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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –4th
August 2021
Paper hypothesis
- The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation and Motion. The Sun Can't Be
The Solar Planets Motions Reason.
The Hypothesis Explanation
- Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity Be Refuted Decisively By The Fact That
(The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece).
- Newton had told us (The Solar Planets Motions Reason Is The Sun Mass Gravity).
This Idea Newton had created out of imagination. But
- This idea be considered as a fact during 400 years! No doubt be raised against it,
and no one suggested that (The Idea Is Wrong In Its Principle)
- Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity will cause serious problem for the
physics book. Specifically because of The General Theory of Relativity which is
created to explain how the sun mass gravity can cause a solar planet motion.
- The fact is powerful than any imaginary idea.
- The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation.
- This fact forces to modify basic theories in the physics book (Mechanics Branch).
Clearly we have to correct our theories according to the facts if these facts be
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Objective
- The Paper provides 3 basic proves against Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass
Gravity. Which Are:
(1) The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion.
(2) The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun
Mass Gravity If Found.
(3) The Sun Rays Velocity (Light known velocity 0.3 mkm/s) proves that, The Sun
Is Created after The Solar Planets Creation and Motion.
Please scan the figure (ORCID)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Contents
Subject Page No.
1- Introduction 4
2- Methodology 8
3- Mars Migration Theory 13
3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary 13
3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration 18
4- The Sun Creation Direct Proves
4-1 Preface
4-2 The Rate 1.0725 21
4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts 28
4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis 32
4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) analysis 35
4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion. 40
4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis 45
5- The Sun Position Analysis
5-1 Preface
5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position? 48
5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form? 52
5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions 53
6- Saturn Creation 54
6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis 54
6-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis 58
6-3 Saturn Creation Discussion 59
7- The Sun Creation (A Historical Event) 60
7-1 Preface 60
7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data 61
8- Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory 65
9 The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion
9-1 Preface
9-2 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 71
9-3 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 75
10- The Solar Planets Motions Depend On Different Rates of Time
10-1 Preface
10-2 Earth And Pluto Rate Of Time 81
10-3 Mercury Motion Rate Of Time 90
10-4 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time 94
10-5 Uranus And Jupiter Rate Of Time 95
11- The Proof Idea 99
12- The Supposed Light Velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 101
12-1 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Analysis 101
12-2 The proves of the light supposed velocity (1.16mkm/sec) 104
13- The Sun Rays Creation 113
13-1 The Planets unified General Motion 113
13-2 The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) 113
References and Biography
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The paper provides 3 proves, let's take a summary notice about each one in
- The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion.
- If this is the fact, how to prove it? the event is found before millions of years.
- I suppose that, the historical events are registered in the planets creation and
motion data. let's use one example in following
- Example no. (1)
- I claim that, Mars was the second planet after Mercury. Means, Mars ancient
orbital distance was 84 mkm. Based on this hypothesis, the planets ancient order
was as the following: (Mercury –Mars –Venus – Earth)
- Why? because the order tells
- Greater Mass (Or Diameter) needs Greater Orbital Distance. This idea is already
be used for the 3 planets and only Mars be exceptional. If we restore Mars to the
position between Mercury and Venus, the rule will be valid without exceptions.
- Then, I suppose that,
- Mars had migrated from its original orbital distance (84 mkm) to its current one
(227.9 mkm)
- What expected events can be occurred? The logical events can be as following:
- Mars may collide Venus, and then
- Mars may collide Earth. BUT,
- Giant-Impact hypothesis tells us, The Earth Moon is created as a result of some
collision be occurred between (Earth) and another planet (in Mars size).
- Many other data we should discuss in this paper to prove that, Mars itself was the
planet which had collided with the Earth And Caused The Earth Moon Creation.
(That makes Mars Migrtion Theory be proved by many ways)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I want to say,
- The historical event is not something very hidden and unknown because this event
effected on different planets creation and motion data. Similar to that,
- The sun is created after all solar planets creation. That means, the sun creation is
an event registered in all solar planets creation and motion data. and by analysis of
this data we can conclude clearly that, The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created
- The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun
Mass Gravity If Found.
- This proof tells that, the solar planets motions be complementary with one another.
and because of that, the planets motions be integrated together in one unified
general motion. This Motion Be Similar To The Train Carriages Motion.
- Based on that, Newton Description Be Refuted Because The Motion Type which is
provided by the sun mass gravity as Newton defined is different from the planets
actual motions.
- The basic point in this proof is that, the inner planets motions type is different from
the outer planets motions type. By that the 2 motions can't be provided by the same
one source, which disproves Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity
- The Sun Rays Velocity (Light known velocity 0.3 mkm/s) proves that, The
Sun Is Created After The Solar Planets Creation and Motion.
- This proof is the most difficult one among the 3 proves
- Why?
- Because the simple ideas removed basic questions and no facts can be discovered
based on simple ideas. means,
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- No progress can be performed if we can't answer the ancient question (How The
Matter is Created?)
- I claim that, The Matter is Created Out Of Light
- This idea should be proved
- And
- I claim that, The Solar Planets Are Created From One Light Beam
- This idea also should to be proved before to reach to the (3rd
proof) against
- But, more difficulties in fact are in our waiting
- Because,
- The light beam from which the solar planets be created has a velocity unknown for
- This light beam its velocity =1.16 million km per second.
- Means,
- The solar planets matters are created from a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm per
- This idea should be proved also
- Now
- The sun rays velocity = light known velocity =300000 km/sec
- That proves
- The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion. Because The
Solar Planets Orbital Circumferences Are Created Depending On A Light Beam
Its Velocity (1.16 mkm/sec).
- We have no 2 different lights beams. We have one light which is (1.16 mkm/sec)
and the known light beam (0.3 mkm/sec) is produced as a side product from the
original one (1.16 mkm/sec). this idea also should be proved.
- That makes this paper so heavy one.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Newton simple theory gives a clear meaning for us. and this proving process
causes wide range of investigations and create puzzles in the discussions. Why this
paper provides an important meaning?
- Because the simple idea tells no facts. While we avoided the basic questions we
gained nothing but the imaginary ideas, as the sun mass gravity which for 400
years No one knows how it works or why it's found? We have a puzzle called (The
Sun Mass Gravity) during very long time. And now we have to face the hard
question (how the matter is created?), hoping we can get some real knowledge
about the solar system motion.
The Proving Process Description
- The paper is divided into 3 parts, each part discusses one proof.
- The part can be consisted of many points
- Each Part has a summarized notice to describe how the proving process works
- The paper doesn't refuse the mass gravity concept generally But The Sun Mass
Gravity Concept Only. Because, the paper has no critic against the mass gravity
concept. The available critics are directed against The Sun Mass Gravity
- We should discuss that deeply with the proof no. 2. while we analyze the solar
planets motions to prove that their features can't be provided by the sun mass
gravity as Newton defined it.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I use Planets Data Analysis to discover the solar planets creation and motion.
- This method put planets data in comparison with physics theory trying to know if
the theory is sufficient to explain the planets motions data.
- The method is useful because it creates questions and shows the consistency or
inconsistency between planets motions data and the theory
- This method also tries to discover how the planet get its data. So, questions (why
the moon diameter =3475 km?) be usual question. The method tries to know if the
planet data be created based on any geometrical reason or by an effect of other
planets or any other force.
- The vision tells, Planet moves depending on its data, by that, the research method
tries to discover the relationship between planet motion and its data, for example it
tries to answer the question (If a planet velocity changes what data will be changed
as a result?).
- The research method considers planet data be very useful source of knowledge for
planet motion explanation. Let's use one example to explain that
Example no. (1)
- The solar planets order contradicts the gravitation equation strongly, when we
asked why? the answer was because of (The Initial Conditions)!!
- Jupiter occupies the order no (5) in the solar system, and the 3 planets (Earth –
Venus – Mercury) shows that greater mass needs longer orbital distance and not
shorter. And even Uranus (less mass) be more near to the sun than Neptune
(greater) mass. these are clear contradictions with the gravitation equation. Why
the equation be acceptable spite?! Because of (The Initial Conditions)!!
- And what are (These Initial Conditions)?!
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The planets positions be inherited through the history. These positions restricted
the planets and prevented them to correct their positions to follow the gravitation
equation. This answer simply disregards the planet motion, because it considers
the planet motion has no any effect on this planet data.
- I want to say, not only the answer is wrong. But the answer also shows that, no
attention is paid for the planet data as if the plant motion be done regardless any
planet data. and that's the wrong concept. Because the fact is that, planet does its
motion depending on its data. And based on that,
- Planet data be (modified) according to this planet motion (modification).
Example no. (2)
- The Diameter =12430 km
- There's no a planet in the solar group its diameter =12430 km, this number I have
invented it.
- The idea behind this diameter is, We try to know if Planets Data be created
independently from other planets data or dependent on each other.
o The (supposed) diameter 12430 km is the one middle rate between Venus
diameter (12104 km) and Earth diameter (12756 km).
o (Earth diameter / moon diameter) = (Jupiter diameter) / (12430 x π)
o Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during (12430 seconds) a distance = 300000 km =
light (0.3 mkm/s) motion distance for 1 second.
o Saturn (13.1 km/s) moves during (12430 seconds) a distance = 120536 km
= Saturn Diameter
- Planet diameter using as a period of time is a usual using in the solar planets
motion. by that, the value (12430 km or seconds) is similar to any other real planet
diameter… let's remember the following:
o Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 sec a distance = 142984 km (=
Jupiter diameter) where (10921 km = the Earth moon circumference)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
o Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 sec a distance = 51118 km (=Uranus
diameter) where (7510 km = Pluto circumference)
o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 sec a distance = 51118 km (=Uranus
Diameter) where (10921 km = The Earth Moon Circumference)
o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 sec a distance = 2 x 120536 km
(=Saturn Diameter)
o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 120536 sec a distance = 1.1318 mkm
(Jupiter Motion Distance During A Solar Day)
- We analyze the value (12430 km) to prove that, the solar planets creation data be
defined based on One Geometrical Design.
- That means, the planets data be controlled by one Equation only.
- The supposed diameter (12430 km) proves this idea. the data shows that, the value
(12430 km) is found geometrically in the solar system data but not created actually
- We should discuss in this paper the question (Why The Solar Planets Data Be
Created Based On One Geometrical Design?)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion.
A Summary
- The paper Part One discusses the (1st
- We analyze the solar planets creation and motion data to conclude the historical
events and prove that the sun is created after all solar planets creation and motion.
- Let's summarize this proof points in following:
- (1st
Point) Mars Migration Theory
- In this point we analyze the planets data to prove that Mars was the second planet
after Mercury (84 mkm) and had migrated to its current one (227.9 mkm) and as a
result for Mars Migration, Mars had collided with Venus and then with Earth,
where from the collisions debris Earth had created its moon and Mars had created
its 2 moons, and the rest debris be attracted by Jupiter gravity and created the
asteroid belt.
- (2nd
Point) The Sun Creation Direct Proves
- This point discusses changes are found in the solar planets creation and motion
data As Results For The Sun Creation. let's refer to these changes in following:
o The sun circles the Earth and gives one face always to it
o The Rate 1.0725 effects on The Solar System Distances
o Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts, to prevent Planets Overturning
o The Sun Diameter proves that, it's created in proportionality with the solar
planets creation and motion data
o Jupiter orbital circumference analysis shows that, the sun be created in
proportionality with it.
o The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) shows the sun origin.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (3rd
Point) The Sun Position Analysis
- This point analyzes the sun position relative to the solar planets positions. We test
the current description.
- (4th
Point) Saturn Creation
- This point tries to prove that, Saturn is created after The Earth Moon Creation and
that means, Saturn is created after Mars Migration.
- (5th
Point) The Sun Creation (A Historical Event)
- This point tries to prove that, The Sun is Created depending on Saturn Data. means
The Sun Is Created After Saturn Creation.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Mars Migration Theory
3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary
3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration
3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary
- Mars was the next planet after Mercury with ancient orbital distance =84 mkm and
Mars had migrated into Mars current orbital distance (227.9 mkm)
- Through Mars Displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), Mars had collided
with Venus and then with Earth and then reach to its current orbital distance point
- By these collisions debris the Earth could create its own moon and also Mars
moons are created in addition to the asteroid belt.
- Mars itself had caused the Earth moon creation by its Migration in place of the
Planet (Theia) supposed by the Giant-impact hypothesis.
- Mars Migration theory answers the Giant-impact hypothesis questions, are:
- What's The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin?– It's Venus (because the moon
rocks are consisted of the 3 planets rocks Venus – Earth and Mars)
- Why Venus couldn't create its own moon from the collisions debris? Because Mars
had moved from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), So Mars had pushed all debris in its
motion direction because of that Venus found no debris around it to create its own
moon, But Earth gravity is greater than Venus' and the debris lost some of their
motion momentum, because of that Earth could create its own moon.
Mars Migration Theory is proved by 3 proves which are:
- The Solar Planets Order
- Mars Migration Results
- Mercury Motion Data Effect On Mars Motion Data
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
) The Solar Planets Order
- The 3 planets (Mercury – Venus – Earth) order shows, A greater planet diameter
(or mass) needs a greater orbital distance.
- This order tells, (Mars may be occupied the position between Mercury and Venus).
) Mars Migration Results
The Earth Moon Creation
- Mars Migration Theory is in full harmony with the Giant-impact hypothesis. that
makes the 2 theories complementary one another clearly
- Mars Migration theory doesn't need the planet (Theia) which is supposed in Mars
size and collided with Earth, instead Mars itself did that.
- Mars Displacement from its original orbital distance point (84 mkm) to its current
one (227.9 mkm) is the good solution to explain the real event details.
- According to the giant-impact hypothesis Venus also got collided but couldn't
create its own moon, this event has 2 questions, what planet had collided with
Venus and why Venus couldn't create its own Moon?
- Mars Migration Theory answers these questions simply because Mars itself had
collided with Venus at first and then with Earth after, these collisions are occurred
simply because Mars had moved its displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm).
The motion direction provided the chance for these collisions. And
- After the collision with Venus, Mars had pushed all debris in its motion direction,
So Venus found no debris around it, so couldn't create its own moon..
- Then Mars had collided with Earth pushed the collisions debris in its motion
direction, but some debris lost part of their motion momentum, for that Earth could
attracted some of them and created The Earth moon, that explains the lunar
Magma ocean origin (it's Venus).
- The rest debris were pushed with Mars in its motion direction.
- Let's ask, why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? Because The rate
(13%) is a middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Mars Moons Creation
- Mars Moons Creation are very good proof for Mars Migration Theory.
- The collisions debris lost the great part of their momentum when reach to Mars
orbital distance point, because of that, Mars with its small mass could attracted 2
moons, because the debris is too much around it and can attract them easily. Where
Venus great gravity couldn't create even one moon because no debris around it
- The facts can be seen clearly when be put beside each other.
The Asteroid Belt Creation
- The asteroid belt is one more proof for Mar Migration Theory
- The collisions debris which were pushed with Mars motion to its current orbital
distance point (227.9 mkm) couldn't be all attracted by Mars gravity because of its
small mass, Mars had attracted only its 2 small moons
- But
- Jupiter gravity attracted the rest debris and by that they create the asteroid belt.
Mars Diameter Decreasing
- According to the equation (7070 km x 1092
= 84 mkm) Mars ancient diameter was
7070 km and became 6792 km (less 4.1%). And Mars orbital distance was 84 mkm
- Please remember
- Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm = Mercury diameter 4879 km x1092
- Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm =Earth diameter 12756 km x1092
- Saturn orbital distance 1433.5 mkm = Saturn diameter 120536 km x1092
- Notice
- Mars Mass =0.642 x 1024
- If Mars Mass be increased with (8%) and be =0.697 x 1024
- Mercury and Mars Masses (0.33 and 0.697) and their orbital distances (57.9 mkm
and 84 mkm) respectively will follow the gravitation equation as similar to Jupiter
and Saturn data (Can 4% of diameter create a difference 8% of Mass?)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
) Mercury Motion Data Effect On Mars Motion Data
I- Data
(Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = (6792 km/4879 km)2
(687 days /175.94 days) = (227.9 mkm /57.9 mkm)
7 degrees = 5.1 degrees + 1.9 degrees
II- Discussion
Equation No. (1)
(Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = (6792 km/4879 km)2
= 0.524
- Where
- 6792 km = Mars diameter
- 4879 km = Mercury diameter
- Equation no. (1) tells that, Mercury And Mars Masses And Diameters Are Rated
With Each Other.
- Mars motion daily =0.524 degrees
Equation No. (2)
(687 days /175.94 days) = (227.9 mkm /57.9 mkm)
- Where
- 687 days = Mars Orbital Period
- 175.94 days = Mercury Day Period
- 227.9 mkm = Mars Current orbital distance
- 57.9 mkm = Mercury Current orbital distance
- More data is rated between Mars and Mercury
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- We should notice that, the data proportionality is done mostly between the
neighbor planets… for example
- Mars orbital period (687 days) = the moon orbital period (27.3 days) x 25.2
- Where 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt. Also
- 25.2 deg = 1.9 deg x 13.17 deg
- Where, 13.17 deg = The Moon Daily Degrees
- And 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination
Equation No. (3)
7 degrees = 5.1 degrees + 1.9 degrees
- Where
- 7 deg = Mercury orbital inclination
- 5.1 deg = The moon orbital inclination
- 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination
- Mercury motion data shows a strong proportionality with Mars motion data which
gives reference that Mars once was a neighbor to Mercury.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration
- Mars Migration Theory is a part of the solar system history which has many good
proves, for that it's provided easily.
- The rest part of the story has no strong proves yet but we need to know it to have a
general vision about what's happened really, let's summarize the rest part of the
story in following
- Pluto was The Mercury Moon
- The planets order was as following:
- Mercury – Mars – Venus – Earth – Uranus – Neptune – Jupiter.
- Mercury, Venus and Earth orbital distances are not changed greatly (the change is
less than 1%)
- Mars orbital distance was 84 mkm and be known from Mars migration theory
- Uranus orbital distance was 778.6 mkm = Jupiter current orbital distance
- Neptune orbital distance was 2402 mkm
- Jupiter ancient orbital distance was 5906 mkm = Pluto current orbital distance
- There's one event stroked 3 planets by great forces. (this event is unknown yet)
- The most strong stroke be against Mercury, and the result is that, Mercury axial
tilt was 1 degree and became almost 0.01 degree (or Zero). (this event caused to
change Venus Axial Tilt from 1.774 degrees to be 177.4 degrees)
- The second stroke be against Pluto, We tell its story after Mars
- The third stroke be against Mars. By this stroke Mars had migrated from (84
mkm) to (227.9 mkm).
- When Mars Migrated, Uranus had pushed Neptune out till Pluto orbital distance =
5906 mkm. And Uranus orbital distance be 2872.5 mkm. These changes forced
Jupiter to use Uranus ancient Position and be on the orbital distance 778.6 mkm.
- Pluto was the Mercury Moon and had stroked strongly, and be flied through the
solar system to the end point of the solar system. (5906 mkm)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- We remember, Neptune orbital distance was (in that time) =5906 mkm
- Means, Pluto had collided with Neptune on the point 5906 mkm, and
- Pluto had pushed Neptune out of its orbit and occupied the point 5906 mkm,
forced Neptune to be more near to the sun with orbital distance =4495.1 mkm.
(But without orbit!) (Means Neptune needs energy to build its orbit. We have to
discuss that in the paper third part discussion)
- This event is registered in Pluto data because Pluto eccentricity distance = Pluto
Neptune distance =1410 mkm.
- Pluto collision with Neptune caused to create Pluto moons and the Kupier belt
- These events are done before
- The Sun Creation
- Saturn Creation, But
- The Earth Moon Creation Be Done In While With These Events.
- The planets migration can cause the solar group to be destroyed.
- Uranus depended on Jupiter and Jupiter depended on the 3 planets (Mercury –
Venus and Earth) to cause Saturn Creation.
- Saturn is the pillar on which the solar group depended and be protected from the
- The sun is created depends on Saturn.
- The Sun Creation Is One Part Of The Solar System Repair Procedure.
- Many events are told without proves because their proves are complex and weak.
- These events be built by some guess and no requirement to be acceptable as facts,
spite they are real facts. But the proof process is so complex for that I add the story
here to cause a simplicity for discussions general vision
- The Sun Creation Has A Relationship With The Planets Migration Events.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4- The Sun Creation Direct Proves
4-1 Preface
4-2 The Rate 1.0725
4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts
4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis
4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) analysis
4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion.
4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis
4-1 Preface
- There are 8 direct proves for the hypothesis (Earth And All Solar Planets Are
Found Before The Sun Creation) which are:
(1)The sun gives one face always to the Earth during the motion. this is similar to
the moon behavior with the Earth. The moon be created after the Earth, why
the sun be before if the 2 behaviors are similar? The circle motion shows that
the sun depends on 365.25 days (Earth orbital period), means, this period be
found before the sun creation. means, Earth Be Found Before The Sun.
(2)The Rate 1.0725 effects on The Solar System Distances
(3)Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts to prevent The Overturning Motions.
(4)The Sun Diameter proves that, it's created in proportionality with the solar
planets creation and motion data
(5)Jupiter orbital circumference analysis shows that, the sun be created in
proportionality with it.
(6)The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) shows the sun origin.
(7)The Solar Planets motions depend on the equal distances feature and not on the
sun mass gravity.
(8)The Sun is Created depending on Saturn Data (Analysis for Earth and Pluto
Motions Data).
We study these direct proves in following
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-2 The Rate 1.0725
I- Data
Why These Distances Are Equal?
Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance
= Mars Orbital Circumference
= Pluto Neptune Distance
= Pluto eccentricity Distance
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
= Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2
 Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance
 Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference
 Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (error 0.5%)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference
 Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (error 1.5%)
 Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (error 1.2%)
(Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (error 0.6%)
 Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (error 0.8%)
 Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
More Data
Why These Distances Are NOT Equal?
1. 0725
2. 1.0725
3. 0725
= (Error 0.7%)
4. 1.0725
5. 1.0725
= (Error 0.6%)
6. 1.0725
= (Error 0.8%)
7. 1.0725
= (Error 0.7%)
8. 1.0725
= (Error 0.7%)
9. 1.0725
= (Error 1.5 %)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II – Discussion
- The previous data shows that
- 50% of all distances in the solar system be equal one another, and
- 40% of all distances in the solar system be rated one another with the same rate
- Why?
- The solar system motion analysis lead us to the conclusion that, the machine works
by equal distances feature (let's remember it in following)
- An Example
- Earth moves during its day period a distance (24 h) = Pluto motion distance during
its day period (153.3 h) (error 1%).
- We have observed this equality of distances.
- The periods of time are defined because they are defined by planets motions.
means, these periods of time aren't common periods but defined periods,
depending on planets motions.
- Means, these 2 distances be equal by some mentioned process. Because they
depend on 2 defined periods of time (depend on 2 planets motions).
- And,
- We can't discover the geometrical effect of the 2 distances till now
- But
- We have discovered that, this method is used by all solar planets motions. That
means, The equal distances method is used (thousands of times) in the solar
system motion.
- Because of this heavy using for this method I supposed that, this method creates
some geometrical effect causes the planets motions. and by that I have concluded
that, the solar planets motions depend on equal distances method and not on the
sun mass gravity.
- Regardless the conclusion credibility, the facts solve our question
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Because the equal distances method is used thousands of times in the solar system
motion. that causes (50%) of all distances in the solar system to be equal one
- That explains the data group No. (A) and makes it understandable.
- The point need explanation is the data group no. (B) where the distances are NOT
equal But Rated with 1.0725 (Why?)
- Why 40% of distances are rated with the same rate (1.0725)?
- Let's consider this question in following:
o The usual case is the equal distances as the data in Point no. (A), That
means, these rated distances were equal one another before and all of them
be effected by the rate 1.0725,
o Means,
o We have some historical order, which is
o The distances were equal, but
o Some change caused these equal distances to be rated with (1.0725)
o And, 1.0725 = (100/100) + (7.25/100)
o We can conclude that,
o The distances were equal till The Sun Creation, and after the sun creation,
the sun obliquity on ecliptic (7.25 deg) caused the equal distances to be
rated with one another by the same one rate (1.0725).
o Means, the rate 1.0725 proves that, The Sun Is Created After All Solar
Planets Creation.
o One more feature supports this powerful argument, that
o The same rate (1.0725) is used for different distances. Because the sun
effects on all solar planets. That shows the rate (1.0725) must be related to
the sun because it's the same one rate. If this rate be belonged to any planet,
it will not effect on different distances equally because the sun only effects
on the planets equally. That shows the rate 1.0725 is belonged to the sun effect.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II – Discussion (continued)
- What Does This Point Tell Us?
- The Solar System Distances Are Defined Geometrically
- How to understand that?
- The Solar System Description inherited by Newton Theory tells us, Each planet
moves (independently) from the other planets, and by that, each distance is defined
almost (independently) from the others
- What does the data tell us?
- The distances are found geometrically
- Means,
- Suppose you have a triangle. This triangle 3 dimensions are not independent from
one another. their measurements are defined depends on each other.
- A question (what geometrical design control the solar system all distance?) I didn't
discover it yet, so, I can't tell what geometrical design controls the distances but I
can conclude that they are NOT Independent.
- The data gives clearly a different vision from what Newton Told us.
- For example
- (Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm) = (Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm) x 1.392
- Where 1.392 mkm = The Sun Diameter
- The data disproves any independency can be imagined among these 3 values
(149.6 mkm, 108.2 mkm and 1.392 mkm). We should discuss this data later, but I
try to show that, the distances are defined geometrically depending on one another
or in proportionality with one another.
- Why The Rate (1.0725) Be Belonged To The Sun Effect?
- Because
- Another rate (7.1 or 7.25) be used in the solar system distances also
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice
- The rates (7.25 and 7.1) are 2 different rates with error =2%
- Both are used and the error 2% is found for geometrical necessities we should
discuss later.
- For Example
- 7.1 x 51118 km (Uranus diameter) = 363000 km (Perigee radius)
- 7.1 x 363000 km (Perigee Radius) = 2.574 mkm = Earth motion distance daily
- And
- 2 x 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) =41.4 mkm (Earth Venus distance) x 7.25
- Many other data can be added.
- The point is that, the distances are defined geometrically and the rates (7.1 and
7.25) are used in these forms frequently and then be used also as the rate 1.0725
- All these rates be produced by Lorentz Transformations for a velocity = 0.99c
- (c = light known velocity =3000000 per second)
- That means, this velocity (0.99c) is found in the solar system but we can't observe
it, and its effects be seen in the planets motions data in different forms
- i.e.
- The rate 1.0725 is found almost because of Lorentz length Contraction effect. But
the contraction direct rate is 7.1 and the solar system uses this rate (7.1) in some
geometrical process to produce the rate 1.0725. (also the rate 7.25 be found based
on 7.1 by error 2% which is found for geometrical necessity)
- Although the explanation isn't simple but it's very useful one because it enable us
to explain all distances values in the solar system.
- I want to say,
- We shouldn't disregard this idea as a wrong one because without this idea we will
be forced to accept tenths of data be created only by (pure coincidences), means no
explanations for tenths of distances values but this one idea provides explanations
for All Distances in the solar system. We should consider it as a good idea.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- We should discuss this supposed velocity (0.99c) with the paper 3rd
- I want to say
- This paper provides useful material but incomplete. Because
- The paper in different discussions shows that, the solar planets creation and motion
data faces contradictions with Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity. The paper
tries to analyze the planets data as deep as possible to create its own theory in
comparison with Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity. The paper provides no
guarantee of success in this process, but the deep analysis kills Newton Theory and
discovers basic features of the solar system motion. the paper provides the basics
and columns of the planets motions facts.
- Shortly
- This paper is the first step on which we change our wrong direction and stop to
follow Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity, turning our direction to the
planets motions facts and define the next research basic trajectory to explain how
the solar system motion be done.
- I write this comment because
- The velocity 0.99c is the only one solution I have found to explain the solar system
all distances
- But
- I couldn't catch the motion of this velocity with a decisive proof
- I will provide what I have in the 3rd
proof discussion
- But
- Regardless the proof discussion, I confirm that, the velocity 0.99c is found on the
solar system motion.
- So, while the data tells the facts, no available geometrical or physical laws to
explain it.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts
I- Data
97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt= 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination x 122.5 deg (Pluto)
180.8 deg = 177.4 deg Venus Axial Tilt + 3.4 deg Venus orbital inclination
98.6 deg x 1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) = 177.4 deg Venus Axial Tilt
(118.3 deg /97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt) = (28.3 deg /23.6 dg)
(97.8 deg/3.1 deg) = 31.5 but 31.5 x 0.8 deg = 25.2 deg Mars Axial Tilt
113.45 deg x 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination = 90.8 deg
(97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt) / (26.7 deg Saturn Axial Tilt) = 3.66
Π deg x 0.8 deg (Uranus) = 2.51 deg (where 2.5 deg =Saturn orbital inclination).
90000 mkm = (π3
) x 2872.5 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance)
122.5 deg = Pluto Axial Tilt
115.2 deg = 90 deg +25.2 deg (Mars Axial Tilt)
180.8 deg = 180 deg + 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination)
98.6 deg = 97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt + 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination
118.3 deg = 90 deg +28.3 deg (Neptune Axial Tilt)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3.1 deg = Jupiter Axial Tilt
3.66 = (the sun diameter 1.392 mkm/ Saturn circumference 378675 km)
90.8 deg = 90 deg + 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination
17.4 deg = the inner planets orbital inclinations total
17.2 deg = Pluto orbital inclination
23.6 deg = the outer planets orbital inclinations total
23.4 deg= Earth Axial Tilt
17.4 deg +23.4 deg = 17.2 deg +23.6 deg.
II- Discussion
- The previous data is so interesting group, how to explain it?
- The data shows, the solar planets axial tilts are created in proportionality with one
another. this data shows clearly that, some geometrical reason must be found
behind and no any pure coincidence can create this data.
- If we move with this data step by step we should reach to this conclusion simply,
for example
- Equation no. (a) shows that 7 planets axial tilts be rated to one another by the same
rate (1.0725) which we have discussed in the previous point.
- No pure coincidences can create such interesting effect, the data simply shows, the
planets axial tilts be in proportionality because of a geometrical reason.
- But what's this geometrical reason?
- The rest data shows that, Uranus is the basic player behind this geometrical reason.
Clearly Uranus axial tilt and orbital inclination be used to effect strongly and
clearly on all solar planets axial tilts as seen clearly in the data.
- The data shows Uranus domination on the solar planets axial tilts
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I want to say, it's some very strange, that Uranus effects so strongly on all solar
planets axial tilts. Means, the effect is specific and mentioned. How that can be
- Uranus effects on the solar planets axial tilts and causes their values to be in
proportionality as the previous data shows clearly.
- This data proves the hypothesis tells (The Solar System Is One Machine And Each
Planet Is A Gear In It)
- But
- How to explain Uranus effect on The Solar Planets Axial Tilts?
- I suggest the following answer
- Uranus effects on the solar planets axial tilts to prevent the planets overturning
motion. by that, no planet revolve around the sun with 90 degrees, but all planets
revolve through the horizontal level.
- That tells, Uranus Effect causes some unification of the solar planets motions, by
its effect on the planets axial tilts.
- Equation no. (i) tries to explain this role reason, let's discuss it in following
Equation no. (i)
90000 mkm = (π3
) x 2872.5 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance)
- Where
- 97.8 deg (Uranus Axial Tilt) /3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) = (π3
) (error 1%)
- Equation no. (i) supposes that, the sun rays energy is produced by the planets
motions energies total, we should discuss this idea in the point (The Sun Rays
- 90000 mkm = C2
(if the period of time is 1 second) (C = Light velocity)
- C2
= The Source of Energy
- The equation shows that, Uranus orbital distance is the first product after the sun
rays creation. means, if the planets modify their orbital distances as a result for the
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
sun creation, Uranus be the first planet did that, which enable Uranus to be Guide
for the other planets and effect on their axial tilts.
- Uranus effect on the planets axial tilts data is directed data as we see clearly.
There's no way to remove the data under (pure coincidence claim), or even to
attribute another reason for this data. because the data is directed as a method be
used for all planets. That tells Uranus does some important task because of that no
one planet can escape from its effect
- The data shows different forms of the effect, but it's Uranus effect doubtless and
this effect is used on the planets axial tilts and no reason to do that except to
prevent the overturning motions of the planets.
- The data shows that clearly, the planets be created before the sun creation. because
of that, they need to control their axial tilts, if the planets be created after the sun
creation this option of motion will not be found and by that no effect of Uranus is
required on the planets axial tilts.
- The relationship between Uranus, Saturn and the sun may be more deep that any
other relationship. Because of the rate be (3.66) (Equation no. g).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis
1- Diameters
- (6792 km Mars Diameter) / (4879 km Mercury Diameter) =1.392
- (4879 km Mercury Diameter) / (3475 km the moon Diameter) =1.392 (1%)
- (71492 km Jupiter Radius) / (51118 km Uranus Diameter) =1.392
2- Distances
- (57.9 mkm Mercury orbital distance) /(41.4 mkm Venus Earth distance)=1.392
- (108.2 mkm Venus orbital distance) /(78.3 mkm Earth Mars distance)=1.392
- (149.6 mkm Earth orbital distance) /(108.2 mkm Venus orbital distance)=1.392
- (4267 mkm Mars Neptune distance) /(3061 mkm Saturn Neptune distance)=1.392
- (778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance) /(550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter distance)=1.392
- (550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter distance x 2) /(778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance) =1.392
- (5127 mkm Pluto Jupiter distance) /(3716 mkm Jupiter Neptune distance) =1.392
(error 1%)
- (5906 mkm Pluto orbital distance) /(4267 mkm Mars Neptune distance) =1.392
- (2872.5 mkm Uranus orbital distance) /(2094 mkm Jupiter Uranus distance) =1.392
3- Periods
- (243 days Venus Rotation Period) /(175.94 days Mercury day period) =1.392
- 2.5 deg (Saturn orbital inclination) /1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) =1.392
- 1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) / 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination) =1.392
- 5.1 deg (The moon orbital inclination) / 3.66 =1.392
4- The Sun Diameter
- 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Venus Diameter 12104 km x 115.2
- 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Mars Diameter 6792 km x 205.2
- 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Neptune Diameter 49528 km x 28.3
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
- The data groups no. (1,2 and 3) show that,
- The rate 1.392 is used frequently among planets different data.
- Why? because
- The solar system is similar to one machine of gears and each planet is one gear in
it. because the machine moves one unified motion, the gears data should be in
proportionality with one another.
- Similar to that, the planets creation and motion data be created in proportionality
with one another. we will prove that in details in the paper part Two.
- Based on this vision the solar planets data be created depends on one geometrical
- This idea we have discussed before in the paper methodology, where the
(supposed) diameter 12430 km be defined geometrically and not created actually
- The Sun Diameter Can Have A Similar Discussion.
- The Sun Diameter Be defined geometrically before the sun creation.
- Because
- The machine depends on one geometrical design and each part should be created
in harmony with this geometrical design otherwise the machine can't work.
- We should notice that, the rate 1.392 is defined with the solar system creation
geometrically, Before the sun creation and also before the planets migration.
- This definition is done geometrically, so, the value (1.392) in the data is very
ancient. But the sun diameter (1.392 mkm) be created later.
- That means,
- The sun diameter can't prove that the sun is created after all solar planets creation
but can prove that the sun diameter is created in proportionality with all planets
creation and motion data.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Group Data No. (4)
- The sun diameter 1.392 mkm = Venus diameter 12104 km x 115.2 = Mars
diameter 6792 km x 205.2
- But
- 25.2 + 90 = 115.2 and 115.2 +90 =205.2
- 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt
Notice (1)
- In kepler third law in which (D3
= P2
x constant), the constant used for the solar
planets orbital distance and periods should be = 25
Notice (2)
- The sun diameter 1.392 mkm = Neptune diameter 49528 km x 28.3
- And
- 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt
Notice (3
- The outer planets diameters total 366565 km = Pluto diameter 2390 km x 153.3
- Where
- 153.3 hours = Pluto Day Period
- I try to show that, there's a complex geometrical mechanism be found behind this
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) Analysis
(365.25 hours x 2) / (7.25 hours) = 101
(511.1 degrees) /(5.05 degrees) =101
(2 x 120536 km) = (2390 km) x 101
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 366566 sec (=101.8 h) a distance = 17.2 mkm
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 127556 km = Earth diameter
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 10921 km = the moon diameter
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 1737 km = the moon radius (1%)
Data Analysis
- (The moon = The Earth Moon), I don't refer to any other moon in my discussion.
- Equation no. (5) tries to support my claim that, the solar system is a very complex
machine… 3 planets moves during 365.25 seconds distances = other planets
diameters or radiuses… we suppose that, some geometrical reasons must be found
behind! The usual answer is, (the data be found by pure coincidences)
- But what's the fact? There's a geometrical reason behind this data…
o Pluto moves during the solar day period a distance = 406000 km = Earth
Moon Distance at apogee radius, and
o Pluto moves during its day period a distance = 2593836 km = the moon
displacements total during 29.53 days =Earth Motion Distance during the
solar day (max error 1%)
o Pluto moves during (365.25 solar days) a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth
orbital distance (error 1%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II – Discussion
Equation no. (1)
(365.25 hours x 2) / (7.25 hours) = 101
- Earth orbital period (365.25 solar days) be used here as 365.25 hours. Why?
because the machine is complex. The machine is a network of motions, and
because of that Earth orbital period be used as 365.25 seconds, 365.25 minutes,
365.25 hours and 365.25 solar days …etc
- The rate which we need is (101)
- This is the rate we need. Why? because
- Mercury Pluto Distance 5848 mkm= 101 x Mercury Orbital Distance 57.9 mkm
- These distances control the solar system all distances because it extends from the
most near planet to the most far one. So, The Rate (101) is the basic Rate in the
solar system motion.
- So, based on this rate (101), the value (7.25 h) is created depending on the period
(365.25 hours).
- I want to say, the period 7.25 h which is used as (the sun obliquity on ecliptic 7.25
deg) this value be created based on (Earth orbital period 365.25 days) (which is
used here as 365.25 hours).
- That means,
- The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created depending on the value (365.25). as a
result we conclude that, the sun motion data be created depending on Earth motion
data which proves that Earth is found and moving before the sun creation and that
disproves decisively Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity.
Equation no. (2)
(511.1 degrees) /(5.05 degrees) =101
- Where
- 511.1 degrees = The Solar Planets Axial Tilts Total
- 5.1 degrees = The Moon Orbital Inclination (error 1% with 5.05 deg)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Equation no. (2) tries to show that, the rate (101) controls the solar system basic
- The hard question is the value (5.05) or (5.1)
- Let's provide more data for better explanation in following
More Data
- Venus velocity (35 km/s) = Uranus Velocity (6.8 km/s) x 5.1
- Mars velocity (24.1 km/s) = Pluto Velocity (4.7 km/s) x 5.1
- The moon velocity (27.78 km/s) = Neptune Velocity (5.4 km/s) x 5.1
- Uranus day period 61920 sec = 12104 seconds x 5.1
- 2 x Uranus orbital period 30589 days = 12104 days x 5.05
- 10.7 h (Saturn day period) = 38520 sec = 7510 sec x 5.1
- Notice,
- 3.4 deg = Venus orbital inclination, if be used as 3.4 hours = 12104 sec
- Saturn orbital period 10747 days = 257928 hours = 10.7 h x 12053
- Also
- 1433.5 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) = (12053 km x π)2
- Where
- 12104 km = Venus diameter
- and 7510 km = Pluto Circumference
- Notice,
- 365.25 mkm = 71 mkm x 5.1
- 71 mkm = the moon motion distance during 29.53 days where (71 mkm = 29.53
days x 2.4 mkm)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II – Discussion (continued)
- The data tries to show that, the rate (5.1) is a basic one in the solar system motion.
and by that Equations no. 1 and 2 tell that the value (7.25 h) is created by some
basic process in the solar system motion.
- I want to say,
- The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) which is produced as a period of time (7.25 h) be
produced by some basic process in the solar system motion.
- The data tells some geometrical reason be found behind this data.
- This geometrical reason depends on the value (5.1) strongly as seen in the data.
- I wish I can prove the point of view, that,
- The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created based on Earth orbital period (365.258
days) which means, earth was found before the sun creation.
Equation no. (3)
(2 x 120536 km) = (2390 km) x 101
- 120536 km = Saturn Diameter
- 2390 km = Pluto Diameter
- Equation no. (3) tries to show the rate (101) using. The equation is important
because the value (2 x 120536 km) is used frequently with Pluto motion, which
tells some geometrical mechanism be found behind this data.
- Let's remember this data in following
- Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 seconds a distance = 142984 km = Jupiter
- Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 seconds a distance = 51118 km = Uranus
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 seconds a distance = 51118 km = Uranus
- Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 seconds a distance = 2 x 120536 km =
Saturn diameter
- Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2x 120536 seconds a distance = 1.1318 mkm =
Jupiter motion distance during a solar day.
- 24.7 h (Mars Day Period) = 7.25 h x 3.4 hours, where
- 3.4 deg = Venus orbital inclination which can be used as 3.4 h =12104 sec.
- (365.25 hours x 2) / (24.7 hours Mars Day Period) =29.53
A Conclusion
- The data tells that, The Sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created depends on Earth
orbital period (365.25 days) by some basic process in the solar system motion.
- And this process must be the sun creation process. And by that, the sun be created
after all solar planets creations and as a result, the sun mass gravity is NOT the
Planet motion reason.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion.
((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7
deg/26.7 deg
112.2 km/s x 7.25 h x 3600 sec = 47.4 km/s x 17.2 h x 3600 sec = 13.1 km/sec x 2π x
9.9 h x 3600 sc.
Equation no. (6)
((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7
deg/26.7 deg
- Equation no. (6) and (7) are similar, they are just 2 forms of the same equation.
Let's analyze this one in following
- 112.2 km/s = The Total Velocities Of Mercury + Venus + Earth
- 47.7 km/s = Mercury Velocity
- 17.2 hours = Uranus Day Period
- 7.25 =???
- 1.392 mkm = The sun diameter
- 0.5875 mkm = Uranus Motion Distance During A Solar Day
- 63.7 degrees = The sun pole declination
- 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt
- Equation no. (6) tells that, the value (7.25) is a period of time (7.25 hours)
- The equation tells simply,
- The distance be passed by the velocity (112.2 km/s) during (7.25 hours) =
Mercury Motion distance during Uranus day Period (17.2 hours)! Why?
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The data support equation no. (1) (((365.25 h x 2)/7.25 h)= 101), proves that the
value (7.25) is a period of time =(7.25 hours) and during this period some specific
motion be done.
- Why we need a comparison between the motion of the total velocity (112.2 km/s)
and Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s)?
- Because
- We need to create some thinking about the three planets motions. means
- We try to show that, some machine be found behind these 3 planets motions. and
because of this machine, Mercury velocity be used in comparison with the three
planets motions velocities total.
- I want to say, these 3 planets create together some geometrical machine which
effects on The Sun Creation Data.
- To make this meaning more clear we need to remember important data, let's do it
in following:
o Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm =
Mercury Jupiter distance
o Venus Orbital Circumference 680 mkm = Venus Jupiter Distance 671
mkm (error 1.3%)
o Earth Orbital Circumference 940 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance 928
mkm (error 1.3%) (In This Case Earth And Jupiter Should Be At 2
Different Sides From The Sun)
o 4900 mkm =360 mkm +680 mkm +940 mkm +1433 mkm +1433 mkm
(Error 1%)
o Where
o 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
o 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference
o 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
o 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference
o And we suppose that, the earth moon orbital circumference around the sun
be considered = Mars Orbital Circumference = 1433 mkm
o By that, the data tells
o Jupiter orbital circumference = the inner planets orbital circumferences total.
- The previous data is interesting and can't be considered as a result of pure
coincidences, but clearly we have to conclude that, this data be created based on
some geometrical machine, but why this data is related to the sun? let's see more
data in following
o 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) =1.392 mkm (the sun diameter) x
3475 km (the Earth moon diameter) (error 1%)
o 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) = Jupiter Circumference (449197
km) x the moon circumference (10921 km), And
o Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921seconds a distance =142984 km =
Jupiter diameter (where 10921 km = the moon circumference)
o Means
o The multiplication of the sun diameter and the moon diameter = the inner
planets orbital circumferences total, and
o The multiplication of Jupiter Circumference with the moon circumference
produce Jupiter orbital circumference. The difference between both = 1%
o Jupiter diameter 14284 km x π2
= 1.392 mkm = The sun diameter (error
- Almost it's impossible to create the previous data by any pure coincidences… we
deal with a geometrical machine its features are seen perfectly in each piece of
data. if we can't catch the geometrical machine that can't disprove the fact.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I want to say that,
- Some geometrical machine is found between the 3 planets (Mercury, Venus and
Earth) motions in comparison with Jupiter, and this machine effects on the sun
creation and motion data.
- Now let's return to the equation no. (6)
Equation no. (6) (continued)
((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7
deg/26.7 deg
- How to understand this equation?
- Mercury moves during Uranus day period (17.2 hours) a distance = the distance be
passed by the 3 velocities total(112.2 km/s) during a period =7.25 hours
- And what's this distance?
- (47.7 km/s) x 17.2h x 3600s = 2.935 mkm
- (112.2 km/s) x 7.25 h x 3600s = 2.928 mkm
- What's this distance 2.935 mkm (or 2.928 mkm)?
- The sun circumference (4.37 mkm) – the sun diameter (1.392 mkm) = 2.978 mkm
- The difference be =1.5%
- The data tells that, the distance (2.935 mkm or 2.928 mkm) is almost belonged to
the sun motion. that tells why the period (7.25 hours) be used for this data. and
tells that, the sun obliquity (7.25 deg) is almost be created depending on this period
(7.25 h).
- But, can we understand how this distance (2.978 mkm) b created?
- What does mean (The Sun Circumference – The Sun Diameter)?
- The solar system is a very complex machine in different features, because of that,
planet circumference and diameter be 2 different players in motion!
- For Example
- Venus (35 km/s) moves during 12104 seconds a distance = 423640 km = Uranus
motion distance during its day period.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- But, 12104 km = Venus Diameter
- Venus Circumference = 38025 km
- Saturn Day Period = 38520 seconds (the difference 1.3%)
- Means,
- The planet diameter and circumference are 2 different players in the motion.
- That tells the distance = (The Sun Circumference – The Sun Diameter), has a
geometrical effect on motion.
- The distance 2.978 equals the distance be passed by light known velocity (0.3
mkm/s) during period (= 10 seconds)
- This data be important because
- 10 Saturn orbital periods = 10747 x 10 = 107470 days, and
- 107470 days x 24 hours = 10.7 hours (Saturn Day Period) x 2 x 120536
- (where 120536 km = Saturn diameter)
- I can't explain the previous data but
- The data shows that, the rate (10) is required for using because of Saturn Diameter
- If the solar system is a network of motions (as I claim) these 2 values of (10) for
light motion and Saturn orbital period must have connection with one another.
- (this data we should discuss as deep as possible in the solar system motion analysis
point. No. 6)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis
I- Data
365.25 = (1407.6 h /24.6h) x (153.3 h /24 h)
365.25 = 2π x 58.1313 days
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2π3
x 1461 days (Earth Cycle)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.53 x 365.25 days
25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm daily x 1461 days
II – Discussion
Equation no. (8)
365.25 = (1407.6 h /24.6h) x (153.3 h /24 h)
- Where
- 1407.6 h = Mercury rotation period
- 24.6 h = Mars rotation period
- 153.3 h = Pluto day period
- 24 h = Earth day period
- Equation no. (8) shows a geometrical mechanism be found behind the period
365.25 days because 4 planets data be interacted to produce it.
- The data can explain another equation where
- (365.25 days/9.18) = (5906 mkm/ 149.6 mkm)
- Where
- 1 day of Mercury Motion = 9.18 days of Pluto Motion
- 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance
- 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (9)
365.25 = 2π x 58.1313 days
- Where
- 58.1313 days is different from 58.66 days (Mercury rotation period) with (1%)
- Equation no. (9) shows that, the period 365.25 days (earth orbital period) my be
effected by Mercury Motion.
Equation no. (12)
25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm daily x 1461 days
- Where
- 17.75 mkm = the solar planets motions distances during a solar day (all planets
motions + The Earth Moon Motions)
- 1461 days = earth Cycle (365 +365 +365+366)
- And
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) travels during a solar day (86400 s) a distance
=25920 mkm
- Equation (12) tells that the cycle1461 days be used by all planets motions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5- The Sun Position Analysis
5-1 Preface
5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position?
5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form?
5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions
5-1 Preface
- In this point we analyze the sun position based on the available data.
- Because
- We test the current description about the solar planets motions
- For example
- We try to ask questions as the following
- Do all planets be on the same horizontal level relative one another?
- Is there any planet position be perpendicular on another planet position.
- We understand, the planets orbital inclinations define these planets inclinations on
the ecliptic
- But
- Is there no other factors can effect on the planets positions?
- This analysis aims to discover the sun position relative to the solar planets
- The paper supposes some modification may be required for the solar system
correct description and (its map) .
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position?
150.6 mkm = 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter)
57.63 mkm = 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter)
Sin (23.6 deg) x 257.8 mkm = 103.4 mkm
Equation no. (1)
150.6 mkm = 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter)
Earth Orbital Distance = 149.6 mkm (which is different from 150.6 mkm with 0.7%)
- Equation no. (1) tells that, Earth and Venus orbital distances are defined in
proportionality with the sun diameter. the equation tells clearly that, some
geometrical design must be found behind this data, and neither Earth orbital
distance nor Venus orbital distance can be created independent from one another.
also the sun diameter can't be independent accordingly.
- The meanings aren't easy to be explained, for that reason we move to the next
equation for better vision
Equation no. (2)
57.63 mkm = 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter)
- 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance (different from 57.6 mkm with 0.5%)
- This equation confirms the same meaning…
- The orbital distances of Mercury, Venus and Earth are defined based on some
geometrical design takes into consideration the sun diameter (please remember,
these 3 planets define their orbital circumference to be = their distance to Jupiter)
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (3)
Sin (23.6 deg) x 257.8 mkm = 103.4 mkm
- S= The Sun
- V = Venus
- E= The Earth
- ES = Earth Orbital Distance = 149.6 mkm
- SV = Venus Orbital Distance = 108.2 mkm
- EV = 103.4 mkm
- Notice
- The distance between Venus and Earth = 41.4 mkm and NOT 103.4 mkm. So how
this triangle be built?!
- let's move step by step:
o Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm + Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm =
257.8 mkm (This distance be found when Earth and Venus be on 2 different
sides from the sun with an angle 180 degrees between the 3 players)
o 257.8 mkm x sin (23.6 deg) = 103.4 mkm (=EV distance In The Triangle)
o 23.45 deg = Earth axial tilt (has a difference with 23.6 deg be 1%)
o In our triangle (SEV) the angles be defined geometrically as following
o The Angle (S) = 43.6 degrees
o The Angle (V) = 90 degrees
o The Angle (E) = 46.4 degrees (= 2 x 23.2 deg = Earth Axial Tilt error 1%)
o Now let's analyze this triangle in following
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Is this triangle (SEV) an imaginary one? because the distance between Venus and
Earth be 103.4 mkm and the real distance = 41.4 mkm?
- We see that, the distance between earth and Venus can be even = 257.8 mkm when
the 2 planets be on 2 different sides from the sun. So if the distance can be = 257.8
mkm, that means, it can be also 103.4 mkm. That means this triangle can't be an
imaginary one.
- Why this triangle is useful?
- Because of the angle (E) = 2 x 23.2 degrees (Earth Axial Tilt) (error 1%)
- That tells, Earth axial tilt is produced by some interaction be found among Earth,
Venus and The Sun Data
- Notice
- One simple question we should ask, Why Venus angle =90 degrees? This
question is so hard to be answered now. We have to wait this answer later.
- What Useful Results We Get From This Triangle? 2 Basic Results
- (1st
- The triangle tells that, some geometrical design be used to produce the data of
Earth, Venus and Mercury orbital distances in addition to the sun diameter. also
Earth axial tilt be defined in this interaction. The triangle tells some geometrical
design be found under this data. because of that this triangle is found as a part of
this geometrical design.
- (2nd
- The Sun Be Perpendicular On Venus Planet. Specifically, the angle between the
sun position and Venus planet position is (90 degrees). By that the sun must be on
vertical axis (z-axis) while Venus moves on (x-y plain).
- This description of the sun position needs a deep analysis to know what's happened
or how this position be defined?
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
41.6 mkm = 0.384 mkm x 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance)
- 41.4 mkm = Venus Earth Distance (different from 41.6 mkm with 0.4%)
- 0.384 mkm = The Earth Moon Orbital Distance
- The data tells, The Earth moon orbital distance also be defined accordingly
- The paper provides an interesting approach to explain the solar planets motions.
- While the solar planets motions description inherited from Newton Theory of the
sun mass gravity tells that each planet motion is independent from the other
planets motions. As a result each planet orbital distance be defined independently,
The suggested description tells that, each planet motion takes into consideration
the other planets motions.
- We here deal with a building found depending on one another. based on this
vision, because Venus orbital distance =108.2 mkm, that causes Earth orbital
distance to be 149.6 mkm
- And because of the 2 planets orbital distances be (108.2 mkm and 149.6 mkm) the
Earth moon orbital distance be (0.384 mkm).
- The vision is completely different from what Newton told us. while Newton
supposed the space is limitless and can contain hundreds of planets moving
without effect on each other. the fact is the 9 planets motions effect on one another
and forces each planet to define each motion in proportionality with the other
planets. The vision is different because Newton vision of (NO Effect) created
separated trajectories of motions. And based on this vision we see the planets as
cars move in track independently from one another (even the real cars can't be
independent because the track is the same one and all have to move in harmony
otherwise they will collide). The suggested description tells that, the motions be
built as a building and each motion depend on the other motions and by that they
need one geometrical design controls and manages all of them.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form?
- Let's discuss one interesting idea in following:
- Suppose the sun be found really on the axis (SV) with (90 degrees) on Venus
Planet Position.
- How Can The Sun Circle Earth In This Case?
- The sun can moves in (a frequentation form). That means, the sun moves forward
and backward (and not in circle). But because Earth in (under) the sun (vertically),
we see this motion as a circle motion.
- Specifically
- The sun moves forward and backward which can be considered as a rotation
around the sun axis with a percentage =63.7%
- As a result, this motion cause the sun pole declination to be =63.7 degrees
- That means, the sun moves a distance = 63.7% of its circumference 4.37 mkm
which be = 2.7836 mkm.
- This motion the sun does once every year and we see this motion as (the sun
circles the Earth).
- Notice (2.7836 mkm =1.0725 x 2.598 mkm)
- This idea depends on a hypothesis tells that, there's 90 degrees between the sun
and Venus. We should discuss if there's any proof for this perpendicularity. Also
we have to discus the sun motion distance (2.598 mkm) in the point (the sun rays
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions
- This figure shows a suggested description for the solar planets positions
- S = The Sun
- V= Venus
- U = Uranus
- The line (180 degrees), means that,
- The sun and Uranus (both) are perpendicular on Venus on both 2 sides
and by that the 3 players be on one straight line.
- Based on what data this description be suggested? On the following
- Venus axial tilt 177.4 degrees + Venus orbital inclination 3.4 degrees =
180.8 degrees
- But
- 0.8 degrees = Uranus orbital inclination
- That means, the value (180.8 degrees = 0.8 deg +180 deg)
- And the 180 deg be shown on this line in the figure
- Can This Figure Shows Real Facts?
- I provide different data formed in geometrical forms trying to prove
that, a geometrical design must be found behind this data.
- I want to say that, the data which is found in different geometrical
forms can't be created by some pure coincidences but created based on
a geometrical design whose features are seen in different forms
- That's why this figure provides a support for the claim, some
perpendicularity is found between Venus and the sun potions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
6- Saturn Creation
6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis
6-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis
6-3 Saturn Creation Discussion
6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis (10747 days)
Equation No. (1)
88000 km x 10747 days = 945.8 mkm
- There are many features of the proportionality between Saturn data on one side
and the Earth with its moon data on the other side.
- But
- Equation no. (1) is The Basic Proof For This Proportionality….
- The moon daily displacement = 88000 mkm, and Earth Orbital Circumference
=940 mkm,
- Based on that, the moon needs a period = 10747 days to pass the distance 940
mkm by using its daily displacement.
- The period 10747 days =Saturn orbital period, and the error in calculation= 0.6%
- Shortly
- The Period 10747 Days is known before Saturn Creation And Motion. Why?
- Suppose the moon needs 10747 days to pass Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm
by its daily displacement 88000 km, Why Saturn Orbital Period = This Period
10747 Days?
- What Geometrical Reason Is Found Behind This Proportionality Of Data?!
- Here we have a basic point of conflict with the solar system classical description.
while the description supposes that, Planet data be created by historical unknown
factors have no effect on this planet current motion. the suggested description tells
that, some geometrical reason is found behind planets data creation. Based on this
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
vision, some interaction must be found between Earth and moon motions on one
side and Saturn motion on the other side, and as a result for this interaction, Saturn
orbital period be = 10747 days which is the period the moon needs to pass Earth
orbital circumference by using its daily displacement (88000 km)
- The classical description supposes the data be created by some pure coincidence
and by that it losses the chance to discover the interaction between the planets
- This procedure is used by the classical description based on the gravitation
equation effect. Because every one thinks that, no interaction can be found
between Earth and Saturn motions because of the huge distance between them.
Based on this conclusion, the classical description removes the data under pure
coincidence claim.
- This is an effect of the Newton theory on the solar system classical description,
because the theory supposes that, the planet motion is independent from the planet
data and by that the theory told the data be created by historical factors neglecting
the motion be done by the planet continuously.
- But, we need to answer the question…
- Why Saturn Orbital Period =10747 days? Why the moon motion be a player in
Saturn motion data definition? Let's try to analyze the data as deep as possible
Equation No. (2)
25920 mkm = 2.4 mkm x 10747 days
- Where
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
- 2.4 mkm = the moon motion distance per a day (before the displacement)
- The moon moves 25920 mkm during the period 10747 days. But we know that, all
planets (17.75 mkm daily) move a distance = 25920 mkm during the cycle 1461
days. That shows the moon effective role in the solar system motion. can the moon
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
move in behave of all the solar planets?! To answer we should know what's the
relationship between the period 10747 days and the moon motion.
o The moon displacements total during 29.53 days = 2598693 km
o Earth motion distance during a solar day = 2574720 km
o The difference is (1%), so we consider these 2 distances are equal
o We remember the rule (Equal distances causes different rates of time)
o i.e. because the distances are equal
o 1 Day Of Earth Motion = 29.53 Days Of The Moon Motion
o But
o 1 Day Of The Sun = 365.25 Days Of Earth Motion
o Based on that
o 1 Day Of The Sun = (365.25 x 29.53) of the moon motion
o 1 Day Of The Sun = 10747 Days Of The Moon Motion
o That means, Saturn orbital period (10747 days) is created to complete the
picture of the time rates cooperation. the data still gives surprises …
o The moon motion (2.4 mkm) during Saturn orbital period (10747 days)
passes a distance =25920 mkm which be passed by all planets during 1461
days and also be passed by the light beam in 1 solar day (86400 s). why?
Equation No. (3)
10 x 10747 days x 24h = 10.7 h x 2 x 120536
- 10747 days = Saturn orbital period
- 10.7 hours = Saturn day period
- 120536 km = Saturn diameter
- Saturn diameter is seen as a rate between Saturn orbital period and Saturn day
period. Where the moon motion distance 2.4 mkm depends on Saturn orbital
period 10747 days, that causes Saturn diameter to be seen in Equation no. (a)
- We should discuss how the moon motion distance (2.4 mkm) depends Saturn
orbital period (10747 days).
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis (1433.5 mkm)
I- Data
Saturn Orbital Distance =1433.5 mkm = Saturn Uranus Distance
= Mars Orbital Circumference
= Pluto Neptune Distance
= Pluto eccentricity Distance
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
= Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2
Why Saturn Orbital Distance Equal All These Distances?
(Saturn Orbital Period 10747 days) / (Jupiter Orbital Period 4331 days) = 2.5
(Jupiter Orbital Period 4331 days) = 2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period 687 d.)
Mars velocity (24.1 km/s) = Saturn velocity (9.7 km/s) x 2.5
II- Discussion
- The data tells that,
- Saturn Orbital Period (10747 days) is defined by the Earth moon motion, because
the moon displacements total be 940 mkm = Earth orbital circumference during a
period =10747 days
- And
- Saturn Orbital Distance (1433.5mkm) is defined by Mars Motion because Mars
orbital circumference =1433.5 mkm
- How can we understand this data?
- Let’s discuss that in the next point.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-4 Saturn Creation Discussion
- The data proves that, Saturn is created after Mars Migration and The Earth Moon
- This idea we know let's remember it in details
o We accept that the solar system is one machine, and
o Each planet is a gear in this same machine, by that, each planet data be
created complementary with other planets data. this idea we should prove in
The Paper Discussion Part Two
o Based on this vision, The Planets Data Be Created Based On One
Geometrical Design
o Because one geometrical design control all planets data, all data be defined
geometrically and not historically
o That means, the solar group needed to create Saturn and because of that,
Saturn data be defined by the moon motion and Mars motion. that means,
the 2 planets are found before Saturn Creation.
o Shortly
o Saturn Using of the moon and Mars Motions data prove that, Saturn is found
after these 2 planets creation. that because, it's not logical to create 2 planets
after Saturn creation and uses Saturn data, but the more logical is that,
Saturn is created after the 2 planets creation and use one data from each
planet. This is more logical.
o The explanation is limited because Saturn using for the moon and Mars
motions data be done by a geometrical reason. Means, there's interaction of
motions between Saturn and the moon which causes Saturn to use the period
10747 days as (Saturn orbital period) which is used by the moon
displacement motion to cover Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
7- The Sun Creation (A Historical Event)
7-1 Preface
7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data
7-1 Preface
- This point idea tells, The Sun data be created depending on Saturn data, as a result
historically, The Sun Must Be Created After Saturn Creation
- Where Saturn is the last Created Planet
- That tells
- The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data
I - Data
2 x 4900 mkm = 2 x 10747 mkm
1.392 mkm (The Sun diameter) = 0.378675 mkm (Saturn Circumference) x 3.66
120536 sec x0.3 mkm/sec = 2π x5757 mkm = 1.392 mkm x 25920 mkm
25920 mkm =4.37 mkm x 5906 mkm
25920 mkm =10747 days x 2.4 mkm = 17.75 mkm x 1461 days
II – Discussion
Equation no. (1)
2 x 4900 mkm = 2 x 10747 mkm
- Where
- 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
- This point discussion aims to prove that, the sun creation process depends on
Saturn motion. because of that, Saturn Data be used or be in proportionality 2with
the sun data. this is the basic idea.
- But
- This equation no. (1) is the reason why I claim the sun creation data depends on
Saturn data. let’s explain why in following
o Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm) is a puzzled part in the solar
system. The paper discusses it by different approaches where many players
be partners in the definition of this distance (4900 mkm).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
o The Sun Creation depends on Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm)
which is a fact can be proved strongly
o But
o Because Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm) is a puzzled distances in
the solar system, the sun creation relationship with this distances isn't clear
perfectly. The paper next point discussions will confirm this meaning
o Saturn orbital period 10747 days is related strongly to the Earth moon
motion as we have discussed.
o We remember that,
o The moon moves daily (2.4 mkm) and during 10747 days the total distance
be = 25920 mkm = light known velocity motion distance during oar day
o We discus (25920 mkm) deeply later
- I want to say the values (4900 mkm and 10747 days) are the basic 2 values on
which the sun creation be done. The next discussion proves that the sun creation
depends on Saturn Data
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (2)
1.392 mkm (The Sun diameter) = 0.378675 mkm (Saturn Circumference) x 3.66
- This equation importance be in the rate 3.66, which we know perfectly, because
many data be created depending on this rate let's remember it in following.
Max Error 1.25%
1- Diameters
2- Distances
4- Orbital Inclination And Axial Tilt
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5- Velocity
(Mercury velocity/ Jupiter velocity) = (Venus velocity/ Saturn velocity) = 3.66 (error 1.5%)
- The idea is that, the solar system is one machine and each planet is a gear in this
same machine. That means, the planets creation and motion data be created based
on one another. and this dependency be found geometrically. As in a triangle, it 3
angles total be =180 degrees, so the 3 angles values depend on one another but
- Now the rate 3.66 controls a huge number of data and
Equation no. (3)
120536 sec x0.3 mkm/sec = 2π x5757 mkm = 1.392 mkm x 25920 mkm
120536 km = Saturn Diameter
5756.4 mkm = earth Pluto Distance
Equation no. (4)
25920 mkm =4.37 mkm x 5906 mkm
4.37 mkm = The Sun Circumference
5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance
Equation no. (5)
25920 mkm =10747 days x 2.4 mkm = 17.75 mkm x 1461 days
- Where
- 17.75 mkm Per Solar Day= the planets motions distances total
- 1461 days = Earth Cycle (365 +365 +365 +366)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Part Two
- The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun
Mass Gravity If Found.
A Summary
- The 2nd
proof tells that,
- The solar planets move a type of motion can't b provided by the sun mass gravity
if found as Newton defined.
- The proof discussion is divided into the following points:
- (8) Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory
- (9) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion
- (10) The Solar Planets Motions Depend On Different Rates of Time
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
8- Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory
There Are 4 Basic Concepts Are Wrong In Newton Theory Which Are:
(1) The Sun Mass Gravity Concept
(2) Planet Motion Independency
(3) Planet Motion has no effect on its Data
(4) The Space And Time Is Found Regardless Any Motion.
- The concept no. (1) is the theory basic concept and we discuss it within the theory
refutation proves.
- Let's take a short notice about the 3 rest concepts in following….
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(2) Planet Motion Independency
Data Group No. (1)
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference
- Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference
Data Group No. (2)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π
Data Group No. (3)
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
- This data is a small part of the data proves the planets unified general motion. I
provide this data to help in refutation (Planet Motion Independency)
- Let's summarize the argument in following
- The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time.
- The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any
planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets.
- The Defined Periods Of Time means a period is defined by a planet motion, as
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet
rotation period or any planet day period…..
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)
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The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece (Newton Was Wrong) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –4th August 2021 Abstract Paper hypothesis - The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation and Motion. The Sun Can't Be The Solar Planets Motions Reason. The Hypothesis Explanation - Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity Be Refuted Decisively By The Fact That (The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece). - Newton had told us (The Solar Planets Motions Reason Is The Sun Mass Gravity). This Idea Newton had created out of imagination. But - This idea be considered as a fact during 400 years! No doubt be raised against it, and no one suggested that (The Idea Is Wrong In Its Principle) - Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity will cause serious problem for the physics book. Specifically because of The General Theory of Relativity which is created to explain how the sun mass gravity can cause a solar planet motion. - The fact is powerful than any imaginary idea. - The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation. - This fact forces to modify basic theories in the physics book (Mechanics Branch). Clearly we have to correct our theories according to the facts if these facts be proved.
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 Paper Objective - The Paper provides 3 basic proves against Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity. Which Are: (1) The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion. (2) The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun Mass Gravity If Found. (3) The Sun Rays Velocity (Light known velocity 0.3 mkm/s) proves that, The Sun Is Created after The Solar Planets Creation and Motion. Please scan the figure (ORCID)
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 Paper Contents Subject Page No. 1- Introduction 4 2- Methodology 8 PART ONE 11 3- Mars Migration Theory 13 3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary 13 3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration 18 4- The Sun Creation Direct Proves 4-1 Preface 20 4-2 The Rate 1.0725 21 4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts 28 4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis 32 4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) analysis 35 4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion. 40 4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis 45 5- The Sun Position Analysis 5-1 Preface 47 5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position? 48 5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form? 52 5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions 53 6- Saturn Creation 54 6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis 54 6-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis 58 6-3 Saturn Creation Discussion 59 7- The Sun Creation (A Historical Event) 60 7-1 Preface 60 7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data 61 PART TWO 64 8- Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory 65 9 The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion 9-1 Preface 70 9-2 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 71 9-3 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 75 10- The Solar Planets Motions Depend On Different Rates of Time 10-1 Preface 80 10-2 Earth And Pluto Rate Of Time 81 10-3 Mercury Motion Rate Of Time 90 10-4 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time 94 10-5 Uranus And Jupiter Rate Of Time 95 PART THREE 98 11- The Proof Idea 99 12- The Supposed Light Velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 101 12-1 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Analysis 101 12-2 The proves of the light supposed velocity (1.16mkm/sec) 104 13- The Sun Rays Creation 113 13-1 The Planets unified General Motion 113 13-2 The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) 113 References and Biography
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 1-Introduction - The paper provides 3 proves, let's take a summary notice about each one in following: (1st Proof) - The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion. - If this is the fact, how to prove it? the event is found before millions of years. - I suppose that, the historical events are registered in the planets creation and motion data. let's use one example in following - Example no. (1) - I claim that, Mars was the second planet after Mercury. Means, Mars ancient orbital distance was 84 mkm. Based on this hypothesis, the planets ancient order was as the following: (Mercury –Mars –Venus – Earth) - Why? because the order tells - Greater Mass (Or Diameter) needs Greater Orbital Distance. This idea is already be used for the 3 planets and only Mars be exceptional. If we restore Mars to the position between Mercury and Venus, the rule will be valid without exceptions. - Then, I suppose that, - Mars had migrated from its original orbital distance (84 mkm) to its current one (227.9 mkm) - What expected events can be occurred? The logical events can be as following: - Mars may collide Venus, and then - Mars may collide Earth. BUT, - Giant-Impact hypothesis tells us, The Earth Moon is created as a result of some collision be occurred between (Earth) and another planet (in Mars size). - Many other data we should discuss in this paper to prove that, Mars itself was the planet which had collided with the Earth And Caused The Earth Moon Creation. (That makes Mars Migrtion Theory be proved by many ways)
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 - I want to say, - The historical event is not something very hidden and unknown because this event effected on different planets creation and motion data. Similar to that, - The sun is created after all solar planets creation. That means, the sun creation is an event registered in all solar planets creation and motion data. and by analysis of this data we can conclude clearly that, The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece. (2nd proof) - The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun Mass Gravity If Found. - This proof tells that, the solar planets motions be complementary with one another. and because of that, the planets motions be integrated together in one unified general motion. This Motion Be Similar To The Train Carriages Motion. - Based on that, Newton Description Be Refuted Because The Motion Type which is provided by the sun mass gravity as Newton defined is different from the planets actual motions. - The basic point in this proof is that, the inner planets motions type is different from the outer planets motions type. By that the 2 motions can't be provided by the same one source, which disproves Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity (3rd proof) - The Sun Rays Velocity (Light known velocity 0.3 mkm/s) proves that, The Sun Is Created After The Solar Planets Creation and Motion. - This proof is the most difficult one among the 3 proves - Why? - Because the simple ideas removed basic questions and no facts can be discovered based on simple ideas. means,
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 - No progress can be performed if we can't answer the ancient question (How The Matter is Created?) - I claim that, The Matter is Created Out Of Light - This idea should be proved - And - I claim that, The Solar Planets Are Created From One Light Beam - This idea also should to be proved before to reach to the (3rd proof) against Newton! - But, more difficulties in fact are in our waiting - Because, - The light beam from which the solar planets be created has a velocity unknown for us. - This light beam its velocity =1.16 million km per second. - Means, - The solar planets matters are created from a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm per second - This idea should be proved also - Now - The sun rays velocity = light known velocity =300000 km/sec - That proves - The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion. Because The Solar Planets Orbital Circumferences Are Created Depending On A Light Beam Its Velocity (1.16 mkm/sec). - We have no 2 different lights beams. We have one light which is (1.16 mkm/sec) and the known light beam (0.3 mkm/sec) is produced as a side product from the original one (1.16 mkm/sec). this idea also should be proved. - That makes this paper so heavy one.
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 - Newton simple theory gives a clear meaning for us. and this proving process causes wide range of investigations and create puzzles in the discussions. Why this paper provides an important meaning? - Because the simple idea tells no facts. While we avoided the basic questions we gained nothing but the imaginary ideas, as the sun mass gravity which for 400 years No one knows how it works or why it's found? We have a puzzle called (The Sun Mass Gravity) during very long time. And now we have to face the hard question (how the matter is created?), hoping we can get some real knowledge about the solar system motion. The Proving Process Description - The paper is divided into 3 parts, each part discusses one proof. - The part can be consisted of many points - Each Part has a summarized notice to describe how the proving process works Notice - The paper doesn't refuse the mass gravity concept generally But The Sun Mass Gravity Concept Only. Because, the paper has no critic against the mass gravity concept. The available critics are directed against The Sun Mass Gravity Concept. - We should discuss that deeply with the proof no. 2. while we analyze the solar planets motions to prove that their features can't be provided by the sun mass gravity as Newton defined it.
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 2-Methodology (I) - I use Planets Data Analysis to discover the solar planets creation and motion. - This method put planets data in comparison with physics theory trying to know if the theory is sufficient to explain the planets motions data. - The method is useful because it creates questions and shows the consistency or inconsistency between planets motions data and the theory (II) - This method also tries to discover how the planet get its data. So, questions (why the moon diameter =3475 km?) be usual question. The method tries to know if the planet data be created based on any geometrical reason or by an effect of other planets or any other force. - The vision tells, Planet moves depending on its data, by that, the research method tries to discover the relationship between planet motion and its data, for example it tries to answer the question (If a planet velocity changes what data will be changed as a result?). (III) - The research method considers planet data be very useful source of knowledge for planet motion explanation. Let's use one example to explain that Example no. (1) - The solar planets order contradicts the gravitation equation strongly, when we asked why? the answer was because of (The Initial Conditions)!! - Jupiter occupies the order no (5) in the solar system, and the 3 planets (Earth – Venus – Mercury) shows that greater mass needs longer orbital distance and not shorter. And even Uranus (less mass) be more near to the sun than Neptune (greater) mass. these are clear contradictions with the gravitation equation. Why the equation be acceptable spite?! Because of (The Initial Conditions)!! - And what are (These Initial Conditions)?!
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 - The planets positions be inherited through the history. These positions restricted the planets and prevented them to correct their positions to follow the gravitation equation. This answer simply disregards the planet motion, because it considers the planet motion has no any effect on this planet data. - I want to say, not only the answer is wrong. But the answer also shows that, no attention is paid for the planet data as if the plant motion be done regardless any planet data. and that's the wrong concept. Because the fact is that, planet does its motion depending on its data. And based on that, - Planet data be (modified) according to this planet motion (modification). Example no. (2) - The Diameter =12430 km - There's no a planet in the solar group its diameter =12430 km, this number I have invented it. - The idea behind this diameter is, We try to know if Planets Data be created independently from other planets data or dependent on each other. o The (supposed) diameter 12430 km is the one middle rate between Venus diameter (12104 km) and Earth diameter (12756 km). o (Earth diameter / moon diameter) = (Jupiter diameter) / (12430 x π) o Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during (12430 seconds) a distance = 300000 km = light (0.3 mkm/s) motion distance for 1 second. o Saturn (13.1 km/s) moves during (12430 seconds) a distance = 120536 km = Saturn Diameter - Planet diameter using as a period of time is a usual using in the solar planets motion. by that, the value (12430 km or seconds) is similar to any other real planet diameter… let's remember the following: o Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 sec a distance = 142984 km (= Jupiter diameter) where (10921 km = the Earth moon circumference)
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 o Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 sec a distance = 51118 km (=Uranus diameter) where (7510 km = Pluto circumference) o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 sec a distance = 51118 km (=Uranus Diameter) where (10921 km = The Earth Moon Circumference) o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 sec a distance = 2 x 120536 km (=Saturn Diameter) o Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 120536 sec a distance = 1.1318 mkm (Jupiter Motion Distance During A Solar Day) - We analyze the value (12430 km) to prove that, the solar planets creation data be defined based on One Geometrical Design. - That means, the planets data be controlled by one Equation only. - The supposed diameter (12430 km) proves this idea. the data shows that, the value (12430 km) is found geometrically in the solar system data but not created actually - We should discuss in this paper the question (Why The Solar Planets Data Be Created Based On One Geometrical Design?)
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 PART ONE (1st Proof) The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation And Motion. A Summary - The paper Part One discusses the (1st Proof) - We analyze the solar planets creation and motion data to conclude the historical events and prove that the sun is created after all solar planets creation and motion. - Let's summarize this proof points in following: - (1st Point) Mars Migration Theory - In this point we analyze the planets data to prove that Mars was the second planet after Mercury (84 mkm) and had migrated to its current one (227.9 mkm) and as a result for Mars Migration, Mars had collided with Venus and then with Earth, where from the collisions debris Earth had created its moon and Mars had created its 2 moons, and the rest debris be attracted by Jupiter gravity and created the asteroid belt. - (2nd Point) The Sun Creation Direct Proves - This point discusses changes are found in the solar planets creation and motion data As Results For The Sun Creation. let's refer to these changes in following: o The sun circles the Earth and gives one face always to it o The Rate 1.0725 effects on The Solar System Distances o Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts, to prevent Planets Overturning Motions. o The Sun Diameter proves that, it's created in proportionality with the solar planets creation and motion data o Jupiter orbital circumference analysis shows that, the sun be created in proportionality with it. o The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) shows the sun origin.
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 - (3rd Point) The Sun Position Analysis - This point analyzes the sun position relative to the solar planets positions. We test the current description. - (4th Point) Saturn Creation - This point tries to prove that, Saturn is created after The Earth Moon Creation and that means, Saturn is created after Mars Migration. - (5th Point) The Sun Creation (A Historical Event) - This point tries to prove that, The Sun is Created depending on Saturn Data. means The Sun Is Created After Saturn Creation.
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 3- Mars Migration Theory 3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary 3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration 3-1 Mars Migration Theory Summary - Mars was the next planet after Mercury with ancient orbital distance =84 mkm and Mars had migrated into Mars current orbital distance (227.9 mkm) - Through Mars Displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), Mars had collided with Venus and then with Earth and then reach to its current orbital distance point - By these collisions debris the Earth could create its own moon and also Mars moons are created in addition to the asteroid belt. - Mars itself had caused the Earth moon creation by its Migration in place of the Planet (Theia) supposed by the Giant-impact hypothesis. - Mars Migration theory answers the Giant-impact hypothesis questions, are: - What's The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin?– It's Venus (because the moon rocks are consisted of the 3 planets rocks Venus – Earth and Mars) - Why Venus couldn't create its own moon from the collisions debris? Because Mars had moved from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm), So Mars had pushed all debris in its motion direction because of that Venus found no debris around it to create its own moon, But Earth gravity is greater than Venus' and the debris lost some of their motion momentum, because of that Earth could create its own moon. Mars Migration Theory is proved by 3 proves which are: - The Solar Planets Order - Mars Migration Results - Mercury Motion Data Effect On Mars Motion Data
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 (1st ) The Solar Planets Order - The 3 planets (Mercury – Venus – Earth) order shows, A greater planet diameter (or mass) needs a greater orbital distance. - This order tells, (Mars may be occupied the position between Mercury and Venus). (2nd ) Mars Migration Results The Earth Moon Creation - Mars Migration Theory is in full harmony with the Giant-impact hypothesis. that makes the 2 theories complementary one another clearly - Mars Migration theory doesn't need the planet (Theia) which is supposed in Mars size and collided with Earth, instead Mars itself did that. - Mars Displacement from its original orbital distance point (84 mkm) to its current one (227.9 mkm) is the good solution to explain the real event details. - According to the giant-impact hypothesis Venus also got collided but couldn't create its own moon, this event has 2 questions, what planet had collided with Venus and why Venus couldn't create its own Moon? - Mars Migration Theory answers these questions simply because Mars itself had collided with Venus at first and then with Earth after, these collisions are occurred simply because Mars had moved its displacement from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm). The motion direction provided the chance for these collisions. And - After the collision with Venus, Mars had pushed all debris in its motion direction, So Venus found no debris around it, so couldn't create its own moon.. - Then Mars had collided with Earth pushed the collisions debris in its motion direction, but some debris lost part of their motion momentum, for that Earth could attracted some of them and created The Earth moon, that explains the lunar Magma ocean origin (it's Venus). - The rest debris were pushed with Mars in its motion direction. - Let's ask, why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? Because The rate (13%) is a middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%).
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 Mars Moons Creation - Mars Moons Creation are very good proof for Mars Migration Theory. - The collisions debris lost the great part of their momentum when reach to Mars orbital distance point, because of that, Mars with its small mass could attracted 2 moons, because the debris is too much around it and can attract them easily. Where Venus great gravity couldn't create even one moon because no debris around it - The facts can be seen clearly when be put beside each other. The Asteroid Belt Creation - The asteroid belt is one more proof for Mar Migration Theory - The collisions debris which were pushed with Mars motion to its current orbital distance point (227.9 mkm) couldn't be all attracted by Mars gravity because of its small mass, Mars had attracted only its 2 small moons - But - Jupiter gravity attracted the rest debris and by that they create the asteroid belt. Mars Diameter Decreasing - According to the equation (7070 km x 1092 = 84 mkm) Mars ancient diameter was 7070 km and became 6792 km (less 4.1%). And Mars orbital distance was 84 mkm - Please remember - Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm = Mercury diameter 4879 km x1092 - Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm =Earth diameter 12756 km x1092 - Saturn orbital distance 1433.5 mkm = Saturn diameter 120536 km x1092 - Notice - Mars Mass =0.642 x 1024 kg - If Mars Mass be increased with (8%) and be =0.697 x 1024 kg - Mercury and Mars Masses (0.33 and 0.697) and their orbital distances (57.9 mkm and 84 mkm) respectively will follow the gravitation equation as similar to Jupiter and Saturn data (Can 4% of diameter create a difference 8% of Mass?)
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 (3rd ) Mercury Motion Data Effect On Mars Motion Data I- Data (1) (Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = (6792 km/4879 km)2 (2) (687 days /175.94 days) = (227.9 mkm /57.9 mkm) (3) 7 degrees = 5.1 degrees + 1.9 degrees II- Discussion Equation No. (1) (Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = (6792 km/4879 km)2 = 0.524 - Where - 6792 km = Mars diameter - 4879 km = Mercury diameter - Equation no. (1) tells that, Mercury And Mars Masses And Diameters Are Rated With Each Other. Notice - Mars motion daily =0.524 degrees Equation No. (2) (687 days /175.94 days) = (227.9 mkm /57.9 mkm) - Where - 687 days = Mars Orbital Period - 175.94 days = Mercury Day Period - 227.9 mkm = Mars Current orbital distance - 57.9 mkm = Mercury Current orbital distance - More data is rated between Mars and Mercury
  • 17. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 17 - We should notice that, the data proportionality is done mostly between the neighbor planets… for example - Mars orbital period (687 days) = the moon orbital period (27.3 days) x 25.2 - Where 25.2 deg = Mars Axial Tilt. Also - 25.2 deg = 1.9 deg x 13.17 deg - Where, 13.17 deg = The Moon Daily Degrees - And 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination Equation No. (3) 7 degrees = 5.1 degrees + 1.9 degrees - Where - 7 deg = Mercury orbital inclination - 5.1 deg = The moon orbital inclination - 1.9 deg = Mars orbital inclination - Mercury motion data shows a strong proportionality with Mars motion data which gives reference that Mars once was a neighbor to Mercury.
  • 18. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 18 3-2 More About The Solar Planets Migration - Mars Migration Theory is a part of the solar system history which has many good proves, for that it's provided easily. - The rest part of the story has no strong proves yet but we need to know it to have a general vision about what's happened really, let's summarize the rest part of the story in following - Pluto was The Mercury Moon - The planets order was as following: - Mercury – Mars – Venus – Earth – Uranus – Neptune – Jupiter. - Mercury, Venus and Earth orbital distances are not changed greatly (the change is less than 1%) - Mars orbital distance was 84 mkm and be known from Mars migration theory - Uranus orbital distance was 778.6 mkm = Jupiter current orbital distance - Neptune orbital distance was 2402 mkm - Jupiter ancient orbital distance was 5906 mkm = Pluto current orbital distance - There's one event stroked 3 planets by great forces. (this event is unknown yet) - The most strong stroke be against Mercury, and the result is that, Mercury axial tilt was 1 degree and became almost 0.01 degree (or Zero). (this event caused to change Venus Axial Tilt from 1.774 degrees to be 177.4 degrees) - The second stroke be against Pluto, We tell its story after Mars - The third stroke be against Mars. By this stroke Mars had migrated from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm). - When Mars Migrated, Uranus had pushed Neptune out till Pluto orbital distance = 5906 mkm. And Uranus orbital distance be 2872.5 mkm. These changes forced Jupiter to use Uranus ancient Position and be on the orbital distance 778.6 mkm. - Pluto was the Mercury Moon and had stroked strongly, and be flied through the solar system to the end point of the solar system. (5906 mkm)
  • 19. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 19 - We remember, Neptune orbital distance was (in that time) =5906 mkm - Means, Pluto had collided with Neptune on the point 5906 mkm, and - Pluto had pushed Neptune out of its orbit and occupied the point 5906 mkm, forced Neptune to be more near to the sun with orbital distance =4495.1 mkm. (But without orbit!) (Means Neptune needs energy to build its orbit. We have to discuss that in the paper third part discussion) - This event is registered in Pluto data because Pluto eccentricity distance = Pluto Neptune distance =1410 mkm. - Pluto collision with Neptune caused to create Pluto moons and the Kupier belt - These events are done before - The Sun Creation - Saturn Creation, But - The Earth Moon Creation Be Done In While With These Events. Now - The planets migration can cause the solar group to be destroyed. - Uranus depended on Jupiter and Jupiter depended on the 3 planets (Mercury – Venus and Earth) to cause Saturn Creation. - Saturn is the pillar on which the solar group depended and be protected from the destruction. - The sun is created depends on Saturn. - The Sun Creation Is One Part Of The Solar System Repair Procedure. Comments - Many events are told without proves because their proves are complex and weak. - These events be built by some guess and no requirement to be acceptable as facts, spite they are real facts. But the proof process is so complex for that I add the story here to cause a simplicity for discussions general vision Notice - The Sun Creation Has A Relationship With The Planets Migration Events.
  • 20. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 20 4- The Sun Creation Direct Proves 4-1 Preface 4-2 The Rate 1.0725 4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts 4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis 4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) analysis 4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion. 4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis 4-1 Preface - There are 8 direct proves for the hypothesis (Earth And All Solar Planets Are Found Before The Sun Creation) which are: (1)The sun gives one face always to the Earth during the motion. this is similar to the moon behavior with the Earth. The moon be created after the Earth, why the sun be before if the 2 behaviors are similar? The circle motion shows that the sun depends on 365.25 days (Earth orbital period), means, this period be found before the sun creation. means, Earth Be Found Before The Sun. (2)The Rate 1.0725 effects on The Solar System Distances (3)Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts to prevent The Overturning Motions. (4)The Sun Diameter proves that, it's created in proportionality with the solar planets creation and motion data (5)Jupiter orbital circumference analysis shows that, the sun be created in proportionality with it. (6)The rate of time (1 day =365.25 days) shows the sun origin. (7)The Solar Planets motions depend on the equal distances feature and not on the sun mass gravity. (8)The Sun is Created depending on Saturn Data (Analysis for Earth and Pluto Motions Data). We study these direct proves in following
  • 21. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 21 4-2 The Rate 1.0725 I- Data (A) Why These Distances Are Equal? (1) Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance = Mars Orbital Circumference = Pluto Neptune Distance = Pluto eccentricity Distance = Neptune Orbital Distance/π = Uranus Orbital Distance /2 = Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2 (2) Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (error 0.5%) (3) Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (error 1.5%) Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (error 1.2%) (Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun) (4) Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (error 0.6%) Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (error 0.8%) Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
  • 22. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 22 (B) More Data Why These Distances Are NOT Equal? 1. 0725 . 1 mkm 2.41 nce Circumfere Orbital Moon mkm 2.58 Motion Daily Earth = 2. 1.0725 km) (378500 radius Eclipse Solar Total km) (406000 radius orbital Apogee = 3. 0725 . 1 distance Mercury Jupiter mkm 720.3 Distance Orbital Juppiter mkm 6 . 778 = (Error 0.7%) 4. 1.0725 Distance Venus Jupiter mkm 670 distance Mercury Jupiter mkm 720.3 = 5. 1.0725 Distance Earth Jupiter mkm 629 Distance Venus Jupiter mkm 670 = (Error 0.6%) 6. 1.0725 mkm) (1325.3 Distance Venus Sarurn mkm) (1433.5 Distance Orbital Saturn = (Error 0.8%) 7. 1.0725 mkm) (1205.6 Distance Mars Sarurn mkm) (1284 Distance Earth Saturn = (Error 0.7%) 8. 1.0725 mkm) (2644 Distance Mars Uranus mkm) (2872.5 Distance Orbital Uranus = (Error 0.7%) 9. 1.0725 mkm) (4495.1 Distance Orbital Neptune mkm) (4894 nce Circumfere Orbital Jupiter = (Error 1.5 %) (10) 0725 . 1 T. Axail Earth 23.4 T. Axail Mars 25.2 T. Axail Mars 25.2 T. Axail Satrun 26.7 Tilt Axail Satrun 26.7 Tilt Axail Neptune 28.3 = = =
  • 23. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 23 II – Discussion - The previous data shows that - 50% of all distances in the solar system be equal one another, and - 40% of all distances in the solar system be rated one another with the same rate (1.0725) - Why? - The solar system motion analysis lead us to the conclusion that, the machine works by equal distances feature (let's remember it in following) - An Example - Earth moves during its day period a distance (24 h) = Pluto motion distance during its day period (153.3 h) (error 1%). - We have observed this equality of distances. - The periods of time are defined because they are defined by planets motions. means, these periods of time aren't common periods but defined periods, depending on planets motions. - Means, these 2 distances be equal by some mentioned process. Because they depend on 2 defined periods of time (depend on 2 planets motions). - And, - We can't discover the geometrical effect of the 2 distances till now - But - We have discovered that, this method is used by all solar planets motions. That means, The equal distances method is used (thousands of times) in the solar system motion. - Because of this heavy using for this method I supposed that, this method creates some geometrical effect causes the planets motions. and by that I have concluded that, the solar planets motions depend on equal distances method and not on the sun mass gravity. - Regardless the conclusion credibility, the facts solve our question
  • 24. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 24 - Because the equal distances method is used thousands of times in the solar system motion. that causes (50%) of all distances in the solar system to be equal one another. - That explains the data group No. (A) and makes it understandable. - The point need explanation is the data group no. (B) where the distances are NOT equal But Rated with 1.0725 (Why?) - Why 40% of distances are rated with the same rate (1.0725)? - Let's consider this question in following: o The usual case is the equal distances as the data in Point no. (A), That means, these rated distances were equal one another before and all of them be effected by the rate 1.0725, o Means, o We have some historical order, which is o The distances were equal, but o Some change caused these equal distances to be rated with (1.0725) o And, 1.0725 = (100/100) + (7.25/100) o We can conclude that, o The distances were equal till The Sun Creation, and after the sun creation, the sun obliquity on ecliptic (7.25 deg) caused the equal distances to be rated with one another by the same one rate (1.0725). o Means, the rate 1.0725 proves that, The Sun Is Created After All Solar Planets Creation. o One more feature supports this powerful argument, that o The same rate (1.0725) is used for different distances. Because the sun effects on all solar planets. That shows the rate (1.0725) must be related to the sun because it's the same one rate. If this rate be belonged to any planet, it will not effect on different distances equally because the sun only effects on the planets equally. That shows the rate 1.0725 is belonged to the sun effect.
  • 25. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 25 II – Discussion (continued) (I) - What Does This Point Tell Us? - The Solar System Distances Are Defined Geometrically - How to understand that? - The Solar System Description inherited by Newton Theory tells us, Each planet moves (independently) from the other planets, and by that, each distance is defined almost (independently) from the others - What does the data tell us? - The distances are found geometrically - Means, - Suppose you have a triangle. This triangle 3 dimensions are not independent from one another. their measurements are defined depends on each other. - A question (what geometrical design control the solar system all distance?) I didn't discover it yet, so, I can't tell what geometrical design controls the distances but I can conclude that they are NOT Independent. - The data gives clearly a different vision from what Newton Told us. - For example - (Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm) = (Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm) x 1.392 - Where 1.392 mkm = The Sun Diameter - The data disproves any independency can be imagined among these 3 values (149.6 mkm, 108.2 mkm and 1.392 mkm). We should discuss this data later, but I try to show that, the distances are defined geometrically depending on one another or in proportionality with one another. (II) - Why The Rate (1.0725) Be Belonged To The Sun Effect? - Because - Another rate (7.1 or 7.25) be used in the solar system distances also
  • 26. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 26 - Notice - The rates (7.25 and 7.1) are 2 different rates with error =2% - Both are used and the error 2% is found for geometrical necessities we should discuss later. - For Example - 7.1 x 51118 km (Uranus diameter) = 363000 km (Perigee radius) - 7.1 x 363000 km (Perigee Radius) = 2.574 mkm = Earth motion distance daily - And - 2 x 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) =41.4 mkm (Earth Venus distance) x 7.25 - Many other data can be added. - The point is that, the distances are defined geometrically and the rates (7.1 and 7.25) are used in these forms frequently and then be used also as the rate 1.0725 - All these rates be produced by Lorentz Transformations for a velocity = 0.99c - (c = light known velocity =3000000 per second) - That means, this velocity (0.99c) is found in the solar system but we can't observe it, and its effects be seen in the planets motions data in different forms - i.e. - The rate 1.0725 is found almost because of Lorentz length Contraction effect. But the contraction direct rate is 7.1 and the solar system uses this rate (7.1) in some geometrical process to produce the rate 1.0725. (also the rate 7.25 be found based on 7.1 by error 2% which is found for geometrical necessity) - Although the explanation isn't simple but it's very useful one because it enable us to explain all distances values in the solar system. - I want to say, - We shouldn't disregard this idea as a wrong one because without this idea we will be forced to accept tenths of data be created only by (pure coincidences), means no explanations for tenths of distances values but this one idea provides explanations for All Distances in the solar system. We should consider it as a good idea.
  • 27. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 27 - We should discuss this supposed velocity (0.99c) with the paper 3rd proof. - I want to say - This paper provides useful material but incomplete. Because - The paper in different discussions shows that, the solar planets creation and motion data faces contradictions with Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity. The paper tries to analyze the planets data as deep as possible to create its own theory in comparison with Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity. The paper provides no guarantee of success in this process, but the deep analysis kills Newton Theory and discovers basic features of the solar system motion. the paper provides the basics and columns of the planets motions facts. - Shortly - This paper is the first step on which we change our wrong direction and stop to follow Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity, turning our direction to the planets motions facts and define the next research basic trajectory to explain how the solar system motion be done. - I write this comment because - The velocity 0.99c is the only one solution I have found to explain the solar system all distances - But - I couldn't catch the motion of this velocity with a decisive proof - I will provide what I have in the 3rd proof discussion - But - Regardless the proof discussion, I confirm that, the velocity 0.99c is found on the solar system motion. - So, while the data tells the facts, no available geometrical or physical laws to explain it.
  • 28. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 28 4-3 Uranus Effect On The Planets Axial Tilts I- Data (a) (b) 97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt= 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination x 122.5 deg (Pluto) (c) 180.8 deg = 177.4 deg Venus Axial Tilt + 3.4 deg Venus orbital inclination But 98.6 deg x 1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) = 177.4 deg Venus Axial Tilt (d) (118.3 deg /97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt) = (28.3 deg /23.6 dg) (e) (97.8 deg/3.1 deg) = 31.5 but 31.5 x 0.8 deg = 25.2 deg Mars Axial Tilt (f) 113.45 deg x 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination = 90.8 deg (g) (97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt) / (26.7 deg Saturn Axial Tilt) = 3.66 (h) Π deg x 0.8 deg (Uranus) = 2.51 deg (where 2.5 deg =Saturn orbital inclination). (i) 90000 mkm = (π3 ) x 2872.5 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance) Notice 122.5 deg = Pluto Axial Tilt 115.2 deg = 90 deg +25.2 deg (Mars Axial Tilt) 180.8 deg = 180 deg + 0.8 deg (Uranus orbital inclination) 98.6 deg = 97.8 deg Uranus Axial Tilt + 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination 118.3 deg = 90 deg +28.3 deg (Neptune Axial Tilt) 2 . 115 5 . 122 0725 . 1 T. Axail Earth 23.4 T. Axail Mars 25.2 T. Axail Mars 25.2 T. Axail Satrun 26.7 Tilt Axail Satrun 26.7 Tilt Axail Neptune 28.3 = = = =
  • 29. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 29 3.1 deg = Jupiter Axial Tilt 3.66 = (the sun diameter 1.392 mkm/ Saturn circumference 378675 km) 90.8 deg = 90 deg + 0.8 deg Uranus orbital inclination Notice 17.4 deg = the inner planets orbital inclinations total 17.2 deg = Pluto orbital inclination 23.6 deg = the outer planets orbital inclinations total 23.4 deg= Earth Axial Tilt 17.4 deg +23.4 deg = 17.2 deg +23.6 deg. II- Discussion - The previous data is so interesting group, how to explain it? - The data shows, the solar planets axial tilts are created in proportionality with one another. this data shows clearly that, some geometrical reason must be found behind and no any pure coincidence can create this data. - If we move with this data step by step we should reach to this conclusion simply, for example - Equation no. (a) shows that 7 planets axial tilts be rated to one another by the same rate (1.0725) which we have discussed in the previous point. - No pure coincidences can create such interesting effect, the data simply shows, the planets axial tilts be in proportionality because of a geometrical reason. - But what's this geometrical reason? - The rest data shows that, Uranus is the basic player behind this geometrical reason. Clearly Uranus axial tilt and orbital inclination be used to effect strongly and clearly on all solar planets axial tilts as seen clearly in the data. - The data shows Uranus domination on the solar planets axial tilts
  • 30. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 30 - I want to say, it's some very strange, that Uranus effects so strongly on all solar planets axial tilts. Means, the effect is specific and mentioned. How that can be possible? - Uranus effects on the solar planets axial tilts and causes their values to be in proportionality as the previous data shows clearly. - This data proves the hypothesis tells (The Solar System Is One Machine And Each Planet Is A Gear In It) - But - How to explain Uranus effect on The Solar Planets Axial Tilts? - I suggest the following answer - Uranus effects on the solar planets axial tilts to prevent the planets overturning motion. by that, no planet revolve around the sun with 90 degrees, but all planets revolve through the horizontal level. - That tells, Uranus Effect causes some unification of the solar planets motions, by its effect on the planets axial tilts. - Equation no. (i) tries to explain this role reason, let's discuss it in following Equation no. (i) 90000 mkm = (π3 ) x 2872.5 mkm (Uranus Orbital Distance) - Where - 97.8 deg (Uranus Axial Tilt) /3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) = (π3 ) (error 1%) - Equation no. (i) supposes that, the sun rays energy is produced by the planets motions energies total, we should discuss this idea in the point (The Sun Rays Creation). - 90000 mkm = C2 (if the period of time is 1 second) (C = Light velocity) - C2 = The Source of Energy - The equation shows that, Uranus orbital distance is the first product after the sun rays creation. means, if the planets modify their orbital distances as a result for the
  • 31. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 31 sun creation, Uranus be the first planet did that, which enable Uranus to be Guide for the other planets and effect on their axial tilts. Notice - Uranus effect on the planets axial tilts data is directed data as we see clearly. There's no way to remove the data under (pure coincidence claim), or even to attribute another reason for this data. because the data is directed as a method be used for all planets. That tells Uranus does some important task because of that no one planet can escape from its effect - The data shows different forms of the effect, but it's Uranus effect doubtless and this effect is used on the planets axial tilts and no reason to do that except to prevent the overturning motions of the planets. - The data shows that clearly, the planets be created before the sun creation. because of that, they need to control their axial tilts, if the planets be created after the sun creation this option of motion will not be found and by that no effect of Uranus is required on the planets axial tilts. Notice - The relationship between Uranus, Saturn and the sun may be more deep that any other relationship. Because of the rate be (3.66) (Equation no. g).
  • 32. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 32 4-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis I-Data 1- Diameters - (6792 km Mars Diameter) / (4879 km Mercury Diameter) =1.392 - (4879 km Mercury Diameter) / (3475 km the moon Diameter) =1.392 (1%) - (71492 km Jupiter Radius) / (51118 km Uranus Diameter) =1.392 2- Distances - (57.9 mkm Mercury orbital distance) /(41.4 mkm Venus Earth distance)=1.392 - (108.2 mkm Venus orbital distance) /(78.3 mkm Earth Mars distance)=1.392 - (149.6 mkm Earth orbital distance) /(108.2 mkm Venus orbital distance)=1.392 - (4267 mkm Mars Neptune distance) /(3061 mkm Saturn Neptune distance)=1.392 - (778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance) /(550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter distance)=1.392 - (550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter distance x 2) /(778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance) =1.392 - (5127 mkm Pluto Jupiter distance) /(3716 mkm Jupiter Neptune distance) =1.392 (error 1%) - (5906 mkm Pluto orbital distance) /(4267 mkm Mars Neptune distance) =1.392 - (2872.5 mkm Uranus orbital distance) /(2094 mkm Jupiter Uranus distance) =1.392 3- Periods - (243 days Venus Rotation Period) /(175.94 days Mercury day period) =1.392 - 2.5 deg (Saturn orbital inclination) /1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) =1.392 - 1.8 deg (Neptune orbital inclination) / 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination) =1.392 - 5.1 deg (The moon orbital inclination) / 3.66 =1.392 4- The Sun Diameter - 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Venus Diameter 12104 km x 115.2 - 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Mars Diameter 6792 km x 205.2 - 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) = Neptune Diameter 49528 km x 28.3
  • 33. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 33 II- Discussion - The data groups no. (1,2 and 3) show that, - The rate 1.392 is used frequently among planets different data. - Why? because - The solar system is similar to one machine of gears and each planet is one gear in it. because the machine moves one unified motion, the gears data should be in proportionality with one another. - Similar to that, the planets creation and motion data be created in proportionality with one another. we will prove that in details in the paper part Two. - Based on this vision the solar planets data be created depends on one geometrical design. - This idea we have discussed before in the paper methodology, where the (supposed) diameter 12430 km be defined geometrically and not created actually - The Sun Diameter Can Have A Similar Discussion. - The Sun Diameter Be defined geometrically before the sun creation. - Because - The machine depends on one geometrical design and each part should be created in harmony with this geometrical design otherwise the machine can't work. - We should notice that, the rate 1.392 is defined with the solar system creation geometrically, Before the sun creation and also before the planets migration. - This definition is done geometrically, so, the value (1.392) in the data is very ancient. But the sun diameter (1.392 mkm) be created later. - That means, - The sun diameter can't prove that the sun is created after all solar planets creation but can prove that the sun diameter is created in proportionality with all planets creation and motion data.
  • 34. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 34 Group Data No. (4) - The sun diameter 1.392 mkm = Venus diameter 12104 km x 115.2 = Mars diameter 6792 km x 205.2 - But - 25.2 + 90 = 115.2 and 115.2 +90 =205.2 - 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt Notice (1) - In kepler third law in which (D3 = P2 x constant), the constant used for the solar planets orbital distance and periods should be = 25 Notice (2) - The sun diameter 1.392 mkm = Neptune diameter 49528 km x 28.3 - And - 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt Notice (3 - The outer planets diameters total 366565 km = Pluto diameter 2390 km x 153.3 - Where - 153.3 hours = Pluto Day Period - I try to show that, there's a complex geometrical mechanism be found behind this data.
  • 35. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 35 4-5 The Sun Obliquity (7.25 deg) Analysis I-Data (1) (365.25 hours x 2) / (7.25 hours) = 101 (2) (511.1 degrees) /(5.05 degrees) =101 (3) (2 x 120536 km) = (2390 km) x 101 (4) Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 366566 sec (=101.8 h) a distance = 17.2 mkm (5) Venus (35 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 127556 km = Earth diameter Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 10921 km = the moon diameter Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 365.25s a distance = 1737 km = the moon radius (1%) Data Analysis - (The moon = The Earth Moon), I don't refer to any other moon in my discussion. - Equation no. (5) tries to support my claim that, the solar system is a very complex machine… 3 planets moves during 365.25 seconds distances = other planets diameters or radiuses… we suppose that, some geometrical reasons must be found behind! The usual answer is, (the data be found by pure coincidences) - But what's the fact? There's a geometrical reason behind this data… o Pluto moves during the solar day period a distance = 406000 km = Earth Moon Distance at apogee radius, and o Pluto moves during its day period a distance = 2593836 km = the moon displacements total during 29.53 days =Earth Motion Distance during the solar day (max error 1%) o Pluto moves during (365.25 solar days) a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance (error 1%)
  • 36. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 36 II – Discussion Equation no. (1) (365.25 hours x 2) / (7.25 hours) = 101 - Earth orbital period (365.25 solar days) be used here as 365.25 hours. Why? because the machine is complex. The machine is a network of motions, and because of that Earth orbital period be used as 365.25 seconds, 365.25 minutes, 365.25 hours and 365.25 solar days …etc - The rate which we need is (101) - This is the rate we need. Why? because - Mercury Pluto Distance 5848 mkm= 101 x Mercury Orbital Distance 57.9 mkm - These distances control the solar system all distances because it extends from the most near planet to the most far one. So, The Rate (101) is the basic Rate in the solar system motion. - So, based on this rate (101), the value (7.25 h) is created depending on the period (365.25 hours). - I want to say, the period 7.25 h which is used as (the sun obliquity on ecliptic 7.25 deg) this value be created based on (Earth orbital period 365.25 days) (which is used here as 365.25 hours). - That means, - The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created depending on the value (365.25). as a result we conclude that, the sun motion data be created depending on Earth motion data which proves that Earth is found and moving before the sun creation and that disproves decisively Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity. Equation no. (2) (511.1 degrees) /(5.05 degrees) =101 - Where - 511.1 degrees = The Solar Planets Axial Tilts Total - 5.1 degrees = The Moon Orbital Inclination (error 1% with 5.05 deg)
  • 37. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 37 - Equation no. (2) tries to show that, the rate (101) controls the solar system basic Data. - The hard question is the value (5.05) or (5.1) - Let's provide more data for better explanation in following More Data - Venus velocity (35 km/s) = Uranus Velocity (6.8 km/s) x 5.1 - Mars velocity (24.1 km/s) = Pluto Velocity (4.7 km/s) x 5.1 - The moon velocity (27.78 km/s) = Neptune Velocity (5.4 km/s) x 5.1 - Uranus day period 61920 sec = 12104 seconds x 5.1 - 2 x Uranus orbital period 30589 days = 12104 days x 5.05 - 10.7 h (Saturn day period) = 38520 sec = 7510 sec x 5.1 - Notice, - 3.4 deg = Venus orbital inclination, if be used as 3.4 hours = 12104 sec - Saturn orbital period 10747 days = 257928 hours = 10.7 h x 12053 - Also - 1433.5 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) = (12053 km x π)2 - Where - 12104 km = Venus diameter - and 7510 km = Pluto Circumference - Notice, - 365.25 mkm = 71 mkm x 5.1 - 71 mkm = the moon motion distance during 29.53 days where (71 mkm = 29.53 days x 2.4 mkm)
  • 38. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 38 II – Discussion (continued) - The data tries to show that, the rate (5.1) is a basic one in the solar system motion. and by that Equations no. 1 and 2 tell that the value (7.25 h) is created by some basic process in the solar system motion. - I want to say, - The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) which is produced as a period of time (7.25 h) be produced by some basic process in the solar system motion. - The data tells some geometrical reason be found behind this data. - This geometrical reason depends on the value (5.1) strongly as seen in the data. - I wish I can prove the point of view, that, - The sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created based on Earth orbital period (365.258 days) which means, earth was found before the sun creation. Equation no. (3) (2 x 120536 km) = (2390 km) x 101 Where - 120536 km = Saturn Diameter - 2390 km = Pluto Diameter - Equation no. (3) tries to show the rate (101) using. The equation is important because the value (2 x 120536 km) is used frequently with Pluto motion, which tells some geometrical mechanism be found behind this data. - Let's remember this data in following - Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921 seconds a distance = 142984 km = Jupiter diameter - Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 7510 seconds a distance = 51118 km = Uranus diameter
  • 39. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 39 - Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 10921 seconds a distance = 51118 km = Uranus diameter - Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 51118 seconds a distance = 2 x 120536 km = Saturn diameter - Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2x 120536 seconds a distance = 1.1318 mkm = Jupiter motion distance during a solar day. Notice - 24.7 h (Mars Day Period) = 7.25 h x 3.4 hours, where - 3.4 deg = Venus orbital inclination which can be used as 3.4 h =12104 sec. Notice - (365.25 hours x 2) / (24.7 hours Mars Day Period) =29.53 A Conclusion - The data tells that, The Sun obliquity (7.25 deg) be created depends on Earth orbital period (365.25 days) by some basic process in the solar system motion. - And this process must be the sun creation process. And by that, the sun be created after all solar planets creations and as a result, the sun mass gravity is NOT the Planet motion reason.
  • 40. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 40 4-6 The 3 Planets Unified Motion. I-Data (6) ((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7 deg/26.7 deg (7) 112.2 km/s x 7.25 h x 3600 sec = 47.4 km/s x 17.2 h x 3600 sec = 13.1 km/sec x 2π x 9.9 h x 3600 sc. Equation no. (6) ((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7 deg/26.7 deg - Equation no. (6) and (7) are similar, they are just 2 forms of the same equation. Let's analyze this one in following - 112.2 km/s = The Total Velocities Of Mercury + Venus + Earth - 47.7 km/s = Mercury Velocity - 17.2 hours = Uranus Day Period - 7.25 =??? - 1.392 mkm = The sun diameter - 0.5875 mkm = Uranus Motion Distance During A Solar Day - 63.7 degrees = The sun pole declination - 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt - Equation no. (6) tells that, the value (7.25) is a period of time (7.25 hours) - The equation tells simply, - The distance be passed by the velocity (112.2 km/s) during (7.25 hours) = Mercury Motion distance during Uranus day Period (17.2 hours)! Why?
  • 41. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 41 - The data support equation no. (1) (((365.25 h x 2)/7.25 h)= 101), proves that the value (7.25) is a period of time =(7.25 hours) and during this period some specific motion be done. - Why we need a comparison between the motion of the total velocity (112.2 km/s) and Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s)? - Because - We need to create some thinking about the three planets motions. means - We try to show that, some machine be found behind these 3 planets motions. and because of this machine, Mercury velocity be used in comparison with the three planets motions velocities total. - I want to say, these 3 planets create together some geometrical machine which effects on The Sun Creation Data. - To make this meaning more clear we need to remember important data, let's do it in following: (I) o Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter distance o Venus Orbital Circumference 680 mkm = Venus Jupiter Distance 671 mkm (error 1.3%) o Earth Orbital Circumference 940 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance 928 mkm (error 1.3%) (In This Case Earth And Jupiter Should Be At 2 Different Sides From The Sun) (II) o 4900 mkm =360 mkm +680 mkm +940 mkm +1433 mkm +1433 mkm (Error 1%) o Where o 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference
  • 42. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 42 o 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference o 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference o 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference o And we suppose that, the earth moon orbital circumference around the sun be considered = Mars Orbital Circumference = 1433 mkm o By that, the data tells o Jupiter orbital circumference = the inner planets orbital circumferences total. - The previous data is interesting and can't be considered as a result of pure coincidences, but clearly we have to conclude that, this data be created based on some geometrical machine, but why this data is related to the sun? let's see more data in following o 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) =1.392 mkm (the sun diameter) x 3475 km (the Earth moon diameter) (error 1%) o 4900 mkm (Jupiter orbital circumference) = Jupiter Circumference (449197 km) x the moon circumference (10921 km), And o Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 10921seconds a distance =142984 km = Jupiter diameter (where 10921 km = the moon circumference) o Means o The multiplication of the sun diameter and the moon diameter = the inner planets orbital circumferences total, and o The multiplication of Jupiter Circumference with the moon circumference produce Jupiter orbital circumference. The difference between both = 1% But o Jupiter diameter 14284 km x π2 = 1.392 mkm = The sun diameter (error 1.3%) - Almost it's impossible to create the previous data by any pure coincidences… we deal with a geometrical machine its features are seen perfectly in each piece of data. if we can't catch the geometrical machine that can't disprove the fact.
  • 43. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 43 - I want to say that, - Some geometrical machine is found between the 3 planets (Mercury, Venus and Earth) motions in comparison with Jupiter, and this machine effects on the sun creation and motion data. - Now let's return to the equation no. (6) Equation no. (6) (continued) ((112.2 km/s) / (47.4 km/s)) = (17.2 h /7.25 h) = (1.392 mkm /0.5875 mkm) = 63.7 deg/26.7 deg - How to understand this equation? - Mercury moves during Uranus day period (17.2 hours) a distance = the distance be passed by the 3 velocities total(112.2 km/s) during a period =7.25 hours - And what's this distance? - (47.7 km/s) x 17.2h x 3600s = 2.935 mkm - (112.2 km/s) x 7.25 h x 3600s = 2.928 mkm - What's this distance 2.935 mkm (or 2.928 mkm)? - The sun circumference (4.37 mkm) – the sun diameter (1.392 mkm) = 2.978 mkm - The difference be =1.5% - The data tells that, the distance (2.935 mkm or 2.928 mkm) is almost belonged to the sun motion. that tells why the period (7.25 hours) be used for this data. and tells that, the sun obliquity (7.25 deg) is almost be created depending on this period (7.25 h). - But, can we understand how this distance (2.978 mkm) b created? - What does mean (The Sun Circumference – The Sun Diameter)? - The solar system is a very complex machine in different features, because of that, planet circumference and diameter be 2 different players in motion! - For Example - Venus (35 km/s) moves during 12104 seconds a distance = 423640 km = Uranus motion distance during its day period.
  • 44. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 44 - But, 12104 km = Venus Diameter - Venus Circumference = 38025 km - Saturn Day Period = 38520 seconds (the difference 1.3%) - Means, - The planet diameter and circumference are 2 different players in the motion. - That tells the distance = (The Sun Circumference – The Sun Diameter), has a geometrical effect on motion. Notice - The distance 2.978 equals the distance be passed by light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) during period (= 10 seconds) - This data be important because - 10 Saturn orbital periods = 10747 x 10 = 107470 days, and - 107470 days x 24 hours = 10.7 hours (Saturn Day Period) x 2 x 120536 - (where 120536 km = Saturn diameter) - I can't explain the previous data but - The data shows that, the rate (10) is required for using because of Saturn Diameter - If the solar system is a network of motions (as I claim) these 2 values of (10) for light motion and Saturn orbital period must have connection with one another. - (this data we should discuss as deep as possible in the solar system motion analysis point. No. 6)
  • 45. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 45 4-7 Earth Orbital Period Analysis I- Data (8) 365.25 = (1407.6 h /24.6h) x (153.3 h /24 h) (9) 365.25 = 2π x 58.1313 days (10) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2π3 x 1461 days (Earth Cycle) (11) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.53 x 365.25 days (12) 25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm daily x 1461 days II – Discussion Equation no. (8) 365.25 = (1407.6 h /24.6h) x (153.3 h /24 h) - Where - 1407.6 h = Mercury rotation period - 24.6 h = Mars rotation period - 153.3 h = Pluto day period - 24 h = Earth day period - Equation no. (8) shows a geometrical mechanism be found behind the period 365.25 days because 4 planets data be interacted to produce it. - The data can explain another equation where - (365.25 days/9.18) = (5906 mkm/ 149.6 mkm) - Where - 1 day of Mercury Motion = 9.18 days of Pluto Motion - 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance - 149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance
  • 46. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 46 Equation no. (9) 365.25 = 2π x 58.1313 days - Where - 58.1313 days is different from 58.66 days (Mercury rotation period) with (1%) - Equation no. (9) shows that, the period 365.25 days (earth orbital period) my be effected by Mercury Motion. Equation no. (12) 25920 mkm = 17.75 mkm daily x 1461 days - Where - 17.75 mkm = the solar planets motions distances during a solar day (all planets motions + The Earth Moon Motions) - 1461 days = earth Cycle (365 +365 +365+366) - And - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) travels during a solar day (86400 s) a distance =25920 mkm - Equation (12) tells that the cycle1461 days be used by all planets motions.
  • 47. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 47 5- The Sun Position Analysis 5-1 Preface 5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position? 5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form? 5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions 5-1 Preface - In this point we analyze the sun position based on the available data. - Because - We test the current description about the solar planets motions - For example - We try to ask questions as the following - Do all planets be on the same horizontal level relative one another? - Is there any planet position be perpendicular on another planet position. - We understand, the planets orbital inclinations define these planets inclinations on the ecliptic - But - Is there no other factors can effect on the planets positions? - This analysis aims to discover the sun position relative to the solar planets motions. - The paper supposes some modification may be required for the solar system correct description and (its map) .
  • 48. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 48 5-2 Is There A Geometrical Structure Behind The Sun Position? I-Data (1) 150.6 mkm = 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) (2) 57.63 mkm = 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) (3) Sin (23.6 deg) x 257.8 mkm = 103.4 mkm II-Discussion Equation no. (1) 150.6 mkm = 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) Earth Orbital Distance = 149.6 mkm (which is different from 150.6 mkm with 0.7%) - Equation no. (1) tells that, Earth and Venus orbital distances are defined in proportionality with the sun diameter. the equation tells clearly that, some geometrical design must be found behind this data, and neither Earth orbital distance nor Venus orbital distance can be created independent from one another. also the sun diameter can't be independent accordingly. - The meanings aren't easy to be explained, for that reason we move to the next equation for better vision Equation no. (2) 57.63 mkm = 41.4 mkm (Venus Earth Distance) x 1.392 mkm (The Sun Diameter) - 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance (different from 57.6 mkm with 0.5%) - This equation confirms the same meaning… - The orbital distances of Mercury, Venus and Earth are defined based on some geometrical design takes into consideration the sun diameter (please remember, these 3 planets define their orbital circumference to be = their distance to Jupiter)
  • 49. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 49 Equation no. (3) Sin (23.6 deg) x 257.8 mkm = 103.4 mkm - S= The Sun - V = Venus - E= The Earth - ES = Earth Orbital Distance = 149.6 mkm - SV = Venus Orbital Distance = 108.2 mkm - EV = 103.4 mkm - Notice - The distance between Venus and Earth = 41.4 mkm and NOT 103.4 mkm. So how this triangle be built?! - let's move step by step: o Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm + Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm = 257.8 mkm (This distance be found when Earth and Venus be on 2 different sides from the sun with an angle 180 degrees between the 3 players) o 257.8 mkm x sin (23.6 deg) = 103.4 mkm (=EV distance In The Triangle) o 23.45 deg = Earth axial tilt (has a difference with 23.6 deg be 1%) o In our triangle (SEV) the angles be defined geometrically as following o The Angle (S) = 43.6 degrees o The Angle (V) = 90 degrees o The Angle (E) = 46.4 degrees (= 2 x 23.2 deg = Earth Axial Tilt error 1%) o Now let's analyze this triangle in following
  • 50. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 50 - Is this triangle (SEV) an imaginary one? because the distance between Venus and Earth be 103.4 mkm and the real distance = 41.4 mkm? - We see that, the distance between earth and Venus can be even = 257.8 mkm when the 2 planets be on 2 different sides from the sun. So if the distance can be = 257.8 mkm, that means, it can be also 103.4 mkm. That means this triangle can't be an imaginary one. - Why this triangle is useful? - Because of the angle (E) = 2 x 23.2 degrees (Earth Axial Tilt) (error 1%) - That tells, Earth axial tilt is produced by some interaction be found among Earth, Venus and The Sun Data - Notice - One simple question we should ask, Why Venus angle =90 degrees? This question is so hard to be answered now. We have to wait this answer later. - What Useful Results We Get From This Triangle? 2 Basic Results - (1st Result) - The triangle tells that, some geometrical design be used to produce the data of Earth, Venus and Mercury orbital distances in addition to the sun diameter. also Earth axial tilt be defined in this interaction. The triangle tells some geometrical design be found under this data. because of that this triangle is found as a part of this geometrical design. - (2nd Result) - The Sun Be Perpendicular On Venus Planet. Specifically, the angle between the sun position and Venus planet position is (90 degrees). By that the sun must be on vertical axis (z-axis) while Venus moves on (x-y plain). - This description of the sun position needs a deep analysis to know what's happened or how this position be defined?
  • 51. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 51 Notice 41.6 mkm = 0.384 mkm x 108.2 mkm (Venus Orbital Distance) - 41.4 mkm = Venus Earth Distance (different from 41.6 mkm with 0.4%) - 0.384 mkm = The Earth Moon Orbital Distance - The data tells, The Earth moon orbital distance also be defined accordingly - The paper provides an interesting approach to explain the solar planets motions. - While the solar planets motions description inherited from Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity tells that each planet motion is independent from the other planets motions. As a result each planet orbital distance be defined independently, The suggested description tells that, each planet motion takes into consideration the other planets motions. - We here deal with a building found depending on one another. based on this vision, because Venus orbital distance =108.2 mkm, that causes Earth orbital distance to be 149.6 mkm - And because of the 2 planets orbital distances be (108.2 mkm and 149.6 mkm) the Earth moon orbital distance be (0.384 mkm). - The vision is completely different from what Newton told us. while Newton supposed the space is limitless and can contain hundreds of planets moving without effect on each other. the fact is the 9 planets motions effect on one another and forces each planet to define each motion in proportionality with the other planets. The vision is different because Newton vision of (NO Effect) created separated trajectories of motions. And based on this vision we see the planets as cars move in track independently from one another (even the real cars can't be independent because the track is the same one and all have to move in harmony otherwise they will collide). The suggested description tells that, the motions be built as a building and each motion depend on the other motions and by that they need one geometrical design controls and manages all of them.
  • 52. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 52 5-3 Can the Sun moves (in frequentation) form? - Let's discuss one interesting idea in following: - Suppose the sun be found really on the axis (SV) with (90 degrees) on Venus Planet Position. - How Can The Sun Circle Earth In This Case? - The sun can moves in (a frequentation form). That means, the sun moves forward and backward (and not in circle). But because Earth in (under) the sun (vertically), we see this motion as a circle motion. - Specifically - The sun moves forward and backward which can be considered as a rotation around the sun axis with a percentage =63.7% - As a result, this motion cause the sun pole declination to be =63.7 degrees - That means, the sun moves a distance = 63.7% of its circumference 4.37 mkm which be = 2.7836 mkm. - This motion the sun does once every year and we see this motion as (the sun circles the Earth). - Notice (2.7836 mkm =1.0725 x 2.598 mkm) - This idea depends on a hypothesis tells that, there's 90 degrees between the sun and Venus. We should discuss if there's any proof for this perpendicularity. Also we have to discus the sun motion distance (2.598 mkm) in the point (the sun rays creation).
  • 53. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 53 5-4 Can a Perpendicularity Be Found Between The Sun And Venus Positions - This figure shows a suggested description for the solar planets positions - S = The Sun - V= Venus - U = Uranus - The line (180 degrees), means that, - The sun and Uranus (both) are perpendicular on Venus on both 2 sides and by that the 3 players be on one straight line. - Based on what data this description be suggested? On the following - Venus axial tilt 177.4 degrees + Venus orbital inclination 3.4 degrees = 180.8 degrees - But - 0.8 degrees = Uranus orbital inclination - That means, the value (180.8 degrees = 0.8 deg +180 deg) - And the 180 deg be shown on this line in the figure - Can This Figure Shows Real Facts? - I provide different data formed in geometrical forms trying to prove that, a geometrical design must be found behind this data. - I want to say that, the data which is found in different geometrical forms can't be created by some pure coincidences but created based on a geometrical design whose features are seen in different forms - That's why this figure provides a support for the claim, some perpendicularity is found between Venus and the sun potions. V U S
  • 54. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 54 6- Saturn Creation 6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis 6-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis 6-3 Saturn Creation Discussion 6-1 Saturn Orbital Period Analysis (10747 days) I-Data Equation No. (1) 88000 km x 10747 days = 945.8 mkm - There are many features of the proportionality between Saturn data on one side and the Earth with its moon data on the other side. - But - Equation no. (1) is The Basic Proof For This Proportionality…. - The moon daily displacement = 88000 mkm, and Earth Orbital Circumference =940 mkm, - Based on that, the moon needs a period = 10747 days to pass the distance 940 mkm by using its daily displacement. - The period 10747 days =Saturn orbital period, and the error in calculation= 0.6% - Shortly - The Period 10747 Days is known before Saturn Creation And Motion. Why? - Suppose the moon needs 10747 days to pass Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm by its daily displacement 88000 km, Why Saturn Orbital Period = This Period 10747 Days? - What Geometrical Reason Is Found Behind This Proportionality Of Data?! - Here we have a basic point of conflict with the solar system classical description. while the description supposes that, Planet data be created by historical unknown factors have no effect on this planet current motion. the suggested description tells that, some geometrical reason is found behind planets data creation. Based on this
  • 55. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 55 vision, some interaction must be found between Earth and moon motions on one side and Saturn motion on the other side, and as a result for this interaction, Saturn orbital period be = 10747 days which is the period the moon needs to pass Earth orbital circumference by using its daily displacement (88000 km) - The classical description supposes the data be created by some pure coincidence and by that it losses the chance to discover the interaction between the planets motions. - This procedure is used by the classical description based on the gravitation equation effect. Because every one thinks that, no interaction can be found between Earth and Saturn motions because of the huge distance between them. Based on this conclusion, the classical description removes the data under pure coincidence claim. - This is an effect of the Newton theory on the solar system classical description, because the theory supposes that, the planet motion is independent from the planet data and by that the theory told the data be created by historical factors neglecting the motion be done by the planet continuously. - But, we need to answer the question… - Why Saturn Orbital Period =10747 days? Why the moon motion be a player in Saturn motion data definition? Let's try to analyze the data as deep as possible Equation No. (2) 25920 mkm = 2.4 mkm x 10747 days - Where - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period - 2.4 mkm = the moon motion distance per a day (before the displacement) - The moon moves 25920 mkm during the period 10747 days. But we know that, all planets (17.75 mkm daily) move a distance = 25920 mkm during the cycle 1461 days. That shows the moon effective role in the solar system motion. can the moon
  • 56. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 56 move in behave of all the solar planets?! To answer we should know what's the relationship between the period 10747 days and the moon motion. o The moon displacements total during 29.53 days = 2598693 km o Earth motion distance during a solar day = 2574720 km o The difference is (1%), so we consider these 2 distances are equal o We remember the rule (Equal distances causes different rates of time) o i.e. because the distances are equal o 1 Day Of Earth Motion = 29.53 Days Of The Moon Motion o But o 1 Day Of The Sun = 365.25 Days Of Earth Motion o Based on that o 1 Day Of The Sun = (365.25 x 29.53) of the moon motion o 1 Day Of The Sun = 10747 Days Of The Moon Motion o That means, Saturn orbital period (10747 days) is created to complete the picture of the time rates cooperation. the data still gives surprises … o The moon motion (2.4 mkm) during Saturn orbital period (10747 days) passes a distance =25920 mkm which be passed by all planets during 1461 days and also be passed by the light beam in 1 solar day (86400 s). why? Equation No. (3) 10 x 10747 days x 24h = 10.7 h x 2 x 120536 - 10747 days = Saturn orbital period - 10.7 hours = Saturn day period - 120536 km = Saturn diameter - Saturn diameter is seen as a rate between Saturn orbital period and Saturn day period. Where the moon motion distance 2.4 mkm depends on Saturn orbital period 10747 days, that causes Saturn diameter to be seen in Equation no. (a) - We should discuss how the moon motion distance (2.4 mkm) depends Saturn orbital period (10747 days).
  • 57. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 57 3-2 Saturn Orbital Distance Analysis (1433.5 mkm) I- Data Saturn Orbital Distance =1433.5 mkm = Saturn Uranus Distance = Mars Orbital Circumference = Pluto Neptune Distance = Pluto eccentricity Distance = Neptune Orbital Distance/π = Uranus Orbital Distance /2 = Mercury Jupiter Distance x 2 Why Saturn Orbital Distance Equal All These Distances? Notice (Saturn Orbital Period 10747 days) / (Jupiter Orbital Period 4331 days) = 2.5 And (Jupiter Orbital Period 4331 days) = 2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period 687 d.) But Mars velocity (24.1 km/s) = Saturn velocity (9.7 km/s) x 2.5 II- Discussion - The data tells that, - Saturn Orbital Period (10747 days) is defined by the Earth moon motion, because the moon displacements total be 940 mkm = Earth orbital circumference during a period =10747 days - And - Saturn Orbital Distance (1433.5mkm) is defined by Mars Motion because Mars orbital circumference =1433.5 mkm - How can we understand this data? - Let’s discuss that in the next point.
  • 58. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 58 3-4 Saturn Creation Discussion - The data proves that, Saturn is created after Mars Migration and The Earth Moon Creation. - This idea we know let's remember it in details o We accept that the solar system is one machine, and o Each planet is a gear in this same machine, by that, each planet data be created complementary with other planets data. this idea we should prove in The Paper Discussion Part Two o Based on this vision, The Planets Data Be Created Based On One Geometrical Design o Because one geometrical design control all planets data, all data be defined geometrically and not historically o That means, the solar group needed to create Saturn and because of that, Saturn data be defined by the moon motion and Mars motion. that means, the 2 planets are found before Saturn Creation. o Shortly o Saturn Using of the moon and Mars Motions data prove that, Saturn is found after these 2 planets creation. that because, it's not logical to create 2 planets after Saturn creation and uses Saturn data, but the more logical is that, Saturn is created after the 2 planets creation and use one data from each planet. This is more logical. o The explanation is limited because Saturn using for the moon and Mars motions data be done by a geometrical reason. Means, there's interaction of motions between Saturn and the moon which causes Saturn to use the period 10747 days as (Saturn orbital period) which is used by the moon displacement motion to cover Earth orbital circumference 940 mkm.
  • 59. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 59 7- The Sun Creation (A Historical Event) 7-1 Preface 7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data 7-1 Preface - This point idea tells, The Sun data be created depending on Saturn data, as a result historically, The Sun Must Be Created After Saturn Creation - Where Saturn is the last Created Planet - That tells - The Sun Is The Solar System Last Created Piece
  • 60. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 60 7-2 The Sun Is Created Depends On Saturn Data I - Data (1) 2 x 4900 mkm = 2 x 10747 mkm (2) 1.392 mkm (The Sun diameter) = 0.378675 mkm (Saturn Circumference) x 3.66 (3) 120536 sec x0.3 mkm/sec = 2π x5757 mkm = 1.392 mkm x 25920 mkm (4) 25920 mkm =4.37 mkm x 5906 mkm (5) 25920 mkm =10747 days x 2.4 mkm = 17.75 mkm x 1461 days II – Discussion Equation no. (1) 2 x 4900 mkm = 2 x 10747 mkm - Where - 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period - This point discussion aims to prove that, the sun creation process depends on Saturn motion. because of that, Saturn Data be used or be in proportionality 2with the sun data. this is the basic idea. - But - This equation no. (1) is the reason why I claim the sun creation data depends on Saturn data. let’s explain why in following (I) o Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm) is a puzzled part in the solar system. The paper discusses it by different approaches where many players be partners in the definition of this distance (4900 mkm).
  • 61. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 61 o The Sun Creation depends on Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm) which is a fact can be proved strongly o But o Because Jupiter Orbital Circumference (4900 mkm) is a puzzled distances in the solar system, the sun creation relationship with this distances isn't clear perfectly. The paper next point discussions will confirm this meaning clearly. (II) o Saturn orbital period 10747 days is related strongly to the Earth moon motion as we have discussed. o We remember that, o The moon moves daily (2.4 mkm) and during 10747 days the total distance be = 25920 mkm = light known velocity motion distance during oar day o We discus (25920 mkm) deeply later - I want to say the values (4900 mkm and 10747 days) are the basic 2 values on which the sun creation be done. The next discussion proves that the sun creation depends on Saturn Data
  • 62. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 62 Equation no. (2) 1.392 mkm (The Sun diameter) = 0.378675 mkm (Saturn Circumference) x 3.66 - This equation importance be in the rate 3.66, which we know perfectly, because many data be created depending on this rate let's remember it in following. Max Error 1.25% 1- Diameters 2- Distances 3-Cycles 4- Orbital Inclination And Axial Tilt 66 . 3 x2 km 51118 diameter Uranus km 378827.4 nce Circumfere Saturn km 378827.4 nce Circumfere Saturn mkm 1.392 diameter Sun The = = 66 . 3 mkm 720.7 distance Jupiter Mercury mkm 2644.6 distance Uranus Mars mkm 41.4 distance Venus Earth mkm 149.6 distance orbital Earth = = 66 . 3 mkm 1622.6 distance Neptune Uranus mkm 5870 distance orbital Pluto mkm 1205 distance Saturn Mars mkm 4437.2 distance Neptune Mercury = = 66 . 3 mkm 1375 distance Saturn Mercury mkm 5095 distance Pluto Jupiter mkm 170 distance Mars Mercury mkm 629 distance Jupiter Earth = = 66 . 3 days 88 Period orbital Mercury days 327.6 year Moon The = 66 . 3 angle sun the 25 . 7 tilt axail Satrun 26.7 tilt) axail (Satrun degrees 26.7 tilt) axail (Uranus degrees 97.8 = = 66 . 3 n) inclinatio sun (the 63.7 total) tilts axail planets (inner 232.7 total) ons inclinatiu orbital planets (inner 17.4 n) inclinatio sun (the 63.7 = = 66 . 3 km 3475 diameter Moon The km 12756 diameter Earth km 6792 diameter Mars km 24764 radius Neptune = = 66 . 3 mkm 778.6 distance orbital Jupiter mkm 2872.5 distance orbital Uranus mkm 149.6 distance orbital Earth mkm 550.7 distance Jupiter Mars = = 66 . 3 mkm 364 nce circumfere orbital Mercury mkm 1325.3 distance Satrun Venus mkm 1325.3 distance Satrun Venus mkm 4900 nce circumfere orbital Jupiter = =
  • 63. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 63 5- Velocity (Mercury velocity/ Jupiter velocity) = (Venus velocity/ Saturn velocity) = 3.66 (error 1.5%) - The idea is that, the solar system is one machine and each planet is a gear in this same machine. That means, the planets creation and motion data be created based on one another. and this dependency be found geometrically. As in a triangle, it 3 angles total be =180 degrees, so the 3 angles values depend on one another but geometrically. - Now the rate 3.66 controls a huge number of data and Equation no. (3) 120536 sec x0.3 mkm/sec = 2π x5757 mkm = 1.392 mkm x 25920 mkm Where 120536 km = Saturn Diameter 5756.4 mkm = earth Pluto Distance Equation no. (4) 25920 mkm =4.37 mkm x 5906 mkm Where 4.37 mkm = The Sun Circumference 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance Equation no. (5) 25920 mkm =10747 days x 2.4 mkm = 17.75 mkm x 1461 days - Where - 17.75 mkm Per Solar Day= the planets motions distances total - 1461 days = Earth Cycle (365 +365 +365 +366)
  • 64. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 64 Part Two (2nd proof) - The Solar Planets Move Types Of Motions Can't Be Provided By The Sun Mass Gravity If Found. A Summary - The 2nd proof tells that, - The solar planets move a type of motion can't b provided by the sun mass gravity if found as Newton defined. - The proof discussion is divided into the following points: - (8) Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory - (9) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion - (10) The Solar Planets Motions Depend On Different Rates of Time
  • 65. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 65 8- Wrong Concepts in Newton Theory There Are 4 Basic Concepts Are Wrong In Newton Theory Which Are: (1) The Sun Mass Gravity Concept (2) Planet Motion Independency (3) Planet Motion has no effect on its Data (4) The Space And Time Is Found Regardless Any Motion. - The concept no. (1) is the theory basic concept and we discuss it within the theory refutation proves. - Let's take a short notice about the 3 rest concepts in following….
  • 66. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 66 (2) Planet Motion Independency I-Data Data Group No. (1) - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference - Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference Data Group No. (2) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π Data Group No. (3) - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum. II-Discussion - This data is a small part of the data proves the planets unified general motion. I provide this data to help in refutation (Planet Motion Independency) - Let's summarize the argument in following - The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. - The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets. - The Defined Periods Of Time means a period is defined by a planet motion, as 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet rotation period or any planet day period…..