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Blood Transfusion

        Presented by:
        Dr. Dhritiman Chakrabarti
 An adult human has about 4–6 liters of blood
 circulating in the body. Among other
 things, the primary function of blood is to
 transport oxygen to various parts of the body.

 Blood consists of several types of cells
 floating around in a fluid called Plasma.
The Red Blood Cells contain Hemoglobin, a
protein that binds oxygen. Red blood cells
transport oxygen to, and remove carbon
dioxide from, the body tissues.
The White Blood Cells are the cells primarily
responsible for immunity.
The Platelets help in hemostasis.
The Plasma contains ions and various kinds
of proteins serving diverse functions.
A Blood Transfusion is the infusion of whole
blood or a blood component such as
plasma, red blood cells, or platelets into the
patient’s venous circulation.
A blood transfusion is given because of red
blood cell loss, such as with hemorrage or
when the body is not adequately producing
cells such as platelets. The person receiving
the blood is the Recipient. The person giving
the blood is the Donor.
Blood Groups
An Individual’s blood is commonly classified
into one of the four main groups
(A, B, AB, and O). The surface of an
individual’s red blood cells contains a number
of proteins known as Antigens that are unique
for each person. Many blood antigens have
been identified, but the antigens A, B, and Rh
are the most important in determining blood
group or type. Because antigens promote
agglutination or clumping of blood cells, they
also known as Agglutinogens.
The A antigen or agglutinogen is present on the
RBCs of people with blood group A , the B
antigen is present in people with blood group
B, and both A and B antigens are found on the
RBC surface in people with group AB blood.
Neither antigen is present in people with group
O blood .
Preformed antibodies to RBC antigens are
present in the plasma; these antibodies are
often called Agglutinins. People with blood
group A have B antibodies (Agglutinins ), A
antibodies are present in people with blood
group B , and people with blood group O have
antibodies to both A and B antigens . People
with group AB blood do not have antibodies
to either A or B antigens .
If a person with type O blood is transfused
with blood from a person with either group A
or group B blood, there would be destruction
of the recipient’s red blood cells because his
or her anti-A or anti-B agglutinins would react
with the A or B antigens in the donor’s red
blood cells.
This example shows why individuals with type
AB blood are often called Universal
Recipients (because people in this blood
group have no agglutinins for either A or B
antigens) and group O people are often called
Universal Donors (because they have neither
A nor B antigens).
Rhesus (RH) Factor
The Rh factor is an inherited antigen in human
Blood that contains the Rh factor is known as
Rh-positive, when it is not present the blood is
said to be Rh-negative. Rh blood does not
naturally contain Rh antibodies. If Rh-positive
blood is injected into an Rh-negative
person, the recipient develops Rh antibodies.
Subsequent transfusion with Rh-positive blood
may cause serious reactions with clumping and
hemolysis of red blood cells.
Other Blood Groups
 In addition to the ABO antigens and Rh
  antigens, many other antigens are expressed on the
  RBC surface membrane.
 The International Society of Blood Transfusion
  currently recognizes 30 blood-group systems
  (including the ABO and Rh systems).
 For Eg. MNS, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, Lewis etc.
 These are mostly involved in Delayed Hemolytic
  Transfusion reactions.
Typing and Cross Matching

Before any blood can be given to a patient, it
must be determined that the blood of the donor
is compatible with the patient. The laboratory
examination to determine a person’s blood
group and Rh factor is called Blood Typing.
The process of determining compatibility
between blood specimens is Crossmatching.
RBCs from the donor blood are mixed with
serum from the recipient, a reagent (Coombs’
serum) is added, and the mixture is examined
for visible agglutination. If no antibodies to
the donated RBCs are present in the
recipient’s serum, agglutination does not occur
and the risk of transfusion reaction is small.
Selection of Blood Donors

      Blood donors must be selected with care. Not only
      must the donor’s blood be accurately typed, but it
      is also important to determine that the donor is free
      from diseases.
      The primary tests recommended by WHO are the
1.    Surface antigen for hepatitis B( HbsAg)
2.    Antibody to Hepatitis C
3.    HIV antibody (Subtypes 1 & 2)
4.    Serology tests for Syphilis
   Other tests carried out depending on local need :
1. Prion diseases – Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease
2. Cytomegalovirus
3. HIV Nucleic acid test (p24)
   Also mandatory that the donor should be free from
    fever a fortnight before donating blood.
   Also should be free from parasitic diseases like
    Malaria and Filariasis.
Transfusion of blood and blood
Blood Conservative Strategies

   Preoperative Autologous Donation

    – Effectiveness is limited because of less vigorous
      erythropoietic response and the process simply
      results in anemia at time of surgery.
    – Benefits are the elimination of disease
      transmission, allergic and incompatible reactions.
    – But, more expensive, sometimes wasted.
    – Usage has declined.
   Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution

    – Patient is bled immediately before surgery.
    – Down to haematocrit 25-30% with CVP monitoring
    – Strategy is that intraoperatively the patient will lose blood
      of low hematocrit value and reduce total red blood cell loss.
    – Collected blood is transfused back after surgery.
    – Less frequently used.
 Intraoperative     blood salvage

  – Blood is salvaged intraoperatively from sites
    where fresh blood has collected before the surgery
  – Only applicable to clean operative sites without
    bacterial, bowel or tumor cell contamination.
  – Contemporary cell salvage devices anticoagulate
    the blood, separate the RBCs from the blood, wash
    the RBCs extensively in saline and reinfused to the
    patient in aliquots of 125 – 225ml with Hematocrit
    of 45 – 65%.
   Transfusion of Whole blood has been largely
    replaced by FFP and specific component
    therapy depending on nature of deficiency.
 Whole    blood
 – Haematocrit of 35%-45%
 – 300 ml of 4:1 mixture of donor plasma and a nutrient
   citrate anticoagulant solution
 – Stored at 2-6 deg C (maximum for 35 days)
 – Deterioration is rapid when kept out of refrigerator or
   transport box
 – Transfusion should be completed within 4 hrs
 – Warmer is used if large volume has to be transfused in a
   short time
 – Not suitable for symptomatic or critical anemia
 Packed     Red Blood Cells
  – Obtained from single donor
  – Contains Red cells in CPDA solution
    (citrate, phosphate, dextrose and adenine) with Hct of 70-
    75% and a total volume of 250-275ml.
  – Has a shelf life of 35 days at storage temp. of 1-6 deg C.
  – In case Additive solution solution is added, the infusate is
    of Hct 60%, Total volume 250-350ml., less citrate, longer
    shelf life of 42 days at storage temp. of 1-6 deg C.
  – Improves tissue oxygenation after hemorrhage and in
    anemic patient
  – One unit of PRBCs typically will raise the hematocrit by 3-
    4% and the blood hemoglobin concentration by 1 g/dl.
Additive Solutions
Three additive solutions are available
1. Adsol ( AS-1 ) [Baxter Laboratories]
2. Nutricel (AS-3) [Medsep Corporation]
3. Optisol (AS-5) [Terumo Corporation]
Red Blood Cell Transfusion Guidelines
Acute and Perioperative Blood Loss
1. Estimate blood loss
   If > 30-40% of rapid blood loss: transfuse RBCs and use
   volume expanders
   If < 30-40% of rapid blood loss: RBCs not usually needed in
   otherwise healthy person
2. Monitor vital signs; Tachycardia and hypotension not corrected
   with volume expanders: RBCs needed
3. Measure haemoglobin
     If Hb > 10 g/dL: RBCs rarely needed
     If Hb < 7 g/dL: RBCs usually needed
     If Hb 7-10 g/dL: RBCs may be needed, determined by
   additional clinical conditions
4. Hematocrit trigger point for transfusion is <21%.
5. For cardiac disease patients, threshold goes up to Hb <10gm%
   and hematocrit <30%.
 Chronic   Anaemia
1. Transfuse only to decrease symptoms and to
  minimize risk (generally at Hb of less than 7 g
  /dL). Do not transfuse above 7g/dL Hb unless
  patient is symptomatic.
2. Treat nutritional and mild blood loss anemia
  with specific therapeutic agents as indicated
  (iron, folic acid, B12).
Guidelines for Paediatric Transfusion

   If Hb is < 4 g/dL, transfuse.
   If Hb is > 4 g/dL and < 5 g/dL, transfuse when signs of
    respiratory distress or cardiac failure are present. If
    patient is clinically stable, monitor closely and treat the
    cause of the anaemia.
   If Hb is > 5 g/dL, transfusion is usually not necessary.
    Consider transfusion in cases of shock or severe burns.
    Otherwise, treat the cause of the underlying anaemia.
   Transfuse with 10 to 15 ml/kg of PRBCs or 20 ml/kg of
    whole blood.
    In the presence of profound anaemia or very high
    malaria parasitaemia, a higher amount may be needed.
 Platelets
  – Available as concentrates from single or multiple donors
  – Manual Thrombapheresis is done either by ‘soft spin’
    centrifugation or re-centrifugation of buffy coat layer.
  – Can also be prepared from single donor by an Automated
    Apheresis machine
  – Platelets have very short shelf life, typically five days & are
    stored under constant agitation at 20-24 deg C.
  – No effective preservative solutions, lose potency very
    quickly, best when fresh, thus very short turnover time.
  – One unit has about 3 10^11 platelets
Indications for platelet transfusion
    Indicated when platelets count fall 50,000/cumm

1.   Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy for leukemia, multiple
2.   Aplastic anemia
3.   AIDS
4.   Hypersplenism
5.   ITP
6.   Sepsis
7.   Bone marrow transplant, organ transplant or surgeries such
     as cardiopulmonary bypass.

     Avoided in those with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
       (HIT) or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or
       Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura(TTP).
Expected Platelet Counts After Infusion
 Platelet count increase as well as platelet survival after
  transfusion is related to the dose of platelets infused and to the
  patient's body surface area (BSA). Usually these values are
  less than what would be expected.
 Expected platelet increase (per μL) = # platelets infused x CCI
  / BSA (m2)
 The theoretical value of the CCI is 20,000/μL but
  clinically, the value is closer to 10,000/μL. If the CCI is less
  than 5,000/μL, patients are said to have "refractoriness" to
  platelet transfusion.
(Corrected platelet count increment (CCI) = platelet increment at
  one hr x BSA (m2) / # platelets infused x 10^11 )
   Fresh-frozen plasma
    – Produced from a Single donation
    – 200-300 ml of plasma with 40-60 ml of citrate
      anticoagulant nutrient mixture
    – Stored at -30 deg C (shelf life of 12 months)
    – Thawed rapidly at 37 deg C
    – Infused intravenously through a standard blood set with on-
      line filter
    – ABO group must be compatible
    – Infusion of 1 unit should be complete within 4 hr of
   Indication for FFP transfusion
    – To correct isolated plasma protein deficiencies
    – To reverse oral warfarin anticoagulation
    – In patient with liver disease, major hepatic
      resection and severe liver injuries
    – DIC
    – Bleeding diathesis after large volume blood
    – TTP
 Cryoprecipitate
  – Concentrate of factor VIII, VonWillebrand’s
    factor, fibrinogen and factor XIII
  – Each 15 mL unit typically contains 100 IU of
    factor VIII, and 250 mg of fibrinogen.
  – The product is manufactured by slowly thawing a
    unit of FFP at temperatures just above freezing (1-
    6 C) and then centrifuged to remove the majority
    of the plasma, and the precipitate is resuspended in
    the remaining plasma or in sterile saline

  – Stored at -30 deg C (shelf life 12 month).
  – Also thawed at 37 deg C.
  – Transfusion should be completed within 4 hrs.
   Indication of Cryoprecipitate transfusion
    – Fibrinogen deficiency and dysfibrinogenaemia
    – Uraemic bleeding
    – VonWillebrand’s disease
    Special blood components
    –   Irradiated components:-
        It is the only effective means of preventing Graft
        vs. Host Disease while transfusing blood
        components to immuno-compromised patients.

    –   Leuco-reduced cellular component:-
        Benefits are
    1. Decreased alloimmunization/platelet refractoriness in
       multiply transfused leukemics.
    2. Prevention of febrile reactions to RBC/platelet
       transfusions in multiply transfused patients.
    3. Reduction of CMV transmission.
    4. Reduction in inflammatory mediator accumulation during
       storage – preventive strategy for TRALI.
Adverse effect of transfusion of
blood and blood products
   Acute
    – Allergic
    – Anaphylaxis
    – Hemolytic
    – Metabolic
    – Transfusion related acute lung injury
    – Circulatory overload
    – Non-hemolytic febrile transfusion reactions
    – Haemostatic: dilution of clotting factors and
    – Infective Risks
   Late
    –   Delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions
    –   Sensitization/Alloimunization
    –   Transfusion Related Immune Modulation
    –   Graft-vs-Host disease
    –   Transfusion iron overload (haemosiderosis)
   Non hemolytic Febrile Transfusion
    – Result of alloimmunization to leucocyte and
      platelet antigens ( HLA antigens)
    – Symptoms: Rigor followed by Fever usually
      within the start of 30-60 min of transfusion
    – Managed by cessation or slowing of the
      transfusion and administration of an antipyretic
    – Pretreated with antipyretic in repeated transfusions
      and patient who has history
    – If above measure fail, leucocyte-depleted cell
      components are given.
   Allergic reaction
    – Symptoms: Urticarial rash and itch within minutes
    – Treatment:
        Antihistamines
        and reduction of transfusion rate
   Anaphylaxis
    – Rare, fatal, caused by antibodies to IgA in patients
      who have extremely low levels of this
      immunoglobulin in plasma (Hereditary IgA
      Deficiency), who have been sensitized to IgA in
      previous transfusions.
    – Treatment: Termination of blood transfusion, IV
      crystalloids, Maintenance of
      airway, Oxygen, Adrenalin, IV antihistamine and
   Acute haemolytic reaction
    – Result of ABO incompatibility
    – Serious complication
    – Mortality is high when more than 200 ml has been
    – Clinical feature
        Pain at the infusion site and along the vein
        Facial burning
        Chest and back pain
        Fever, rigor and vomiting
        Restlessness, breathlessness, flushing and
        Bleeding from vascular access sites and wound
  Immediate recognition
  Cessation of transfusion
  Replacement of the blood transfusion set
  Adequate hydration
  Forced diuresis
  Vasopressor/ Inotrope support might be required
  Further investigations
    –   Re-cross matching and serological testing
    –   Blood unit for culture
    –   Blood sample for clinical chemistry
    –   Coagulation screen
   Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury
    – Occurs when mediators (anti HLA antibodies and anti-
      granulocyte antibodies) present in the donor plasma
      activate leucocytes in the host.
    – Pulmonary microvascular occlusion by platelets, leucocytes
      and fibrin
    – Clinical feature (within 6 hrs of transfusion)
          Fever
          Breathlessness
          Non-productive cough
          Hypoxia
    – Chest X-ray shows typical features of ARDS
    – Transfusion related circulatory overload should be ruled
    – Multiparous female donors have been identified as most
      common source in TRALI fatalities.
    Treatment of TRALI
1.   Treatment is largely supportive.
2.   Monitor Oxygen saturation, Provide
     supplemental oxygen to maintain saturation
     above 92%
3.   Hypoxemia severe enough to require
     Endotracheal Intubation and PPV occurs in
     70-75% of patients.
4.   No evidence supports the routine use of
   Metabolic complications
    –   In patients with massive blood transfusion( 1
        ml/kg/min or 1 unit of blood per 5 minutes).
    –   Metabolic consequences include
        1. Hypothermia (prevented by transfusing blood
           through blood warmer)
        2. Acidosis
        3. Increased affinity of oxyhaemoglobin for oxygen(
           due to transfusion of 2,3 DPG depleted blood)
        4. Citrate intoxication( causes temporary reductions in
           ionised calcium levels – If symptomatic treated by
           administering calcium gluconate)
        5. Hyperkalemia
Haemostatic complications
1. Dilutional Coagulopathy

– Stored blood is deficient in platelets and labile clotting
  factor (factor V and VIII)
– Massive transfusion induces dilution of
  Fibrinogen, Clotting factor – II, V and VIII in addition to
  moderate Thrombocytopenia.
– Treated by administering FFP or platelets as decided on
  basis of laboratory evidence of coagulopathy or by clinical
  suspicion due to rapid ongoing blood loss.

2. Post Transfusion Purpura
– Platelet-specific alloantibodies may cause post-transfusion
– It is initially treated with high dose corticosteroids and
   intravenous immunoglobulin
– If platelets needed , have to be compatible with patient
    Circulatory overload

1.   Encountered when blood is administered too
     rapidly or in large volumes
2.   Pulmonary edema is common
3.   Must be differentiated from ARDS
4.   Diuretics may be used – Furosemide administered
     at incremental dosage of 20-40 mg depending on
     response 6-8 hrly until desired diuresis occurs.
   Transfusion haemosiderosis
    – Iron overload in monocyte-macrophage system
    – Especially a problem in childhood anemias (e.g.
      thalassemia) and in patients with chronic refractory
    – Iron chelation therapy with desferrioxamine
   Graft-versus-host disease
    – Rare, but fatal complication
    – Occurs mainly in immunodeficient patients
    – Caused by the T-lymphocytes from donor blood
      get engrafted into the immunodeficient host’s
      marrow and launch an immune response against
      the host.
    – Starts 3-30 days after the transfusion
    – Patient develops high fever, diffuse erythematous
      skin rash, desquamation, GI symptoms, severe
      hepatic dysfunction and pancytopenia
    – Prevented by administering gamma-irradiated
      cellular components
    Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions

1.   Result of Anamnestic Response to Donor RBC antigen to
     which a recipient has been previously exposed.
2.   Commonly involve antibodies against Kell, Kidd and
     Rhesus antigens.
3.   Occur within first or second week following transfusion
4.   Symptoms include low grade fever, increased indirect
     bilirubin or unexpected reduction in Hb concentrations.
5.   It is typically mild and self limiting.
6.   Treatment is supportive including Hb monitoring, hydration
     and provision of compatible blood if necessary.
    Transfusion Related Immunomodulation

1.   There are changes in immunity related processes
     such as T-lymphocyte Helper/Suppressor
     ratio, function of T Killer cells, Lymphocyte
     responsiveness and Delayed Hypersensitivity.
2.   Adverse effects on immunocompetence such as
     accelerated reccurences of malignancy, increased
     rates of infection and more rapid progression of
3.   Cause Unknown.
    Infective risks

1.   Hepatitis B, C and G
2.   HIV 1 and 2
3.   HTLV 1 and 2
4.   Cytomegalovirus
5.   Parasitic diseases – Malaria, Filariasis and Chaga’s
6.   Prion related Diseases ( CJD)
7. Bacterial Contamination:

    More common with platelet transfusions.
    Risk is less in single donor apheresis derived units.
    Gram negative Yersinia enterocolitica is the most common
     cause of fatal sepsis.
    Symptoms –
     Fever, Chills, Tachycardia, Dyspnea, Shock, DIC and Acute
     Renal Failure.
    Needs to be distinguished from other common transfusion
    Treatment:
1.   Transfusion stopped immediately
2.   Blood cultures obtained
3.   Broad spectrum Antibiotics
4.   Supportive care as required.
5.   Notification of blood bank.

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Blood transfusion

  • 1. Blood Transfusion Presented by: Dr. Dhritiman Chakrabarti
  • 2.  An adult human has about 4–6 liters of blood circulating in the body. Among other things, the primary function of blood is to transport oxygen to various parts of the body.  Blood consists of several types of cells floating around in a fluid called Plasma.
  • 3. The Red Blood Cells contain Hemoglobin, a protein that binds oxygen. Red blood cells transport oxygen to, and remove carbon dioxide from, the body tissues. The White Blood Cells are the cells primarily responsible for immunity. The Platelets help in hemostasis. The Plasma contains ions and various kinds of proteins serving diverse functions.
  • 4. Definitions A Blood Transfusion is the infusion of whole blood or a blood component such as plasma, red blood cells, or platelets into the patient’s venous circulation. A blood transfusion is given because of red blood cell loss, such as with hemorrage or when the body is not adequately producing cells such as platelets. The person receiving the blood is the Recipient. The person giving the blood is the Donor.
  • 5. Blood Groups An Individual’s blood is commonly classified into one of the four main groups (A, B, AB, and O). The surface of an individual’s red blood cells contains a number of proteins known as Antigens that are unique for each person. Many blood antigens have been identified, but the antigens A, B, and Rh are the most important in determining blood group or type. Because antigens promote agglutination or clumping of blood cells, they also known as Agglutinogens.
  • 6. The A antigen or agglutinogen is present on the RBCs of people with blood group A , the B antigen is present in people with blood group B, and both A and B antigens are found on the RBC surface in people with group AB blood. Neither antigen is present in people with group O blood .
  • 7. Preformed antibodies to RBC antigens are present in the plasma; these antibodies are often called Agglutinins. People with blood group A have B antibodies (Agglutinins ), A antibodies are present in people with blood group B , and people with blood group O have antibodies to both A and B antigens . People with group AB blood do not have antibodies to either A or B antigens .
  • 8. If a person with type O blood is transfused with blood from a person with either group A or group B blood, there would be destruction of the recipient’s red blood cells because his or her anti-A or anti-B agglutinins would react with the A or B antigens in the donor’s red blood cells.
  • 9. This example shows why individuals with type AB blood are often called Universal Recipients (because people in this blood group have no agglutinins for either A or B antigens) and group O people are often called Universal Donors (because they have neither A nor B antigens).
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  • 12. Rhesus (RH) Factor The Rh factor is an inherited antigen in human blood. Blood that contains the Rh factor is known as Rh-positive, when it is not present the blood is said to be Rh-negative. Rh blood does not naturally contain Rh antibodies. If Rh-positive blood is injected into an Rh-negative person, the recipient develops Rh antibodies. Subsequent transfusion with Rh-positive blood may cause serious reactions with clumping and hemolysis of red blood cells.
  • 13.
  • 14. Other Blood Groups  In addition to the ABO antigens and Rh antigens, many other antigens are expressed on the RBC surface membrane.  The International Society of Blood Transfusion currently recognizes 30 blood-group systems (including the ABO and Rh systems).  For Eg. MNS, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, Lewis etc.  These are mostly involved in Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion reactions.
  • 15. Typing and Cross Matching Before any blood can be given to a patient, it must be determined that the blood of the donor is compatible with the patient. The laboratory examination to determine a person’s blood group and Rh factor is called Blood Typing.
  • 16. The process of determining compatibility between blood specimens is Crossmatching. RBCs from the donor blood are mixed with serum from the recipient, a reagent (Coombs’ serum) is added, and the mixture is examined for visible agglutination. If no antibodies to the donated RBCs are present in the recipient’s serum, agglutination does not occur and the risk of transfusion reaction is small.
  • 17. Selection of Blood Donors Blood donors must be selected with care. Not only must the donor’s blood be accurately typed, but it is also important to determine that the donor is free from diseases. The primary tests recommended by WHO are the following: 1. Surface antigen for hepatitis B( HbsAg) 2. Antibody to Hepatitis C 3. HIV antibody (Subtypes 1 & 2) 4. Serology tests for Syphilis
  • 18. Other tests carried out depending on local need : 1. Prion diseases – Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease 2. Cytomegalovirus 3. HIV Nucleic acid test (p24) Also mandatory that the donor should be free from fever a fortnight before donating blood. Also should be free from parasitic diseases like Malaria and Filariasis.
  • 19. Transfusion of blood and blood products
  • 20. Blood Conservative Strategies  Preoperative Autologous Donation – Effectiveness is limited because of less vigorous erythropoietic response and the process simply results in anemia at time of surgery. – Benefits are the elimination of disease transmission, allergic and incompatible reactions. – But, more expensive, sometimes wasted. – Usage has declined.
  • 21. Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution – Patient is bled immediately before surgery. – Down to haematocrit 25-30% with CVP monitoring – Strategy is that intraoperatively the patient will lose blood of low hematocrit value and reduce total red blood cell loss. – Collected blood is transfused back after surgery. – Less frequently used.
  • 22.  Intraoperative blood salvage – Blood is salvaged intraoperatively from sites where fresh blood has collected before the surgery – Only applicable to clean operative sites without bacterial, bowel or tumor cell contamination. – Contemporary cell salvage devices anticoagulate the blood, separate the RBCs from the blood, wash the RBCs extensively in saline and reinfused to the patient in aliquots of 125 – 225ml with Hematocrit of 45 – 65%.
  • 23. Transfusion of Whole blood has been largely replaced by FFP and specific component therapy depending on nature of deficiency.
  • 24.  Whole blood – Haematocrit of 35%-45% – 300 ml of 4:1 mixture of donor plasma and a nutrient citrate anticoagulant solution – Stored at 2-6 deg C (maximum for 35 days) – Deterioration is rapid when kept out of refrigerator or transport box – Transfusion should be completed within 4 hrs – Warmer is used if large volume has to be transfused in a short time – Not suitable for symptomatic or critical anemia
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  • 26.  Packed Red Blood Cells – Obtained from single donor – Contains Red cells in CPDA solution (citrate, phosphate, dextrose and adenine) with Hct of 70- 75% and a total volume of 250-275ml. – Has a shelf life of 35 days at storage temp. of 1-6 deg C. – In case Additive solution solution is added, the infusate is of Hct 60%, Total volume 250-350ml., less citrate, longer shelf life of 42 days at storage temp. of 1-6 deg C. – Improves tissue oxygenation after hemorrhage and in anemic patient – One unit of PRBCs typically will raise the hematocrit by 3- 4% and the blood hemoglobin concentration by 1 g/dl.
  • 27. Additive Solutions Three additive solutions are available 1. Adsol ( AS-1 ) [Baxter Laboratories] 2. Nutricel (AS-3) [Medsep Corporation] 3. Optisol (AS-5) [Terumo Corporation]
  • 28. Red Blood Cell Transfusion Guidelines Acute and Perioperative Blood Loss 1. Estimate blood loss If > 30-40% of rapid blood loss: transfuse RBCs and use volume expanders If < 30-40% of rapid blood loss: RBCs not usually needed in otherwise healthy person 2. Monitor vital signs; Tachycardia and hypotension not corrected with volume expanders: RBCs needed 3. Measure haemoglobin If Hb > 10 g/dL: RBCs rarely needed If Hb < 7 g/dL: RBCs usually needed If Hb 7-10 g/dL: RBCs may be needed, determined by additional clinical conditions 4. Hematocrit trigger point for transfusion is <21%. 5. For cardiac disease patients, threshold goes up to Hb <10gm% and hematocrit <30%.
  • 29.  Chronic Anaemia 1. Transfuse only to decrease symptoms and to minimize risk (generally at Hb of less than 7 g /dL). Do not transfuse above 7g/dL Hb unless patient is symptomatic. 2. Treat nutritional and mild blood loss anemia with specific therapeutic agents as indicated (iron, folic acid, B12).
  • 30. Guidelines for Paediatric Transfusion  If Hb is < 4 g/dL, transfuse.  If Hb is > 4 g/dL and < 5 g/dL, transfuse when signs of respiratory distress or cardiac failure are present. If patient is clinically stable, monitor closely and treat the cause of the anaemia.  If Hb is > 5 g/dL, transfusion is usually not necessary. Consider transfusion in cases of shock or severe burns. Otherwise, treat the cause of the underlying anaemia.  Transfuse with 10 to 15 ml/kg of PRBCs or 20 ml/kg of whole blood.  In the presence of profound anaemia or very high malaria parasitaemia, a higher amount may be needed.
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  • 32.  Platelets – Available as concentrates from single or multiple donors – Manual Thrombapheresis is done either by ‘soft spin’ centrifugation or re-centrifugation of buffy coat layer. – Can also be prepared from single donor by an Automated Apheresis machine – Platelets have very short shelf life, typically five days & are stored under constant agitation at 20-24 deg C. – No effective preservative solutions, lose potency very quickly, best when fresh, thus very short turnover time. – One unit has about 3 10^11 platelets
  • 33. Indications for platelet transfusion  Indicated when platelets count fall 50,000/cumm 1. Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy for leukemia, multiple myeloma 2. Aplastic anemia 3. AIDS 4. Hypersplenism 5. ITP 6. Sepsis 7. Bone marrow transplant, organ transplant or surgeries such as cardiopulmonary bypass. Avoided in those with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura(TTP).
  • 34. Expected Platelet Counts After Infusion  Platelet count increase as well as platelet survival after transfusion is related to the dose of platelets infused and to the patient's body surface area (BSA). Usually these values are less than what would be expected.  Expected platelet increase (per μL) = # platelets infused x CCI / BSA (m2)  The theoretical value of the CCI is 20,000/μL but clinically, the value is closer to 10,000/μL. If the CCI is less than 5,000/μL, patients are said to have "refractoriness" to platelet transfusion. (Corrected platelet count increment (CCI) = platelet increment at one hr x BSA (m2) / # platelets infused x 10^11 )
  • 35. Fresh-frozen plasma – Produced from a Single donation – 200-300 ml of plasma with 40-60 ml of citrate anticoagulant nutrient mixture – Stored at -30 deg C (shelf life of 12 months) – Thawed rapidly at 37 deg C – Infused intravenously through a standard blood set with on- line filter – ABO group must be compatible – Infusion of 1 unit should be complete within 4 hr of thawing
  • 36. Indication for FFP transfusion – To correct isolated plasma protein deficiencies – To reverse oral warfarin anticoagulation – In patient with liver disease, major hepatic resection and severe liver injuries – DIC – Bleeding diathesis after large volume blood transfusion – TTP
  • 37.  Cryoprecipitate – Concentrate of factor VIII, VonWillebrand’s factor, fibrinogen and factor XIII – Each 15 mL unit typically contains 100 IU of factor VIII, and 250 mg of fibrinogen. – The product is manufactured by slowly thawing a unit of FFP at temperatures just above freezing (1- 6 C) and then centrifuged to remove the majority of the plasma, and the precipitate is resuspended in the remaining plasma or in sterile saline – Stored at -30 deg C (shelf life 12 month). – Also thawed at 37 deg C. – Transfusion should be completed within 4 hrs.
  • 38. Indication of Cryoprecipitate transfusion – Fibrinogen deficiency and dysfibrinogenaemia – Uraemic bleeding – VonWillebrand’s disease
  • 39. Special blood components – Irradiated components:- It is the only effective means of preventing Graft vs. Host Disease while transfusing blood components to immuno-compromised patients. – Leuco-reduced cellular component:- Benefits are 1. Decreased alloimmunization/platelet refractoriness in multiply transfused leukemics. 2. Prevention of febrile reactions to RBC/platelet transfusions in multiply transfused patients. 3. Reduction of CMV transmission. 4. Reduction in inflammatory mediator accumulation during storage – preventive strategy for TRALI.
  • 40. Adverse effect of transfusion of blood and blood products  Acute – Allergic – Anaphylaxis – Hemolytic – Metabolic – Transfusion related acute lung injury – Circulatory overload – Non-hemolytic febrile transfusion reactions – Haemostatic: dilution of clotting factors and thrombocytopenia – Infective Risks
  • 41. Late – Delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions – Sensitization/Alloimunization – Transfusion Related Immune Modulation – Graft-vs-Host disease – Transfusion iron overload (haemosiderosis)
  • 42. Non hemolytic Febrile Transfusion Reactions – Result of alloimmunization to leucocyte and platelet antigens ( HLA antigens) – Symptoms: Rigor followed by Fever usually within the start of 30-60 min of transfusion – Managed by cessation or slowing of the transfusion and administration of an antipyretic – Pretreated with antipyretic in repeated transfusions and patient who has history – If above measure fail, leucocyte-depleted cell components are given.
  • 43. Allergic reaction – Symptoms: Urticarial rash and itch within minutes – Treatment:  Antihistamines  and reduction of transfusion rate
  • 44. Anaphylaxis – Rare, fatal, caused by antibodies to IgA in patients who have extremely low levels of this immunoglobulin in plasma (Hereditary IgA Deficiency), who have been sensitized to IgA in previous transfusions. – Treatment: Termination of blood transfusion, IV crystalloids, Maintenance of airway, Oxygen, Adrenalin, IV antihistamine and salbutamol
  • 45. Acute haemolytic reaction – Result of ABO incompatibility – Serious complication – Mortality is high when more than 200 ml has been transfused – Clinical feature  Pain at the infusion site and along the vein  Facial burning  Chest and back pain  Fever, rigor and vomiting  Restlessness, breathlessness, flushing and hypotension  Bleeding from vascular access sites and wound
  • 46. Management  Immediate recognition  Cessation of transfusion  Replacement of the blood transfusion set  Adequate hydration  Forced diuresis  Vasopressor/ Inotrope support might be required  Further investigations – Re-cross matching and serological testing – Blood unit for culture – Blood sample for clinical chemistry – Coagulation screen
  • 47. Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury – Occurs when mediators (anti HLA antibodies and anti- granulocyte antibodies) present in the donor plasma activate leucocytes in the host. – Pulmonary microvascular occlusion by platelets, leucocytes and fibrin – Clinical feature (within 6 hrs of transfusion)  Fever  Breathlessness  Non-productive cough  Hypoxia – Chest X-ray shows typical features of ARDS – Transfusion related circulatory overload should be ruled out. – Multiparous female donors have been identified as most common source in TRALI fatalities.
  • 48. Treatment of TRALI 1. Treatment is largely supportive. 2. Monitor Oxygen saturation, Provide supplemental oxygen to maintain saturation above 92% 3. Hypoxemia severe enough to require Endotracheal Intubation and PPV occurs in 70-75% of patients. 4. No evidence supports the routine use of Corticosteroids.
  • 49. Metabolic complications – In patients with massive blood transfusion( 1 ml/kg/min or 1 unit of blood per 5 minutes). – Metabolic consequences include 1. Hypothermia (prevented by transfusing blood through blood warmer) 2. Acidosis 3. Increased affinity of oxyhaemoglobin for oxygen( due to transfusion of 2,3 DPG depleted blood) 4. Citrate intoxication( causes temporary reductions in ionised calcium levels – If symptomatic treated by administering calcium gluconate) 5. Hyperkalemia
  • 50. Haemostatic complications 1. Dilutional Coagulopathy – Stored blood is deficient in platelets and labile clotting factor (factor V and VIII) – Massive transfusion induces dilution of Fibrinogen, Clotting factor – II, V and VIII in addition to moderate Thrombocytopenia. – Treated by administering FFP or platelets as decided on basis of laboratory evidence of coagulopathy or by clinical suspicion due to rapid ongoing blood loss. 2. Post Transfusion Purpura – Platelet-specific alloantibodies may cause post-transfusion purpura – It is initially treated with high dose corticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulin – If platelets needed , have to be compatible with patient alloantibodies
  • 51. Circulatory overload 1. Encountered when blood is administered too rapidly or in large volumes 2. Pulmonary edema is common 3. Must be differentiated from ARDS 4. Diuretics may be used – Furosemide administered at incremental dosage of 20-40 mg depending on response 6-8 hrly until desired diuresis occurs.
  • 52. Transfusion haemosiderosis – Iron overload in monocyte-macrophage system – Especially a problem in childhood anemias (e.g. thalassemia) and in patients with chronic refractory anemia – Iron chelation therapy with desferrioxamine
  • 53. Graft-versus-host disease – Rare, but fatal complication – Occurs mainly in immunodeficient patients – Caused by the T-lymphocytes from donor blood get engrafted into the immunodeficient host’s marrow and launch an immune response against the host. – Starts 3-30 days after the transfusion – Patient develops high fever, diffuse erythematous skin rash, desquamation, GI symptoms, severe hepatic dysfunction and pancytopenia – Prevented by administering gamma-irradiated cellular components
  • 54. Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions 1. Result of Anamnestic Response to Donor RBC antigen to which a recipient has been previously exposed. 2. Commonly involve antibodies against Kell, Kidd and Rhesus antigens. 3. Occur within first or second week following transfusion 4. Symptoms include low grade fever, increased indirect bilirubin or unexpected reduction in Hb concentrations. 5. It is typically mild and self limiting. 6. Treatment is supportive including Hb monitoring, hydration and provision of compatible blood if necessary.
  • 55. Transfusion Related Immunomodulation 1. There are changes in immunity related processes such as T-lymphocyte Helper/Suppressor ratio, function of T Killer cells, Lymphocyte responsiveness and Delayed Hypersensitivity. 2. Adverse effects on immunocompetence such as accelerated reccurences of malignancy, increased rates of infection and more rapid progression of HIV/AIDS. 3. Cause Unknown.
  • 56. Infective risks 1. Hepatitis B, C and G 2. HIV 1 and 2 3. HTLV 1 and 2 4. Cytomegalovirus 5. Parasitic diseases – Malaria, Filariasis and Chaga’s disease. 6. Prion related Diseases ( CJD)
  • 57. 7. Bacterial Contamination:  More common with platelet transfusions.  Risk is less in single donor apheresis derived units.  Gram negative Yersinia enterocolitica is the most common cause of fatal sepsis.  Symptoms – Fever, Chills, Tachycardia, Dyspnea, Shock, DIC and Acute Renal Failure.  Needs to be distinguished from other common transfusion reactions.  Treatment: 1. Transfusion stopped immediately 2. Blood cultures obtained 3. Broad spectrum Antibiotics 4. Supportive care as required. 5. Notification of blood bank.