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• The study of immunology, deals with host
defence reactions to foreign (nonself)
entities known as antigens, antigen
recognition molecules, and cell-mediated
host defence functions, especially as they
relate to immunity to disease,
hypersensitivity (including allergy),
autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, and
• This presentation presents the basic
principles of immunology, particularly as
they relate to response to infection.
• After the body is infected with a foreign
microorganism, it attempts to fight by
switching on a number of defense
mechanisms. There are a number of
responses involved such as;
inflammation, compliment system,
interferon, phagocytosis.
Top: The innate immune
system is characterized by
physiologic barriers to entry
of pathogenic organisms and
very fast host defense
Bottom: The adaptive
immune system consists of
cells displaying antigen
recognition molecules and
has the capacity for long-
term memory.
Specific objectives
• Definition of terms
• Explain types of defense mechanisms
• Antibody (Ab): A protein produced as a result of
interaction with an antigen. The protein has the
ability to combine with the antigen that stimulated its
• Antigen (Ag): A substance that can react with an
antibody. Not all antigens can induce antibody
production; those that can are also called
• Humoral immunity: Pertaining to immunity in a
body fluid and used to denote immunity mediated by
antibody and complement.
• Opsonisation - the process of coating
microorganisms with some of the proteins found in
plasma, to make them more easily phagocytosable.
• Chemokines: Low-molecular-weight proteins that
stimulate leukocyte movement.
• Chemotaxis: A process whereby phagocytic cells are
attracted to the vicinity of invading pathogens.
• Complement: A set of plasma proteins that is the
primary mediator of antigen-antibody reactions.
• Cytolysis: The lysis of bacteria or of cells such as
tumor or red blood cells by insertion of the membrane
attack complex derived from complement activation.
• Cytotoxic T cell: T cells that can kill other cells, e.g,
cells infected with intracellular pathogens.
• Endotoxins: Bacterial toxins released from damaged
• Immune response: Development of
resistance (immunity) to a foreign
substance (e.g, infectious agent). It can
be antibody-mediated (humoral), cell-
mediated (cellular), or both.
• T cell (also T lymphocyte): A thymus-
derived cell that participates in a variety
of cell-mediated immune reactions.
Types of defense mechanisms
• The Body defends itself against being
invaded and if successfully invaded, it
triggers other reactions that fight off the
A. Innate Immunity
B. Adaptive Immunity
A. Innate Immunity
• Innate immunity is the defence system
which you were born with.
• It protects you against all antigens.
• Innate immunity involves barriers that
keep harmful materials from entering
your body.
A. Innate Immunity cont’d.
•These barriers form the first line of
defence in the immune response.
Examples of innate non-humoral
immunity include:
• Cough reflex,
• Enzymes in tears and skin oils
• Mucus which traps bacteria and small
• Skin,
• Stomach acid
A. Innate Immunity cont’d.
• Innate immunity also comes in a protein
chemical form, called innate humoral
immunity. Also know as Second line of
• Examples include the body's
complement system and substances
called interferon and interleukin-1 (which
causes fever).
• If an antigen gets past these barriers, it is
attacked and destroyed by other parts of
the immune system.
A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d.
a. The Skin
• Both the skin and the mucous membranes form
the first line of defence and belong to
• The intact skin provides a barrier through
which most micro-organism cannot pass, it
provides a good defence against invasion.
• Most microorganisms enter the body through a
break in the skin (cut).
A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral)
• The secretions of the skin by
sweat and sebaceous glands which
are acidity and have chemicals
which have anti-bacterial
properties tend to eliminate
pathogenic bacteria.
A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d.
• b. Mucous Membranes/Surfaces
Bacteria are removed mechanically from
mucous membranes such as the nose,
mouth and vagina as mucus secretions
trap the organism.
• Bacteria in the respiratory tract are trapped
in the sticky secretion on the surface
(mucus) and then swept away by the
action of cilia, minute hair-like bodies
projecting from the cells lining the cavity.
A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d.
•Secretions act in 2 ways:
i) Mechanical action: e.g secretions of
the bronchi entrap organisms and these
are propelled away from the alveoli by
the action of cilia in the bronchi and
expelled tears by sneezing and
coughing in the eye.
A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d.
ii) Chemical action:
•Secretions may be acidic like sweat
and gastric juice or strongly alkaline
like bile.
A. Innate Immunity cont’d.
1.Transferrin and lactoferrin: are
substances that tie up iron, thereby preventing
pathogens access to this essential mineral.
2. Fever: this augments host defence by
stimulating leukocytes to deploy and destroy
invaders, reducing available free plasma iron,
and inducing the production of interleukin IL-
1, which causes a rise in temperature and
proliferation, maturation, and activation of
lymphocytes in the immunologic response.
•Elevated body temperature also
slow down the rate of growth of
certain pathogens and can even kill
some especially fastidious
Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d.
• Elevated body temperature also
slow down the rate of growth of
certain pathogens and can even kill
some especially fastidious(difficult to
grow) pathogens.
3. Interferon’s: are small, antiviral
proteins that prevent viral
multiplication in virus-infected cells
and serve to limit viral infections.
Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d.
4. Inflammation (inflammatory
•Inflammation is the complex biological
response of vascular tissues to harmful
stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged
cells, or irritants.
•The damaged cells release chemicals
including histamine, bradykinin, and
Inflammation cont’d.
• These chemicals cause blood vessels to
leak fluid into the tissues, causing
• This helps isolate the foreign substance
from further contact with body tissues.
Inflammation cont’d.
• The chemicals also attract white blood
cells called phagocytes that "eat" germs
and dead or damaged cells. This process
is called phagocytosis.
• Phagocytes eventually die. Pus is formed
from a collection of dead tissue, dead
bacteria, and live and dead phagocytes
Inflammation cont’d.
•Classic Signs of inflammation:
i. RUBOR- Reddish appearance
ii. CALOR- Hotness at the site
iii. TUMOR- Swelling at the site
iv. DOLOR- Pain at the site of injury
Inflammation cont’d.
• By surrounding the
area of infection with
plasma which often
contains phagocytes,
the infection may be
prevented from
• Flow of fluid to and
from the area of
inflammation is largely
by lymph vessels.
Inflammation cont’d.
• Bacteria escaping
from the area will
usually enter the
lymph and will be
arrested at the
nearest lymph node.
• Secondary
inflammatory reaction
may take place
(lymphadenitis) but in
many cases the
infection will not
become generalised.
Inflammation cont’d.
•This inflammatory response of
the tissues tends to restrict the
spread of infection within the
body and in many cases to
overcome it at the cost of inner
area damage.
•If for some reason the inflammatory
response is deficient, the infection
will tend to become systemic and
much more serious
Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d.
• 5. Phagocytosis.
• The white blood cells, together with
certain tissue cells move towards the
bacteria and attempt to ingest them by a
process known as phagocytosis,
engulfment by phagocytes and
ingestion by lysosomes.
Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d.
6. Complement system:
•Complement system, Involves
approximately 30 different
blood proteins that interact in
a step-wise manner known as
the complement cascade, to
try and clear off any
pathogen the body comes in
contact with.
Consequence of activation of the
complement system:
• Initiation and amplification of
• Attraction and activation of leukocytes.
• Lysis of bacteria and other foreign cells.
• Increased phagocytosis by phagocytic
• These defences operate against a
variety of micro-organisms, because it
is not specific.
B. Adaptive Immunity
Aka: Acquired; specific
Types of immunity
B. Adaptive Immunity
• Adaptive immunity, which occurs after
exposure to an antigen (e.g., an
infectious agent) is specific and is
mediated by either antibody or lymphoid
• It can be;
• i) Natural (Active or Passive or
• ii) Artificial (Active or Passive).
• Third line of defence
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
• Specific defence mechanism is a
complement to the function of
phagocytes and other elements of the
innate immune system.
• In contrast to innate defence mechanism,
specific defence mechanism allows for a
targeted response against a specific
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
Only vertebrates have specific defence mechanism
Two types of white blood cells called lymphocytes
are vital to the specific defence mechanism
Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow,
and mature into one of several subtypes. The two
most common are T cells and B cells.
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
•The human body has B and T cells
specific to millions of different
•An antigen is a foreign material
that triggers a response from T and
B cells.
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
• We usually think of antigens as part of
microbes, but antigens can be present in
other settings.
• For example, if a person received a blood
transfusion that did not match his blood
type, it could trigger reactions from T and B
• T and B cells can mature and differentiate
into plasma cells that produce a protein
called an antibody.
Blood types
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
• Passive immunity is transmitted by
antibodies or lymphocytes preformed in
another host.
• The passive administration of antibody. (in
antisera) against certain viruses (e.g.,
hepatitis B) can be useful during the
incubation period to limit viral multiplication,
e.g., after a needlestick injury to someone
who has not been vaccinated.
Passive Immunity cont’d.
•The main advantage of passive
immunization with preformed
antibodies is the prompt availability
of large amounts of antibody;
•Disadvantages are the;
oShort life span of these antibodies and
oPossible hypersensitivity reactions if
antibodies (immunoglobulins) from
another species are administered.
Passive Immunity cont’d.
• I. Naturally acquired passive immunity
• Here the antibody is obtained by the
child from the mother either across the
placenta or in breast milk.
• The human placenta allows maternal
antibodies to pass into the foetal
Naturally acquired passive
• The baby is born having maternal
antibodies against the diseases to
which the mother is immune.
• This provides the baby with defence
immediately after birth.
• The antibodies do not persist.
• They disappear after a few months.
Passive Immunity cont’d.
• Artificially acquired passive immunity
• In here the antibody is obtained or protection
is derived from the injection (serum) of
prepared or readymade antibodies. e.g
administering preformed antibodies of rabies
vaccine following a rabies dog bite.
B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d.
Active Immunity
• Active immunity is induced after
contact with foreign antigens (e.g.,
microorganisms or their products).
• This contact may consist of clinical or
subclinical infection, immunization
with live or killed infectious agents or
their antigens, exposure to microbial
products (e.g., toxins, toxoids), or
transplantation of foreign cells.
Active Immunity cont’d.
• In all these instances the host actively
produces antibodies, and lymphoid cells
acquire the ability to respond to the antigens.
• Advantages of active immunity include;
• Long-term resistance (based on memory of prior
contact with antigen and
• The capacity to respond faster and to a greater
extent on subsequent contact with the same
• Disadvantages include;
• The slow onset of resistance and the need for
prolonged or repeated contact with the antigen.
Naturally acquired active immunity
• This is the type of immunity which is
acquired in response to the entry of a live
pathogen into the body (i.e., in response
to an actual infection)
• It has long duration (has memory).
• Examples are typhoid fever, measles
and small pox.
Artificially acquired Active
• In here the antibody is obtained or protection
is derived from introducing antigens such as
vaccines which are live attenuated or dead
into the body and then the body produces
specific antibodies against them.
• Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)
is aimed at stimulating the bodies of
children to produce specific antibodies against
the common childhood killer diseases such as
measles, poliomyelitis etc
Antibody isotypes of mammals
1. Immunoglobulin A or (IgA)
2. Immunoglobulin D or IgD
3. Immunoglobulin E or IgE
4. Immunoglobulin G or IgG
5. Immunoglobulin M or IgM
• Immunoglobulin A or (IgA) Found in mucosal areas, such
as the gut, respiratory tract and urogenital tract, and
prevents colonization by pathogens. Also found in saliva,
tears, and breast milk.
• IgD: Functions mainly as an antigen receptor on B cells that
have not been exposed to antigens. It has been shown to
activate basophils and mast cells to produce
antimicrobial factors.
• IgE: Binds to allergens and triggers histamine release from
mast cells and basophils, and is involved in allergy. Also
protects against parasitic worms.
• IgG: In its four forms, provides the majority of antibody-
based immunity against invading pathogens. The only
antibody capable of crossing the placenta to give
passive immunity to the foetus.
• IgM: Expressed on the surface of B cells and has very high
avidity (is a measure of the overall strength of binding of an
antigen with many antigenic determinants).
• Eliminates pathogens in the early stages of B cell
mediated (humoral) immunity before there is sufficient
•This protein or antibody is
specifically targeted to a particular
•However, B cells alone are not very
good at making antibody and rely on
T cells to provide a signal that they
should begin the process of
•When a properly informed B cell
recognizes the antigen it is coded
to respond to, it divides and
produces many plasma cells.
• The plasma cells then secrete
large numbers of antibodies,
which fight specific antigens
circulating in the blood.
•T cells are activated when a
particular phagocyte known as
an antigen-presenting cell (APC)
(the APC-is a trigger for the various
elements of the specific immune
response) displays the antigen to
which the T cell is specific.
Other cells
•A subtype of T cell known as a T
helper cell performs a number of
•T helper cells release chemicals to
•Help activate B cells to divide into
plasma cells
•Call in phagocytes to destroy
•Activate killer T cells
•Once activated, killer T cells
recognize infected body cells and
destroy them.
• Regulatory T cells (also called
suppressor T cells) help to control
the immune response.
•They recognize when a threat has
been contained and then send out
signals to stop the attack.
Organs and Tissues of defence
• The cells that make up the specific
immune response circulate in the
blood, but they are also found in a
variety of organs.
• These immune tissues and organs
allow for maturation of immune cells,
trap pathogens and provide a place
where immune cells can interact with
one another and mount a specific
•Organs and tissues involved in the
immune system include the thymus,
bone marrow, lymph nodes,
spleen, appendix, tonsils, and
Peyer’s patches (in the small
The End

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION • The study of immunology, deals with host defence reactions to foreign (nonself) entities known as antigens, antigen recognition molecules, and cell-mediated host defence functions, especially as they relate to immunity to disease, hypersensitivity (including allergy), autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, and transplantation. • This presentation presents the basic principles of immunology, particularly as they relate to response to infection.
  • 3. • After the body is infected with a foreign microorganism, it attempts to fight by switching on a number of defense mechanisms. There are a number of responses involved such as; inflammation, compliment system, interferon, phagocytosis.
  • 4. Top: The innate immune system is characterized by physiologic barriers to entry of pathogenic organisms and very fast host defense responses. Bottom: The adaptive immune system consists of cells displaying antigen recognition molecules and has the capacity for long- term memory.
  • 5. Specific objectives • Definition of terms • Explain types of defense mechanisms
  • 6. Definitions • Antibody (Ab): A protein produced as a result of interaction with an antigen. The protein has the ability to combine with the antigen that stimulated its production. • Antigen (Ag): A substance that can react with an antibody. Not all antigens can induce antibody production; those that can are also called immunogens. • Humoral immunity: Pertaining to immunity in a body fluid and used to denote immunity mediated by antibody and complement. • Opsonisation - the process of coating microorganisms with some of the proteins found in plasma, to make them more easily phagocytosable.
  • 7. Definitions • Chemokines: Low-molecular-weight proteins that stimulate leukocyte movement. • Chemotaxis: A process whereby phagocytic cells are attracted to the vicinity of invading pathogens. • Complement: A set of plasma proteins that is the primary mediator of antigen-antibody reactions. • Cytolysis: The lysis of bacteria or of cells such as tumor or red blood cells by insertion of the membrane attack complex derived from complement activation. • Cytotoxic T cell: T cells that can kill other cells, e.g, cells infected with intracellular pathogens. • Endotoxins: Bacterial toxins released from damaged cells.
  • 8. Definitions • Immune response: Development of resistance (immunity) to a foreign substance (e.g, infectious agent). It can be antibody-mediated (humoral), cell- mediated (cellular), or both. • T cell (also T lymphocyte): A thymus- derived cell that participates in a variety of cell-mediated immune reactions.
  • 9. Types of defense mechanisms • The Body defends itself against being invaded and if successfully invaded, it triggers other reactions that fight off the invader. A. Innate Immunity B. Adaptive Immunity
  • 10.
  • 11. A. Innate Immunity • Innate immunity is the defence system which you were born with. • It protects you against all antigens. (nonspecific) • Innate immunity involves barriers that keep harmful materials from entering your body.
  • 12. A. Innate Immunity cont’d. •These barriers form the first line of defence in the immune response. Examples of innate non-humoral immunity include: • Cough reflex, • Enzymes in tears and skin oils • Mucus which traps bacteria and small particles • Skin, • Stomach acid
  • 13. A. Innate Immunity cont’d. • Innate immunity also comes in a protein chemical form, called innate humoral immunity. Also know as Second line of defence • Examples include the body's complement system and substances called interferon and interleukin-1 (which causes fever). • If an antigen gets past these barriers, it is attacked and destroyed by other parts of the immune system.
  • 14. A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d. a. The Skin • Both the skin and the mucous membranes form the first line of defence and belong to nonspecific • The intact skin provides a barrier through which most micro-organism cannot pass, it provides a good defence against invasion. • Most microorganisms enter the body through a break in the skin (cut).
  • 15. A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d. • The secretions of the skin by sweat and sebaceous glands which are acidity and have chemicals which have anti-bacterial properties tend to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • 16. A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d. • b. Mucous Membranes/Surfaces Bacteria are removed mechanically from mucous membranes such as the nose, mouth and vagina as mucus secretions trap the organism. • Bacteria in the respiratory tract are trapped in the sticky secretion on the surface (mucus) and then swept away by the action of cilia, minute hair-like bodies projecting from the cells lining the cavity.
  • 17. A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d. •2.Secretions: •Secretions act in 2 ways: i) Mechanical action: e.g secretions of the bronchi entrap organisms and these are propelled away from the alveoli by the action of cilia in the bronchi and expelled tears by sneezing and coughing in the eye.
  • 18. A. Innate Immunity (non-humoral) cont’d. ii) Chemical action: •Secretions may be acidic like sweat and gastric juice or strongly alkaline like bile.
  • 19. A. Innate Immunity cont’d. • INNATE HUMORAL IMMUNITY. 1.Transferrin and lactoferrin: are substances that tie up iron, thereby preventing pathogens access to this essential mineral. 2. Fever: this augments host defence by stimulating leukocytes to deploy and destroy invaders, reducing available free plasma iron, and inducing the production of interleukin IL- 1, which causes a rise in temperature and proliferation, maturation, and activation of lymphocytes in the immunologic response.
  • 20. CONTD’ •Elevated body temperature also slow down the rate of growth of certain pathogens and can even kill some especially fastidious pathogens.
  • 21. Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d. • Elevated body temperature also slow down the rate of growth of certain pathogens and can even kill some especially fastidious(difficult to grow) pathogens. 3. Interferon’s: are small, antiviral proteins that prevent viral multiplication in virus-infected cells and serve to limit viral infections.
  • 23. Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d. 4. Inflammation (inflammatory reaction/process) •Inflammation is the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. •The damaged cells release chemicals including histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins.
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  • 25. Inflammation cont’d. • These chemicals cause blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, causing swelling. • This helps isolate the foreign substance from further contact with body tissues.
  • 26. Inflammation cont’d. • The chemicals also attract white blood cells called phagocytes that "eat" germs and dead or damaged cells. This process is called phagocytosis. • Phagocytes eventually die. Pus is formed from a collection of dead tissue, dead bacteria, and live and dead phagocytes
  • 27. Inflammation cont’d. •Classic Signs of inflammation: i. RUBOR- Reddish appearance ii. CALOR- Hotness at the site iii. TUMOR- Swelling at the site iv. DOLOR- Pain at the site of injury
  • 28. Inflammation cont’d. • By surrounding the area of infection with plasma which often contains phagocytes, the infection may be prevented from spreading. • Flow of fluid to and from the area of inflammation is largely by lymph vessels.
  • 29. Inflammation cont’d. • Bacteria escaping from the area will usually enter the lymph and will be arrested at the nearest lymph node. • Secondary inflammatory reaction may take place (lymphadenitis) but in many cases the infection will not become generalised.
  • 30. Inflammation cont’d. •This inflammatory response of the tissues tends to restrict the spread of infection within the body and in many cases to overcome it at the cost of inner area damage. •If for some reason the inflammatory response is deficient, the infection will tend to become systemic and much more serious
  • 31. Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d. • 5. Phagocytosis. • The white blood cells, together with certain tissue cells move towards the bacteria and attempt to ingest them by a process known as phagocytosis, engulfment by phagocytes and ingestion by lysosomes.
  • 32.
  • 33. Innate Humoral Immunity cont’d. 6. Complement system: •Complement system, Involves approximately 30 different blood proteins that interact in a step-wise manner known as the complement cascade, to try and clear off any pathogen the body comes in contact with.
  • 34. Consequence of activation of the complement system: • Initiation and amplification of inflammation. • Attraction and activation of leukocytes. • Lysis of bacteria and other foreign cells. • Increased phagocytosis by phagocytic cells. • These defences operate against a variety of micro-organisms, because it is not specific.
  • 35. B. Adaptive Immunity Aka: Acquired; specific
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  • 38. B. Adaptive Immunity • Adaptive immunity, which occurs after exposure to an antigen (e.g., an infectious agent) is specific and is mediated by either antibody or lymphoid cells. • It can be; • i) Natural (Active or Passive or • ii) Artificial (Active or Passive). • Third line of defence
  • 39. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. • Specific defence mechanism is a complement to the function of phagocytes and other elements of the innate immune system. • In contrast to innate defence mechanism, specific defence mechanism allows for a targeted response against a specific pathogen.
  • 40. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. Only vertebrates have specific defence mechanism responses. Two types of white blood cells called lymphocytes are vital to the specific defence mechanism response. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow, and mature into one of several subtypes. The two most common are T cells and B cells.
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  • 45. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. •The human body has B and T cells specific to millions of different antigens. •An antigen is a foreign material that triggers a response from T and B cells.
  • 46.
  • 47. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. • We usually think of antigens as part of microbes, but antigens can be present in other settings. • For example, if a person received a blood transfusion that did not match his blood type, it could trigger reactions from T and B cells. • T and B cells can mature and differentiate into plasma cells that produce a protein called an antibody.
  • 48.
  • 50. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. PASSIVE IMMUNITY • Passive immunity is transmitted by antibodies or lymphocytes preformed in another host. • The passive administration of antibody. (in antisera) against certain viruses (e.g., hepatitis B) can be useful during the incubation period to limit viral multiplication, e.g., after a needlestick injury to someone who has not been vaccinated.
  • 51. Passive Immunity cont’d. •The main advantage of passive immunization with preformed antibodies is the prompt availability of large amounts of antibody; •Disadvantages are the; oShort life span of these antibodies and oPossible hypersensitivity reactions if antibodies (immunoglobulins) from another species are administered.
  • 52. Passive Immunity cont’d. • I. Naturally acquired passive immunity • Here the antibody is obtained by the child from the mother either across the placenta or in breast milk. • The human placenta allows maternal antibodies to pass into the foetal circulation.
  • 53. Naturally acquired passive immunity • The baby is born having maternal antibodies against the diseases to which the mother is immune. • This provides the baby with defence immediately after birth. • The antibodies do not persist. • They disappear after a few months.
  • 54. Passive Immunity cont’d. • Artificially acquired passive immunity • In here the antibody is obtained or protection is derived from the injection (serum) of prepared or readymade antibodies. e.g administering preformed antibodies of rabies vaccine following a rabies dog bite.
  • 55. B. Adaptive Immunity cont’d. Active Immunity • Active immunity is induced after contact with foreign antigens (e.g., microorganisms or their products). • This contact may consist of clinical or subclinical infection, immunization with live or killed infectious agents or their antigens, exposure to microbial products (e.g., toxins, toxoids), or transplantation of foreign cells.
  • 56. Active Immunity cont’d. • In all these instances the host actively produces antibodies, and lymphoid cells acquire the ability to respond to the antigens. • Advantages of active immunity include; • Long-term resistance (based on memory of prior contact with antigen and • The capacity to respond faster and to a greater extent on subsequent contact with the same antigen) • Disadvantages include; • The slow onset of resistance and the need for prolonged or repeated contact with the antigen.
  • 57. Naturally acquired active immunity • This is the type of immunity which is acquired in response to the entry of a live pathogen into the body (i.e., in response to an actual infection) • It has long duration (has memory). • Examples are typhoid fever, measles and small pox.
  • 58. Artificially acquired Active immunity • In here the antibody is obtained or protection is derived from introducing antigens such as vaccines which are live attenuated or dead into the body and then the body produces specific antibodies against them. • Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) is aimed at stimulating the bodies of children to produce specific antibodies against the common childhood killer diseases such as measles, poliomyelitis etc
  • 59. Antibody isotypes of mammals 1. Immunoglobulin A or (IgA) 2. Immunoglobulin D or IgD 3. Immunoglobulin E or IgE 4. Immunoglobulin G or IgG 5. Immunoglobulin M or IgM
  • 60. • Immunoglobulin A or (IgA) Found in mucosal areas, such as the gut, respiratory tract and urogenital tract, and prevents colonization by pathogens. Also found in saliva, tears, and breast milk. • IgD: Functions mainly as an antigen receptor on B cells that have not been exposed to antigens. It has been shown to activate basophils and mast cells to produce antimicrobial factors. • IgE: Binds to allergens and triggers histamine release from mast cells and basophils, and is involved in allergy. Also protects against parasitic worms. • IgG: In its four forms, provides the majority of antibody- based immunity against invading pathogens. The only antibody capable of crossing the placenta to give passive immunity to the foetus. • IgM: Expressed on the surface of B cells and has very high avidity (is a measure of the overall strength of binding of an antigen with many antigenic determinants). • Eliminates pathogens in the early stages of B cell mediated (humoral) immunity before there is sufficient IgG.
  • 61. CONTD’ •This protein or antibody is specifically targeted to a particular antigen. •However, B cells alone are not very good at making antibody and rely on T cells to provide a signal that they should begin the process of maturation.
  • 62. CONTD’ •When a properly informed B cell recognizes the antigen it is coded to respond to, it divides and produces many plasma cells. • The plasma cells then secrete large numbers of antibodies, which fight specific antigens circulating in the blood.
  • 63. CONTD’ •T cells are activated when a particular phagocyte known as an antigen-presenting cell (APC) (the APC-is a trigger for the various elements of the specific immune response) displays the antigen to which the T cell is specific.
  • 64. Other cells •A subtype of T cell known as a T helper cell performs a number of roles. •T helper cells release chemicals to •Help activate B cells to divide into plasma cells •Call in phagocytes to destroy microbes •Activate killer T cells
  • 65.
  • 66. CONTD’ •Once activated, killer T cells recognize infected body cells and destroy them. • Regulatory T cells (also called suppressor T cells) help to control the immune response. •They recognize when a threat has been contained and then send out signals to stop the attack.
  • 67. Organs and Tissues of defence mechanisms • The cells that make up the specific immune response circulate in the blood, but they are also found in a variety of organs. • These immune tissues and organs allow for maturation of immune cells, trap pathogens and provide a place where immune cells can interact with one another and mount a specific response.
  • 68. CONTD’ •Organs and tissues involved in the immune system include the thymus, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, appendix, tonsils, and Peyer’s patches (in the small intestine).

Editor's Notes

  1. Innate immunity is immunity that is pre-existing and is not acquired through contact with a nonself (foreign) entity known as an antigen. Innate immunity is the defence system which you were born with. It protects you against all antigens. (nonspecific) Innate immunity involves barriers that keep harmful materials from entering your body.
  2. Innate immunity also comes in a protein chemical form, called innate humoral immunity. Examples include the body's complement system and substances called interferon and interleukin-1 (which causes fever). Both the skin and the mucous membranes form the first line of defence and belong to nonspecific The secretions of the skin by sweat and sebaceous glands which are acidity and have chemicals which have anti-bacterial properties tend to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  3.  Humoral immunity is named so because it involves substances found in the humors, or body fluids.
  4. Interferons are chemicals produced by infected cells.
  5. The inflammatory response (inflammation) occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli as well as initiate the healing process for the tissue. Following injury or entry of microorganisms into body tissues, a series of changes take place. The small blood vessels increase in diameter and the rate of blood flow increases, the area becomes redder and warmer than its surroundings. This causes local swelling.
  6. Role of Complement in Disease The complement system plays a critical role in inflammation and defence against some bacterial infections. Complement may also be activated during reactions against incompatible blood transfusions, and during the damaging immune responses that accompany autoimmune disease. Deficiencies of individual complement components or inhibitors of the system can lead to a variety of diseases (Table 1), which gives some indication of their role in protection against disease.
  7. T cells are so called because they are predominantly produced in the thymus. They recognise  foreign particles (antigen) by a surface expressed, highly variable, T cell receptor (TCR). There are two major types of T cells: the helper T cell and the cytotoxic T cell. As the names suggest helper T cells ‘help’ other cells of the immune system, whilst cytotoxic T cells kill virally infected cells and tumours. Unlike antibody, the TCR cannot bind antigen directly.  Instead it needs to have broken-down peptides of the antigen ‘presented’ to it by an antigen presenting cell (APC). The molecules on the APC that present the antigen are called major histocompatibility complexes (MHC).  There are two types of MHC: MHC class I and MHC class II.   MHC class I presents to cytotoxic T cells; MHC class II presents to helper T cells.
  8. Artificial immunity is subdivided into active or passive according to whether the person actively participates by making his own antibodies (active) or passively through receiving antibodies present in therapeutic sera.
  9. Immunoglobulin A or (IgA) Found in mucosal areas, such as the gut, respiratory tract and urogenital tract, and prevents colonization by pathogens. Also found in saliva, tears, and breast milk. IgD: Functions mainly as an antigen receptor on B cells that have not been exposed to antigens. It has been shown to activate basophils and mast cells to produce antimicrobial factors. IgE: Binds to allergens and triggers histamine release from mast cells and basophils, and is involved in allergy. Also protects against parasitic worms. IgG: In its four forms, provides the majority of antibody-based immunity against invading pathogens. The only antibody capable of crossing the placenta to give passive immunity to the foetus. IgM: Expressed on the surface of B cells and has very high avidity (is a measure of the overall strength of binding of an antigen with many antigenic determinants). Eliminates pathogens in the early stages of B cell mediated (humoral) immunity before there is sufficient IgG.