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Exploring business-architecture
Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting
IASA ITARC, London, November 2016
No thanks…
Endless PR intro-slides…?
so let’s do the intro another way…
(Yeah, it’s been a while
since I looked like this...)
I’m Tom.
…enough of an intro?
Okay, let’s get on with the show!
what’s that…?
- b-o-o-o-r-ing…
It’s the architecture of
‘stuff what business does’
…“can I go to sleep now, please?”…
Nah, c’mon, let’s have
a bit of fun
with this!
…though before that,
we are gonna have to be
just a little bit boring…
Meet this guy…
(He’s named Charles Hoy Fort.)
(see for more about him)
…famed for collecting records and facts
about the anomalous and the weird…
…such as rains of fishes and frogs…
“Whatever theory you have,
there’ll always be something
that doesn’t fit”
and as a journalist and researcher,
his basic principle was…
- sounds kinda familiar, maybe?
What name in your system?
Typical UK-style name-structure for database:
•Title (mandatory: select from picklist)
•Forename (mandatory: 30 characters max)
•Middle-name (optional: 30 characters max)
•Surname (mandatory: 30 characters max)
•Suffix (optional: select from picklist)
Easy, right? – well, let’s take a real example…
What name in your system?
UK-style name:
•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz
What name in your system?
UK-style name:
•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz
Full legal birth-name:
•Pablo Diego José Francisco de
Paula Juan Nepomuceno María
de los Remedios Cipriano de la
Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y
What name in your system?
UK-style name:
•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz
Full legal birth-name:
•Pablo Diego José Francisco de
Paula Juan Nepomuceno María
de los Remedios Cipriano de la
Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y
You probably know him as:
Okay, how’s about we try
something simpler?
Driver’s licence, maybe?
Driver’s licence, please?
Real simple, right?
Hmm… maybe
not so simple
after all?
The same for
everyone, surely?
Hensel twins’ driver-licences >>
Driver’s licence, please?
On the flight: One ticket, one seat,
two passengers, two passports
In the car: Two drivers behind
the wheel, each legally liable
…which kinda messes up
our nice so-certain
- rats…
“Whatever theory you have,
there’ll always be something
that doesn’t fit”
So how do we find these
‘things that don’t fit’?
- and how do we design for them, too…
Short answer:
Raid the kids’ toy-box!
Toy-train as
…who or what are the various
uses / users of the service?
…how do those uses intersect?
…how might those uses conflict?
…what decisions
need to be made?
…what scheduling /
prioritisation do you need?
…what infrastructure
tolerances do you need?
…how does it interconnect
with other services?
…what disruptions
could careless
users cause?
…what disruptions could the
service cause for others?
…how, where, with what must it
intersect without connecting?
…how might others impact
your infrastructure?
…what impacts could that
have on service-delivery?
…what are the hazards,
potential sources of disruption?
…what happens
external risks
…what happens when
the service itself fails?
…what disruptions
could failures cause?
…or, in other words…
…context, context,
But where does
context come from?
- and why does anything happen?
(in business, anyway…)
A tension exists between what is, and what we want.
The vision describes the desired-ends for action;
values guide action, describing how success would feel.
Why anything happens
A service represents a means toward an end
– ultimately, the desired-ends of the enterprise-vision.
The nature of service
Services exchange value with each other, to help each
service reach toward their respective vision and outcome.
Relations between services
“We create an architecture
for an organisation,
but about an enterprise.”
“We create an architecture
for an organisation,
but about an enterprise.”
Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010
Why architecture?
Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story.
We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
“An organisation is bounded by
rules, roles and responsibilities;
an enterprise is bounded by
vision, values and commitments.”
“An organisation is bounded by
rules, roles and responsibilities;
an enterprise is bounded by
vision, values and commitments.”
Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian,
What architecture?
Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story.
We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
If the organisation says it ‘is’ the enterprise,
there’s no shared-story - and often, no story at all.
Whose story?
The minimum real enterprise is the supply-chain
- a story of shared interactions and transactions.
Whose story?
The organisation and enterprise of the supply-chain take
place within a broader organisation of the market.
Whose story?
The market itself exists within a context of ‘intangible’
interactions with the broader shared-enterprise story.
Whose story?
The story is not solely at the whole-of-business level
- we can generalise it to any type or level of context
Whose story?
Stories within stories…
enacted in any way we need…
Services link together in chains or webs, as
structured and/or unstructured processes, to deliver
more complex and versatile services or stories
Supply-chain or value-web
…which brings us to…
a matter
of perspective!
- yeah, which way we look at things does kinda matter here…
Perspectives and journeys
Service-delivery is a journey of interactions
where ‘inside-out’ (the organisation’s perspective)
touches ‘outside-in’ (the customer’s / supplier’s perspective)
CC-BY Fretro via Flickr
do not appear
in our processes,
we appear in
their experiences”
Chris Potts, recrEAtion, Technics, 2010
Every service has its own myriad of stakeholders
Whose story?
A stakeholder
is anyone
who can wield
a sharp-pointed
in our direction…
CC-BY-NC-SA evilpeacock via Flickr
Who are the stakeholders?
(Hint: there are a lot
more of them than we
might at first think…)
Narrative and story
help us to identify
what needs to happen
- including the exceptions
and uniquenesses…
The role of narrative:
Alan Klement: Replacing ‘User-Story’ with ‘Job-Story’
Structuring a story-fragment…
What kind of story?
(simple rules and checklists)
CC-BY The-Vikkodamus via Flickr CC-BY-SA seeminglee via Flickr
(guidelines and principles)
(complicated algorithms)
(complex patterns)
“All the world’s a stage”…
Stories underpin every action…
Stories are fractal…
…recursion and fractality within systems and stories
CC-BY-NC-SA gjshepherd via Flickr
Stories within stories, everywhere…
…will User-Story or Job-Story
be enough for all of this?
useful, no doubt, but probably
not enough on their own
- we’re going to need a broader approach…
CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr
The usual architecture view
CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr
A narrative-oriented view
So how to explore all this
with execs and others?
Short answer:
Back to the toy-box!
“and here’s one I made
…the architect as hero?
Let’s use
a visual cheat-sheet
to help us…
- you could call it a Canvas, if you like…
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
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Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
- what the heck’s that?
“Narrative Oriented Transformation
of Enterprise Services
- Holomap version”
- yeah, it’s kinda cumbersome, I know…
- but it’s just a name, don’t worry about it, okay?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…who are the actors?
…who are the actors? – everyone!
CC-BY Mike Babcock via Flickr
Machines may be actors (agents)…
CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
…though remember, your users…
CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
…are people,
not machines!
CC-BY andré luís via Flickr
…and also, why these actors?
…what changes if we change actor?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
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Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent / extras
Extras are kind of
‘active scenery’…
- they’re not part of the story as such,
but the scene won’t work well
without them…
…scene without extras…
…what do extras add to the scene?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
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theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
“Each traverse through
a business-process
is a self-contained story
with its own actors, actions
and events”
“Each traverse through
a business-process
is a self-contained story
with its own actors, actions
and events”
Process as story
Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
Each segment of a story
is a scene…
- each scene should have
a distinct begin, middle, end
and outcome…
…what’s the story in the scene?
Scenes in the story
Split story into identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Scenes in the story
Process-story as identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end
Show, don’t tell
Each line of action drives the story forward
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Show, don’t tell
Each line of action drives the story forward
CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
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theatre management
stage / setting
scene / props
actor / agent
…what props do we need?
The role of props
Each item has its place, and drives the story onward
CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
Each item has its place, and drives the story onward
CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr
The role of props
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
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Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…what difference with scenery?
…what difference with scenery?
…what difference with lighting?
Staging the story
CC-BY-SA passer-by via Flickr
…infrastructure, systems etc as the stage
Staging the story
…infrastructure, systems etc as the stage
CC-BY-ND Costa Rica’s Call Center via Flickr
Setting the mood
…how does the stage-set itself drive the story forward?
CC-BY-SA Eva Rinaldi via Flickr
Setting the mood
…how does the stage-set itself drive the story forward?
CC-BY State Farm via Flickr
Maintain the mood
Computers may not have feelings, but people do:
how does the stage-set support the mood we need?
CC-BY-ND alanclarkdesign via Flickr
Maintain the mood
Computers may not have feelings, but people do:
how does the stage-set support the mood we need?
CC-BY-ND alanclarkdesign via Flickr
Framing the action
CC-BY via Flickr
…in what ways does the frame itself constrain the story?
Framing the action
…in what ways does the frame itself constrain the story?
CC-BY aleutia via Flickr
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…what music should play?
Visible and invisible
…what else should be in front of the curtain? – what behind?
CC-BY Mickey Thurman via Flickr
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
Visible and invisible
…what state is that infrastructure in, behind the curtain?
CC-BY Princess Theatre via Flickr
Visible and invisible
…what state is that infrastructure in, behind the curtain?
CC-BY-SA LanSmash via Flickr
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…who are the audience?
…what are audience expectations?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…who manages the theatre?
…how will you promote your identity?
CC-BY markhillary via Flickr
…how will others find your story?
…who would you want as clientele?
CC-BY-SA indigoprime via Flickr
…how will you keep it busy?CC-BY-SA wm2014 via Flickr
…how will you keep it running?CC-BY jimwinstead via Flickr
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
actor / agent
…who is an anticlient for theatre?
…what is social context for theatre?
…what else could
close your theatre?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
scene / props
actor / agent / extras
In short…
…we must pay attention
to the story as a whole!
- not just the easy bits…
Context, context, context…
Use the NOTES checklist
to assess the story
and its context
What are the respective
needs, trade-offs, drivers?
Identify what is needed to balance the
relations and priorities of all stakeholders.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit
Project By Date
theatre management
stage / setting
scene / props
actor / agent / extras
“The world* is made of stories”
• The enterprise is a story – an overarching theme
• Enterprise as an ongoing story of relations
between people – the actors of the story
• Enterprise-story comprised of many smaller stories
– the scenes or story-lines (aka ‘processes’)
• Enterprise-story takes place in a setting – the stage
and its context, location, props etc
• Stories thrive on tension, conflict and uncertainty
– whereas machines generally don’t…
*‘the world’ including – perhaps especially – the business-world…
It’s easier to engage people
in the architecture
if they can have fun
whilst they’re doing it!
The real punchline for this story:
Thank you!
Contact: Tom Graves
Company: Tetradian Consulting
Twitter: @tetradian ( )
Publications: and
Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise-
architecture (2012)
• Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as
services with the Enterprise Canvas (2010)
• Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy,
structures and solutions (2010)
• Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the
real enterprise (2009)
Further information:

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Exploring business-architecture

  • 1. Exploring business-architecture Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting IASA ITARC, London, November 2016
  • 2. No thanks… Endless PR intro-slides…? so let’s do the intro another way…
  • 3. Hi. (Yeah, it’s been a while since I looked like this...) I’m Tom.
  • 4. …enough of an intro? Okay, let’s get on with the show!
  • 6. - b-o-o-o-r-ing… It’s the architecture of ‘stuff what business does’
  • 8. …“can I go to sleep now, please?”…
  • 9. Nah, c’mon, let’s have a bit of fun with this!
  • 10. …though before that, we are gonna have to be just a little bit boring… (sorry…)
  • 11. Meet this guy… (He’s named Charles Hoy Fort.) (see for more about him)
  • 12. …famed for collecting records and facts about the anomalous and the weird… …such as rains of fishes and frogs…
  • 13. “Whatever theory you have, there’ll always be something that doesn’t fit” and as a journalist and researcher, his basic principle was… - sounds kinda familiar, maybe?
  • 14. What name in your system? Typical UK-style name-structure for database: •Title (mandatory: select from picklist) •Forename (mandatory: 30 characters max) •Middle-name (optional: 30 characters max) •Surname (mandatory: 30 characters max) •Suffix (optional: select from picklist) Easy, right? – well, let’s take a real example…
  • 15. What name in your system? UK-style name: •Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz
  • 16. What name in your system? UK-style name: •Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz Full legal birth-name: •Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
  • 17. What name in your system? UK-style name: •Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz Full legal birth-name: •Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso You probably know him as:
  • 18. …oops… Okay, how’s about we try something simpler? Driver’s licence, maybe?
  • 19. Driver’s licence, please? Real simple, right? Hmm… maybe not so simple after all? The same for everyone, surely? Hensel twins’ driver-licences >>
  • 20. Driver’s licence, please? On the flight: One ticket, one seat, two passengers, two passports In the car: Two drivers behind the wheel, each legally liable
  • 21. …which kinda messes up our nice so-certain system-design… - rats…
  • 22. “Whatever theory you have, there’ll always be something that doesn’t fit”
  • 23. So how do we find these ‘things that don’t fit’? - and how do we design for them, too…
  • 24. Short answer: Raid the kids’ toy-box!
  • 27. …who or what are the various uses / users of the service?
  • 28. …how do those uses intersect?
  • 29. …how might those uses conflict?
  • 33. …how does it interconnect with other services?
  • 35. …what disruptions could the service cause for others?
  • 36. …how, where, with what must it intersect without connecting?
  • 37. …how might others impact your infrastructure?
  • 38. …what impacts could that have on service-delivery?
  • 39. …what are the hazards, potential sources of disruption?
  • 41. …what happens when the service itself fails?
  • 43. …or, in other words…
  • 45. But where does context come from? - and why does anything happen? (in business, anyway…)
  • 46. A tension exists between what is, and what we want. The vision describes the desired-ends for action; values guide action, describing how success would feel. Why anything happens
  • 47. A service represents a means toward an end – ultimately, the desired-ends of the enterprise-vision. The nature of service
  • 48. Services exchange value with each other, to help each service reach toward their respective vision and outcome. Relations between services
  • 49. “We create an architecture for an organisation, but about an enterprise.” “We create an architecture for an organisation, but about an enterprise.” Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010 Why architecture? Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story. We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
  • 50. “An organisation is bounded by rules, roles and responsibilities; an enterprise is bounded by vision, values and commitments.” “An organisation is bounded by rules, roles and responsibilities; an enterprise is bounded by vision, values and commitments.” Tom Graves, Mapping the Enterprise, Tetradian, 2010 What architecture? Organisation aligns with structure, enterprise with story. We need a balance of both for the architecture to work.
  • 51. If the organisation says it ‘is’ the enterprise, there’s no shared-story - and often, no story at all. Whose story?
  • 52. The minimum real enterprise is the supply-chain - a story of shared interactions and transactions. Whose story?
  • 53. The organisation and enterprise of the supply-chain take place within a broader organisation of the market. Whose story?
  • 54. The market itself exists within a context of ‘intangible’ interactions with the broader shared-enterprise story. Whose story?
  • 55. The story is not solely at the whole-of-business level - we can generalise it to any type or level of context Whose story?
  • 57. enacted in any way we need…
  • 58. Services link together in chains or webs, as structured and/or unstructured processes, to deliver more complex and versatile services or stories Supply-chain or value-web
  • 59. …which brings us to… a matter of perspective! - yeah, which way we look at things does kinda matter here…
  • 60. Perspectives and journeys Service-delivery is a journey of interactions where ‘inside-out’ (the organisation’s perspective) touches ‘outside-in’ (the customer’s / supplier’s perspective)
  • 61. Outside-in… CC-BY Fretro via Flickr “Customers do not appear in our processes, we appear in their experiences” Chris Potts, recrEAtion, Technics, 2010
  • 62. Every service has its own myriad of stakeholders Whose story?
  • 63. A stakeholder is anyone who can wield a sharp-pointed stake in our direction… CC-BY-NC-SA evilpeacock via Flickr Who are the stakeholders? (Hint: there are a lot more of them than we might at first think…)
  • 64. Narrative and story help us to identify what needs to happen - including the exceptions and uniquenesses… The role of narrative:
  • 65. Alan Klement: Replacing ‘User-Story’ with ‘Job-Story’ Structuring a story-fragment…
  • 66. What kind of story? SCRIPTED (simple rules and checklists) CC-BY The-Vikkodamus via Flickr CC-BY-SA seeminglee via Flickr IMPROVISED (guidelines and principles) ANALYSED (complicated algorithms) ADAPTED (complex patterns) PREDICTABLE UNPREDICTABLE
  • 67. “All the world’s a stage”… Stories underpin every action…
  • 68. Stories are fractal… …recursion and fractality within systems and stories CC-BY-NC-SA gjshepherd via Flickr
  • 69. Stories within stories, everywhere…
  • 70. …will User-Story or Job-Story be enough for all of this? Short-answer: useful, no doubt, but probably not enough on their own - we’re going to need a broader approach…
  • 71. Technology CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr Process People The usual architecture view
  • 72. Stage CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr Scene Actor ActorStage Stage Stage A narrative-oriented view Scene Scene Stage
  • 73. So how to explore all this with execs and others?
  • 74. Short answer: Back to the toy-box!
  • 76. “and here’s one I made earlier…”
  • 79. Let’s use a visual cheat-sheet to help us… - you could call it a Canvas, if you like…
  • 80. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 81. NOTES-H ? - what the heck’s that? “Narrative Oriented Transformation of Enterprise Services - Holomap version” - yeah, it’s kinda cumbersome, I know… - but it’s just a name, don’t worry about it, okay?
  • 82. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 83. …who are the actors?
  • 84. …who are the actors? – everyone! CC-BY Mike Babcock via Flickr
  • 85. Machines may be actors (agents)… CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr
  • 86. …though remember, your users… CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr
  • 87. …are people, not machines! CC-BY andré luís via Flickr
  • 88. …and also, why these actors?
  • 89. …what changes if we change actor?
  • 90. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent / extras
  • 91. Extras are kind of ‘active scenery’… - they’re not part of the story as such, but the scene won’t work well without them…
  • 93. …what do extras add to the scene?
  • 94. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 95. “Each traverse through a business-process is a self-contained story with its own actors, actions and events” “Each traverse through a business-process is a self-contained story with its own actors, actions and events” Process as story Tom Graves, The Enterprise As Story, Tetradian, 2012
  • 96. Each segment of a story is a scene… - each scene should have a distinct begin, middle, end and outcome…
  • 97. …what’s the story in the scene?
  • 98. Scenes in the story Split story into identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
  • 99. Scenes in the story Process-story as identifiable scenes, with begin, middle, end
  • 100. Show, don’t tell Each line of action drives the story forward CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
  • 101. Show, don’t tell Each line of action drives the story forward CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr
  • 102. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene / props actor / agent
  • 103. …what props do we need?
  • 104. The role of props Each item has its place, and drives the story onward CC-BY TheArches via Flickr
  • 105. Each item has its place, and drives the story onward CC-BY-ND Kecko via Flickr The role of props
  • 106. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 110. Staging the story CC-BY-SA passer-by via Flickr …infrastructure, systems etc as the stage
  • 111. Staging the story …infrastructure, systems etc as the stage CC-BY-ND Costa Rica’s Call Center via Flickr
  • 112. Setting the mood …how does the stage-set itself drive the story forward? CC-BY-SA Eva Rinaldi via Flickr
  • 113. Setting the mood …how does the stage-set itself drive the story forward? CC-BY State Farm via Flickr
  • 114. Maintain the mood Computers may not have feelings, but people do: how does the stage-set support the mood we need? CC-BY-ND alanclarkdesign via Flickr
  • 115. Maintain the mood Computers may not have feelings, but people do: how does the stage-set support the mood we need? CC-BY-ND alanclarkdesign via Flickr
  • 116. Framing the action CC-BY via Flickr …in what ways does the frame itself constrain the story?
  • 117. Framing the action …in what ways does the frame itself constrain the story? CC-BY aleutia via Flickr
  • 118. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 120. Visible and invisible …what else should be in front of the curtain? – what behind? CC-BY Mickey Thurman via Flickr
  • 121. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 122. Visible and invisible …what state is that infrastructure in, behind the curtain? CC-BY Princess Theatre via Flickr
  • 123. Visible and invisible …what state is that infrastructure in, behind the curtain? CC-BY-SA LanSmash via Flickr
  • 124. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 125. …who are the audience?
  • 126. …what are audience expectations?
  • 127. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 128. …who manages the theatre?
  • 129. …how will you promote your identity? CC-BY markhillary via Flickr
  • 130. …how will others find your story?
  • 131. …who would you want as clientele? CC-BY-SA indigoprime via Flickr
  • 132. …how will you keep it busy?CC-BY-SA wm2014 via Flickr
  • 133. …how will you keep it running?CC-BY jimwinstead via Flickr
  • 134. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene actor / agent
  • 135. …who is an anticlient for theatre?
  • 136. …what is social context for theatre?
  • 137. …what else could close your theatre?
  • 138. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene / props actor / agent / extras
  • 140. In short… …we must pay attention to the story as a whole! - not just the easy bits… Context, context, context…
  • 141. Practical: Use the NOTES checklist to assess the story and its context What are the respective needs, trade-offs, drivers? Identify what is needed to balance the relations and priorities of all stakeholders.
  • 143. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Tetradian Project By Date VersionNOTES-H theatre-context theatre management stage / setting front-of-stage backstage audience scene / props actor / agent / extras
  • 144. “The world* is made of stories” • The enterprise is a story – an overarching theme • Enterprise as an ongoing story of relations between people – the actors of the story • Enterprise-story comprised of many smaller stories – the scenes or story-lines (aka ‘processes’) • Enterprise-story takes place in a setting – the stage and its context, location, props etc • Stories thrive on tension, conflict and uncertainty – whereas machines generally don’t… *‘the world’ including – perhaps especially – the business-world…
  • 145. It’s easier to engage people in the architecture if they can have fun whilst they’re doing it! The real punchline for this story:
  • 147. Contact: Tom Graves Company: Tetradian Consulting Email: Twitter: @tetradian ( ) Weblog: Slidedecks: Publications: and Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise- architecture (2012) • Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services with the Enterprise Canvas (2010) • Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy, structures and solutions (2010) • Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the real enterprise (2009) Further information: