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8: Joints 
Classification of Joints 
1. Explain how joints are classified structurally and functionally. 
Fibrous Joints 
2. Identify the three types of fibrous joints and give an example of each. 
Cartilaginous Joints 
3. Indicate the three types of cartilaginous joints and give an example of each. 
Synovial Joints 
4. Describe the general features of a synovial joint. 
5. Define bursae and tendon sheaths. 
6. Explain the three factors that influence the stability of a synovial joint. 
7. Describe the movements allowed at synovial joints. 
8. Examine the types of synovial joints. 
Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints 
9. Describe what happens in sprains, cartilage injuries, and dislocations. 
10. Identify the inflammatory and degenerative conditions that target joints. 
Developmental Aspects of Joints 
11. Describe the fetal development of joints. 
12. Explore the changes that occur to joints as one ages. 
Suggested Lecture Outline 
I. Introduction to Articulations (p. 253) 
A. Sites where two or more bones meet are called joints or articulations. 
B. Our joints give our skeleton mobility and hold it together. 
II. Classification of Joints (p. 253; Table 8.1) 
A. Structural classification focuses on the material binding the bones together and whether or not a 
joint cavity is present. 
1. In fibrous joints the bones are joined together by fibrous tissue and lack a joint cavity. 
2. In cartilaginous joints the bones are joined together by cartilage and they lack a joint cavity. 
3. In synovial joints, the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. 
B. Functional classification is based on the amount of movement allowed at the joint. 
1. Synarthroses are immovable joints. 
2. Amphiarthroses are slightly movable joints.
3. Diarthroses are freely movable joints. 
III. Fibrous Joints (pp. 253–254; Fig. 8.1; Tables 8.1–8.2) 
A. Sutures occur between bones of the skull and use very short connective tissue fibers to hold the 
bones together. 
B. In syndesmoses, the bones are connected by a ligament, which is a cord or band of fibrous tissue. 
C. A gomphosis is a peg-in-socket fibrous joint. 
IV. Cartilaginous Joints (p. 254; Fig. 8.2; Tables 8.1–8.2) 
A. Synchondroses involve a bar or plate of hyaline cartilage uniting the bones, such as the epiphyseal 
B. In symphyses, such as the pubic symphysis, the articular surfaces are covered with articular 
cartilage that is then fused to an intervening pad or plate of fibrocartilage. 
V. Synovial Joints (pp. 255–272; Figs. 8.3–8.8, 8.10–8.13; Tables 8.1–8.2) 
A. The general structure of a synovial joint contains five distinguishing features. 
1. Articular cartilage covers the ends of the articulating bones. 
2. The joint (synovial) cavity is a space that is filled with synovial fluid. 
3. The two-layered articular capsule encloses the joint cavity. 
4. Synovial fluid is a viscous, slippery fluid that fills all free space within the joint cavity. 
5. Reinforcing ligaments cross synovial joints to strengthen the joint. 
B. Bursae and tendon sheaths are bags of lubricant that reduce friction at synovial joints. 
C. Factors Influencing the Stability of Synovial Joints 
1. The shapes of the articular surfaces of bones found at a synovial joint determine the 
movements that occur at the joint, but play a minimal role in stabilizing the joint. 
2. Ligaments at a synovial joint prevent excessive or unwanted movements and help to stabilize 
the joint; the greater the number of ligaments at the joint the greater the stability. 
3. Muscle tone keeps tendons crossing joints taut, which is the most important factor stabilizing 
D. Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints 
1. In gliding movements one flat, or nearly flat, bone surface glides or slips over another. 
2. Angular movements increase or decrease the angle between two bones. 
a. Flexion decreases the angle of the joint and brings the articulating bones closer together. 
b. Extension increases the angle between the articulating bones. 
c. Dorsiflexion decreases the angle between the top of the foot (dorsal surface) and the 
anterior surface of the tibia. 
d. Plantar flexion decreases the angle between the sole of the foot (plantar surface) and the 
posterior side of the tibia. 
e. Abduction is the movement of a limb (or fingers) away from the midline body (or of the 
f. Adduction is the movement of a limb (or fingers) toward the midline of the body (or the 
g. Circumduction is moving a limb so that it describes a cone in the air. 
3. Rotation is the turning of a bone along its own long axis. 
4. Special Movements 
a. Supination is rotating the forearm laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly.
b. Pronation is rotating the arm medially so that the palm faces posteriorly or inferiorly. 
c. Inversion turns the sole of the foot so that it faces medially. 
d. Eversion turns the sole of the foot so that it faces laterally. 
e. Protraction moves the mandible anteriorly, juts the jaw forward. 
f. Retraction returns the mandible to its original position. 
g. Elevation means lifting a body part superiorly. 
h. Depression means to move an elevated body part inferiorly. 
i. Opposition occurs when you touch your thumb to the fingers on the same hand. 
E. Types of Synovial Joints 
1. Plane joints have flat articular surfaces and allow gliding and transitional movements. 
2. Hinge joints consist of a cylindrical projection that nests in a trough-shaped structure, and 
allow movement along a single plane. 
3. Pivot joints consist of a rounded structure that protrudes into a sleeve or ring, and allow 
uniaxial rotation of a bone around the long axis. 
4. Condyloid, or ellipsoid, joints consist of an oval articular surface that nests in a 
complementary depression, and permit all angular movements. 
5. Saddle joints consist of each articular surface bearing complementary concave and convex 
areas, and allow more freedom of movement than condyloid joints. 
6. Ball-and-socket joints consist of a spherical or hemispherical structure that articulates with a 
cuplike structure. They are the most freely moving joints and allow multiaxial movements. 
F. Selected Synovial Joints 
1. Knee Joint 
a. Enclosed in one joint cavity, the knee joint is actually three joints in one: the 
femoropatellar joint, the lateral and medial joints between the femoral condyles, and the 
menisci of the tibia, known collectively as the tibiofemoral joint. 
b. Many different types of ligaments stabilize and strengthen the capsule of the knee joint. 
c. The knee capsule is reinforced by muscle tendons such as the strong tendons of the 
quadriceps muscles and the tendon of the semimembranosus. 
2. Elbow Joint 
a. The elbow joint provides a stable and smoothly operating hinge joint that allows flexion 
and extension only. 
b. The ligaments involved in providing stability to the elbow joint are the annular ligament, 
the ulnar collateral ligament, and the radial collateral ligament. 
c. Tendons of several arm muscles, the biceps and the triceps, also provide additional 
stability by crossing the elbow joint. 
3. Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint 
a. Stability has been sacrificed to provide the most freely moving joint in the body. 
b. The ligaments that help to reinforce the shoulder joint are the coracohumeral ligament and 
the three glenohumeral ligaments. 
c. The tendons that cross the shoulder joint and provide the most stabilizing effect on the 
joint are the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii and the four tendons that make 
up the rotator cuff. 
4. Hip (Coxal) Joint 
a. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that provides a good range of motion. 
b. Several strong ligaments reinforce the capsule of the hip joint.
c. The muscle tendons that cross the joint contribute to the stability and strength of the joint, 
but the majority of the stability of the hip joint is due to the deep socket of the acetabulum 
and the ligaments. 
5. Temporomandibular Joint 
a. The temporomandibular joint allows both hinge-like movement and side-to-side lateral 
b. The joint contains an articular disc that divides the synovial cavity into compartments that 
support each type of movement. 
c. The lateral aspect of the fibrous capsule contains a lateral ligament that reinforces the joint. 
VI. Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints (pp. 272–275; Figs. 8.9, 8.13–8.14) 
A. Common Joint Injuries (pp. 272–273; Figs. 8.9, 8.13) 
1. Sprains and dislocations are the most common joint injuries. 
B. Inflammatory and Degenerative Conditions (pp. 272–276; Fig. 8.14) 
1. Bursitis, an inflammation of the bursa, is usually caused by a blow or friction; tendonitis is 
inflammation of the tendons, and is usually caused by overuse. 
2. Arthritis describes many inflammatory or degenerative diseases that damage the joints, 
resulting in pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joint. 
a. Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic arthritis. It is the result of breakdown of 
articular cartilage and subsequent thickening of bone tissue, which may restrict joint 
b. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that is an autoimmune disease. 
c. Gouty arthritis results when uric acid is deposited in the soft tissues of the joints. 
VII. Developmental Aspects of Joints (p. 276) 
A. Joints develop at the same time as bones, resembling adult form by eight weeks gestation. 
B. At late middle age and beyond, ligaments and tendons shorten and weaken, intervertebral discs 
become more likely to herniate, and there is onset of osteoarthritis. 
Cross References 
Additional information on topics covered in Chapter 8 can be found in the chapters listed below. 
1. Chapter 1: Planes of the body 
2. Chapter 4: Ligaments and tendons (dense connective tissue); hyaline cartilage; fibrocartilage 
3. Chapter 6: Epiphyseal plate; articular cartilage; periosteum 
4. Chapter 7: Intervertebral discs; stability/flexibility of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle 
5. Chapter 10: Role of synovial joints in the movement of the body 
6. Chapter 23: Periodontal ligament 
Laboratory Correlations 
1. Marieb, E. N. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat and Fetal Pig Versions. Eighth 
Edition Updates. Benjamin Cummings, 2006. 
Exercise 13: Articulations and Body Movements 
2. Marieb, E. N. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Main Version. Seventh Edition 
Update. Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
Exercise 13: Articulations and Body Movements 
Histology Slides for the Life Sciences 
Available through Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Pearson Education, Inc. To order, contact your 
local Benjamin Cummings sales representative. 
Slide 20 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Tendon. 
Slide 23 Hyaline Cartilage, Trachea. 
Slide 24 Fibrocartilage, Intervertebral Disk. 
Slide 46 Cartilage-Bone Junction, Toe Bone. 
Slide 47 Epiphyseal Plate of a Bone. 
Slide 72 Cross-section through the trachea showing psuedostratified ciliated epithelium, glands, and the 
supporting ring of hyaline cartilage. 
Lecture Hints 
1. Clearly distinguish between the two systems of joint classification (structural and functional). 
2. Point out the difference between the joint of the first rib and sternum in contrast to ribs 2–10. 
3. Emphasize that a muscle must cross a joint in order to cause movement. 
4. Compare and contrast the size and shape of the glenoid cavity and acetabulum. 
5. If only one synovial joint will be studied in detail, the best choice is the knee. 
6. Stress the relationship between the shape of the articular surfaces of a joint, and the types of 
movements that are possible at that joint. 
1. Audio-visual materials listed under Multimedia in the Classroom and Lab. 
2. Call on students to demonstrate the various types of body movements: abduction, adduction, flexion, 
extension, etc., occurring at specific joints (e.g., flex your knee, rotate your hand). 
3. Obtain an articulated skeleton to exhibit joints such as sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses, and others. 
4. Obtain a 3-D model of a joint, such as the knee, to illustrate the relationship of ligaments, cartilage, 
and muscle. A fresh beef knee joint could also be used. 
5. Obtain X rays of patients with gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. 
6. Obtain a video or request that a local orthopedic surgeon visit the class and describe the techniques 
and advantages of arthroscopic knee surgery. 
7. Obtain an X ray showing a prosthetic joint. 
Critical Thinking/Discussion Topics 
1. Why are diarthroses found predominantly in the limbs while synarthroses and amphiarthroses are 
found largely in the axial skeleton? 
2. What are the advantages of the shoulder joint being the most freely moving joint in the body? 
3. Cortisone shots can readily reduce swelling that occurs in joints, such as the shoulder and knee, 
following athletic injuries. Why is it dangerous for athletes to continue getting these shots? 
4. Physical therapists suggest various stretching exercises before proceeding with rigorous physical 
activity. Of what value are these exercises for the joint areas? 
5. What does it mean to be “double-jointed”?
6. Most people can “crack” their knuckles. What does this term mean and what effect, if any, will this 
have on the knuckles in the future? 
7. Bones appear to have numerous projections and protuberances. What do you suppose these are for? 
Library Research Topics 
1. Joints may often be injured during sports activities. What are the major joint injuries associated with 
football, basketball, baseball, and tennis? 
2. Congenital dislocation of the hip is an orthopedic defect in which the acetabulum is too shallow and as 
a result the head of the femur has poor articulation. What is the current treatment for this defect? 
3. The replacement of a damaged joint with an artificial one is becoming more common. Currently, 
which joints can be replaced? 
4. Temporomandibular joint disorders are very painful. What methods of treatment are there and how 
successful are they? How do these joint disorders arise? 
5. Much controversy surrounds the use of the drug dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Why is the FDA so 
reluctant to provide full approval of this drug for use on humans when it’s widely used for horses? 
6. Contact an orthopedic surgeon in your area for information and/or videos on arthroscopic surgery. 
7. Review the literature on the procedures and materials used for artificial joint replacements. 
8. Rheumatoid arthritis appears to be an autoimmune disease. What are the current methods of treatment 
and what is the future prognosis for this disease and its cure? 
9. What is the difference between the action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroidal anti-inflammatory 
drugs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 
Multimedia in the Classroom and Lab 
Online Resources for Students 
The following shows the organization of the Chapter Guide page in both the Anatomy & Physiology Place 
and MyA&P™. The Chapter Guide organizes all the chapter-specific online media resources for Chapter 
8 in one convenient location, with e-book links to each section of the textbook. Please note that both sites 
also give you access to other general A&P resources, like InterActive Physiology®, PhysioEx 6.0™, 
Anatomy 360°, Flashcards, a Glossary, a Histology Tutorial, and much more. 
Section 8.1 Classification of Joints (p. 253) 
Section 8.2 Fibrous Joints (pp. 253–254) 
Section 8.3 Cartilaginous Joints (p. 255) 
Section 8.4 Synovial Joints (pp. 255–272) 
Memory: Unique Movements 
Memory: Classification of Joints 
Section 8.5 Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints (pp. 272–274, 276) 
Case Study: Articulations 
Case Study: Craniosynotosis 
Section 8.6 Developmental Aspects of Joints (p. 276) 
Chapter Summary 
Self-Study Quizzes 
Art Labeling Quiz
Matching Quiz 
Multiple-Choice Quiz (Level I) 
Multiple-Choice Quiz (Level II) 
True-False Quiz 
Crossword Puzzles 
Crossword Puzzle 8.1 
Crossword Puzzle 8.2 
See Guide to Audio-Visual Resources in Appendix A for key to AV distributors. 
1. Arthroscopic Knee Surgery (FHS; 45 min., 1997). The physician presents the surgical procedure in 
detail. Each step is discussed, involving viewers in the medical and human drama. Bringing surgery 
procedures to the classroom setting provides a different perspective to understanding important 
2. Bones and Joints (FHS; 20 min.). From The New Living Body series. Contains live-action video 
showing the human body in action, up-to-date imaging, and three-dimensional computer graphics. 
Students can actually observe how the parts work together to provide movement. Illustrations of 
difficult concepts greatly help the students understand. This is an excellent supplement to classroom 
3. Movements at Joints of the Body (FHS; 40 min., 1997). This program, divided into three parts, 
demonstrates various body movements. The first part focuses on movement, the second part examines 
the actions of muscles, and the third part features a self-quiz. 
4. Moving Parts (FHS; 26 min.). This program looks at the coordination of activity and balancing 
mechanisms. Shows how muscles, joints, and organs link up, and demonstrates the role of joints. 
Increases students’ knowledge of how the parts of the body work together to produce movement. 
1. A.D.A.M.® Anatomy Practice (see p. 86 of this guide for full listing). 
2. A.D.A.M.® InterActive Anatomy® 4.0 (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 
3. A.D.A.M.® MediaPro (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 
4. Bodyworks (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 
5. The Interactive Hand (LP; Win/Mac, 1997). This CD-ROM details the physiological structure and 
functions of the human hand using 3-D modeling. It examines the bones, joints, blood supply, nerve 
supply, and more. 
6. The Ultimate Human Body (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 
Lecture Enhancement Material 
To view thumbnails of all of the illustrations for Chapter 8, see Appendix B. 
Transparencies Index/Media Manager 
Figure 8.1 Fibrous joints. 
Figure 8.2 Cartilaginous joints. 
Figure 8.3 General structure of a synovial joint. 
Figure 8.4 Friction-reducing structures: Bursae and tendon sheaths. 
Figure 8.5 Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.6 Special body movements. 
Figure 8.7 Types of synovial joints. 
Figure 8.8 Knee joint. 
Figure 8.9 A common knee injury. 
Figure 8.10 The elbow joint. 
Figure 8.11 The shoulder joint. 
Figure 8.12 The hip joint. 
Figure 8.13 The temporomandibular (jaw) joint. 
Figure 8.14 Arthroscopic photograph of a torn medial meniscus 
Figure 8.15 X ray of a hand deformed by rheumatoid arthritis. 
Table 8.1 Summary of Joint Classes 
Table 8.2 Structural and Functional Characteristics of Body Joints 
Table 8.2 Structural and Functional Characteristics of Body Joints 
A Closer Look Joints: From Knights in Shining Armor to Bionic Humans* 
*Indicates images that are on the Media Manager only. 
Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions 
Multiple Choice and Matching Question answers appear in Appendix G of the main text. 
Short Answer Essay Questions 
8. Joints are defined as sites where two or more bones meet. (p. 253) 
9. Freely moveable joints provide mobility; slightly moveable joints provide strength with limited 
flexibility; immovable joints provide strong support, secure enclosures, and protection. (p. 253) 
10. Bursae are synovial membrane-lined sacs that function to prevent friction, and are located where 
ligaments, muscles, skin, and/or muscle tendons overlie and rub against bone. In the latter case, the 
friction-reducing structures are called tendon sheaths. (p. 257) 
11. Nonaxial movements mean slipping movements only, uniaxial movements mean movement in one 
plane, biaxial movements mean movement in two planes, and multiaxial movements mean movement 
in or around all three planes and axes. (p. 259) 
12. Flexion and extension refer to decreasing or increasing the angle of a joint and bringing the two 
articulating bones together along the sagittal plane, while adduction and abduction refer to moving a 
limb closer to or away from the body midline along the frontal plane. (pp. 260–261) 
13. Rotation means to turn a bone around its own long axis, while circumduction means to move a limb so 
that it describes a cone in space, an action that involves a variety of movements. (p. 261) 
14. Uniaxial—hinge (elbow) and pivot (atlantoaxial and radioulnar); biaxial—condyloid (knuckle) and 
saddle (thumb); multiaxial—ball and socket (shoulder and hip). (p. 265) 
15. The knee menisci deepen the articulating surface of the tibia to prevent side-to-side rocking of the 
femur on the tibia and to absorb shock transmitted to the knee joint. The cruciate ligaments prevent 
anterior/posterior displacement of the articulating bone and help to secure the joint. (pp. 265–267) 
16. The knees must carry the total body weight and rely heavily on nonarticular factors for stability. The 
knees can absorb an upward force of great intensity; although they must also absorb direct blows and 
blows from the side, they are poorly designed to do so. (pp. 265–267) 
17. Cartilages and ligaments are poorly vascularized and tend to heal very slowly. (p. 272) 
18. Fibrous capsule: The fibrous capsule, composed of dense irregular connective tissue, is the external 
layer of the articular (joint) capsule, and strengthens the joint so that the bones are not pulled apart; 
synovial fluid: Synovial fluid occupies all free spaces within the joint capsule, including that within 
the articular cartilages, and serves to reduce friction between the cartilages. Synovial fluid also 
contains phagocyctic cells that rid the joint cavity of microbes or cellular debris; articular disc:
Articular discs are wedges of fibrocartilage that separate the articular surfaces of the bones, thereby 
improving the fit between articulating bone ends and making the joint more stable. (pp. 255–256) 
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 
1. Most likely bursitis of the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. It is a good guess that Sophie spends a good 
deal of time on her knees (perhaps scrubbing the floors). (p. 273) 
2. a. Not really. The shape of the articular surfaces is not as enclosed as other joints, and has a greater 
degree of flexibility due to the fact that three bones, not two, create the joint. Also, there are 
relatively few strong muscles and ligaments that cross this joint, compared to other joints, such as 
the hip or knee. (p. 257) 
b. Ligaments. 
c. Returning bones back to position without an incision. 
d. Sprains heal slowly and need repair to stabilize joint. 
e. The examination of a joint by means of an endoscope. 
f. Using arthroscopic surgery, only small incisions are needed instead of an open surgical wound. 
There is less chance of infection and healing is considerably faster. (p. 272) 
3. a. Probably gout, although it is more common in males. 
b. Caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals in soft tissues of joints. (p. 274) 
4. The vector for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is the deer tick, a very small tick carried by deer 
and other small mammals. (p. 276) 
5. When Tony’s mouth opened very wide, the mandibular condyle slid forward to the point that the joint 
dislocated. (p. 272) 
Suggested Readings 
Allman, W.F. “The Knee.” Science 83 (Nov. 1983). 
Fackelmann, K.A. “Chicken Cartilage Soothes Aching Joints.” Science News 144 (Sept. 1993): 198. 
Fackelmann, K.A. “The Nine-Month Arthritis Cure.” Science News 144 (Oct. 1993): 144. 
Germain, B.C. Anatomy of Movement. Eastland Press, 1993. 
Gunn, C. Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students. 3rd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. 
Kantor, F.S. “Disarming Lyme Disease.” Scientific American 271 (Sept. 1994): 34. 
Matsumoto, I., et al. “Arthritis Provoked by Linked T and B Cell Recognition of a Glycolytic Enzyme.” 
Science 286 (November 1999): 1732–1735. 
Mayor, M.B., and J. Collier. “The Technology of Hip Replacement.” Scientific American: Science 
and Medicine 1 (May/June 1994): 58–67. 
Seppa, N. “Peptide Puts Mouse Arthritis Out of Joint.” Science News 159 (18) (May 2001): 279. 
Terkeltaub, R.A. “Gout: Fresh Insights Into an Ancient Disease.” Scientific American: Science and 
Medicine 3 (July/Aug. 1996): 22. 
Wang, L. “Fat Harbors Cells That Could Aid Joints.” Science News 159 (9) (March 2001): 134.
Articular discs are wedges of fibrocartilage that separate the articular surfaces of the bones, thereby 
improving the fit between articulating bone ends and making the joint more stable. (pp. 255–256) 
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 
1. Most likely bursitis of the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. It is a good guess that Sophie spends a good 
deal of time on her knees (perhaps scrubbing the floors). (p. 273) 
2. a. Not really. The shape of the articular surfaces is not as enclosed as other joints, and has a greater 
degree of flexibility due to the fact that three bones, not two, create the joint. Also, there are 
relatively few strong muscles and ligaments that cross this joint, compared to other joints, such as 
the hip or knee. (p. 257) 
b. Ligaments. 
c. Returning bones back to position without an incision. 
d. Sprains heal slowly and need repair to stabilize joint. 
e. The examination of a joint by means of an endoscope. 
f. Using arthroscopic surgery, only small incisions are needed instead of an open surgical wound. 
There is less chance of infection and healing is considerably faster. (p. 272) 
3. a. Probably gout, although it is more common in males. 
b. Caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals in soft tissues of joints. (p. 274) 
4. The vector for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is the deer tick, a very small tick carried by deer 
and other small mammals. (p. 276) 
5. When Tony’s mouth opened very wide, the mandibular condyle slid forward to the point that the joint 
dislocated. (p. 272) 
Suggested Readings 
Allman, W.F. “The Knee.” Science 83 (Nov. 1983). 
Fackelmann, K.A. “Chicken Cartilage Soothes Aching Joints.” Science News 144 (Sept. 1993): 198. 
Fackelmann, K.A. “The Nine-Month Arthritis Cure.” Science News 144 (Oct. 1993): 144. 
Germain, B.C. Anatomy of Movement. Eastland Press, 1993. 
Gunn, C. Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students. 3rd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. 
Kantor, F.S. “Disarming Lyme Disease.” Scientific American 271 (Sept. 1994): 34. 
Matsumoto, I., et al. “Arthritis Provoked by Linked T and B Cell Recognition of a Glycolytic Enzyme.” 
Science 286 (November 1999): 1732–1735. 
Mayor, M.B., and J. Collier. “The Technology of Hip Replacement.” Scientific American: Science 
and Medicine 1 (May/June 1994): 58–67. 
Seppa, N. “Peptide Puts Mouse Arthritis Out of Joint.” Science News 159 (18) (May 2001): 279. 
Terkeltaub, R.A. “Gout: Fresh Insights Into an Ancient Disease.” Scientific American: Science and 
Medicine 3 (July/Aug. 1996): 22. 
Wang, L. “Fat Harbors Cells That Could Aid Joints.” Science News 159 (9) (March 2001): 134.

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08 inst guide

  • 1. 8: Joints Objectives Classification of Joints 1. Explain how joints are classified structurally and functionally. Fibrous Joints 2. Identify the three types of fibrous joints and give an example of each. Cartilaginous Joints 3. Indicate the three types of cartilaginous joints and give an example of each. Synovial Joints 4. Describe the general features of a synovial joint. 5. Define bursae and tendon sheaths. 6. Explain the three factors that influence the stability of a synovial joint. 7. Describe the movements allowed at synovial joints. 8. Examine the types of synovial joints. Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints 9. Describe what happens in sprains, cartilage injuries, and dislocations. 10. Identify the inflammatory and degenerative conditions that target joints. Developmental Aspects of Joints 11. Describe the fetal development of joints. 12. Explore the changes that occur to joints as one ages. Suggested Lecture Outline I. Introduction to Articulations (p. 253) A. Sites where two or more bones meet are called joints or articulations. B. Our joints give our skeleton mobility and hold it together. II. Classification of Joints (p. 253; Table 8.1) A. Structural classification focuses on the material binding the bones together and whether or not a joint cavity is present. 1. In fibrous joints the bones are joined together by fibrous tissue and lack a joint cavity. 2. In cartilaginous joints the bones are joined together by cartilage and they lack a joint cavity. 3. In synovial joints, the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity. B. Functional classification is based on the amount of movement allowed at the joint. 1. Synarthroses are immovable joints. 2. Amphiarthroses are slightly movable joints.
  • 2. 3. Diarthroses are freely movable joints. III. Fibrous Joints (pp. 253–254; Fig. 8.1; Tables 8.1–8.2) A. Sutures occur between bones of the skull and use very short connective tissue fibers to hold the bones together. B. In syndesmoses, the bones are connected by a ligament, which is a cord or band of fibrous tissue. C. A gomphosis is a peg-in-socket fibrous joint. IV. Cartilaginous Joints (p. 254; Fig. 8.2; Tables 8.1–8.2) A. Synchondroses involve a bar or plate of hyaline cartilage uniting the bones, such as the epiphyseal plate. B. In symphyses, such as the pubic symphysis, the articular surfaces are covered with articular cartilage that is then fused to an intervening pad or plate of fibrocartilage. V. Synovial Joints (pp. 255–272; Figs. 8.3–8.8, 8.10–8.13; Tables 8.1–8.2) A. The general structure of a synovial joint contains five distinguishing features. 1. Articular cartilage covers the ends of the articulating bones. 2. The joint (synovial) cavity is a space that is filled with synovial fluid. 3. The two-layered articular capsule encloses the joint cavity. 4. Synovial fluid is a viscous, slippery fluid that fills all free space within the joint cavity. 5. Reinforcing ligaments cross synovial joints to strengthen the joint. B. Bursae and tendon sheaths are bags of lubricant that reduce friction at synovial joints. C. Factors Influencing the Stability of Synovial Joints 1. The shapes of the articular surfaces of bones found at a synovial joint determine the movements that occur at the joint, but play a minimal role in stabilizing the joint. 2. Ligaments at a synovial joint prevent excessive or unwanted movements and help to stabilize the joint; the greater the number of ligaments at the joint the greater the stability. 3. Muscle tone keeps tendons crossing joints taut, which is the most important factor stabilizing joints. D. Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints 1. In gliding movements one flat, or nearly flat, bone surface glides or slips over another. 2. Angular movements increase or decrease the angle between two bones. a. Flexion decreases the angle of the joint and brings the articulating bones closer together. b. Extension increases the angle between the articulating bones. c. Dorsiflexion decreases the angle between the top of the foot (dorsal surface) and the anterior surface of the tibia. d. Plantar flexion decreases the angle between the sole of the foot (plantar surface) and the posterior side of the tibia. e. Abduction is the movement of a limb (or fingers) away from the midline body (or of the hand). f. Adduction is the movement of a limb (or fingers) toward the midline of the body (or the hand). g. Circumduction is moving a limb so that it describes a cone in the air. 3. Rotation is the turning of a bone along its own long axis. 4. Special Movements a. Supination is rotating the forearm laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly.
  • 3. b. Pronation is rotating the arm medially so that the palm faces posteriorly or inferiorly. c. Inversion turns the sole of the foot so that it faces medially. d. Eversion turns the sole of the foot so that it faces laterally. e. Protraction moves the mandible anteriorly, juts the jaw forward. f. Retraction returns the mandible to its original position. g. Elevation means lifting a body part superiorly. h. Depression means to move an elevated body part inferiorly. i. Opposition occurs when you touch your thumb to the fingers on the same hand. E. Types of Synovial Joints 1. Plane joints have flat articular surfaces and allow gliding and transitional movements. 2. Hinge joints consist of a cylindrical projection that nests in a trough-shaped structure, and allow movement along a single plane. 3. Pivot joints consist of a rounded structure that protrudes into a sleeve or ring, and allow uniaxial rotation of a bone around the long axis. 4. Condyloid, or ellipsoid, joints consist of an oval articular surface that nests in a complementary depression, and permit all angular movements. 5. Saddle joints consist of each articular surface bearing complementary concave and convex areas, and allow more freedom of movement than condyloid joints. 6. Ball-and-socket joints consist of a spherical or hemispherical structure that articulates with a cuplike structure. They are the most freely moving joints and allow multiaxial movements. F. Selected Synovial Joints 1. Knee Joint a. Enclosed in one joint cavity, the knee joint is actually three joints in one: the femoropatellar joint, the lateral and medial joints between the femoral condyles, and the menisci of the tibia, known collectively as the tibiofemoral joint. b. Many different types of ligaments stabilize and strengthen the capsule of the knee joint. c. The knee capsule is reinforced by muscle tendons such as the strong tendons of the quadriceps muscles and the tendon of the semimembranosus. 2. Elbow Joint a. The elbow joint provides a stable and smoothly operating hinge joint that allows flexion and extension only. b. The ligaments involved in providing stability to the elbow joint are the annular ligament, the ulnar collateral ligament, and the radial collateral ligament. c. Tendons of several arm muscles, the biceps and the triceps, also provide additional stability by crossing the elbow joint. 3. Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint a. Stability has been sacrificed to provide the most freely moving joint in the body. b. The ligaments that help to reinforce the shoulder joint are the coracohumeral ligament and the three glenohumeral ligaments. c. The tendons that cross the shoulder joint and provide the most stabilizing effect on the joint are the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii and the four tendons that make up the rotator cuff. 4. Hip (Coxal) Joint a. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that provides a good range of motion. b. Several strong ligaments reinforce the capsule of the hip joint.
  • 4. c. The muscle tendons that cross the joint contribute to the stability and strength of the joint, but the majority of the stability of the hip joint is due to the deep socket of the acetabulum and the ligaments. 5. Temporomandibular Joint a. The temporomandibular joint allows both hinge-like movement and side-to-side lateral excursion. b. The joint contains an articular disc that divides the synovial cavity into compartments that support each type of movement. c. The lateral aspect of the fibrous capsule contains a lateral ligament that reinforces the joint. VI. Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints (pp. 272–275; Figs. 8.9, 8.13–8.14) A. Common Joint Injuries (pp. 272–273; Figs. 8.9, 8.13) 1. Sprains and dislocations are the most common joint injuries. B. Inflammatory and Degenerative Conditions (pp. 272–276; Fig. 8.14) 1. Bursitis, an inflammation of the bursa, is usually caused by a blow or friction; tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, and is usually caused by overuse. 2. Arthritis describes many inflammatory or degenerative diseases that damage the joints, resulting in pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joint. a. Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic arthritis. It is the result of breakdown of articular cartilage and subsequent thickening of bone tissue, which may restrict joint movement. b. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that is an autoimmune disease. c. Gouty arthritis results when uric acid is deposited in the soft tissues of the joints. VII. Developmental Aspects of Joints (p. 276) A. Joints develop at the same time as bones, resembling adult form by eight weeks gestation. B. At late middle age and beyond, ligaments and tendons shorten and weaken, intervertebral discs become more likely to herniate, and there is onset of osteoarthritis. Cross References Additional information on topics covered in Chapter 8 can be found in the chapters listed below. 1. Chapter 1: Planes of the body 2. Chapter 4: Ligaments and tendons (dense connective tissue); hyaline cartilage; fibrocartilage 3. Chapter 6: Epiphyseal plate; articular cartilage; periosteum 4. Chapter 7: Intervertebral discs; stability/flexibility of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle 5. Chapter 10: Role of synovial joints in the movement of the body 6. Chapter 23: Periodontal ligament Laboratory Correlations 1. Marieb, E. N. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat and Fetal Pig Versions. Eighth Edition Updates. Benjamin Cummings, 2006. Exercise 13: Articulations and Body Movements 2. Marieb, E. N. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Main Version. Seventh Edition Update. Benjamin Cummings, 2006.
  • 5. Exercise 13: Articulations and Body Movements Histology Slides for the Life Sciences Available through Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Pearson Education, Inc. To order, contact your local Benjamin Cummings sales representative. Slide 20 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Tendon. Slide 23 Hyaline Cartilage, Trachea. Slide 24 Fibrocartilage, Intervertebral Disk. Slide 46 Cartilage-Bone Junction, Toe Bone. Slide 47 Epiphyseal Plate of a Bone. Slide 72 Cross-section through the trachea showing psuedostratified ciliated epithelium, glands, and the supporting ring of hyaline cartilage. Lecture Hints 1. Clearly distinguish between the two systems of joint classification (structural and functional). 2. Point out the difference between the joint of the first rib and sternum in contrast to ribs 2–10. 3. Emphasize that a muscle must cross a joint in order to cause movement. 4. Compare and contrast the size and shape of the glenoid cavity and acetabulum. 5. If only one synovial joint will be studied in detail, the best choice is the knee. 6. Stress the relationship between the shape of the articular surfaces of a joint, and the types of movements that are possible at that joint. Activities/Demonstrations 1. Audio-visual materials listed under Multimedia in the Classroom and Lab. 2. Call on students to demonstrate the various types of body movements: abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, etc., occurring at specific joints (e.g., flex your knee, rotate your hand). 3. Obtain an articulated skeleton to exhibit joints such as sutures, syndesmoses, gomphoses, and others. 4. Obtain a 3-D model of a joint, such as the knee, to illustrate the relationship of ligaments, cartilage, and muscle. A fresh beef knee joint could also be used. 5. Obtain X rays of patients with gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. 6. Obtain a video or request that a local orthopedic surgeon visit the class and describe the techniques and advantages of arthroscopic knee surgery. 7. Obtain an X ray showing a prosthetic joint. Critical Thinking/Discussion Topics 1. Why are diarthroses found predominantly in the limbs while synarthroses and amphiarthroses are found largely in the axial skeleton? 2. What are the advantages of the shoulder joint being the most freely moving joint in the body? 3. Cortisone shots can readily reduce swelling that occurs in joints, such as the shoulder and knee, following athletic injuries. Why is it dangerous for athletes to continue getting these shots? 4. Physical therapists suggest various stretching exercises before proceeding with rigorous physical activity. Of what value are these exercises for the joint areas? 5. What does it mean to be “double-jointed”?
  • 6. 6. Most people can “crack” their knuckles. What does this term mean and what effect, if any, will this have on the knuckles in the future? 7. Bones appear to have numerous projections and protuberances. What do you suppose these are for? Library Research Topics 1. Joints may often be injured during sports activities. What are the major joint injuries associated with football, basketball, baseball, and tennis? 2. Congenital dislocation of the hip is an orthopedic defect in which the acetabulum is too shallow and as a result the head of the femur has poor articulation. What is the current treatment for this defect? 3. The replacement of a damaged joint with an artificial one is becoming more common. Currently, which joints can be replaced? 4. Temporomandibular joint disorders are very painful. What methods of treatment are there and how successful are they? How do these joint disorders arise? 5. Much controversy surrounds the use of the drug dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Why is the FDA so reluctant to provide full approval of this drug for use on humans when it’s widely used for horses? 6. Contact an orthopedic surgeon in your area for information and/or videos on arthroscopic surgery. 7. Review the literature on the procedures and materials used for artificial joint replacements. 8. Rheumatoid arthritis appears to be an autoimmune disease. What are the current methods of treatment and what is the future prognosis for this disease and its cure? 9. What is the difference between the action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Multimedia in the Classroom and Lab Online Resources for Students The following shows the organization of the Chapter Guide page in both the Anatomy & Physiology Place and MyA&P™. The Chapter Guide organizes all the chapter-specific online media resources for Chapter 8 in one convenient location, with e-book links to each section of the textbook. Please note that both sites also give you access to other general A&P resources, like InterActive Physiology®, PhysioEx 6.0™, Anatomy 360°, Flashcards, a Glossary, a Histology Tutorial, and much more. Objectives Section 8.1 Classification of Joints (p. 253) Section 8.2 Fibrous Joints (pp. 253–254) Section 8.3 Cartilaginous Joints (p. 255) Section 8.4 Synovial Joints (pp. 255–272) Memory: Unique Movements Memory: Classification of Joints Section 8.5 Homeostatic Imbalances of Joints (pp. 272–274, 276) Case Study: Articulations Case Study: Craniosynotosis Section 8.6 Developmental Aspects of Joints (p. 276) Chapter Summary Self-Study Quizzes Art Labeling Quiz
  • 7. Matching Quiz Multiple-Choice Quiz (Level I) Multiple-Choice Quiz (Level II) True-False Quiz Crossword Puzzles Crossword Puzzle 8.1 Crossword Puzzle 8.2 Media See Guide to Audio-Visual Resources in Appendix A for key to AV distributors. Video 1. Arthroscopic Knee Surgery (FHS; 45 min., 1997). The physician presents the surgical procedure in detail. Each step is discussed, involving viewers in the medical and human drama. Bringing surgery procedures to the classroom setting provides a different perspective to understanding important concepts. 2. Bones and Joints (FHS; 20 min.). From The New Living Body series. Contains live-action video showing the human body in action, up-to-date imaging, and three-dimensional computer graphics. Students can actually observe how the parts work together to provide movement. Illustrations of difficult concepts greatly help the students understand. This is an excellent supplement to classroom presentation. 3. Movements at Joints of the Body (FHS; 40 min., 1997). This program, divided into three parts, demonstrates various body movements. The first part focuses on movement, the second part examines the actions of muscles, and the third part features a self-quiz. 4. Moving Parts (FHS; 26 min.). This program looks at the coordination of activity and balancing mechanisms. Shows how muscles, joints, and organs link up, and demonstrates the role of joints. Increases students’ knowledge of how the parts of the body work together to produce movement. Software 1. A.D.A.M.® Anatomy Practice (see p. 86 of this guide for full listing). 2. A.D.A.M.® InterActive Anatomy® 4.0 (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 3. A.D.A.M.® MediaPro (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 4. Bodyworks (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). 5. The Interactive Hand (LP; Win/Mac, 1997). This CD-ROM details the physiological structure and functions of the human hand using 3-D modeling. It examines the bones, joints, blood supply, nerve supply, and more. 6. The Ultimate Human Body (see p. 9 of this guide for full listing). Lecture Enhancement Material To view thumbnails of all of the illustrations for Chapter 8, see Appendix B. Transparencies Index/Media Manager Figure 8.1 Fibrous joints. Figure 8.2 Cartilaginous joints. Figure 8.3 General structure of a synovial joint. Figure 8.4 Friction-reducing structures: Bursae and tendon sheaths. Figure 8.5 Movements allowed by synovial joints.
  • 8. Figure 8.6 Special body movements. Figure 8.7 Types of synovial joints. Figure 8.8 Knee joint. Figure 8.9 A common knee injury. Figure 8.10 The elbow joint. Figure 8.11 The shoulder joint. Figure 8.12 The hip joint. Figure 8.13 The temporomandibular (jaw) joint. Figure 8.14 Arthroscopic photograph of a torn medial meniscus Figure 8.15 X ray of a hand deformed by rheumatoid arthritis. Table 8.1 Summary of Joint Classes Table 8.2 Structural and Functional Characteristics of Body Joints Table 8.2 Structural and Functional Characteristics of Body Joints A Closer Look Joints: From Knights in Shining Armor to Bionic Humans* *Indicates images that are on the Media Manager only. Answers to End-of-Chapter Questions Multiple Choice and Matching Question answers appear in Appendix G of the main text. Short Answer Essay Questions 8. Joints are defined as sites where two or more bones meet. (p. 253) 9. Freely moveable joints provide mobility; slightly moveable joints provide strength with limited flexibility; immovable joints provide strong support, secure enclosures, and protection. (p. 253) 10. Bursae are synovial membrane-lined sacs that function to prevent friction, and are located where ligaments, muscles, skin, and/or muscle tendons overlie and rub against bone. In the latter case, the friction-reducing structures are called tendon sheaths. (p. 257) 11. Nonaxial movements mean slipping movements only, uniaxial movements mean movement in one plane, biaxial movements mean movement in two planes, and multiaxial movements mean movement in or around all three planes and axes. (p. 259) 12. Flexion and extension refer to decreasing or increasing the angle of a joint and bringing the two articulating bones together along the sagittal plane, while adduction and abduction refer to moving a limb closer to or away from the body midline along the frontal plane. (pp. 260–261) 13. Rotation means to turn a bone around its own long axis, while circumduction means to move a limb so that it describes a cone in space, an action that involves a variety of movements. (p. 261) 14. Uniaxial—hinge (elbow) and pivot (atlantoaxial and radioulnar); biaxial—condyloid (knuckle) and saddle (thumb); multiaxial—ball and socket (shoulder and hip). (p. 265) 15. The knee menisci deepen the articulating surface of the tibia to prevent side-to-side rocking of the femur on the tibia and to absorb shock transmitted to the knee joint. The cruciate ligaments prevent anterior/posterior displacement of the articulating bone and help to secure the joint. (pp. 265–267) 16. The knees must carry the total body weight and rely heavily on nonarticular factors for stability. The knees can absorb an upward force of great intensity; although they must also absorb direct blows and blows from the side, they are poorly designed to do so. (pp. 265–267) 17. Cartilages and ligaments are poorly vascularized and tend to heal very slowly. (p. 272) 18. Fibrous capsule: The fibrous capsule, composed of dense irregular connective tissue, is the external layer of the articular (joint) capsule, and strengthens the joint so that the bones are not pulled apart; synovial fluid: Synovial fluid occupies all free spaces within the joint capsule, including that within the articular cartilages, and serves to reduce friction between the cartilages. Synovial fluid also contains phagocyctic cells that rid the joint cavity of microbes or cellular debris; articular disc:
  • 9. Articular discs are wedges of fibrocartilage that separate the articular surfaces of the bones, thereby improving the fit between articulating bone ends and making the joint more stable. (pp. 255–256) Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 1. Most likely bursitis of the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. It is a good guess that Sophie spends a good deal of time on her knees (perhaps scrubbing the floors). (p. 273) 2. a. Not really. The shape of the articular surfaces is not as enclosed as other joints, and has a greater degree of flexibility due to the fact that three bones, not two, create the joint. Also, there are relatively few strong muscles and ligaments that cross this joint, compared to other joints, such as the hip or knee. (p. 257) b. Ligaments. c. Returning bones back to position without an incision. d. Sprains heal slowly and need repair to stabilize joint. e. The examination of a joint by means of an endoscope. f. Using arthroscopic surgery, only small incisions are needed instead of an open surgical wound. There is less chance of infection and healing is considerably faster. (p. 272) 3. a. Probably gout, although it is more common in males. b. Caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals in soft tissues of joints. (p. 274) 4. The vector for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is the deer tick, a very small tick carried by deer and other small mammals. (p. 276) 5. When Tony’s mouth opened very wide, the mandibular condyle slid forward to the point that the joint dislocated. (p. 272) Suggested Readings Allman, W.F. “The Knee.” Science 83 (Nov. 1983). Fackelmann, K.A. “Chicken Cartilage Soothes Aching Joints.” Science News 144 (Sept. 1993): 198. Fackelmann, K.A. “The Nine-Month Arthritis Cure.” Science News 144 (Oct. 1993): 144. Germain, B.C. Anatomy of Movement. Eastland Press, 1993. Gunn, C. Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students. 3rd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. Kantor, F.S. “Disarming Lyme Disease.” Scientific American 271 (Sept. 1994): 34. Matsumoto, I., et al. “Arthritis Provoked by Linked T and B Cell Recognition of a Glycolytic Enzyme.” Science 286 (November 1999): 1732–1735. Mayor, M.B., and J. Collier. “The Technology of Hip Replacement.” Scientific American: Science and Medicine 1 (May/June 1994): 58–67. Seppa, N. “Peptide Puts Mouse Arthritis Out of Joint.” Science News 159 (18) (May 2001): 279. Terkeltaub, R.A. “Gout: Fresh Insights Into an Ancient Disease.” Scientific American: Science and Medicine 3 (July/Aug. 1996): 22. Wang, L. “Fat Harbors Cells That Could Aid Joints.” Science News 159 (9) (March 2001): 134.
  • 10. Articular discs are wedges of fibrocartilage that separate the articular surfaces of the bones, thereby improving the fit between articulating bone ends and making the joint more stable. (pp. 255–256) Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 1. Most likely bursitis of the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa. It is a good guess that Sophie spends a good deal of time on her knees (perhaps scrubbing the floors). (p. 273) 2. a. Not really. The shape of the articular surfaces is not as enclosed as other joints, and has a greater degree of flexibility due to the fact that three bones, not two, create the joint. Also, there are relatively few strong muscles and ligaments that cross this joint, compared to other joints, such as the hip or knee. (p. 257) b. Ligaments. c. Returning bones back to position without an incision. d. Sprains heal slowly and need repair to stabilize joint. e. The examination of a joint by means of an endoscope. f. Using arthroscopic surgery, only small incisions are needed instead of an open surgical wound. There is less chance of infection and healing is considerably faster. (p. 272) 3. a. Probably gout, although it is more common in males. b. Caused by a deposition of uric acid crystals in soft tissues of joints. (p. 274) 4. The vector for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is the deer tick, a very small tick carried by deer and other small mammals. (p. 276) 5. When Tony’s mouth opened very wide, the mandibular condyle slid forward to the point that the joint dislocated. (p. 272) Suggested Readings Allman, W.F. “The Knee.” Science 83 (Nov. 1983). Fackelmann, K.A. “Chicken Cartilage Soothes Aching Joints.” Science News 144 (Sept. 1993): 198. Fackelmann, K.A. “The Nine-Month Arthritis Cure.” Science News 144 (Oct. 1993): 144. Germain, B.C. Anatomy of Movement. Eastland Press, 1993. Gunn, C. Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students. 3rd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. Kantor, F.S. “Disarming Lyme Disease.” Scientific American 271 (Sept. 1994): 34. Matsumoto, I., et al. “Arthritis Provoked by Linked T and B Cell Recognition of a Glycolytic Enzyme.” Science 286 (November 1999): 1732–1735. Mayor, M.B., and J. Collier. “The Technology of Hip Replacement.” Scientific American: Science and Medicine 1 (May/June 1994): 58–67. Seppa, N. “Peptide Puts Mouse Arthritis Out of Joint.” Science News 159 (18) (May 2001): 279. Terkeltaub, R.A. “Gout: Fresh Insights Into an Ancient Disease.” Scientific American: Science and Medicine 3 (July/Aug. 1996): 22. Wang, L. “Fat Harbors Cells That Could Aid Joints.” Science News 159 (9) (March 2001): 134.