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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory
Diploma in Media
Unit 30:
UK Media Publishing
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Owen Shepherd
The denotation of the institution that publishes the
magazine is Bauer media group, which is a media
company based in Europe and was first established in
1875, the CEO is titled Yvonne Bauer who runs the
company today and has done since 2010. The
headquarters is in Hamburg, its run in Germany where
it accomplishes a collection of more than 600
magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and
TV stations around the world.
The denotation of the name of the magazine is Q
magazine and it is highly linked to Bauer media group
as it is in fact one of the 600 magazines published by
this European based print media institution. Q is a
very popular music magazine and is actually known
as one of the UK’s best music magazines as it
consist of music news reviews and world exclusives
with many significant bands in the world. This is a
magazine that is published on a monthly basis since
its discovery in 1986 by Mark Ellen and David
The connotations behind the verbal code of the “we think popular” is the fact that they
are thinking popular and you are reading their magazines and are interested in the
content inside makes you feel as if you are part of that popular ‘group’ in society. This
is because they are thinking and trying to use the best content for the popular ‘group’
so if you are then enjoying the content they have thought of it makes the readers feel
as if they are a part of this ‘ group’. This may appeal to audiences like ‘social climbers’
as they are fond about their role and position in society.
Further connotations behind this slogan is that it
is purposely written in black with a red
background to make this stand out as the usual
colours used are red and white so the fact its
black could signify its different and unique.
The denotation of the statement “the worlds
greatest music magazine” is that it’s a very
bold statement to say as there is many
different music magazines, this is significant
because you can see that the actual writing is
written in bold signifying it’s a bold statement.
The Q magazine has a strapline which is known as “The Uk’s biggest music magazine”.
This connotes that the magazine has a big range to offer and the verbal code “biggest”
links to the Q logo as it’s the biggest piece of text on the front cover. Also that is a bold
statement to say that they are the biggest magazine as there are a lot of rock and roll
magazines in competition so this conveys the company have a big faith in the
significance of the magazine.
The way the institution says that it brings music to life illustrates that the people reading the magazine
are actually injected with the latest and best news that music has to offer which may be the reason for
its wide range of audience.
The Q magazine has its own e-media website
which has lots of exclusive information that the
hard copies produced monthly may not contain.
This can be denoted in the picture on the right as
there is a button which takes you to videos. This is
an advance compared to the hard copies as you
can see content through watching videos and
discover more about the music 'Q' magazine has to
Furthermore the denotation of Q’s website page is
that there is also an “interview” and “playlist” button
on the website that means people are able to
actually hear the music that they are interested in
as well as learning what they are currently doing in
the music industry. This means that magazine is
unique and helps the readers to be able to look
online as well on the hard copies.
On this video page on the 'Q'
magazine there are exclusive videos
such as interviews on artists which
people will like as they are able to
hear what the people are while seeing
their facial expressions.
Furthermore there is songs of the
artists which connotes the magazine
want to try cater for both the people
who like the to just read the magazine
but also the people who would want
to listen to the music as well.
You can even pay to subscribe to the 'Q' magazine which gives you exclusive information and also it
states that you will Never miss another issue and will receive Free UK delivery direct to your door.
The denotation of this is that if a customer buys this it means that 'Q' know that there is people that
are viewing every single issue as they get sent each on the release date to their door.
Bauer Media group can be found on twitter. They also have a
separate twitter account for jobs available at Bauer media group.
This not only promotes the publishing group, but also extends the
range of people who know about Bauer media group as a significant
amount of people are on social networking sites. The website also
gives access for purchasing an “e-version” of the magazine.
So overall Bauer medias synergy with social media enhances there
group of readers and builds up a stronger community of customers
as there is many different ways people can access the company and
find out about them and also other jobs on offer.
This is 'Q' magazines very own YouTube page
which is very popular with the 'Q' readers as the
“4171” subscribers illustrate.
The denotation of this picture on the left is that it
means that the readers of 'Q' magazine are not just
able to get information and learn through
interviews printed on the hard copies but are also
able to watch online interviews. Which connotes
that 'Q' magazine are catering for both types of
people as some people may want to read and
some people may concentrate better through
seeing the people actually speaking and them
being able to see facial expression and the tone of
the artists face.
'Q' magazine also have their own twitter
page, this i9s extremely popular and
has over 127,000 followers. The
connotations behind the twitter page is
that it allows people to see further
information that the magazine may not
This is things such as the “Q awards”
and there is actually links that you are
able to click on that take you to other
websites and fun things to do with the
Furthermore is over 27 thousand tweets
which illustrates the amount of extra
information and more informing detail
that twitter bring to the 'Q' magazine
The chart above denotes the circulation figures of 4 magazines.
The magazine I’m researching ‘Q’ has circulated 48,353 magazines by the end of June 2015.
Out of these 4 magazines ‘Q’ is 2nd best in this chart for the amount of magazine copies developed.
However Bauer media has many different magazines so this builds up for the overall circulation figures.
This explains that the market position of “Q: magazine may have increased to due a
small increase of pop and also the exclusive cover stories with big people such as
Kanye West which may have drawn in more audience to the magazine meaning they
will have to print more copies.
It is published monthly in the UK. - It's publishing company is Bauer Consumer Media.
- Mark Ellen and David Hepworth founded the magazine because they felt it was a niche market as there wasn't a
magazine for the older generation who were still buying CD's. - Q was first published in 1986 and was different
from other magazines due to it's high quality photography and printing, as well as having an older target
Q has a history of association with charitable organizations.
The Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media companies in the world. More than 570 magazines,
over 300 digital products, and 50 radio and TV stations reach millions of people around the globe. The company’s
portfolio also includes printing companies, postal services and services in the fields of distribution, marketing and
media sales. The Group’s turnover is stable at more than two billion euros. With a new global positioning strategy,
the Bauer Media Group underscores its passion for people and brands.
The fact that this magazine only has the month and the year
proves that its published monthly because if it was weekly it would
also include the week.
These are the key people at
Bauer media as these are the
management of the company.
For example “Paul Keenan” he
is the CEO of the whole
company so he is a very high
up and significant person in
the company mix.
I have researched about the
management team and these
are the people that control and
keep the company running.
Colours The non verbal code of the
colours used are red, white, black, yellow
and gold. The red and white match the
magazines logo and are synonymous
with 'Q'. The black stands out against the
white background so it is easy to read the
text. Gold and yellow may ‘signify’ (De
Saussure) significance as these colours
have only been used once so the reader
may want to pay attention to these pieces
of text. These colours also represent
success which could then echo the feel
of success to the readers of the
magazine as the colours may make them
feel successful when they are reading a
magazine like ‘Q’. Furthermore this
success could come with the feel of
prestige as this magazine is using
colours that make it better than other
ordinary magazines.
Masthead is a large 'Q' which is
easily recognizable, therefore
standing out against competitors
such as “NME” and “Vibe”.
Mise-en-scene is very effective as
his facial expressions connote that he
is very serious about his music
detonating that the magazine is very
serious about music.
Main cover line- this is normally
the largest text on the magazine
cover, saying who is in the
magazine this week or who it will
be about, normally linked to the
main image.
Strapline- the denotation of the
strapline “25th anniversary
collectors edition” may be to draw
in the audience and it seems like
a significant copy of the 'Q'
magazine as its not just a normal
edition. This could increase the
chance of people buying the
magazine, due to its importance.
Use of flash- this is
normally something that
is bold that the magazine
is trying to promote,
making it stand out to
Barcode/date- this is found on all of
the magazines and tells you what the
price of the magazine is as well as
the date it was created.
The titles- for the articles are
presented in capital letters and
are bolder than the text
underneath. This connotes that
the interesting points on the
magazine have been
highlighted and may enhance
the interest of the reader.
The background is very simplistic so that the
white and red color theme is enhanced and
stands out.
The page numbers are very eye
catching due to their big size and
the way its black on a white
background which makes it stand
out. Furthermore the denotation
of the black theme could be to
link with what the artist is
Colour scheme - the main colours
which stand out are the red white
and black and this is intended as
these are the main colours that are
consistently used so that the
magazine has a brand identity.
Sub lines – this are there as they
indicate to the reader further
information in the magazine like for
example exclusive interviews or
more news on the chosen artist.
Pull quote- the
denotation of “I’m
bringing ginger
back” is that it
reminds people
of the well known
lyric “I'm bring
sexy back” which
makes it a catchy
pull quote which
people want to
find out how its
been interpreted
from the well
known lyric.
Drop capital-the
connotations behind
the drop capital are
that its red and white
to enhance the
consistent theme of
the magazine which
also makes it more
forms and
Furthermore its bold
and capital to make
it stand out so the
reader knows where
to start.
The verbal code Ginger is Red as it’s the
main word which establishes the story on
the page bringing the reader in to want to
find out how he is bringing ginger back.
Differentiated questions &
Answers- the denotation of the
questions and answers are that they
are all different so that the reader can
learn as much information on the
music star as possible as they are
asking a range of questions where all
her answers will be different making it
more entertaining for the audience.
Page number and web address- this is in the left
corner in red and white which are both factors that
make it consistent as they are always this color and in
that position so that it makes it easier for the reader
when reading the magazine as they know it will always
be there.
‘Star appeal’ (Richard Dyer)- this is used to
draw the audience in because if they know
the person they will want to find out about
them. Also “male gaze” is used to attract the
male men for their pleasure.
The denotation of “Q’s” form and style is the
consistency of the red and white colour theme proposed
throughout the whole magazine. This illustrates to the
reader that the magazine will constantly be bringing the
same professional and formal style which the readers
Furthermore the front cover always has the main artist
takeover the whole page which may connote that the
artist and the information packed into the magazine
takeover the magazine which people may enjoy as the
person on the front is usually the most wanted person
for people to find out about.
The barcode and date of the magazine is constantly in
on the bottom left of the magazine which allows the
readers to know when they are buying the magazine
they can find out the price and issue date with ease.
The connotations behind the form and style of the
contents page is that they always have the issue
number in big white or black numbers. This means
that the readers will then know when reading any
issue of the magazine they will know what this
number means.
Also they have the 'Q' then contents in the same
font and style every time to maintain a consistent
feel throughout the magazine, as if it was all
different colours with every issue readers would
find it difficult to locate different pieces of
information in the magazine. This may be why the
readers like the way 'Q' are using the same form
and style throughout their magazines .
In this email I have wrote to a
member of staff from Bauer
Media company which are the
company that publish the 'Q'
In this I wrote to ask about the
production process of 'Q'
I am currently waiting on a reply
from the Bauer Media company
and hope to hear from them to
enhance my knowledge on the
production processes of 'Q'
After not receiving any emails back from the Bauer media group I further researched into 'Q'
magazines production process and found out this information from:
1. Date of publication – this is simply just the date in which the magazine will be issued, so this
is the date the public can see the magazine.
2. Managing the schedule – this means you are very organized and manage everything
properly. This is very important because if your not organized you wont be able to release it on
the date of publication.
3. Editorial and budgetary decision – this is important because its where the editorial team
pick which topics will be discussed in the magazine. And after picking the content they will
have to think about the budget and how to spend the money.
4. Content Acquisition
5. Sub-editing, which includes things like:
• Checking of the accuracy of all facts in the articles
• Making sure that words are properly spelled
• Making sure that grammar and punctuation are used correctly
6. Page Layout – there is a important team of people who discuss and think about how
the pages will be laid out and the best way for them to look, they do this using software
such as PageMaker and (DTP).
7. Proofreading – the same editorial team will then print out a tester copy of the
magazine in order to read through the magazine and correct any mistakes made. They
keep proof reading till every member is happy that it has no mistakes.
8. File emailed to printer – after the team have proofread the magazine it will be sent to
the printer to then be printed.
9. Distribution – this is the final stage at which the magazine is packaged neatly and
sent to the warehouses,. From here they are then sent to shops to be sold top the public.
Bauer media publishes other products outside Q such as: Kerrang, MOJO and other
magazines which are unrelated to music magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Dolly.
By not only producing music magazines, Bauer have attracted different target
audiences which will overall give the publisher a wide range of media to publish and
entertain their audience with. It also connotes how the company have diversified over
the years in order to attract a larger readership using a range of media platforms.
Having downloaded and analyzed the 'Q'
magazine press pack I have learnt and
discovered that 'Q' take into
consideration about who their audience is
and the type of people who are reading
their magazine.
This connotes that the information in the
'Q' magazine is based around the people
who they have thought to read it.
So according to the press pack “Q’s”
target audience is around the age range
of 16-50 but the medium age of the
readers is 34 years of age. Which may be
why 70% of the audience are in
employment so would fit higher up in the
socio economic needs chart around B or
There are 7 socially grouped categories when it comes to identifying audience through
Hartley's theory:
Self – ambitions or interests of the audience
Age group
Class – different socio classes for example working or upper
As this chart here denotes on the left the
gender of ‘Q’ magazine is significantly more
male than female and 68.3% are male readers
compared to only 31.7% that are female
Furthermore the denotation of the age group
is that most of these readers are fairly young
and are mostly put under the 15-24 age range
as 35.5% of the people reading it are between
these ages which is the largest % of ages.
From deconstructing various
'Q' magazine front covers I
have concluded that the
ethnicity of 'Q' magazine is
mainly people of the white
Lastly analyzing the class of
'Q' magazine readers I have
established that the class
would fit into the middle class
or lower middle class as the
readers will be young and
probably wont have lots of
Katz’ theory of uses and gratifications is a very well used approach to learning and understanding mass
This theory places a lot more attention on the audience, rather than the real message itself by examining
“what people do with media” instead of “what media does to people” (Katz”). It refers to members of the
audience as being not passive but take an active role in interpreting and interrogating the media into their
own lives.
This theory trails a simple model, which is an audience focused method.
When the audience dramatically seek out media they are naturally seeking in order to gratify a need.
Furthermore the theory expresses that audiences are accountable for picking media to meet their
This approach connotes that people use the media in order to gratify a need.
The fact that this issue says “Exclusive interview”
‘informs and educates’ (Katz) to the reader that the
interview they will be reading about cannot be fount
anywhere else and they may feel more significant
when knowing that they are reading exclusive
So in conclusion this is just one of the ways 'Q'
magazine uses the (Katz) theory in order to gratify
the audiences needs through the media and there
Self actualization – morally, creativity, spontaneity,
appetence, experience purpose, meaning and inner
Self esteem – confidence, achievement, respect of
others, the need to be a unique individual.
Love and belonging – friendship, family, intimacy and
sense of connection.
Safety and security – health, employment, property,
family and social ability.
Physiological needs – breathing, food, water, shelter,
clothing and sleep.
This picture on the left is taken from an issue off
'Q' magazine which is saying the magazine
includes “the most important voice in modern
music”. This would appeal to the Self esteem
category as these are people that seek
confidence and achievement, so if these people
are reading and find out there are going to be
reading the most important voice in music it
would boost their confidence as it may make
them feel significant and also make them feel as
if they have achieved something,.
There is 4 types I will be talking about in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Explorers – these are the audience which are
pushed by social difference.
Caregivers – this is the audience which feel
bad and pity for the persons situation.
Survivors – these are people from the
audience who like to know that the person will
be fine and the situation will be sorted out.
Social climbers – these are people in the
audience who want to build up their status in
I think these two pictures that I have taken
from a 'Q' magazine issue connote how 'Q'
appeal to Social climbers – as these are
people in the audience who want to build up
their status in society.
This appeals to them because the fact it says
“essential” and “special edition” may make
these types of people want to buy the issue to
feed the fact that they want ot be higher up in
society and the word “essential” conveys this
feeling as it that makes they feel as if its
essential to buy this in order to keep up with
According to the social economic needs
of the audience would best fit in E,D,C2
and C1. This is because the target
audience are aged 16- 30 therefore if the
reader is 16 years old this possibly means
they are unemployed and still in education
so they would relate to the E category the
25-30 year olds would best fit C2 and C1
because they would have more life
experience and higher end jobs.
The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and
other psychological criteria.
MAINSTREAMERS Seek security, usually domestic, conformist,
conventional, sentimental – favor value for money
family brands. This is the biggest group.
ASPIRERS Seek status, these are materialistic, acquisitive,
orientated to image and appearance, persona and
fashion. These tend to be young people.
SUCCEEDERS Seek control, strong goals, confidence, work ethic and
origination. Typically higher management and
RESIGNED Seek survival, rigid and authoritarian values. Interested
in the past and tradition. These are usually old people.
STRUGGLERS Seek escape, alienated and disorganized, few
resources beyond physical skills. Buys alcohol,
junk food, lottery tickets, tend to be lower
EXPLORERS Seek discovery, energy, individualism and
experience. Values difference and adventure.
Typically young students.
REFORMERS Seek enlightenment, freedom of restrictions and
personal growth. Social awareness and
independent judgment.
This may be the audience that 'Q'
magazine are appealing to as they are
promoting their subscription pack to the
people viewing their website, and this ,ay
connotes that they are appealing to the
mainstreamers as they know they seek
security, and this feeds that need as with a
subscription they have the security that
they are getting the issue every month
without having to worry.
The 'Q' magazine is advertised in many ways including all types of social media including
twitter, Facebook, Instagram, pintrest and you tube. Which you can see from the picture
above, this picture was taken from the 'Q' magazine website and it what they advertise their
products on. So this is known as below the line advertisement in contrast to above the line
marketing which involves billboards and TV adverts.
Q magazine has something called the 'Q' rate awards which are advertised on both Absolute
radio and as TV adverts which is above the line advertisement.
The fact that 'Q' magazine have actually used both above and below the line advertisement
connotes that they are trying to widen their readership and appeal to all types of audiences in
every way possible to increase the popularity of the magazine.
The magazine uses the E-media platform in order to promote
themselves as well as this picture on the right was taken from the
'Q' magazine website advertising that the rated awards will be
played on absolute radio, which conveys that all there types of
promotions are interlinked to enhance the appeal of the
Guerilla marketing –
This is the use of unconventional and low cost marketing
strategies to raise awareness of a product.
'Q' magazine have not actually used this type of marketing as
instead they use both above and below the line advertisement.
This slide denotes how if you wanted to advertise in 'Q' magazine
there is guides and ways to see if you are right to advertise in the
magazine for example the target audience, timings and media types.
Furthermore you can contact them to see if you are right for the
magazine and download your attachment and the magazine will see
if its suitable.
• Typical Cost: $500 to $20,000, depending on whether the publication is local or national, the size of your
ad, whether you use color and if you've negotiated a multiple-ad rate. You can spend as much as $500,000
to buy the inside front cover of some national magazines!
Costs are determined by:
- Circulation
- Size of ad
- Use of color
- Position in publication
Rates also vary for:
- Bleed page
- Gatefold ad
- Run-of-paper advertisement
- Double page spreads
- Space contract
- Preferred position: cover pages
I found on the Pressgazette website that 'Q' magazines total circulation in the UK is
44,050 magazines per year. The year on year percentage of the circulation of 'Q'
magazine has actually decreased by 12.2% which means that 12.2% of the total
magazines circulated last year have not been circulated this year which may be why
they are taking large amounts of costs to advertise and further appeal to a larger
audience through using both under and above the line marketing.
'Q' magazines are sold all over the country and are distributed online as well
as hard copies. This example above is where you are able to buy a
subscription to the magazine, as well as selecting to either receive this
through Q Print, Q digital or Q print and digital. Choosing to subscribe to the
magazine enables you to receive all 13 copies over the year period to your
door with no hassle on time each month.
On the previous slide I have chosen just a few of the online retail outlets bin which
you are able to both buy online digital hardcopies, or even printed copies to your
home. This shows that 'Q' magazine like to cater for all types of audiences as some
people may like to read it online and some people would rather have the copy
themselves to read at home, so 'Q' have gone put there way in order to make sure all
their audience is happy. Furthermore lots of these websites also offer a subscription
pack to you which means you can have the copies sent to your house on time every
month with no hassle.
Q magazine is a very well known magazine which is in fact sold in many
big retail outlets. It is sold in WHSmith , ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury's.
This coveys that the 'Q' magazine is a significant music magazine and it
must sell many copies as all these retail outlets stock all the new issues
of the magazine.
This is a newspaper that is distributed for free to their audience, as the companies
such as ‘metro’ make their money of advertisements in the newspaper.
This means that to advertise in these newspapers you will have to pay more money
as this is the only revenue coming in from the newspaper.
These are usually distributed in very busy places such as train stations or town
Some examples of these are the metro and London paper.
As you can see in the top left corner this
newspaper is completely free
Red top tabloids, named after their distinguishing red mastheads, employ a form of
writing known as tabloid journalism; this style emphasizes features such as
sensational crime stories, astrology, gossip columns about the personal lives of
celebrities and sports stars, and junk food news.
The part ‘red top’ means a tabloid newspaper characterized by sensationalism.
You can spot out a red top newspaper very easily from knowing that the denotation of
a ‘red top’ is simply that all of these newspapers have the same connotation of the red
background and white writing inside on the top left.
A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical
pages, the term comes from the types of popular prints usually just a singe sheet,
sold on the streets and containing various material, from ballads to political satire.
These newspapers are generally regarded as more serious and less sensationalist
than tabloids, due to the difference in content, so broadsheet may have more hard
The reason they are called broad sheet is the same reason we call people with wide
shoulders broad and that is because the newspaper is very wide and is indeed the
largest category of newspapers.
COVERMasthead – the
denotation of the title ‘the
daily mirror’ connotes that
this newspaper is
released daily and the red
background echo's a
bright and upbeat
newspaper with the write
writing contrasting this
Lead story – the denotation of the
lead story is that this is the largest
thing on the page due to the fact that
it’s the ‘biggest story in the entire
newspaper. Furthermore the word play
‘everybody was kung fuel fighting’
connotes a level of humor that may
have been used to draw in the
audience to buy the newspaper as
they will want to heart the rest of the
The copy – this is the piece of
writing placed under the lead story
and is a little explanation of what
the lead story is about. This is used
in order to give the reader a little
insight of the story in the hope that
they want to read on
Display advert – the denotations
behind this advertisement is ‘your
ultimate guide to cracking Easter eggs –
from just 99p’. There are many
connotations behind this such as the
word ‘ultimate’ connotes that this is the
best guide that you are able to consume
for cracking eggs. Also the fact that it is
‘from just 99p’ connotes that anyone
should be able to afford it as its ‘just’
Lastly the visual code of this is that there
is children smiling in the picture which
connotes this is the best way to for fill
your children's enjoyment.
Main image – the main image is
behind the headline which may
connote that the level of importance
Is swayed towards the headline,
however the text is actually wrapped
around the image. The denotation of
this is that its wrapped so that it
outlines the most important parts
such as the policeman walking and
also the picture of the suspect on the
bottom right. This image may have
been added as another visual
imperative (Galtung & Ruge) that
further attracts the reader to the story.
Secondary lead – there are other articles that feature inside the newspaper and are on the front cover but just in
smaller text and smaller images which connotes to the reader that these have less importance and are stories that
could be less exciting. As you can see very bright colors (pink) have been used as this is because they have much
less space so have to draw in the reader through the color enhancement and bold text in contrasting colors.
NAME OF THE PUBLICATIONThe denotation of the
masthead is that as it’s a ‘red
top tabloid’ which means that
it must have a red
background with write text.
This means that the audience
are easily able to identify the
newspaper from even just
seeing the masthead as it
uses the same colors and is
always in the top left of the
Furthermore the red
background against the white
text makes the text really
stand out as it’s a very bright
red and these are two
contrasting colors.
Moreover the red background can connote that it’s a
newspaper of high and importance, and also that the
publication are very passionate about this newspaper.
This newspaper ‘the daily mirror’ was launched by Alfred Harmsworth on the 2nd November
It was created for a newspaper for woman, and was run by woman,
which is why the name is called ‘mirror’ as it was intended to really be a
mirror of feminine life as well on its grave as on its lighter sides, also to
be entertaining without being frivolous, and serious without being boring.
Its photo-rich tabloid format has consistently stressed sensational,
human-interest, and personal types of stories, and its politically
independent stance has enabled it to adopt a “common man versus
bureaucracy” approach to many stories.
When the first every copies of the newspaper was launched it costs 1 penny which is
the equivalent to 40p in 2017.
It has now been confirmed by the publisher of the daily mirror that the Saturday
edition will cost 10p more now, so will be priced at £1.
The weekday edition which was priced at 60p will now rise by just 5p so is now 65p
every weekday, however in Scotland it will cost 70p rather than 65p in UK.
As you can see I took three screen shots
from various copies of the daily mirror from
various different dates.
The first one was from 2007, second 2012
and the last one 2016.
These three screen shots connote the
difference in the price over the years as in
2007 it was only 40p and then within the
space of 5 years it moved to 45p.
Furthermore from the year 2012 it slowly
moved up to 65p which is also the same
price which has been agreed in 2017.
The genre of a newspaper can depend on the content, design and opinions of the
newspaper. As someone may choose to read a certain newspaper due to the content
it includes inside.
I feel that the genre of this newspaper is more serious and professional as the facts
and titles are about things that actually matter and are not just silly celebrity stories
but more about what's going on in the world and more for the readership that what to
know what it going on in society and how the world is changing.
Also as their audience is more adults and people over 35 years of age this sort of
news would appeal more to these age category as young adults may appeal more to
the things that don’t actually matter such as sorts of celebrities in comparison to taxes
and tragedy's.
Hard new generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and
events that are reported immediately, while soft news is
background information or human-interest stories. Politics,
war, economics and crime used to be considered hard
news, while arts, entertainment and lifestyles were
considered soft news.
From analyzing both soft and hard news, and then
comparing these with various front covers and double page
spreads I have come to the conclusion that it features
mostly hard news.
This is due to the fact that the covers I have analyzed have
been on thing to do with, taxes or crimes which both echo
the definition of hard news.
This image was taken from the end of an advert created by ‘the daily mirror’ called “smooth exit”, this popped
up at the end and stood out to me about the selection of news released by the newspaper. This is because the
word ‘stupid’ connotes to the reader someone very lower class and not up to date with society, but the
denotation of ‘intelligent’ is more higher class and respected. So this quote actually makes people want to read
the newspaper purely to the fact that they don’t want to be ‘stupid’. Furthermore the intelligence connotes that
the selection of the news is educating and not just silly celebrity news but actually news that tells and educates
the audience.
Technological convergence –
the only part on this that echo's
technological convergence is
the fact that the website link in
the top right and left corner.
This connotes the fact that the
newspaper don’t just want to be
selling hard copies but would
also like people to visit online.
Headline – the denotation of
the headline for the
newspaper is “but I didn't’t
kill Maddie” which really
draws the reader in as there
is a picture of the man who
apparently “didn't’t kill
Maddie” matching the
description of the person
who did kill her. So overall it
creates a little bit of drama
before they have even read
the issue, so this could help
draw in readers.
Opinions – on this DPS there will be a Colum that focuses on the mirrors
debatable topic of did the man in the picture kill Maddie. The mirror has taken a
very biased opinion as the writing around him is all red which connotes danger and
bad vibes and the repeated word “yes” is followed by other bad things he's done,
which further connotes the mirror putting their option across.
Statistics – this is used to
connote ‘Katz’ as the
statistics ‘inform and
educate’ the reader more
about what's inside the
newspaper. Furthermore
inside there are several
pictorial statistics which
help create a visual
imperative for the readers
(Galtung and Ruge).
News values – I think that this certain article
uses ‘impact’ as this story is very serious and
very involved with the readers due to the fact
that they all want to know what happened to her
and these type of stories can play with the
emotions of the readers.
The copy – this actually gives us little
chunks of the article, which are usually
short and are used to make the reader
interested in the story so that they want
to read on.
Page number – these are
always in the top right
corner of the page, this is
good as people usually
turn the page using the
corner so it is laid out to
help out the reader,
additionally the logo will be
next the page number.
Associated images –
the associated images
are connoting to the
reader that the man did
in fact kill Maddie
because the picture
describing the killer
matches the man and he
also looks worried in
other images.
Opening invitation – the is
right at the beginning of the
article and is the first sentence
which is in bold, the denotation
of this is to invite and grab the
attention of the readers (its
similar to a stand first).
Captions – as you can see all of
these captions are outlined in
bright red this connotes to the
reader danger or even blood due
to the fact that this certain article
is talking about a murder.
Main image – the denotation of the image is that its right in the Centre of
the DPS, this can connote that its of high importance. Also the man in the
image looks distressed and confused which may also echo the feelings
of the audience and could be something they can relate to. Moreover
there is also a drawing matching the image of this man which straight
away pulls the reader to think that this man did kill her, and this could
further connote the felling of the daily mirror.
1. Impact – has a significance to the society, community and great effect on the listeners.
2. Negativity – this is bad news which always makes good news for the editor.
3. Ordinary – is taken for granted this is news that’s not something special and the ordinary.
4. Timelessness – is the events that happened recently or people who are current and tend
to generally be more newsworthy. Its what hot/trendy/ new right now.
5. Proximity – any story that’s close to your geographically or personally.
6. Conflict – events and people that feature conflict tend to be more newsworthy.
7. Currency – is newsworthy and about an issue in the public eye.
8. Oddity – is news that is weird or unusual and not the norm.
9. Human interest – is stories that play to human emotions that can be newsworthy about
ordinary people.
This issue connotes to the
readers ‘impact’ this is
because the article is
explaining to us that woman
and children were impacted
more then men from the
This issue could
connote ‘human
interest’ because it bring
out the emotions of the
reader and makes them
feel pity towards the
people who are
suffering and may even
in some cases make
them donate towards
these causes.
There are 7 socially grouped categories when it comes to identifying audience through
Hartley's theory:
Self – ambitions or interests of the audience
Age group
Class – different socio classes for example working or upper
Katz’ theory of uses and gratifications is a very well used approach to learning and understanding mass
This theory places a lot more attention on the audience, rather than the real message itself by examining
“what people do with media” instead of “what media does to people” (Katz”). It refers to members of the
audience as being not passive but take an active role in interpreting and interrogating the media into their
own lives.
This theory trails a simple model, which is an audience focused method.
When the audience dramatically seek out media they are naturally seeking in order to gratify a need.
Furthermore the theory expresses that audiences are accountable for picking media to meet their
This approach connotes that people use the media in order to gratify a need.
Self actualization – morally, creativity, spontaneity,
appetence, experience purpose, meaning and inner
Self esteem – confidence, achievement, respect of
others, the need to be a unique individual.
Love and belonging – friendship, family, intimacy and
sense of connection.
Safety and security – health, employment, property,
family and social ability.
Physiological needs – breathing, food, water, shelter,
clothing and sleep.
There is 4 types I will be talking about in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Explorers – these are the audience which are
pushed by social difference.
Caregivers – this is the audience which feel
bad and pity for the persons situation.
Survivors – these are people from the
audience who like to know that the person will
be fine and the situation will be sorted out.
Social climbers – these are people in the
audience who want to build up their status in
According to the social economic needs
of the audience would best fit in E,D,C2
and C1. This is because the target
audience are aged 16- 30 therefore if the
reader is 16 years old this possibly means
they are unemployed and still in education
so they would relate to the E category the
25-30 year olds would best fit C2 and C1
because they would have more life
experience and higher end jobs.
The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and
other psychological criteria.
MAINSTREAMERS Seek security, usually domestic, conformist,
conventional, sentimental – favor value for money
family brands. This is the biggest group.
ASPIRERS Seek status, these are materialistic, acquisitive,
orientated to image and appearance, persona and
fashion. These tend to be young people.
SUCCEEDERS Seek control, strong goals, confidence, work ethic and
origination. Typically higher management and
RESIGNED Seek survival, rigid and authoritarian values. Interested
in the past and tradition. These are usually old people.
STRUGGLERS Seek escape, alienated and disorganized, few
resources beyond physical skills. Buys alcohol,
junk food, lottery tickets, tend to be lower
EXPLORERS Seek discovery, energy, individualism and
experience. Values difference and adventure.
Typically young students.
REFORMERS Seek enlightenment, freedom of restrictions and
personal growth. Social awareness and
independent judgment.
The main homepage for the daily mirror has the
logo in the top left corner, this is in red which could
connote love and comfort to the readers. This
could be used by the newspaper in order to
improve their readership because if the audience
feel comfortable when visiting this website they will
be more likely to stay and have a look at other
things on the homepage.
Even the advertisement links with the colors of the
logo as it has lots of red tomatoes on a white
background, as does the mirror logo have white
writing on a red background. This could have been
done on purpose in order to keep a consistent
house style to connote the professional side of the
newspaper and how important they are as well as
the news they release is.
MIRROR’This article from a daily mirror newspaper tells us about the
partnership between Aldi and the daily mirror newspaper. First of
all the advert stands out to the audience as they use two
contrasting colors which are blue and yellow. I think they did this
on purpose in order to connote to the readers that you cant miss
out on what we have to say. Also as you can see in big writing
there is “£5 OFF” which straight away grabs the reader as they
want to find out how they can receive this deal of £5 off their
This partnership may also link in with the demographics of the
newspaper s the daily mirror may of outlined that they have more
middle/lower class readers who don’t have large amounts of
money so deals like this could be perfect as it would both help
out the reader and the newspaper as it’s a very relevant advent
in order to draw In there readership.
More over the fact that the sticker saying three days to go is
peeling off connotes to the readers that the deal has a minimal
time left as its not firmly stuck off and will fall off soon. This then
puts pressure on the reader as they will want to get this deal
before the time runs out or ”the sticker falls off”.
On the homepage of the daily mirror
website there is advertisement of
‘dolmio’ all around the edge of the
page. A visual code of this advert is
that they have have placed all around
the important news to connote that
the website is based around these
advertisements. Furthermore in order
to attract and draw the readers from
the mirror website to this website they
have used many bright and colorful
images which would effect the
audience in a way that they want to
further explore the convections behind
these bright colors.
There are more verbal codes through this
advertisement on the homepage such as the
picture of the tomatoes filling up the jar. The
denotation of this is to make the reader think that
the sauce is 100% made from these tomatoes
and nothing else at all. Moreover it makes them
think this as they is nothing else in the jar which
must mean that that is indeed the only
This interlinks with the verbal code of ‘thank
goodness’ as the fact that’s is got no added junk,
makes people feel as if its full of goodness and
the word ‘thank’ then emphasizes to the reader
that you have to thank the creators for the fact
that they have made something for you without
having anything bad in it.
This table here was actually downloaded from the news
works website and what it outlines to us is an overview
of how the newspaper is distributed, who and what age
the newspaper is distributed to and how many of those
people it is distributed to.
So it tells us that they release the newspaper through
printing, PC, mobile, tablet, Facebook and twitter.
Furthermore that their readership is varied over 15-35
year olds, adults and 35+. For the printed copies tis
table even tells us that over 60,000 people who read
the newspaper are of the A, B, or C1 category of the
socio economic needs and over 115,000 are in the
C2, D or E category which connotes that a higher
percentage of their readers are lower/middle class
people and there are less readers who are for example
The daily mirror uses various media platforms and below the line advertisement
to create technical convergence, this is done through social media such as twitter,
Facebook and instagram.
From analyzing these social media sites there is evidence of lots of advertising,
like updating their readers with the latest stories, information and videos.
The more consumers are able to access these social media sites the larger the
opportunity is for them to become a ‘prosumer’ and this means that they are able
to put their opinion across and comment on certain stories, meaning they are
getting more and more involved in the newspaper.
Furthermore on their instagram page there is usually just a photo of the head story
and from seeing this it will draw in the reader as they see the photo and want to
read on.
Moreover the Facebook page is highly interactive as there is videos, photos and
links to stories that the mirror have in their issues.
3% 3%
Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ WhatsApp
The denotation of ‘the daily mirror’ YouTube page is that it has over
15,000 subscribes and has loads of different videos on various news
stories from the past. However the weird thing is that although most
news platforms are moving digital now days you would think that the
newspaper would be more active on their YouTube channel but instead
the most recent video on their page is from 1 year ago.
This could be because this certain newspaper is
promoting and building their social media on
different platforms such as Facebook or twitter. As
you can see on the left the screen shot from the
suns YouTube a video was uploaded 5 days ago
but the sun doesn't’t have as many subscribers as
‘the daily mirror’ so they may be releasing more in
order to get to their level.
When looking for advertisement pricing on the official
website I actually came across a subscription that allows the
users of the website to be able to browse the website ad free
for a fee of just £2.99 a month. Which is a small fee but due
to the large number of pop ups and adverts spread across
the website the newspaper and thought of an idea where
they are able to both increase revenue from having adverts
as well as actually people paying to eliminate adverts.
Furthermore the denotation of the picture on the right is that
the advertisements are in yellow on the left side which is a
very bright color and stands out which connotes the fact that
adverts may take over the page and the picture on the right
has no colors but black and white which is used in order to
make the readers feel as if without the adverts it would be a
lot calmer and stress free browsing without these ads.
When visiting a website, I found out how
you are able to advertise in the daily mirror
as you get to pick which area of the
newspaper you would like to advertise in.
after this you have to sign in with your email
and then send the advertisement that you
would like to feature on the newspaper. This
website does not include any prices but
does include all the correct dimensions and
the exact amount of space you will have on
the page. I am assuming that once you send
of you advert and the mirror think its good
enough to feature they will then negotiate a
price with you.
On ‘the daily mirror’ website right at the bottom of the page
there is a menu bar where you will find the contact button,
that will direct the consumer to the certain “contact page”. On
this page there is many different areas of the newspaper that
you are able to contact through email. For example there is
an option for the picture desk or the Sunday mirror team.
Furthermore there is options where the consumer is able to
become a ‘citizen journalist’ (Gillmor – 2004), this means that
ordinary people are able to write their own story and if it is
detailed and relevant enough they may get published and can
get paid for this. The denotation of this is that it can build up a
strong relationship with the consumer and the newspaper
through the fact that the consumer may have seen something
that the newspaper didn't’t and then they are able to help
each other out.
This is how you complain to the mirror, if
there are any issues of criticisms about
content within the mirror, at the very bottom
of the homepage there is a button called
‘how to complain’ which then takes you to
this page on the left.
Once you are at this page, included in the
page is the main policy that complaints must
follow certain restrictions and different
contact numbers must be used for different
section sin the newspaper.
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines
regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow.
The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and enforced
by IPSO.
The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January
The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below – sets
the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press
subscribing to the Independent Press Standards Organization have undertaken to
maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they
have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the
individual and the public's right to know.
Circulation POP -/+ % YOY +/- %
From analyzing both the graph and now the table, they both told me that the daily mirror circulates around
724,888 copies overall. But what this table also told me was that that’s not just in the UK and in fact only
651,169 copies are circulated in UK and 35,433 in republic of Ireland and a further 38,286 in other
countries. But this tells me that the vast majority of newspapers are distributed in UK.
In conclusion throughout this learning objective I have looked into UK print based
magazines and newspapers, the two I chose were ‘Q magazine’ and ‘Daily Mirror
Newspaper’. While researching both these I looked deeper into the connotations and
denotations of certain pages on the products such as the double page spread. Also I
analyzed other aspects such there website and the links between the magazine and
the websites. Furthermore I looked into the types of things that they advertise and the
prices in which it costs to advertise in various different ways, and lastly the target
audience and the readerships of each product.
Color schemes – the color of my magazine
will either be black white and red, black grey
and red or a black green and white color
Price – my magazine will be priced at £2.99 as
the magazine of inspiration is £3.50 so mine
would be more likely to sell.
Target audience – my target audience
will be between 16-25 year olds, this is
because the genre of the magazine is hip
hop so would appeal more to young
people than older people, furthermore I
have seen “vibes” target audience which
is mainly around this age group so If I
want to sell as much as possible it needs
to appeal to these age groups.
Frequency of release – my magazine will be
released monthly to mirror the frequency of
when “vibe” is released as people will be used
to the monthly magazines.
Images – on my front cover I will include an imagine of an up
coming artist which will be good because people will not know
about him that much and will want to find out more about the
artist. Furthermore the technical code of the image will typically
be mid shot or close up so the reader can analyze their body
language and expression connoting who they are.
Brand identity – the mast head will be located
in the middle at the top on all my issues so that
people will recognize that its my magazine
each time.
Strapline – “the top magazine for your
dolla”, “high level magazine with high
level music”
This mind map that I have produced here
echo's ideas for both the magazines I am
creating and will help me finally choose
how and what my magazine will be
based on.
First of all I have picked the gold chain because from analyzing many hip hop
magazines lots of the male artists are wearing big gold chains, rings and watches.
I chose this picture of “drake” as he is a very well known hip hop artist and I have
seen him be featured in many music magazines in the past.
“50 cent” is also a very well known rap artist who as well as “drake” has been
featured on a large amount of music magazines.
Colours The non verbal
code of the colours used
are red, white, black,
yellow and gold. The red
and white match the
magazines logo and are
synonymous with “Q”. The
black stands out against
the white background so it
is easy to read the text.
Gold and yellow may
illustrate significance as
this colours have only been
used once so the reader
may want to pay attention
to these pieces of text.
Masthead is a
large “Q” which is
standing out
competitors such
as “NME” and
Mise-en-scene is very
effective as his facial
expressions connote that
he is very serious about
his music detonating that
the magazine is very
serious about music.
Cover lines – these educate the
reader on other pieces of
information throughout the
magazine. For example “Liam vs.
Noel” this would be a secondary
story in the magazine.
Main cover line- this is
normally the largest text
on the magazine cover,
saying who is in the
magazine this week or
who it will be about,
normally linked to the
main image.
Strapline- the denotation of the
strapline “25th anniversary
collectors edition” may be to draw
in the audience and it seems like a
significant copy of the 'Q'
magazine as its not just a normal
edition. This could increase the
chance of people buying the
magazine, due to its importance.
Use of flash- this
is normally
something that is
bold that the
magazine is trying
to promote,
making it stand
out to readers.
Barcode/date- this is found on
all of the magazines and tells
you what the price of the
magazine is as well as the
date it was created.
Pull quote- the
denotation of “I’m
bringing ginger
back” is that it
reminds people
of the well known
lyric “I'm bring
sexy back” which
makes it a catchy
pull quote which
people wan t to
find out how its
been interpreted
from the well
known lyric.
Drop capital-the
connotations behind
the drop capital are
that its red and white
to enhance the
consistent theme of
the magazine which
also makes it more
forms and
Furthermore its bold
and capital to make
it stand out so the
reader knows where
to start.
The word Ginger is Red as it’s the main
word which establishes the story on the
page bringing the reader in to want to find
out how he is bringing ginger back.
Page number and web address- this is
in the left corner in red and white which
are both factors that make it consistent
as they are always this color and in that
position so that it makes it easier for the
reader when reading the magazine as
they know it will always be there.
Differentiated questions &
Answers- the denotation of the
questions and answers are that they
are all different so that the reader can
learn as much information on the
music star as possible as they are
asking a range of questions where all
her answers will be different making it
more entertaining for the audience.
Star appeal- this is used to draw
the audience in because if they
know the person they will want to
find out about them. Also “male
gaze” is used to attract the male
men for their pleasure.
Q magazine covers pop/rock music, mostly
from the present with a few features about
older artists. They have a range of styles
covered throughout the magazines issues.
As this review on the left from yahoo answers
explains the magazine is loved by many due to its
range of styles covered over the magazines and
also the writers as seen as very good in the
readers eyes which is another key factor in the
success of the magazine. Also if the writers are
good it means they must know what they are
writing about and therefore the content is
covered very well throughout the “Q” magazine.
This picture on the left connotes that
the magazine consists of rock music
but the picture on the right illustrates it
also consists of pop therefore proving
the range of styles. Looking at the
technical codes the post products
affects may be incorporated to
enhance the look and rock and roll
theme of the magazine to draw readers
The colors I will be using on my music magazine will be either black, white and
orange, or black, white and green. This is because one of my magazines of
inspiration is black, white and yellow white looks good so I'm just going to substitute
the yellow to make mine unique and diverse to my magazine of inspiration.
The layout of my magazine will be similar to “vibe” as my main image will be a mid
shot and part of the image will overlap the strapline. Furthermore the cover lines, puff
promotions and slogan will also be either side of the image and will be on a black
background so they stand out.
Name: Owen Shepherd
Candidate Number:
to win a tee
e article
Name: Owen Shepherd
Candidate Number:
Contents Editorial Headlin
Review headlin
The price is £3.99 which is quite expensive compared
to other magazine such as kerangg which is only
£2.20. This may illustrate the difference of the
spending power of the two audiences and can interlink
with the socio economics of the readers.
For example the 'Q' reader may be higher up in the
socio economic chart nearer to A and B where as the
average “Kerrang” reader may be closer to C and D
area as the spending power contrasts.
The fact that they are on different levels according to
their socio economic needs may echo their lifestyle
and how the reader interacts with the magazine which
leads to an increase in status.
The fact that this magazine is £3.99 and is a monthly issue it means that its not a very
expensive issue to buy, where as if it was a weekly magazine and it was still priced the
same the magazine would have a whole different readership which from analyzing
would be higher up in the social economic chart as they are able to commit to this
weekly fee.
I know that this magazine is released monthly because as the ;picture conveys on the
left saying “October”, it doesn't say a day which tells me this is released monthly on the
same date so there is no date put down.
Furthermore “q” magazine are very interested in appealing to all different types of
readerships as this subscription pack connotes. This is because this pack may appeal to
the people that want the security of knowing they are getting the issue every month and
don’t have to worry about paying for it.
This will be the font I will use for my first
magazine called “top dolla”.
This font is called “President” by
The reason I will be using this font is
because it looks bold and the way the
letters are shaped makes it stand out as
being a top magazine. As well as fitting
in with the hip hop vibe as it was an
American style of music hence why I
used “dolla”.
This is the font I have decided to
use for my second magazine
which is called “roll up”. This font
is called “Alley Oop” by “AJ
The reason I will be using this font
is because it looks similar to my
magazine of inspiration, but not
the exact same. Also the style fits
in with the hip hop type genre as
its punchy and will take over the
Color scheme: the main two colors I am using are orange, black and white, but
yellow was used in places in order to create a color gradient. This is because my
magazine of inspiration used black, yellow and white, so I substituted the yellow for
an orange in order to make it a little different.
Font style: my magazines font that I will be using for the masthead is called
‘President’ and I am using this as it really bold and clear to read, which is perfect for
the masthead as it needs to stand out to the reader. For my other pieces of text I will
be using ‘the inbox’ font for things such as the headings and other content. I am
Social media – in my magazine I am using ‘twitter, Facebook and spotify’ as I have
created a Facebook page for my magazines as I think this is a highly used platform
by my target audience and it’s a thing which people are able to discus and see
pictures, furthermore I can tweet about the magazine and also promote the music on
Main image
Main headline
Main image
Main headline
Main image
banner banner
Main image
Page credits
Hello Omega how are you?
Hello Owen I'm very good thanks how are you?
I’m great thanks! So how are you feeling about the release of your new
Oh I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what the fans think.
From seeing your preview it seems to be sounding fantastic, I personally
can’t wait! What would you choose as you best song from the album?
My personal favorite would have to be the last song I made which was money
over everything (MOE).
So why would you pick this as your personal favorite?
This song had to be my favorite due to the music video and the lyrics as they
both linked together so well and it was so much fun to film! I just cant wait for
the release man.
Sounds good! Is there any artists that are featured in the album and if so
why did you decide to choose them?
Yes actually! I have got one feature in my first song which is BT, I chose him as
I've known him through the music industry for quite some time now and I have
heard talk from the fans that they would love to hear a single with us both in,
so I thought why not, got into contact with him and he was honored to be a part
of the album.
Good to hear he was interested, are you thinking about preforming in any upcoming
Yes actually I have one booked in November and already have two planned for next year.
Oh really! I was not expecting that which ones are you going to be preforming at?
Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell that information as the two festivals I will be preforming
at next year are part of a surprise tour that I am doing, however I can tell you where I am
preforming later on this year in the November festival. I am going to be performing at the
O2 arena in Islington with some special guests.
And how are you able to get tickets for your one in November?
They were available online but I'm happy to announce they are actually sold out and have
been for a while now.
That’s crazy they have only been out for a couple weeks!
I know I was amazed when I found out, but what I might do as so many people have been
disappointed about not being able to come is release 2 more locations where I will do the
same tour so that more people can come! Anyway man I've got to shoot off my taxi is
waiting outside.
Awh that’s a good idea, the fans will love that! Alright man anyway nice having a talk
with you and finding out more about your music and I hope to see you again soon.
And you, see you soon man.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
This is when I
will find my
office building &
once there set
up equipment in
order to start
the business.
Go out and
buy enough
chairs and
desks for all
and ensure
they are
Order the mac
book pros as
these will be
able to use
Photoshop +
InDesign on
I will get
interviews set
up for job roles
such as
designer, editor
and other jobs
in the
I will get
interviews set up
for job roles such
as designer,
editor and other
jobs in the
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January
Week beginning: January 9th 2017
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
I will get interviews set up
for job roles such as
designer, editor and other
jobs in the business.
After the interviews are
done I am going to set up
all the chairs and desks that
I brought, to make
Complete by: Complete by:
14th January 15th January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Greet and meet
all employees in
the new office
and let them
know their roles
in the business.
Search for a
music artist
that will
feature on the
first copy of
my magazine
Talk to my
writer about
coming up with
innovative and
questions to
ask the artist
for the
My reporter will
interview the
artist with his
questions and
record the
Type up the
finalized answers
from the artists
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Have a photoshoot with my
chosen artist for both the
front cover and dps
Begin designing the layout
for both the front cover and
dps designs
Complete by: Complete by:
24th January 24th January
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Order reporter
to get ore
information on
the growing
culture of hip
hop music
edit photos of
the chosen
artists in order
to make them
look more
Get my
inserted into
the dps on my
Search for
that would be
interested in
advertising in
the magazine
Start inserting
other stories,
articles and
photos in the
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekend off Weekend off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Finish off
designing the
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Send the final
magazine of for
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
When the
have turned up
look for places
where it can be
distributed to
magazine to
stores and
which I have
found and give
me permission
to advertise
Create a social
media account
and begin
on their
Create a social
media account
and begin
on their
Product launch
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
• IPSO – Editors code of practice
• Each code has to be adhered (followed) by the publisher 
• E.g. accuracy
• Reporting of events or people
• Data protection act
This effects ‘Top Dolla' magazine as for example when I am
releasing a new copy of the magazine I will have to be as
accurate as possible in making sure that the press take
care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted
information or images, including headlines not supported
by the text.
Furthermore on the note of privacy I would have to make
sure that everyone is entitled to respect for his or her
private and family life, home, health and correspondence,
including digital communications.
Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of
intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and
usage rights for the author. This is the exclusive and assignable legal right,
given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform,
film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material.
This means whatever content the author
created cannot be used or published by anyone
else without the consent of the author.
This is relevant to 'Q' magazine as they release a
issue of their magazine monthly which includes
huge amounts of information that people potentially
want to steal and use themselves.
For example this issue on the right has an exclusive interview with jay Z that other
people would not be able to obtain so they would want to use this for themselves, and
this is where copyright comes in to place and this stops people from attempting to do
this and if they do they would face the consequences.
A watermark is a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears as
various different shades of lightness / darkness when viewed by transmitted
light (or when viewed by reflected light), caused by thickness variations in the
This is an example of an image
which has been water marked,
because as you can see in the
middle you can see through the
different thickness in paper it has
made out the copy right sign, this is
done so that people can still view the
picture clearly but also know its copy
right to use this photo without their
permission. If you then email /
contact the owner and ask to use it,
or sort out a price they can then
send you a image without the
watermark on.
Data Protection Act (1998)
The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organizations,
business or the government.
Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection
principles’. They must make sure the information is:
• used fairly and lawfully
• used for limited, specifically stated purposes
• used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
• accurate
• kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
• handled according to people’s data protection rights
• kept safe and secure
• not transferred outside the European Area without adequate protection.
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by
IPSO have agreed to follow.
The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and enforced by IPSO.
The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January 2016.
The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below – sets the
framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press subscribing to the
Independent Press Standards Organization have undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone
of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they have made a binding contractual
commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
These are just a few examples
where ‘Q’ magazine themselves
may have been open to complaints.
This is due to the fact that there is a
high level of sexual appeal in these
photos represented through the
facial expression and body
language of the woman in these
front covers. For that reason this
may be to much for certain readers
and they my feel to complain for
these reasons.
This genre of magazine front cover may
open the chance for people to write a
complaint to the magazine. This is for the
reason that the woman in these photos
are to some people to revealing, but to
some people they may not mind which is
why its always an issue. But if someone
does’t agree with the amount of body
being shown by the woman that it why
the complaint procedure is there as the
magazine will then deal with this.
What is a complain according to Bauer Media?
they say that when making a complaint you have to clearly state that your complaint is a formal compliant under
this policy.
Their policy covers – things about editorial content in their publications and digital services that they control in
the UK, Channel Islands and isle of man.
They do not take complaints about:
TV and radio Services, advertising, matters of taste/decency, books, ‘user generated content’ and anything that
falls outside the remit of IPSO.
How to complain?
They should be made by either writing an email to or by post to Bauer Consumer
Media Limited, Endeavour House, 189 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8JG and addressed to the general counsel.
The complaints under this policy will be accepted with a four month time period from the date the article your
complaining about was released.
Furthermore when you are making the complaint a copy of the article in question or a sort of reference so that
the magazine knows exactly where and what you are complaining about.
Also a written explanation of your concerns, with reference to the editors code.
Lastly any other documents that will help them assess the complaint.
If the complaints do not contain this essential information then the complaint cannot be considered.
But if they do contain all the relevant information needed then they will get back to you as soon as possible.
For my product target audience primary
research I have decided to create and online
survey using survey monkey.
In this I will include 10 questions including
questions from “how old are you?” to “how
much would you pay for a magazine?”.
In doing this I will find out about what the
people like and which type of audiences like
which types of styles, genres and forms.
The two questions I will be analyzing here are “what do you think is
the most important convention of a music magazine?” and “which
puff promotion would entice you the most?”.
So first of all when asking about conventions there were only two
picked out of the 5 which was masthead and main image, main
image got 70% of the votes which concludes that people are most
pulled in by what they see on in the main image. I think 'Q' magazine
have done this well as their main image is always bold and looks
enticing which may be why they are so successful.
Furthermore I need to know this information because if I know what
connotation appeals most top the audience I am able to enhance
and further appeal to a pass along audience as I will be drawing
them in with this highlighted convention chosen by themselves.
Secondly the puff promotions that people would like the best which
were festival or concert tickets and signed clothing which are both
very widely used puff promotions and this echo's the success in the
use of these promotions as these are clearly what the people want.
These tow questions form my survey were “what type of
image would you like to see on a music magazine?” and
“how much would you pay for a music magazine?”.
Firstly in my first question 60% of people chose 1 artist
which is not surprising as a large amount t of 'Q'
magazine front covers feature 1 artist. However some
people chose other amounts which may be why 'Q'
magazine has groups and sometimes more than one
artist in order to cater for everyone's needs and opinions.
My second question was largely one sided with 80% of
the people choosing £3-4 this also is what I expected as
'Q' are a very high selling magazine and these sell at the
price £3.99 so this may link to the fact that people are
fine with paying this price.
To conclude the second learning objective after looking over all the mood boards and
various pages on my products, I made a good idea of what font style, color schemes
and determined the layout.
Moreover I decided who my target audience will be, which then helped me choose
which photos I will use as I can fit the image around the target audience, I also found
out things such as budget summary.
To find out what type of readership my magazine will be I made various people fill out
a survey to gain the information needed, lastly other things I looked into was legal and
ethical issues so I know exactly what could be pit on my magazine.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
This is when I
will find my
office building &
once there set
up equipment in
order to start
the business.
Go out and
buy enough
chairs and
desks for all
and ensure
they are
Order the mac
book pros as
these will be
able to use
Photoshop +
InDesign on
I will get
interviews set
up for job roles
such as
designer, editor
and other jobs
in the
I will get
interviews set up
for job roles such
as designer,
editor and other
jobs in the
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January
Week beginning: January 9th 2017
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
I will get interviews set up
for job roles such as
designer, editor and other
jobs in the business.
After the interviews are
done I am going to set up
all the chairs and desks that
I brought, to make
Complete by: Complete by:
14th January 15th January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Greet and meet
all employees in
the new office
and let them
know their roles
in the business.
Search for a
music artist
that will
feature on the
first copy of
my magazine
Talk to my
writer about
coming up with
innovative and
questions to
ask the artist
for the
My reporter will
interview the
artist with his
questions and
record the
Type up the
finalized answers
from the artists
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
Week beginning: January 16th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Have a photoshoot with my
chosen artist for both the
front cover and dps
Begin designing the layout
for both the front cover and
dps designs
Complete by: Complete by:
24th January 24th January
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Order reporter
to get ore
information on
the growing
culture of hip
hop music
edit photos of
the chosen
artists in order
to make them
look more
Get my
inserted into
the dps on my
Search for
that would be
interested in
advertising in
the magazine
Start inserting
other stories,
articles and
photos in the
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
Week beginning: January 23rd 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekend off Weekend off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Finish off
designing the
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Find more
smaller stories
about artists
Send the final
magazine of for
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
Week beginning: January 30th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
When the
have turned up
look for places
where it can be
distributed to
magazine to
stores and
which I have
found and give
me permission
to advertise
Create a social
media account
and begin
on their
Create a social
media account
and begin
on their
Product launch
Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:
7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February
Week beginning: February 6th 2017
Saturday Sunday
Weekends off Weekends off
Complete by: Complete by:
When taking photographs for my first issue there was a few props I had to use, these included a microphone
stand, a microphone and a camera. This is because my magazine is a music based magazine so I thought it
would fit better with the genre of my magazine if I had the artist actually using the equipment he would.
Furthermore as the artist has the microphone and stand I feel like it makes the magazine more professional
and more relatable.
Camera £350.00
Microphone +
Equipment Cost
Office space £5695 (£1139
a week for 4
Apple mac book pro
Adobe CS6 Master
Desks (x30) £7,020
Chairs (x30) £3,270
Printer £130.00
Cameras (x3) £1,347
Pens £7.99
Paper £16.99
Staff Salary
Editor £27,000
Publisher £55,000
Journalist £23,000
Writers £23,000
Photographers £20,000
Marketing £32,000
Finance £37,000
Design £29,000
Human resources £35,000
This slide is where I had to research
what type of salary the certain roles
required in order to create a
magazine. I used the website linked
below and looked into the specific
roles for a magazine and the website
gave me a mean salary for the roles
e.g. a editor may get £20,000 or
could get £34,000 so the average
salary I would be looking at is
around £27,000, overall this helped
me get a good overview of what I will
be paying my staff.
I found a website where I was able to get a quote for the price and delivery of
printing 15,000 copies of my magazine, this ended up being in total £3907.63
to print and deliver. This is a good price as I visited other websites before
hand and this was one of the best prices and the most precise websites.
In the previous slide it shows a Facebook pager that I created for my magazine “TOP
DOLLA”. I decided to use Facebook as it is a platform where all ages are able to use
it and its easy for people to see what's going on as you can follow us which allows
you to see all our posts.
Furthermore there is a contact us button so people can chat to us and let us know
about who they would like to see feature on future issues.
On my front cover I have chosen to have my masthead across the top
middle of the page so that’s its clear and stands out to the audience and
this is the same reason as me having the main image right in the middle
of the page and very large to draw the audience to looking at these
conventions first when picking up the magazine. Also in order to help the
magazine as well as the consumers I will have puff promotions and social
media so they have the chance to get move involved and learn more
about the magazine. Furthermore for my cover stories they will be down
either side of my main image so that people wont think its part of the main
article as the main convections are in the middle.
My double page spread will include the masthead so people will
become more aware and comfortable with this logo, which is why it
will be inserted in areas around the bottom as well. Moreover it will
involve a stand first and headline which both help the reader to
know what they are about to read and gives them an insight to
whether they want to read on or not. Furthermore I have a big main
picture on the left side which the main article will be based on and
will have a few little images around the edges of the articles to keep
the readers enticed.
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing
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Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: UK Media Publishing St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Owen Shepherd
  • 2.
  • 4. PUBLISHER & PRODUCT The denotation of the institution that publishes the magazine is Bauer media group, which is a media company based in Europe and was first established in 1875, the CEO is titled Yvonne Bauer who runs the company today and has done since 2010. The headquarters is in Hamburg, its run in Germany where it accomplishes a collection of more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations around the world. The denotation of the name of the magazine is Q magazine and it is highly linked to Bauer media group as it is in fact one of the 600 magazines published by this European based print media institution. Q is a very popular music magazine and is actually known as one of the UK’s best music magazines as it consist of music news reviews and world exclusives with many significant bands in the world. This is a magazine that is published on a monthly basis since its discovery in 1986 by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth.
  • 5. BRAND IDEOLOGY/ETHOS The connotations behind the verbal code of the “we think popular” is the fact that they are thinking popular and you are reading their magazines and are interested in the content inside makes you feel as if you are part of that popular ‘group’ in society. This is because they are thinking and trying to use the best content for the popular ‘group’ so if you are then enjoying the content they have thought of it makes the readers feel as if they are a part of this ‘ group’. This may appeal to audiences like ‘social climbers’ as they are fond about their role and position in society.
  • 6. Further connotations behind this slogan is that it is purposely written in black with a red background to make this stand out as the usual colours used are red and white so the fact its black could signify its different and unique. BRAND IDEOLOGY/ETHOS The denotation of the statement “the worlds greatest music magazine” is that it’s a very bold statement to say as there is many different music magazines, this is significant because you can see that the actual writing is written in bold signifying it’s a bold statement.
  • 7. BRAND IDEOLOGY/ETHOS The Q magazine has a strapline which is known as “The Uk’s biggest music magazine”. This connotes that the magazine has a big range to offer and the verbal code “biggest” links to the Q logo as it’s the biggest piece of text on the front cover. Also that is a bold statement to say that they are the biggest magazine as there are a lot of rock and roll magazines in competition so this conveys the company have a big faith in the significance of the magazine. The way the institution says that it brings music to life illustrates that the people reading the magazine are actually injected with the latest and best news that music has to offer which may be the reason for its wide range of audience.
  • 8. TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE The Q magazine has its own e-media website which has lots of exclusive information that the hard copies produced monthly may not contain. This can be denoted in the picture on the right as there is a button which takes you to videos. This is an advance compared to the hard copies as you can see content through watching videos and discover more about the music 'Q' magazine has to offer. Furthermore the denotation of Q’s website page is that there is also an “interview” and “playlist” button on the website that means people are able to actually hear the music that they are interested in as well as learning what they are currently doing in the music industry. This means that magazine is unique and helps the readers to be able to look online as well on the hard copies.
  • 9. TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE (CONTINUED) On this video page on the 'Q' magazine there are exclusive videos such as interviews on artists which people will like as they are able to hear what the people are while seeing their facial expressions. Furthermore there is songs of the artists which connotes the magazine want to try cater for both the people who like the to just read the magazine but also the people who would want to listen to the music as well.
  • 10. TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE (CONTINUED) You can even pay to subscribe to the 'Q' magazine which gives you exclusive information and also it states that you will Never miss another issue and will receive Free UK delivery direct to your door. The denotation of this is that if a customer buys this it means that 'Q' know that there is people that are viewing every single issue as they get sent each on the release date to their door.
  • 11. FURTHER TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Bauer Media group can be found on twitter. They also have a separate twitter account for jobs available at Bauer media group. This not only promotes the publishing group, but also extends the range of people who know about Bauer media group as a significant amount of people are on social networking sites. The website also gives access for purchasing an “e-version” of the magazine. So overall Bauer medias synergy with social media enhances there group of readers and builds up a stronger community of customers as there is many different ways people can access the company and find out about them and also other jobs on offer.
  • 12. SYNERGY This is 'Q' magazines very own YouTube page which is very popular with the 'Q' readers as the “4171” subscribers illustrate. The denotation of this picture on the left is that it means that the readers of 'Q' magazine are not just able to get information and learn through interviews printed on the hard copies but are also able to watch online interviews. Which connotes that 'Q' magazine are catering for both types of people as some people may want to read and some people may concentrate better through seeing the people actually speaking and them being able to see facial expression and the tone of the artists face.
  • 13. SYNERGY (CONTINUED) 'Q' magazine also have their own twitter page, this i9s extremely popular and has over 127,000 followers. The connotations behind the twitter page is that it allows people to see further information that the magazine may not involve. This is things such as the “Q awards” and there is actually links that you are able to click on that take you to other websites and fun things to do with the magazine. Furthermore is over 27 thousand tweets which illustrates the amount of extra information and more informing detail that twitter bring to the 'Q' magazine fans. zine?lang=en-gb
  • 14. MARKET POSITION The chart above denotes the circulation figures of 4 magazines. The magazine I’m researching ‘Q’ has circulated 48,353 magazines by the end of June 2015. Out of these 4 magazines ‘Q’ is 2nd best in this chart for the amount of magazine copies developed. However Bauer media has many different magazines so this builds up for the overall circulation figures.
  • 16. FURTHER MARKET POSITION This explains that the market position of “Q: magazine may have increased to due a small increase of pop and also the exclusive cover stories with big people such as Kanye West which may have drawn in more audience to the magazine meaning they will have to print more copies. july-december-2015-magazine-abcs
  • 17. OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE It is published monthly in the UK. - It's publishing company is Bauer Consumer Media. - Mark Ellen and David Hepworth founded the magazine because they felt it was a niche market as there wasn't a magazine for the older generation who were still buying CD's. - Q was first published in 1986 and was different from other magazines due to it's high quality photography and printing, as well as having an older target audience. Q has a history of association with charitable organizations. The Bauer Media Group is one of the most successful media companies in the world. More than 570 magazines, over 300 digital products, and 50 radio and TV stations reach millions of people around the globe. The company’s portfolio also includes printing companies, postal services and services in the fields of distribution, marketing and media sales. The Group’s turnover is stable at more than two billion euros. With a new global positioning strategy, the Bauer Media Group underscores its passion for people and brands. The fact that this magazine only has the month and the year proves that its published monthly because if it was weekly it would also include the week.
  • 18. OPERATING MODEL These are the key people at Bauer media as these are the management of the company. For example “Paul Keenan” he is the CEO of the whole company so he is a very high up and significant person in the company mix. I have researched about the management team and these are the people that control and keep the company running.
  • 19. FRONT COVER ANAYLSIS Colours The non verbal code of the colours used are red, white, black, yellow and gold. The red and white match the magazines logo and are synonymous with 'Q'. The black stands out against the white background so it is easy to read the text. Gold and yellow may ‘signify’ (De Saussure) significance as these colours have only been used once so the reader may want to pay attention to these pieces of text. These colours also represent success which could then echo the feel of success to the readers of the magazine as the colours may make them feel successful when they are reading a magazine like ‘Q’. Furthermore this success could come with the feel of prestige as this magazine is using colours that make it better than other ordinary magazines. Masthead is a large 'Q' which is easily recognizable, therefore standing out against competitors such as “NME” and “Vibe”. Mise-en-scene is very effective as his facial expressions connote that he is very serious about his music detonating that the magazine is very serious about music. Nirvana-/151295165421
  • 20. FURTHER FRONT COVER ANALYSIS Main cover line- this is normally the largest text on the magazine cover, saying who is in the magazine this week or who it will be about, normally linked to the main image. Strapline- the denotation of the strapline “25th anniversary collectors edition” may be to draw in the audience and it seems like a significant copy of the 'Q' magazine as its not just a normal edition. This could increase the chance of people buying the magazine, due to its importance. Use of flash- this is normally something that is bold that the magazine is trying to promote, making it stand out to readers. Barcode/date- this is found on all of the magazines and tells you what the price of the magazine is as well as the date it was created. srchau10012/lot-ff276f4a-ebb8-49da-8098-a3fb00fe34da
  • 21. CONTENT – CONTENTS PAGE ANALYSIS The titles- for the articles are presented in capital letters and are bolder than the text underneath. This connotes that the interesting points on the magazine have been highlighted and may enhance the interest of the reader. The background is very simplistic so that the white and red color theme is enhanced and stands out. The page numbers are very eye catching due to their big size and the way its black on a white background which makes it stand out. Furthermore the denotation of the black theme could be to link with what the artist is wearing. https://brettwhittakermedia.wordpress .com/2012/10/15/magazine-contents- research-q/ Colour scheme - the main colours which stand out are the red white and black and this is intended as these are the main colours that are consistently used so that the magazine has a brand identity. Sub lines – this are there as they indicate to the reader further information in the magazine like for example exclusive interviews or more news on the chosen artist.
  • 22. DPS ANALYSIS Pull quote- the denotation of “I’m bringing ginger back” is that it reminds people of the well known lyric “I'm bring sexy back” which makes it a catchy pull quote which people want to find out how its been interpreted from the well known lyric. Drop capital-the connotations behind the drop capital are that its red and white to enhance the consistent theme of the magazine which also makes it more forms and professional. Furthermore its bold and capital to make it stand out so the reader knows where to start. The verbal code Ginger is Red as it’s the main word which establishes the story on the page bringing the reader in to want to find out how he is bringing ginger back. double-page-spread-is-very-different.html
  • 23. DPS ANALYSIS Differentiated questions & Answers- the denotation of the questions and answers are that they are all different so that the reader can learn as much information on the music star as possible as they are asking a range of questions where all her answers will be different making it more entertaining for the audience. Page number and web address- this is in the left corner in red and white which are both factors that make it consistent as they are always this color and in that position so that it makes it easier for the reader when reading the magazine as they know it will always be there. ‘Star appeal’ (Richard Dyer)- this is used to draw the audience in because if they know the person they will want to find out about them. Also “male gaze” is used to attract the male men for their pleasure. /denotative-and-connotative-analysis-for.html
  • 24. FORM AND STYLE The denotation of “Q’s” form and style is the consistency of the red and white colour theme proposed throughout the whole magazine. This illustrates to the reader that the magazine will constantly be bringing the same professional and formal style which the readers like. Furthermore the front cover always has the main artist takeover the whole page which may connote that the artist and the information packed into the magazine takeover the magazine which people may enjoy as the person on the front is usually the most wanted person for people to find out about. The barcode and date of the magazine is constantly in on the bottom left of the magazine which allows the readers to know when they are buying the magazine they can find out the price and issue date with ease. analysis-of-q-magazine-front-cover.html
  • 25. FORM AND STYLE http://dancrowsblog.b 2/contents-page-5-q- magazine-i-have.html The connotations behind the form and style of the contents page is that they always have the issue number in big white or black numbers. This means that the readers will then know when reading any issue of the magazine they will know what this number means. Also they have the 'Q' then contents in the same font and style every time to maintain a consistent feel throughout the magazine, as if it was all different colours with every issue readers would find it difficult to locate different pieces of information in the magazine. This may be why the readers like the way 'Q' are using the same form and style throughout their magazines .
  • 26. PRODUCTION PROCESS In this email I have wrote to a member of staff from Bauer Media company which are the company that publish the 'Q' magazine. In this I wrote to ask about the production process of 'Q' magazine. I am currently waiting on a reply from the Bauer Media company and hope to hear from them to enhance my knowledge on the production processes of 'Q' magazine.
  • 27. PRODUCTION PROCESS (CONTIUED) After not receiving any emails back from the Bauer media group I further researched into 'Q' magazines production process and found out this information from: magazine-production-process/ 1. Date of publication – this is simply just the date in which the magazine will be issued, so this is the date the public can see the magazine. 2. Managing the schedule – this means you are very organized and manage everything properly. This is very important because if your not organized you wont be able to release it on the date of publication. 3. Editorial and budgetary decision – this is important because its where the editorial team pick which topics will be discussed in the magazine. And after picking the content they will have to think about the budget and how to spend the money. 4. Content Acquisition 5. Sub-editing, which includes things like: • Checking of the accuracy of all facts in the articles • Making sure that words are properly spelled • Making sure that grammar and punctuation are used correctly
  • 28. PRODUCTION PROCESS (CONTIUED) 6. Page Layout – there is a important team of people who discuss and think about how the pages will be laid out and the best way for them to look, they do this using software such as PageMaker and (DTP). 7. Proofreading – the same editorial team will then print out a tester copy of the magazine in order to read through the magazine and correct any mistakes made. They keep proof reading till every member is happy that it has no mistakes. 8. File emailed to printer – after the team have proofread the magazine it will be sent to the printer to then be printed. 9. Distribution – this is the final stage at which the magazine is packaged neatly and sent to the warehouses,. From here they are then sent to shops to be sold top the public.
  • 29. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS Bauer media publishes other products outside Q such as: Kerrang, MOJO and other magazines which are unrelated to music magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Dolly. By not only producing music magazines, Bauer have attracted different target audiences which will overall give the publisher a wide range of media to publish and entertain their audience with. It also connotes how the company have diversified over the years in order to attract a larger readership using a range of media platforms.
  • 30. DEMOGRAPHICS/READERSHIP Having downloaded and analyzed the 'Q' magazine press pack I have learnt and discovered that 'Q' take into consideration about who their audience is and the type of people who are reading their magazine. This connotes that the information in the 'Q' magazine is based around the people who they have thought to read it. So according to the press pack “Q’s” target audience is around the age range of 16-50 but the medium age of the readers is 34 years of age. Which may be why 70% of the audience are in employment so would fit higher up in the socio economic needs chart around B or C. http://www.bauerm QMediaPack2016.p df
  • 31. AUDIENCE THEORIES-HARTLEY There are 7 socially grouped categories when it comes to identifying audience through Hartley's theory: Self – ambitions or interests of the audience Gender Age group Class – different socio classes for example working or upper Ethnicity Family Nation
  • 32. AUDIENCE THEORIES-HARTLEY (CONTINUED) As this chart here denotes on the left the gender of ‘Q’ magazine is significantly more male than female and 68.3% are male readers compared to only 31.7% that are female readers. Furthermore the denotation of the age group is that most of these readers are fairly young and are mostly put under the 15-24 age range as 35.5% of the people reading it are between these ages which is the largest % of ages. https://000023976annacunningham.wordpr age-and-abc-profile-of-who-reads-kerrang- magazine/
  • 33. AUDIENCE THEORIES-HARTLEY (CONTINUED) From deconstructing various 'Q' magazine front covers I have concluded that the ethnicity of 'Q' magazine is mainly people of the white profile. Lastly analyzing the class of 'Q' magazine readers I have established that the class would fit into the middle class or lower middle class as the readers will be young and probably wont have lots of money. =strict&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1324&bih=902&source=lnms&tbm= isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjl2evemK3PAhVEB8AKHc7IBUEQ_AUIBi gB
  • 34. AUDIENCE THEORIES-KATZ Katz’ theory of uses and gratifications is a very well used approach to learning and understanding mass communication. This theory places a lot more attention on the audience, rather than the real message itself by examining “what people do with media” instead of “what media does to people” (Katz”). It refers to members of the audience as being not passive but take an active role in interpreting and interrogating the media into their own lives. This theory trails a simple model, which is an audience focused method. When the audience dramatically seek out media they are naturally seeking in order to gratify a need. Furthermore the theory expresses that audiences are accountable for picking media to meet their demands. This approach connotes that people use the media in order to gratify a need.
  • 35. AUDIENCE THEORIES-KATZ EVIDENCE The fact that this issue says “Exclusive interview” ‘informs and educates’ (Katz) to the reader that the interview they will be reading about cannot be fount anywhere else and they may feel more significant when knowing that they are reading exclusive information. So in conclusion this is just one of the ways 'Q' magazine uses the (Katz) theory in order to gratify the audiences needs through the media and there magazines.
  • 36. AUDIENCE THEORIES-MASLOW Self actualization – morally, creativity, spontaneity, appetence, experience purpose, meaning and inner potential. Self esteem – confidence, achievement, respect of others, the need to be a unique individual. Love and belonging – friendship, family, intimacy and sense of connection. Safety and security – health, employment, property, family and social ability. Physiological needs – breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing and sleep. sms-maslows-hierarchy-needs/
  • 37. AUDIENCE THEORIES-MASLOW EVIDENCE This picture on the left is taken from an issue off 'Q' magazine which is saying the magazine includes “the most important voice in modern music”. This would appeal to the Self esteem category as these are people that seek confidence and achievement, so if these people are reading and find out there are going to be reading the most important voice in music it would boost their confidence as it may make them feel significant and also make them feel as if they have achieved something,.
  • 38. MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS There is 4 types I will be talking about in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Explorers – these are the audience which are pushed by social difference. Caregivers – this is the audience which feel bad and pity for the persons situation. Survivors – these are people from the audience who like to know that the person will be fine and the situation will be sorted out. Social climbers – these are people in the audience who want to build up their status in society. aslow's-hierarchy-of-needs/
  • 39. MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS - EVIDENCE I think these two pictures that I have taken from a 'Q' magazine issue connote how 'Q' appeal to Social climbers – as these are people in the audience who want to build up their status in society. This appeals to them because the fact it says “essential” and “special edition” may make these types of people want to buy the issue to feed the fact that they want ot be higher up in society and the word “essential” conveys this feeling as it that makes they feel as if its essential to buy this in order to keep up with society.
  • 40. AUDIENCE THEORIES-SOCIO ECONOMICS According to the social economic needs of the audience would best fit in E,D,C2 and C1. This is because the target audience are aged 16- 30 therefore if the reader is 16 years old this possibly means they are unemployed and still in education so they would relate to the E category the 25-30 year olds would best fit C2 and C1 because they would have more life experience and higher end jobs.
  • 41. AUDIENCE THEORIES- PSYCHOGRAPHICS The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. MAINSTREAMERS Seek security, usually domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental – favor value for money family brands. This is the biggest group. ASPIRERS Seek status, these are materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. These tend to be young people. SUCCEEDERS Seek control, strong goals, confidence, work ethic and origination. Typically higher management and professionals. RESIGNED Seek survival, rigid and authoritarian values. Interested in the past and tradition. These are usually old people.
  • 42. AUDIENCE THEORIES- PSYCHOGRAPHICS (CONTINUED) STRUGGLERS Seek escape, alienated and disorganized, few resources beyond physical skills. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets, tend to be lower demographics. EXPLORERS Seek discovery, energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Typically young students. REFORMERS Seek enlightenment, freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgment.
  • 43. AUDIENCE THEORIES- PSYCHOGRAPHICS - EVIDENCE This may be the audience that 'Q' magazine are appealing to as they are promoting their subscription pack to the people viewing their website, and this ,ay connotes that they are appealing to the mainstreamers as they know they seek security, and this feeds that need as with a subscription they have the security that they are getting the issue every month without having to worry.
  • 44. PRODUCT ADVERTISING & MARKETING The 'Q' magazine is advertised in many ways including all types of social media including twitter, Facebook, Instagram, pintrest and you tube. Which you can see from the picture above, this picture was taken from the 'Q' magazine website and it what they advertise their products on. So this is known as below the line advertisement in contrast to above the line marketing which involves billboards and TV adverts. Q magazine has something called the 'Q' rate awards which are advertised on both Absolute radio and as TV adverts which is above the line advertisement. The fact that 'Q' magazine have actually used both above and below the line advertisement connotes that they are trying to widen their readership and appeal to all types of audiences in every way possible to increase the popularity of the magazine.
  • 45. PRODUCT ADVERTISING & MARKETING (CONTINUED) The magazine uses the E-media platform in order to promote themselves as well as this picture on the right was taken from the 'Q' magazine website advertising that the rated awards will be played on absolute radio, which conveys that all there types of promotions are interlinked to enhance the appeal of the audience. Guerilla marketing – This is the use of unconventional and low cost marketing strategies to raise awareness of a product. 'Q' magazine have not actually used this type of marketing as instead they use both above and below the line advertisement.
  • 46. ADVERTISEMENT This slide denotes how if you wanted to advertise in 'Q' magazine there is guides and ways to see if you are right to advertise in the magazine for example the target audience, timings and media types. Furthermore you can contact them to see if you are right for the magazine and download your attachment and the magazine will see if its suitable.
  • 47. ADVERTISEMENT COSTS • Typical Cost: $500 to $20,000, depending on whether the publication is local or national, the size of your ad, whether you use color and if you've negotiated a multiple-ad rate. You can spend as much as $500,000 to buy the inside front cover of some national magazines! Costs are determined by: - Circulation - Size of ad - Use of color - Position in publication Rates also vary for: - Bleed page - Gatefold ad - Run-of-paper advertisement - Double page spreads - Space contract - Preferred position: cover pages
  • 48. DISTRIBUTION I found on the Pressgazette website that 'Q' magazines total circulation in the UK is 44,050 magazines per year. The year on year percentage of the circulation of 'Q' magazine has actually decreased by 12.2% which means that 12.2% of the total magazines circulated last year have not been circulated this year which may be why they are taking large amounts of costs to advertise and further appeal to a larger audience through using both under and above the line marketing. affairs-magazine-abcs-2015- spectator-new-statesman-private-eye- and-economist-all-grow/
  • 49. DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE – RETAIL OUTLETS 'Q' magazines are sold all over the country and are distributed online as well as hard copies. This example above is where you are able to buy a subscription to the magazine, as well as selecting to either receive this through Q Print, Q digital or Q print and digital. Choosing to subscribe to the magazine enables you to receive all 13 copies over the year period to your door with no hassle on time each month.
  • 51. DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE – RETAIL OUTLETS On the previous slide I have chosen just a few of the online retail outlets bin which you are able to both buy online digital hardcopies, or even printed copies to your home. This shows that 'Q' magazine like to cater for all types of audiences as some people may like to read it online and some people would rather have the copy themselves to read at home, so 'Q' have gone put there way in order to make sure all their audience is happy. Furthermore lots of these websites also offer a subscription pack to you which means you can have the copies sent to your house on time every month with no hassle.
  • 52. RETAIL OUTLET Q magazine is a very well known magazine which is in fact sold in many big retail outlets. It is sold in WHSmith , ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury's. This coveys that the 'Q' magazine is a significant music magazine and it must sell many copies as all these retail outlets stock all the new issues of the magazine.
  • 54. FREE SHEET This is a newspaper that is distributed for free to their audience, as the companies such as ‘metro’ make their money of advertisements in the newspaper. This means that to advertise in these newspapers you will have to pay more money as this is the only revenue coming in from the newspaper. These are usually distributed in very busy places such as train stations or town centers. Some examples of these are the metro and London paper. As you can see in the top left corner this newspaper is completely free
  • 55. RED TOP TABLOID Red top tabloids, named after their distinguishing red mastheads, employ a form of writing known as tabloid journalism; this style emphasizes features such as sensational crime stories, astrology, gossip columns about the personal lives of celebrities and sports stars, and junk food news. The part ‘red top’ means a tabloid newspaper characterized by sensationalism. You can spot out a red top newspaper very easily from knowing that the denotation of a ‘red top’ is simply that all of these newspapers have the same connotation of the red background and white writing inside on the top left.
  • 56. BROADSHEET A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages, the term comes from the types of popular prints usually just a singe sheet, sold on the streets and containing various material, from ballads to political satire. These newspapers are generally regarded as more serious and less sensationalist than tabloids, due to the difference in content, so broadsheet may have more hard stories. The reason they are called broad sheet is the same reason we call people with wide shoulders broad and that is because the newspaper is very wide and is indeed the largest category of newspapers.
  • 58. CODES & CONVENTIONS BEHIND MY CHOSEN FRONT COVERMasthead – the denotation of the title ‘the daily mirror’ connotes that this newspaper is released daily and the red background echo's a bright and upbeat newspaper with the write writing contrasting this color. Lead story – the denotation of the lead story is that this is the largest thing on the page due to the fact that it’s the ‘biggest story in the entire newspaper. Furthermore the word play ‘everybody was kung fuel fighting’ connotes a level of humor that may have been used to draw in the audience to buy the newspaper as they will want to heart the rest of the story. The copy – this is the piece of writing placed under the lead story and is a little explanation of what the lead story is about. This is used in order to give the reader a little insight of the story in the hope that they want to read on
  • 59. CODES & CONVENTIONS BEHIND MY CHOSEN FRONT COVER Display advert – the denotations behind this advertisement is ‘your ultimate guide to cracking Easter eggs – from just 99p’. There are many connotations behind this such as the word ‘ultimate’ connotes that this is the best guide that you are able to consume for cracking eggs. Also the fact that it is ‘from just 99p’ connotes that anyone should be able to afford it as its ‘just’ 99p. Lastly the visual code of this is that there is children smiling in the picture which connotes this is the best way to for fill your children's enjoyment. Main image – the main image is behind the headline which may connote that the level of importance Is swayed towards the headline, however the text is actually wrapped around the image. The denotation of this is that its wrapped so that it outlines the most important parts such as the policeman walking and also the picture of the suspect on the bottom right. This image may have been added as another visual imperative (Galtung & Ruge) that further attracts the reader to the story. Secondary lead – there are other articles that feature inside the newspaper and are on the front cover but just in smaller text and smaller images which connotes to the reader that these have less importance and are stories that could be less exciting. As you can see very bright colors (pink) have been used as this is because they have much less space so have to draw in the reader through the color enhancement and bold text in contrasting colors.
  • 60. CONNOTATIONS BEHIND THE NAME OF THE PUBLICATIONThe denotation of the masthead is that as it’s a ‘red top tabloid’ which means that it must have a red background with write text. This means that the audience are easily able to identify the newspaper from even just seeing the masthead as it uses the same colors and is always in the top left of the newspaper. Furthermore the red background against the white text makes the text really stand out as it’s a very bright red and these are two contrasting colors. Moreover the red background can connote that it’s a newspaper of high and importance, and also that the publication are very passionate about this newspaper.
  • 61. HISTORY / FACTS ON THE NEWSPAPER This newspaper ‘the daily mirror’ was launched by Alfred Harmsworth on the 2nd November 1903. newspaper It was created for a newspaper for woman, and was run by woman, which is why the name is called ‘mirror’ as it was intended to really be a mirror of feminine life as well on its grave as on its lighter sides, also to be entertaining without being frivolous, and serious without being boring. Its photo-rich tabloid format has consistently stressed sensational, human-interest, and personal types of stories, and its politically independent stance has enabled it to adopt a “common man versus bureaucracy” approach to many stories.
  • 62. PRICE When the first every copies of the newspaper was launched it costs 1 penny which is the equivalent to 40p in 2017. It has now been confirmed by the publisher of the daily mirror that the Saturday edition will cost 10p more now, so will be priced at £1. The weekday edition which was priced at 60p will now rise by just 5p so is now 65p every weekday, however in Scotland it will cost 70p rather than 65p in UK. cover-price-new-day-sales-falls-110000
  • 63. PRICE As you can see I took three screen shots from various copies of the daily mirror from various different dates. The first one was from 2007, second 2012 and the last one 2016. These three screen shots connote the difference in the price over the years as in 2007 it was only 40p and then within the space of 5 years it moved to 45p. Furthermore from the year 2012 it slowly moved up to 65p which is also the same price which has been agreed in 2017. ror+front+cover&safe=strict&biw=980&bih=6 36&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ve d=0ahUKEwj- gYPtprDSAhWJL8AKHVYrBZoQ_AUIBigB#i mgrc=Y0w71zFIk7L7YM:
  • 64. GENRE OF THE NEWSPAPER The genre of a newspaper can depend on the content, design and opinions of the newspaper. As someone may choose to read a certain newspaper due to the content it includes inside. I feel that the genre of this newspaper is more serious and professional as the facts and titles are about things that actually matter and are not just silly celebrity stories but more about what's going on in the world and more for the readership that what to know what it going on in society and how the world is changing. Also as their audience is more adults and people over 35 years of age this sort of news would appeal more to these age category as young adults may appeal more to the things that don’t actually matter such as sorts of celebrities in comparison to taxes and tragedy's.
  • 65. NEWS SELECTION AND CONTENT Hard new generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately, while soft news is background information or human-interest stories. Politics, war, economics and crime used to be considered hard news, while arts, entertainment and lifestyles were considered soft news. news-vs-soft-news/ From analyzing both soft and hard news, and then comparing these with various front covers and double page spreads I have come to the conclusion that it features mostly hard news. This is due to the fact that the covers I have analyzed have been on thing to do with, taxes or crimes which both echo the definition of hard news.
  • 66. NEWS SELECTION CONTINUED • This image was taken from the end of an advert created by ‘the daily mirror’ called “smooth exit”, this popped up at the end and stood out to me about the selection of news released by the newspaper. This is because the word ‘stupid’ connotes to the reader someone very lower class and not up to date with society, but the denotation of ‘intelligent’ is more higher class and respected. So this quote actually makes people want to read the newspaper purely to the fact that they don’t want to be ‘stupid’. Furthermore the intelligence connotes that the selection of the news is educating and not just silly celebrity news but actually news that tells and educates the audience.
  • 67. DENOTATION AND CONNOTATIONS BEHIND DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Technological convergence – the only part on this that echo's technological convergence is the fact that the website link in the top right and left corner. This connotes the fact that the newspaper don’t just want to be selling hard copies but would also like people to visit online. Headline – the denotation of the headline for the newspaper is “but I didn't’t kill Maddie” which really draws the reader in as there is a picture of the man who apparently “didn't’t kill Maddie” matching the description of the person who did kill her. So overall it creates a little bit of drama before they have even read the issue, so this could help draw in readers. Opinions – on this DPS there will be a Colum that focuses on the mirrors debatable topic of did the man in the picture kill Maddie. The mirror has taken a very biased opinion as the writing around him is all red which connotes danger and bad vibes and the repeated word “yes” is followed by other bad things he's done, which further connotes the mirror putting their option across.
  • 68. DENOTATION AND CONNOTATIONS BEHIND DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Statistics – this is used to connote ‘Katz’ as the statistics ‘inform and educate’ the reader more about what's inside the newspaper. Furthermore inside there are several pictorial statistics which help create a visual imperative for the readers (Galtung and Ruge). News values – I think that this certain article uses ‘impact’ as this story is very serious and very involved with the readers due to the fact that they all want to know what happened to her and these type of stories can play with the emotions of the readers. The copy – this actually gives us little chunks of the article, which are usually short and are used to make the reader interested in the story so that they want to read on. Page number – these are always in the top right corner of the page, this is good as people usually turn the page using the corner so it is laid out to help out the reader, additionally the logo will be next the page number.
  • 69. DENOTATION AND CONNOTATIONS BEHIND DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Associated images – the associated images are connoting to the reader that the man did in fact kill Maddie because the picture describing the killer matches the man and he also looks worried in other images. Opening invitation – the is right at the beginning of the article and is the first sentence which is in bold, the denotation of this is to invite and grab the attention of the readers (its similar to a stand first). Captions – as you can see all of these captions are outlined in bright red this connotes to the reader danger or even blood due to the fact that this certain article is talking about a murder. Main image – the denotation of the image is that its right in the Centre of the DPS, this can connote that its of high importance. Also the man in the image looks distressed and confused which may also echo the feelings of the audience and could be something they can relate to. Moreover there is also a drawing matching the image of this man which straight away pulls the reader to think that this man did kill her, and this could further connote the felling of the daily mirror.
  • 70. NEWS VALUES 1. Impact – has a significance to the society, community and great effect on the listeners. 2. Negativity – this is bad news which always makes good news for the editor. 3. Ordinary – is taken for granted this is news that’s not something special and the ordinary. 4. Timelessness – is the events that happened recently or people who are current and tend to generally be more newsworthy. Its what hot/trendy/ new right now. 5. Proximity – any story that’s close to your geographically or personally. 6. Conflict – events and people that feature conflict tend to be more newsworthy. 7. Currency – is newsworthy and about an issue in the public eye. 8. Oddity – is news that is weird or unusual and not the norm. 9. Human interest – is stories that play to human emotions that can be newsworthy about ordinary people.
  • 71. NEWS VALUES – RELEVANT EXAMPLES This issue connotes to the readers ‘impact’ this is because the article is explaining to us that woman and children were impacted more then men from the suffering. This issue could connote ‘human interest’ because it bring out the emotions of the reader and makes them feel pity towards the people who are suffering and may even in some cases make them donate towards these causes.
  • 73. AUDIENCE THEORIES-HARTLEY There are 7 socially grouped categories when it comes to identifying audience through Hartley's theory: Self – ambitions or interests of the audience Gender Age group Class – different socio classes for example working or upper Ethnicity Family Nation
  • 74. AUDIENCE THEORIES-KATZ Katz’ theory of uses and gratifications is a very well used approach to learning and understanding mass communication. This theory places a lot more attention on the audience, rather than the real message itself by examining “what people do with media” instead of “what media does to people” (Katz”). It refers to members of the audience as being not passive but take an active role in interpreting and interrogating the media into their own lives. This theory trails a simple model, which is an audience focused method. When the audience dramatically seek out media they are naturally seeking in order to gratify a need. Furthermore the theory expresses that audiences are accountable for picking media to meet their demands. This approach connotes that people use the media in order to gratify a need.
  • 75. AUDIENCE THEORIES-MASLOW Self actualization – morally, creativity, spontaneity, appetence, experience purpose, meaning and inner potential. Self esteem – confidence, achievement, respect of others, the need to be a unique individual. Love and belonging – friendship, family, intimacy and sense of connection. Safety and security – health, employment, property, family and social ability. Physiological needs – breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing and sleep. sms-maslows-hierarchy-needs/
  • 76. MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS There is 4 types I will be talking about in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Explorers – these are the audience which are pushed by social difference. Caregivers – this is the audience which feel bad and pity for the persons situation. Survivors – these are people from the audience who like to know that the person will be fine and the situation will be sorted out. Social climbers – these are people in the audience who want to build up their status in society. aslow's-hierarchy-of-needs/
  • 77. AUDIENCE THEORIES-SOCIO ECONOMICS According to the social economic needs of the audience would best fit in E,D,C2 and C1. This is because the target audience are aged 16- 30 therefore if the reader is 16 years old this possibly means they are unemployed and still in education so they would relate to the E category the 25-30 year olds would best fit C2 and C1 because they would have more life experience and higher end jobs.
  • 78. AUDIENCE THEORIES- PSYCHOGRAPHICS The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. MAINSTREAMERS Seek security, usually domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental – favor value for money family brands. This is the biggest group. ASPIRERS Seek status, these are materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to image and appearance, persona and fashion. These tend to be young people. SUCCEEDERS Seek control, strong goals, confidence, work ethic and origination. Typically higher management and professionals. RESIGNED Seek survival, rigid and authoritarian values. Interested in the past and tradition. These are usually old people.
  • 79. AUDIENCE THEORIES- PSYCHOGRAPHICS (CONTINUED) STRUGGLERS Seek escape, alienated and disorganized, few resources beyond physical skills. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery tickets, tend to be lower demographics. EXPLORERS Seek discovery, energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure. Typically young students. REFORMERS Seek enlightenment, freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgment.
  • 80. ‘THE MIRROR’ WEBSITE ANALYSIS – HOME PAGE The main homepage for the daily mirror has the logo in the top left corner, this is in red which could connote love and comfort to the readers. This could be used by the newspaper in order to improve their readership because if the audience feel comfortable when visiting this website they will be more likely to stay and have a look at other things on the homepage. Even the advertisement links with the colors of the logo as it has lots of red tomatoes on a white background, as does the mirror logo have white writing on a red background. This could have been done on purpose in order to keep a consistent house style to connote the professional side of the newspaper and how important they are as well as the news they release is.
  • 81. PARTNERSHIP WITH ‘THE MIRROR’This article from a daily mirror newspaper tells us about the partnership between Aldi and the daily mirror newspaper. First of all the advert stands out to the audience as they use two contrasting colors which are blue and yellow. I think they did this on purpose in order to connote to the readers that you cant miss out on what we have to say. Also as you can see in big writing there is “£5 OFF” which straight away grabs the reader as they want to find out how they can receive this deal of £5 off their shopping. This partnership may also link in with the demographics of the newspaper s the daily mirror may of outlined that they have more middle/lower class readers who don’t have large amounts of money so deals like this could be perfect as it would both help out the reader and the newspaper as it’s a very relevant advent in order to draw In there readership. More over the fact that the sticker saying three days to go is peeling off connotes to the readers that the deal has a minimal time left as its not firmly stuck off and will fall off soon. This then puts pressure on the reader as they will want to get this deal before the time runs out or ”the sticker falls off”.
  • 82. ADVERTISED PRODUCTS On the homepage of the daily mirror website there is advertisement of ‘dolmio’ all around the edge of the page. A visual code of this advert is that they have have placed all around the important news to connote that the website is based around these advertisements. Furthermore in order to attract and draw the readers from the mirror website to this website they have used many bright and colorful images which would effect the audience in a way that they want to further explore the convections behind these bright colors.
  • 83. ADVERTISED PRODUCTS There are more verbal codes through this advertisement on the homepage such as the picture of the tomatoes filling up the jar. The denotation of this is to make the reader think that the sauce is 100% made from these tomatoes and nothing else at all. Moreover it makes them think this as they is nothing else in the jar which must mean that that is indeed the only ingredients. This interlinks with the verbal code of ‘thank goodness’ as the fact that’s is got no added junk, makes people feel as if its full of goodness and the word ‘thank’ then emphasizes to the reader that you have to thank the creators for the fact that they have made something for you without having anything bad in it.
  • 84. DEMOGRAPHICS OF ‘THE DAILY MIRROR’ This table here was actually downloaded from the news works website and what it outlines to us is an overview of how the newspaper is distributed, who and what age the newspaper is distributed to and how many of those people it is distributed to. So it tells us that they release the newspaper through printing, PC, mobile, tablet, Facebook and twitter. Furthermore that their readership is varied over 15-35 year olds, adults and 35+. For the printed copies tis table even tells us that over 60,000 people who read the newspaper are of the A, B, or C1 category of the socio economic needs and over 115,000 are in the C2, D or E category which connotes that a higher percentage of their readers are lower/middle class people and there are less readers who are for example doctors.
  • 86. MEDIA PLATFORM PROMOTION The daily mirror uses various media platforms and below the line advertisement to create technical convergence, this is done through social media such as twitter, Facebook and instagram. From analyzing these social media sites there is evidence of lots of advertising, like updating their readers with the latest stories, information and videos. The more consumers are able to access these social media sites the larger the opportunity is for them to become a ‘prosumer’ and this means that they are able to put their opinion across and comment on certain stories, meaning they are getting more and more involved in the newspaper. Furthermore on their instagram page there is usually just a photo of the head story and from seeing this it will draw in the reader as they see the photo and want to read on. Moreover the Facebook page is highly interactive as there is videos, photos and links to stories that the mirror have in their issues.
  • 87. WAYS NEWSPAPERS INTERACT WITH READERSHIP 29% 14% 7% 3% 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ WhatsApp
  • 88. ‘THE DAILY MIRROR’ AND YOUTUBE The denotation of ‘the daily mirror’ YouTube page is that it has over 15,000 subscribes and has loads of different videos on various news stories from the past. However the weird thing is that although most news platforms are moving digital now days you would think that the newspaper would be more active on their YouTube channel but instead the most recent video on their page is from 1 year ago. This could be because this certain newspaper is promoting and building their social media on different platforms such as Facebook or twitter. As you can see on the left the screen shot from the suns YouTube a video was uploaded 5 days ago but the sun doesn't’t have as many subscribers as ‘the daily mirror’ so they may be releasing more in order to get to their level.
  • 89. ADVERTISING PRICING When looking for advertisement pricing on the official website I actually came across a subscription that allows the users of the website to be able to browse the website ad free for a fee of just £2.99 a month. Which is a small fee but due to the large number of pop ups and adverts spread across the website the newspaper and thought of an idea where they are able to both increase revenue from having adverts as well as actually people paying to eliminate adverts. Furthermore the denotation of the picture on the right is that the advertisements are in yellow on the left side which is a very bright color and stands out which connotes the fact that adverts may take over the page and the picture on the right has no colors but black and white which is used in order to make the readers feel as if without the adverts it would be a lot calmer and stress free browsing without these ads.
  • 90. ADVERTISING PRICING When visiting a website, I found out how you are able to advertise in the daily mirror as you get to pick which area of the newspaper you would like to advertise in. after this you have to sign in with your email and then send the advertisement that you would like to feature on the newspaper. This website does not include any prices but does include all the correct dimensions and the exact amount of space you will have on the page. I am assuming that once you send of you advert and the mirror think its good enough to feature they will then negotiate a price with you.
  • 91. ‘THE MIRROR’ WEBSITE ANALYSIS – CONTACT US On ‘the daily mirror’ website right at the bottom of the page there is a menu bar where you will find the contact button, that will direct the consumer to the certain “contact page”. On this page there is many different areas of the newspaper that you are able to contact through email. For example there is an option for the picture desk or the Sunday mirror team. Furthermore there is options where the consumer is able to become a ‘citizen journalist’ (Gillmor – 2004), this means that ordinary people are able to write their own story and if it is detailed and relevant enough they may get published and can get paid for this. The denotation of this is that it can build up a strong relationship with the consumer and the newspaper through the fact that the consumer may have seen something that the newspaper didn't’t and then they are able to help each other out.
  • 92. ‘THE MIRROR’ WEBSITE ANALYSIS – EDITORIAL COMPLAINTS This is how you complain to the mirror, if there are any issues of criticisms about content within the mirror, at the very bottom of the homepage there is a button called ‘how to complain’ which then takes you to this page on the left. Once you are at this page, included in the page is the main policy that complaints must follow certain restrictions and different contact numbers must be used for different section sin the newspaper.
  • 93. ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and enforced by IPSO. The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below – sets the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press subscribing to the Independent Press Standards Organization have undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
  • 95. CIRCULATION From analyzing both the graph and now the table, they both told me that the daily mirror circulates around 724,888 copies overall. But what this table also told me was that that’s not just in the UK and in fact only 651,169 copies are circulated in UK and 35,433 in republic of Ireland and a further 38,286 in other countries. But this tells me that the vast majority of newspapers are distributed in UK.
  • 96. CONCLUSION In conclusion throughout this learning objective I have looked into UK print based magazines and newspapers, the two I chose were ‘Q magazine’ and ‘Daily Mirror Newspaper’. While researching both these I looked deeper into the connotations and denotations of certain pages on the products such as the double page spread. Also I analyzed other aspects such there website and the links between the magazine and the websites. Furthermore I looked into the types of things that they advertise and the prices in which it costs to advertise in various different ways, and lastly the target audience and the readerships of each product.
  • 97.
  • 99. My magazine Color schemes – the color of my magazine will either be black white and red, black grey and red or a black green and white color scheme Price – my magazine will be priced at £2.99 as the magazine of inspiration is £3.50 so mine would be more likely to sell. Target audience – my target audience will be between 16-25 year olds, this is because the genre of the magazine is hip hop so would appeal more to young people than older people, furthermore I have seen “vibes” target audience which is mainly around this age group so If I want to sell as much as possible it needs to appeal to these age groups. Frequency of release – my magazine will be released monthly to mirror the frequency of when “vibe” is released as people will be used to the monthly magazines. Images – on my front cover I will include an imagine of an up coming artist which will be good because people will not know about him that much and will want to find out more about the artist. Furthermore the technical code of the image will typically be mid shot or close up so the reader can analyze their body language and expression connoting who they are. Brand identity – the mast head will be located in the middle at the top on all my issues so that people will recognize that its my magazine each time. Strapline – “the top magazine for your dolla”, “high level magazine with high level music” This mind map that I have produced here echo's ideas for both the magazines I am creating and will help me finally choose how and what my magazine will be based on.
  • 101. MOOD BOARD CONCLUSIONS First of all I have picked the gold chain because from analyzing many hip hop magazines lots of the male artists are wearing big gold chains, rings and watches. I chose this picture of “drake” as he is a very well known hip hop artist and I have seen him be featured in many music magazines in the past. “50 cent” is also a very well known rap artist who as well as “drake” has been featured on a large amount of music magazines.
  • 102. DECONSTRUCT A FRONT COVER Colours The non verbal code of the colours used are red, white, black, yellow and gold. The red and white match the magazines logo and are synonymous with “Q”. The black stands out against the white background so it is easy to read the text. Gold and yellow may illustrate significance as this colours have only been used once so the reader may want to pay attention to these pieces of text. Masthead is a large “Q” which is easily recognizable, therefore standing out against competitors such as “NME” and “Vibe”. Mise-en-scene is very effective as his facial expressions connote that he is very serious about his music detonating that the magazine is very serious about music. Cover lines – these educate the reader on other pieces of information throughout the magazine. For example “Liam vs. Noel” this would be a secondary story in the magazine.
  • 103. FURTHER FRONT COVER ANALYSIS Main cover line- this is normally the largest text on the magazine cover, saying who is in the magazine this week or who it will be about, normally linked to the main image. Strapline- the denotation of the strapline “25th anniversary collectors edition” may be to draw in the audience and it seems like a significant copy of the 'Q' magazine as its not just a normal edition. This could increase the chance of people buying the magazine, due to its importance. Use of flash- this is normally something that is bold that the magazine is trying to promote, making it stand out to readers. Barcode/date- this is found on all of the magazines and tells you what the price of the magazine is as well as the date it was created. auctions/catalogue-id-srchau10012/lot-ff276f4a-ebb8-49da-8098- a3fb00fe34da
  • 104. DECONSTRUC TION OF A DPS Pull quote- the denotation of “I’m bringing ginger back” is that it reminds people of the well known lyric “I'm bring sexy back” which makes it a catchy pull quote which people wan t to find out how its been interpreted from the well known lyric. Drop capital-the connotations behind the drop capital are that its red and white to enhance the consistent theme of the magazine which also makes it more forms and professional. Furthermore its bold and capital to make it stand out so the reader knows where to start. double-page-spread-is-very-different.html The word Ginger is Red as it’s the main word which establishes the story on the page bringing the reader in to want to find out how he is bringing ginger back.
  • 105. DECONSTRUCTIO N OF A DPS Page number and web address- this is in the left corner in red and white which are both factors that make it consistent as they are always this color and in that position so that it makes it easier for the reader when reading the magazine as they know it will always be there. Differentiated questions & Answers- the denotation of the questions and answers are that they are all different so that the reader can learn as much information on the music star as possible as they are asking a range of questions where all her answers will be different making it more entertaining for the audience. Star appeal- this is used to draw the audience in because if they know the person they will want to find out about them. Also “male gaze” is used to attract the male men for their pleasure. http://hannahbowmanmedia2010.blogs connotative-analysis-for.html
  • 106. GENRE Q magazine covers pop/rock music, mostly from the present with a few features about older artists. They have a range of styles covered throughout the magazines issues. https://uk.answers.yaho d=20110503001900AA0 WwSm As this review on the left from yahoo answers explains the magazine is loved by many due to its range of styles covered over the magazines and also the writers as seen as very good in the readers eyes which is another key factor in the success of the magazine. Also if the writers are good it means they must know what they are writing about and therefore the content is covered very well throughout the “Q” magazine.
  • 107. FURTHER GENRE This picture on the left connotes that the magazine consists of rock music but the picture on the right illustrates it also consists of pop therefore proving the range of styles. Looking at the technical codes the post products affects may be incorporated to enhance the look and rock and roll theme of the magazine to draw readers in.
  • 108. FORM AND STYLE OF MAGAZINE The colors I will be using on my music magazine will be either black, white and orange, or black, white and green. This is because one of my magazines of inspiration is black, white and yellow white looks good so I'm just going to substitute the yellow to make mine unique and diverse to my magazine of inspiration. The layout of my magazine will be similar to “vibe” as my main image will be a mid shot and part of the image will overlap the strapline. Furthermore the cover lines, puff promotions and slogan will also be either side of the image and will be on a black background so they stand out.
  • 111. Name: Owen Shepherd Candidate Number: headlin e article articl e article article Competition to win a tee article headlin e articl e headlin e reviews headlin e articl e competitio n headlin e article review
  • 112. Name: Owen Shepherd Candidate Number: Masthea d Main imag e Contents Editorial Headlin e articl e Headline Article Headline article Article Main DPS Pull Quote Front cover Review s Headline Articl e Competitio n Headlin e Review headlin e article
  • 113. SPENDING POWER The price is £3.99 which is quite expensive compared to other magazine such as kerangg which is only £2.20. This may illustrate the difference of the spending power of the two audiences and can interlink with the socio economics of the readers. For example the 'Q' reader may be higher up in the socio economic chart nearer to A and B where as the average “Kerrang” reader may be closer to C and D area as the spending power contrasts. The fact that they are on different levels according to their socio economic needs may echo their lifestyle and how the reader interacts with the magazine which leads to an increase in status.
  • 114. SPENDING POWER The fact that this magazine is £3.99 and is a monthly issue it means that its not a very expensive issue to buy, where as if it was a weekly magazine and it was still priced the same the magazine would have a whole different readership which from analyzing would be higher up in the social economic chart as they are able to commit to this weekly fee. I know that this magazine is released monthly because as the ;picture conveys on the left saying “October”, it doesn't say a day which tells me this is released monthly on the same date so there is no date put down. Furthermore “q” magazine are very interested in appealing to all different types of readerships as this subscription pack connotes. This is because this pack may appeal to the people that want the security of knowing they are getting the issue every month and don’t have to worry about paying for it. https://www.greatmagazin magazine?utm_source=d ynamic&utm_medium=bw s&utm_content=permlefth andmpu&utm_campaign= bau_q
  • 116. FONT STYLE I WILL USE This will be the font I will use for my first magazine called “top dolla”. This font is called “President” by “imagex”. The reason I will be using this font is because it looks bold and the way the letters are shaped makes it stand out as being a top magazine. As well as fitting in with the hip hop vibe as it was an American style of music hence why I used “dolla”. This is the font I have decided to use for my second magazine which is called “roll up”. This font is called “Alley Oop” by “AJ Paglia”. The reason I will be using this font is because it looks similar to my magazine of inspiration, but not the exact same. Also the style fits in with the hip hop type genre as its punchy and will take over the page.
  • 117. HOUSE STYLES Color scheme: the main two colors I am using are orange, black and white, but yellow was used in places in order to create a color gradient. This is because my magazine of inspiration used black, yellow and white, so I substituted the yellow for an orange in order to make it a little different. Font style: my magazines font that I will be using for the masthead is called ‘President’ and I am using this as it really bold and clear to read, which is perfect for the masthead as it needs to stand out to the reader. For my other pieces of text I will be using ‘the inbox’ font for things such as the headings and other content. I am using Social media – in my magazine I am using ‘twitter, Facebook and spotify’ as I have created a Facebook page for my magazines as I think this is a highly used platform by my target audience and it’s a thing which people are able to discus and see pictures, furthermore I can tweet about the magazine and also promote the music on spotify.
  • 122. GRAPHIC LAYOUT – MAGAZINE FRONT COVER 1(ROLL UP) Masthead slogan Main image banner Cover lines Puff promotion s barcode Main headline masthead slogan Main image Puff promoti ons barcode Cover lines Main headline
  • 124. GRAPHIC LAYOUT – MAGAZINE FRONT COVER 2(TOP DOLLA) masthead slogan Main image barcode banner banner Main image slogan
  • 125. GRAPHIC LAYOUT – MAGAZINE DPS 2 (TOP DOLLA) CONTENT Page credits image image content T PAGE NUM
  • 126. DRAFT INTERVIEW Hello Omega how are you? Hello Owen I'm very good thanks how are you? I’m great thanks! So how are you feeling about the release of your new album? Oh I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what the fans think. From seeing your preview it seems to be sounding fantastic, I personally can’t wait! What would you choose as you best song from the album? My personal favorite would have to be the last song I made which was money over everything (MOE). So why would you pick this as your personal favorite? This song had to be my favorite due to the music video and the lyrics as they both linked together so well and it was so much fun to film! I just cant wait for the release man. Sounds good! Is there any artists that are featured in the album and if so why did you decide to choose them? Yes actually! I have got one feature in my first song which is BT, I chose him as I've known him through the music industry for quite some time now and I have heard talk from the fans that they would love to hear a single with us both in, so I thought why not, got into contact with him and he was honored to be a part of the album.
  • 127. DRAFT INTERVIEW Good to hear he was interested, are you thinking about preforming in any upcoming festivals? Yes actually I have one booked in November and already have two planned for next year. Oh really! I was not expecting that which ones are you going to be preforming at? Awh I'm sorry I am not able to tell that information as the two festivals I will be preforming at next year are part of a surprise tour that I am doing, however I can tell you where I am preforming later on this year in the November festival. I am going to be performing at the O2 arena in Islington with some special guests. And how are you able to get tickets for your one in November? They were available online but I'm happy to announce they are actually sold out and have been for a while now. That’s crazy they have only been out for a couple weeks! I know I was amazed when I found out, but what I might do as so many people have been disappointed about not being able to come is release 2 more locations where I will do the same tour so that more people can come! Anyway man I've got to shoot off my taxi is waiting outside. Awh that’s a good idea, the fans will love that! Alright man anyway nice having a talk with you and finding out more about your music and I hope to see you again soon. And you, see you soon man.
  • 133. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This is when I will find my office building & once there set up equipment in order to start the business. Go out and buy enough chairs and desks for all employees and ensure they are comfortable. Order the mac book pros as these will be able to use Photoshop + InDesign on I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January Week beginning: January 9th 2017
  • 134. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. After the interviews are done I am going to set up all the chairs and desks that I brought, to make Complete by: Complete by: 14th January 15th January
  • 135. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Greet and meet all employees in the new office and let them know their roles in the business. Search for a music artist that will feature on the first copy of my magazine Talk to my writer about coming up with some innovative and interesting questions to ask the artist for the interview My reporter will interview the artist with his chosen questions and record the answers Type up the finalized answers from the artists interview Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
  • 136. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday Have a photoshoot with my chosen artist for both the front cover and dps Begin designing the layout for both the front cover and dps designs Complete by: Complete by: 24th January 24th January
  • 137. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Order reporter to get ore information on the growing culture of hip hop music Using photoshoot edit photos of the chosen artists in order to make them look more appealing Get my interview inserted into the dps on my magazine Search for businesses that would be interested in advertising in the magazine Start inserting other stories, articles and photos in the magazine Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
  • 138. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekend off Weekend off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 139. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Finish off designing the magazine Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Send the final magazine of for production Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
  • 140. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 141. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday When the magazines have turned up look for places where it can be distributed to Dispense magazine to stores and online websites which I have found and give me permission to advertise their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Product launch Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February
  • 142. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 144. ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES • IPSO – Editors code of practice • Each code has to be adhered (followed) by the publisher magazine • E.g. accuracy • Reporting of events or people • Data protection act This effects ‘Top Dolla' magazine as for example when I am releasing a new copy of the magazine I will have to be as accurate as possible in making sure that the press take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text. Furthermore on the note of privacy I would have to make sure that everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.
  • 145. COPYRIGHT AND IP Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This is the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. This means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the author. This is relevant to 'Q' magazine as they release a issue of their magazine monthly which includes huge amounts of information that people potentially want to steal and use themselves. For example this issue on the right has an exclusive interview with jay Z that other people would not be able to obtain so they would want to use this for themselves, and this is where copyright comes in to place and this stops people from attempting to do this and if they do they would face the consequences.
  • 146. WATERMARK A watermark is a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears as various different shades of lightness / darkness when viewed by transmitted light (or when viewed by reflected light), caused by thickness variations in the paper. This is an example of an image which has been water marked, because as you can see in the middle you can see through the different thickness in paper it has made out the copy right sign, this is done so that people can still view the picture clearly but also know its copy right to use this photo without their permission. If you then email / contact the owner and ask to use it, or sort out a price they can then send you a image without the watermark on.
  • 147. DATA PROTECTION ACT 1988 Data Protection Act (1998) The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organizations, business or the government. Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is: • used fairly and lawfully • used for limited, specifically stated purposes • used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive • accurate • kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary • handled according to people’s data protection rights • kept safe and secure • not transferred outside the European Area without adequate protection.
  • 148. EDITORS CODE OF PRACTICE The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers and magazines regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. The Code is written and administered by the Editors’ Code Committee and enforced by IPSO. The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Code – including this preamble and the public interest exceptions below – sets the framework for the highest professional standards that members of the press subscribing to the Independent Press Standards Organization have undertaken to maintain. It is the cornerstone of the system of voluntary self-regulation to which they have made a binding contractual commitment. It balances both the rights of the individual and the public's right to know.
  • 149. WHERE ‘Q’ MAGAZINE MAY HAVE BEEN OPEN TO COMPLAINTS These are just a few examples where ‘Q’ magazine themselves may have been open to complaints. This is due to the fact that there is a high level of sexual appeal in these photos represented through the facial expression and body language of the woman in these front covers. For that reason this may be to much for certain readers and they my feel to complain for these reasons.
  • 150. WHAT MAY OPEN THE MAGAZINE UP TO A COMPLAINT This genre of magazine front cover may open the chance for people to write a complaint to the magazine. This is for the reason that the woman in these photos are to some people to revealing, but to some people they may not mind which is why its always an issue. But if someone does’t agree with the amount of body being shown by the woman that it why the complaint procedure is there as the magazine will then deal with this.
  • 151. COMPLAINT AND YOUR MAGAZINES COMPLAINT PROCEDURE What is a complain according to Bauer Media? they say that when making a complaint you have to clearly state that your complaint is a formal compliant under this policy. Their policy covers – things about editorial content in their publications and digital services that they control in the UK, Channel Islands and isle of man. They do not take complaints about: TV and radio Services, advertising, matters of taste/decency, books, ‘user generated content’ and anything that falls outside the remit of IPSO.
  • 152. COMPLAINT AND YOUR MAGAZINES COMPLAINT PROCEDURE How to complain? They should be made by either writing an email to or by post to Bauer Consumer Media Limited, Endeavour House, 189 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8JG and addressed to the general counsel. The complaints under this policy will be accepted with a four month time period from the date the article your complaining about was released. Furthermore when you are making the complaint a copy of the article in question or a sort of reference so that the magazine knows exactly where and what you are complaining about. Also a written explanation of your concerns, with reference to the editors code. Lastly any other documents that will help them assess the complaint. If the complaints do not contain this essential information then the complaint cannot be considered. But if they do contain all the relevant information needed then they will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • 153. PRODUCT TARGET AUDIENCE – PRIMARY RESEARCH For my product target audience primary research I have decided to create and online survey using survey monkey. In this I will include 10 questions including questions from “how old are you?” to “how much would you pay for a magazine?”. In doing this I will find out about what the people like and which type of audiences like which types of styles, genres and forms.
  • 154. PRIMARY RESEARCH The two questions I will be analyzing here are “what do you think is the most important convention of a music magazine?” and “which puff promotion would entice you the most?”. So first of all when asking about conventions there were only two picked out of the 5 which was masthead and main image, main image got 70% of the votes which concludes that people are most pulled in by what they see on in the main image. I think 'Q' magazine have done this well as their main image is always bold and looks enticing which may be why they are so successful. Furthermore I need to know this information because if I know what connotation appeals most top the audience I am able to enhance and further appeal to a pass along audience as I will be drawing them in with this highlighted convention chosen by themselves. Secondly the puff promotions that people would like the best which were festival or concert tickets and signed clothing which are both very widely used puff promotions and this echo's the success in the use of these promotions as these are clearly what the people want. https://www.surveymonkey.
  • 155. PRIMARY RESEARCH These tow questions form my survey were “what type of image would you like to see on a music magazine?” and “how much would you pay for a music magazine?”. Firstly in my first question 60% of people chose 1 artist which is not surprising as a large amount t of 'Q' magazine front covers feature 1 artist. However some people chose other amounts which may be why 'Q' magazine has groups and sometimes more than one artist in order to cater for everyone's needs and opinions. My second question was largely one sided with 80% of the people choosing £3-4 this also is what I expected as 'Q' are a very high selling magazine and these sell at the price £3.99 so this may link to the fact that people are fine with paying this price.
  • 156. CONCLUSION To conclude the second learning objective after looking over all the mood boards and various pages on my products, I made a good idea of what font style, color schemes and determined the layout. Moreover I decided who my target audience will be, which then helped me choose which photos I will use as I can fit the image around the target audience, I also found out things such as budget summary. To find out what type of readership my magazine will be I made various people fill out a survey to gain the information needed, lastly other things I looked into was legal and ethical issues so I know exactly what could be pit on my magazine.
  • 157.
  • 158. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This is when I will find my office building & once there set up equipment in order to start the business. Go out and buy enough chairs and desks for all employees and ensure they are comfortable. Order the mac book pros as these will be able to use Photoshop + InDesign on I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 9th January 10th January 11th January 14th January 14th January Week beginning: January 9th 2017
  • 159. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 1 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday I will get interviews set up for job roles such as designer, editor and other jobs in the business. After the interviews are done I am going to set up all the chairs and desks that I brought, to make Complete by: Complete by: 14th January 15th January
  • 160. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Greet and meet all employees in the new office and let them know their roles in the business. Search for a music artist that will feature on the first copy of my magazine Talk to my writer about coming up with some innovative and interesting questions to ask the artist for the interview My reporter will interview the artist with his chosen questions and record the answers Type up the finalized answers from the artists interview Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 16th January 17th January 22nd January 22nd January 21st January
  • 161. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 2 Week beginning: January 16th 2017 Saturday Sunday Have a photoshoot with my chosen artist for both the front cover and dps Begin designing the layout for both the front cover and dps designs Complete by: Complete by: 24th January 24th January
  • 162. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Order reporter to get ore information on the growing culture of hip hop music Using photoshoot edit photos of the chosen artists in order to make them look more appealing Get my interview inserted into the dps on my magazine Search for businesses that would be interested in advertising in the magazine Start inserting other stories, articles and photos in the magazine Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 27th January 28th January 25th January 2nd February 1st Febuary
  • 163. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 3 Week beginning: January 23rd 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekend off Weekend off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 164. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Finish off designing the magazine Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Find more smaller stories about artists Send the final magazine of for production Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February 3rd February
  • 165. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 4 Week beginning: January 30th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 166. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday When the magazines have turned up look for places where it can be distributed to Dispense magazine to stores and online websites which I have found and give me permission to advertise their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Create a social media account and begin advertisement on their Product launch Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: 7th February 8th February 9th February 9th February
  • 167. PRODUCTION PLAN WEEK 5 Week beginning: February 6th 2017 Saturday Sunday Weekends off Weekends off Complete by: Complete by:
  • 170. PROP LIST When taking photographs for my first issue there was a few props I had to use, these included a microphone stand, a microphone and a camera. This is because my magazine is a music based magazine so I thought it would fit better with the genre of my magazine if I had the artist actually using the equipment he would. Furthermore as the artist has the microphone and stand I feel like it makes the magazine more professional and more relatable. Camera £350.00 Microphone + stand £100.00
  • 171. EQUIPMENT AND COST Equipment Cost Office space £5695 (£1139 a week for 4 weeks) Apple mac book pro (x30) £34,470 Adobe CS6 Master Collection £2,220 Desks (x30) £7,020 Chairs (x30) £3,270 Printer £130.00 Cameras (x3) £1,347 Pens £7.99 Paper £16.99 rs/london/tallis-street_ec4y_id8357
  • 172. STAFF AND COST Staff Salary Editor £27,000 Publisher £55,000 Journalist £23,000 Writers £23,000 Photographers £20,000 Marketing £32,000 Finance £37,000 Design £29,000 Human resources £35,000 This slide is where I had to research what type of salary the certain roles required in order to create a magazine. I used the website linked below and looked into the specific roles for a magazine and the website gave me a mean salary for the roles e.g. a editor may get £20,000 or could get £34,000 so the average salary I would be looking at is around £27,000, overall this helped me get a good overview of what I will be paying my staff.
  • 173. PRINTING QUOTES & COSTS I found a website where I was able to get a quote for the price and delivery of printing 15,000 copies of my magazine, this ended up being in total £3907.63 to print and deliver. This is a good price as I visited other websites before hand and this was one of the best prices and the most precise websites.
  • 175. HOW ELSE AM I GOING TO MARKET MY MAGAZINE? In the previous slide it shows a Facebook pager that I created for my magazine “TOP DOLLA”. I decided to use Facebook as it is a platform where all ages are able to use it and its easy for people to see what's going on as you can follow us which allows you to see all our posts. Furthermore there is a contact us button so people can chat to us and let us know about who they would like to see feature on future issues.
  • 176. FINAL SKETCHES On my front cover I have chosen to have my masthead across the top middle of the page so that’s its clear and stands out to the audience and this is the same reason as me having the main image right in the middle of the page and very large to draw the audience to looking at these conventions first when picking up the magazine. Also in order to help the magazine as well as the consumers I will have puff promotions and social media so they have the chance to get move involved and learn more about the magazine. Furthermore for my cover stories they will be down either side of my main image so that people wont think its part of the main article as the main convections are in the middle. My double page spread will include the masthead so people will become more aware and comfortable with this logo, which is why it will be inserted in areas around the bottom as well. Moreover it will involve a stand first and headline which both help the reader to know what they are about to read and gives them an insight to whether they want to read on or not. Furthermore I have a big main picture on the left side which the main article will be based on and will have a few little images around the edges of the articles to keep the readers enticed.

Editor's Notes

  1. Dimensions of the magazine and investigate the digital edition of the magazine
  2. Audience theories
  3. Source