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 Degenerative disc disease (DDD) has been
used to describe a wide variety of
morphologic and radiographic changes in the
adult spine
 The North American Spine Society Consensus
Committee on Nomenclature :
 Changes in a disc characterized by desiccation,
fibrosis, or cleft formation in the nucleus;
fissuring or mucinous degeneration of the
annulus; defects and sclerosis of the endplates;
and/or osteophytes at the vertebral apophysis.
 Degenerative disc disease:
 as a clinical syndrome characterized by

manifestations of disc degeneration and
symptoms thought to be related to those
Intervertebral disc
 Total 23
 Hydrostatic, load bearing ,

shock absorbing structure
between the vertebral
 Each disc unit has
 strong outer ring of fibers

called the annulus fibrosus
 a soft , jelly like center
called the nucleus
 2 endplates (Campbell)
Intervertebral Disc

 Annulus Fibrosus

 Outer portion of the disc


– Made up of lamellae fibrocartilage
– Layers of collagen fibers Type I


Arranged obliquely 30°
Some radial fibers
Thicker anteriorly >posteriolry
Attached to end plates

Great tensile, torsional
& radial strength

Intervertebral Disc
 Nucleus Pulposus
– Inner structure
– Notochord remnant

– Type II collagen

+Gelatinous GAG,H2O
– High water content (7090%)
– Resists axial forces

Vertebral End-Plate
 Cartilaginous & osseous component
 Nutritional support for the nucleus
 Passive diffusion
 The intervertebral disc in the adult
is avascular.
 blood vessels in the annulus until
the age of 20 years and within the
cartilage endplates until the age
of 7 years.
 The cells within the disc are
sustained by diffusion of nutrients
into the disc through the porous
central concavity of the vertebral
 The discs vary in size and shape
with their position in the spine.
Discs also decrease in volume,
resulting in a 16% to 21% loss in
disc height after 6 hours of
standing or sitting.
Anatomical Segment

Vertebral body
Attached posterior elements
Disc below
Exiting and traversing Nerve root
Anatomical House with windows

Window of opportunity to the disc space, interlaminar and intertransverse window
Spine Motion Segment
the spine
 Comprises of:
 1.Two adjacent vertebrae
 2.Intervertebral disc
 3.Connecting ligaments:
 including the ligamentum
flavum, interspinous,
supraspinous, intertransverse
 4.Two facet joints and

Natural History of Disc Disease
Kirkaldy-Willis divided DDD into three
separate stages with relatively distinct
findings. There is recurrent episodes of pain
followed by periods of significant or complete

 Dysfunction seen in those 15 to 45 years
of age, characterized by circumferential and
radial (micro )tears in the disc annulus and
localized synovitis of the facet joints.
 Instability found in 35- to 70-year-old
patients, characterized by internal disruption of
the disc, progressive disc resorption,
degeneration of the facet joints with capsular
laxity, subluxation, and joint erosion
 Stabilization present in patients older than
60 years, the progressive development of
hypertrophic bone about the disc and facet
joints leads to segmental stiffening or frank
 Each spinal segment degenerates at a different

 As one level is in the dysfunction stage, another
may be entering the stabilization stage

 Disc herniationcomplication of disc

degeneration in the dysfunction and instability


 Spinal stenosis from degenerative arthritis
complication of bony overgrowth
compromising neural tissue in the late
instability and early stabilization stages
Pathoanatomy & pathogenesis
 Kirkaldy-Willis Three


phases of
Degenerative process

Mechanism of DYSFUNCTION
Episode of rotational or compressive trauma
( uncoordinated muscle contraction)

Posterior joint strain
( also annular strain)
Posterior joint

Minor facet subluxation

Synovitis( pain)
Sustained segmental
Hypertonicity of muscle

Ischemia ( pain)
Altered muscle metabolism
Symptom sign & radiological changes in
 Symptom:

Low back pain
Often localised axial
Sometimes referred /radicular
Movement painful

 Sign:

Local tenderness
Muscle contracted: PSM spasm
Extension painful
Neurologically usually normal

 Radiograph:

Loss of physiological curvatures
Spinous process malalignment
Irregular facet
Early disc changes
Mechanism of unstable phase
Severe dysfunction
Continuing stress


Increased dysfunction


Degeneration of cartilage

Coalescence of tears
Loss of nucleus, internal disruption

Attenuation of capsule

Bulging of annulus

Laxity of capsule

Increased abnormal movement

Unstable phase
 Symptom: Those of dysfunction
 Giving away of back, “catch” in back( on movement)
 Pain on coming to standing position after flexion

 Sign: Detection of abnormal movement( LOOK/FEEL)
 Observation of “catch” sway or shift when coming erect after


 Radiograph: AP: Lateral shift
 Rotation
 Abnormal tilt
 Malaligned spinous process
 OBLIQUE: Opening facets
 LATERAL: Spondylolisthesis( in flexion)
 Retrolisthesis ( in extension)
 Narrowing foramen( in extension).Abnormal opening of disc
 Abrupt change in pedicle height.Traction spurs
Mechanism of stabilization

Destruction of cartilage

Loss of nucleus

Fibrosis in joints

Approximation of bodies

Enlargement of facets

Destruction of plates

Locking facets

Fibrosis in disc

Fibrosis arund joints
Increased stiffness

 Symptom: Low back pain of decreasing severity

 Sign:

Muscle tenderness
Reduced movement

 Radiograph:

Enlarged facet
Loss of disc height
Small foramen
Reduced movement
Diagnostic Studies
 1. AP and Lateral
 2. Oblique views:
 useful in defining spondylolisthesis

and spondylolysis

 3. Lateral flexion and extension:

X-ray may reveal segmental

 4. Ferguson view (20-degree

caudocephalic anteroposterior ):
 value in the diagnosis of the "far out

syndrome," that is, L5 compression
produced by a large transverse
process of the fifth lumbar vertebra
against the ala of the sacrum
 Indicated if MRI is not available
or for patient in whom MRI is
contraindicated( cardiac
pacemaker or brain aneurysm
 valuable in a previously

operated spine and in patients
with marked bony degenerative
change that may be
underestimated on MRI
 improved by the use of
postmyelography CT scanning

 extremely useful diagnostic tool
 noninvasive, painless, outpatient procedure can supply

more information about spinal disease
 Unfortunately, CT does not demonstrate intraspinal tumors
or arachnoiditis and is unable to differentiate scar from
recurrent disc herniation.
 newest technological

advance in spinal imaging
 The advantages : ability to demonstrate

intraspinal tumors, examine
the entire spine, and identify
degenerative discs based on
decreased H2O content
 costly and requires specially
constructed facilities.
Modic Change
 Type I
 Signal intensity on
 low T1-weighted

 High T2-weighted

 replacement of the
end-plate marrow with

vascular fibrous tissue
in response to chronic
 Clinical: annular tear,
 Type II
 signal intensity
 high T1-weighted and on

FSE T2-weighted
 Low T2

 represents
replacement of the
end-plate marrow with
fatty tissue.
 Chronic marrow disuse

 Type II changes tend to
remain stable with
Modic Change
 Type III
 signal intensity
 lowT1-weighted
 lowT2-weighted

 severely degenerated end

 only end plate change visible
on CT scans or radiographssclerosis
 Part of the normal aging
process and must not be
confused with other
pathologic processes, such as
tumor and infection
Other diagnostic tests
 PET / SPECT- experimental & few centers
have this facilities
 Electromyography/ NCVadvantage of
electromyography is in the identification of

peripheral neuropathy and diffuse
neurological involvement indicative of higher
or lower lesions.
 The SSEP is an extremely sensitive
monitoring technique.
 Bone scans  positive findings usually are not
indicative of intervertebral disc disease, but they
can confirm neoplastic, traumatic, and arthritic
problems in the spine.
 complete blood count, differential white cell count,
biochemical profile, urinalysis, and sedimentation
rate  good screening procedures
 Rheumatoid screening studies such as rheumatoid
arthritis latex, antinuclear antibody, lupus
erythematosus cell preparation, and HLA-B27 also
are useful when indicated by the clinical picture.
 Cause of facet joint pain: Meniscoid entrapment and extrapment, synovial

impingement, chondromalacia facetae, capsular and synovial
inflammation, and mechanical injury to the joint capsule.
 Osteoarthritis

 No noninvasive pathognomonic findings distinguish

facet joint–mediated pain from other sources of spine
 Fluoroscopically guided facet joint injections therefore
are commonly considered the gold standard for
isolating or excluding the facet joint as a source of
spine or extremity pain.

provocative testing for
concordant pain to
provide information regarding
the clinical significance of
the disc abnormality.
Indications :surgical planning of spinal fusion, testing of the structural
integrity of an adjacent disc to a known abnormality such as
spondylolisthesis or fusion, identifying a painful disc among
multiple degenerative discs, ruling out secondary internal disc
disruption or suspected lateral or recurrent disc herniation, and
determining the primary symptom-producing level when
chemonucleolysis is being considered.
Lumbar spine in
an oblique
position with
superior articular
process (arrow)
dividing disc
space (d) in half

Disc entry point is
just anterior
(arrow) to base of
superior articular
process (s) and
just above superior
endplate of
vertebral body

Curved procedure
needle (c) passing
through straight
introducer needle (n
Lumbar Disc Disease
 Symptomatic LDH occurs during the lifetime of
approx. 2% of the general population
 Factors associated with LDH:

Male gender
Age 30 -50 yrs
Job requiring heavy lifting
Lifting in a twisted or asymmetric posture
Stressful occupation
Lower income
Cigarette smoking
Exposure to prolonged vibration in the range of 4 to 5
Degenerative Disc Disease
 Pathophysiology:

Disc gradually dries out, loses height and

2. NP changes from a turgid gelatinous

bulb to brownish dessicated structure.

AF develops fissures parrallel to the vertebral
end plates.
Compressive loads transfer away from nucleus
to margins
Sclerosis of endplate reduces disc nutrition.
Facet joints wear away cartilage, begin to
Motion segment becomes hypermobile
Osteophytes develop to attempt to stabilize
motion segment
Osteophytes may encroach on neural
Prolapse intervertebral disc
1. Acute disc prolapse is due to flexion
2. More at L4/5,L5/S1 (stress is more severe).
3. Disc rupture = stress + disturbances in the
hydrophilic properties of the NP.
4. Disc rupture = fibrocartilaginous material
extruded posteriorly and annulus bulges to one
5. Part of the nucleus may sequestrated freely.
6. Large central rupture may cause pressure of the
cauda equina.
Boos et al.
 decrease in
 nutritional transport

 water content
 absolute number of viable cells
 proteoglycans

 pH

 increase in
 an increase keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate ratio
 lactate
 degradative enzyme activity
 Pain= arises due to disruption of outermost layer
of the annulus fibrosus, stretching or tearing of

the posterior longitudanal ligament and pressure
on the dura. symptoms worsened by
coughing, valsalva, sneezing
 Sciatica= if disc protudes to oneside it may irritate
the dural covering of the adjacent nerve root
causing pain in the buttock, posterior thigh and
 Pressure on the nerve root itself causes
paraesthesia and/or numbness in the
corresponding dermatome, as well as weakness
and decreased reflexes in the muscles suppllied
by that nerve root.

 Dessication
 Loss of fluid in nucleus pulposus.
 Disc bulge:- diffuse symmetrical outpouching of the annulus fibrosus

caused by early disc degeneration& collapse

 Protrusion:- base wider than any diameter of the material displaced

beyond disc space
 Extrusion:- displaced portion has a greater diameter than its connection
with the parent disc at its base
 Sequestration:- when disc extrusion has lost all connection with the
parent disc
 Migration:- an extruded disc, whether sequestrated or not, that has been
displaced above or below the edge of the disc space
 Depending upon whether the

displaced portion is
completely enveloped by
intact outer annulus or
combination of annulus and
PLL( s/t called capsule): Contained: Un contained: Subligamentous:- disc material

contained beneath the PLL
 Transligamentous
 Submembranous:- disc material
contained only by peridural
 Depending upon the relationship of the herniated
material to the posterior annulus and PLL:

Central( midline):- herniation along the posterior annulus
Posterolateral:- along the weaker lateral expansion of PLL
Foraminal( lateral )
Extraforaminal ( far lateral)

 In relation to nerve root:
 Shoulder herniation
 Axillary herniation

 According to the level of LDH: High LDH:- L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4
 Low LDH:- L4-L5, L5-S1
 Age:- 3rd or 4th decade in healthy adult
 Mostly relate to traumatic incident but
Intermittent back pain of months or year
 Back or leg pain, radiating
 Aggravating :-heavy exertion, repetitive
bending, twisting, or heavy lifting, relieved
with rest in semi-Fowler position
 weakness and paresthesias, localized to the
neurological level of involvement
Clinical examination
 Standing pt who declines to sit, with loss of
normal lumbar lordosis & PVM spasm
suggestive of PIVD
 List
 Limited spine ROM
 Point tenderness may be present over the
spinous process at the level of the disc

 Atrophy of muscles – chronic cases
LSR testing
 During SLR maneuver , the L5 and S1 nerve root
either moves or passively deforms approx. 2 to 6

mm at the level of foramen
 Maximum tension is realized in the sciatic nerve at
30* to 70* of elevation from the supine
 Crossed SLR is more specific of a disc herniation(
pathognomonic of micromotion in affected side
nerve roots while raising normal side leg)
 Large cenrtal or lateral recess herniation
 Free disc fragment

 Lasegue sign
 Bowstring sign
 Goal: Prompt return to normal function and pain relief through the

efficient and effective use of diagnostic tests and efficacious

 Non operative: Reassurance, medications, and activity modification
 Bed rest in a semi Fowlers position for 1 to 2 days in acute


Aerobic conditioning including abdominal and back
strengthening exercises
Application of heat, ice, TENS, USG massage, Traction
Manipulative therapy
Back school programme


 offer relatively prolonged pain relief without



excessive narcotic intake if conservative care is
Methylprednisolone is the usual steroid injected.
The dosage may vary from 80 to 120 mg.
The anesthetics used may include lidocaine,
bupivacaine, or procaine.
current protocol is to inject the patient three times.
These injections are made at 7- to 10-day intervals.
Indication of surgery
 Emergent/ absolute: Presence of cauda equina syndrome
 Progressive neurologic deficit

 Relative: Persistent radiculopathy despite an adequate trial of non surgical

treatment( min of 6 wks)
 Recurrent episodes of incapacitating sciatica
 Significant motor deficit with persistent tension signs and pain
 Pseudoclaudication( activity related leg pain) caused by canal stenosis
resulting from a disc herniation

 Goal of surgery: Alleviate the neural compression without further injury to the affected

nerve root
 Minimal disruption of surrounding normal tissues and maintenance of
spinal stability
Waddell’s Non-organic sign


1. Tenderness

a. superficial - pain with light touch
to skin
b. deep - nonanatomic widespread
deep pain

2. Simulation

a. pain with light axial compression
on skull
b. pain with light twisting of pelvis

3. Distraction

No pain with distracted SLR

4. Regional

a.nonanatomic or inconsistent
motor findings during entire exam
b. nonanatomic or inconsistent
sensory findings during entire exam

5. Overreaction

Overreaction noted at any time
during exam
Surgical procedure

Standard open lumbar disectomy
Microlumbar disc excision
Endoscopic disc excision
Additional exposure
Hemilaminectomy usually is required when identifying
the root is a problem. This may occur with a conjoined
 Total laminectomy usually is reserved for patients with
spinal stenoses that are central in nature, which occurs
typically in cauda equina syndrome.
 Facetectomy usually is reserved for foraminal stenosis or
severe lateral recess stenosis.
Thank you

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Ddd rem rai2

  • 2. DEFINITION  Degenerative disc disease (DDD) has been used to describe a wide variety of morphologic and radiographic changes in the adult spine
  • 3. DEFINITION: DISC DEGENERATION  The North American Spine Society Consensus Committee on Nomenclature :  Changes in a disc characterized by desiccation, fibrosis, or cleft formation in the nucleus; fissuring or mucinous degeneration of the annulus; defects and sclerosis of the endplates; and/or osteophytes at the vertebral apophysis.
  • 4. DEFINITION: DDD  Degenerative disc disease:  as a clinical syndrome characterized by manifestations of disc degeneration and symptoms thought to be related to those changes
  • 5. Intervertebral disc  Total 23  Hydrostatic, load bearing , shock absorbing structure between the vertebral bodies  Each disc unit has  strong outer ring of fibers called the annulus fibrosus  a soft , jelly like center called the nucleus pulposus  2 endplates (Campbell)
  • 6. Intervertebral Disc  Annulus Fibrosus  Outer portion of the disc Annulus Fibrosus – Made up of lamellae fibrocartilage – Layers of collagen fibers Type I      Arranged obliquely 30° Some radial fibers Thicker anteriorly >posteriolry Attached to end plates Great tensile, torsional & radial strength Lamellae
  • 7. Intervertebral Disc  Nucleus Pulposus – Inner structure – Notochord remnant – Type II collagen +Gelatinous GAG,H2O – High water content (7090%) – Resists axial forces Nucleus Pulposus
  • 8. Vertebral End-Plate  Cartilaginous & osseous component  Nutritional support for the nucleus  Passive diffusion
  • 9.  The intervertebral disc in the adult is avascular.  blood vessels in the annulus until the age of 20 years and within the cartilage endplates until the age of 7 years.  The cells within the disc are sustained by diffusion of nutrients into the disc through the porous central concavity of the vertebral endplate  The discs vary in size and shape with their position in the spine. Discs also decrease in volume, resulting in a 16% to 21% loss in disc height after 6 hours of standing or sitting.
  • 10. Anatomical Segment Components: Vertebral body Attached posterior elements Disc below Exiting and traversing Nerve root
  • 11. Anatomical House with windows Window of opportunity to the disc space, interlaminar and intertransverse window
  • 12. Spine Motion Segment  The FUNCTIONAL UNIT of the spine  Comprises of:  1.Two adjacent vertebrae  2.Intervertebral disc  3.Connecting ligaments:  including the ligamentum flavum, interspinous, supraspinous, intertransverse ligament  4.Two facet joints and capsules
  • 13. Natural History of Disc Disease Kirkaldy-Willis divided DDD into three separate stages with relatively distinct findings. There is recurrent episodes of pain followed by periods of significant or complete relief  Dysfunction seen in those 15 to 45 years of age, characterized by circumferential and radial (micro )tears in the disc annulus and localized synovitis of the facet joints.
  • 14.  Instability found in 35- to 70-year-old patients, characterized by internal disruption of the disc, progressive disc resorption, degeneration of the facet joints with capsular laxity, subluxation, and joint erosion  Stabilization present in patients older than 60 years, the progressive development of hypertrophic bone about the disc and facet joints leads to segmental stiffening or frank ankylosis
  • 15.  Each spinal segment degenerates at a different rate  As one level is in the dysfunction stage, another may be entering the stabilization stage  Disc herniationcomplication of disc degeneration in the dysfunction and instability stages   Spinal stenosis from degenerative arthritis complication of bony overgrowth compromising neural tissue in the late instability and early stabilization stages
  • 16. Pathoanatomy & pathogenesis  Kirkaldy-Willis Three DYSFUNCTION phases of Degenerative process INSTABILITY STABILIZATION
  • 17. Mechanism of DYSFUNCTION Episode of rotational or compressive trauma ( uncoordinated muscle contraction) Posterior joint strain ( also annular strain) Splinting Posterior joint Subluxation maintained Minor facet subluxation Synovitis( pain) Sustained segmental Hypertonicity of muscle Ischemia ( pain) Altered muscle metabolism
  • 18. Symptom sign & radiological changes in dysfunction  Symptom:    Low back pain Often localised axial Sometimes referred /radicular Movement painful  Sign:     Local tenderness Muscle contracted: PSM spasm Hypomobility Extension painful Neurologically usually normal  Radiograph:    Loss of physiological curvatures Spinous process malalignment Irregular facet Early disc changes
  • 19. Mechanism of unstable phase Severe dysfunction Continuing stress Trauma Increased dysfunction disc facets Degeneration of cartilage Coalescence of tears Loss of nucleus, internal disruption Attenuation of capsule Bulging of annulus Laxity of capsule Increased abnormal movement Unstable phase
  • 20.  INSTABILITY  Symptom: Those of dysfunction  Giving away of back, “catch” in back( on movement)  Pain on coming to standing position after flexion  Sign: Detection of abnormal movement( LOOK/FEEL)  Observation of “catch” sway or shift when coming erect after flexion  Radiograph: AP: Lateral shift  Rotation  Abnormal tilt  Malaligned spinous process  OBLIQUE: Opening facets  LATERAL: Spondylolisthesis( in flexion)  Retrolisthesis ( in extension)  Narrowing foramen( in extension).Abnormal opening of disc  Abrupt change in pedicle height.Traction spurs
  • 21. Mechanism of stabilization Disc Facets Destruction of cartilage Loss of nucleus Fibrosis in joints Approximation of bodies Enlargement of facets Destruction of plates Locking facets Fibrosis in disc osteophytes Fibrosis arund joints Increased stiffness stabilization
  • 22.  STABILIZATION  Symptom: Low back pain of decreasing severity  Sign:    Muscle tenderness Stiffness Reduced movement Scoliosis  Radiograph:      Enlarged facet Loss of disc height Osteophytes Small foramen Reduced movement Scoliosis
  • 23. Diagnostic Studies ROENTGENOGRAPHY  1. AP and Lateral  2. Oblique views:  useful in defining spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis  3. Lateral flexion and extension:  X-ray may reveal segmental instability  4. Ferguson view (20-degree caudocephalic anteroposterior ):  value in the diagnosis of the "far out syndrome," that is, L5 compression produced by a large transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra against the ala of the sacrum
  • 24. MYELOGRAPHY  Indicated if MRI is not available or for patient in whom MRI is contraindicated( cardiac pacemaker or brain aneurysm clip)  valuable in a previously operated spine and in patients with marked bony degenerative change that may be underestimated on MRI  improved by the use of postmyelography CT scanning
  • 25. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY  extremely useful diagnostic tool  noninvasive, painless, outpatient procedure can supply more information about spinal disease  Unfortunately, CT does not demonstrate intraspinal tumors or arachnoiditis and is unable to differentiate scar from recurrent disc herniation.
  • 26. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING  newest technological advance in spinal imaging  The advantages : ability to demonstrate intraspinal tumors, examine the entire spine, and identify degenerative discs based on decreased H2O content  costly and requires specially constructed facilities.
  • 27. Modic Change  Type I  Signal intensity on  low T1-weighted  High T2-weighted  replacement of the end-plate marrow with vascular fibrous tissue in response to chronic “injury.”  Clinical: annular tear, fissure
  • 28. MODIC CHANGE  Type II  signal intensity  high T1-weighted and on FSE T2-weighted  Low T2  represents replacement of the end-plate marrow with fatty tissue.  Chronic marrow disuse  Type II changes tend to remain stable with time.
  • 29. Modic Change  Type III  signal intensity  lowT1-weighted  lowT2-weighted  severely degenerated end plates  only end plate change visible on CT scans or radiographssclerosis  Part of the normal aging process and must not be confused with other pathologic processes, such as tumor and infection
  • 30. Other diagnostic tests  PET / SPECT- experimental & few centers have this facilities  Electromyography/ NCVadvantage of electromyography is in the identification of peripheral neuropathy and diffuse neurological involvement indicative of higher or lower lesions.  The SSEP is an extremely sensitive monitoring technique.
  • 31.  Bone scans  positive findings usually are not indicative of intervertebral disc disease, but they can confirm neoplastic, traumatic, and arthritic problems in the spine.  complete blood count, differential white cell count, biochemical profile, urinalysis, and sedimentation rate  good screening procedures  Rheumatoid screening studies such as rheumatoid arthritis latex, antinuclear antibody, lupus erythematosus cell preparation, and HLA-B27 also are useful when indicated by the clinical picture.
  • 32. ZYGAPOPHYSEAL (FACET) JOINT INJECTIONS  Cause of facet joint pain: Meniscoid entrapment and extrapment, synovial impingement, chondromalacia facetae, capsular and synovial inflammation, and mechanical injury to the joint capsule.  Osteoarthritis  No noninvasive pathognomonic findings distinguish facet joint–mediated pain from other sources of spine pain.  Fluoroscopically guided facet joint injections therefore are commonly considered the gold standard for isolating or excluding the facet joint as a source of spine or extremity pain.
  • 33. DISCOGRAPHY        provocative testing for concordant pain to provide information regarding the clinical significance of the disc abnormality. Indications :surgical planning of spinal fusion, testing of the structural integrity of an adjacent disc to a known abnormality such as spondylolisthesis or fusion, identifying a painful disc among multiple degenerative discs, ruling out secondary internal disc disruption or suspected lateral or recurrent disc herniation, and determining the primary symptom-producing level when chemonucleolysis is being considered.
  • 34. Lumbar spine in an oblique position with superior articular process (arrow) dividing disc space (d) in half Disc entry point is just anterior (arrow) to base of superior articular process (s) and just above superior endplate of vertebral body Curved procedure needle (c) passing through straight introducer needle (n
  • 35. Lumbar Disc Disease  Symptomatic LDH occurs during the lifetime of approx. 2% of the general population  Factors associated with LDH:        Male gender Age 30 -50 yrs Job requiring heavy lifting Lifting in a twisted or asymmetric posture Stressful occupation Lower income Cigarette smoking Exposure to prolonged vibration in the range of 4 to 5 Hz
  • 36. Degenerative Disc Disease  Pathophysiology: 1. Disc gradually dries out, loses height and volume. 2. NP changes from a turgid gelatinous bulb to brownish dessicated structure. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. AF develops fissures parrallel to the vertebral end plates. Compressive loads transfer away from nucleus to margins Sclerosis of endplate reduces disc nutrition. Facet joints wear away cartilage, begin to override Motion segment becomes hypermobile Osteophytes develop to attempt to stabilize motion segment Osteophytes may encroach on neural structures.
  • 37. Prolapse intervertebral disc Pathophysiology: 1. Acute disc prolapse is due to flexion +compression. 2. More at L4/5,L5/S1 (stress is more severe). 3. Disc rupture = stress + disturbances in the hydrophilic properties of the NP. 4. Disc rupture = fibrocartilaginous material extruded posteriorly and annulus bulges to one side. 5. Part of the nucleus may sequestrated freely. 6. Large central rupture may cause pressure of the cauda equina.
  • 38. Boos et al.  decrease in  nutritional transport  water content  absolute number of viable cells  proteoglycans  pH  increase in  an increase keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate ratio  lactate  degradative enzyme activity
  • 39. Pathophysiology:  Pain= arises due to disruption of outermost layer of the annulus fibrosus, stretching or tearing of the posterior longitudanal ligament and pressure on the dura. symptoms worsened by coughing, valsalva, sneezing  Sciatica= if disc protudes to oneside it may irritate the dural covering of the adjacent nerve root causing pain in the buttock, posterior thigh and calf.  Pressure on the nerve root itself causes paraesthesia and/or numbness in the corresponding dermatome, as well as weakness and decreased reflexes in the muscles suppllied by that nerve root.
  • 40. STAGES OF DDD  Dessication  Loss of fluid in nucleus pulposus.  Disc bulge:- diffuse symmetrical outpouching of the annulus fibrosus caused by early disc degeneration& collapse  Protrusion:- base wider than any diameter of the material displaced beyond disc space  Extrusion:- displaced portion has a greater diameter than its connection with the parent disc at its base  Sequestration:- when disc extrusion has lost all connection with the parent disc  Migration:- an extruded disc, whether sequestrated or not, that has been displaced above or below the edge of the disc space
  • 41. CLASSIFICATION DD  Depending upon whether the displaced portion is completely enveloped by intact outer annulus or combination of annulus and PLL( s/t called capsule): Contained: Un contained: Subligamentous:- disc material contained beneath the PLL  Transligamentous  Submembranous:- disc material contained only by peridural menbrane
  • 42. CLASSIFICATION  Depending upon the relationship of the herniated material to the posterior annulus and PLL:     Central( midline):- herniation along the posterior annulus Posterolateral:- along the weaker lateral expansion of PLL Foraminal( lateral ) Extraforaminal ( far lateral)  In relation to nerve root:  Shoulder herniation  Axillary herniation  According to the level of LDH: High LDH:- L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4  Low LDH:- L4-L5, L5-S1
  • 43. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS LDD  Age:- 3rd or 4th decade in healthy adult  Mostly relate to traumatic incident but Intermittent back pain of months or year  Back or leg pain, radiating  Aggravating :-heavy exertion, repetitive bending, twisting, or heavy lifting, relieved with rest in semi-Fowler position  weakness and paresthesias, localized to the neurological level of involvement
  • 44. Clinical examination  Standing pt who declines to sit, with loss of normal lumbar lordosis & PVM spasm suggestive of PIVD  List  Limited spine ROM  Point tenderness may be present over the spinous process at the level of the disc involved  Atrophy of muscles – chronic cases
  • 45. LSR testing  During SLR maneuver , the L5 and S1 nerve root either moves or passively deforms approx. 2 to 6 mm at the level of foramen  Maximum tension is realized in the sciatic nerve at 30* to 70* of elevation from the supine  Crossed SLR is more specific of a disc herniation( pathognomonic of micromotion in affected side nerve roots while raising normal side leg)  Large cenrtal or lateral recess herniation  Free disc fragment  Lasegue sign  Bowstring sign
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Management  Goal: Prompt return to normal function and pain relief through the efficient and effective use of diagnostic tests and efficacious treatments  Non operative: Reassurance, medications, and activity modification  Bed rest in a semi Fowlers position for 1 to 2 days in acute     cases Aerobic conditioning including abdominal and back strengthening exercises Application of heat, ice, TENS, USG massage, Traction Manipulative therapy Back school programme
  • 50.  EPIDURAL STEROIDS:-  offer relatively prolonged pain relief without     excessive narcotic intake if conservative care is elected. Methylprednisolone is the usual steroid injected. The dosage may vary from 80 to 120 mg. The anesthetics used may include lidocaine, bupivacaine, or procaine. current protocol is to inject the patient three times. These injections are made at 7- to 10-day intervals.
  • 51. Indication of surgery  Emergent/ absolute: Presence of cauda equina syndrome  Progressive neurologic deficit  Relative: Persistent radiculopathy despite an adequate trial of non surgical treatment( min of 6 wks)  Recurrent episodes of incapacitating sciatica  Significant motor deficit with persistent tension signs and pain  Pseudoclaudication( activity related leg pain) caused by canal stenosis resulting from a disc herniation  Goal of surgery: Alleviate the neural compression without further injury to the affected nerve root  Minimal disruption of surrounding normal tissues and maintenance of spinal stability
  • 52. Waddell’s Non-organic sign (DOReST) Finding Description 1. Tenderness a. superficial - pain with light touch to skin b. deep - nonanatomic widespread deep pain 2. Simulation a. pain with light axial compression on skull b. pain with light twisting of pelvis 3. Distraction No pain with distracted SLR 4. Regional a.nonanatomic or inconsistent motor findings during entire exam b. nonanatomic or inconsistent sensory findings during entire exam 5. Overreaction Overreaction noted at any time during exam
  • 53. Surgical procedure      Standard open lumbar disectomy Microlumbar disc excision Endoscopic disc excision Additional exposure Hemilaminectomy usually is required when identifying the root is a problem. This may occur with a conjoined root.  Total laminectomy usually is reserved for patients with spinal stenoses that are central in nature, which occurs typically in cauda equina syndrome.  Facetectomy usually is reserved for foraminal stenosis or severe lateral recess stenosis.

Editor's Notes

  1. (C2-3 to L5- S1)
  2. degeneration involves: 1) declining disc nutrition, 2) loss of proteoglycan organization and concentration, 3) decrease in water content, 4) a decline in cell numerical density and synthetic activity, 5) increased degradative enzyme activity relative to matrix synthesis. An increased keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate ratio annulus fibrosis outer structure that encases the nucleus pulposuscomposed of type I collagen that is obliquely oriented, water, and proteoglycanscharacterized by high tensile strength and its ability to prevent intervertebral distractionremains flexible enough to allow for motionhigh collagen / low proteoglycan ratio (low % dry weight of proteoglycans) fibroblast-like cells responsible for producing type I collagen and proteoglycans
  3. nucleus pulposus central portion of the intervertebral disc that is surrounded by the annulus fibrosiscomposed of type II collagen, water, and proteoglycansapproximately 88% waterhydrophilic matrix is responsible for height of the intervertebral disccharacterized by compressibility a hydrated gel due to high polysacharide content and high water content (88%) proteoglycans interact with water and resist compressionviscoelastic matrix distributes the forces smoothly to the annulus and the end plates low collagen / high proteoglycan ratio (high % dry weight of proteoglycans) chondrocyte-like cells responsible for producing type II collagen and proteoglycanssurvive in hypoxic conditions
  4. With aging of the intervertebral disc there is an increase in the keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate ratioAt birth, the disc surface area is 50% nucleus pulposus (NP) and 50% annulus. The notochordal cells of the NP are gradually replaced by chondrocytes throughout the early teenage years. The demarcation betweenthe annulus and the nucleus becomes less distinct. The older NP has a higher collagen content with more structured fibers. In these fibers, the ratio of type II to type I collagen increases
  5. Stresses annulus fibrosushighest tensile stressesnucleus pulposushighest compressive stressintradiscal pressure is position dependent pressure is lowest when lying supinepressure is intermediate when standingpressure is highest when sitting and flexed forward with weights in the handswhen carrying weight, the closer the object is to the body the lower the pressure
  6. Epidemiology 95% involve L4/5 or L5/S1 levels L5/S1 most common levelpeak incidence is 4th and 5th decadesonly ~5% become symptomatic3:1 male:female ratio
  7. Disc Herniation herniated disks are associated with a spontaneous increase in the production of  osteoprotegrin (OPG)interleukin-1 betareceptor activator of nuclear factor-kBligand (RANKL)parathyroid hormone (PTH)Disc aging leads to an overall loss of water content and conversion to fibrocartilage. Specifically there is a  decrease in nutritional transport water contentabsolute number of viable cellsproteoglycanspHincrease inan increase keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate ratio lactatedegradative enzyme activityno change inabsolute quantity of collagen
  8. Containedbulge:circumferential symmetric disc extension upto the vertebral border within the annulus fibrosusContained protrusion: focal or asymmetrical extension of disc beyond the vertebral borderContained extrusion: extruded thru annulus but not thru PLLUncontained sequestration: disc material thru both annulus and PLL , not continuous with the parent disc materialMigration: Disc material displaced from the site of extrusion (either sequestrated or not)
  9. motor exam ankle dorsiflexion (L4 or L5) test by having patient walk on heelsEHL weakness (L5) manual testinghip abduction weakness (L5)have patient lie on side on exam table and abduct leg against resistanceankle plantar flexion (S1) have patient do 10 single leg toes stands
  10. Presence of 3 out of 5 of these sign correlated poor outcome with surgery even in the presence of true structural abnormalities.Waddell et al described and standardized these non-organic signs of low-back pain in 350 North American and British patients. They divided them into 5 categories (tenderness tests, simulation tests, distraction tests, regional disturbances, and overreaction), and found that when three or more categories were positive, the finding was considered clinically significant. This was also correlated with high scores for depression, hysteria and hypochondriasis on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)