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Cell Structure and Function in
Bacteria and Archaea
Chapter 3
Prokaryotes: two distinct domains
 The prokaryotes are divided into two very
distinct groups:
– Eubacteria
– Archaea
 Essential distinctive points are the cell wall
composition, the type of lipids synthesized by
the cells, and the structure of RNA
Major morphologies of bacterial cells
 Cocci (singular coccus) round cells
 Diplococci (when cocci divide and remains
together to form pairs
 Long chain cocci when cells adhere to each
other after repeated cell division in one plane
such as Streptococcus agalactiae
 Grapelike structure when they divide in random
planes such as Staphylococcus aureus
Major morphologies of bacterial cells
 Bacilli (singular bacillus) rod shaped cells and
differ in their length to width ratio
 Some they are arranged in chains such as
Bacillus megaterium
 Spirilla (singular spirillum) spiral shaped cells or
Spirochetes, flexible
 Comma shaped such as Vibrio cholera
 In addition to the basic shapes there are star
shaped cell, rectangular flat cells and triangular
 Pleomorphic (do not have certain size or shape)
Bacterial morphology
Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness
Size range for prokaryotes: 0.2 µm to
>700 µm in diameter
– Most cultured rod-shaped bacteria
are between 0.5 and 4.0 µm wide
and <15 µm long
– Some small nanobacteria range from
– Examples of very large prokaryotes
Size range for eukaryotic cells: 10 to
>200 µm in diameter
Bacterial sizes
Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness
Surface-to-Volume Ratios, Growth
Rates, and Evolution
Advantages to being small
– Small cells have more surface area
relative to cell volume than large
cells (i.e., higher S/V)
– support greater nutrient
exchange per unit cell volume
– tend to grow faster than larger
Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness
Elements of Microbial Structure
 Eukaryotic Cells
DNA enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus
Cells are generally larger and more complex
Contain organelles
Elements of Microbial Structure
• Prokaryotic cell
No membrane-enclosed organelles, no
Generally smaller than eukaryotic cells
Bacterial structure
Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes
 Single cell organisms. Discriminating
characteristics are:
– No defined nucleus (no nuclear
membrane) NUCLEOID
– Circular DNA. Bacterial cells are HAPLOID
(one single copy of the chromosome)
– Plasmids (can be found in yeast as well)
– No membrane bound organelles
– Presence of a CELL WALL
– 70S ribosomes
– Inclusion bodies (storage of C, P and
The Cytoplasmic Membrane in Bacteria
 Cytoplasmic membrane:
– Thin structure that surrounds the cell
– 6–8 nm thick
– Vital barrier that separates cytoplasm from
– Highly selective permeable barrier;
enables concentration of specific
metabolites and excretion of waste
– Transport of nutrients and waste products
Bacterial Cell Membranes
 The prokaryotic plasma membrane is not
only a selective barrier, but also the location
of a variety of crucial metabolic processes:
respiration, photosynthesis, and synthesis of
lipids and cell wall constituents. Consists
primarily of phospholipids and proteins
 Arranged as phospholipid bilayer with
scattered proteins. Phospholipids and
proteins move freely within the surface giving
rise to a fluid mosaic.
Fluid mosaic model
Membrane lipids are phospholipids
No Sterol such as cholesterol, instead bacteria has hapnoids
Phospholipid bilayer membrane
Composition of Membranes
– General structure is phospholipid bilayer
Contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic
– Can exist in many different chemical forms
as a result of variation in the groups
attached to the glycerol backbone
– Fatty acids point inward to form
hydrophobic environment; hydrophilic
portions remain exposed to external
environment or the cytoplasm
Cell membranes
 Membrane lipids are amphipathic with polar
and non-polar ends.
Two types of proteins
 Peripheral- are loosely associated to the
membrane and can be easily separated.
Generally they make up between 20 and
30% of the total membrane proteins
 Integral proteins- are amphipathic like the
lipids, much more strongly associated to the
membrane, and make up about 70 to 80% of
total proteins.
Archaeal membrane
 Can exist as lipid monolayers, bilayers, or
General structure of lipids
Ether linkages in phospholipids of Archaea
(Bacteria and Eukarya that have ester linkages in
Diether and tetraether
Major lipids are glycerol diethers and tetraethers
The Cytoplasmic Membrane
Archaeal Membranes
– Ether linkages in phospholipids of
Archaea (Bacteria and Eukarya that
have ester linkages in phospholipids
– Archaeal lipids lack fatty acids, have
isoprenes instead
– Major lipids are glycerol diethers and
– Can exist as lipid monolayers,
bilayers, or mixture
Membrane infoldings in bacteria
 Bacteria lack membrane bound organelle like
mitochondria, chloroplasts, etc…but some has
plasma membrane infoldings
 Plasma membrane infoldings are common and can
become extensive and complex in photosynthetic or
nitrogen fixing bacteria. They provide a larger
surface for greater metabolic activity
 Bacteria exist in a very competitive environment
where nutrients are usually in SHORT SUPPLY, so
they tend to store up extra nutrients when possible.
Organic inclusion bodies
Glycogen- storage
of glucose polymers
 Poly-β-
(PHB) for lipid storage
Inclusion bodies
Inorganic inclusion bodies
Polyphosphate and sulfur granules.
Inorganic inclusion bodies
Magnetosomes include magnetic matter
(greigite, magnetite, pyrite)
Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum
Gas Vesicles
– Confer buoyancy in planktonic cells
Spindle-shaped, gas-filled structures made
of protein
– Gas vesicle impermeable to water
– Function by decreasing cell density
– Gas vacuole is another type of inclusion
body, are present in photosynthetic
bacteria and aquatic procaryotes
– Carboxysomes in photosynthetic bacteria
contain the enzyme Rubisco which is used
in CO2 fixation
Gas vesicles
Prokaryotic cytoskeleton
 Homologous of all eukaryotic cytoskeletal
elements (microfilaments, intermediate
filaments, and microtubules) have been
identified in bacteria. One homologous
identified in archaea.
 Structurally similar carry out similar functions:
cell division, protein localization, cell shape.
 Prokaryotic ribosomes are very abundant in
the cell. Structurally and functionally similar
to eukaryotic ribosomes. They are the site of
protein synthesis and are composed of
protein and rRNA.
 Smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes. 70S
rather than 80S.
 Bacterial ribosomes consists of small (30S)
and large (50S) subunit
Arrangement of DNA in Microbial Cells
 Genome
– A cell’s full complement of genes
 Prokaryotic cells generally have a single,
circular DNA molecule called a chromosome
– DNA aggregates to form the nucleoid region
Ruptured cell where the
chromosomes are located in
the nucleoid
 Prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane
delimited nucleus and the prokaryotic
chromosome is located in an irregularly
shaped region called the nucleoid.
 Prokaryotes contain a single circle of double
stranded DNA but some have linear DNA,
and some (Vibrio cholerae and Borrellia
burgdorferi) have more than one
 DNA is packaged efficiently to fit inside the
 Bacteria do not use histones to package their
 Small double strand DNA molecules that
exist independently of the chromosome.
They can be linear, but the majority are
 They have relatively few genes, but they
confer a selective advantage to the bacteria
in certain environments.
 Plasmids replicate autonomously and can be
integrated in the chromosome (episomes).
 Conjugative plasmids: genes for the
construction of hair-like structures called sex
pili that help transfer of plasmids from cell to
cell during conjugation (F factor).
 Resistance factors: confer antibiotic
resistance. A single or as many as eight
resistance genes.
 Bacteriocin-encoding plasmids: coding for
bacteriocins that destroy other bacteria.
 Col plasmids: specifically kill Escherichia
coli (produce colicins)
 Virulence plasmids: encode factors that
make the bacteria more pathogenic and
more able to cause serious disease.
 Metabolic plasmids: carry genes for
enzymes that degrade specific substances
such as aromatic compounds (toluene),
pesticides, and sugars (lactose).
Cell wall- Bacteria
– Responsible for the shape of the cell
– Involved in virulence.
– Prevention of rupture due to osmotic
pressure changes
– Point of anchorage for structures.
– Antibiotics site of action.
– It consists of peptidoglycan
CELL WALL - Bacteria
Bacterial cell wall consists of
Bacteria are divided into two main
groups on the basis of their cell wall
Gram positive- stained blue
Gram negative- stained red
Cell walls of bacteria
 Repeating disaccharide attached to
polypeptides to form a lattice.
 The disaccharide portion is made of
N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and
N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) linked to
adjacent rows by polypeptide chains.
 Some of the amino acids are D-isomers
rather than L. The presence of D-amino
acids protects against degradation by most
Structure of the repeating unit of
Structure of the repeating unit of
Note how glycosidic bonds confer strength on
peptidoglycan in the Y direction whereas peptide
bonds confer strength on the peptidoglycan in the X
These bridges make the peptidoglycan porous and
Peptidoglycan in Escherichia coli and
Staphylococcus aureus.
Gram positive cell wall
 Can contain up to 90% peptidoglycan
 The Gram positive cell wall consists of a thick
layer of peptidoglycan that contains teichoic
 Teichoic acid is composed of polymers of
glycerol or ribitol joined by phosphate groups.
 The phosphate esters contain sugars or D-
 Teichoic acid is either covalently bound to the
peptidoglycan itself or to the cell membrane
lipids (in this case it is called lipoteichoic acid).
 Teichoic acid gives the outer wall negative
Gram positive cell wall
Gram positive cell wall
The gram-negative cell wall
•Periplasm: space located between cytoplasmic and
outer membranes
Gram negative cell wall
 Total cell wall contains ~10% peptidoglycan
 Most of cell wall composed of outer membrane
(lipopolysaccharide [LPS] layer)
– LPS consists of core polysaccharide and
– LPS replaces most of phospholipids in outer
 Periplasmic space ranges between 1nm to 71 nm. &
constitute up to 40% of the total cell volume.
 The peptidoglycan layer is generally very thin and in
some species, like Escherichia coli, it can be only
two sheet thick.
 The periplasm of Gram negative bacteria contains
enzymes important in nutrient acquisition, transport
or in energy conservation.
Gram negative outer membrane
The outer membrane of Gram negative
bacteria contains
LPS is a large molecule consists of
lipids and polysaccharides attached to
each other by covalent bond
 (LPS), LPS consists of lipid A, core,
and O antigen or O polysaccharides
LPS is not a component of gram
positive bacteria
Gram negative outer membrane
 (LPS), LPS consists of lipid A, core, and O
antigen or O polysaccharides
Gram negative outer membrane
 O antigen:
– Functions as antigen. It elicits the immune
response but bacteria developed ways to
vary it thus avoiding the immune response
– Gives negative charge to bacterial
– It stabilizes the outer membrane
– Restricts entry of antibiotics and toxic
substance that kill the bacteria
Gram negative outer membrane
• The Core domain always contains an
oligosaccharide component that attaches
directly to lipid A
Lipid A:
• Lipid portion of LPS is called lipid A
and is an endotoxin that causes fever
and shock
Gram negative outer membrane
 Functions of the outer membrane:
– Helps the cell to avoid phagocytosis and
– Impermeable to certain antibiotic (e.g.
penicillin) and digestive enzymes,
detergents, heavy metals, bile salts and
certain dyes.
– Allows nutrients and other substances to
enter the cell through PORINS that form
Damage to cell wall
 Without the cell wall, bacterial cell will undergo lysis in
hypotonic solutions
 While bacterial cell will shrivels if it is in hypertonic solution
Osmotic pressure summary
Damage to cell wall
 Lysozyme attack peptidoglycan by hydrolyzing the bond that
connect the NAG and NAM destroys the cell wall.
 Lysozyme treatment of gram positive in presence of hypotoinc
solution - result in complete loss of the cell wall with the
formation of protoplasts.
 Protoplast –removal of cell wall by enzymatic digestion
resulting in spherical cells
 Lysozyme treatment of gram negative- destruction is partial,
the peptidoglycan is lost but the outer membrane remains and
spheroplasts are formed. In hypotonic solution
 In hypotonic solution both spheroplasts and protoplast rupture
= osmotic lysis.
Cell Walls of Archaea
No peptidoglycan
Typically no outer membrane
– Polysaccharide similar to
Composed of N-acetylglucosamine
and N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid
Cell walls of some Archaea lack
Archaeal cell wall
 Some archaea resemble gram positive but
they contain pseudomurine, as structure
similar to peptidoglycan that contain 1) L-
amino acid rather than D. 2) β(1-3) glycosidic
bond rather than and β(1-4).
 Some archaea resemble gram negative have
a layer of glycoprotein on the outside
Archaeal cell wall
 S-layer consists of proteins or glycoprotein
Bacterial structure
Cell Surface Structures
 Capsules and Slime Layers
– Polysaccharide layers May be
thick or thin, rigid or flexible
– Assist in attachment to
– Protect against phagocytosis
– Resist desiccation
– May be TOXIC and may stop
immune system from working
properly (important in
virulence ‫اختباء‬
– Can be used as a source of
Cell Surface Structures
– Filamentous protein structures
– Enable organisms to stick to surfaces
or form pellicles
Cell Surface Structures
 Pili
– Filamentous protein structures
– Typically longer than fimbriae
– Assist in surface attachment
– Facilitate genetic exchange between cells
– (1-10 per cell) hairlike structure
– Type IV pili involved in twitching motility
Flagella and motility
 Protein rods (hollow) that provide means for
movement to motile bacteria.
 Go through the cell wall and at the base they
have MOTOR that is driven by FLOW OF
 The number and position of flagella is part of
the species genetic characteristics.
 The movement is described as RUN and
A: Monotrichous- one flagellum
B: Lophotrichous- a cluster of flagella at one or both ends
C: Amphitrichous-single flagellum at each pole
D: Peritrichous- flagella are spread over the whole cell
Structure and function of the flagellum
in gram-negative Bacteria
L ring connected to LPS
P ring connected to the
Ms ring connected to the inner
membrane (periplasmic side)
C ring connected to the inner
membrane (cytoplasmic side)
Flagella and Motility
 Flagellar Structure
– Consists of several components
– Filaments are hollow , cylinders and made out of
subunits called the flagellin , it ends with a capping
– Hook and the basal body are wider
– The basal body is the most complex and consists to
four rings connected to central rod
– Move by rotation
Gliding Motility
 Gliding Motility
– Flagella-independent motility
– Slower and smoother than swimming
– Movement typically occurs along long axis
of cell
– Requires surface contact
– Mechanisms
Excretion of polysaccharide slime
Type IV pili
Gliding-specific proteins
Microbial Taxes
Taxis: directed movement in response
to chemical or physical gradients
‫الوسواط‬ ‫حركة‬
– Chemotaxis: response to chemicals
– Phototaxis: response to light
– Aerotaxis: response to oxygen
– Osmotaxis: response to ionic
– Hydrotaxis: response to water
 Spores are tough, dormant ‫خاملة‬ structure
 Bacteria form endospores when
environmental conditions become stressful
(lack of nutrients, lack of water etc)
 Mostly found in bacteria of the soil
 Formed during sporulation. Highly resistant
to heat, radiations, and chemicals. Can
survive for a very long time (100,000 y)
 It is a proper process of differentiation. The
vegetative cell converts to endospore in
The bacterial endospore
The life cycle of an endospore-forming
 Sporulation can take up to 8 hours.
 Germination is much faster than sporulation
and takes only a few minutes
 Endospores are composed of many layers.
 The outermost layer is called exosporium (thin
protein cover. Under there are spore coats
(endospore-specific proteins), cortex
(peptidoglycan), and core.
 Nucleoid is located in the core
 The DNA is protected by endospore-specific
proteins (SASP – small acid soluble protein)-
used as a carbon source during germination
 Dipicolinic acid synthesis result in increase
resistance to heat and promoting dormancy
Sporulation and germination
Protein secretion
 The membrane of procaryotes present a
considerable barrier to movement of large
molecules in or out of the cell.
 However, many structures of considerable
size are found outside the wall.
 Also exoenzymes and other proteins are
released by the cell in their environment.
 The process of releasing molecules outside
the cell is called protein secretion.
Sec-dependent pathway
 Major pathway in both Gram positive and Gram
negative bacteria
 It translocates proteins across the membrane or
integrates them in the membrane itself.
 The machinery of the Sec pathway recognizes a
hydrophobic N-terminal leader sequence (signal
peptide) on proteins destined for secretion, and
translocates proteins in an unfolded state, using
ATP hydrolysis and a proton gradient for energy
 while in Gram-negative bacteria they are
responsible for export of proteins into the
Sec-dependent pathway
Two-arginine secretion (Tat)
 The machinery of the Tat secretion pathway
recognizes a motif rich in basic amino acid
residues (S-R-R-x-F-L-K) in the N-terminal
region of large co-factor containing proteins
and translocates the proteins in a folded
state using only a proton gradient as an
energy source
 Tat pathway moves proteins across the
plasma membrane then deliver it to type II, it
transports folded protein
Secretion in gram negative bacteria
 Six different secretion system have been
identified in Gram-negative bacteria
 In Gram-negative bacteria, some secreted
proteins are exported across the inner and
outer membranes in a single step via the
type I, type III, Type IV or type VI pathways
 Other proteins are first exported into the
periplasmic space via the universal Sec or
two-arginine (Tat) pathways and then
translocated across the outer membrane via
the type II, type V or less commonly, the type
I or type IV machinery
Bacterial secretion system
Summary of known bacterial secretion systems. In this simplified view
only the basics of each secretion system are sketched. HM: Host
membrane; OM: outer membrane; IM: inner membrane; MM:
mycomembrane; OMP: outer membrane protein; MFP: membrane fusion
protein. ATPases and chaperones are shown in yellow.
Transport and Transport Proteins
ABC (ATP-Binding Cassette) Systems
>200 different systems identified in
– Often involved in uptake of organic
compounds (e.g., sugars, amino
acids), inorganic nutrients (e.g.,
sulfate, phosphate), and trace metals
– Typically display high substrate
– Contain periplasmic binding proteins
Mechanism of an ABC transporter

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Chapter 3 (microbiology) 8th edition

  • 1. Cell Structure and Function in Bacteria and Archaea Chapter 3
  • 2. Prokaryotes: two distinct domains  The prokaryotes are divided into two very distinct groups: – Eubacteria – Archaea  Essential distinctive points are the cell wall composition, the type of lipids synthesized by the cells, and the structure of RNA polymerase.
  • 3. Major morphologies of bacterial cells  Cocci (singular coccus) round cells  Diplococci (when cocci divide and remains together to form pairs  Long chain cocci when cells adhere to each other after repeated cell division in one plane such as Streptococcus agalactiae  Grapelike structure when they divide in random planes such as Staphylococcus aureus
  • 4. Major morphologies of bacterial cells  Bacilli (singular bacillus) rod shaped cells and differ in their length to width ratio  Some they are arranged in chains such as Bacillus megaterium  Spirilla (singular spirillum) spiral shaped cells or Spirochetes, flexible  Comma shaped such as Vibrio cholera  In addition to the basic shapes there are star shaped cell, rectangular flat cells and triangular cells  Pleomorphic (do not have certain size or shape)
  • 6. Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness Size range for prokaryotes: 0.2 µm to >700 µm in diameter – Most cultured rod-shaped bacteria are between 0.5 and 4.0 µm wide and <15 µm long – Some small nanobacteria range from 0.2μm-0.05μm – Examples of very large prokaryotes Size range for eukaryotic cells: 10 to >200 µm in diameter
  • 8. Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness Surface-to-Volume Ratios, Growth Rates, and Evolution Advantages to being small – Small cells have more surface area relative to cell volume than large cells (i.e., higher S/V) – support greater nutrient exchange per unit cell volume – tend to grow faster than larger cells
  • 9. Cell Size and the Significance of Smallness
  • 10. Elements of Microbial Structure  Eukaryotic Cells DNA enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus Cells are generally larger and more complex Contain organelles
  • 11. Elements of Microbial Structure • Prokaryotic cell No membrane-enclosed organelles, no nucleus Generally smaller than eukaryotic cells
  • 13. Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes  Single cell organisms. Discriminating characteristics are: – No defined nucleus (no nuclear membrane) NUCLEOID – Circular DNA. Bacterial cells are HAPLOID (one single copy of the chromosome) – Plasmids (can be found in yeast as well) – No membrane bound organelles – Presence of a CELL WALL – 70S ribosomes – Inclusion bodies (storage of C, P and other)
  • 14. The Cytoplasmic Membrane in Bacteria  Cytoplasmic membrane: – Thin structure that surrounds the cell – 6–8 nm thick – Vital barrier that separates cytoplasm from environment – Highly selective permeable barrier; enables concentration of specific metabolites and excretion of waste products – Transport of nutrients and waste products
  • 15. Bacterial Cell Membranes  The prokaryotic plasma membrane is not only a selective barrier, but also the location of a variety of crucial metabolic processes: respiration, photosynthesis, and synthesis of lipids and cell wall constituents. Consists primarily of phospholipids and proteins  Arranged as phospholipid bilayer with scattered proteins. Phospholipids and proteins move freely within the surface giving rise to a fluid mosaic.
  • 16. Fluid mosaic model X Membrane lipids are phospholipids No Sterol such as cholesterol, instead bacteria has hapnoids
  • 18. Composition of Membranes – General structure is phospholipid bilayer Contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic components – Can exist in many different chemical forms as a result of variation in the groups attached to the glycerol backbone – Fatty acids point inward to form hydrophobic environment; hydrophilic portions remain exposed to external environment or the cytoplasm
  • 19. Cell membranes  Membrane lipids are amphipathic with polar and non-polar ends. Two types of proteins  Peripheral- are loosely associated to the membrane and can be easily separated. Generally they make up between 20 and 30% of the total membrane proteins  Integral proteins- are amphipathic like the lipids, much more strongly associated to the membrane, and make up about 70 to 80% of total proteins.
  • 20. Archaeal membrane  Can exist as lipid monolayers, bilayers, or mixture Bilayer Monolayer
  • 21. General structure of lipids Ether linkages in phospholipids of Archaea (Bacteria and Eukarya that have ester linkages in phospholipids
  • 22. Diether and tetraether Major lipids are glycerol diethers and tetraethers
  • 23. The Cytoplasmic Membrane Archaeal Membranes – Ether linkages in phospholipids of Archaea (Bacteria and Eukarya that have ester linkages in phospholipids – Archaeal lipids lack fatty acids, have isoprenes instead – Major lipids are glycerol diethers and tetraethers – Can exist as lipid monolayers, bilayers, or mixture
  • 24. Membrane infoldings in bacteria  Bacteria lack membrane bound organelle like mitochondria, chloroplasts, etc…but some has plasma membrane infoldings  Plasma membrane infoldings are common and can become extensive and complex in photosynthetic or nitrogen fixing bacteria. They provide a larger surface for greater metabolic activity
  • 25. STORAGE GRANULES  Bacteria exist in a very competitive environment where nutrients are usually in SHORT SUPPLY, so they tend to store up extra nutrients when possible.
  • 26. Organic inclusion bodies Glycogen- storage of glucose polymers  Poly-β- hydroxybutyrate (PHB) for lipid storage
  • 27. Inclusion bodies Inorganic inclusion bodies Polyphosphate and sulfur granules.
  • 28. Inorganic inclusion bodies Magnetosomes include magnetic matter (greigite, magnetite, pyrite) Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum
  • 29. Gas Vesicles – Confer buoyancy in planktonic cells Spindle-shaped, gas-filled structures made of protein – Gas vesicle impermeable to water – Function by decreasing cell density – Gas vacuole is another type of inclusion body, are present in photosynthetic bacteria and aquatic procaryotes – Carboxysomes in photosynthetic bacteria contain the enzyme Rubisco which is used in CO2 fixation
  • 31. Prokaryotic cytoskeleton  Homologous of all eukaryotic cytoskeletal elements (microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules) have been identified in bacteria. One homologous identified in archaea.  Structurally similar carry out similar functions: cell division, protein localization, cell shape.
  • 32. Ribosomes  Prokaryotic ribosomes are very abundant in the cell. Structurally and functionally similar to eukaryotic ribosomes. They are the site of protein synthesis and are composed of protein and rRNA.  Smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes. 70S rather than 80S.  Bacterial ribosomes consists of small (30S) and large (50S) subunit
  • 34. Arrangement of DNA in Microbial Cells  Genome – A cell’s full complement of genes  Prokaryotic cells generally have a single, circular DNA molecule called a chromosome – DNA aggregates to form the nucleoid region Ruptured cell where the chromosomes are located in the nucleoid
  • 35. Nucleoid  Prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane delimited nucleus and the prokaryotic chromosome is located in an irregularly shaped region called the nucleoid.  Prokaryotes contain a single circle of double stranded DNA but some have linear DNA, and some (Vibrio cholerae and Borrellia burgdorferi) have more than one chromosome.  DNA is packaged efficiently to fit inside the cell.  Bacteria do not use histones to package their DNA
  • 37. Plasmids  Small double strand DNA molecules that exist independently of the chromosome. They can be linear, but the majority are circular.  They have relatively few genes, but they confer a selective advantage to the bacteria in certain environments.  Plasmids replicate autonomously and can be integrated in the chromosome (episomes).
  • 38. Plasmids  Conjugative plasmids: genes for the construction of hair-like structures called sex pili that help transfer of plasmids from cell to cell during conjugation (F factor).  Resistance factors: confer antibiotic resistance. A single or as many as eight resistance genes.  Bacteriocin-encoding plasmids: coding for bacteriocins that destroy other bacteria.  Col plasmids: specifically kill Escherichia coli (produce colicins)
  • 39. Plasmids  Virulence plasmids: encode factors that make the bacteria more pathogenic and more able to cause serious disease.  Metabolic plasmids: carry genes for enzymes that degrade specific substances such as aromatic compounds (toluene), pesticides, and sugars (lactose).
  • 40. Cell wall- Bacteria – Responsible for the shape of the cell – Involved in virulence. – Prevention of rupture due to osmotic pressure changes – Point of anchorage for structures. – Antibiotics site of action. – It consists of peptidoglycan
  • 41. CELL WALL - Bacteria Bacterial cell wall consists of peptidoglycan Bacteria are divided into two main groups on the basis of their cell wall structure: Gram positive- stained blue Gram negative- stained red
  • 42. Cell walls of bacteria
  • 43. Peptidoglycan  Repeating disaccharide attached to polypeptides to form a lattice.  The disaccharide portion is made of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) linked to adjacent rows by polypeptide chains.  Some of the amino acids are D-isomers rather than L. The presence of D-amino acids protects against degradation by most peptidases.
  • 44. Structure of the repeating unit of peptidoglycan
  • 45. Structure of the repeating unit of peptidoglycan Note how glycosidic bonds confer strength on peptidoglycan in the Y direction whereas peptide bonds confer strength on the peptidoglycan in the X direction These bridges make the peptidoglycan porous and elastic
  • 46. Peptidoglycan in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • 47. Gram positive cell wall  Can contain up to 90% peptidoglycan  The Gram positive cell wall consists of a thick layer of peptidoglycan that contains teichoic acid.  Teichoic acid is composed of polymers of glycerol or ribitol joined by phosphate groups.  The phosphate esters contain sugars or D- alanine  Teichoic acid is either covalently bound to the peptidoglycan itself or to the cell membrane lipids (in this case it is called lipoteichoic acid).  Teichoic acid gives the outer wall negative charge
  • 50. The gram-negative cell wall •Periplasm: space located between cytoplasmic and outer membranes
  • 51. Gram negative cell wall  Total cell wall contains ~10% peptidoglycan  Most of cell wall composed of outer membrane (lipopolysaccharide [LPS] layer) – LPS consists of core polysaccharide and O-polysaccharide – LPS replaces most of phospholipids in outer  Periplasmic space ranges between 1nm to 71 nm. & constitute up to 40% of the total cell volume.  The peptidoglycan layer is generally very thin and in some species, like Escherichia coli, it can be only two sheet thick.  The periplasm of Gram negative bacteria contains enzymes important in nutrient acquisition, transport or in energy conservation.
  • 52. Gram negative outer membrane The outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria contains LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE LPS is a large molecule consists of lipids and polysaccharides attached to each other by covalent bond  (LPS), LPS consists of lipid A, core, and O antigen or O polysaccharides LPS is not a component of gram positive bacteria
  • 53. Gram negative outer membrane  (LPS), LPS consists of lipid A, core, and O antigen or O polysaccharides
  • 54. Gram negative outer membrane  O antigen: – Functions as antigen. It elicits the immune response but bacteria developed ways to vary it thus avoiding the immune response – Gives negative charge to bacterial surfaces – It stabilizes the outer membrane – Restricts entry of antibiotics and toxic substance that kill the bacteria
  • 55. Gram negative outer membrane Core: • The Core domain always contains an oligosaccharide component that attaches directly to lipid A Lipid A: • Lipid portion of LPS is called lipid A and is an endotoxin that causes fever and shock
  • 56. Gram negative outer membrane  Functions of the outer membrane: – Helps the cell to avoid phagocytosis and complement – Impermeable to certain antibiotic (e.g. penicillin) and digestive enzymes, detergents, heavy metals, bile salts and certain dyes. – Allows nutrients and other substances to enter the cell through PORINS that form channels.
  • 57. Damage to cell wall  Without the cell wall, bacterial cell will undergo lysis in hypotonic solutions  While bacterial cell will shrivels if it is in hypertonic solution (plasmolysis). Osmotic pressure summary
  • 58. Damage to cell wall  Lysozyme attack peptidoglycan by hydrolyzing the bond that connect the NAG and NAM destroys the cell wall.  Lysozyme treatment of gram positive in presence of hypotoinc solution - result in complete loss of the cell wall with the formation of protoplasts.  Protoplast –removal of cell wall by enzymatic digestion resulting in spherical cells  Lysozyme treatment of gram negative- destruction is partial, the peptidoglycan is lost but the outer membrane remains and spheroplasts are formed. In hypotonic solution  In hypotonic solution both spheroplasts and protoplast rupture = osmotic lysis.
  • 59. Cell Walls of Archaea No peptidoglycan Typically no outer membrane Pseudomurein – Polysaccharide similar to peptidoglycan Composed of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid Cell walls of some Archaea lack pseudomurein
  • 61. Archaeal cell wall  Some archaea resemble gram positive but they contain pseudomurine, as structure similar to peptidoglycan that contain 1) L- amino acid rather than D. 2) β(1-3) glycosidic bond rather than and β(1-4).  Some archaea resemble gram negative have a layer of glycoprotein on the outside
  • 62. Archaeal cell wall  S-layer consists of proteins or glycoprotein
  • 64. Cell Surface Structures  Capsules and Slime Layers – Polysaccharide layers May be thick or thin, rigid or flexible – Assist in attachment to surfaces – Protect against phagocytosis – Resist desiccation – May be TOXIC and may stop immune system from working properly (important in virulence ‫اختباء‬ – Can be used as a source of nutrition
  • 65. Cell Surface Structures Fimbriae – Filamentous protein structures – Enable organisms to stick to surfaces or form pellicles
  • 66. Cell Surface Structures  Pili – Filamentous protein structures – Typically longer than fimbriae – Assist in surface attachment – Facilitate genetic exchange between cells (conjugation) – (1-10 per cell) hairlike structure – Type IV pili involved in twitching motility
  • 67. Flagella and motility  Protein rods (hollow) that provide means for movement to motile bacteria.  Go through the cell wall and at the base they have MOTOR that is driven by FLOW OF PROTONS.  The number and position of flagella is part of the species genetic characteristics.  The movement is described as RUN and TUMBLE
  • 68. Flagella A: Monotrichous- one flagellum B: Lophotrichous- a cluster of flagella at one or both ends C: Amphitrichous-single flagellum at each pole D: Peritrichous- flagella are spread over the whole cell
  • 69. Structure and function of the flagellum in gram-negative Bacteria L ring connected to LPS P ring connected to the peptidoglycan Ms ring connected to the inner membrane (periplasmic side) C ring connected to the inner membrane (cytoplasmic side)
  • 70. Flagella and Motility  Flagellar Structure – Consists of several components – Filaments are hollow , cylinders and made out of subunits called the flagellin , it ends with a capping protein – Hook and the basal body are wider – The basal body is the most complex and consists to four rings connected to central rod – Move by rotation
  • 71. Gliding Motility  Gliding Motility – Flagella-independent motility – Slower and smoother than swimming – Movement typically occurs along long axis of cell – Requires surface contact – Mechanisms Excretion of polysaccharide slime Type IV pili Gliding-specific proteins
  • 72. Microbial Taxes Taxis: directed movement in response to chemical or physical gradients ‫الوسواط‬ ‫حركة‬ – Chemotaxis: response to chemicals – Phototaxis: response to light – Aerotaxis: response to oxygen – Osmotaxis: response to ionic strength – Hydrotaxis: response to water
  • 73. Endospores  Spores are tough, dormant ‫خاملة‬ structure  Bacteria form endospores when environmental conditions become stressful (lack of nutrients, lack of water etc)  Mostly found in bacteria of the soil  Formed during sporulation. Highly resistant to heat, radiations, and chemicals. Can survive for a very long time (100,000 y)  It is a proper process of differentiation. The vegetative cell converts to endospore in stages.
  • 75. The life cycle of an endospore-forming bacterium  Sporulation can take up to 8 hours.  Germination is much faster than sporulation and takes only a few minutes
  • 77. Endospores.  Endospores are composed of many layers.  The outermost layer is called exosporium (thin protein cover. Under there are spore coats (endospore-specific proteins), cortex (peptidoglycan), and core.  Nucleoid is located in the core  The DNA is protected by endospore-specific proteins (SASP – small acid soluble protein)- used as a carbon source during germination  Dipicolinic acid synthesis result in increase resistance to heat and promoting dormancy
  • 80. Protein secretion  The membrane of procaryotes present a considerable barrier to movement of large molecules in or out of the cell.  However, many structures of considerable size are found outside the wall.  Also exoenzymes and other proteins are released by the cell in their environment.  The process of releasing molecules outside the cell is called protein secretion.
  • 81. Sec-dependent pathway  Major pathway in both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria  It translocates proteins across the membrane or integrates them in the membrane itself.  The machinery of the Sec pathway recognizes a hydrophobic N-terminal leader sequence (signal peptide) on proteins destined for secretion, and translocates proteins in an unfolded state, using ATP hydrolysis and a proton gradient for energy  while in Gram-negative bacteria they are responsible for export of proteins into the periplasm
  • 83. Two-arginine secretion (Tat)  The machinery of the Tat secretion pathway recognizes a motif rich in basic amino acid residues (S-R-R-x-F-L-K) in the N-terminal region of large co-factor containing proteins and translocates the proteins in a folded state using only a proton gradient as an energy source  Tat pathway moves proteins across the plasma membrane then deliver it to type II, it transports folded protein
  • 84. Secretion in gram negative bacteria  Six different secretion system have been identified in Gram-negative bacteria  In Gram-negative bacteria, some secreted proteins are exported across the inner and outer membranes in a single step via the type I, type III, Type IV or type VI pathways  Other proteins are first exported into the periplasmic space via the universal Sec or two-arginine (Tat) pathways and then translocated across the outer membrane via the type II, type V or less commonly, the type I or type IV machinery
  • 85. Bacterial secretion system Summary of known bacterial secretion systems. In this simplified view only the basics of each secretion system are sketched. HM: Host membrane; OM: outer membrane; IM: inner membrane; MM: mycomembrane; OMP: outer membrane protein; MFP: membrane fusion protein. ATPases and chaperones are shown in yellow.
  • 86. Transport and Transport Proteins ABC (ATP-Binding Cassette) Systems >200 different systems identified in prokaryotes – Often involved in uptake of organic compounds (e.g., sugars, amino acids), inorganic nutrients (e.g., sulfate, phosphate), and trace metals – Typically display high substrate specificity – Contain periplasmic binding proteins
  • 87. Mechanism of an ABC transporter

Editor's Notes

  1. Membrane infoldings are internal membrane structures
  2. Granules of organic or inorganic matter, can bee seen by the light microscopy. Used for storage of C, inorganic substance and energy), but also reduce osmotic pressure in the cell. Can be freely in the cytoplasm or enclosed by a shell often made of proteins.
  3. Glycogen are used to store carbon thus providing energy Gas vacuole provides buoyancy to the cells or ability to float for some aquatic bacteria Storage of phosphate as polyphosphate granules which is a main component in DNA structure and as energy source Magnetosomes used by some bacteria to orient the earth magnetic field so used for other purpose than the storage
  4. Transmission electron microscopy Note the long chain of electron dense magnetite particles B- isolated magnetosomes C- bacteria migrating in waves when exposed to magnetic field Use of magentesome to determine directions and swim to nutrient rich sediments
  5. S stands for the sedimentation coefficient which is in direct correlation with the size and shape Free ribosomes in the cytosol and membrane bound that secrets protein to the outside
  6. Procaryotic ribosomes consists of two subunits The small subunit consists of the 16s while the large consists of two rRNA 5s and 23S
  7. Consists of DNA and RNA and protein The DNA is looped and coiled extensively by condensing protein The nucleoid contains RNA, DNA and protein
  8. F plasmid or fertility factor contains genes thatg direct the formation of sex factor R contain genes that have some enzymatic activities and therefore can degrade antibiotics , it is not usually integrated into the host chromosome, public health problems transfer from one strain to another.
  9. The cytoplasm of bacteria maintain high concentration of solutes which increases the osmotic pressure in the cell
  10. D is a result of chirality in which the mirror image of the amino acid is not superposable
  11. The peptidoglycan is diverse They all contain NAG and NAM with B 1,4 glycosidic bond The tetrapeptide shows major variation in only one amino acid, the lysine to DAP
  12. Add the structure of lipid A LPS give the negative charge to the bacterial surface , it stabilize the outer membrane , it restricts the entry of antibiotics and toxic substance that kill the bacteria , protect the bacteria from the host defense LpS make the bacteria more permeable as it is present in the outer membrane , so it is more permeable than the plasma membrane
  13. Add the structure of lipid A LPS give the negative charge to the bacterial surface , it stabilize the outer membrane , it restricts the entry of antibiotics and toxic substance that kill the bacteria , protect the bacteria from the host defense LpS make the bacteria more permeable as it is present in the outer membrane , so it is more permeable than the plasma membrane
  14. Lysozyme attack peptidoglycan by hydrolyzing the bond that connect the NAG and NAM Penicillin inhibits peptidoglycan If the bacteria is treated with penicillin or lysozyme in hypotonic soln, the cells will lyse but nothing will happen if we treat with isotonic solution
  15. Penicillin inhibits peptidoglycan biosynthesis
  16. Originally were classified as gram negative and gram positive Cell wall lacks peptidoglycan
  17. Originally were classified as gram negative and gram positive Cell wall lacks peptidoglycan
  18. Vegetative cells are able to reproduce
  19. Gram negative use the sec-dependent and independent pathways to secrete proteins outside the cell Sec pathway, synthesis of pre-protein contain the signal peptide , which bind to the chaperone called secB. SecTEG forms channel in the membrane that allow passing of the polypeptide SecA binds to secB and sec YEG thus helping the preprotein to translocate at the expense of ATP hydrolysis
  20. Type III is involved in secretion of virulence factors from the bacteria to the host cell, it is a syringe like structure Type IV is a syringe like structure but also transport DNA from donor bacteria to recipient and involved in conjugation