary Designations for 8-hour Ozone Standard - EPA Region 9 (as of November 14, 2007)

Editor's Notes

  1. More than 500 species of insects and mites now resist our chemical controls, along with over 150 viruses and other plant pathogens. More than 270 of our recently developed herbicides have now become ineffective for controlling some weeds. Some 300 weed species resist all herbicides.
  2. Refer to Optimal Choices Sheet in folder
  3. Riverside (P) Serious June 2013