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광주 전남 미래교육 혁신수업을 위한 교육연수
교사의 디지털 역량을 위한
20가지 개념과 관점
2021.11.26. (금) 13:30~14:30 (1시간)
조규복 수석연구원(한국지능정보사회진흥원)
槪念 10 觀点 10
• 학사 : 홍익대학교 (교육학)
• 석사 : 동경외국어대학 (국제학/교육학)
• 박사 : 히로시마대학 (교육학)
• 기타 : 동경대학, 츠쿠바대학, 일본방송대학
• 박사논문 : 한일초중등학생간 인터넷교류학습
• 효과분석, 실태분석
: 사이버학습, 스마트기기활용, 혁신사례, 디지털 네이티브, 리터러시
• 담화분석 : 이메일 채킹 기록, 자유기술형 서술기록 등
• 국내외정책 : 교육정책 아젠다, 해외 교육정보화 정책, 연구학교
• 콘텐츠개발 : 사이버폭력예방교육, 인터넷윤리교육
• 동경대 교육학연구과(1년, 객원부교수/연구원)
• 일본메이지학원 고등학교 (2년, 한국어 강사)
• 동경내 초중등학교 (4년 격주 1회 한국문화소개)
• 우리나라 서울소재 대학(6년 강사 : 교육학개론, 교육심리학개론,
뇌기반 학습과학, 인지심리학, ICT활용교육)
조규복 ICT활용 학교교육(수업)
개념 10개 관점 10개
1. 디지털/온라인/사이버/ICT/미디어/정보
2. 사이버공간/교실공간
3. 디지털+리터러시/윤리/시민성
4. 교재/교구/디지털교과서
5. 메일/게시판/SNS/메타버스
6. 학습데이터/학습용콘텐츠/학생용포트폴리오
8. 범용성/반응형
9. 교육용 플랫폼(교수/학습/행정)
10. 미래역량/나침반/에이전시
11. 교육정보화 6가지 질문
(효과, 효율, 차별성, 역기능, 의미, 현실성)
12. 활용/융합
13. 단점극복(현재)/장점추구(미래)
14. 교수/학습
15. AI+교육
16. 패드/노트북
17. 포용/형평/평등+디지털
18. 저작권/초상권+디지털
19. 민감성/연계성+디지털
20. 교육과정+디지털
1. 디지털/온라인/사이버/ICT/미디어/정보
디지털 리터러시 - 미디어 리터러시
1. 디지털/온라인/사이버/ICT/미디어/정보
ICT 활용 교육 – 디지털 활용 교육
정보(8,620만) > 온라인(3580만) > 디지털(2,310만)
> 미디어(2,610만) > 사이버(1030만) > ICT(726만)
2. 사이버공간/교실공간
2. 사이버공간/교실공간
2. 사이버공간/교실공간
3. 디지털+리터러시/윤리/시민성
4. 교재/교구/디지털 교과서
5. 메일/게시판/SNS/메타버스
교실 안팎, 교과연계, 적정기술, 스마트폰
6. 학습데이터/학습용콘텐츠/학생용포트폴리오
교사와 학생이 함께 만들어가는 교재
밴드 앨범
‘JMOOC 조규복’으로 구글검색
8. 범용성/반응형
범용성 반응형
9. 교육용 플랫폼(교수/학습/행정)
에듀넷 + 나이스
10. 미래역량/나침반/에이전시
기존의 미래역량에 대한 반성
이론적·연역적(톱다운), 구체성 미흡, 사회에 필요한 인재를 생산 고용하는
인재론·조직론 포함, 학습자를 세상에 적응하는 수동적 존재로 다룸(白井俊, 2020).
10. 미래역량/나침반/에이전시
11. 교육정보화 6가지 질문(효과, 효율, 차별성, 역기능, 의미, 현실성)
효과 효율 차별성
역기능 의미 현실성
ICT를 사용하면 학습효
과가 있는가?
성적이 오르는가?
ICT를 사용하면 교수학
습이 효율적으로 되는가?
ICT를 사용하지 않는 수
업에서 할 수 없는 것을
할 수 있는가?
산만해지고 사고가 피상
적으로 되는가?
중독이 되고 눈과 손목
등이 안 좋은 영향은 없
ICT를 수업 중 활용할 필
요가 있는가?
교육과정, 교육평가, 교
원제도 등이 견고한 상황
속에서 ICT활용교육이
도입 및 정착가능한가?
12. 활용/융합
특정 교과(정보교과)로 강화
기본 소양으로서 관련 교과 안에서 녹여내는 입장
13. 단점극복(현재)/장점추구(미래)
• 관료주의적 학교 시스템
• 시장모델의 확대
• 중추적 사회센터로서의 학교
• 학습조직 중심으로서의 학교
• 학습자 네트워크
• 학교붕괴와 교사 탈출
OECD School for tommorrow project(2002)
13. 단점극복(현재)/장점추구(미래)
여러분의 논문은?
14. 교사의 교수 중심/학생의 학습 중심
여러분의 논문은?
15. AI+교육
AI가 센싱 가능 정보란? 이를 활용한 학교수업?
AI기반 텍스트 분석
16. 패드/노트북
2011년 11월 논산 도산초
스마트학교 공개수업
(조규복 페이스북)
16. 패드/노트북
서구 한국(일본)
디바이스 중고,기부 신제품、최신기능
LAN ○ ×
클라우드 범용、무료 별도의 유료
DT PDF포함 ePub 중심
17. 포용/형평/평등+디지털
OECD(2021)의 평등, 형평성 그리고 포용
18. 저작권/초상권+디지털
19. 민감성/연계성+디지털
20. 교육과정+디지털
‘학습요소 리스트’를 통한 교육과정의 디지털화 :
국가교육과정을 기준으로 학습요소를 추출하여 각각 식별기호 부여.
여러 교과서와 여러 교재 그리고 여러 학습 이력 등을 횡적으로 연동.
개별맞춤형, 학습이력 분석, 디지털교과서 등의 극대화.
ex)시험문항 시험결과, 수업지도안 등 디지털화 후 연동
블록체인 기반 교육용 플래폼
일본 문부과학성의
학교교육정보화 정책
최근 동향과 시사점
학교는 존속할 것이다.
그러나 지금의 학교는 없어질 것이다.
교사도 존속할 것이다.
그러나 지금의 교사는 없어질 것이다.
그리고 미래교육과 미래학교는
‘교사 중심 강의식 수업’의 장단점과 한계 그리고 효율성 및
보완방법부터 생각해야 한다.
그렇다면 순천대학교 사범대학은?
질문과 의견 부탁드립니다
책 추천 : 학습과학
책 추천 : 학습과학 How people learn?
CHAPTER 1 교육은 어떻게 변화하고 있는가
CHAPTER 2 기술옹호론자의 관점
CHAPTER 3 기술회의론자의 관점
교육개혁이 실패하는 원인
학교에서 사용하는 기술의 장벽
통합: 학교와 기술 간의 양립 불가능성
CHAPTER 4 미국 학교교육의 약사
CHAPTER 5 새로운 교육제도의 씨앗
홈스쿨링 , 일터 학습,
원격교육 , 성인교육 ,
학습센터, 교육용 TV와 비디오
컴퓨터 기반 학습 소프트웨어, 기술 자격증
인터넷 카페, 평생학습
CHAPTER 6 세 가지 시대의 교육
책임: 부모에게서 국가로 그리고 개인과 부모에게로
기대: 사회 재생산에서 만인의 성공으로 그리고 개인의 선택으로
내용: 실제적인 기술에서 학문적 지식으로 그리고 학습 방법의 학습으로
교수방법: 도제방법에서 강의방법으로 그리고 상호작용으로
평가: 관찰에서 시험으로 그리고 내장형 평가로
장소: 가정에서 학교로 그리고 어느 곳이든지
문화: 성인문화에서 또래문화로 그리고 세대 혼합문화로
관계: 개인적 유대에서 권위적 인물로 그리고 컴퓨터 중재 상호작용으로
교육의 중요한 변화
책 추천 : 2차 교육혁명

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Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배
Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배
Center for Teaching and Learning
Technology in the classroom_김기현
Technology in the classroom_김기현Technology in the classroom_김기현
Technology in the classroom_김기현
기현 김
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
YoungSik Jeong
인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상
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인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상
Han Woo PARK
2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종
2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종
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스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)
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Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배
Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배
Learning 3.0 시대, 지식·콘텐츠·서비스의 융합 전략 : 학습의 경계를 허물다 - 민경배
Technology in the classroom_김기현
Technology in the classroom_김기현Technology in the classroom_김기현
Technology in the classroom_김기현
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
[팸플릿]2016 한국정보교육학회 하계 학술대회
인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상
인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상
인포그래픽스 강의소개 동영상
2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종
2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종
2011 09 21_bob_한정선_김진희 최종
스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)
스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)
스마트교육 추진전략(2011.6.29. 대통령보고)
언론정보학과 소개ppt
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언론정보학과 소개ppt
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생성형 AI의 교육적 활용 방안(수업준비)
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조규복(2023)일본의 학교폭력예방 예방 및 대응체계와 프로그램.pdf조규복(2023)일본의 학교폭력예방 예방 및 대응체계와 프로그램.pdf
조규복(2023)일본의 학교폭력예방 예방 및 대응체계와 프로그램.pdf
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일본 문부과학성의 교육용 클라우드 플랫폼

교사의 디지털 역량을 위한 20가지 개념과 관점

Editor's Notes

  1. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  2. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  3. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  4. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  5. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  6. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  7. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  8. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  9. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  10. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  11. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  12. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  13. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  14. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  15. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  16. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  17. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  18. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  19. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  20. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  21. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  22. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  23. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  24. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  25. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  26. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’
  27. konnichiwa, 안녕하세요! I am Kyubok Cho, Senior Researcher of KERIS. Keris is a National Governmental And Administrative Organization about School Education using ICT Also we manage Pilot school and service digital textbook. If you want to see Korea Digital textbook, feel free to talk to me after this concurrent session. I think my research is simple. I used content analysis. I used this analysis method 2 years ago in ICOME like this concurrent session. The title is ‘Analysis of the learning effects of knowledge acquisition in science class using a user-created robot’