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Dr. Sumia Zafar
Professor and Head,
Department of Botany,
Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for
Women, Aurangabad-431001
1. Algae are
a) Autotrophic b) Heterotrophic
c) Semi parasite d) None of these
2. The term algae was first used by
a) Adolf b) Linnaeus
c) Fritsch d) Darwin
3. Algae plants called as Autotrophs because of presence of
a) Branches b) Protein
c) Chloroplast d) Many cells
4. The study of algae is called
a) Bacteriology b) Mycology
c) Phycology d) Biology
5. The algae growing on rocks or stone is known as
a) Lithophytes b) Epiphytes
c) Floating d) Submerged
6. The algae growing on land known as
a) Aquatic b) Terrestrial
c) Parasitic d) Epiphytic
7. The algae growing on branches as large trees are termed as
a) Semi aquatic b) Epiphytic
c) Toxic algae d) Submerged
8. The algae growing inside roots of higher plants termed as
a) Superficial b) Epiphytic
c) Endophytic d) Terrestrial
9. The cell wall of algae is made up of
a) Lipid b) Mucilage
c) Cellulose d. Pectin
10. The algae in association with fungal partners form
a) Actinomycetes b) Algal fossils
c) Lichens d) None of these.
11. Which one is present in all the algae?
a) Chloroplast b) Lipid
c) Pyrenoids d) Vacuoles
12. The zoospores of algae are the product of ……………
a) Fragmentation b) Asexual reproduction
c) Vegetative reproduction d) None of these
13. The algae which occur in seas water is known as ……………
a) Freshwater algae b) Marine algae
c) Submerged algae d) Aquatic algae
14. Some algae causes diseases of plant are called as ………..
a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophytes
c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these
15. The function of chlorophyll in algae is …………..
a) Transpiration b) Photosynthesis
c) Respiration d. Storage of food
16. Certain blue algae form beneficial relation with fungus in lichen is
termed as…………………..
a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophyte
c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these
17. Which algae is used as food?
a) Batrachospermum b) Chara
c) Sargassum d) Botrydium
2. Which algae is used as fodder?
a) Botrydium b) Nostoc
c) Chara d) Laminaria
3. Which algae is the source of agar agar powder
a) Chara b) Sargassum
c) Gelidium d) Batrachospermum
4. Which of the following is prepared from Laminaria
a) Alginic acid b) Citric acid
c) Protein d) Vitamins
5. Which is the source of artificial wool in Japan
a) Chara b) Laminaria
c) Sargassum d) Fucus
6. Which algae takes part in nitrogen fixation
a) Chara b) Botrydium
c) Nostoc d) Sargassum
9. The function of chlorophyll in algae is
a) Transpiration b) Photosynthesis
c) Respiration d) Storage of food
10. Certain blue green algae from beneficial relation with
fungus in lichen termed as
a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophytic
c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these
11. When algae reproduce by fusion of two exactly
similar gametes is termed as
a) Oogamous b) Isogamous
c) Unisogamous d) Ascogenous
12. In case of oogamous type of sexual reproduction in
algae the female gamete is
a) Motile with flagella b) Like zoospore
c) Motile d) Non-motile
1) Which one is an is autotrophic
a) Algae b) Cercospora
c) Rhizopus d) Agaricus
2) All the algal plant kept under group
a) Thyllophyta b) Schizophyta
c) Lichens d) Viruses
3) In which group of plants embryo is absent
a) Angiosperms b) Bamboo
c) Pea d) Algae
4) The simplest green plants are
a) Angiosperms b) Algae
c) Gymnosperms d) Fucus bengalensis
5) Which one occur in fresh as well as marine water
a) Zygnema b) Cladophora
c) Grinnellia d) Polysiphonia
6) The algae grow in hot water around 700
C temperature in termed as
a) Aquatic algae b) Epiphytic algae
c) Thermal algae d) Symbiotic algae
7) The wet land turns slippery because of growth of
a) Blue green algae b) Dark green algae
c) Yellow green algae d) Red algae
8) The algae occur in secretary cells of Hydra is
a) Zoo chlorella b) Anabaena
c) Nostoc d) Chlamydomonas
9) Which one shows heterotrichous habit
a) Stigeoclonium b) Botrydium
c) Pandorina d) Nostoc
10) The thick walled non motile asexual spores are termed as
a) Oospore b) Hypnospores
c) Zygospore d) Zoospore
11) A thick walled , non flagellate spore of algae are termed as
a) Aplanospores b) Amylum star
c) Conidium d) Oogonium
1)Which Autotrophs is kept under Thallophyta
a) Algae b) Cereals
c) Pulses d) Tamarind
2) The embryo absent in
a) Pisum b) Angiosperms
c) Algae d) Cumin
3) The gametes without cell wall are called
a) Meiogametes b) Nucule
c) Globule d) Archegonium
4) The pyrenoids are
a) Fatty substance b) An Amino acid
c) A protein coated by starch d) Sugar molecule
5) The stored food in most of algae is
a) Amino acids b) Starch & oil
c) Protein d) Vitamins
6) How many pyrenoids occur in Chlamydomonas?
a) Three b) Two
c) Five d) One
8) The type of sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas is
a) Isogamous b) Oogamous
c) Unisogamous d) Parthenogenesis
9) The gametes produce by Chlamydomonas are
a) Uniflagellate b) Biflagellate
c) Multiflagellate d) Non-flagellate
10) The Spirogyra occur in
a) Stagnant fresh water b) Water streams
c) Marine water d) None of these
11) The Spirogyra is commonly known as
a) Horse tail b) Pond silk
c) Water net d) Water bloom
1) Which of the following is pond silk?
a) Chara b) Spirogyras
c) Nostoc d) Volvox
2) In spirogyras the food is stored in
a) Pyrenoid b) chloroplast
c) Cell wall d) None of these
3) The spirogyras reproduce sexually by method of
a) Conjugation b) Binary fission
c) Oogamous method d) None of these
4) The Spirogyras reproduce sexually by fusion of
a) Two similar non motile gametes
b) Two similar non motile gametes
c) Two similar non motile gametes
d) Two similar non motile gametes
5) In which of the following archegonium is absent
a) Spirogyara b) Marchantia
c) Anthoceros d) Equisetum
6) The scalariform conjugation occur in
a) Spirogyara b) Chondrus
c) Pithophora d) Nostoc
7) In Spirogyara, the result of conjugation is the formation of
a) Spore b) Zygospore
c) Zoospore d) Oogonium
8) In Spirogyara, meiotic division occurs in
a) Zygote b) Antheridium
c) Archegonium d) Conidium
1) Which of the following occurs in running fresh water?
a) Merismopedia b) Rivularia
c) Ulothrix d) Gloeocapsa
2) The Ulothrix is attached to the sub structures with the help of
a) Cap cells b) Hold fast
c) Sheath d) Girdle
3) The basal cell of Ulothrix is devoid of
a) Chlorophyll b) Cytoplasm
c) Ribosomes d) protein
4) How many chloroplast occur in each cell of Ulothrix
a) Two, spherical b) Three rectangular
c) One, girdle shaped d) None of these
5) A greatest energy in utilized by Ulothrix during the process of
a) Movement b) Meiosis
c) Respiration d) None of these
6) Mostly the filament of Ulothrix consist of
a) 33 cells b) 34 cells
c) 35 cells a) 36 cells
7) How many zoospores are produced in each cell of Ulothrix Filament?
a) Ten b) Five
c) Two d) One
8) In which of the following Palmella stage occurs
a) Nostoc b) Ulothrix
c) Hydrodictyon d) Chlamydomonas
9) Initially the zygote of Ulothrix is
a) Monoflagellate b) Biflagellate
c) Triflagellate d) Quadra flagellate
10) The sporangia and gametangia of Ulothrix are
a) Non jacketed and unicellular b)
1. Which of the following is important group of thallophytes?
a) Bryophytes b) Algae
c) Fungi d) Bacteria
2. The study of algae is termed as
a) Phycology b) Psychology
c) Gymnosperm d) Pedology
3. Which of the following component occur compulsory in algae?
a) Thick wall b) Toxin
c) Chlorophyll d) None of these
4. The habit of the most of the algal forms is
a) Aquatic b) Aerial
c) Floating d) Terrestrial
5. The Zygnema and Spirogyra are commonly called as
a) River weed b) Pond scum
c) Floating flowers d) None of these
6. Which of the following is the greater part of vegetation in sea water?
a) Bryophytes b) Pteridophytes
c) Algae d) Gymnosperms
7. The algae growing attached to the substratum may have
a) Spherical shape b) Hold fast
c) Dome shaped cell d) Chlorophyll
8. Which of the following help in attachment of thallus to the
a) Multinucleated cells b) Setae
c) Trichomes d) Hold fast
9. The unicellular or colonial forms of algae collectively called as
a) Phytoplankton b) Aquatic algae
c) Schizomycetes d) Actinomycetes
1. The algae which grow on branches of aquatic or aerial plants termed
a) Epiphytic b) Saprophytic
c) Aquatic d) Parasitic
2. Which of the following is an epiphytic alga?
a) Nostoc b) Anabaena
c) Oedogonium and Bulbochaetae d) Spirogyara
3. If the algae grow on animal body or shell s of snail is termed as
a) Epiphytic b) Epizoic
c) Aerial d) Saprophytic
4. Which of the following are epizoic algae?
a) Cladophora b) Nostoc
c)Volvox d) Batrachospermum
5. When the algae grow inside the other plants tissue in termed as
a) Endophytic algae b) Epizoic
c) Aerial d) Saprophytic
6] The algae grow with other organism for beneficial purpose, such
algae described as
a) Parasitic b) Aquatic
c) Symbiotic algae d) Semi-parasitic
7. The mutual beneficial association of algae with fungus in lichens
thallus is termed as
a) Symbiosis b) Chlorosis
c) Pathogenesis d) Fusion
8. Which of the following in unicellular, microscopic algae
a) Volvox b) Chlamydomonas
c) Chara d) Spirogyara
9. Which of the following are parasitic algae?
a) Polysiphonia b) Botrydium
c) Zygnema d) Chlorella
10. Which of the following algae has length of several hundred feet?
a) Oedogonium b) Diatoms
c) Macrosystis d) Polysiphonia
1. The non-motile, unicellular algae is
a) Chlamydomonas b) Chlorella
c) Volvox d) All of these
2. Which one is most highly develop marine algae?
a) Fucus b) Nitella
c) Chara d) Batrachospermum
3. Because of presence of chlorophyll the algae plants are describe as
a) Saprophytic b) Autotrophic
c) Parasitic d) Heterotrophic
4. Which of the pigment is most common in algae?
a) Chlorophyll b) Fucoxanthin
c) Phycoerythrin d) Yellow pigments
5. Which type of pigment is dominant in brown algae?
a) Carotene b) Xanthophylls
c) Fucoxanthin d) Phycoerythrin
6. The dominant pigment of red algae is
a) Anthocyanin b) Phycoerythrin
c) Fucoxanthin d) None of these
7. The dominant pigment of blue green algae is
a) Phycocyanin b) Anthocyanin
c) Phycoerythrin d) Fucoxanthin
8. The unicellular algae reproduce mainly by
a) Vegetatively b) Fission or cell division
c) Asexually d) Sexually
9. A flagellated, naked protoplasmic mass produced asexually by algae
is termed as
a) Zoospore b) Oospore
c) Ascospore d) Hypnospores
10. Which of the following also known as resting spore
a) Aplanospores b) Hypnospores
c) Hormogonia d) Resting spores
11. Which type of spore are produce by algae when there is lack of
sufficient water
a) Aplanospores b) Zoospore
c) Cysts d) Hormogonium
1. The alkanets or resting spore or hypnospores are produced by algae
a) Cool whether b) Hot weather
c) Sexual reproduction d) Cool winds
2. Sexual reproduction by union of morphologically similar gametes is
termed as
a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous
c) Oogamous d) None of these
3. When the union of two dissimilar gamete takes place, the sexual
reproduction formed as
a) Unisogamous type b) Isogamous
c) Oogamous d) None of these
4. When the male gamete is small and flagellated and female gamete is
large spherical non flagellate,the fusion between such gametes termed as
a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous
c) Oogamous d) None of these
6. On the basis of pigmentation, Fritsch (1935) divided algae into
a) Seven classes b) Ten classes
c) Twelve classes d) Fourteen classes
7. Which class of algal do not consists of true nuclei?
a) Chlorophyceae b) Cyanophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
8. The algae of which class reproduce by fission method
a) Myxophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
1. Which class of algae do not reproduce by sexual reproduction
a) Myxophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
2. The dominant pigments of Cyanophyceae algae are
a) Xanthophylls b) Chlorophyll-a
c) Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin d) Chlorophyll-b
3. Which class of algae possesses combining characters of plants and
a) Chlorophyceae b) Rhodophyceae
c) Phaeophyceae d) Euglenophyceae
4. Which one occurs in algae of Euglenophyceae?
a) Amylum stars b) A Prominent eye spot
c) Many nuclei d) Prokaryotic nucleus
5. Which pigment is dominant in algae of class Chlorophyceae?
a) Phycocyanin b) Phycoerythrin
c) Chlorophyll d) Carotene
6. Which is the product of assimilation of algae of Chlorophyceae
a) Oil and fat b) Starches and sugar
c) Aminoacides d) Vitamins
7. Which of the following class of algae consists of complex thalli?
a) Myxophyceae b) Phaeophyceae
c) Chlorophyceae d) None of these
9] Which pigment is responsible for green colour of algae?
a) Xanthophylls b) Carotene
c) Erythrine d) Phycoerythrin
2] The dominant pigment occur in members of Chrysophyceae is named
a) Phycochrysin b) Carotene
c) Xanthophylls d) Phycocyanin
3] The reserve food of algae of Chrysophyceae class is
a)Amino acids b) Protein
c) Fat and leucosin d) Starch
4] The algal members of which class consists of silicified cell walls
a) Xanthophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Bacillariophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
5] The Bacillariophyta are also termed as
a) Diatoms b) Sea weeds
c) Water blooms d) None of these
6] Which of the thallus of algae consists of ornamented symmetrical
a) Protococcus b) Pithophora
c) Nereocystis d) Diatoms
7] The diatoms are commonly known as
a) Blue green algae b) Golden brown algae
c) Red algae d) Green algae
8] Which of the pigment is responsible for golden brown colour of
a) Yellow chromatophores b) Chloroplast-b
c) Carotene d) All of these
9] Which type of sexual reproduction occur in Bacillariophyta
a) Oogamous b) Isogamous
c) Unisogamous d) Conjugation
10] Presence of two large chloroplasts in each cell is characteristics
feature of class
a) Cryptophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Bacillariophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
1] Which of the following group consists of mostly marine algae?
a) Chlorophyta b) Phaeophyta
c) Myxophycophyta d) None of these
2] The algae of Phaeophyceae is commonly known as
a) Red algae b) Yellow algae
c) Green algae d) Brown algae
3] Which pigment is dominant in algae of class Phaeophyceae?
a) Fucoxanthin b) Phycochrysin
c) Xanthophylls d) Carotene
4] The member of phaeophyta group also termed as
a) Pond spawns b) Sea weeds
c) Floating forms d) parasitic algae
5] Which type of pigment is dominant in algae of class Rhodophyceae?
a) Phycoerythrin b) Yellow pigment
c) Anthocyanin d) Carotene
6] The photosynthetic product of algae of class Rhodophyceae is
a) Mannose b) Floridean starch
c) Fat d) Protein
7] Which group of algae shows protoplasmic connections?
a) Rhodophytes b) Phaeophyta
c) Bacillariophyta d) Chlorophyta
8] The type of sexual reproduction in rhodophyta is
a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous
c) Oogamous d) Binary fission
9] The alternation of generation is common in algal members of class
a) Chlorophyta b) Rhodophyta
c) Phaeophyta d) Bacillariophyta
1] Which of the following is the class of fossil group of algae?
a) Rhodophyceae b) Phaeophyceae
c) Bacillariophyceae d) Nematophyceae
2] Who have been classified algae in to 7 divisions?
a) Smith ,G.M.,(1955) b) Fritsch F. E. (1972)
c) Tilden J. E. (1945) d) Prescott, G. W.(1920)
3] Which class of algae consists of most primitive and simplest thalli?
a) Cyanophyceae a) Rhodophyceae
b) Phaeophyceae c) Bacillariophyceae
4] The algal thalli of class Cyanophyceae commonly called as
a) Blue green algae b) Red algae
c) Yellow green algae d) None of these
5] Which of the following are blue green algae?
a) Chara b) Anabaena
c) Batrachospermum d) Botrydium
6] In which class of algae, the pigments are not located in definite
a) --------------------------
7] Presence of prokaryotic nucleus is distinguishing feature of class
a) Phaeophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae d) Cyanophyceae
8] In which class of algae sexual reproduction is absent
a) Cyanophyceae b) Phaeophyceae
c) Rhodophyceae d) Bacillariophyceae
9] Which of the algal thallus enclosed in slime or gelatinous sheath
a) Nitella b) Chara
c) Nostoc d) Coleochaetae
10] Because of extensive growth of charophytes in water the colour
turns to
a) Pea soup colour b) Dirty brown colour
c) Fresh green colour d) Light violet colour
1] The charophytes or myxophytes are also termed as
a)Water blooms b) Water net
c) Parasitic algae d) Terrestrial algae
2] Few species of cyanophycean grow at temperature of 77 C 0
is termed
a) Resistant algae b) Thermal algae
c) Phytoplankton d) Saprophytes
3] Almost all the member of Cyanophyceae group embedded in
a) Protein sheath b) Gelatinous sheath
c) Thin cellular membrane d) None of these
4] If the algal thallus consists of single row of cells it is termed as
a) Trichome b) Unicellular algae
c) Filamentous algae d) None of these
6] The trichomes are unbranched in
a) Pandorina b) Chlamydomonas
c)Nostoc d) Sargassum
7] Which of the following algae show false branching?
a) Scytonema b) Anabaena
c) Vaucheria d) Fucus
8] The cell wall of Cyanophyta consists of
a) Polysaccharide b) Cellulose and pectin compounds
c) Oil d) None of these
11] In which class of algae, motile cells are absent through its life cycle
a) Cyanophyceae b) Hydrodictiaceae
c) Vaucheriaceae d) None of these
1] During vegetative reproduction of members of Cyanophyta, the main
filament break into pieces, those are termed as
a) Aplanospores b) Hormogones
c) Akinete d) Hypnospores
4] Which of the following occur in all charophytes except Oscillatoria?
a) Heterocyst b) Cell wall
c) Cytoplasm d) Chloroplast
5] The position of heterocyst in Rivularia is always
a) Apical b) Basal
c) Sub-terminal d) Middle
6] In Nostoc the position of heterocyst is
a) Intercalary b) Apical
c) Basal d) Sub-terminal
7] The wall of heterocyst is
a) Double layered b) Multilayered
c) Single layered d) Triple layered
8] How many polar molecules occur in intercalary heterocyst of Nostoc?
a) Four b) Three
c) Two d) One
9] How many polar molecules occur in heterocyst of terminal position?
a) One b) Three
c) Four d) Two
1] Which of the following are very ancient organisms on the earth?
and among the first green things
a) Blue green algae b) Bryophytes
c) Pteridophytes d) Protozone
2] The algae of which class causes foul odors of city water reservoirs
a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta
c) Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta
3] Which of the following are unicellular non-motile forms of algae?
a) Vaucheria b) Anabaena
c) Chlorococcus d) Chlamydomonas
4] Presence of definite stratification of mucilaginous sheath of is the
distinguishing features of
a)Nitella b) Gloeocapsa
c) Fucus d) Laminaria
5] The arrangement of cells in thallus occur in perfectly vertical and
transverse rows of cells occur in
a) Coleochaetae b) Merismopedia
c) Chara d) Botrydium
6] Which of the following is strictly non filamentous
a) Pandorina b) Batrachospermum
c) Chlorococcus d) Vaucheria
7] In which algae, the reproduction takes place by formation of
a) Chamaesiphon b) Chara
c) Nostoc d) Sargassum
8] Which of the following consists of unbranched filamentous thallus?
a) Oscillatoria b) Anabaena
c) Chlorococcus d) Zignema
1. Nostoc is the member of
a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta
c) Bacillariophyta d) Rhodophyta
2. The Nostoc thallus is
a) Unbranched c) Branched
b) Unicellular d) None of these
3. Many filaments of Nostoc bounded by layer of mucilage is termed as
a) Nostoc Filament c. Chloroplast
b) Nostoc balls d. Aquatic weed
4. All the vegetative cells of Nostoc are similar in size and shape except
a) Heterocyst b) Polar cell
c) Middle cell d) Terminal cell
5. The vegetative reproduction in Nostoc takes place by formation of
a) Spore b) Zoospore
c) Hormogones d) Cyst
6. The function of heterocyst is
a) Fixation of nitrogen c) Water absorption
b) Respiration d) None of these
7. The specialized cells of Nostoc filament known as
a) Somatic cell b) Vegetative cell
c) Heterocysts d) None of these
8. The heterocyst consists of swelling at the poles called
a) Tubercle b) Granule
c) Polar nodules d) None of these
9. Nostoc is a
a) Green algae b) Red algae
c) Blue algae d) Blue green algae
10. Which of the following is absent in Nostoc.
a) Sexual b) Asexual
c) Vegetative d) None of these
11. The Nostoc filament break into a number of bits called
a) Arthrospore b) Akinete
c) Filament d) hormogones
12. Which one is commonly used as bio fertilizer in rice field?
a) Chara b) Botrydium
c) Nostoc d) Batrachospermum
1. The habit of algae Chara is
a) Free floating b) Submerged
c) Terrestrial d) Epiphytic
2. The Chara is popularly known as ………………….
a) Aquatic alga b) Alga
c) Stone wart d) None of these
3. The branches of limited growth of Chara.
a) Leaves b) Flower
c) Petal d) Stem
4. In case of Chara nodes &internodes present in
a) Branches of limited growth b) Branches of unlimited growth
c) At the region of rhizoids d) None of these
5. In Chara, growing apex of each branch of unlimited growth consists
a) Rectangular cell b) Convex cell
c) Dome shaped cell d) Elongated cell
6. The small out growths produced at nodal region in Chara known as
a) Bulbil b) Protonema
c) Amylum star d) None of these
7. Which type of sexual reproduction occurs in Chara
a) Binary fission b) Isogamous
c) Oogamous d) Unisogamous
8. The star shaped structures develop at rhizoidal region of Chara known
a) Ribosomes b) Amylum stars
c) Plastids d) Granules
9. The amylum stars consist of
a) Amino acid b) Protein
c) Lipid d) Starch
10. The male gamete of Chara is known as
a) Nucule b) Amylum star
c) Globule d) Trichome
11. The female gamete of Chara is known as
a) Nucule b) Amylum stars
c) Globule d) None of these
12. In Chara, manubrium is a part of
a) Rhizoid b) Stem
c) Female gamete d) Male gamete
13. The water which is rich in ………….. is more suitable for growth of
a) MgSo4 b) CaCo3
c) FeSo4 d) NaCl
14. The corona cells occurs at the top of
a) Nucule b) Globule
c) Limited growth branch d) Unlimited growth branch
15. In Chara, position of globule is always
a) On adjacent branch b) Lateral side of nucule
c) Below the nucule d) Upper to the nucule
16. The corona of nucule in Chara consists of
a) Five cells b) Six cells
c) Four cells d) Seven cells
17. Why the surface of Chara appears rough
a) Deposition of MgSo4 b) Deposition of CaCo3
c) Deposition of Nacl d) Deposition of FeSo4
18. Which one is absent in cells of Chara
a) Chloroplast b) Pyrenoid
c) Nucleus d) Cytoplasm
19. Which type of reproduction is absent in Chara
a) Asexual b) Sexual
c) Vegetative d) None of these
20. The shape of chloroplast in cells of Chara is
a) Membranous b) Discoid
c) Convex d) Spherical
21. The sexual reproduction in Chara is of
a) Isogamous type b) Oogamous type
b) An-isogamous type d. None of these
22. The Chara is a
a) Terrestrial b) Epiphytic
c) Marine d) Fresh water algae
1. The Batrachospermum is commonly known as
a) Glomerule b) plant
c) Juvenile d) Frog spawn
2. The Batrachospermum belongs to the group
a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta
c) Rhodophyta d) Bacillariophyta
3. Batrachospermum in ………. Algae.
a) Marine b) Fresh water
c) Polluted water d) None of these
4. How many types of branches occur in Batrachospermum?
a) Three b) One
c) Two d) None of these
5. The immature form of Batrachospermum is known as
a) Juvenile stage b) Adult stage
c) Embryonic stage d) None of these
6. The juvenile form of Batrachospermum consists of
a) Glomerule b) Carpogonia
c) Simple branched filaments d) Cystocarps
8. The cluster of branches arises at nodal region of Batrachospermum is
termed as
a) Carpogonia b) Glomerule
b) Cystocarps d) None of these
9. The glomerule consists of
a) Branched long filaments b) Unbranched long
c) Branches of unlimited growth d) Branch of limited
10. The mature Batrachospermum morphologically appear like a
a) Straight chain b) Thread like
c) Beaded chain d) Branched filaments
11. In cell of Batrachospermum the chromatophores are situated towards
a) Central region b) Middle region
c) Peripheral region d) Sub central region
13. Which is the dominant pigment of Batrachospermum?
a) Phycocyanin & phycoerythrin b) Chlorophyll –a
c) Xanthophylls & Chl-a d) Chl-b & carotenoids
14. How many pyrenoids present in each cell of Batrachospermum
a) One b) Many
c) Two d) Three
15. The female reproductive organ of Batrachospermum is known as
a) Oogonium b) Procarps
c) Ascogonium d) Cystocarp
16. The terminal hair like Structure of female gametes of
Batrachospermum is known as ……
a) Tail b) Filament
c) Thread d) Trichogyne.
17. Which of the following is a result of sexual reproduction in
a) Procarp b) Carpogonium
c) Cystocarp d) None of these
18. The Juvenile stage of Batrachospermum is known as
a) Gonimoblast b) Sporophyte
c) Chantransia d) Carposporophyte
19. In Batrachospermum the gametes are developed on
a) Branches of unlimited growth b) Branches of glomerule
c) At the nodal region d) In the axil of branches of unlimited
1) The chloroplast occur in Zygnema is
a) Spherical b) Filamentous
c) Pear shaped d) Star shaped
3) How many chloroplast occur in each cell of Zygnema
a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
4) The chain like conjugation occurs in
a) Zygnema b) Volvox
c) Oedogonium d) Anabaena
5) Which of the following algae appear extremely beautiful because of
their form & symmetry?
a) Chlamydomonas b) Desmids
c) Botrydium d) Chara
6) The connection zone between two symmetrical halves of desmids
termed as
a) Isthmus b) Midrib
c) Wall d) Apex
8) The function of statolith in desmids is
a) Respiration b) Balancing of organism
c) Reproduction d) Locomotion
9) The balanced movement of desmids in water is termed as
a) Oscillatorial movement b) Circular movement
c) Brownian movement d) None of these
10) The shape of chloroplast occur in Closterium is
a) Lobed b) Oval
c) Lanceolate d) pear shaped
1) Which of the following algae produces branched creping rhizoids?
a) Botrydium b) Caulerpa
c) Clostridium d) Batrachospermum
2) The thallus of Caulerpa is
a) One celled b) Two celled
c) Many celled d) None of these
3) The internal structure of rhizome of Caulerpa shows cylindrical
skeletal strands known as
a) Trabaculae b) Trichome
c) Wall d) Sheath
4) The traberculae in rhizoids of Caulerpa arise from
a) Macrosome b) Ribosome
c) Nucleus d) Microsomes
5) Which of the following algae consist of lime encrusted cell wall?
a) Vaucheria b) Caulerpa
c) Chlamydomonas d) Coleochaetae
7)In which of the following algae pyrenoids are absent
a) Spirogyara b) Chlamydomonas
c) Chara d) Vaucheria
8) Which of the following compound multiflagellate zoospores are
a) Botrydium b) Vaucheria
c) Chlamydomonas d) Desmids
9) Which of the following algae resemble the feathers of birds?
a) Bryopsis b) Sargassum
c)Vaucheria d) Batrachospermum
10) The members of Chryophyceae are commonly called as
a) Stonewort’s b) Sea weeds
c) Frog spawn d) None of these
11) The branched thalli consist of nodes &internodes are the members of
a) Phaeophyceae b) Rhodophyceae
c) Xanthophyceae d) Chryophyceae
1) Which of the following algae is called as Stone warts?
a) Batrachospermum b) Chara
c) Rivularia d) Ectocarpus
3) Why the charophytes are called as stone warts
a) Because of deposition of mucilage on plant body
b) Because of presence of many cells in plant body
c) Because of presence of many ribosomes in plant body
d) Because of deposition of lime on plant body
5) Which pigment is dominant in the members of Xanthophyceae?
a) Xanthophylls b) Carotene
c) Phycoerythrin d) Phycocyanin
6) Which of the following is the member of Xanthophyceae?
a)Botrydium b) Ulva
c) Oedogonium d) Codium
7) How is the habit of Botrydium?
a) Aquatic b) Epiphytic
c) Terrestrial d) Acetabularia
8) The balloon shaped aerial portion of thallus occur in
a) Nostoc b) Botrydium
c) Rivularia d) Ectocarpus
10) The members of Phaeophyceae also termed as
a) Red algae b) Green algae
c) Brown algae d) Yellow algae
11) The extensive growth of Sargassum found at
a)Cool ocean b)Warmer tropical seas (Atlantic ocean)
c) Temperate regions d) None of these
1)The large sized thalli of Laminaria are also termed as
a) Paradesmos b) Kelps or rockweed
c) Horse tail d) Water net
2) Which one are the largest algae known to science?
a) Macrocystis pyrifera b) Chara
c) Sargassum d) Fucus
3) Which pigments are dominant in the algae members of Phaeophyceae
a) Fucoxanthin and phycophein b) Xanthophylls
c) Chlorophyll –b d) None of these
4)The gamete producing plant of Ectocarpus is
a) Haploid b)Diploid
c) Triploid d) None of these
6) Which term is used for clustering of several male gametes around
female gamete in Ectocarpus?
a) Clamp connection b) Clump formation
c) Binding d) Fusion
8) Which of the following algae are inhabitants of cooler waters of the
a) Laminariales b) Chlorococcales
c) Charales d) Siphonales
9) The members of order Laminariales are popularly known as
a) Kelps b) Water net
c) Frog spawn d) None of these
10) To which algae the name Devils apron is used
a) Fucus b) Laminaria
c) Sargassum d) Ectocarpus
11) In Japan the food is derived from Laminaria which is known as
a) Ketchup b) Butter
c) Kambu d) None of these
1) Different genera of Laminaria used as a source of
a) Iodine b) Sulphur
c) Potassium d) Silver
2) Which of the order of algae characterizes by the absence of
alternation of generation?
a) Fucales b) Hormogonales
c) Volvocales d) Ulotrichales
3) The genus Fucus is commonly known as
a) Water spawns b) Water net
c) Fresh water weeds d) Sea weeds
4) The cylindrical stalk like portion of Fucus is termed as
a) Stalk b) Stipe
c) Wing d) Branch
5) The dichotomously branched expanded thallus of Fucus is termed as
a) Frond b) Rocky ledge
c) Colonial algae d) Water silks
6) The expanded air filled vesicles present on thallus which is known as
a) Pouches b) Cavity
c) Pneumatocysts or air bladders d) None of these
7) In certain species of Fucus, a dot like structures occur as the thallus
that are termed as
a) Cystocarp b) Cryptostomata
c) Glomerule d) Whorl
8) Which of the following bear antheridia in Fucus vesiculosus
a) Unbranched paraphysis b) A branched paraphysis
c) Setae d) None of these
9) The genus Sargassum in commonly known as
a) Sea weeds b) Frond
c) Rocky ledge d) Water silks
10) The genus Diatom included in the class
a) Oscillatoriaceae b) Sphaerellaceae
c) Bacillariophyceae d) Caulerpaceae
11) Which of the following algae occur as a yellow scum on surface of
a) Diatom b) Sphaerella
c) Oedogonium d) Codium
1) The resting spores produced by diatoms of are also termed as
a) Statospores b) zoospore
c) Aplanospores d) auxospores.
2)Which of the following red algae grow as Polysiphonia as parasite
a) Choreocolax b) Cladophora
c) Chara d) Vaucheria
3)In which red algae ,the photosynthetic pigments are completely absent
a) Choreocolax b) Ulva
c) Volvox d) Ulothrix
4) Which is the dominant pigment occur in red algae
a) Phycoerythrin b) Xanthophylls
c) Carotene d) None of these .
5) Which of the following algae is the member of Rhodophyceae?
a) Batrachospermum b) Ulva
c) Ectocarpus d) Draparnaldia
6) Which of spores produced singly in the sporangia borne upon
charantia stage of Batrachospermum?
a) Monospores b) Cysts
c) Heterocyst d) Aplanospores
7)A jelly like agar agar powder used for culture of fungi & bacteria is
prepared from
a) Gracilaria b) Cladophora
c) Vaucheria d) Protococcus
8) Which of the following red algae used for making soups
a) Porphyra b) Oedogonium
c) Spirogyra d) Anabaena
9) Which of the following red algae called as sheep’s weed?
a) Rhodymenia b) Fucus
c) Codium d) Sargassum
1. The non motile thick walled cells of Ulothrix are called
a) Cyst b) Akinete
c) Aplanospores d) Zoospores
2. The meiosis in Ulothrix takes place in the
a) Zygospore b) Zoospore
c) Spore d) Conidium
3. The genus spirogyra is more advanced than Ulothrix because
a) In spirogyra has external fertilization.
b) In spirogyra has no fertilization.
c) In spirogyra reproduce by asexual reproduction.
d) In spirogyra has internal fertilization.
4. In semi drying conditions of environment Ulothrix produces
a) Gametes b) zoospore
c) cysts d) hypnospores
5. The Vaucheria belongs to
a) Xanthophyceae b) Myxophyceae
c) Rhodophytes d) Phaeophyceae
6. The dominant pigment in Phaeophyceae is
a) Fucoxanthin b) Xanthophylls
c) Carotene d) Anthocyanin,
7. The stored food material of Rhodophyceae is
a) Amino acid b) Floridean starch
c) Protein d) Fatty acid
8. The genus Batrachospermum is a
a) Blue algae b) Yellow algae
c) Green algae d) Red algae
9. The phycoerythrin is present in
a) Chlamydomonas b) Polysiphonia
c) Dictyota d) Rivularia
10. The auxospores are produced by
a) Gloeocapsa b) Cladophora
c) Ectocarpus d) Diatoms
11. The blue green also called as
a) Yellow algae b) Cyanobacteria
c) Bacteriophages d) Rhodophytes.
12. The blue green algae cells are
a) Eukaryotes b) Anucleate
c) Prokaryotes d) None of these
1. The pigment common in blue green algae is
a) Phycocyanin b) Fucoxanthin
c) Phycoerythrin d) Xanthophylls
2. The distinct characteristic feature of blue green algae is
a) Absence of gelatinous sheath
b) Absence of gelatinous sheath
c) Presence of gelatinous sheath
d) Absence of nucleus none of these
3. Heterocysts occurs in
a) Ulothrix b) Enteromorpha
c) Nostoc d) Draparnaldia
4. The heterocysts are
a) Colourless &thick walled
b) Green and thin walled
c) Brown and thin walled
d) Red and no wall
5. Which one in the class of Oscillatoria
a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta
c) Basicilliriophyte d) Rhodophytes
6. Which type of reserve food present in Oscillatoria?
a) Amino acid b) Glycogen
c) Vitamins d) Sugar
7. The Nostoc thalli are
a) Branched b) Filamentous
c) Highly branched d) Unbranched filamentous
8. The Nostoc colonies are usually found
a) Enclosed within gelatinous sheath
b) Enclosed in a hard shell
c) Enclosed in starchy liquid
d) Enclosed in thin membrane.
11. Which of the following are protein rich algae?
a) Spirulina b) Chara
c) Nitella d) Nostoc
12. Generally the water bloom is caused by.
a) Dark green algae b) Red algae
c) Yellow algae d) Blue green algae
1. The algal flora which do not have well constructed nucleus are
a) Blue green algae b) Green algae
c) Violet algae d) Yellow algae
4. The purpose of use of Chlorella in space is for the supply of
a) O 2 b) CO2
c) Heat d) water
5. The iodine in extracted from
a) Laminaria b) Acetabularia
c) Codium d) Sargassum
6. The phenomenon of change of colour of blue green algae according to
the wavelength of light is termed as
a)guadikov .
7. Which algae responsible for red snow ball in alpine region.
a) Haematococcus, Chara , Fucus, Ulva
8. All algal floras consists of
a) Chlorophyll a & carotene b) only xanthophylls ,
erythrocyanin , none of these
9. In algal flora the aplanospores are produced during
a) Both favourable &unfavorable condition. only during
favourable condition
Only during unfavorable condition, none of these
10. The thin walled non motile spore are termed as
1. a) Aplanospores. Aplanospores, zoospores , cysts, hypnospores/
1. Which are absent in chloroplast of algae
a) Grana. , pigments, wall, none of these
2. In case of Chlamydomonas the gametes are differ from zoospores
a) Can unit b) larger than zoospores c) uniflagletted d) none of these
3. The spirogyra is commonly called as
a) Pond scum. water net, water bloom frog spawn
4. In spirogyra during sexual reproduction two cells of two different
filament conjugate which is termed as-
a) Scalariform conjugation. parthenogenesis, fusion, none of
5. In which of the following hold fast is present for attachment purpose.
a) Chlamydomonas b) Ulothrix
c) Eudorina d) Nostoc
6. The Ulothrix produce microspores which are
a) Uniflagellate b) Biflagellate
c) Triiflagellate d) Quadriflagellate
7. When a plant is having two types of diploid and one type of haploid
structure in its life history it is termed as-
a) Diplobiontic b) Trilobiontic
c) Haplobiontic d) None of these
8. The process of photosynthesis occur in algae is due to
a) Anthocyanin b) Chlorophyll “a” & “b”
c) Phycoerythrin d) Phycocyanin
9. Which of the following is more advanced algae?
a) Bacillariophyta b) Cyanophyta
c) Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta
10. Which one are the colourless parasitic algae.
a) Harveyella b) Phycophyta
c) Rivularia d) Macrocystis
1. Which algae is used for the construction of sound proof rooms
a) Diatoms. Diatom, sphaerella, cladophore, zonaria
2. Which is endophytic blue green algae which live in protozones.
a)Cynallae. Cynallae, enteromorpha, coleocheta, laminaria
3. The cells of Cyanophyta algae move by
a) Gliding movement. Gliding movement , creaping
movements , climbing movement , none of these
4. The blue green algae consists of filaments which are called as-
a) Trichomes. Trichomes, thallus , stems , none of these
6. The see turns red colours because of growth of algae.
a) Trichodesmium erythreaum
Volvox aureus
Enteromorphous intestinalis
Postelsia palmaeformis
9. Which of the following algae shows best origin and evolution of sex.
a) Green algae Green algae , red algae, yellow algae , brown
17] The juvenile stage of Batrachospermum is known as
a) Gonimoblast c) Chantransia
b) Sporophyte d) Carposporophyte
18] In Batrachospermum the gametes are developed on
a) Branches of unlimited growth b) Branches of glomerule
c) At the nodal region d) In the axil of branches of unlimited
Which one is a marine algae?
1] The Sargassum is commonly known as
a) Water net b) Iris moss
c) Gulf weed or sea weed d) Frog spawn
2] Sargassum is the member of
a rhodophytes c) chlorophyta
b) cyanophyta d) Phaeophyta
3] Most of the species of Sargassum are
a) Lithophytes c) epiphytes
b) Symbionts d) terrestrial
4] Which is the part of attachment of Sargassum thallus.
a) Branched filaments , c) dome cells ,
b) Hold fast d) none of these
5] Sargassum resemble a
a) Mycoplasma c) Herbaceous plant
b) Fungi d) Bacteria
6] The leaf like structure of Sargassum are
a) Tertiary laterals c) Primary laterals
b) None of these d) Secondary laterals
7] Bladders occur in
a) Sargassum c) Botrydium
b) Nostoc d) Batrachospermum
8] The function of bladders in Sargassum is for
a) Transpiration c) Evaporation
b) Respiration d) None of these
9] The outermost layer of axis of Sargassum is known as
a) Cortex c) Meristem
b) Medulla d) None of these
10] which type of reproduction is absent in Sargassum.
a) Sexual c) Vegetative
b) Asexual d) None of these
11] Vegetative reproduction in Sargassum takes place by formation of
a) Zoospores c) Fission
b) Fragmentation d) Aplanospores
12] The type of sexual reproduction occurs in Sargassum is
a) Oogamous c) Unisogamous
b) Isogamous d) None of these
13] The sex organs in Sargassum occur in special structures called
a) Pustule c) Stroma
b) Conceptacles d) Tuber
14] The alternation of generation absent in
a) Nostoc c) Botrydium
c) Sargassum d) None of these
16] Batrachospermum is commonly known as
a) Water net c) Water bloom
b) Frog spawns d) None of these
1. The shape of upper most cell of oscillation filament is.
a) Dome shaped b) Rectangular
c) Pyriform d) Square
2. In Which algae the arrangements of cells resemble a row of coin?
a) Nostoc b) Codium
c) Polysiphonia d) Oscillatoria
3. The filament of Oscillatoria shows oscillatorial movement which is
also termed as
a) Gliding & bending movement b) Creeping movement
c) Ejecting movement d) None of these
4. Which of the algae reproduce only by vegetative reproduction?
a) Chara b) Sargassum
c) Oscillatoria d) Ulva
5. In Case of Oscillatoria the hormogones are formed due to
a) Biconcave separation disc b) Conical separation disc
c) Disjuncture occurs d) None of these
6. The heterocysts & resting spores are absent in
a) Chlamydomonas b) Oscillatoria
c) Volvox d) Chara
7. Which of the following algal plant are bent in the form of a regular
a. Spirulina b) Fucus
c) Ulva d) Laminaria
8. Which of the following shows false branching?
a) Oscillatoria b) Tolypothrix
c) Nostoc d) Ulothrix
9. In which algae the false branching arises between two
a) Scytonema b) Anabaena,
c) Chara d) Batrachospermum
1. The whip like apex of thallus occur in-
a) Oedogonium b) Zygnema
c) Gloeocapsa d) Rivularia
2. In which algae there is a regular formation of akinete.
a) Gloeotrichia b) Zonaria
c) Ectocarpus d) Dictyota
3. Which of the following algae grow in the thallus of Anthoceros-
a ) Ulva b) Vaucheria
c) Nostoc d) Bryopsis
4. The Nostoc filament consists of cell exactly similar in size & shape
except –
a) Heterocyst b) somatic cells
c) Dome cell d) Cap cells
5. Which of the following algae found in roots of Cycas-
a) Anabaena b) Oscillatoria
c) Eudorina d) Hydrodictyon
6. The Nostoc is enveloped by firm gelatinous sheath & Anabaena
enveloped by-
a) Thin calcium coat b) Extremely watery
gelatinous sheath
c) Thick silicified sheath d) None of these
7. Which of the flowing in characterized by presence of large spore
with a papillate outer wall-
a) Cylindrospermum b) Sargassum
c) Bryopsis d) Codium
1. Which group of algae capable of fixing of atmospheric nitrogen?
a) Rhodophytes b) Basicilliriophyta
c) Phaeophyta d) Cyanophyta
1. The algal members of class Chlorophyceae is also termed as-
a) Grass green algae b) red algae
c) Yellow algae d) blue algae
2. Which are of following algae is marine alga of chlorophycease
1. Ulva Ulva , Ficus, chloamydomous , Ectocarpus
3. Which of the following algae found in bodies of certain primitive
2. Chlorella Chlorella, Chara, Nitella, Ulothrix
4. Which algae grow on snow & giving the snow a reddish blue.
3. Chlamydomonas. Chlamydeous, Draparnaldia, Zygnema,
5. Which member of Chlorophyceae causes red rust disease of tea.
4. Cephaleuros virescens
6. From which group of algae the bryophytes and other higher
groups of green plants evolved –
a. Chlorophyceae.
1. Which of the following is unicellular algae-
5. Chlamydomonas Chlamydeous, Oedogonium, Cladophora,
2. Which of the following is multicellular algae & unbranched?
6. Ulothrix, Botrydium, Chlamydeous , None of these
3. The colonies of which algae called as coenobium?
1. Nostoc Nostoc , Chara, Sargassum, Ulothrix
4. The colony of Nostoc consists of definite number of cells, it is
termed as-
a. Coenobium
5. The cell wall of algae of Chlorophyceae group consists of
a. Cellulose & pectin Cellulose , and pectin , maltose, glucose ,
filthy acid
6. In which algae the cells may be indefinite and arranged in net-like
2. Hydrodictyon
3. Hydrodictyon, Nostoc , diatom , Ulva
7. The green alga Ulva is also termed as-
4. Sea-lettuce Sea-lettuce , water net, frog spawn , none of these
8. Which alga is the most highly organized plant in Chlorophyceae?
5. Chara Chara, chloamydomous, Pandorina, Ulothrix
9. In Chlamydomonas a small coloured area occur at the anterio-
lateral side which is termed as-
6. Red eye spot Red eye spot, pyrenoid, vacuole , ribosomes
10. In case of Volvox & Eudorina, the cells in the thallus
connected to each other with the help of
7. Plasmodesmata Plasmodesmata , cellulose wall, thin membrane,
none of these
1. In case of Chloamydomous, a nodule like structure present at the
base of flagella which in termed as-
Blepharoplasts Blepharoplasts, disc, hold fast , none of
2. How many contractile vacuoles occur in Chlamydomonas
Two Two, one, three , many
3. What is the function of contractile vacuole
a. Respiration & Excretion Respiration and excretion, locomotion,
reproduction ,none of these
4. Which of the following occur in Chlamydomonas
Eye spot Eye spot, pyrenoid, blepharoplasts , nodules
5. The shape of chloroplast occur in Chlamydomonas is
Cup shaped Cup shaped, pyriform, rectangular , spherical
6. How many pyrenoids occur in Chlamydomonas?
Only one Only one, two, many , four
1. How many daughter Chlamydomonas are developed form are
present plant.
2,000,0002,000,000 -- 1000,000-- 3,000,000— None
of these
7. In favourable condition asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas
takes place by formation of –
2. Zoospores Zoospore, chlamydeous, oospores , none of these
8. In unfavorable condition asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas
takes place by formation of –
Aplanospores Aplanospores , abnormal spore, small spores ,none
of these
10. Which of the following is intermediate stage of reproduction in
a) Palmella stage b) juvenile stage
c) Mature stage d) none of these
1. The Palmella stage of Chlamydomonas frequently appear red
due to
a) Xanthophylls b) Chl-a
c) Haemotachrome d) Chl-b
2. The Chlamydomonas commonly occur in
a) Marine water b) Stagnant water
c) Water stream d) Water fall
3. Which of the following alga in which Palmella stage occur.
a) Chlamydomonas b) Nostoc
c) Ulva d) Sargassum
4. The common thing in all chlorophyta is presence of
a) Heterocysts b) Motile cells
c) Non-motile cells d) Palmella stage
5. Which groups of algae play major role in purifying water by
releasing oxygen.
a) Charophytes b) Cyanophyta
c) Phaeophyta d) Rhodophytes
6. Which of the following algae used as food by human beings.
a) Chlamydomonas b) Botrydium
c) Ulva d) None of these
7. The green marine algae together with red algae play major part
in formation of-
a) Ocean shell b) Oceanic reefs
c) Pearls d) none of these
1. The algae of order Volvocales is also termed as
a) Rolling algae b) Marine algae
c) Red alga e d) None of these
2. Which of the following is also termed as unicellular Volvocales?
a) Botrydium b) Chlamydomonas
c) Caulerpa d) Codium
3. Which of the following is termed as multicellular Volvocales?
a) Batrachospermum b) Fucus
c) Volvox d) Macrosystis
4. How many types of cells occur in Volvox?
a) Two b) Three
c) Many d) Four
5. How many pyrenoids occur in cells of Volvox?
a) Two b) Numerous
c) Three d) Four
6. Which of the following helps in attachment of cells to each other
in a colony?
a) Plasmodesmata b) Setae
c) Paraphysis d) Cell wall
7. What type of sexual reproduction occurs in Volvox.
8. The female gamet of Volvox is termed as
a) Oospore b) Ascogonium
c) Gynogonidia or oogonia d) None of these
9. The male gamete of Volvox is termed as
Androgonidia or antheridia Androgonidium or antheridium, male
branch , oospore, none of these
10. Usually the Volvox colony consists of
60,000 cells60,000 cells , 60,00 cells, 60,0 cells , 60 cells
11. The sexual reproduction in Pandorina is of
Unisogamous. Un-isogamous , isogamous , oogamous, none of
12. What type of sexual reproduction occurs in Edorina.
Oogamous Oogamous, conjugation , binary fission , none of these
Which of the following is a colonial algae
Pleodorina Pleodorina , Nostoc , Ulothrix , Ulva
1. The coenobium of which algae consists of polygonal cells.
Pediastrum Pediastrum , focus, Spartina, Tolypothrix
2. In which alga the cells are arranged in the form of star shaped
Pediastrum Pediastrum, Volvox , Sargassum, spirogyra
3. In which alga the peripheral cells bear tufts of gelatinous bristles.
Pediastrum Pediastrum , Caulerpa, Oedogonium, Codium
4. The thallus of which algae resemble a sieve like mash?
Hydrodictyon Hydrodictyon, Volvox, Pandorina, Ulva
5. The Hydrodictyon is commonly known as
Water net Water net, frog spawn, epiphytic algae, none of these
6. Which type of sexual reproduction occurs in Hydrodictyon?
a. Isogamous Isogamous, Unisogamous, oogamous, none of
7. The coenobium of Pandorina consists of
16-32 cells16-32, 20-22 cells, 10-32 cells , 24-40 cells
8. Which of the following is having one celled, spherical outline,
single nucleus, and cup shaped chloroplast without pyrenoid.
chlorella Chlorella, Botrydium, diatom, none of these
9. Which type of antibiotic is prepared Chlorella.
Chlorellin. Chlorellin, Penicillium, streptomycin, none of these
1. The antibiotic chlorellin is useful against.
Bacterial diseases Bacterial disease, root rot diseases , fungal
diseases , nematodal diseases
2. The lowermost cell of Ulothrix is modified to rhizoid like structure
which is termed as.
Hold fast Hold fast, disc, dome cells, none of these
3. The girdle shaped chloroplast occur in
Ulothrix Ulothrix, Focus, Pandorina, Codium
4. Quadriflagellate zoospores are produced in
Ulothrix, Nostoc, chlamydeous , none of these
5. Which of the following freshwater algae grow attached to
Ulothrix Ulva , Chara, Botrydium none of these
6. This of the following displays an isomorphic alternation of
Ulva Enteromorpha, Sargassum, Batrachospermum, Ectocarpus
7. A hollow tube like thallus occur in
a. Enteromorpha
8. The multicellular nature of algal thallus in the characteristic
feature of order.
Cladophorales Cladophorales, Charales, Siphonales, Oedogoniales
9. There are two different forms of Coleochaetae, one is cushioned
from & another is
Discoid from Discoid farm, pyriform, linear form , none of these
10. The flask shaped female gannet of Coleochaetae is termed
Carpogonium. Carpogonium, egg, oogonium, none of these
1. The long neck like structure of carpogonium of Coleochaetae is
termed as
Trichogyne Trichogyne, setae, tail, branch
2. The finger like projections of basal cell of Oedogonium help in
attachment of thallus is termed as
Haptera Haptera, disc, dome cells, hold fast
3. How many pyrenoids are present in Oedogonium cell
a. several
4. The Oedogonium filament possesses a number of parallel
transverse ring like markings called as
Cap cells Cap cells, basal cells, apical cells, linear cells
5. Which of the following is the characteristic feature of
Cap cells. Cap cells, cell wall, presence of hold fast, unbranced
6. The unbranched species of Oedogonium is termed as.
Macrandrous Macrandrous, Nanandrous, floating, none of these
7. The branched species Oedogonium is termed as.
Nanandrous Nanandrous, Macrandurous, fluffy, none of these
8. When the antheridia are produced in normal cell of filament, the
species of Oedogonium termed as
a. Macrandurous species Nanandrous species, submerged algae,
floating algae
9. If a special branch is formed for production of antherozoids, in
Oedogonium that species is termed as-
Nanandrous species Nanandrous species , Macrandrous species ,
fresh water species , none of these
10. In Oedogonium, the antherozoids producing special branch in
termed as-
Nanandrium. Nanandrium , antheridium, spermatium, none of these
1. The Nanandrium of Oedogonium is also known as
Dwarf male Dwarf male , sperm, antherozoids, none of these
2. The mature oogonium of Oedogonium consists of a hyaline spot
which is termed as-
Receptive spot. Receptive spot , thick walled , spot, non coated
wall, none of these
3. The characteristic feature of alga Bulbochaetae is –
Presence of long hair with swollen base. Presence of long hair
with swollen base , presence of short hair with swollen base
presence of coiled hair with base
Presence of cilia on algal wall
4. The form of chloroplast occur is Spirogyara is –
Spirally twisted Spirally twisted , disc like, rectangular ,
5. The Spirogyara is commonly called as –
a. Pond scum Pond scum, water net , frog spawn , none of these
6. Because of presence of slimy soft touch of walls of Spirogyara, are
also termed as-
a. Pond silk
7. How many pyrenoids occur in each cell of spirogyara?
a)One b)Numerous
c)Two d) None of these

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Sumia fatima mc qs-algae

  • 1. Dr. Sumia Zafar Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women, Aurangabad-431001 MCQs Algae 1. Algae are a) Autotrophic b) Heterotrophic c) Semi parasite d) None of these 2. The term algae was first used by a) Adolf b) Linnaeus c) Fritsch d) Darwin 3. Algae plants called as Autotrophs because of presence of a) Branches b) Protein c) Chloroplast d) Many cells 4. The study of algae is called a) Bacteriology b) Mycology c) Phycology d) Biology 5. The algae growing on rocks or stone is known as a) Lithophytes b) Epiphytes c) Floating d) Submerged 6. The algae growing on land known as a) Aquatic b) Terrestrial c) Parasitic d) Epiphytic 7. The algae growing on branches as large trees are termed as a) Semi aquatic b) Epiphytic c) Toxic algae d) Submerged 8. The algae growing inside roots of higher plants termed as
  • 2. a) Superficial b) Epiphytic c) Endophytic d) Terrestrial 9. The cell wall of algae is made up of a) Lipid b) Mucilage c) Cellulose d. Pectin 10. The algae in association with fungal partners form a) Actinomycetes b) Algal fossils c) Lichens d) None of these. 11. Which one is present in all the algae? a) Chloroplast b) Lipid c) Pyrenoids d) Vacuoles 12. The zoospores of algae are the product of …………… a) Fragmentation b) Asexual reproduction c) Vegetative reproduction d) None of these 13. The algae which occur in seas water is known as …………… a) Freshwater algae b) Marine algae c) Submerged algae d) Aquatic algae 14. Some algae causes diseases of plant are called as ……….. a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophytes c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these 15. The function of chlorophyll in algae is ………….. a) Transpiration b) Photosynthesis c) Respiration d. Storage of food 16. Certain blue algae form beneficial relation with fungus in lichen is termed as………………….. a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophyte c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these 17. Which algae is used as food? a) Batrachospermum b) Chara c) Sargassum d) Botrydium 2. Which algae is used as fodder? a) Botrydium b) Nostoc c) Chara d) Laminaria 3. Which algae is the source of agar agar powder a) Chara b) Sargassum
  • 3. c) Gelidium d) Batrachospermum 4. Which of the following is prepared from Laminaria a) Alginic acid b) Citric acid c) Protein d) Vitamins 5. Which is the source of artificial wool in Japan a) Chara b) Laminaria c) Sargassum d) Fucus 6. Which algae takes part in nitrogen fixation a) Chara b) Botrydium c) Nostoc d) Sargassum 9. The function of chlorophyll in algae is a) Transpiration b) Photosynthesis c) Respiration d) Storage of food 10. Certain blue green algae from beneficial relation with fungus in lichen termed as a) Parasitic algae b) Saprophytic c) Symbiotic algae d) None of these 11. When algae reproduce by fusion of two exactly similar gametes is termed as a) Oogamous b) Isogamous c) Unisogamous d) Ascogenous 12. In case of oogamous type of sexual reproduction in algae the female gamete is a) Motile with flagella b) Like zoospore c) Motile d) Non-motile 1) Which one is an is autotrophic a) Algae b) Cercospora c) Rhizopus d) Agaricus 2) All the algal plant kept under group a) Thyllophyta b) Schizophyta c) Lichens d) Viruses 3) In which group of plants embryo is absent a) Angiosperms b) Bamboo c) Pea d) Algae 4) The simplest green plants are
  • 4. a) Angiosperms b) Algae c) Gymnosperms d) Fucus bengalensis 5) Which one occur in fresh as well as marine water a) Zygnema b) Cladophora c) Grinnellia d) Polysiphonia 6) The algae grow in hot water around 700 C temperature in termed as a) Aquatic algae b) Epiphytic algae c) Thermal algae d) Symbiotic algae 7) The wet land turns slippery because of growth of a) Blue green algae b) Dark green algae c) Yellow green algae d) Red algae 8) The algae occur in secretary cells of Hydra is a) Zoo chlorella b) Anabaena c) Nostoc d) Chlamydomonas 9) Which one shows heterotrichous habit a) Stigeoclonium b) Botrydium c) Pandorina d) Nostoc 10) The thick walled non motile asexual spores are termed as a) Oospore b) Hypnospores c) Zygospore d) Zoospore 11) A thick walled , non flagellate spore of algae are termed as a) Aplanospores b) Amylum star c) Conidium d) Oogonium 1)Which Autotrophs is kept under Thallophyta a) Algae b) Cereals c) Pulses d) Tamarind 2) The embryo absent in a) Pisum b) Angiosperms c) Algae d) Cumin 3) The gametes without cell wall are called a) Meiogametes b) Nucule c) Globule d) Archegonium 4) The pyrenoids are a) Fatty substance b) An Amino acid c) A protein coated by starch d) Sugar molecule
  • 5. 5) The stored food in most of algae is a) Amino acids b) Starch & oil c) Protein d) Vitamins 6) How many pyrenoids occur in Chlamydomonas? a) Three b) Two c) Five d) One 8) The type of sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas is a) Isogamous b) Oogamous c) Unisogamous d) Parthenogenesis 9) The gametes produce by Chlamydomonas are a) Uniflagellate b) Biflagellate c) Multiflagellate d) Non-flagellate 10) The Spirogyra occur in a) Stagnant fresh water b) Water streams c) Marine water d) None of these 11) The Spirogyra is commonly known as a) Horse tail b) Pond silk c) Water net d) Water bloom 1) Which of the following is pond silk? a) Chara b) Spirogyras c) Nostoc d) Volvox 2) In spirogyras the food is stored in a) Pyrenoid b) chloroplast c) Cell wall d) None of these 3) The spirogyras reproduce sexually by method of a) Conjugation b) Binary fission c) Oogamous method d) None of these 4) The Spirogyras reproduce sexually by fusion of a) Two similar non motile gametes b) Two similar non motile gametes c) Two similar non motile gametes d) Two similar non motile gametes 5) In which of the following archegonium is absent a) Spirogyara b) Marchantia c) Anthoceros d) Equisetum
  • 6. 6) The scalariform conjugation occur in a) Spirogyara b) Chondrus c) Pithophora d) Nostoc 7) In Spirogyara, the result of conjugation is the formation of a) Spore b) Zygospore c) Zoospore d) Oogonium 8) In Spirogyara, meiotic division occurs in a) Zygote b) Antheridium c) Archegonium d) Conidium 1) Which of the following occurs in running fresh water? a) Merismopedia b) Rivularia c) Ulothrix d) Gloeocapsa 2) The Ulothrix is attached to the sub structures with the help of a) Cap cells b) Hold fast c) Sheath d) Girdle 3) The basal cell of Ulothrix is devoid of a) Chlorophyll b) Cytoplasm c) Ribosomes d) protein 4) How many chloroplast occur in each cell of Ulothrix a) Two, spherical b) Three rectangular c) One, girdle shaped d) None of these 5) A greatest energy in utilized by Ulothrix during the process of a) Movement b) Meiosis c) Respiration d) None of these 6) Mostly the filament of Ulothrix consist of a) 33 cells b) 34 cells c) 35 cells a) 36 cells 7) How many zoospores are produced in each cell of Ulothrix Filament? a) Ten b) Five c) Two d) One 8) In which of the following Palmella stage occurs a) Nostoc b) Ulothrix c) Hydrodictyon d) Chlamydomonas 9) Initially the zygote of Ulothrix is a) Monoflagellate b) Biflagellate
  • 7. c) Triflagellate d) Quadra flagellate 10) The sporangia and gametangia of Ulothrix are a) Non jacketed and unicellular b) c)d) 1. Which of the following is important group of thallophytes? a) Bryophytes b) Algae c) Fungi d) Bacteria 2. The study of algae is termed as a) Phycology b) Psychology c) Gymnosperm d) Pedology 3. Which of the following component occur compulsory in algae? a) Thick wall b) Toxin c) Chlorophyll d) None of these 4. The habit of the most of the algal forms is a) Aquatic b) Aerial c) Floating d) Terrestrial 5. The Zygnema and Spirogyra are commonly called as a) River weed b) Pond scum c) Floating flowers d) None of these 6. Which of the following is the greater part of vegetation in sea water? a) Bryophytes b) Pteridophytes c) Algae d) Gymnosperms 7. The algae growing attached to the substratum may have a) Spherical shape b) Hold fast c) Dome shaped cell d) Chlorophyll 8. Which of the following help in attachment of thallus to the substratum? a) Multinucleated cells b) Setae c) Trichomes d) Hold fast 9. The unicellular or colonial forms of algae collectively called as a) Phytoplankton b) Aquatic algae c) Schizomycetes d) Actinomycetes 1. The algae which grow on branches of aquatic or aerial plants termed as a) Epiphytic b) Saprophytic
  • 8. c) Aquatic d) Parasitic 2. Which of the following is an epiphytic alga? a) Nostoc b) Anabaena c) Oedogonium and Bulbochaetae d) Spirogyara 3. If the algae grow on animal body or shell s of snail is termed as a) Epiphytic b) Epizoic c) Aerial d) Saprophytic 4. Which of the following are epizoic algae? a) Cladophora b) Nostoc c)Volvox d) Batrachospermum 5. When the algae grow inside the other plants tissue in termed as a) Endophytic algae b) Epizoic c) Aerial d) Saprophytic 6] The algae grow with other organism for beneficial purpose, such algae described as a) Parasitic b) Aquatic c) Symbiotic algae d) Semi-parasitic 7. The mutual beneficial association of algae with fungus in lichens thallus is termed as a) Symbiosis b) Chlorosis c) Pathogenesis d) Fusion 8. Which of the following in unicellular, microscopic algae a) Volvox b) Chlamydomonas c) Chara d) Spirogyara 9. Which of the following are parasitic algae? a) Polysiphonia b) Botrydium c) Zygnema d) Chlorella 10. Which of the following algae has length of several hundred feet? a) Oedogonium b) Diatoms c) Macrosystis d) Polysiphonia 1. The non-motile, unicellular algae is a) Chlamydomonas b) Chlorella c) Volvox d) All of these 2. Which one is most highly develop marine algae? a) Fucus b) Nitella
  • 9. c) Chara d) Batrachospermum 3. Because of presence of chlorophyll the algae plants are describe as a) Saprophytic b) Autotrophic c) Parasitic d) Heterotrophic 4. Which of the pigment is most common in algae? a) Chlorophyll b) Fucoxanthin c) Phycoerythrin d) Yellow pigments 5. Which type of pigment is dominant in brown algae? a) Carotene b) Xanthophylls c) Fucoxanthin d) Phycoerythrin 6. The dominant pigment of red algae is a) Anthocyanin b) Phycoerythrin c) Fucoxanthin d) None of these 7. The dominant pigment of blue green algae is a) Phycocyanin b) Anthocyanin c) Phycoerythrin d) Fucoxanthin 8. The unicellular algae reproduce mainly by a) Vegetatively b) Fission or cell division c) Asexually d) Sexually 9. A flagellated, naked protoplasmic mass produced asexually by algae is termed as a) Zoospore b) Oospore c) Ascospore d) Hypnospores 10. Which of the following also known as resting spore a) Aplanospores b) Hypnospores c) Hormogonia d) Resting spores 11. Which type of spore are produce by algae when there is lack of sufficient water a) Aplanospores b) Zoospore c) Cysts d) Hormogonium 1. The alkanets or resting spore or hypnospores are produced by algae during a) Cool whether b) Hot weather c) Sexual reproduction d) Cool winds
  • 10. 2. Sexual reproduction by union of morphologically similar gametes is termed as a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous c) Oogamous d) None of these 3. When the union of two dissimilar gamete takes place, the sexual reproduction formed as a) Unisogamous type b) Isogamous c) Oogamous d) None of these 4. When the male gamete is small and flagellated and female gamete is large spherical non flagellate,the fusion between such gametes termed as a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous c) Oogamous d) None of these 6. On the basis of pigmentation, Fritsch (1935) divided algae into a) Seven classes b) Ten classes c) Twelve classes d) Fourteen classes 7. Which class of algal do not consists of true nuclei? a) Chlorophyceae b) Cyanophyceae c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae 8. The algae of which class reproduce by fission method a) Myxophyceae b) Chlorophyceae c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae 1. Which class of algae do not reproduce by sexual reproduction a) Myxophyceae b) Chlorophyceae c) Rhodophyceae d) Phaeophyceae 2. The dominant pigments of Cyanophyceae algae are a) Xanthophylls b) Chlorophyll-a c) Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin d) Chlorophyll-b 3. Which class of algae possesses combining characters of plants and animals? a) Chlorophyceae b) Rhodophyceae c) Phaeophyceae d) Euglenophyceae 4. Which one occurs in algae of Euglenophyceae? a) Amylum stars b) A Prominent eye spot c) Many nuclei d) Prokaryotic nucleus 5. Which pigment is dominant in algae of class Chlorophyceae?
  • 11. a) Phycocyanin b) Phycoerythrin c) Chlorophyll d) Carotene 6. Which is the product of assimilation of algae of Chlorophyceae group? a) Oil and fat b) Starches and sugar c) Aminoacides d) Vitamins 7. Which of the following class of algae consists of complex thalli? a) Myxophyceae b) Phaeophyceae c) Chlorophyceae d) None of these 9] Which pigment is responsible for green colour of algae? a) Xanthophylls b) Carotene c) Erythrine d) Phycoerythrin 2] The dominant pigment occur in members of Chrysophyceae is named as a) Phycochrysin b) Carotene c) Xanthophylls d) Phycocyanin 3] The reserve food of algae of Chrysophyceae class is a)Amino acids b) Protein c) Fat and leucosin d) Starch 4] The algal members of which class consists of silicified cell walls a) Xanthophyceae b) Chlorophyceae c) Bacillariophyceae d) Phaeophyceae 5] The Bacillariophyta are also termed as a) Diatoms b) Sea weeds c) Water blooms d) None of these 6] Which of the thallus of algae consists of ornamented symmetrical valves? a) Protococcus b) Pithophora c) Nereocystis d) Diatoms 7] The diatoms are commonly known as a) Blue green algae b) Golden brown algae c) Red algae d) Green algae 8] Which of the pigment is responsible for golden brown colour of algae? a) Yellow chromatophores b) Chloroplast-b
  • 12. c) Carotene d) All of these 9] Which type of sexual reproduction occur in Bacillariophyta a) Oogamous b) Isogamous c) Unisogamous d) Conjugation 10] Presence of two large chloroplasts in each cell is characteristics feature of class a) Cryptophyceae b) Chlorophyceae c) Bacillariophyceae d) Phaeophyceae 1] Which of the following group consists of mostly marine algae? a) Chlorophyta b) Phaeophyta c) Myxophycophyta d) None of these 2] The algae of Phaeophyceae is commonly known as a) Red algae b) Yellow algae c) Green algae d) Brown algae 3] Which pigment is dominant in algae of class Phaeophyceae? a) Fucoxanthin b) Phycochrysin c) Xanthophylls d) Carotene 4] The member of phaeophyta group also termed as a) Pond spawns b) Sea weeds c) Floating forms d) parasitic algae 5] Which type of pigment is dominant in algae of class Rhodophyceae? a) Phycoerythrin b) Yellow pigment c) Anthocyanin d) Carotene 6] The photosynthetic product of algae of class Rhodophyceae is a) Mannose b) Floridean starch c) Fat d) Protein 7] Which group of algae shows protoplasmic connections? a) Rhodophytes b) Phaeophyta c) Bacillariophyta d) Chlorophyta 8] The type of sexual reproduction in rhodophyta is a) Isogamous b) Unisogamous c) Oogamous d) Binary fission 9] The alternation of generation is common in algal members of class a) Chlorophyta b) Rhodophyta c) Phaeophyta d) Bacillariophyta
  • 13. 1] Which of the following is the class of fossil group of algae? a) Rhodophyceae b) Phaeophyceae c) Bacillariophyceae d) Nematophyceae 2] Who have been classified algae in to 7 divisions? a) Smith ,G.M.,(1955) b) Fritsch F. E. (1972) c) Tilden J. E. (1945) d) Prescott, G. W.(1920) 3] Which class of algae consists of most primitive and simplest thalli? a) Cyanophyceae a) Rhodophyceae b) Phaeophyceae c) Bacillariophyceae 4] The algal thalli of class Cyanophyceae commonly called as a) Blue green algae b) Red algae c) Yellow green algae d) None of these 5] Which of the following are blue green algae? a) Chara b) Anabaena c) Batrachospermum d) Botrydium 6] In which class of algae, the pigments are not located in definite chromatophores a) -------------------------- 7] Presence of prokaryotic nucleus is distinguishing feature of class a) Phaeophyceae b) Chlorophyceae c) Rhodophyceae d) Cyanophyceae 8] In which class of algae sexual reproduction is absent a) Cyanophyceae b) Phaeophyceae c) Rhodophyceae d) Bacillariophyceae 9] Which of the algal thallus enclosed in slime or gelatinous sheath a) Nitella b) Chara c) Nostoc d) Coleochaetae 10] Because of extensive growth of charophytes in water the colour turns to a) Pea soup colour b) Dirty brown colour c) Fresh green colour d) Light violet colour 1] The charophytes or myxophytes are also termed as a)Water blooms b) Water net c) Parasitic algae d) Terrestrial algae
  • 14. 2] Few species of cyanophycean grow at temperature of 77 C 0 is termed as a) Resistant algae b) Thermal algae c) Phytoplankton d) Saprophytes 3] Almost all the member of Cyanophyceae group embedded in a) Protein sheath b) Gelatinous sheath c) Thin cellular membrane d) None of these 4] If the algal thallus consists of single row of cells it is termed as a) Trichome b) Unicellular algae c) Filamentous algae d) None of these 6] The trichomes are unbranched in a) Pandorina b) Chlamydomonas c)Nostoc d) Sargassum 7] Which of the following algae show false branching? a) Scytonema b) Anabaena c) Vaucheria d) Fucus 8] The cell wall of Cyanophyta consists of a) Polysaccharide b) Cellulose and pectin compounds c) Oil d) None of these 11] In which class of algae, motile cells are absent through its life cycle a) Cyanophyceae b) Hydrodictiaceae c) Vaucheriaceae d) None of these 1] During vegetative reproduction of members of Cyanophyta, the main filament break into pieces, those are termed as a) Aplanospores b) Hormogones c) Akinete d) Hypnospores 4] Which of the following occur in all charophytes except Oscillatoria? a) Heterocyst b) Cell wall c) Cytoplasm d) Chloroplast 5] The position of heterocyst in Rivularia is always a) Apical b) Basal c) Sub-terminal d) Middle 6] In Nostoc the position of heterocyst is a) Intercalary b) Apical c) Basal d) Sub-terminal
  • 15. 7] The wall of heterocyst is a) Double layered b) Multilayered c) Single layered d) Triple layered 8] How many polar molecules occur in intercalary heterocyst of Nostoc? a) Four b) Three c) Two d) One 9] How many polar molecules occur in heterocyst of terminal position? a) One b) Three c) Four d) Two 1] Which of the following are very ancient organisms on the earth? and among the first green things a) Blue green algae b) Bryophytes c) Pteridophytes d) Protozone 2] The algae of which class causes foul odors of city water reservoirs a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta c) Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta 3] Which of the following are unicellular non-motile forms of algae? a) Vaucheria b) Anabaena c) Chlorococcus d) Chlamydomonas 4] Presence of definite stratification of mucilaginous sheath of is the distinguishing features of a)Nitella b) Gloeocapsa c) Fucus d) Laminaria 5] The arrangement of cells in thallus occur in perfectly vertical and transverse rows of cells occur in a) Coleochaetae b) Merismopedia c) Chara d) Botrydium 6] Which of the following is strictly non filamentous a) Pandorina b) Batrachospermum c) Chlorococcus d) Vaucheria 7] In which algae, the reproduction takes place by formation of exospores a) Chamaesiphon b) Chara c) Nostoc d) Sargassum 8] Which of the following consists of unbranched filamentous thallus?
  • 16. a) Oscillatoria b) Anabaena c) Chlorococcus d) Zignema 1. Nostoc is the member of a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta c) Bacillariophyta d) Rhodophyta 2. The Nostoc thallus is a) Unbranched c) Branched b) Unicellular d) None of these 3. Many filaments of Nostoc bounded by layer of mucilage is termed as a) Nostoc Filament c. Chloroplast b) Nostoc balls d. Aquatic weed 4. All the vegetative cells of Nostoc are similar in size and shape except a) Heterocyst b) Polar cell c) Middle cell d) Terminal cell 5. The vegetative reproduction in Nostoc takes place by formation of a) Spore b) Zoospore c) Hormogones d) Cyst 6. The function of heterocyst is a) Fixation of nitrogen c) Water absorption b) Respiration d) None of these 7. The specialized cells of Nostoc filament known as a) Somatic cell b) Vegetative cell c) Heterocysts d) None of these 8. The heterocyst consists of swelling at the poles called a) Tubercle b) Granule c) Polar nodules d) None of these 9. Nostoc is a a) Green algae b) Red algae c) Blue algae d) Blue green algae 10. Which of the following is absent in Nostoc. a) Sexual b) Asexual c) Vegetative d) None of these 11. The Nostoc filament break into a number of bits called a) Arthrospore b) Akinete c) Filament d) hormogones
  • 17. 12. Which one is commonly used as bio fertilizer in rice field? a) Chara b) Botrydium c) Nostoc d) Batrachospermum 1. The habit of algae Chara is a) Free floating b) Submerged c) Terrestrial d) Epiphytic 2. The Chara is popularly known as …………………. a) Aquatic alga b) Alga c) Stone wart d) None of these 3. The branches of limited growth of Chara. a) Leaves b) Flower c) Petal d) Stem 4. In case of Chara nodes &internodes present in a) Branches of limited growth b) Branches of unlimited growth c) At the region of rhizoids d) None of these 5. In Chara, growing apex of each branch of unlimited growth consists of a) Rectangular cell b) Convex cell c) Dome shaped cell d) Elongated cell 6. The small out growths produced at nodal region in Chara known as a) Bulbil b) Protonema c) Amylum star d) None of these 7. Which type of sexual reproduction occurs in Chara a) Binary fission b) Isogamous c) Oogamous d) Unisogamous 8. The star shaped structures develop at rhizoidal region of Chara known as a) Ribosomes b) Amylum stars c) Plastids d) Granules 9. The amylum stars consist of a) Amino acid b) Protein c) Lipid d) Starch 10. The male gamete of Chara is known as a) Nucule b) Amylum star c) Globule d) Trichome
  • 18. 11. The female gamete of Chara is known as a) Nucule b) Amylum stars c) Globule d) None of these 12. In Chara, manubrium is a part of a) Rhizoid b) Stem c) Female gamete d) Male gamete 13. The water which is rich in ………….. is more suitable for growth of Chara. a) MgSo4 b) CaCo3 c) FeSo4 d) NaCl 14. The corona cells occurs at the top of a) Nucule b) Globule c) Limited growth branch d) Unlimited growth branch 15. In Chara, position of globule is always a) On adjacent branch b) Lateral side of nucule c) Below the nucule d) Upper to the nucule 16. The corona of nucule in Chara consists of a) Five cells b) Six cells c) Four cells d) Seven cells 17. Why the surface of Chara appears rough a) Deposition of MgSo4 b) Deposition of CaCo3 c) Deposition of Nacl d) Deposition of FeSo4 18. Which one is absent in cells of Chara a) Chloroplast b) Pyrenoid c) Nucleus d) Cytoplasm 19. Which type of reproduction is absent in Chara a) Asexual b) Sexual c) Vegetative d) None of these 20. The shape of chloroplast in cells of Chara is a) Membranous b) Discoid c) Convex d) Spherical 21. The sexual reproduction in Chara is of a) Isogamous type b) Oogamous type b) An-isogamous type d. None of these 22. The Chara is a
  • 19. a) Terrestrial b) Epiphytic c) Marine d) Fresh water algae 1. The Batrachospermum is commonly known as a) Glomerule b) plant c) Juvenile d) Frog spawn 2. The Batrachospermum belongs to the group a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta c) Rhodophyta d) Bacillariophyta 3. Batrachospermum in ………. Algae. a) Marine b) Fresh water c) Polluted water d) None of these 4. How many types of branches occur in Batrachospermum? a) Three b) One c) Two d) None of these 5. The immature form of Batrachospermum is known as a) Juvenile stage b) Adult stage c) Embryonic stage d) None of these 6. The juvenile form of Batrachospermum consists of a) Glomerule b) Carpogonia c) Simple branched filaments d) Cystocarps 8. The cluster of branches arises at nodal region of Batrachospermum is termed as a) Carpogonia b) Glomerule b) Cystocarps d) None of these 9. The glomerule consists of a) Branched long filaments b) Unbranched long filaments c) Branches of unlimited growth d) Branch of limited growth 10. The mature Batrachospermum morphologically appear like a a) Straight chain b) Thread like c) Beaded chain d) Branched filaments 11. In cell of Batrachospermum the chromatophores are situated towards a) Central region b) Middle region c) Peripheral region d) Sub central region
  • 20. 13. Which is the dominant pigment of Batrachospermum? a) Phycocyanin & phycoerythrin b) Chlorophyll –a &carotenoids c) Xanthophylls & Chl-a d) Chl-b & carotenoids 14. How many pyrenoids present in each cell of Batrachospermum a) One b) Many c) Two d) Three 15. The female reproductive organ of Batrachospermum is known as a) Oogonium b) Procarps c) Ascogonium d) Cystocarp 16. The terminal hair like Structure of female gametes of Batrachospermum is known as …… a) Tail b) Filament c) Thread d) Trichogyne. 17. Which of the following is a result of sexual reproduction in Batrachospermum? a) Procarp b) Carpogonium c) Cystocarp d) None of these 18. The Juvenile stage of Batrachospermum is known as a) Gonimoblast b) Sporophyte c) Chantransia d) Carposporophyte 19. In Batrachospermum the gametes are developed on a) Branches of unlimited growth b) Branches of glomerule c) At the nodal region d) In the axil of branches of unlimited growth 1) The chloroplast occur in Zygnema is a) Spherical b) Filamentous c) Pear shaped d) Star shaped 3) How many chloroplast occur in each cell of Zygnema a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 4) The chain like conjugation occurs in a) Zygnema b) Volvox c) Oedogonium d) Anabaena
  • 21. 5) Which of the following algae appear extremely beautiful because of their form & symmetry? a) Chlamydomonas b) Desmids c) Botrydium d) Chara 6) The connection zone between two symmetrical halves of desmids termed as a) Isthmus b) Midrib c) Wall d) Apex 8) The function of statolith in desmids is a) Respiration b) Balancing of organism c) Reproduction d) Locomotion 9) The balanced movement of desmids in water is termed as a) Oscillatorial movement b) Circular movement c) Brownian movement d) None of these 10) The shape of chloroplast occur in Closterium is a) Lobed b) Oval c) Lanceolate d) pear shaped 1) Which of the following algae produces branched creping rhizoids? a) Botrydium b) Caulerpa c) Clostridium d) Batrachospermum 2) The thallus of Caulerpa is a) One celled b) Two celled c) Many celled d) None of these 3) The internal structure of rhizome of Caulerpa shows cylindrical skeletal strands known as a) Trabaculae b) Trichome c) Wall d) Sheath 4) The traberculae in rhizoids of Caulerpa arise from a) Macrosome b) Ribosome c) Nucleus d) Microsomes 5) Which of the following algae consist of lime encrusted cell wall? a) Vaucheria b) Caulerpa c) Chlamydomonas d) Coleochaetae 7)In which of the following algae pyrenoids are absent a) Spirogyara b) Chlamydomonas
  • 22. c) Chara d) Vaucheria 8) Which of the following compound multiflagellate zoospores are formed? a) Botrydium b) Vaucheria c) Chlamydomonas d) Desmids 9) Which of the following algae resemble the feathers of birds? a) Bryopsis b) Sargassum c)Vaucheria d) Batrachospermum 10) The members of Chryophyceae are commonly called as a) Stonewort’s b) Sea weeds c) Frog spawn d) None of these 11) The branched thalli consist of nodes &internodes are the members of class a) Phaeophyceae b) Rhodophyceae c) Xanthophyceae d) Chryophyceae 1) Which of the following algae is called as Stone warts? a) Batrachospermum b) Chara c) Rivularia d) Ectocarpus 3) Why the charophytes are called as stone warts a) Because of deposition of mucilage on plant body b) Because of presence of many cells in plant body c) Because of presence of many ribosomes in plant body d) Because of deposition of lime on plant body 5) Which pigment is dominant in the members of Xanthophyceae? a) Xanthophylls b) Carotene c) Phycoerythrin d) Phycocyanin 6) Which of the following is the member of Xanthophyceae? a)Botrydium b) Ulva c) Oedogonium d) Codium 7) How is the habit of Botrydium? a) Aquatic b) Epiphytic c) Terrestrial d) Acetabularia 8) The balloon shaped aerial portion of thallus occur in a) Nostoc b) Botrydium c) Rivularia d) Ectocarpus
  • 23. 10) The members of Phaeophyceae also termed as a) Red algae b) Green algae c) Brown algae d) Yellow algae 11) The extensive growth of Sargassum found at a)Cool ocean b)Warmer tropical seas (Atlantic ocean) c) Temperate regions d) None of these 1)The large sized thalli of Laminaria are also termed as a) Paradesmos b) Kelps or rockweed c) Horse tail d) Water net 2) Which one are the largest algae known to science? a) Macrocystis pyrifera b) Chara c) Sargassum d) Fucus 3) Which pigments are dominant in the algae members of Phaeophyceae Group? a) Fucoxanthin and phycophein b) Xanthophylls c) Chlorophyll –b d) None of these 4)The gamete producing plant of Ectocarpus is a) Haploid b)Diploid c) Triploid d) None of these 6) Which term is used for clustering of several male gametes around female gamete in Ectocarpus? a) Clamp connection b) Clump formation c) Binding d) Fusion 8) Which of the following algae are inhabitants of cooler waters of the globe? a) Laminariales b) Chlorococcales c) Charales d) Siphonales 9) The members of order Laminariales are popularly known as a) Kelps b) Water net c) Frog spawn d) None of these 10) To which algae the name Devils apron is used a) Fucus b) Laminaria c) Sargassum d) Ectocarpus 11) In Japan the food is derived from Laminaria which is known as a) Ketchup b) Butter
  • 24. c) Kambu d) None of these 1) Different genera of Laminaria used as a source of a) Iodine b) Sulphur c) Potassium d) Silver 2) Which of the order of algae characterizes by the absence of alternation of generation? a) Fucales b) Hormogonales c) Volvocales d) Ulotrichales 3) The genus Fucus is commonly known as a) Water spawns b) Water net c) Fresh water weeds d) Sea weeds 4) The cylindrical stalk like portion of Fucus is termed as a) Stalk b) Stipe c) Wing d) Branch 5) The dichotomously branched expanded thallus of Fucus is termed as a) Frond b) Rocky ledge c) Colonial algae d) Water silks 6) The expanded air filled vesicles present on thallus which is known as a) Pouches b) Cavity c) Pneumatocysts or air bladders d) None of these 7) In certain species of Fucus, a dot like structures occur as the thallus that are termed as a) Cystocarp b) Cryptostomata c) Glomerule d) Whorl 8) Which of the following bear antheridia in Fucus vesiculosus a) Unbranched paraphysis b) A branched paraphysis c) Setae d) None of these 9) The genus Sargassum in commonly known as a) Sea weeds b) Frond c) Rocky ledge d) Water silks 10) The genus Diatom included in the class a) Oscillatoriaceae b) Sphaerellaceae c) Bacillariophyceae d) Caulerpaceae 11) Which of the following algae occur as a yellow scum on surface of mud?
  • 25. a) Diatom b) Sphaerella c) Oedogonium d) Codium 1) The resting spores produced by diatoms of are also termed as a) Statospores b) zoospore c) Aplanospores d) auxospores. 2)Which of the following red algae grow as Polysiphonia as parasite a) Choreocolax b) Cladophora c) Chara d) Vaucheria 3)In which red algae ,the photosynthetic pigments are completely absent a) Choreocolax b) Ulva c) Volvox d) Ulothrix 4) Which is the dominant pigment occur in red algae a) Phycoerythrin b) Xanthophylls c) Carotene d) None of these . 5) Which of the following algae is the member of Rhodophyceae? a) Batrachospermum b) Ulva c) Ectocarpus d) Draparnaldia 6) Which of spores produced singly in the sporangia borne upon charantia stage of Batrachospermum? a) Monospores b) Cysts c) Heterocyst d) Aplanospores 7)A jelly like agar agar powder used for culture of fungi & bacteria is prepared from a) Gracilaria b) Cladophora c) Vaucheria d) Protococcus 8) Which of the following red algae used for making soups a) Porphyra b) Oedogonium c) Spirogyra d) Anabaena 9) Which of the following red algae called as sheep’s weed? a) Rhodymenia b) Fucus c) Codium d) Sargassum 1. The non motile thick walled cells of Ulothrix are called a) Cyst b) Akinete c) Aplanospores d) Zoospores 2. The meiosis in Ulothrix takes place in the
  • 26. a) Zygospore b) Zoospore c) Spore d) Conidium 3. The genus spirogyra is more advanced than Ulothrix because a) In spirogyra has external fertilization. b) In spirogyra has no fertilization. c) In spirogyra reproduce by asexual reproduction. d) In spirogyra has internal fertilization. 4. In semi drying conditions of environment Ulothrix produces a) Gametes b) zoospore c) cysts d) hypnospores 5. The Vaucheria belongs to a) Xanthophyceae b) Myxophyceae c) Rhodophytes d) Phaeophyceae 6. The dominant pigment in Phaeophyceae is a) Fucoxanthin b) Xanthophylls c) Carotene d) Anthocyanin, 7. The stored food material of Rhodophyceae is a) Amino acid b) Floridean starch c) Protein d) Fatty acid 8. The genus Batrachospermum is a a) Blue algae b) Yellow algae c) Green algae d) Red algae 9. The phycoerythrin is present in a) Chlamydomonas b) Polysiphonia c) Dictyota d) Rivularia 10. The auxospores are produced by a) Gloeocapsa b) Cladophora c) Ectocarpus d) Diatoms 11. The blue green also called as a) Yellow algae b) Cyanobacteria c) Bacteriophages d) Rhodophytes. 12. The blue green algae cells are a) Eukaryotes b) Anucleate c) Prokaryotes d) None of these 1. The pigment common in blue green algae is
  • 27. a) Phycocyanin b) Fucoxanthin c) Phycoerythrin d) Xanthophylls 2. The distinct characteristic feature of blue green algae is a) Absence of gelatinous sheath b) Absence of gelatinous sheath c) Presence of gelatinous sheath d) Absence of nucleus none of these 3. Heterocysts occurs in a) Ulothrix b) Enteromorpha c) Nostoc d) Draparnaldia 4. The heterocysts are a) Colourless &thick walled b) Green and thin walled c) Brown and thin walled d) Red and no wall 5. Which one in the class of Oscillatoria a) Chlorophyta b) Cyanophyta c) Basicilliriophyte d) Rhodophytes 6. Which type of reserve food present in Oscillatoria? a) Amino acid b) Glycogen c) Vitamins d) Sugar 7. The Nostoc thalli are a) Branched b) Filamentous c) Highly branched d) Unbranched filamentous 8. The Nostoc colonies are usually found a) Enclosed within gelatinous sheath b) Enclosed in a hard shell c) Enclosed in starchy liquid d) Enclosed in thin membrane. 11. Which of the following are protein rich algae? a) Spirulina b) Chara c) Nitella d) Nostoc 12. Generally the water bloom is caused by. a) Dark green algae b) Red algae c) Yellow algae d) Blue green algae
  • 28. 1. The algal flora which do not have well constructed nucleus are a) Blue green algae b) Green algae c) Violet algae d) Yellow algae 4. The purpose of use of Chlorella in space is for the supply of a) O 2 b) CO2 c) Heat d) water 5. The iodine in extracted from a) Laminaria b) Acetabularia c) Codium d) Sargassum 6. The phenomenon of change of colour of blue green algae according to the wavelength of light is termed as a)guadikov . 7. Which algae responsible for red snow ball in alpine region. a) Haematococcus, Chara , Fucus, Ulva 8. All algal floras consists of a) Chlorophyll a & carotene b) only xanthophylls , erythrocyanin , none of these 9. In algal flora the aplanospores are produced during a) Both favourable &unfavorable condition. only during favourable condition Only during unfavorable condition, none of these 10. The thin walled non motile spore are termed as 1. a) Aplanospores. Aplanospores, zoospores , cysts, hypnospores/ 1. Which are absent in chloroplast of algae a) Grana. , pigments, wall, none of these 2. In case of Chlamydomonas the gametes are differ from zoospores a) Can unit b) larger than zoospores c) uniflagletted d) none of these 3. The spirogyra is commonly called as a) Pond scum. water net, water bloom frog spawn 4. In spirogyra during sexual reproduction two cells of two different filament conjugate which is termed as- a) Scalariform conjugation. parthenogenesis, fusion, none of these 5. In which of the following hold fast is present for attachment purpose. a) Chlamydomonas b) Ulothrix
  • 29. c) Eudorina d) Nostoc 6. The Ulothrix produce microspores which are a) Uniflagellate b) Biflagellate c) Triiflagellate d) Quadriflagellate 7. When a plant is having two types of diploid and one type of haploid structure in its life history it is termed as- a) Diplobiontic b) Trilobiontic c) Haplobiontic d) None of these 8. The process of photosynthesis occur in algae is due to a) Anthocyanin b) Chlorophyll “a” & “b” c) Phycoerythrin d) Phycocyanin 9. Which of the following is more advanced algae? a) Bacillariophyta b) Cyanophyta c) Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta 10. Which one are the colourless parasitic algae. a) Harveyella b) Phycophyta c) Rivularia d) Macrocystis 1. Which algae is used for the construction of sound proof rooms a) Diatoms. Diatom, sphaerella, cladophore, zonaria 2. Which is endophytic blue green algae which live in protozones. a)Cynallae. Cynallae, enteromorpha, coleocheta, laminaria 3. The cells of Cyanophyta algae move by a) Gliding movement. Gliding movement , creaping movements , climbing movement , none of these 4. The blue green algae consists of filaments which are called as- a) Trichomes. Trichomes, thallus , stems , none of these 6. The see turns red colours because of growth of algae. a) Trichodesmium erythreaum Volvox aureus Enteromorphous intestinalis Postelsia palmaeformis 9. Which of the following algae shows best origin and evolution of sex. a) Green algae Green algae , red algae, yellow algae , brown algae
  • 30. 17] The juvenile stage of Batrachospermum is known as _____________ a) Gonimoblast c) Chantransia b) Sporophyte d) Carposporophyte 18] In Batrachospermum the gametes are developed on _________________ a) Branches of unlimited growth b) Branches of glomerule c) At the nodal region d) In the axil of branches of unlimited growth Which one is a marine algae? Sargassum 1] The Sargassum is commonly known as a) Water net b) Iris moss c) Gulf weed or sea weed d) Frog spawn 2] Sargassum is the member of a rhodophytes c) chlorophyta b) cyanophyta d) Phaeophyta 3] Most of the species of Sargassum are a) Lithophytes c) epiphytes b) Symbionts d) terrestrial 4] Which is the part of attachment of Sargassum thallus. a) Branched filaments , c) dome cells , b) Hold fast d) none of these 5] Sargassum resemble a a) Mycoplasma c) Herbaceous plant b) Fungi d) Bacteria 6] The leaf like structure of Sargassum are a) Tertiary laterals c) Primary laterals b) None of these d) Secondary laterals 7] Bladders occur in a) Sargassum c) Botrydium b) Nostoc d) Batrachospermum 8] The function of bladders in Sargassum is for a) Transpiration c) Evaporation b) Respiration d) None of these
  • 31. 9] The outermost layer of axis of Sargassum is known as a) Cortex c) Meristem b) Medulla d) None of these 10] which type of reproduction is absent in Sargassum. a) Sexual c) Vegetative b) Asexual d) None of these 11] Vegetative reproduction in Sargassum takes place by formation of a) Zoospores c) Fission b) Fragmentation d) Aplanospores 12] The type of sexual reproduction occurs in Sargassum is a) Oogamous c) Unisogamous b) Isogamous d) None of these 13] The sex organs in Sargassum occur in special structures called a) Pustule c) Stroma b) Conceptacles d) Tuber 14] The alternation of generation absent in a) Nostoc c) Botrydium c) Sargassum d) None of these 16] Batrachospermum is commonly known as a) Water net c) Water bloom b) Frog spawns d) None of these 1. The shape of upper most cell of oscillation filament is. a) Dome shaped b) Rectangular c) Pyriform d) Square 2. In Which algae the arrangements of cells resemble a row of coin? a) Nostoc b) Codium c) Polysiphonia d) Oscillatoria 3. The filament of Oscillatoria shows oscillatorial movement which is also termed as a) Gliding & bending movement b) Creeping movement c) Ejecting movement d) None of these 4. Which of the algae reproduce only by vegetative reproduction? a) Chara b) Sargassum c) Oscillatoria d) Ulva
  • 32. 5. In Case of Oscillatoria the hormogones are formed due to a) Biconcave separation disc b) Conical separation disc c) Disjuncture occurs d) None of these 6. The heterocysts & resting spores are absent in a) Chlamydomonas b) Oscillatoria c) Volvox d) Chara 7. Which of the following algal plant are bent in the form of a regular spiral a. Spirulina b) Fucus c) Ulva d) Laminaria 8. Which of the following shows false branching? a) Oscillatoria b) Tolypothrix c) Nostoc d) Ulothrix 9. In which algae the false branching arises between two heterocysts. a) Scytonema b) Anabaena, c) Chara d) Batrachospermum 1. The whip like apex of thallus occur in- a) Oedogonium b) Zygnema c) Gloeocapsa d) Rivularia 2. In which algae there is a regular formation of akinete. a) Gloeotrichia b) Zonaria c) Ectocarpus d) Dictyota 3. Which of the following algae grow in the thallus of Anthoceros- a ) Ulva b) Vaucheria c) Nostoc d) Bryopsis 4. The Nostoc filament consists of cell exactly similar in size & shape except – a) Heterocyst b) somatic cells c) Dome cell d) Cap cells 5. Which of the following algae found in roots of Cycas- a) Anabaena b) Oscillatoria c) Eudorina d) Hydrodictyon
  • 33. 6. The Nostoc is enveloped by firm gelatinous sheath & Anabaena enveloped by- a) Thin calcium coat b) Extremely watery gelatinous sheath c) Thick silicified sheath d) None of these 7. Which of the flowing in characterized by presence of large spore with a papillate outer wall- a) Cylindrospermum b) Sargassum c) Bryopsis d) Codium 1. Which group of algae capable of fixing of atmospheric nitrogen? a) Rhodophytes b) Basicilliriophyta c) Phaeophyta d) Cyanophyta 1. The algal members of class Chlorophyceae is also termed as- a) Grass green algae b) red algae c) Yellow algae d) blue algae 2. Which are of following algae is marine alga of chlorophycease 1. Ulva Ulva , Ficus, chloamydomous , Ectocarpus 3. Which of the following algae found in bodies of certain primitive animals 2. Chlorella Chlorella, Chara, Nitella, Ulothrix 4. Which algae grow on snow & giving the snow a reddish blue. 3. Chlamydomonas. Chlamydeous, Draparnaldia, Zygnema, Caulerpa 5. Which member of Chlorophyceae causes red rust disease of tea. 4. Cephaleuros virescens 6. From which group of algae the bryophytes and other higher groups of green plants evolved – a. Chlorophyceae. 1. Which of the following is unicellular algae- 5. Chlamydomonas Chlamydeous, Oedogonium, Cladophora, Spirogyara 2. Which of the following is multicellular algae & unbranched? 6. Ulothrix, Botrydium, Chlamydeous , None of these
  • 34. 3. The colonies of which algae called as coenobium? 1. Nostoc Nostoc , Chara, Sargassum, Ulothrix 4. The colony of Nostoc consists of definite number of cells, it is termed as- a. Coenobium 5. The cell wall of algae of Chlorophyceae group consists of a. Cellulose & pectin Cellulose , and pectin , maltose, glucose , filthy acid 6. In which algae the cells may be indefinite and arranged in net-like masses- 2. Hydrodictyon 3. Hydrodictyon, Nostoc , diatom , Ulva 7. The green alga Ulva is also termed as- 4. Sea-lettuce Sea-lettuce , water net, frog spawn , none of these 8. Which alga is the most highly organized plant in Chlorophyceae? 5. Chara Chara, chloamydomous, Pandorina, Ulothrix 9. In Chlamydomonas a small coloured area occur at the anterio- lateral side which is termed as- 6. Red eye spot Red eye spot, pyrenoid, vacuole , ribosomes 10. In case of Volvox & Eudorina, the cells in the thallus connected to each other with the help of 7. Plasmodesmata Plasmodesmata , cellulose wall, thin membrane, none of these 1. In case of Chloamydomous, a nodule like structure present at the base of flagella which in termed as- Blepharoplasts Blepharoplasts, disc, hold fast , none of these 2. How many contractile vacuoles occur in Chlamydomonas Two Two, one, three , many 3. What is the function of contractile vacuole a. Respiration & Excretion Respiration and excretion, locomotion, reproduction ,none of these 4. Which of the following occur in Chlamydomonas
  • 35. Eye spot Eye spot, pyrenoid, blepharoplasts , nodules 5. The shape of chloroplast occur in Chlamydomonas is Cup shaped Cup shaped, pyriform, rectangular , spherical 6. How many pyrenoids occur in Chlamydomonas? Only one Only one, two, many , four 1. How many daughter Chlamydomonas are developed form are present plant. 2,000,0002,000,000 -- 1000,000-- 3,000,000— None of these 7. In favourable condition asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas takes place by formation of – 2. Zoospores Zoospore, chlamydeous, oospores , none of these 8. In unfavorable condition asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas takes place by formation of – Aplanospores Aplanospores , abnormal spore, small spores ,none of these 10. Which of the following is intermediate stage of reproduction in Chlamydomonas? a) Palmella stage b) juvenile stage c) Mature stage d) none of these 1. The Palmella stage of Chlamydomonas frequently appear red due to a) Xanthophylls b) Chl-a c) Haemotachrome d) Chl-b 2. The Chlamydomonas commonly occur in a) Marine water b) Stagnant water c) Water stream d) Water fall 3. Which of the following alga in which Palmella stage occur. a) Chlamydomonas b) Nostoc c) Ulva d) Sargassum 4. The common thing in all chlorophyta is presence of a) Heterocysts b) Motile cells
  • 36. c) Non-motile cells d) Palmella stage 5. Which groups of algae play major role in purifying water by releasing oxygen. a) Charophytes b) Cyanophyta c) Phaeophyta d) Rhodophytes 6. Which of the following algae used as food by human beings. a) Chlamydomonas b) Botrydium c) Ulva d) None of these 7. The green marine algae together with red algae play major part in formation of- a) Ocean shell b) Oceanic reefs c) Pearls d) none of these 1. The algae of order Volvocales is also termed as a) Rolling algae b) Marine algae c) Red alga e d) None of these 2. Which of the following is also termed as unicellular Volvocales? a) Botrydium b) Chlamydomonas c) Caulerpa d) Codium 3. Which of the following is termed as multicellular Volvocales? a) Batrachospermum b) Fucus c) Volvox d) Macrosystis 4. How many types of cells occur in Volvox? a) Two b) Three c) Many d) Four 5. How many pyrenoids occur in cells of Volvox? a) Two b) Numerous c) Three d) Four 6. Which of the following helps in attachment of cells to each other in a colony? a) Plasmodesmata b) Setae c) Paraphysis d) Cell wall 7. What type of sexual reproduction occurs in Volvox. Oogamous
  • 37. 8. The female gamet of Volvox is termed as a) Oospore b) Ascogonium c) Gynogonidia or oogonia d) None of these 9. The male gamete of Volvox is termed as Androgonidia or antheridia Androgonidium or antheridium, male branch , oospore, none of these 10. Usually the Volvox colony consists of 60,000 cells60,000 cells , 60,00 cells, 60,0 cells , 60 cells 11. The sexual reproduction in Pandorina is of Unisogamous. Un-isogamous , isogamous , oogamous, none of these a. 12. What type of sexual reproduction occurs in Edorina. Oogamous Oogamous, conjugation , binary fission , none of these Which of the following is a colonial algae Pleodorina Pleodorina , Nostoc , Ulothrix , Ulva a. 1. The coenobium of which algae consists of polygonal cells. Pediastrum Pediastrum , focus, Spartina, Tolypothrix a. 2. In which alga the cells are arranged in the form of star shaped plats. Pediastrum Pediastrum, Volvox , Sargassum, spirogyra a. 3. In which alga the peripheral cells bear tufts of gelatinous bristles. Pediastrum Pediastrum , Caulerpa, Oedogonium, Codium 4. The thallus of which algae resemble a sieve like mash? Hydrodictyon Hydrodictyon, Volvox, Pandorina, Ulva a. a. 5. The Hydrodictyon is commonly known as
  • 38. Water net Water net, frog spawn, epiphytic algae, none of these a. 6. Which type of sexual reproduction occurs in Hydrodictyon? a. Isogamous Isogamous, Unisogamous, oogamous, none of these a. 7. The coenobium of Pandorina consists of 16-32 cells16-32, 20-22 cells, 10-32 cells , 24-40 cells a. 8. Which of the following is having one celled, spherical outline, single nucleus, and cup shaped chloroplast without pyrenoid. chlorella Chlorella, Botrydium, diatom, none of these a. 9. Which type of antibiotic is prepared Chlorella. Chlorellin. Chlorellin, Penicillium, streptomycin, none of these 1. The antibiotic chlorellin is useful against. Bacterial diseases Bacterial disease, root rot diseases , fungal diseases , nematodal diseases a. 2. The lowermost cell of Ulothrix is modified to rhizoid like structure which is termed as. Hold fast Hold fast, disc, dome cells, none of these a. a. 3. The girdle shaped chloroplast occur in Ulothrix Ulothrix, Focus, Pandorina, Codium a. 4. Quadriflagellate zoospores are produced in Ulothrix, Nostoc, chlamydeous , none of these 5. Which of the following freshwater algae grow attached to substratum. Ulothrix Ulva , Chara, Botrydium none of these a.
  • 39. 6. This of the following displays an isomorphic alternation of generation. Ulva Enteromorpha, Sargassum, Batrachospermum, Ectocarpus 7. A hollow tube like thallus occur in a. Enteromorpha 5554 8. The multicellular nature of algal thallus in the characteristic feature of order. Cladophorales Cladophorales, Charales, Siphonales, Oedogoniales a. 9. There are two different forms of Coleochaetae, one is cushioned from & another is Discoid from Discoid farm, pyriform, linear form , none of these 10. The flask shaped female gannet of Coleochaetae is termed as Carpogonium. Carpogonium, egg, oogonium, none of these a. a. 1. The long neck like structure of carpogonium of Coleochaetae is termed as Trichogyne Trichogyne, setae, tail, branch 2. The finger like projections of basal cell of Oedogonium help in attachment of thallus is termed as Haptera Haptera, disc, dome cells, hold fast a. 3. How many pyrenoids are present in Oedogonium cell a. several 4. The Oedogonium filament possesses a number of parallel transverse ring like markings called as Cap cells Cap cells, basal cells, apical cells, linear cells a. 5. Which of the following is the characteristic feature of Oedogonium?
  • 40. Cap cells. Cap cells, cell wall, presence of hold fast, unbranced filaments 6. The unbranched species of Oedogonium is termed as. Macrandrous Macrandrous, Nanandrous, floating, none of these a. 7. The branched species Oedogonium is termed as. Nanandrous Nanandrous, Macrandurous, fluffy, none of these 8. When the antheridia are produced in normal cell of filament, the species of Oedogonium termed as a. Macrandurous species Nanandrous species, submerged algae, floating algae 9. If a special branch is formed for production of antherozoids, in Oedogonium that species is termed as- Nanandrous species Nanandrous species , Macrandrous species , fresh water species , none of these 10. In Oedogonium, the antherozoids producing special branch in termed as- Nanandrium. Nanandrium , antheridium, spermatium, none of these a. 1. The Nanandrium of Oedogonium is also known as Dwarf male Dwarf male , sperm, antherozoids, none of these 2. The mature oogonium of Oedogonium consists of a hyaline spot which is termed as- Receptive spot. Receptive spot , thick walled , spot, non coated wall, none of these a. 3. The characteristic feature of alga Bulbochaetae is – Presence of long hair with swollen base. Presence of long hair with swollen base , presence of short hair with swollen base presence of coiled hair with base Presence of cilia on algal wall a. 4. The form of chloroplast occur is Spirogyara is –
  • 41. Spirally twisted Spirally twisted , disc like, rectangular , spherically a. 5. The Spirogyara is commonly called as – a. Pond scum Pond scum, water net , frog spawn , none of these 6. Because of presence of slimy soft touch of walls of Spirogyara, are also termed as- a. Pond silk 7. How many pyrenoids occur in each cell of spirogyara? a)One b)Numerous c)Two d) None of these