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Candidate number: 5025
Flat Bass inspiration
This is my magazine of inspiration and as
you can see the front cover looks very
dramatic but also quite casual and this is
one look of which I would like to keep
when I create my magazine front cover.
The front cover model of this magazine is
Drake and I will be using my cousin as I
feel his style and his look is like the
audience that I would like to have reading
my magazine and looking at the front
cover. The colors in this image is stand out
a lot more prominently compared to the
background which is a lot more darker and
duller this helps the content and text stand
out a lot more of which I would like to
keep on my front cover.
TV inspiration
This is my second magazine of inspiration
and this front cover has a lot more colour
and overall looks a lot more professional.
The text on the page is bold and displayed
in a simple font making it easy to read and
understand. My cousin, who will be the
model, is going to try to pose in a similar
way to the model of this front cover and
this will help to appeal to the reader
encouraging them to buy the magazine. In
order to fit my criteria and genre the pose
will by a lot more casual which relates more
to the audience that I want to attract. I
chose this front cover due to its interesting
pose and bright colours which depict
mystery and leave a memory in the readers
Proposal 1
Proposal continued - Further
development possibilities
 In order to keep the audiences attention and inform them
of content soon to come I could create a website which
will include information related to my genre that the
audience would be interested in. This would allow the
audience to stay up to date with the latest content and the
logo for the magazine will stay in the readers memory
ensuring that they come back for more content.
Furthermore, I could also create advertisement boards
and by doing this it would allow me to show hundreds of
a people a day about the magazine and what new and
interesting content that will be in the magazine.
Proposal 2
Proposal continued - Further
development possibilities
 It is very important that my magazine relates to the age range
that I am aiming towards and that is 12-18 year olds. I can do
this by including content that will satisfy all the ages such as
when their favorite artists are going on tour and when they can
go and see them play live. In order to expand the awareness of
my magazine I could create a event sponsorship and this will
allow me to tell a mass amount of people what my magazine is
like and what kind of content that will be included into it. This
will expand the awareness of my magazine and people from
around the world will be able access the website and go into
more detail about what my magazine is about.
House style – Flat Bass
 Colour scheme: My colour scheme will have black, red and white.
This is because I believe that these colours will stand out the most
but will also keep the magazine professional and simples.
 Font style: My magazines font will be in American captain as I
believe that is it is clear to read but also gives a hint of being
professional. Furthermore, for my Masthead however I will be
using the font knucklehead as I believe that it looks clear and easy
to read but also will stand out to the consumer a lot more. The
logo will be located at the bottom of every page and the masthead
will be be located top left of each page making it more noticeable.
 Social media: Flat Bass should be in synergy with social media as
it would be able to then obtain more publicity and therefore get
more consumers.
House style- TV
 Colour scheme: Another colour scheme that I would use would be black, red and
yellow. The reason for this is because red and black are quite dark and evil colours
and the yellow will connote that the magazine is not all evil as well as it will stand out
a lot more.
 Font style: Firstly, my magazines font will be Hotel de Paris due to the fact that the
font sticks out of the page and looks like a font that would be in a magazine. For the
Masthead however I would use the font Antique book cover as it looks a lot more
professional than all the others but also makes the magazine look a bit more evil than
a usual magazine. This time the Masthead will be on the left hand side of the page
and the logo will be at the top right of the page making it the first thing you see
when you open the page making it more memorable.
 Social media: I also think that this magazine should be in synergy will social media
as it would mean that more consumers will want to buy the magazine and the
magazine will become more memorable.
Magazine Flat plan – Flat
Headline stand
headline headline
Reviews e.g albums-singles
Reviews e.g( albums)
Next weeks
Magazine Flat plan - TV
Headline stand
headline headline
Reviews e.g albums-singles
Reviews e.g( albums)
Next weeks
Flat Plan conclusion
 I like to ensure that my pages of my magazine have a
purpose for being in the place that they are in and so it is
important that main pages such as the front cover look
good and attract the attention of the correct genre
readers. I have decided to place my information and
images in specific places so that the information isn’t too
over whelming or there are too many images. By doing
this it helps to make my magazine look professional and
well planned out and therefore in the long term attract
more readers to buy my magazine.
Draft Interview
 James smith
ME: Hi James, thanks a lot for coming in, okay right tell us a little bit about your latest single? Were there any
specific references to specific people in it? James: Well, I believe that what I said was true and whatever comes out in the
song remains in the song, you know. But if I had to cut it down I would probably say that what I sing is true and I believe
that it should create a certain emotion in someone that no other song can do even if that means I have to use foul language
so be it. ME: okay okay, so in the studio… how would you begin a song, like what would you start with? James: To
be totally honest, there isn’t that much to it. I just simply write the lyrics associated with things that I like and as I want my
fans to hear the song the same way I do I ensure that the producers who make the magic happen are given the correct
instructions in order to make the song perfect. ME: oh cool, so why have you made this next single so limited? And
what kind of purpose does it serve? James: I’m actually glad you said that. I originally wanted to keep it a secret but I
don’t think the fans can wait any longer so…. Inside you will find the record along with a surprise poster of the album that
is signed by me and two free tickets to my next concert in Brazil. Now tell me that’s not amazing. ME: that is amazing,
but I think that’s enough about that so why don’t we move onto what kind of things you are thinking about for the
next record such as what sort of ideas do you have? James: well, being totally honest, I think I want to try and maybe
colab’ or do a features record with a couple of different other artists such as Kanye West or Ed sheeran. But on the whole
I’m not entirely sure just yet, I guess you could say I’m working on it. ME: okay okay, well I think that I totally agree
with you and that, that would be a great Idea as well as I believe that your fans would be thrilled to see that. But
uh, most importantly will there be any extra information or any little secrets hidden in the record in order to get
your fans hyped anymore? James: Well, as I’ve said before I’m not entirely sure but, I am sure that there will definitely be
something out of the ordinary in the next record that I do and I intent to incorporate more of my feelings towards life in
my songs so that my fans can see who I really am and what my intentions uh, are in life. ME: That sounds great, but
getting a little deeper now and to finish of what is uh… going on between you and Drake lately because some
rumors are going around saying that you two are beginning to fall out or something and I just wanted to ask
like… what’s up with that? ames: okay, well in the production of the recent record Drake suggested that he wanted to take
most of the credit, even though I put the most work into the record and because of that I didn't agree with his view on it..
So we were at a disagreement for quit a while before we decided to take equal 50-50 credit for the record. But knowing that
I did most of the work, ive decided that I am not going to make another record with him for a while. ME: Ok, well thanks
so much for coming in and we cant wait too hear the record. James: Thanks.
Steve Neale (1980)
“repetition and difference”
 For media texts to be successful they must have elements of “ repetition” and “difference”.
 From the inspiration of the magazine XXL, I would keep the colour scheme of the logo
shown in XXL as I believe that it stand out a lot more than the rest of the magazine. Also
these colours seem to be repeated through out the music magazine industry and I would
like to attract my readers in a similar way. Furthermore, I would be repeating a similar
layout, which would include the main headline being located at the bottom of the front
cover so that it doesn’t distract the reader from the main image being in this case Drake.
Additionally, with a simple background being white gives the magazine a professional look
and attracts more of the readers attention to the main image.
 However I would like to change the colour of the main image so that it isn’t in black and
white and that the colours aren’t so dull as I feel that this will allow the ain image to be
seen a little better.
 By completing these changes it will allow me to create a effective front cover and magazine
that will attract the attention of as many people as possible. By doing this it will make the
pitch of the magazine a lot easier to promote and therefore it will further increase the
amount of sales and the amount of profit that is made for the production of the magazine.
Steve Neale (1980)
“repetition and difference”
 Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of repetition
and difference, difference is essential to the economy of the genre.
 Neale states that the film and its genre are defined by two things:
 A film must match the genres conventions to be identified as part
of that genre.
 The film must subvert convention enough to be considered unique
and not just a clone of an existing film.
 Overall what Neale is trying to say is that a film must match its
genre in order to be unique otherwise the film is just like another
film that is already existing.
Production plan
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
The date of
publication will
be decided on
this day as well as
everyone will
work together in
order to create a
schedule of the
work that needs
to be done.
The magazines
editing team will
be able to
decide what
contents will be
going into the
magazine and
they will also
decide what
ever the biggest
artist or biggest
story/gossip is
will be the main
image on the
front cover.
At this point the
“external” and
“internal” writers
will decide what
content and
graphics that will
go into the
magazine. This is a
vital part of the
productions as
they must look
professional and
At this point
the “external”
and “internal”
writers will
decide what
content and
graphics that
will go into the
magazine. This
is a vital part of
the magazine
productions as
they must look
and relevant.
Then the
“editor” will
observe and
go through
the magazine
to ensure that
there is no
mistakes and
that all of the
pages are
correct and in
Production plan
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
At this stage the
layout staff will use
different programs
such as “InDesign”
or “PageMaker” in
order to type out
and set the layout of
all the pages of the
magazine. Then the
decided adverts
from different
companies get
placed into the
magazine to which
the magazine makes
a large portion of its
At this stage the
layout staff will use
different programs
such as “InDesign”
or “PageMaker” in
order to type out
and set the layout of
all the pages of the
magazine. Then the
decided adverts
from different
companies get
placed into the
magazine to which
the magazine makes
a large portion of its
Then the “editorial
team” will print out a
hard copy of the
magazine in order to
read through it and see
if there are any issues
that need to be taken
care of. It is also
important that every
member of staff is
satisfied that there are
no errors within the
magazine, and if there
are they will be
corrected on a DTP file
done by editorial team.
This makes it a vital
stage as it ensures that
the content, layout and
final product meets the
satisfactory needs
before it heads out to
the general public.
Then the “editorial team” will
print out a hard copy of the
magazine in order to read
through it and see if there are
any issues that need to be
taken care of. It is also
important that every member
of staff is satisfied that there
are no errors within the
magazine, and if there are
they will be corrected on a
DTP file done by editorial
team. This makes it a vital
stage as it ensures that the
content, layout and final
product meets the
satisfactory needs before it
heads out to the general
The entire magazine gets sent
to the printer ‘who's job is to
print out the magazines
copies’ and they are pre-
pressed and the magazine is
checked to ensure that all the
fonts, text and images have
gone through correctly and to
a perfect condition. Also a
few copies get sent back to
the publications editors who
do a quick check to ensure
that everything looks in
working order. If everything
is in order then they give the
go ahead to print out the
thousands of copies that will
meet the demand of the
Complete (Monday-
Complete (Monday-
Complete (Wednesday-
Complete (Wednesday-
Complete (Friday-Monday) N/A N/A
Production plan
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
The entire magazine gets
sent to the printer ‘who's
job is to print out the
magazines copies’ and they
are pre- pressed and the
magazine is checked to
ensure that all the fonts, text
and images have gone
through correctly and to a
perfect condition. Also a
few copies get sent back to
the publications editors who
do a quick check to ensure
that everything looks in
working order. If everything
is in order then they give
the go ahead to print out
the thousands of copies that
will meet the demand of the
In this final section
the printing
company will have
finished printing
and will pack away
the magazines and
send them to the
warehouse. At the
warehouse they
will get distributed
and sold to the
public and this is
the point where
the public will get
access to the
magazines and be
able to absorb the
information to do
with their favorite
In this final
section the
printing company
will have finished
printing and will
pack away the
magazines and
send them to the
warehouse. At the
warehouse they
will get distributed
and sold to the
public and this is
the point where
the public will get
access to the
magazines and be
able to absorb the
information to do
with their favorite
Complete (Friday-Monday) Complete
Audience - Hartley’s theory
 I will ensure that my magazine covers Hartley’s theory which are the 7 social categories so that
all of my consumers will be able to read my magazine and understand the contents of it.
 Gender: I will ensure that my magazine appeals to both genders so that I will be able to obtain
more consumers to read my magazine. I will do this by including male and female artists with
exclusive interviews, gossip and tours. However it might not be so easy to entertain both
genders as the genre of my magazine is mostly rock and so I will have to consider focusing my
attention to appealing the attention of male consumers.
 Age: As well as gender it is also very important to consider age when making a magazine
otherwise you could end up attracting the attention of the wrong age range. For my magazine,
I will be attracting the attention of people aged around 15-30 due to the fact that my magazine
will be associated with rock n roll music.
 Class: Furthermore it is also important to aim for the correct classes when creating a
magazine and in this case I will be aiming my magazine for all classes. I intend to do this by
making the magazine look reasonably professional and by including exclusive content and
gossip that cannot be seen in any other magazines. In intend do obtain this professional look
by keeping the colors of red, white and black as they are bold and clean looking while keeping
the genre of rock n roll.
Audience - Maslow’s theory
 Maslow’s theory is mainly focused on motivational purposes only in order to
encourage people to become a success. This is done as a triangle was created
and it stated all the stages that you have to follow in order to become a success.
An example of this is friends and family and what the triangle indicates is that
in order to become success you will require the help of friends and family
whether that’s to help you do something or even just to talk to.
Audience – Katz theory
 Katz theory states that people are categorized into three
different sections Supervisory management, technical skills and
human skills. What Katz is trying to say is that depending on
how high up in management you are the skills will vary due to
the job that you have to for fill.
 My magazine will inform and educate people aged from 12-18
year olds about careers in music and what kind of skills they
need to acquire so that they are able to obtain a career in music
if they wanted to. The audience will be informed on new and
interesting content that will be specifically addresses to people
that are a certain age the content that will change every month
and I will ensure that the content keeps the right audience
coming back for more.
Audience – Psychographics
When creating my magazine and deciding what
content I will add into it, it is important that it
relates to at least one of the seven categories
that you can see on the right. As I have stated
the age range will be from 12-18 years old and I
believe that this will put them into the explorers
category meaning that they are filled with
energy and seek experience. I will be sure to
include content and artists that relate to this
category and this will help the ages to advance
into a different category as they age such as
succeeders as they may have strong goals to
pursue a career as a musician. The
advertisement and front covers will also relate
to the age range and this will help to catch their
attention while the magazine is being marketed.
Step by Step Front Cover -
Firstly, I created the background and how I did this I by using the eyedropper tool in order to
obtain the light blue colour from my magazine of inspiration which happens to be from Vibe
magazine. I then decided to darken the outer edges by using the burn tool and this also helped to
make it look as if the main image, once placed in, will be the source of light therefore drawing the
consumers attention towards them.
Main image
In the next part it was time for the main image to be placed in as it will easily be the biggest thing on
the page. I decided to use this image due to the models pose and how it represents the right thought
for the consumers that I am trying to attract. It was decided that I made the main image black and
white as I feel it makes the image and over all front cover look better. In order to sharpen up the
image I used the sharpen tool which helped to make the image look a lot clearer and sharper. Also I
had to use the burn tool to make some parts of the image darker then others so that the image
looked as natural and clear and possible.
Barcode and extras
In order to fill up the space on the magazine and to ensure the magazine can be bought I included a
barcode with some extra logos that are popular to the public informing them that they are able to
follow and view other content on different social media apps. Helping with the magazines realism a
price and date have been added at the bottom the front cover page and this is to depict how much the
magazine is worth and when the magazine was created.
Furthermore, the next step was to add the title which will be the largest text on the page. The
reason I chose for it to go next is so that I am able to see how I will space out my strap line text
and other text that is present on the page. I chose a font that related to my magazine of
inspiration before choosing the correct shade of white and pressing command+t in order to angle
the title and make it the right size. Once the title was in place I was then able to see how much
space I needed to fill and how much text I was able to have on the front cover.
Main cover line
I then decided to add the main cover line as I knew that it would be the second largest text on the
front cover. Taking advantage of its size I chose to place the main cover line in the top right corner
of the page in order to conserve space and make the front cover look neat and professional. In order
to make the main cover line stand out I continued with a similar but slightly brighter white so that
you’re eye is attract more towards what the main cover line.
Cover lines
In order to fill all other available spaces I added a large amount of different cover lines by using the
text tool as it will include some of the information to do with the content that is found in the
magazine. The font once again is similar to the one found in my magazine of inspiration and the size
of the different texts is to make different words that are more important stand out. Although the
boldness of these words made the text stand out I felt as If the words were not standing out enough
and in order to solve this problem I made some words a brighter red so that you eye is attracted to
Beats logo
As I got this far I realized a small space which could have been left unfilled but it began to bother me.
In order to satisfy my thoughts and make use of the space I decided to add a beats headphones logo in
order to show to the consumer that the magazine is in association with beats headphones. In order to
make the logo look better and and match the main image I chose to add a drop shadow so that the
main image and the logo look as if they are having light shone on them from the top right corner. This
idea also helps to make the beats logo look as if it is 3D and coming out of the front cover therefore
attracting the consumers attention.
Puff promotion
After that I then decided to add a Puff promotion located at the bottom right corner which states
“1st Annual Global Issue” and this Puff promotion was added for the reason that it tells the
consumer what issue it is and where the magazine will be sold. I created the Puff promotion by
obtaining the outside star shape off of the internet and then righting text in the center of it. I
decided to make it match the rest of the magazines design and the colour scheme which is red,
black and white. By doing this it stands out a lot more then most of the things on the front cover,
helping the consumer to see it.
Step by Step DPS -
Firstly, I created the background and I did this by filling the whole background with solid black and
then I gradually brought the background greyer and greyer using the brush tool until I thought the
background looked aesthetically pleasing and professional. I decided to do the background in this
black and grey combination as it helps to follow the target audience which is located between 12-20
year olds. An inspiration for the background color came from my Double page spread of inspiration
which has the same colors as the background.
Main image
After the background I then decided to input the main image as it is the biggest image and section
that will be on the page. I did this by first inputting the image and changing it to black and white so
that it suites the background a lot better and looks a lot bolder as well as keeps in style with the
latest generation therefore intriguing them to read the information located on the left. The color
scheme here is also from my magazine of inspiration and I think that adding a bit of color to a
black and white image helps to make the image look more interesting and sharp to the eye.
After sectioning out the two pages, I then thought about adding the title along with a smaller
heading which gives a small insight into what the interview beneath is about. The title I simply
added by using text boxes and I positioned them so that they fit perfectly on the page and I
increased the size of the font so that it is the biggest text on the double page spread and therefore
the first text you see on the page. The smaller sub-heading helps to connote to the reader what the
interview is about making it easier for the reader to see whether or not they want to read the
content on the page.
The next important part that I decided to add would be the content itself and in this case it is the
interview that the reader would have seen a sneak peak about on the front cover. This interview I
created using text boxes and it will be the main piece of content on the page that the reader would
want to read about after seeing pert of the information on the front cover. I have sectioned the
two parts into two paragraphs so that the professional theme continues into the magazine. The
fact that the size of the font remains the same size connotes how sharp and neat the information
is and helps to look pleasing to the eye.
The next and final steps to the creation of one of my double page spreads is that I added a quote
and I web address on the left side on the left page. I added the quote so that the reader would see a
small but important piece of the interview and get a quick taste of the artists view and opinion
without having to read the whole interview. The quote is bonded with large quotation marks making
it easily noticeable and obvious on the page. The web address I added at the bottom of the left page
so that the reader if wanting to, would be able to see more information on the artist and other
content that is updated online. Visiting this website the reader would be shown different fragments
of content and would be able to subscribe to the website so that they can keep updated with the
latest content.
Step by Step back page
advertisement - background
When creating my advertisement magazine back page I had to consider a lot of things such
how the readers would be able to apply and go on the holiday that is advertised. In order to
attract the readers attention I added an image of the beach which is a place where the
readers will want to go in order to have fun away from work and stress. It is in black and
white as I believe that it makes the image look a lot more classic as the beach has been a
highlight holiday for a long time.
The creation of the title had to be bold, bright and simple in order to attract that attention
of the reader. In order to do this I decided to make the title in a large and bold font as well
as make the colour of the font a yellow and by doing this I was able to make the title stand
out from the background a lot so that it is the first thing that you see when you turn to the
Website link
Considering how the readers would be able to apply for the holiday I added the name of a
link to the website where you are able to apply and see more information on the holiday in
order to see if you want to take the deal on the holiday. This website is also in a bright
yellow so that it is very obvious from the background. On the website there will also be
information on other holidays and the magazine so that you the reader can consume more
information on there favourite artists.
Other information
Finally I added a boarder to the page so that you the image is focused on more as well as I
added which country the image was taken in so that the readers area able to see whether or
not it is worth the journey to travel to another country or not. It also helps to give
information to the reader by demonstrating a certain font that is linked to a specific
magazine or website helping to advertise the website.
How I am going to advertise
my magazine
 With new technology and an increase in new products being
manufactured I will need to think about how I am going to advertise
my magazine. In order to have the best chance of selling my magazine
for a affordable price I will be uploading a downloadable copy onto the
main website that I have created. On the website you will be able to
buy the magazine and download a copy when ever you want and by
doing this I will be able to widen my range of advertisement to the
public so that I have the best chance at selling the magazine. Of course
not everyone will want or be able to download a copy of my magazine
off of the website and so will need to create advertisement boards that
could be situated near roads or on motorways that can be seen by the
general public. But in order to secure my profit on the magazine I will
also have broadcasted advertisement that can be hear on most radios
and this greatly increases the chances of having someone buy my
Advertising revenue
Display Production
Full page FH £3,000 Supplied images £2,000 net
Full page ROP £2,500 Photo shoot £3,500 net
Half page £1,500 inserts
IBC/OBC £3,500 Bound-in £65 CPT
DPS FH £5,000 Tip-in £60 CPT
DPS ROP £5,500 Loose insert £65 CPT
Full page £5,000
DPS £10,000
Half page £3,000
Printing costs
I am going to be printing off 15,000 copies of the TV music magazine.
This would mean that I would be able to obtain profit from the first year
after all of the equipment and salary costs. Additionally, the cost of my
magazine would be £4.59 and this would mean that the readers would be
buying the magazine for a good price filled with interesting and inspiring
content. Because of this it would mean that I would be able to make a
large profit in the first year of printing.
Subscription service
 On the website that I would create there would be a section
where you would be able to purchase the magazine for the
price of 6 months worth filled with content that is 12
months worth. I believe that this is a great deal as it would
mean that more consumers would want to buy my magazine
and therefore I would be able to make more profit. Before
the reader buys the magazine they would be able to find out
additional information on what will be included in the
magazine on the website and hopefully this would persuade
them to buy the magazine. To ensure that I make as many
sales to the right age range I would design the website
suitable for people aged 12-18 years old and this would
encourage the right aged people to buy the magazine that
they are interested in.
Equipment and Cost
Equipment Cost
Office space £375,000.00
MAC computer x60 £62,940.00
Printers x4 £955.20 with inc VAT
Cameras x8 £4,312.00
Lighting equipment £369.00
Paper x7 £118.93
Stationary (pens) x10 £28.60
Desks x60 £19,080.00
Chairs x60 £10,008.00
Adobe creative cloud all apps + Adobe stock x60 £21,599.40
Total £494,411.13
Links for Equipment
 Office space
 MAC computers
 Printers
 Cameras
 Lighting equipment
 Paper
 Stationary (pens
 Desks
 Chairs
 Adobe creative cloud
Staff and costStaff Salary
Publisher x2 £45,000
Editors x8 £30,000
Journalists (internal and external)x6 £30,000
Writers (internal and external)x6 £28,000
Photographers x4 £28,000
Marketing x4 £30,000
Advertising (social media) x4 £30,000
Finances x4 £35,000
Human resources x3 £40,000
Designers (graphics)x3 £35,000
In order to ensure that my magazines are high quality and include great content I have decided to
raise the salary by a couple thousand to ensure that the work in getting done and I will ensure that
the candidates will be worth the money I am willing to pay for them. As you can see I have got a lot
of different occupations for each job and this is to make sure that everything is done to a great
quality and it also helps to reduce stress for the workers as not one of them has to do all the work.
Profit and loss breakdown
Price of one magazine – £4.59
Amount publishing each month – 30,000
Printing costs – £4,378.58
Salaries - £331,000
Equipment - £494,411.13
30,000 x 4.59 = £137,700 how much earned from sales
£137,700 – 4,378.58 = £133,321.42 PROFIT (one month issue)
£133,321.42 x 12 = £1,599,857.04
£1,599,857.04 – £331,000 = £1,268,857.04
£1,268,857.04 - £494,411.13 = £774,445.91
£774,445.91 - PROFIT in the first year
Plan for the future
 For the future I could construct a website that is suitable and
related to people aged 12 -18 and this would mean that they
would be able to subscribe to the website in order to get
updated about the latest content and events in the future.
Through the website they would be able to purchase a copy of
the TV magazine every month filled with interesting content.
Also I could advertise my magazine through the radio and this
would help to promote the magazine to a large audience so that
more people would want to find out more about the magazine.
I would also be able to promote the magazine by creating
advertisement boards so that hundreds of people everyday
would be able to see the magazine and access the website in
order to find out additional information.
Hand drawn drafts
Hand drawn drafts
Graphic layouts for Flat Bass
Photo of
Photo of
Photo of
Graphic layouts for TV
Photo of
e text
DPS for Flat Bass
and verse
and verse
Quote caption
DPS for TV
and verse
Photo-shoot plan Flat Bass
Photo-shoot plan TV
Location reccee

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Unit 13 - Lo3

  • 2. Flat Bass inspiration This is my magazine of inspiration and as you can see the front cover looks very dramatic but also quite casual and this is one look of which I would like to keep when I create my magazine front cover. The front cover model of this magazine is Drake and I will be using my cousin as I feel his style and his look is like the audience that I would like to have reading my magazine and looking at the front cover. The colors in this image is stand out a lot more prominently compared to the background which is a lot more darker and duller this helps the content and text stand out a lot more of which I would like to keep on my front cover.
  • 3. TV inspiration This is my second magazine of inspiration and this front cover has a lot more colour and overall looks a lot more professional. The text on the page is bold and displayed in a simple font making it easy to read and understand. My cousin, who will be the model, is going to try to pose in a similar way to the model of this front cover and this will help to appeal to the reader encouraging them to buy the magazine. In order to fit my criteria and genre the pose will by a lot more casual which relates more to the audience that I want to attract. I chose this front cover due to its interesting pose and bright colours which depict mystery and leave a memory in the readers mind.
  • 5. Proposal continued - Further development possibilities  In order to keep the audiences attention and inform them of content soon to come I could create a website which will include information related to my genre that the audience would be interested in. This would allow the audience to stay up to date with the latest content and the logo for the magazine will stay in the readers memory ensuring that they come back for more content. Furthermore, I could also create advertisement boards and by doing this it would allow me to show hundreds of a people a day about the magazine and what new and interesting content that will be in the magazine.
  • 7. Proposal continued - Further development possibilities  It is very important that my magazine relates to the age range that I am aiming towards and that is 12-18 year olds. I can do this by including content that will satisfy all the ages such as when their favorite artists are going on tour and when they can go and see them play live. In order to expand the awareness of my magazine I could create a event sponsorship and this will allow me to tell a mass amount of people what my magazine is like and what kind of content that will be included into it. This will expand the awareness of my magazine and people from around the world will be able access the website and go into more detail about what my magazine is about.
  • 8. House style – Flat Bass  Colour scheme: My colour scheme will have black, red and white. This is because I believe that these colours will stand out the most but will also keep the magazine professional and simples.  Font style: My magazines font will be in American captain as I believe that is it is clear to read but also gives a hint of being professional. Furthermore, for my Masthead however I will be using the font knucklehead as I believe that it looks clear and easy to read but also will stand out to the consumer a lot more. The logo will be located at the bottom of every page and the masthead will be be located top left of each page making it more noticeable.  Social media: Flat Bass should be in synergy with social media as it would be able to then obtain more publicity and therefore get more consumers.
  • 9. House style- TV  Colour scheme: Another colour scheme that I would use would be black, red and yellow. The reason for this is because red and black are quite dark and evil colours and the yellow will connote that the magazine is not all evil as well as it will stand out a lot more.  Font style: Firstly, my magazines font will be Hotel de Paris due to the fact that the font sticks out of the page and looks like a font that would be in a magazine. For the Masthead however I would use the font Antique book cover as it looks a lot more professional than all the others but also makes the magazine look a bit more evil than a usual magazine. This time the Masthead will be on the left hand side of the page and the logo will be at the top right of the page making it the first thing you see when you open the page making it more memorable.  Social media: I also think that this magazine should be in synergy will social media as it would mean that more consumers will want to buy the magazine and the magazine will become more memorable.
  • 10. Magazine Flat plan – Flat BassContents Contents lists Editors note Contact details Advert Headline article article Headline article Tour information Headline article headline article headline article article Headline stand verse article article article Continued article Continued article headline article Advert Tour information headline headline article article Reviews e.g albums-singles Reviews e.g( albums) Mail adverts Next weeks issue
  • 11. Magazine Flat plan - TV Contents Contents lists Editors note Contact details Advert Headline article article Headline article Tour information Headline article headline article headline article article Headline stand verse article article article Continued article Continued article headline article Advert Tour information headline headline article article Reviews e.g albums-singles Reviews e.g( albums) Mail adverts Next weeks issue
  • 12. Flat Plan conclusion  I like to ensure that my pages of my magazine have a purpose for being in the place that they are in and so it is important that main pages such as the front cover look good and attract the attention of the correct genre readers. I have decided to place my information and images in specific places so that the information isn’t too over whelming or there are too many images. By doing this it helps to make my magazine look professional and well planned out and therefore in the long term attract more readers to buy my magazine.
  • 13. Draft Interview  James smith ME: Hi James, thanks a lot for coming in, okay right tell us a little bit about your latest single? Were there any specific references to specific people in it? James: Well, I believe that what I said was true and whatever comes out in the song remains in the song, you know. But if I had to cut it down I would probably say that what I sing is true and I believe that it should create a certain emotion in someone that no other song can do even if that means I have to use foul language so be it. ME: okay okay, so in the studio… how would you begin a song, like what would you start with? James: To be totally honest, there isn’t that much to it. I just simply write the lyrics associated with things that I like and as I want my fans to hear the song the same way I do I ensure that the producers who make the magic happen are given the correct instructions in order to make the song perfect. ME: oh cool, so why have you made this next single so limited? And what kind of purpose does it serve? James: I’m actually glad you said that. I originally wanted to keep it a secret but I don’t think the fans can wait any longer so…. Inside you will find the record along with a surprise poster of the album that is signed by me and two free tickets to my next concert in Brazil. Now tell me that’s not amazing. ME: that is amazing, but I think that’s enough about that so why don’t we move onto what kind of things you are thinking about for the next record such as what sort of ideas do you have? James: well, being totally honest, I think I want to try and maybe colab’ or do a features record with a couple of different other artists such as Kanye West or Ed sheeran. But on the whole I’m not entirely sure just yet, I guess you could say I’m working on it. ME: okay okay, well I think that I totally agree with you and that, that would be a great Idea as well as I believe that your fans would be thrilled to see that. But uh, most importantly will there be any extra information or any little secrets hidden in the record in order to get your fans hyped anymore? James: Well, as I’ve said before I’m not entirely sure but, I am sure that there will definitely be something out of the ordinary in the next record that I do and I intent to incorporate more of my feelings towards life in my songs so that my fans can see who I really am and what my intentions uh, are in life. ME: That sounds great, but getting a little deeper now and to finish of what is uh… going on between you and Drake lately because some rumors are going around saying that you two are beginning to fall out or something and I just wanted to ask like… what’s up with that? ames: okay, well in the production of the recent record Drake suggested that he wanted to take most of the credit, even though I put the most work into the record and because of that I didn't agree with his view on it.. So we were at a disagreement for quit a while before we decided to take equal 50-50 credit for the record. But knowing that I did most of the work, ive decided that I am not going to make another record with him for a while. ME: Ok, well thanks so much for coming in and we cant wait too hear the record. James: Thanks.
  • 14. Steve Neale (1980) “repetition and difference”  For media texts to be successful they must have elements of “ repetition” and “difference”.  From the inspiration of the magazine XXL, I would keep the colour scheme of the logo shown in XXL as I believe that it stand out a lot more than the rest of the magazine. Also these colours seem to be repeated through out the music magazine industry and I would like to attract my readers in a similar way. Furthermore, I would be repeating a similar layout, which would include the main headline being located at the bottom of the front cover so that it doesn’t distract the reader from the main image being in this case Drake. Additionally, with a simple background being white gives the magazine a professional look and attracts more of the readers attention to the main image.  However I would like to change the colour of the main image so that it isn’t in black and white and that the colours aren’t so dull as I feel that this will allow the ain image to be seen a little better.  By completing these changes it will allow me to create a effective front cover and magazine that will attract the attention of as many people as possible. By doing this it will make the pitch of the magazine a lot easier to promote and therefore it will further increase the amount of sales and the amount of profit that is made for the production of the magazine.
  • 15. Steve Neale (1980) “repetition and difference”  Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the economy of the genre.  Neale states that the film and its genre are defined by two things:  A film must match the genres conventions to be identified as part of that genre.  The film must subvert convention enough to be considered unique and not just a clone of an existing film.  Overall what Neale is trying to say is that a film must match its genre in order to be unique otherwise the film is just like another film that is already existing.
  • 16. Production plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The date of publication will be decided on this day as well as everyone will work together in order to create a schedule of the work that needs to be done. The magazines editing team will be able to decide what contents will be going into the magazine and they will also decide what ever the biggest artist or biggest story/gossip is will be the main image on the front cover. At this point the “external” and “internal” writers will decide what content and graphics that will go into the magazine. This is a vital part of the magazine productions as they must look professional and relevant. At this point the “external” and “internal” writers will decide what content and graphics that will go into the magazine. This is a vital part of the magazine productions as they must look professional and relevant. Then the “editor” will observe and go through the magazine to ensure that there is no grammar mistakes and that all of the magazines pages are correct and in working order. N/A N/A Complete (Monday) Complete (Tuesday) Complete (Wednesday- Thursday) Complete (Wednesday- Thursday) Complete (Friday) N/A N/A
  • 17. Production plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday At this stage the layout staff will use different programs such as “InDesign” or “PageMaker” in order to type out and set the layout of all the pages of the magazine. Then the decided adverts from different companies get placed into the magazine to which the magazine makes a large portion of its profits. At this stage the layout staff will use different programs such as “InDesign” or “PageMaker” in order to type out and set the layout of all the pages of the magazine. Then the decided adverts from different companies get placed into the magazine to which the magazine makes a large portion of its profits. Then the “editorial team” will print out a hard copy of the magazine in order to read through it and see if there are any issues that need to be taken care of. It is also important that every member of staff is satisfied that there are no errors within the magazine, and if there are they will be corrected on a DTP file done by editorial team. This makes it a vital stage as it ensures that the content, layout and final product meets the satisfactory needs before it heads out to the general public. Then the “editorial team” will print out a hard copy of the magazine in order to read through it and see if there are any issues that need to be taken care of. It is also important that every member of staff is satisfied that there are no errors within the magazine, and if there are they will be corrected on a DTP file done by editorial team. This makes it a vital stage as it ensures that the content, layout and final product meets the satisfactory needs before it heads out to the general public. The entire magazine gets sent to the printer ‘who's job is to print out the magazines copies’ and they are pre- pressed and the magazine is checked to ensure that all the fonts, text and images have gone through correctly and to a perfect condition. Also a few copies get sent back to the publications editors who do a quick check to ensure that everything looks in working order. If everything is in order then they give the go ahead to print out the thousands of copies that will meet the demand of the magazine. N/A N/A Complete (Monday- Tuesday) Complete (Monday- Tuesday) Complete (Wednesday- Thursday) Complete (Wednesday- Thursday) Complete (Friday-Monday) N/A N/A
  • 18. Production plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The entire magazine gets sent to the printer ‘who's job is to print out the magazines copies’ and they are pre- pressed and the magazine is checked to ensure that all the fonts, text and images have gone through correctly and to a perfect condition. Also a few copies get sent back to the publications editors who do a quick check to ensure that everything looks in working order. If everything is in order then they give the go ahead to print out the thousands of copies that will meet the demand of the magazine. In this final section the printing company will have finished printing and will pack away the magazines and send them to the warehouse. At the warehouse they will get distributed and sold to the public and this is the point where the public will get access to the magazines and be able to absorb the information to do with their favorite artists. In this final section the printing company will have finished printing and will pack away the magazines and send them to the warehouse. At the warehouse they will get distributed and sold to the public and this is the point where the public will get access to the magazines and be able to absorb the information to do with their favorite artists. N/A N/A N/A N/A Complete (Friday-Monday) Complete (Tuesday- Wednesday) Complete (Tuesday- Wednesday) N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 19. Audience - Hartley’s theory  I will ensure that my magazine covers Hartley’s theory which are the 7 social categories so that all of my consumers will be able to read my magazine and understand the contents of it.  Gender: I will ensure that my magazine appeals to both genders so that I will be able to obtain more consumers to read my magazine. I will do this by including male and female artists with exclusive interviews, gossip and tours. However it might not be so easy to entertain both genders as the genre of my magazine is mostly rock and so I will have to consider focusing my attention to appealing the attention of male consumers.  Age: As well as gender it is also very important to consider age when making a magazine otherwise you could end up attracting the attention of the wrong age range. For my magazine, I will be attracting the attention of people aged around 15-30 due to the fact that my magazine will be associated with rock n roll music.  Class: Furthermore it is also important to aim for the correct classes when creating a magazine and in this case I will be aiming my magazine for all classes. I intend to do this by making the magazine look reasonably professional and by including exclusive content and gossip that cannot be seen in any other magazines. In intend do obtain this professional look by keeping the colors of red, white and black as they are bold and clean looking while keeping the genre of rock n roll.
  • 20. Audience - Maslow’s theory  Maslow’s theory is mainly focused on motivational purposes only in order to encourage people to become a success. This is done as a triangle was created and it stated all the stages that you have to follow in order to become a success. An example of this is friends and family and what the triangle indicates is that in order to become success you will require the help of friends and family whether that’s to help you do something or even just to talk to.
  • 21. Audience – Katz theory  Katz theory states that people are categorized into three different sections Supervisory management, technical skills and human skills. What Katz is trying to say is that depending on how high up in management you are the skills will vary due to the job that you have to for fill.  My magazine will inform and educate people aged from 12-18 year olds about careers in music and what kind of skills they need to acquire so that they are able to obtain a career in music if they wanted to. The audience will be informed on new and interesting content that will be specifically addresses to people that are a certain age the content that will change every month and I will ensure that the content keeps the right audience coming back for more.
  • 22. Audience – Psychographics When creating my magazine and deciding what content I will add into it, it is important that it relates to at least one of the seven categories that you can see on the right. As I have stated the age range will be from 12-18 years old and I believe that this will put them into the explorers category meaning that they are filled with energy and seek experience. I will be sure to include content and artists that relate to this category and this will help the ages to advance into a different category as they age such as succeeders as they may have strong goals to pursue a career as a musician. The advertisement and front covers will also relate to the age range and this will help to catch their attention while the magazine is being marketed.
  • 23. Step by Step Front Cover - Background Firstly, I created the background and how I did this I by using the eyedropper tool in order to obtain the light blue colour from my magazine of inspiration which happens to be from Vibe magazine. I then decided to darken the outer edges by using the burn tool and this also helped to make it look as if the main image, once placed in, will be the source of light therefore drawing the consumers attention towards them.
  • 24. Main image In the next part it was time for the main image to be placed in as it will easily be the biggest thing on the page. I decided to use this image due to the models pose and how it represents the right thought for the consumers that I am trying to attract. It was decided that I made the main image black and white as I feel it makes the image and over all front cover look better. In order to sharpen up the image I used the sharpen tool which helped to make the image look a lot clearer and sharper. Also I had to use the burn tool to make some parts of the image darker then others so that the image looked as natural and clear and possible.
  • 25. Barcode and extras In order to fill up the space on the magazine and to ensure the magazine can be bought I included a barcode with some extra logos that are popular to the public informing them that they are able to follow and view other content on different social media apps. Helping with the magazines realism a price and date have been added at the bottom the front cover page and this is to depict how much the magazine is worth and when the magazine was created.
  • 26. Title Furthermore, the next step was to add the title which will be the largest text on the page. The reason I chose for it to go next is so that I am able to see how I will space out my strap line text and other text that is present on the page. I chose a font that related to my magazine of inspiration before choosing the correct shade of white and pressing command+t in order to angle the title and make it the right size. Once the title was in place I was then able to see how much space I needed to fill and how much text I was able to have on the front cover.
  • 27. Main cover line I then decided to add the main cover line as I knew that it would be the second largest text on the front cover. Taking advantage of its size I chose to place the main cover line in the top right corner of the page in order to conserve space and make the front cover look neat and professional. In order to make the main cover line stand out I continued with a similar but slightly brighter white so that you’re eye is attract more towards what the main cover line.
  • 28. Cover lines In order to fill all other available spaces I added a large amount of different cover lines by using the text tool as it will include some of the information to do with the content that is found in the magazine. The font once again is similar to the one found in my magazine of inspiration and the size of the different texts is to make different words that are more important stand out. Although the boldness of these words made the text stand out I felt as If the words were not standing out enough and in order to solve this problem I made some words a brighter red so that you eye is attracted to them.
  • 29. Beats logo As I got this far I realized a small space which could have been left unfilled but it began to bother me. In order to satisfy my thoughts and make use of the space I decided to add a beats headphones logo in order to show to the consumer that the magazine is in association with beats headphones. In order to make the logo look better and and match the main image I chose to add a drop shadow so that the main image and the logo look as if they are having light shone on them from the top right corner. This idea also helps to make the beats logo look as if it is 3D and coming out of the front cover therefore attracting the consumers attention.
  • 30. Puff promotion After that I then decided to add a Puff promotion located at the bottom right corner which states “1st Annual Global Issue” and this Puff promotion was added for the reason that it tells the consumer what issue it is and where the magazine will be sold. I created the Puff promotion by obtaining the outside star shape off of the internet and then righting text in the center of it. I decided to make it match the rest of the magazines design and the colour scheme which is red, black and white. By doing this it stands out a lot more then most of the things on the front cover, helping the consumer to see it.
  • 31. Step by Step DPS - Background Firstly, I created the background and I did this by filling the whole background with solid black and then I gradually brought the background greyer and greyer using the brush tool until I thought the background looked aesthetically pleasing and professional. I decided to do the background in this black and grey combination as it helps to follow the target audience which is located between 12-20 year olds. An inspiration for the background color came from my Double page spread of inspiration which has the same colors as the background.
  • 32. Main image After the background I then decided to input the main image as it is the biggest image and section that will be on the page. I did this by first inputting the image and changing it to black and white so that it suites the background a lot better and looks a lot bolder as well as keeps in style with the latest generation therefore intriguing them to read the information located on the left. The color scheme here is also from my magazine of inspiration and I think that adding a bit of color to a black and white image helps to make the image look more interesting and sharp to the eye.
  • 33. Title After sectioning out the two pages, I then thought about adding the title along with a smaller heading which gives a small insight into what the interview beneath is about. The title I simply added by using text boxes and I positioned them so that they fit perfectly on the page and I increased the size of the font so that it is the biggest text on the double page spread and therefore the first text you see on the page. The smaller sub-heading helps to connote to the reader what the interview is about making it easier for the reader to see whether or not they want to read the content on the page.
  • 34. Interview The next important part that I decided to add would be the content itself and in this case it is the interview that the reader would have seen a sneak peak about on the front cover. This interview I created using text boxes and it will be the main piece of content on the page that the reader would want to read about after seeing pert of the information on the front cover. I have sectioned the two parts into two paragraphs so that the professional theme continues into the magazine. The fact that the size of the font remains the same size connotes how sharp and neat the information is and helps to look pleasing to the eye.
  • 35. Quote The next and final steps to the creation of one of my double page spreads is that I added a quote and I web address on the left side on the left page. I added the quote so that the reader would see a small but important piece of the interview and get a quick taste of the artists view and opinion without having to read the whole interview. The quote is bonded with large quotation marks making it easily noticeable and obvious on the page. The web address I added at the bottom of the left page so that the reader if wanting to, would be able to see more information on the artist and other content that is updated online. Visiting this website the reader would be shown different fragments of content and would be able to subscribe to the website so that they can keep updated with the latest content.
  • 36. Step by Step back page advertisement - background When creating my advertisement magazine back page I had to consider a lot of things such how the readers would be able to apply and go on the holiday that is advertised. In order to attract the readers attention I added an image of the beach which is a place where the readers will want to go in order to have fun away from work and stress. It is in black and white as I believe that it makes the image look a lot more classic as the beach has been a highlight holiday for a long time.
  • 37. Title The creation of the title had to be bold, bright and simple in order to attract that attention of the reader. In order to do this I decided to make the title in a large and bold font as well as make the colour of the font a yellow and by doing this I was able to make the title stand out from the background a lot so that it is the first thing that you see when you turn to the page.
  • 38. Website link Considering how the readers would be able to apply for the holiday I added the name of a link to the website where you are able to apply and see more information on the holiday in order to see if you want to take the deal on the holiday. This website is also in a bright yellow so that it is very obvious from the background. On the website there will also be information on other holidays and the magazine so that you the reader can consume more information on there favourite artists.
  • 39. Other information Finally I added a boarder to the page so that you the image is focused on more as well as I added which country the image was taken in so that the readers area able to see whether or not it is worth the journey to travel to another country or not. It also helps to give information to the reader by demonstrating a certain font that is linked to a specific magazine or website helping to advertise the website.
  • 40. How I am going to advertise my magazine  With new technology and an increase in new products being manufactured I will need to think about how I am going to advertise my magazine. In order to have the best chance of selling my magazine for a affordable price I will be uploading a downloadable copy onto the main website that I have created. On the website you will be able to buy the magazine and download a copy when ever you want and by doing this I will be able to widen my range of advertisement to the public so that I have the best chance at selling the magazine. Of course not everyone will want or be able to download a copy of my magazine off of the website and so will need to create advertisement boards that could be situated near roads or on motorways that can be seen by the general public. But in order to secure my profit on the magazine I will also have broadcasted advertisement that can be hear on most radios and this greatly increases the chances of having someone buy my magazine.
  • 41. Advertising revenue Display Production Full page FH £3,000 Supplied images £2,000 net Full page ROP £2,500 Photo shoot £3,500 net Half page £1,500 inserts IBC/OBC £3,500 Bound-in £65 CPT DPS FH £5,000 Tip-in £60 CPT DPS ROP £5,500 Loose insert £65 CPT Advertorials Full page £5,000 DPS £10,000 Half page £3,000
  • 42. Printing costs I am going to be printing off 15,000 copies of the TV music magazine. This would mean that I would be able to obtain profit from the first year after all of the equipment and salary costs. Additionally, the cost of my magazine would be £4.59 and this would mean that the readers would be buying the magazine for a good price filled with interesting and inspiring content. Because of this it would mean that I would be able to make a large profit in the first year of printing.
  • 43. Subscription service  On the website that I would create there would be a section where you would be able to purchase the magazine for the price of 6 months worth filled with content that is 12 months worth. I believe that this is a great deal as it would mean that more consumers would want to buy my magazine and therefore I would be able to make more profit. Before the reader buys the magazine they would be able to find out additional information on what will be included in the magazine on the website and hopefully this would persuade them to buy the magazine. To ensure that I make as many sales to the right age range I would design the website suitable for people aged 12-18 years old and this would encourage the right aged people to buy the magazine that they are interested in.
  • 44. Equipment and Cost Equipment Cost Office space £375,000.00 MAC computer x60 £62,940.00 Printers x4 £955.20 with inc VAT Cameras x8 £4,312.00 Lighting equipment £369.00 Paper x7 £118.93 Stationary (pens) x10 £28.60 Desks x60 £19,080.00 Chairs x60 £10,008.00 Adobe creative cloud all apps + Adobe stock x60 £21,599.40 Total £494,411.13
  • 45. Links for Equipment  Office space  MAC computers a25372d2e3d7&istItemId=xltwltitpq&istBid=tztx&srcid=198&cmpid=ppc~gg~1004%20(PLA)%20APPLE%20MAC%20-%20Adaptive~1004%20(PLA)%20APPLE%20MAC%20- %20Adaptive%20ad%20group~Exact&mctag=gg_goog_7904&kwid=GOOGLE&device=c&ds_kids=92700031818408561&PLA=1&tgtid=1004%20(PLA)%20APPLE%20MAC%20- %20Adaptive&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy7PRjfzI2gIVtBbTCh2YmQVKEAkYASABEgJ5oPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds  Printers nEAQYAiABEgKRpvD_BwE  Cameras screen/p1987486?sku=234316069&s_kwcid=2dx92700027194076175&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9ICVgv_I2gIVAS0ZCh3N_g3JEAkYEyABEgJXCfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds  Lighting equipment 150w.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImNL62P_I2gIVUDPTCh1EDQTGEAkYAyABEgJsTvD_BwE#fo_c=77&fo_k=72c87f20641c4fefc742d7dc6318af54&fo_s=gplauk  Paper packs/bun8?catargetid=720011340002325120&cadevice=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0tHhlIDJ2gIVEeAbCh3Chgy8EAkYASABEgK_lPD_BwE  Stationary (pens 1wx26040?X=GS0441477&vat=inc&dvc=c&nwk=g&plc=&adp=1o7&cpn=632377666&adg=34191878292&kwd=&fdi=&trg=pla-79031953757&adt=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0r- gh4HJ2gIVAfEbCh1qEA9FEAkYByABEgK6hPD_BwE  Desks pedestal.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6PWy5YDQ2gIVxBXTCh3hiQ35EAkYGCABEgIiJfD_BwE  Chairs chair.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0q7N3oHQ2gIVSrTtCh1XMQ75EAQYASABEgJpnPD_BwE  Adobe creative cloud 847.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiJqdkILQ2gIVg7DtCh0u-Q2EEAYYBiABEgIhfPD_BwE
  • 46. Staff and costStaff Salary Publisher x2 £45,000 Editors x8 £30,000 Journalists (internal and external)x6 £30,000 Writers (internal and external)x6 £28,000 Photographers x4 £28,000 Marketing x4 £30,000 Advertising (social media) x4 £30,000 Finances x4 £35,000 Human resources x3 £40,000 Designers (graphics)x3 £35,000 5.653682956.1524480022- 2139542973.1524480022 In order to ensure that my magazines are high quality and include great content I have decided to raise the salary by a couple thousand to ensure that the work in getting done and I will ensure that the candidates will be worth the money I am willing to pay for them. As you can see I have got a lot of different occupations for each job and this is to make sure that everything is done to a great quality and it also helps to reduce stress for the workers as not one of them has to do all the work.
  • 47. Profit and loss breakdown Price of one magazine – £4.59 Amount publishing each month – 30,000 Printing costs – £4,378.58 Salaries - £331,000 Equipment - £494,411.13 30,000 x 4.59 = £137,700 how much earned from sales £137,700 – 4,378.58 = £133,321.42 PROFIT (one month issue) £133,321.42 x 12 = £1,599,857.04 £1,599,857.04 – £331,000 = £1,268,857.04 £1,268,857.04 - £494,411.13 = £774,445.91 £774,445.91 - PROFIT in the first year
  • 48. Plan for the future  For the future I could construct a website that is suitable and related to people aged 12 -18 and this would mean that they would be able to subscribe to the website in order to get updated about the latest content and events in the future. Through the website they would be able to purchase a copy of the TV magazine every month filled with interesting content. Also I could advertise my magazine through the radio and this would help to promote the magazine to a large audience so that more people would want to find out more about the magazine. I would also be able to promote the magazine by creating advertisement boards so that hundreds of people everyday would be able to see the magazine and access the website in order to find out additional information.
  • 51. DPS
  • 52. DPS
  • 53. Graphic layouts for Flat Bass Masthead Strapline Headline/Anchorage text Cover stories Cover stories Quote Barcode Photo of artist Photo of artists Headline/Anchorage text Masthead Photo of artists Cover stories Barcode Strapline Cover stories
  • 54. Graphic layouts for TV Masthead Barcode Puff promotion Strapline Photo of artist Headline/Anchorag e text Cover stories Cover stories
  • 55. DPS for Flat Bass Headline/st and verse Headline/st and verse Text Text Text Photos Quote caption Photos Text Text Quote caption Photos
  • 56. DPS for TV Headline/st and verse Text caption Text Text