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The enterprise is the story
Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting
Australasian Enterprise Architecture Conference
Sydney, 19 October 2015
Hi. I’m Tom Graves.
(enterprise-architect, business-anarchist,
confusionist, nuisance, that kind of stuff…)
“What’s the story?”Why enterprise-
What is
(lots of arguments about this…)
…it’s the architecture
of the enterprise.
What is
(yeah, I know, kinda obvious, really…)
…why enterprise-architecture?
Perhaps more usefully…
(what’s the point? why bother?)
“Enterprise architecture is done
to build better enterprises,
not merely better IT systems.”
One useful suggestion…
(Pallab Saha: ePragati)
[Andhra Pradesh State Enterprise Architecture]
…it’s Not A Good Idea…
Why architecture?
“the purpose of the system is
[expressed in] what it does”
Without architecture as anchor,
what we’d get is a random mix
Yes, this is EA…
(well, part of it, anyway…)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…and yes, IT-infrastructure is where current EA started
(back with frameworks like TOGAF versions 1-7)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
Yet to understand the IT-infrastructure
(TOGAF versions 1-7)
we need to understand the applications
and the data in those applications…
(TOGAF version 8)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…to understand the applications and data
(TOGAF version 8)
we need to understand the business use
and meaning of the data…
(TOGAF version 8.1)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…to understand the business use of data
(TOGAF version 8.1)
we need to understand quite a bit more
about the business itself…
(TOGAF version 9)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…and to understand the business
(TOGAF version 9)
we need to understand the broader context
in which the business operates…
(TOGAF X, we hope?)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…because, in short,
everything in the enterprise
depends on everything else
(yes – even the IT)
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…which gives us the real reason
for enterprise-architecture:
things work better
when they work together,
on purpose.
(kinda straightforward, yes?)
…what is
Yet to understand
we also need to ask…
…enterprise is…
In classical economics…
…“a bold endeavour
…the animal-spirits of
the entrepreneur”
CC-BY-ND archaeon via Flickr
…it’s about people,
doing things, together…
CC-BY-SA Nationalmuseet via Flickr
…but where are the people
in the usual EA story?
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
CC-BY-ND-SA ores2k via Flickr
Zachman has a ‘Who’ column…
CC-BY-NC-SA knnkanda via Flickr
…but it’s mainly about ‘users’…
…who somehow seem to look like this.
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
TOGAF does talk about…
Graphic: © The Open Group
…but again,
people here are
mostly described
as ‘users’…
…who somehow seem to look like this.
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
In Business Model Canvas…
CC-BY Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith et al
…we do have ‘Customer Segments’…
…who can
even look like
real people…
CC-BY Fretro via Flickr
…but inside the organisation…
CC-BY Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith et al
…in ‘Key Activities’ and ‘Key Resources’…
…we’re back to ‘users’ again…
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
…at best, possibly-human…
CC-BY via Flickr
…or maybe not…
CC-BY aleutia via Flickr
In any case, a lot more like this…
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
…than like this.
CC-BY andré luís via Flickr
So how come it’s so different
to outside
when they’re often the same people?
from inside
CC-BY-ND-SA ores2k via Flickr
…gonna hafta think about this…
CC-BY-ND alexsemenzato via Flickr
“What’s the story?”
What’s the story?
(a favourite book)
“Two points of view on architecture”
• Architecture is an exercise in truth
A proper building is responsible to universal
knowledge and is wholly honest in the expression of
its functions and materials
• Architecture is an exercise in narrative
Architecture is a vehicle for the telling of stories,
a canvas for relaying societal myths, a stage for the
theatre of everyday life
Chapter 84, in Matthew Frederick, 101 Things I Learned In Architecture School, MIT Press, 2007
• Architecture is an exercise in truth
A proper building is responsible to universal
knowledge and is wholly honest in the expression of
its functions and materials
• Architecture is an exercise in narrative
Architecture is a vehicle for the telling of stories,
a canvas for relaying societal myths, a stage for the
theatre of everyday life
The TL;DR version...
- architecture is about structure
- architecture is about story
Current EA emphasises structure...
So, here’s a structure...
CC-BY Avodrocc via Flickr
It’s called the Sambadromo...
CC-BY Avodrocc via Flickr
Which, on its own,
doesn’t really tell us anything...
That’s the problem with structure.
To make sense of a structure,
we need the story...
CC-BY Boban021 via Flickr, the story of Carnaval.
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
For this city, a huge shared-story...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
Full of colour, sound, spectacle...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
...and occasional extremes...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
But it’s more about
and pride...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
The young(er)...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
The old(er)...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
The whole community...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
Yet when the party’s over,
and it’s time to head home…
CC-BY otubo via Flickr
Someone must be there to clean up...
- because that’s part of the story too.
CC-BY jorgeBRAZIL via Flickr
Process, assets, data, locations....
- all the usual structure-stuff...
...all those necessary details
of organisation.
CC-BY Avodrocc via Flickr
Organisation focusses on structure
CC-BY Boban021 via Flickr
yet the enterprise is the story.
The structure happens
because of the story.
Structures may be re-used
for other stories,
but the structure itself
is not the story.
CC-BY SheilaTostes via Flickr
A key task of enterprise-architecture
is to remember
and design for that fact,
Architecture is about structure.
Architecture is also about story.
We need both, to make it all happen.
maintaining the balance
between structure and story.
“What’s the story?”
Who’s in the story?
Whose architecture?
Some of the ‘cast’ - stakeholders - in the Carnaval story.
“An architecture
describes structure
to support a shared-story.”
Whose architecture?
Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story.
We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
“We create an architecture
for an organisation,
but about an enterprise.”
Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010
Whose architecture?
Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story.
We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
“An organisation is bounded by
rules, roles and responsibilities;
an enterprise is bounded by
vision, values and commitments.”
Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010
Whose architecture?
Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story.
We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
A useful guideline:
“The enterprise in scope
should be three steps larger
than the organisation in scope.”
Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010
Whose architecture?
Whose story?
If the organisation says it ‘is’ the enterprise,
there’s no shared-story - and often, no story at all.
Whose story?
The minimum real enterprise is the supply-chain
- a story of shared transactions.
Whose story?
The organisation and enterprise of the supply-chain
take place within a broader organisation of the market.
Whose story?
The market itself exists within a context of ‘intangible’
interactions with the broader shared-enterprise story.
A stakeholder
in the story
is anyone
who can wield
a sharp-pointed
in your direction…
CC-BY-NC-SA evilpeacock via Flickr
Stakeholders in the enterprise
(Hint: there are a lot
more of them than you
might at first think…)
“Customers do not appear
in our processes...
...we appear in their
Chris Potts, recrEAtion, Technics, 2010
Whose story?
We must create the architecture around the shared-story
- not solely around our organisation’s structures.
“What’s the story?”
A vision for the story
…what story would be a ‘guiding star’,
to bring all of these stakeholders together?
Vision and values…
What works best is a three-part ‘story’:
-shared-concern (‘What’)
-action (‘How’)
- qualifier (‘Why’)
A myriad of ‘guiding stars’ out there…
…choose one that looks right to you.
Use it as your guiding-star. Everywhere.
Example (TED conferences): “Ideas worth spreading”
Concern: the focus of
interest to everyone in
the shared-enterprise
“Ideas worth
CC-BY UK DFID via Flickr
“Ideas worth spreading”
Action: what is
being done to
or with or about
the concern
CC-BY US Army Africa via Flickr
“Ideas worth
the emotive
driver for action
on the concern
CC-BY HDTPCAR via Flickr
concern – action – qualifier?
So, what is
the vision for Carnaval?
To be honest,
I don’t know…
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
but I can see
it’s about joy,
and pride...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
for the young(er)...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
for the old(er)...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
for the whole community...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
that it involves the whole city...
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
…with some limits to its extremes…
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
as a party
for everyone…
CC-BY jorgeBRAZIL via Flickr
And that those who clean up afterward
(because that’s also part of the story)…
CC-BY sfmission via Flickr
would have been in the party too.
Supporting it all, there’s structure…
CC-BY otubo via Flickr
and anything else it may need…
CC-BY Boban021 via Flickr
The vision enacted as story.
…the enterprise as the story.
The vision
guides the enterprise…
…it’s Not A Good Idea…
“the purpose of the system is
[expressed in] what it does”
Without shared-vision as anchor,
what we’d get is a random mix
“What’s the story?”Whose enterprise
is it, anyway?
CC-BY Boban021 via Flickr
Who owns Carnaval?
Whose enterprise?
All of these are stakeholders in the enterprise of Carnaval.
Whose enterprise?
• We choose to align with an enterprise
• We do not possess that enterprise
(if anything, it possesses us...)
• We have our own business-values,
but those must uphold the enterprise-values
• Note: values are not necessarily monetary
(for Carnaval, a monetary focus may destroy
enterprise-values of pride and community)
Whose enterprise?
Stakeholders and their respective business-drivers.
Whose enterprise?
• Each player is in relation with all other players
(the relation may be indirect, but it always exists)
• Players whose values align most closely with
the enterprise-values should take the lead
• Anti-clients may share same enterprise-vision
(but disagree with us on how it should be achieved)
• “All complex systems have parasites” [Cory Doctorow]
(grey-economy is parasitic to Carnaval)
“What’s the story?”
Tracing the storyline
“Process is the use of structure
(the organisation view)
Plot is the unfolding of story
(the enterprise view)”
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
Process and plot
“Each traverse through
a business-process
is a self-contained story
with its own actors, actions
and events”
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
Process as story
The story-cycle
(adapted from classic
Group Dynamics
project-lifecycle and
VPEC-T framework)
(Start here)
Where’s the story?
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
“Story is everywhere
in enterprise-architecture
(once you know where to look)”
CC-BY AllBrazilian via Wikimedia
(look! – technology in use!)
CC-BY jorgeBRAZIL via Flickr
CC-BY ~ggvic~ via Flickr
CC-BY fairfaxcounty via Flickr
CC-BY Jack Zalium via Flickr
CC-BY quaziefoto via Flickr
CC-BY Alicia Nijdam via Flickr
CC-BY-SA adriagarcia via Flickr
CC-BY rodrigofranca via Flickr
and risks...
CC-BY jorgeBRAZIL via Flickr
CC-BY elbragon via Flickr
“Customers do not appear
in our processes...
...we appear in their stories.”
paraphrase from Chris Potts, recrEAtion, Technics, 2010
And remember...
Our organisation acts within the scope of the enterprise:
think broader-enterprise first - outside-in, not inside-out.
“What’s the story?”
What kind of story?
Four types of stories
• Single-shot: enterprise delimited by one project
with a clear ‘character-arc’ or change
• Sequel: re-uses a previous enterprise,
but often without any new character-arc
• Series: different stories within the same ‘world’
bounded by the enterprise
• Serial: continuing stories within a ‘world’
(Most enterprise-stories work best as series or serial.)
The strategy-cycle
(overall cycle and relationships
need to be kept in balance)
The market-cycle
(transactions depend on (reaffirmed) reputation and trust)
The story-cycle
(Start here)
The market-cycle
(transactions depend on (reaffirmed) reputation and trust)
boundary of ‘market’
in conventional
‘Quick-money’ failure-cycle
(incomplete short-cut
after transaction-profit
slowly erodes trust / respect,
breaks continuity of market-cycle)
“What’s the story?”
Staging the story
CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr
CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr
“The world is made of stories”
• The enterprise itself is a story –an overarching theme
• Enterprise as ongoing story of relations between people
– the actors of the story
• Enterprise-story comprised of smaller stories – the
scenes or story-lines (aka ‘processes’)
• Enterprise-story takes place in a setting – the stage and
its context (technology), location, props (artefacts) etc
• Stories thrive on conflict, tension and uncertainty – in
contrast to machines, which generally don’t…
Scenes in the story
Split story into identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Scenes in the story
Process-story as identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end
Show, don’t tell
Each line of action drives the story forward
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Show, don’t tell
Each line of action drives the story forward
CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr
The role of props
Each item has its place, and drives the story onward
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Each item has its place, and drives the story onward
CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr
The role of props
Maintain the mood
Computers may not have feelings, but people do:
how does the whole EA support the mood we need?
CC-BY-ND alanclarkdesign via Flickr
Stories of change
Simple changes
have roadmaps like
city streets…
…that story of change
is quite easy to
describe and explain…
…mapped out in terms
of (time)-horizons and
simple cross-
Large-scale change is
more like setting out
to explore an
uncharted ocean…
…it needs a different kind
of planning…
…a different kind of
A real example
Major business-
transformation project
(c.5 years, US$100mil)
Model developed by and provided
courtesy of Ondrej Gálik
The ‘burning land’…
Essentials for the journey…
Platform for change: tools, systems,
processes, models, records, funds,
People for change: skills, experience,
teamwork, commitment; tools for
sensemaking, decisions, governance
Guidance for change: maps of the
known (as-is) and ideal (to-be); rules,
principles, navigation, ‘guiding-star’
Out to sea…
Arriving in the new land…
“What’s the story?”
Describing the story
CC-BY Avodrocc via Flickr
Most current EA toolsets
are for design of static structures...
CC-BY Boban021 via Flickr
...yet we also need our tools
to support the story.
“A challenge to vendors of
EA toolsets: we need
stronger support for story
within our EA tools:
images, audio, video and more.”
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
Supporting the story
From structure to story
(Published variants of Business Model Canvas)
Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith and others (cc) 2012
From structure to story
(Published variants of Business Model Canvas)
Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith and others (cc) 2012
From structure to story
(Published variants of Business Model Canvas)
Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith and others (cc) 2012
From structure to story
“Business Model Canvas In 2 Minutes” (YouTube: )
Alex Osterwalder / Alan Smith / businessmodeltv and others (cc) 2012
Often excellent on structure...
Solution-architect’s toolset
...but where’s the story?
– pen and paper
…which might explain why
the most-used EA tools are:
– whiteboard
– just plain talking with people,
sharing stories
CC-BY-SA MattHurst via Flickr
Enterprise-architect’s toolset
we need
better toolsets
As enterprise-architects,
better stories!
“What’s the story?”
A coda to this story…
CC-BY Amanda M Hatfield via Flickr
A gentle warning…
CC-BY-NC-ND Chris Blakely via Flickr
literally, ‘the god
out of the machine’…
CC-BY-NC-ND datmater via Flickr
…do you see
the person first,
or the machine?
CC-BY-NC Drew Shannon via Flickr
…do you see
the person first,
or the machine?
“it’s not not about the
– Andrew McAfee
Sure, the technology
is an important ‘enabler’…
it’s about the enterprise
Yet it should never be about
technology itself…
– about people and
their enterprise
“Enterprise architecture is done
to build better enterprises,
not merely better IT systems.”
Remember that earlier suggestion…
(Pallab Saha: ePragati)
[Andhra Pradesh State Enterprise Architecture]
Guard against
that tendency to worship the machine…
CC-BY burnaway via Flickr
…lest we ourselves become machines…CC-BY-ND tburns via Flickr
Our ‘users’ aren’t mere extensions
of the machine…
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
…they’re people…
CC-BY-SA Nationalmuseet via Flickr
…people like us.
CC-BY andré luís via Flickr
The architecture of the enterprise.
…people are the story.
People are the enterprise…
The enterprise as story.
What’s the story?So wherever we are in architecture,
we also need to be able to describe...
wherever we see structure,
CC-BY SheilaTostes via Flickr
“What’s the story?”“What’s the story?”“What’s the story
for your enterprise?”
What’s the story?Enterprise architecture…
CC-BY SheilaTostes via Flickr
enterprise as story…
Contact: Tom Graves
Company: Tetradian Consulting
Twitter: @tetradian ( )
Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise-
architecture (2012)
• Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services
with the Enterprise Canvas (2010)
• Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy,
structures and solutions (2010)
• Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the real
enterprise (2009)
Further information:

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Serving the story: BPM and EA togetherServing the story: BPM and EA together
Serving the story: BPM and EA together
Tetradian Consulting
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Tetradian Consulting
Same and different - architectures for mass-uniqueness
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Same and different - architectures for mass-uniqueness
Tetradian Consulting
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Disintegrated enterprise-architecture?
Tetradian Consulting
Checklists for transformation
Checklists for transformationChecklists for transformation
Checklists for transformation
Tetradian Consulting
Enterprise Architecture - A Matter of Perspective
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Enterprise Architecture - A Matter of Perspective
Tetradian Consulting
Enterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve them
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Enterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve them
Tetradian Consulting
ICS/IASA Conference 'How I learned to stop worrying...'
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Tetradian Consulting
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The Art of the Business Model
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The Art of the Business Model
Bolz Center for Arts Administration
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Crystal Torres
Designer As Catalyst
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Matthew Muñoz
Cross/Transmedia Story Design
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Cross/Transmedia Story Design
Christy Dena
Explaining SSI to C-suite executives, and anyone else for that matter
Explaining SSI to C-suite executives, and anyone else for that matterExplaining SSI to C-suite executives, and anyone else for that matter
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Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!
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Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!
Michael Mahlberg

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Where do people fit within enterprise architecture?
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Where do people fit within enterprise architecture?
Staging the story: a people-oriented view of enterprise-architecture
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Attracting, retaining and getting the best from your architects
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Attracting, retaining and getting the best from your architects
Lessons-learnt in EA articulation
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Exploring business-architecture
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Exploring business-architecture
Serving the story: BPM and EA together
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Whole-enterprise architecture
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Whole-enterprise architecture
Same and different - architectures for mass-uniqueness
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Disintegrated enterprise-architecture?
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Checklists for transformation
Checklists for transformationChecklists for transformation
Checklists for transformation
Enterprise Architecture - A Matter of Perspective
Enterprise Architecture - A Matter of PerspectiveEnterprise Architecture - A Matter of Perspective
Enterprise Architecture - A Matter of Perspective
Enterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve them
Enterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve themEnterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve them
Enterprise Architecture: Perspectives, conflicts and how to resolve them
ICS/IASA Conference 'How I learned to stop worrying...'
ICS/IASA Conference 'How I learned to stop worrying...'ICS/IASA Conference 'How I learned to stop worrying...'
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From Silos To Streams: The Evolving Structure of Business
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From Silos To Streams: The Evolving Structure of Business
The Art of the Business Model
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The Art of the Business Model
Lucy Calkins Printable Writing Paper - Floss Pape
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Lucy Calkins Printable Writing Paper - Floss Pape
Designer As Catalyst
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Cross/Transmedia Story Design
Cross/Transmedia Story DesignCross/Transmedia Story Design
Cross/Transmedia Story Design
Explaining SSI to C-suite executives, and anyone else for that matter
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Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!
Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!
Heavyweight agile Processes? Let's make them leaner!

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Tetradian Consulting
Bridging enterprise-architecture and systems-thinking
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Metaframeworks: making the Blueprint more accessible
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EA roadmapping: business-transformation in a complex world
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The dung-beetle's tale: systems-thinking, complexity and the real-world
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Backbone and edge - architecting the balance between continuity and change
Backbone and edge - architecting the balance between continuity and changeBackbone and edge - architecting the balance between continuity and change
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How architectures fail, and what to do about it
How architectures fail, and what to do about itHow architectures fail, and what to do about it
How architectures fail, and what to do about it
Tools and techniques for whole-enterprise architecture
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Making sense of data-driven architecture
Making sense of data-driven architectureMaking sense of data-driven architecture
Making sense of data-driven architecture
Power, change and leadership
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Power, change and leadership
Making sense in the midst of uncertainty
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Enterprise-architects as practical futurists
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How to build continuous-learning into architecture-practice
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The ecology of enterprise
ACS EA-SIG - Bridging enterprise-architecture and systems-thinking
ACS EA-SIG - Bridging enterprise-architecture and systems-thinkingACS EA-SIG - Bridging enterprise-architecture and systems-thinking
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