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INTERN ID NO.: 006-0008
REG. NO.01779
Faculty of Animal Science And Veterinary Medicine,
Patuakhali Science And Technology University
Aims and objectives of internship programme
1. Gaining a wide experience of a range of veterinary
2. Linking theory with practice.
3. Strengthening the ability to identify and treat a range of
4. Developing interpersonal skills.
5. Developing an appreciation of management and placement
6. Gaining an insight into professional aspects of practice.
7. Gaining an insight into career development.
Placement Schedule
Sl. No. Name of placement Duration
01 Metropolitan Livestock office, 177 sher-e-bangla road, Khulna 18. 03. 13 – 31. 08. 13
02 SK+F Bangladesh Limited, Khulna 15. 09. 13 – 26. 09. 13
03 Central Veterinary Hospital, 48, Kazi Alauddin Road, Dhaka. 29. 09. 13 – 10. 10.13
04 Artificial Insemination 20.10.13 – 31. 10. 13
05 Extension work 03. 11. 13 – 23. 11. 13
06 Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka 08. 12. 13 – 12. 12. 13
07 Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka 15. 12. 13 – 19. 12. 13
08 Goat Development Farm, Savar, Dhaka. 22. 12. 13 – 26. 12. 13
09 Livestock Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka 29. 02. 13 – 02. 01. 14
10 Central Disease Investigation Laboratories, 48, Kazi Aladdin Road,
05. 01. 14 – 09. 01. 14
11 Dhaka Zoo, Mirpur, Dhaka. 12. 01.14 – 16. 01. 14
Placement no.: 01
Metropolitan Livestock office, Khulna
To learn how to handle, diagnose & treat of disease of large and small
animals and poultry
Examining fecal samples for parasitic diseases
To conduct post mortem examination of birds
Correcting surgical affections of different animals
Developing interpersonal skills
Gaining professional aspects of practice
Development of communication skills with the clients
Number of Case study
170.00 222.00
30.00 10.00
Disease percentages of Animal
3% 2%
6% 3% 4% 3%
Sheep & Goat
Disease percentages of Pet animal & poultry
Pet Animal
9% 7%
Black quarter in calf
Clinical sign
1. Swollen of hind quarter
2. Bleeding from nose
1. Inj. Combipen vet 40 lac.
2. Inj. Asta vet
3. Inj. Tracid vet
Bleeding from nose
Swollen Hind quarter
Prognosis: Favorable
Dermatophilosis in calf
Clinical sign
1. Coetaneous keratinized material
forming wart-like lesion.
1. Inj. Sp vet 0.5g
2. Inj. Asta vet
3. Inj. Phenedryl
wart-like lesion Prognosis: Cure
Detail case study-Small animal
Babeciosis in goat
Clinical sign
1. Frothy haemoglobinuria
2. High fever
1. Inj. Babecure
2. Inj. Renamycin 100
3. Liq. Feromin vetFrothy haemoglobinuria
Prognosis: Cure
Paste des Petits Ruminants(PPR) in Sheep
Clinical sign
1. Occulonasal secretion
2. Diarrhoea
3. High temperature 106 0 F
1. Inj. Gentacson plus
2. Inj. Hista vet
3. ORS
nasal secretion
Prognosis: Cure
Cyst in goat
Clinical sign
1. Clear fluid found from swollen
1. Introduction of tincture iodine
solution for 3 days.
Clear fluid
Prognosis: Cure
Arthritis in goat
Clinical sign
1. Swollen hock & elbow joint
2. Stiffness legs
1. Inj. Renamycin LA
2. Inj. Arthri vet
Prognosis: CureHock joint swollen
Elbow joint swollen
Surgical cases
Umblical Hernia in calf
Clinical sign
1. Reduceable swollen in
abdominal region
2. Hernial ring and sac found
1. Surgical correction
Prognosis: Cure but
sometime recurSwollen navel region
Surgical cases
Surgically removal of ovary
and some part of uterus.
Post operative care:
Inj. Renacef
Inj. Antihista vet
Inj. Mel vet
Spaying (ovaryhysterectomy) of Cat
Detail case study-Poultry
Curl toe paralysis
Clinical sign:
1. Leg paralysis
1. Pow. Ribothin
Prognosis: CureParalysis of leg
Gumbro in Layer bird
Clinical Sign
1. Drowsiness
2. Sudden death
PM Lesion
1. Hemorrhagic
congestion in
1. Sol. Cyprile
2. Pow. Hicomox
3. Revit C
4. Sugar
Enlarge & congested bursa
Prognosis:50-60% mortality
Coccidiosis in Layer
Clinical sign
1. Bloody droppings
2. Drowsiness
PM lesion
1. Hemorrhagic plaque found in ceca
1. Coxitril
2. Acimox
3. Rena k
Hemorrhagic plaque in ceca
Prognosis: 40-50% mortality
Duck plague
Clinical sign
1. Greenish diarrhea
2. Head dropping
1. Pow.CFCIN vet
2. Liq. Refence
Prognosis: Favorable
Head drooping
Brooder pneumonia in Quail
Nodule in lung
Clinical sign
1. Accelerated breathing
2. Gasping
3. Lose of appetite
Postmortem Lesion
Nodule found in Lungs
1. Liq. Two plus
2. Pow. Electomin
3. Liq.Toxol
4. Cuso4
Prognosis: 50% mortality
Pigeon pox
Clinical sign
1. Nodular lesion found in
1. Tab. Civox vet
2. Tab. Moxilin vet
3. Civit powder
Nodular lesion
Prognosis: Cure
Hernia of Pigeon
Clinical sign
1. Reduce able swollen at the ventral
1. Surgical correction .
2. Pink spray
Swollen Prognosis: Recur
Placement no.: 02
Farm practice under SK+F Bangladesh Limited
 Name of Farm:Hosain poultry complex
 Location: kartikdia, Bagerhat.
 Type of farm : Layer farm
 Total area of land : 7.5 acres
 Number of sheds : 8
 Total bird capacity : 20000
 No. of birds : 9000
 Strain : High sex white
 Rearing : Cage system
 Birds per cage : 3
 Age of birds : 70 weeks
 Egg production : 83%
 Birds laying egg : 7470
Routine Activities in the Farm
 Cleaning and disinfection of shed.
 Washing of the floors 2 times daily.
 Cleaning of feeders and drinkers.
 Maintenance of lighting and ventilation.
 Observing health condition.
 Collection, Checking & washing of eggs.
 Administration of vaccines & medication.
 Disposal of dead birds.
 Culling of less productive & sick birds.
Biosecurity Management in the Farm
 Visitors are discouraged as much as possible.
 Working stuffs use protective clothing &
 Sheds are well-constructed to prevent the entry of
rodents (high floors, brick-built sheds, wire nets
etc. ).
 Fumigation is done before the entry of new batch.
 "All in-All out” policy is maintained.
Feed supply to the birds
 Feed supply-
3 times/day
 Feed requirement-
115 gm/bird/day
 Total feed requirement-
1035 kg/day
 Type of feed- Hand mixed
Water supply to the birds
 Water supply-
3 times/day
 Water requirement
- twice with feed
- increase in summer
- decrease in winter
 Water is supplied through
plastic bowl hanging with
Safe and clean drinking water
Vaccination Schedule for the Farm
Age Name of vaccine Name of
Type of vaccine Route of
1-3 days CEVAC BIL Ranikhet +
live Eye drop
7-10 days CEVAC ND IBD k Gumboro +
killed Breast mussel
14-16 days CEVAC GUMBO L Gumboro live Drinking water
21-22 days CEVAC GUMBO L “ “ “
21-27 days CEVAC NEW L Ranikhet +
Live Eye drop
6-7 weeks CEVAC FPL Fowl pox Live Wing web stab
8-10 weeks CEVAC KORIMUN 8 K Coryza +
killed Breast mussel
(0.5 ml)/bird
11-12 weeks CEVAC FPL Fowl pox Live Wing web stab
16-18 weeks CEVAC KORIMUN 8
ND+IB+EDS Killed Breast mussel
(0.5 ml)/bird
Pigeon farm, Maniktala, Daulatpur, Khulna
Number of pegion-100.
Pigeon feed
Feed mixture
1. Wheat
2. Maize
3. Mati kali
4. Pea nut
Fig.: a mixture of grain
Fig.: grit
Grit contains
1. Sand
2. Brick grind
3. Egg shell / bone crush
4. Mineral salt
Pigeon feeding
• Feed mixture is given 3
times a day. Every pigeon
- Small :20-30gm/day
- Medium :35-50gm/day
-Large :50-60gm/day
Average 450gm feed is needed every
adult pigeon per week.
• Grit is given one time daily.
• Water is given with feed.
Medication for pigeon
Age Name of medicine Dose
7-10 days Renaquin 20% +Fra-ac 34 1ml/Liter water, 12 hour
2week –Up to egg laying 1. Syp. High Growth
2. Inj. Aminovit plus
3. Syp. O-zinc
4. Liq. Liva vit
-1ml/liter, 0nce a week
-1ml/liter, twice a week
-1ml/liter, twice a week, 6 hr.
-1ml/liter, twice a week, 6 hr.
Laying stage Nutech AD3E
Renacal p
Rena ws
Hipra-oxivit egg formula
-1ml/2liter, twice a week,6h.
-1ml/liter, twice a week,6h.
-1 gm/4liter once a week,6h
-1gm/2liter twice a week,6h.
Pox vaccine: when age 2 weeks 1st dose is given then boostering 15 days
-BCRDV: when age 3 and 10 days, 1 drop is given in Eye.
-RDV: when age 28days 1st dose is given then boostering 15days later.
Placement no.: 03
Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka
Activities in CVH
1. Diagnosis and treatment of various
diseases of animals. Mainly pet
1. Handling of animals
2. Post mortem examination of
3. Handling of surgical cases like
spaying, castration of dog or cat.
Anaplasmosis in Dog
Clinical sign
1. Eye mucous yellowish
2. Abdominal skin yellowish
1. Inj. Ectorid
2. Inj.Renamycin 100
3. 25% dextrose saline
Prognosis: Cure
Constipation in Cat
Clinical sign:
1. Give strain but not deficat
1. Syp. Entacid
Placement no. 04
District Artificial Insemination Centre, Khulna
To know how to collect semen from bull.
To evaluate the semen.
To learn how to inseminate cow.
Diagnosis of pregnancy.
To know the management system of bull
which are reared.
Preparation of diluents
Sodium citrate buffer preparation:
2.94 gram Sodium citrate mixed per
100ml of distilled water.
Then egg yolk 1 part and sodium
citrate buffer 4 part mixed within a
conical flask.
Fig.: Egg yolk Fig.: Sodium citrate
Fig.: Electric Stirer
Semen collection
Fig.: Just before
Collecting of semen Fig.: Collection of
Fig.: Physical
test of semen
Dilution and Evaluation of Semen
Fig.: Semen dilution Fig.: Sperm motility test Fig.: Microscopic
diagram of semen
Fig.: Vialing of semen with pipette Fig.: Nitrogen filling in cryo-
Placement no.: 05
Dustha Sastha Kendra(DSK),Rupsha branch, Khulna
Organized by: Polly Korma Shahayak Foundation (PKSF)
- To know about micro-credit
-To develop communicative
skills with people.
-To know about the different
developmental works
specially those related to
employment generation as
well as income generation
through livestock rearing.
Placement no.: 06
1.Increase the production
2.developement of breed
3.developement of animal health
4.Production of quality meat and
5. Upgrading the deshi cattle
6. Improve the feeding practices
of animal
7. Produce low cost diet for
animal and human.
Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka
Placement no.: 07
• Improvement of buffalo
• Improvement of goat production
• Improvement of sheep
• Development of Pabna cattle
and RCC cattle
• Cultivation of different types of
fodder production
• Invention of new poultry breed(
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka
Fig.: Red Chittagong cattle
Fig.: Fodder production
Fig.: Sheep breed
Fig.: buffalo breed Fig.: Goat breed
Placement no.: 08
Objectives of the farm
1. Improve the quality of Black
Bengal goat and buck supply
into rural people.
2. Preserve native goat breed
for the further use.
3. Rearing and Management
4. Overall disease prevention
and control program of
commercial goat farm
5. Spread the quality goat breed
throughout the country.
Goat Development Farm, Savar, Dhaka
Fig.: Shed
Placement no.: 09
1. Vaccine production
2. Efficiency test of vaccine
3. Distribution of vaccine
4. Management of laboratory
Livestock Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Placement no.: 10
1. To diagnose
(confirmatory) disease
2. Histological slide
3. Antigen-Antibody test
Central Disease Investigation Laboratories, Dhaka
Fig.: Microtome Fig.: Hot water bath Fig.: Reagents
Placement no.: 11
2.Preservation of wild life
3.Conservation of wild life
4.Research and Education
5.Animal welfare.
Dhaka Zoo, Mirpur, Dhaka
Fig.: Food reception
Fig.: Old Lion under
Clinical Report:
A report on Diseases of pigeon affecting pigeon rearing at Khulna
The study was carried out on 502 pigeon that are found in Khulna district livestock
office and surrounded area. The diseases of pigeon I can found in my study are
trichomoniasis 11.95%, coccidiosis 3.58%, salmonellosis 20.32%, pigeon pox
18.92%, coryza 3.98%, pigeon malaria 3.18%, worm infection 5.97%, external
parasite 6.97%, pigeon diarrhea 4.98%, One-Eye colds and Newcastle disease
6.57%. Among this Salmonellosis, pigeon pox, Newcastle disease etc. pigeon is
mainly died in those diseases. The mortality rates are found in pigeon pox
57.89%, Salmonellosis 80.4%, Coccidiosis 27.77%. The Newcastle disease was
found in this area into two form nervous form and intestinal form, diagnosed by
postmortem examination. All my study was conducted on the basis of clinical
examination. Those diseases are decreased production and increased treatment
cost. So that farmers are not interested in pigeon farming. The diseases are red
alert for pigeon farming. Good consultancy about pigeon farming and prevention
control and treatment of diseases is very necessary for gradual development of
Pigeon farming in Bangladesh.
1. To identify most common diseases among pigeon farm in my study area
2. To find out average mortality rate for those diseases
Production Report
A report on Backyard duck rearing system
I worked with 20 farmers and their about 2000 duck in Rupsa upazilla
under the district Khulna. There are many area for proper duck rearing
and earn more money, for this reason some people start duck farming
and partially having benefitted, so called different category people
interested to rearing duck. But they cannot get proper production
(average production performance near about 50%), from my study I
found they does not supply proper nutrient, they mainly depend on
natural feeds. They are not able to proper management lack of proper
scope of training on duck rearing.
To investigate the present management practices of duck farming
and to identify the problems of duck farming.
Thank you Very much

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Veterinary Internship Programme 2013-14

  • 1. PRESENTATION ON VETERINARY INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 2013-14 TORUN KUMAR PAUL INTERN ID NO.: 006-0008 REG. NO.01779 SESSION.2007-2008 Faculty of Animal Science And Veterinary Medicine, Patuakhali Science And Technology University
  • 2. Aims and objectives of internship programme 1. Gaining a wide experience of a range of veterinary placement. 2. Linking theory with practice. 3. Strengthening the ability to identify and treat a range of disease. 4. Developing interpersonal skills. 5. Developing an appreciation of management and placement organization. 6. Gaining an insight into professional aspects of practice. 7. Gaining an insight into career development.
  • 3. Placement Schedule Sl. No. Name of placement Duration 01 Metropolitan Livestock office, 177 sher-e-bangla road, Khulna 18. 03. 13 – 31. 08. 13 02 SK+F Bangladesh Limited, Khulna 15. 09. 13 – 26. 09. 13 03 Central Veterinary Hospital, 48, Kazi Alauddin Road, Dhaka. 29. 09. 13 – 10. 10.13 04 Artificial Insemination 20.10.13 – 31. 10. 13 05 Extension work 03. 11. 13 – 23. 11. 13 06 Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka 08. 12. 13 – 12. 12. 13 07 Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka 15. 12. 13 – 19. 12. 13 08 Goat Development Farm, Savar, Dhaka. 22. 12. 13 – 26. 12. 13 09 Livestock Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka 29. 02. 13 – 02. 01. 14 10 Central Disease Investigation Laboratories, 48, Kazi Aladdin Road, Dhaka. 05. 01. 14 – 09. 01. 14 11 Dhaka Zoo, Mirpur, Dhaka. 12. 01.14 – 16. 01. 14
  • 4. Placement no.: 01 Metropolitan Livestock office, Khulna Objectives: To learn how to handle, diagnose & treat of disease of large and small animals and poultry Examining fecal samples for parasitic diseases To conduct post mortem examination of birds Correcting surgical affections of different animals Developing interpersonal skills Gaining professional aspects of practice Development of communication skills with the clients
  • 5. Number of Case study 1195 360.00 75.00 170.00 222.00 30.00 118.00 30.00 10.00
  • 6. Disease percentages of Animal 48% 6% 9% 3% 2% 31% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Cattle 60% 24% 6% 3% 4% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Sheep & Goat
  • 7. Disease percentages of Pet animal & poultry 48% 28% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Pet Animal 59% 26% 9% 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Poultry
  • 8. Black quarter in calf Clinical sign 1. Swollen of hind quarter 2. Bleeding from nose Treatment 1. Inj. Combipen vet 40 lac. 2. Inj. Asta vet 3. Inj. Tracid vet Bleeding from nose Swollen Hind quarter Prognosis: Favorable
  • 9. Dermatophilosis in calf Clinical sign 1. Coetaneous keratinized material forming wart-like lesion. Treatment 1. Inj. Sp vet 0.5g 2. Inj. Asta vet 3. Inj. Phenedryl wart-like lesion Prognosis: Cure
  • 10. Detail case study-Small animal Babeciosis in goat Clinical sign 1. Frothy haemoglobinuria 2. High fever Treatment 1. Inj. Babecure 2. Inj. Renamycin 100 3. Liq. Feromin vetFrothy haemoglobinuria Prognosis: Cure
  • 11. Paste des Petits Ruminants(PPR) in Sheep Clinical sign 1. Occulonasal secretion 2. Diarrhoea 3. High temperature 106 0 F Treatment 1. Inj. Gentacson plus 2. Inj. Hista vet 3. ORS nasal secretion Prognosis: Cure
  • 12. Cyst in goat Clinical sign 1. Clear fluid found from swollen mass Treatment 1. Introduction of tincture iodine solution for 3 days. Clear fluid Prognosis: Cure
  • 13. Arthritis in goat Clinical sign 1. Swollen hock & elbow joint 2. Stiffness legs Treatment 1. Inj. Renamycin LA 2. Inj. Arthri vet Prognosis: CureHock joint swollen Elbow joint swollen
  • 14. Surgical cases Umblical Hernia in calf Clinical sign 1. Reduceable swollen in abdominal region 2. Hernial ring and sac found Treatment 1. Surgical correction Prognosis: Cure but sometime recurSwollen navel region
  • 15. Surgical cases Technique: Surgically removal of ovary and some part of uterus. Post operative care: Inj. Renacef Inj. Antihista vet Inj. Mel vet Spaying (ovaryhysterectomy) of Cat
  • 16. Detail case study-Poultry Curl toe paralysis Clinical sign: 1. Leg paralysis Treatment: 1. Pow. Ribothin Prognosis: CureParalysis of leg
  • 17. Gumbro in Layer bird Clinical Sign 1. Drowsiness 2. Sudden death PM Lesion 1. Hemorrhagic congestion in thighmusle Treatment 1. Sol. Cyprile 2. Pow. Hicomox 3. Revit C 4. Sugar Congestion Enlarge & congested bursa Prognosis:50-60% mortality
  • 18. Coccidiosis in Layer Clinical sign 1. Bloody droppings 2. Drowsiness PM lesion 1. Hemorrhagic plaque found in ceca Treatment 1. Coxitril 2. Acimox 3. Rena k Hemorrhagic plaque in ceca ceca Prognosis: 40-50% mortality
  • 19. Duck plague Clinical sign 1. Greenish diarrhea 2. Head dropping Treatment 1. Pow.CFCIN vet 2. Liq. Refence Prognosis: Favorable Head drooping
  • 20. Brooder pneumonia in Quail Nodule in lung Clinical sign 1. Accelerated breathing 2. Gasping 3. Lose of appetite Postmortem Lesion Nodule found in Lungs Treatment 1. Liq. Two plus 2. Pow. Electomin 3. Liq.Toxol 4. Cuso4 Prognosis: 50% mortality
  • 21. Pigeon pox Clinical sign 1. Nodular lesion found in skin. Treatment 1. Tab. Civox vet 2. Tab. Moxilin vet 3. Civit powder Nodular lesion Prognosis: Cure
  • 22. Hernia of Pigeon Clinical sign 1. Reduce able swollen at the ventral region. Treatment 1. Surgical correction . 2. Pink spray Swollen Prognosis: Recur
  • 23. Placement no.: 02 Farm practice under SK+F Bangladesh Limited  Name of Farm:Hosain poultry complex  Location: kartikdia, Bagerhat.  Type of farm : Layer farm  Total area of land : 7.5 acres  Number of sheds : 8  Total bird capacity : 20000  No. of birds : 9000  Strain : High sex white  Rearing : Cage system  Birds per cage : 3  Age of birds : 70 weeks  Egg production : 83%  Birds laying egg : 7470
  • 24. Routine Activities in the Farm  Cleaning and disinfection of shed.  Washing of the floors 2 times daily.  Cleaning of feeders and drinkers.  Maintenance of lighting and ventilation.  Observing health condition.  Collection, Checking & washing of eggs.  Administration of vaccines & medication.  Disposal of dead birds.  Culling of less productive & sick birds.
  • 25. Biosecurity Management in the Farm  Visitors are discouraged as much as possible.  Working stuffs use protective clothing & footwear/shoes.  Sheds are well-constructed to prevent the entry of rodents (high floors, brick-built sheds, wire nets etc. ).  Fumigation is done before the entry of new batch.  "All in-All out” policy is maintained.
  • 26. Feed supply to the birds  Feed supply- 3 times/day  Feed requirement- 115 gm/bird/day  Total feed requirement- 1035 kg/day  Type of feed- Hand mixed
  • 27. Water supply to the birds  Water supply- 3 times/day  Water requirement - twice with feed - increase in summer - decrease in winter  Water is supplied through plastic bowl hanging with cage. Safe and clean drinking water
  • 28. Vaccination Schedule for the Farm Age Name of vaccine Name of diseases Type of vaccine Route of administration 1-3 days CEVAC BIL Ranikhet + Bronchitis live Eye drop 7-10 days CEVAC ND IBD k Gumboro + Ranikhet killed Breast mussel (0.25ml)/bird 14-16 days CEVAC GUMBO L Gumboro live Drinking water 21-22 days CEVAC GUMBO L “ “ “ 21-27 days CEVAC NEW L Ranikhet + Bronchitis Live Eye drop 6-7 weeks CEVAC FPL Fowl pox Live Wing web stab 8-10 weeks CEVAC KORIMUN 8 K Coryza + Salmonellosis killed Breast mussel (0.5 ml)/bird 11-12 weeks CEVAC FPL Fowl pox Live Wing web stab 16-18 weeks CEVAC KORIMUN 8 K+CEVAC ND IB EDS K ND+IB+EDS Killed Breast mussel (0.5 ml)/bird
  • 29. Pigeon farm, Maniktala, Daulatpur, Khulna Number of pegion-100.
  • 30. Pigeon feed Feed mixture 1. Wheat 2. Maize 3. Mati kali 4. Pea nut Fig.: a mixture of grain Fig.: grit Grit contains 1. Sand 2. Brick grind 3. Egg shell / bone crush 4. Mineral salt
  • 31. Pigeon feeding • Feed mixture is given 3 times a day. Every pigeon need: - Small :20-30gm/day - Medium :35-50gm/day -Large :50-60gm/day Average 450gm feed is needed every adult pigeon per week. • Grit is given one time daily. • Water is given with feed.
  • 32. Medication for pigeon Age Name of medicine Dose 7-10 days Renaquin 20% +Fra-ac 34 1ml/Liter water, 12 hour 2week –Up to egg laying 1. Syp. High Growth 2. Inj. Aminovit plus 3. Syp. O-zinc 4. Liq. Liva vit -1ml/liter, 0nce a week -1ml/liter, twice a week -1ml/liter, twice a week, 6 hr. -1ml/liter, twice a week, 6 hr. Laying stage Nutech AD3E Renacal p Rena ws Hipra-oxivit egg formula -1ml/2liter, twice a week,6h. -1ml/liter, twice a week,6h. -1 gm/4liter once a week,6h -1gm/2liter twice a week,6h. Vaccination: Pox vaccine: when age 2 weeks 1st dose is given then boostering 15 days later. Ranikhet: -BCRDV: when age 3 and 10 days, 1 drop is given in Eye. -RDV: when age 28days 1st dose is given then boostering 15days later.
  • 33. Placement no.: 03 Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka Activities in CVH 1. Diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of animals. Mainly pet animal 1. Handling of animals 2. Post mortem examination of poultry 3. Handling of surgical cases like spaying, castration of dog or cat.
  • 34. Anaplasmosis in Dog Clinical sign 1. Eye mucous yellowish 2. Abdominal skin yellowish Treatment 1. Inj. Ectorid 2. Inj.Renamycin 100 3. 25% dextrose saline Prognosis: Cure
  • 35. Constipation in Cat Clinical sign: 1. Give strain but not deficat Treatment: 1. Syp. Entacid
  • 36. Placement no. 04 District Artificial Insemination Centre, Khulna To know how to collect semen from bull. To evaluate the semen. To learn how to inseminate cow. Diagnosis of pregnancy. To know the management system of bull which are reared. Objective
  • 37. Preparation of diluents Sodium citrate buffer preparation: 2.94 gram Sodium citrate mixed per 100ml of distilled water. Then egg yolk 1 part and sodium citrate buffer 4 part mixed within a conical flask. Fig.: Egg yolk Fig.: Sodium citrate Fig.: Electric Stirer
  • 38. Semen collection Fig.: Just before Collecting of semen Fig.: Collection of semen Fig.: Physical test of semen
  • 39. Dilution and Evaluation of Semen Fig.: Semen dilution Fig.: Sperm motility test Fig.: Microscopic diagram of semen Fig.: Vialing of semen with pipette Fig.: Nitrogen filling in cryo- cane
  • 40. Placement no.: 05 Dustha Sastha Kendra(DSK),Rupsha branch, Khulna Organized by: Polly Korma Shahayak Foundation (PKSF) Objectives - To know about micro-credit system. -To develop communicative skills with people. -To know about the different developmental works specially those related to employment generation as well as income generation through livestock rearing.
  • 41. Placement no.: 06 Objectives: 1.Increase the production 2.developement of breed 3.developement of animal health status. 4.Production of quality meat and milk. 5. Upgrading the deshi cattle breed. 6. Improve the feeding practices of animal 7. Produce low cost diet for animal and human. Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka
  • 42. Placement no.: 07 • Improvement of buffalo production • Improvement of goat production • Improvement of sheep production • Development of Pabna cattle and RCC cattle • Cultivation of different types of fodder production • Invention of new poultry breed( shuvra) Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka Fig.: Red Chittagong cattle Fig.: Fodder production Fig.: Sheep breed Fig.: buffalo breed Fig.: Goat breed
  • 43. Placement no.: 08 Objectives of the farm 1. Improve the quality of Black Bengal goat and buck supply into rural people. 2. Preserve native goat breed for the further use. 3. Rearing and Management 4. Overall disease prevention and control program of commercial goat farm 5. Spread the quality goat breed throughout the country. Goat Development Farm, Savar, Dhaka Fig.: Shed
  • 44. Placement no.: 09 Objectives 1. Vaccine production 2. Efficiency test of vaccine 3. Distribution of vaccine 4. Management of laboratory animal. Livestock Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka
  • 45. Placement no.: 10 Objectives 1. To diagnose (confirmatory) disease 2. Histological slide preparation 3. Antigen-Antibody test Central Disease Investigation Laboratories, Dhaka Fig.: Microtome Fig.: Hot water bath Fig.: Reagents
  • 46. Placement no.: 11 Objectives: 1.Recreation 2.Preservation of wild life 3.Conservation of wild life 4.Research and Education 5.Animal welfare. Dhaka Zoo, Mirpur, Dhaka Fig.: Food reception Fig.: Old Lion under treatment
  • 47. Clinical Report: A report on Diseases of pigeon affecting pigeon rearing at Khulna The study was carried out on 502 pigeon that are found in Khulna district livestock office and surrounded area. The diseases of pigeon I can found in my study are trichomoniasis 11.95%, coccidiosis 3.58%, salmonellosis 20.32%, pigeon pox 18.92%, coryza 3.98%, pigeon malaria 3.18%, worm infection 5.97%, external parasite 6.97%, pigeon diarrhea 4.98%, One-Eye colds and Newcastle disease 6.57%. Among this Salmonellosis, pigeon pox, Newcastle disease etc. pigeon is mainly died in those diseases. The mortality rates are found in pigeon pox 57.89%, Salmonellosis 80.4%, Coccidiosis 27.77%. The Newcastle disease was found in this area into two form nervous form and intestinal form, diagnosed by postmortem examination. All my study was conducted on the basis of clinical examination. Those diseases are decreased production and increased treatment cost. So that farmers are not interested in pigeon farming. The diseases are red alert for pigeon farming. Good consultancy about pigeon farming and prevention control and treatment of diseases is very necessary for gradual development of Pigeon farming in Bangladesh. Objectives 1. To identify most common diseases among pigeon farm in my study area 2. To find out average mortality rate for those diseases
  • 48. Production Report A report on Backyard duck rearing system I worked with 20 farmers and their about 2000 duck in Rupsa upazilla under the district Khulna. There are many area for proper duck rearing and earn more money, for this reason some people start duck farming and partially having benefitted, so called different category people interested to rearing duck. But they cannot get proper production (average production performance near about 50%), from my study I found they does not supply proper nutrient, they mainly depend on natural feeds. They are not able to proper management lack of proper scope of training on duck rearing. Objectives: To investigate the present management practices of duck farming and to identify the problems of duck farming.