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• To simplify our study, biologists have
  created a system used to classify living

• Living organisms are classified based on
  their similarities and differences.

• Living organisms with more similarities are
  classified into one category.

                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
A. Diversity of Living Organisms
• Living      organisms       have      different
  characteristics, some are large in size and
  some are small.
• Living organisms may also have different
  shapes and colors.
• Their habitats may be in the water, or on/in
  the land
• These show that there is a diversity of living
  organisms on Earth.
• The diversity of living organisms is called the
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
1. Similarities and differences between living
Table The differences between a corn plant and a
peanut plant
  Organ        Corn (Monocot)                    Peanut (Dicot)

Root       Fibrous root                       Tap root

Stem       Clear  and              visible No segmentation
Leaf       Long and ribbon-like Almost round with
           with parallel veins                            pinnately netted
                   Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
2. Species Diversity
• Are cats able to breed with dogs and produce
• The answer is definitely “NO”, because they are
  classified into different species.

• However, if a cat breeds with another cat which
  are similar in species, then they are able to
  produce fertile offspring.

• It can be concluded that living organisms which
  are classified into the same species, are able to
  breed with each other and produce fertile
                  Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                   GIS JH
3. Diversity of a species (variety)
• If we observe two living organisms from the same
  species, we will find several differences.

• For example, in cats we find differences in the
  color of their fur, body heights or sizes.

• Differences in diversity of living organisms
  within the same species is called variety.

• Another example of variety is in roses, rose
  flowers can be red, yellow, or white.

• Can you mention the variety in humans?
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
B. The Classification of Living
• The purpose in classifying living organisms is
  to make it easier for us in knowing and studying
  living organisms.

• we will learn 3 kinds of classification ;
  1. simple classification
  2. classification according to Carolus Linnaeus
  3. classification according to Robert H.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
1. Simple Classification
• Simple classification is done based on
  similarities of habitat, food types, or function.

• The classification of living organisms based on
   their habitat, for example ;
  a. xerophytes are plants which are able to
    survive in an environment with little
    availability of water or moisture.
  b. hydrophytes are plants which have adapted
    to living in or on an aquatic environment.
  c. hygrophytes are plants which grow in a
    moist habitat.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
• The classification of living organisms based
  on their food types, for example ;
  a. Herbivores ; feed on plants only
  b. Carnivores ; feed on animals only
  c. Omnivores ; feed on both animals and

               Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                GIS JH
• Plants classification based on their function,
  for example ;
a. Plants use for clothing
b. Plants for food
c. Plants for medicine
d. Plants for furniture

                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH
2. Classification according to
           Carolus Linnaeus
• A subdivision of biology which is related to the
  science of classifying living organisms is called

• The person who first developed the basics of
  taxonomy was Carolus Linnaeus. That is why he
  is called the father of taxonomy.

• Carolus Linnaeus classified living organisms
  based on the similarities and the differences of
  the body structures of living organisms.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
Carolus Linnaeus,
                                           the father of

Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
• According to Carolus Linnaeus, living organisms
  can be divided into two main groups ; the
  kingdom of plants and the kingdom of animals.

• Carolus Linnaeus created a classification system
  which is internationally acknowledged and
  continuously used until now.

• The international classification system has been
  sequenced into a hierarchical method, starting
  from the highest level to the lowest.

• Every level in this classification system is called a
  taxon.           Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                    GIS JH
• A taxon is composed starting from the group
  with the most common characteristics (the
  highest taxon) to the group with the most
  specific characteristics (the lowest taxon).

• The taxonomic rank for plants and animals
  from the highest to the lowest level can be
  seen in diagram below

               Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                GIS JH
Kingdom of Plantae                                Kingdom of Animalia
      taxon                                             taxon

    Division                                                  Phylum
      Class                                                    Class
     Order                                                     Order
     Family                                                   Family
     Genus                                                     Genus
    Species                                                   Species

            Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
• So, the higher group means more different in
  characteristics and it has more members.

• The lower group means more similar in
  characteristics and it has less member.

               Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                GIS JH
Naming Organisms
1. The name of a species consist of a two-part
   name in Latin.

2. The first part is the genus and must be
   written with uppercase, the second part is an
   indication of species and must be written
   with lowercase.

3. The species name is written in italics or non-
   italics but underlined.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
4. If the name more than 2 words, so between
  the second and the third word must give a

• For example ;
a. Mangifera indica
   Uppercase   Lowercase

b. Zae mays
c. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

                  Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                   GIS JH
3. Classification according to Robert
               H. whittaker
• Living organisms may be grouped into five
  kingdoms, they are ;

1. Kingdom of Monera
 The word monera comes from the Greek,
   moneres, which means one and only.
 The members of the kingdom of Monera are
   organisms which have only one cell.
 Its members are Bacteria and Cyanobacteria.
               Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                GIS JH
General characteristics of the kingdom of Monera
 are as follows ;
 1. unicelluler
 2. they do not possess a nuclear envelope,
    therefore it is called a procaryote

Bacteria are ubiquitous (live in all habitats) on

Some bacteria are advantegous, for example, to
 help dissolve digestive waste in the colon.

They are also harmful bacteria, for example,
 bacteria which cause typhoid, tuberculosis, and
 dysentery.      Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
• There are 3 forms of bacteria ; coccus
  (spherical-shape), bacillus (straight and rod-
  shape), spirillum (long and helical-shape).

                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
• Cyanobacteria live in the water as poducers,
  and as food for fish and shrimp.
• Cyanobacteria can be utilized to fertilize farm
• For example, Anabaena azollae, Nostoc
  commune, Oscillatoria sp.

                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
2. Kingdom of Protista
 Protista has the following characteristics ;
1. Unicellular, usually found in an aquatic
   environment, however some of them also live
   in the ground or as parasites inside other

2. The nucleus is covered with a nuclear
   envelope, it is called eucaryote

3. Protista can reproduce by binary fission, some
   of them also undergo conjugation.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
 A protista is divided into several simple groups ;
1. Protozoa (animal-like protist)
2. Algae (plant-like protist)
3. Myxomycota and Oomycota (fungus-like

 Protozoa is classified into 4 groups ;
1. Rhizopoda ; moves using pseudopodia, ex.
   Amoeba sp.
2. Flagellata ; moves with flagella, ex.
   Trypanosoma gambiensi
3. Ciliata ; moves using cilia, ex. Paramaecium
4. Sporozoa ; doesn’t have any specific moving
   mechanism, ex. Plasmodium sp.
                  Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                   GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
 Algae live in freshwater, seawater, and moist
 Algae is classified according to their pigmen
  color ;
1. Green algae (Chlorophyta)
   ex. Spirogyra, Chlorella.
2. Golden algae (Chrysophyta)
   ex. Dinobryon,Vaucheria.
3. Brown algae (Phaeophyta)
   ex. Sargassum, Fucus.
4. Red algae (Rhodophyta)
   ex. Eucheuma, Gelidium.
                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH

          Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                           GIS JH

              Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                               GIS JH

             Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                              GIS JH

             Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                              GIS JH
 Myxomycota have a similar reproduction
 method to fungi through the production of
 spores, in the vegetative phase of a
 plasmodial slime mold they are able to
 move like an Amoeba.
 ex. Plasmodial slime molds
Oomycota produce spore which are called
 oospora. Oospora are thick-walled spores
 which are highly resilient to extreme
 environments and continue growing to be
 new hypha.
 ex. Water molds
              Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                               GIS JH
Plasmodial slime molds

       Water molds
    Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                     GIS JH
3. Kingdom of Fungus
The characteristics of fungus are ;

1. Most are multicellular in form and some are single-
2. Multicellular fungus consists of filaments called
   hyphae which are long, a mass of connected hyphae is
   called a mycelium.
3. Posses a nuclear envelope (eukaryote)
4. Live in moist environments and reproduce with
5. They do not have chlorophyll, therefore live as
   saprophyte or as parasites on animals, plants and

                     Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                      GIS JH
Based on their sexual reproduction mechanisms,
fungi divided into 4 divisions, they are ;

1. Zygomycota, which sexual reproduction is
   characterized by zygospores. Ex. Rhizopus
2. Basidiomycota, which sexual reproduction is
   characterized by basidiospores. Ex. Volvariella
3. Ascomycota, which sexual reproduction is
   characterized by ascospores. Ex. Penicillium
4. Deuteromycota, its sexual reproduction has
   never been observed. Ex. Monilia sitophyla
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
4. Kingdom of Plantae
The characteristics of kingdom plantae are ;
1. Multicellular
2. The plant cells have cell wall and a nuclear
   envelope (eukaryote)
3. They have chlorophyll

Based on the have of vascular tissue, kingdom
  plantae has been classified into 2 groups ;
1. non-vascular plants ; Bryophyta
2. Vascular plants ; Pterydophytes and
                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH
a. Bryophyta (Moss)
• They live in moist environments

• Consist of parts which look like roots, stems, and leaves.

• The root-like structures are called rhizoid, and its
  function is to adhere bryophyta to the substrate and to
  absorb water.

• Moss go through certain life cycles, consisting of the
  sporophyte phase and the gametophyte phase.

• Moss classified into 3 division ;
  1.Liverworts (Hepaticophyta),
  2.Hornworts (Anthocerotophyta),
  3.Moss (Bryophyta)
                     Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                      GIS JH

             Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                              GIS JH

            Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                             GIS JH

       Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                        GIS JH
b. Pterydophyta (Fern)
• Ferns have vascular tissues, that consist of 2
  types xylem and phloem.
• Ferns have roots, stems, and true leaves with
• Ferns do not produce flowers.
• New leaves usually curl, on the underside of
  mature fertile leaves there are many blackish
  brown masses, each of these masses is called
• Ferns go through certain life cycles ; the
  sporophyte phase and the gametophyte phase.
                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
Fern new leaf

Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Mature leaf with sorus

Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
• Ferns are divided into 4 division ;
1. Psylophyta, which do not have true roots and
   leaves. Ex. Psilotum sp.
2. Lycophyta, which have true roots and leaves.
   Ex. Lycopodium sp., Selaginella sp.
3. Sphenophyta, ex. Equisetum sp.
4. Pterydophyta, often referred as true ferns.
   Ex. Asplenium nidus (bird’s nest ferns),
   Cyathea australis (tree ferns), Adiantum
   cuneatum (maidenhair ferns)

                Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                 GIS JH
Lycopodium sp.                            Selaginella sp.
Psilotum sp.

               Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                GIS JH
Equisetum sp.   Asplenium nidus                             Cyathea australis

                                                            Adiantum cuneatum

                 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                  GIS JH
c. Spermatophytes (seed plants)
• Spermae means “seed” and phytes means “plants”

• Another name is anthophytes ; antho means flower and
  phytes means plants

• Spermatophytes are included in vascular plants

• They have roots, stems, and true leaves

• Reproduce with seeds

• Based on the position of yhe seeds, they are classified into 2
  groups ;
  1. The naked-seeded plants (Gymnospermae)
  2. Enclosed-seeded plants (Angiospermae)
                    Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
1. Gymnospermae (naked-seeded plants)
• Gymnos = naked, spermae = seed

• The ovules are exposed and are not enclosed by ovary wall during

• they have cone-shaped ovules as their reproductive cells

• They do not lose their leaves in the dry season

• Example ;
   Gnetum gnemon (melinjo),
   Cycas rumphii (pakis haji),
   Agathis alba (pine),
   Abies balsamea (balsam),
   Ginkgo biloba (ginko)

                      Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Male melinjo flowers                                      Female melinjo flowers

Gnetum gnemon (melinjo)

                          Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Male Pakis Haji flowers                                                 Female Pakis Haji flowers

Cycas rumphii (pakis haji)

                             Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                              GIS JH
Agathis alba (pine)

                      Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                                       GIS JH
Abies balsamea (balsam)
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Ginkgo biloba (ginko)

Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
2. Angiospermae enclosed-seeded plant
• Angio = enclose, spermae = seed

• Also called flowering plants

• They have flower as their reproductive organs

• Based on the number of cotyledon (embryonic seed leaf), they
  are classified into dicot and monocot

                   Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
• Have 2 cotyledons

• The 2 cotyledons are clearly visible when the seeds are

• Dicots have a taproot

• The stems are able to thicken because they have cambium

• The xylem and phloem are well-arranged in the vascular system

• The leaf venation of dicots are usually pinnately (like fins) or
  palmately (like fingers)

• The flowers are usually in multiples of 4 or 5

                      Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of
                 GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
• Have one cotyledon

• Have fibrous root

• The stem has internodes but are lacking branches and

• The xylem and phloem in the vascular system are scattered

• The leaves have a ribbon-like appearance with parallel veins

• The flowers are usually in multiples of 3

                      Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH

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7 3. classification of Living Organism

  • 1. Classification of Living Organisms
  • 2. • To simplify our study, biologists have created a system used to classify living organisms. • Living organisms are classified based on their similarities and differences. • Living organisms with more similarities are classified into one category. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 3. A. Diversity of Living Organisms • Living organisms have different characteristics, some are large in size and some are small. • Living organisms may also have different shapes and colors. • Their habitats may be in the water, or on/in the land • These show that there is a diversity of living organisms on Earth. • The diversity of living organisms is called the biodiversity. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 4. 1. Similarities and differences between living organisms Table The differences between a corn plant and a peanut plant Organ Corn (Monocot) Peanut (Dicot) Root Fibrous root Tap root Stem Clear and visible No segmentation segmentation Leaf Long and ribbon-like Almost round with with parallel veins pinnately netted veins Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 5. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 6. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 7. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 8. 2. Species Diversity • Are cats able to breed with dogs and produce offspring? • The answer is definitely “NO”, because they are classified into different species. • However, if a cat breeds with another cat which are similar in species, then they are able to produce fertile offspring. • It can be concluded that living organisms which are classified into the same species, are able to breed with each other and produce fertile offspring. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 9. 3. Diversity of a species (variety) • If we observe two living organisms from the same species, we will find several differences. • For example, in cats we find differences in the color of their fur, body heights or sizes. • Differences in diversity of living organisms within the same species is called variety. • Another example of variety is in roses, rose flowers can be red, yellow, or white. • Can you mention the variety in humans? Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 10. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 11. B. The Classification of Living Organisms • The purpose in classifying living organisms is to make it easier for us in knowing and studying living organisms. • we will learn 3 kinds of classification ; 1. simple classification 2. classification according to Carolus Linnaeus 3. classification according to Robert H. Whittaker Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 12. 1. Simple Classification • Simple classification is done based on similarities of habitat, food types, or function. • The classification of living organisms based on their habitat, for example ; a. xerophytes are plants which are able to survive in an environment with little availability of water or moisture. b. hydrophytes are plants which have adapted to living in or on an aquatic environment. c. hygrophytes are plants which grow in a moist habitat. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 13. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 14. • The classification of living organisms based on their food types, for example ; a. Herbivores ; feed on plants only b. Carnivores ; feed on animals only c. Omnivores ; feed on both animals and plants Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 15. • Plants classification based on their function, for example ; a. Plants use for clothing b. Plants for food c. Plants for medicine d. Plants for furniture Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 16. 2. Classification according to Carolus Linnaeus • A subdivision of biology which is related to the science of classifying living organisms is called taxonomy. • The person who first developed the basics of taxonomy was Carolus Linnaeus. That is why he is called the father of taxonomy. • Carolus Linnaeus classified living organisms based on the similarities and the differences of the body structures of living organisms. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 17. Carolus Linnaeus, the father of taxonomy Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 18. • According to Carolus Linnaeus, living organisms can be divided into two main groups ; the kingdom of plants and the kingdom of animals. • Carolus Linnaeus created a classification system which is internationally acknowledged and continuously used until now. • The international classification system has been sequenced into a hierarchical method, starting from the highest level to the lowest. • Every level in this classification system is called a taxon. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 19. • A taxon is composed starting from the group with the most common characteristics (the highest taxon) to the group with the most specific characteristics (the lowest taxon). • The taxonomic rank for plants and animals from the highest to the lowest level can be seen in diagram below Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 20. Kingdom of Plantae Kingdom of Animalia taxon taxon Division Phylum Class Class Order Order Family Family Genus Genus Species Species Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 21. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 22. • So, the higher group means more different in characteristics and it has more members. • The lower group means more similar in characteristics and it has less member. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 23. Naming Organisms 1. The name of a species consist of a two-part name in Latin. 2. The first part is the genus and must be written with uppercase, the second part is an indication of species and must be written with lowercase. 3. The species name is written in italics or non- italics but underlined. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 24. 4. If the name more than 2 words, so between the second and the third word must give a connection. • For example ; a. Mangifera indica Uppercase Lowercase b. Zae mays c. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 25. 3. Classification according to Robert H. whittaker • Living organisms may be grouped into five kingdoms, they are ; 1. Kingdom of Monera  The word monera comes from the Greek, moneres, which means one and only.  The members of the kingdom of Monera are organisms which have only one cell.  Its members are Bacteria and Cyanobacteria. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 26. General characteristics of the kingdom of Monera are as follows ; 1. unicelluler 2. they do not possess a nuclear envelope, therefore it is called a procaryote Bacteria are ubiquitous (live in all habitats) on Earth. Some bacteria are advantegous, for example, to help dissolve digestive waste in the colon. They are also harmful bacteria, for example, bacteria which cause typhoid, tuberculosis, and dysentery. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 27. • There are 3 forms of bacteria ; coccus (spherical-shape), bacillus (straight and rod- shape), spirillum (long and helical-shape). Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 28. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 29. • Cyanobacteria live in the water as poducers, and as food for fish and shrimp. • Cyanobacteria can be utilized to fertilize farm soil. • For example, Anabaena azollae, Nostoc commune, Oscillatoria sp. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 30. 2. Kingdom of Protista  Protista has the following characteristics ; 1. Unicellular, usually found in an aquatic environment, however some of them also live in the ground or as parasites inside other organisms. 2. The nucleus is covered with a nuclear envelope, it is called eucaryote 3. Protista can reproduce by binary fission, some of them also undergo conjugation. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 31.  A protista is divided into several simple groups ; 1. Protozoa (animal-like protist) 2. Algae (plant-like protist) 3. Myxomycota and Oomycota (fungus-like protist)  Protozoa is classified into 4 groups ; 1. Rhizopoda ; moves using pseudopodia, ex. Amoeba sp. 2. Flagellata ; moves with flagella, ex. Trypanosoma gambiensi 3. Ciliata ; moves using cilia, ex. Paramaecium caudatum 4. Sporozoa ; doesn’t have any specific moving mechanism, ex. Plasmodium sp. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 32. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 33. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 34. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 35. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 36. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 37.  Algae live in freshwater, seawater, and moist environment.  Algae is classified according to their pigmen color ; 1. Green algae (Chlorophyta) ex. Spirogyra, Chlorella. 2. Golden algae (Chrysophyta) ex. Dinobryon,Vaucheria. 3. Brown algae (Phaeophyta) ex. Sargassum, Fucus. 4. Red algae (Rhodophyta) ex. Eucheuma, Gelidium. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 38. Chlorophyta Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 39. Chrysophyta Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 40. Phaeophyta Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 41. Rhodophyta Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 42.  Myxomycota have a similar reproduction method to fungi through the production of spores, in the vegetative phase of a plasmodial slime mold they are able to move like an Amoeba. ex. Plasmodial slime molds Oomycota produce spore which are called oospora. Oospora are thick-walled spores which are highly resilient to extreme environments and continue growing to be new hypha. ex. Water molds Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 43. Plasmodial slime molds Water molds Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 44. 3. Kingdom of Fungus The characteristics of fungus are ; 1. Most are multicellular in form and some are single- celled 2. Multicellular fungus consists of filaments called hyphae which are long, a mass of connected hyphae is called a mycelium. 3. Posses a nuclear envelope (eukaryote) 4. Live in moist environments and reproduce with spores 5. They do not have chlorophyll, therefore live as saprophyte or as parasites on animals, plants and humans. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 45. Based on their sexual reproduction mechanisms, fungi divided into 4 divisions, they are ; 1. Zygomycota, which sexual reproduction is characterized by zygospores. Ex. Rhizopus 2. Basidiomycota, which sexual reproduction is characterized by basidiospores. Ex. Volvariella volvacea 3. Ascomycota, which sexual reproduction is characterized by ascospores. Ex. Penicillium notatum 4. Deuteromycota, its sexual reproduction has never been observed. Ex. Monilia sitophyla Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 46. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 47. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 48. 4. Kingdom of Plantae The characteristics of kingdom plantae are ; 1. Multicellular 2. The plant cells have cell wall and a nuclear envelope (eukaryote) 3. They have chlorophyll Based on the have of vascular tissue, kingdom plantae has been classified into 2 groups ; 1. non-vascular plants ; Bryophyta 2. Vascular plants ; Pterydophytes and Spermatophyta Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 49. a. Bryophyta (Moss) • They live in moist environments • Consist of parts which look like roots, stems, and leaves. • The root-like structures are called rhizoid, and its function is to adhere bryophyta to the substrate and to absorb water. • Moss go through certain life cycles, consisting of the sporophyte phase and the gametophyte phase. • Moss classified into 3 division ; 1.Liverworts (Hepaticophyta), 2.Hornworts (Anthocerotophyta), 3.Moss (Bryophyta) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 50. Liverworts Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 51. Hornworts Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 52. Moss Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 53. b. Pterydophyta (Fern) • Ferns have vascular tissues, that consist of 2 types xylem and phloem. • Ferns have roots, stems, and true leaves with chlorophyll. • Ferns do not produce flowers. • New leaves usually curl, on the underside of mature fertile leaves there are many blackish brown masses, each of these masses is called sorus. • Ferns go through certain life cycles ; the sporophyte phase and the gametophyte phase. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 54. Fern new leaf Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 55. Mature leaf with sorus Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 56. • Ferns are divided into 4 division ; 1. Psylophyta, which do not have true roots and leaves. Ex. Psilotum sp. 2. Lycophyta, which have true roots and leaves. Ex. Lycopodium sp., Selaginella sp. 3. Sphenophyta, ex. Equisetum sp. 4. Pterydophyta, often referred as true ferns. Ex. Asplenium nidus (bird’s nest ferns), Cyathea australis (tree ferns), Adiantum cuneatum (maidenhair ferns) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 57. Lycopodium sp. Selaginella sp. Psilotum sp. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 58. Equisetum sp. Asplenium nidus Cyathea australis Adiantum cuneatum Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 59. c. Spermatophytes (seed plants) • Spermae means “seed” and phytes means “plants” • Another name is anthophytes ; antho means flower and phytes means plants • Spermatophytes are included in vascular plants • They have roots, stems, and true leaves • Reproduce with seeds • Based on the position of yhe seeds, they are classified into 2 groups ; 1. The naked-seeded plants (Gymnospermae) 2. Enclosed-seeded plants (Angiospermae) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 60. 1. Gymnospermae (naked-seeded plants) • Gymnos = naked, spermae = seed • The ovules are exposed and are not enclosed by ovary wall during pollination • they have cone-shaped ovules as their reproductive cells • They do not lose their leaves in the dry season • Example ;  Gnetum gnemon (melinjo),  Cycas rumphii (pakis haji),  Agathis alba (pine),  Abies balsamea (balsam),  Ginkgo biloba (ginko) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 61. Male melinjo flowers Female melinjo flowers Gnetum gnemon (melinjo) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 62. Male Pakis Haji flowers Female Pakis Haji flowers Cycas rumphii (pakis haji) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 63. Agathis alba (pine) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 64. Abies balsamea (balsam) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 65. Ginkgo biloba (ginko) Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 66. 2. Angiospermae enclosed-seeded plant • Angio = enclose, spermae = seed • Also called flowering plants • They have flower as their reproductive organs • Based on the number of cotyledon (embryonic seed leaf), they are classified into dicot and monocot Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 67. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 68. Dicots • Have 2 cotyledons • The 2 cotyledons are clearly visible when the seeds are germinating • Dicots have a taproot • The stems are able to thicken because they have cambium • The xylem and phloem are well-arranged in the vascular system • The leaf venation of dicots are usually pinnately (like fins) or palmately (like fingers) • The flowers are usually in multiples of 4 or 5 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 69. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 70. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 71. Monocots • Have one cotyledon • Have fibrous root • The stem has internodes but are lacking branches and cambiums • The xylem and phloem in the vascular system are scattered • The leaves have a ribbon-like appearance with parallel veins • The flowers are usually in multiples of 3 Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 72. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH
  • 73. Created by Alfi Msk_a biology teacher of GIS JH