SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1. Rough sketches
2. Final sketches
3. House style
4. Font style
5. Masthead ideas
6. Images of influence
7. Mood board
8. Draft articles
9. Graphic layout
10. Photography plan
11. Test photography
12. Prop list
13. Production plan
14. Resources needed
15. Conclusion
Masthead – as you can see the masthead will be
across the top middle of the page so that it stands
out and is the main attraction to the audience.
Strapline – the strapline is placed below the
masthead so that the users know this is
representing the magazine above.
Main image – the photo will be in the center of
the page and will be a medium close up in order
to stand out and be in the audiences faces, so
appealing to a walk by audience.
Barcode – this will be at the
very left bottom so its visible to
scan but not in the way of the
more important conventions .
Main headline – this will be very clear and over the
main image to connotes that’s it’s the main headline
because no cover stories would be over the main
image so this echo's it’s the main story and what the
magazine will be about.
Cover stories – the cover
stories will be plotted down
either side so that it doesn't
take the attention away
from the main image.
CONTINUEDHeadline – this will be
right at the very top so that
the reader can see what its
about straight away.
Stand first – this is
close to the headline so
they can clearly see
what the introduction for
the story is.
Photos – I will include a
variety of photos, one being
a big main image on the left
page and then some small
images to keep the reader
interested on the right side
and this will link with the
Drop capital – having this drop capital will draw
the audience in as its large and stands out from the
rest of the letters in the article.
Also at the bottom of the DPS I will include a various
amount of conventions such as page numbers, logo,
web address, social media and issue date. So
subconsciously I will be advertising and some of this
information such as page number will help the
audience know where they are in the magazine.
On my front cover I have chosen to have my masthead across the top
middle of the page so that’s its clear and stands out to the audience and
this is the same reason as me having the main image right in the middle
of the page and very large to draw the audience to looking at these
conventions first when picking up the magazine. Also in order to help the
magazine as well as the consumers I will have puff promotions and
social media so they have the chance to get move involved and learn
more about the magazine. Furthermore for my cover stories they will be
down either side of my main image so that people wont think its part of
the main article as the main convections are in the middle.
My double page spread will include the masthead so people will
become more aware and comfortable with this logo, which is why it
will be inserted in areas around the bottom as well. Moreover it will
involve a stand first and headline which both help the reader to
know what they are about to read and gives them an insight to
whether they want to read on or not. Furthermore I have a big main
picture on the left side which the main article will be based on and
will have a few little images around the edges of the articles to
keep the readers enticed.
Roll up
This connotes an area where people
who typically listen to the ‘hip hop’
genre would be from/chill so would
relate to them
This word connotes all great
and powerful which would make
the reader feel as if they are
buying the magazine which
includes the best content
‘dolla’ is an American used
word which is where the ;hip
hop; genre originated from so it
links in with the culture
This mind map is for both my
magazines and As this slide tells
you I had many ideas on what I
wanted to call my magazine and
they were all related to the genre
and background of my magazine,
so that it would be a magazine that
people can relate to. In the end I
chose ‘Top Dolla’ as I liked it the
most and it sounded the best to
Color scheme: the main two colors I am using are orange, black and white, but yellow was used in places in
order to create a color gradient. This is because my magazine of inspiration used black, yellow and white, so
I substituted the yellow for an orange in order to make it a little different.
Font style: my magazines font that I will be using for the masthead is called ‘President’ and I am using this
as it really bold and clear to read, which is perfect for the masthead as it needs to stand out to the reader. For
my other pieces of text I will be using ‘the inbox’ font for things such as the headings and other content. I am
Social media – in my magazine I am using ‘twitter, Facebook and spotify’ as I have created a Facebook
page for my magazines as I think this is a highly used platform by my target audience and it’s a thing which
people are able to discus and see pictures, furthermore I can tweet about the magazine and also promote the
music on spotify.
Above this there is four different font styles that I picked and obtained from the
‘’ website. I chose these four as they were all bold and would be good
as a masthead to stand out and draw attention to the reader, however at this
stage I was undecided in which style I wanted to use.
This will be the font I will use for my first magazine called “top dolla”.
This font is called “President” by “imagex”.
The reason I will be using this font is because it looks bold and the way
the letters are shaped makes it stand out as being a top magazine. As
well as fitting in with the hip hop vibe as it was an American style of music
hence why I used “dolla”.
Strapline – this is very bold and
stands out as its white on a black
background which are two
contrasting colors. This could
connote that this magazine stands
out compared to other magazines.
Cover lines – these outline
other pieces of information to
the reader so before buying
the magazine they are able to
see what type of content is
Barcode – this informs the reader the date in which the
magazine was issued and also indicates the price in which they
have to pay for the issue.
Colors – all the colors in the
magazine stand out which could
connote that everything in the
magazine also stands out and is
exclusive information which the
readers are getting to hear about.
Main image – there is lots of things
around the main image which could
inform to the reader that there is also
lots of information on the artist
Main headline – this links with the
strapline as it stands out and is big
as there will be a big section in the
issue based around this.
Hello Omega how are you?
Hello Owen I'm very good thanks how are you?
I’m great thanks! So how are you feeling about the release of your new album?
Oh I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what the fans think.
From seeing your preview it seems to be sounding fantastic, I personally can’t wait! What would you
choose as you best song from the album?
My personal favorite would have to be the last song I made which was money over everything (MOE).
So why would you pick this as your personal favorite?
This song had to be my favorite due to the music video and the lyrics as they both linked together so well
and it was so much fun to film! I just cant wait for the release man.
Sounds good! Is there any artists that are featured in the album and if so why did you decide to
choose them?
Yes actually! I have got one feature in my first song which is BT, I chose him as I've known him through the
music industry for quite some time now and I have heard talk from the fans that they would love to hear a
single with us both in, so I thought why not, got into contact with him and he was honored to be a part of the
Good to hear he was interested, are you thinking about preforming in any upcoming festivals?
Yes actually I have one booked in November and already have two planned for next year.
Oh really! I was not expecting that which ones are you going to be preforming at?
Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell that information as the two festivals I will be preforming at next year are part
of a surprise tour that I am doing, however I can tell you where I am preforming later on this year in the
November festival. I am going to be performing at the O2 arena in Islington with some special guests.
And how are you able to get tickets for your one in November?
They were available online but I'm happy to announce they are actually sold out and have been for a while
That’s crazy they have only been out for a couple weeks!
I know I was amazed when I found out, but what I might do as so many people have been disappointed about
not being able to come is release 2 more locations where I will do the same tour so that more people can
come! Anyway man I've got to shoot off my taxi is waiting outside.
Awh that’s a good idea, the fans will love that! Alright man anyway nice having a talk with you and
finding out more about your music and I hope to see you again soon.
And you, see you soon man.
On my front cover there is lots of conventions that will stay the same on my magazine for every issue distributed. For example, the
banner will stay at the top of the page and will be the same dimensions the only thing that will change is the artists featured on the
page, furthermore my social media and barcode will all stay the same so that the reader become familiar with the magazine and can
spot if from a distance from just looking at the layout. For my double page spread, the page could look different as the picture will not
always take up the whole page on the left and photos will be moved around and will be different. Page number, website link, issue
date, social media and the ‘top dolla’ masthead will all stay the same for the same reasons.
When taking photographs for my first issue there was a few props I had to use, these included a microphone
stand, a microphone and a camera. This is because my magazine is a music based magazine so I thought it
would fit better with the genre of my magazine if I had the artist actually using the equipment he would.
Furthermore as the artist has the microphone and stand I feel like it makes the magazine more professional
and more relatable.
Camera £350.00
Microphone +
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
This is when I will
find my office
building & once
there set up
equipment in order
to start the business.
Go out and buy
enough chairs and
desks for all
employees and
ensure they are
Order the mac book
pros as these will
be able to use
Photoshop +
InDesign on
I will get interviews
set up for job roles
such as designer,
editor and other
jobs in the
I will get interviews
set up for job roles
such as designer,
editor and other jobs
in the business.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January
Week beginning: January 9th 2017
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
I will get interviews set up for job
roles such as designer, editor and
other jobs in the business.
After the interviews are done I am
going to set up all the chairs and
desks that I brought, to make
Complete by: Complete by:
14th January 15th January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Greet and meet all
employees in the
new office and let
them know their
roles in the
Search for a music
artist that will
feature on the first
copy of my
Talk to my writer
about coming up
with some
innovative and
questions to ask the
artist for the
My reporter will
interview the artist
with his chosen
questions and
record the answers
Type up the finalized
answers from the
artists interview
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Have a photoshoot with my chosen
artist for both the front cover and
Begin designing the layout for both
the front cover and dps designs
Complete by: Complete by:
24th January 24th January
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Order reporter to get
ore information on
the growing culture
of hip hop music
Using photoshoot
edit photos of the
chosen artists in
order to make
them look more
Get my interview
inserted into the dps
on my magazine
Search for
businesses that
would be interested
in advertising in the
Start inserting other
stories, articles and
photos in the
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekend off Weekend off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Finish off designing
the magazine
Find more smaller
stories about
Find more smaller
stories about artists
Find more smaller
stories about artists
Send the final
magazine of for
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
When the
magazines have
turned up look for
places where it can
be distributed to
magazine to stores
and online
websites which I
have found and
give me
permission to
advertise their
Create a social
media account and
begin advertisement
on their
Create a social
media account and
advertisement on
Product launch
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February 10th February
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
Equipment Cost
Office space £5695 (£1139 a
week for 4 weeks)
Apple mac book pro (x30) £34,470
Adobe CS6 Master Collection £2,220
Desks (x30) £7,020
Chairs (x30) £3,270
Printer £130.00
Cameras (x3) £1,347
Pens £7.99
Paper £16.99
Staff Salary
Editor £27,000
Publisher £55,000
Journalist £23,000
Writers £23,000
Photographers £20,000
Marketing £32,000
Finance £37,000
Design £29,000
Human resources £35,000
This slide is where I had to research
what type of salary the certain roles
required in order to create a magazine. I
used the website linked below and
looked into the specific roles for a
magazine and the website gave me a
mean salary for the roles e.g. a editor
may get £20,000 or could get £34,000 so
the average salary I would be looking at
is around £27,000, overall this helped
me get a good overview of what I will be
paying my staff.
In conclusion in this first learning objective I have all the final
ideas on my chosen magazine and I have included many of the
conventions which will be used for the layout of my magazine
front cover and DPS as well as things like house styles and font
styles of the magazine.
Furthermore in order to actually produce this magazine I will
have to obtain lots of equipment such as cameras to take
photos of the artist for my magazine and Photoshop to produce
and edit the pages for my magazine.
1. Location Recce
2. Hazards at the work place
3. Ethical / Legal
4. Conclusion
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Often referred to as HASAW or HSW, this Act of Parliament is the
main piece of UK health and safety legislation. It places a duty on all employers "to ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees.
The act also requires:
- Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems
- Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace
- Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances
- Adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety
This relates to the making of my magazine as everyone has to have their own space where they have their
own chair and desk, also they have to be a toilet accessible to them at all times. Furthermore there are things
such as if the people are working on a certain floor in abuilding windows cant be opened so I will have to have
fans in order to keep the workers cool and relaxed. Moreover I have to make sure that all of my staff are
trained to a certain level of skill to work for me and to be able to be a part of the production of the magazine.
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines
regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow.
The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and
enforced by IPSO.
The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January
The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below –
sets the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the
press subscribing to the Independent Press Standards Organization have
undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-
regulation to which they have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances
both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
• IPSO – Editors code of practice
• Each code has to be adhered (followed) by the publisher  magazine
• E.g. accuracy
• Reporting of events or people
• Data protection act
This effects ‘Top Dolla' magazine as for example when I am releasing a new copy of the
magazine I will have to be as accurate as possible in making sure that the press take care not
to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not
supported by the text.
Furthermore on the note of privacy I would have to make sure that everyone is entitled to
respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including
digital communications.
The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of
advertising across all media. We apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by
the Committees of Advertising Practice. Our work includes acting on complaints
and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or
offensive advertisements.
If they judge an ad to be in breach of the UK Advertising Codes, it must be
withdrawn or amended and the advertiser must not use the approach again. Each
year they consider over 30,000 complaints about around 20,000 ads.
This links to 'Q' magazine because when adverting their magazine they have to
make sure that it fits within the regulation of the ASA otherwise it will be withdrawn
by this association.
Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual property that
provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This is the exclusive
and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish,
perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material.
This means whatever content the author created cannot be
used or published by anyone else without the consent of the
This is relevant to 'Q' magazine as they release a issue of their
magazine monthly which includes huge amounts of information
that people potentially want to steal and use themselves.
For example this issue on the right has an exclusive interview with jay Z that other people would not be able to
obtain so they would want to use this for themselves, and this is where copyright comes in to place and this
stops people from attempting to do this and if they do they would face the consequences.
IP (Intellectual Property) is having the right type of intellectual property
protection helps you to stop people stealing or copying:
• the names of your products or brands
• your inventions
• the design or look of your products
• things you write, make or produce
• Copyright, patents, designs and trade marks are all types of
intellectual property protection. You get some types of protection
automatically, others you have to apply for.
A watermark is a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears as various different shades of
lightness / darkness when viewed by transmitted light (or when viewed by reflected light), caused by
thickness variations in the paper.
This is an example of an image which has been
water marked, because as you can see in the
middle you can see through the different
thickness in paper it has made out the copy
right sign, this is done so that people can still
view the picture clearly but also know its copy
right to use this photo without their permission.
If you then email / contact the owner and ask to
use it, or sort out a price they can then send
you a image without the watermark on.
I did this to my own magazine ‘TOP DOLLA’ in
order to stop people from taking my pictures
and using them elsewhere. I did this by taking
my main image on the front cover and writing
text over the image saying ‘TOP DOLLA’ in
white text then I changed the capacity of the
text in order to make it less visible and so that
you can still see the picture but just not use it.
Royalties is when a magazine has included content which is copyrighted and if
someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original
The NLA is a publisher owned rights licensing and database business. They
provide access to and license the re-use of publishers' content. NLA licences
contribute to a vibrant UK media and support journalism.
They manage the rights of thousands of print and web titles, and also act as a
fast and effective supplier of original quality articles and online news stories to
media monitoring agencies and their clients.
How do magazines make their money?
• The three main ways that magazines make money are circulation and subscription, classified
advertising and print advertising.
• Magazines obviously make money from someone going into the shop and buying a copy of the magazine
which is called ‘single copy sale’ but this is not very profitable at all.
• Some more profitable is subscriptions and magazines make a lot more money of this as they cut out at
least one of the intermediaries and get their product directly to the consumer.
• Also as through subscriptions they also now have your address so can make a pitch to renew your
subscription when it comes due, as well as pitch any other magazines that may interest you.
• Furthermore the best way for a magazine4 to make money is through advertising, this is because through
allowing advertisers to use the unused space it makes both the advertiser And the magazine money. Also
for the magazine just a full page back cover ad to run several thousands of pounds or more in popular
magazines, an d even better it makes the magazine look better and takes up space where it may have just
looked plain before.
Data Protection Act (1998)
The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organizations, business or the government.
Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is:
• used fairly and lawfully
• used for limited, specifically stated purposes
• used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
• accurate
• kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
• handled according to people’s data protection rights
• kept safe and secure
• not transferred outside the European Area without adequate protection.
Overall in this LO I outlined and explained how important it is to make
sure that your company has all the correct health and safety
requirements both for the workers and the magazine. This is very
important and is why I went into a huge amount of detail on the
different acts and regulations. Furthermore as for legal and ethical it
was crucial that I looked into things like editors code or royalties to
ensure my magazine is safe and is not in any way risk of something
going wrong or reputation being lost. Another big thing is to make sure
all my work is legit and copyrighted so that the content is mine and my
magazine is exclusive as it will be the only place with that exact
content in.
1. Setting up Equipment
2. Pre production material
3. Production process
4. Operating desktop Publishing tools
5. Conclusion
When it came to the photo-shoot I decided to use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera
(£300.00) and a BOSCH TT 150 PROFESSIONAL TRIPOD (£34.99) so the overall this improved
the quality of the photos for my magazine in comparison to using a normal camera. The reason it
improved the quality was because this camera has auto focus, flash light and an LED screen which
enables us to do the whole process quickly as I will not have to focus and get the right angles
myself, also I will not have to mess about with lighting which will save a huge amount of time also.
These are some of the pieces of
equipment needed to carry out the
relevant tasks for my magazine.
When talking about pre production materials I have to take into consideration
the hand drawn drafts as they were altered so that I was connoting more of a
professional and well placed layout. Also seeing the different components
down on paper meant I made sure it was not to complex and all the
components fitted in the right place with it still looking good. My photography
plan also changed from the original photos chosen as at first I just used a
plain photo of my artist but for there same reason of making more professional
I took it with a microphone and microphone stand as it was taken in the hip
hop environment so will appeal to the target audience.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
This is when I will
find my office
building & once
there set up
equipment in order
to start the business.
Go out and buy
enough chairs and
desks for all
employees and
ensure they are
Order the mac book
pros as these will
be able to use
Photoshop +
InDesign on
I will get interviews
set up for job roles
such as designer,
editor and other
jobs in the
I will get interviews
set up for job roles
such as designer,
editor and other jobs
in the business.
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January
Week beginning: January 9th 2017
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
I will get interviews set up for job
roles such as designer, editor and
other jobs in the business.
After the interviews are done I am
going to set up all the chairs and
desks that I brought, to make
Complete by: Complete by:
14th January 15th January
After looking at some other examples of production plans and process, I made my own one for
my magazine which tells you how I will make my magazine and what tasks will be done on each
day. This is the first week to show you how I planned it out and in future weeks things changed
such as the workers got weekends off and different tasks were done to produce the magazine.
PUBLISHING TOOLSFor my front cover –
1. Once you open Photoshop you have to change your page to international paper so that it’s the A4 size you need, you will also
have to add ruler lines by ‘ctrl + r’ then you drag and move them to create a ‘bleed;. This is added to make sure the magazine is
looking professional by keeping all conventions in line , and to make them disappear press ‘ctrl + h’ and repeat this to make them
come back again.
2. The next stage would be to add a background to my page so that I know the main color. A good way to make an effective
background i9s to add a gradient but as my background is black this is not relevant. However I used gradients for a few of the
conventions and to do so you have to look for the box with the color going from light to dark, then choose the color and type of
gradient you want to use.
3. The next thing to do is to add the most significant components first which h include things such as the masthead and the barcode
which has the issue date, web address, small masthead logo and the publishers logo.
4. When I created the barcode I had to insert an image which is done going going to ‘file’ then ‘place’ and once it has been placed in
Photoshop I clicked ‘ctrl + t’ in order to adjust the size and shape of the image. When changing the size I had to hold down ‘shift’
so that the image does not go distorted and then move it to the desired location (bottom left).
5. Around the sides of the magazine you can add text for the ‘cover stories’ by pressing ‘T’ in the side bar on Photoshop.
6. The next stage now is to add both the masthead and the strapline. So again I pressed the ‘T’ tool and wrote the
name of my masthead (top dolla) then I added a gradient to my masthead which went from orange to yellow to make
the masthead stand out. The strapline was then added underneath the masthead the same way, however I used a
rectangle shape by clicking the 18th box down on the tool bar to look like a bold line underneath the strapline so
people know its not just a cover story.
7. when you want to move lots of objects all around together as one shape for example the barcode you have to
highlight all the layers which you want on the bar down the far right, right click and press ‘link layers’ and then
there should be a little chain sign next to all the layers that are linked up.
8. Also it depends on what type of logo your are using but you can add text affects to the logo, by right clicking on
the txt layer and then going down top the ‘blending options’ and there is lots you can do to your logo from there.
9. the next convention is a very important one which is the front cover image and this is inserted the same way as any image which is ‘file’ then
‘place’. The next thing would be to remove the background of the image, which is done by ‘ctrl + t’ and then click the ‘quick selection tool’ on the
tool bar which is 4th down, then you have to select all the parts of the image that you want to keep using this tool. After this you have to click
‘select’ then ‘inverse’ and the backspace button which will then delete the background and leave you with just the picture of the artist.
10. To make all the edges nice and neat you can use the 13th tool down called the eraser tool and t the same time select the air brush tool, do
this by looking in the top left and finding the eraser on the dropdown. This now allows you to fully neaten up the edges and make the photo more
11. You can then move the image around to where you want it and change the size of the image, so I made mine bigger and made it in the center
of the page to stand out. Then you can effects and filters to change how the picture looks, by going on ‘blending options’ and then at the top right
click filters and change the picture to how you want it to be.
12. Then to make it look professional and looking like a proper magazine add things like cover
stories, headlines, puff promotions etc.
13. Next you will see a ‘T’ icon in the tool bar which is the text tool to add all the different types of text
around the magazine and change the color. You change the color easily by using the swatches at the
bottom of the tool bar, and you can save swatches of color so when you add another piece of text
you can use the same colors all over the magazine to make it look professional. Also if you want to
change the shape of the text the highlight it go to ‘windows’ then down to ‘character’ and then
change it to how you want.
14. For your puff promotion you follow the same steps of creating shapes and the you can also lock
the layers again so you can move the whole logo around as one, however don’t add to much to the
puff promotion as you want it to be precise and to stand out.
For my DPS I firstly repeated the steps that I did for the front cover by
creating the canvas the size that you want it and in this case having 3
columns on the write side for the interview and a blank page on the left for
the image.
Next I had to drag the masthead in from my front cover and in order to get it
with no background I had to save it as a ‘png’.
After this as you as the picture shows I added an ‘outer glow’ in order to make it fit in
more with the color scheme.
I then made the background and this can be done by creating it in Photoshop and just dragging the
layers over, so I made it with a gradient and it goes from black to grey and down to light grey/white.
After the background was in I then put the interview in and did this by copy and pasting it in the
columns, and this interview had to include both a drop capital and a pull quote.
The drop capital was created by using various tools in the top left corner which are
all under ‘paragraphing formatting controls’.
Then the pull quote was made
through playing around with the
controls under ‘window – text wrap’
to create it your own unique way.
After this I added my image which was very easy I took it with a
brick background and I was using this anyway so I didn't have
to edit it other than to just make it black and white in order to fit
in with the gradient of the background on the right side.
Then all the social media logo’s were added in and this
was done by saving all of them as a ‘png’ and placing
them in. I repeated this for every other image on the ‘dps’
including the apple logo, spotify logo, the black arrows,
the grey smoke and the orange explosion.
TOOLS (DPS)Next all of the other text was added in and this was simply done by using
the ‘type tool’ and just typing the text that I wanted to. Then with some of
them I added the same outer glow in the orange color to keep it
Lastly I added the last photo in which was on the right side and was wrapped
around the text I did this by first repeating the steps that I had to do in order to
delete the background on the front cover I then placed it onto my ‘DPS’. After this I
used the same ‘window – text wrap’ tool and had to detect edges and make sure it
wrapped around both left and right side.
Lastly I made the orange explosion png behind the picture of me so that you could
just see it round the edges, and then my ‘DPS’ was done.
I had edit the photos that I put into my magazine as it made them look more
For my main image I added lots of adjustments in order to create a certain effect on the
artist and I did this by using many different ‘adjustments’ on the adjustment bar, such as
things like ‘brightness’, ‘contrast’ or ‘posturize’.
The one that I added to make it look the way it does is to posturize the image and
change the level to the ones which best fitted with how I wanted it to look.
Overall in conclusion this learning objective outlined the different
equipment that I had to use in order to execute my photo-shoot and
where this took place. When all of the key dates were for p[producing
my magazine for example ‘when the interview took place with artist’
and then I step by step guide on how my magazine was produced and
all of the stages that had to be done during this process on both my
front cover and my double page spread. Moreover I explain step by
step on the ways in which I went about editing my photos, like taking
out the background, making them sharper and effects I used.
1. Deadlines
2. Post – Production Skills
3. Safe Working Practices
4. Proof reading and Sub editing
5. Color
6. Font
7. Changes
8. Conclusion
9. Witness statement
I have decided to have my deadline at the start of February
between 1st – 5th and I feel that I have met this due to the fact
that my product launch was on the 10th February which means
that my magazine was created and ready to go with spare time.
As there were lots of very time consuming tasks in which I made
sure were done near to the deadline and doing it with time to
spare means that there was no stress and the product launch all
went smoothly.
The software that I decided to use for my front cover was Photoshop C55.1 as it meant that I could gain a
professional and well designed front cover for my magazine. However I decided to use InDesign for my double page
spread as there are features that made it much easier to use then Photoshop such as you are able to create two
separate pages and view both at the same time, so this gives you a good perspective of how the double page spread
will look when someone's actually reading the magazine. Also you are able to create columns which make sit so much
easier to insert your article so it saves me much effort and time using this software and I am able to get a better
finished design.
Some of the tools I used in the software (Photoshop) was the gradient tool and this was for the ‘masthead’ as I made
it stand out much more, as at first it was just plain orange but once I discovered the gradient tool I added a few
different colors which made it a lot more professional and vibrant.
Software risk assessment
-resizing an image:
I inserted an image that I had downloaded of the internet of a t-shirt that the audience can
win but when I uploaded it was very small. So I had to think of a way that I would be able
to resize the image with no evidence of resizing pixilation. The best method I thought to
use was to first use the ‘transformation tool’ on adobe Photoshop which is ‘command’ ‘T’
and these makes the image be able to be resized and moved. The next step is to resizer
the image but to make sure it stays high quality I have to ensure I hold down the ‘shift key’
on the keyboard. I do this as these tool keeps the dimensions of the image the same so
that it does not get stretched or distorted it is just the exact same image but
-eyedropper Tool:
the best way for me to maintain consistency throughout my ‘top dolla’ magazine was to
keep all the colors the same. On the software I am using there is something called the
‘eyedropper tool’ that really helps the consistency as it enables you to choose a color from
an object, then you can actually save these color onto a swatches pallet. This meant that
every time I was producing headlines or object I could go to my swatches pallet and this
color would be saved and I can then easily and quickly make all the things I want to the
same color which speeds up the making of my magazine and also makes it a lot more
professional and all colors are kept the same.
As my double page spread contained large amounts of writing it was vital that I proof read my work to
ensure there was no spelling mistakes or that any of the sentences didn't’t make sense. It was good
that I did this as I found a sentence that was missing a word and therefore didn't’t make much sense.
It said ‘Awh I'm sorry I not able to tell that’ when it should of said ‘Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell
you that’ so I had to add in the word ‘am’ in order for the sentence to make sense.
Furthermore I also sub – edited my text by using the
‘hyphenate tool’ and this then removed all hyphens from my
work which made it more professional as it stops it from
cutting of sentences or words.
Color scheme:
The main colours I am using are orange, black and white, but yellow was used in
places in order to create a color gradient which you can see here it was used on the
‘masthead’ in order to make it more vibrant and to stand out.
The main reason I used the orange, black and white was because my magazine of
inspiration was using the same colors but yellow instead of orange so I substituted in
this color in order to make mine unique but ensuring I was not reinventing the wheel
in the process.
This will be the font I will use for my first magazine called “top dolla”.
This font is called “President” by “imagex”.
The reason I will be using this font is because it looks bold and the way
the letters are shaped makes it stand out as being a top magazine. As well
as fitting in with the hip hop vibe as it was an American style of music
hence why I used “dolla”.
Front cover corrections –
From the structured feedback that I have gained after taking part in my presentation, from two members of
staff who filled out the witness statement the first piece of feedback I received was that I should make my
strapline all on one line as at the moment it looks more like a cover story. In order to do this I will have to
take the layer and resize the text or change the font size so that all of the writing fits on one line without
overlapping the main image or any other cover stories.
Another feature that was suggested to change was where I had placed my headline because I had a large
word ‘unstoppable’ across the lower middle but it was in fact not my headline so I moved this up to the top
right as a cover line where my headline was and made it smaller by holding command ‘T’ and then holding
down shift while changing size.
Once I moved the headline to where it should be I then added a gradient to the text in order to make it
stand out as it should, after this I went to the text properties and added a stroke to the text so that it had a
little black behind the text to make it stand out that little bit more.
Here is the evidence of my witness statement.
Here is the evidence of my witness statement.
In conclusion I think making my front cover and double page spread in
two different software's was a good idea as it meant I could get the
best out of both software's as I required different things, so it improved
the efficiency and ease of producing the pages. Furthermore I have
now chosen the color scheme and fonts that I will use for magazine
and these will be used on every issue in order to raise the brand
identity and to ensure the magazine slowly gets more and more known
by the public. Also the changes that I made to my front cover meant
that it looked more professional and I feel it will now appeal more to
my audience as its better edited.

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Unit 14

  • 2.
  • 3. LO1 CONTENTS 1. Rough sketches 2. Final sketches 3. House style 4. Font style 5. Masthead ideas 6. Images of influence 7. Mood board 8. Draft articles 9. Graphic layout 10. Photography plan 11. Test photography 12. Prop list 13. Production plan 14. Resources needed 15. Conclusion
  • 4. ROUGH SKETCHES Masthead – as you can see the masthead will be across the top middle of the page so that it stands out and is the main attraction to the audience. Strapline – the strapline is placed below the masthead so that the users know this is representing the magazine above. Main image – the photo will be in the center of the page and will be a medium close up in order to stand out and be in the audiences faces, so appealing to a walk by audience. Barcode – this will be at the very left bottom so its visible to scan but not in the way of the more important conventions . Main headline – this will be very clear and over the main image to connotes that’s it’s the main headline because no cover stories would be over the main image so this echo's it’s the main story and what the magazine will be about. Cover stories – the cover stories will be plotted down either side so that it doesn't take the attention away from the main image.
  • 5. ROUGH SKETCHES CONTINUEDHeadline – this will be right at the very top so that the reader can see what its about straight away. Stand first – this is close to the headline so they can clearly see what the introduction for the story is. Photos – I will include a variety of photos, one being a big main image on the left page and then some small images to keep the reader interested on the right side and this will link with the article. Drop capital – having this drop capital will draw the audience in as its large and stands out from the rest of the letters in the article. Also at the bottom of the DPS I will include a various amount of conventions such as page numbers, logo, web address, social media and issue date. So subconsciously I will be advertising and some of this information such as page number will help the audience know where they are in the magazine.
  • 6. FINAL SKETCHES On my front cover I have chosen to have my masthead across the top middle of the page so that’s its clear and stands out to the audience and this is the same reason as me having the main image right in the middle of the page and very large to draw the audience to looking at these conventions first when picking up the magazine. Also in order to help the magazine as well as the consumers I will have puff promotions and social media so they have the chance to get move involved and learn more about the magazine. Furthermore for my cover stories they will be down either side of my main image so that people wont think its part of the main article as the main convections are in the middle. My double page spread will include the masthead so people will become more aware and comfortable with this logo, which is why it will be inserted in areas around the bottom as well. Moreover it will involve a stand first and headline which both help the reader to know what they are about to read and gives them an insight to whether they want to read on or not. Furthermore I have a big main picture on the left side which the main article will be based on and will have a few little images around the edges of the articles to keep the readers enticed.
  • 7. MASTHEAD IDEAS Masthead Ideas Roll up This connotes an area where people who typically listen to the ‘hip hop’ genre would be from/chill so would relate to them This word connotes all great and powerful which would make the reader feel as if they are buying the magazine which includes the best content ‘dolla’ is an American used word which is where the ;hip hop; genre originated from so it links in with the culture This mind map is for both my magazines and As this slide tells you I had many ideas on what I wanted to call my magazine and they were all related to the genre and background of my magazine, so that it would be a magazine that people can relate to. In the end I chose ‘Top Dolla’ as I liked it the most and it sounded the best to me.
  • 8. HOUSE STYLES Color scheme: the main two colors I am using are orange, black and white, but yellow was used in places in order to create a color gradient. This is because my magazine of inspiration used black, yellow and white, so I substituted the yellow for an orange in order to make it a little different. Font style: my magazines font that I will be using for the masthead is called ‘President’ and I am using this as it really bold and clear to read, which is perfect for the masthead as it needs to stand out to the reader. For my other pieces of text I will be using ‘the inbox’ font for things such as the headings and other content. I am using Social media – in my magazine I am using ‘twitter, Facebook and spotify’ as I have created a Facebook page for my magazines as I think this is a highly used platform by my target audience and it’s a thing which people are able to discus and see pictures, furthermore I can tweet about the magazine and also promote the music on spotify.
  • 9. FONT STYLE Above this there is four different font styles that I picked and obtained from the ‘’ website. I chose these four as they were all bold and would be good as a masthead to stand out and draw attention to the reader, however at this stage I was undecided in which style I wanted to use.
  • 10. FONT STYLE I WILL USE This will be the font I will use for my first magazine called “top dolla”. This font is called “President” by “imagex”. The reason I will be using this font is because it looks bold and the way the letters are shaped makes it stand out as being a top magazine. As well as fitting in with the hip hop vibe as it was an American style of music hence why I used “dolla”.
  • 11. MAGAZINE OF INSPIRATION Strapline – this is very bold and stands out as its white on a black background which are two contrasting colors. This could connote that this magazine stands out compared to other magazines. Cover lines – these outline other pieces of information to the reader so before buying the magazine they are able to see what type of content is inside. Barcode – this informs the reader the date in which the magazine was issued and also indicates the price in which they have to pay for the issue. Colors – all the colors in the magazine stand out which could connote that everything in the magazine also stands out and is exclusive information which the readers are getting to hear about. Main image – there is lots of things around the main image which could inform to the reader that there is also lots of information on the artist “Drake”. Main headline – this links with the strapline as it stands out and is big as there will be a big section in the issue based around this.
  • 14. DRAFT INTERVIEW Hello Omega how are you? Hello Owen I'm very good thanks how are you? I’m great thanks! So how are you feeling about the release of your new album? Oh I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what the fans think. From seeing your preview it seems to be sounding fantastic, I personally can’t wait! What would you choose as you best song from the album? My personal favorite would have to be the last song I made which was money over everything (MOE). So why would you pick this as your personal favorite? This song had to be my favorite due to the music video and the lyrics as they both linked together so well and it was so much fun to film! I just cant wait for the release man. Sounds good! Is there any artists that are featured in the album and if so why did you decide to choose them? Yes actually! I have got one feature in my first song which is BT, I chose him as I've known him through the music industry for quite some time now and I have heard talk from the fans that they would love to hear a single with us both in, so I thought why not, got into contact with him and he was honored to be a part of the album.
  • 15. DRAFT INTERVIEW Good to hear he was interested, are you thinking about preforming in any upcoming festivals? Yes actually I have one booked in November and already have two planned for next year. Oh really! I was not expecting that which ones are you going to be preforming at? Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell that information as the two festivals I will be preforming at next year are part of a surprise tour that I am doing, however I can tell you where I am preforming later on this year in the November festival. I am going to be performing at the O2 arena in Islington with some special guests. And how are you able to get tickets for your one in November? They were available online but I'm happy to announce they are actually sold out and have been for a while now. That’s crazy they have only been out for a couple weeks! I know I was amazed when I found out, but what I might do as so many people have been disappointed about not being able to come is release 2 more locations where I will do the same tour so that more people can come! Anyway man I've got to shoot off my taxi is waiting outside. Awh that’s a good idea, the fans will love that! Alright man anyway nice having a talk with you and finding out more about your music and I hope to see you again soon. And you, see you soon man.
  • 16. GRAPHIC LAYOUT On my front cover there is lots of conventions that will stay the same on my magazine for every issue distributed. For example, the banner will stay at the top of the page and will be the same dimensions the only thing that will change is the artists featured on the page, furthermore my social media and barcode will all stay the same so that the reader become familiar with the magazine and can spot if from a distance from just looking at the layout. For my double page spread, the page could look different as the picture will not always take up the whole page on the left and photos will be moved around and will be different. Page number, website link, issue date, social media and the ‘top dolla’ masthead will all stay the same for the same reasons.
  • 22. PROP LIST When taking photographs for my first issue there was a few props I had to use, these included a microphone stand, a microphone and a camera. This is because my magazine is a music based magazine so I thought it would fit better with the genre of my magazine if I had the artist actually using the equipment he would. Furthermore as the artist has the microphone and stand I feel like it makes the magazine more professional and more relatable. Camera £350.00 Microphone + stand £100.00
  • 23. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This is when I will find my office building & once there set up equipment in order to start the business. Go out and buy enough chairs and desks for all employees and ensure they are comfortable. Order the mac book pros as these will be able to use Photoshop + InDesign on I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January Week beginning: January 9th 2017
  • 24. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. After the interviews are done I am going to set up all the chairs and desks that I brought, to make Complete by: Complete by: 14th January 15th January
  • 25. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Greet and meet all employees in the new office and let them know their roles in the business. Search for a music artist that will feature on the first copy of my magazine Talk to my writer about coming up with some innovative and interesting questions to ask the artist for the interview My reporter will interview the artist with his chosen questions and record the answers Type up the finalized answers from the artists interview Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
  • 26. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday Have a photoshoot with my chosen artist for both the front cover and dps Begin designing the layout for both the front cover and dps designs Complete by: Complete by: 24th January 24th January
  • 27. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Order reporter to get ore information on the growing culture of hip hop music Using photoshoot edit photos of the chosen artists in order to make them look more appealing Get my interview inserted into the dps on my magazine Search for businesses that would be interested in advertising in the magazine Start inserting other stories, articles and photos in the magazine Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
  • 28. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekend off Weekend off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 29. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Finish off designing the magazine Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Send the final magazine of for production Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
  • 30. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 31. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday When the magazines have turned up look for places where it can be distributed to Dispense magazine to stores and online websites which I have found and give me permission to advertise their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Product launch Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February 10th February
  • 32. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 33. EQUIPMENT AND COST Equipment Cost Office space £5695 (£1139 a week for 4 weeks) Apple mac book pro (x30) £34,470 Adobe CS6 Master Collection £2,220 Desks (x30) £7,020 Chairs (x30) £3,270 Printer £130.00 Cameras (x3) £1,347 Pens £7.99 Paper £16.99 rs/london/tallis-street_ec4y_id8357
  • 34. STAFF AND COST Staff Salary Editor £27,000 Publisher £55,000 Journalist £23,000 Writers £23,000 Photographers £20,000 Marketing £32,000 Finance £37,000 Design £29,000 Human resources £35,000 This slide is where I had to research what type of salary the certain roles required in order to create a magazine. I used the website linked below and looked into the specific roles for a magazine and the website gave me a mean salary for the roles e.g. a editor may get £20,000 or could get £34,000 so the average salary I would be looking at is around £27,000, overall this helped me get a good overview of what I will be paying my staff.
  • 35. CONCLUSION In conclusion in this first learning objective I have all the final ideas on my chosen magazine and I have included many of the conventions which will be used for the layout of my magazine front cover and DPS as well as things like house styles and font styles of the magazine. Furthermore in order to actually produce this magazine I will have to obtain lots of equipment such as cameras to take photos of the artist for my magazine and Photoshop to produce and edit the pages for my magazine.
  • 36.
  • 37. CONTENTS PAGE 1. Location Recce 2. Hazards at the work place 3. Ethical / Legal 4. Conclusion
  • 40. HAZARDS IN THE WORKPLACE Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Often referred to as HASAW or HSW, this Act of Parliament is the main piece of UK health and safety legislation. It places a duty on all employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees. The act also requires: - Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems - Maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace - Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances - Adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety safety-legislation This relates to the making of my magazine as everyone has to have their own space where they have their own chair and desk, also they have to be a toilet accessible to them at all times. Furthermore there are things such as if the people are working on a certain floor in abuilding windows cant be opened so I will have to have fans in order to keep the workers cool and relaxed. Moreover I have to make sure that all of my staff are trained to a certain level of skill to work for me and to be able to be a part of the production of the magazine.
  • 41. ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and enforced by IPSO. The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below – sets the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press subscribing to the Independent Press Standards Organization have undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self- regulation to which they have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
  • 43. ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES • IPSO – Editors code of practice • Each code has to be adhered (followed) by the publisher magazine • E.g. accuracy • Reporting of events or people • Data protection act This effects ‘Top Dolla' magazine as for example when I am releasing a new copy of the magazine I will have to be as accurate as possible in making sure that the press take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text. Furthermore on the note of privacy I would have to make sure that everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.
  • 44. ROLE OF RELEVANT REGULATORY BODIES The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. We apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice. Our work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements. If they judge an ad to be in breach of the UK Advertising Codes, it must be withdrawn or amended and the advertiser must not use the approach again. Each year they consider over 30,000 complaints about around 20,000 ads. This links to 'Q' magazine because when adverting their magazine they have to make sure that it fits within the regulation of the ASA otherwise it will be withdrawn by this association.
  • 45. COPYRIGHT AND IP Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This is the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. This means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the author. This is relevant to 'Q' magazine as they release a issue of their magazine monthly which includes huge amounts of information that people potentially want to steal and use themselves. For example this issue on the right has an exclusive interview with jay Z that other people would not be able to obtain so they would want to use this for themselves, and this is where copyright comes in to place and this stops people from attempting to do this and if they do they would face the consequences.
  • 46. REGULATORY ISSUES IP (Intellectual Property) is having the right type of intellectual property protection helps you to stop people stealing or copying: • the names of your products or brands • your inventions • the design or look of your products • things you write, make or produce • Copyright, patents, designs and trade marks are all types of intellectual property protection. You get some types of protection automatically, others you have to apply for.
  • 47. WATERMARK A watermark is a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears as various different shades of lightness / darkness when viewed by transmitted light (or when viewed by reflected light), caused by thickness variations in the paper. This is an example of an image which has been water marked, because as you can see in the middle you can see through the different thickness in paper it has made out the copy right sign, this is done so that people can still view the picture clearly but also know its copy right to use this photo without their permission. If you then email / contact the owner and ask to use it, or sort out a price they can then send you a image without the watermark on.
  • 48. WATERMARK – MY MAGAZINE I did this to my own magazine ‘TOP DOLLA’ in order to stop people from taking my pictures and using them elsewhere. I did this by taking my main image on the front cover and writing text over the image saying ‘TOP DOLLA’ in white text then I changed the capacity of the text in order to make it less visible and so that you can still see the picture but just not use it.
  • 49. ROYALTIES Royalties is when a magazine has included content which is copyrighted and if someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original magazine. The NLA is a publisher owned rights licensing and database business. They provide access to and license the re-use of publishers' content. NLA licences contribute to a vibrant UK media and support journalism. They manage the rights of thousands of print and web titles, and also act as a fast and effective supplier of original quality articles and online news stories to media monitoring agencies and their clients.
  • 50. ROYALTIES How do magazines make their money? • The three main ways that magazines make money are circulation and subscription, classified advertising and print advertising. • Magazines obviously make money from someone going into the shop and buying a copy of the magazine which is called ‘single copy sale’ but this is not very profitable at all. • Some more profitable is subscriptions and magazines make a lot more money of this as they cut out at least one of the intermediaries and get their product directly to the consumer. • Also as through subscriptions they also now have your address so can make a pitch to renew your subscription when it comes due, as well as pitch any other magazines that may interest you. • Furthermore the best way for a magazine4 to make money is through advertising, this is because through allowing advertisers to use the unused space it makes both the advertiser And the magazine money. Also for the magazine just a full page back cover ad to run several thousands of pounds or more in popular magazines, an d even better it makes the magazine look better and takes up space where it may have just looked plain before.
  • 51. REGULATORY ISSUES Data Protection Act (1998) The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organizations, business or the government. Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is: • used fairly and lawfully • used for limited, specifically stated purposes • used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive • accurate • kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary • handled according to people’s data protection rights • kept safe and secure • not transferred outside the European Area without adequate protection.
  • 52. CONCLUSION Overall in this LO I outlined and explained how important it is to make sure that your company has all the correct health and safety requirements both for the workers and the magazine. This is very important and is why I went into a huge amount of detail on the different acts and regulations. Furthermore as for legal and ethical it was crucial that I looked into things like editors code or royalties to ensure my magazine is safe and is not in any way risk of something going wrong or reputation being lost. Another big thing is to make sure all my work is legit and copyrighted so that the content is mine and my magazine is exclusive as it will be the only place with that exact content in.
  • 53.
  • 54. CONTENTS 1. Setting up Equipment 2. Pre production material 3. Production process 4. Operating desktop Publishing tools 5. Conclusion
  • 55. SETTING UP EQUIPMENT When it came to the photo-shoot I decided to use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera (£300.00) and a BOSCH TT 150 PROFESSIONAL TRIPOD (£34.99) so the overall this improved the quality of the photos for my magazine in comparison to using a normal camera. The reason it improved the quality was because this camera has auto focus, flash light and an LED screen which enables us to do the whole process quickly as I will not have to focus and get the right angles myself, also I will not have to mess about with lighting which will save a huge amount of time also. These are some of the pieces of equipment needed to carry out the relevant tasks for my magazine.
  • 56. PRE PRODUCTION MATERIAL When talking about pre production materials I have to take into consideration the hand drawn drafts as they were altered so that I was connoting more of a professional and well placed layout. Also seeing the different components down on paper meant I made sure it was not to complex and all the components fitted in the right place with it still looking good. My photography plan also changed from the original photos chosen as at first I just used a plain photo of my artist but for there same reason of making more professional I took it with a microphone and microphone stand as it was taken in the hip hop environment so will appeal to the target audience.
  • 57. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This is when I will find my office building & once there set up equipment in order to start the business. Go out and buy enough chairs and desks for all employees and ensure they are comfortable. Order the mac book pros as these will be able to use Photoshop + InDesign on I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January Week beginning: January 9th 2017
  • 58. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. After the interviews are done I am going to set up all the chairs and desks that I brought, to make Complete by: Complete by: 14th January 15th January After looking at some other examples of production plans and process, I made my own one for my magazine which tells you how I will make my magazine and what tasks will be done on each day. This is the first week to show you how I planned it out and in future weeks things changed such as the workers got weekends off and different tasks were done to produce the magazine.
  • 59. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLSFor my front cover – 1. Once you open Photoshop you have to change your page to international paper so that it’s the A4 size you need, you will also have to add ruler lines by ‘ctrl + r’ then you drag and move them to create a ‘bleed;. This is added to make sure the magazine is looking professional by keeping all conventions in line , and to make them disappear press ‘ctrl + h’ and repeat this to make them come back again. 2. The next stage would be to add a background to my page so that I know the main color. A good way to make an effective background i9s to add a gradient but as my background is black this is not relevant. However I used gradients for a few of the conventions and to do so you have to look for the box with the color going from light to dark, then choose the color and type of gradient you want to use. 3. The next thing to do is to add the most significant components first which h include things such as the masthead and the barcode which has the issue date, web address, small masthead logo and the publishers logo. 4. When I created the barcode I had to insert an image which is done going going to ‘file’ then ‘place’ and once it has been placed in Photoshop I clicked ‘ctrl + t’ in order to adjust the size and shape of the image. When changing the size I had to hold down ‘shift’ so that the image does not go distorted and then move it to the desired location (bottom left). 5. Around the sides of the magazine you can add text for the ‘cover stories’ by pressing ‘T’ in the side bar on Photoshop.
  • 60. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS 6. The next stage now is to add both the masthead and the strapline. So again I pressed the ‘T’ tool and wrote the name of my masthead (top dolla) then I added a gradient to my masthead which went from orange to yellow to make the masthead stand out. The strapline was then added underneath the masthead the same way, however I used a rectangle shape by clicking the 18th box down on the tool bar to look like a bold line underneath the strapline so people know its not just a cover story. 7. when you want to move lots of objects all around together as one shape for example the barcode you have to highlight all the layers which you want on the bar down the far right, right click and press ‘link layers’ and then there should be a little chain sign next to all the layers that are linked up. 8. Also it depends on what type of logo your are using but you can add text affects to the logo, by right clicking on the txt layer and then going down top the ‘blending options’ and there is lots you can do to your logo from there.
  • 61. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS 9. the next convention is a very important one which is the front cover image and this is inserted the same way as any image which is ‘file’ then ‘place’. The next thing would be to remove the background of the image, which is done by ‘ctrl + t’ and then click the ‘quick selection tool’ on the tool bar which is 4th down, then you have to select all the parts of the image that you want to keep using this tool. After this you have to click ‘select’ then ‘inverse’ and the backspace button which will then delete the background and leave you with just the picture of the artist. 10. To make all the edges nice and neat you can use the 13th tool down called the eraser tool and t the same time select the air brush tool, do this by looking in the top left and finding the eraser on the dropdown. This now allows you to fully neaten up the edges and make the photo more professional. 11. You can then move the image around to where you want it and change the size of the image, so I made mine bigger and made it in the center of the page to stand out. Then you can effects and filters to change how the picture looks, by going on ‘blending options’ and then at the top right click filters and change the picture to how you want it to be.
  • 62. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS 12. Then to make it look professional and looking like a proper magazine add things like cover stories, headlines, puff promotions etc. 13. Next you will see a ‘T’ icon in the tool bar which is the text tool to add all the different types of text around the magazine and change the color. You change the color easily by using the swatches at the bottom of the tool bar, and you can save swatches of color so when you add another piece of text you can use the same colors all over the magazine to make it look professional. Also if you want to change the shape of the text the highlight it go to ‘windows’ then down to ‘character’ and then change it to how you want. 14. For your puff promotion you follow the same steps of creating shapes and the you can also lock the layers again so you can move the whole logo around as one, however don’t add to much to the puff promotion as you want it to be precise and to stand out.
  • 63. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS (DPS) For my DPS I firstly repeated the steps that I did for the front cover by creating the canvas the size that you want it and in this case having 3 columns on the write side for the interview and a blank page on the left for the image. Next I had to drag the masthead in from my front cover and in order to get it with no background I had to save it as a ‘png’. After this as you as the picture shows I added an ‘outer glow’ in order to make it fit in more with the color scheme.
  • 64. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS (DPS) I then made the background and this can be done by creating it in Photoshop and just dragging the layers over, so I made it with a gradient and it goes from black to grey and down to light grey/white. After the background was in I then put the interview in and did this by copy and pasting it in the columns, and this interview had to include both a drop capital and a pull quote. The drop capital was created by using various tools in the top left corner which are all under ‘paragraphing formatting controls’. Then the pull quote was made through playing around with the controls under ‘window – text wrap’ to create it your own unique way.
  • 65. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS (DPS) After this I added my image which was very easy I took it with a brick background and I was using this anyway so I didn't have to edit it other than to just make it black and white in order to fit in with the gradient of the background on the right side. Then all the social media logo’s were added in and this was done by saving all of them as a ‘png’ and placing them in. I repeated this for every other image on the ‘dps’ including the apple logo, spotify logo, the black arrows, the grey smoke and the orange explosion.
  • 66. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS (DPS)Next all of the other text was added in and this was simply done by using the ‘type tool’ and just typing the text that I wanted to. Then with some of them I added the same outer glow in the orange color to keep it consistent. Lastly I added the last photo in which was on the right side and was wrapped around the text I did this by first repeating the steps that I had to do in order to delete the background on the front cover I then placed it onto my ‘DPS’. After this I used the same ‘window – text wrap’ tool and had to detect edges and make sure it wrapped around both left and right side. Lastly I made the orange explosion png behind the picture of me so that you could just see it round the edges, and then my ‘DPS’ was done.
  • 67. OPERATING DESKTOP PUBLISHING TOOLS I had edit the photos that I put into my magazine as it made them look more professional. For my main image I added lots of adjustments in order to create a certain effect on the artist and I did this by using many different ‘adjustments’ on the adjustment bar, such as things like ‘brightness’, ‘contrast’ or ‘posturize’. The one that I added to make it look the way it does is to posturize the image and change the level to the ones which best fitted with how I wanted it to look.
  • 68. CONCLUSION Overall in conclusion this learning objective outlined the different equipment that I had to use in order to execute my photo-shoot and where this took place. When all of the key dates were for p[producing my magazine for example ‘when the interview took place with artist’ and then I step by step guide on how my magazine was produced and all of the stages that had to be done during this process on both my front cover and my double page spread. Moreover I explain step by step on the ways in which I went about editing my photos, like taking out the background, making them sharper and effects I used.
  • 69.
  • 70. CONTENTS 1. Deadlines 2. Post – Production Skills 3. Safe Working Practices 4. Proof reading and Sub editing 5. Color 6. Font 7. Changes 8. Conclusion 9. Witness statement
  • 71. DEADLINES I have decided to have my deadline at the start of February between 1st – 5th and I feel that I have met this due to the fact that my product launch was on the 10th February which means that my magazine was created and ready to go with spare time. As there were lots of very time consuming tasks in which I made sure were done near to the deadline and doing it with time to spare means that there was no stress and the product launch all went smoothly.
  • 72. POST – PRODUCTION SKILLS The software that I decided to use for my front cover was Photoshop C55.1 as it meant that I could gain a professional and well designed front cover for my magazine. However I decided to use InDesign for my double page spread as there are features that made it much easier to use then Photoshop such as you are able to create two separate pages and view both at the same time, so this gives you a good perspective of how the double page spread will look when someone's actually reading the magazine. Also you are able to create columns which make sit so much easier to insert your article so it saves me much effort and time using this software and I am able to get a better finished design. Some of the tools I used in the software (Photoshop) was the gradient tool and this was for the ‘masthead’ as I made it stand out much more, as at first it was just plain orange but once I discovered the gradient tool I added a few different colors which made it a lot more professional and vibrant.
  • 73. SAFE WORKING PRACTICES Software risk assessment -resizing an image: I inserted an image that I had downloaded of the internet of a t-shirt that the audience can win but when I uploaded it was very small. So I had to think of a way that I would be able to resize the image with no evidence of resizing pixilation. The best method I thought to use was to first use the ‘transformation tool’ on adobe Photoshop which is ‘command’ ‘T’ and these makes the image be able to be resized and moved. The next step is to resizer the image but to make sure it stays high quality I have to ensure I hold down the ‘shift key’ on the keyboard. I do this as these tool keeps the dimensions of the image the same so that it does not get stretched or distorted it is just the exact same image but bigger/smaller. -eyedropper Tool: the best way for me to maintain consistency throughout my ‘top dolla’ magazine was to keep all the colors the same. On the software I am using there is something called the ‘eyedropper tool’ that really helps the consistency as it enables you to choose a color from an object, then you can actually save these color onto a swatches pallet. This meant that every time I was producing headlines or object I could go to my swatches pallet and this color would be saved and I can then easily and quickly make all the things I want to the same color which speeds up the making of my magazine and also makes it a lot more professional and all colors are kept the same.
  • 74. PROOF READING AND SUB EDITING As my double page spread contained large amounts of writing it was vital that I proof read my work to ensure there was no spelling mistakes or that any of the sentences didn't’t make sense. It was good that I did this as I found a sentence that was missing a word and therefore didn't’t make much sense. It said ‘Awh I'm sorry I not able to tell that’ when it should of said ‘Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell you that’ so I had to add in the word ‘am’ in order for the sentence to make sense. Furthermore I also sub – edited my text by using the ‘hyphenate tool’ and this then removed all hyphens from my work which made it more professional as it stops it from cutting of sentences or words.
  • 75. COLOR SCHEME Color scheme: The main colours I am using are orange, black and white, but yellow was used in places in order to create a color gradient which you can see here it was used on the ‘masthead’ in order to make it more vibrant and to stand out. The main reason I used the orange, black and white was because my magazine of inspiration was using the same colors but yellow instead of orange so I substituted in this color in order to make mine unique but ensuring I was not reinventing the wheel in the process.
  • 77. FONTS This will be the font I will use for my first magazine called “top dolla”. This font is called “President” by “imagex”. The reason I will be using this font is because it looks bold and the way the letters are shaped makes it stand out as being a top magazine. As well as fitting in with the hip hop vibe as it was an American style of music hence why I used “dolla”.
  • 78. CHANGES – FRONT COVER Front cover corrections – From the structured feedback that I have gained after taking part in my presentation, from two members of staff who filled out the witness statement the first piece of feedback I received was that I should make my strapline all on one line as at the moment it looks more like a cover story. In order to do this I will have to take the layer and resize the text or change the font size so that all of the writing fits on one line without overlapping the main image or any other cover stories. Another feature that was suggested to change was where I had placed my headline because I had a large word ‘unstoppable’ across the lower middle but it was in fact not my headline so I moved this up to the top right as a cover line where my headline was and made it smaller by holding command ‘T’ and then holding down shift while changing size. Once I moved the headline to where it should be I then added a gradient to the text in order to make it stand out as it should, after this I went to the text properties and added a stroke to the text so that it had a little black behind the text to make it stand out that little bit more.
  • 80. WITNESS STATEMENT Here is the evidence of my witness statement.
  • 81. WITNESS STATEMENT Here is the evidence of my witness statement.
  • 82. CONCLUSION In conclusion I think making my front cover and double page spread in two different software's was a good idea as it meant I could get the best out of both software's as I required different things, so it improved the efficiency and ease of producing the pages. Furthermore I have now chosen the color scheme and fonts that I will use for magazine and these will be used on every issue in order to raise the brand identity and to ensure the magazine slowly gets more and more known by the public. Also the changes that I made to my front cover meant that it looked more professional and I feel it will now appeal more to my audience as its better edited.