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Biological options in AVN
 Dr. Sushil Paudel
 Avascular necrosis (also osteonecrosis,
bone infarction,aseptic necrosis,
ischemic bone necrosis,and AVN)
 Disease where there is cellular death
of bone components due to
interruption of the blood supply
 The LEV enters the femoral head within a 1-cm-
wide zone between the cartilage of the femoral
head and the cortical bone of the femoral
 Supply the lateral and central thirds of the
femoral head
 When patent, the artery of the ligamentum
teres (ALT) supplies the medial third of the
femoral head
 Etiology and pathophysiology
 AVN : areas of dead trabecular bone and
marrow extending to involve the subchondral
 Anterolateral aspect of the femoral head, the
principal weightbearing region typically
involved, but any region of the femoral head
may be involved.
 Involved segment usually never fully
revascularizes, and collapse of the femoral
head usually occurs
 Elderly persons at decreased risk
 Fat cells become smaller, space between fat
cells fills with a loose reticulum and mucoid fluid,
which are resistant AVN.
 Condition is termed gelatinous marrow.
 Even in the presence of increased
intramedullary pressure, interstitial fluid escapes
into the blood vessels, leaving the spaces free to
absorb additional fluid.
 Clinical picture nonspecific
 Presenting symptom unilateral hip pain, which
may be followed by a limp and a decreased
range of motion (ROM).
 Young adults between the ages of 30 and 40
most frequently affected
 Bilateral in more than 50% of patients
Sequelae of avascular necrosis
 Minimal AVN - If the vascular area is small and is
not adjacent to an articular surface, the patient
may be asymptomatic; healing may occur
spontaneously, or the disease may remain
undetected or be discovered incidentally
during workup for other conditions.
 More severe AVN : repair begins at the interface
between viable bone and necrotic bone.
 Dead bone reabsorbed only partially.
 Reactive and reparative bone laid down on dead
trabeculae, resulting in a sclerotic margin of
thickened trabeculae within an advancing front of
hyperemia, inflammation, bone resorption, and
 Incomplete resorption of dead bone has a mixed
sclerotic and cystic appearance on radiographs.
Necrosis and repair are ongoing in various stages of
evolution within a single lesion.
 Mechanical failure - In the subchondral region
microfractures do not heal
 Progression of the microfractures results in a
diffuse subchondral fracture, seen
radiographically as the crescent sign
 Following subchondral fracture and progressive
weightbearing, collapse of the articular
cartilage occurs
 Continued fracture, necrosis, and further
weightbearing may progress to degenerative
joint disease (DJD) and joint dissolution
 AP and lateral radiographs of both hips
 Initially within normal limits because it takes a
period of weeks to months after the initiating
event for changes to appear on radiographs
 The first changes to be noted are areas of
radiolucency and sclerosis within the femoral
head, usually in the anterior superior quadrant
 If osteonecrosis suspected despite normal-
appearing plain radiographs, MRI of both hips
should be obtained because more than 50% of
cases are bilateral
 Help guide interventional procedures such as
core decompression,
 Demonstrate response of the femoral head to
 Noninvasive means of evaluating articular
cartilage congruity
 Sequential evaluation of asymptomatic lesions
undetectable on plain radiographs.
Plain film radiographs
 Malignancy
 Osteomyelitis
 Transient osteoporosis of the hip
 Bone sarcoma
 Advanced Degenerative joint disease
 Insufficiency fractures
 Epiphyseal dysplasia
 Bone metastases
Bone scintigrams
 Infection
 Plasma cell myeloma
 Skeletal metastasis
 Hemangioma
 Radiation therapy
 Arthritis
 Sympathetic dystrophy
 Bone marrow edema syndrome
 Bone metastases
CT scans
 Degenerative disease
 Insufficiency fracture
 Malignancy
 Infection
 Plasma cell myeloma
 Bone metastases
 Transient osteoporosis of the hip
 Transient bone marrow syndrome
 Bone bruise
 Epiphyseal stress fracture
 Infection
 Infiltrative neoplasm
 Insufficiency fracture
 Bone metastases
Ficat and Arlet Radiographic Staging
System for AVN
 Stage 0 (preclinical and preradiologic)
 Avascular necrosis (AVN) can be suggested
only if it has already been diagnosed in the
contralateral hip.
 Stage 1 (preradiologic)
Defined by normal findings on radiographs and
positive findings on MRI or bone scintigraphy.
 Early resorptive stage,
 Late in this stage, plain radiographs may show
minimal osteoporosis and/or blurring and poor
definition of the bony trabeculae
 Stage 2 (reparative)
 Demineralization evident; first manifestation of
the reparative stage, represents resorption of
dead bone, and may be generalized or patchy
or appear in the form of small cysts within the
femoral head
Anteroposterior view of the
pelvis in a patient with
bilateral avascular necrosis
of the femoral head. Mild
flattening to the superior
aspect of the right femoral
head (open arrow)
indicates stage 3 disease.
The left femoral head has a
normal contour, indicating
stage 2 disease.
Stage 3 (early collapse of the femoral
head )
 Linear subcortical lucency, representing a fracture line,
present immediately beneath the articular cortex and
may extend into the articular cartilage at the
superolateral aspect of the femoral head.
 Crescent sign ; best demonstrated on a frogleg view
 Subarticular cortex remain attached to the cartilage
and is separated from the underlying femur by soft tissue,
termed the eggshell sign.
 The femoral head initially preserves its round
appearance, but later, it demonstrates collapse,
indicated by joint-space widening.
Frogleg lateral view of the right hip in a patient with avascular necrosis shows the
crescent sign, indicating subchondral fracture.
Stage 4 (progressive degenerative disease)
 Further flattening of the femoral head with loss
of its smooth convex contour
 Ultimately, the superior femoral fragment,
representing the articular surface and the
immediate subchondral bone become
separated from the underlying femoral head or
depressed and compacted into the femoral
 Fragments of bone and cartilage may separate
from the underlying femur, become loose
 Severe collapse and
destruction of the femoral
head leads to progressive
degenerative joint
disease (DJD) with joint-
space narrowing,
marginal osteophyte
formation, and
subchondral cyst
Steinberg et al's Staging System for AVN
 Steinberg et al proposed a 6-stage classification
system based on that of Ficat and Arlet and
included radiologic clinical classification
 Stage 0 - both preclinical and preradiologic,
identified when imaging is performed to evaluate
AVN in the contralateral hip or to exclude other
diseases. Abnormal MRI findings, normal
radiographic findings, and normal bone scan
 Stage 1 - normal radiographic findings or minimal
demineralization or blurred trabeculae,Pain in the
anterior groin or thigh ,Limited ROM in the hip
 Stage 2 - Osteoporosis, groin pain, and mottled
sclerotic and/or cystic area
 Stage 3 - crescent sign (subchondral fracture) ,
pain with subchondral fracture activity, and no
femoral head flattening
 Stage 4 - marked collapse and fracture
involving the articular surface, Segmental
flattening, pain with femoral head activity, no
acetabular involvement, and normal joint space
 Stage 5 - joint space narrowing, resting pain,
and acetabular degeneration (DJD)
 AVN Classification per Central Avascular Segment
Signal Alterations
Class A - Central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of fat are
noted. Increased signal is demonstrated on T1WIs, and intermediate to
high signal is demonstrated on T2WIs
Class B - The presence of central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of blood is observed. Increased
signal is demonstrated on both T1WIs and T2WIs
Class C - Central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of fluid is present. Decreased signal is
demonstrated on T1WIs, and increased signal is demonstrated on T2WIs
 Class D - The presence of central osteonecrotic
focus signal analogous to that of fibrous tissue is
noted. Decreased signal is demonstrated on
both T1WIs and T2WIs
University of Pennsylvania
 To determine the most appropriate treatment,
consider the following aspects:
 age of the patient, stage of the disease (early or
late),location and amount of bone
affected (small or large area),underlying cause
of AVN (with ongoing causes such as
corticosteroid or alcohol use, treatment may not
work unless use of the substance is stopped)
Conservative management
 Restricted weight-bearing
 Pharmacological agents
lipid-lowering drugs, anticoagulants,
vasodilators, and bisphosphonates
 External, biophysical, nonoperative modalities
Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy
hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)
Restricted weight-bearing
 Advised with the expectation of preventing femoral
head collapse during the healing
 Only 5 studies with reference to weight bearing as
treatment modality
 Factors related to resolution : early, asymptomatic
disease (ARCO stage I) and small lesion size (a
modified index of necrotic extent of < 25).
 Hernigou et al, observed that clinical and
radiographic signs of the disease in asymptomatic
hips with a very small asymptomatic lesion progress
more slowly than do signs in hips with a large
symptomatic stage-II lesion
 Agarwal et al studied 60 patients with AVN of the hip (100 hips ). All
patients were treated with alendronate 10 mg/day (or 70 mg/week)
along with 500-1000 mg of daily calcium and vitamin D supplements,
and were advised to avoid weight-bearing. NSAIDs and analgesics
were permitted as needed and were recorded.
 Alendronate reduces pain, improves function and retards AVN
progression. Early surgical intervention can be avoided in most
Rheumatology (Oxford) 2005
 Efficacy of alendronate, a bisphosphonate, in the treatment of AVN of
the hip. A prospective open-label study. Agarwala S, Jain D Joshi VR,
Sule A P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mahim, Mumbai 400 016, India.
Operative intervention
 1. Core decompression
 2. Core decompression with bone grafting
Phemister type fibular grafting
Cancellous iliac bone grafting
Meyer’s Quardatus femoris muscle grafting
Sartorious muscle pedicle grafting
Tensor fascia lata pedicle grafting
Gluteus medius pedicle grafting
Vascularized muscle pedicle bone grafting
 3. Osteotomy
 4. Surface arthroplasty
 5. Total hip arthroplasty
Core decompression
 2 methods of core decompression: large-
diameter trephines and small-diameter drills. The
most common method, the 8 to 10-mm
trephine, is completed under fluoroscopy with
the core track either being left open or filled in
with bone graft
 Complications e.g., articular cartilage damage
and subchondral fractures associated with the
large-diameter technique,
 Kim et al. developed the multiple small-
diameter core decompression technique.
 In their initial cohort of patients treated with this
technique, they reported a lower rate of
collapse (14.3%) as compared with the rate
reported with the traditional trephine method
 Kim SY, Kim DH, Park IH, Park BC, Kim PT, Ihn JC. Multiple drilling compared with
standard core decompression for the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral
head [abstract]. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004;
After core decompression
 Stulberg et al. compared core decompression
alone with conservative treatment in a
prospective, randomized study of 55hips. On
the basis of Harris hip scores, operative
treatment was successful in approximately 70%
of hips with Ficat Stage-I, II, or III osteonecrosis. In
contrast, nonoperative treatment was successful
for 20% of hips with Ficat Stage-I disease, 0% with
Stage-II,and 10% with Stage-III
 Stulberg BN, Davis AW, Bayer TW, Levine M,Easley K. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head.A
prospective randomized treatment protocol Clin Orthop.
 Smith et al. reviewed twelve articles, published
between 1979 and 1991, that included a total of
702 hips with an average duration of followup of
thirty-eight months. Using the University of
Pennsylvania staging system, they reported a
successful result in 78% of the Ficat Stage-I hips,
62% of the Stage-II hips, and 41% of the Stage- III
 Smith SW, Fehring TK, Griffin WL, Beaver WB.Core decompression of the
osteonecrotic femoral head. J Bone Joint Surg Am
 Mont et al used a modified trapdoor technique
and bone morphogenetic protein enriched bone
graft substitute through a window at the femoral
head-neck junction in 23 patients.
 Successful clinical results (a Harris hip score of 80
points or greater and no additional procedures) in
18 of 21 hips (86%) at a minimum follow up of 36
months (mean, 48 months; range, 36–55 months)
 Extensive dissection required and, technically more
difficult than a standard core decompression
 Mont MA, Etienne G, Ragland PS. Outcome of nonvascularized bone grafting
for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2003
Lieberman et all retrospectively evaluated 15 patients (17 hips) with
AVN hip treated with core decompression combined with an
allogeneic, antigen-extracted, autolyzed fibula allograft and 50 mg
of partially purified human bone morphogenetic protein and
noncollagenous proteins
 Clinical success in 14 of 15 hips (93%; 13 patients) with Stage IIA
 3 of 17 hips had radiographic progress and converted to total hip
 Only 1of seven hips with 50% or less involvement of the femoral head
developed radiographic progression of the femoral head
 No radiographic progression in the 3 hips with less than 1/3
involvement of the weight bearing surface of the femoral head.
 Concluded further evaluation of the potential efficacy of bone
morphogenetic protein required in randomized trials.
Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with core decompression and human bone morphogenetic protein.
Lieberman JR
 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adult bone
marrow are multipotent that can differentiate
into fibroblastic, osteogenic, myogenic,
adipogenic and reticular cells.These cells may
also provide a potential therapy for bone repair
 Procedure of autologous stem cell
transplantation has been standardized with the
guidelines that these should be instilled in
concentration of 2X106 stem cells in non-
traumatic pre-collapse stage of avascular
necrosis femur head.
 Effectiveness of bone marrow mononuclear cells
related to the availability of stem cells endowed
with osteogenic properties
 Injected marrow stromal cells secrete angiogenic
cytokines, resulting in increased angiogenesis
 Bone marrow contains the bone morphogenetic
proteins such as BMP-2
 Supplementation of bone marrow stromal cells
cultures with FGF-2 resulted in prolonged lifespan of
bone marrow stromal cells to more than 70
doublings and maintained their differentiation
potential accompanied by an increase of their
telomerase size
Yan et al treated 44 hips in 28 patients with AVN at early stage
by percutaneous multiple holes decompression followed by
autologous BMCs infusion. Autologous BMCs were
concentrated from bone marrow that was taken from the
posterior iliac crest of the patient. Patients were followed up at
least 2 years. The results were determined by the changes in
the Harris hip score and the progression in the radiograghic
 They concluded ercutaneous multiple holes decompression
combined with autologous BMCs is a new way to treat
avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
 Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by percutaneous
decompression and autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell infusion.
Yan ZQ, Chen YSLi , Yang Y Huo JZ Chen ZR Shi JHGe JB Source Department of
Orthopaedics, Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,
 Valerie et al studied the implantation of autologous bone-
marrow mononuclear cells in a necrotic lesion of the femoral
head along with core decompression.
 After twenty-four months, significant reduction in pain (p =
0.021) and in joint symptoms within the bone-marrow-graft
 Implantation of autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells
appears to be a safe and effective treatment for early stages
of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
 Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head with Implantation of Autologous Bone-Marrow Cells
Valérie Gangji, MD1; Jean-Philippe Hauzeur, MD, PhD J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005
 Deltro et al, published their experience in 8 patients
where they assessed the efficacy and safety of
autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC)
implantation in necrotic lesions of the femoral head in
patients with sickle cell disease.
 After 8 months, 7 of the eight patients reported
improvement from symptoms
 Concluded autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells
implantation is a safe and effective treatment for early
stages of femoral head osteonecrosis in patients with
sickle cell disease
 Daltro GC, Fortuna VA, Salvino de Araújo SA, FerrazLessa PI, Sobrinho
UA, Borojevic R. Femoral head necrosis treatment with autologous
stem cells in sickle cell disease. Acta Orthop Bras. 2008;
 Use of a tantalum implant reported in 2 studies
 Tantalum is a light metal that has a high yield to stress. In
these studies, porous tantalum rods used to potentially
allow bone growth to occur while providing support.
While the short-term results in these studies compared
favorably to other core decompression techniques
longer follow-up is needed to more fully assess the
efficacy of this procedure.
 Tsao AK, Roberson JR, Christie MJ, Dore DD, Heck DA, Robertson DD, Poggie RA.
Biomechanical and clinical evaluations of a porous tantalum implant for the
treatment of early-stage osteonecrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87 Suppl 2: 22-
7.8722 2005
 Veillette CJ, Mehdian H, Schemitsch EH, McKee MD. Survivorship analysis and
radiographic outcome following tantalum rod insertion for osteonecrosis of the
femoral head. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88 Suppl 3: 48-55.8848 2006
 Bone-grafting procedures can be divided into
two general categories: non-vascularized and
 3 approaches to introduce bone graft into the
femoral head
 a core tract
 window in the femoral neck (a ―lightbulb‖
 a ―trapdoor‖ made through the articular
cartilage in the femoral head
 Cortical strut-grafting, a procedure popularized
by Phemister, Boettcher et al., and Bonfiglio et
al. not commonly used today
 Technique involves the removal of an 8 to 10-
mm-diameter cylindrical core of bone from the
femoral head and neck. This core tract is then
filled with cortical strut grafts harvested from the
ilium,fibula, or tibia.
 Postoperatively,protected weight-bearing for
three to six months
Grafting using an intact fibular allograft
Lightbulb procedure
 The term lightbulb procedure introduced by
Rosenwasser et al.
 Cortical window lifted from the femoral head-neck
junction, cancellous bone graft from the iliac crest
used to fill the defect in the femoral head after
complete evacuationof the necrotic bone.
 In their series, thirteen of fifteen hips were
asymptomatic at a mean of twelve years (range,
ten to fifteen years)
 Rosenwasser MP, Garino JP, Kiernan HA, MichelsenCB. Long term
followup of thorough debridement and cancellous bone grafting
ofthe femoral head for avascular necrosis. ClinOrthop. 1994
Muscle pedicle grafting
 Meyers (1978) reported that fresh autologous
iliac bone chips combined with a muscle-
pedicle bone graft gave good results in stages 1
and 2 necrosis, but was unsatisfactory in stages
3 and 4.
Technique for performing muscle-pedicle bone
grafting to the femoral head, modified after Meyers
et al
 Baksi(1991) reported his results at 3 to 12 years
(mean, 7 years) follow-up in treating 61 patients
(68 hips) with a variety of muscle pedicle bone
 Tensor fascia lata anteriorly and the quadratus
femoris posteriorly preferred.
 As many as 83% of the patients, obtained good
or excellent results at follow-up.
Baksi DP. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by drilling and
muscle-pedicle bone grafting. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1991;
Vascularized fibular grafting
 The rationale for management of osteonecrosis of
the femoral head with a free vascularized fibular
graft based on five principles:
 (1) decompression of the femoral head,
 (2) removal of the necrotic bone,
 (3) replacement with fresh autogenous cancellous
 (4) support of the subchondral bone with a
 viable strong bone strut,
 (5) revascularization and osteogenesis of the
femoral head.
 Symptomatic patients younger than fifty years of
age with stage- II, III, or IV
 Patients younger than 20 of age who have
stage-V disease and a good range of motion of
the hip
A 15-cm incision is made on the lateral aspect of the leg between the
lateral and posterior
compartments. The incision is begun 10 cm distal to the fibular head (PF)
and ends
10 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus (LM).
The yellow arrow is pointing to the anterior intermuscular septum. The black arrow is
pointing to the fibula, on which a small cuff of muscle and periosteum has been
the so-called marbleizing technique
The interosseous membrane (IOM) is divided with a specially designed
right-angle Beaver
blade (white arrow). The close proximity of the deep peroneal nerve and
anterior tibial artery
(black arrow) can be seen in this photograph
The fibular osteotomy is performed once the pedicle
has been isolated distally and proximally
and protected with malleable retractors
The proximal stump of the peroneal artery is ligated with the hemostatic
clips (arrow) just
as it branches from the posterior tibial artery, ensuring at least a 4 to 5-cm
Cancellous bone harvested from the greater trochanteric
area is inserted into the cavity formed
by removal of the necrotic bone. The fibular
graft is inserted into the core tract and stabilized
with a 0.62-mm Kirschner wire (K). The
peroneal veins and artery are anastomosed to
the ascending branches of the lateral femoral
circumflex artery (LFCA) and vein
 Urbaniak reviewed the results in 1523 hips treated with a free
vascularizedfibular graft for osteonecrosis between 1979 and October
1, 2000
 Best results obtained in the patients who had had no collapse of the
subchondral bone or articularcartilage preoperatively.
 Of the hips that had not had preoperative subchondral or articular
collapse, 91% had a successful result after six months to twenty-two
years of follow-up.
 If collapse had been present, the success rate was 85%, and if there
had also been joint-space narrowing, it was 65%
 Urbaniak JR, Coogan PG, Gunneson EB, Hunley JA. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the
femoral head with free vascularized fibular grafting. A long-term follow-up study of one
hundred and three hips. J Bone Joint SurgAm. 1995
Vascularized iliac crest
 To rotate the necrotic or collapsing segment of
the hip out of the weight bearing zone,
replacing it with a segment of articular cartilage
of the femoral head supported by healthy
viable bone.
 In addition to the biomechanical effect,
osteotomy reduce venous hypertension and
decrease intramedullary pressure.
 Utilized for both pre- and postcollapse lesions, but
not be performed if there is acetabular involvement
 Work best when the lesions are small or medium
sized with a combined necrotic angle of less than
200° or with less than 30% of femoral head
 For varus osteotomies, there should be at least 20° of
the superolateral femoral head not involved with
disease, because this area of cartilage will be
shifted into weight bearing after the osteotomy.
 Valgus osteotomy requires normal bone and
cartilage in the central or medial aspect of the
 Extension can be added when the necrotic
segment is posterior
 Flexion can be added if the lesion is anterior
 The angular measurements of the lesion on the
AP and lateral radiographs are added together
to give the “combined necrotic angle,―
as described by Kerboul et al. (From Kerboul M,
Thomine J, Postel M, Merle D'Aubigné R. The
Conservative Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic
Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head. J Bone
Joint Surg Br 1974
Radiographs of a hip that underwent a varus
osteotomy for osteonecrosis
 Rotational osteotomy indicated in early to
intermediate stages in which the acetabular
cartilage is relatively unaffected
 Must be sufficient normal bone and cartilage in
the femoral head so that after rotation the
intact segment occupies at least 36% of the
weight-bearing surface of the acetabulum.
 Contraindications include whole-head necrosis,
significant degenerative changes in the femoral
head or acetabulum, and poor general health
Rotational Osteotomies
 In 1973, Sugioka reported transtrochanteric
anterior rotation osteotomy
 More than 500 of these procedures were
performed since 1972, and Sugioka's results,
especially in hips treated before significant
femoral head collapse, were quite gratifying
 Unfortunately, these results could not be
consistently duplicated by other investigators
Schematic of the Sugioka transtrochanteric
rotational osteotomy of the femoral head.
Transposition of necrotic focus of femoral head anteroinferiorly
away from weight-bearing area as a result of anterior rotation of
the femoral head. (A) before rotation and (B) after rotation. (From
Sugioka Y, Mohtai M. Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
 Zhang et al
Experimentenly injected intravenous bone
marrow mesenchymal cells in rabbit and results
revealed intravenously implanted MSCs could
migrate into the femoral head of hosts, and
especially migrate directionally and survive in the
necrotic femoral heads. Thus, it is feasible and
safe to treat femoral head necrosis by intravenous
transplantation of allogeneic MSCs
 Intravenous transplantation of allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem
cells and its directional migration to the necrotic femoral head Zhang-hua Li
International Journal of Medical Sciences 2011
 Total hip replacement is recommended for
patients over the age of fifty years who have
any degree of symptomatic osteonecrosis or
patients over the age of forty years who have
advancedstage-IV disease or involvement of
>50% of the femoral head with limited hip

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Biological options in avn

  • 1. Biological options in AVN femur  Dr. Sushil Paudel
  • 2.  Avascular necrosis (also osteonecrosis, bone infarction,aseptic necrosis, ischemic bone necrosis,and AVN)  Disease where there is cellular death of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.  The LEV enters the femoral head within a 1-cm- wide zone between the cartilage of the femoral head and the cortical bone of the femoral neck.  Supply the lateral and central thirds of the femoral head  When patent, the artery of the ligamentum teres (ALT) supplies the medial third of the femoral head
  • 6.  Etiology and pathophysiology
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.  AVN : areas of dead trabecular bone and marrow extending to involve the subchondral plate.  Anterolateral aspect of the femoral head, the principal weightbearing region typically involved, but any region of the femoral head may be involved.  Involved segment usually never fully revascularizes, and collapse of the femoral head usually occurs
  • 11.  Elderly persons at decreased risk  Fat cells become smaller, space between fat cells fills with a loose reticulum and mucoid fluid, which are resistant AVN.  Condition is termed gelatinous marrow.  Even in the presence of increased intramedullary pressure, interstitial fluid escapes into the blood vessels, leaving the spaces free to absorb additional fluid.
  • 12.
  • 13.  Clinical picture nonspecific  Presenting symptom unilateral hip pain, which may be followed by a limp and a decreased range of motion (ROM).  Young adults between the ages of 30 and 40 most frequently affected  Bilateral in more than 50% of patients
  • 14. Sequelae of avascular necrosis  Minimal AVN - If the vascular area is small and is not adjacent to an articular surface, the patient may be asymptomatic; healing may occur spontaneously, or the disease may remain undetected or be discovered incidentally during workup for other conditions.
  • 15.  More severe AVN : repair begins at the interface between viable bone and necrotic bone.  Dead bone reabsorbed only partially.  Reactive and reparative bone laid down on dead trabeculae, resulting in a sclerotic margin of thickened trabeculae within an advancing front of hyperemia, inflammation, bone resorption, and fibrosis.  Incomplete resorption of dead bone has a mixed sclerotic and cystic appearance on radiographs. Necrosis and repair are ongoing in various stages of evolution within a single lesion.
  • 16.  Mechanical failure - In the subchondral region microfractures do not heal  Progression of the microfractures results in a diffuse subchondral fracture, seen radiographically as the crescent sign  Following subchondral fracture and progressive weightbearing, collapse of the articular cartilage occurs  Continued fracture, necrosis, and further weightbearing may progress to degenerative joint disease (DJD) and joint dissolution
  • 17. IMAGING MODALITIES  AP and lateral radiographs of both hips  Initially within normal limits because it takes a period of weeks to months after the initiating event for changes to appear on radiographs  The first changes to be noted are areas of radiolucency and sclerosis within the femoral head, usually in the anterior superior quadrant
  • 18.  If osteonecrosis suspected despite normal- appearing plain radiographs, MRI of both hips should be obtained because more than 50% of cases are bilateral
  • 19. MRI  Help guide interventional procedures such as core decompression,  Demonstrate response of the femoral head to treatment  Noninvasive means of evaluating articular cartilage congruity  Sequential evaluation of asymptomatic lesions undetectable on plain radiographs.
  • 20. I DD Plain film radiographs  Malignancy  Osteomyelitis  Transient osteoporosis of the hip  Bone sarcoma  Advanced Degenerative joint disease  Insufficiency fractures  Epiphyseal dysplasia  Bone metastases
  • 21. Bone scintigrams  Infection  Plasma cell myeloma  Skeletal metastasis  Hemangioma  Radiation therapy  Arthritis  Sympathetic dystrophy  Bone marrow edema syndrome  Bone metastases
  • 22. CT scans  Degenerative disease  Insufficiency fracture  Malignancy  Infection  Plasma cell myeloma  Bone metastases
  • 23. MRIs  Transient osteoporosis of the hip  Transient bone marrow syndrome  Bone bruise  Epiphyseal stress fracture  Infection  Infiltrative neoplasm  Insufficiency fracture  Bone metastases
  • 24. Ficat and Arlet Radiographic Staging System for AVN  Stage 0 (preclinical and preradiologic)  Avascular necrosis (AVN) can be suggested only if it has already been diagnosed in the contralateral hip.
  • 25.  Stage 1 (preradiologic) Defined by normal findings on radiographs and positive findings on MRI or bone scintigraphy.  Early resorptive stage,  Late in this stage, plain radiographs may show minimal osteoporosis and/or blurring and poor definition of the bony trabeculae
  • 26.
  • 27.  Stage 2 (reparative)  Demineralization evident; first manifestation of the reparative stage, represents resorption of dead bone, and may be generalized or patchy or appear in the form of small cysts within the femoral head
  • 28.
  • 29. Anteroposterior view of the pelvis in a patient with bilateral avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Mild flattening to the superior aspect of the right femoral head (open arrow) indicates stage 3 disease. The left femoral head has a normal contour, indicating stage 2 disease.
  • 30. Stage 3 (early collapse of the femoral head )  Linear subcortical lucency, representing a fracture line, present immediately beneath the articular cortex and may extend into the articular cartilage at the superolateral aspect of the femoral head.  Crescent sign ; best demonstrated on a frogleg view  Subarticular cortex remain attached to the cartilage and is separated from the underlying femur by soft tissue, termed the eggshell sign.  The femoral head initially preserves its round appearance, but later, it demonstrates collapse, indicated by joint-space widening.
  • 31. Frogleg lateral view of the right hip in a patient with avascular necrosis shows the crescent sign, indicating subchondral fracture.
  • 32.
  • 33. Stage 4 (progressive degenerative disease)  Further flattening of the femoral head with loss of its smooth convex contour  Ultimately, the superior femoral fragment, representing the articular surface and the immediate subchondral bone become separated from the underlying femoral head or depressed and compacted into the femoral head.  Fragments of bone and cartilage may separate from the underlying femur, become loose bodies.
  • 34.  Severe collapse and destruction of the femoral head leads to progressive degenerative joint disease (DJD) with joint- space narrowing, marginal osteophyte formation, and subchondral cyst formation
  • 35. Steinberg et al's Staging System for AVN  Steinberg et al proposed a 6-stage classification system based on that of Ficat and Arlet and included radiologic clinical classification findings
  • 36.  Stage 0 - both preclinical and preradiologic, identified when imaging is performed to evaluate AVN in the contralateral hip or to exclude other diseases. Abnormal MRI findings, normal radiographic findings, and normal bone scan findings  Stage 1 - normal radiographic findings or minimal demineralization or blurred trabeculae,Pain in the anterior groin or thigh ,Limited ROM in the hip  Stage 2 - Osteoporosis, groin pain, and mottled sclerotic and/or cystic area
  • 37.  Stage 3 - crescent sign (subchondral fracture) , pain with subchondral fracture activity, and no femoral head flattening  Stage 4 - marked collapse and fracture involving the articular surface, Segmental flattening, pain with femoral head activity, no acetabular involvement, and normal joint space  Stage 5 - joint space narrowing, resting pain, and acetabular degeneration (DJD)
  • 38.  AVN Classification per Central Avascular Segment Signal Alterations
  • 39. Class A - Central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of fat are noted. Increased signal is demonstrated on T1WIs, and intermediate to high signal is demonstrated on T2WIs
  • 40. Class B - The presence of central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of blood is observed. Increased signal is demonstrated on both T1WIs and T2WIs
  • 41. Class C - Central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of fluid is present. Decreased signal is demonstrated on T1WIs, and increased signal is demonstrated on T2WIs
  • 42.  Class D - The presence of central osteonecrotic focus signal analogous to that of fibrous tissue is noted. Decreased signal is demonstrated on both T1WIs and T2WIs
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  • 45.  To determine the most appropriate treatment, consider the following aspects:  age of the patient, stage of the disease (early or late),location and amount of bone affected (small or large area),underlying cause of AVN (with ongoing causes such as corticosteroid or alcohol use, treatment may not work unless use of the substance is stopped)
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  • 47. Conservative management  Restricted weight-bearing  Pharmacological agents lipid-lowering drugs, anticoagulants, vasodilators, and bisphosphonates  External, biophysical, nonoperative modalities Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation Extracorporeal shockwave therapy hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)
  • 48. Restricted weight-bearing  Advised with the expectation of preventing femoral head collapse during the healing  Only 5 studies with reference to weight bearing as treatment modality  Factors related to resolution : early, asymptomatic disease (ARCO stage I) and small lesion size (a modified index of necrotic extent of < 25).  Hernigou et al, observed that clinical and radiographic signs of the disease in asymptomatic hips with a very small asymptomatic lesion progress more slowly than do signs in hips with a large symptomatic stage-II lesion
  • 49.  Agarwal et al studied 60 patients with AVN of the hip (100 hips ). All patients were treated with alendronate 10 mg/day (or 70 mg/week) along with 500-1000 mg of daily calcium and vitamin D supplements, and were advised to avoid weight-bearing. NSAIDs and analgesics were permitted as needed and were recorded.  CONCLUSION:  Alendronate reduces pain, improves function and retards AVN progression. Early surgical intervention can be avoided in most patients. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2005  Efficacy of alendronate, a bisphosphonate, in the treatment of AVN of the hip. A prospective open-label study. Agarwala S, Jain D Joshi VR, Sule A P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mahim, Mumbai 400 016, India.
  • 50. Operative intervention  1. Core decompression  2. Core decompression with bone grafting Phemister type fibular grafting Cancellous iliac bone grafting Meyer’s Quardatus femoris muscle grafting Sartorious muscle pedicle grafting Tensor fascia lata pedicle grafting Gluteus medius pedicle grafting Vascularized muscle pedicle bone grafting
  • 51.  3. Osteotomy  4. Surface arthroplasty  5. Total hip arthroplasty
  • 52. Core decompression  2 methods of core decompression: large- diameter trephines and small-diameter drills. The most common method, the 8 to 10-mm trephine, is completed under fluoroscopy with the core track either being left open or filled in with bone graft
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  • 54.  Complications e.g., articular cartilage damage and subchondral fractures associated with the large-diameter technique,  Kim et al. developed the multiple small- diameter core decompression technique.  In their initial cohort of patients treated with this technique, they reported a lower rate of collapse (14.3%) as compared with the rate reported with the traditional trephine method  Kim SY, Kim DH, Park IH, Park BC, Kim PT, Ihn JC. Multiple drilling compared with standard core decompression for the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head [abstract]. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004;
  • 55.
  • 57.  Stulberg et al. compared core decompression alone with conservative treatment in a prospective, randomized study of 55hips. On the basis of Harris hip scores, operative treatment was successful in approximately 70% of hips with Ficat Stage-I, II, or III osteonecrosis. In contrast, nonoperative treatment was successful for 20% of hips with Ficat Stage-I disease, 0% with Stage-II,and 10% with Stage-III  Stulberg BN, Davis AW, Bayer TW, Levine M,Easley K. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head.A prospective randomized treatment protocol Clin Orthop.
  • 58.  Smith et al. reviewed twelve articles, published between 1979 and 1991, that included a total of 702 hips with an average duration of followup of thirty-eight months. Using the University of Pennsylvania staging system, they reported a successful result in 78% of the Ficat Stage-I hips, 62% of the Stage-II hips, and 41% of the Stage- III hips.  Smith SW, Fehring TK, Griffin WL, Beaver WB.Core decompression of the osteonecrotic femoral head. J Bone Joint Surg Am
  • 60.  Mont et al used a modified trapdoor technique and bone morphogenetic protein enriched bone graft substitute through a window at the femoral head-neck junction in 23 patients.  Successful clinical results (a Harris hip score of 80 points or greater and no additional procedures) in 18 of 21 hips (86%) at a minimum follow up of 36 months (mean, 48 months; range, 36–55 months)  Extensive dissection required and, technically more difficult than a standard core decompression  Mont MA, Etienne G, Ragland PS. Outcome of nonvascularized bone grafting for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2003
  • 61. Lieberman et all retrospectively evaluated 15 patients (17 hips) with AVN hip treated with core decompression combined with an allogeneic, antigen-extracted, autolyzed fibula allograft and 50 mg of partially purified human bone morphogenetic protein and noncollagenous proteins  Clinical success in 14 of 15 hips (93%; 13 patients) with Stage IIA disease.  3 of 17 hips had radiographic progress and converted to total hip replacements.  Only 1of seven hips with 50% or less involvement of the femoral head developed radiographic progression of the femoral head  No radiographic progression in the 3 hips with less than 1/3 involvement of the weight bearing surface of the femoral head.  Concluded further evaluation of the potential efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein required in randomized trials. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with core decompression and human bone morphogenetic protein. Lieberman JR
  • 62.  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adult bone marrow are multipotent that can differentiate into fibroblastic, osteogenic, myogenic, adipogenic and reticular cells.These cells may also provide a potential therapy for bone repair  Procedure of autologous stem cell transplantation has been standardized with the guidelines that these should be instilled in concentration of 2X106 stem cells in non- traumatic pre-collapse stage of avascular necrosis femur head.
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  • 64.  Effectiveness of bone marrow mononuclear cells related to the availability of stem cells endowed with osteogenic properties  Injected marrow stromal cells secrete angiogenic cytokines, resulting in increased angiogenesis  Bone marrow contains the bone morphogenetic proteins such as BMP-2  Supplementation of bone marrow stromal cells cultures with FGF-2 resulted in prolonged lifespan of bone marrow stromal cells to more than 70 doublings and maintained their differentiation potential accompanied by an increase of their telomerase size
  • 65. Yan et al treated 44 hips in 28 patients with AVN at early stage by percutaneous multiple holes decompression followed by autologous BMCs infusion. Autologous BMCs were concentrated from bone marrow that was taken from the posterior iliac crest of the patient. Patients were followed up at least 2 years. The results were determined by the changes in the Harris hip score and the progression in the radiograghic stages.  They concluded ercutaneous multiple holes decompression combined with autologous BMCs is a new way to treat avascular necrosis of the femoral head.  Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by percutaneous decompression and autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell infusion. Yan ZQ, Chen YSLi , Yang Y Huo JZ Chen ZR Shi JHGe JB Source Department of Orthopaedics, Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China.
  • 66.  Valerie et al studied the implantation of autologous bone- marrow mononuclear cells in a necrotic lesion of the femoral head along with core decompression.  After twenty-four months, significant reduction in pain (p = 0.021) and in joint symptoms within the bone-marrow-graft group  Implantation of autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells appears to be a safe and effective treatment for early stages of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.  Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head with Implantation of Autologous Bone-Marrow Cells Valérie Gangji, MD1; Jean-Philippe Hauzeur, MD, PhD J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005
  • 67.  Deltro et al, published their experience in 8 patients where they assessed the efficacy and safety of autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) implantation in necrotic lesions of the femoral head in patients with sickle cell disease.  After 8 months, 7 of the eight patients reported improvement from symptoms  Concluded autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cells implantation is a safe and effective treatment for early stages of femoral head osteonecrosis in patients with sickle cell disease  Daltro GC, Fortuna VA, Salvino de Araújo SA, FerrazLessa PI, Sobrinho UA, Borojevic R. Femoral head necrosis treatment with autologous stem cells in sickle cell disease. Acta Orthop Bras. 2008;
  • 68.  Use of a tantalum implant reported in 2 studies  Tantalum is a light metal that has a high yield to stress. In these studies, porous tantalum rods used to potentially allow bone growth to occur while providing support. While the short-term results in these studies compared favorably to other core decompression techniques longer follow-up is needed to more fully assess the efficacy of this procedure.  Tsao AK, Roberson JR, Christie MJ, Dore DD, Heck DA, Robertson DD, Poggie RA. Biomechanical and clinical evaluations of a porous tantalum implant for the treatment of early-stage osteonecrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87 Suppl 2: 22- 7.8722 2005  Veillette CJ, Mehdian H, Schemitsch EH, McKee MD. Survivorship analysis and radiographic outcome following tantalum rod insertion for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88 Suppl 3: 48-55.8848 2006
  • 69.  Bone-grafting procedures can be divided into two general categories: non-vascularized and vascularized
  • 70.  3 approaches to introduce bone graft into the femoral head  a core tract  window in the femoral neck (a ―lightbulb‖ procedure)  a ―trapdoor‖ made through the articular cartilage in the femoral head
  • 71.  Cortical strut-grafting, a procedure popularized by Phemister, Boettcher et al., and Bonfiglio et al. not commonly used today  Technique involves the removal of an 8 to 10- mm-diameter cylindrical core of bone from the femoral head and neck. This core tract is then filled with cortical strut grafts harvested from the ilium,fibula, or tibia.  Postoperatively,protected weight-bearing for three to six months
  • 72. Grafting using an intact fibular allograft
  • 73. Lightbulb procedure  The term lightbulb procedure introduced by Rosenwasser et al.  Cortical window lifted from the femoral head-neck junction, cancellous bone graft from the iliac crest used to fill the defect in the femoral head after complete evacuationof the necrotic bone.  In their series, thirteen of fifteen hips were asymptomatic at a mean of twelve years (range, ten to fifteen years)  Rosenwasser MP, Garino JP, Kiernan HA, MichelsenCB. Long term followup of thorough debridement and cancellous bone grafting ofthe femoral head for avascular necrosis. ClinOrthop. 1994
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  • 82.  Meyers (1978) reported that fresh autologous iliac bone chips combined with a muscle- pedicle bone graft gave good results in stages 1 and 2 necrosis, but was unsatisfactory in stages 3 and 4.
  • 83. Technique for performing muscle-pedicle bone grafting to the femoral head, modified after Meyers et al
  • 84.  Baksi(1991) reported his results at 3 to 12 years (mean, 7 years) follow-up in treating 61 patients (68 hips) with a variety of muscle pedicle bone grafts.  Tensor fascia lata anteriorly and the quadratus femoris posteriorly preferred.  As many as 83% of the patients, obtained good or excellent results at follow-up. Baksi DP. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by drilling and muscle-pedicle bone grafting. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1991;
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  • 92.  The rationale for management of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with a free vascularized fibular graft based on five principles:  (1) decompression of the femoral head,  (2) removal of the necrotic bone,  (3) replacement with fresh autogenous cancellous bone,  (4) support of the subchondral bone with a  viable strong bone strut,  (5) revascularization and osteogenesis of the femoral head.
  • 93.  INDICATIONS:  Symptomatic patients younger than fifty years of age with stage- II, III, or IV  Patients younger than 20 of age who have stage-V disease and a good range of motion of the hip
  • 94. A 15-cm incision is made on the lateral aspect of the leg between the lateral and posterior compartments. The incision is begun 10 cm distal to the fibular head (PF) and ends 10 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus (LM).
  • 95. The yellow arrow is pointing to the anterior intermuscular septum. The black arrow is pointing to the fibula, on which a small cuff of muscle and periosteum has been preserved— the so-called marbleizing technique
  • 96. The interosseous membrane (IOM) is divided with a specially designed right-angle Beaver blade (white arrow). The close proximity of the deep peroneal nerve and anterior tibial artery (black arrow) can be seen in this photograph
  • 97. The fibular osteotomy is performed once the pedicle has been isolated distally and proximally and protected with malleable retractors
  • 98. The proximal stump of the peroneal artery is ligated with the hemostatic clips (arrow) just as it branches from the posterior tibial artery, ensuring at least a 4 to 5-cm pedicle
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  • 103. Cancellous bone harvested from the greater trochanteric area is inserted into the cavity formed by removal of the necrotic bone. The fibular graft is inserted into the core tract and stabilized with a 0.62-mm Kirschner wire (K). The peroneal veins and artery are anastomosed to the ascending branches of the lateral femoral circumflex artery (LFCA) and vein
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  • 106.  Urbaniak reviewed the results in 1523 hips treated with a free vascularizedfibular graft for osteonecrosis between 1979 and October 1, 2000  Best results obtained in the patients who had had no collapse of the subchondral bone or articularcartilage preoperatively.  Of the hips that had not had preoperative subchondral or articular collapse, 91% had a successful result after six months to twenty-two years of follow-up.  If collapse had been present, the success rate was 85%, and if there had also been joint-space narrowing, it was 65%  Urbaniak JR, Coogan PG, Gunneson EB, Hunley JA. Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with free vascularized fibular grafting. A long-term follow-up study of one hundred and three hips. J Bone Joint SurgAm. 1995
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  • 110. OSTEOTOMY  To rotate the necrotic or collapsing segment of the hip out of the weight bearing zone, replacing it with a segment of articular cartilage of the femoral head supported by healthy viable bone.  In addition to the biomechanical effect, osteotomy reduce venous hypertension and decrease intramedullary pressure.
  • 111.  Utilized for both pre- and postcollapse lesions, but not be performed if there is acetabular involvement  Work best when the lesions are small or medium sized with a combined necrotic angle of less than 200° or with less than 30% of femoral head involvement.  For varus osteotomies, there should be at least 20° of the superolateral femoral head not involved with disease, because this area of cartilage will be shifted into weight bearing after the osteotomy.
  • 112.  Valgus osteotomy requires normal bone and cartilage in the central or medial aspect of the head.  Extension can be added when the necrotic segment is posterior  Flexion can be added if the lesion is anterior
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  • 114.  The angular measurements of the lesion on the AP and lateral radiographs are added together to give the “combined necrotic angle,― as described by Kerboul et al. (From Kerboul M, Thomine J, Postel M, Merle D'Aubigné R. The Conservative Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1974
  • 115. Radiographs of a hip that underwent a varus osteotomy for osteonecrosis
  • 116.  Rotational osteotomy indicated in early to intermediate stages in which the acetabular cartilage is relatively unaffected  Must be sufficient normal bone and cartilage in the femoral head so that after rotation the intact segment occupies at least 36% of the weight-bearing surface of the acetabulum.  Contraindications include whole-head necrosis, significant degenerative changes in the femoral head or acetabulum, and poor general health
  • 117. Rotational Osteotomies  In 1973, Sugioka reported transtrochanteric anterior rotation osteotomy  More than 500 of these procedures were performed since 1972, and Sugioka's results, especially in hips treated before significant femoral head collapse, were quite gratifying  Unfortunately, these results could not be consistently duplicated by other investigators
  • 118. Schematic of the Sugioka transtrochanteric rotational osteotomy of the femoral head.
  • 119. Transposition of necrotic focus of femoral head anteroinferiorly away from weight-bearing area as a result of anterior rotation of the femoral head. (A) before rotation and (B) after rotation. (From Sugioka Y, Mohtai M. Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
  • 120.  Zhang et al Experimentenly injected intravenous bone marrow mesenchymal cells in rabbit and results revealed intravenously implanted MSCs could migrate into the femoral head of hosts, and especially migrate directionally and survive in the necrotic femoral heads. Thus, it is feasible and safe to treat femoral head necrosis by intravenous transplantation of allogeneic MSCs  Intravenous transplantation of allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and its directional migration to the necrotic femoral head Zhang-hua Li International Journal of Medical Sciences 2011
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  • 122.  Total hip replacement is recommended for patients over the age of fifty years who have any degree of symptomatic osteonecrosis or patients over the age of forty years who have advancedstage-IV disease or involvement of >50% of the femoral head with limited hip motion.