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Polytechnic University of the Philippines ā€“ Sta. Mesa
S.Y. 2022 ā€“ 2023
Readings in Philippine History
A Critical Paper about
ā€œThe Philippines: A Past Revisitedā€
by Renato Constantino
Submitted by
Katareijna Reyelle D. Macapagal
BSME 1-2
December 30, 2022
Our education is infused with Philippine history. Our history professors are always
teaching us the stories and facts about the people who heroically altered the nation. To help
us comprehend their vision, their mission, and their place in history, they continued telling the
same tales of heroes who had a significant effect on it. Heroes and historical occurrences
have always impacted Philippine history, providing an explanation for how we came to be
where we are now. As we reflect on the past, we honor and remember them. Our past has
produced ideologies, development, culture, and society, and we must remember this and
draw lessons from it in order to not only strengthen our nationalism and patriotism but also to
correct any mistakes we made in the past.
History's origins, significance, causes, and effects have long captivated the curiosity
of historians. History encompasses everything, not only the triumphs and sufferings of the
heroes who gave their lives to help society and gain notoriety. Renato Constantino drafted
this book with a thorough understanding of what actually transpired in the past. His aim is to
convince us that everyone and everything has shaped history as a whole. This book aims to
comprehend the challenges that the Filipino people had during the colonial eras, the
philosophies that had an impact on society, and the forces that propelled the people toward
The purpose of Renato Constantino's book is to educate readers about Philippine
history from the viewpoint of a Filipino historian and scholar. We were restricted by the
colonial dispersion of knowledge and thoughts for a long time, and we suffered from the
prejudice of outside sources. This book showed how colonial privileges concealed many
Filipinos' problems from their own observation. With that, many scholarsā€™ efforts at the time
were disregarded due to a lack of recognition and attention.
Renato Constantino was a scholar and historian from the Philippines who encouraged
Filipinos to revisit, rectify, and educate from our colonial past. He was born in Manila on March
10, 1919 and graduated from the University of the Philippines. He was a prolific writer during
his time often called Ka Tato. His aim was to have a meaningful understanding of Filipinoā€™s
past, one that would aid them in their quest for real independence. The title of one of his well-
known works is ā€œThe Philippines: A Past Revisitedā€ (1975).
Renato Constantino's "The Philippines: A Past Revisited" (1975) explored the
weaknesses of the recorded history of the Philippines. This book served as a resource for
better comprehending how the Filipino people's trials and pain at the hands of the powerful
spurred them to rise and fight for their own territory and independence. It reveals the
difficulties faced by Filipinos as Philippine society changes, including how this has freed them
from being slaves to colonialism and their battles. It explained the reasons why Filipinos were
made to endure a lengthy period of slavery in our own nation and the ways in which those
hardships ignited our nationalism in opposition to the oppressive and deceitful system. This
critique paper will summarize and analyze each chapter of the book in detail, outlining its
overall context.
Part 1: Pre-Colonial Society
Filipino historians experienced prejudice and disrespect early on, which led to their
isolation and mental stress, which may or may not have influenced how they interpreted
history. Before the Spanish began colonizing the Philippines in 1521, there was a common
misunderstanding that there was no culture in the country. We traded with the Japanese for
an exceedingly long time as well, and we were more developed than other nations. The
development of the Filipino people's agriculture and their highly developed finance system in
pre-colonial periods captivated the surrounding nations. When the Spaniards arrived during
the time of the exhibition, they assessed the Filipino culture as "barbaric" and "undignified,"
so they eventually converted us to Christianity and slowly exterminated the rich culture of our
natives while using the pretext of being "liberated.ā€™ Having seen that the Filipino people are
devoted and have blind faithfulness due to their illiteracy, they became more susceptible to
colonizers' eyes being manipulated.
In the first part of the book, the history of the Filipino people's battle for liberation is
covered along with historians' interpretations of it. There are numerous things that academics
and historians must document and learn to fully comprehend Filipinosā€™ struggles throughout
history. When figuring out the core of Filipinos' challenges, historians tend to focus on well-
known people who had a significant effect on the nation and performed crucial roles. History
cannot be shaped by one man alone. People are needed. It is true that we require individuals
with certain ideas and bright minds to enlighten and motivate people, but this cannot be done
if others are unwilling, unconvinced, opposed, or just unconcerned.
In this part made clear that many different people have contributed to shaping history.
The struggles of people throughout history have always been communal, and if the majority
of people have a common purpose, it will result in a movement that will have an impact on
other people as well. The difficulties faced by Filipinos are discussed. Without popular
backing, a strong nation cannot exist. The Filipino people have experienced several obstacles
and difficulties while under the dominion of foreign nations.
Even though they have many things in common, primitive tribes have distinct cultures
of their own. Languages, music, and dress are examples of circumstances (Ocay, 2010, p.
2). Barangays, derived from the Malay term balangay, are autonomous communities with
distinctive customs that vary from one barangay to the next (Constantino, 1975). They come
together due to similar habits and ideas, making them more of a social unit than a political
one (Ocay, 2010). (Constantino, 1975).
Since the locals rely on fishing rather than hunting for their food and only sometimes
consume meat, these settlements are located around or close to the coastline. Living close
to waterways also improves the effectiveness of travel and transportation for business. The
main food source for Filipinos, aside from fishing, is agriculture. The wet-rice method of
cultivation was used by the natives, who valued rice above all other commodities at the time.
In addition to serving as the barangay's leaders, chiefs work as farmers. Their main duty is to
serve the community and the people by assisting and protecting the inhabitants.
The Philippines had a community government before colonization. There was no idea
of private property; only personal property existed. In contrast to European customs, where
owning property is a way to advance one's status and power, in the agrarian Philippines,
positions are rewarded for demonstrating one's skill (Constantino, 1975, p. 31). The chiefs
just fulfill their responsibilities to the community rather than using their position of authority to
further their own interests.
Given that everyone in the community is reliant on one another for survival, everyone
in the community performs their tasks jointly. Members of the barangay offer assistance to
anybody in need in the neighborhood. What we now refer to as Bayanihan was the
cooperative work of the locals. However, pre-colonial cooperative work differs from Filipino
Bayanihan practices today. While the mutual need and effort of Filipinos have historically
been seen as a beneficial attitude toward community, this Bayanihan culture has evolved into
a weapon for the oppression and exploitation of the Filipino people. The phrase is now
frequently used to honor Indigenous populations' perseverance in the wake of significant
calamities. (Su & Mangada, 2016)
Everything in a communal state is owned by the community. Filipinos are said to be
lazy since they do not take more than they need, according to Legazpi, a Spanish ruler. This
leads me to conclude that such criticism is based on the viewpoint of a colonizer who is used
to greediness.
Part 2: Spanish Period
The exploitation of the Filipino people's lands and labor by the Spaniards began in the
18th century. The violence and mistreatment that the Filipino people endured throughout the
Spanish era of rule were justified by religion. The friars were shameless in their mistreatment
since they believed there would be no repercussions because the Filipinos' hands were
shackled. According to Constantino (1975):
ā€œEconomic power came through property ownership and investments in
foreign and international trade. Political power came from active
engagement in government. Together, these factors made the friar the
central character in each town and the Church the dominating force in the
The Spanish colonizers wanted to change the country when they arrived. Spanish
perceptions of Filipinos include that they are primitive and only work for what is required, not
looking for more if they already have it or believe they have enough. As a result, Filipinos are
indolent. This discrimination put an unfavorable light on Filipinos. The competition between
Spain and Portugal was at an all-time high, and each country was looking to increase its
dominance. They gained a footing in conquering the Philippines with the aid of Legaspi and
Magellan. During the colonization, ideas from the Reconquista were used, especially the
Encomienda. It is a labor system where the conquered get work in return for their services.
There was an abuse of this labor system. Forced labor, unfair treaties, and unjust tribute were
all too prevalent. There were demonstrations and requests for the Spanish king to abdicate.
Encomenderos followed suit. As a result, the Encomienda system continued, although with
"some" rules; nonetheless, the abuse continued. After the eighty-year war, Spanish
mistreatment increased.
However, the Philippines' economy and society did not significantly improve in
comparison to other colonies despite the improvements they brought about. They only
perceive the Philippines as a stopover for trade routes across Asia. There are several reasons
why the Philippines' economy and society developed slowly while under Spanish rule. Due to
the Philippines' archipelagic geography, there was a lack of natural resources and exploration
expenditures that were higher than profits. Since Mexico, Cuba, and South America have
abundant resources, the Spanish have benefited much from these countries. The Spaniards
were so close to leaving the nation as a result of this. They did not care to further develop the
Philippines since they consider it as simply another colony.
Spaniards fabricate a reason for their colonizationā€”the promotion of religionā€”in order
to hide their true motives. The effectiveness with which the friars embraced, essentially
without any support, the allaying of the nation made the early control of the Church over the
State practicable. Spanish influence was weakened in many networks due to the stringent
policies since this accomplishment was greatly attributed to the natives' acceptance of the
new faith. About whom should oversee collecting tributes and serving as the Indigenous
peopleā€™s protector, friars, and encomenderos quarrel. Due to their desire to win the support
of the Indigenous, friars made a point of exposing the wrongdoing of encomenderos. The
superiority of the friars came from their understanding of the area and the populace. The
Indigenous are mistreated by friars who occupy their lands and forbid them from using the
resources found there unless they pay for them. Additionally, friars forbade Natives from using
the river that flows through their claimed territory unless they agreed to their requirements.
Part 3: Propaganda Movement
In the nineteenth century, it was impossible to provide education for all the people in
the Philippines. Instead, individuals who are lucky enough to get and complete a higher
education allowed by Spanish Rule are only those from affluent and privileged families or
within the middle-class bracket and above. With this, individuals are also offered the chance
to educate themselves presumptuously in other nearby and global nations. prejudice towards
those who are less fortunate follows. The social system showed no mercy in its bias toward
the many Filipinos who did not meet the intended standards of the educational rules and
regulations. When the patriots, known as the illustrados, Rizal, Del Pilar, and Jaena, observed
how well the country treated its scholars and its citizens in Spain, they concluded that, given
the opportunity, the Philippines might have developed the liberated minds of the Filipinos.
Thus, propaganda for the Filipino people's independence and liberal education was created.
It became evident that several organizations were growing and speaking out in favor
of liberalism. During the Spanish period, the propaganda movement emerged as the primary
revolutionary force. In chapter 10, prominent people and propaganda movements are
covered. La Solidaridad, Jose Rizal, La Liga Filipina, Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo H. Del Pilar,
and Katipunan are a few examples. These movements were significant in raising Filipinos'
sense of nationalism and were their forerunners in the country. They were motivated by their
protracted battle against centuries of colonization and the realization that they were being
taken advantage of, mistreated, and bluntly called "Indios."
Despite sharing the same objectives, their approaches and strategies diverge. While
Bonifacio wanted a violent approach, Jose Rizal urged a peaceful option. While Bonifacio
pleaded with the Spaniards to stay away, Rizal fought for reforms and greater Filipino
participation. As Rizal returned home, La Solidaridad insisted on staying in Europe. Since the
split in La Liga Filipina and Rizal's exile to the Katipunan, the Katipunan, also known as
Kataas-taasang Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, has grown in
La Solidaridad was hailed as the propaganda movement's breakthrough. To expose
the Spanish colonists, the propagandists fought war through written and spoken
communication. It was their intention to describe the terrible social and economic situations
in our country and to provide a "remedy" or course of action. Here, Rizal took the courageous
decision to demonstrate the Filipino people the injustices and mistreatment that the Spaniards
had committed against them in his two most well-known writings, El Filibusterismo and Noli
me Tangere. Rizal had a significant influence on the people that yearned for liberation from
slavery and the persecution of the Americans and Spaniards during this period of the
Revolution. Nevertheless, many leaders' eyes were opened to the possibility of having and
opting for an independent country after the failure of the previous propaganda. Due to this
failure, they created a constitution that established the Liga Filipina.
Rizal once again created a fresh beginning of re-formation, but this time, to take action
that is most appropriate for the cause and does not involve violence. The new insurrection
organized by Rizal seeks to bring together Filipinos who are prepared to struggle for our
nation's liberty. Additionally, the revolution took place in the 19th century, a time when
oppression was at its worst and the majority of the hierarchy was biased.
The final line of defense for the propaganda movement was Jose Rizal's exile in
Dapitan. As a result of Andres Bonifacio and other radical members leaving the Liga Filipina
because their beliefs did not align with those of Rizal's nonviolent campaign, the organization
ended. I believe with Bonifacio that there is no use in staging a revolution if prompt action is
not taken. Having said that, Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Katipunan, refrained from
joining the Compromisarios because he was aware of what it was like to be both destitute
and a person of action with radical beliefs. He was convinced that only a bloody revolution
could advance the prosperity and greater benefit of the Filipino people.
Part 4: American Colonization
The opportunity for the United States to impose its own authority in both Cuba and the
Philippines is made possible by the Cuban revolution. The inexplicable explosion of an
American vessel served as the catalyst for the United States' declaration of war against Spain.
Felipe Agoncillo advocated a Filipino-American union before the conflict ever broke out. In
exchange for the Americans providing the Filipinos with weapons and ammunition, Agoncillo
promised the Americans two provinces and the Manila customs house. Americans, however,
turned down this offer. The Americans join the picture as the Philippines approaches
independence by convincing the Filipinos that their only goal is to expel the Spanish from the
country. Even Aguinaldo accepted the partnership because he trusted the Americans' claims.
The Americans began their other aim, which is to colonize the Philippines after the Philippines
were set free to the Spaniards. When the US force was fully prepared, they began to treat
the Filipinos rudely and insisted that they surrender their territory. Because the so-called
"leaders" were gullible, self-interested, and opportunistic, the Filipinos grew oblivious to the
true goals of the Americans.
Similar to the Spanish era, after assuming control of the archipelago, Americans
brought about significant societal and economic changes. Because they govern even the
Filipinos' way of life at the time, imperialism was in full force in the Philippines. The Catholic
faith was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards, yet American colonial education
continues to this day and prevents the Filipinos from standing on their own.
In the period of American colonialism, the revolution still occurred. The same thing
happened to General Luna as did to Bonifacio, with the exception that Bonifacio's execution
was clearly ordered by Aguinaldo. While the only indication that Aguinaldo had anything to
do with General Luna's killing was a letter that stated he want to send Luna to go to
Cabanatuan. Filipino disunity ultimately contributed to their downfall, which led to the failure
of Aguinaldo's First Philippine Republic and his revolutionary army. These issues were also
influenced by the pacification of the Filipinos under American miseducation.
This is a component of the US effort to assimilate the Filipino people and bring peace
back to the nation. It describes how Americanization efforts, such as the establishment of
public schools, altered Filipinos' perceptions of the US. Children were taught English by
former soldiers who afterward worked as instructors. The Filipinos were given additional
opportunities by Americans. Because Filipinos are eager to learn and willing to seize
opportunities to better their life, the Americans were successful in assimilation. Instead of
seeing Americans as conquerors, they saw us as friends. Even if assimilation and pacification
had some success, there are still some oppositional groups and movements that are hostile
to imperialism.
The initiation of the Philippine Commonwealth took place in 1935. The community was
becoming a neo-colony and undergoing major development. The country's neo-colonial
position was ensured by maintaining the economic linkages that rendered the Philippines
increasingly reliant on the US. Numerous groups emerged with various beliefs and causes
for protest and conflict because of American colonialism of the Philippines and societal
changes. Even if some of the organizations disagree with other Filipinos, most have a similar
sense of nationalism. These proved to be difficult for the Philippine Commonwealth as much
as the Americans.
The best chapter to wrap up the entire book is Chapter 18. The current civilization is
mostly a product of history. The challenges that our people underwent made it possible for
the ideas and philosophies, our way of life, and the growth of civilization. We continue to
confront challenges and issues even now. We study history not just to prevent repeating the
errors made by our predecessors, but also to serve as a reminder of how our present-day
future came to be. Renato Constantino was successful in outlining the difficulties the Filipino
people faced in gaining freedom. The country as a whole, not just a select few, shapes history.
History is created by everyone, not just the winners.
Renato Constantino's The Philippines a Past Revisited focuses on the wrongdoings
committed during Spanish colonialism, other revolutions that are not discussed and
mentioned in the classroom, the conflict between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo, and the real
reason the Americans supported the Philippines. He was successful in outlining the
challenges faced by the Filipino people in their quest for freedom. History is not shaped by a
select few people, but by the entire country. History is created by everyone, not just the
As I reflect on Renato Constantino's work, I would say that it strengthened my devotion
to our nation and made me appreciate knowing that Filipinos are natural-born warriors who
were and still are courageous, strong, resilient, and independent.
Indeed, the current civilization is a direct result of history. The hardships of our people
have made it possible for the philosophies and ideologies our way of life, and the
advancement of civilization. We continue to confront challenges and issues even now. We
study history to help us shape the world we live in now as well as to help us avoid the mistakes
made by our predecessors in the past. History ought to be personal and not impersonal.
Without studying Philippine history, we risk repeating the injustices, wrongdoings, and
blunders that befell our predecessors and heroes. Winston Churchill once remarked that
"those who fail to study history are bound to repeat it." But in my opinion, learning and
studying it is not enough; we also need to imprint it on our brains and souls. Self-realization
and appraisal of the true goal of the study should occur. Because there is a pattern in history
that Filipinos should study. The ideal form of government does not exist. All four leadersā€”
Rizal, Bonifacio, Aguinaldo, and Quezonā€”had faced difficulties in their positions of authority.
Before revealing their genuine aim to colonize us, the Spaniards made a proposal to the
Americans that was similar to ours in an attempt to deceive us. Because of his opposition to
the Aguinaldo government's policies, Bonifacio suffered until General Antonio Luna also
suffered as a result. There were bravery and sacrifices. And in order to make studying history
simpler for us, we need to be aware of these aspects. It is for our present and future, not the
past, that we should study Philippine history.
Constantino, R. (1975). The Philippines: A past revisited. Renato Constantino
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "Propaganda Movement". Encyclopedia Britannica.
Retrieved from,
Guiang, F. (2019). 100 years of a nationalist: Renato Constantino as social critic and public
intellectual. Retrieved from
Su, Y. & Mangada, L.L. (2016). Bayanihan after Typhoon Haiyan: Are We Romanticising an
Indigenous Coping Strategy? Humanitarian Practice Network. Retrieved from
Ocay, J.V. (2010). Domination and Resistance in the Philippines: From the Pre-Hispanic to
the Spanish and American Period. ResearchGate. Retrieved from

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A Critique Paper - The Philippines A Past Revisited By Renato Constantino By Katareijna Macapagal

  • 1. Polytechnic University of the Philippines ā€“ Sta. Mesa S.Y. 2022 ā€“ 2023 Readings in Philippine History A Critical Paper about ā€œThe Philippines: A Past Revisitedā€ by Renato Constantino Submitted by Katareijna Reyelle D. Macapagal BSME 1-2 December 30, 2022
  • 2. Introduction Our education is infused with Philippine history. Our history professors are always teaching us the stories and facts about the people who heroically altered the nation. To help us comprehend their vision, their mission, and their place in history, they continued telling the same tales of heroes who had a significant effect on it. Heroes and historical occurrences have always impacted Philippine history, providing an explanation for how we came to be where we are now. As we reflect on the past, we honor and remember them. Our past has produced ideologies, development, culture, and society, and we must remember this and draw lessons from it in order to not only strengthen our nationalism and patriotism but also to correct any mistakes we made in the past. History's origins, significance, causes, and effects have long captivated the curiosity of historians. History encompasses everything, not only the triumphs and sufferings of the heroes who gave their lives to help society and gain notoriety. Renato Constantino drafted this book with a thorough understanding of what actually transpired in the past. His aim is to convince us that everyone and everything has shaped history as a whole. This book aims to comprehend the challenges that the Filipino people had during the colonial eras, the philosophies that had an impact on society, and the forces that propelled the people toward freedom. The purpose of Renato Constantino's book is to educate readers about Philippine history from the viewpoint of a Filipino historian and scholar. We were restricted by the colonial dispersion of knowledge and thoughts for a long time, and we suffered from the prejudice of outside sources. This book showed how colonial privileges concealed many Filipinos' problems from their own observation. With that, many scholarsā€™ efforts at the time were disregarded due to a lack of recognition and attention. Renato Constantino was a scholar and historian from the Philippines who encouraged Filipinos to revisit, rectify, and educate from our colonial past. He was born in Manila on March 10, 1919 and graduated from the University of the Philippines. He was a prolific writer during his time often called Ka Tato. His aim was to have a meaningful understanding of Filipinoā€™s past, one that would aid them in their quest for real independence. The title of one of his well- known works is ā€œThe Philippines: A Past Revisitedā€ (1975).
  • 3. Renato Constantino's "The Philippines: A Past Revisited" (1975) explored the weaknesses of the recorded history of the Philippines. This book served as a resource for better comprehending how the Filipino people's trials and pain at the hands of the powerful spurred them to rise and fight for their own territory and independence. It reveals the difficulties faced by Filipinos as Philippine society changes, including how this has freed them from being slaves to colonialism and their battles. It explained the reasons why Filipinos were made to endure a lengthy period of slavery in our own nation and the ways in which those hardships ignited our nationalism in opposition to the oppressive and deceitful system. This critique paper will summarize and analyze each chapter of the book in detail, outlining its overall context. Part 1: Pre-Colonial Society Filipino historians experienced prejudice and disrespect early on, which led to their isolation and mental stress, which may or may not have influenced how they interpreted history. Before the Spanish began colonizing the Philippines in 1521, there was a common misunderstanding that there was no culture in the country. We traded with the Japanese for an exceedingly long time as well, and we were more developed than other nations. The development of the Filipino people's agriculture and their highly developed finance system in pre-colonial periods captivated the surrounding nations. When the Spaniards arrived during the time of the exhibition, they assessed the Filipino culture as "barbaric" and "undignified," so they eventually converted us to Christianity and slowly exterminated the rich culture of our natives while using the pretext of being "liberated.ā€™ Having seen that the Filipino people are devoted and have blind faithfulness due to their illiteracy, they became more susceptible to colonizers' eyes being manipulated. In the first part of the book, the history of the Filipino people's battle for liberation is covered along with historians' interpretations of it. There are numerous things that academics and historians must document and learn to fully comprehend Filipinosā€™ struggles throughout history. When figuring out the core of Filipinos' challenges, historians tend to focus on well- known people who had a significant effect on the nation and performed crucial roles. History cannot be shaped by one man alone. People are needed. It is true that we require individuals
  • 4. with certain ideas and bright minds to enlighten and motivate people, but this cannot be done if others are unwilling, unconvinced, opposed, or just unconcerned. In this part made clear that many different people have contributed to shaping history. The struggles of people throughout history have always been communal, and if the majority of people have a common purpose, it will result in a movement that will have an impact on other people as well. The difficulties faced by Filipinos are discussed. Without popular backing, a strong nation cannot exist. The Filipino people have experienced several obstacles and difficulties while under the dominion of foreign nations. Even though they have many things in common, primitive tribes have distinct cultures of their own. Languages, music, and dress are examples of circumstances (Ocay, 2010, p. 2). Barangays, derived from the Malay term balangay, are autonomous communities with distinctive customs that vary from one barangay to the next (Constantino, 1975). They come together due to similar habits and ideas, making them more of a social unit than a political one (Ocay, 2010). (Constantino, 1975). Since the locals rely on fishing rather than hunting for their food and only sometimes consume meat, these settlements are located around or close to the coastline. Living close to waterways also improves the effectiveness of travel and transportation for business. The main food source for Filipinos, aside from fishing, is agriculture. The wet-rice method of cultivation was used by the natives, who valued rice above all other commodities at the time. In addition to serving as the barangay's leaders, chiefs work as farmers. Their main duty is to serve the community and the people by assisting and protecting the inhabitants. The Philippines had a community government before colonization. There was no idea of private property; only personal property existed. In contrast to European customs, where owning property is a way to advance one's status and power, in the agrarian Philippines, positions are rewarded for demonstrating one's skill (Constantino, 1975, p. 31). The chiefs just fulfill their responsibilities to the community rather than using their position of authority to further their own interests. Given that everyone in the community is reliant on one another for survival, everyone in the community performs their tasks jointly. Members of the barangay offer assistance to anybody in need in the neighborhood. What we now refer to as Bayanihan was the
  • 5. cooperative work of the locals. However, pre-colonial cooperative work differs from Filipino Bayanihan practices today. While the mutual need and effort of Filipinos have historically been seen as a beneficial attitude toward community, this Bayanihan culture has evolved into a weapon for the oppression and exploitation of the Filipino people. The phrase is now frequently used to honor Indigenous populations' perseverance in the wake of significant calamities. (Su & Mangada, 2016) Everything in a communal state is owned by the community. Filipinos are said to be lazy since they do not take more than they need, according to Legazpi, a Spanish ruler. This leads me to conclude that such criticism is based on the viewpoint of a colonizer who is used to greediness. Part 2: Spanish Period The exploitation of the Filipino people's lands and labor by the Spaniards began in the 18th century. The violence and mistreatment that the Filipino people endured throughout the Spanish era of rule were justified by religion. The friars were shameless in their mistreatment since they believed there would be no repercussions because the Filipinos' hands were shackled. According to Constantino (1975): ā€œEconomic power came through property ownership and investments in foreign and international trade. Political power came from active engagement in government. Together, these factors made the friar the central character in each town and the Church the dominating force in the nation.ā€ The Spanish colonizers wanted to change the country when they arrived. Spanish perceptions of Filipinos include that they are primitive and only work for what is required, not looking for more if they already have it or believe they have enough. As a result, Filipinos are indolent. This discrimination put an unfavorable light on Filipinos. The competition between Spain and Portugal was at an all-time high, and each country was looking to increase its dominance. They gained a footing in conquering the Philippines with the aid of Legaspi and Magellan. During the colonization, ideas from the Reconquista were used, especially the Encomienda. It is a labor system where the conquered get work in return for their services.
  • 6. There was an abuse of this labor system. Forced labor, unfair treaties, and unjust tribute were all too prevalent. There were demonstrations and requests for the Spanish king to abdicate. Encomenderos followed suit. As a result, the Encomienda system continued, although with "some" rules; nonetheless, the abuse continued. After the eighty-year war, Spanish mistreatment increased. However, the Philippines' economy and society did not significantly improve in comparison to other colonies despite the improvements they brought about. They only perceive the Philippines as a stopover for trade routes across Asia. There are several reasons why the Philippines' economy and society developed slowly while under Spanish rule. Due to the Philippines' archipelagic geography, there was a lack of natural resources and exploration expenditures that were higher than profits. Since Mexico, Cuba, and South America have abundant resources, the Spanish have benefited much from these countries. The Spaniards were so close to leaving the nation as a result of this. They did not care to further develop the Philippines since they consider it as simply another colony. Spaniards fabricate a reason for their colonizationā€”the promotion of religionā€”in order to hide their true motives. The effectiveness with which the friars embraced, essentially without any support, the allaying of the nation made the early control of the Church over the State practicable. Spanish influence was weakened in many networks due to the stringent policies since this accomplishment was greatly attributed to the natives' acceptance of the new faith. About whom should oversee collecting tributes and serving as the Indigenous peopleā€™s protector, friars, and encomenderos quarrel. Due to their desire to win the support of the Indigenous, friars made a point of exposing the wrongdoing of encomenderos. The superiority of the friars came from their understanding of the area and the populace. The Indigenous are mistreated by friars who occupy their lands and forbid them from using the resources found there unless they pay for them. Additionally, friars forbade Natives from using the river that flows through their claimed territory unless they agreed to their requirements. Part 3: Propaganda Movement In the nineteenth century, it was impossible to provide education for all the people in the Philippines. Instead, individuals who are lucky enough to get and complete a higher
  • 7. education allowed by Spanish Rule are only those from affluent and privileged families or within the middle-class bracket and above. With this, individuals are also offered the chance to educate themselves presumptuously in other nearby and global nations. prejudice towards those who are less fortunate follows. The social system showed no mercy in its bias toward the many Filipinos who did not meet the intended standards of the educational rules and regulations. When the patriots, known as the illustrados, Rizal, Del Pilar, and Jaena, observed how well the country treated its scholars and its citizens in Spain, they concluded that, given the opportunity, the Philippines might have developed the liberated minds of the Filipinos. Thus, propaganda for the Filipino people's independence and liberal education was created. It became evident that several organizations were growing and speaking out in favor of liberalism. During the Spanish period, the propaganda movement emerged as the primary revolutionary force. In chapter 10, prominent people and propaganda movements are covered. La Solidaridad, Jose Rizal, La Liga Filipina, Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and Katipunan are a few examples. These movements were significant in raising Filipinos' sense of nationalism and were their forerunners in the country. They were motivated by their protracted battle against centuries of colonization and the realization that they were being taken advantage of, mistreated, and bluntly called "Indios." Despite sharing the same objectives, their approaches and strategies diverge. While Bonifacio wanted a violent approach, Jose Rizal urged a peaceful option. While Bonifacio pleaded with the Spaniards to stay away, Rizal fought for reforms and greater Filipino participation. As Rizal returned home, La Solidaridad insisted on staying in Europe. Since the split in La Liga Filipina and Rizal's exile to the Katipunan, the Katipunan, also known as Kataas-taasang Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, has grown in popularity. La Solidaridad was hailed as the propaganda movement's breakthrough. To expose the Spanish colonists, the propagandists fought war through written and spoken communication. It was their intention to describe the terrible social and economic situations in our country and to provide a "remedy" or course of action. Here, Rizal took the courageous decision to demonstrate the Filipino people the injustices and mistreatment that the Spaniards had committed against them in his two most well-known writings, El Filibusterismo and Noli me Tangere. Rizal had a significant influence on the people that yearned for liberation from
  • 8. slavery and the persecution of the Americans and Spaniards during this period of the Revolution. Nevertheless, many leaders' eyes were opened to the possibility of having and opting for an independent country after the failure of the previous propaganda. Due to this failure, they created a constitution that established the Liga Filipina. Rizal once again created a fresh beginning of re-formation, but this time, to take action that is most appropriate for the cause and does not involve violence. The new insurrection organized by Rizal seeks to bring together Filipinos who are prepared to struggle for our nation's liberty. Additionally, the revolution took place in the 19th century, a time when oppression was at its worst and the majority of the hierarchy was biased. The final line of defense for the propaganda movement was Jose Rizal's exile in Dapitan. As a result of Andres Bonifacio and other radical members leaving the Liga Filipina because their beliefs did not align with those of Rizal's nonviolent campaign, the organization ended. I believe with Bonifacio that there is no use in staging a revolution if prompt action is not taken. Having said that, Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Katipunan, refrained from joining the Compromisarios because he was aware of what it was like to be both destitute and a person of action with radical beliefs. He was convinced that only a bloody revolution could advance the prosperity and greater benefit of the Filipino people. Part 4: American Colonization The opportunity for the United States to impose its own authority in both Cuba and the Philippines is made possible by the Cuban revolution. The inexplicable explosion of an American vessel served as the catalyst for the United States' declaration of war against Spain. Felipe Agoncillo advocated a Filipino-American union before the conflict ever broke out. In exchange for the Americans providing the Filipinos with weapons and ammunition, Agoncillo promised the Americans two provinces and the Manila customs house. Americans, however, turned down this offer. The Americans join the picture as the Philippines approaches independence by convincing the Filipinos that their only goal is to expel the Spanish from the country. Even Aguinaldo accepted the partnership because he trusted the Americans' claims. The Americans began their other aim, which is to colonize the Philippines after the Philippines were set free to the Spaniards. When the US force was fully prepared, they began to treat
  • 9. the Filipinos rudely and insisted that they surrender their territory. Because the so-called "leaders" were gullible, self-interested, and opportunistic, the Filipinos grew oblivious to the true goals of the Americans. Similar to the Spanish era, after assuming control of the archipelago, Americans brought about significant societal and economic changes. Because they govern even the Filipinos' way of life at the time, imperialism was in full force in the Philippines. The Catholic faith was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards, yet American colonial education continues to this day and prevents the Filipinos from standing on their own. In the period of American colonialism, the revolution still occurred. The same thing happened to General Luna as did to Bonifacio, with the exception that Bonifacio's execution was clearly ordered by Aguinaldo. While the only indication that Aguinaldo had anything to do with General Luna's killing was a letter that stated he want to send Luna to go to Cabanatuan. Filipino disunity ultimately contributed to their downfall, which led to the failure of Aguinaldo's First Philippine Republic and his revolutionary army. These issues were also influenced by the pacification of the Filipinos under American miseducation. This is a component of the US effort to assimilate the Filipino people and bring peace back to the nation. It describes how Americanization efforts, such as the establishment of public schools, altered Filipinos' perceptions of the US. Children were taught English by former soldiers who afterward worked as instructors. The Filipinos were given additional opportunities by Americans. Because Filipinos are eager to learn and willing to seize opportunities to better their life, the Americans were successful in assimilation. Instead of seeing Americans as conquerors, they saw us as friends. Even if assimilation and pacification had some success, there are still some oppositional groups and movements that are hostile to imperialism. The initiation of the Philippine Commonwealth took place in 1935. The community was becoming a neo-colony and undergoing major development. The country's neo-colonial position was ensured by maintaining the economic linkages that rendered the Philippines increasingly reliant on the US. Numerous groups emerged with various beliefs and causes for protest and conflict because of American colonialism of the Philippines and societal changes. Even if some of the organizations disagree with other Filipinos, most have a similar
  • 10. sense of nationalism. These proved to be difficult for the Philippine Commonwealth as much as the Americans. Conclusion The best chapter to wrap up the entire book is Chapter 18. The current civilization is mostly a product of history. The challenges that our people underwent made it possible for the ideas and philosophies, our way of life, and the growth of civilization. We continue to confront challenges and issues even now. We study history not just to prevent repeating the errors made by our predecessors, but also to serve as a reminder of how our present-day future came to be. Renato Constantino was successful in outlining the difficulties the Filipino people faced in gaining freedom. The country as a whole, not just a select few, shapes history. History is created by everyone, not just the winners. Renato Constantino's The Philippines a Past Revisited focuses on the wrongdoings committed during Spanish colonialism, other revolutions that are not discussed and mentioned in the classroom, the conflict between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo, and the real reason the Americans supported the Philippines. He was successful in outlining the challenges faced by the Filipino people in their quest for freedom. History is not shaped by a select few people, but by the entire country. History is created by everyone, not just the victors. As I reflect on Renato Constantino's work, I would say that it strengthened my devotion to our nation and made me appreciate knowing that Filipinos are natural-born warriors who were and still are courageous, strong, resilient, and independent. Indeed, the current civilization is a direct result of history. The hardships of our people have made it possible for the philosophies and ideologies our way of life, and the advancement of civilization. We continue to confront challenges and issues even now. We study history to help us shape the world we live in now as well as to help us avoid the mistakes made by our predecessors in the past. History ought to be personal and not impersonal. Without studying Philippine history, we risk repeating the injustices, wrongdoings, and blunders that befell our predecessors and heroes. Winston Churchill once remarked that "those who fail to study history are bound to repeat it." But in my opinion, learning and
  • 11. studying it is not enough; we also need to imprint it on our brains and souls. Self-realization and appraisal of the true goal of the study should occur. Because there is a pattern in history that Filipinos should study. The ideal form of government does not exist. All four leadersā€” Rizal, Bonifacio, Aguinaldo, and Quezonā€”had faced difficulties in their positions of authority. Before revealing their genuine aim to colonize us, the Spaniards made a proposal to the Americans that was similar to ours in an attempt to deceive us. Because of his opposition to the Aguinaldo government's policies, Bonifacio suffered until General Antonio Luna also suffered as a result. There were bravery and sacrifices. And in order to make studying history simpler for us, we need to be aware of these aspects. It is for our present and future, not the past, that we should study Philippine history.
  • 12. Reference Constantino, R. (1975). The Philippines: A past revisited. Renato Constantino Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "Propaganda Movement". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from, Guiang, F. (2019). 100 years of a nationalist: Renato Constantino as social critic and public intellectual. Retrieved from nationalist-renato-constantino-as-social-critic-and-public-intellectual/ Su, Y. & Mangada, L.L. (2016). Bayanihan after Typhoon Haiyan: Are We Romanticising an Indigenous Coping Strategy? Humanitarian Practice Network. Retrieved from indigenous-coping-strategy/. Ocay, J.V. (2010). Domination and Resistance in the Philippines: From the Pre-Hispanic to the Spanish and American Period. ResearchGate. Retrieved from In_The_Philippines_From_The_Pre- hispanic_To_The_Spanish_And_American_Period