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Asfiksia adalah keadaan bayi

tidak bernafas secara spontan dan
teratur segera setelah lahir.
Seringkali bayi yang sebelumnya
mengalami gawat janin akan
persalinan. Masalah ini mungkin
ibu, tali pusat, atau masalah pada
bayi selama atau sesudah

•Asfiksia Vigorous Baby


•Mild-moderate asphyxia
(asfiksia sedang)


•Asfiksia berat

• Denyut Jantung


• Mekonium Dalam
Air Ketuban


• Pemeriksaan pH
Darah Janin
Antisipasi kebutuhan resusitasi

Alat Resusitasi

Langkah awal resusitasi

Pengehentian resusitasi
I. Pengumpulan Data Dasar
Dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat,
tanggal 18 Oktober 2013, pukul 10.00 WIB


Nama Bayi: By. Ny K

Umur : 0 Hari
Tgl / jam lahir: 18
Oktober 2013 /
10.00 WIB
Jenis Kelamin:
No RM : Tidak ada

Biodata Penanggung

Nama Ibu: Ny K
Nama Ayah:Tn H
Umur : 35 th
Umur : 40 th
Suku/Kebangsaan :
Suku/Kebangsaan: Jawa / Indonesia
Jawa / Indonesia
Agama: Kristen
Agama: Kristen
Pendidikan : SMU
Pendidikan: S1
Pekerjaan: Ibu
Pekerjaan :Karyawan
Rumah Tangga
Alamat: Jl.Merpati Alamat : Jl.Merpati
no. 32
2. Keluhan Utama
Bayi lahir tidak menangis dan kulit ekstremitas
berwarna kebiruan.
3. Riwayat Kehamilan Ibu
Hamil anak ke 3, Melahirkan 1 kali, mengalami
keguguran 2 kali.
- Umur Kehamilan
: 9 bulan
: 24 Januari 2013
: 5 kali , 3 kali di Bidan ,
2 kali di Dokter Sp.OG
- Imunisasi TT
: 2 kali
- Kenaikan BB Ibu
: 11 kg
: Tidak ada
4. Riwayat Penyakit Ibu yang menyertai kehamilan
Ibu tidak pernah menderita penyakit kronis seperti
anemia, jantung, asma. Ibu menyatakan tidak pernah
menderita penyakit menular seperti TBC, HIV/AIDS, dan
tidak pernah menderita penyakit menurun seperti
Diabetes dan Hipertensi.
5. Kebiasaan Waktu Ibu Hamil
a. Makan
: 3x sehari, porsi satu piring
b. Obat-obatan
: Ibu menyatakan tidak
mengkonsumsi obat - obatan
c. Merokok
: Ibu menyatakan tidak merokok
d. Minum jamu & alkohol : Ibu menyatakann tidak minum
jamu dan alkohol
1.Keadaan Umum
: Lemah
2.Tanda – tanda vital
Suhu : 35,8 0 C
HR : 90 x/ menit
RR :30 x/ menit
3. Ukuran Antropometri
:3300 gram/ 50 cm
: 33 cm/ 33 cm/ 11 cm
4. Pemeriksaan Fisik
a. Kepala : bentuk kepala mesocephal , tidak
ada benjolan, tidak terdapat caput
suksedaneum maupun cephal
b. Ubun-ubun : ubun – ubun tampak cekung
c. Muka : pucat, terdapat lanugo
d. Mata : tidak ada infeksi, ukuran simetris.
e. Hidung : ada cairan, terjadi infeksi pada
jalan nafas.
f. Mulut : bibir tidak sumbing, tidak ada
g. Telinga : letak simetris, tidak ada cairan
h. Leher

: tidak ada pembengkakan pada kelenjar
i. Dada
: simetris, puting simetris
j. Abdomen : tali pusat bersih, tidak ada perdarahan , ada
3 pembuluh darah pada tali pusat yaitu 2
arteri dan 1 vena umbilicus.
k. Punggung: tidak ada benjolan abnormal /cekungan.
l. Ekstremitas :Simetris, lengkap, gerakan bayi lemah. Kulit
ekstremitas biru pucat.
m. Kulit
: kulit badan merah, terdapat
vernika kaseosa.
n. Genetalia : Labia mayora sudah menutupi
labia minora, uretra,
vagina berlubang
o. Anus
: Anus berlubang.
5. Reflek Primitif
a.Reflek Moro : Lemah
b.Reflek Rooting : Lemah
c.Reflek Babinsky: Lemah
d.Reflek Graps : Lemah
e.Reflek Tonik Neck: Lemah
f. Reflek Startle : Lemah
g. Reflek Sucking : Lemah
6. Pemenuhan Kebutuhan
a. Nutrisi
: belum mendapat ASI
maupun susu formula
b. Eliminasi
: bayi belum BAK
: bayi belum BAB
c. Istirahat
: bayi masih dalam
keadaan siaga
7. Data Penunjang
Tidak ada data penunjang
1. Riwayat Persalinan Ibu Sekarang
a. Jenis Persalinan
: Pervaginam
b. Ditolong oleh
: Bidan
c. Tempat persalinan : RS Permata Hati Semarang
d. Lama Persalinan
Kala I :
Kala II :
Kala III :
Kala IV:
Total :
11 Jam 45 Menit
e. Ketuban Pecah
Tanggal 18 oktober 2013 Pukul 09.00 WIB
Pecah spontan
: Hijau kehitaman
: 1000 cc
f. Komplikasi Persalinan
: tidak ada
Bayi : bayi mengalami asfiksia
2. Keadaan Umum Bayi Baru Lahir
a. Nilai APGAR
Menit 1 Menit 5

Menit 10

Warna Kulit
























b. Keadaan umum
1. Berat Badan Lahir
: 3300 gram
2. Panjang Badan Lahir : 50 Cm
3. Suhu
: 35,8 oC
4. Heart Rate/HR
: 90 x/Menit
5. Respiration Rate/RR : 30 x/Menit
6. LK/LD/LLA: 33 cm/ 33 cm/ 11cm
Diagnosa kebidanan :
Bayi baru lahir Spontan cukup bulan Umur 0
hari dengan asfiksia neonatorum
-Bayi lahir tanggal 18 Oktober 2013
pukul 10.00 WIB
-Cara lahir
: Spontan pervaginam
-Umur kehamilan : 38 Minggu
: 24 Januari 2013
-BB / PB
: 3300 gram / 50 cm
-Pemeriksaan suhu per axilla :35,8 0 C
Bayi tidak menangis, kulit ekstremitas
kebiruan, dan belum bisa bernafas secara
Dasar Masalah
-Bayi tidak menangis saat dilahirkan.
-Kulit bayi bewarna merah muda dan kulit
ekstremitas bewarna biru pucat.
-Tonus otot bayi lemah.
-Refleks – refleks bayi lemah.
-Denyut jantung 90 x/menit dan pernafasan
Potensial terjadi asfiksia neonatarum berat
sehubungan dengan gagalnya pernafasan
Segera membuka jalan nafas dan melakukan
kolaborasi dengan dokter spesialis anak.
Merencanakan asuhan yang rasional sesuai
kebutuhan bayi yaitu :
1. Pertahankan suhu tubuh
2. Bersihkan jalan nafas
3. Beri oksigen 2 liter per menit.
4. Rangsang reflek pernafasan.
5. Lakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter spesialis
anak karena bayi sudah mulai bernapas tetapi
masih sianosis
Tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB
1.Pukul 10.02 WIB
Mempertahankan suhu tubuh bayi
dengan meletakkan bayi pada infant
2.Pukul 10.07 WIB
Membersihkan jalan nafas dengan
menghisap lender dihidung dan mulut
3.Pukul 10.10 WIB
Memberikan oksigen 2 liter permenit.
4.Pukul 10.13 WIB
Merangsang refleks pernapasan.
5.Pukul 10.17 WIB
Melakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter
spesialis anak karena bayi sudah mulai
bernapas tetapi masih sianosis dengan hasil
memberikan natrium bikarbonat 7,5%
sebanyak 6cc Dextrosa 40% sebanyak 4cc
disuntikkan melalui vena umbilicus secara
perlahan – lahan untuk mencegah
tekanan intracranial meningkat.
Tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB
1. Pukul 10.05 WIB
Bayi sudah dipertahankan suhu tubuhnya
dengan meletakkan bayi pada infant
2. Pukul 10.09 WIB
Bayi sudah dibersihkan jalan nafasnya
dengan menghisap lendir hidung dan
3. Pukul 10.12 WIB
Bayi sudah diberikan oksigen 2 liter
4. Pukul 10.15 WIB
Bayi sudah dirangsang refleks pernapasan.
5. Pukul 10.20 WIB
Advis dokter sudah dilakukan yaitu
berikan natrium bikarbonat 7,5%
sebanyak 6cc Dextrosa 40% sebanyak 4cc
disuntikkan melalui vena umbilicus secara
perlahan – lahan untuk mencegah
tekanan intracranial meningkat.
Asfiksia Bayi

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Asfiksia Bayi

  • 1.
  • 2. PENGERTIAN Asfiksia adalah keadaan bayi tidak bernafas secara spontan dan teratur segera setelah lahir. Seringkali bayi yang sebelumnya mengalami gawat janin akan mengalami asfiksia sesudah persalinan. Masalah ini mungkin berkaitan dengan keadaan ibu, tali pusat, atau masalah pada bayi selama atau sesudah persalinan.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. 1 •Asfiksia Vigorous Baby 2 •Mild-moderate asphyxia (asfiksia sedang) 3 •Asfiksia berat
  • 6. 1 • Denyut Jantung Janin 2 • Mekonium Dalam Air Ketuban 3 • Pemeriksaan pH Darah Janin
  • 7. Antisipasi kebutuhan resusitasi Alat Resusitasi Langkah awal resusitasi Pengehentian resusitasi
  • 8. I. Pengumpulan Data Dasar Dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat, tanggal 18 Oktober 2013, pukul 10.00 WIB Tempat : RS PERMATA HATI SEMARANG
  • 9. 1. Biodata Nama Bayi: By. Ny K Umur : 0 Hari Tgl / jam lahir: 18 Oktober 2013 / 10.00 WIB Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan No RM : Tidak ada Biodata Penanggung Jawab Nama Ibu: Ny K Nama Ayah:Tn H Umur : 35 th Umur : 40 th Suku/Kebangsaan : Suku/Kebangsaan: Jawa / Indonesia Jawa / Indonesia Agama: Kristen Agama: Kristen Pendidikan : SMU Pendidikan: S1 Pekerjaan: Ibu Pekerjaan :Karyawan Rumah Tangga Swasta Alamat: Jl.Merpati Alamat : Jl.Merpati Terbang Terbang no.32 no. 32 Semarang Semarang
  • 10. 2. Keluhan Utama Bayi lahir tidak menangis dan kulit ekstremitas berwarna kebiruan. 3. Riwayat Kehamilan Ibu Hamil anak ke 3, Melahirkan 1 kali, mengalami keguguran 2 kali. - Umur Kehamilan : 9 bulan - HPHT : 24 Januari 2013 - ANC : 5 kali , 3 kali di Bidan , 2 kali di Dokter Sp.OG - Imunisasi TT : 2 kali - Kenaikan BB Ibu : 11 kg -Terapi : Tidak ada
  • 11. 4. Riwayat Penyakit Ibu yang menyertai kehamilan Ibu tidak pernah menderita penyakit kronis seperti anemia, jantung, asma. Ibu menyatakan tidak pernah menderita penyakit menular seperti TBC, HIV/AIDS, dan tidak pernah menderita penyakit menurun seperti Diabetes dan Hipertensi. 5. Kebiasaan Waktu Ibu Hamil a. Makan : 3x sehari, porsi satu piring b. Obat-obatan : Ibu menyatakan tidak mengkonsumsi obat - obatan c. Merokok : Ibu menyatakan tidak merokok d. Minum jamu & alkohol : Ibu menyatakann tidak minum jamu dan alkohol
  • 12. 1.Keadaan Umum : Lemah 2.Tanda – tanda vital Suhu : 35,8 0 C HR : 90 x/ menit RR :30 x/ menit 3. Ukuran Antropometri BB/ PB :3300 gram/ 50 cm LK/LD/LLA : 33 cm/ 33 cm/ 11 cm
  • 13. 4. Pemeriksaan Fisik a. Kepala : bentuk kepala mesocephal , tidak ada benjolan, tidak terdapat caput suksedaneum maupun cephal hematom b. Ubun-ubun : ubun – ubun tampak cekung c. Muka : pucat, terdapat lanugo d. Mata : tidak ada infeksi, ukuran simetris. e. Hidung : ada cairan, terjadi infeksi pada jalan nafas. f. Mulut : bibir tidak sumbing, tidak ada labiopalatoshiziz g. Telinga : letak simetris, tidak ada cairan
  • 14. h. Leher : tidak ada pembengkakan pada kelenjar tiroid. i. Dada : simetris, puting simetris j. Abdomen : tali pusat bersih, tidak ada perdarahan , ada 3 pembuluh darah pada tali pusat yaitu 2 arteri dan 1 vena umbilicus. k. Punggung: tidak ada benjolan abnormal /cekungan. l. Ekstremitas :Simetris, lengkap, gerakan bayi lemah. Kulit ekstremitas biru pucat. m. Kulit : kulit badan merah, terdapat vernika kaseosa. n. Genetalia : Labia mayora sudah menutupi labia minora, uretra, vagina berlubang o. Anus : Anus berlubang.
  • 15. 5. Reflek Primitif a.Reflek Moro : Lemah b.Reflek Rooting : Lemah c.Reflek Babinsky: Lemah d.Reflek Graps : Lemah e.Reflek Tonik Neck: Lemah f. Reflek Startle : Lemah g. Reflek Sucking : Lemah
  • 16. 6. Pemenuhan Kebutuhan a. Nutrisi : belum mendapat ASI maupun susu formula b. Eliminasi - BAK : bayi belum BAK - BAB : bayi belum BAB c. Istirahat : bayi masih dalam keadaan siaga 7. Data Penunjang Tidak ada data penunjang
  • 17. 1. Riwayat Persalinan Ibu Sekarang a. Jenis Persalinan : Pervaginam b. Ditolong oleh : Bidan c. Tempat persalinan : RS Permata Hati Semarang d. Lama Persalinan Kala I : 8 Jam Kala II : 90 Menit Kala III : 15 Menit Kala IV: 120 Menit Total : 11 Jam 45 Menit e. Ketuban Pecah Tanggal 18 oktober 2013 Pukul 09.00 WIB Pecah spontan Warna : Hijau kehitaman Jumlah : 1000 cc f. Komplikasi Persalinan Ibu : tidak ada Bayi : bayi mengalami asfiksia
  • 18. 2. Keadaan Umum Bayi Baru Lahir a. Nilai APGAR Menit 1 Menit 5 Menit 10 Warna Kulit 1 2 2 Denyut 1 1 2 Reflek 1 1 1 Aktivitas 1 1 1 Pernafasan 1 1 1 Nilai 5 6 7 Jantung
  • 19. b. Keadaan umum 1. Berat Badan Lahir : 3300 gram 2. Panjang Badan Lahir : 50 Cm 3. Suhu : 35,8 oC 4. Heart Rate/HR : 90 x/Menit 5. Respiration Rate/RR : 30 x/Menit 6. LK/LD/LLA: 33 cm/ 33 cm/ 11cm
  • 20. II. INTERPRETASI DATA UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI DIAGNOSA ATAU MASALAH Diagnosa kebidanan : Bayi baru lahir Spontan cukup bulan Umur 0 hari dengan asfiksia neonatorum Dasar -Bayi lahir tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB -Cara lahir : Spontan pervaginam -Umur kehamilan : 38 Minggu -HPHT : 24 Januari 2013 -BB / PB : 3300 gram / 50 cm -Pemeriksaan suhu per axilla :35,8 0 C
  • 21. Masalah Bayi tidak menangis, kulit ekstremitas kebiruan, dan belum bisa bernafas secara normal. Dasar Masalah -Bayi tidak menangis saat dilahirkan. -Kulit bayi bewarna merah muda dan kulit ekstremitas bewarna biru pucat. -Tonus otot bayi lemah. -Refleks – refleks bayi lemah. -Denyut jantung 90 x/menit dan pernafasan 30x/menit.
  • 22. III. IDENTIFIKASI DIAGNOSA ATAU MASALAH POTENSIAL DAN MENGANTISIPASI PENANGANANNYA Potensial terjadi asfiksia neonatarum berat sehubungan dengan gagalnya pernafasan IV. MENETAPKAN KEBUTUHAN TERHADAP TINDAKAN SEGERA UNTUK MELAKUKAN KOLABORASI DENGAN TENAGA KESEHATAN LAIN BERDASARKAN KONDISI KLIEN. Segera membuka jalan nafas dan melakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter spesialis anak.
  • 23. V. MENYUSUN RENCANA ASUHAN YANG MENYELURUH Merencanakan asuhan yang rasional sesuai kebutuhan bayi yaitu : 1. Pertahankan suhu tubuh 2. Bersihkan jalan nafas 3. Beri oksigen 2 liter per menit. 4. Rangsang reflek pernafasan. 5. Lakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter spesialis anak karena bayi sudah mulai bernapas tetapi masih sianosis
  • 24. VI. PELAKSANAAN LANGSUNG ASUHAN DENGAN EFISIEN DAN AMAN Tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB 1.Pukul 10.02 WIB Mempertahankan suhu tubuh bayi dengan meletakkan bayi pada infant hammer 2.Pukul 10.07 WIB Membersihkan jalan nafas dengan menghisap lender dihidung dan mulut 3.Pukul 10.10 WIB Memberikan oksigen 2 liter permenit. 4.Pukul 10.13 WIB Merangsang refleks pernapasan. 5.Pukul 10.17 WIB Melakukan kolaborasi dengan dokter spesialis anak karena bayi sudah mulai bernapas tetapi masih sianosis dengan hasil memberikan natrium bikarbonat 7,5% sebanyak 6cc Dextrosa 40% sebanyak 4cc disuntikkan melalui vena umbilicus secara perlahan – lahan untuk mencegah tekanan intracranial meningkat.
  • 25. VII. MENGEVALUASI Tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 pukul 10.00 WIB 1. Pukul 10.05 WIB Bayi sudah dipertahankan suhu tubuhnya dengan meletakkan bayi pada infant hammer 2. Pukul 10.09 WIB Bayi sudah dibersihkan jalan nafasnya dengan menghisap lendir hidung dan mulut. 3. Pukul 10.12 WIB Bayi sudah diberikan oksigen 2 liter permenit. 4. Pukul 10.15 WIB Bayi sudah dirangsang refleks pernapasan. 5. Pukul 10.20 WIB Advis dokter sudah dilakukan yaitu berikan natrium bikarbonat 7,5% sebanyak 6cc Dextrosa 40% sebanyak 4cc disuntikkan melalui vena umbilicus secara perlahan – lahan untuk mencegah tekanan intracranial meningkat.

Editor's Notes

  1. Custom animation effects: title fade-in on path and text fade by letter(Intermediate)Tip: For the effects on this slide, use a picture that measures 7.5” high (the height of the slide) and 2.61” wide.To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theDrawing group, clickShapes, and then under Rectangles click Rectangle (first option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle.Select the rectangle. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following: In the ShapeHeight box, enter 3.17”.In the ShapeWidth box, enter 9.5”.Drag the rectangle slightly above the middle of the slide. Select the rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Left.Under DrawingTools, on theFormat tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the next to ShapeOutline, and then click NoOutline.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the ShapeStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatShape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Right (first row, fourth option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 50% (fifth row, 10th option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 25% (fourth row, 10th option from the left).To reproduce the “heading” text box on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter the heading text, and then select text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Calibri.In the FontSize box, enter 38.Click Bold.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click Orange, Accent 6, Darker 25% (fourth row, 10th option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.Drag the text box just above the rectangle, in the right half of the slide. To reproduce the second text box on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter three lines of text with paragraph breaks, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Calibri.In the FontSize list, select 28.Click Bold.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.Drag the second text box onto the rectangle, below the “heading” text box. To reproduce the full-color picture on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, clickPicture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select the 7.5” x 2.61” picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Crop from,in the Bottom box, enter 2.43”. (Note: Under Size and rotate, the Height should now be 5.08”.)On the slide, select the picture. UnderPicture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects, point to Glow, and then under Glow Variations click Accent color 1, 5 pt glow (first row, first option from the left).Also under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, point to MoreGlowColors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Drag the full-color picture on top of the rectangle, to the left of the text boxes. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Top. To reproduce the second picture on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select the same 7.5” x 2.61” picture, and then click Insert. On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, under Crop from,in the Top box, enter 5.08”. (Note: Under Size and rotate, the Height should now be 2.43”.)On the slide, select the second, smaller picture. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the FormatPicture dialog box, click Picture in the left pane, and in the Picture pane do the following:In the Brightness box, enter 70%.In the Contrast box, enter -70%.On the slide, drag the smaller picture until it is directly underneath the larger full-color picture.Select the smaller picture. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Bottom. Press and hold CTRL, and then select both pictures. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align Selected Objects.Click Align Center. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the “heading” text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the animation effect (fade effect for the “heading” text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected text box, and then click Timing. In the Fade dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 2 seconds (Medium).On the slide, select the “heading” text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the second animation effect (left motion path for the “heading” text box). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, right-click the left motion path and click ReversePathDirection. With the motion path still selected,point to the starting point (green arrow) of the motion path until the cursor becomes a two-headed arrow. Press and hold SHIFT, and then drag the starting pointabout 1.5” off the left edge of the slide. (Note: It may help to display the ruler. On the View tab, in the Show/Hide group, select Ruler. If your lines of text are longer than in the example above, you may need to further increase the length of the motion path. )On the slide, select the second text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the second text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Effect Options. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animate text list, select By Letter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 5.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (VeryFast).On the TextAnimation tab, in the Grouptext list, select By 1st Level Paragraphs.To reproduce the background on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until three stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 40%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 3 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 232, Green: 227, and Blue: 216.
  2. Custom animation effects: buttons grow and turn on path(Advanced)To reproduce the curved shape on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines click Freeform (11th option from the left).On the slide, do the following to draw the freeform line:Click the first point on the upper left corner of the slide. Click the second point on the bottom edge of the slide, slightly to the left of the middle. Click the third point on the lower left corner of the slide. Double-click the fourth and final point on the first point, on the upper left corner of the slide.Right-click the freeform shape, and then click Edit Points. Right-click the diagonal line, and then click Curved Segment. (Note: Your segment may not look as curved as in the example above.)Select the freeform shape. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the arrow next to Shape Fill, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the arrow next to Shape Outline, and then click No Outline.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Diagonal(second row, third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, click More Colors, and then in the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 230, Green: 230, Blue: 230.To reproduce the picture and text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Shape, and then under Basic Shapes click Oval (first option from the left).With the picture still selected, under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 1.2” and the Width box is set to 1.2”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click the arrow next to Picture Effects, point to Bevel, and then under Bevel click Circle (first row, first option from the left).Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects, point to Bevel, and then click 3-D Options. In the Format Picture dialog box, click 3-D Format in the left pane, and then do the following in the 3-D Format pane, under Surface:Click the button next to Material, and then under Standard click Metal (fourth option from the left). Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Neutral click Contrasting (second row, second option from the left). In the Angle box, enter 25°.Also in the Format Picture dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Outer click Offset Diagonal Bottom Left (first row, third option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 77%.In the Size box, enter 100%.In the Blur box, enter 10 pt.In the Angle box, enter 141°.In the Distance box, enter 10 pt.On the slide, drag the picture onto the curve, near the top. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box. On the slide, drag to draw the text box.Enter text in the text box and select it. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Corbel.In the Font Size box, enter 22.Click the arrow next to Font Color,and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 50% (sixth row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Align Text Left to align the text left in the text box.On the slide, drag the text box to the right of the picture. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:It will help to zoom out in order to view the area off the slide. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom. In the Zoom dialog box, select 33%.On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation.On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then clickMoreEffects. In the AddEntrance Effect dialog box, under Moderate, click Grow & Turn.Select the animation effect (grow & turn effect for the picture). Under Modify: Grow & Turn, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speed list, select Fast. On the slide, select the picture. In the CustomAnimation task pane, click AddEffect, point to Motion Paths, point to Draw Custom Path, and then click Curve.On the slide, do the following to create the custom motion path:Click the first point in the center of the picture. Click the second point in the middle of the curve. Double-click the third point off the bottom edge of the slide. In the CustomAnimation task pane, select the second animation effect (motion path for the picture), and then under Modify: Custom Path, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speedlist, select Fast.On the slide, right-click the motion path and then click Reverse Path Direction.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then clickMoreEffects. In the AddEntrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the text box). Under Modify: Fade, do the following:In theStart list, selectAfter Previous.In the Speed list, select Fast. To reproduce the other animated pictures and text boxes on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane. On the slide, press and hold CTRL and then select the picture and the text box. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the duplicate picture and text box. On the slide, drag them onto the curve below the first group. In the Custom Animation task pane, select the fifth animation effect (motion path for the second picture). On the slide, point to the starting point (green arrow) until the cursor becomes a two-headed arrow. Drag the starting point below the bottom edge of the slide, to the same position as the starting point for the first motion path. (Note: The endpoint of the second motion path should still be in the middle of the second picture.)On the slide, right-clickthe second picture and then click ChangePicture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. With the picture still selected, under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 1.2” and the Width box is set to 1.2”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. Click in the text box and edit the text.Repeat steps 1-7 two more times to reproduce the third and fourth pictures and text boxes with animation effects.
  3. Custom animation effects: shrink picture circle with text(Intermediate)To reproduce the picture effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. In the InsertPicture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert.On the slide, select the picture. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureShape, and then under BasicShapes click Oval (first row, first option from the left).Select the picture-filled oval. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Size tab, resize or crop the picture as needed so that under Size and rotate, the Height box is set to 6” and the Width box is set to 6”. Resize the picture under Size and rotate by entering values into the Height and Width boxes. Crop the picture under Crop from by entering values into the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes. Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, and then under GlowVariations click Accent color 1, 18 pt glow (fourth row, first option from the left).Under PictureTools, on the Format tab, in the PictureStyles group, click PictureEffects, point to Glow, point to More Glow Colors, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Picture dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Inner click InsideDiagonalBottomLeft (third row, first option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 50%.In the Blur box, enter 8 pt.In the Angle box, enter 135°.In the Distance box, enter 8 pt.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. On the slide, drag to draw a text box.Enter text, and then select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Candara.In the FontSize box, enter 30.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then click Black, Text 1, Lighter 25% (fourth row, second option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click AlignTextLeft.On the slide, select the text box. Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, click TextEffects, point to Reflection, and then under ReflectionVariations click TightReflection, touching (first row, first option from the left).Drag the text box onto the right half of the slide.With the text box still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and then do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align to Slide.Point to Align, and then click Align Right.Point to Align, and then click Align Middle.Click Send to Back. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Wheel.Select the animation effect (wheel effect for the picture). Under Modify: Wheel,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Spokes list, select 1 Spoke.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click FadedZoom.Select the second animation effect (faded zoom effect for the picture). Under Modify: FadedZoom,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Grow/Shrink.Select the third animation effect (grow/shrink effect for the picture). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Grow/Shrink dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, under Settings, do the following:In the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 95%, and then press ENTER.Select SmoothStart.Select SmoothEnd.Select Auto-reverse.On the Timing tab, do the following: In the Start list, select AfterPrevious. In the Speed box, enter 0.3 seconds. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Grow/Shrink.Select the fourth animation effect (grow/shrink effect for the picture). Under Grow/Shrink, do the following:In the Start list, select AfterPrevious.In the Size list, select Smaller.In the Speed list, select Medium. On the slide, select the picture. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the fifth animation effect (left motion path for the picture). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Medium.On the slide, select the text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, select Fade.Select the sixth animation effect (fade effect for the text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click Timing. In the Fade dialog box, on the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 1 seconds (Fast).On the slide, select the text box. In CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:ClickAddEffect, point to MotionPaths, and then click Left.Select the seventh animation effect (left motion path for the text box). Under Modify: Left,do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select Fast.On the slide, right–click the selected motion path for the text box, and then clickReversePathDirection. To reproduce the rectangle on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in theDrawing group, clickShapes, and then under Rectangles click Rectangle (first option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle.Select the rectangle.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the ShapeHeight box, enter 1.54”.In theShapeWidth box, enter 10”.Under DrawingTools, on theFormat tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow next to ShapeOutline, and then click NoOutline.Under DrawingTools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the ShapeStyles group, click the FormatShape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, clickFill in the left pane, selectGradientfill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Right (first row, fourth option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 88%.Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 43%.On the Home tab, in the Drawinggroup, click Arrange, and then do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align to Slide. Point to Align, and then clickAlignMiddle.Point to Align, and then clickAlignCenter.Click Send to Back. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Black, Text 1, Lighter 50% (second row, second option from the left).
  4. SmartArt custom animation effects: stretch and curve up(Intermediate)To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click List. In the List pane, click Vertical Block List (fourth row, third option from the left), and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide.Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text for each of the rectangles.Press and hold CTRL, and select each of the second-level rectangles on the slide. Drag the left sizing handle of one of the second-level rectangles to the left 0.5” to increase the width of the second-level rectangles. (Note: The first-level rectangles (rounded rectangles) will decrease in width at the same time.)Select the SmartArt graphic. Under SmartArtTools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArtStyles group, click SmartArtStyles, and under BestMatch for Document select IntenseEffect (fifth option from the left).Press and hold CTRL, and then select each of the first-level rectangles (rounded rectangles) in the SmartArt graphic.Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the WordArtStyles group, click the arrow to the right of TextFill, and under ThemeColors select White, Background 1, Darker 25%. (fourth row, first option from the left). Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow to the right of ShapeFill and under ThemeColors select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). Select the top, second-level rectangle in the SmartArt graphic.Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow to the right of ShapeFill and under ThemeColors select Olive Green, Accent 3. (first row, seventh option from the left).Select the center, second-level rectangle in the SmartArt graphic.Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow to the right of ShapeFill and under ThemeColors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 40% (fourth row, seventh option from the left).Select bottom,second-level rectangle in the SmartArt graphic.Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the ShapeStyles group, click the arrow to the right of ShapeFill and under ThemeColors select Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 60% (third row, seventh option from the left).Press and hold CTRL, and select each of the second-level rectangles.On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Shadow, and then in the FontColor list, select White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animation tab, in the Animation group, click CustomAnimation. Select the SmartArt graphic, and then in the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance and select MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Exciting select Curve Up, and click OK. Click the arrow to the right of the curve up entrance effect (first effect) and select EffectOptions. In the CurveUp dialog box, do the following:On the Timing tab, in the Start list, select AfterPrevious.On the Timing tab, in the Speed list, select Fast.On the SmartArtAnimation tab, in the Groupgraphic list select One by one.Click the double arrow under the curve-up entrance effect (first effect) to expand the list of effects.Press and hold CTRL, and select the second, fourth, and sixth effects (curve-up entrance effects). Click Change, point to Entrance, and select MoreEffects. In the ChangeEntranceEffects dialog box, under Moderate, select Stretch.Press and hold CTRL, and select the second, fourth, and sixth effects. Under Modify: Stretch,do the following:In the Direction list, select FromTop.In the Speed list, select Fast. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.In the Direction list, click From Center (third option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 33%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, the first option from the left).Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from the left).
  5. SmartArt custom animation effects: vertical chevron list with bright colors(Basic)To reproduce the SmartArt effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then clickBlank. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, in the left pane, click List. In the List pane, click Vertical Chevron List (fourth row, fourth option from the left), and then click OK to insert the graphic into the slide.Select the graphic, and then click one of the arrows on the left border. In the Type your text here dialog box, enter text. Select the graphic. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Format tab, click Size, and then do the following:In the Height box, enter 5.35”.In the Width box, enter 6.86”.Under SmartArt Tools, on the Format tab, click Arrange, click Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Middle. Click Align Center. On the slide, select the graphic. On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click Colors,and then under Built-in click Solstice. (Note: If this action is taken in a PowerPoint presentation containing more than one slide, the color scheme will be applied to all of the slides.)Under SmartArtTools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArtStyles group, do the following:Click ChangeColors and then under Colorful click Colorful Range – Accent Colors 4 to 5 (fourth option from the left).Click More, and then under 3-D click Polished (first row, first option from the left).Press and hold CTRL, and then select the three chevron shapes (topic headings). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Gill Sans MT Condensed from the Font list, and then enter 35 in the Font Size box.Press and hold CTRL, and then select the three rectangles (bulleted lists). On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Gill Sans MT Condensed from the Font list, and then enter 33 in the Font Size box. Under SmartArtTools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the arrow next to Shape Fill, point to Gradient, and then click More Gradients. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Down (first row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 20%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 73%.Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 0%.To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation.On the slide, select the graphic. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Moderate, click Descend.Under Modify: Descend, in the Speed list, select VeryFast.Also in the CustomAnimation task pane, select the animation effect. Click the arrow to the right of the animation effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Descend dialog box, on the SmartArtAnimation tab, in the Group graphic list, select One by one, and then click OK.Also in the Custom Animation taskpane, click the double arrow under the animation effect to expand the contents of the list of effects, and then do the following:Select the first animation effect (descend effect for the first topic heading). Under Modify: Descend, in the Start list, select After Previous. Press and hold CTRL, select the second, fourth, and sixthanimation effects (descend effects for the bulleted lists), and then do the following:Click Change, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Change Entrance Effect dialog box, under Moderate, click Stretch, and then click OK.Under Modify: Stretch, in the Direction list, select From Left. Under Modify: Stretch, in the Speed list, select Fast.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Linear.In the Direction list, click Linear Up (second row, second option from the left).Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 20%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).In the Transparency box, enter 0%.Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors clickWhite, Background 1, Darker 50% (sixth row, first option from the left).
  6. Custom animation effects: object spins on end(Advanced)To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in theSlides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, and then select Solid fill in the Fill pane. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).To reproduce the rectangle on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Rectangles click Rounded Rectangle (second option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rounded rectangle.Select the rectangle. Drag the yellow diamond adjustment handle to the left to decrease the amount of rounding on the corners. With the rounded rectangle still selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the Shape Height box, enter 3.5”.In the Shape Width box, enter 0.25”.Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Shape Styles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane. In the Fill pane, select Solid fill, click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Line Color in the left pane. In the Line Color pane, select No line. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Outer select Offset Bottom (first row, second option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 0%.In the Sizebox, enter 100%.In the Blur box, enter 8.5 pt.In the Angle box, enter 90°.In the Distance box, enter 1 pt.Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click 3-D Format in the left pane. In the 3-D Format pane, do the following:Under Bevel, click the button next to Top, and then under Bevel click Circle (first row, first option from the left). Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 5 pt, and in the Height box, enter 5 pt.Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Standard clickMatte (first row, first option from the left).Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Neutral click Soft (first row, third option from the left).On the slide, select the rounded rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Select the duplicate rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, do the following:Click the arrow next to Shape Fill, and then click No Fill.Click the arrow next to Shape Outline, and then click No Outline.Drag the second rectangle above the first rectangle until the lower edge overlays the top edge of the first rectangle. (Note: When the spinning animation effect is created later for these rectangles, the spin will center where the edges of the rectangles meet.)Press and hold CTRL, and then select both rectangles. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align Selected Objects.Point to Align, and then click Align Center.Click Group. On the slide, drag the group until it is centered horizontally on the left edge of the slide (straddling the edge).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click Align Middle.To reproduce the dashed arc on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes click Arc (third row, 12th option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw an arc.Select the arc. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the Shape Height box, enter 7.5”.In the Shape Width box, enter 7.5”.With the arc still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the arrow next to Shape Outline,and then do the following:Under Theme Colors, click White, Background 1, Darker 15% (third row, first option from the left).Point to Dashes, and then click Dash (fourth option from the top).On the slide, drag the yellow diamond adjustment handle on the right side of the arc to the bottom of the arc to create a half circle.Drag the arc until the yellow diamond adjustment handles are on the left edge of the slide.With the arc still selected, on the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide. Click Align Middle. To reproduce the half circle on this slide, do the following:On the slide, select the arc. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Select the duplicate arc. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the Shape Height box, enter 3.33”.In the Shape Width box, enter 3.33”.With the second arc still selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the arrow next to Shape Fill, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 5% (second row, first option from the left).Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the arrow next to Shape Outline,and then click No Outline.Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Effects, point to Shadow, and then click ShadowOptions. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Inner click Inside Right (second row, third option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 86%.In the Blur box, enter 24 pt.In the Angle box, enter 315°.In the Distance box, enter 4 pt.On the slide, drag the second arc until the yellow diamond adjustment handles are on the left edge of the slide. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and then do the following:Point to Align, and then click Align to Slide. Point to Align, and then click Align Middle. Click Send to Back.To reproduce the button shapes on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Basic Shapes click Oval (first row, second option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw an oval.Select the oval. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following:In the Shape Height box, enter 0.34”.In the Shape Width box, enter 0.34”.Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click More, and then click Light 1 Outline, Colored Fill – Dark 1 (third row, first option from the left).Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Shape Styles group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane. In the Fill pane, select Solid Fill. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Olive Green, Accent 3, Lighter 80°(second row, seventh option from the left).Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Line Color in the left pane. In the Line Color pane, select No line. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Shadow in the left pane. In the Shadow pane, click the button next to Presets, under Outer click Offset Bottom (first row, second option from the left), and then do the following:In the Transparency box, enter 0%.In the Size box, enter 100%.In the Blur box, enter 8.5 pt.In the Angle box, enter 90°.In the Distance box, enter 1 pt.Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click 3-D Format in the left pane, and then do the following in the 3-D Format pane:Under Bevel, click the button next to Top, and then under Bevel click Art Deco (third row, fourth option from the left). Next to Top, in the Width box, enter 5 pt, and in the Height box, enter 5 pt.UnderContour, click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). In the Size box, enter 3.5 pt.Under Surface, click the button next to Material, and then under Standard click Matte (first row, first option from the left). Click the button next to Lighting, and then under Neutral click Soft (first row, third option from the left).On the slide, select the oval. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Position tab, do the following:In the Horizontal box, enter 2.98”.In the Vertical box, enter 1.5”.Select the oval. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate.Select the duplicate oval. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Position tab, do the following:In the Horizontal box, enter 3.52”.In the Vertical box, enter 2.98”. Repeat step 9 two more times, for a total of four ovals. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Size and Position dialog box, on the Position tab, do the following to position the third and fourth ovals:Select the third oval on the slide, and then enter 3.52” in theHorizontal box and 4.27” in the Vertical box.Select the fourth oval on the slide, and then enter 2.99” in theHorizontal box and 5.66” in the Vertical box.To reproduce the text on this slide, do the following:On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then on the slide, drag to draw the text box. Enter text in the text box and select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following: In the Font list, select Corbel.In the Font Size list, select 22.Click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 50% (sixth row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Align Text Left to align the text left in the text box.On the slide, drag the text box to the right of the first oval.Select the text box. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Paste, and then click Duplicate. Click in the text box and edit the text. Drag the second text box to the right of the second oval.Repeat steps 5-7 to create the third and fourth text boxes, dragging them to the right of the third and fourth ovals. To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation.On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane. In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the rectangle group. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Spin. Select the animation effect (spin effect for the rectangle group). Under Modify: Spin, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous. In the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 123°,and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, clickCounterclockwise.In the Speedlist, select Fast. On the slide, select the first oval. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Change Fill Color. Select the second animation effect (change fill color effect for the first oval). Under Modify: Change Fill Color, do the following:In the Startlist, select After Previous. In the Fill Color list, click More Colors. In the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 130, Green: 153, Blue: 117. In the Speedlist, select Very Fast.On the slide, select the first text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance,and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, clickFade. Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the first text box). Under Modify: Fade, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speed list, select Very Fast. In the Selection and Visibility pane, select the rectangle group. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Spin. Select the fourth animation effect (spin effect for the rectangle group). Under Modify: Spin, do the following:In theStart list, selectOn Click. In the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 22°, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Clockwise.In the Speed list, select Very Fast.On the slide, select the second oval. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Change Fill Color. Select the fifth animation effect (change fill color effect for the second oval). Under Modify: Change Fill Color, do the following:In the Startlist, select After Previous. In the Fill Color list, click More Colors. In the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 130, Green: 153, Blue: 117. In the Speedlist, select Very Fast.On the slide, select the second text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, clickFade. Select the sixth animation effect (fade effect for the second text box). Under Modify: Fade, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speed list, select Very Fast. On the slide, select the third oval. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Change Fill Color. Select the seventh animation effect (change fill color effect for the third oval). Under Modify: Change Fill Color, do the following:In the Startlist, select After Previous. In the Fill Color list, click More Colors. In the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 130, Green: 153, Blue: 117. In the Speedlist, select Very Fast.On the slide, select the third text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, clickFade. Select the eighth animation effect (fade effect for the third text box). Under Modify: Fade, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speed list, select Very Fast. On the slide, select the fourth oval. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Change Fill Color. Select the ninth animation effect (change fill color effect for the fourth oval). Under Modify: Change Fill Color, do the following:In the Startlist, select After Previous. In the Fill Color list, click More Colors. In the Colors dialog box, on the Custom tab, enter values for Red: 130, Green: 153, Blue: 117. In the Speedlist, select Very Fast.On the slide, select the fourth text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click Add Effect, point to Entrance,and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, clickFade. Select the 10th animation effect (fade effect for the fourth text box). Under Modify: Fade, do the following:In theStart list, selectWith Previous.In the Speed list, select Very Fast.
  7. Custom animation effects: dotted line with text fade by letter(Basic)To reproduce the text effects on this slide, do the following:On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then on the slide, drag to draw a text box that spans the entire width of the slide.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Symbol. In the Symbol dialog box, do the following:In the Font list, select (normal text).In the Subset list, select General Punctuation.In the Character Code box, enter 2022 to select BULLET, and then click Insert.Click Insert 33 more times until there is a row of 34 bullets in the text box. In the text box, select the text, and then on the Home tab, in the Font group do the following:In the Font list, select ArialBlack.In the FontSize list, select 44.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click TextBox. Drag to draw a text box on the slide.Enter and select the text. On the Home tab, in the Font group, do the following:In the Font list, select Corbel.In the FontSize box, enter 50.Click the arrow next to FontColor, and then under ThemeColors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left).Click Bold.With the text still selected, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center.Select the second text box. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following:Click Align to Slide.Click AlignCenter.Click AlignMiddle.To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following:Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Fill pane, and then do the following:In the Type list, select Radial.Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list.Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows:Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following:In the Stop position box, enter 0%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors select Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25% (fifth row, fifth option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%.Click the button next to Color, and then under ThemeColors select Black, Text 1 (first row, second option from the left). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following:On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click CustomAnimation. On the slide, select the first text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntrance Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Fly In.Select the animation effect (fly-in effect for the first text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fly In dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Direction list, select FromLeft.In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 10.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).On the slide, select the first text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following:Click AddEffect, point to Exit, and then click MoreEffects. In the Add Exit Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade. Select the second animation effect (fade effect for the first text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 10.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box, enter 1.5.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).On the slide, select the second text box. In the CustomAnimation task pane, do the following.Click AddEffect, point to Entrance, and then click MoreEffects. In the AddEntranceEffect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade.Select the third animation effect (fade effect for the second text box). Click the arrow to the right of the selected effect, and then click EffectOptions. In the Fade dialog box, do the following:On the Effect tab, do the following:In the Animatetext list, selectByLetter.In the % delay between letters box, enter 6.On the Timing tab, do the following:In the Start list, select WithPrevious.In the Delay box,enter 2.In the Speed list, select 0.5 seconds (Very Fast).