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• By the end of this presentation students
should be able to :
1. Define depression
2. Describe the diagnostic criteria of
3. Explain the
4. Outline the etiology of depression
5. Describe the management of depression
• Most common single entity of mental
health problem that brings a person to
seek medical help
• The symptom is rarely presented
directly because pt is un aware that he
is depressed
• But common complaints are physical in
nature – fatigue, lack of interest, sleep
disturbance, appetite disturbance,
bowel disturbance, irritability, lack of
sexual interest or performance etc
• When physical examination, lab results
and x-rays are negative but pt still has
complaints, depression may be the
• Depression can also be a major
symptom associated with other
diseases such as; diabetes, severe
anaemia, hypothyroidism, cancer of
the pancreas, neurological disorders.
• A subjective mood disorder
characterized by persistent feelings of
sadness, discouragement, loneliness,
worthlessness and isolation lasting not
less than 2 weeks.
• Frequently manifested by unwarranted
crying spells, sluggishness of mental
activity and suicidal ideation.
Diagnostic criteria
• According to the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV), to diagnose major
depression, requires at least one
of the core symptoms:
oPersistent sadness or low mood
nearly every day, or
oLoss of interests or pleasure in
most activities.
• Plus some other 4 of the following
o Fatigue or loss of energy
o Worthlessness, excessive or inappropriate
o Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal
thoughts, or actual suicide attempts
o Diminished ability to think/concentrate or
increased indecision
o Psychomotor agitation or retardation
o Insomnia/hypersomnia
o Changes in appetite and/or weight loss
1. Primary versus secondary
• This distinction is based on the
proposed cause of the depressive
illness in an individual.
• Primary: the depression is not as a
result of any other medical or
psychological cause.
• Secondary: the depression has
been caused by a medical condition
(eg a disorder of the thyroid gland)
or psychiatric illness (eg
• There is little evidence that these
'types' of depression are really
2. Unipolar versus bipolar
depression(manic depression)
• This classification is based on the
course of the illness that an individual
• If a patient has only ever had episodes
of depression, they are described as
having a unipolar affective disorder
(recurrent depressive illness).
• If a patient has had at least one
episode of elevated mood (mania) as
well as episodes of depression, they
are described as suffering from a
bipolar affective disorder (manic
depression). A few people only
experience episodes of mania. They
are also referred to as suffering from
bipolar affective disorder.
3. Dysthymia (chronic mild
depression) versus depressive illness
• This distinction is based on the
severity and number of symptoms, and
the duration of the illness.
• Dysthymia is defined by the presence
of depressive symptoms for at least
two years.
A diagnosis of dysthymia rather than a
depressive illness is made because:
• < symptoms present to fulfil the
diagnostic criteria for a depressive
• or symptoms are not present for the
majority of time but may come and go
for a few days at a time.
• There is less evidence that counselling or
psychotherapies work.
• Antidepressants may be of some help,
but they can take months (rather than
two to four weeks) to start working.
• People with dysthymia are at increased
risk of also developing a full-blown
depressive illness on top of their
ongoing depressive symptoms.
Sometimes called 'double depression',
meaning dysthymia plus a depressive
• If this happens, then treatment for the
depressive illness is especially
important to prevent a chronic full-blown
depressive illness developing.
4. Depressive illness versus
depressive symptoms
• Everybody may experience low mood
from time to time, but this is different
from suffering from a depressive
• A depressive illness is diagnosed
when a person has a number of
depressive symptoms consistently
over a couple of weeks or more.
• According to the diagnostic criteria of
DSM and ICD, a depressive illness is
present if a person is suffering from a
certain number of specified symptoms.
Type of depression
• Psychiatrists and researchers once
categorized depression using a pair of
terms derived from Latin: endogenous
(meaning "from within”) and
exogenous ("from without").
• These names were intended to
indicate whether someone’s
depression came from internal causes
(such as genetics) or external causes
(like a stressful or traumatic event).
• Over the last few decades, however,
research has not provided sufficient
evidence in support of this theory.
• Today, depression formerly referred to
as “endogenous” is known as major
depressive disorder (MDD). The
current philosophy is that the same
types of treatment can be used for
MDD whether it is "endogenous or
Endogenous Depression
• Symptoms include;
–feelings of sadness,
worthlessness, guilt, and an
inability to enjoy normally
pleasurable things, changes in
appetite, sleep patterns, and
energy levels.
• If you have endogenous depression,
the world may seem like a dark and
sad place because that's how you feel
within yourself.
• Exogenous Depression
–Exogenous depression can look and
feel much like endogenous
–The difference is that these symptoms
come on after something happens in a
person's life. For example, a person
may feel persistently sad after the
death of a loved one or struggle with
guilt and feelings of worthlessness
after losing their job.
1. Major depression
• Major depression is also known
as major depressive disorder, classic
depression, or unipolar depression. It’s
fairly common. People with major
depression experience symptoms
most of the day, every day.
It’s a severe form of depression that
causes symptoms such as:
– despondency, gloom, or grief
– difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
– lack of energy and fatigue
– loss of appetite or overeating
– unexplained aches and pains
– loss of interest in formerly pleasurable
–lack of concentration, memory
problems, and inability to make
–feelings of worthlessness or
–constant worry and anxiety
–thoughts of death, self-harm, or
• These symptoms can last weeks or
even months. Some people might
have a single episode of major
depression, while others experience it
throughout their life. Regardless of
how long its symptoms last, major
depression can cause problems in
your relationships and daily activities.
2. Bipolar Affective Disorders (BAD)
• BAD are periods of prolonged and
profound depression alternate with
periods of excessively elevated and/or
irritable mood, known as mania.
• Bipolar I disorder is one or more manic
episodes with/without a history of one
or more depressive episodes.
• Bipolar II disorder is one or more depressive
episodes accompanied by at least one
hypomanic episode.
• A hypo manic episode is clearly different from
a ‘normal’ mood, but is not severe enough to
interfere with social or occupational
functioning, require admission to hospital, or
include psychotic features.
• Its features are similar to those of mania but
in a milder form.
• In order to be diagnosed with bipolar I
disorder, you have to experience an
episode of mania that lasts for seven
days, or less if hospitalization is
required. You may experience a
depressive episode before or following
the manic episode.
Other types
• Study also on;
–Seasonal affective disorder
–Perinatal and postpartum depression
–Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
– Persistent depressive disorder
Etiology of depression
• Alterations in circadian rhythm
• Neurotransmitter deficiency
• Hormonal fluctuations and
interactions with neurotransmitters
• Genetic predisposition
• Adverse early life experiences,
intrapsychic conflicts or reactions to life
• It could be due to traumatic experiences
in life like:
–Failing an important exam
–Loosing important property
–Chronic illness
• Changes in the brain anatomy – atrophy
of a specific brain location e.g loss of
neurons in the frontal lobes, cerbellum
and basal ganglia.
Clinical features
• Loss of appetite
• Patient may be mute or monosyllabic (response
using just one word as opposed to providing
detailed explanation)
• Loss of libido
• Neglect of body hygiene
• Patient may avoid social contact
• Psychomotor retardation
• Poor concentration.
Clinical features
• Psychomotor retardation
• Sad facial expression
• Significant weight loss when not dieting
• Insomnia or hypersomnia
• Fatigue or loss of energy every day
• Feeling of worthlessness or inappropriate
• Diminished ability to concentrate
• Suicidal ideas
• Management is divided into 2 parts.
1. Medical management
2. Nursing care
• Medical mgt
• Layout as follows;
– Aims
– Hxt
– Mental state examination
– Investigations
– Diagnosis
– Drug therapy
• Name of drug
• Dosage & route
• S.E
• N.I
Medical management
• To establish an appropriate diagnosis
• To relieve signs and symptoms
• To prevent complications
• To rule out any other medical
Medical management
• Hxt taking
– Presenting complaints
– Past medical hxt
– Social hxt
– Family hxt
– Mental state examination
• Investigations
• Investigations can be inversive and
non invasive
• Physical examination can be done to rule
out any medical cause of depression
focused on neurological and endocrine
• Urine and blood test for dexamethasone
suppression test.
• FBC-to rule out any serious infections that
may present or trigger symptoms of
• Investigations cont’d
• Polysomnographic assessement –
examinations of sleep patterns
esp in adults (REM latency
phase is shortened resulting into
frequent night and early morning
• Investigations cont’d
• CT scan or MRI of the brain to rule out
serious illnesses such as a brain tumor
• Electrocardiogram (ECG) to diagnose
some heart problems
• Electroencephalogram (EEG) to record
electrical activity of the brain
Medical management
• Drug therapy
– Antidepressants can restore the
normal pattern of REM sleep e.g.
Imipramine, Amitriptyline 25mg to
75mg Bd.
– MAOIs were the first class
of antidepressants to be developed but
are less used. Isocarboxazid,
selegiline, Initial dose: 10 mg orally 2
times a day
–Side effects of MAOIs
• Fatigue, muscle aches,
nervousness, insomnia, reduced
libido, erectile dysfunction (ED)
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) are the medications most
commonly prescribed for severe
depression. Examples of SSRIs
– citalopram
– escitalopram
– fluoxetine
– paroxetine
– Sertraline
Look for dosages for SSRIs
Side effects antidepressants
• Dry mouth, nasal congestion, urinary
hesitancy, urinary retention, blurred
vision, constipation, sedation, ataxia,
confusion, orthostatic hypotension,
arrhythmias, tachycardia, palpitations,
decreased sweating, sexual dysfunction
(depressed libido, arousal, or orgasm)
• MAOIs – also hypertensive crisis related
to drug interactions
Electroconvulsive therapy can be done
Electroconvulsive therapy
• Notes will be sent
– To prevent injury and other complications
– To provide social support and promote
– To promote drug compliance
• I will nurse the patient close to the
nurses bay for close observation.
• I will Nurse patient in an
environment with others to promote
• I will make sure all items necessary
for the treatment of patient are
readily available
Maintaining safety
• I will make sure the environment is free of items
that the patient can use to hurt himself and/or
• I will maintain close observation of the patient to
detect any dangers early.
• I will make sure all drugs are kept out of patients
reach to prevent any suicide by drug poisoning
• I will maintain close observations to ensure that
the client is really taking the medication and not
hoarding and later on use the medication to
commit suicide.
• A contract can also be signed with client to
ensure that the client does not take any action
meant to harm self or others.
• The nurse should develop a positive supportive
relationship with the client as quickly as possible
because most clients feel they do not deserve the
nurse’s time(feel worthless) and so will make excuses
or behave in such a way so as to discourage
• I will introduce myself to the client and allow him to
introduce himself to me if he can, this will promote trust
once he knows who I am.
• I will use simple, concrete words and allow time for the
client to respond because clients concentration may be
• I will spend short moments with patient even in silence
if not willing to speak, this is to enhance formation of a
therapeutic relationship.
• I will avoid making unnecessary promises that I can not
fulfil to prevent the patient from loosing trust in me.
• Pay attention to patients concerns and
avoid making promises you will not
• Clarify all ideas and expectations from
• Communicate in a non discriminatory
• Always ask for permission before
carrying out any procedure.
• This is known as talking therapy. It gives the person
an opportunity to discuss and resolve problematic
issues in life.
• Educate the client in order to improve his
understanding and knowledge of his mental health
• Find out what the client would like to do about his
problem and encourage him to find a solution.
• Empathise with the patient and retain a non-
judgemental attitude.
• Always involve patient in his care and encourage
questions and give adequate responses.
• I will give the patient small frequent meals
as they are easily tolerated by a depressed
client than large amounts of food when one
is anorexic.
• I will also offer high caloric and protein
fluids frequently during the day and evening
to prevent dehydration.
• I will pair patient with another patient during
meal times to motivate the client to feed.
• I sit with client during meal times in order to
help and motivate him to feed.
• Monitor intake and output,
especially bowel movements.
• Foods high in fibre as well as
exercises should be encouraged to
prevent constipation as it can occur
mainly due to under activity, even
faecal impaction can result.
• Fluids can also be encouraged for
the same reasons.
• Observe for insomnia or early morning
waking. It is important for the nurse to
provide rest periods after activity. Fatigue
can intensify feelings of depression.
• Encourage the client to stay out of bed
during the day so as to increase
likelihood of sleep during the night.
Furthermore, provide relaxation
measures during the evening and reduce
on environmental or physical stimulants.
Rest and sleep
Promote sleep by the following
– Discourage day time naps
– Encourage pt to participate in day time
activities avoid caffeinated drinks
– Assist pt have a warm bath at bed time
– If still cannot sleep give prescribed
• If there is evidence of self neglect as is
common in most depressed clients,
the client needs to be helped on his or
her self care with regards to hygiene.
This can be done by providing
toiletries to the client as well as
keeping on reminding the client to
under take the tasks needed in this
Social therapy
• During this therapy, the patient will be
involved in activities that will promote
interaction and discourage isolation.
Group therapy
• This kind of therapy is important for the
patient because it will promote
socialization and improve clients
knowledge about the condition. The
patient will also receive
encouragement from other clients with
the same condition.
Family therapy
• Family therapy is important because the
family is usually the primary care providal
and support system for the patient, therefore
as a nurse;
– Educate the family about the patient condition.
– Teach them on how to provide support to the
patient so as to maintain the desired mental
– Respond to questions from the family in order to
alley anxiety.
– Provide reassurance to the family about
effectiveness of the patients treatment so as to
help boost their desire to help the patient.
• Assess and reassure the client of any
changes taking place in their sexual life
as a result of depression or
antidepressants. This will reduce on the
clients anxiety and assist to support
compliance to treatment(medication)
• While the client is severely depressed, one
to one activities are appropriate because
concentration is impaired, potential for
interaction is maximised, and anxiety levels
may be minimised.
• The nurse should use activities involving
gross motor activities which call for minimal
concentration i.e. taking a walk, making
beds with the nurse, setting up chairs etc.
• Physical activities are known to relieve
• For a severely depressed client, it is better
to provide activities that require very little
concentration e.g. simple card games;
looking through a magazine etc. this is so
because concentration and memory is
impaired in depression.
• Lastly, there is need to bring the patient into
contact with one other person and then into
a group of more than two. This distracts the
client from self preoccupations and provides
opportunities for spending time with other
people and activities based on reality.
It also raises the client’s self esteem
which in most cases is low.
• Group discussions, dance therapy and
art therapy can assist to achieve this.
• Clients preparation for discharge which
should have began in the initial phase
of clients admission to hospital should
be re-emphasised to client and his
family. This helps on improving on the
knowledge levels of the client and
family with regards to the illness and in
turn reduces on the anxiety and
Specific nursing
• Altered nutrition less than body requirement
• Altered thought processes
• Impaired verbal communication
• Impaired physical mobility
• Sensory or perceptual alterations
• Sleep pattern disturbances
• Sexual dysfunction
• High risk for violence
• Social isolation
• To the family – teach them the
causes, symptoms and side effects of
drugs so that they watch over the pt
• Seek medical help pt has symptoms
• Family members should be tolerant to
the pt
• Give pt positive feed back
• Bring pt for follow-up care
• Alteration in social, family and
occupational functioning
• Suicide
1. Explain why depression is common in
people with chronic illnesses? (10
2. State the difference between
endogenous and exogenous
depression(5 marks)
3. Explain the diagnostic criteria of
depression according to the DSM-IV-
TR criteria [5marks]
4. Write the nursing care plan for a
patient with a Major depressive disorder.
[50 marks]
5. Discuss how you will prepare a patient
for electro convulsive therapy [30marks]
6. Identify 5 problems of a depressed
patient and write your nursing
interventions for each
• Non-biological assessment – history and
standardized verbal and written
measurement scales
• Biologic assessment –
• urine and blood samples collected for
dexamethasone suppression test prior for
cortisol baseline data, then pt is given
dexamethasone injection then the cortisol
levels are monitored in 24 hours. If
suppressed below 5mcg/dl of blood then
may confirm depression
Q.The biologic assessment of depression
involves one of the following.
a.History taking using written measurement
b.Polysomnographic assessement
c.Dexamethasone suppression test
d.None of the above

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  • 2. OBJECTIVES • By the end of this presentation students should be able to : 1. Define depression 2. Describe the diagnostic criteria of depression 3. Explain the 4. Outline the etiology of depression 5. Describe the management of depression
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Most common single entity of mental health problem that brings a person to seek medical help • The symptom is rarely presented directly because pt is un aware that he is depressed • But common complaints are physical in nature – fatigue, lack of interest, sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance, bowel disturbance, irritability, lack of sexual interest or performance etc
  • 4. INTRODUCTION • When physical examination, lab results and x-rays are negative but pt still has complaints, depression may be the cause. • Depression can also be a major symptom associated with other diseases such as; diabetes, severe anaemia, hypothyroidism, cancer of the pancreas, neurological disorders.
  • 5. DEFINITION • A subjective mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, discouragement, loneliness, worthlessness and isolation lasting not less than 2 weeks. • Frequently manifested by unwarranted crying spells, sluggishness of mental activity and suicidal ideation.
  • 6. Diagnostic criteria • According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), to diagnose major depression, requires at least one of the core symptoms: oPersistent sadness or low mood nearly every day, or oLoss of interests or pleasure in most activities.
  • 7. • Plus some other 4 of the following symptoms: o Fatigue or loss of energy o Worthlessness, excessive or inappropriate guilt o Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, or actual suicide attempts o Diminished ability to think/concentrate or increased indecision o Psychomotor agitation or retardation o Insomnia/hypersomnia o Changes in appetite and/or weight loss
  • 8. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPRESSION 1. Primary versus secondary depression • This distinction is based on the proposed cause of the depressive illness in an individual. • Primary: the depression is not as a result of any other medical or psychological cause.
  • 9. • Secondary: the depression has been caused by a medical condition (eg a disorder of the thyroid gland) or psychiatric illness (eg schizophrenia). • There is little evidence that these 'types' of depression are really different.
  • 10. 2. Unipolar versus bipolar depression(manic depression) • This classification is based on the course of the illness that an individual experiences. • If a patient has only ever had episodes of depression, they are described as having a unipolar affective disorder (recurrent depressive illness).
  • 11. • If a patient has had at least one episode of elevated mood (mania) as well as episodes of depression, they are described as suffering from a bipolar affective disorder (manic depression). A few people only experience episodes of mania. They are also referred to as suffering from bipolar affective disorder.
  • 12. 3. Dysthymia (chronic mild depression) versus depressive illness • This distinction is based on the severity and number of symptoms, and the duration of the illness. • Dysthymia is defined by the presence of depressive symptoms for at least two years.
  • 13. A diagnosis of dysthymia rather than a depressive illness is made because: • < symptoms present to fulfil the diagnostic criteria for a depressive illness • or symptoms are not present for the majority of time but may come and go for a few days at a time.
  • 14. • There is less evidence that counselling or psychotherapies work. • Antidepressants may be of some help, but they can take months (rather than two to four weeks) to start working.
  • 15. • People with dysthymia are at increased risk of also developing a full-blown depressive illness on top of their ongoing depressive symptoms. Sometimes called 'double depression', meaning dysthymia plus a depressive illness. • If this happens, then treatment for the depressive illness is especially important to prevent a chronic full-blown depressive illness developing.
  • 16. 4. Depressive illness versus depressive symptoms • Everybody may experience low mood from time to time, but this is different from suffering from a depressive illness. • A depressive illness is diagnosed when a person has a number of depressive symptoms consistently over a couple of weeks or more.
  • 17. • According to the diagnostic criteria of DSM and ICD, a depressive illness is present if a person is suffering from a certain number of specified symptoms.
  • 18. Type of depression • Psychiatrists and researchers once categorized depression using a pair of terms derived from Latin: endogenous (meaning "from within”) and exogenous ("from without"). • These names were intended to indicate whether someone’s depression came from internal causes (such as genetics) or external causes (like a stressful or traumatic event).
  • 19. • Over the last few decades, however, research has not provided sufficient evidence in support of this theory. • Today, depression formerly referred to as “endogenous” is known as major depressive disorder (MDD). The current philosophy is that the same types of treatment can be used for MDD whether it is "endogenous or exogenous."
  • 20. Endogenous Depression • Symptoms include; –feelings of sadness, worthlessness, guilt, and an inability to enjoy normally pleasurable things, changes in appetite, sleep patterns, and energy levels.
  • 21. • If you have endogenous depression, the world may seem like a dark and sad place because that's how you feel within yourself.
  • 22. • Exogenous Depression –Exogenous depression can look and feel much like endogenous depression. –The difference is that these symptoms come on after something happens in a person's life. For example, a person may feel persistently sad after the death of a loved one or struggle with guilt and feelings of worthlessness after losing their job.
  • 23. 1. Major depression • Major depression is also known as major depressive disorder, classic depression, or unipolar depression. It’s fairly common. People with major depression experience symptoms most of the day, every day.
  • 24. It’s a severe form of depression that causes symptoms such as: – despondency, gloom, or grief – difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much – lack of energy and fatigue – loss of appetite or overeating – unexplained aches and pains – loss of interest in formerly pleasurable activities
  • 25. –lack of concentration, memory problems, and inability to make decisions –feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness –constant worry and anxiety –thoughts of death, self-harm, or suicide
  • 26. • These symptoms can last weeks or even months. Some people might have a single episode of major depression, while others experience it throughout their life. Regardless of how long its symptoms last, major depression can cause problems in your relationships and daily activities.
  • 27. 2. Bipolar Affective Disorders (BAD) • BAD are periods of prolonged and profound depression alternate with periods of excessively elevated and/or irritable mood, known as mania. • Bipolar I disorder is one or more manic episodes with/without a history of one or more depressive episodes.
  • 28. • Bipolar II disorder is one or more depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode. • A hypo manic episode is clearly different from a ‘normal’ mood, but is not severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning, require admission to hospital, or include psychotic features. • Its features are similar to those of mania but in a milder form.
  • 29. • In order to be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, you have to experience an episode of mania that lasts for seven days, or less if hospitalization is required. You may experience a depressive episode before or following the manic episode.
  • 30. Other types • Study also on; –Seasonal affective disorder –Perinatal and postpartum depression –Premenstrual dysphoric disorder – Persistent depressive disorder
  • 31. Etiology of depression • Alterations in circadian rhythm functions • Neurotransmitter deficiency • Hormonal fluctuations and interactions with neurotransmitters • Genetic predisposition
  • 32. • Adverse early life experiences, intrapsychic conflicts or reactions to life events. • It could be due to traumatic experiences in life like: –Bereavement –Failing an important exam –Loosing important property –Chronic illness
  • 33. • Changes in the brain anatomy – atrophy of a specific brain location e.g loss of neurons in the frontal lobes, cerbellum and basal ganglia.
  • 34. Clinical features • Loss of appetite • Patient may be mute or monosyllabic (response using just one word as opposed to providing detailed explanation) • Loss of libido • Neglect of body hygiene • Patient may avoid social contact • Psychomotor retardation • Poor concentration.
  • 35. Clinical features • Psychomotor retardation • Sad facial expression • Significant weight loss when not dieting • Insomnia or hypersomnia • Fatigue or loss of energy every day • Feeling of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt • Diminished ability to concentrate • Suicidal ideas
  • 36. MANAGEMENT OF DEPRESSION cont’d • Management is divided into 2 parts. 1. Medical management 2. Nursing care
  • 37. • Medical mgt • Layout as follows; – Aims – Hxt – Mental state examination – Investigations – Diagnosis – Drug therapy • Name of drug • Dosage & route • MOA • S.E • N.I
  • 38. Medical management • AIMS • To establish an appropriate diagnosis • To relieve signs and symptoms • To prevent complications • To rule out any other medical conditions
  • 39. Medical management cont’d • Hxt taking – Presenting complaints – Past medical hxt – Social hxt – Family hxt – Mental state examination
  • 40. • Investigations • Investigations can be inversive and non invasive • Physical examination can be done to rule out any medical cause of depression focused on neurological and endocrine systems. • Urine and blood test for dexamethasone suppression test. • FBC-to rule out any serious infections that may present or trigger symptoms of
  • 41. • Investigations cont’d • Polysomnographic assessement – examinations of sleep patterns esp in adults (REM latency phase is shortened resulting into frequent night and early morning wakening)
  • 42. • Investigations cont’d • CT scan or MRI of the brain to rule out serious illnesses such as a brain tumor • Electrocardiogram (ECG) to diagnose some heart problems • Electroencephalogram (EEG) to record electrical activity of the brain
  • 43. Medical management • Drug therapy – Antidepressants can restore the normal pattern of REM sleep e.g. Imipramine, Amitriptyline 25mg to 75mg Bd. – MAOIs were the first class of antidepressants to be developed but are less used. Isocarboxazid, selegiline, Initial dose: 10 mg orally 2 times a day
  • 44. –Side effects of MAOIs • Fatigue, muscle aches, nervousness, insomnia, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • 45. • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the medications most commonly prescribed for severe depression. Examples of SSRIs include: – citalopram – escitalopram – fluoxetine – paroxetine – Sertraline Look for dosages for SSRIs
  • 46. Side effects antidepressants • Dry mouth, nasal congestion, urinary hesitancy, urinary retention, blurred vision, constipation, sedation, ataxia, confusion, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmias, tachycardia, palpitations, decreased sweating, sexual dysfunction (depressed libido, arousal, or orgasm) • MAOIs – also hypertensive crisis related to drug interactions Electroconvulsive therapy can be done
  • 48. • NOTE: • STUDY ON ECT. • Notes will be sent
  • 50. Aims – To prevent injury and other complications – To provide social support and promote interaction – To promote drug compliance
  • 51. Environment • I will nurse the patient close to the nurses bay for close observation. • I will Nurse patient in an environment with others to promote socialization • I will make sure all items necessary for the treatment of patient are readily available
  • 52. Maintaining safety • I will make sure the environment is free of items that the patient can use to hurt himself and/or others. • I will maintain close observation of the patient to detect any dangers early. • I will make sure all drugs are kept out of patients reach to prevent any suicide by drug poisoning • I will maintain close observations to ensure that the client is really taking the medication and not hoarding and later on use the medication to commit suicide. • A contract can also be signed with client to ensure that the client does not take any action meant to harm self or others.
  • 53. ESTABLISHMENT OF A THERAPEUTIC NURSE CLIENT RELATIONSHIP • The nurse should develop a positive supportive relationship with the client as quickly as possible because most clients feel they do not deserve the nurse’s time(feel worthless) and so will make excuses or behave in such a way so as to discourage interaction. • I will introduce myself to the client and allow him to introduce himself to me if he can, this will promote trust once he knows who I am. • I will use simple, concrete words and allow time for the client to respond because clients concentration may be impaired. • I will spend short moments with patient even in silence if not willing to speak, this is to enhance formation of a therapeutic relationship. • I will avoid making unnecessary promises that I can not fulfil to prevent the patient from loosing trust in me.
  • 54. • Pay attention to patients concerns and avoid making promises you will not fulfill • Clarify all ideas and expectations from interventions • Communicate in a non discriminatory manner. • Always ask for permission before carrying out any procedure.
  • 55. Psychotherapy • This is known as talking therapy. It gives the person an opportunity to discuss and resolve problematic issues in life. • Educate the client in order to improve his understanding and knowledge of his mental health issues. • Find out what the client would like to do about his problem and encourage him to find a solution. • Empathise with the patient and retain a non- judgemental attitude. • Always involve patient in his care and encourage questions and give adequate responses.
  • 56. NUTRITION • I will give the patient small frequent meals as they are easily tolerated by a depressed client than large amounts of food when one is anorexic. • I will also offer high caloric and protein fluids frequently during the day and evening to prevent dehydration. • I will pair patient with another patient during meal times to motivate the client to feed. • I sit with client during meal times in order to help and motivate him to feed.
  • 57. ELIMINATION • Monitor intake and output, especially bowel movements. • Foods high in fibre as well as exercises should be encouraged to prevent constipation as it can occur mainly due to under activity, even faecal impaction can result. • Fluids can also be encouraged for the same reasons.
  • 58. REST AND SLEEP • Observe for insomnia or early morning waking. It is important for the nurse to provide rest periods after activity. Fatigue can intensify feelings of depression. • Encourage the client to stay out of bed during the day so as to increase likelihood of sleep during the night. Furthermore, provide relaxation measures during the evening and reduce on environmental or physical stimulants.
  • 59. Rest and sleep Promote sleep by the following measures; – Discourage day time naps – Encourage pt to participate in day time activities avoid caffeinated drinks – Assist pt have a warm bath at bed time – If still cannot sleep give prescribed sedative
  • 60. HYGIENE • If there is evidence of self neglect as is common in most depressed clients, the client needs to be helped on his or her self care with regards to hygiene. This can be done by providing toiletries to the client as well as keeping on reminding the client to under take the tasks needed in this area.
  • 61. Social therapy • During this therapy, the patient will be involved in activities that will promote interaction and discourage isolation.
  • 62. Group therapy • This kind of therapy is important for the patient because it will promote socialization and improve clients knowledge about the condition. The patient will also receive encouragement from other clients with the same condition.
  • 63. Family therapy • Family therapy is important because the family is usually the primary care providal and support system for the patient, therefore as a nurse; – Educate the family about the patient condition. – Teach them on how to provide support to the patient so as to maintain the desired mental status. – Respond to questions from the family in order to alley anxiety. – Provide reassurance to the family about effectiveness of the patients treatment so as to help boost their desire to help the patient.
  • 64. SEXUALITY • Assess and reassure the client of any changes taking place in their sexual life as a result of depression or antidepressants. This will reduce on the clients anxiety and assist to support compliance to treatment(medication)
  • 65. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND RECREATION • While the client is severely depressed, one to one activities are appropriate because concentration is impaired, potential for interaction is maximised, and anxiety levels may be minimised. • The nurse should use activities involving gross motor activities which call for minimal concentration i.e. taking a walk, making beds with the nurse, setting up chairs etc. • Physical activities are known to relieve tension.
  • 66. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND RECREATION • For a severely depressed client, it is better to provide activities that require very little concentration e.g. simple card games; looking through a magazine etc. this is so because concentration and memory is impaired in depression. • Lastly, there is need to bring the patient into contact with one other person and then into a group of more than two. This distracts the client from self preoccupations and provides opportunities for spending time with other people and activities based on reality.
  • 67. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND RECREATION It also raises the client’s self esteem which in most cases is low. • Group discussions, dance therapy and art therapy can assist to achieve this.
  • 68. PREPARATION FOR DISCHARGE • Clients preparation for discharge which should have began in the initial phase of clients admission to hospital should be re-emphasised to client and his family. This helps on improving on the knowledge levels of the client and family with regards to the illness and in turn reduces on the anxiety and relapses.
  • 69. Specific nursing • Altered nutrition less than body requirement • Altered thought processes • Impaired verbal communication • Impaired physical mobility • Sensory or perceptual alterations • Sleep pattern disturbances • Sexual dysfunction • High risk for violence • Social isolation
  • 70. IEC • To the family – teach them the causes, symptoms and side effects of drugs so that they watch over the pt • Seek medical help pt has symptoms • Family members should be tolerant to the pt • Give pt positive feed back • Bring pt for follow-up care
  • 71. COMPLICATIONS OF MAJOR DEPRESSION • Alteration in social, family and occupational functioning • Suicide
  • 72. Questions 1. Explain why depression is common in people with chronic illnesses? (10 marks) 2. State the difference between endogenous and exogenous depression(5 marks) 3. Explain the diagnostic criteria of depression according to the DSM-IV- TR criteria [5marks]
  • 73. 4. Write the nursing care plan for a patient with a Major depressive disorder. [50 marks] 5. Discuss how you will prepare a patient for electro convulsive therapy [30marks] 6. Identify 5 problems of a depressed patient and write your nursing interventions for each
  • 74. ASSESSMENT • Non-biological assessment – history and standardized verbal and written measurement scales • Biologic assessment – • urine and blood samples collected for dexamethasone suppression test prior for cortisol baseline data, then pt is given dexamethasone injection then the cortisol levels are monitored in 24 hours. If suppressed below 5mcg/dl of blood then may confirm depression
  • 75. QUESTION Q.The biologic assessment of depression involves one of the following. a.History taking using written measurement scales b.Polysomnographic assessement c.Dexamethasone suppression test d.None of the above

Editor's Notes

  1. Antidepressants may be of some help, but they can take months (rather than two to four weeks) to start working. As a result, a great deal of patience is called for on both the part of the patient and the doctor.
  2. However, there are some people who experience several depressive symptoms, but not enough such symptoms to fulfil the diagnostic criteria for a depressive illness?
  3. However, it can still sometimes be helpful for healthcare and mental health professionals to note the concept of endogenous and exogenous causes of major depression when helping people understand the condition.
  4. Like many mental health conditions, it has little to do with what’s happening around you. You can have a loving family, tons of friends, and a dream job. You can have the kind of life that others envy and still have depression. Even if there’s no obvious reason for your depression, that doesn’t mean it’s not real or that you can simply tough it out.
  5. Seasonal affective disorder is often triggered during the shorter days of fall and winter. A lack of sunlight and changing sleep patterns may contribute to this condition. Perinatal and postpartum depression can affect people during and after pregnancy. This depression can be mild or major. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome, which is commonly known as PMS.
  6. Alterations of these neurotransmiters norepinephrine and serotonin lead to depression Also acetylcholine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine-Neuro-chemical theories Changes in circadian rhythm due to medications, nutritional deficiencies, physical or psychological illnesses, hormonal fluctuations are associated with depression-Circadian rhythm theory
  7. Psychological theories – flow from the psychoanalytic, cognitive, interpersonal and behavioural perspectives explain depression as a result of
  8. Lack of response to humour
  9. Isocarboxazid, Initial dose: 10 mg orally 2 times a day -Increase in 10 mg increments every 2 to 4 days, until 40 mg/day is reached (by the end of the first week of treatment); doses should be divided into 2 to 4 doses per day. -After the first week, the dose may be increased in increments of up to 20 mg per week, if needed and tolerated. Maximum dose: 60 mg/day
  10. The nurse should develop a positive supportive relationship with the client as quickly as possible because most clients feel they do not deserve the nurse’s time(feel worthless) and so will make excuses or behave in such a way so as to discourage interaction. There are patients who may be so withdrawn such that they are unwilling or unable to speak. As part of establishing a therapeutic relationship, just sitting with client in silence may seem as waste of time to the nurse but this will enhance the formation of a therapeutic relationship. It is important to spend short periods of time with the client in order to minimise anxiety for both the nurse and the client. Additionally it is vital to let the client know when and how long the visits will last. This is so because clear expectations minimise anxiety. Always use simple, concrete words and allow time for the client to respond. The reason behind is that depressed clients have retarded thinking process and concentration is poor such that comprehension is impaired.
  11. Anorexia is common in depressed clients and therefore it is necessary to offer small high caloric and protein snacks frequently throughout the day and evening. Poor nutrition renders the client susceptible to illness. Small frequent snacks are more easily tolerated by a depressed client than large amounts of food when one is anorexic. Also offer high caloric and protein fluids frequently during the day and evening to prevent dehydration.
  12. The biologic assessment of depression involves one of the following. History taking using written measurement scales Polysomnographic assessement Dexamethasone suppression test None of the above