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English Interest in Colonization
• Initial motive was same as others (profit)
• Copy Spanish model at first; then slowly
  change in response to different
• Unlike others, England sent large
  numbers of men & women who intended
  to stay
• Establish farming colonies
• Two factors explain why so many
Social Change in England
• First reason: dramatic population
  – Depressed wages, drives many off
    land, & accelerates urbanization
  – Elite use colonies to preserve social
    order by relieving “surplus
  – Many assume migration offers
    chance for economic advance
The English Reformation
• Second Factor: Religion
  – Henry VIII breaks w/ Roman Catholic
    Church & founds Church of England
  – England is then influenced by
    Protestant Reformation from continent
  – Luther & Calvin reject elaborate rituals
    & church hierarchy; stress reading
    Bible & salvation by faith alone
The Founding of Virginia
• Virginia Co. (1606), a joint-stock
• Advantage: pool resources of many
  investors & limit risk
• Disadvantage: colonies need massive
  capital & create little immediate profit
• Found Jamestown (1607), but
  immediate trouble—drought, disease,
  & death
The Founding of Virginia (cont.)
• Men sent are not prepared to farm—
  expected quick profit (Spanish
• 1607–1624: 8,000 migrate; 1,300
• Powhatan’s help is vital to colony’s
• Powhatan wanted English knives &
  guns to consolidate his confederacy;
  in exchange, traded food
The Founding of Virginia (cont.)
• English/Indian relations quickly
• Although similarities existed, each
  group focused on differences (role of
  men in agriculture, importance of
• Both have political hierarchies, but
  English are more autocratic whereas
  Algonquians rely on consensus (chiefs
  less powerful)
The Founding of Virginia (cont.)
• Key differences are in concepts of
  – Algonquians assume property is
    held by group
  – English stress individual ownership
    & reject Indian claims
• Reflects general English refusal to
  respect Native American traditions
The Founding of Virginia (cont.)
• Tobacco brings key changes
 – Saves colony w/ a profitable export
   product & changes Virginia to
   agrarian settlement
 – But tobacco needs lots of land &
• As incentives to migrate, Co.
  develops Headright system (1617)
  & House of Burgesses (1619)
The Founding of Virginia (cont.)
• Encroachment increases tension w/
  Native Americans — attack English
• English defeat & slowly subordinate
  Powhatan Confederacy
• Virginia survives, but Co. collapses (1624)
• Becomes a royal colony; unlike other
  European colonies, more local self-
  government in English colonies
Life in the Chesapeake
• Maryland founded (1634)—first colony
  w/ religious freedom (haven for
• Parallels Virginia in economy &
  society—focus on tobacco &
  widespread settlement
• For labor, two colonies rely on
  indentured servants from England
• Indenture contract & “freedom dues”
Life in the Chesapeake (cont.)
• Difficult life (disease, harsh discipline), but
  some legal protections & possibility of
  economic advancement until late 1600s
• Mostly men move; gender imbalance 1600s
• Families are unstable because few females
  & high mortality rate for adults & children
• Slow rate of natural increase; most settlers
  are immigrants—creates political
The Founding of New England
• Contrast w/ Virginia: different
  environment & key role of religion
  for Puritans
• Congregationalists & Separatists
• Pilgrims (the later) found Plymouth
• Mayflower Compact—land is
  outside Virginia Co. jurisdiction &
  ensures Pilgrim control; local self-
The Founding of New England (cont.)
• Like Virginia, difficult initial settlement &
  depends on local Native Americans
• Pokanokets ally w/ Pilgrims for help
  against Narragansetts
• Pilgrims are a small group;
  Congregationalist Massachusetts Bay Co.
  (1629) is much larger
• Found Massachusetts (1630) & bring Co.
  charter; again, local self-government
The Founding of New England (cont.)
 • Bay Co. transforms into a government
 • Creates a legislature
 • Like Virginia, to vote for legislature,
   must be male & own property
 • In Massachusetts, must be church
 • New England distributes land
The Founding of New England (cont.)
• Allot land to groups of men to form a town
• Towns hierarchical, but all men get land
• New England settlement more compact
  than Chesapeake & 3 types of towns
   – Isolated agrarian towns; coastal towns
     (Boston); & commercialized agrarian
• Increase in settlers leads to Connecticut,
  New Haven, & New Hampshire (1636–38)
The Founding of New England (cont.)
• As in Virginia, expansion increases
  tension w/ Native Americans (Pequots) &
  Puritans did not respect Indian land
• Tension leads to war (1637)—English
  slaughtered most Pequots who were
  unable to form alliances w/ other Native
• Till 1670s, not much warfare, but Native
  Americans in New England resist English
The Founding of New England (cont.)
• Only a few Puritans try to convert Native
• Eliot insists converts adopt English
  culture—results in few converts
• Jesuits (New France) are more successful
  because they accommodate Native
  American traditions & do not take as much
• Why they convert: disoriented by
  disruptions to native life (disease, loss of
The Founding of New England (cont.)
• Unlike Indians & Chesapeake
  English, Puritans tend to remain on
  initial farms
• Form stable towns & families
• No gender imbalance because many
  families, including women, migrate
• Greater natural increase; less disease
  than Chesapeake; & parents exert
  more control
Slavery in America
Origins of slavery:
• Slavery was not an institution
  directly imported from Europe.
  Developed in America.
• Spanish and Portugese began using
  slavery in their colonies as early as
  the 15th C.
Origins of slavery:Cont’d
Eventually European powers in America
 realized that they had not been able to
 enslave natives in a highly successful fashion.
  1. Many died from imported diseases
  2. Many natives were hunters and gatherers,
    not suited to agricultural lifestyle.
  3. People are hard to enslave on their own
    land-- they are able to escape too easy.
    This is perhaps the most important reason
    Europeans turned elsewhere for their
Origins of slavery:Cont’d
A slave trade developed where Africans
 were kidnapped and brought to
     1. Generally kidnapped/taken
 prisoner by other Africans and traded at
 the coast with African rulers acting as
     2. North and South both involved.
     3. Horrible “middle passage.”
Development of slavery as an
institution in what became the U.S.:

• Contrary to what many believe, slavery
  did not exist as a precise legal
  institution from the earliest
  settlements. The first Africans arrived
  in the (future) U.S. with a status not
  entirely different from white
  indentured servants.
Slave Institution Development:
• First Africans (20) known to arrive in
  1619 in Jamestown. They became
  scattered around the area. All
  apparently became free at the end of
  a period of service (avg. 7 yrs.). Some
  became masters and landowners
Slave Institution Development:
• Over next 20 yrs. status of Africans
  changed to the point where they were no
  longer indentured servants, but slaves for
  life, with their children inheriting the

Legal Changes...
Cont’d- Slavery in law
• 1640, first clear evidence that Africans
  were different before the law.
  “Manuel”, escaped African servant and
  two white servants (of Virginia) were
  captured after an escape attempt.
  Whites had only a year plus community
  service added to their terms of service,
  while Manuel was ordered to serve the
  balance of his life. The same year,
  another escaped African, John Punch, of
  another state, received the same
  sentence after capture.
Cont’d- Slavery in law

1645, first clear laws on the books
  that state that Africans are slaves
  for life, and their children as well.
  Slavery of children had been a
  custom, but became law about this
Cont’d- Slavery in law
• 1670, laws in Virginia sought to make
  life bondage the normal condition for
  all blacks in the state.
• 1675 onward, early “black codes”
  appear- restricting the freedoms of free
  and enslaved black in areas of weapons
  possession (not allowed), possession of
  servants (free blacks not allowed to
  have whites as indentured servants),
  and trial procedures (blacks not
  allowed to testify against whites, for
Cont’d- Slavery in law

• 1691, Virginia forbade owners to free
  blacks unless transporting them out
  of the state.
• By turn of the century slavery
  relatively entrenched legally, socially,
  and economically.
Why did Slavery replace
       indentured servitude?
• Farmers did not want competition from
  freed servants- more farmers would mean
  lower crop prices.
• Insufficient number of people willing to
  come to America as indentured servants.
• Slaves a better long term investment:
   1. More expensive initially, but slaves
     stayed longer than servants, and
     produced offspring.
Slavery and Racism:
       Which came first?
Historians and other social scientists
 disagree on the issue of whether
 racism created slavery, or slavery
 created racism.
Racism creates slavery:
• Evidence can be found in Europe prior
  to the existence of slavery that indicates
   a. Tales of animal like nature (described
    as apes) and dangerous sexuality of
    blacks common place among
    European travelers to Africa.
Racism creates slavery:
b. Term “black” used to describe virtually
  all people of Africa, no matter that few
  were that dark, and many were much
  lighter. Term black associated with dirt,
  evil, deadly purposes, wickedness, etc.
  Whiteness associated with what is good.
c. Negative attitudes towards African
  races found in popular literature of the
Slavery creates racism:
1. Blacks condition not immediately different
   from whites. Because blacks were never seen
   by whites in America outside of chains, their
   potential never seen, thus they, over time,
   were seen as inferior.
    a. Natives were sometimes described as
      “noble savages” because whites saw them
      operate in their own environments with
      skill. Blacks never described in terms of
2. As the economic importance of slavery grew,
   racism developed to justify what was a
   morally suspicious activity to many even at
   that time.
Slavery and racism reinforced
         one another:
This seems the most appropriate
 interpretation of the available
The Slave Trade
All sections of the U.S. became
 involved in the slave business. New
 England had many slave traders, and
 produced much of the rum used in
 the triangle trade.
  1. Involvement of all sections of the
    U.S. made the continuance of
    slavery a vested economic interest
    for all, thus hard to get rid of.
The Slave Trade: Cont’d
• Triangle Trade (Really a Slave Trade Web):
  1. Molasses from West Indies to America for
    cash and slaves.
  2. Rum (from molasses) to Europe (for cash)
    and Africa (for slaves).
  3. Slaves directly to America or to West
    Indies, from which they could be
  See map on p. 73 in your text for a more accurate
    picture of the complicated slave trade ‘web’.
Why Slavery as an Institution was more
            important to the South:
• Cash Crops in the South:
   1. In the South cash crops, those grown in
     large quantities for sale, were
     commonly grown. The cash was used
     to buy the necessities of life.
     Subsistence and small crop farming was
     more common in the north.
   2. Examples: cotton, tobacco, indigo, rice.
• Slaves were very useful in cash crop
  agriculture. They were too expensive for
  most small farmers to use profitably.
Growth of Slavery
Slavery grew rapidly over the years.
  1. 1619: <100
  2. 1740s: 300,000
  3. 1776: 500,000+
  4. 1800: 894,000
  5. 1850: 3,204,000
  6. 1860: 3,954,000
• Growing conflict between colonists &
  British Government—creates debate within
• British victory in French & Indian (Seven
  Years) War key—changes balance of power
  in North American & affects everyone
• New British taxes to pay for war & colonial
  resistance to new taxes exposed basic
  differences in political ideas between the
  two sides
The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War
• Tensions between the British and French in
  America had been getting worse for some time,
  as each side wanted to gain more land.
• In the 1740s, both England and France traded
  for furs with the Native Americans in the Ohio
• By the 1750s, English colonists, especially the
  investors in the Ohio Company, also hoped to
  convert the wilderness into good farmland.
• Each side tried to keep the other out of the Ohio
  Country. In the early 1750s, French soldiers
  captured several English trading posts and
  built Fort Duquense (now called Pittsburgh) to
  defend their territory from English incursions.
1754 - The First Clash

The French and Indian War
• What is now considered the “French and Indian
  War” (though at the time the war was
  undeclared), began in 1753, when a young (22
  years old) Virginian, Major George Washington,
  and a number of men headed out into the Ohio
  region to deliver a message to a French Captain
  demanding that French troops leave the territory.
  The demand was rejected by the French.
• In 1754, George Washington and a small force of
  Virginia militiamen marched to the Ohio Country
  to drive the French out. Washington hoped to
  capture the forks of the Ohio R. for the state of
  VA, but the French had beat him there. When a
  small contingent of French troops were
  discovered in the area, Washington and his
  Indian allies attacked them.
The French and Indian War
• This was an unwise decision as Washington
  was substantially outnumbered by the French.
  He retreated and when chased by the French,
  quickly built Fort Necessity. It was a poorly
  chosen site and he ultimately had to surrender.
  He had hoped to convince native people that
  England was the stronger force, so that they
  would ally with the British rather than the
• A combined force of French soldiers and their
  native allies overwhelmed Fort Necessity on
  July 3, 1754, marking the start of the “French
  and Indian War” in North America. The French
  permitted Washington and his men to return to
  Virginia safely, but made them promise they
  would not build another fort west of the
  Appalachian Mountains for at least a year.
The French and Indian War
• After a year and a half of undeclared
  war, the French and the English
  formally declared war in May 1756.
• For the first three years of the war,
  the outnumbered French dominated
  the battlefield, soundly defeating the
  English in battles at Fort Oswego and
• Perhaps the most notorious battle of
  the war was the French victory at Fort
  William Henry, which ended in a
  massacre of British soldiers by
  Indians allied with the French.
British-American Colonial Tensions
               Colonials           British
Methods       • Indian-style      • March in formation
of            guerilla tactics.   w/ bayonet charge.
              • Local militias;    •Professional army;
Military                           wanted their
              their own
Org.:         captains.            officers take
Military       • No mil.           • Professional army
               deference or        w/ drills & tough
Discipline:      protocols.        discipline.

               • Resistance to     • Colonists should
Finances:      raising taxes.      pay for their own
1757 - William Pitt Becomes
             Foreign Minister
    He better understood colonial concerns.
   Especially about the feeling among colonials
   that they were bearing a disproportionate cost.

 He offered them a compromise:
- colonial loyalty & mililitary cooperation  Britain
would reimburse col. assemblies for their costs.

RESULTS           Colonial morale increased by
 The Tide
Turns for
The French and Indian War
• By September 1760, the British
  controlled all of the North
  American frontier; the war
  between the two countries was
  effectively over. The 1763 Treaty of
  Paris, which ended the European
  “Seven Years War”, set the terms
  by which France would capitulate:
  France was forced to surrender all
  of her American possessions to the
1763      Treaty of Paris
   France lost her Canadian possessions,
   most of her empire in India, and claims
   to lands east of the Mississippi River.

 Spain got all French lands west of the
 Mississippi River, New Orleans.
England got all French lands in Canada,
exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and
commercial dominance in India.
Effects of the War
              on Britain?
1. It increased her colonial empire in
the Americas.
2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt.
3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials
created bitter feelings.

   Therefore, England felt that a
    major reorganization of her
  American Empire was necessary!
Effects of the War on the
         American Colonials
 1. It united them against a common
 enemy for the first time.

2. It created a socializing experience for
all the colonials who participated.

3. It created bitter feelings towards the
British that would only intensify.
The French and Indian War

• Although the war with the
  French ended in 1763, the
  British continued to fight with
  the Indians over the issue of
  land claims. quot;Pontiac's Warquot;
  flared shortly after the Treaty
  of Paris was signed.
The Aftermath: Tensions
      Along the Frontier
1763    Pontiac’s Rebellion

                        Fort Detroit
   British “gifts” of smallpox-infected
         blankets from Fort Pitt.
1763: A Turning Point
• For Native Americans, French defeat
  & Spanish decline remove key allies
• Less able to resist British expansion;
  Cherokees defeated in south (1760–
• In Ohio, Pontiac forms alliance (1763)
  to fight Anglo-Americans, idea of
• But British defeat Pontiac’s forces
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763)
British Proclamation
       Line of 1763.
North America in 1763
1763: A Turning Point
• Proclamation of 1763—British
  restrict movement of colonists into
• Government wants less conflict w/
  Native Americans, but colonists
  want expansion
• Government burdened w/ massive
  war debt
• George III takes throne (1760)—
  immature stubborn, erratic, wants to
  assert power of monarchy
•Pass a series of tax laws and have the Colonists
             help pay back the debt.
  •Pass a law restricting Colonists from moving
    westward into and settling the Northwest
  •Keep British troops in North America to stop
    Indian attacks and protect the Colonies.
•Stop the smuggling of Colonials by enforcing the
  Navigation Acts with a series of unrestricted
               search warrants.
•King of England.
                               •Instrumental in ending the
                             French and Indian War in 1763.
                             •Strong supporter of taxing the
                               colonies to pay for the debt.
                           •He opposed any compromise
                           with the colonial government in
“Once vigorous measures
  appear to be the only     •After loosing of the colonies,
means left of bringing the
   Americans to a due
                              he withdrew his efforts at
submission to the mother personal government and went
        country,                        insane.
the colonies will submit.”
1763: A Turning Point
• Because people in England faced high
  taxes, Grenville (new prime minister)
  decides to tax colonies to pay debt
• Government asserts it can tax colonies
  on concept of “virtual representation”
• Colonists advocate “actual
• Both assert government by consent,
  but differ in how to create
Virtual Representation                 Actual Representation
• The 13 Colonies were        •   Americans resented “virtual”
  represented under the           representation.
  principle of “virtual”      •   Colonists governed
  representation.                 themselves since the early
• It did not matter if the
                              •   They had direct
  Colonists did not elect         representation by electing
  members from each               colonial assembly members
  colony to represent them        to represent their interests.
  in the British Parliament. •    Colonists were not opposed
• Not all citizens in Britain     to paying taxes because the
                                  Colonies taxed their citizens.
  were represented either.
                              •   If the British Parliament was
• The British Parliament          to tax them, they should be
  pledged to represent            able to elect a representative
  every person in Britain         from their colony to represent
  and the empire                  their interests in Parliament.
1763: A Turning Point
• Colonists also accept ideas of “Real
• Distrust those w/ power, assume they
  will encroach on liberty & property
• Advocate less active central
  government; distrust monarchs, &
  only elected representatives can
  protect people
• Efforts to increase control & raise
  revenue interpreted through Real
  Whig ideas
1763: A Turning Point
• At first colonists assume new acts
  were unwise; over time many believe
  it is a conspiracy to oppress them
• Sugar Act (1764)—1st tax designed to
  raise revenue in colonies, not just
  regulate trade
• Currency Act (1764) outlaws colonial
  paper money; both laws hit in midst of
• Early protest is hesitant &
 After the
 Treaty of
Paris, 1783
George Grenville’s
 Program, 1763-1765

1. Sugar Act - 1764

2. Currency Act - 1764

3. Quartering Act - 1765

4. Stamp Act - 1765
Theories of Representation
                Real Whigs
Q    What was the extent of Parliament’s
    authority over the colonies??

    Absolute?       OR       Limited?

Q     How could the colonies give or
     withhold consent for parliamentary
     legislation when they did not have
     representation in that body??
•Tax on legal documents, playing cards, newspapers, etc.
        •A direct tax which went to the British government.
•Colonists hated the Stamp Tax = “taxation without representation”
         •Stamp Act protests led by the Sons of Liberty…..
The Stamp Act Crisis (1765)
• 1st English tax that affects every
• Big break in colonial tradition of only
  being taxed by elected assemblies
• Rights of British Colonies by Otis
  reflects colonial dilemma: how to
  oppose act without rejecting authority
  of Parliament
• Most colonists want self-government,
  not independence (late 1760s & early
Stamp Act Crisis
 Loyal Nine – 1765
 Merchants and Craftsmen: Wanted
 non-violent protest against Stamp Act.
Sons of Liberty – 1765
Began in NYC. Lower level
merchants and craftsmen,
laborers, sailors. Samuel
Stamp Act Congress – 1765 Stamp
Act Resolves: First pledge loyalty to King
and parliament, but insists on principle of
taxation w/ consent. Leads to boycotts to
force repeal.
The Stamp Act Crisis
• Colonial protest is indecisive until
  Henry & Virginia Stamp Act
  Resolves widen debate
• VA House passes 1st four resolves
  (stress rights of colonists & tax
  only w/ consent)
• Inspires other urban protests—
  eventually stamp collectors agree
  not to perform job
The Stamp Act Crisis (1765)
• Some protests turn violent
• Worries elite colonists & artisans who
  want protest but fear activism of
  unskilled, poor, slaves, & women
• Create Sons of Liberty (an inter-
  colonial organization) to keep protest
  orderly, but not always successful
• Artisans like Revere are the backbone
  of resistance
Paul Revere     •Sons of Liberty was a
                               secret society formed in
                                protest of British rule.
                              •They had a large role in
                               the repeal of the Stamp
                               Act and the Boston Tea
Samuel Adams
                                 •9 original members
                                 which included the
                               leaders Samuel Adams
                                   and Paul Revere
                             “If our trade be taxed, why not
                             our lands, or produce, in short,
                             everything we possess? They
                               tax us without having legal
                                   Samuel Adams
Boycotts: Colonists refused to trade
or buy British goods until Stamp Act
was repealed.
Protests: Led by the Sons of Liberty
up and down the colonies from 1765
to 1766.
Committees of Correspondence:
Colonies kept in contact with one
another and described British actions
through letters exchanged by carriers
on horseback.

                                     •Between 1765 to
                                     1766, the Sons of
                                    Liberty led over 40
                                   protests up and down
                                   the colonial coastline.
                                   •Most of the protests
                                    are located in the
                                   Middle Colonies up
                                    through the New
                                    England Colonies.
                                   •Successful in forcing
                                   the British Parliament
                                    to repeal the Stamp
Stamp Act Protests: 1765 to 1766             Act.
Costs of Colonial Resistance
Costs of Colonial Resistance

                  Exports &
The Stamp Act Crisis (1765)
• 1765–66: colonial assemblies & Stamp
  Act Congress petition; Sons of Liberty
  protest, & merchants organize
• Rockingham, new prime minister,
  repeals act (1766) because he decides
  it was divisive
• Declaratory Act—Parliament asserts
  authority over colonies
• ‘Sons’ celebrate, then dissolve
Townshend Duties Crisis: 1767-1770
        1767 - William Pitt, P. M. & Charles
        Townshend, Secretary of the Exchequer.

    •Shift from paying taxes for Br. war debts &
    quartering of troops - paying col. govt. salaries.

    •He diverted revenue collection from internal to
    external trade.
•   Tax these imports - paper, paint, lead, glass, tea.
    •Increase custom officials at American ports -
    established a Board of Customs in Boston.
Resistance to Townshend Acts
• Renewed effort (1767) to raise money
  from colonies w/ duties on items
  from England
• Use some money to pay royal
  officials— makes them independent
  of assemblies
• Increase enforcement of Navigation
• Immediate resistance; Dickinson’s
  Farmer’s Letters: England can regulate
  trade but not tax colonies
Resistance to Townshend Acts
• Assemblies are motivated to act
  when royal governors block
  discussion by dissolving assemblies,
  starting w/ Massachusetts
• Create rituals of resistance to reach
• Sons of Liberty resume & try to
  involve average colonists in
• They neither purchase nor import
  British goods
Resistance to Townshend Acts
• Women active, especially w/ home
  manufacturing & Daughters of
• Still divisions, especially w/
  merchants who are hurt
  economically by nonconsumption
• Artisans are again central; protests
  cut imports, but often violent—
  scare colonial elite
• Duties repealed, except tea, &
  salaries postponed (1770)
Confrontations in Boston
• Originate w/ clashes between
  custom officials & British troops w/
• March 5, 1770: crowd of laborers
  harass soldiers who respond w/
• Boston ‘Massacre’
• 5 colonists die, & resistance leaders
  use incident to generate support for
  protest, but elite Sons of Liberty
  dislike mob actions
•1768—1770,   British
soldiers arrived in
Boston, MA to
maintain order and
enforce the taxes the
colonists were asked to
pay after the French
and Indian.

•The people of Boston
resented the British
soldiers and considered
them a foreign
•High  tensions between
 British and Bostonians
 over enforcing British
•March   1770, the British
 shed Colonial blood for
    first time blood.
    •The relationship
between the Colonies and
  England would never
 •Usedas propaganda to
 convince people of the
    colonial cause.

March 5,

Engraving by
Paul Revere
•The 5 Colonists
Boston Mass.
               killed at the
               Boston Massacre
               would become
               martyrs for the
               Colonial cause
               •They would be
               buried in the
               same cemeteries
               as Paul Revere
               and Samuel
               •British soldiers
               were tried in
               court and 2 were
               found guilty of
Confrontations in Boston
• After England starts to pay royal salaries
  (late 1772), Samuel Adams organizes 1st
  Committee of Correspondence in Boston
• Established in all 13, committees increase
  popular support, especially in interior
• Boston committee drafts statement
  asserting rights to life, liberty, &
  property; approved by most
  Massachusetts towns
   – Contrast w/ earlier statements—loyalty
     to England less important than secure
•Tea Act, East India Company---The
Tea Act gave the East India
Company a monopoly on the trade
in tea, made it illegal for the colonies
to buy non-British tea and forced the
colonies to pay the tea tax of 3
Tea & Turmoil
• Tea is a key symbol of earlier
• Tea Act (1773) saves East India
  Company from bankruptcy w/ a
  monopoly in colonies
• Upsets patriots, who see act as
  either a new tax or 1st step in a
  monopoly on all trade
• Protests in several cities; in Boston
  neither patriots nor governor
Tea & Turmoil
• Tea Party (Dec. 16): artisans are key, but a
  cross-section of community participates
• Parliament responds w/ Coercive Acts (4)
   1) Port Act closes Boston until tea
   2) Massachusetts Government Act
     weakens elected bodies & strengthens
     appointed ones
   3) Justice Act protects royal officials
     charged w/ crime by moving trial
   4) Quartering Act allows seizure of
     private buildings for housing troops
Tea & Turmoil
• Patriots agree to an intercolonial
  meeting to decide response, but do
  not call for revolution
• 1763–1774: key because many
  colonists become politically active
  & begin to see clear differences w/
• American identity emerges from
  between British action & colonial
Factors             Great Britain                 United States
Population      Approximately 12 million      Approximately 3 million and
                                              1/3 loyal to England.
Manufacturing   Highly developed              Practically none

Money           Richest country in the        No $$$ to support the war

                Large, well trained army      Volunteers, poorly
Army                                          equipped
                plus Hessians

Leaders         Few officers capable of       Dedicated (though not
                leading                       experienced) officers

Geography       Strange land---difficult to   Familiar land, easy access
                re-supply troops              to supplies
Navy            Naval world power             No navy

Will to Fight   Trained soldiers---but no     Defending homeland---
                heart in the fight            strong will to fight
•After the Boston
Tea Party the British
send more troops to
enforce the
Intolerable Acts.
•Colonial militias
prepare for war.

             •British searching for
               stolen weapons–
             “search and seizure”
             •Stopped at Lexington
              and encountered 56
             •Minutemen stood up
             for what they believed
                 was their land
British attempt to “search and seize”
stolen weapons.
 First shots of the Revolution in Action
•Minutemen engage
                  British troops at Concord
                       •British find some
                      weapons at Concord.
                  •British return to Boston,
                   5,000 Minutemen attack
                        British troops.
 •90 dead wounded or captured
•250 dead, wounded, or captured
•Came together
                                              again after the
                                                battles of
                                              Lexington and
                                            Concord, May 10,

•Organized first American army called the Continental Army and
  appointed George Washington as our Commanding General.
 •Willing to stay part of the empire but King must “redress our
               •Congress prepares for war…….
•Colonial leaders met in Philadelphia, PA to
discuss their options in response to the
Intolerable Acts.
•The decision was to negotiate with King
George III and send him a declaration of their
willingness to remain British.
•BUT, they have grievances (problems) which
they want the King and Parliament to address.
•AND, they instructed the local militias in each
town to begin preparing for war with the
George Washington                         John Hancock

   Who would be our first commanding general?
•2nd Continental Congress based their decision on the following
    •Economic               George Washington was chosen
    •Military                based on his qualifications and
                                  these considerations.
•First US Army made up of
                                            volunteers, militias and
                                         •George Washington chosen
                                          as the first Commanding
                                               •Not an army of
                                           professionals but mostly

•Lacked the discipline of a professional army at first.
•Lacked resources, men weren’t paid and some quit after the first
few battles.
•2nd Continental Congress lacked resources to supply army.
•June 17, 1775
•The British suffered
over 40% casualties.
    •2,250 men
    •1,054 injured
    •226 killed
•Americans: Moral
    •800 men
    •140 killed
    •271 wounded
•King George sends
10,000 Hessian soldiers
to help put down the
Battle of Bunker Hill raised the moral of the American Army though
   the British won the battle and suffered severe casualties. The
 Americans held there own against the greatest army in the world.
    The British never broke out of Boston or gained access to the
             countryside which the American army held.
•Referred to as the “ten
                                              crucial days”…Dec. 25th to
                                                        Jan. 3rd
                                               •First major victory for the
                                                 Continental Army and
                                               •Raised the morale of the
                                              American troops as well as
                                                     the country

          •Led to soldiers re-enlisting and future enlistments
     •Captured over 1,000 Hessian soldiers, weapons, food and etc.
•American Army re-crossed the Delaware to Valley Forge in Pennsylvania
General Horatio Gates surrounds the
                      British with the help of Benedict Arnold
                      British defeat stopped them from cutting
                      off New England from the rest of the
                      country and ending the war.
                      British lacked knowledge of geography
                      and failed at communications.

   Oct. 1777, British General, John
Burgoyne was surrounded by US General
Horatio Gates and forced to surrender
6,000 British troops.
   Led to a military alliance with France
providing soldiers, naval fleet and $$$$$.
(Franco-American alliance, 1778)
The American Revolution
The American Revolution
The American Revolution

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The American Revolution

  • 1.
  • 2. English Interest in Colonization • Initial motive was same as others (profit) • Copy Spanish model at first; then slowly change in response to different environment • Unlike others, England sent large numbers of men & women who intended to stay • Establish farming colonies • Two factors explain why so many migrate
  • 3. Social Change in England • First reason: dramatic population increase – Depressed wages, drives many off land, & accelerates urbanization – Elite use colonies to preserve social order by relieving “surplus population” – Many assume migration offers chance for economic advance
  • 4. The English Reformation • Second Factor: Religion – Henry VIII breaks w/ Roman Catholic Church & founds Church of England (1533) – England is then influenced by Protestant Reformation from continent – Luther & Calvin reject elaborate rituals & church hierarchy; stress reading Bible & salvation by faith alone
  • 5. The Founding of Virginia • Virginia Co. (1606), a joint-stock company • Advantage: pool resources of many investors & limit risk • Disadvantage: colonies need massive capital & create little immediate profit • Found Jamestown (1607), but immediate trouble—drought, disease, & death
  • 6. The Founding of Virginia (cont.) • Men sent are not prepared to farm— expected quick profit (Spanish model) • 1607–1624: 8,000 migrate; 1,300 survive • Powhatan’s help is vital to colony’s survival • Powhatan wanted English knives & guns to consolidate his confederacy; in exchange, traded food
  • 7. The Founding of Virginia (cont.) • English/Indian relations quickly deteriorate • Although similarities existed, each group focused on differences (role of men in agriculture, importance of hunting) • Both have political hierarchies, but English are more autocratic whereas Algonquians rely on consensus (chiefs less powerful)
  • 8. The Founding of Virginia (cont.) • Key differences are in concepts of property – Algonquians assume property is held by group – English stress individual ownership & reject Indian claims • Reflects general English refusal to respect Native American traditions
  • 9. The Founding of Virginia (cont.) • Tobacco brings key changes – Saves colony w/ a profitable export product & changes Virginia to agrarian settlement – But tobacco needs lots of land & labor • As incentives to migrate, Co. develops Headright system (1617) & House of Burgesses (1619)
  • 10. The Founding of Virginia (cont.) • Encroachment increases tension w/ Native Americans — attack English (1622) • English defeat & slowly subordinate Powhatan Confederacy • Virginia survives, but Co. collapses (1624) • Becomes a royal colony; unlike other European colonies, more local self- government in English colonies
  • 11. Life in the Chesapeake • Maryland founded (1634)—first colony w/ religious freedom (haven for Catholics) • Parallels Virginia in economy & society—focus on tobacco & widespread settlement • For labor, two colonies rely on indentured servants from England • Indenture contract & “freedom dues”
  • 12. Life in the Chesapeake (cont.) • Difficult life (disease, harsh discipline), but some legal protections & possibility of economic advancement until late 1600s • Mostly men move; gender imbalance 1600s • Families are unstable because few females & high mortality rate for adults & children • Slow rate of natural increase; most settlers are immigrants—creates political instability
  • 13. The Founding of New England • Contrast w/ Virginia: different environment & key role of religion for Puritans • Congregationalists & Separatists • Pilgrims (the later) found Plymouth (1620) • Mayflower Compact—land is outside Virginia Co. jurisdiction & ensures Pilgrim control; local self- government
  • 14. The Founding of New England (cont.) • Like Virginia, difficult initial settlement & depends on local Native Americans • Pokanokets ally w/ Pilgrims for help against Narragansetts • Pilgrims are a small group; Congregationalist Massachusetts Bay Co. (1629) is much larger • Found Massachusetts (1630) & bring Co. charter; again, local self-government
  • 15. The Founding of New England (cont.) • Bay Co. transforms into a government • Creates a legislature • Like Virginia, to vote for legislature, must be male & own property • In Massachusetts, must be church member • New England distributes land differently
  • 16. The Founding of New England (cont.) • Allot land to groups of men to form a town • Towns hierarchical, but all men get land • New England settlement more compact than Chesapeake & 3 types of towns develop: – Isolated agrarian towns; coastal towns (Boston); & commercialized agrarian towns • Increase in settlers leads to Connecticut, New Haven, & New Hampshire (1636–38)
  • 17. The Founding of New England (cont.) • As in Virginia, expansion increases tension w/ Native Americans (Pequots) & Puritans did not respect Indian land claims • Tension leads to war (1637)—English slaughtered most Pequots who were unable to form alliances w/ other Native Americans • Till 1670s, not much warfare, but Native Americans in New England resist English influence
  • 18. The Founding of New England (cont.) • Only a few Puritans try to convert Native Americans • Eliot insists converts adopt English culture—results in few converts • Jesuits (New France) are more successful because they accommodate Native American traditions & do not take as much land • Why they convert: disoriented by disruptions to native life (disease, loss of land)
  • 19. The Founding of New England (cont.) • Unlike Indians & Chesapeake English, Puritans tend to remain on initial farms • Form stable towns & families • No gender imbalance because many families, including women, migrate • Greater natural increase; less disease than Chesapeake; & parents exert more control
  • 21. Origins of slavery: • Slavery was not an institution directly imported from Europe. Developed in America. • Spanish and Portugese began using slavery in their colonies as early as the 15th C.
  • 22. Origins of slavery:Cont’d Eventually European powers in America realized that they had not been able to enslave natives in a highly successful fashion. 1. Many died from imported diseases 2. Many natives were hunters and gatherers, not suited to agricultural lifestyle. 3. People are hard to enslave on their own land-- they are able to escape too easy. This is perhaps the most important reason Europeans turned elsewhere for their slaves.
  • 23. Origins of slavery:Cont’d A slave trade developed where Africans were kidnapped and brought to America. 1. Generally kidnapped/taken prisoner by other Africans and traded at the coast with African rulers acting as middlemen. 2. North and South both involved. 3. Horrible “middle passage.”
  • 24. Development of slavery as an institution in what became the U.S.: • Contrary to what many believe, slavery did not exist as a precise legal institution from the earliest settlements. The first Africans arrived in the (future) U.S. with a status not entirely different from white indentured servants.
  • 25. Slave Institution Development: Cont’d • First Africans (20) known to arrive in 1619 in Jamestown. They became scattered around the area. All apparently became free at the end of a period of service (avg. 7 yrs.). Some became masters and landowners themselves.
  • 26. Slave Institution Development: Cont’d • Over next 20 yrs. status of Africans changed to the point where they were no longer indentured servants, but slaves for life, with their children inheriting the obligation. Legal Changes...
  • 27. Cont’d- Slavery in law • 1640, first clear evidence that Africans were different before the law. “Manuel”, escaped African servant and two white servants (of Virginia) were captured after an escape attempt. Whites had only a year plus community service added to their terms of service, while Manuel was ordered to serve the balance of his life. The same year, another escaped African, John Punch, of another state, received the same sentence after capture.
  • 28. Cont’d- Slavery in law 1645, first clear laws on the books that state that Africans are slaves for life, and their children as well. Slavery of children had been a custom, but became law about this time.
  • 29. Cont’d- Slavery in law • 1670, laws in Virginia sought to make life bondage the normal condition for all blacks in the state. • 1675 onward, early “black codes” appear- restricting the freedoms of free and enslaved black in areas of weapons possession (not allowed), possession of servants (free blacks not allowed to have whites as indentured servants), and trial procedures (blacks not allowed to testify against whites, for example).
  • 30. Cont’d- Slavery in law • 1691, Virginia forbade owners to free blacks unless transporting them out of the state. • By turn of the century slavery relatively entrenched legally, socially, and economically.
  • 31. Why did Slavery replace indentured servitude? • Farmers did not want competition from freed servants- more farmers would mean lower crop prices. • Insufficient number of people willing to come to America as indentured servants. • Slaves a better long term investment: 1. More expensive initially, but slaves stayed longer than servants, and produced offspring.
  • 32. Slavery and Racism: Which came first? Historians and other social scientists disagree on the issue of whether racism created slavery, or slavery created racism.
  • 33. Racism creates slavery: • Evidence can be found in Europe prior to the existence of slavery that indicates racism. a. Tales of animal like nature (described as apes) and dangerous sexuality of blacks common place among European travelers to Africa.
  • 34. Racism creates slavery: b. Term “black” used to describe virtually all people of Africa, no matter that few were that dark, and many were much lighter. Term black associated with dirt, evil, deadly purposes, wickedness, etc. Whiteness associated with what is good. c. Negative attitudes towards African races found in popular literature of the day.
  • 35. Slavery creates racism: 1. Blacks condition not immediately different from whites. Because blacks were never seen by whites in America outside of chains, their potential never seen, thus they, over time, were seen as inferior. a. Natives were sometimes described as “noble savages” because whites saw them operate in their own environments with skill. Blacks never described in terms of nobility. 2. As the economic importance of slavery grew, racism developed to justify what was a morally suspicious activity to many even at that time.
  • 36. Slavery and racism reinforced one another: This seems the most appropriate interpretation of the available evidence.
  • 37. The Slave Trade All sections of the U.S. became involved in the slave business. New England had many slave traders, and produced much of the rum used in the triangle trade. 1. Involvement of all sections of the U.S. made the continuance of slavery a vested economic interest for all, thus hard to get rid of.
  • 38. The Slave Trade: Cont’d • Triangle Trade (Really a Slave Trade Web): 1. Molasses from West Indies to America for cash and slaves. 2. Rum (from molasses) to Europe (for cash) and Africa (for slaves). 3. Slaves directly to America or to West Indies, from which they could be purchased. See map on p. 73 in your text for a more accurate picture of the complicated slave trade ‘web’.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Why Slavery as an Institution was more important to the South: • Cash Crops in the South: 1. In the South cash crops, those grown in large quantities for sale, were commonly grown. The cash was used to buy the necessities of life. Subsistence and small crop farming was more common in the north. 2. Examples: cotton, tobacco, indigo, rice. • Slaves were very useful in cash crop agriculture. They were too expensive for most small farmers to use profitably.
  • 43. Growth of Slavery Slavery grew rapidly over the years. 1. 1619: <100 2. 1740s: 300,000 3. 1776: 500,000+ 4. 1800: 894,000 5. 1850: 3,204,000 6. 1860: 3,954,000
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. Causes • Growing conflict between colonists & British Government—creates debate within colonies • British victory in French & Indian (Seven Years) War key—changes balance of power in North American & affects everyone there • New British taxes to pay for war & colonial resistance to new taxes exposed basic differences in political ideas between the two sides
  • 47. The French and Indian War (1756-1763)
  • 48. The French and Indian War • Tensions between the British and French in America had been getting worse for some time, as each side wanted to gain more land. • In the 1740s, both England and France traded for furs with the Native Americans in the Ohio Country. • By the 1750s, English colonists, especially the investors in the Ohio Company, also hoped to convert the wilderness into good farmland. • Each side tried to keep the other out of the Ohio Country. In the early 1750s, French soldiers captured several English trading posts and built Fort Duquense (now called Pittsburgh) to defend their territory from English incursions.
  • 49. 1754 - The First Clash The Ohio Valley
  • 50. The French and Indian War • What is now considered the “French and Indian War” (though at the time the war was undeclared), began in 1753, when a young (22 years old) Virginian, Major George Washington, and a number of men headed out into the Ohio region to deliver a message to a French Captain demanding that French troops leave the territory. The demand was rejected by the French. • In 1754, George Washington and a small force of Virginia militiamen marched to the Ohio Country to drive the French out. Washington hoped to capture the forks of the Ohio R. for the state of VA, but the French had beat him there. When a small contingent of French troops were discovered in the area, Washington and his Indian allies attacked them.
  • 51. The French and Indian War • This was an unwise decision as Washington was substantially outnumbered by the French. He retreated and when chased by the French, quickly built Fort Necessity. It was a poorly chosen site and he ultimately had to surrender. He had hoped to convince native people that England was the stronger force, so that they would ally with the British rather than the French. • A combined force of French soldiers and their native allies overwhelmed Fort Necessity on July 3, 1754, marking the start of the “French and Indian War” in North America. The French permitted Washington and his men to return to Virginia safely, but made them promise they would not build another fort west of the Appalachian Mountains for at least a year.
  • 52. The French and Indian War • After a year and a half of undeclared war, the French and the English formally declared war in May 1756. • For the first three years of the war, the outnumbered French dominated the battlefield, soundly defeating the English in battles at Fort Oswego and Ticonderoga. • Perhaps the most notorious battle of the war was the French victory at Fort William Henry, which ended in a massacre of British soldiers by Indians allied with the French.
  • 53. British-American Colonial Tensions British-American Colonials British Methods • Indian-style • March in formation of guerilla tactics. w/ bayonet charge. Fighting: • Local militias; •Professional army; Military wanted their their own Org.: captains. officers take charge. Military • No mil. • Professional army deference or w/ drills & tough Discipline: protocols. discipline. • Resistance to • Colonists should Finances: raising taxes. pay for their own defense.
  • 54. 1757 - William Pitt Becomes Foreign Minister He better understood colonial concerns. Especially about the feeling among colonials that they were bearing a disproportionate cost. He offered them a compromise: - colonial loyalty & mililitary cooperation Britain would reimburse col. assemblies for their costs. RESULTS Colonial morale increased by 1758.
  • 55. 1758-1761 1758-1761 The Tide Turns for England
  • 56. The French and Indian War • By September 1760, the British controlled all of the North American frontier; the war between the two countries was effectively over. The 1763 Treaty of Paris, which ended the European “Seven Years War”, set the terms by which France would capitulate: France was forced to surrender all of her American possessions to the British.
  • 57. 1763 Treaty of Paris France lost her Canadian possessions, most of her empire in India, and claims to lands east of the Mississippi River. Spain got all French lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans. England got all French lands in Canada, exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and commercial dominance in India.
  • 58. Effects of the War on Britain? 1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas. 2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings. Therefore, England felt that a major reorganization of her American Empire was necessary!
  • 59. Effects of the War on the American Colonials 1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time. 2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated. 3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify.
  • 60. The French and Indian War • Although the war with the French ended in 1763, the British continued to fight with the Indians over the issue of land claims. quot;Pontiac's Warquot; flared shortly after the Treaty of Paris was signed.
  • 61. The Aftermath: Tensions Along the Frontier 1763 Pontiac’s Rebellion Fort Detroit British “gifts” of smallpox-infected blankets from Fort Pitt.
  • 62. 1763: A Turning Point • For Native Americans, French defeat & Spanish decline remove key allies • Less able to resist British expansion; Cherokees defeated in south (1760– 61) • In Ohio, Pontiac forms alliance (1763) to fight Anglo-Americans, idea of Neolin • But British defeat Pontiac’s forces
  • 66. 1763: A Turning Point • Proclamation of 1763—British restrict movement of colonists into interior • Government wants less conflict w/ Native Americans, but colonists want expansion • Government burdened w/ massive war debt • George III takes throne (1760)— immature stubborn, erratic, wants to assert power of monarchy
  • 67. •Pass a series of tax laws and have the Colonists help pay back the debt. debt •Pass a law restricting Colonists from moving westward into and settling the Northwest Territory. •Keep British troops in North America to stop Indian attacks and protect the Colonies. •Stop the smuggling of Colonials by enforcing the Navigation Acts with a series of unrestricted search warrants.
  • 68. •King of England. •Instrumental in ending the French and Indian War in 1763. •Strong supporter of taxing the colonies to pay for the debt. •He opposed any compromise with the colonial government in “Once vigorous measures America. appear to be the only •After loosing of the colonies, means left of bringing the Americans to a due he withdrew his efforts at submission to the mother personal government and went country, insane. the colonies will submit.”
  • 69. 1763: A Turning Point • Because people in England faced high taxes, Grenville (new prime minister) decides to tax colonies to pay debt • Government asserts it can tax colonies on concept of “virtual representation” • Colonists advocate “actual representation” • Both assert government by consent, but differ in how to create representation
  • 70. Virtual Representation Actual Representation • The 13 Colonies were • Americans resented “virtual” represented under the representation. principle of “virtual” • Colonists governed representation. themselves since the early settlers. • It did not matter if the • They had direct Colonists did not elect representation by electing members from each colonial assembly members colony to represent them to represent their interests. in the British Parliament. • Colonists were not opposed • Not all citizens in Britain to paying taxes because the Colonies taxed their citizens. were represented either. • If the British Parliament was • The British Parliament to tax them, they should be pledged to represent able to elect a representative every person in Britain from their colony to represent and the empire their interests in Parliament.
  • 71. 1763: A Turning Point • Colonists also accept ideas of “Real Whigs” • Distrust those w/ power, assume they will encroach on liberty & property • Advocate less active central government; distrust monarchs, & only elected representatives can protect people • Efforts to increase control & raise revenue interpreted through Real Whig ideas
  • 72. 1763: A Turning Point • At first colonists assume new acts were unwise; over time many believe it is a conspiracy to oppress them • Sugar Act (1764)—1st tax designed to raise revenue in colonies, not just regulate trade • Currency Act (1764) outlaws colonial paper money; both laws hit in midst of depression • Early protest is hesitant & uncoordinated
  • 73. North America After the Treaty of Paris, 1783
  • 74. George Grenville’s Grenville’s Program, 1763-1765 1763-1765 1. Sugar Act - 1764 2. Currency Act - 1764 3. Quartering Act - 1765 4. Stamp Act - 1765
  • 75. Theories of Representation Real Whigs Q What was the extent of Parliament’s authority over the colonies?? Absolute? OR Limited? Q How could the colonies give or withhold consent for parliamentary legislation when they did not have representation in that body??
  • 76.
  • 77. •Tax on legal documents, playing cards, newspapers, etc. •A direct tax which went to the British government. •Colonists hated the Stamp Tax = “taxation without representation” •Stamp Act protests led by the Sons of Liberty…..
  • 78. The Stamp Act Crisis (1765) • 1st English tax that affects every colonist • Big break in colonial tradition of only being taxed by elected assemblies • Rights of British Colonies by Otis reflects colonial dilemma: how to oppose act without rejecting authority of Parliament • Most colonists want self-government, not independence (late 1760s & early 1770s)
  • 79. Stamp Act Crisis Loyal Nine – 1765 Merchants and Craftsmen: Wanted non-violent protest against Stamp Act. Sons of Liberty – 1765 Began in NYC. Lower level merchants and craftsmen, laborers, sailors. Samuel Adams Stamp Act Congress – 1765 Stamp Act Resolves: First pledge loyalty to King and parliament, but insists on principle of taxation w/ consent. Leads to boycotts to force repeal.
  • 80. The Stamp Act Crisis (1765) • Colonial protest is indecisive until Henry & Virginia Stamp Act Resolves widen debate • VA House passes 1st four resolves (stress rights of colonists & tax only w/ consent) • Inspires other urban protests— eventually stamp collectors agree not to perform job
  • 81. The Stamp Act Crisis (1765) • Some protests turn violent • Worries elite colonists & artisans who want protest but fear activism of unskilled, poor, slaves, & women • Create Sons of Liberty (an inter- colonial organization) to keep protest orderly, but not always successful • Artisans like Revere are the backbone of resistance
  • 82. Paul Revere •Sons of Liberty was a secret society formed in protest of British rule. •They had a large role in the repeal of the Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Samuel Adams Party. •9 original members which included the leaders Samuel Adams and Paul Revere “If our trade be taxed, why not our lands, or produce, in short, everything we possess? They tax us without having legal representation.” Samuel Adams
  • 83. Boycotts: Colonists refused to trade or buy British goods until Stamp Act was repealed. Protests: Led by the Sons of Liberty up and down the colonies from 1765 to 1766. Committees of Correspondence: Colonies kept in contact with one another and described British actions through letters exchanged by carriers on horseback.
  • 84. Britishlaws •Between 1765 to 1766, the Sons of Liberty led over 40 protests up and down the colonial coastline. •Most of the protests are located in the Middle Colonies up through the New England Colonies. •Successful in forcing the British Parliament to repeal the Stamp Stamp Act Protests: 1765 to 1766 Act.
  • 85. Costs of Colonial Resistance
  • 86. Costs of Colonial Resistance Exports & Imports: 1768-1783
  • 87. The Stamp Act Crisis (1765) • 1765–66: colonial assemblies & Stamp Act Congress petition; Sons of Liberty protest, & merchants organize embargo • Rockingham, new prime minister, repeals act (1766) because he decides it was divisive • Declaratory Act—Parliament asserts authority over colonies • ‘Sons’ celebrate, then dissolve
  • 88. Townshend Duties Crisis: 1767-1770 1767-1770 1767 - William Pitt, P. M. & Charles Townshend, Secretary of the Exchequer. •Shift from paying taxes for Br. war debts & quartering of troops - paying col. govt. salaries. •He diverted revenue collection from internal to external trade. • Tax these imports - paper, paint, lead, glass, tea. •Increase custom officials at American ports - established a Board of Customs in Boston.
  • 89. Resistance to Townshend Acts • Renewed effort (1767) to raise money from colonies w/ duties on items from England • Use some money to pay royal officials— makes them independent of assemblies • Increase enforcement of Navigation Acts • Immediate resistance; Dickinson’s Farmer’s Letters: England can regulate trade but not tax colonies
  • 90. Resistance to Townshend Acts • Assemblies are motivated to act when royal governors block discussion by dissolving assemblies, starting w/ Massachusetts • Create rituals of resistance to reach illiterates • Sons of Liberty resume & try to involve average colonists in resistance • They neither purchase nor import British goods
  • 91. Resistance to Townshend Acts • Women active, especially w/ home manufacturing & Daughters of Liberty • Still divisions, especially w/ merchants who are hurt economically by nonconsumption • Artisans are again central; protests cut imports, but often violent— scare colonial elite • Duties repealed, except tea, & salaries postponed (1770)
  • 92. Confrontations in Boston • Originate w/ clashes between custom officials & British troops w/ Bostonians • March 5, 1770: crowd of laborers harass soldiers who respond w/ shots • Boston ‘Massacre’ • 5 colonists die, & resistance leaders use incident to generate support for protest, but elite Sons of Liberty dislike mob actions
  • 93. •1768—1770, British soldiers arrived in Boston, MA to maintain order and enforce the taxes the colonists were asked to pay after the French and Indian. •The people of Boston resented the British soldiers and considered them a foreign presence.
  • 94. •High tensions between British and Bostonians over enforcing British policies. •March 1770, the British shed Colonial blood for first time blood. •The relationship between the Colonies and England would never improve •Usedas propaganda to convince people of the colonial cause.
  • 95. The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Engraving by Paul Revere
  • 96. •The 5 Colonists Boston Mass. killed at the Boston Massacre would become martyrs for the Colonial cause •They would be buried in the same cemeteries as Paul Revere and Samuel Adams. •British soldiers were tried in court and 2 were found guilty of manslaughter.
  • 97. Confrontations in Boston • After England starts to pay royal salaries (late 1772), Samuel Adams organizes 1st Committee of Correspondence in Boston • Established in all 13, committees increase popular support, especially in interior • Boston committee drafts statement asserting rights to life, liberty, & property; approved by most Massachusetts towns – Contrast w/ earlier statements—loyalty to England less important than secure rights
  • 98. •Tea Act, East India Company---The Company Tea Act gave the East India Company a monopoly on the trade in tea, made it illegal for the colonies to buy non-British tea and forced the colonies to pay the tea tax of 3 cents/pound.
  • 99. Tea & Turmoil • Tea is a key symbol of earlier resistance • Tea Act (1773) saves East India Company from bankruptcy w/ a monopoly in colonies • Upsets patriots, who see act as either a new tax or 1st step in a monopoly on all trade • Protests in several cities; in Boston neither patriots nor governor compromise
  • 100. Tea & Turmoil • Tea Party (Dec. 16): artisans are key, but a cross-section of community participates • Parliament responds w/ Coercive Acts (4) 1) Port Act closes Boston until tea reimbursed 2) Massachusetts Government Act weakens elected bodies & strengthens appointed ones 3) Justice Act protects royal officials charged w/ crime by moving trial 4) Quartering Act allows seizure of private buildings for housing troops
  • 101. Tea & Turmoil • Patriots agree to an intercolonial meeting to decide response, but do not call for revolution • 1763–1774: key because many colonists become politically active & begin to see clear differences w/ England • American identity emerges from interaction between British action & colonial response
  • 102. Factors Great Britain United States Population Approximately 12 million Approximately 3 million and 1/3 loyal to England. Manufacturing Highly developed Practically none Money Richest country in the No $$$ to support the war world Large, well trained army Volunteers, poorly Army equipped plus Hessians Leaders Few officers capable of Dedicated (though not leading experienced) officers Geography Strange land---difficult to Familiar land, easy access re-supply troops to supplies Navy Naval world power No navy Will to Fight Trained soldiers---but no Defending homeland--- heart in the fight strong will to fight
  • 103.
  • 104. •After the Boston Tea Party the British send more troops to enforce the Intolerable Acts. •Colonial militias prepare for war.
  • 105. SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD •British searching for stolen weapons– “search and seizure” •Stopped at Lexington and encountered 56 Minutemen •Minutemen stood up for what they believed was their land
  • 106. British attempt to “search and seize” stolen weapons. First shots of the Revolution in Action
  • 107. •Minutemen engage British troops at Concord Bridge. •British find some weapons at Concord. •British return to Boston, 5,000 Minutemen attack British troops. Americans •90 dead wounded or captured British •250 dead, wounded, or captured
  • 108. •Came together again after the battles of Lexington and Concord, May 10, 1775. •Organized first American army called the Continental Army and appointed George Washington as our Commanding General. •Willing to stay part of the empire but King must “redress our grievances” •Congress prepares for war…….
  • 109. •Colonial leaders met in Philadelphia, PA to discuss their options in response to the Intolerable Acts. •The decision was to negotiate with King George III and send him a declaration of their willingness to remain British. •BUT, they have grievances (problems) which they want the King and Parliament to address. •AND, they instructed the local militias in each town to begin preparing for war with the MINUTEMEN!
  • 110. George Washington John Hancock Who would be our first commanding general? •2nd Continental Congress based their decision on the following considerations: •Political •Economic George Washington was chosen •Military based on his qualifications and these considerations. •Social
  • 111. •First US Army made up of volunteers, militias and Minutemen. •George Washington chosen as the first Commanding General. •Not an army of professionals but mostly farmers. •Lacked the discipline of a professional army at first. •Lacked resources, men weren’t paid and some quit after the first few battles. •2nd Continental Congress lacked resources to supply army.
  • 112. •June 17, 1775 •The British suffered over 40% casualties. •2,250 men •1,054 injured •226 killed •Americans: Moral victory •800 men •140 killed •271 wounded •King George sends 10,000 Hessian soldiers to help put down the rebellion.
  • 113.
  • 114. Battle of Bunker Hill raised the moral of the American Army though the British won the battle and suffered severe casualties. The Americans held there own against the greatest army in the world. The British never broke out of Boston or gained access to the countryside which the American army held.
  • 115.
  • 116. •Referred to as the “ten crucial days”…Dec. 25th to Jan. 3rd •First major victory for the Continental Army and Washington •Raised the morale of the American troops as well as the country •Led to soldiers re-enlisting and future enlistments •Captured over 1,000 Hessian soldiers, weapons, food and etc. •American Army re-crossed the Delaware to Valley Forge in Pennsylvania
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119.
  • 120. General Horatio Gates surrounds the British with the help of Benedict Arnold British defeat stopped them from cutting off New England from the rest of the country and ending the war. British lacked knowledge of geography and failed at communications. Oct. 1777, British General, John Burgoyne was surrounded by US General Horatio Gates and forced to surrender 6,000 British troops. Led to a military alliance with France providing soldiers, naval fleet and $$$$$. (Franco-American alliance, 1778)