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The Art of Mesopotamia
and Egypt
In Art: A Brief History, 2nd ed. (2004) by
Marilyn Stokstad


• Tigris and Euphrates
• Agriculture: basis of
• Kingship: government
• Religion: central role in
government and daily life
• Few natural defenses
• Repeated invasions and
internal conflicts

• Nile
• Agricultures: basis of
• Kingship: government
• Religion: central role in
government and daily life
• Mountains and deserts
• Remained a unified state
for some 3,000 years


• Pictographs – simple
pictures that represent a
thing or concept
• Phonograms –
representations of the
sounds of syllables
• Cuneiform – Latin
“wedge-shaped;” named
after the shape of the
marks made by the stylus

• Hieroglyphs – earliest
Egyptian writing system
which employed symbols
• Hieratic writing –
shorthand version of
• Demotic writing – 18th C;
from demos, “the people;”
less formal and easy to
Symbols evolved from pictures into phonograms thus
becoming a true writing system.
Used in combinations, such phonogramic hieroglyphs were
especially useful in rendering foreign names.
• Means “between the rivers”
• Developed around 3500 BCE into
independently governed city-states
• Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians,
Mesopotamia: Sumerians
• Invented the wagon wheel and the plow
• First to cast objects in copper and bronze
• Invented a system of writing, cuneiform,
between 3300 and 3000 BCE
• Ziggurat – stepped pyramidal structures
with a temple or shrine on top
Anu Ziggurat and White Temple
The Anu Ziggurat, Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq). c. 3100 BC.
This was built up in stages over centuries, rising to a height
of about 40 feet. (reconstruction drawing)
Cone Mosaics
A decoration invented at Uruk. This decorates the courtyards
and interior walls of the Inanna and the Anu Compounds.
Carved Vase
From Uruk. c. 3500-3000 BCE. Alabaster, height 91
cm. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Design shows the
ritual marriage between the goddess and a human.
Nanna Ziggurat
Located in Ur (modern Muqaiyir, Iraq), c. 2100-2050 BCE. A
mud-brick ziggurat dedicated to the moon god Nanna.
Mesopotamia: Sumerians
• Sculpture was associated with religion
• Large statues were commonly placed in
temples as objects of devotion
• Votive figures – small statues that
individual worshippers identified as
portraits of themselves
Votive Statues
From the Square Temple Eshunna (modern Tell Amar, Iraq),
c. 2900-2600 BCE. Limestone alabaster, and gypsum, height
of largest figure approx. 76.3 cm. The Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago; Iraq Museum, Baghdad.
Bull Lyre
From the tomb of Queen Pu-abi, Ur (modern
Muqaiyar, Iraq), c. 2680 BCE. Wood with gold,
lapis lazuli, and shell, reassembled in modern
wood support. University Museum, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Mythological Figures
Detail of the sound box of the bull lyre from the tomb
of Queen Pu-abi, Ur (modern Muqaiyir, Iraq), c.
2680 BCE. Wood with shell inlay, 31.1x11cm.
University Museum, University of Pennsylvania,
The top and the bottom registers – bands – seem to
illustrate scenes that are found in the epic of
Gilgamesh, a 3,000-line Sumerian epic poem.
Mesopotamia: Sumerians
• Developed flat stamps and more elaborate
cylinder-form seals for securing and
identifying documents and signaling
property ownership
• Cylinder seals – usually less than 2
inches high; made of hard and/or semiprecious stones with designs incised into
the surface
Cylinder Seal
From Sumer and its impression, c. 2500 BCE. Marble, height
approx. 4.5 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
(Gift of Walter Hauser, 1955)
Mesopotamia: Akkadians
• Warring invaders who settled the area
north of Uruk (near modern Baghdad)
• Spoke a Semitic language
• Sargon I – ruled c. 2332-2279 BCE;
powerful military and political figure;
conquered Sumerian cities
• Akkadian empire fell around 2180 BCE to
the Guti
Stela of Naramsin
c. 2254-2218 BCE. Limestone, height 1.98m.
Musée du Louvre, Paris. Commemorates a
military victory of Naramsin, Sargon’s grandson
and successor.
Stela means upright stone slab.
Votive Statue of Gudea
From Lagash (modern Telloh, Iraq), c. 2120
BCE. Diorite, height 73.7cm. Musée du Louvre,
The cuneiform inscription on the statue relates
that Gudea dedicated himself, the sculpture, and
the temple in which the sculpture resided to the
goddess Geshtinanna, the divine poet and
interpreter of dreams.
Mesopotamia: Babylonians
• Amorites, a Semitic-speaking people from
the Arabian Desert, reunited Sumer under
Hammurabi (ruled 1729-1750 BCE)
• Babylon – capital city
• Written legal code that recorded laws and
Stela of Hammurabi
From Susa (modern Shush, Iran), c. 1792-1750
BCE. Basalt, height of stela approx. 2.13m, height
of relief 71.1cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
This contains the written legal code. Most of the
three hundred entries deal with commercial and
property matters. Only sixty-eight relate to domestic
problems, and a mere twenty deal with physical
assault. Punishments depended on the gender and
social standing of the offender.
Stela of
In the introductory section of
the stela’s long cuneiform
inscription, Hammurabi
declared that with this code of
law he intended “to cause
justice to prevail in the land
and to destroy the wicked and
the evil, that the strong might
not oppress the weak nor the
weak the strong.”
Mesopotamia: Assyrians
• Rose to dominance in 1400 BCE and
controlled most of Mesopotamia by the
end of the 9th century BCE
• Early 7th century BCE: extended their
influence as far west as Egypt
• Adopted the ziggurat and preserved the
Sumerian texts
• Built fortified cities and vast palaces
Human-Headed Winged
Lion (Lamassu)
From the palace of Assurnasirpal II, Nimrud.
883-859 BCE. Limestone, height 3.11m.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
(Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1932)
Assurbanipal and His Queen in the
From the palace at Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik, Iraq), c. 647
BCE. Alabaster, height approx. 53.3cm. The British
Museum, London.
Mesopotamia: Assyrians
• Assurbanipal – powerful Assyrian king
ruled 669-c. 627 BCE)
• After his reign, the empire collapsed by
600 BCE
• Mesopotamia was absorbed by the
Persian Empire under Cyrus II (ruled 559530 BCE)
• Fertile valley and delta of the Nile
• Predynastic period – 4500-3300 BCE;
Egypt was unified under a succession of
powerful families or dynasties
• Manetho – Egyptian priest and historian;
drew up a list of rulers in the third century
Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom
• Egypt became a consolidated state along
the banks of the Nile River
• Evolved along into Upper Egypt (south)
and Lower Egypt (north)
• King-god Menes – merged the lands into
a single kingdom (King Narmer, Dynasty
1, ruled c. 3150-3125 BCE)
Palette of Narmer
From Hierakonpolis Dynasty 1, c. 3150-3125 BCE. Slate,
height 63.5cm. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. This may have
been a votive offering.
Early Dynastic & Old kingdom
• Conventions of Egyptian Painting and
relief sculpture (dignitaries):
(1) heads are shown in profile to best
capture the subject’s identifying feature
(2) eyes are rendered in frontal view
(3) shoulders are represented frontally
(4) hips, legs and feet are drawn in profile

• Persons of lesser social rank are
represented more naturalistically
Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom
• Central to ancient Egyptian belief was the
idea that every human being had a life
force – the ka or spirit. The ka lived on
after the death of the body, forever
engaged in the activities it had enjoyed
during his earthly existence.
• Ka statues, and elaborate funerary rites
and tombs filled with supplies and
Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom
• Mastaba – most common type of tomb
structure; a flat-topped, one-story building
with slanted walls erected above an
underground burial chamber
• Necropolis – a city of the dead; at the
edge of the desert on the west bank of the
Stepped Pyramid of Djoser
Saqqara, Limestone, height 62m. This is the earliest truly
monumental architecture in Egypt.
Plan of Djoser’s Funerary Complex
Saqqara. Dynasty 3, c. 2681-2662 BCE. The designer of the
complex, a man called Imhotep, laid out Djoser’s tomb as a stepped
pyramid consisting of six mastabalike elements placed on top of each
other, and originally covered with a limestone facing, or veneer.
Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom
• Characteristics of 3D-sculptures:
(1) lifelike figures
(2) rigidly frontal, simple conceptions
(3) rectilinear and block-like
(4) figures mostly stands in a typical
Egyptian balanced pose with one foot in front of
the other, arms straight on the side, fist clenched
From Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2570-2544 BCE.
Diorite, height 1.68m. Egyptian Museum,
An over-lifesize statue of the Old Kingdom,
the Dynasty 4 King Khafre (ruled c. 25702544 BCE), represents the ruler enthroned
and protected by the falcon-god Horus.
Menkaure and His Wife,
Queen Khamerernebty
From Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2515 BCE.
Graywacke with traces of red and black
paint, height 142.3cm. Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston (Harvard University-MFA Expedition)
The Red Pyramid
Dahshur, height 104m. This is the first true pyramid, and
was built by Pharaoh Sneferu. This is believed to be the final
resting place of “Sneferu the Great Pyramid Builder.”
Great Pyramids
Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2601-2515 BCE. Erected by Menkaure,
Khafre (Chephren) and Khufu (Cheops). Granite and
limestone, height of pyramid of Khufu 137m.
Plan of
at Giza
Ti Watching a
Hippopotamus Hunt
Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. Dynasty 5, c.
2510-2460 BCE. Painted limestone
relief, height approx. 114.3cm.
The relief forms part of the
decoration of a mastaba tomb
discovered by the French
archeologist Auguste Mariette in
The hunt depicted on the relief had
symbolic value.
The Middle Kingdom
• Political authority became less centralized
• The grid pattern became the first rational
city plan
• Subdivided into lots for houses which
indicates three distinct economic and
social levels within the population:
(1) governmental and ceremonial center
(2) the quarter with large dwellings
(3) large district of smaller mud-brick homes
The Middle Kingdom
• During Dynasties 11 and 12, wealthy
members of the nobility and high-level
officials commissioned labor-intensive
rock-cut tombs that proclaimed their status
• Artists are admired and respected
• The patron’s and the artist’s desire for
clarity permeates Egyptian art
Harvest Scene
Tempera facsimile by Nina de Garis Davies of a wall painting in the
tomb of Khnumhotep, Beni Hasan. Dynasty 12, c. 1928-1895 BCE.
The farm workers are shown with their shoulders in profile, not in the
unnatural pose prescribed for royalty.
Pectoral with the name of Senwosret II
From el-Lahun. Dynasty 12, c. 1895-1878 BCE. Detail of a
necklace. Gold and semi-precious stones, length 8.3cm. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Purchase, Rogers Fund
and Henry Walters Gift, 1916.
The New Kingdom
• Egypt prospered both politically and
• Tuthmose III – the most dynamic king of
Dynasty 18; ruled 1479-1425 BCE;
extended Egypt’s influence along the
eastern Mediterranean coast; first ruler to
refer to himself as pharaoh (“great
• Extensive building programs along the Nile
Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut
Deir el-Bahri. Dynasty 18, c. 1478-1458 BCE. At the far left
are the ramp and base of the funerary temple of Mentuhotep
I. Dynasty 11, c. 2009-1997 BCE.
Plan of the funerary temple of Hatshepsut
Deir el-Bahri. Hatshepsut’s temple was constructed on three levels,
which were connected by ramps and adorned with rows of columns,
or colonnades. The temple’s innermost sanctuary was cut deep into
the cliff in the manner of Middle Kingdom rock-cut tombs.
Great Temple of Amun Karnak
Dynasty 19, c. 1294-1212 BCE. Access to the heart of the
temple, a sanctuary containing the statue of Amun, was
through a series of pylons and courtyards.
Plan of the Great
Temple of Amun
New Kingdom
Hypostyle hall
Great Temple of Amun Karnak. Hypostyle hall is a vast
column-filled space. This is the principal structure of the
Pylon of
Ramesses II
Temple of Amun, Mut and
Khonsu, Luxor. Dynasty 19,
c. 1279-1212 BCE.
Pylon of Ramesses II
Two colossal statues of Ramesses and a pair of obelisks
stood in front of his pylon.
Making an
Offering to
Wall painting in the tomb of Nefertari, Valley of Queens near Deir el-Bahri.
Dynasty 19, c. 1279-1212 BCE. (J. Paul Getty Trust, 1991)
The New Kingdom
• Amenhotep IV – Dynasty 18, 1352-c.
1348 BCE; founded a new religion
demanding a belief in a single god, the
life-giving sun disk Aten; changed his
name to Akhenaten (“one who is effective
on behalf of Aten”)
Akhenaten and His Family
From Akhetaten (modern Tell el-Amarna). Dynasty 18, 13481336/5 BCE. Painted limestone relief, 31.1x38.7cm.
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz,
Ägyptisches Museum.
Queen Tiy
From Kom Mendinet Ghurab
(near el-Lahun). Dynasty 18,
c. 1390-1352 BCE. Boxwood,
ebony, glass, gold, lapis lazuli,
cloth, clay, and wax. Height
9.4cm. Staatliche Museen zu
Berlin, Preussischer
Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches
“The Woman who Knows”
From Akhetaten (modern
Tell el-Amarna) dynasty
18, c. 1348-1336/5 BCE.
Limestone, height 51cm.
Staatliche Museen zu
Berlin, Preussischer
Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches
She is sometimes called
“The lady of the two lands,”
“Fair of Face,” “Mistress of
Happiness,” and “Endowed
with Favors.”
The New Kingdom
• Tutankhaten – ruled 1336/35-1327 BCE;
returned to all traditional religious beliefs;
changed his name to Tutankhamun
(“Living Image of Amun”)
• He died at a young age and was buried in
the Valley of the Kings near Thebes. His
tomb was discovered in 1922 containing
amazing treasures.
Inner coffin of Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus
From the tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings. Dynasty 18,
1336/5-1327 BCE. Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones,
height 1.85m. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
In November 1922, English archeologist Howard Carter discovered the
entrance to the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
Funerary mask of
This is as it appears today. Gold inlaid
with glass and semiprecious stones,
height 54cm. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
In this image, Egyptian artists
emphasized clarity of line in color,
simplified forms, and the reduction of
nature to elemental geometric shapes,
thus establishing an unsurpassed
standard of technical and aesthetic
The New Kingdom
• Egyptian funerary practices revolved
around Osiris, his resurrection, and a
belief in the continuity of life after death by
Egyptians of all ranks.
• These beliefs gave rise to additional
funerary practices popular among nonroyal classes. Family members
commissioned papyrus scrolls containing
magical texts or spells to help the dead.
Judgment before Osiris
Illustration from a Book of the Dead. Dynasty 19, c. 1285
BCE. Painted papyrus, height 39.8cm. The British Museum,
The Late Period
• C. 747-332 BCE
• Saw the country and its arts in the hands
and service of foreigners
• Piye – Nubian leader from the Kingdom of
Kush conquered Egypt and established
capitals at Memphis and Thebes
• The Nubians adopted Egyptian religious
practices and architectural forms.
Sphinx of Taharqo
From Temple T, Kawa, Nubia. Dynasty 25, c. 690664 BCE. Height 74.7 cm. The British Museum,
The Late Period
• The Nubians were followed by Assyrians,
Persians, and Macedonians until the
Ptolemies regained control of Egypt after
the death of Alexander the Great in 323
• In 30 BCE the last Egyptian ruler,
Cleopatra VII, dies a suicide and the
Romans added Egypt to their empire.
The Middle Kingdom
Inscription on the tombstone of a Middle
Kingdom Sculptor:
“I am an artist who excels in my art, a man
above the common herd in knowledge. I know
the proper attitude for a statue [of a man]; I know
how a woman holds herself, [and how] a
spearman lifts his arm…. There is no man
famous for this knowledge other than myself and
my eldest son”

(cited in Montet, page 159)
• Remove brain
• Empty body of internal organs
• Soak body and internal organs in “vat of
natron” for more than one month
• Retrieve body → dry → dye
• Body cavity packed with clean linen
• Wrap major organs separately
• Wrap body; limb first

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04 the art of mesopotamia and egypt

  • 1. The Art of Mesopotamia and Egypt In Art: A Brief History, 2nd ed. (2004) by Marilyn Stokstad
  • 3. Introduction Mesopotamia Egypt • Tigris and Euphrates • Agriculture: basis of wealth • Kingship: government • Religion: central role in government and daily life • Few natural defenses • Repeated invasions and internal conflicts • Nile • Agricultures: basis of wealth • Kingship: government • Religion: central role in government and daily life • Mountains and deserts • Remained a unified state for some 3,000 years
  • 4. Introduction Mesopotamia Egypt • Pictographs – simple pictures that represent a thing or concept • Phonograms – representations of the sounds of syllables • Cuneiform – Latin “wedge-shaped;” named after the shape of the marks made by the stylus • Hieroglyphs – earliest Egyptian writing system which employed symbols • Hieratic writing – shorthand version of hieroglyphs • Demotic writing – 18th C; from demos, “the people;” less formal and easy to master
  • 5. Cuneiform Symbols evolved from pictures into phonograms thus becoming a true writing system.
  • 6. Hieroglyphs Used in combinations, such phonogramic hieroglyphs were especially useful in rendering foreign names.
  • 8. Mesopotamia • Means “between the rivers” • Developed around 3500 BCE into independently governed city-states • Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians
  • 9. Mesopotamia: Sumerians • Invented the wagon wheel and the plow • First to cast objects in copper and bronze • Invented a system of writing, cuneiform, between 3300 and 3000 BCE • Ziggurat – stepped pyramidal structures with a temple or shrine on top
  • 10. Anu Ziggurat and White Temple The Anu Ziggurat, Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq). c. 3100 BC. This was built up in stages over centuries, rising to a height of about 40 feet. (reconstruction drawing)
  • 11. Cone Mosaics A decoration invented at Uruk. This decorates the courtyards and interior walls of the Inanna and the Anu Compounds.
  • 12. Carved Vase From Uruk. c. 3500-3000 BCE. Alabaster, height 91 cm. Iraq Museum, Baghdad. Design shows the ritual marriage between the goddess and a human.
  • 13. Nanna Ziggurat Located in Ur (modern Muqaiyir, Iraq), c. 2100-2050 BCE. A mud-brick ziggurat dedicated to the moon god Nanna.
  • 14. Mesopotamia: Sumerians • Sculpture was associated with religion • Large statues were commonly placed in temples as objects of devotion • Votive figures – small statues that individual worshippers identified as portraits of themselves
  • 15. Votive Statues From the Square Temple Eshunna (modern Tell Amar, Iraq), c. 2900-2600 BCE. Limestone alabaster, and gypsum, height of largest figure approx. 76.3 cm. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; Iraq Museum, Baghdad.
  • 16. Bull Lyre From the tomb of Queen Pu-abi, Ur (modern Muqaiyar, Iraq), c. 2680 BCE. Wood with gold, lapis lazuli, and shell, reassembled in modern wood support. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
  • 17. Mythological Figures Detail of the sound box of the bull lyre from the tomb of Queen Pu-abi, Ur (modern Muqaiyir, Iraq), c. 2680 BCE. Wood with shell inlay, 31.1x11cm. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The top and the bottom registers – bands – seem to illustrate scenes that are found in the epic of Gilgamesh, a 3,000-line Sumerian epic poem.
  • 18. Mesopotamia: Sumerians • Developed flat stamps and more elaborate cylinder-form seals for securing and identifying documents and signaling property ownership • Cylinder seals – usually less than 2 inches high; made of hard and/or semiprecious stones with designs incised into the surface
  • 19. Cylinder Seal From Sumer and its impression, c. 2500 BCE. Marble, height approx. 4.5 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Gift of Walter Hauser, 1955)
  • 20. Mesopotamia: Akkadians • Warring invaders who settled the area north of Uruk (near modern Baghdad) • Spoke a Semitic language • Sargon I – ruled c. 2332-2279 BCE; powerful military and political figure; conquered Sumerian cities • Akkadian empire fell around 2180 BCE to the Guti
  • 21. Stela of Naramsin c. 2254-2218 BCE. Limestone, height 1.98m. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Commemorates a military victory of Naramsin, Sargon’s grandson and successor. Stela means upright stone slab.
  • 22. Votive Statue of Gudea From Lagash (modern Telloh, Iraq), c. 2120 BCE. Diorite, height 73.7cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. The cuneiform inscription on the statue relates that Gudea dedicated himself, the sculpture, and the temple in which the sculpture resided to the goddess Geshtinanna, the divine poet and interpreter of dreams.
  • 23. Mesopotamia: Babylonians • Amorites, a Semitic-speaking people from the Arabian Desert, reunited Sumer under Hammurabi (ruled 1729-1750 BCE) • Babylon – capital city • Written legal code that recorded laws and penalties
  • 24. Stela of Hammurabi From Susa (modern Shush, Iran), c. 1792-1750 BCE. Basalt, height of stela approx. 2.13m, height of relief 71.1cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. This contains the written legal code. Most of the three hundred entries deal with commercial and property matters. Only sixty-eight relate to domestic problems, and a mere twenty deal with physical assault. Punishments depended on the gender and social standing of the offender.
  • 25. Stela of Hammurabi In the introductory section of the stela’s long cuneiform inscription, Hammurabi declared that with this code of law he intended “to cause justice to prevail in the land and to destroy the wicked and the evil, that the strong might not oppress the weak nor the weak the strong.”
  • 26. Mesopotamia: Assyrians • Rose to dominance in 1400 BCE and controlled most of Mesopotamia by the end of the 9th century BCE • Early 7th century BCE: extended their influence as far west as Egypt • Adopted the ziggurat and preserved the Sumerian texts • Built fortified cities and vast palaces
  • 27. Human-Headed Winged Lion (Lamassu) From the palace of Assurnasirpal II, Nimrud. 883-859 BCE. Limestone, height 3.11m. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1932)
  • 28. Assurbanipal and His Queen in the Garden From the palace at Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik, Iraq), c. 647 BCE. Alabaster, height approx. 53.3cm. The British Museum, London.
  • 29. Mesopotamia: Assyrians • Assurbanipal – powerful Assyrian king ruled 669-c. 627 BCE) • After his reign, the empire collapsed by 600 BCE • Mesopotamia was absorbed by the Persian Empire under Cyrus II (ruled 559530 BCE)
  • 30. EGYPT
  • 31. Egypt • Fertile valley and delta of the Nile • Predynastic period – 4500-3300 BCE; Egypt was unified under a succession of powerful families or dynasties • Manetho – Egyptian priest and historian; drew up a list of rulers in the third century BCE
  • 32. Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom • Egypt became a consolidated state along the banks of the Nile River • Evolved along into Upper Egypt (south) and Lower Egypt (north) • King-god Menes – merged the lands into a single kingdom (King Narmer, Dynasty 1, ruled c. 3150-3125 BCE)
  • 33. Palette of Narmer From Hierakonpolis Dynasty 1, c. 3150-3125 BCE. Slate, height 63.5cm. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. This may have been a votive offering.
  • 34. Early Dynastic & Old kingdom • Conventions of Egyptian Painting and relief sculpture (dignitaries): (1) heads are shown in profile to best capture the subject’s identifying feature (2) eyes are rendered in frontal view (3) shoulders are represented frontally (4) hips, legs and feet are drawn in profile • Persons of lesser social rank are represented more naturalistically
  • 35. Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom • Central to ancient Egyptian belief was the idea that every human being had a life force – the ka or spirit. The ka lived on after the death of the body, forever engaged in the activities it had enjoyed during his earthly existence. • Ka statues, and elaborate funerary rites and tombs filled with supplies and furnishings
  • 36. Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom • Mastaba – most common type of tomb structure; a flat-topped, one-story building with slanted walls erected above an underground burial chamber • Necropolis – a city of the dead; at the edge of the desert on the west bank of the Nile
  • 37. Stepped Pyramid of Djoser Saqqara, Limestone, height 62m. This is the earliest truly monumental architecture in Egypt.
  • 38. Plan of Djoser’s Funerary Complex Saqqara. Dynasty 3, c. 2681-2662 BCE. The designer of the complex, a man called Imhotep, laid out Djoser’s tomb as a stepped pyramid consisting of six mastabalike elements placed on top of each other, and originally covered with a limestone facing, or veneer.
  • 39. Early Dynastic & Old Kingdom • Characteristics of 3D-sculptures: (1) lifelike figures (2) rigidly frontal, simple conceptions (3) rectilinear and block-like (4) figures mostly stands in a typical Egyptian balanced pose with one foot in front of the other, arms straight on the side, fist clenched
  • 40. Khafre From Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2570-2544 BCE. Diorite, height 1.68m. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. An over-lifesize statue of the Old Kingdom, the Dynasty 4 King Khafre (ruled c. 25702544 BCE), represents the ruler enthroned and protected by the falcon-god Horus.
  • 41. Menkaure and His Wife, Queen Khamerernebty From Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2515 BCE. Graywacke with traces of red and black paint, height 142.3cm. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Harvard University-MFA Expedition)
  • 42.
  • 43. The Red Pyramid Dahshur, height 104m. This is the first true pyramid, and was built by Pharaoh Sneferu. This is believed to be the final resting place of “Sneferu the Great Pyramid Builder.”
  • 44. Great Pyramids Giza. Dynasty 4, c. 2601-2515 BCE. Erected by Menkaure, Khafre (Chephren) and Khufu (Cheops). Granite and limestone, height of pyramid of Khufu 137m.
  • 46. Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt Tomb of Ti, Saqqara. Dynasty 5, c. 2510-2460 BCE. Painted limestone relief, height approx. 114.3cm. The relief forms part of the decoration of a mastaba tomb discovered by the French archeologist Auguste Mariette in 1865. The hunt depicted on the relief had symbolic value.
  • 47. The Middle Kingdom • Political authority became less centralized • The grid pattern became the first rational city plan • Subdivided into lots for houses which indicates three distinct economic and social levels within the population: (1) governmental and ceremonial center (2) the quarter with large dwellings (3) large district of smaller mud-brick homes
  • 48. The Middle Kingdom • During Dynasties 11 and 12, wealthy members of the nobility and high-level officials commissioned labor-intensive rock-cut tombs that proclaimed their status • Artists are admired and respected • The patron’s and the artist’s desire for clarity permeates Egyptian art
  • 49. Harvest Scene Tempera facsimile by Nina de Garis Davies of a wall painting in the tomb of Khnumhotep, Beni Hasan. Dynasty 12, c. 1928-1895 BCE. The farm workers are shown with their shoulders in profile, not in the unnatural pose prescribed for royalty.
  • 50. Pectoral with the name of Senwosret II From el-Lahun. Dynasty 12, c. 1895-1878 BCE. Detail of a necklace. Gold and semi-precious stones, length 8.3cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Purchase, Rogers Fund and Henry Walters Gift, 1916.
  • 51. The New Kingdom • Egypt prospered both politically and economically • Tuthmose III – the most dynamic king of Dynasty 18; ruled 1479-1425 BCE; extended Egypt’s influence along the eastern Mediterranean coast; first ruler to refer to himself as pharaoh (“great house”) • Extensive building programs along the Nile
  • 52. Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut Deir el-Bahri. Dynasty 18, c. 1478-1458 BCE. At the far left are the ramp and base of the funerary temple of Mentuhotep I. Dynasty 11, c. 2009-1997 BCE.
  • 53. Plan of the funerary temple of Hatshepsut Deir el-Bahri. Hatshepsut’s temple was constructed on three levels, which were connected by ramps and adorned with rows of columns, or colonnades. The temple’s innermost sanctuary was cut deep into the cliff in the manner of Middle Kingdom rock-cut tombs.
  • 54. Great Temple of Amun Karnak Dynasty 19, c. 1294-1212 BCE. Access to the heart of the temple, a sanctuary containing the statue of Amun, was through a series of pylons and courtyards.
  • 55. Plan of the Great Temple of Amun Karnak New Kingdom
  • 56. Hypostyle hall Great Temple of Amun Karnak. Hypostyle hall is a vast column-filled space. This is the principal structure of the temple.
  • 57. Pylon of Ramesses II Temple of Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Luxor. Dynasty 19, c. 1279-1212 BCE.
  • 58. Pylon of Ramesses II Two colossal statues of Ramesses and a pair of obelisks stood in front of his pylon.
  • 59. Queen Nefertari Making an Offering to Isis Wall painting in the tomb of Nefertari, Valley of Queens near Deir el-Bahri. Dynasty 19, c. 1279-1212 BCE. (J. Paul Getty Trust, 1991)
  • 60. The New Kingdom • Amenhotep IV – Dynasty 18, 1352-c. 1348 BCE; founded a new religion demanding a belief in a single god, the life-giving sun disk Aten; changed his name to Akhenaten (“one who is effective on behalf of Aten”)
  • 61. Akhenaten and His Family From Akhetaten (modern Tell el-Amarna). Dynasty 18, 13481336/5 BCE. Painted limestone relief, 31.1x38.7cm. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum.
  • 62. Queen Tiy From Kom Mendinet Ghurab (near el-Lahun). Dynasty 18, c. 1390-1352 BCE. Boxwood, ebony, glass, gold, lapis lazuli, cloth, clay, and wax. Height 9.4cm. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum. “The Woman who Knows”
  • 63. Nefertiti From Akhetaten (modern Tell el-Amarna) dynasty 18, c. 1348-1336/5 BCE. Limestone, height 51cm. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum. She is sometimes called “The lady of the two lands,” “Fair of Face,” “Mistress of Happiness,” and “Endowed with Favors.”
  • 64. The New Kingdom • Tutankhaten – ruled 1336/35-1327 BCE; returned to all traditional religious beliefs; changed his name to Tutankhamun (“Living Image of Amun”) • He died at a young age and was buried in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes. His tomb was discovered in 1922 containing amazing treasures.
  • 65. Inner coffin of Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus From the tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings. Dynasty 18, 1336/5-1327 BCE. Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones, height 1.85m. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. In November 1922, English archeologist Howard Carter discovered the entrance to the tomb of King Tutankhamun.
  • 66. Funerary mask of Tutankhamun This is as it appears today. Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones, height 54cm. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. In this image, Egyptian artists emphasized clarity of line in color, simplified forms, and the reduction of nature to elemental geometric shapes, thus establishing an unsurpassed standard of technical and aesthetic excellence.
  • 67. The New Kingdom • Egyptian funerary practices revolved around Osiris, his resurrection, and a belief in the continuity of life after death by Egyptians of all ranks. • These beliefs gave rise to additional funerary practices popular among nonroyal classes. Family members commissioned papyrus scrolls containing magical texts or spells to help the dead.
  • 68. Judgment before Osiris Illustration from a Book of the Dead. Dynasty 19, c. 1285 BCE. Painted papyrus, height 39.8cm. The British Museum, London.
  • 69. The Late Period • C. 747-332 BCE • Saw the country and its arts in the hands and service of foreigners • Piye – Nubian leader from the Kingdom of Kush conquered Egypt and established capitals at Memphis and Thebes • The Nubians adopted Egyptian religious practices and architectural forms.
  • 70. Sphinx of Taharqo From Temple T, Kawa, Nubia. Dynasty 25, c. 690664 BCE. Height 74.7 cm. The British Museum, London.
  • 71. The Late Period • The Nubians were followed by Assyrians, Persians, and Macedonians until the Ptolemies regained control of Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE. • In 30 BCE the last Egyptian ruler, Cleopatra VII, dies a suicide and the Romans added Egypt to their empire.
  • 73. The Middle Kingdom Inscription on the tombstone of a Middle Kingdom Sculptor: “I am an artist who excels in my art, a man above the common herd in knowledge. I know the proper attitude for a statue [of a man]; I know how a woman holds herself, [and how] a spearman lifts his arm…. There is no man famous for this knowledge other than myself and my eldest son” (cited in Montet, page 159)
  • 74. Mummification • Remove brain • Empty body of internal organs • Soak body and internal organs in “vat of natron” for more than one month • Retrieve body → dry → dye • Body cavity packed with clean linen • Wrap major organs separately • Wrap body; limb first