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The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland
The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland
Blood supply
Parathyroid glands
Related topicRelated topic
Plan of the neckPlan of the neck
The thyroid gland
derives its name
from the
thyroid cartilage
which resembles a
(G. thyreos = shield)
The thyroid gland is
an endocrine gland
that is responsible for
the secretion of
thyroxin and
The thyroid gland
consists of two lobes
united in front of the
second, third and
fourth tracheal rings
by an isthmus of
gland tissue.
Each lobe is pear-
shaped consisting of
a narrow upper pole
and a broader lower
upper poleupper pole
lower polelower pole
Thyroid scan
This nuclear scan uses
an injectable radioactive
compound. When
injected into the
bloodstream the
compound will be
concentrated in the
thyroid gland resulting in
an image of the gland
The test can be useful in
diagnosis of thyroid tumor
It lies under cover of sternothyroid and
sternohyoid muscles on the side of the larynx
and trachea
The upper pole of the thyroid cannot normally
rise above the level of the oblique lineoblique line of the
thyroid cartilage
Thyroid, upper pole
The thyroid gland is
caught in the pocket
of sternothyroid
The lower pole of the
thyroid gland extends
along the side of the
trachea as low as the
sixth tracheal ring
Because of the proximity of the thyroid gland to the trachea
and esophagus, goiter causes compression of the trachea
and esophagus resulting in dyspnea and dysphagia
Retro-sternal goitre with tracheal deviationRetro-sternal goitre with tracheal deviation
Retro-sternal goitreRetro-sternal goitre
with esophagealwith esophageal
Pyramidal lobe
In about 40% of
people, there is a
small upwards
extension of the
isthmus called the
pyramidal lobe.
Levator glandulae thyroidae
The pyramidal lobe
may be attached to
the hyoid bone by
fibrous or muscular
tissue (levator
glandulae thyroidae).
Bifurcation of the
lower end of the
pyramidal process,
one part going to
each lateral lobe
Pyramidal process
attached to the left
lobe of the gland,
isthmus absent.
Both pyramidal
process and isthmus
are absent.
Pre-tracheal fascia
The thyroid gland is
surrounded by a
fibrous capsule and is
enclosed in the pre-
tracheal fascia
Pre-tracheal fascia
The pre-tracheal
fascia attaches the
thyroid gland to the
trachea and larynx
thus the thyroid
moves upwards on
swallowing, an
important diagnostic
feature for lumps in
the neck
Blood supply
The thyroid gland is very
The vessels lie between
the capsule and the pre-
tracheal fascia.
In some pathological
conditions such as
thyrotoxicosis, owing to
its high vascularity, the
blood flow can be heard
with a stethoscope as a
Thyroid arteries
The main arteries are
the superior and
inferior thyroid
thyroid a.thyroid a.
thyroid a.thyroid a.
Arises from the
anterior surface
of the external
distal to the
carotid a.carotid a.
Superior thyroid artery
Arches downwards,
giving a
branch and a
superior laryngeal
branch that enters
the larynx with the
nerve of the same
a. & n.
Superior thyroid artery
enters deep to
Superior thyroid vessels
Superior thyroid artery
before reaching the
upper pole of the
gland, and within the
pre-tracheal fascia, it
divides into two main
branches one for
either surface of the
anterior posterior
Superior thyroid artery
the posterior branch
anastomoses with the
inferior thyroid artery
posterior br.
of superior
thyroid a.
thyroid a.
Inferior thyroid artery
Is a branch
of the
trunk from
artery. subclavian a.subclavian a.
thyroid a.thyroid a.
Inferior thyroid artery
Ascends and
turns medially
at the level of
the cricoid
cartilage to
enter the back
of the gland
some distance
above the
lower pole.
Inferior thyroid artery
The tortuous course of
the inferior thyroid artery
is due to the fact that in
every swallow the thyroid
gland ascends a few
centimeters and must
naturally drag its blood
supply with it.
If this artery has no
capability to elongate, it
would be traumatized
Inferior thyroid artery
Divides outside the
pre-tracheal fascia
into four or five
branches that pierce
the fascia separately
to reach the lower
pole of the gland.
Remember that the superior thyroidRemember that the superior thyroid
artery divides within the pretrachealartery divides within the pretracheal
The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies normally behind the
branches of the inferior thyroid artery
The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies normally behind the
branches of the inferior thyroid artery
but it is common for the nerve to pass between the
artery branches before they pass through the fascia.
The recurrent
nerve always
lies behind
the pre-
fascia and if
this structure
remains intact
the nerve will
not have been
recurrent laryngeal n.
inferior thyroid a.
Both thyroid arteries are
related to nerves which
must be avoided when
tying the arteries.
A little distance
behind the superior
thyroid artery is the
external laryngeal
superior thyroid a.
external laryngeal n.
external laryngeal n.
internal laryngeal n.
superior laryngeal n.
Superior laryngeal nerve variations
To avoid injury to the
external laryngeal
nerve, the superior
thyroid artery is
ligated and sectioned
near the superior
pole of the thyroid
gland where it is notnot
so closely related to
the nerve as it is at
its origin.
Section of the
external laryngeal
nerve produces
weakness of voice,
since the vocal fold
cannot be tensed.
The cricothyroid
muscle is paralyzed
Cricothyroid tenses the vocal cordCricothyroid tenses the vocal cord
The recurrent laryngeal nerve has a variable
relationship to the inferior thyroid artery
because of its proximity to the inferior thyroid
artery and the pre-tracheal fascia it may be
injured while ligating the artery during
hence the advisability of
ligating the inferior
thyroid artery well lateral
to the gland before it
begins to divide into its
terminal branches.
the inferior thyroid artery
gives off esophageal
and inferior laryngeal
branches before its
terminal distribution into
the thyroid gland
site of
thyroid a.
site of
thyroid a.
The variable relationship of the inferior thyroid
artery to the recurrent laryngeal nerve makes
thyroid surgery a potential risk to normal
The recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies all the
intrinsic muscles of the larynx
it is advisable that a
surgeon about to perform
a thyroidectomy
examines the vocal cords
prior to operation, so that
if there is any problem
postoperatively one
knows at least the origin
of the lesion.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
Is a complication of
thyroid surgery that
causes paralysis of
the vocal cords
When bilateral the
voice is almost
absent as the two
vocal folds cannot be
Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
A unilateral recurrent
laryngeal nerve injury
may not be noticed in
normal speech but
would be very
detrimental to a
singers career.
The thyroid arteries
anastomose freely
with each other and
with tracheal and
esophageal arteries.
In operations
of partial or
all four arteries
are tied
In operations of
partial or sub-
all but the
posterior part of
the gland
the dangerous
anatomy lies in the
posterior lateral lobes
(recurrent laryngeal
nerve and the
parathyroid glands)
laryngeal n.
The remains of
the gland are
alongside the
trachea and
contain the
glands, the
whole being
supplied with
blood by the
Thyroidae ima artery
In about 10% of
individuals, an unpaired
artery, the thyroidae ima
(L. ima = lowest) is a
small occasional artery
from the brachiocephalic
trunk, or left common
carotid artery, or direct
from the arch of the aorta
Thyroidae ima artery
Ascends anterior to
trachea and supplies
the isthmus of the
thyroid gland.
Thyroidae ima artery
The possible presence of
the thyroid ima artery
must be remembered
when incising the trachea
inferior to the isthmus.
As the thyroidae ima runs
anterior to the trachea, it
is a potential source of
serious bleeding
Thyroid veins
The veins are three in
number on each side
the superior
thyroid vein from
the upper pole follows
the artery and enters
the internal jugular
vein or the common
facial vein
Superior thyroid v.
Internal jugular v.
The middle thyroid
vein is short and
wide, it enters the
internal jugular vein
Thyroid veins
middle thyroid v.
Internal jugular v.
From the isthmus and
lower pole of the gland
the inferior thyroid
veins form a plexus
within the pre-tracheal
fascia that descends in
front of the trachea to
reach the left
brachiocephalic vein
Thyroid veins
inferior thyroid vv.
brachiocephalic v.
As the inferior thyroid
veins cover the anterior
surface of the trachea
inferior to isthmus, they
are potential sources of
bleeding during
tracheotomy (also
remember the situation of
the thyroidae ima artery).
Inferior thyroid
Development of the thyroid gland
The gland begins as
a diverticulum from
the floor of the
embryonic pharynx
Development of the thyroid gland
The diverticulum
grows caudally
superficial to the
hyoid before dividing
into two lobes
The stem of the
diverticulum, the
thyroglossal duct,
normally disappears
Thyroglossal duct
Development of the thyroid gland
After the tongue has
developed, it can be seen
that the point of
outgrowth of the
thyroglossal duct is the
foramen cecum (of
Morgagni) [Morgagni,
Giovanni Battista, 1682-1771, a
Padua anatomist and pathologist,
also known for hydatid of
Morgagni (appendix testis) and
anal columns (of Morgagni)].
Thyroglossal cyst
cysts derived from the
duct may also appear
anywhere between
the foramen cecum
and the normal
position in the midline
of the neck
1. Beneath foramen cecum
2. Floor of the mouth
3. Suprahyoid
4. Subhyoid
5. On thyroid cartilage
6. At level of cricoid cartilage
Thyroglossal cyst
Can be diagnosed
characteristically it
moves upwards as
the patient puts his
tongue out.
Infection of a
thyroglossal cyst
may spread to a
thyroglossal duct
which must be then
Although the
duct lies
ventral to the
hyoid bone,
it passes up
for a short
behind the
body, which
has to be
excised with
the duct
Accessory thyroid gland
Aberrant thyroid
tissue may appear
between the foramen
cecum and the
normal position
Lingual thyroid
Rarely the thyroid
fails to descend
during development
resulting in the
development of a
lingual thyroid
Ectopic thyroid
Failure of descent
mar result in a
superior cervical
thyroid in the region
of the hyoid bone
the thyroid may
descended too far
and be found in the
superior mediastinum
Parathyroid glands
Two on each side
They are yellow-brown
endocrine glands, about
the size of a small pea
(about 0.5x0.8 cm
They are important
because of their role in
calcium metabolism.
They secrete
parathormone that
mobilizes bone calcium
and increases gut and
kidney calcium
Parathyroid glands
Are located posterior
to the thyroid gland
between its capsule
and fascial sheath
Superior parathyroid glands
more constant in
embedded in the
posterior surface of
the thyroid gland, a
short distance above
the entry of inferior
thyroid artery (and the
level of the cricoid
variable in position
usually embedded
behind the lower pole
but is often found
elsewhere (they may
even present in the
The parathyroids develop from the endoderm of
the third (inferior gland) and fourth (superior
gland) pharyngeal pouches
The thymusthymus also develops from the third pouch and
may therefore carry the inferior parathyroidparathyroid with it
when it descends into the thorax.
Parathyroid glands, blood supply
The glands are
usually supplied by
the inferior thyroid
arteries but may also
be supplied by both
superior and inferior
thyroid arteries
posterior br.
of superior
thyroid a.
thyroid a.thyroid a.
Parathyroid glands
Awareness of the
close relationship
between the
parathyroid glands
and the thyroid gland
is essential to prevent
removal or damage of
the parathyroid
glands during
The parathyroid
glands are
usually safe
during subtotal
because the
posterior part of
the thyroid
gland is
The variability in position of the parathyroid glands may
create a problem during total thyroidectomy; in this case the
parathyroid glands are saved by following their small
vessels which are kept intact before the thyroid is removed.
When tracheostomy is done electively after
establishing an airway with an endotracheal tube,
a short transverse incision is made one cm below
the cricoid cartilage
The transverse
incision is made
midway between the
cricoid cartilage and
the sternal notch
The decussating
fibers of platysma are
After elevating
platysma, the
investing fascia
between the strap
muscles is incised
The pretracheal
(strap) muscles are
The pretracheal
fascia is split
The thyroid isthmus is
divided and sutured
The second tracheal
ring is precisely
identified and divided
vertically in the midline,
extending the incision
through the third ring in
most cases
The first ring is
A thyroid retractor gently
spreads the tracheal
The tracheostomy tube
with obturator is
introduced after
withdrawing the
endotracheal tube under
direct vision to a point
just above the stoma
Tracheostomy tube
Endotracheal tube
If more room is needed,
the fourth ring may be
partially divided
A transverse incision is to
be avoided.
The skin is closed loosely
The flange of the
tracheostomy tube not
only is tied with a tape
around the neck but also
is sutured to the skin.
Tracheostomy tube flange
tracheal ring
The endotracheal tube is
removed only when the
tracheostomy tube has
been shown to provide a
satisfactory airway
If there is any question
about where the tip of the
tube lies, a flexible
bronchoscope may be
used to check the distal
The tracheostomy tube
should be just large
enough to provide an
adequate airway for the
patient. Larger tubes can
only cause damage.
It must be remembered
that most women, even
when obese, have
tracheas smaller in
diameter than those of
Complications of tracheostomy
the anterior jugularanterior jugular
veinsveins may be
encountered as the
superficial fascia is
They are avoided by
maintaining a midline
Complications of tracheostomy
Sometimes a large
jugular venousjugular venous
archarch may be
Complications of tracheostomy
The inferior thyroidinferior thyroid
veinsveins are often
asymmetric, hence
more liable to injury
Complications of tracheostomy
The branches of the
superior and inferior
thyroid arteriesarteries may
anastomose acrossacross
the midlinethe midline
Complications of tracheostomy
A thyroid imathyroid ima artery
is very occasionally
present and must be
ligated if found
Complications of tracheostomy
arteryartery and veinvein may
be injured if sharp
dissection is carried
too far downwards
The artery may be
eroded by a
tracheostomy tube,
resulting in a tracheo-
arterial fistula
Complications of tracheostomy
In children the left
brachiocephalic vein
and the thymusthymus may
extend above the
suprasternal notch.
Complications of tracheostomy
The subclaviansubclavian arteryartery and veinvein may be
compromised by a tracheostomy to that is
incorrectly curved or is placed too low
Tube too curved Tube too low
Complications of tracheostomy
The existence of
fascial planes
predisposes to
particularly if the skin
is sutured too tightly.
Investing fascia
Complications of tracheostomy
Surgical emphysema
may extend into the
Complications of tracheostomy
Beware of over-
enthusiastic incision
into the trachea; the
esophagusesophagus is
immediately posterior.
Thyroid & pretracheal fascia
Investing fascia
Skin & superficial fascia

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anatomy of Thyroid gland

  • 1. The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland
  • 2. The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland Lobes Position Blood supply Development Parathyroid glands Tracheostomy Related topicRelated topic Plan of the neckPlan of the neck
  • 3. The thyroid gland derives its name from the thyroid cartilage which resembles a shield (G. thyreos = shield)
  • 4. Function The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that is responsible for the secretion of thyroxin and thyrocalcitonin
  • 5. Lobes The thyroid gland consists of two lobes united in front of the second, third and fourth tracheal rings by an isthmus of gland tissue. isthmusisthmus
  • 6. Lobes Each lobe is pear- shaped consisting of a narrow upper pole and a broader lower pole upper poleupper pole lower polelower pole
  • 7. Thyroid scan This nuclear scan uses an injectable radioactive compound. When injected into the bloodstream the compound will be concentrated in the thyroid gland resulting in an image of the gland The test can be useful in diagnosis of thyroid tumor
  • 8. Position It lies under cover of sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles on the side of the larynx and trachea sternothyroid sternohyoid
  • 9. Position The upper pole of the thyroid cannot normally rise above the level of the oblique lineoblique line of the thyroid cartilage Thyroid, upper pole sternothyroid thyrohyoid cricothyroid
  • 10. The thyroid gland is caught in the pocket of sternothyroid thyroid cricoidthyroidcartilage sternothyroidsternothyroid thyrohyoid cricothyroid Position
  • 11. The lower pole of the thyroid gland extends along the side of the trachea as low as the sixth tracheal ring 1 2 3 4 5 6 Position
  • 12. Because of the proximity of the thyroid gland to the trachea and esophagus, goiter causes compression of the trachea and esophagus resulting in dyspnea and dysphagia respectively esophagusesophagus
  • 13. Retro-sternal goitre with tracheal deviationRetro-sternal goitre with tracheal deviation
  • 14. Retro-sternal goitreRetro-sternal goitre with esophagealwith esophageal deviationdeviation
  • 15. Pyramidal lobe In about 40% of people, there is a small upwards extension of the isthmus called the pyramidal lobe.
  • 16. Levator glandulae thyroidae The pyramidal lobe may be attached to the hyoid bone by fibrous or muscular tissue (levator glandulae thyroidae).
  • 17. Variations Bifurcation of the lower end of the pyramidal process, one part going to each lateral lobe
  • 18. Variations Pyramidal process attached to the left lobe of the gland, isthmus absent.
  • 20. Pre-tracheal fascia The thyroid gland is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and is enclosed in the pre- tracheal fascia
  • 21. Pre-tracheal fascia The pre-tracheal fascia attaches the thyroid gland to the trachea and larynx thus the thyroid moves upwards on swallowing, an important diagnostic feature for lumps in the neck thyroid larynx
  • 22. Blood supply The thyroid gland is very vascular The vessels lie between the capsule and the pre- tracheal fascia. In some pathological conditions such as thyrotoxicosis, owing to its high vascularity, the blood flow can be heard with a stethoscope as a bruit
  • 23. Thyroid arteries The main arteries are the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. superiorsuperior thyroid a.thyroid a. inferiorinferior thyroid a.thyroid a.
  • 24. Superiorthyroidartery Arises from the anterior surface of the external carotid immediately distal to the carotid bifurcation. externalexternal carotid a.carotid a. carotidcarotid bifurcationbifurcation
  • 25. Superior thyroid artery Arches downwards, giving a sternomastoid branch and a superior laryngeal branch that enters the larynx with the nerve of the same name superior laryngeal a. & n.
  • 26. Superior thyroid artery enters deep to sternothyroid sternothyroid Superior thyroid vessels
  • 27. Superior thyroid artery before reaching the upper pole of the gland, and within the pre-tracheal fascia, it divides into two main branches one for either surface of the gland anterior posterior
  • 28. Superior thyroid artery the posterior branch anastomoses with the inferior thyroid artery posterior br. of superior thyroid a. inferior thyroid a.
  • 29. Inferior thyroid artery Is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk from the subclavian artery. subclavian a.subclavian a. thyrocervicalthyrocervical trunktrunk inferiorinferior thyroid a.thyroid a.
  • 30. Inferior thyroid artery Ascends and turns medially at the level of the cricoid cartilage to enter the back of the gland some distance above the lower pole.
  • 31. Inferior thyroid artery The tortuous course of the inferior thyroid artery is due to the fact that in every swallow the thyroid gland ascends a few centimeters and must naturally drag its blood supply with it. If this artery has no capability to elongate, it would be traumatized
  • 32. Inferior thyroid artery Divides outside the pre-tracheal fascia into four or five branches that pierce the fascia separately to reach the lower pole of the gland. Remember that the superior thyroidRemember that the superior thyroid artery divides within the pretrachealartery divides within the pretracheal fasciafascia
  • 33. The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies normally behind the branches of the inferior thyroid artery
  • 34. The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies normally behind the branches of the inferior thyroid artery but it is common for the nerve to pass between the artery branches before they pass through the fascia.
  • 35. The recurrent laryngeal nerve always lies behind the pre- tracheal fascia and if this structure remains intact during thyroidectomy the nerve will not have been divided recurrent laryngeal n. inferior thyroid a.
  • 36. Both thyroid arteries are related to nerves which must be avoided when tying the arteries.
  • 37. A little distance behind the superior thyroid artery is the external laryngeal nerve. superior thyroid a. external laryngeal n. external laryngeal n. internal laryngeal n. superior laryngeal n.
  • 38. Superior laryngeal nerve variations vagusvagus internalinternal externalexternal
  • 39. To avoid injury to the external laryngeal nerve, the superior thyroid artery is ligated and sectioned near the superior pole of the thyroid gland where it is notnot so closely related to the nerve as it is at its origin.
  • 40. Section of the external laryngeal nerve produces weakness of voice, since the vocal fold cannot be tensed. The cricothyroid muscle is paralyzed Cricothyroid tenses the vocal cordCricothyroid tenses the vocal cord
  • 41. The recurrent laryngeal nerve has a variable relationship to the inferior thyroid artery because of its proximity to the inferior thyroid artery and the pre-tracheal fascia it may be injured while ligating the artery during thyroidectomy
  • 42. hence the advisability of ligating the inferior thyroid artery well lateral to the gland before it begins to divide into its terminal branches. the inferior thyroid artery gives off esophageal and inferior laryngeal branches before its terminal distribution into the thyroid gland site of inferior thyroid a. ligation site of superior thyroid a. ligation
  • 43. The variable relationship of the inferior thyroid artery to the recurrent laryngeal nerve makes thyroid surgery a potential risk to normal speech The recurrent laryngeal nerve supplies all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
  • 44. it is advisable that a surgeon about to perform a thyroidectomy examines the vocal cords prior to operation, so that if there is any problem postoperatively one knows at least the origin of the lesion.
  • 45. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage Is a complication of thyroid surgery that causes paralysis of the vocal cords When bilateral the voice is almost absent as the two vocal folds cannot be adducted.
  • 46. Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage A unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury may not be noticed in normal speech but would be very detrimental to a singers career.
  • 47. The thyroid arteries anastomose freely with each other and with tracheal and esophageal arteries.
  • 48. In operations of partial or sub-total thyroidectomy, all four arteries are tied
  • 49. In operations of partial or sub- total thyroidectomy, all but the posterior part of the gland excised remaining thyroid tissue
  • 50. the dangerous anatomy lies in the posterior lateral lobes (recurrent laryngeal nerve and the parathyroid glands) Recurrent laryngeal n. parathyroid gland
  • 51. The remains of the gland are located alongside the trachea and contain the parathyroid glands, the whole being supplied with blood by the anastomosis
  • 52. Thyroidae ima artery In about 10% of individuals, an unpaired artery, the thyroidae ima (L. ima = lowest) is a small occasional artery from the brachiocephalic trunk, or left common carotid artery, or direct from the arch of the aorta
  • 53. Thyroidae ima artery Ascends anterior to trachea and supplies the isthmus of the thyroid gland.
  • 54. Thyroidae ima artery The possible presence of the thyroid ima artery must be remembered when incising the trachea inferior to the isthmus. As the thyroidae ima runs anterior to the trachea, it is a potential source of serious bleeding
  • 55. Thyroid veins The veins are three in number on each side the superior thyroid vein from the upper pole follows the artery and enters the internal jugular vein or the common facial vein Superior thyroid v. Internal jugular v.
  • 56. The middle thyroid vein is short and wide, it enters the internal jugular vein Thyroid veins middle thyroid v. Internal jugular v.
  • 57. From the isthmus and lower pole of the gland the inferior thyroid veins form a plexus within the pre-tracheal fascia that descends in front of the trachea to reach the left brachiocephalic vein Thyroid veins inferior thyroid vv. brachiocephalic v.
  • 58. As the inferior thyroid veins cover the anterior surface of the trachea inferior to isthmus, they are potential sources of bleeding during tracheotomy (also remember the situation of the thyroidae ima artery). Inferior thyroid veins
  • 59. Development of the thyroid gland The gland begins as a diverticulum from the floor of the embryonic pharynx
  • 60. Development of the thyroid gland The diverticulum grows caudally superficial to the hyoid before dividing into two lobes The stem of the diverticulum, the thyroglossal duct, normally disappears hyoid Thyroglossal duct
  • 61. Development of the thyroid gland After the tongue has developed, it can be seen that the point of outgrowth of the thyroglossal duct is the foramen cecum (of Morgagni) [Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 1682-1771, a Padua anatomist and pathologist, also known for hydatid of Morgagni (appendix testis) and anal columns (of Morgagni)].
  • 62. Thyroglossal cyst cysts derived from the duct may also appear anywhere between the foramen cecum and the normal position in the midline of the neck 1. Beneath foramen cecum 2. Floor of the mouth 3. Suprahyoid 4. Subhyoid 5. On thyroid cartilage 6. At level of cricoid cartilage
  • 63. Thyroglossal cyst Can be diagnosed because characteristically it moves upwards as the patient puts his tongue out.
  • 64. Infection of a thyroglossal cyst may spread to a persistent thyroglossal duct which must be then excised
  • 65. Although the duct lies ventral to the hyoid bone, it passes up for a short distance behind the body, which therefore has to be excised with the duct
  • 66. Accessory thyroid gland Aberrant thyroid tissue may appear between the foramen cecum and the normal position
  • 67. Lingual thyroid Rarely the thyroid fails to descend during development resulting in the development of a lingual thyroid
  • 68. Ectopic thyroid Failure of descent mar result in a superior cervical thyroid in the region of the hyoid bone the thyroid may sometimes descended too far and be found in the superior mediastinum
  • 69. Parathyroid glands Two on each side They are yellow-brown endocrine glands, about the size of a small pea (about 0.5x0.8 cm ovoids) They are important because of their role in calcium metabolism. They secrete parathormone that mobilizes bone calcium and increases gut and kidney calcium absorption
  • 70. Parathyroid glands Are located posterior to the thyroid gland between its capsule and fascial sheath
  • 71. Superior parathyroid glands more constant in position embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, a short distance above the entry of inferior thyroid artery (and the level of the cricoid cartilage).
  • 72. Inferior parathyroid glands variable in position usually embedded behind the lower pole but is often found elsewhere (they may even present in the superior mediastinum).
  • 73. Parathyroid development The parathyroids develop from the endoderm of the third (inferior gland) and fourth (superior gland) pharyngeal pouches
  • 74. The thymusthymus also develops from the third pouch and may therefore carry the inferior parathyroidparathyroid with it when it descends into the thorax. Parathyroid development
  • 75. Parathyroid glands, blood supply The glands are usually supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries but may also be supplied by both superior and inferior thyroid arteries posterior br. of superior thyroid a. inferiorinferior thyroid a.thyroid a.
  • 76. Parathyroid glands Awareness of the close relationship between the parathyroid glands and the thyroid gland is essential to prevent removal or damage of the parathyroid glands during thyroidectomy.
  • 77. The parathyroid glands are usually safe during subtotal thyroidectomy because the posterior part of the thyroid gland is preserved
  • 78. The variability in position of the parathyroid glands may create a problem during total thyroidectomy; in this case the parathyroid glands are saved by following their small vessels which are kept intact before the thyroid is removed.
  • 79. When tracheostomy is done electively after establishing an airway with an endotracheal tube, a short transverse incision is made one cm below the cricoid cartilage Tracheostomy EndotrachealtubeEndotrachealtube
  • 80. Tracheostomy The transverse incision is made midway between the cricoid cartilage and the sternal notch
  • 81. Tracheostomy The decussating fibers of platysma are divided.
  • 82. Tracheostomy After elevating platysma, the investing fascia between the strap muscles is incised
  • 84. Tracheostomy The pretracheal fascia is split longitudinally The thyroid isthmus is divided and sutured
  • 85. The second tracheal ring is precisely identified and divided vertically in the midline, extending the incision through the third ring in most cases The first ring is preserved Tracheostomy
  • 86. A thyroid retractor gently spreads the tracheal opening. The tracheostomy tube with obturator is introduced after withdrawing the endotracheal tube under direct vision to a point just above the stoma Tracheostomy retractor Tracheostomy tube Endotracheal tube
  • 87. Tracheostomy If more room is needed, the fourth ring may be partially divided A transverse incision is to be avoided. The skin is closed loosely The flange of the tracheostomy tube not only is tied with a tape around the neck but also is sutured to the skin. Tracheostomy tube flange 4th tracheal ring
  • 88. Tracheostomy The endotracheal tube is removed only when the tracheostomy tube has been shown to provide a satisfactory airway If there is any question about where the tip of the tube lies, a flexible bronchoscope may be used to check the distal position.
  • 89. The tracheostomy tube should be just large enough to provide an adequate airway for the patient. Larger tubes can only cause damage. It must be remembered that most women, even when obese, have tracheas smaller in diameter than those of men Tracheostomy
  • 91. Complications of tracheostomy the anterior jugularanterior jugular veinsveins may be encountered as the superficial fascia is incised They are avoided by maintaining a midline position
  • 92. Complications of tracheostomy Sometimes a large jugular venousjugular venous archarch may be encountered
  • 93. Complications of tracheostomy The inferior thyroidinferior thyroid veinsveins are often asymmetric, hence more liable to injury
  • 94. Complications of tracheostomy The branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteriesarteries may anastomose acrossacross the midlinethe midline
  • 95. Complications of tracheostomy A thyroid imathyroid ima artery is very occasionally present and must be ligated if found
  • 96. Complications of tracheostomy The brachiocephalicbrachiocephalic arteryartery and veinvein may be injured if sharp dissection is carried too far downwards The artery may be eroded by a tracheostomy tube, resulting in a tracheo- arterial fistula
  • 97. Complications of tracheostomy In children the left brachiocephalic vein and the thymusthymus may extend above the suprasternal notch.
  • 98. Complications of tracheostomy The subclaviansubclavian arteryartery and veinvein may be compromised by a tracheostomy to that is incorrectly curved or is placed too low Tube too curved Tube too low
  • 99. Complications of tracheostomy The existence of fascial planes predisposes to surgicalsurgical emphysemaemphysema, particularly if the skin is sutured too tightly. Investing fascia
  • 100. Complications of tracheostomy Surgical emphysema may extend into the mediastinum. Investing fascia pretracheal fascia
  • 101. Complications of tracheostomy Beware of over- enthusiastic incision into the trachea; the esophagusesophagus is immediately posterior. trachea esophagusesophagus Thyroid & pretracheal fascia Investing fascia Skin & superficial fascia