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Social Media
The New Communication Tools
“Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology
and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences
with: “Did you know you can..” The rest of us just want to get
on with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want
to talk about the people we work with, the communities we’re
in and the issues we’re passionate about. We want to find and
talk to people who can help us get change, deliver services or
make a difference”.
Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having
conversations, having a space to do that … it just happens that
the space is on a computer.”
                                   ‘How to use New Media’ - Media Trust
What are we going to do today?
• Do some networking                  • Think about the best way to
• Find out what social media is and     communicate
  why its important                   • See how other organisations benefit
• Look at current communications        from using social media
  methods                             • Try out and even join some social
• Make a plan for good social media     media websites
  use                                 • Have fun!
Networking and
What is Social Media?
 Why is it Relevant?
Old media - Web 1.0 . . .
                            . . . static
                            websites with
                            no interaction,
                            text heavy
                            Information was
                            just fed to
New media - Web 2.0 ...

                          . . . is interactive,
                          websites open
                          comments allowed,
                          conversations and
                          social networking
                          with viewers
The story so far...
•   2009 – to the present day is known as the Social Media Era
•   In Jan 2010 Facebook had more global visitors than Google
•   YouTube is the second most popular search engine
•   Research claims Social Networking is slowly replacing email
•   Statistics show 10 % of users are aged between 35 – 44 and
    that 85% of those aged 16 – 35 are on at least one social
    network site.
•   There is a steady growth in access to social networks by
    Smartphone – Facebook mobile traffic has increased globally
    by 100% in the last 6 months.
…In Palestine
      • 36.21% population penetration –83th of all countries
      • 254 % of internet penetration ??
      • 62% users male, 38% female
      • Majority of users (45%)aged between 18-24
      • No. of users in October 2011 – 600,000
      • No. of users in January 2012 – 700,000
      • No. of users in June 2012 – 910,000

NB. Data compiled from Social
…In Israel

      • 3,472,360 facebook users (44th of all countries)
      • 47.22% population penetration
      • 52% users male, 48% female
      • Majority of users (28%) aged between 18-24 years
      • 65.97% internet population penetration

NB. Data compiled from Social
…In Jordan

    • 2,204,500 Facebook users, (57th of all countries)
    • 34.41% population penetration
    • 58% users male, 42% female
    • Majority of users (42%) aged between 18-24 years
    • 126% penetration of internet population

NB. Data compiled from Social
The internet as a friendly conversation
The art of conversation is to listen more than you talk – it’s a two way process !

•   Read and Listen – find out what is happening
•   Link and Share – and link again! It’s these links
    that keep the conversation flowing
•   Comment and Feedback – agree or
    disagree, this is what builds communities
    around a topic
•   Say Thank You – as social media is more about
    the links, introductions and relationships than
    the technology ...
•   Be Helpful – share what you have and you’ll be
    amazed what you get back!
Social networks differ from traditional media

 • Social networks are relational not transactional
   communication tools.
 • Social media rewards
    – Generosity
    – Relationship building
    – Helpfulness
 • 20-to-1 rule: you should make 20 relational deposits for every 1
   marketing withdrawal
Why are they relevant?

• Offer an entirely new range of communication tools

• Can virally promote your project and its work

• Cheap or free to use (main cost is time)

• Easier to engage directly with target audiences
“Media outlets “ sector usage...
 •   2010 research found that less than 20% were using social networking
     services (in Palestine )
 •   Main barriers:
     •   Lack of knowledge/confidence
     •   Lack of business case
     •   Access – either connection or equipment weren’t suitable
     •   Perceived risk of mixing personal and professional networking
 •   In 2012 new research found 36% of the same group said they would
     actively look for the Facebook page of an organisation, project,
     individual, and has become the second source of information after
NEC – INTERNEWS - Local media Survey -
June 2011

•   47 (40.2%)
•   28 (23.9%)
•   35 (29.9%)
•   7 (6.0%)
When asked what organisations had on
their website:

• 20% - online picture and media storage
• 15% - RSS feeds
• 10% - Podcasts
But when asked about external social media sites used:
• 17% - Facebook for their cause
• 9% - YouTube, VIMEO
• 7% - Flickr
Usage of social media by local media in
Following the 1st round of citizen journalism and social media training:

     • Prior to training, 35% had a profile on at least one social
     • After training, 80% had a profile on at least one social
     • 35% are also blogging
     • First social media conference was held in Palestine 2011
     • Social media courses were first developed in Palestinian
       universities and media institutions in 2011
But remember…don’t ignore non-social
media users
•   Social networking should never simply replace face to face
•   Although 38% people access the internet every
    day, another 28% people have never used it
•   55% of people without tertiary qualifications do not use
    the internet.
•   The largest group of ‘non-users’ are aged 55 and over
•   Consider these figures when defining your audience and
    target group, and use your listening and monitoring skills
    to decide which social media to use.
Social Media Planning
  “So you think you
  want to use Social
The Voluntary Sector Problem

•   Where to start?
•   Capacity
•   Knowledge
•   Time
•   Cost
•   Type of guidance available
The Steps

Objectives – What do you want to do?

Audience – Who are they? Where are they?

Strategy – Pick a guided plan with a path that fits

Implement - Match to right social networking tool

Sustain – Engage & converse, monitor & revise
Objectives – what do you want to achieve

          Needs first, then tools
Audience – Who are they? – Where are they?

    If you don’t build it, they won’t come
The Guide
Establish if Social Media is right for you
      • What is your organisation trying to achieve?
      • What are the goals you think social media might be able to
         help you achieve?
      • Do you already have a website that you can update
      • Are any of your target audiences already using social media
         (or are likely to soon)?
      • Have you got the time?
So, Is Social Media Right for your
    It is likely that social media will make a
    significant difference to your organisation

Think carefully if this is the right time for you to
          be spending time on this tool
Please describe your    Please describe your
social strategy:        social objectives:

 •   Engagement
 •   Promoting
 •   Social Content
 •   Network Building
What is the message?

• We know WHO we are talking to
• Now need to look at WHAT we are saying
• Find out the most suitable communication method and best
  WAY to say it
What communication
 types do you use?

     And why?
How do you choose…
•   You want to apply for a job
•   You want to complain
•   You want to market your organisation/project
•   You want to reduce the costs of missed appointments
•   You want to find people to get involved
•   You want to share information
What communication
types are most effective?
   How much do they cost?
Decide what you are going to say
• Driving people to your website should be an essential part of your
  communications strategy
• Message - clear and unambiguous, your website is often the first
  public face of your organisation
• Tone – get this right and match to your audience
• Context – if you can’t add value to a conversation maybe don’t say
  anything at all!
• Frequent updates & blogs will keep your site fresh and interesting
• Include your website on all communications
Addressing concerns about
communication on the social web
•   Don’t worry that it’s not finished – a half-formed
    blog post can be more inspiring and create a
    bigger conversation than a polished piece.
•   Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t – the
    social web is about individuals not corporate
    viewpoints. You’ll find your voice weakened if
    you ‘spin’ ... And others will see through it!
•   Don’t worry you are in a vacuum – follow the
    tips, linking, connecting and conversing and soon
    people will do the same for you – it’s true!
•   Don’t measure success by numbers – if you’re
    reaching the right people it’s quality not quantity
    that counts
•   Don’t ignore people – they invest time reading
    what you say so do the same for them.
Take Action!

• Register your organisation’s project name on the popular
  social media sites
• Make sure your organisation’s project is on Google Places
• Share links – with everyone!
The Networked Project

                BE                                    DO
 Understand Networks          Work with Free Agents i.e. journalists –social media
                              activists , bloggers
 Create Social Culture        Work with Crowds i.e. find those groups and pages
                              who have the same interest or can serve your goals
 Listen, Engage, and Build    Learning Loops
 Trust Through Transparency   ‘Friending’ or communicating
 Simplicity                   Govern and reach through Networks
It’s what you do, not
     how you do it
Strategy - pick a plan with a path that fits

              Social web is an ‘as-well-as’

1. Pick one goal to pursue
2. Decide who is going to be involved and how much
Communicating with Social Media

Use Social Media Tools to help your organisation get it’s
              message to a wider audience
•   Start conversations with your supporters and your networks
•   More efficient – electronic messages get passed around social
    networking sites
•   Less costly to post a message on Twitter or Facebook
•   Instant news and information updates to your followers
•   Use RSS and Google Alerts to stay ahead of developments in your area
    of interest and build a ‘Listening Dashboard’.
= events AS they happen not AFTER they have happened
“How does Twitter work for you?”
7 replies in 7 minutes
  Twitter keeps me connected to friends I know & helps connect me to new
  people & opportunities
   Twitter helps me to be connected with people and new developments,
   and helps to make new connections too
   Twitter's introduced me to many other organisations with similar goals
   that I wouldn't have met, & sharing best practice

    Twitter helps me build & maintain my professional network

    Keeps me up to speed with others - via my phone - especially important
    when out of office
    To keep track of topics/people of interest and discover new topics
    and people through the first set of people and topics
Listening VIA RSS
• What are other websites saying about your organisation/or an issue of
  your interest ?
• What are organisations you support saying?
• See EU/EUPROJECTS, sector reports and announcements ,PR as
• RSS enabled feeds can be automatically picked up to be read at your
  leisure in a feed reader (such as Bloglines or Google Reader) without
  you having to re-visit each website
• Content aggregated into a single easily readable interface/netvibes
• RSS feeds can be converted for email delivery
• RSS feeds from others can be embedded in your website
Social media created the opportunity of all
      types of communication tools …
           Define which to use
      Learn…practice ask and apply!
Social Media tools and
     local support
Implement - match right social networking tool

   But new media doesn’t just replace old
The Main Social Media Types

•An organisations’ activities

•Which tools are the best

•Examples of use
Social Media Tools
Use by Local Support & Development

 Some examples of how these organisations
       are using Social Media tools
Why these tools?

•   Quick and easy to set up and maintain
•   Draws people to the website
•   You want feedback from people and want to start conversations

•   Once set up, requires very little work (may take a while to get used to)
•   Spreads awareness
•   Draws people to your website
•   Links to your blog or Facebook page
Online journals – Blogging
Why these Tools?

• High number of users that have Facebook page, but only use if your
  audience are already there
• Links to blog
• Can have separate Facebook page for projects and business activities

• They have the technology to make it quick and easy
• It provides them with an extra web presence
• It gives a face and a personality to your organisation
Social Networking
Video Sharing – YouTube, Vimeo, bliptv
Time Planning – frequency and time needed

Every Day       Tweet, re-tweet, check Google Alerts, check RSS
(30 mins)         reader & reply to comments

Once a Week     Write blog post, check analytics, monitor groups
(45 mins)         & find new people to follow

About Monthly   Add video to YouTube, share a resource
                  online, create podcast & build profile
(60 mins)
Time Planning – response expected?

Type             News travels   Reply within

Print            7 days         2 weeks

Email            7 hours        2 days

Facebook / Blogs 7 minutes      2 hours

Twitter          7 seconds      2 minutes
How much time will you spend doing the
 work once you learn skills?
    Listen            Promote              Participate         Publish              Build
No Engagement       Broadcast/Share       Low Engagement   Content Intensive      Community
                                                                                 High Engagement

15 min/day      +20 min/day           +
                                   30 min/day              +
                                                       3-5 hrs/wk
        Original concept by Beth Kanter, revised by Aliza Sherman
                                                                               + 5-10 hrs/wk
Now it’s your turn!
Let’s try them out

                 Blogging and Video

      Facebook                  Communications
                                 RSS and Twitter
Image Sharing
Talking to the web – News Output
Sustaining the
Sustain – engage, converse, measure, adjust

             If you don’t do it,
            someone else will!
Objectives – What do you want to do?

Audience – Who are they? Where are they?

Strategy – Pick a guided plan with a path that fits

Implement - Match to right social networking tool

Sustain – Engage & converse, monitor & revise
What can Social Media do?
Increases       speed of communication – no faster way to
(Action)        spread your message than through social networking.
Widens          message to people/groups that would normally
(Awareness)     be missed using more traditional methods; ‘viral’
                campaigns hugely powerful in creating awareness
                extremely efficiently
Deepens         to build new and different networks –
(Fundraising)   communities of interest to bounce ideas off and
                share experiences, increase commitment and
                fundraising for campaigning activity
What can Social Media do?
Generate   online conversations and awareness about the
(Change)   organisation or campaign, a consensus of
           opinion or shared learning about ideas
Joins      together communities who are interested in the
(Action)   similar things, have the same likes or are
           striving for the same objectives.
In Conclusion…

• Social Media is only beneficial to your organisation if it’s going to
  tangibly help you to achieve your goals
• Establish a plan thinking short, medium and long term – and have
  an internal policy for using it
• Know your target audience and go to the spaces where they are.
• Know your message - make it clear and direct
• Think of how it applies to Communications of your message
• Implement, monitor and adjust – and remember it takes time!
Self Reflection
• What ideas do you have for you social media use from this workshop?

• How could your organisation use or make more of social media?

• How could groups you support, campaign more effectively using social media?

• What gaps are there in supporting them?

• Does your organisation have a social media policy or Twitter guidelines?

• Have we answered the UnAnswered Questions?!

• How can we keep the conversation going?

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Understanding and capitalizing on the social media revolution

  • 1. Social Media The New Communication Tools
  • 2. “Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences with: “Did you know you can..” The rest of us just want to get on with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want to talk about the people we work with, the communities we’re in and the issues we’re passionate about. We want to find and talk to people who can help us get change, deliver services or make a difference”. Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having conversations, having a space to do that … it just happens that the space is on a computer.” ‘How to use New Media’ - Media Trust
  • 3. What are we going to do today? • Do some networking • Think about the best way to • Find out what social media is and communicate why its important • See how other organisations benefit • Look at current communications from using social media methods • Try out and even join some social • Make a plan for good social media media websites use • Have fun!
  • 5. What is Social Media? and Why is it Relevant?
  • 6. Old media - Web 1.0 . . . . . . static websites with no interaction, text heavy content. Information was just fed to viewers.
  • 7. New media - Web 2.0 ... . . . is interactive, websites open comments allowed, conversations and social networking with viewers encouraged
  • 8. The story so far... • 2009 – to the present day is known as the Social Media Era • In Jan 2010 Facebook had more global visitors than Google • YouTube is the second most popular search engine • Research claims Social Networking is slowly replacing email • Statistics show 10 % of users are aged between 35 – 44 and that 85% of those aged 16 – 35 are on at least one social network site. • There is a steady growth in access to social networks by Smartphone – Facebook mobile traffic has increased globally by 100% in the last 6 months.
  • 9.
  • 10. …In Palestine • 36.21% population penetration –83th of all countries • 254 % of internet penetration ?? • 62% users male, 38% female • Majority of users (45%)aged between 18-24 • No. of users in October 2011 – 600,000 • No. of users in January 2012 – 700,000 • No. of users in June 2012 – 910,000 NB. Data compiled from Social
  • 11. …In Israel • 3,472,360 facebook users (44th of all countries) • 47.22% population penetration • 52% users male, 48% female • Majority of users (28%) aged between 18-24 years • 65.97% internet population penetration NB. Data compiled from Social
  • 12. …In Jordan • 2,204,500 Facebook users, (57th of all countries) • 34.41% population penetration • 58% users male, 42% female • Majority of users (42%) aged between 18-24 years • 126% penetration of internet population NB. Data compiled from Social
  • 13. The internet as a friendly conversation The art of conversation is to listen more than you talk – it’s a two way process ! • Read and Listen – find out what is happening already • Link and Share – and link again! It’s these links that keep the conversation flowing • Comment and Feedback – agree or disagree, this is what builds communities around a topic • Say Thank You – as social media is more about the links, introductions and relationships than the technology ... • Be Helpful – share what you have and you’ll be amazed what you get back!
  • 14. Social networks differ from traditional media • Social networks are relational not transactional communication tools. • Social media rewards – Generosity – Relationship building – Helpfulness • 20-to-1 rule: you should make 20 relational deposits for every 1 marketing withdrawal
  • 15. Why are they relevant? • Offer an entirely new range of communication tools • Can virally promote your project and its work • Cheap or free to use (main cost is time) • Easier to engage directly with target audiences
  • 16. “Media outlets “ sector usage... • 2010 research found that less than 20% were using social networking services (in Palestine ) • Main barriers: • Lack of knowledge/confidence • Lack of business case • Access – either connection or equipment weren’t suitable • Perceived risk of mixing personal and professional networking • In 2012 new research found 36% of the same group said they would actively look for the Facebook page of an organisation, project, individual, and has become the second source of information after radio
  • 17. NEC – INTERNEWS - Local media Survey - June 2011 • 47 (40.2%) • 28 (23.9%) • 35 (29.9%) • 7 (6.0%)
  • 18. When asked what organisations had on their website: • 20% - online picture and media storage • 15% - RSS feeds • 10% - Podcasts But when asked about external social media sites used: • 17% - Facebook for their cause • 9% - YouTube, VIMEO • 7% - Flickr
  • 19. Usage of social media by local media in Palestine Following the 1st round of citizen journalism and social media training: • Prior to training, 35% had a profile on at least one social network • After training, 80% had a profile on at least one social network • 35% are also blogging • First social media conference was held in Palestine 2011 • Social media courses were first developed in Palestinian universities and media institutions in 2011
  • 20. But remember…don’t ignore non-social media users • Social networking should never simply replace face to face communication • Although 38% people access the internet every day, another 28% people have never used it • 55% of people without tertiary qualifications do not use the internet. • The largest group of ‘non-users’ are aged 55 and over • Consider these figures when defining your audience and target group, and use your listening and monitoring skills to decide which social media to use.
  • 21. Social Media Planning Guide “So you think you want to use Social Media?”
  • 22. The Voluntary Sector Problem • Where to start? • Capacity • Knowledge • Time • Cost • Type of guidance available
  • 23. The Steps Objectives – What do you want to do? Audience – Who are they? Where are they? Strategy – Pick a guided plan with a path that fits Implement - Match to right social networking tool Sustain – Engage & converse, monitor & revise
  • 24. Objectives – what do you want to achieve Needs first, then tools
  • 25. Audience – Who are they? – Where are they? If you don’t build it, they won’t come
  • 26. The Guide Establish if Social Media is right for you • What is your organisation trying to achieve? • What are the goals you think social media might be able to help you achieve? • Do you already have a website that you can update yourself? • Are any of your target audiences already using social media (or are likely to soon)? • Have you got the time?
  • 27. So, Is Social Media Right for your Organisation? Yes? It is likely that social media will make a significant difference to your organisation No? Think carefully if this is the right time for you to be spending time on this tool
  • 28. Please describe your Please describe your social strategy: social objectives: • Engagement • Promoting • Social Content • Network Building
  • 30. What is the message? • We know WHO we are talking to • Now need to look at WHAT we are saying • Find out the most suitable communication method and best WAY to say it
  • 31. What communication types do you use? And why?
  • 32. How do you choose… • You want to apply for a job • You want to complain • You want to market your organisation/project • You want to reduce the costs of missed appointments • You want to find people to get involved • You want to share information
  • 33. What communication types are most effective? How much do they cost?
  • 34. Decide what you are going to say • Driving people to your website should be an essential part of your communications strategy • Message - clear and unambiguous, your website is often the first public face of your organisation • Tone – get this right and match to your audience • Context – if you can’t add value to a conversation maybe don’t say anything at all! • Frequent updates & blogs will keep your site fresh and interesting • Include your website on all communications
  • 35. Addressing concerns about communication on the social web • Don’t worry that it’s not finished – a half-formed blog post can be more inspiring and create a bigger conversation than a polished piece. • Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t – the social web is about individuals not corporate viewpoints. You’ll find your voice weakened if you ‘spin’ ... And others will see through it! • Don’t worry you are in a vacuum – follow the tips, linking, connecting and conversing and soon people will do the same for you – it’s true! • Don’t measure success by numbers – if you’re reaching the right people it’s quality not quantity that counts • Don’t ignore people – they invest time reading what you say so do the same for them.
  • 36. Take Action! • Register your organisation’s project name on the popular social media sites • Make sure your organisation’s project is on Google Places • Share links – with everyone!
  • 37. The Networked Project BE DO Understand Networks Work with Free Agents i.e. journalists –social media activists , bloggers Create Social Culture Work with Crowds i.e. find those groups and pages who have the same interest or can serve your goals Listen, Engage, and Build Learning Loops Relationships Trust Through Transparency ‘Friending’ or communicating Simplicity Govern and reach through Networks
  • 38. It’s what you do, not how you do it
  • 39. Strategy - pick a plan with a path that fits Social web is an ‘as-well-as’ 1. Pick one goal to pursue 2. Decide who is going to be involved and how much
  • 40. Communicating with Social Media Use Social Media Tools to help your organisation get it’s message to a wider audience • Start conversations with your supporters and your networks • More efficient – electronic messages get passed around social networking sites • Less costly to post a message on Twitter or Facebook • Instant news and information updates to your followers • Use RSS and Google Alerts to stay ahead of developments in your area of interest and build a ‘Listening Dashboard’.
  • 41. Twitter = events AS they happen not AFTER they have happened
  • 42. “How does Twitter work for you?” 7 replies in 7 minutes Twitter keeps me connected to friends I know & helps connect me to new people & opportunities Twitter helps me to be connected with people and new developments, and helps to make new connections too Twitter's introduced me to many other organisations with similar goals that I wouldn't have met, & sharing best practice Twitter helps me build & maintain my professional network Keeps me up to speed with others - via my phone - especially important when out of office To keep track of topics/people of interest and discover new topics and people through the first set of people and topics
  • 43. Listening VIA RSS • What are other websites saying about your organisation/or an issue of your interest ? • What are organisations you support saying? • See EU/EUPROJECTS, sector reports and announcements ,PR as published • RSS enabled feeds can be automatically picked up to be read at your leisure in a feed reader (such as Bloglines or Google Reader) without you having to re-visit each website • Content aggregated into a single easily readable interface/netvibes • RSS feeds can be converted for email delivery • RSS feeds from others can be embedded in your website
  • 45. Social media created the opportunity of all types of communication tools … Define which to use Learn…practice ask and apply!
  • 46. Social Media tools and local support organizations
  • 47. Implement - match right social networking tool But new media doesn’t just replace old media
  • 48. The Main Social Media Types •An organisations’ activities •Which tools are the best •Examples of use
  • 50. Use by Local Support & Development Organisations Some examples of how these organisations are using Social Media tools
  • 51. Why these tools? • Quick and easy to set up and maintain • Draws people to the website • You want feedback from people and want to start conversations • Once set up, requires very little work (may take a while to get used to) • Spreads awareness • Draws people to your website • Links to your blog or Facebook page
  • 53.
  • 54. Why these Tools? • High number of users that have Facebook page, but only use if your audience are already there • Links to blog • Can have separate Facebook page for projects and business activities • They have the technology to make it quick and easy • It provides them with an extra web presence • It gives a face and a personality to your organisation
  • 56. Video Sharing – YouTube, Vimeo, bliptv
  • 57. Time Planning – frequency and time needed Every Day Tweet, re-tweet, check Google Alerts, check RSS (30 mins) reader & reply to comments Once a Week Write blog post, check analytics, monitor groups (45 mins) & find new people to follow About Monthly Add video to YouTube, share a resource online, create podcast & build profile (60 mins)
  • 58. Time Planning – response expected? Type News travels Reply within Print 7 days 2 weeks Email 7 hours 2 days Facebook / Blogs 7 minutes 2 hours Twitter 7 seconds 2 minutes
  • 59. How much time will you spend doing the work once you learn skills? Listen Promote Participate Publish Build No Engagement Broadcast/Share Low Engagement Content Intensive Community High Engagement 15 min/day +20 min/day + 30 min/day + 3-5 hrs/wk Original concept by Beth Kanter, revised by Aliza Sherman + 5-10 hrs/wk
  • 61. Let’s try them out Blogging and Video Facebook Communications RSS and Twitter
  • 63. Talking to the web – News Output
  • 65. Sustain – engage, converse, measure, adjust If you don’t do it, someone else will!
  • 66. Summary Objectives – What do you want to do? Audience – Who are they? Where are they? Strategy – Pick a guided plan with a path that fits Implement - Match to right social networking tool Sustain – Engage & converse, monitor & revise
  • 67. What can Social Media do? Increases speed of communication – no faster way to (Action) spread your message than through social networking. Widens message to people/groups that would normally (Awareness) be missed using more traditional methods; ‘viral’ campaigns hugely powerful in creating awareness extremely efficiently Deepens to build new and different networks – (Fundraising) communities of interest to bounce ideas off and share experiences, increase commitment and fundraising for campaigning activity
  • 68. What can Social Media do? Generate online conversations and awareness about the (Change) organisation or campaign, a consensus of opinion or shared learning about ideas Joins together communities who are interested in the (Action) similar things, have the same likes or are striving for the same objectives.
  • 69. In Conclusion… • Social Media is only beneficial to your organisation if it’s going to tangibly help you to achieve your goals • Establish a plan thinking short, medium and long term – and have an internal policy for using it • Know your target audience and go to the spaces where they are. • Know your message - make it clear and direct • Think of how it applies to Communications of your message • Implement, monitor and adjust – and remember it takes time!
  • 70. Self Reflection • What ideas do you have for you social media use from this workshop? • How could your organisation use or make more of social media? • How could groups you support, campaign more effectively using social media? • What gaps are there in supporting them? • Does your organisation have a social media policy or Twitter guidelines? • Have we answered the UnAnswered Questions?! • How can we keep the conversation going?

Editor's Notes

  1. Communication is important not only because all projects need to inform people about EU funds and how they are spent. It is also important that you raise awareness by explaining what you do and how this project helps citizens and regions. Disseminating your project outputs also helps you to guarantee the durability of the project‟s results. Inspire others by presenting results you have achieved by interregional cooperation!