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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Planet Motion Features Disproves Newton Theory
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –16th
September 2021
Paper hypothesis
- Planet Motion Features Disproves Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity
- Where
- Planet Motion Features Prove Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion.
Paper hypothesis Explanation
- Many new features are discovered in the solar planets motions among which:
- (1) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion
- (2) The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates of Time
- (3) The Solar system Distances Be Created In A Network Form
- (4) The Solar Planets Motions Data Be Used Mutually Among Planets
- The previous features disprove Planet Motion Independency Concept inherited by
Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity- the features simply gives us a different
vision about the solar system motion.
- Instead of the rigid body moving by the sun mass gravity independently from other
rigid bodies in creation and motion data, The Solar Planet be a similar to a point on
one trajectory of energy. where the solar planets move together one unified motion
as train carriages transporting among the planets the motion with the rates of time
making the solar system as a great Clock its input one motion creates (one second)
and its output another motion creates (one solar day).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- And the 2 motions depend on one another as 2 gears in one machine of gears.
- Can this vision be a fact?
- I claim Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity is created out of imagination
basically because the sun is created after all planets creation and motion.
- How can I prove my idea against Newton theory?
- By Planets Motions Data Analysis
Paper objective
- We have a method to test any theory – by that we can protect ourselves from any
imaginary idea –
- The method is (The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis)
- For example,
- I claim, the planets move one unified motion – but Newton told that- Planet Moves
independently from all other planets motions – by what method we can test these 2
ideas in comparison? By The Planets Motions Data – that shows the power
which I have to write against Newton theory – because I analyze the planets
motions data – and if my explanation be refused – that changes nothing because
the data still need explanation – Newton told us that – Planet moves interpedently
– but we see no data supports this idea – but planets motions data supports the
conclusion that these planets move one unified motion –by that– I don't put myself
against Newton- instead – I put the planets motions data and ask if Newton theory
can explain it
Paper argument
- Why Newton theory is mistaken and lived so long?
- Because, the basic question be left behind (how the matter is created?)
- Matter is created out of light and the born matter isn't separated from its parent
light beam – by that – light motion effects on matter motion features – as a result –
we have discovered light motion features are used by planets motions – here we
have conclude that Newton must have been wrong.
Please scan the figure (ORCID)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Contents
Subject Page No.
1- Introduction 5
2- Methodology 8
Paper Part No. (I) 11
3- Jupiter Motion Analysis 12
3-1 Preface 13
3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison 14
3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis 18
3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion 29
3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis 33
4- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period 44
4-1 Preface 45
4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? 46
4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm 50
4-4 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion 56
5- Planets Unified General Motion 62
5-1 Preface 63
5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description 64
5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 65
5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 70
6- The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time 75
6-1 Preface 76
6-2 Planet motion rate of time suggested rule 79
6-3 Mercury Pluto Motions Rate of Time 85
6-4 Mercury Saturn Motions Rate of Time 91
6-5 The Double Using Of One Rate Of Time 99
6-6 Earth, its moon And Pluto Motions Rates Of Time 101
6-7 Earth And Saturn Motions Rates Of Time 112
6-8 Mars Rates Of Time 115
6-9 Jupiter Rates Of Time 116
6-10 Venus Rates of Time 120
7-The Solar System Distances Be In A Network Form 121
7-1 Preface 121
7-2 Planets Motions Data Analysis 122
8- Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 124
8-1 Preface 125
8-2 Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 126
9- The Solar System Historical Development 140
9-1 Preface 141
9-2 Mars Migration Theory 143
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
9-3 Pluto Migration Theory 146
9-4 Planets Migration Theories Proves 148
9-5 The Sun Age Description 151
10- Saturn Motion Analysis 164
10-1 Preface 165
10-2 Saturn Motion Analysis 166
Paper Part No. (II) The Solar System Creation Theory 168
11- The Solar System Creation Theory 169
11-1 Preface 170
11-2 The Solar System Creation Theory 172
11-3 The Inner Planets Motions Reason 177
11-4 Light Beam (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 181
11-5 Saturn Motion More Analysis 219
11-6 Equation Distances Feature 226
12-The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form 232
12-1 Preface 233
12-2 The Continuum effect Through the Solar System Distances 235
12-3 The Solar System Distances Distribution 240
12-4 The Solar System Distances Dependency On One Another 245
Appendix No. (1) The Moon Orbital Motion Equation 247
References and Biography 262
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Newton Theory is lived 400 years – for that – we should have something strong to
write against
- I have The Planets Motions Data Analysis
- I claim, no one analyzed the planets motions data and because of that we lived in
imagination for long time –
- The idea is a simple and clear – Newton gave us a theory – it's good but how to
test it? how to know if this theory tells facts?
- The planets motions data should answer this question –the theory tries to explain
the planets motions –and if the theory can't explain this data – that means- this
theory is mistaken – it's simple and clear idea –
- The point is that- no planet data be used to test any theory – for example
- 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π
- Why?
- This data is removed without explanation! And
- 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance)=227.9 days (Mars Orbital Distance) x 2π
- This data also be removed without explanation- no planet data be seen here – we
simply believe the theory –
- But
- The theory even doesn't answer the basic question (how the matter is created?)
- I want to say
- The theory be formed, and after birth, we found it answers one part of a theoretical
description –and this part doesn't depend on any planet data. and this part isn't
qualified to be complementary with any new parts to give a complete description
explains planet motion – why the theory be acceptable?
- The theory is mistaken
- It's wrong not only in concept but also in methodology – because it cut the sources
of knowledge and gave us a separated piece of imagination we have to believe in.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The critic is written because the theory doesn't create a method to use planets
motions data as a measurement for the theory sufficiency.
- If Newton did that, he would give us a method to test his ideas and to correct the
wrong trajectory for long time
- We should see the force of this paper
- It's not any idea be written here whatsoever this idea intelligence
- The paper force is that, it proves the planets data with forms of analysis and gives
a chance for better analysis to be done by any one to help our investigation to
discover how the solar planets be created and moving.
- Again
- Why Newton Theory is Mistaken and lived so long?
- Because, the basic question lest behind (How the matter is created?)
- This question answer can help greatly to discover the planet motion
- Now
- My answer for this question is the following:
- The matter is created out of light, and the born matter isn't separated from its
parent light beam but move with it in one unified motion by using different rates of
time – by that- the rigid body motion in fact shows light motion features because
the matter is created out of light – this is my theory to answer the question
- And
- This paper is divided into 2 parts
- (1st
- This part analyzes the planets motions data to prove that there 4 new features of
motions be discovered and can't be explained by Newton Theory which are
- (1) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion
- (2) The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates of Time
- (3) The Solar system Distances Be Created In A Network Form
- (4) The Solar Planets Motions Data Be Used Mutually Among Planets
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (2nd
- This part provides my theory trying to show the planets data be created depends on
light motion effect on planets motions.
- I want to say that
- I don't provide a theory and try to prove it
- I provide analysis for the planets motions data which create thousands of questions
all of them contradicts Newton Theory – and so- My theory is a try to answer these
- That means, this paper power isn't the theory I provide here but
- Its power is the planets motions data analysis –which we discuss in so deep and
wide discussions – for that reason – the respectful reader will not have to read my
ideas –but will b rich greatly with planets motions data – and then my theory will
be a try to explain this data – If it does that sufficiently it will be good otherwise
the respectful reader can help with his opinions because he has all data I have and
can create more correct idea – I try to show that – why this paper is useful
- Let's take a look on the paper contents
- The Paper first Part analyzes the planets motions data
- The Paper first Part provides matter Creation Theory and create anew reading for
the planets motions data.
- For contents details please see the contents table
- Best Greetings
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to
explain the planets motions- let's use one example to explain how this method
- Example No. 1
- Newton told us– The planet motion be independent from all other planets motions
- This is the theory – let's see some planets motions data for a comparison
- Data
Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance
= Mars Orbital Circumference
= Pluto Neptune Distance (error 1.5%)
= Pluto eccentricity Distance (error 1.5%)
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
 Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance
 Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference
 Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (0.5%)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference
 Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (1.5%)
 Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (1.2%)
(Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (0.6%)
 Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (0.8%)
 Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
Why These Distances Are Equal?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The solar system has around (45 distances) and these distance are around (25
distances) why they are equal one another? Can Planets Independent Motions
Cause These Distances Equality?
- In some desert someone sees a mirage and thought it's a water! How can we prove
to him that this is a mirage and Not a water?
- Newton told that, Planets Motions be Independent From One Another, and as a
result - The solar system distances be created based on each other in a Network
form where more than 50% of all distances are equal one another!!
- I try to show that – it was not so great job to disprove Newton Theory – but the
book removes the planets motions data – this is the question – why?
- The planets creations and motions data should be similar to a creature genes which
can tell us how this planet be created and moving – so whatsoever the theory be
the planets motions data be more important than it – and by that – even if Newton
was correct, there's no reason to remove the planets motions data from the book
- The planets motions data is a method almost used by Kepler –
- Let's use one more example
- Example No. 2
- 778.6 mkm = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance)
- 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 671 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance)
- 671 mkm = 1.0725 x 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance)
- 629 mkm = (1.0725)2
x 550.7 mkm (Mars Jupiter Distance)
- 550.7 mkm = (1.0725) x 511 mkm
- 4900 mkm = (1.0725) x 4495.1 mkm (Neptune Orbital Distance) (1.6%)
- 1375 mkm = (1.0725) x 1284 mkm (Earth Saturn Distance)
- 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference
- 1375mkm = Mercury Saturn Circumference
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The previous distances are 13 distances (30%) of all distances- they are example of
many others- the question is why they are rated with the same one rate (1.0725)?
- I try to show, some geometrical force moves through the planets motions data.
This force is stronger than any planet motion and force all of them to use the same
one rate – No Independent Motion Be Found Here – the data simply disproves
Newton Theory
- The previous data is example for wide range of data – I add some more of them
here to show the strong force range of using this rate (1.0725)
- (28.3 deg / 26.7 deg) =(26.7 deg /25.2 deg) = (25.2 deg /23.4 deg) = (122.5 /115.2)
= (1.0725)
- Where
- 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt
- 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt
- 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt
- 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt
- 115.2 degrees = 90 degrees + 25.2 degrees (Mars Axial Tilt)
- 122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt.
- Shortly
- The planets data analysis put the data in comparison with the theories to test the
theory sufficiency.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Part No. (I)
The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Jupiter Motion Analysis
3-1 Preface
3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison
3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis
3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion
3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-1 Preface
- We analyze Jupiter motion in comparison with Mercury and Mars motions
- Because
- 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π
- And
- 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) x 24.6
- (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period)
- This data shows puzzles in the 3 planets motions because they creates some
equality between their periods of time and we have no explanation how this
equality can be found?
- As a result
- We hoped to see as deep as possible the connection origin among these 3 planets
- Shortly
- We need to know, if these 3 planets cycles periods be connected based on their
motions or the numbers be equal by chance.
- For that w should analyze this three planets motions in the next point to see the
cycles connection depth
- Let's do that in the next point
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison
(No. 1) (Mercury and Mars Motions)
- Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h.) a distance = 720.7 mkm
- Mars moves during (2802 hours) a distance = 243 mkm
- Mercury moves during (1407.6 hours) a distance = 243 mkm (error 1%)
- Mars moves during 346.6 d. a distance =720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Dis.)
- Mercury moves during 346.6 d. a distance =1419 mkm (with 1433 error 1%)
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance = 1433 mkm (Mars orbit. Circum)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance =2815mkm (Mercury Uranus Dis.)
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance = 9010mkm (Saturn orbit. Circum)
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance = 2815 mkm x 2π
- Mars moves during 224.7 d. a distance = π x 149.6 mkm (Earth orb. Dis)
- Mercury moves during 224.7 d. a distance = 920 mkm (with 929 error 1%)
- Mars moves during 365.25 d. a distance = π x 243 mkm (0.5%)
- Mercury moves during 365.25 d. a distance = 2 x 748 mkm
- Mars moves during 5040s. a distance= 121464 km= Saturn Diameter (+1%)
- Mercury moves during 5040s. a distance= 238896 km= 2 Saturn Diameters (-1%)
1407.6 h = Mercury Rotation Period 2802 h = Venus Day Period
346.6 days = the nodal year 224.7 days = Venus orbital period
687 days = Mars Orbital Period
4331 days = Jupiter orbital period = 2π x 687 days
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(No. 2) (Mars And Jupiter Motions)
- Mars moves during 636.7 days a distance =1325 mkm= (Venus Saturn Dis.)
- Jupiter moves during 636.7 days a distance =720.7 mkm
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
- Mars moves during 778.6 d. a distance = 1622 mkm = Uranus Neptune Dis.
- Jupiter moves during 778.6 d a distance= 881 mkm =58 days x 15.19 mkm.
- ( 15.19 mkm = the 9 solar planets motions distances total per a solar day).
- Notice
- 2.082 mkm / day x 778.6 days = 1622 mkm = 1.1318 mkm /day x 1433 days
- Where
- 2.082 mkm /day = Mars Velocity Per A Solar Day
- 4.095 mkm /day = Mercury Velocity Per A Solar Day
- 1.13184 mkm /day = Jupiter Velocity Per A Solar Day
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(No. 3) (Mercury And Jupiter Motions)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Mercury moves during 1433 d. a distance =5848 mkm= Mercury Pluto Dis.
- Jupiter moves during 1433 d a distance =1622 mkm=Uranus Neptune Dis.
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
- Mercury moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 720.7 mkm
- Jupiter moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 200 mkm = 629 mkm/π
- Mercury moves during 550.7 d a distance = π x 720.7 mkm (0.4%)
- Jupiter moves during 550.7 d a distance = 629 mkm (error 1%)
For summary,
Data Group No. (1)
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference
- Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference
Data Group No. (2)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π
Data Group No. (3)
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time.
- The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any
planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets.
- The Defined Period Of Time means a period of any planet cycle, as 365.25 days
(Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet rotation period or
any planet day period. All these periods are defined periods of time
- The argument tells that
- If the solar planets move their motions independently from one another, based on
that, the planets motions during defined periods of time should pass (random)
distances. Because these Planets are independent in their motion from one
another. (For example) Mercury motion depends on its orbital period (88 days) and
doesn't interest neither for Mars orbital period (687 days) nor for Jupiter orbital
period (4331 days) and by that, Mercury during these periods (687 days and 4331
days) should move Random distances (not be one of the solar system distances).
- The data disproves Planet Motion Independency Concept. because the (3)
planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. These planets motions
aren't independent from one another. These motions are done based on One
Geometrical Design. And these motions be similar to Chess Board Pieces
Motions. Each Motion is calculated geometrically and be obligatory and takes into
consideration the other planets motions and their effects.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis
I- Data
4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6
671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars) =1705 days
(Saturn) = 859 hours (Venus)
But f
687 days (Mars Orbital Period) x 24 = 24.6 h (Mars Rotation Period) x 671
10747 days x 24 h = 24.6 hours x 10485
4331 days x 24 h = 9.9 hours x 10499
4331 days =224.7 days x 19.27
(10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
- In this point we analyze Jupiter orbital period to know why it's created in
proportionality with Mercury and Mars Cycles Periods
- I suppose that, the equality of cycles creates equality of the motion rates of time –
means, where
- 4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6 - And
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period 687 days = Mars Orbital Period
- 175.94 days = Mercury Day Period
- Based on this equality, I suppose that
- 1h of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter motion =3.91 h of Mars motion
- These rates of time I suppose based on the equality of the cycles periods
- And
- Our discussion will depend on this hypothesis and test it to know if it's a fact
- But
- This is (just) a method of analysis – I don't here defend this hypothesis as a fact
(spite it's a real fact) but I don't fight for it – it's a method for analysis – or an
approach for analysis –
- We put the 3 planets motions data face one another and create comparisons among
them. The comparisons can give us the required proves for what's going.
- I want to say that,
- Our eyes should not be in confusion for vision with this hypothesis – our eyes
should look directly to the planets data and know how this planets be created –
because the proportionality between the 3 planets isn't just rates as (2π) or (24.6)
but tenths of rates all of them be used frequently are found among these 3 planets
motions – the idea is that – these 3 planets motions depend on one geometrical
design and by that their motions be defined in comparison with one another – here
our useful result will not be only to disprove Newton theory but we will use these
comparisons to see as deep as possible these plants motions features.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-3-a)
4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6
- Where
- 4331 solar days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 687 solar days = Mars Orbital Period
- 175.94 solar days = Mercury Day Period
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- Equation no. (3-3-a) is our equation for which we do the planets motions
comparison, it gives an interesting suggestion….
- It tells
- 1 h of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
- And
- 1 h of Mars Motion = 2π h of Jupiter Motion
- The equation provides the rates of time between the 3 planets motions.
- The equation gives us a new vision about the solar planets motions. it suggests that
the planets motions use different rates of time and these rates can be discovered
by comparisons between Planets Motions Data.
- As we consider this explanation of the equation, it's just a suggestion and we need
to prove it and understand how that can be possible, the next equation can help our
investigation… but
- The question – how planets low velocity can use different rates of time? The
answer of this question depends on the sun effect on Planets Cycles Periods
Creation – We discuss this question in point no. (8) (Planets Motions Use Different
Rates Of Time) in that point we discuss widely Planets motions using of different
rates of time.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-3-b)
671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars)
- Equation no. (3-3-a) tells that, 1 day of Mercury Motion = 24.6 days of Jupiter
Motion = 3.91 days of Mars Motion
- And
- 1 day of Mars motion be = 2π days of Jupiter Motion.
- Equation (3-3-b) uses these same rates
- 671 hours of Mercury motion = 671 h x 24.6 (= 687 solar days) of Jupiter motion
= 671 h x 3.91 (= 109.3 solar days) of Mars Motion
- Now we have 3 periods of time depend on the suggested rates of time we have
discussed in the previous equation
- Now, How To Prove These Periods Are Equal? let's see the planets motions
distances during these periods
- Mercury moves during (671 h) a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm ( = Mercury orbital
distance - error 1%)
- Jupiter moves during (687 days) a distance =778.6 mkm ( = Jupiter orbital
- Mars moves during (109.3 days) a distance =227.9 mkm ( = Mars orbital
- Means,
- The planets during these periods move distances equal their orbital distances but
Mercury moves a double value of its orbital distance
- We use this result as a rule for now and later we should see if it's working rule
- But
- Why these planets move during these periods of time distances equal their orbital
distances?! And the most important why Mercury moves a double value?!
- The data tells,
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Some fact be found behind the suggested motions rates of time. Because the
planets move during these periods distances equal orbital distance, in this case we
consider Mercury is exceptional and we should later ask why it moves double
value of its orbital distance?
- Now we have a rule tells
- The period be used by a planet motion to pass distance = its orbital distance, this
period can be compared with 671 hours of Mercury motion to define the rate of
time between Mercury and this planet motions –
- Let's test it in the next equation…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-3-c)
10747 days x 24 h = 24.6 hours x 10485
4331 days x 24 h = 9.9 hours x 10499
- Where
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- 9.9 hours = Jupiter Rotation Period
- The values (10499 and 10485 are equal because the difference is 0.1%)
- Equation no. (3-3-c) tells that
- (10747 days /4331days) = (24.6 h /9.9 h) =2.48
- And for that, Saturn orbital period (10747 days) = (10485 rotation period)
- And
- Jupiter orbital period (4331 days) = (10499 Jupiter days periods)
- Can 1 hour of Jupiter motion =2.48 hours of Saturn motion? Can this rate of
time be a real one?
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hour of Jupiter Motion
- Based on the previous conclusion
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 61 hours of Jupiter Motion
- Based on that
- 61 hours of Saturn motion = 1 hour of Mercury Motion
- 2.48 hours Saturn motion = 1 hour of Jupiter Motion
- 15.6 hours Saturn motion = 1 hour of Mars Motion
- Let's return to equation no. (3-3-b)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-3-b)
671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars) = 1705.5 days
- We know that
- Mercury moves during (671 h) a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm ( = Mercury orbital
distance - error 1%)
- Jupiter moves during (687 days) a distance =778.6 mkm ( = Jupiter orbital
- Mars moves during (109.3 days) a distance =227.9 mkm ( = Mars orbital
- And Now
- Saturn moves during (1705.5 days) a distance =1430 mkm (= Saturn orbital
- And Also
- Venus moves during (859 hours) a distance =108.2 mkm (= Venus Orbital
- Notice
- 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 0.8 =2.48 deg (Saturn Orbital Inclination)
- 0.8 deg = Uranus Orbital Inclination
- Notice
- 1440 minutes = 61 x 23.6
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Planets Motions Rates Of Time (A Short List)
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 9.18 hours of Pluto motion
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter motion
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61 hours of Saturn motion
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 hours of Mars motion
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 hours of Venus motion
- And
- 1 hour of Pluto motion = 6.64 hours of Saturn motion
- 1 hour of Pluto motion = 2.679 hours of Jupiter motion
- 1 hour of Pluto motion = 4.61 hours of the moon motion
- 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 1.72 hours of the moon motion
- 1 hour of Earth motion = 2π hours of Pluto motion - And
- 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 hours of Mars motion
Data analysis
- 120536 seconds of Saturn Motion = 18142 seconds of Pluto Motion x 6.64
- 18142 seconds = 5.04 hours
- 30589 seconds x 2 = 12104 x 5.05
- 10747 days x 24 h = 10.7 h x 2 x 12053 and 1433 mkm = (12053 km x π)2
- From the previous data we conclude the following:
- 120536 seconds of Saturn motion be =5.04 hours of Pluto motion - But
- 1 hour of Pluto = 4.61 hours of the moon motion, Based on that,
- 5.04 hours of Pluto motion =23.23 hours of the moon motion (where 23.45
degrees = Earth Axial Tilt) (error 1%)
- Notice
- 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 hours of Saturn motion
- 1557.2 hours of Saturn motion = 629 hours of Jupiter motion - where
- 1557.2 mkm = 2 x 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance)
- 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion (continued)
- We here don't discuss Planets Motions Rates Of Time, Because this subject is
discussed deeply in Point no. (6) in this current paper.
- We here analyze Planets Motions Features, and through our analysis Planets
Motions Rates of time be referred and discussed briefly. For that reason we don't
try to prove the rates of time using – because we here refers to a short reference for
this using – in Point no.(6) there are many proves and different discussions to
show that the rates of time using is a basic feature in for the solar planets motion.
- Notice (2)
- The solar planets motions using of different rates of time makes the solar system to
work as a clock – means,
- Each planet provide its motion rate of time and the planets rates of time be unified
in one general rate by that, the solar system be similar to a great clock – because
the solar system uses energy of a motion for 1 second – and by this energy the
solar system produces another motion for 1 solar day –
- Let's write this idea in more clear words -
- The solar system uses energy of light motion for a period 1second and by this
energy the solar system produces a planet motion for 1soalr day – this is the basic
job of the solar system motion – but
- Light motion effect on planet motion is a subject will be discussed in part no. (II)
of this paper. I don't want to discuss this idea in any discussion before part (II)
because the paper provides data analysis and the data analysis shows facts has no
doubt – I don't want to write any of my ideas here which can create some doubt
against the data analysis – for that reason I keep the explanation to be written in
Part (II) of this paper –
- But
- The solar system uses of different rates of time basically to use 1 second of light
motion energy to produce by it a planet motion for 1 solar day.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (3-3-d)
4331 days =224.7 days x 19.27
- Where
- 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 hours of Venus motion
- 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 hours of Mars motion
- And
- 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) x 3.057 = 687 days (Mars orbital period)
- Equation no. (3-3-d) shows that, the rate of time between Mercury and Venus
motions (1.279) is the correct rate –and that supports the rule which be used to
define this rate –
- The data simply supports the discussion and shows that it moves in the right way –
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (3-3-e)
(10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
- Where
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- 9.9 hours = Jupiter Rotation Period
- 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity
- 9.7 km/s = Saturn Velocity
- 17.4 deg = The Inner Planets Orbital Inclinations Total
- 7 deg = Mercury Orbital Inclination
- This equation should be discussed later in this paper deeply as possible –
- But
- This equation be added here to show that,
- Saturn rate of time we have concluded, which is (1h or Mercury Motion =61 of
Saturn Motion) and (1h of Jupiter Motion =2.48 h of Saturn Motion)
- These rates are effective deeply on the planets motions data –as seen in the
equation – the shows that one connection connects Jupiter, Saturn and Mars
Motion – that may help to explain our old data which is
- 331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
- 1433mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2πx 227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance)
- This data should be put beside equation no (3-3-d) which can tell clearly that one
connection be found behind all this data. for that we should discuss this equation
later deeply
- Notice
- (17.4 mkm / 7mkm) = 2.5
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) x 23.4 s = 7 mkm
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) x 57.9 seconds = 17.37 mkm
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion
1.16 mkm =13.1 km/sec x 24.6 h x 3600 sec.
4900 mkm = 1.16 x 4224
4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6
4900 mkm = 0.406 mkm x 12104 = 0.384 mkm x 12756
Jupiter moves 778.6 mkm in (687 solar days) or (671 mars oration period)
Jupiter moves 671 mkm in (592 solar days) or (580 mars oration period)
Jupiter moves 629 mkm in (555.7 solar days) or (542 mars oration period)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
- The data tells us some interesting puzzled story, let's explain it in following:
- Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.6h (Mars rotation period) a distance 1.16
mkm - But
- Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) be designed geometrically base on this
distance 1.16 mkm and by that 4900 mkm =1.16 mkm x 4224
- Where , 4222.6 hours = Mercury Day Period, So If
- 4224 be equal 4222.6,
- In this case
- Jupiter orbital circumference be created based on a geometrical design takes into
consideration these 2 cycles periods (24.6 h and 4222.6 h)
- I created no data here, I just arrange it… Planets data be created (almost) based on
this arrangement. That means, the circumference (4900 mkm) in fact be created
based on these 2 cycles periods
- Please Note
- Even if there's an explanation for this data- we should not discuss it here – because
we have a discovery we should know it it's a real one because
- 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference, and HWY this distance be created
depends on the 2 cycles periods
- I wish I do my job correctly… the data is made of pure gold and I'm afraid that I'm
stupid and covers the data brightness
- The distance 4900 mkm be created in proportionality with the 2 cycles (24.6 h and
4222.6 h) BUT, BY Using Jupiter Motion Velocity
- The using of the cycles (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) in Jupiter orbital circumference
design isn't so strange using of data made far from Jupiter motion and the numbers
be found here by chance. The cycles (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) takes Jupiter velocity in
- The paper dedicates a point to analyze Jupiter orbital circumference (point no.8)
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (3-4-a)
1.16 mkm =13.1 km/sec x 24.6 h x 3600 sec.
Equation (3-4-b)
4900 mkm = 1.16 x 4224
- These 2 equations tell the story. Equation no (3-4-a) shows that Jupiter motion
distance 1.16 mkm in 24.6 h (mars rotation period).
- Equation no (3-4-b) shows that Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) be
designed based 1.16 mkm and 4224 (where 4222.6h = Mercury day period)
Equation (3-4-c)
4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6
- 199.2 mkm = Jupiter motion distance during Mercury day period (4222.6h)
- 24.6 h = Mars Rotation Period
- 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
- This equation we discuss with the distance 720.7 mkm analysis –
- Let's explain what we do in following
- Jupiter orbital circumference be analyzed in a separated point no.(8)
- Mars rotation period be analyzed in the next point because of its so effective role
in motions data – we try to why the number (24.6) be used so frequently with
Jupiter motion
- The next point (No. 4) we analyze Mercury Motion during its day period –because
the period 4222.6 h is the second point on which Jupiter orbital circumference
deepens - so with Mercury Motion analysis we discuss the equation no. (3-4-c)
but the other equations we discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis point
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation (3-4-d)
4900 mkm = 0.406 mkm x 12104 = 0.384 mkm x 12756
- Where
- 0.406 mkm = Earth moon Distance At Apogee Radius
- 0.384 mkm = The Earth Moon Orbital Distance.
- 12014 km = Venus Diameter
- 12756 km = Earth Diameter
- Equation no.(3-4-d) shows that, Jupiter orbital circumference effect on the
distances between the moon and Earth by the proportionality to Earth and Venus
diameters –
- This idea should be a correct one – because we have seen frequently that – Planet
orbital distance is defined almost as a function in its diameter – by that to define
the distance between the moon and Earth based on Venus and Earth diameters it's
logical idea –
- More analysis we should discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis (point
- Notice
- 4900 mkm = The Sun Diameter x The Moon Diameter (error 1%)
- The data tries to show that Jupiter orbital circumference be designed geometrically
as we should discuss later.
- Also
- We notice that 1 hour of Venus = 19.27 hours of Jupiter and based on that
4331days (Jupiter orbital period) =19.27 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period). The
data shows more connections between Venus and Jupiter
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis
I- Data
(3-5- a)
Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm
174.9 solar days = 4197.8 hours (this period is less than 4222.6 h with 24.8 h)
(3-5- b)
Mars moves during (4222.6 h) a distance = 366.3 mkm = π x 116.6 mkm
(3-5- c)
Mars moves during (366.3 solar days) a distance = 763.4 mkm = π x 243 mkm
(760 s x 0.3 mkm/sec = 227.9 mkm = Mars Orbital Period)
(3-5- d)
Mercury moves during (4222.6 h) a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mars Motion Distance
During (346.1 solar days)
(3-5- c)
Mars moves during (329.9 solar days) a distance = 687 mkm
(3-5- d)
Mercury moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 344 mkm
(3-5- e)
(672 mkm/ 84 mkm) = 196.8 seconds /24.6 seconds
(3-5- f)
720.7 mkm = 4.095 mkm/day x 175.94 day = 4.197 mkm x 171.7
(3-5- g)
654.9 x 24 h =24.6h x 639
4222.6 = 193 x 21.8
2550973 km = 116750 km x 21.8
344 = 4.095 x 84 = 3.91 x 88
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
- In this point we try to know why mars rotation period (24.6 h) is used frequently in
Jupiter and Mercury motions data
- Because of that, we try with this period (24.6 h) by different analysis forms of data
- The point is that
- Mercury and Mars Motions have some (specific) harmony and because of that
their motions causes some (similar effect) or (proportional effect)
- Many examples can show that, let's discuss one in following:
- During 5040 seconds
- Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves a distance = 2 x Saturn diameter (error -1%)
- Mars (24.1 km/s) moves a distance = Saturn diameter (error +1%)
- Another example
- Mercury during its rotation period (1407.6 h) moves a distance = 243mkm (1%)
- Mars during Venus day period (2802 h) moves a distance = 243 mkm
- Venus Day Period = 2 x Mercury Rotation Period (error 0.4%)
- I want to say that,
- Mars rotation period (24.6 h) effect on Jupiter and mercury cycles periods isn't a
unique effect but there are many other similar effects can be discovered where
these effects together tell that a geometrical mechanism be found behind this data
creation and specifically there's a geometrical mechanism behind Mars rotation
period creation.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-5-a)
Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm
174.9 solar days = 4197.8 hours (this period is less than 4222.6 h with 24.8 h)
- Equation no. (3-5-a) tells, Mars during 84 days moves a distance = 174.9 mkm
- Mercury day period =175.94 solar day, if 1 solar day = 1 mkm, that will result the
- The distance 174.9 mkm will be equivalent to 174.9 solar days = 4197.8 h
- Mercury day period = 4222.6 hours
- The difference 4222.6 hours – 4197.8 hours = 24.8 hours
- This period (24.8 h) is different from Mars rotation period (24.6 h) with (0.8%)
- For now we consider both values are equal,
- Equation no. (3-5-a) tries to find a deep connection between Mercury Day Period
and Mars Rotation Period …we do that because of the equation in the previous
discussion which told (4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6). we try
to know why Mars rotation period (24.6 h) be used so frequently with Mercury
Day Period and Jupiter Motion Data.
- Based on this equation
- Mars rotation period (may be) created as a function in Mercury Day Period
- The point is that,
- The relationship between Mercury and Mars isn't clear
- The relationship between Jupiter and Mercury be so clear
- But
- Mars is a puzzled point…
- Equation no. (3-5-a) tells us that, There's some reason for a relationship between
Mercury Day Period and Mars Rotation Period regardless Jupiter Motion!
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equations No. (a, b and c) Respectively
Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm
Mars moves during (175.94 days) a distance = 366.3 mkm = π x 116.75 mkm
Mars moves during (366.3 solar days) a distance = 763.4 mkm = π x 243 mkm
- Where
- 4222.6 hours = Mercury Day Period
- 116.75 days = Venus Day Period
- 243 days = Venus Rotation Period
- We have a series of motions depend on one another and passed distances (all of
them) be used as periods of time based on the same rate (1mkm = 1 solar day)
- The fighting is useless
- The opponent will tell that (the data be created based on pure coincidence) and I
will say (NO there's a geometrical reason behind) but he has no proof for his (pure
coincidence claim) and I don't know the geometrical reason based on which the
data be created….
- And
- Because no help is available, the rich data will be removed without explanation
because of the weak knowledge.
- This data is created based on a geometrical reason… we have examples, let's
provide some of them in following
- Mercury moves during its rotation period (1407.6 h) a distance = 243 mkm (1%)
- Venus moves during its day period (2802 h) x 2 a distance = 706 mkm
- Mars moves during Venus Day8 Period (2802 h) a distance = 243 mkm
- Where
- 243 days = Venus Rotation Period 706 days = π x 224.7 days (= Venus Orbital Period)
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The planets move distances and used them as periods of time
- This fact is proved frequently spite we can't catch how that's happened
- Many questions are left behind
- For example
- If Mars moves during (116.75 solar days) another distance (in place of 243 mkm
move 260 mkm)
- In this case Venus rotation period will be changed into 260 mkm or still be 243
- I want to say
- The solar system is a machine of gears. Its motion depends on the gears motion but
the geometrical rules which controls this motion are unknown and because of that
we see the data but don't understand.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-5-e)
(672 mkm/ 84 mkm) = (196.8 seconds /24.6 seconds) = 8
- Where
- 671 mkm = Venus Jupiter Distance
- 84 mkm = Mars Original Orbital Distance
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- During 196.5 (Mars rotation periods) Jupiter moves a distance =227.9 mkm =
Mars Orbital Distance.
- Notice. Mars migration theory tells that Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm
and had migrated to it current one 227.9 mkm.
- Equation no.(3-5-e) tells that,
- Mars rotation period 24.6 h (may be) created because of Mars orbital distance
(227.9 mkm)
- Means
- Mars had migrated from its original orbital distance (84 mkm) to its current one
(227.9 mkm), and the migration process almost needed Mars rotation period to be
=24.6 hours. I mean some geometrical reason behind forced to create Mars rotation
period to be =24.6 hours!
- But
- The basic value in the Equation is the value (671)
- Because 671 h (of Mercury motion) = 687 solar days (of Jupiter motion) = 109
solar days (of Mars motion)…
- And
- During 671 h Mercury moves 2 x 57.2 mkm (Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm)
- During 687 days Jupiter moves 778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance
- During 109 days Mars moves 227.9 mkm = Mars orbital distance
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-5-f)
720.7 mkm = 4.095 mkm/day x 175.94 day = 4.197 mkm x 171.7
- Where
- 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance
- 4.095 mkm /day = Mercury Velocity Per A Solar Day
- 4.197 mkm = Mercury Motion Distance during (24.6 hours)
- 170 mkm = Mercury Mars Distance (error 1% with 171.7)
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- The interesting information is that,
- Mercury Day period (175.9) is used in part 1 of the equation but in place of it the
distance between Mars and Mercury be used (170) in the equation part 2
- We know that the distances be used as periods of time so, if Mercury day period
175.94 solar day be used as 175.94 mkm that will be understandable
- But
- It's interesting to use the distance between Mars And Mercury (170 mkm) in place
of Mercury Day Period
- The point is that, Mercury uses of Mars rotation periods changed the distance from
4.095 mkm to 4.197 mkm and that changed the period 175.94 to 171.7
- But
- What does that mean?
- Let's write some concluded answer in following
- We know, Mars was the second planet after Mercury with original orbital distance
(=84 mkm) and had migrated to its current orbital distance (227.9 mkm) with a
distance 170 mkm from Mercury.
- The equation tells us, Mars had migrated from its original position but Mercury
controlled this migration and didn't permit for Mars to be at a distance more far
than 170 mkm from Mercury
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Means,
- Mercury controlled Mars Migration process and didn't let the distance with Mars to
be more than 170 mkm.
- This motion and distance depend on Mercury Day Period
- Notice
- The equation tells the distance (170 mkm = Mercury Mars Distance) depends on
the distance (720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance)
- More data can support our analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (Mercury day period 4222.6 h / Mars rotation period 24.6 h) =171.7
- (Mercury rotation period 1407.6 h / Mars rotation period 24.6 h) =57.27
- Where
- 171.7 mkm is different from Mercury Mars Distance (170 mkm) with 1%
- 57.2 mkm is different from Mercury Orbital Distance (57.9 mkm) with 1%
- Light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves during 193 sec a distance 57.9 mkm
- Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) moves during 196.5 sec a distance 227.9
- Where 196.5 sec is different from 193 sc with 2%
- 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance
- 227.9 mkm = Mars Orbital Distance
- Notice
- (Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = 0.514
- And
- 360 degrees /687 days = 0.524
- The difference between (0.514) and (0.524) is around 2%
- But, If we accept these values are equal (for now)
- That may tell how Mercury control Mars motion because the rate 0.524 expresses
Mars Motion Daily and that define Mars daily motion distance and if Mars Cycles
periods be interacted with Mercury cycles periods that define obligatory Mars
orbital distance. And by that Mercury define the point to which Mars could
migrate and couldn't move beyond it.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The previous data tries to show that, a deep connection is found between Mercury
an Mars motions – this connection effect is seen on Jupiter motion by the equation
(4331 days =2π x 687 days =175.94 days x 24.6), but
- This connection is found between Mercury and Mars motions originally, even this
connection controlled Mars Migration process…
- I hope I do my job correctly,
- Because
- The puzzle be raised because of this equation (4331 days =2π x 687 days =175.94
days x 24.6) and we have tries to explain why these cycles periods are rated with
each other…
- But now
- We have more tenths of data shows more connections between the 2 same planets,
I claim there's a geometrical reason behind and the (pure coincidences of numbers)
is a wrong claim if any one try to raise because we have tenths of directed data
which express of the 2 planets motions. And
- If I can't catch the geometrical reason of mechanism behind this data creation that
shouldn't effect negatively of this data force.
- I want to say that,
- Mars rotation period isn't the only piece of data effective strongly on the 3 planets
motions but there are many other basic players of data and all of them tells loudly
that the data be created based on geometrical mechanism and these planets motions
be done depends on one another and in proportionality with one and other and that
means, if any planet of these 3 planets be absent the other planets will change their
motion or even suffer from more great damage – we here don't deal with separated
moving rigid bodies – we deal with one building and each planet is a part of this
same building – it's one machine of gears and any gear stops will effects greatly on
all other gears motions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation No. (3-5-g)
654.9 x 24 h =24.6 h x 639
- Where
- 654.9 mkm = Jupiter Saturn Distance
- 639 mkm = (629 mkm /929mkm) x 940 mkm
- 24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period
- But
- Jupiter moves during 639 days a distance 723.25 mkm (= 720.7 mkm)
- Saturn moves during 654.9 days a distance 550.7 mkm (= Mars orbital distance)
- The equation basic value is 639 days or (639 mkm) because Jupiter moves during
this period (639 days) distance = 723 mkm where Mercury moves during its day
period a distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter distance
- The equation tells that, the periods (654.9 and 639) are rated based on Mars
rotation period – but the period 639 days has a value because of the distance 720.7
mkm – means we can't see why this equation is important unless w understand
why Jupiter needs the period 639 days? And Jupiter needs it to pass a distance
=720.7 mkm
- Shortly
- We need to discuss Mercury motion for the distance 720.7 mkm for better
understanding– we Discuss Mercury Motion in the next point (no. 4)
- Notice
- (629 mkm /929mkm) x 940 mkm
- 629 mkm= Earth Jupiter Distance
- 929 mkm= Earth Jupiter Distance (when the 2 planets be on the sun 2 sides)
- 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
- That tells the distance 639 mkm is created based on Earth Jupiter Distance
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period
4-1 Preface
4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm?
4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm
4-4 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-1 Preface
- Mercury moves during its day period a distance =720.7 mkm
- In this point we choose 3 planets motions for the distance 720.7 mkm – these
planets are Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto
- Mercury moves 720.7 mkm in a period =4222.6 h = Mercury day period
- Jupiter moves 720.7 mkm in a period = 637 solar days = 622 Mars rotation periods
- Pluto moves 720.7 mkm in a period = 1775 solar days
- The data discussion will show the importance of these planets motions
- But
- I want to say that,
- Matter is created out of light, as a result the solar planets move accompanying with
light motion –
- When we discuss the light motion effect on planets motions we will discover that
the light beam started from Mercury to Jupiter and then to Pluto –
- Means,
- I have choose these 3 planets because of the light motion effect on them, but here
we don't discuss the light motion and I try to show that the planets motions data be
created depends on one another by analysis this and without any outer idea -
- Shortly
- The 3 planets motions choice will be more clear with light motion discussion – but
here we try to show that – the planets motions data be created dependently on one
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm?
I - Data
Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h) a distance =720.7 mkm
Mercury day period =2 Mercury orbital period = 3 Mercury rotation period
Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance =199.2 mkm
(240 mkm/158 mkm) =(88 days /58.65 days) (error 1.2%)
II – Discussion
Equation no. (4-2-d)
(240 mkm/158 mkm) =(88 days /58.65 days) (error 1.2%)
- Where
- 240 mkm = Mercury Motion Distance during its rotation period (1407.6 hours)
- 158 mkm = π x 50.3 mkm (Mercury Venus Distance)
- 88 days = Mercury Orbital Period
- 58.65 days = Mercury Rotation Period
- Let's remember the question?
- Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? We have 2 reasons …. one reason is
related to Mercury Motion and the other is related to Jupiter motion.
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Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (1st
Point Mercury Motion)
- Mercury Day period 4222.6 hours = 2 x Mercury orbital period 2112 hours, and
- Mercury Day period 4222.6 hours = 3 x Mercury rotation period 1407.6 hours…
- And
- Mercury moves during its rotation period a distance = 240 mkm (which is related
to Mercury Venus Distance) with the rate (1.5= Mercury orbital period / Mercury
rotation period).
- Means, Mercury Motion distance during its rotation period is related to Mercury
Venus Distance (it's related to Venus Basically because 243 days = Venus rotation
- Mercury moves during its orbital period a distance = 360 mkm (Mercury orbital
circumference). (means this motion is related to Mercury Position)
- Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm= Mercury Jupiter
- By that
- Mercury has 3 cycles
- By its rotation period creates a connection with Venus (the most inner planet to it)
- By its orbital period does its revolution around the sun
- By its day period creates a connection with Jupiter (the nearest outer planet to it)
- There's some geometrical design on which Mercury moves
- And if this idea is a correct one, we can conclude simply that, Mercury has to
move a distance = 720.7 mkm= Mercury Jupiter distance by using on of its cycles
periods (and of course no better choice than Mercury Day Period)
- Geometrically, if Mercury connects with Venus by its motion during rotation
period, So mercury should connect with Jupiter with its day period.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- If this description is a correct one, the question should be (why mercury day be
=4222.6 h) and this question we discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis.
- Notice
- Mercury Venus distance is multiplied by (π) and then the rate (1.5)… while
Mercury Jupiter distance (720.7) be used directly… that because Mercury day
period is a period = (1 period) but mercury orbital period (0.5 period) and Mercury
rotation period be (1/3 Period). That means, the fractions be found with (orbital
and rotation periods) while day period uses the integer number… So the rates of
periods be seen in the distances.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (2nd
Point Jupiter Motion)
- Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Motion distance during Mercury
day period (4222.6 h).
- But
- Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance = 199.2 mkm
- Because
- 720.7 mkm is Mercury Jupiter Distance, both planets may interest for this same
distance and we have seen that Mercury moves during its day period 720.7 mkm
and the question – Why Jupiter doesn't take the distance 720.7 mkm into account
in its motion?
- In fact Jupiter motion takes into consideration the distance 720.7 mkm,
- But the geometrical mechanism is hard for me to catch, let's refer to its data in
- Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance = 199.2 mkm
- But
- 199.2 mkm x π = 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance)
- And
- (629 mkm /929 mkm) = (637 mkm/ 940 mkm)
- Where
- 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance
- 929 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance when the 2 planets be on the sun 2 sides
- 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference.
- 637 mkm = The Required Distance
- Jupiter moves during 637 days a distance = 720.7 mkm
- Based on that, Jupiter motion for 199.2 mkm causes its motion for 720.7 mkm,
means, some connection is found between the 2 motions
- Notice, this explanation can be more clear when we compare Jupiter motion with
light motion –we do that in point no. (4-4) for better explanation for this motion.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm
I- Data
0.3 mkm/sec x 5906 seconds = 1775 mkm
0.406 mkm /day x 1775 days = 720.7 mkm
2.574 mkm /day x 687 days = 1775 mkm (error 0.3%)
0.406 mkm /day x 4331 days = 1775 mkm (error 1%)
90560 days x 2 = 1775 days x 101
37100 mkm x 2 = 720.7mkm x 103
0.3 mkm/sec x 2390 second = 717 mkm (error 0.5%)
(1775/346.6) =(24.1/4.7) = 5.14
30589 days = 1775 days x 17.2
(929 km/542 mkm) = (3030 mkm/1775 mkm)
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Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
Equation no. (4-3-a)
0.3 mkm/sec x 5906 seconds = 1775 mkm
Equation no. (4-3-b)
0.406 mkm /day x 1775 days = 720.7 mkm
Equation no. (4-3-c)
2.574 mkm /day x 687 days = 1775 mkm (error 0.3%)
Equation no. (4-3-d)
0.406 mkm /day x 4331 days = 1775 mkm (error 1%)
- Where
- 0.3 mkm/sec = light known velocity
- 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance
- 0.406 mkm/day = Pluto Velocity Per A Solar Day
- 2.574 mkm/day = Earth Velocity Per A Solar Day
- 687 days = Mars Orbital Period
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance
- We discuss these 4 equations together, Because one idea be seen in them, let's
write this idea directly in following…
- 1 hour of Mars Motion = 2π hours of Jupiter Motion
- And
- 1 hour of Earth Motion = 2π hours of Pluto Motion
- These rules we have discussed before deeply and frequently
- The question is (How The Rate 2π Be Transported?)
- The period 1775 days (or the distance 1775 mkm) is the method to do that,
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Earth moves during (687 days Mars orbital period) a distance = 1775 mkm =
Pluto Motion distance during (4331 days = Jupiter orbital period)
- By this equality of distances, the rate of time (2π) be transported from (Jupiter and
Mars motions) to (Earth and Pluto motions)
- The value (1775) tells us this information clearly, let's with it in following:
- Our interest point is the distance 720.7 mkm and we ask about (how many day
Pluto needs to pass 720.7 mkm? The answer is 1775 solar days)
- But
- The value 1775 mkm be passed by 3 motions
- Light (0.3 mkm/sec) motion during 5906 seconds
- Earth (2.574 mkm/day) motion during (687 days)
- Pluto (0.406 mkm/day) motion during (4331 days)
- We know that
- Light motion = (2π) Planet motion (will be discussed in Part no. II)
- If we use this rule, so
- 5906 mkm = (2π) x 940 mkm or 5906 seconds = (2π) x 940 seconds
- Where
- 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance
- 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
- Shortly
- The value 1775 shows a comparison between light and planet motions – we will
discuss this idea clearly in the next point (4-4)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (4-3-e)
90560 days x 2 = 1775 days x 101
37100 mkm x 2 = 720.7mkm x 103
- Where
- 90560 days = Pluto Orbital Period
- 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference
- 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance
- The rates 101 and 103 are different with 2% (we should later explain the
geometrical rule of the error 2%)
- For now we consider the 2 rates (101 and 103) are equal
- Equation (4-3-e) tells that, while Pluto orbital circumference be created as a
function in the distance (720.7 mkm) (Mercury Jupiter Distance), also Pluto orbital
period be created as a function in the period 1775 days which Pluto needs to pass
the distance (720.7 mkm).
Equation no. (4-3-f)
0.3 mkm/sec x 2390 second = 717 mkm (with 720.7 mkm error 0.5%)
- Where
- 2390 km =Pluto diameter
Equation no. (4-3-g)
(1775/346.6) =(24.1/4.7) = 5.14
- Where
- 346.6 days = The Nodal Year
- 24.1 km/s = Mars velocity
- 4.7 km/s = Pluto velocity
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Equation no. (4-3-h)
30589 days = 1775 days x 17.2
- Where
- 30589 days = Uranus Orbital Period
- 17.2 hours = Uranus Day Period
- 1774 days = our point of discussion
Equation no. (4-3-i)
(929 km/542 mkm) = (3030 mkm/1775 mkm)
- Where
- 929 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance when the 2planets be on 2 different sides
from the sun
- 3030 mkm = Uranus Pluto Distance
- Notice
- 346.6 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 104 mkm
- 346.6 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec = 2 x 201 mkm
- 346.6 days x 4.095 mkm /day = 1419 mkm
- Notice
- The basic idea behind this data may be as following:
- Pluto Orbital Distance (5906 mkm) be defined based on Mercury Jupiter Distance.
- That means, the light motion created Pluto orbital circumference by using Mercury
Jupiter distance as a measurement - But
- We know that, the light used the distance 100733mkm as a measurement
- That means,
- The distance 100733 mkm should be created as a function in the distance 720.7
mkm (means the 2 distances should be connected geometrically)
- 100733 mkm = 720.7 mkm x 139.8
- Pluto moves during 346.6 days a distance = 140.7 mkm
- That tells the nodal year (346.6 days) plays an important role here but what's it?
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice
- Why The Error 2% Doesn't Effect Negatively On The Discussion?
- as we have seen before
- Earth moves during its day period a distance = 2.574 mkm (100%)
- Pluto moves during its day period a distance = 2.593 mkm (101%)
- The moon displacements total during (29.53 days) = 2.598 mkm (102%)
- The moon apogee orbital circumference = 2.550 mkm (99%)
- The previous data is an example for this system which is used frequently in
different planets motions data
- I want to say that
- For some geometrical necessities, the solar system geometrical design created
categories of data on 3 levels each one is different with 1%
- I don't know why
- But the error 1% I have found regularly and in order case – so this order of data is
an example of many similar orders – let's provide another one in following
- 17.4 degrees = the inner planets orbital inclinations total
- 17.2 degrees = Pluto orbital inclination (error 1% )
- And
- 23.6 degrees = the outer planets orbital inclinations total
- 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt
- I want to say that,
- The error 1% or 2% be found for geometrical necessity – so when we find it we
should not remove the data for that
- But, notice
- I mean the rates 1 % or 2% ONLY but NOT 1.4%, 1.5%, 1.6% or 1.7%.......etc
- All these rates are errors in measurements. The geometrical design aim only 1% or
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-4 Jupiter Motion In Comparison With Light Motion
4222.6 = 2π x 671
0.3 mkm /sec x 671 s = 201 mkm (light moves during 671s a distance 201 mkm)
13.1 km/s x 4222.6 h x 3600 s = 199.2 mkm (Jupiter moves 199.2 mkm)
4900 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 16333 seconds
4900 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 4224 seconds
4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6
24.6 = (1.16/0.3) x 2π (error 1.2%)
(10747 x 24)/24.6 = 10485 = (4331 x 24)/ 9.9 h
(10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II – Discussion
Equation no. (4-4-a)
4222.6 h = 2π x 671 h
- Where
- 4222.6 h = Mercury Day Period
- 671 mkm =Venus Jupiter Distance
- But
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm /s) during 671 s moves a distance (201 mkm)
- Jupiter (13.1 km /s) during 4222.6 h a distance (199.2 mkm) (error 1%)
- Where 4222.6 hours =Mercury Day Period
- The equation tells, Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance
= 199.2mkm = light motion distance during 671 seconds (671= 4222.6 /2π)
- We should notice that
- We deal with strict geometrical design, and no mistake is allowable
- Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) moves during 671 seconds a distance 201
mkm. We consider that light motion is the master one here
- Light motion effects on planet motion with the rate (2π) and both motions pass
equal distances based on this rate
- But
- 1 second of light motion = (2π) hours of Jupiter motion
- This is the rule we should keep in mind
- 1 second of light motion = 1 hour of planet motion but with the rate (2π) between
the passed distances. Means if the distances be equal so 1second be = (2π) hours
and if 1second be = 1hour the passed distance will not be equal but rated with this
rate (2π).
- Notice
- The rate (2π) rule we discuss in part (2) of this paper, but the rule 1 second = 1
hour isn't the general one, because the general one is 1 second = 1 day, but Jupiter
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
here uses a part of this rate and we try to analyze its motion to see the depth behind
this rate.
- The conclusion is
- 1 second of light motion = (2π) hours of Jupiter motion
- We should see that as clear as possible
- Light does the motion at first, that means, we don't deal here with (720.7 mkm) but
we deal with light motion for a distance (201 mkm)
- This distance (201) will give a birth for planets motions distance (720.7 mkm) but
the distance (201 mkm) is the original one.
- Light And Jupiter Move Equal Distances
Equation no. (4-4-d)
4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6
- Where
- 199.2 mkm = Jupiter motion distance during Mercury day period (4222.6 h)
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- How to understand this hard equation (3-2-d)? we have to analyze more deep Mars
rotation period, let's try to do that in following
Equation no. (4-4-e)
- 24.6 = (1.16/0.3) x 2π (error 1.2%)
- Where
- 1.16 mkm/sec = light supposed velocity
- 0.3 mkm/sec = light known velocity
- Equation no. (4-4-e) tells a great information that, Mars rotation period is a point
inside which light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) interacted or cohered with
light known velocity (0.3mkm/ec)!
- We can't accept such great conclusion based on one simple equation, we have to
go to mars and examine if its motion be related in this same conclusion
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (300000 km /24.1 km) = (120536 km/9.7 km)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) / Mars velocity 24.1 km/sec = Saturn
diameter 120536 km / Saturn velocity for 1 second.
- 1160000 km = 24.1 km/sec x 48133 seconds
- Saturn (9.7km/s) moves during 48133 seconds a distance = 466556 km= Jupiter
motion distance during Jupiter day period = Neptune motion distance during a
solar day.
- But
- Saturn (9.7km/s) moves 300000 km during a period 30589 seconds (error 1%)
(30589 days = Uranus Orbital Period)
- Saturn (9.7km/s) moves 1160000 km during a period 120536 seconds (error 0.8%)
(120536 km = Saturn diameter)
- But
- (120536 /30589) = 3.94 but (1h of Mercury motion =3.91 h of Mars Motion)
- How to understand this data?
- The interaction between light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) and light supposed
velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) be done in Saturn motion, and Saturn transports its
motion to Mars where the interaction between the 2 light beams velocities be seen
in Mars rotation period – that explains why Mars rotation period is so important as
Equation no. (4-4-f)
(10747 x 24)/24.6 = 10485 = (4331 x 24)/ 9.9 h
Equation no. (4-4-g)
(10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
- 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 9.9 hours = Jupiter Day Period
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity
- 9.7 km/s = Saturn Velocity
- 17.4 deg = the inner planets orbital inclinations total
- 7 deg = Mercury orbital inclination.
Additional Equation no. (1)
10 x 10747 days x 24 h = 10.7 h x 2 x 120536 = 2579280 hours - Let's remember
- (1)
- Saturn (0.838 mkm /daily) moves during 120536 days a distance =100733mkm =
the distance be passed by light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) during one solar
day (where 120536 km = Saturn Diameter)
- (2)
- The moon (2.4 mkm/ daily) moves during 10747 days a distance =25920mkm =
light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) motion distance during a solar day. And
Additional Equation no. (2)
- 1433.5 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) = 17.75 mkm x (511.1 /2π)
- 17.75 mkm= the planets motions distances total per a solar day (this total contains
the moon velocity per a solar day 2.57 mkm = Earth velocity because they aren't
separated from one another)
- 511 deg = The Planets Axial Tilts Total
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice
- Let's try to explain how this paper works
- In Paper Part (I) we analyze The Solar Planets Data to prove that, The soalr system
description inherited from Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity is mistaken
description and we have to replace it with another one –
- In this part we face the data analysis without any new explanation, while we try to
prove that the data can't be explained by Newton Theory.
- This process is done in the first (10) Points of this paper
- In points no. (11) and (12),
- I provide the solar system creation theory by which the planets motions data be
explained –
- As a result this data can be more clear in the discussion of Part (II) of this paper –
- I provide Jupiter Motion Data in Comparison with light motion as example for the
discussion found in part no. (II) of this paper.
- I try to show – our current reading for planets motions data will be changed in the
solar system creation theory because the theory supposes that a light beam moves
accompanying with the planets motions and effect on tier motions data –we here
see example of this discussion.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5- Planets Unified General Motion
5-1 Preface
5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description
5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another
5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-1 Preface
- In point no. (3-2) we have discussed some of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter motions
data to prove that these 3 planets don't move independent motions.
- This part of data we repeat here again
- and
- we add to it another part of data (Planet 8 days cycle)
- I put all data together to show, the planets motions can't be done independently. On
the contrary, the planets motions data be done dependently on one another –
- The new part of data shows one more feature proves that the planets motions can't
be independent and by that, a huge number of data supports the claim (Planet
Motion Be done depending on other planets motions)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description
- I suppose that (The Planets Motions Create One Unified General Motion)
- This hypothesis tells the planets motions be similar to Train Carriages Motion
- Also It tells the planets motions be similar to Chess Pieces Motions
- The hypothesis discovers One Law controls the solar system motion and data.
- The planets unified general motion forces each planet motion to be complementary
with other planets motions to perform The Unified General Motion. as a result,
The Planet motion be An Obligatory Motion.
- The Solar Planet creates its data to be in consistency with its motion.
- The planet can't change its motion, but can change its data to be in consistency
with its motion. And the planet data be created in consistency with its motion.
- Because the planet motion be complementary with other planets motions.
- The planet data be created complementary with other planets data
- Based On This Vision
- The solar planets data be created complementary to other planets data and based
on that the planets data be created depends on One Geometrical Design.
- And
- The Planets Creation And Motions Data Be Controlled By One Equation Only
- We discuss again a part of the 3 Planets Motions data because we add more data
and extensive discussion for it (The 3 planets are Mercury, Mars and Jupiter)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another
(The Interaction between Mercury, Mars and Jupiter)
(No. 1) (Mercury and Mars Motions)
- Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h.) a distance = 720.7 mkm
- Mars moves during (2802 hours) a distance = 243 mkm
- Mercury moves during (1407.6 hours) a distance = 243 mkm (error 1%)
- Mars moves during 346.6 d. a distance =720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Dis.)
- Mercury moves during 346.6 d. a distance =1419 mkm (with 1433 error 1%)
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance = 1433 mkm (Mars orbit. Circum)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance =2815mkm (Mercury Uranus Dis.)
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance = 9010mkm (Saturn orbit. Circum)
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance = 2815 mkm x 2π
- Mars moves during 224.7 d. a distance = π x 149.6 mkm (Earth orb. Dis)
- Mercury moves during 224.7 d. a distance = 920 mkm (with 928 error 1%)
- Mars moves during 365.25 d. a distance = π x 243 mkm (0.5%)
- Mercury moves during 365.25 d. a distance = 2 x 748 mkm
- Mars moves during 5040s. a distance= 121464 km= Saturn Diameter (+1%)
- Mercury moves during 5040s. a distance= 238896 km= 2 Saturn Diameters (-1%)
1407.6 h = Mercury Rotation Period 2802 h = Venus Day Period
346.6 days = the nodal year 224.7 days = Venus orbital period
687 days = Mars Orbital Period
4331 days = Jupiter orbital period = 2π x 687 days
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(No. 2) (Mars And Jupiter Motions)
- Mars moves during 636.7 days a distance =1325 mkm= (Venus Saturn Dis.)
- Jupiter moves during 636.7 days a distance =720.7 mkm
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
- Mars moves during 778.6 d. a distance = 1622 mkm = Uranus Neptune Dis.
- Jupiter moves during 778.6 d a distance= 881 mkm =58 days x 15.19 mkm.
- ( 15.19 mkm = the 9 solar planets motions distances total per a solar day).
- Notice
- 2.082 mkm / day x 778.6 days = 1622 mkm = 1.1318 mkm /day x 1433 days
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(No. 3) (Mercury And Jupiter Motions)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Mercury moves during 1433 d. a distance =5848 mkm= Mercury Pluto Dis.
- Jupiter moves during 1433 d a distance =1622 mkm=Uranus Neptune Dis.
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
- Mercury moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 720.7 mkm
- Jupiter moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 200 mkm = 629 mkm/π
- Mercury moves during 550.7 d a distance = π x 720.7 mkm (0.4%)
- Jupiter moves during 550.7 d a distance = 629 mkm (error 1%)
Please Remember,
Data Group No. (1)
- Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference
- Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference
- Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference
Data Group No. (2)
- Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance
- Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π
Data Group No. (3)
- Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance
- Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time.
- The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any
planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets.
- The Defined Periods Of Time means a period of any planet cycle, as 365.25 days
(Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet rotation period or
any planet day period. All these periods are defined periods of time
- The argument tells that
- If the solar planets move their motions independently from one another, based on
that, the planets motions during defined periods of time should pass (random)
distances. Because these Planets are independent in their motion from one
another. (For example) Mercury motion depends on its orbital period (88 days) and
doesn't interest neither for Mars orbital period (687 days) nor for Jupiter orbital
period (4331 days) and by that, Mercury during these periods (687 days and 4331
days) should move some random distances (not defined in the solar system
- The data disproves Planet Motion Independency Concept. because the (3)
planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. These planets motions
aren't independent from one another. These motions are done based on One
Geometrical Design. And these motions be are similar to Chess Board Pieces
Motions. Each Motion is calculated geometrically and be obligatory.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice
- The previous analysis of motions prove the interactions of motions among the
three planets (Mercury, Mars and Jupiter). These interactions we have referred to
them during our analysis for Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm).
- The 2 parts of discussions can provide a clear vision for how the planet motion be
done. Because the planets motions data help us greatly and protect us from any
imaginary vision. Because of that, the motions interaction which we have
concluded based on the planets data analysis concerning Jupiter orbital
circumference be proved here clearly by the 3 planets motions analysis
- It's simply a fact
- If the geometrical machine based on which this data be created be discovered the
reasons will be known to answer how or why these motions have interactions.
- But even before this machine discovery the data shows the motions interactions in
both sides. In the planets data and in the planets motions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion)
- Let's Summarize The Proof Idea In Following:
- This proof depends on 2 planets motion cycles are discovered later. Which are
(planet 8 days cycles) and (planet 6 days cycles). We study one Cycle only in this
paper because both cycles provide the same argument.
- The Cycle Shows That Different Planets Motions Be Used In The Same One
Cycle To Create One Final Result.
- Means,
- Many planets move relative one another to create one result.
- For Example
- Jupiter moves a distance (A) and Uranus moves a distance (B).
- The different distance between (A) and (B) = Jupiter Diameter
- Now
- The machine uses this behavior frequently, and (the different distance = Jupiter
Diameter) be created frequently while the cycle uses its different periods (8 days,
16 days, 24 days….etc).
- Based on that,
- We can't consider these planets motions are independent from one another because
the different distance be defined by the 2 planets motions. we have to consider
these planets motions as a team motion. They move relative to one another which
proves The Unified General Motion Concept.
- Based on that,
- (Planet 8 and 6 Days Cycle) disproves Planet Independent Motion Concept.
- In following we study Planet 8 Days Cycle
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(Planet 8 Days Cycle)
- Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during its day period (9.9 h) a distance = 466884 km
- But
- 466884 km = 449197 km (Jupiter Circumference) + 17687 km
- Where
- (8 x 17687 km = 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter) (error 1%)
- Based on that, we have concluded that, Jupiter has a cycle of 8 days
- Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 8 Jupiter days (79.2 h) a distance = 3735072 km
- (3735072 km= 8 Jupiter circumferences + 141496 km (Jupiter diameter) (1%)
- The distance 3735072 km be passed also by Saturn and Neptune with a rate 80%
depends on one another as following:
- Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 10 Saturn days (107 h) a distance = 3736440 km
- (10 Saturn Circumferences = 3786750 km, the difference =50310 km = Uranus
Diameter error 1.5%)
- Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 12 Neptune days (193.2 h) a distance = 3755808
- (24 Neptune Circumferences = 3734323 km, the difference =21485 km = Mars
Circumference (error 0.6 %))
- Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during Pluto day period (153.3 h) a distance = 3752784
- The distance 3752784 km = Jupiter motion distance during 8 days + 17687 km
- And because
- 17687 km x (8) = 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter) (error 1%)
- That tells another Cycle is found between Uranus and Jupiter based on 8 Pluto
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- That means, the distance be passed by Uranus during 8 Pluto days equal the
distance be passed by Jupiter during 64 Jupiter days and equal the distance be
passed by Saturn during 80 Saturn days and equal the distance be passed by
Neptune during 100 Neptune days
Let's see that in following
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during (64 Jupiter days) a distance =29880756 km
Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during (80 Saturn days) a distance =29891520 km
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during (100 Neptune days) a distance =31298400 km
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during (8 Pluto days) a distance =30022272 km
- Uranus motion distance (30022272 km) – Jupiter motion distance (29880756 km)
= 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter)
- The differences between these distances are less than 1 % (generally) and based on
that we can't consider they are different distances but we have to consider they are
equal distances.
- Although still there are small differences which are found for geometrical reasons
for example the difference between Jupiter and Saturn motions distances =
29880756 km – 29891520 km = 10921 = the moon circumference
- The data shows Planets Motions Dependency, because the different distances are
defined geometrically and that means these aren't 2 different distances of 2 plants
independent motions. On the contrary, the 2 distances are planned geometrically
and the 2 planets are 2 players to perform one different distance.
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Planet Motion Features Disproves Newton Theory

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Planet Motion Features Disproves Newton Theory The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –16th September 2021 Abstract Paper hypothesis - Planet Motion Features Disproves Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity - Where - Planet Motion Features Prove Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion. Paper hypothesis Explanation - Many new features are discovered in the solar planets motions among which: - (1) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion - (2) The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates of Time - (3) The Solar system Distances Be Created In A Network Form - (4) The Solar Planets Motions Data Be Used Mutually Among Planets - The previous features disprove Planet Motion Independency Concept inherited by Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity- the features simply gives us a different vision about the solar system motion. - Instead of the rigid body moving by the sun mass gravity independently from other rigid bodies in creation and motion data, The Solar Planet be a similar to a point on one trajectory of energy. where the solar planets move together one unified motion as train carriages transporting among the planets the motion with the rates of time making the solar system as a great Clock its input one motion creates (one second) and its output another motion creates (one solar day).
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 - And the 2 motions depend on one another as 2 gears in one machine of gears. - Can this vision be a fact? - I claim Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity is created out of imagination basically because the sun is created after all planets creation and motion. - How can I prove my idea against Newton theory? - By Planets Motions Data Analysis Paper objective - We have a method to test any theory – by that we can protect ourselves from any imaginary idea – - The method is (The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis) - For example, - I claim, the planets move one unified motion – but Newton told that- Planet Moves independently from all other planets motions – by what method we can test these 2 ideas in comparison? By The Planets Motions Data – that shows the power which I have to write against Newton theory – because I analyze the planets motions data – and if my explanation be refused – that changes nothing because the data still need explanation – Newton told us that – Planet moves interpedently – but we see no data supports this idea – but planets motions data supports the conclusion that these planets move one unified motion –by that– I don't put myself against Newton- instead – I put the planets motions data and ask if Newton theory can explain it Paper argument - Why Newton theory is mistaken and lived so long? - Because, the basic question be left behind (how the matter is created?) - Matter is created out of light and the born matter isn't separated from its parent light beam – by that – light motion effects on matter motion features – as a result – we have discovered light motion features are used by planets motions – here we have conclude that Newton must have been wrong. Please scan the figure (ORCID)
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 Paper Contents Subject Page No. 1- Introduction 5 2- Methodology 8 Paper Part No. (I) 11 3- Jupiter Motion Analysis 12 3-1 Preface 13 3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison 14 3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis 18 3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion 29 3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis 33 4- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period 44 4-1 Preface 45 4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? 46 4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm 50 4-4 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion 56 5- Planets Unified General Motion 62 5-1 Preface 63 5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description 64 5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 65 5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 70 6- The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time 75 6-1 Preface 76 6-2 Planet motion rate of time suggested rule 79 6-3 Mercury Pluto Motions Rate of Time 85 6-4 Mercury Saturn Motions Rate of Time 91 6-5 The Double Using Of One Rate Of Time 99 6-6 Earth, its moon And Pluto Motions Rates Of Time 101 6-7 Earth And Saturn Motions Rates Of Time 112 6-8 Mars Rates Of Time 115 6-9 Jupiter Rates Of Time 116 6-10 Venus Rates of Time 120 7-The Solar System Distances Be In A Network Form 121 7-1 Preface 121 7-2 Planets Motions Data Analysis 122 8- Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 124 8-1 Preface 125 8-2 Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 126 9- The Solar System Historical Development 140 9-1 Preface 141 9-2 Mars Migration Theory 143
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 9-3 Pluto Migration Theory 146 9-4 Planets Migration Theories Proves 148 9-5 The Sun Age Description 151 10- Saturn Motion Analysis 164 10-1 Preface 165 10-2 Saturn Motion Analysis 166 Paper Part No. (II) The Solar System Creation Theory 168 11- The Solar System Creation Theory 169 11-1 Preface 170 11-2 The Solar System Creation Theory 172 11-3 The Inner Planets Motions Reason 177 11-4 Light Beam (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 181 11-5 Saturn Motion More Analysis 219 11-6 Equation Distances Feature 226 12-The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form 232 12-1 Preface 233 12-2 The Continuum effect Through the Solar System Distances 235 12-3 The Solar System Distances Distribution 240 12-4 The Solar System Distances Dependency On One Another 245 Appendix No. (1) The Moon Orbital Motion Equation 247 References and Biography 262
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 1-Introdcution - Newton Theory is lived 400 years – for that – we should have something strong to write against - I have The Planets Motions Data Analysis - I claim, no one analyzed the planets motions data and because of that we lived in imagination for long time – - The idea is a simple and clear – Newton gave us a theory – it's good but how to test it? how to know if this theory tells facts? - The planets motions data should answer this question –the theory tries to explain the planets motions –and if the theory can't explain this data – that means- this theory is mistaken – it's simple and clear idea – - The point is that- no planet data be used to test any theory – for example - 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π - Why? - This data is removed without explanation! And - 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance)=227.9 days (Mars Orbital Distance) x 2π - This data also be removed without explanation- no planet data be seen here – we simply believe the theory – - But - The theory even doesn't answer the basic question (how the matter is created?) - I want to say - The theory be formed, and after birth, we found it answers one part of a theoretical description –and this part doesn't depend on any planet data. and this part isn't qualified to be complementary with any new parts to give a complete description explains planet motion – why the theory be acceptable? - The theory is mistaken - It's wrong not only in concept but also in methodology – because it cut the sources of knowledge and gave us a separated piece of imagination we have to believe in.
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 - The critic is written because the theory doesn't create a method to use planets motions data as a measurement for the theory sufficiency. - If Newton did that, he would give us a method to test his ideas and to correct the wrong trajectory for long time - We should see the force of this paper - It's not any idea be written here whatsoever this idea intelligence - The paper force is that, it proves the planets data with forms of analysis and gives a chance for better analysis to be done by any one to help our investigation to discover how the solar planets be created and moving. - Again - Why Newton Theory is Mistaken and lived so long? - Because, the basic question lest behind (How the matter is created?) - This question answer can help greatly to discover the planet motion - Now - My answer for this question is the following: - The matter is created out of light, and the born matter isn't separated from its parent light beam but move with it in one unified motion by using different rates of time – by that- the rigid body motion in fact shows light motion features because the matter is created out of light – this is my theory to answer the question - And - This paper is divided into 2 parts - (1st Part) - This part analyzes the planets motions data to prove that there 4 new features of motions be discovered and can't be explained by Newton Theory which are - (1) The Solar Planets Move One Unified General Motion - (2) The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates of Time - (3) The Solar system Distances Be Created In A Network Form - (4) The Solar Planets Motions Data Be Used Mutually Among Planets
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 - (2nd Part) - This part provides my theory trying to show the planets data be created depends on light motion effect on planets motions. - - I want to say that - I don't provide a theory and try to prove it - I provide analysis for the planets motions data which create thousands of questions all of them contradicts Newton Theory – and so- My theory is a try to answer these questions - That means, this paper power isn't the theory I provide here but - Its power is the planets motions data analysis –which we discuss in so deep and wide discussions – for that reason – the respectful reader will not have to read my ideas –but will b rich greatly with planets motions data – and then my theory will be a try to explain this data – If it does that sufficiently it will be good otherwise the respectful reader can help with his opinions because he has all data I have and can create more correct idea – I try to show that – why this paper is useful - Let's take a look on the paper contents - The Paper first Part analyzes the planets motions data - The Paper first Part provides matter Creation Theory and create anew reading for the planets motions data. - For contents details please see the contents table - Best Greetings
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 2-Methodology - I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to explain the planets motions- let's use one example to explain how this method works? - Example No. 1 - Newton told us– The planet motion be independent from all other planets motions - This is the theory – let's see some planets motions data for a comparison - Data (1) Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance = Mars Orbital Circumference = Pluto Neptune Distance (error 1.5%) = Pluto eccentricity Distance (error 1.5%) = Neptune Orbital Distance/π = Uranus Orbital Distance /2 (2) Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (0.5%) (3) Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (1.5%) Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (1.2%) (Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun) (4) Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (0.6%) Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (0.8%) Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π Why These Distances Are Equal?
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 - The solar system has around (45 distances) and these distance are around (25 distances) why they are equal one another? Can Planets Independent Motions Cause These Distances Equality? - In some desert someone sees a mirage and thought it's a water! How can we prove to him that this is a mirage and Not a water? - Newton told that, Planets Motions be Independent From One Another, and as a result - The solar system distances be created based on each other in a Network form where more than 50% of all distances are equal one another!! - I try to show that – it was not so great job to disprove Newton Theory – but the book removes the planets motions data – this is the question – why? - The planets creations and motions data should be similar to a creature genes which can tell us how this planet be created and moving – so whatsoever the theory be the planets motions data be more important than it – and by that – even if Newton was correct, there's no reason to remove the planets motions data from the book - The planets motions data is a method almost used by Kepler – - Let's use one more example - Example No. 2 - 778.6 mkm = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) - 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 671 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance) - 671 mkm = 1.0725 x 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance) - 629 mkm = (1.0725)2 x 550.7 mkm (Mars Jupiter Distance) - 550.7 mkm = (1.0725) x 511 mkm - 4900 mkm = (1.0725) x 4495.1 mkm (Neptune Orbital Distance) (1.6%) - 1375 mkm = (1.0725) x 1284 mkm (Earth Saturn Distance) - 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference - 1375mkm = Mercury Saturn Circumference
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 - The previous distances are 13 distances (30%) of all distances- they are example of many others- the question is why they are rated with the same one rate (1.0725)? - I try to show, some geometrical force moves through the planets motions data. This force is stronger than any planet motion and force all of them to use the same one rate – No Independent Motion Be Found Here – the data simply disproves Newton Theory - The previous data is example for wide range of data – I add some more of them here to show the strong force range of using this rate (1.0725) - (28.3 deg / 26.7 deg) =(26.7 deg /25.2 deg) = (25.2 deg /23.4 deg) = (122.5 /115.2) = (1.0725) - Where - 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt - 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt - 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt - 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt - 115.2 degrees = 90 degrees + 25.2 degrees (Mars Axial Tilt) - 122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt. - Shortly - The planets data analysis put the data in comparison with the theories to test the theory sufficiency.
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 Paper Part No. (I) The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 3- Jupiter Motion Analysis 3-1 Preface 3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison 3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis 3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion 3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 3-1 Preface - We analyze Jupiter motion in comparison with Mercury and Mars motions - Because - 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2π - And - 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) x 24.6 - (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period) - This data shows puzzles in the 3 planets motions because they creates some equality between their periods of time and we have no explanation how this equality can be found? - As a result - We hoped to see as deep as possible the connection origin among these 3 planets motions. - Shortly - We need to know, if these 3 planets cycles periods be connected based on their motions or the numbers be equal by chance. - For that w should analyze this three planets motions in the next point to see the cycles connection depth - Let's do that in the next point
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 3-2 Mercury, Mars and Jupiter Motions Comparison I-Data (No. 1) (Mercury and Mars Motions) - Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h.) a distance = 720.7 mkm - Mars moves during (2802 hours) a distance = 243 mkm - Mercury moves during (1407.6 hours) a distance = 243 mkm (error 1%) - Mars moves during 346.6 d. a distance =720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Dis.) - Mercury moves during 346.6 d. a distance =1419 mkm (with 1433 error 1%) - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance = 1433 mkm (Mars orbit. Circum) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance =2815mkm (Mercury Uranus Dis.) - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance = 9010mkm (Saturn orbit. Circum) - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance = 2815 mkm x 2π - Mars moves during 224.7 d. a distance = π x 149.6 mkm (Earth orb. Dis) - Mercury moves during 224.7 d. a distance = 920 mkm (with 929 error 1%) - Mars moves during 365.25 d. a distance = π x 243 mkm (0.5%) - Mercury moves during 365.25 d. a distance = 2 x 748 mkm - Mars moves during 5040s. a distance= 121464 km= Saturn Diameter (+1%) - Mercury moves during 5040s. a distance= 238896 km= 2 Saturn Diameters (-1%) Where 1407.6 h = Mercury Rotation Period 2802 h = Venus Day Period 346.6 days = the nodal year 224.7 days = Venus orbital period 687 days = Mars Orbital Period 4331 days = Jupiter orbital period = 2π x 687 days
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 (No. 2) (Mars And Jupiter Motions) - Mars moves during 636.7 days a distance =1325 mkm= (Venus Saturn Dis.) - Jupiter moves during 636.7 days a distance =720.7 mkm - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum. - Mars moves during 778.6 d. a distance = 1622 mkm = Uranus Neptune Dis. - Jupiter moves during 778.6 d a distance= 881 mkm =58 days x 15.19 mkm. - ( 15.19 mkm = the 9 solar planets motions distances total per a solar day). - Notice - 2.082 mkm / day x 778.6 days = 1622 mkm = 1.1318 mkm /day x 1433 days - Where - 2.082 mkm /day = Mars Velocity Per A Solar Day - 4.095 mkm /day = Mercury Velocity Per A Solar Day - 1.13184 mkm /day = Jupiter Velocity Per A Solar Day
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 (No. 3) (Mercury And Jupiter Motions) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Mercury moves during 1433 d. a distance =5848 mkm= Mercury Pluto Dis. - Jupiter moves during 1433 d a distance =1622 mkm=Uranus Neptune Dis. - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum. - Mercury moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 720.7 mkm - Jupiter moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 200 mkm = 629 mkm/π - Mercury moves during 550.7 d a distance = π x 720.7 mkm (0.4%) - Jupiter moves during 550.7 d a distance = 629 mkm (error 1%) For summary, Data Group No. (1) - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference - Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference Data Group No. (2) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π Data Group No. (3) - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
  • 17. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 17 II-Discussion - The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. - The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets. - The Defined Period Of Time means a period of any planet cycle, as 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet rotation period or any planet day period. All these periods are defined periods of time - The argument tells that - If the solar planets move their motions independently from one another, based on that, the planets motions during defined periods of time should pass (random) distances. Because these Planets are independent in their motion from one another. (For example) Mercury motion depends on its orbital period (88 days) and doesn't interest neither for Mars orbital period (687 days) nor for Jupiter orbital period (4331 days) and by that, Mercury during these periods (687 days and 4331 days) should move Random distances (not be one of the solar system distances). - The data disproves Planet Motion Independency Concept. because the (3) planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. These planets motions aren't independent from one another. These motions are done based on One Geometrical Design. And these motions be similar to Chess Board Pieces Motions. Each Motion is calculated geometrically and be obligatory and takes into consideration the other planets motions and their effects.
  • 18. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 18 3-3 Jupiter Orbital Period Analysis I- Data (3-3-a) 4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6 (3-3-b) 671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars) =1705 days (Saturn) = 859 hours (Venus) But f 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) x 24 = 24.6 h (Mars Rotation Period) x 671 (3-3-c) 10747 days x 24 h = 24.6 hours x 10485 but 4331 days x 24 h = 9.9 hours x 10499 (3-3-d) 4331 days =224.7 days x 19.27 (3-3-e) (10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
  • 19. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 19 II- Discussion - In this point we analyze Jupiter orbital period to know why it's created in proportionality with Mercury and Mars Cycles Periods - I suppose that, the equality of cycles creates equality of the motion rates of time – means, where - 4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6 - And - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period 687 days = Mars Orbital Period - 175.94 days = Mercury Day Period - Based on this equality, I suppose that - 1h of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter motion =3.91 h of Mars motion - These rates of time I suppose based on the equality of the cycles periods - And - Our discussion will depend on this hypothesis and test it to know if it's a fact - But - This is (just) a method of analysis – I don't here defend this hypothesis as a fact (spite it's a real fact) but I don't fight for it – it's a method for analysis – or an approach for analysis – - We put the 3 planets motions data face one another and create comparisons among them. The comparisons can give us the required proves for what's going. - I want to say that, - Our eyes should not be in confusion for vision with this hypothesis – our eyes should look directly to the planets data and know how this planets be created – because the proportionality between the 3 planets isn't just rates as (2π) or (24.6) but tenths of rates all of them be used frequently are found among these 3 planets motions – the idea is that – these 3 planets motions depend on one geometrical design and by that their motions be defined in comparison with one another – here our useful result will not be only to disprove Newton theory but we will use these comparisons to see as deep as possible these plants motions features.
  • 20. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 20 Equation No. (3-3-a) 4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6 - Where - 4331 solar days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 687 solar days = Mars Orbital Period - 175.94 solar days = Mercury Day Period - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - Equation no. (3-3-a) is our equation for which we do the planets motions comparison, it gives an interesting suggestion…. - It tells - 1 h of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion - And - 1 h of Mars Motion = 2π h of Jupiter Motion - The equation provides the rates of time between the 3 planets motions. - The equation gives us a new vision about the solar planets motions. it suggests that the planets motions use different rates of time and these rates can be discovered by comparisons between Planets Motions Data. - As we consider this explanation of the equation, it's just a suggestion and we need to prove it and understand how that can be possible, the next equation can help our investigation… but - The question – how planets low velocity can use different rates of time? The answer of this question depends on the sun effect on Planets Cycles Periods Creation – We discuss this question in point no. (8) (Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time) in that point we discuss widely Planets motions using of different rates of time.
  • 21. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 21 Equation No. (3-3-b) 671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars) - Equation no. (3-3-a) tells that, 1 day of Mercury Motion = 24.6 days of Jupiter Motion = 3.91 days of Mars Motion - And - 1 day of Mars motion be = 2π days of Jupiter Motion. - Equation (3-3-b) uses these same rates - 671 hours of Mercury motion = 671 h x 24.6 (= 687 solar days) of Jupiter motion = 671 h x 3.91 (= 109.3 solar days) of Mars Motion - Now we have 3 periods of time depend on the suggested rates of time we have discussed in the previous equation - Now, How To Prove These Periods Are Equal? let's see the planets motions distances during these periods - Mercury moves during (671 h) a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm ( = Mercury orbital distance - error 1%) - Jupiter moves during (687 days) a distance =778.6 mkm ( = Jupiter orbital distance) - Mars moves during (109.3 days) a distance =227.9 mkm ( = Mars orbital distance) - Means, - The planets during these periods move distances equal their orbital distances but Mercury moves a double value of its orbital distance - We use this result as a rule for now and later we should see if it's working rule - But - Why these planets move during these periods of time distances equal their orbital distances?! And the most important why Mercury moves a double value?! - The data tells,
  • 22. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 22 - Some fact be found behind the suggested motions rates of time. Because the planets move during these periods distances equal orbital distance, in this case we consider Mercury is exceptional and we should later ask why it moves double value of its orbital distance? - Now we have a rule tells - The period be used by a planet motion to pass distance = its orbital distance, this period can be compared with 671 hours of Mercury motion to define the rate of time between Mercury and this planet motions – - Let's test it in the next equation…
  • 23. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 23 Equation No. (3-3-c) 10747 days x 24 h = 24.6 hours x 10485 but 4331 days x 24 h = 9.9 hours x 10499 - Where - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - 9.9 hours = Jupiter Rotation Period - The values (10499 and 10485 are equal because the difference is 0.1%) - Equation no. (3-3-c) tells that - (10747 days /4331days) = (24.6 h /9.9 h) =2.48 - And for that, Saturn orbital period (10747 days) = (10485 rotation period) - And - Jupiter orbital period (4331 days) = (10499 Jupiter days periods) - Can 1 hour of Jupiter motion =2.48 hours of Saturn motion? Can this rate of time be a real one? - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hour of Jupiter Motion - Based on the previous conclusion - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 61 hours of Jupiter Motion - Based on that - 61 hours of Saturn motion = 1 hour of Mercury Motion - 2.48 hours Saturn motion = 1 hour of Jupiter Motion - 15.6 hours Saturn motion = 1 hour of Mars Motion - Let's return to equation no. (3-3-b)
  • 24. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 24 Equation No. (3-3-b) 671 hours (of Mercury) =687 days (of Jupiter) =109 days (of Mars) = 1705.5 days (Saturn) - We know that - Mercury moves during (671 h) a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm ( = Mercury orbital distance - error 1%) - Jupiter moves during (687 days) a distance =778.6 mkm ( = Jupiter orbital distance) - Mars moves during (109.3 days) a distance =227.9 mkm ( = Mars orbital distance) - And Now - Saturn moves during (1705.5 days) a distance =1430 mkm (= Saturn orbital distance) - And Also - Venus moves during (859 hours) a distance =108.2 mkm (= Venus Orbital Distance) - Notice - 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 0.8 =2.48 deg (Saturn Orbital Inclination) - 0.8 deg = Uranus Orbital Inclination - Notice - 1440 minutes = 61 x 23.6
  • 25. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 25 Planets Motions Rates Of Time (A Short List) - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 9.18 hours of Pluto motion - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter motion - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61 hours of Saturn motion - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 hours of Mars motion - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 hours of Venus motion - And - 1 hour of Pluto motion = 6.64 hours of Saturn motion - 1 hour of Pluto motion = 2.679 hours of Jupiter motion - 1 hour of Pluto motion = 4.61 hours of the moon motion - 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 1.72 hours of the moon motion - 1 hour of Earth motion = 2π hours of Pluto motion - And - 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 hours of Mars motion Data analysis - 120536 seconds of Saturn Motion = 18142 seconds of Pluto Motion x 6.64 - 18142 seconds = 5.04 hours - 30589 seconds x 2 = 12104 x 5.05 - 10747 days x 24 h = 10.7 h x 2 x 12053 and 1433 mkm = (12053 km x π)2 - From the previous data we conclude the following: - 120536 seconds of Saturn motion be =5.04 hours of Pluto motion - But - 1 hour of Pluto = 4.61 hours of the moon motion, Based on that, - 5.04 hours of Pluto motion =23.23 hours of the moon motion (where 23.45 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt) (error 1%) - Notice - 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 hours of Saturn motion - 1557.2 hours of Saturn motion = 629 hours of Jupiter motion - where - 1557.2 mkm = 2 x 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance) - 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance
  • 26. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 26 II- Discussion (continued) - We here don't discuss Planets Motions Rates Of Time, Because this subject is discussed deeply in Point no. (6) in this current paper. - We here analyze Planets Motions Features, and through our analysis Planets Motions Rates of time be referred and discussed briefly. For that reason we don't try to prove the rates of time using – because we here refers to a short reference for this using – in Point no.(6) there are many proves and different discussions to show that the rates of time using is a basic feature in for the solar planets motion. - Notice (2) - The solar planets motions using of different rates of time makes the solar system to work as a clock – means, - Each planet provide its motion rate of time and the planets rates of time be unified in one general rate by that, the solar system be similar to a great clock – because the solar system uses energy of a motion for 1 second – and by this energy the solar system produces another motion for 1 solar day – - Let's write this idea in more clear words - - The solar system uses energy of light motion for a period 1second and by this energy the solar system produces a planet motion for 1soalr day – this is the basic job of the solar system motion – but - Light motion effect on planet motion is a subject will be discussed in part no. (II) of this paper. I don't want to discuss this idea in any discussion before part (II) because the paper provides data analysis and the data analysis shows facts has no doubt – I don't want to write any of my ideas here which can create some doubt against the data analysis – for that reason I keep the explanation to be written in Part (II) of this paper – - But - The solar system uses of different rates of time basically to use 1 second of light motion energy to produce by it a planet motion for 1 solar day.
  • 27. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 27 Equation no. (3-3-d) 4331 days =224.7 days x 19.27 - Where - 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 hours of Venus motion - 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 hours of Mars motion - And - 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) x 3.057 = 687 days (Mars orbital period) - Equation no. (3-3-d) shows that, the rate of time between Mercury and Venus motions (1.279) is the correct rate –and that supports the rule which be used to define this rate – - The data simply supports the discussion and shows that it moves in the right way –
  • 28. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 28 Equation no. (3-3-e) (10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48 - Where - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - 9.9 hours = Jupiter Rotation Period - 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity - 9.7 km/s = Saturn Velocity - 17.4 deg = The Inner Planets Orbital Inclinations Total - 7 deg = Mercury Orbital Inclination - This equation should be discussed later in this paper deeply as possible – - But - This equation be added here to show that, - Saturn rate of time we have concluded, which is (1h or Mercury Motion =61 of Saturn Motion) and (1h of Jupiter Motion =2.48 h of Saturn Motion) - These rates are effective deeply on the planets motions data –as seen in the equation – the shows that one connection connects Jupiter, Saturn and Mars Motion – that may help to explain our old data which is - 331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) - 1433mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2πx 227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance) - This data should be put beside equation no (3-3-d) which can tell clearly that one connection be found behind all this data. for that we should discuss this equation later deeply - Notice - (17.4 mkm / 7mkm) = 2.5 - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) x 23.4 s = 7 mkm - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) x 57.9 seconds = 17.37 mkm
  • 29. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 29 3-4 Jupiter Orbital Circumference Discussion I-Data (3-4-a) 1.16 mkm =13.1 km/sec x 24.6 h x 3600 sec. (3-4-b) 4900 mkm = 1.16 x 4224 (3-4-c) 4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6 (3-4-d) 4900 mkm = 0.406 mkm x 12104 = 0.384 mkm x 12756 (3-4-e) Jupiter moves 778.6 mkm in (687 solar days) or (671 mars oration period) And Jupiter moves 671 mkm in (592 solar days) or (580 mars oration period) And Jupiter moves 629 mkm in (555.7 solar days) or (542 mars oration period)
  • 30. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 30 II- Discussion - The data tells us some interesting puzzled story, let's explain it in following: - Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.6h (Mars rotation period) a distance 1.16 mkm - But - Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) be designed geometrically base on this distance 1.16 mkm and by that 4900 mkm =1.16 mkm x 4224 - Where , 4222.6 hours = Mercury Day Period, So If - 4224 be equal 4222.6, - In this case - Jupiter orbital circumference be created based on a geometrical design takes into consideration these 2 cycles periods (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) - I created no data here, I just arrange it… Planets data be created (almost) based on this arrangement. That means, the circumference (4900 mkm) in fact be created based on these 2 cycles periods - Please Note - Even if there's an explanation for this data- we should not discuss it here – because we have a discovery we should know it it's a real one because - 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference, and HWY this distance be created depends on the 2 cycles periods - I wish I do my job correctly… the data is made of pure gold and I'm afraid that I'm stupid and covers the data brightness - The distance 4900 mkm be created in proportionality with the 2 cycles (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) BUT, BY Using Jupiter Motion Velocity - The using of the cycles (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) in Jupiter orbital circumference design isn't so strange using of data made far from Jupiter motion and the numbers be found here by chance. The cycles (24.6 h and 4222.6 h) takes Jupiter velocity in consideration. - The paper dedicates a point to analyze Jupiter orbital circumference (point no.8)
  • 31. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 31 Equation (3-4-a) 1.16 mkm =13.1 km/sec x 24.6 h x 3600 sec. Equation (3-4-b) 4900 mkm = 1.16 x 4224 - These 2 equations tell the story. Equation no (3-4-a) shows that Jupiter motion distance 1.16 mkm in 24.6 h (mars rotation period). - Equation no (3-4-b) shows that Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) be designed based 1.16 mkm and 4224 (where 4222.6h = Mercury day period) Equation (3-4-c) 4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6 - 199.2 mkm = Jupiter motion distance during Mercury day period (4222.6h) - 24.6 h = Mars Rotation Period - 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference - This equation we discuss with the distance 720.7 mkm analysis – - Let's explain what we do in following - Jupiter orbital circumference be analyzed in a separated point no.(8) - Mars rotation period be analyzed in the next point because of its so effective role in motions data – we try to why the number (24.6) be used so frequently with Jupiter motion - The next point (No. 4) we analyze Mercury Motion during its day period –because the period 4222.6 h is the second point on which Jupiter orbital circumference deepens - so with Mercury Motion analysis we discuss the equation no. (3-4-c) but the other equations we discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis point (8)
  • 32. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 32 Equation (3-4-d) 4900 mkm = 0.406 mkm x 12104 = 0.384 mkm x 12756 - Where - 0.406 mkm = Earth moon Distance At Apogee Radius - 0.384 mkm = The Earth Moon Orbital Distance. - 12014 km = Venus Diameter - 12756 km = Earth Diameter - Equation no.(3-4-d) shows that, Jupiter orbital circumference effect on the distances between the moon and Earth by the proportionality to Earth and Venus diameters – - This idea should be a correct one – because we have seen frequently that – Planet orbital distance is defined almost as a function in its diameter – by that to define the distance between the moon and Earth based on Venus and Earth diameters it's logical idea – - More analysis we should discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis (point no.8) - Notice - 4900 mkm = The Sun Diameter x The Moon Diameter (error 1%) - The data tries to show that Jupiter orbital circumference be designed geometrically as we should discuss later. - Also - We notice that 1 hour of Venus = 19.27 hours of Jupiter and based on that 4331days (Jupiter orbital period) =19.27 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period). The data shows more connections between Venus and Jupiter
  • 33. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 33 3-5 Mars Rotation Period Analysis I- Data (3-5- a) Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm But 174.9 solar days = 4197.8 hours (this period is less than 4222.6 h with 24.8 h) (3-5- b) Mars moves during (4222.6 h) a distance = 366.3 mkm = π x 116.6 mkm (3-5- c) Mars moves during (366.3 solar days) a distance = 763.4 mkm = π x 243 mkm (760 s x 0.3 mkm/sec = 227.9 mkm = Mars Orbital Period) (3-5- d) Mercury moves during (4222.6 h) a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mars Motion Distance During (346.1 solar days) (3-5- c) Mars moves during (329.9 solar days) a distance = 687 mkm (3-5- d) Mercury moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 344 mkm (3-5- e) (672 mkm/ 84 mkm) = 196.8 seconds /24.6 seconds (3-5- f) 720.7 mkm = 4.095 mkm/day x 175.94 day = 4.197 mkm x 171.7 (3-5- g) 654.9 x 24 h =24.6h x 639 Notice 4222.6 = 193 x 21.8 2550973 km = 116750 km x 21.8 344 = 4.095 x 84 = 3.91 x 88
  • 34. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 34 II- Discussion - In this point we try to know why mars rotation period (24.6 h) is used frequently in Jupiter and Mercury motions data - Because of that, we try with this period (24.6 h) by different analysis forms of data - The point is that - Mercury and Mars Motions have some (specific) harmony and because of that their motions causes some (similar effect) or (proportional effect) - Many examples can show that, let's discuss one in following: - During 5040 seconds - Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves a distance = 2 x Saturn diameter (error -1%) - Mars (24.1 km/s) moves a distance = Saturn diameter (error +1%) - Another example - Mercury during its rotation period (1407.6 h) moves a distance = 243mkm (1%) - Mars during Venus day period (2802 h) moves a distance = 243 mkm - Venus Day Period = 2 x Mercury Rotation Period (error 0.4%) - I want to say that, - Mars rotation period (24.6 h) effect on Jupiter and mercury cycles periods isn't a unique effect but there are many other similar effects can be discovered where these effects together tell that a geometrical mechanism be found behind this data creation and specifically there's a geometrical mechanism behind Mars rotation period creation.
  • 35. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 35 Equation No. (3-5-a) Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm But 174.9 solar days = 4197.8 hours (this period is less than 4222.6 h with 24.8 h) - Equation no. (3-5-a) tells, Mars during 84 days moves a distance = 174.9 mkm - Mercury day period =175.94 solar day, if 1 solar day = 1 mkm, that will result the following… - The distance 174.9 mkm will be equivalent to 174.9 solar days = 4197.8 h - Mercury day period = 4222.6 hours - The difference 4222.6 hours – 4197.8 hours = 24.8 hours - This period (24.8 h) is different from Mars rotation period (24.6 h) with (0.8%) - For now we consider both values are equal, - Equation no. (3-5-a) tries to find a deep connection between Mercury Day Period and Mars Rotation Period …we do that because of the equation in the previous discussion which told (4331 days = 2π x 687 days = 175.94 days x 24.6). we try to know why Mars rotation period (24.6 h) be used so frequently with Mercury Day Period and Jupiter Motion Data. - Based on this equation - Mars rotation period (may be) created as a function in Mercury Day Period - The point is that, - The relationship between Mercury and Mars isn't clear - The relationship between Jupiter and Mercury be so clear - But - Mars is a puzzled point… - Equation no. (3-5-a) tells us that, There's some reason for a relationship between Mercury Day Period and Mars Rotation Period regardless Jupiter Motion!
  • 36. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 36 Equations No. (a, b and c) Respectively Mars moves during (84 solar days) a distance = 174.9 mkm And Mars moves during (175.94 days) a distance = 366.3 mkm = π x 116.75 mkm And Mars moves during (366.3 solar days) a distance = 763.4 mkm = π x 243 mkm - Where - 4222.6 hours = Mercury Day Period - 116.75 days = Venus Day Period - 243 days = Venus Rotation Period - We have a series of motions depend on one another and passed distances (all of them) be used as periods of time based on the same rate (1mkm = 1 solar day) - The fighting is useless - The opponent will tell that (the data be created based on pure coincidence) and I will say (NO there's a geometrical reason behind) but he has no proof for his (pure coincidence claim) and I don't know the geometrical reason based on which the data be created…. - And - Because no help is available, the rich data will be removed without explanation because of the weak knowledge. - This data is created based on a geometrical reason… we have examples, let's provide some of them in following Example - Mercury moves during its rotation period (1407.6 h) a distance = 243 mkm (1%) - Venus moves during its day period (2802 h) x 2 a distance = 706 mkm - Mars moves during Venus Day8 Period (2802 h) a distance = 243 mkm - Where - 243 days = Venus Rotation Period 706 days = π x 224.7 days (= Venus Orbital Period)
  • 37. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 37 - The planets move distances and used them as periods of time - This fact is proved frequently spite we can't catch how that's happened - Many questions are left behind - For example - If Mars moves during (116.75 solar days) another distance (in place of 243 mkm move 260 mkm) - In this case Venus rotation period will be changed into 260 mkm or still be 243 mkm? - I want to say - The solar system is a machine of gears. Its motion depends on the gears motion but the geometrical rules which controls this motion are unknown and because of that we see the data but don't understand.
  • 38. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 38 Equation No. (3-5-e) (672 mkm/ 84 mkm) = (196.8 seconds /24.6 seconds) = 8 - Where - 671 mkm = Venus Jupiter Distance - 84 mkm = Mars Original Orbital Distance - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - During 196.5 (Mars rotation periods) Jupiter moves a distance =227.9 mkm = Mars Orbital Distance. - Notice. Mars migration theory tells that Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm and had migrated to it current one 227.9 mkm. - Equation no.(3-5-e) tells that, - Mars rotation period 24.6 h (may be) created because of Mars orbital distance (227.9 mkm) - Means - Mars had migrated from its original orbital distance (84 mkm) to its current one (227.9 mkm), and the migration process almost needed Mars rotation period to be =24.6 hours. I mean some geometrical reason behind forced to create Mars rotation period to be =24.6 hours! - But - The basic value in the Equation is the value (671) - Because 671 h (of Mercury motion) = 687 solar days (of Jupiter motion) = 109 solar days (of Mars motion)… - And - During 671 h Mercury moves 2 x 57.2 mkm (Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm) (1%) - During 687 days Jupiter moves 778.6 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance - During 109 days Mars moves 227.9 mkm = Mars orbital distance
  • 39. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 39 Equation No. (3-5-f) 720.7 mkm = 4.095 mkm/day x 175.94 day = 4.197 mkm x 171.7 - Where - 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance - 4.095 mkm /day = Mercury Velocity Per A Solar Day - 4.197 mkm = Mercury Motion Distance during (24.6 hours) - 170 mkm = Mercury Mars Distance (error 1% with 171.7) - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - The interesting information is that, - Mercury Day period (175.9) is used in part 1 of the equation but in place of it the distance between Mars and Mercury be used (170) in the equation part 2 - We know that the distances be used as periods of time so, if Mercury day period 175.94 solar day be used as 175.94 mkm that will be understandable - But - It's interesting to use the distance between Mars And Mercury (170 mkm) in place of Mercury Day Period - The point is that, Mercury uses of Mars rotation periods changed the distance from 4.095 mkm to 4.197 mkm and that changed the period 175.94 to 171.7 - But - What does that mean? - Let's write some concluded answer in following - We know, Mars was the second planet after Mercury with original orbital distance (=84 mkm) and had migrated to its current orbital distance (227.9 mkm) with a distance 170 mkm from Mercury. - The equation tells us, Mars had migrated from its original position but Mercury controlled this migration and didn't permit for Mars to be at a distance more far than 170 mkm from Mercury
  • 40. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 40 - Means, - Mercury controlled Mars Migration process and didn't let the distance with Mars to be more than 170 mkm. - This motion and distance depend on Mercury Day Period - Notice - The equation tells the distance (170 mkm = Mercury Mars Distance) depends on the distance (720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance) - More data can support our analysis
  • 41. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 41 MORE DATA (1) - (Mercury day period 4222.6 h / Mars rotation period 24.6 h) =171.7 - (Mercury rotation period 1407.6 h / Mars rotation period 24.6 h) =57.27 - Where - 171.7 mkm is different from Mercury Mars Distance (170 mkm) with 1% - 57.2 mkm is different from Mercury Orbital Distance (57.9 mkm) with 1% (2) - Light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves during 193 sec a distance 57.9 mkm - Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) moves during 196.5 sec a distance 227.9 mkm - Where 196.5 sec is different from 193 sc with 2% - 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance - 227.9 mkm = Mars Orbital Distance - Notice - (Mars Mass / Mercury Mass) = 0.514 - And - 360 degrees /687 days = 0.524 - The difference between (0.514) and (0.524) is around 2% - But, If we accept these values are equal (for now) - That may tell how Mercury control Mars motion because the rate 0.524 expresses Mars Motion Daily and that define Mars daily motion distance and if Mars Cycles periods be interacted with Mercury cycles periods that define obligatory Mars orbital distance. And by that Mercury define the point to which Mars could migrate and couldn't move beyond it.
  • 42. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 42 MORE DISCUSSION - The previous data tries to show that, a deep connection is found between Mercury an Mars motions – this connection effect is seen on Jupiter motion by the equation (4331 days =2π x 687 days =175.94 days x 24.6), but - This connection is found between Mercury and Mars motions originally, even this connection controlled Mars Migration process… - I hope I do my job correctly, - Because - The puzzle be raised because of this equation (4331 days =2π x 687 days =175.94 days x 24.6) and we have tries to explain why these cycles periods are rated with each other… - But now - We have more tenths of data shows more connections between the 2 same planets, I claim there's a geometrical reason behind and the (pure coincidences of numbers) is a wrong claim if any one try to raise because we have tenths of directed data which express of the 2 planets motions. And - If I can't catch the geometrical reason of mechanism behind this data creation that shouldn't effect negatively of this data force. - I want to say that, - Mars rotation period isn't the only piece of data effective strongly on the 3 planets motions but there are many other basic players of data and all of them tells loudly that the data be created based on geometrical mechanism and these planets motions be done depends on one another and in proportionality with one and other and that means, if any planet of these 3 planets be absent the other planets will change their motion or even suffer from more great damage – we here don't deal with separated moving rigid bodies – we deal with one building and each planet is a part of this same building – it's one machine of gears and any gear stops will effects greatly on all other gears motions.
  • 43. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 43 Equation No. (3-5-g) 654.9 x 24 h =24.6 h x 639 - Where - 654.9 mkm = Jupiter Saturn Distance - 639 mkm = (629 mkm /929mkm) x 940 mkm - 24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period - But - Jupiter moves during 639 days a distance 723.25 mkm (= 720.7 mkm) - Saturn moves during 654.9 days a distance 550.7 mkm (= Mars orbital distance) - The equation basic value is 639 days or (639 mkm) because Jupiter moves during this period (639 days) distance = 723 mkm where Mercury moves during its day period a distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter distance - The equation tells that, the periods (654.9 and 639) are rated based on Mars rotation period – but the period 639 days has a value because of the distance 720.7 mkm – means we can't see why this equation is important unless w understand why Jupiter needs the period 639 days? And Jupiter needs it to pass a distance =720.7 mkm - Shortly - We need to discuss Mercury motion for the distance 720.7 mkm for better understanding– we Discuss Mercury Motion in the next point (no. 4) - Notice - (629 mkm /929mkm) x 940 mkm - 629 mkm= Earth Jupiter Distance - 929 mkm= Earth Jupiter Distance (when the 2 planets be on the sun 2 sides) - 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference - That tells the distance 639 mkm is created based on Earth Jupiter Distance
  • 44. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 44 4- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period 4-1 Preface 4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? 4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm 4-4 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion
  • 45. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 45 4-1 Preface - Mercury moves during its day period a distance =720.7 mkm - In this point we choose 3 planets motions for the distance 720.7 mkm – these planets are Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto - Mercury moves 720.7 mkm in a period =4222.6 h = Mercury day period - Jupiter moves 720.7 mkm in a period = 637 solar days = 622 Mars rotation periods - Pluto moves 720.7 mkm in a period = 1775 solar days - The data discussion will show the importance of these planets motions - But - I want to say that, - Matter is created out of light, as a result the solar planets move accompanying with light motion – - When we discuss the light motion effect on planets motions we will discover that the light beam started from Mercury to Jupiter and then to Pluto – - Means, - I have choose these 3 planets because of the light motion effect on them, but here we don't discuss the light motion and I try to show that the planets motions data be created depends on one another by analysis this and without any outer idea - - Shortly - The 3 planets motions choice will be more clear with light motion discussion – but here we try to show that – the planets motions data be created dependently on one another.
  • 46. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 46 4-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? I - Data (4-2-a) Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h) a distance =720.7 mkm (4-2-b) Mercury day period =2 Mercury orbital period = 3 Mercury rotation period (4-2-c) Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance =199.2 mkm (4-2-d) (240 mkm/158 mkm) =(88 days /58.65 days) (error 1.2%) II – Discussion Equation no. (4-2-d) (240 mkm/158 mkm) =(88 days /58.65 days) (error 1.2%) - Where - 240 mkm = Mercury Motion Distance during its rotation period (1407.6 hours) - 158 mkm = π x 50.3 mkm (Mercury Venus Distance) - 88 days = Mercury Orbital Period - 58.65 days = Mercury Rotation Period - Let's remember the question? - Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? We have 2 reasons …. one reason is related to Mercury Motion and the other is related to Jupiter motion.
  • 47. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 47 - (1st Point Mercury Motion) - Mercury Day period 4222.6 hours = 2 x Mercury orbital period 2112 hours, and - Mercury Day period 4222.6 hours = 3 x Mercury rotation period 1407.6 hours… - And (I) - Mercury moves during its rotation period a distance = 240 mkm (which is related to Mercury Venus Distance) with the rate (1.5= Mercury orbital period / Mercury rotation period). - Means, Mercury Motion distance during its rotation period is related to Mercury Venus Distance (it's related to Venus Basically because 243 days = Venus rotation period) (II) - Mercury moves during its orbital period a distance = 360 mkm (Mercury orbital circumference). (means this motion is related to Mercury Position) (III) - Mercury moves during its day period a distance = 720.7 mkm= Mercury Jupiter distance - By that - Mercury has 3 cycles - By its rotation period creates a connection with Venus (the most inner planet to it) - By its orbital period does its revolution around the sun - By its day period creates a connection with Jupiter (the nearest outer planet to it) - There's some geometrical design on which Mercury moves - And if this idea is a correct one, we can conclude simply that, Mercury has to move a distance = 720.7 mkm= Mercury Jupiter distance by using on of its cycles periods (and of course no better choice than Mercury Day Period) - Geometrically, if Mercury connects with Venus by its motion during rotation period, So mercury should connect with Jupiter with its day period.
  • 48. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 48 - If this description is a correct one, the question should be (why mercury day be =4222.6 h) and this question we discuss in Jupiter orbital circumference analysis. - Notice - Mercury Venus distance is multiplied by (π) and then the rate (1.5)… while Mercury Jupiter distance (720.7) be used directly… that because Mercury day period is a period = (1 period) but mercury orbital period (0.5 period) and Mercury rotation period be (1/3 Period). That means, the fractions be found with (orbital and rotation periods) while day period uses the integer number… So the rates of periods be seen in the distances.
  • 49. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 49 - (2nd Point Jupiter Motion) - Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Motion distance during Mercury day period (4222.6 h). - But - Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance = 199.2 mkm - Because - 720.7 mkm is Mercury Jupiter Distance, both planets may interest for this same distance and we have seen that Mercury moves during its day period 720.7 mkm and the question – Why Jupiter doesn't take the distance 720.7 mkm into account in its motion? - In fact Jupiter motion takes into consideration the distance 720.7 mkm, - But the geometrical mechanism is hard for me to catch, let's refer to its data in following: - Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance = 199.2 mkm - But - 199.2 mkm x π = 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance) - And - (629 mkm /929 mkm) = (637 mkm/ 940 mkm) - Where - 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance - 929 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance when the 2 planets be on the sun 2 sides - 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference. - 637 mkm = The Required Distance - Jupiter moves during 637 days a distance = 720.7 mkm - Based on that, Jupiter motion for 199.2 mkm causes its motion for 720.7 mkm, means, some connection is found between the 2 motions - Notice, this explanation can be more clear when we compare Jupiter motion with light motion –we do that in point no. (4-4) for better explanation for this motion.
  • 50. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 50 4-3 Pluto Motion For A Distance =720.7 mkm I- Data (4-3-a) 0.3 mkm/sec x 5906 seconds = 1775 mkm (4-3-b) 0.406 mkm /day x 1775 days = 720.7 mkm (4-3-c) 2.574 mkm /day x 687 days = 1775 mkm (error 0.3%) (4-3-d) 0.406 mkm /day x 4331 days = 1775 mkm (error 1%) (4-3-e) 90560 days x 2 = 1775 days x 101 But 37100 mkm x 2 = 720.7mkm x 103 (4-3-f) 0.3 mkm/sec x 2390 second = 717 mkm (error 0.5%) (4-3-g) (1775/346.6) =(24.1/4.7) = 5.14 (4-3-h) 30589 days = 1775 days x 17.2 (4-3-i) (929 km/542 mkm) = (3030 mkm/1775 mkm)
  • 51. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 51 II- Discussion Equation no. (4-3-a) 0.3 mkm/sec x 5906 seconds = 1775 mkm Equation no. (4-3-b) 0.406 mkm /day x 1775 days = 720.7 mkm Equation no. (4-3-c) 2.574 mkm /day x 687 days = 1775 mkm (error 0.3%) Equation no. (4-3-d) 0.406 mkm /day x 4331 days = 1775 mkm (error 1%) - Where - 0.3 mkm/sec = light known velocity - 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance - 0.406 mkm/day = Pluto Velocity Per A Solar Day - 2.574 mkm/day = Earth Velocity Per A Solar Day - 687 days = Mars Orbital Period - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance - We discuss these 4 equations together, Because one idea be seen in them, let's write this idea directly in following… - 1 hour of Mars Motion = 2π hours of Jupiter Motion - And - 1 hour of Earth Motion = 2π hours of Pluto Motion - These rules we have discussed before deeply and frequently - The question is (How The Rate 2π Be Transported?) - The period 1775 days (or the distance 1775 mkm) is the method to do that,
  • 52. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 52 - Earth moves during (687 days Mars orbital period) a distance = 1775 mkm = Pluto Motion distance during (4331 days = Jupiter orbital period) - By this equality of distances, the rate of time (2π) be transported from (Jupiter and Mars motions) to (Earth and Pluto motions) - The value (1775) tells us this information clearly, let's with it in following: - Our interest point is the distance 720.7 mkm and we ask about (how many day Pluto needs to pass 720.7 mkm? The answer is 1775 solar days) - But - The value 1775 mkm be passed by 3 motions - Light (0.3 mkm/sec) motion during 5906 seconds - Earth (2.574 mkm/day) motion during (687 days) - Pluto (0.406 mkm/day) motion during (4331 days) - We know that - Light motion = (2π) Planet motion (will be discussed in Part no. II) - If we use this rule, so - 5906 mkm = (2π) x 940 mkm or 5906 seconds = (2π) x 940 seconds - Where - 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance - 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference - Shortly - The value 1775 shows a comparison between light and planet motions – we will discuss this idea clearly in the next point (4-4)
  • 53. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 53 Equation no. (4-3-e) 90560 days x 2 = 1775 days x 101 But 37100 mkm x 2 = 720.7mkm x 103 - Where - 90560 days = Pluto Orbital Period - 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference - 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance - The rates 101 and 103 are different with 2% (we should later explain the geometrical rule of the error 2%) - For now we consider the 2 rates (101 and 103) are equal - Equation (4-3-e) tells that, while Pluto orbital circumference be created as a function in the distance (720.7 mkm) (Mercury Jupiter Distance), also Pluto orbital period be created as a function in the period 1775 days which Pluto needs to pass the distance (720.7 mkm). Equation no. (4-3-f) 0.3 mkm/sec x 2390 second = 717 mkm (with 720.7 mkm error 0.5%) - Where - 2390 km =Pluto diameter Equation no. (4-3-g) (1775/346.6) =(24.1/4.7) = 5.14 - Where - 346.6 days = The Nodal Year - 24.1 km/s = Mars velocity - 4.7 km/s = Pluto velocity
  • 54. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 54 Equation no. (4-3-h) 30589 days = 1775 days x 17.2 - Where - 30589 days = Uranus Orbital Period - 17.2 hours = Uranus Day Period - 1774 days = our point of discussion Equation no. (4-3-i) (929 km/542 mkm) = (3030 mkm/1775 mkm) - Where - 929 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance when the 2planets be on 2 different sides from the sun - 3030 mkm = Uranus Pluto Distance - Notice - 346.6 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 104 mkm - 346.6 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec = 2 x 201 mkm - 346.6 days x 4.095 mkm /day = 1419 mkm - Notice - The basic idea behind this data may be as following: - Pluto Orbital Distance (5906 mkm) be defined based on Mercury Jupiter Distance. - That means, the light motion created Pluto orbital circumference by using Mercury Jupiter distance as a measurement - But - We know that, the light used the distance 100733mkm as a measurement - That means, - The distance 100733 mkm should be created as a function in the distance 720.7 mkm (means the 2 distances should be connected geometrically) - 100733 mkm = 720.7 mkm x 139.8 - Pluto moves during 346.6 days a distance = 140.7 mkm - That tells the nodal year (346.6 days) plays an important role here but what's it?
  • 55. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 55 - Notice - Why The Error 2% Doesn't Effect Negatively On The Discussion? - as we have seen before - Earth moves during its day period a distance = 2.574 mkm (100%) - Pluto moves during its day period a distance = 2.593 mkm (101%) - The moon displacements total during (29.53 days) = 2.598 mkm (102%) - The moon apogee orbital circumference = 2.550 mkm (99%) - The previous data is an example for this system which is used frequently in different planets motions data - I want to say that - For some geometrical necessities, the solar system geometrical design created categories of data on 3 levels each one is different with 1% - I don't know why - But the error 1% I have found regularly and in order case – so this order of data is an example of many similar orders – let's provide another one in following - 17.4 degrees = the inner planets orbital inclinations total - 17.2 degrees = Pluto orbital inclination (error 1% ) - And - 23.6 degrees = the outer planets orbital inclinations total - 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt - I want to say that, - The error 1% or 2% be found for geometrical necessity – so when we find it we should not remove the data for that - But, notice - I mean the rates 1 % or 2% ONLY but NOT 1.4%, 1.5%, 1.6% or 1.7%.......etc - All these rates are errors in measurements. The geometrical design aim only 1% or 2%.
  • 56. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 56 4-4 Jupiter Motion In Comparison With Light Motion I - DATA (4-4-a) 4222.6 = 2π x 671 But 0.3 mkm /sec x 671 s = 201 mkm (light moves during 671s a distance 201 mkm) 13.1 km/s x 4222.6 h x 3600 s = 199.2 mkm (Jupiter moves 199.2 mkm) (4-4-b) 4900 mkm = 0.3 mkm/sec x 16333 seconds (4-4-c) 4900 mkm = 1.16 mkm/sec x 4224 seconds (4-4-d) 4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6 (4-4-e) 24.6 = (1.16/0.3) x 2π (error 1.2%) (4-4-f) (10747 x 24)/24.6 = 10485 = (4331 x 24)/ 9.9 h (4-4-g) (10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48
  • 57. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 57 II – Discussion Equation no. (4-4-a) 4222.6 h = 2π x 671 h - Where - 4222.6 h = Mercury Day Period - 671 mkm =Venus Jupiter Distance - But - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm /s) during 671 s moves a distance (201 mkm) - Jupiter (13.1 km /s) during 4222.6 h a distance (199.2 mkm) (error 1%) - Where 4222.6 hours =Mercury Day Period - The equation tells, Jupiter moves during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) a distance = 199.2mkm = light motion distance during 671 seconds (671= 4222.6 /2π) - We should notice that - We deal with strict geometrical design, and no mistake is allowable - Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) moves during 671 seconds a distance 201 mkm. We consider that light motion is the master one here - Light motion effects on planet motion with the rate (2π) and both motions pass equal distances based on this rate - But - 1 second of light motion = (2π) hours of Jupiter motion - This is the rule we should keep in mind - 1 second of light motion = 1 hour of planet motion but with the rate (2π) between the passed distances. Means if the distances be equal so 1second be = (2π) hours and if 1second be = 1hour the passed distance will not be equal but rated with this rate (2π). - Notice - The rate (2π) rule we discuss in part (2) of this paper, but the rule 1 second = 1 hour isn't the general one, because the general one is 1 second = 1 day, but Jupiter
  • 58. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 58 here uses a part of this rate and we try to analyze its motion to see the depth behind this rate. - The conclusion is - 1 second of light motion = (2π) hours of Jupiter motion - We should see that as clear as possible - Light does the motion at first, that means, we don't deal here with (720.7 mkm) but we deal with light motion for a distance (201 mkm) - This distance (201) will give a birth for planets motions distance (720.7 mkm) but the distance (201 mkm) is the original one. - Light And Jupiter Move Equal Distances Equation no. (4-4-d) 4900 mkm = 199.2 mkm x 24.6 - Where - 199.2 mkm = Jupiter motion distance during Mercury day period (4222.6 h) - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - How to understand this hard equation (3-2-d)? we have to analyze more deep Mars rotation period, let's try to do that in following Equation no. (4-4-e) - 24.6 = (1.16/0.3) x 2π (error 1.2%) - Where - 1.16 mkm/sec = light supposed velocity - 0.3 mkm/sec = light known velocity - Equation no. (4-4-e) tells a great information that, Mars rotation period is a point inside which light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) interacted or cohered with light known velocity (0.3mkm/ec)! - We can't accept such great conclusion based on one simple equation, we have to go to mars and examine if its motion be related in this same conclusion
  • 59. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 59 - MORE DATA (1) - (300000 km /24.1 km) = (120536 km/9.7 km) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) / Mars velocity 24.1 km/sec = Saturn diameter 120536 km / Saturn velocity for 1 second. (2) - 1160000 km = 24.1 km/sec x 48133 seconds - Saturn (9.7km/s) moves during 48133 seconds a distance = 466556 km= Jupiter motion distance during Jupiter day period = Neptune motion distance during a solar day. - But - Saturn (9.7km/s) moves 300000 km during a period 30589 seconds (error 1%) (30589 days = Uranus Orbital Period) - Saturn (9.7km/s) moves 1160000 km during a period 120536 seconds (error 0.8%) (120536 km = Saturn diameter) - But - (120536 /30589) = 3.94 but (1h of Mercury motion =3.91 h of Mars Motion) - How to understand this data? - The interaction between light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) and light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) be done in Saturn motion, and Saturn transports its motion to Mars where the interaction between the 2 light beams velocities be seen in Mars rotation period – that explains why Mars rotation period is so important as such. Equation no. (4-4-f) (10747 x 24)/24.6 = 10485 = (4331 x 24)/ 9.9 h Equation no. (4-4-g) (10747 /4331) =(24.6/9.9) = (24.1/9.7) = (17.4/7) =2.48 - 10747 days = Saturn Orbital Period
  • 60. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 60 - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 9.9 hours = Jupiter Day Period - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity - 9.7 km/s = Saturn Velocity - 17.4 deg = the inner planets orbital inclinations total - 7 deg = Mercury orbital inclination. Additional Equation no. (1) 10 x 10747 days x 24 h = 10.7 h x 2 x 120536 = 2579280 hours - Let's remember - (1) - Saturn (0.838 mkm /daily) moves during 120536 days a distance =100733mkm = the distance be passed by light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) during one solar day (where 120536 km = Saturn Diameter) - (2) - The moon (2.4 mkm/ daily) moves during 10747 days a distance =25920mkm = light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) motion distance during a solar day. And Additional Equation no. (2) - 1433.5 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) = 17.75 mkm x (511.1 /2π) - 17.75 mkm= the planets motions distances total per a solar day (this total contains the moon velocity per a solar day 2.57 mkm = Earth velocity because they aren't separated from one another) - 511 deg = The Planets Axial Tilts Total
  • 61. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 61 - Notice - - Let's try to explain how this paper works - - In Paper Part (I) we analyze The Solar Planets Data to prove that, The soalr system description inherited from Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity is mistaken description and we have to replace it with another one – - In this part we face the data analysis without any new explanation, while we try to prove that the data can't be explained by Newton Theory. - This process is done in the first (10) Points of this paper - In points no. (11) and (12), - I provide the solar system creation theory by which the planets motions data be explained – - As a result this data can be more clear in the discussion of Part (II) of this paper – - I provide Jupiter Motion Data in Comparison with light motion as example for the discussion found in part no. (II) of this paper. - I try to show – our current reading for planets motions data will be changed in the solar system creation theory because the theory supposes that a light beam moves accompanying with the planets motions and effect on tier motions data –we here see example of this discussion.
  • 62. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 62 5- Planets Unified General Motion 5-1 Preface 5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description 5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion)
  • 63. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 63 5-1 Preface - In point no. (3-2) we have discussed some of Mercury, Mars and Jupiter motions data to prove that these 3 planets don't move independent motions. - This part of data we repeat here again - and - we add to it another part of data (Planet 8 days cycle) - I put all data together to show, the planets motions can't be done independently. On the contrary, the planets motions data be done dependently on one another – - The new part of data shows one more feature proves that the planets motions can't be independent and by that, a huge number of data supports the claim (Planet Motion Be done depending on other planets motions)
  • 64. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 64 5-2 The Planets Unified General Motion Description - I suppose that (The Planets Motions Create One Unified General Motion) - This hypothesis tells the planets motions be similar to Train Carriages Motion - Also It tells the planets motions be similar to Chess Pieces Motions - The hypothesis discovers One Law controls the solar system motion and data. - The planets unified general motion forces each planet motion to be complementary with other planets motions to perform The Unified General Motion. as a result, The Planet motion be An Obligatory Motion. - The Solar Planet creates its data to be in consistency with its motion. - The planet can't change its motion, but can change its data to be in consistency with its motion. And the planet data be created in consistency with its motion. - Because the planet motion be complementary with other planets motions. - The planet data be created complementary with other planets data - Based On This Vision - The solar planets data be created complementary to other planets data and based on that the planets data be created depends on One Geometrical Design. - And - The Planets Creation And Motions Data Be Controlled By One Equation Only Notice - We discuss again a part of the 3 Planets Motions data because we add more data and extensive discussion for it (The 3 planets are Mercury, Mars and Jupiter)
  • 65. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 65 5-3 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another I-Data (The Interaction between Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) (No. 1) (Mercury and Mars Motions) - Mercury moves during its day period (4222.6 h.) a distance = 720.7 mkm - Mars moves during (2802 hours) a distance = 243 mkm - Mercury moves during (1407.6 hours) a distance = 243 mkm (error 1%) - Mars moves during 346.6 d. a distance =720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Dis.) - Mercury moves during 346.6 d. a distance =1419 mkm (with 1433 error 1%) - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance = 1433 mkm (Mars orbit. Circum) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance =2815mkm (Mercury Uranus Dis.) - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance = 9010mkm (Saturn orbit. Circum) - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance = 2815 mkm x 2π - Mars moves during 224.7 d. a distance = π x 149.6 mkm (Earth orb. Dis) - Mercury moves during 224.7 d. a distance = 920 mkm (with 928 error 1%) - Mars moves during 365.25 d. a distance = π x 243 mkm (0.5%) - Mercury moves during 365.25 d. a distance = 2 x 748 mkm - Mars moves during 5040s. a distance= 121464 km= Saturn Diameter (+1%) - Mercury moves during 5040s. a distance= 238896 km= 2 Saturn Diameters (-1%) Where 1407.6 h = Mercury Rotation Period 2802 h = Venus Day Period 346.6 days = the nodal year 224.7 days = Venus orbital period 687 days = Mars Orbital Period 4331 days = Jupiter orbital period = 2π x 687 days
  • 66. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 66 (No. 2) (Mars And Jupiter Motions) - Mars moves during 636.7 days a distance =1325 mkm= (Venus Saturn Dis.) - Jupiter moves during 636.7 days a distance =720.7 mkm - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum. - Mars moves during 778.6 d. a distance = 1622 mkm = Uranus Neptune Dis. - Jupiter moves during 778.6 d a distance= 881 mkm =58 days x 15.19 mkm. - ( 15.19 mkm = the 9 solar planets motions distances total per a solar day). - Notice - 2.082 mkm / day x 778.6 days = 1622 mkm = 1.1318 mkm /day x 1433 days
  • 67. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 67 (No. 3) (Mercury And Jupiter Motions) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Mercury moves during 1433 d. a distance =5848 mkm= Mercury Pluto Dis. - Jupiter moves during 1433 d a distance =1622 mkm=Uranus Neptune Dis. - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum. - Mercury moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 720.7 mkm - Jupiter moves during 4222.6 h a distance = 200 mkm = 629 mkm/π - Mercury moves during 550.7 d a distance = π x 720.7 mkm (0.4%) - Jupiter moves during 550.7 d a distance = 629 mkm (error 1%) Please Remember, Data Group No. (1) - Mars moves during 687 d. a distance= 1433 mkm= Mars Orbital Circumference - Mars moves during 4331d. a distance= 9010 mkm= Saturn orbital circumference - Mars moves during 4331 x π d a distance= 28255 mkm= Neptune orbital circumference Data Group No. (2) - Mercury moves during 687 d. a distance= 2815 mkm= Mercury Uranus Distance - Mercury moves during 4331d. a distance= 2815 mkm x 2π Data Group No. (3) - Jupiter moves during 687 d. a distance= 778.6 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Distance - Jupiter moves during 4331 d. a distance= 4900 mkm= Jupiter Orbital Circum.
  • 68. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 68 II-Discussion - The planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. - The Defined Distance means a distance is known in the solar system, as to be any planet orbital distance or a distance between any 2 planets. - The Defined Periods Of Time means a period of any planet cycle, as 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) or any planet orbital period. Or any planet rotation period or any planet day period. All these periods are defined periods of time - The argument tells that - If the solar planets move their motions independently from one another, based on that, the planets motions during defined periods of time should pass (random) distances. Because these Planets are independent in their motion from one another. (For example) Mercury motion depends on its orbital period (88 days) and doesn't interest neither for Mars orbital period (687 days) nor for Jupiter orbital period (4331 days) and by that, Mercury during these periods (687 days and 4331 days) should move some random distances (not defined in the solar system distances). - The data disproves Planet Motion Independency Concept. because the (3) planets move defined distances in defined periods of time. These planets motions aren't independent from one another. These motions are done based on One Geometrical Design. And these motions be are similar to Chess Board Pieces Motions. Each Motion is calculated geometrically and be obligatory.
  • 69. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 69 - Notice - The previous analysis of motions prove the interactions of motions among the three planets (Mercury, Mars and Jupiter). These interactions we have referred to them during our analysis for Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm). - The 2 parts of discussions can provide a clear vision for how the planet motion be done. Because the planets motions data help us greatly and protect us from any imaginary vision. Because of that, the motions interaction which we have concluded based on the planets data analysis concerning Jupiter orbital circumference be proved here clearly by the 3 planets motions analysis - It's simply a fact - If the geometrical machine based on which this data be created be discovered the reasons will be known to answer how or why these motions have interactions. - But even before this machine discovery the data shows the motions interactions in both sides. In the planets data and in the planets motions.
  • 70. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 70 5-4 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) - Let's Summarize The Proof Idea In Following: - This proof depends on 2 planets motion cycles are discovered later. Which are (planet 8 days cycles) and (planet 6 days cycles). We study one Cycle only in this paper because both cycles provide the same argument. - The Cycle Shows That Different Planets Motions Be Used In The Same One Cycle To Create One Final Result. - Means, - Many planets move relative one another to create one result. - For Example - Jupiter moves a distance (A) and Uranus moves a distance (B). - The different distance between (A) and (B) = Jupiter Diameter - Now - The machine uses this behavior frequently, and (the different distance = Jupiter Diameter) be created frequently while the cycle uses its different periods (8 days, 16 days, 24 days….etc). - Based on that, - We can't consider these planets motions are independent from one another because the different distance be defined by the 2 planets motions. we have to consider these planets motions as a team motion. They move relative to one another which proves The Unified General Motion Concept. - Based on that, - (Planet 8 and 6 Days Cycle) disproves Planet Independent Motion Concept. - In following we study Planet 8 Days Cycle
  • 71. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 71 (Planet 8 Days Cycle) (I) - Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during its day period (9.9 h) a distance = 466884 km - But - 466884 km = 449197 km (Jupiter Circumference) + 17687 km - Where - (8 x 17687 km = 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter) (error 1%) - Based on that, we have concluded that, Jupiter has a cycle of 8 days - Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 8 Jupiter days (79.2 h) a distance = 3735072 km - (3735072 km= 8 Jupiter circumferences + 141496 km (Jupiter diameter) (1%) (II) - The distance 3735072 km be passed also by Saturn and Neptune with a rate 80% depends on one another as following: - Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 10 Saturn days (107 h) a distance = 3736440 km - (10 Saturn Circumferences = 3786750 km, the difference =50310 km = Uranus Diameter error 1.5%) - Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 12 Neptune days (193.2 h) a distance = 3755808 km - (24 Neptune Circumferences = 3734323 km, the difference =21485 km = Mars Circumference (error 0.6 %)) (III) - Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during Pluto day period (153.3 h) a distance = 3752784 km - The distance 3752784 km = Jupiter motion distance during 8 days + 17687 km - And because - 17687 km x (8) = 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter) (error 1%) - That tells another Cycle is found between Uranus and Jupiter based on 8 Pluto days
  • 72. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 72 - That means, the distance be passed by Uranus during 8 Pluto days equal the distance be passed by Jupiter during 64 Jupiter days and equal the distance be passed by Saturn during 80 Saturn days and equal the distance be passed by Neptune during 100 Neptune days Let's see that in following (1) Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during (64 Jupiter days) a distance =29880756 km (2) Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during (80 Saturn days) a distance =29891520 km (3) Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during (100 Neptune days) a distance =31298400 km (4) Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during (8 Pluto days) a distance =30022272 km Comments - Uranus motion distance (30022272 km) – Jupiter motion distance (29880756 km) = 141496 km (Jupiter Diameter) - The differences between these distances are less than 1 % (generally) and based on that we can't consider they are different distances but we have to consider they are equal distances. - Although still there are small differences which are found for geometrical reasons for example the difference between Jupiter and Saturn motions distances = 29880756 km – 29891520 km = 10921 = the moon circumference - The data shows Planets Motions Dependency, because the different distances are defined geometrically and that means these aren't 2 different distances of 2 plants independent motions. On the contrary, the 2 distances are planned geometrically and the 2 planets are 2 players to perform one different distance.