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Dr. Uttam Laudari
Venous Thromboembolism
 Major cause of morbidity and mortality in the
hospitalized patient, particularly in the surgical patient.
 The triad of venous stasis, endothelial injury, and
hypercoagulable state first posited by Virchow in 1856
 The most dreaded sequel to acute DVT is that of
pulmonary embolism, a condition of potentially lethal
 The late consequence of DVT, particularly of the
iliofemoral veins, can be CVI and ultimately post-
thrombotic syndrome, as a result of valvular
dysfunction in the presence of luminal obstruction
 Hepercoagulbility-
 Most impotant in most cases of spontaneous VTE (Idiopathic
 Stasis and endothelial damage
 Greater role in secondary VTE( provoked VTE)
 Occurs in association with risk factors like immobilasation,
surgical procedures and trauma
The Hypercoagulable State
 Factor V Leiden mutation
 Prothrombin gene mutation
 Protein C deficiency
 Protein S deficiency
 Antithrombin III deficiency
 Homocysteine
 Antiphospholipid syndrome
 After major operations
 Damaged tissue tissue factor may be released into the
 potent procoagulant expressed on the leukocyte cell surface as
and as soluble form in the bloodstream
•Increases in platelet count,
•changes in coagulation
•endogenous fibrinolytic
 soleal sinuses are the most common sites of initiation
of venous thrombosis.
 stasis may contribute to the endothelial cellular layer
contacting activated platelets and procoagulant
factors, thereby leading to DVT.
 Stasis, in and of itself, has never been shown to be a
causative factor for DVT.
Venous Injury
 venous thrombosis occurs in veins that are distant from the site
of operation
 multiple microtears noted within the valve cusps that resulted in
the exposure of the subendothelial matrix
Initial Evaluation
1. Approximately 75% of patients with suspected DVT
or PE turn out not to have these condition
2. Assessment of Risk factor
Initial Evaluation
3. Clinical presentation
• Extremity pain
• Increased cicumference with respect to
contralateral extremity
• Dilatation of supeficial veins of suspected
extremity only
• Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
o Extensive DVT of major axial deep venous channels
o Relative sparing of collaterals
o Pain, pitting oedema and cyanosis
• Phlegmasia alba dolens
 Thrombous extension to collateral system
 Massive fluid sequestrationsignificant oedema
 Extremely painful and oedematous, pale secondary
to arterial insufficiency increases in below in
compartment pressue
Differential diagnosis
 Ruptured Baker’s cyst
 Calf muscle hematoma
 Ruptured plantaris muscle
 Thrombosed popliteal aneurysm
 Arterial ischemia
Assessing Clinical likelyhood
Clinical Variable Score
Active cancer 1
Paralysis, paresis, or recent cast 1
Bedridden for >3 days; major surgery
<12 weeks
Tenderness along distribution of deep
Entire leg swelling 1
Unilateral calf swelling >3 cm 1
Pitting edema 1
Collateral superficial nonvaricose veins 1
Alternative diagnosis at least as likely
as DVT
Low Clinical Likelihood of DVT if Point Score Is Zero
or Less
Moderate-Likelihood Score Is 1 to 2
High-Likelihood Score Is 3 or Greater
Assessing Clinical likelyhood
Clinical Variable Score
Signs and symptoms of DVT 3.0
Alternative diagnosis less likely than PE 3.0
Heart rate >100/min 1.5
Immobilization >3 days; surgery within 4
Prior PE or DVT 1.5
Hemoptysis 1.0
Cancer 1.0
High Clinical Likelihood of PE if Point Score Exceeds
Nonimaging Diagnostic Modalities
 Blood test
 D-Dimer rises in the presence of DVT or PE because of the
breakdown of fibrin by plasmin.
 The sensitivity of the d-dimer is >80% for DVT (including
isolated calf DVT) and >95% for PE.
 The d-dimer is less sensitive for DVT than for PE because
the DVT thrombus size is smaller.
 The d-dimer is a useful "rule out" test.
 More than 95% of patients with a normal (<500 ng/mL) d-
dimer do not have PE.
• The d-dimer assay is not specific.
 Levels increase in patients with
 myocardial infarction,
 pneumonia, sepsis,
 cancer,
 the postoperative state
 those in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.
• Therefore, d-dimer rarely has a useful role among
hospitalized patients, because levels are
frequently elevated due to systemic illness.
Noninvasive Imaging Modalities
 USG rules out other D/ds
 Baker's cyst (also known as a popliteal or synovial
 hematoma
 technically poor or nondiagnostic venous
ultrasound alternative imaging modalities CT
and MRI
Duplex ultrasound
 Real time B mode USG +pulse doppler capability
 Lack of spontaneous flow
 Incompressibility
 Absence of color filling of lumen by color flow DUS
 Loss of respiratory flow variation and venous
Chest CT
 RV enlargement on chest CT indicates an
increased likelihood of death within the next 30
days compared with PE patients who have
normal RV size on chest CT.
 imaging is continued below the chest to the
knee pelvic and proximal leg DVT also can be
diagnosed by CT scanning.
 Rules out other
 pneumonia, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis,
pulmonary mass, and aortic pathology.
Lung Scanning
 second-line diagnostic test for PE
 used mostly for patients who cannot tolerate intravenous
 Small particulate aggregates of albumin labeled with a
gamma-emitting radionuclide are injected intravenously
and are trapped in the pulmonary capillary bed
 perfusion scan defect indicates absent or decreased
blood flow, possibly due to PE.
 Ventilation scans, obtained with a radiolabeled inhaled
gas such as xenon or krypton, improve the specificity of
the perfusion scan.
 A high-probability scan for PE is defined as one
that indicates two or more segmental perfusion
defects in the presence of normal ventilation
Magnetic Resonance (MR)
 suspected VTE patients with renal insufficiency or
contrast dye allergy.
 may detect large proximal PE but is not reliable for
smaller segmental and subsegmental PE.
 useful diagnostic tool for detecting conditions that
may mimic PE, such as acute myocardial infarction,
pericardial tamponade, and aortic dissection
 The best-known indirect sign of PE on transthoracic
echocardiography is McConnell's sign: hypokinesis
of the RV free wall with normal motion of the RV apex
Pulmonary angiography
 technically unsatisfactory chest CTs
 interventional procedure such as catheter-directed
thrombolysis or embolectomy is planned.
 visualization of an intraluminal filling defect in more
than one projection.
 Secondary signs of PE include abrupt occlusion
("cut-off") of vessels, segmental oligemia or
avascularity, a prolonged arterial phase with slow
filling, and tortuous, tapering peripheral vessels.
 Goal of VTE Management
 Prevention of mortality and morbidity associated
with PE and prevention of post thrombotic
 Treatment option
 Antithrombotic therapy
 Temporary or permanent venacaval filter placement
 Catheter directed or systemic thrombolytic therapy
 Operative thrombectomy
Antithrombotic therapy
 IV or SC UFH
 Foundaparinux
 Warfarin
 Begun after initiation IV/SC therapy
 IV/SC continued until oral anticoagulatio achieved
( INR>2)
 Minimum 5 days of heparin or fondaparinux recommended
 Binds to antithombin III
 inhibits factor IIa ( Thrombin) and facto Xa and also F
IXa,XIa and XIIA of coagulation cascade
 Dose-
 IV bolus- 80u/kg
 Followed by continious IV drip at 18units/kg/hr
 T1/2- 45-90min (dose dependent)
 Monitoring- aPTT 6hourly
 aPTT goal- 1.5 to 2 times the control value
Complication of UFH
 Fatal, intracranial hemorrhage, retroperitoneal or
requiring >2 unit of packed red cell is aprox 5 % in
hospitalized patient
 Management
 Discontinue UFH
 Protamine sulphate
 1mg protamine neutralizes 90-115 unit of heparin
 Dose not to exceed 50mg IV over any 10 min
 Protamine sulphate side effect
 Hypotension
 Pulmonary edema
 Anaphylaxis
 Patient on NPH and allergic to fish
Complication of UFH
2. HIT
 Results due to heparin associated antiplatelets
antibody complex
 Repeted heparin exposure( vascular Sx- 21%)
 Occurs m/c in 2nd week of therapy
 Platelet counts to be monitored periodically
 Dx- exposure to Heparin + platelets <100,000 and/ or
decline in 50% of platelet following exposure
Complication of UFH
3. Heparin induced osteopenia
impairment of bone formation and enhancement of
bone resorption by heparin
 Derived from polymerization of porcine UFH
 Act more on F Xa
 Increased bioavailability
 2-4 times longer half life
 Can be administered S.C without lab monitoring
 Partially reversible by protamine (60%)
 Patient requiring monitoring
 Severe renal impairment, pediatrics,pregnants, wt>120kg
 HIT <2%
 Established HIT- not be used
 Outpatient treatment
 Reduce hospital stay
 Synthetic petasaccharide
 Activated antithrombin and Xa inhibiion
 Recurrent VTE- 3.8-5%
 Major bleeding- 2-2.6%
 Administered – SC once daily dose
 Half life 17 hour
Direct thrombin inhibitors
 Hirudin,argatroban and bivalirudin
 Binds thrombin and inhibiting conversion of fribrinogen to
fibrin and fribrin induced thrombocytopenia
 Used for high suspicion/confirmed HIT or with
history of HIT or HAAb positive cases
 Requires aPTT adjustment
Vitamin K antagonist
 Main stay of long term antithrombotic therapy
 Warfarin and other coumarin derivatives
 Inhibits gamma carboxyaltion of Vit K dependent factors and
protein C and S
 Requires several days to achieve full effect ( 4-5 days)
 Monitored by INR
 INR= (patient PT/lab normal PT)*ISI
 ISI- international senstivity index- strength of thromboplastin
that is added to activate the extrinsci coagualtion pathway
 Therapeutic range- 2-3
 To be started on same day of starting parenteral
anticoagualation ( except with concominant thrombolysis
and venous thrombectomy)
 Usual starting dose 50-10mg
 Smaller dose for older, malnourished, liver disease and
 Variability of response
 Depends upon Liver funtion, diet, age and medicaitons used
 Primary complication- hemorrhage
 Reversal- VIT-K, FFP, prothrombin factor complex,
Recombinant F VIIa
 Warfarin therapy rarely causes skin necrosis and limb
 M:F=1:4
 Breat, buttock, thigh
Systemic and catheter directed
 Indication
 Extensive proximal, iliofemoral DVT
 Streptokinase
 B-hemolytic streptococcus
 Acute MI,PE,DVT, arterial thromboembolism, occulded
central lines
 Limited use- antigenicity (fever/shiver-1-4%)
 Urokinase
 Human neonatal kidney
 Alteplase,reteplase
 Recombinant variants of tissue plasminogen activator
 CDT of DVT, PE, acute MI
Systemic thrombolysis/ CDT
 Systemic thrombolysis
 More clot lysis
 Less PTS
 More bleeding complication
 Administer lytic agent alone
 Pharmacomechanical clot lysis
Inferior Venacaval filters
Patients with proven VTE with
 contraindication for anticoagulation
 complication of anticoagulation
 or recurrent VTE despite of anticoagulaiton
Operative thrombectomy
 ileofemoral DVT
 Worsening with anticoagulation therapy
 Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
 Impending venous gangrene
 Pulmonary thormobectomy
 Massive pulmo emboli with failed thrombolysis or
contraindication to thrombolytics
 Posterolateral thoracotomy
 Percutaneous catheter based technique- mechanical
clot fragmentation followed by CDT
 Use of one or more pharmacologic or mechanical
Elastic compression stockings
 Assist calf muscle pump and reduce venous
hypertension and venous valvular reflux
 Reduces leg edema, aids the microcirculaiton,
prevents ischemia
 Regular use of ECS reduced the Post thrombotic
syndrome by 50%
 30- to 40-mmHg vascular compression
 When patients are in bed, the stockings need not be
 ACCP Concensus Conference on antithrombotic and
thrombolytic therapy for VTE (2012)
 Ambulation as tolerated for patient with DVT
 Early ambulaiton on day 2 after initiation of outpatient anticoagulant
therapy in addtion to ECS is strongly recommended
 Early ambulation without ECS is not recommended due to fear of
dislodging clots and precipititing fatal PE
 The practice of having a patient “out of bed into a chair” is one of the
most thrombogenic positions.
 Sitting in a chair with the legs in a dependent position causes venous
pooling thromboembolism.
Level of Risk Approx DVT Risk
s option
Very low risk
General or abdominopelvic
score<7;Caprini score
No specific drugs
Early ambulation
low risk
General or abdominopelvic
(Rogers score 7-10
Caprini score 1-2)
Moderate risk
General or abdominopelvic
(Rogers score>10
7;Caprini score 3-4)
High Bleeding risk Mechanical
High Risk
General or abdominopelvic
score<7;Caprini score
LMWH, fondaparinux,
 Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery 10th edition
 Sabiston Text book of Surgery 19th Edition
 Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 18th
 Bailey and Love’s short Practice of Surgery ( 25th)
 Washington Manual of Surgery 6th Edition
 Medscape
 Thank you

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Deep vein thrombosis

  • 2.  Major cause of morbidity and mortality in the hospitalized patient, particularly in the surgical patient.  The triad of venous stasis, endothelial injury, and hypercoagulable state first posited by Virchow in 1856
  • 3.  The most dreaded sequel to acute DVT is that of pulmonary embolism, a condition of potentially lethal consequence.  The late consequence of DVT, particularly of the iliofemoral veins, can be CVI and ultimately post- thrombotic syndrome, as a result of valvular dysfunction in the presence of luminal obstruction
  • 4.  Hepercoagulbility-  Most impotant in most cases of spontaneous VTE (Idiopathic VTE)  Stasis and endothelial damage  Greater role in secondary VTE( provoked VTE)  Occurs in association with risk factors like immobilasation, surgical procedures and trauma
  • 5. The Hypercoagulable State  Factor V Leiden mutation  Prothrombin gene mutation  Protein C deficiency  Protein S deficiency  Antithrombin III deficiency  Homocysteine  Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • 6.  After major operations  Damaged tissue tissue factor may be released into the bloodstream  potent procoagulant expressed on the leukocyte cell surface as and as soluble form in the bloodstream •Increases in platelet count, •adhesiveness, •changes in coagulation cascade, •endogenous fibrinolytic activity Thrombosis
  • 7. Stasis  soleal sinuses are the most common sites of initiation of venous thrombosis.  stasis may contribute to the endothelial cellular layer contacting activated platelets and procoagulant factors, thereby leading to DVT.  Stasis, in and of itself, has never been shown to be a causative factor for DVT.
  • 8. Venous Injury  venous thrombosis occurs in veins that are distant from the site of operation  multiple microtears noted within the valve cusps that resulted in the exposure of the subendothelial matrix
  • 9. Initial Evaluation 1. Approximately 75% of patients with suspected DVT or PE turn out not to have these condition 2. Assessment of Risk factor
  • 10. Initial Evaluation 3. Clinical presentation • Extremity pain • Increased cicumference with respect to contralateral extremity • Dilatation of supeficial veins of suspected extremity only
  • 11. • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens o Extensive DVT of major axial deep venous channels o Relative sparing of collaterals o Pain, pitting oedema and cyanosis • Phlegmasia alba dolens  Thrombous extension to collateral system  Massive fluid sequestrationsignificant oedema  Extremely painful and oedematous, pale secondary to arterial insufficiency increases in below in compartment pressue
  • 12. Differential diagnosis  Ruptured Baker’s cyst  Calf muscle hematoma  Ruptured plantaris muscle  Thrombosed popliteal aneurysm  Arterial ischemia
  • 13. Assessing Clinical likelyhood Clinical Variable Score Active cancer 1 Paralysis, paresis, or recent cast 1 Bedridden for >3 days; major surgery <12 weeks 1 Tenderness along distribution of deep veins 1 Entire leg swelling 1 Unilateral calf swelling >3 cm 1 Pitting edema 1 Collateral superficial nonvaricose veins 1 Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT –2 Low Clinical Likelihood of DVT if Point Score Is Zero or Less Moderate-Likelihood Score Is 1 to 2 High-Likelihood Score Is 3 or Greater
  • 14. Assessing Clinical likelyhood Clinical Variable Score Signs and symptoms of DVT 3.0 Alternative diagnosis less likely than PE 3.0 Heart rate >100/min 1.5 Immobilization >3 days; surgery within 4 weeks 1.5 Prior PE or DVT 1.5 Hemoptysis 1.0 Cancer 1.0 High Clinical Likelihood of PE if Point Score Exceeds 4
  • 15. Nonimaging Diagnostic Modalities  Blood test  D-Dimer rises in the presence of DVT or PE because of the breakdown of fibrin by plasmin.  The sensitivity of the d-dimer is >80% for DVT (including isolated calf DVT) and >95% for PE.  The d-dimer is less sensitive for DVT than for PE because the DVT thrombus size is smaller.  The d-dimer is a useful "rule out" test.  More than 95% of patients with a normal (<500 ng/mL) d- dimer do not have PE.
  • 16. • The d-dimer assay is not specific.  Levels increase in patients with  myocardial infarction,  pneumonia, sepsis,  cancer,  the postoperative state  those in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. • Therefore, d-dimer rarely has a useful role among hospitalized patients, because levels are frequently elevated due to systemic illness.
  • 18.
  • 19.  USG rules out other D/ds  Baker's cyst (also known as a popliteal or synovial cyst  hematoma  technically poor or nondiagnostic venous ultrasound alternative imaging modalities CT and MRI
  • 20. Duplex ultrasound  Real time B mode USG +pulse doppler capability  Lack of spontaneous flow  Incompressibility  Absence of color filling of lumen by color flow DUS  Loss of respiratory flow variation and venous distension
  • 21. Chest CT  RV enlargement on chest CT indicates an increased likelihood of death within the next 30 days compared with PE patients who have normal RV size on chest CT.  imaging is continued below the chest to the knee pelvic and proximal leg DVT also can be diagnosed by CT scanning.  Rules out other  pneumonia, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary mass, and aortic pathology.
  • 22. Lung Scanning  second-line diagnostic test for PE  used mostly for patients who cannot tolerate intravenous contrast  Small particulate aggregates of albumin labeled with a gamma-emitting radionuclide are injected intravenously and are trapped in the pulmonary capillary bed  perfusion scan defect indicates absent or decreased blood flow, possibly due to PE.  Ventilation scans, obtained with a radiolabeled inhaled gas such as xenon or krypton, improve the specificity of the perfusion scan.
  • 23.  A high-probability scan for PE is defined as one that indicates two or more segmental perfusion defects in the presence of normal ventilation
  • 24. Magnetic Resonance (MR)  suspected VTE patients with renal insufficiency or contrast dye allergy.  may detect large proximal PE but is not reliable for smaller segmental and subsegmental PE.
  • 25. Echocardiography  useful diagnostic tool for detecting conditions that may mimic PE, such as acute myocardial infarction, pericardial tamponade, and aortic dissection  The best-known indirect sign of PE on transthoracic echocardiography is McConnell's sign: hypokinesis of the RV free wall with normal motion of the RV apex
  • 26. Pulmonary angiography  technically unsatisfactory chest CTs  interventional procedure such as catheter-directed thrombolysis or embolectomy is planned.  visualization of an intraluminal filling defect in more than one projection.  Secondary signs of PE include abrupt occlusion ("cut-off") of vessels, segmental oligemia or avascularity, a prolonged arterial phase with slow filling, and tortuous, tapering peripheral vessels.
  • 27. Management  Goal of VTE Management  Prevention of mortality and morbidity associated with PE and prevention of post thrombotic syndrome  Treatment option  Antithrombotic therapy  Temporary or permanent venacaval filter placement  Catheter directed or systemic thrombolytic therapy  Operative thrombectomy
  • 28. Antithrombotic therapy  IV or SC UFH  SC LMWH  Foundaparinux  Warfarin  Begun after initiation IV/SC therapy  IV/SC continued until oral anticoagulatio achieved ( INR>2)  Minimum 5 days of heparin or fondaparinux recommended
  • 29. UFH  Binds to antithombin III  inhibits factor IIa ( Thrombin) and facto Xa and also F IXa,XIa and XIIA of coagulation cascade  Dose-  IV bolus- 80u/kg  Followed by continious IV drip at 18units/kg/hr  T1/2- 45-90min (dose dependent)  Monitoring- aPTT 6hourly  aPTT goal- 1.5 to 2 times the control value
  • 30. Complication of UFH 1.Hemorrahage  Fatal, intracranial hemorrhage, retroperitoneal or requiring >2 unit of packed red cell is aprox 5 % in hospitalized patient  Management  Discontinue UFH  Protamine sulphate  1mg protamine neutralizes 90-115 unit of heparin  Dose not to exceed 50mg IV over any 10 min
  • 31.  Protamine sulphate side effect  Hypotension  Pulmonary edema  Anaphylaxis  Patient on NPH and allergic to fish
  • 32. Complication of UFH 2. HIT  Results due to heparin associated antiplatelets antibody complex  Repeted heparin exposure( vascular Sx- 21%)  Occurs m/c in 2nd week of therapy  Platelet counts to be monitored periodically  Dx- exposure to Heparin + platelets <100,000 and/ or decline in 50% of platelet following exposure
  • 33. Complication of UFH 3. Heparin induced osteopenia impairment of bone formation and enhancement of bone resorption by heparin
  • 34. LMWH(enoxaparin)  Derived from polymerization of porcine UFH  Act more on F Xa  Increased bioavailability  2-4 times longer half life  Can be administered S.C without lab monitoring  Partially reversible by protamine (60%)  Patient requiring monitoring  Severe renal impairment, pediatrics,pregnants, wt>120kg  HIT <2%  Established HIT- not be used  Outpatient treatment  Reduce hospital stay
  • 35. Fondaparinux  Synthetic petasaccharide  Activated antithrombin and Xa inhibiion  Recurrent VTE- 3.8-5%  Major bleeding- 2-2.6%  Administered – SC once daily dose  Half life 17 hour
  • 36. Direct thrombin inhibitors  Hirudin,argatroban and bivalirudin  Binds thrombin and inhibiting conversion of fribrinogen to fibrin and fribrin induced thrombocytopenia  Used for high suspicion/confirmed HIT or with history of HIT or HAAb positive cases  Requires aPTT adjustment
  • 37. Vitamin K antagonist  Main stay of long term antithrombotic therapy  Warfarin and other coumarin derivatives  Inhibits gamma carboxyaltion of Vit K dependent factors and protein C and S  Requires several days to achieve full effect ( 4-5 days)  Monitored by INR  INR= (patient PT/lab normal PT)*ISI  ISI- international senstivity index- strength of thromboplastin that is added to activate the extrinsci coagualtion pathway
  • 38. warfarin  Therapeutic range- 2-3  To be started on same day of starting parenteral anticoagualation ( except with concominant thrombolysis and venous thrombectomy)  Usual starting dose 50-10mg  Smaller dose for older, malnourished, liver disease and CHF  Variability of response  Depends upon Liver funtion, diet, age and medicaitons used
  • 39.
  • 40.  Primary complication- hemorrhage  Reversal- VIT-K, FFP, prothrombin factor complex, Recombinant F VIIa  Warfarin therapy rarely causes skin necrosis and limb gangrene  M:F=1:4  Breat, buttock, thigh
  • 41. Systemic and catheter directed lysis(CDT)  Indication  Extensive proximal, iliofemoral DVT  Streptokinase  B-hemolytic streptococcus  Acute MI,PE,DVT, arterial thromboembolism, occulded central lines  Limited use- antigenicity (fever/shiver-1-4%)  Urokinase  Human neonatal kidney  Alteplase,reteplase  Recombinant variants of tissue plasminogen activator  CDT of DVT, PE, acute MI
  • 42. Systemic thrombolysis/ CDT  Systemic thrombolysis  More clot lysis  Less PTS  More bleeding complication  CDT  Administer lytic agent alone  Pharmacomechanical clot lysis
  • 43. Inferior Venacaval filters Patients with proven VTE with  contraindication for anticoagulation  complication of anticoagulation  or recurrent VTE despite of anticoagulaiton
  • 44. Operative thrombectomy  ileofemoral DVT  Worsening with anticoagulation therapy  Phlegmasia cerulea dolens  Impending venous gangrene  Pulmonary thormobectomy  Massive pulmo emboli with failed thrombolysis or contraindication to thrombolytics  Posterolateral thoracotomy  Percutaneous catheter based technique- mechanical clot fragmentation followed by CDT
  • 45. Prophylaxis  Use of one or more pharmacologic or mechanical modalities
  • 46. Elastic compression stockings  Assist calf muscle pump and reduce venous hypertension and venous valvular reflux  Reduces leg edema, aids the microcirculaiton, prevents ischemia  Regular use of ECS reduced the Post thrombotic syndrome by 50%  30- to 40-mmHg vascular compression  When patients are in bed, the stockings need not be worn
  • 47. Ambulation  ACCP Concensus Conference on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy for VTE (2012)  Ambulation as tolerated for patient with DVT  Early ambulaiton on day 2 after initiation of outpatient anticoagulant therapy in addtion to ECS is strongly recommended  Early ambulation without ECS is not recommended due to fear of dislodging clots and precipititing fatal PE  The practice of having a patient “out of bed into a chair” is one of the most thrombogenic positions.  Sitting in a chair with the legs in a dependent position causes venous pooling thromboembolism.
  • 48. Level of Risk Approx DVT Risk without Thromboprophylaxis (%) Thromboprophylaxi s option Very low risk General or abdominopelvic surgery <0.5% (Rogers score<7;Caprini score 0) No specific drugs Early ambulation low risk General or abdominopelvic surgery ~1.5% (Rogers score 7-10 Caprini score 1-2) Mechanical Prohpylaxis Moderate risk General or abdominopelvic surgery ~3% (Rogers score>10 7;Caprini score 3-4) LMWH,LDUH or mechanial prophylaxis High Bleeding risk Mechanical prophylaxis High Risk General or abdominopelvic surgery ~6%(Rogers score<7;Caprini score >5) LMWH, fondaparinux, mechanical prophylaxis
  • 49. References  Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery 10th edition  Sabiston Text book of Surgery 19th Edition  Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine 18th edition  Bailey and Love’s short Practice of Surgery ( 25th)  Washington Manual of Surgery 6th Edition  Medscape