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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Why Should We Refuse Newton Theory Of The Sun Gravity?
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –2nd
October 2021
Paper hypothesis
- The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time
Paper hypothesis Explanation
- The solar planets motions data analysis shows that the planets motions use
different rates of time. As a result (for example) 1 h of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of
Jupiter motion.
- The planets motions use different rates of time because they revolve their
revolutions around the sun in equal periods of time.
- They need to revolve around the sun in equal periods of time because the planets
motions be integrated into one unified general motion and the equal periods of
time is necessary for the planets motions timing adjustments.
- This Vision Is Different From Newton Theory
- Based on that, we have a reason to refute Newton theory of the sun mass gravity.
- The situation is a complex because
- Newton theory is lived since four centuries and has a great effect.
- On the other side, The Planets Motions Data Analysis Shows A Complete
Different Vision From Newton Theory And Ideas.
- I have used this paper Introduction to put the theoretical comparison between the 2
visions, trying to make them as clear as possible.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The Paper Is Divided Into 3 Basic Subjects
- (1st
- The Theoretical Comparison Between The 2 Visions Of Newton Theory Of The
Sun Mass Gravity And The Planets Motions Data Analysis – This Comparison Is
Provided In This Paper INTRODUCTION. And This Comparison Summarizes
The Paper Theoretical Argument
- (2nd
- The Planets Motions Data Analysis Be Provided In Part No. (I) Of This Paper
- (3rd
- The Solar Planets Creation Theory Be Provided In Part No. (II) Of This Paper
Please scan the figure (ORCID)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Contents
Subject Page No.
1- Introduction 5
2- Methodology 23
Paper Part No. (I) The Equal Periods Proof 26
3- Can The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time? 27
3-1 Preface 28
3-2 The Rates Of Time Using Proof Idea 29
3-3 The Planets Rates of time Definition 35
4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis 39
4-1 Preface 40
4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time 41
4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time 43
4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time 45
4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time 47
4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time 49
4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time 51
4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time 53
4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time 55
4-10 The General Discussion 57
5- The Planets Orbital Distances Depend On Their Rates Of Time 59
5-1 Preface 60
5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test 61
5-3 Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions Analysis 67
5-4 One Equation controls The planets orbital periods and distances 73
5-5 Why Saturn And The Moon Use Equal Rates Of Time? 84
5-6 Why Mercury Use A Double Of Its Orbital Distance? 91
5-7 Pluto And Saturn Motions Rate of Time 93
5-8 The Rate (4.61) be used between Pluto and the moon motion 99
5-9 The Moon Orbital Motion Equation 103
6- Mars Migration Theory 119
6-1 Mars Migration Theory 120
6-2 Pluto Migration Theory 123
6-3 Planets Migration Theories Proves 125
7- Planets Unified General Motion 128
7-1 The Planets Unified General Motion Description 129
7-2 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 131
7-3 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 134
8- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period 140
8-1 Preface 141
8-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? 142
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
8-3 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion 146
9- Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 151
9-1 Preface 152
9-2 Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 153
10- The Sun Age Description 167
10-1 Preface 168
10-2 The Sun Circles The Earth 169
10-3 The Rate (1.0725) 170
10-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis 173
10.5 The Sun And Earth Motions Rate Of Time (1 day =365.25 days) 176
10-6 The Sun Rays Analysis 184
Paper Part No. (II) The Solar System Creation Theory 189
11- The Solar System Creation Theory 190
11-1 Preface 191
11-2 The Solar System Creation Theory 193
11-3 The Inner Planets Motions Reason 198
11-4 Light Beam (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 202
11-5 Saturn Motion More Analysis 239
11-6 Equal Distances Method 246
12-The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form 252
12-1 Preface 253
12-2 The Continuum effect Through the Solar System Distances 255
12-3 The Solar System Distances Distribution 260
12-4 The Solar System Distances Dependency On One Another 264
13- The Planets Motions Rates Of Time (More Discussion) 266
13-1 Preface 267
13-2 Mercury Pluto Motions Rate of Time 268
13-3 Mercury Saturn Motions Rate of Time 272
13-4 Earth, its moon And Pluto Motions Rates Of Time 275
13-5 Earth And Saturn Motions Rates Of Time 284
Appendix No.1 The Solar System Equal Distances List 285
References and Biography 287
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Why Should We Refuse Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity?
- Notice
- I don't disprove Newton Theory Of Mass Gravity, I disprove Newton Theory of
The Sun Mass Gravity As A Reason For The Solar Planets Motions.
(I- Newton Theory Defects)
- The paper asks a significant question, because, regardless all contradictions against
Newton Theory, The question is why Newton theory of the sun mass gravity can't
explain the planets motions after long time?
- After 400 years of Newton we understand nothing more than his words and no
fruitful results be built on his ideas as expectable.
- On the other side, the nature is so rich, and one law of nature be effective greatly
and causes extension for understanding and searching.
- Newton theory of the sun mass gravity is a theory provided limited ideas and no
fruitful products give. As a weak house goes to be destroyed, while no one lives in
it, we consume our times in try to repair its problems and the repair process never
- Newton told, Planet orbital distance should be defined by the gravitation equation.
But the solar planets order disproves this idea frequently, and to solve this
contradiction we have to believe in (the initial conditions claim) – the result is, no
support from the solar planets order for the gravitation equation, then we have to
ask why it be acceptable?
- Newton told, Planet velocity be defined based on the masses gravity, but, in fact
Planets velocities be defined in proportionality with one another, for example
(Venus velocity)/( Uranus velocity) = (Mars velocity /Pluto velocity), where the
masses don't support this proportionality.
- Such proportionality of data is found frequently in solar planets motions data, and
no explanation be provided.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Newton theory supposes almost the data be created by (pure coincidence of
- Here we find one more difficulty for Newton theory, that the theory doesn't try to
explain how the planets motions data be created
- The theory gives us (unreal) explanations for planets orbital distances and periods,
but no explanations for planets diameters, masses …. And other data.. this data be
considered as a result of historical factors
- This approach is an effective one. because Newton imagined that The Motion Be
Done Regardless Any Data. on the other side, a planet moves a motion be in
harmony with its data. means, if Earth diameter =12756 km be changed to 14000
km, that necessitates a change in Earth motion features. Based on this vision, by
planet motion analysis we should be able to conclude this planet data.
- This is a cornerstone in the discussion, because the planets motions data should be
the reference by which we test the theory.
- I want to say
- Someone has a car map, in which it's written, because the car motor is… the car
size is… the car mass is……etc So, the car motion will be ….
- We have no such map for a planet motion, so, planets data is a fact supposed to
have no effect on this planet motion. This is one basic negative point in the theory,
and based on that when Newton explains Earth motion, Earth diameter and other
data isn't found in this explanation, as a result Earth diameter and all other data
isn't used in Earth motion explanation.
- Newton told, Planet moves independently from other planets motions. but the
planets motions data analysis shows that the planets move integrated motions and
the planets motions together create One Unified General Motion. That makes the
solar system as a machine of gears. All motions be unified in one general motion.
based on this vision we can explain why Jupiter orbital period =2π x Mars orbital
period? – and why Saturn orbital distance =2π x Mars orbital distance?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I want to say,
- The planets motions data analysis gives us a different vision from Newton
description about the solar planet motion.
(II- Planets Data Analysis Significance)
- I wish to prove that the planets motions data analysis provides more clear
understanding for this planet motion, let's use the moon motion as example in
- Example No. (1)
- The moon displacement per a solar day = 88000 km
- The moon day period =29.53 solar day
- By that, the distances total which be passed by the moon in its day period should
be =(88000 km x 29.53 days = 2598640 km = 2π x 413600 km)
- Based on this data, The Moon Apogee Radius Should Be = 413600 km
- But it's not a fact
- The moon apogee radius = 406000 km
- Means,
- The moon can't be far from the Earth at a distance more than 406000 km, and the
moon never visit the point 413600 km
- This data shows clearly we can't understand the moon motion trajectory by the
observation only but we need to analyze the motion data to know what's going on.
- Again
- How the moon apogee radius be (406000 km)? while it should be (413600 km?)
- Notice
- There's one more feature should be referred as a result because the distance
(2598640 km) is so long the moon would have to revolve around Earth through its
(new) apogee orbit
- Shortly
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Based on this data, the moon would revolve around Earth along month through the
apogee orbit whose radius (r=413600 km) and would be prevented to revolve
around Earth through any more near orbits!
- The Fact Is That,
- The moon creates an angle (θ) between the moon displacement direction and the
moon orbit horizontal level, by that, while the moon moves daily 88000 km but
this distance doesn't be accounted for the moon orbit. The orbit considers another
displacement depend on the angle, let's call it (the real displacement L)
- (The Real Displacement) L = 88000 km cos (θ)
- As a result
- The real displacement be shorter than (88000 km) and the total displacements
during (29.53 days) be less than (2598640 km) and be = (2550973 km) (-2%)
- By this intelligent technique, the genius moon can revolve around Earth through
more near orbits and avoid to visit the point 413600 km forever and makes its
apogee radius =406000 km
- I wish the example proves the idea clearly, that we can't understand the planets
motions by observation only, but it necessitates to use the planets motions data
- Example No. (2)
- The solar planets move their revolutions around the sun in equal periods of time!
- How that can be possible if the distances be increased and the velocities be
decreased from the sun, how the periods can be equal?
- Because,
- The planets use different rates of time.
- Based on that, 1 solar day of Earth motion = 250 solar days of Pluto motion, and
by that, while Earth revolves its orbital period (365.25 days) Pluto revolves its
orbital period (90560 days), and both periods be equal.
- I want to say,
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The geometrical features and interactions aren't found in the solar system outer
figure or shape, but it's found in the planets motions data. many planets motions
secrets be covered in the data. As in the moon motion case, we would never
discover its using of an angle (θ) between its displacement motion direction and
the orbit horizontal level unless we account the distances arithmetically –
- Also, in the example no. (2) we will never now that the period (90560 days) equal
the period (365.25 days) unless we know that the planets use different rates of
time. (The paper analyzes the planets motions different rates of time deeply in
points no. 3, 4 and 5)
- Shortly
- The planets data should be used as a basic reference for any explanation theory
explains the solar planets motions, otherwise we will never explain the planets
(III- Newton Theory Refutation Difficulties)
- Now,
- Where's the problem?
- If Newton Theory Is Mistaken Why We Don't Disprove It Decisively?
- Because
- The theory tells a simple and clear meaning. Newton theory is an imaginary idea,
but a very simple and clear one. but
- The solar system is so complex machine, the refutation process depend on many
complex explanations. For example, The fact is that, The sun be created after all
solar planets creations and motions. this fact disproves Newton theory of the sun
mass gravity decisively. But how to find a decisive proof for the sun creation after
all planets creation. there are many historical references support this conclusion,
but no a decisive proof is found.
- Imagine someone brings a pill has no name and tells you, this pill causes a
recovery from the headache. You don't know if this is a fact or not, how to know
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
the truth? you have to take the bill to some chemical lab for analysis! Means, very
complex process is required to refute this man claim!
- That's the same situation,
- Newton told, the planets move by the sun mass gravity and the sun forces the
planets to revolve around it. We have no direct proof against. What can we do?
- We have to analyze the planets motions data to prove that planets motions features
are different from Newton Description
- Means, we will draw a map for the planet motion by planets motion data analysis
and prove that this map is different from Newton's map for the same planet
motion, which disproves Newton theory.
- For example, Newton confirms "Planet motion independency concept", and told a
solar planet moves independently from other planets motions. BUT planets
motions data analysis contradicts this idea (for example - the moon displacement =
88000 km per a solar day, and Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm, if the moon
passes 940 mkm by its daily displacement the moon would need 10747 days where
10747 days = Saturn orbital period), the paper discussion proves that this data be
created based on a geometrical reason. Now the data contradicts Newton concept,
where No Planet Moves Independent Motion.
- Shortly
- The method by which we disprove Newton theory of the sun mass gravity is to
analyze the planets motions data and prove the planets motions features are
different from Newton description and even contradicts it. by that we have a clear
task to do
- But
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- One Difficulty be in our way, because
- Mars was the next planet after Mercury with original orbital distance (84 mkm)
and Pluto was the Mercury moon revolves around it.
- Some great force stroke Mercury, but Mercury couldn't escape, but Pluto and Mars
be effected by this force and migrated to their current positions. This event be done
before the Earth moon and Saturn creations. That means, Mars is the planet which
had collided with Venus and Earth and caused to create the moon (Mars itself did
that and not the proto planet theia)
- The changes in the solar system created new positions for the planets which be
different from their original ones and these changes should be taken into
consideration when we analyze the planets motions - For example Mercury motion
still effect on Mars motion because they were neighbors.
- More important, the 2 migrant planets (Mars and Pluto) be used by the solar
system basic design as 2 heads planets for the whole system because they had
migrated and changed their original orbital distances, and the system has to use
them as heads to repair the negative effects of their migration.
- Also,
- Pluto had collided with Neptune and pushed it out of its original orbital point
(5906 mkm) and occupied it. where Pluto had forced Neptune to be more near to
the sun with orbital distance (4495.1 mm), forcing Neptune to create A New Orbit.
Neptune new orbit forced Jupiter to provide the building required energy which
creates a connection between Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto motions.
- The sun is created after Saturn creation and Saturn is created after the moon
creation and the moon is created after Mars and Pluto migrations… the historical
events can help to arrange the planets motions data in best form.
- But
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- A Second Difficulty be in our way, because
- The matter is created out of light, and the born matter doesn't separate its light
parent but moves with it one unified general motion.
- Based on this vision, the solar planets be created out of one light beam, and the
planets move one unified motion in comparison with this light beam motion.
- By that the solar planets be similar to ships sail over Sea.
- The sea is light motions network and the ships are the planets. This idea is useful
because it shows that, the ships aren't woods move by the sea waves forcedly but
the ship has a steering gear which can define the ship motion direction. That tells,
the planet real motion is the final result of interaction between light motion and the
rigid body motion.
- Also
- The solar planets can be similar to 9 waterwheels rotate on one canal of water. We
see that the water moves a translation motion but the waterwheels move in rotation
and the 2 motions directions are different but no waterwheel can rotate without the
water motion. here the light motion is similar to the water motion and it's the
reason of the planets motions.
- As A Result,
- The planets motions show light motion features spite the planets low velocities.
And now we have to explain how light motion features be discovered in planets
motions. Shortly, we have to prove that the matter is really created out of light.
- And to define the rate of time between the matter (planet) and light motions. the
basic rate which is (1 second of light motion = 1 solar day of planet motion) be
divided among the planets motions into smaller rates of time, all of them be
unified again into one rate of time.
- Also we have to explain how the distances can be used as periods of time which is
a usual using in the solar system motion. and even planets diameters and
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
circumferences be used as periods of time, this also is a usual using in the solar
system motion and we can find no geometrical explanations yet.
- Now
- Because the solar planets be created out of one light beam, the motion be
transported from a planet to another through this light beam. Here we have a
significant result. Because we see the data transports from a planet to another as
we have seen the period 10747 solar days be used by the moon motion and Saturn
motion. the data transportation is a confused using of data, because the planets
aren't gears and the planets don't collide each other to transport the motion data,
and we have no ability to attribute any mechanical features to the space to work as
a belt among the planets motions (gears)! The only solution is that the data be
transported through the light beam from which the planets be created.
- But,
- Light motion effect on planets motions gives extension for the planet motion
- Because
- This vision creates another parallel universe for ours.
- The moving planets be as ships sail over sea. These are 2 universes, the planets
and matter universe be found and moving depending on light motion network
universe …….For example
- Mercury Day Period (4222.6 h) needs 5040 seconds to be 4224 hours (176 solar
days) why? this period is defined by light motion effect on Mercury motion. we
study that in details in point no. (11) of this paper.
- I want to say
- The universe be consisted of 2 universes, one universe of matter and the second
universe of light, but the universe of matter moves depending on the universe of
light motion…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- That causes serious difficulties for our analysis because the planets motions
features aren't defined completely based on a planet motion but by interaction with
light motion, and this interaction with light causes the planets motions to be
interacted with one another, then the rules of this interaction be unknown for us
and by that planets motions data causes frequent astonishments…
- By the way, from long time we have asked
- Why we see the sun disc = the moon disc?
- Because
- (The sun diameter/ the moon diameter) = (Earth orbital distance/ Earth moon
- Why the diameters rate= the distances rate? Newton theory tells (pure coincidence)
- A simple answer, but the fact is that, one light beam created the solar system and
as a result the light created the matter dimensions in proportionality with space
dimensions. And the sun is created after all planets and because of that the sun data
be in proportionality with the planets data!
- The complex answer is un-expectable and unbelievable
- Then
- A Third Interesting Difficulty be found in our way, because
- The solar system be created based on energy of one light beam – as mentioned
- but
- This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second.
- Because the planets matters and distances be created out of this light beam energy,
the velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is registered in the planets data.
- And
- The light velocity (1.16 mkm/s) be registered in the planets matters and distances
where we see this velocity in the planets motions data frequently, but by what rules
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
this velocity be registered in the planets motions data? the data shows the supposed
velocity (1.16 mkm/s) but doesn't tell how this data be registered?
- Now
- Newton simple theory which is incorrect clearly and can be refuted simply be
protected (again) by the huge force of the question (how the matter is created?),
- While the old description told us that, the universe is created of motionless
material needs mass gravity force to cause their motions. On the other side, we
provide a new description tells, the matter is created out of light and created in
motion, and if the matter stops from its motion it will be perished (notice, the
matter motion doesn't mean the matter motion of its atoms and particles, it means
the matter outer motion. as the motion of a planet revolving around the sun. This is
the mentioned motion and if this motion be stopped this planet will be perished)
- Now
- Let's try to make this situation more clear
- We have 3 players on board
- (1st
) Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity as a reason for the planet motion
- (2nd
) light beam motion which causes the planet motion according to my theory
- (3rd
) The planet motion data
- Newton theory is mistaken surely and contradicts planets motions data frequently
- But,
- The light beam motion theory isn't clear because many geometrical rules be used
by the planets motions still be unknown.
- We even need to prove that a light beam with velocity 1.16 mkm/s be found,
which we should do in this paper (point no. 11)
- What can we do?
- Because the knowledge is insufficient we still be slaves for Newton theory of the
sun mass gravity which be disproved by every planet motion feature!
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Where the theory itself be in our way for understanding, and the repair process
effects negatively on the general vision, for example
- The fact is
- The sun rays energy is found by the planets motions energies total. that means, the
planets motions energies be accumulated on one point (the sun) and by using a
different rate of time (1 day = 365 days), the accumulated energy during (365 solar
days) be used on one solar day by the sun and by that the energy be enough to
create the sun rays.
- This fact contradicts Newton theory, and to save Newton theory this fact be
removed and in place of it we have to believe in nuclear interactions inside the sun
from which the sun rays be created… 2 different visions for the sun rays
- If the sun rays energy be found by the planets motions energies total that doesn't
necessitates to change the sun science, because the matter be created of energy and
if the energy be available by this energy can the sun matter be created and all
science can be saved, we change only the source of energy …
- I want to say,
- The weak house which will be destroyed not only consume our times but also
causes risks for the others houses around and creates different problems…
- This introduction became so complex.. but more difficulties are still in our way!
Newton has his secret force to defend!
- If the matter be created out of light? Is there any proof for this idea
- Lorentz Transformations,
- for example
- In Lorentz length contraction effect, we have asked, why particle own length be
contracted by this particle high velocity motion? the answer is surprised, because
many books tell that the particle own length isn't contracted really by high velocity
motion according to Lorentz equation, but what's measured should be considered
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
as illusion of measurements! Other many books argued that the contraction is real
and be done for the particle own length. And then the fighting covers the fact
- We support the particle own length real contraction meaning, because the physics
is the science of measurements and what's measured is the truth. And because if
this particle measurements be correct while it moves by my motion velocity and
these measurements be confused by illusions as a result for this particle high
velocity motion relative to my motion velocity, in this case, I will be The Universe
Reference Point.
- By that, the particle own length must be contracted really by high velocity motion.
- Then, what's the relationship between Particle motion velocity and this particle
own dimensions?
- Imagine our mind uses light velocity in the realization process.
- Imagine we move in the universe by light velocity what would happen? 2 light
beams move in parallel to one another, how each light beam will see the other?
there's no difference in velocities between the 2 motions, by that each light beam
will see the other as a particle
- That's the point,
- The particle is made of light beam and because of light known velocity (0.3
mkm/s) we realize this particle dimensions as they are, now when this particle
moves by high velocity motion that causes to change the particle basics through
which my mind realizes its dimensions, and as a result the particle dimensions are
changed by high velocity motion.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (IV- A Planet Motion Suggested Description)
- The planets motions data analysis shows many new features of the solar planets
motions which aren't attributed before to any planet motion, let's provide a list for
these features in following
A List Of The New Discovered Features:
1. The Solar planets motions be integrated into one unified general motion - By that
the planets motions be similar to a machine of gears.
2. The Solar planets revolutions around the sun be done in equal periods of time
3. The Solar planets motions use different rates of time - by that the solar planets
motions be similar to a great mechanical clock.
4. The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form. By that the solar
system distances be similar to a chess board, each planet moves depending on the
other planets motions and by using geometrical calculations
5. Mars and Pluto had migrated from their original orbital distances to their current
positions. The planets migration caused great changes in the solar system.
6. The solar system is created by energy of one light beam which creates the solar
planet matters and theirs distances
7. This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second.
8. The solar system is created based on one geometrical design.
9. The solar system works as a great mechanical clock.
- These features are the reason behind our try to disprove Newton theory of the sun
mass gravity. Because Newton didn't tell these features are found and the theory
has no explanations for these features. (we have to prove these features in the
paper discussions)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (V- One Geometrical Design Be Found Before The Solar Group Creation)
- Newton theory of the sun mass gravity can be understood simply with the big bang
theory, it’s a direction of thinking that the solar system be created without a plan,
and depend on some random process. This idea is found deeply inside these
- The point is that, the solar system is created based on a light beam motion energy
and this light beam motion creates a geometrical design to build the solar system
on it. let's try to explain this idea in following…
- The matter is created out of light beam, but, the matter creation isn't similar to the
mirage. The matter is a fact and not illusion, the matter creation isn't produced by
wrong in vision, it's a child be born from the light beam
- The matter creation process is done based on many geometrical rules. As any born
creature, has a heart, a brain and a respiratory system….etc these machines are
created based on complex geometrical rules and similar to that the matter be
created. As a result for these complex geometrical rules the produced matters be
different in features and great diversity be found in the universe.
- The matter motion interaction with light or another matter motions be done
through these geometrical rules as the planets motions data prove that clearly, and
as a result, all motions be done based on one geometrical design.
- Shortly
- A geometrical design be found before the solar group creation, when someone asks
who's the creator of this design if the planets weren't created yet, the answer will
be (the light motion is the creator)
- That controls the solar system in one geometrical design, and this fact is the reason
to answer how can we conclude Mars and Pluto migration? Because their current
positions violate the geometrical rules which are defined by this geometrical
design. For example how I know that Mars orbital original distance was 84 mkm?
Because Mercury orbital distance = Mercury diameter x 1092
, this rule be used
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
also by Earth and Saturn. We understand that, this is the rule by which planet
orbital distance be defined based on this planet diameter but Mars and Pluto
migration effects negatively on the planets order and caused to violate the rule.
- The situation is still complex because
- The light original motion which is done by the light original beam its velocity
supposed to be 1.16 mkm/sec, created a general geometrical design for the solar
system and the planets be created based on this design.
- Then, Mars and Pluto had migrated,
- That effected on the geometrical design and the original light beam be required for
help to save the solar group. Now the original light beam (1.16 mkm/sec) caused to
create the light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) by planets motions energies. And the
repair process tried to repair the negative effects of the 2 planets migration in
addition to all other changes in the solar system, among which the moon creation
and then Saturn creation and at end the sun creation.
- I want to say
- The current geometrical design for the solar system is one doesn't a typical to the
original one and can't be a new one. it's a repaired design modified from the
original one. that makes the current design is unique and distinguish from the
original one. That may explain why bode law couldn't predict Neptune orbital
distance because, Neptune orbital distance is an invited distance and wasn't found
in the original design. Because of that, the equations which be created based on the
original design can't predict Neptune orbital distance specifically. (Notice, it's not
Mars situation because Mars didn't take any planet place, the collisions with Earth
and Venus be caused by Mars motion displacement from (84 mkm to 227.9 mkm),
where the point 227.9 mkm was empty. But in Pluto case the point 5906 mkm was
occupied by Neptune and Pluto pushed Neptune and put it out the orbit. That
explains why Neptune orbital distance so specific one as we should prove in the
paper discussions.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (VI- The Basic Conclusions)
- Again
- We have 3 players on board
- (1st
) Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity as a reason for the planet motion
- (2nd
) light beam motion which causes the planet motion according to my theory
- (3rd
) The planet motion data
- Newton theory is mistaken
- And
- My theory of light motion isn't complete yet.
- We have nothing except The Planets Motions Data Analysis
- The paper analyzes the planets motions data to prove that the discovered features
are facts. Where these features disproves Newton theory of the sun mass gravity.
- The Features Which The Paper Proves Are
- (1st
- The Solar planets revolutions around the sun be done in equal periods of time
- The Solar planets motions use different rates of time - by that the solar planets
motions be similar to a great mechanical clock.
- (2nd
- Mars and Pluto had migrated from their original orbital distances to their current
positions. The planets migration caused great changes in the solar system.
- (3rd
- The Solar planets motions be integrated into one unified general motion - By that
the planets motions be similar to a machine of gears.
- (4th
- The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form. By that the solar
system distances be similar to a chess board, each planet moves depending on the
other planets motions and by using geometrical calculations
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (5th
- The solar system is created by energy of one light beam which creates the solar
planet matters and theirs distances
- This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second.
- The solar system is created based on one geometrical design. and (The solar
system works as a great mechanical clock.)
- Let's Take A Look On The Paper Contents
- The paper Is Divided Into 2 Parts
- Paper Part no. (I)
- The Planets Motions Using Of Different Rates Oft Time be proved in 3 points
(no.3, 4 and 5), in these 3 points, we proves strongly that the solar planets use
different rates of time and these rates of time define their orbital periods and
distances – based on these rates of time the planets revolutions around the sun be
done in equal periods of time.
- Mars Migration Theory be proved in point no. (6)
- The Planets Unified Motion be proved in point no. (7)
- Jupiter And Mercury Motions Be Analyzed in points no. (8 and 9) to be detailed
example of proof for the planets unified motion.
- The sun is created after all planets, this theory be proved in point (no.10)
- Paper Part no. (II)
- The solar system creation theory be proved in point (no.11)
- The solar system distances network theory be proved in point (no.12)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to
explain the planets motions- let's use one example to explain how this method
- Example No. 1
- Newton told us– The planet motion be independent from all other planets motions
- This is the theory – let's see some planets motions data for a comparison
- Data
Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance
= Mars Orbital Circumference
= Pluto Neptune Distance (error 1.5%)
= Pluto eccentricity Distance (error 1.5%)
= Neptune Orbital Distance/π
= Uranus Orbital Distance /2
 Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance
 Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference
 Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (0.5%)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference
 Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (1.5%)
 Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (1.2%)
(Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun)
 Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (0.6%)
 Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (0.8%)
 Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π
Why These Distances Are Equal?
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The solar system has around (45 distances) and these distance are around (25
distances) why they are equal one another? Can Planets Independent Motions
Cause These Distances Equality?
- In some desert someone sees a mirage and thought it's a water! How can we prove
to him that this is a mirage and Not a water?
- Newton told that, Planets Motions be Independent From One Another, and as a
result - The solar system distances be created based on each other in a Network
form where more than 50% of all distances are equal one another!!
- I try to show that –Newton Theory mistake is some how clear.
- The planets creations and motions data should be similar to a creature genes which
can tell us how this planet be created and moving – so whatsoever the theory be
the planets motions data be more important than it – and by that – even if Newton
was correct, there's no reason to neglect the planets motions.
- Let's use one more example
- Example No. 2
- 778.6 mkm = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance)
- 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 671 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance)
- 671 mkm = 1.0725 x 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance)
- 629 mkm = (1.0725)2
x 550.7 mkm (Mars Jupiter Distance)
- 550.7 mkm = (1.0725) x 511 mkm
- 4900 mkm = (1.0725) x 4495.1 mkm (Neptune Orbital Distance) (1.6%)
- 1375 mkm = (1.0725) x 1284 mkm (Earth Saturn Distance)
- 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference
- 1375mkm = Mercury Saturn Circumference
- The previous distances are 13 distances (30%) of all distances- they are example of
many others- the question is why they are rated with the same one rate (1.0725)?
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I try to show, some geometrical design effects through the planets motions data.
This effect is stronger than any planet motion and force all of them to use the same
one rate (1.0725)– No Independent Motion Be Found Here – the data simply
disproves Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity and Planet Independency
- The previous data is example for wide range of data – I add some more of them
here to show the strong force range of using this rate (1.0725)
- (28.3 deg / 26.7 deg) =(26.7 deg /25.2 deg) = (25.2 deg /23.4 deg) = (122.5 /115.2)
= (1.0725)
- Where
- 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt
- 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt
- 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt
- 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt
- 115.2 degrees = 90 degrees + 25.2 degrees (Mars Axial Tilt)
- 122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt.
The planets data analysis put the data in comparison with the theories to test the
theory sufficiency.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Paper Part No. (I)
The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis
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Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Can The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time?
3-1 Preface
3-2 The Rates Of Time Using Proof Idea
3-3 The Planets Rates of time Definition
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-1 Preface
- The paper supposes that, The Solar Planets Use Different Rates Of Time
- The Rates of time is a meaning we have learnt from special theory of relativity,
and it means, for example, (1 h of Mercury motion =24.6 h of Jupiter motion), that
means, (While the clock moves 1 hour in Mercury the other clock moves 24.6
hours in Jupiter).
- We accept this meaning, and based on it, the paper supposes, Planets Motions Use
Different Rates Of Time.
- Now
- Can That Be A Fact?
- I have a proof for this idea, and the proof is useful to improve our understanding
for the solar planets motions data and its meaning.
- But
- The proof can prove that, the solar planets motions use different rates of time, but
can't explain why or how to do that. that means, I have a proof for a discovery but
how to explain this discovery I can't answer. The proof which I have provides the
fact but no a theoretical explanation be provided neither geometrical mechanism to
explain how these rates of time be created.
- Let's write the proof idea in the next point as clear as possible before to discuss it.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 The Proof Of The Rates Of Time Using.
- Let's summarize the proof idea in following…
- The solar planets rates of time be defined for any planet based on the period this
planet needs to move a distance = this planet orbital distance.
- Let's provide these periods for better explanation:
- Mercury needs a period =14.13 solar days to move a distance =57.9 mkm =
Mercury Orbital Distance (So the required period is 14.13 Solar Days)
- Venus needs a period =35.8 solar days to move a distance =108.2 mkm = Venus
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 35.8 Solar Days)
- Earth needs a period =58.1 solar days to move a distance =149.6 mkm = Earth
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 58.1 Solar Days)
- The Earth moon a period =1700 solar days to move a distance =149.6 mkm =
Earth Orbital Distance by using its daily displacement 88000 km (So the required
period is 1700 Solar Days)
- Mars needs a period =109.4 solar days to move a distance =227.9 mkm =Mars
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 109.4 Solar Days)
- Jupiter needs a period =687 solar days to move a distance =778.6 mkm = Jupiter
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 687 Solar Days)
- Saturn needs a period =1710 solar days to move a distance =1433.5 mkm = Saturn
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 1710 Solar Days)
- Uranus needs a period =4890 solar days to move a distance =2872.5 mkm =
Uranus Orbital Distance (So the required period is 4890 Solar Days)
- Neptune needs a period =9635 solar days to move a distance =4495.1 mkm =
Neptune Orbital Distance (So the required period is 9635 Solar Days)
- Pluto needs a period =14547 solar days to move a distance =5906 mkm =Pluto
Orbital Distance (So the required period is 14547 Solar Days)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The Planet Motion Rate of Time be defined depends on these periods.
- For example
- 58.1 days (Earth period) = 1.622 x 35.8 days (Venus Period)
- Means
- 1 hour of Venus Motion = 1.622 hours of Earth Motion
- This is the rate of time we search for. And by this method we define it clearly.
- Then
- This rate of time does 2 basic Job which are
- (1st
- The rate of time defines the planets orbital periods, because of that
- 365.25 days (Earth Orbital Period) = 1.622 x 224.7 days (Venus Orbital Period)
- This rule is used for all planets orbital periods, as we will prove that later in our
- (2nd
- The rate of time defines the planets orbital distances, let's do that in following…
- 1 day of Venus Motion = 1.622 days of Earth Motion (this is the rate of time)
- But
- Venus during one solar day moves a distance =3.024 mkm
- Earth during 1.622 solar days moves a distance =4.176 mkm
- And
- (4.176 mkm /3.024 mkm) = (940 mkm /680 mkm)
- Where
- 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference
- 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference
- As the data shows, the rate of time defines the planets orbital circumferences.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Now the idea be clear
- The periods of planets motions for their orbital distances define the rates of time be
used by these planets motions..
- And
- These rates of time define all planets orbital periods and distances
- This is a good understanding for the planets data
- But
- What do we need?
- We need to know if the planets motions required periods be defined independently
or dependently on one another…
- Now
- We have 2 different visions as result for these 2 options. Let's explain that in
following as clear as possible
- (1st
- If the planets required periods be defined independently for each planet, that
means, each planet motion can be independent from one another. because the
periods are independent periods from one another
- (2nd
- If the planets periods be defined dependently on one another, that will make the
solar group as one machine of gears.
- The solar planets in this case will be similar to carriages in one train which move
together one unified motion. or the planets be similar to gears in one machine of
gears. They move one unified motion.
- Or Better Example,
- the solar planets be similar to a mechanical clock, each planet is a gear in the
mechanical clock and causes to create a rate of time as a part of the machine
general rate of time.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- I want to say that,
- The second option of the periods dependency on one another isn’t so simple option
but it's a very effective option and even its effect be understood by any student of
astrophysics, because
- The planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on the motions rates of
time which are defined based on these required periods the planets need to pass
their orbital distances- So If these periods be created based on one another – that
makes all planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on one another.
- Shortly, that means,
- We don't need to observe to know any planet orbital period or distance, if any data
of it be absent, we can simply conclude it by using the rates of time – the second
option simply changes the solar planets data into data be defined by one Equation
only and by that we can remove all planets data (periods and distances) and can
conclude them correctly by using the rates of time
- Shortly
- If the planets required periods be defined based on one law and not independently
from one another the whole vision of the solar system will be changed by a very
strong proof
- To make this discussion more interesting, I want to say that,
- There's one law controls all planets required periods of time to move their orbital
periods. And this one law disproves and refuted completely Newton Theory of the
sun mass gravity and Planet Motion Independency Concept which be inherited
form Newton theory.
- We simply have a chance to create a progress in the solar system motion
- So, Let's Summarize Our Discussion Steps In Following
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- We Should Follow The Following Steps In Our Discussion
- (1st
- The Planets Motions Rates Of Time Definition
- And
- The Planets Orbital Periods Definition Based On The Rates Of Time
- (2nd
- The Planets Orbital Distances Definition Based On The Rates Of Time
- (3rd
- We discuss one law controls the planets required periods for the solar planets
orbital distances motions.
- We should notice that
- The previous steps are steps for data providing, that means, these steps are
methods to arrange the data
- Because
- I prove that, the planets motions use different rates of time. In this proof discussion
I provide the data in some arrangement to show that this data be understandable
only based on the hypothesis of the planets motions different rates of time.
- By that, these steps are a method of Data arrangement.
- Means
- We don't discuss the question (how the planets motion use different rate of time?)
neither the question (why the planets motions use different rates of time?) because,
we try to prove the discovery which is (the planets motions use different rates of
time), and to prove that, I put the planets data in the best arrangement form by
using these 3 steps to show that, this data can't be understandable except by using
the hypothesis (the planets motions use different rates of time).
- So, our process aims basically to prove this fact
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Then
- We should analyze the planets required periods for their orbital distances motions
to prove that one law controls all periods and by that we can change the solar
system current description. for that reason the periods should be analyzed in a
separated dedicated point.
- I want to say
- We have to provide the data which prove the hypothesis (the planets motions use
different rates of time)
- After the proof discussion be completed we have to start the solar system
description discussion because one great effect be done as a result for the
hypothesis proof and the one law proof.
- Let's explain how we arrange the planets data in following:
- In next point (3-3) we provide Mercury Rates of time as an example and use it to
define all planets orbital periods based on Mercury Day Period
- Mercury is an example, and we should do the same job with each planet, for that
we dedicate the next point (NO. 4) for all planets rates of time test. Based on that,
- Mercury is our example for test and
- All planets periods be tested as Mercury rate in (Point No. 4)
- Then
- In point no. (5) we prove that, all planets orbital distances be defined based on the
planets motions rates of time.
- And in this point we prove that one law controls all periods
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-3 The Planets Rates Of Time Definition
The Required Periods For The Solar Planets Orbital Distances Motions Are
- Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days)
- Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days
- Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days
- The moon needs 1700 Solar Days
- Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days
- Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days
- Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days
- Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days
- Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days
- Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days
- The rates between these period define the rates of time used by each planet in
comparison with other – as we will explain in following
- But
- For Mercury we use the period (27.9 solar days) = (2 x 14.13 days) (error 1%) ,
because Mercury uses its Day Period and not its orbital period and also uses the
distance 720.7 mkm and not Mercury orbital circumference 360 mkm. This Data
Mercury uses because of some geometrical necessity we should explain in a point
no (8-2) in which we analyze the period of time Mercury needs to pass a distance =
its orbital distance.
- For now we use for Mercury the period (27.9 Solar Days) and we explain the
reason in this point (8-2).
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Mercury Motions Rates Of Time
- (35.8 /27.9) = 1.279, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 1.28 hours of Venus Motion
- (58.1 /27.9) = 2.078, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 2.078 hours of Earth Motion
- (1700 /27.9) = 60.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 60.8 hours of The Moon Motion
- (109.4 /27.9) = 3.91, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Mars Motion
- (687 /27.9) = 24.6, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter Motion
- (1710 /27.9) = 61.1, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Saturn Motion
- (4890 /27.9) = 174.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 174.8 hours of Uranus Motion
- (9635 /27.9) = 344.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 344.8 hours of Neptune Motion
- (14547 /27.9) = 520.2, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 520.2 hours of Pluto Motion
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion
- Notice
- The list tells, Saturn and the Moon use equal rate of time!! Why? we should
answer that in point no. (5-5) of this paper
- Now
- Can these rates of time define the planets orbital periods? Let's do that in
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Mercury Rates Of Time Test
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
- The errors are 1.4% and 1% with Neptune and Pluto orbital periods respectively,
no other error more than 1%
- The data tells, Mercury rate of time defines all planets orbital periods based on
Mercury Day Period.
- The data tells that, the planets orbital period be created in proportionality with one
- We have to test all planets rates of time as Mercury to know if all periods be
definition correctly similar to Mercury test. For that reason we will test all planets
periods of time in the next point (No.4)
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis
4-1 Preface
4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time
4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time
4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time
4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time
4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time
4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time
4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time
4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time
4-10 The General Discussion
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-1 Preface
- In this point we test the planets motions rates of time definition as we have done
with mercury in the previous point. We bring Mercury test here in this preface to
be a reference for the other planets test.
1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
Errors are 1.4%  1% with Neptune and Pluto respectively
- Each point uses a similar test with a planet of the solar group in order
- In point no. (4-10) we provide the general discussion of all data.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-2 Venus Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Venus motion = (0.78) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 1.62 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 19.233 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 47.8 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 136.7 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 269.4 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 406.7 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 47.54 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.78 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 1.62 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.057 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 19.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 47.8 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 136.7 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 266.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 403 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
- There Are Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Venus orbital period (224.7 days)
by using the rates of time between Venus and these planets –
- No error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-3 Earth Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Earth motion = (0.48) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = (0.617) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 1.88 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 11.8 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 29.4 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 84.1 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 165.8 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 250.4 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 29.3 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.48 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.617 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
687 days (Mars orbital period ) = 1.88 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 11.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.4 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 84.1 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 163.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 248 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
- Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Earth orbital period (365.25 days)
by using the rates of time between Earth and these planets –
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-4 Mars Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.255) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.327) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.531) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 6.3 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 15.6 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 44.71 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 88.1 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 133 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 15.55 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.255 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.327 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.531 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 6.3 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 15.6 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 44.7 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 88.1 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 133 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
- Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Mars orbital period (687 days) by
using the rates of time between Mars and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.040) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.0419) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.084) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.1589) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 7.1 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 14 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 21.1 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.47 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0419 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.084 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.1589 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 2.48 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 7.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 14 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 21.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
- Errors (1.4% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Periods respectively
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Jupiter orbital period (4331days)
by using the rates of time between Jupiter and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-6 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.016) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0209) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0339) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0639) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.403) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 2.857 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 5.63 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 8.5 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 1 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0209 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.0339 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0639 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.403 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 2.857 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 5.63 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 8.5 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
- Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Saturn orbital period (10747 days)
by using the rates of time between Saturn and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-7 Uranus Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0057) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0073) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.011) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.022) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.14) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.3499) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = 1.97 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = 2.97 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.349) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0057 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0073 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.011 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.022 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.14 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.3499 x 30589 days (Uranus Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 1.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
- No Error In All Data More Than 1% -
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Uranus orbital period (30589 days)
by using the rates of time between Uranus and these planets
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-8 Neptune Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0029) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0037) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.006) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.011) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0713) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.177) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.507) h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = 1.509 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.1773) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0029 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0037 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.006 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.011 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0713 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.177 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.507 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 1.509 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
- Neptune orbital period creates an error 1.3% with all data except Pluto and
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Neptune orbital period (59800 days)
by using the rates of time between Neptune and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time
I – Data
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00192) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00245) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00399) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0075) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0472) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.1174) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.336) h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.662) h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.11743) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.00192 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.00245 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.00399 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0075 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0472 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.1174 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.336 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 0.662 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
- Pluto orbital period creates error 1% with all data.
- No error In All Data More Than 1% -
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Pluto orbital period (90560 days)
by using the rates of time between Pluto and these planets –
The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-10 The General Discussion
- Shortly
- The data shows that
- All Planets Orbital Periods are rated with one another by the rates of time we
have calculated based the required periods for the solar planets orbital distances
- Why?
- If the solar planets motions are independent from one another, how all planets
orbital periods be defined based on these rates?
- In the next point (No.5) we prove that, the solar planets orbital distances be created
depending on these rates of time also. How that can be possible?
- Why all planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on these rates of
- We should keep an eye on the required periods because they are the source based
on which the rates of time be created.
- And
- The question should be,
- Are these required periods be defined independently from one another? or all these
periods be defined based on one another by using one law only?
- I want to say,
- We have to know perfectly the answer of this question, because if there's one law
or one Equation by which the planets required periods can be defined that
summarizes all data of the solar planets orbital periods and distances into one
Equation only
- In this case we can use the one equation in place of all planets orbital periods and
distances, and as a result no need for any observation for this data because we can
conclude them theoretically
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- That's why we need to move step by step in our discussion, and proves each step
strongly because it will result one equation is place of ten planets orbital periods
and distances.
- After we do that, we have to discuss the reason behind.
- Now let's move to the next point to prove,
- The Planets Orbital Distances Be Defined Based On These Rates Of Time.
- If we prove that, the solar planets distances be based on these rates of time, the
solar group description should be changed into the following one…
- (Solar Group Is)
- The Solar Group is similar to a machine of gears each planet is a gear in it, or
- The Solar Group is similar to one building and each planet is a part of this same
building, or
- The Solar Group is similar to one body and each planet is a member of it, or
- The Solar Group is similar to puppets theater, all puppets are connected together
by one force and causes their motions, or
- The Solar Group is similar a canal, the water moves through it and causes the
rotation of 9 waterwheels. The Motion Direction of The waterwheels is different
from the water motion direction but no waterwheel can rotate without the water
motion, or
- The solar planets are similar to train carriages, they move together one unified
general motion, or
- The solar planets be similar to knots on one robe or similar to points on the same
one trajectory of energy –
- The solar planets motions be similar to chess board pieces motions, each motion
depend on the other planets motions and be done by geometrical calculations.
- Clearly
- The Planets Move One Unified Motion Be Done In Equal Periods Of Time
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5- The Planets Orbital Distances Depend On Their Rates Of Time
5-1 Preface
5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test
5-3 Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions Analysis
5-4 One Equation controls The planets orbital periods and distances
5-5 Why Saturn And The Moon Use Equal Rates Of Time?
5-6 Why Mercury Use A Double Of Its Orbital Distance?
5-7 Pluto And Saturn Motions Rate of Time
5-8 The Rate (4.61) be used between Pluto and the moon motion
5-9 The Moon Orbital Motion Equation
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-1 Preface
- In This Point We Have Defined Tasks Are:
- We prove, the solar planets distances be created based on their rates of time (Point
No. 5-2)
- We analyze Mars, Jupiter and Mercury Motions to explain how their motions data
be created (for example we answer, Why Saturn Orbital Distance = 2π x Mars
Orbital Distance) (Point No. 5-3)
- We prove, There's One Equation controls all planets orbital periods and distances
(Point No. 5-4)
- Then,
- We try to answer why Saturn rate of time equal the Earth moon rate of time and
what effect of this equality on both planets motions (Point No. 5-5).
- And
- We ask why Mercury use double values (Point No.5-6)
- Then
- We analyze Saturn and Pluto Motions Rate Of Time in (Point No.5-7)
- Then
- We analyze The basic rate between Pluto and the moon motion data (4.61), this
analysis is done (Point No. 5-8)
- The moon orbital motion equation we discuss (Point No. 5-9)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test
- Let's refer to what we will do here
- We remember here Mercury rates of time with the other planets
- Then
- We suppose that, Mercury moves during one solar day
- And
- We will find the other planets periods of time in comparison with this 1 solar day
of Mercury motion based on these planets rates of time with Mercury
- Then
- We will discover the distances the planets pass during these periods
- Then
- We will compare these distances with Mercury motion distance for 1 solar day
=4.095 mkm
- Based on this comparison, we should test if the planets orbital distances be defined
based on these planets rates of time,
- Let's Do That In Following…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
I- Data
Mercury Rates Of Time
1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion
The Motions Distances Based On Mercury Rates Of Time
Mercury (4.095 mkm / solar day) moves during 1 day a distance =4.095 mkm
Venus (3.024 mkm / solar day) moves during 1.279 days a distance =3.867 mkm
Earth (2.574 mkm / solar day) moves during 2.078 days a distance = 5.35 mkm
Mars (2.082 mkm / solar day) moves during 3.91 days a distance = 8.14 mkm
Jupiter (1.13184 mkm / solar day) moves during 24.6 days a distance = 27.8 mkm
Saturn (0.838 mkm / solar day) moves during 61.1 days a distance = 51.2 mkm
Uranus (0.5875 mkm / solar day) moves during 174.8 days a distance = 102.7 mkm
Neptune (0.4665 mkm / solar day) moves during 344.8 days a distance = 160.8 mkm
Pluto (0.406 mkm / solar day) moves during 520.2 days a distance = 211.2 mkm
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Data Analysis
No. (2)
(Venus motion distance=3.867 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =0.944
(Venus orbital circumference =680 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) =0.944
No. (3)
(Earth motion distance=5.35 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =1.3
(Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.3
No. (4)
(Mars motion distance=8.14 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 1.98
(Mars orbital circumference =1433 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.98
No. (5)
(Jupiter motion distance=27.8 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 6.8
(Jupiter orbital circumference =4900 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 6.8
No. (6)
(Saturn motion distance=51.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 12.5
(Saturn orbital circumference =9010 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 12.5
No. (7)
(Uranus motion distance =102.7 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =25.1
(Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 25.1
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
No. (8)
(Neptune motion distance =161 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =39.3
(Neptune orbital circumference =28255 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 39.3
No. (9)
(Pluto motion distance =211.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =51.6
(Pluto orbital circumference =37100 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 51.6
- Let's discuss the previous data in following:
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
III- Discussion
- The data proves that
- The solar planets orbital circumferences are defined depending on these planets
motions rates of time.
- Based on that,
- i.e.
- A huge number of data be controlled by a small group of data.
- Means,
- The solar planets periods and distances are defined as functions in the planets
motions rates of time.
- But
- The planets motions rates of time be defined based on The Required Periods For
The Planets Orbital Distances Motions.
- Shortly
- It tells, if we know the required periods we can calculate all solar planets orbital
distances and periods.
- Now, the question is,
- Are these required periods be defined based on one another or independently from
one another?
- The question = All Planets Orbital Distances And Periods
- Because
- If the required periods be defined based on one another and we can use One
Equation to calculate these required periods – that will summarize all solar planets
periods and distances into One Equation.
- That shows the importance behind this discussion.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Because
- One Equation controls all planets orbital periods and distances
- Usually The Planets Motions Data shows different puzzles,
- Let's remember some of them, (Saturn Orbital Distance = 2π x Mars Orbital
Distance),and (Uranus Orbital Distance = 2 Saturn Orbital Distance) Also
(Neptune Orbital Distance = π x Saturn Orbital Distance).
- All these rates can be concluded from the previous distances, shows that, these
rates be results of the planets motions rates of time.
- I want to say, many planets motions data can be understood and explained by this
analysis of the passed distances.
- The planets motions rates of time give us a chance for better understanding for
how the planets motions data be created.
- By that we will have more clear vision about the planets creation process.
- In next point (5-3) we analyze mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions data to explain
how their data be created by effect of their motions rates of time and by that, we
understand how these planets motions data be created, which solves many old
unanswered questions.
- Notice
- Mercury uses the distance 720.7 mkm in place of its orbital circumference 360
mkm, and uses its day period 175.95 solar days in place of its orbital period (88
days) and uses the required period 671 hours to move a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm
(Mercury orbital distance) (error 1%)
- Shortly Mercury uses a double value of its data in comparison with the other
planets. Although if Mercury use the ordinary data as other planets it works by
Mercury uses double value because of a basic geometrical reason we should
discuss in point no. (5-6).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
5-3 Mars, Jupiter And Saturn Motions Analysis
- In this point we use the planets motions rates of time to explain the puzzled data of
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions
- Let's take a look on this puzzled data in following:
- 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
- 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2π x227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance)
- 10747 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2.5 x 4331 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Period)
- 24.1 km/s (Mars Velocity) =2.5 x 9.7 km/s (Saturn Velocity)
- 24.6 h (Mars rotation period) =2.5 x 9.9 h (Jupiter Day Period)
- ((10747 days x 24 h) /24.6 h) = ((4331 days x 24 h) /9.9h) = 10485
- 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 2 = (2.5 deg = Saturn orbital inclination)2
- Let's use the planets motions rates of time to help us to answer how the data be
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
I - Data
- 1 hour of Mars Motion = 6.3 hours of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 hours of Saturn
Motion = 44.6 hours of Uranus Motion = 88 hours of Neptune motion = 132.7
hours of Pluto motion
- 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
- 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2π x227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance)
- 10747 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2.5 x 4331 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Period)
- 24.1 km/s (Mars Velocity) =2.5 x 9.7 km/s (Saturn Velocity)
- 24.6 h (Mars rotation period) =2.5 x 9.9 h (Jupiter Day Period)
- ((10747 days x 24 h) /24.6 h) = ((4331 days x 24 h) /9.9h) = 10485
- 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 2 = (2.5 deg = Saturn orbital inclination)2
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II –Discussion
Equation no. (5-3-a)
- 1 hour of Mars Motion = 6.3 hours of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 hours of Saturn
Motion = 44.6 hours of Uranus Motion = 88 hours of Neptune motion = 132.7
hours of Pluto motion
- These rates of time we have concluded in point no. (4) of this paper.
- i.e.
- 1 Solar Day of Mars Motion = 6.3 Solar Days of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 Solar
Days of Saturn Motion = 44.6 Solar Days of Uranus Motion = 88 Solar Days
of Neptune motion = 132.7 Solar Days of Pluto motion.
- Let's define the distances which these planets pass during these periods of time
- Mars (2.08 mkm per solar day) moves during 1 solar day a distance = 2.082 mkm
- Jupiter (1.1318 mkm per day) moves during 6.3 solar days a distance = 7.13 mkm
- Saturn (0.838 mkm per day) moves during 15.56 solar days a distance =13.1 mkm
- Uranus (0.5875 mkm per day) moves during 44.6 days a distance=26.22 mkm
- Neptune (0.466560 mkm per day) moves during 88 days a distance = 41.05 mkm
- Pluto (0.406 mkm per day) moves during 132.7 solar days a distance =53.88 mkm
- Based on that
- Mars during (1 solar day) moves 2.082 mkm
- Jupiter during (6.3 solar day) moves 7.13 mkm
- Saturn during (15.5 solar day) moves 13.1 mkm
- Uranus during (44.6 solar day) moves 26.22 mkm
- Neptune during (88 solar day) moves 41.05 mkm
- Pluto during (132.7 solar day) moves 53.88 mkm
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Data Analysis
- Saturn motion distance = 13.1 mkm = Mars Motion Distance 2.08 mkm x 2π
- This data explains why
- Saturn orbital circumference 9007 mkm = Mars orbital circumference 1433
mkm x 2π
- Uranus motion distance = 26.22 mkm = Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x 2
- This data explains why
- Uranus orbital circumference 18048 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference
9007 mkm x 2
- Neptune motion distance =41.05 mkm =Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x π
- This data explains why
- Neptune orbital circumference 28255 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference
9007 mkm x π
- Pluto motion distance =53.9 mkm =Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x 4.11
- This data explains why
- Pluto orbital circumference 37100 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference 9007
mkm x 4.11
- Pluto motion distance =53.9 mkm =Uranus Motion Distance 26.22 mkm x 2.06
- This data explains why
- Pluto orbital circumference 37100 mkm= Uranus orbital circumference 18048
mkm x 2.06
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Why Should We Refuse Newton Theory Of The Sun Gravity

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Why Should We Refuse Newton Theory Of The Sun Gravity? The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –2nd October 2021 Abstract Paper hypothesis - The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time Paper hypothesis Explanation - The solar planets motions data analysis shows that the planets motions use different rates of time. As a result (for example) 1 h of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter motion. - The planets motions use different rates of time because they revolve their revolutions around the sun in equal periods of time. - They need to revolve around the sun in equal periods of time because the planets motions be integrated into one unified general motion and the equal periods of time is necessary for the planets motions timing adjustments. - This Vision Is Different From Newton Theory - Based on that, we have a reason to refute Newton theory of the sun mass gravity. - The situation is a complex because - Newton theory is lived since four centuries and has a great effect. - On the other side, The Planets Motions Data Analysis Shows A Complete Different Vision From Newton Theory And Ideas. - I have used this paper Introduction to put the theoretical comparison between the 2 visions, trying to make them as clear as possible.
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 - The Paper Is Divided Into 3 Basic Subjects - (1st Subject) - The Theoretical Comparison Between The 2 Visions Of Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity And The Planets Motions Data Analysis – This Comparison Is Provided In This Paper INTRODUCTION. And This Comparison Summarizes The Paper Theoretical Argument - (2nd Subject) - The Planets Motions Data Analysis Be Provided In Part No. (I) Of This Paper - (3rd Subject) - The Solar Planets Creation Theory Be Provided In Part No. (II) Of This Paper Please scan the figure (ORCID)
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 Paper Contents Subject Page No. 1- Introduction 5 2- Methodology 23 Paper Part No. (I) The Equal Periods Proof 26 3- Can The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time? 27 3-1 Preface 28 3-2 The Rates Of Time Using Proof Idea 29 3-3 The Planets Rates of time Definition 35 4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis 39 4-1 Preface 40 4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time 41 4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time 43 4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time 45 4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time 47 4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time 49 4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time 51 4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time 53 4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time 55 4-10 The General Discussion 57 5- The Planets Orbital Distances Depend On Their Rates Of Time 59 5-1 Preface 60 5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test 61 5-3 Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions Analysis 67 5-4 One Equation controls The planets orbital periods and distances 73 5-5 Why Saturn And The Moon Use Equal Rates Of Time? 84 5-6 Why Mercury Use A Double Of Its Orbital Distance? 91 5-7 Pluto And Saturn Motions Rate of Time 93 5-8 The Rate (4.61) be used between Pluto and the moon motion 99 5-9 The Moon Orbital Motion Equation 103 6- Mars Migration Theory 119 6-1 Mars Migration Theory 120 6-2 Pluto Migration Theory 123 6-3 Planets Migration Theories Proves 125 7- Planets Unified General Motion 128 7-1 The Planets Unified General Motion Description 129 7-2 The Solar Planets Motions Are Complementary One Another 131 7-3 The Solar Planets Move An Unified Motion (A Team Motion) 134 8- Mercury Motion Distance During Its Day Period 140 8-1 Preface 141 8-2 Why Mercury Jupiter Distance =720.7 mkm? 142
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 8-3 Jupiter Motion In A Comparison With Light Motion 146 9- Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 151 9-1 Preface 152 9-2 Jupiter orbital Circumference Analysis 153 10- The Sun Age Description 167 10-1 Preface 168 10-2 The Sun Circles The Earth 169 10-3 The Rate (1.0725) 170 10-4 The Sun Diameter Analysis 173 10.5 The Sun And Earth Motions Rate Of Time (1 day =365.25 days) 176 10-6 The Sun Rays Analysis 184 Paper Part No. (II) The Solar System Creation Theory 189 11- The Solar System Creation Theory 190 11-1 Preface 191 11-2 The Solar System Creation Theory 193 11-3 The Inner Planets Motions Reason 198 11-4 Light Beam (1.16 mkm/sec) Proves Discussion 202 11-5 Saturn Motion More Analysis 239 11-6 Equal Distances Method 246 12-The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form 252 12-1 Preface 253 12-2 The Continuum effect Through the Solar System Distances 255 12-3 The Solar System Distances Distribution 260 12-4 The Solar System Distances Dependency On One Another 264 13- The Planets Motions Rates Of Time (More Discussion) 266 13-1 Preface 267 13-2 Mercury Pluto Motions Rate of Time 268 13-3 Mercury Saturn Motions Rate of Time 272 13-4 Earth, its moon And Pluto Motions Rates Of Time 275 13-5 Earth And Saturn Motions Rates Of Time 284 Appendix No.1 The Solar System Equal Distances List 285 References and Biography 287
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 1-Introduction - Why Should We Refuse Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity? - Notice - I don't disprove Newton Theory Of Mass Gravity, I disprove Newton Theory of The Sun Mass Gravity As A Reason For The Solar Planets Motions. (I- Newton Theory Defects) - The paper asks a significant question, because, regardless all contradictions against Newton Theory, The question is why Newton theory of the sun mass gravity can't explain the planets motions after long time? - After 400 years of Newton we understand nothing more than his words and no fruitful results be built on his ideas as expectable. - On the other side, the nature is so rich, and one law of nature be effective greatly and causes extension for understanding and searching. - Newton theory of the sun mass gravity is a theory provided limited ideas and no fruitful products give. As a weak house goes to be destroyed, while no one lives in it, we consume our times in try to repair its problems and the repair process never succeed! - Newton told, Planet orbital distance should be defined by the gravitation equation. But the solar planets order disproves this idea frequently, and to solve this contradiction we have to believe in (the initial conditions claim) – the result is, no support from the solar planets order for the gravitation equation, then we have to ask why it be acceptable? - Newton told, Planet velocity be defined based on the masses gravity, but, in fact Planets velocities be defined in proportionality with one another, for example (Venus velocity)/( Uranus velocity) = (Mars velocity /Pluto velocity), where the masses don't support this proportionality. - Such proportionality of data is found frequently in solar planets motions data, and no explanation be provided.
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 - Newton theory supposes almost the data be created by (pure coincidence of numbers) - Here we find one more difficulty for Newton theory, that the theory doesn't try to explain how the planets motions data be created - The theory gives us (unreal) explanations for planets orbital distances and periods, but no explanations for planets diameters, masses …. And other data.. this data be considered as a result of historical factors - This approach is an effective one. because Newton imagined that The Motion Be Done Regardless Any Data. on the other side, a planet moves a motion be in harmony with its data. means, if Earth diameter =12756 km be changed to 14000 km, that necessitates a change in Earth motion features. Based on this vision, by planet motion analysis we should be able to conclude this planet data. - This is a cornerstone in the discussion, because the planets motions data should be the reference by which we test the theory. - I want to say - Someone has a car map, in which it's written, because the car motor is… the car size is… the car mass is……etc So, the car motion will be …. - We have no such map for a planet motion, so, planets data is a fact supposed to have no effect on this planet motion. This is one basic negative point in the theory, and based on that when Newton explains Earth motion, Earth diameter and other data isn't found in this explanation, as a result Earth diameter and all other data isn't used in Earth motion explanation. - Newton told, Planet moves independently from other planets motions. but the planets motions data analysis shows that the planets move integrated motions and the planets motions together create One Unified General Motion. That makes the solar system as a machine of gears. All motions be unified in one general motion. based on this vision we can explain why Jupiter orbital period =2π x Mars orbital period? – and why Saturn orbital distance =2π x Mars orbital distance?
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 - I want to say, - The planets motions data analysis gives us a different vision from Newton description about the solar planet motion. (II- Planets Data Analysis Significance) - I wish to prove that the planets motions data analysis provides more clear understanding for this planet motion, let's use the moon motion as example in following - Example No. (1) - The moon displacement per a solar day = 88000 km - The moon day period =29.53 solar day - By that, the distances total which be passed by the moon in its day period should be =(88000 km x 29.53 days = 2598640 km = 2π x 413600 km) - Based on this data, The Moon Apogee Radius Should Be = 413600 km - But it's not a fact - The moon apogee radius = 406000 km - Means, - The moon can't be far from the Earth at a distance more than 406000 km, and the moon never visit the point 413600 km - This data shows clearly we can't understand the moon motion trajectory by the observation only but we need to analyze the motion data to know what's going on. - Again - How the moon apogee radius be (406000 km)? while it should be (413600 km?) - Notice - There's one more feature should be referred as a result because the distance (2598640 km) is so long the moon would have to revolve around Earth through its (new) apogee orbit - Shortly
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 - Based on this data, the moon would revolve around Earth along month through the apogee orbit whose radius (r=413600 km) and would be prevented to revolve around Earth through any more near orbits! - The Fact Is That, - The moon creates an angle (θ) between the moon displacement direction and the moon orbit horizontal level, by that, while the moon moves daily 88000 km but this distance doesn't be accounted for the moon orbit. The orbit considers another displacement depend on the angle, let's call it (the real displacement L) - (The Real Displacement) L = 88000 km cos (θ) - As a result - The real displacement be shorter than (88000 km) and the total displacements during (29.53 days) be less than (2598640 km) and be = (2550973 km) (-2%) - By this intelligent technique, the genius moon can revolve around Earth through more near orbits and avoid to visit the point 413600 km forever and makes its apogee radius =406000 km - I wish the example proves the idea clearly, that we can't understand the planets motions by observation only, but it necessitates to use the planets motions data analysis. - Example No. (2) - The solar planets move their revolutions around the sun in equal periods of time! - How that can be possible if the distances be increased and the velocities be decreased from the sun, how the periods can be equal? - Because, - The planets use different rates of time. - Based on that, 1 solar day of Earth motion = 250 solar days of Pluto motion, and by that, while Earth revolves its orbital period (365.25 days) Pluto revolves its orbital period (90560 days), and both periods be equal. - I want to say,
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 - The geometrical features and interactions aren't found in the solar system outer figure or shape, but it's found in the planets motions data. many planets motions secrets be covered in the data. As in the moon motion case, we would never discover its using of an angle (θ) between its displacement motion direction and the orbit horizontal level unless we account the distances arithmetically – - Also, in the example no. (2) we will never now that the period (90560 days) equal the period (365.25 days) unless we know that the planets use different rates of time. (The paper analyzes the planets motions different rates of time deeply in points no. 3, 4 and 5) - Shortly - The planets data should be used as a basic reference for any explanation theory explains the solar planets motions, otherwise we will never explain the planets motions. (III- Newton Theory Refutation Difficulties) - Now, - Where's the problem? - If Newton Theory Is Mistaken Why We Don't Disprove It Decisively? - Because - The theory tells a simple and clear meaning. Newton theory is an imaginary idea, but a very simple and clear one. but - The solar system is so complex machine, the refutation process depend on many complex explanations. For example, The fact is that, The sun be created after all solar planets creations and motions. this fact disproves Newton theory of the sun mass gravity decisively. But how to find a decisive proof for the sun creation after all planets creation. there are many historical references support this conclusion, but no a decisive proof is found. - Imagine someone brings a pill has no name and tells you, this pill causes a recovery from the headache. You don't know if this is a fact or not, how to know
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 the truth? you have to take the bill to some chemical lab for analysis! Means, very complex process is required to refute this man claim! - That's the same situation, - Newton told, the planets move by the sun mass gravity and the sun forces the planets to revolve around it. We have no direct proof against. What can we do? - We have to analyze the planets motions data to prove that planets motions features are different from Newton Description - Means, we will draw a map for the planet motion by planets motion data analysis and prove that this map is different from Newton's map for the same planet motion, which disproves Newton theory. - For example, Newton confirms "Planet motion independency concept", and told a solar planet moves independently from other planets motions. BUT planets motions data analysis contradicts this idea (for example - the moon displacement = 88000 km per a solar day, and Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm, if the moon passes 940 mkm by its daily displacement the moon would need 10747 days where 10747 days = Saturn orbital period), the paper discussion proves that this data be created based on a geometrical reason. Now the data contradicts Newton concept, where No Planet Moves Independent Motion. - Shortly - The method by which we disprove Newton theory of the sun mass gravity is to analyze the planets motions data and prove the planets motions features are different from Newton description and even contradicts it. by that we have a clear task to do - But
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 - One Difficulty be in our way, because - Mars was the next planet after Mercury with original orbital distance (84 mkm) and Pluto was the Mercury moon revolves around it. - Some great force stroke Mercury, but Mercury couldn't escape, but Pluto and Mars be effected by this force and migrated to their current positions. This event be done before the Earth moon and Saturn creations. That means, Mars is the planet which had collided with Venus and Earth and caused to create the moon (Mars itself did that and not the proto planet theia) - The changes in the solar system created new positions for the planets which be different from their original ones and these changes should be taken into consideration when we analyze the planets motions - For example Mercury motion still effect on Mars motion because they were neighbors. - More important, the 2 migrant planets (Mars and Pluto) be used by the solar system basic design as 2 heads planets for the whole system because they had migrated and changed their original orbital distances, and the system has to use them as heads to repair the negative effects of their migration. - Also, - Pluto had collided with Neptune and pushed it out of its original orbital point (5906 mkm) and occupied it. where Pluto had forced Neptune to be more near to the sun with orbital distance (4495.1 mm), forcing Neptune to create A New Orbit. Neptune new orbit forced Jupiter to provide the building required energy which creates a connection between Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto motions. - The sun is created after Saturn creation and Saturn is created after the moon creation and the moon is created after Mars and Pluto migrations… the historical events can help to arrange the planets motions data in best form. - But
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 - A Second Difficulty be in our way, because - The matter is created out of light, and the born matter doesn't separate its light parent but moves with it one unified general motion. - Based on this vision, the solar planets be created out of one light beam, and the planets move one unified motion in comparison with this light beam motion. - By that the solar planets be similar to ships sail over Sea. - The sea is light motions network and the ships are the planets. This idea is useful because it shows that, the ships aren't woods move by the sea waves forcedly but the ship has a steering gear which can define the ship motion direction. That tells, the planet real motion is the final result of interaction between light motion and the rigid body motion. - Also - The solar planets can be similar to 9 waterwheels rotate on one canal of water. We see that the water moves a translation motion but the waterwheels move in rotation and the 2 motions directions are different but no waterwheel can rotate without the water motion. here the light motion is similar to the water motion and it's the reason of the planets motions. - As A Result, - The planets motions show light motion features spite the planets low velocities. And now we have to explain how light motion features be discovered in planets motions. Shortly, we have to prove that the matter is really created out of light. - And to define the rate of time between the matter (planet) and light motions. the basic rate which is (1 second of light motion = 1 solar day of planet motion) be divided among the planets motions into smaller rates of time, all of them be unified again into one rate of time. - Also we have to explain how the distances can be used as periods of time which is a usual using in the solar system motion. and even planets diameters and
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 circumferences be used as periods of time, this also is a usual using in the solar system motion and we can find no geometrical explanations yet. - Now - Because the solar planets be created out of one light beam, the motion be transported from a planet to another through this light beam. Here we have a significant result. Because we see the data transports from a planet to another as we have seen the period 10747 solar days be used by the moon motion and Saturn motion. the data transportation is a confused using of data, because the planets aren't gears and the planets don't collide each other to transport the motion data, and we have no ability to attribute any mechanical features to the space to work as a belt among the planets motions (gears)! The only solution is that the data be transported through the light beam from which the planets be created. - But, - Light motion effect on planets motions gives extension for the planet motion vision - Because - This vision creates another parallel universe for ours. - The moving planets be as ships sail over sea. These are 2 universes, the planets and matter universe be found and moving depending on light motion network universe …….For example - Mercury Day Period (4222.6 h) needs 5040 seconds to be 4224 hours (176 solar days) why? this period is defined by light motion effect on Mercury motion. we study that in details in point no. (11) of this paper. - I want to say - The universe be consisted of 2 universes, one universe of matter and the second universe of light, but the universe of matter moves depending on the universe of light motion…
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 - That causes serious difficulties for our analysis because the planets motions features aren't defined completely based on a planet motion but by interaction with light motion, and this interaction with light causes the planets motions to be interacted with one another, then the rules of this interaction be unknown for us and by that planets motions data causes frequent astonishments… - By the way, from long time we have asked - Why we see the sun disc = the moon disc? - Because - (The sun diameter/ the moon diameter) = (Earth orbital distance/ Earth moon distance) - Why the diameters rate= the distances rate? Newton theory tells (pure coincidence) - A simple answer, but the fact is that, one light beam created the solar system and as a result the light created the matter dimensions in proportionality with space dimensions. And the sun is created after all planets and because of that the sun data be in proportionality with the planets data! - The complex answer is un-expectable and unbelievable - Then - A Third Interesting Difficulty be found in our way, because - The solar system be created based on energy of one light beam – as mentioned before- - but - This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second. - Because the planets matters and distances be created out of this light beam energy, the velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is registered in the planets data. - And - The light velocity (1.16 mkm/s) be registered in the planets matters and distances where we see this velocity in the planets motions data frequently, but by what rules
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 this velocity be registered in the planets motions data? the data shows the supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) but doesn't tell how this data be registered? - Now - Newton simple theory which is incorrect clearly and can be refuted simply be protected (again) by the huge force of the question (how the matter is created?), - While the old description told us that, the universe is created of motionless material needs mass gravity force to cause their motions. On the other side, we provide a new description tells, the matter is created out of light and created in motion, and if the matter stops from its motion it will be perished (notice, the matter motion doesn't mean the matter motion of its atoms and particles, it means the matter outer motion. as the motion of a planet revolving around the sun. This is the mentioned motion and if this motion be stopped this planet will be perished) - Now - Let's try to make this situation more clear - We have 3 players on board - (1st ) Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity as a reason for the planet motion - (2nd ) light beam motion which causes the planet motion according to my theory - (3rd ) The planet motion data - Newton theory is mistaken surely and contradicts planets motions data frequently - But, - The light beam motion theory isn't clear because many geometrical rules be used by the planets motions still be unknown. - We even need to prove that a light beam with velocity 1.16 mkm/s be found, which we should do in this paper (point no. 11) - What can we do? - Because the knowledge is insufficient we still be slaves for Newton theory of the sun mass gravity which be disproved by every planet motion feature!
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 - Where the theory itself be in our way for understanding, and the repair process effects negatively on the general vision, for example - The fact is - The sun rays energy is found by the planets motions energies total. that means, the planets motions energies be accumulated on one point (the sun) and by using a different rate of time (1 day = 365 days), the accumulated energy during (365 solar days) be used on one solar day by the sun and by that the energy be enough to create the sun rays. - This fact contradicts Newton theory, and to save Newton theory this fact be removed and in place of it we have to believe in nuclear interactions inside the sun from which the sun rays be created… 2 different visions for the sun rays - If the sun rays energy be found by the planets motions energies total that doesn't necessitates to change the sun science, because the matter be created of energy and if the energy be available by this energy can the sun matter be created and all science can be saved, we change only the source of energy … - I want to say, - The weak house which will be destroyed not only consume our times but also causes risks for the others houses around and creates different problems… - This introduction became so complex.. but more difficulties are still in our way! Newton has his secret force to defend! - If the matter be created out of light? Is there any proof for this idea - Lorentz Transformations, - for example - In Lorentz length contraction effect, we have asked, why particle own length be contracted by this particle high velocity motion? the answer is surprised, because many books tell that the particle own length isn't contracted really by high velocity motion according to Lorentz equation, but what's measured should be considered
  • 17. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 17 as illusion of measurements! Other many books argued that the contraction is real and be done for the particle own length. And then the fighting covers the fact - We support the particle own length real contraction meaning, because the physics is the science of measurements and what's measured is the truth. And because if this particle measurements be correct while it moves by my motion velocity and these measurements be confused by illusions as a result for this particle high velocity motion relative to my motion velocity, in this case, I will be The Universe Reference Point. - By that, the particle own length must be contracted really by high velocity motion. - Then, what's the relationship between Particle motion velocity and this particle own dimensions? - Imagine our mind uses light velocity in the realization process. - Imagine we move in the universe by light velocity what would happen? 2 light beams move in parallel to one another, how each light beam will see the other? there's no difference in velocities between the 2 motions, by that each light beam will see the other as a particle - That's the point, - The particle is made of light beam and because of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) we realize this particle dimensions as they are, now when this particle moves by high velocity motion that causes to change the particle basics through which my mind realizes its dimensions, and as a result the particle dimensions are changed by high velocity motion.
  • 18. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 18 - (IV- A Planet Motion Suggested Description) - The planets motions data analysis shows many new features of the solar planets motions which aren't attributed before to any planet motion, let's provide a list for these features in following A List Of The New Discovered Features: 1. The Solar planets motions be integrated into one unified general motion - By that the planets motions be similar to a machine of gears. 2. The Solar planets revolutions around the sun be done in equal periods of time 3. The Solar planets motions use different rates of time - by that the solar planets motions be similar to a great mechanical clock. 4. The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form. By that the solar system distances be similar to a chess board, each planet moves depending on the other planets motions and by using geometrical calculations 5. Mars and Pluto had migrated from their original orbital distances to their current positions. The planets migration caused great changes in the solar system. 6. The solar system is created by energy of one light beam which creates the solar planet matters and theirs distances 7. This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second. 8. The solar system is created based on one geometrical design. 9. The solar system works as a great mechanical clock. - These features are the reason behind our try to disprove Newton theory of the sun mass gravity. Because Newton didn't tell these features are found and the theory has no explanations for these features. (we have to prove these features in the paper discussions)
  • 19. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 19 - (V- One Geometrical Design Be Found Before The Solar Group Creation) - Newton theory of the sun mass gravity can be understood simply with the big bang theory, it’s a direction of thinking that the solar system be created without a plan, and depend on some random process. This idea is found deeply inside these theories. - The point is that, the solar system is created based on a light beam motion energy and this light beam motion creates a geometrical design to build the solar system on it. let's try to explain this idea in following… - The matter is created out of light beam, but, the matter creation isn't similar to the mirage. The matter is a fact and not illusion, the matter creation isn't produced by wrong in vision, it's a child be born from the light beam - The matter creation process is done based on many geometrical rules. As any born creature, has a heart, a brain and a respiratory system….etc these machines are created based on complex geometrical rules and similar to that the matter be created. As a result for these complex geometrical rules the produced matters be different in features and great diversity be found in the universe. - The matter motion interaction with light or another matter motions be done through these geometrical rules as the planets motions data prove that clearly, and as a result, all motions be done based on one geometrical design. - Shortly - A geometrical design be found before the solar group creation, when someone asks who's the creator of this design if the planets weren't created yet, the answer will be (the light motion is the creator) - That controls the solar system in one geometrical design, and this fact is the reason to answer how can we conclude Mars and Pluto migration? Because their current positions violate the geometrical rules which are defined by this geometrical design. For example how I know that Mars orbital original distance was 84 mkm? Because Mercury orbital distance = Mercury diameter x 1092 , this rule be used
  • 20. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 20 also by Earth and Saturn. We understand that, this is the rule by which planet orbital distance be defined based on this planet diameter but Mars and Pluto migration effects negatively on the planets order and caused to violate the rule. - The situation is still complex because - The light original motion which is done by the light original beam its velocity supposed to be 1.16 mkm/sec, created a general geometrical design for the solar system and the planets be created based on this design. - Then, Mars and Pluto had migrated, - That effected on the geometrical design and the original light beam be required for help to save the solar group. Now the original light beam (1.16 mkm/sec) caused to create the light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) by planets motions energies. And the repair process tried to repair the negative effects of the 2 planets migration in addition to all other changes in the solar system, among which the moon creation and then Saturn creation and at end the sun creation. - I want to say - The current geometrical design for the solar system is one doesn't a typical to the original one and can't be a new one. it's a repaired design modified from the original one. that makes the current design is unique and distinguish from the original one. That may explain why bode law couldn't predict Neptune orbital distance because, Neptune orbital distance is an invited distance and wasn't found in the original design. Because of that, the equations which be created based on the original design can't predict Neptune orbital distance specifically. (Notice, it's not Mars situation because Mars didn't take any planet place, the collisions with Earth and Venus be caused by Mars motion displacement from (84 mkm to 227.9 mkm), where the point 227.9 mkm was empty. But in Pluto case the point 5906 mkm was occupied by Neptune and Pluto pushed Neptune and put it out the orbit. That explains why Neptune orbital distance so specific one as we should prove in the paper discussions.
  • 21. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 21 - (VI- The Basic Conclusions) - Again - We have 3 players on board - (1st ) Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity as a reason for the planet motion - (2nd ) light beam motion which causes the planet motion according to my theory - (3rd ) The planet motion data - Newton theory is mistaken - And - My theory of light motion isn't complete yet. - We have nothing except The Planets Motions Data Analysis - The paper analyzes the planets motions data to prove that the discovered features are facts. Where these features disproves Newton theory of the sun mass gravity. - The Features Which The Paper Proves Are - (1st Feature) - The Solar planets revolutions around the sun be done in equal periods of time - The Solar planets motions use different rates of time - by that the solar planets motions be similar to a great mechanical clock. - (2nd Feature) - Mars and Pluto had migrated from their original orbital distances to their current positions. The planets migration caused great changes in the solar system. - (3rd Feature) - The Solar planets motions be integrated into one unified general motion - By that the planets motions be similar to a machine of gears. - (4th Feature) - The Solar System Distances Be Created In A Network Form. By that the solar system distances be similar to a chess board, each planet moves depending on the other planets motions and by using geometrical calculations
  • 22. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 22 - (5th Feature) - The solar system is created by energy of one light beam which creates the solar planet matters and theirs distances - This light beam velocity is 1.16 million km per second. (6th Feature) - The solar system is created based on one geometrical design. and (The solar system works as a great mechanical clock.) - Let's Take A Look On The Paper Contents - The paper Is Divided Into 2 Parts - Paper Part no. (I) - The Planets Motions Using Of Different Rates Oft Time be proved in 3 points (no.3, 4 and 5), in these 3 points, we proves strongly that the solar planets use different rates of time and these rates of time define their orbital periods and distances – based on these rates of time the planets revolutions around the sun be done in equal periods of time. - Mars Migration Theory be proved in point no. (6) - The Planets Unified Motion be proved in point no. (7) - Jupiter And Mercury Motions Be Analyzed in points no. (8 and 9) to be detailed example of proof for the planets unified motion. - The sun is created after all planets, this theory be proved in point (no.10) - Paper Part no. (II) - The solar system creation theory be proved in point (no.11) - The solar system distances network theory be proved in point (no.12)
  • 23. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 23 2-Methodology - I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to explain the planets motions- let's use one example to explain how this method works? - Example No. 1 - Newton told us– The planet motion be independent from all other planets motions - This is the theory – let's see some planets motions data for a comparison - Data (1) Saturn Orbital Distance = Saturn Uranus Distance = Mars Orbital Circumference = Pluto Neptune Distance (error 1.5%) = Pluto eccentricity Distance (error 1.5%) = Neptune Orbital Distance/π = Uranus Orbital Distance /2 (2) Mercury Neptune Distance = Saturn Pluto Distance Jupiter Pluto Distance = Uranus Neptune Circumference Earth Neptune Distance = Mercury Saturn Circumference (0.5%) (3) Jupiter Mercury Distance = 2 Mercury Orbital Circumference Jupiter Venus Distance = Venus Orbital Circumference (1.5%) Jupiter Earth Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference (1.2%) (Earth and Jupiter at 2 different sides from the sun) (4) Jupiter Mercury Distance = Mars Orbital Distance x π (0.6%) Jupiter Uranus Distance = Venus Jupiter Circumference (0.8%) Pluto Orbital Distance = Earth Orbital Circumference x 2π Why These Distances Are Equal?
  • 24. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 24 - The solar system has around (45 distances) and these distance are around (25 distances) why they are equal one another? Can Planets Independent Motions Cause These Distances Equality? - In some desert someone sees a mirage and thought it's a water! How can we prove to him that this is a mirage and Not a water? - Newton told that, Planets Motions be Independent From One Another, and as a result - The solar system distances be created based on each other in a Network form where more than 50% of all distances are equal one another!! - I try to show that –Newton Theory mistake is some how clear. - The planets creations and motions data should be similar to a creature genes which can tell us how this planet be created and moving – so whatsoever the theory be the planets motions data be more important than it – and by that – even if Newton was correct, there's no reason to neglect the planets motions. - Let's use one more example - Example No. 2 - 778.6 mkm = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) - 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 671 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance) - 671 mkm = 1.0725 x 629 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance) - 629 mkm = (1.0725)2 x 550.7 mkm (Mars Jupiter Distance) - 550.7 mkm = (1.0725) x 511 mkm - 4900 mkm = (1.0725) x 4495.1 mkm (Neptune Orbital Distance) (1.6%) - 1375 mkm = (1.0725) x 1284 mkm (Earth Saturn Distance) - 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference - 1375mkm = Mercury Saturn Circumference - The previous distances are 13 distances (30%) of all distances- they are example of many others- the question is why they are rated with the same one rate (1.0725)?
  • 25. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 25 - I try to show, some geometrical design effects through the planets motions data. This effect is stronger than any planet motion and force all of them to use the same one rate (1.0725)– No Independent Motion Be Found Here – the data simply disproves Newton Theory Of The Sun Mass Gravity and Planet Independency Motion. - The previous data is example for wide range of data – I add some more of them here to show the strong force range of using this rate (1.0725) - (28.3 deg / 26.7 deg) =(26.7 deg /25.2 deg) = (25.2 deg /23.4 deg) = (122.5 /115.2) = (1.0725) - Where - 28.3 degrees = Neptune Axial Tilt - 26.7 degrees = Saturn Axial Tilt - 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt - 23.4 degrees = Earth Axial Tilt - 115.2 degrees = 90 degrees + 25.2 degrees (Mars Axial Tilt) - 122.5 degrees = Pluto Axial Tilt. Shortly The planets data analysis put the data in comparison with the theories to test the theory sufficiency.
  • 26. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 26 Paper Part No. (I) The Solar Planets Motions Data Analysis
  • 27. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 27 3- Can The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time? 3-1 Preface 3-2 The Rates Of Time Using Proof Idea 3-3 The Planets Rates of time Definition
  • 28. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 28 3-1 Preface - The paper supposes that, The Solar Planets Use Different Rates Of Time - The Rates of time is a meaning we have learnt from special theory of relativity, and it means, for example, (1 h of Mercury motion =24.6 h of Jupiter motion), that means, (While the clock moves 1 hour in Mercury the other clock moves 24.6 hours in Jupiter). - We accept this meaning, and based on it, the paper supposes, Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time. - Now - Can That Be A Fact? - I have a proof for this idea, and the proof is useful to improve our understanding for the solar planets motions data and its meaning. - But - The proof can prove that, the solar planets motions use different rates of time, but can't explain why or how to do that. that means, I have a proof for a discovery but how to explain this discovery I can't answer. The proof which I have provides the fact but no a theoretical explanation be provided neither geometrical mechanism to explain how these rates of time be created. - Let's write the proof idea in the next point as clear as possible before to discuss it.
  • 29. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 29 3-2 The Proof Of The Rates Of Time Using. - Let's summarize the proof idea in following… (I) - The solar planets rates of time be defined for any planet based on the period this planet needs to move a distance = this planet orbital distance. - Let's provide these periods for better explanation: - Mercury needs a period =14.13 solar days to move a distance =57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance (So the required period is 14.13 Solar Days) - Venus needs a period =35.8 solar days to move a distance =108.2 mkm = Venus Orbital Distance (So the required period is 35.8 Solar Days) - Earth needs a period =58.1 solar days to move a distance =149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance (So the required period is 58.1 Solar Days) - The Earth moon a period =1700 solar days to move a distance =149.6 mkm = Earth Orbital Distance by using its daily displacement 88000 km (So the required period is 1700 Solar Days) - Mars needs a period =109.4 solar days to move a distance =227.9 mkm =Mars Orbital Distance (So the required period is 109.4 Solar Days) - Jupiter needs a period =687 solar days to move a distance =778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance (So the required period is 687 Solar Days) - Saturn needs a period =1710 solar days to move a distance =1433.5 mkm = Saturn Orbital Distance (So the required period is 1710 Solar Days) - Uranus needs a period =4890 solar days to move a distance =2872.5 mkm = Uranus Orbital Distance (So the required period is 4890 Solar Days) - Neptune needs a period =9635 solar days to move a distance =4495.1 mkm = Neptune Orbital Distance (So the required period is 9635 Solar Days) - Pluto needs a period =14547 solar days to move a distance =5906 mkm =Pluto Orbital Distance (So the required period is 14547 Solar Days)
  • 30. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 30 (II) - The Planet Motion Rate of Time be defined depends on these periods. - For example - 58.1 days (Earth period) = 1.622 x 35.8 days (Venus Period) - Means - 1 hour of Venus Motion = 1.622 hours of Earth Motion - This is the rate of time we search for. And by this method we define it clearly. - Then - This rate of time does 2 basic Job which are - (1st Job) - The rate of time defines the planets orbital periods, because of that - 365.25 days (Earth Orbital Period) = 1.622 x 224.7 days (Venus Orbital Period) - This rule is used for all planets orbital periods, as we will prove that later in our discussion. - (2nd Job) - The rate of time defines the planets orbital distances, let's do that in following… - 1 day of Venus Motion = 1.622 days of Earth Motion (this is the rate of time) - But - Venus during one solar day moves a distance =3.024 mkm - Earth during 1.622 solar days moves a distance =4.176 mkm - And - (4.176 mkm /3.024 mkm) = (940 mkm /680 mkm) - Where - 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference - 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference - As the data shows, the rate of time defines the planets orbital circumferences.
  • 31. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 31 (III) - Now the idea be clear - The periods of planets motions for their orbital distances define the rates of time be used by these planets motions.. - And - These rates of time define all planets orbital periods and distances - This is a good understanding for the planets data - But - What do we need? - We need to know if the planets motions required periods be defined independently or dependently on one another… - Now - We have 2 different visions as result for these 2 options. Let's explain that in following as clear as possible - (1st Option) - If the planets required periods be defined independently for each planet, that means, each planet motion can be independent from one another. because the periods are independent periods from one another - (2nd Option) - If the planets periods be defined dependently on one another, that will make the solar group as one machine of gears. - The solar planets in this case will be similar to carriages in one train which move together one unified motion. or the planets be similar to gears in one machine of gears. They move one unified motion. - Or Better Example, - the solar planets be similar to a mechanical clock, each planet is a gear in the mechanical clock and causes to create a rate of time as a part of the machine general rate of time.
  • 32. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 32 - I want to say that, - The second option of the periods dependency on one another isn’t so simple option but it's a very effective option and even its effect be understood by any student of astrophysics, because - The planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on the motions rates of time which are defined based on these required periods the planets need to pass their orbital distances- So If these periods be created based on one another – that makes all planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on one another. - Shortly, that means, - We don't need to observe to know any planet orbital period or distance, if any data of it be absent, we can simply conclude it by using the rates of time – the second option simply changes the solar planets data into data be defined by one Equation only and by that we can remove all planets data (periods and distances) and can conclude them correctly by using the rates of time - Shortly - If the planets required periods be defined based on one law and not independently from one another the whole vision of the solar system will be changed by a very strong proof - To make this discussion more interesting, I want to say that, - There's one law controls all planets required periods of time to move their orbital periods. And this one law disproves and refuted completely Newton Theory of the sun mass gravity and Planet Motion Independency Concept which be inherited form Newton theory. - We simply have a chance to create a progress in the solar system motion understanding. - So, Let's Summarize Our Discussion Steps In Following
  • 33. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 33 (IV) - We Should Follow The Following Steps In Our Discussion - (1st Step) - The Planets Motions Rates Of Time Definition - And - The Planets Orbital Periods Definition Based On The Rates Of Time - (2nd Step) - The Planets Orbital Distances Definition Based On The Rates Of Time - (3rd Step) - We discuss one law controls the planets required periods for the solar planets orbital distances motions. (V) - We should notice that - The previous steps are steps for data providing, that means, these steps are methods to arrange the data - Because - I prove that, the planets motions use different rates of time. In this proof discussion I provide the data in some arrangement to show that this data be understandable only based on the hypothesis of the planets motions different rates of time. - By that, these steps are a method of Data arrangement. - Means - We don't discuss the question (how the planets motion use different rate of time?) neither the question (why the planets motions use different rates of time?) because, we try to prove the discovery which is (the planets motions use different rates of time), and to prove that, I put the planets data in the best arrangement form by using these 3 steps to show that, this data can't be understandable except by using the hypothesis (the planets motions use different rates of time). - So, our process aims basically to prove this fact
  • 34. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 34 - Then - We should analyze the planets required periods for their orbital distances motions to prove that one law controls all periods and by that we can change the solar system current description. for that reason the periods should be analyzed in a separated dedicated point. - I want to say - We have to provide the data which prove the hypothesis (the planets motions use different rates of time) - After the proof discussion be completed we have to start the solar system description discussion because one great effect be done as a result for the hypothesis proof and the one law proof. - Let's explain how we arrange the planets data in following: - In next point (3-3) we provide Mercury Rates of time as an example and use it to define all planets orbital periods based on Mercury Day Period - Mercury is an example, and we should do the same job with each planet, for that we dedicate the next point (NO. 4) for all planets rates of time test. Based on that, - Mercury is our example for test and - All planets periods be tested as Mercury rate in (Point No. 4) - Then - In point no. (5) we prove that, all planets orbital distances be defined based on the planets motions rates of time. - And in this point we prove that one law controls all periods
  • 35. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 35 3-3 The Planets Rates Of Time Definition (I) The Required Periods For The Solar Planets Orbital Distances Motions Are - Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days) - Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days - Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days - The moon needs 1700 Solar Days - Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days - Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days - Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days - Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days - Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days - Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days - The rates between these period define the rates of time used by each planet in comparison with other – as we will explain in following - But - For Mercury we use the period (27.9 solar days) = (2 x 14.13 days) (error 1%) , because Mercury uses its Day Period and not its orbital period and also uses the distance 720.7 mkm and not Mercury orbital circumference 360 mkm. This Data Mercury uses because of some geometrical necessity we should explain in a point no (8-2) in which we analyze the period of time Mercury needs to pass a distance = its orbital distance. - For now we use for Mercury the period (27.9 Solar Days) and we explain the reason in this point (8-2).
  • 36. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 36 (II) - Mercury Motions Rates Of Time - (35.8 /27.9) = 1.279, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 1.28 hours of Venus Motion - (58.1 /27.9) = 2.078, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 2.078 hours of Earth Motion - (1700 /27.9) = 60.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 60.8 hours of The Moon Motion - (109.4 /27.9) = 3.91, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Mars Motion - (687 /27.9) = 24.6, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter Motion - (1710 /27.9) = 61.1, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Saturn Motion - (4890 /27.9) = 174.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 174.8 hours of Uranus Motion - (9635 /27.9) = 344.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 344.8 hours of Neptune Motion - (14547 /27.9) = 520.2, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 520.2 hours of Pluto Motion
  • 37. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 37 MERCURY MOTION RATES OF TIME LIST 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion - Notice - The list tells, Saturn and the Moon use equal rate of time!! Why? we should answer that in point no. (5-5) of this paper - Now - Can these rates of time define the planets orbital periods? Let's do that in following:
  • 38. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 38 Mercury Rates Of Time Test 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) - The errors are 1.4% and 1% with Neptune and Pluto orbital periods respectively, no other error more than 1% - The data tells, Mercury rate of time defines all planets orbital periods based on Mercury Day Period. - The data tells that, the planets orbital period be created in proportionality with one another. - We have to test all planets rates of time as Mercury to know if all periods be definition correctly similar to Mercury test. For that reason we will test all planets periods of time in the next point (No.4)
  • 39. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 39 4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis 4-1 Preface 4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time 4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time 4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time 4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time 4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time 4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time 4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time 4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time 4-10 The General Discussion
  • 40. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 40 4-1 Preface - In this point we test the planets motions rates of time definition as we have done with mercury in the previous point. We bring Mercury test here in this preface to be a reference for the other planets test. MERCURY LIST 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) Errors are 1.4% 1% with Neptune and Pluto respectively - Each point uses a similar test with a planet of the solar group in order - In point no. (4-10) we provide the general discussion of all data.
  • 41. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 41 4-2 Venus Motion Rate Of Time I – Data VENUS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Venus motion = (0.78) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 1.62 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 19.233 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 47.8 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 136.7 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 269.4 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 406.7 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 47.54 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 42. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 42 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.78 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 1.62 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.057 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 19.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 47.8 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 136.7 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 266.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 403 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) - There Are Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Venus orbital period (224.7 days) by using the rates of time between Venus and these planets – - No error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 43. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 43 4-3 Earth Motion Rate Of Time I – Data EARTH MOTION LIST 1 hour of Earth motion = (0.48) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = (0.617) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 1.88 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 11.8 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 29.4 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 84.1 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 165.8 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 250.4 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 29.3 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 44. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 44 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.48 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.617 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 687 days (Mars orbital period ) = 1.88 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 11.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.4 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 84.1 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 163.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 248 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) - Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Earth orbital period (365.25 days) by using the rates of time between Earth and these planets – - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 45. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 45 4-4 Mars Motion Rate Of Time I – Data MARS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.255) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.327) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.531) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 6.3 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 15.6 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 44.71 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 88.1 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 133 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 15.55 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 46. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 46 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.255 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.327 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.531 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 6.3 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 15.6 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 44.7 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 88.1 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 133 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) - Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Mars orbital period (687 days) by using the rates of time between Mars and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 47. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 47 4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate Of Time I – Data JUPITER MOTION LIST 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.040) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.0419) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.084) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.1589) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 7.1 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 14 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 21.1 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.47 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 48. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 48 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0419 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.084 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.1589 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 2.48 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 7.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 14 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 21.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) - Errors (1.4% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Periods respectively - All planets orbital periods be created based on Jupiter orbital period (4331days) by using the rates of time between Jupiter and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 49. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 49 4-6 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time I – Data SATURN MOTION LIST 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.016) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0209) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0339) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0639) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.403) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 2.857 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 5.63 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 8.5 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 1 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 50. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 50 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0209 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.0339 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0639 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.403 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 2.857 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 5.63 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 8.5 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) - Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Saturn orbital period (10747 days) by using the rates of time between Saturn and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 51. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 51 4-7 Uranus Motion Rate Of Time I – Data URANUS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0057) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0073) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.011) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.022) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.14) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.3499) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = 1.97 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = 2.97 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.349) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 52. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 52 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0057 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0073 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.011 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.022 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.14 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.3499 x 30589 days (Uranus Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 1.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) - No Error In All Data More Than 1% - - All planets orbital periods be created based on Uranus orbital period (30589 days) by using the rates of time between Uranus and these planets - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 53. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 53 4-8 Neptune Motion Rate Of Time I – Data NEPTUNE MOTION LIST 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0029) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0037) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.006) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.011) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0713) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.177) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.507) h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = 1.509 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.1773) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 54. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 54 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0029 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0037 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.006 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.011 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0713 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.177 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.507 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 1.509 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) - Neptune orbital period creates an error 1.3% with all data except Pluto and Uranus - All planets orbital periods be created based on Neptune orbital period (59800 days) by using the rates of time between Neptune and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 55. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 55 4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time I – Data PLUTO MOTION LIST 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00192) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00245) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00399) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0075) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0472) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.1174) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.336) h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.662) h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.11743) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 56. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 56 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.00192 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.00245 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.00399 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0075 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0472 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.1174 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.336 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 0.662 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) - Pluto orbital period creates error 1% with all data. - No error In All Data More Than 1% - - All planets orbital periods be created based on Pluto orbital period (90560 days) by using the rates of time between Pluto and these planets – The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 57. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 57 4-10 The General Discussion - Shortly - The data shows that - All Planets Orbital Periods are rated with one another by the rates of time we have calculated based the required periods for the solar planets orbital distances motions. - Why? - If the solar planets motions are independent from one another, how all planets orbital periods be defined based on these rates? - In the next point (No.5) we prove that, the solar planets orbital distances be created depending on these rates of time also. How that can be possible? - Why all planets orbital periods and distances be defined based on these rates of time? - BUT - We should keep an eye on the required periods because they are the source based on which the rates of time be created. - And - The question should be, - Are these required periods be defined independently from one another? or all these periods be defined based on one another by using one law only? - I want to say, - We have to know perfectly the answer of this question, because if there's one law or one Equation by which the planets required periods can be defined that summarizes all data of the solar planets orbital periods and distances into one Equation only - In this case we can use the one equation in place of all planets orbital periods and distances, and as a result no need for any observation for this data because we can conclude them theoretically
  • 58. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 58 - That's why we need to move step by step in our discussion, and proves each step strongly because it will result one equation is place of ten planets orbital periods and distances. - After we do that, we have to discuss the reason behind. - Now let's move to the next point to prove, - The Planets Orbital Distances Be Defined Based On These Rates Of Time. - NOTICE - If we prove that, the solar planets distances be based on these rates of time, the solar group description should be changed into the following one… - (Solar Group Is) - The Solar Group is similar to a machine of gears each planet is a gear in it, or - The Solar Group is similar to one building and each planet is a part of this same building, or - The Solar Group is similar to one body and each planet is a member of it, or - The Solar Group is similar to puppets theater, all puppets are connected together by one force and causes their motions, or - The Solar Group is similar a canal, the water moves through it and causes the rotation of 9 waterwheels. The Motion Direction of The waterwheels is different from the water motion direction but no waterwheel can rotate without the water motion, or - The solar planets are similar to train carriages, they move together one unified general motion, or - The solar planets be similar to knots on one robe or similar to points on the same one trajectory of energy – - The solar planets motions be similar to chess board pieces motions, each motion depend on the other planets motions and be done by geometrical calculations. - Clearly - The Planets Move One Unified Motion Be Done In Equal Periods Of Time
  • 59. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 59 5- The Planets Orbital Distances Depend On Their Rates Of Time 5-1 Preface 5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test 5-3 Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions Analysis 5-4 One Equation controls The planets orbital periods and distances 5-5 Why Saturn And The Moon Use Equal Rates Of Time? 5-6 Why Mercury Use A Double Of Its Orbital Distance? 5-7 Pluto And Saturn Motions Rate of Time 5-8 The Rate (4.61) be used between Pluto and the moon motion 5-9 The Moon Orbital Motion Equation
  • 60. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 60 5-1 Preface - In This Point We Have Defined Tasks Are: - We prove, the solar planets distances be created based on their rates of time (Point No. 5-2) - We analyze Mars, Jupiter and Mercury Motions to explain how their motions data be created (for example we answer, Why Saturn Orbital Distance = 2π x Mars Orbital Distance) (Point No. 5-3) - We prove, There's One Equation controls all planets orbital periods and distances (Point No. 5-4) - Then, - We try to answer why Saturn rate of time equal the Earth moon rate of time and what effect of this equality on both planets motions (Point No. 5-5). - And - We ask why Mercury use double values (Point No.5-6) - Then - We analyze Saturn and Pluto Motions Rate Of Time in (Point No.5-7) - Then - We analyze The basic rate between Pluto and the moon motion data (4.61), this analysis is done (Point No. 5-8) - The moon orbital motion equation we discuss (Point No. 5-9)
  • 61. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 61 5-2 The Planets Orbital Distances Test - Let's refer to what we will do here - We remember here Mercury rates of time with the other planets - Then - We suppose that, Mercury moves during one solar day - And - We will find the other planets periods of time in comparison with this 1 solar day of Mercury motion based on these planets rates of time with Mercury - Then - We will discover the distances the planets pass during these periods - Then - We will compare these distances with Mercury motion distance for 1 solar day =4.095 mkm - Based on this comparison, we should test if the planets orbital distances be defined based on these planets rates of time, - Let's Do That In Following…
  • 62. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 62 I- Data Mercury Rates Of Time 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion The Motions Distances Based On Mercury Rates Of Time (1) Mercury (4.095 mkm / solar day) moves during 1 day a distance =4.095 mkm (2) Venus (3.024 mkm / solar day) moves during 1.279 days a distance =3.867 mkm (3) Earth (2.574 mkm / solar day) moves during 2.078 days a distance = 5.35 mkm (4) Mars (2.082 mkm / solar day) moves during 3.91 days a distance = 8.14 mkm (5) Jupiter (1.13184 mkm / solar day) moves during 24.6 days a distance = 27.8 mkm (6) Saturn (0.838 mkm / solar day) moves during 61.1 days a distance = 51.2 mkm (7) Uranus (0.5875 mkm / solar day) moves during 174.8 days a distance = 102.7 mkm (8) Neptune (0.4665 mkm / solar day) moves during 344.8 days a distance = 160.8 mkm (9) Pluto (0.406 mkm / solar day) moves during 520.2 days a distance = 211.2 mkm
  • 63. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 63 II- Data Analysis No. (2) (Venus motion distance=3.867 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =0.944 Where (Venus orbital circumference =680 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) =0.944 No. (3) (Earth motion distance=5.35 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =1.3 Where (Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.3 No. (4) (Mars motion distance=8.14 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 1.98 Where (Mars orbital circumference =1433 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.98 No. (5) (Jupiter motion distance=27.8 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 6.8 Where (Jupiter orbital circumference =4900 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 6.8 No. (6) (Saturn motion distance=51.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 12.5 Where (Saturn orbital circumference =9010 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 12.5 No. (7) (Uranus motion distance =102.7 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =25.1 Where (Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 25.1
  • 64. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 64 No. (8) (Neptune motion distance =161 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =39.3 Where (Neptune orbital circumference =28255 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 39.3 No. (9) (Pluto motion distance =211.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =51.6 Where (Pluto orbital circumference =37100 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 51.6 - Let's discuss the previous data in following:
  • 65. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 65 III- Discussion (A) - The data proves that - The solar planets orbital circumferences are defined depending on these planets motions rates of time. - Based on that, - THE PLANETS MOTIONS RATES OF TIME DEFINE THESE PLANETS ORBITAL PERIODS AND DISTANCES. - i.e. - A huge number of data be controlled by a small group of data. - Means, - The solar planets periods and distances are defined as functions in the planets motions rates of time. - But - The planets motions rates of time be defined based on The Required Periods For The Planets Orbital Distances Motions. - Shortly - It tells, if we know the required periods we can calculate all solar planets orbital distances and periods. - Now, the question is, - Are these required periods be defined based on one another or independently from one another? - The question = All Planets Orbital Distances And Periods - Because - If the required periods be defined based on one another and we can use One Equation to calculate these required periods – that will summarize all solar planets periods and distances into One Equation. - That shows the importance behind this discussion.
  • 66. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 66 - Because - One Equation controls all planets orbital periods and distances (B) - Usually The Planets Motions Data shows different puzzles, - Let's remember some of them, (Saturn Orbital Distance = 2π x Mars Orbital Distance),and (Uranus Orbital Distance = 2 Saturn Orbital Distance) Also (Neptune Orbital Distance = π x Saturn Orbital Distance). - All these rates can be concluded from the previous distances, shows that, these rates be results of the planets motions rates of time. - I want to say, many planets motions data can be understood and explained by this analysis of the passed distances. - The planets motions rates of time give us a chance for better understanding for how the planets motions data be created. - By that we will have more clear vision about the planets creation process. - In next point (5-3) we analyze mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions data to explain how their data be created by effect of their motions rates of time and by that, we understand how these planets motions data be created, which solves many old unanswered questions. - Notice - Mercury uses the distance 720.7 mkm in place of its orbital circumference 360 mkm, and uses its day period 175.95 solar days in place of its orbital period (88 days) and uses the required period 671 hours to move a distance = 2 x 57.2 mkm (Mercury orbital distance) (error 1%) - Shortly Mercury uses a double value of its data in comparison with the other planets. Although if Mercury use the ordinary data as other planets it works by Mercury uses double value because of a basic geometrical reason we should discuss in point no. (5-6).
  • 67. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 67 5-3 Mars, Jupiter And Saturn Motions Analysis - In this point we use the planets motions rates of time to explain the puzzled data of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Motions - Let's take a look on this puzzled data in following: - 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) - 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2π x227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance) - 10747 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2.5 x 4331 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Period) - 24.1 km/s (Mars Velocity) =2.5 x 9.7 km/s (Saturn Velocity) - 24.6 h (Mars rotation period) =2.5 x 9.9 h (Jupiter Day Period) - ((10747 days x 24 h) /24.6 h) = ((4331 days x 24 h) /9.9h) = 10485 - 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 2 = (2.5 deg = Saturn orbital inclination)2 - Let's use the planets motions rates of time to help us to answer how the data be created…
  • 68. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 68 I - Data (5-3-a) - 1 hour of Mars Motion = 6.3 hours of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 hours of Saturn Motion = 44.6 hours of Uranus Motion = 88 hours of Neptune motion = 132.7 hours of Pluto motion (5-3-b) - 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2π x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) - 1433 mkm (Saturn Orbital Distance) =2π x227.9 mkm (Mars Orbital Distance) - 10747 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) =2.5 x 4331 mkm (Jupiter Orbital Period) - 24.1 km/s (Mars Velocity) =2.5 x 9.7 km/s (Saturn Velocity) - 24.6 h (Mars rotation period) =2.5 x 9.9 h (Jupiter Day Period) - ((10747 days x 24 h) /24.6 h) = ((4331 days x 24 h) /9.9h) = 10485 - 3.1 deg (Jupiter Axial Tilt) x 2 = (2.5 deg = Saturn orbital inclination)2
  • 69. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 69 II –Discussion Equation no. (5-3-a) - 1 hour of Mars Motion = 6.3 hours of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 hours of Saturn Motion = 44.6 hours of Uranus Motion = 88 hours of Neptune motion = 132.7 hours of Pluto motion - These rates of time we have concluded in point no. (4) of this paper. - i.e. - 1 Solar Day of Mars Motion = 6.3 Solar Days of Jupiter Motion = 15.56 Solar Days of Saturn Motion = 44.6 Solar Days of Uranus Motion = 88 Solar Days of Neptune motion = 132.7 Solar Days of Pluto motion. - Let's define the distances which these planets pass during these periods of time - Mars (2.08 mkm per solar day) moves during 1 solar day a distance = 2.082 mkm - Jupiter (1.1318 mkm per day) moves during 6.3 solar days a distance = 7.13 mkm - Saturn (0.838 mkm per day) moves during 15.56 solar days a distance =13.1 mkm - Uranus (0.5875 mkm per day) moves during 44.6 days a distance=26.22 mkm - Neptune (0.466560 mkm per day) moves during 88 days a distance = 41.05 mkm - Pluto (0.406 mkm per day) moves during 132.7 solar days a distance =53.88 mkm - Based on that - Mars during (1 solar day) moves 2.082 mkm - Jupiter during (6.3 solar day) moves 7.13 mkm - Saturn during (15.5 solar day) moves 13.1 mkm - Uranus during (44.6 solar day) moves 26.22 mkm - Neptune during (88 solar day) moves 41.05 mkm - Pluto during (132.7 solar day) moves 53.88 mkm
  • 70. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 70 Data Analysis (1) - Saturn motion distance = 13.1 mkm = Mars Motion Distance 2.08 mkm x 2π - This data explains why - Saturn orbital circumference 9007 mkm = Mars orbital circumference 1433 mkm x 2π (2) - Uranus motion distance = 26.22 mkm = Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x 2 - This data explains why - Uranus orbital circumference 18048 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference 9007 mkm x 2 (3) - Neptune motion distance =41.05 mkm =Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x π - This data explains why - Neptune orbital circumference 28255 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference 9007 mkm x π (4) - Pluto motion distance =53.9 mkm =Saturn Motion Distance 13.1 mkm x 4.11 - This data explains why - Pluto orbital circumference 37100 mkm = Saturn orbital circumference 9007 mkm x 4.11 (5) - Pluto motion distance =53.9 mkm =Uranus Motion Distance 26.22 mkm x 2.06 - This data explains why - Pluto orbital circumference 37100 mkm= Uranus orbital circumference 18048 mkm x 2.06