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• Neo-darwinism/Modern synthesis 
• Major transitions in evolution 
• Geological timescales 
• Geological drivers of evolution
• Local climate change (e.g. thermal vents, hot springs...) 
•Global climate change: Emission of gasses & particles. 
•New geological barriers (migration...) 
•New islands (“Malay archipelago”, 
Galapagos... Hawaii... ) 
Deccan traps 
3. Major geological drivers of evolution 
Conditions on earth change. 
•Tectonic movement (of continental plates) 
•Climate change 
3. Major geological drivers of evolution 
Meteorite impact 
? Climate change 
Tectonic movement 
Consequences: • Large scale migrations 
• Speciation 
• Mass extinctions 
• Adaptive radiations
1.Major transitions in evolution 
2.Geological timescales 
3.Major geological drivers of evolution 
4.Recent major extinction events
4. Recent major extinction events 
fraction of genera present in 
each time interval but extinct in 
the following interval 
KT: K-Pg Cretaceous–Paleogene 
Late Devonian 
To d a y
Pangaea - single 
•Oxygen levels. 
• Tetrapods and early amniotes. 
• Tropical conditions around equatorial landmasses. 
• Damp forests: tall trees & lush undergrowth: giant club mosses, 
lycopods, ferns & seed ferns. 
• Decaying undergrowth forms coal. 
• Good habitats for terrestrial invertebrates including spiders, 
millipedes and insects (e.g. giant dragonflies, scorpions).
Early Permian mammal-like reptiles 
(sub-class Synapsida = “mammal-like reptiles”)
Climate change 
(since Cambrian)
Permian-Triassic Extinction 
Went extinct: 
•Up to 96% of marine species & 70% of terrestrial vertebrates 
•21 terrestrial tetrapod families (63%) 
• 7 orders of insects 
Sun et al Science 2012
•Mammal-like reptiles were replaced 
as dominant land vertebrates by 
reptiles (dinosaurs). 
• Lizards, modern amphibians and 
early birds appear. 
• The conifer- and fern-dominated 
vegetation of the Late Triassic 
continued into the Jurassic.
Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 
66 million years ago 
75% of all species became extinct (50% of genera). 
(marine reptile) Non-bird 
Most Plant-eating insects 
Subsequently, many adaptive radiations to fill newly vacant niches. 
eg. mammals, fish, many insects
Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 
66 million years ago
Evidence for Chixulub impact 
Magnetic field near site 
Crater: 180km diameter; bolide: 10km.
Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 
66 million years ago 
•Bolide impact at Chixulub. 
•huge tsunamis 
• cloud of dust and water vapour, blocking sun. 
•plants & phytoplankton die (bottom of food chain) 
--> animals starve 
•dramatic climate & temperature changes are 
difficult (easier for warm-blooded?) 
•Additional causes? 
• Some groups were ALREADY in decline 
•Additional impacts? 
•Deccan traps (India) - 30,000 years 
of volcanic activity (lava/gas release)
Ongoing Anthropocene extinction 
•Habitat destruction, modification & fragmentation 
Australia, extinct 40,000 ya 
Mauritius, extinct since 1662 
North America; 
extinct since 
Americas, extinct ~12000 years 
Extinct New 1.Zealand E5 
megafauna were not in decline 
before human colonization 
Morten Erik Allentofta,b,c,1, 1.Rasmus Gilberta, E4 
Hellerd,e, Charlotte L. Oskamb, Eline D. Lorenzena,f, Marie L. Halec, 
M. Thomas P. Christopher Jacombg, Richard N. Holdawayc,h, and Michael Bunceb,i,1 
aCentre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum, University of Copenhagen,1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; bAncient DNA Laboratory, School of Veterinary 
and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Perth, WA 6150, Australia; cSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; 
dDepartment of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark; eInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, 6 P-2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal; 
fDepartment of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; gSouthern Pacific Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology 
and Archaeology, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand; hPalaecol Research Ltd., Hornby, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand; and iTrace and 
Environmental DNA Laboratory, Department of Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6102, Australia 
Edited by Robert E. Ricklefs, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, and approved February 10, 2014 (received for review August 7, 2013) 
The extinction of New Zealand’s moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) fol-lowed 
the arrival of humans in the late 13th century and was the 
final event of the prehistoric Late Quaternary megafauna extinc-tions. 
Determining the state of the moa populations in the pre-extinction 
period is fundamental to understanding the causes of 
the event. We sampled 281 moa individuals and combined radio-carbon 
dating with ancient DNA 0.6 
analyses to help resolve the ex-tinction 
debate and gain insights into moa biology. The samples, 
which were predominantly from the last 4,000 years preceding the 
extinction, represent four sympatric moa species excavated from 
five adjacent fossil deposits. We characterized the moa assem-blage 
using mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite markers 
developed specifically for moa. Although genetic diversity differed 
significantly among the four species, we found that the millennia 
preceding the extinction were characterized by a remarkable de-gree 
of genetic stability in all species, with no loss of heterozygos-ity 
and no shifts in allele frequencies over time. The extinction event 
itself was too rapid to bemanifested in the moa gene pools. Contra-dicting 
previous claims of a decline in moa before Polynesian settle-ment 
in New Zealand, our findings indicate that the populations 
were large and stable before suddenly disappearing. This interpre-tation 
is supported by approximate Bayesian computation analyses. 
Our analyses consolidate the disappearance of moa as the most 
rapid, human-facilitated megafauna extinction documented 
to date. 
birds ranging in size from the ∼12-kg North Island morph of 
Euryapteryx curtus to the ∼250-kg females of the two Dinornis 
species (8). Moa inhabited a variety of habitats across the New 
Zealand archipelago until their extinction shortly after the ar-rival 
of Polynesian settlers, estimated at approximately the late 
13th century (8–10, 12). The abundance of well-preserved ar-chaeological 
sites containing evidence of large-scale exploitation 
of moa (e.g., ref. 13) brings the controversy of the role of humans 
in the extinction event into sharp focus. 
Early claims of environmental changes or poor adaptive abil-ities 
of moa as causes for the extinction (reviewed in ref. 8) have 
now been largely replaced by the view that direct or indirect 
human impacts—including hunting, fires, and the introduction of 
exotic species—were the primary drivers (14–18). Ecological 
modeling suggests that such human-mediated extinction could 
have happened within 100 y of Polynesian colonization (10). In 
contrast, it has been argued, based on limited mitochondrial 
DNA (mtDNA) data, that moa populations had already col-lapsed 
before human arrival, as a consequence of volcanic 
eruptions or diseases, suggesting that humans were just one of 
several additive factors responsible for the extinction (19). 
To address this issue, we investigated the demographic tra-jectories 
of four sympatric moa species in the four millennia 
leading up to their extinction. We genotyped 281 individuals of 
Dinornis robustus (Dinornithidae), Euryapteryx curtus, Pachyornis 
D. robustus 
P. elephantopus 
E. curtus 
E. crassus 
20 10 0 
Time (kyr) 
Time (yr BP) 
40 30 
3000 2000 1000 0 
Expected heterozygosity H Log Ne*τ E 
Fig. 3. Demographic history and genetic diversity. (A) Bayesian skyline plot
Ongoing Anthropocene extinction 
•Habitat destruction, 
modification & fragmentation 
•Spread of invasive species - & 
new pathogens 
•Climate change 
Rainforest loss in Sumatra 
Margono et al 2012
•The history of the earth is divided into geological time periods 
• These are defined by characteristic flora and fauna 
• Large-scale changes in biodiversity (mass extinctions) were triggered 
by continental movement and catastrophic events
A. Proximate vs Ultimate? 
B. Fossilization & learning from Fossils
Why is X? Why does ? 
Two types of answer: 
Proximate explanations: mechanisms responsible for the trait. 
(generally within the lifetime of an organism) 
Ultimate explanations: fitness consequences of the trait. 
(generally over many generations)
Some examples 
•Why do waxwings migrate South in winter? 
•Proximate: a mechanism in their brains senses days are getting 
•Ultimate: Those migrating South have been better at surviving 
the winter. 
•Why do human babies cry? 
•Proximate explanations: cold? hunger? wants attention? high 
level of a stress hormone? neural signal for pain? 
•Ultimate: babies that don’t cry when they need help are less 
likely to survive.
Fossils & Fossilization 
1. How fossilization works. Some examples of fossils. 
2. Dating fossils. 
3. What we can learn from fossils? 
y . wurm {@} qmul . ac .uk
Geological context 
Three broad classes of rock: 
•Sedimentary rocks: formed by particles (mineral 
or organic) gradually settling out of solution, then 
compacting to form rock 
•Igneous rocks: formed by the cooling of magma 
•Metamorphic rocks: modification of existing rocks 
under high pressure and heat
Fossils: only in sedimentary rocks (deposited on oceanic 
shorelines, lake beds, flood plains...) 
Weathering or erosion can expose the older layers
•Two main types: 
• “Natural cast” process 
• Fossilization is rare & only in sediment... 
•Ancient material also occurs: 
• in amber 
•by mummification 
• in ice
Fossil formation at 
Limestone deposits were laid 
down 2.5 billion years ago when 
the area was a shallow sea. 
Caves eventually form below the 
‘Pot holes’ form between the 
surface and the caves. 
Debris, including animals, fall in! 
Compaction and cementing with 
water and limestone produces 
Fossil preservation 
•Hard part like shells, bones and teeth are usually all that remain 
• Soft tissues fossils are rare
Why are fossils rare? 
• Fossils don’t form often: 
•Predators, scavengers, insects consume corpses 
•Bacteria and fungi decompose remains 
•Even faster in tropics (acid soil, warm, humid...) 
•Best locations for fossil formation:: 
• arid deserts, deep water (with low O2)
Recmeonvt ecmonetnintse..n. tal 
Triassic 200 
Equator Mya 
Pangaea - single 
Why are fossils rare? 
• Fossils don’t form often: 
•Predators, scavengers, insects consume corpses 
•Bacteria and fungi decompose remains 
•Even faster in tropics (acid soil, warm, humid...) 
•Best locations for fossil formation: 
• arid deserts, deep water (with low O2), cold 
• Fossils can be lost: 
•mountains: lots of erosion 
•Metamorphosis and subduction of rocks destroys fossils 
•Most are still buried rather than exposed at the surface
A few examples...
Plesiosaur fossil 
Aquatic reptile; not a dinosaur. But same time (Mesozoic Era). 
A typical fossil skeleton.
More typical… 
Parts of head, and anvil/brush 
of Akmonistion zangerli, shark 
from Carboniferous of 
• very abundant during Mezosoic
Archaeopteryx - late Jurassic (150Mya) 
Feathers, like soft tissue, are rarely preserved. 
But here imprinted in the rock.
“Fuzzy Raptor” (a dromaeosaur)
The earliest Eutherian Mammal? 
Lower Cretaceous of China, 125 Mya 
Eomaia scansoria 
Ji et al., (2002) Nature 
416, 816-822 
A climbing mammal from 
a lake shore environment
Leptictidium tobieni 
Paleogene (Messel Shales, Germany) 
Soft tissues + gut contents are 
Bipedal (extinct) mammal.
Dinosaur footprint 
•At the time, this footprint of a dinosaur pressed into soft mud and 
became preserved in the now hardened rock. Can inform us on 
• This mosquito was imbedded in tree sap that subsequently 
hardened into amber, preserving the insect within.
Neanderthal skull from 
(≈50,000 years old) 
Very rarely, DNA can 
be extracted and 
sequenced from such 
Some animals get trapped in ice
Fossils & Fossilization 
1. How fossilization happens & some examples. 
2. Dating fossils 
3. What we can learn from fossils?
Dating methods 
• Absolute - the item itself is dated 
• Relative - strata above (younger) and below (older) 
are dated and the item expressed relative to these 
Best method depends on context & age.
Principles of 
radiometric dating
Dating methods
As sediment collects, deeper layers are compacted by the ones 
above until they harden and become rock. 
Deeper Fossils are older than those above. 
Thus positions within the rock layers gives fossils a chronological age.
Index (Zone) Fossils 
•Index fossils: diagnostic fossil species that help dating new finds 
•Here, Locality 3 has no layer B (wasn’t formed or eroded).
Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) *
Fossils & Fossilization 
1. How fossilization happens & some examples. 
2. Dating fossils 
3. What we can learn from fossils?
What can we learn? 
Fossils can sometimes directly or indirectly tell us a great 
deal about the behavior of an organism, or its lifestyle
Fossilized tracks at 
Laetoli (Tanzania) 
Footprints preserved in 
volcanic ash from: 3 hominids 
(Australopithecus afarensis) 
Numerous other mammals
Fossil Ichthyosaur giving birth 
• Such special preservations can inform us about the reproductive 
pattern in this species (live birth) .
Fossil Eggs 
Information on development and social/reproductive behavior
Interpreting fossils 
•Careful interpretation: helps make sense of fossilized remains 
•Analysis of hard parts can tell something about soft anatomy (e.g 
where muscles are (.e.g muscle scars). 
•Geology: --> environment (freshwater/marine/swamp)) 
• Infer from living organisms & relatives.
Hallucigenia sparsa (Cambrian Period) 
From the Burgess Shale (Canada). Example of a soft bodied 
animal fossil, also very old!
© BBC - Life in the Undergrowth 
Now re-interpreted as an 
Onychophoran ("velvet worm")
Colors don’t fossilize... 
…or do they? (discovered fossilised melanosomes)
Fossils - Summary 
• Fossils form in sedimentary rock 
• Fossilization is a rare process 
• Usually, only the hard parts like bone, teeth, exoskeletons and shells 
are preserved 
• Fossils of different ages occur in different strata, and “index fossils” can 
be used to cross-reference between different geographic locations 
•Careful interpretation is required.
DNA & learning from DNA.
DNA in evolution 
• Species relationships previously based on: 
•bone structures 
• ecological niche 
• .... 
1. DNA sequences change 
DNA holds lots of additional information: 
2. Evolutionary relationships 
3.Current evolutionary contexts
1. DNA sequences change 
DNA mutations occur all the time. 
• mistakes in DNA replication or recombination 
•mutagens (radiation, chemicals) 
• viruses 
• transposons 
Inherited: only if in germ line. 
Not inherited from soma.
Types of mutations 
• Small: replacement, insertion, deletion. E.g.: 
Point mutation new : GATTACATATTACA 
Polymerase slippage 
in satellite 
•Big: inversions, duplications, deletions 
Mutations are the source of genetic, inheritable variation
What happens to a mutation? 
•Most point mutations are neutral: no effect. 
• --> Genetic drift, hitchhiking... (--> elimination or fixation) 
• Some are very deleterious; 
Some increase fitness. 
• --> selection eliminates or fixes them 
Eg. antennapedia (hox gene) mutation: 
See population genetics lectures & practical
2. DNA clarifies evolutionary 
relationships between species 
Peacock: GATTGCA 
Amoeba: GGCTCCA 
Linnaeus 1735 classification of animals
Molecular clock 
•Basic hypothesis: more differences - more time has passed 
• Allows relative timing 
• Allows “absolute timing” 
• But: 
• rate of differentiation differs: 
• between lineages 
•between contexts 
• small amounts of data: unreliable 
•Differential segregation of alleles (see future lectures) 
Genetic change
Carl Woese in 1977
An issue with sequence 
•Can be ambiguous if not enough information.
Ambiguities in mutations 
sequence species 1. species 2. What happened
An issue with sequence 
•Can be ambiguous if not enough information. 
•Used to be expensive. 
•Mitochondrial gene vs. nuclear gene. Several genes? 
•Whole genome sequencing is now dirt cheap! No longer a problem! 
(for establishing relationships in past 200-400 million years...)
This changes 
Any lab can 
With enough data...
Cows are more 
closely related to 
whales than to 
Bat echolocation 
Evolved twice! 
Teeling 2002 
Ancient DNA
Ancient DNA 
Hair sequencing
Ancient DNA: below 2km of icecriterion many putative abundance as is typical efficiently low-level due to DNA Approximately the John to and the order genus Saxifraga with more than Arctic environment plant diversity to that which consists purple and by confirming Glacier study showing record In contrast sample, that could very REPORTS 
Fig. 1. Sample location and core schematics. (A) Map showing the locations of the Dye 3 (65°11'N, 
45°50'W) and GRIP (72°34'N, 37°37'W) drilling sites and the Kap København Formation (82°22'N, 
W21°14'W) in Greenland as well as the John Evans Glacier (JEG) (79°49'N, 74°30'W) on Ellesmere
Their presence indicates a northern boreal for-est 
ecosystem rather than today’s Arctic environ-ment. 
Ancient Biomolecules from 
Deep Ice Cores Reveal a Forested 
Southern Greenland 
Eske Willerslev,1* Enrico Cappellini,2 Wouter Boomsma,3 Rasmus Nielsen,4 
Martin B. Hebsgaard,1 Tina B. Brand,1 Michael Hofreiter,5 Michael Bunce,6,7 
Hendrik N. Poinar,7 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen,8 Sigfus Johnsen,8 Jørgen Peder Steffensen,8 
Ole Bennike,9 Jean-Luc Schwenninger,10 Roger Nathan,10 Simon Armitage,11 
Cees-Jan de Hoog,12 Vasily Alfimov,13 Marcus Christl,13 Juerg Beer,14 Raimund Muscheler,15 
Joel Barker,16 Martin Sharp,16 Kirsty E. H. Penkman,2 James Haile,17 Pierre Taberlet,18 
M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1 Antonella Casoli,19 Elisa Campani,19 Matthew J. Collins2 
The other groups identified, including 
Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae, are mainly 
surface (m.b.s.)] indicating the depth of the cores and the positions of the Dye 3, GRIP, and JEG 
samples analyzed for DNA, DNA/amino acid racemization/luminescence (underlined), and 10Be/36Cl 
(italic). The control GRIP samples are not shown. The lengths (in meters) of the silty sections are 
also shown. 
Table 1. Plant and insect taxa obtained from the JEG and Dye 3 silty ice 
samples. For each taxon (assigned to order, family, or genus level), the 
genetic markers (rbcL, trnL, or COI), the number of clone sequences 
supporting the identification, and the probability support (in percentage) 
are shown. Sequences have been deposited in GenBank under accession 
numbers EF588917 to EF588969, except for seven sequences less than 50 
bp in size that are shown below. Their taxon identifications are indicated 
by symbols. 
Order Marker Clones Support (%) Family Marker Clones Support (%) Genus Marker Clones Support (%) 
JEG sample 
Rosales rbcL 3 90–99 
Malpighiales rbcL 
Salicaceae rbcL 
Saxifragales rbcL 3 92–94 Saxifragaceae rbcL 2 92 Saxifraga rbcL 2 91 
Dye 3 sample 
Coniferales rbcL 
Pinaceae* rbcL 
It is difficult to obtain fossil data from the 10% of Earth’s terrestrial surface that is covered by thick 
glaciers and ice sheets, and hence, trnL 
knowledge of the paleoenvironments of these regions has 
remained limited. We show that DNA and amino acids from buried organisms can be recovered 
from the basal sections of deep ice cores, enabling reconstructions of past flora and fauna. We 
show that high-altitude southern Greenland, currently lying below more than 2 kilometers of ice, 
was inhabited by a diverse array of conifer trees and insects within the past million years. The 
results provide direct evidence in support of a forested southern Greenland and suggest that many 
deep ice cores may contain genetic records of paleoenvironments in their basal sections. 
The environmental histories of high-latitude 
Taxaceae‡ rbcL 
Poales§ rbcL 
Poaceae§ rbcL 
Asterales rbcL 
Asteraceae rbcL 
Fabales rbcL 
Fabaceae rbcL 
Fagales rbcL 
Betulaceae rbcL 
regions such as Greenland and Antarctica 
are poorly understood because trnL 
much of 
The samples studied come from the basal 
Alnus rbcL 
impurity-rich (silty) ice sections of the 2-km-long 
Dye 3 core from south-central Greenland 
Lepidoptera COI 12 the 97–fossil 99 
evidence is hidden below kilometer-thick 
(4), the 3-km-long Greenland Ice Core Project 
(GRIP) core from the summit of the Greenland 
ice sheet (5), and the Late Holocene John Evans 
Glacier on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, northern 
Canada (Fig. 1). The last-mentioned sample was 
included as a control to test for potential exotic 
DNA because the glacier has recently overridden 
a land surface with a known vegetation cover 
(6). As an additional test for long-distance 
atmospheric dispersal of DNA, we included 
basal sections of deep ice cores can act as 
archives for ancient biomolecules. 
112 6 JULY 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE 
of the frozen control for potential have entered the cracks or during Polymerase chain the plasmid DNA of the outer interior, confirming had not penetrated Using PCR, we short amplicons the chloroplast DNA trnL intron from from the Dye 3 and samples. From Dye amplicons of invertebrate subunit I (COI) mitochondrial Attempts to reproducibly the GRIP silty ice Formation sediments results are consistent data demonstrating of biomolecules Evans Glacier silty because these samples younger (John Evans sample (Fig. 1A, DNA from the five and Pleistocene samples from the (volumes: 100 g the samples studied of vertebrate mtDNA. 
1Centre for Ancient Genetics, University of Copenhagen, 
A previous study of short sequences by means Search Tool likely (15). Denmark. 2BioArch, Departments of Biology and Archaeology, 
University of York, UK. 3Bioinformatics Centre, University of 
Copenhagen, Denmark. 4Centre for Comparative Genomics, 
University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 5Max Planck Institute for 
Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany. 6Murdoch University 
Ancient DNA Research Laboratory, Murdoch University, 
Willerslev 2007 
Consensus with fossil record?
What common ancestor of placental mammals radiated 
after K-T (Cretaceous-Palogene) extinction? 
Genomic Evidence for Large, Long-Lived Ancestors to 
Placental Mammals 
J. Romiguier,1 V. Ranwez,1,2 E.J.P. Douzery,1 and N. Galtier*,1 
1CNRS, Universite´ Montpellier 2, UMR 5554, ISEM, Montpellier, France 
2Montpellier SupAgro, UMR 1334, AGAP, Montpellier, France 
*Corresponding author: E-mail: 
Associate editor: Naruya Saitou 
Molecular evolution analysis: 
Mol Biol Evol 2013 
•Earliest placental mammals (ie. eutherians) 
•body mass >1kg; lifespan >25years 
It is widely assumed that our mammalian ancestors, which lived in the Cretaceous era, were tiny animals that survived asteroid impacts in shelters and evolved into modern forms after dinosaurswent extinct, 65Ma. The small size ofmost mammalian fossils essentially supports this view. Paleontology, however, is not conclusive regarding the ancestry mammals, because Cretaceous and Paleocene fossils are not easily estimate the longevity and body mass of early placental mammals. ie. linked very to modern different lineages. Here, from 
we use full-genome Analyzing 36 fully sequenced mammalian reconstruct two aspects of the ancestral genome dynamics, namely GC-content “mouse-evolution and like” 
nonsynonymous over rate ratio. Linking these molecular evolutionary processes to life-history traits in modern species, we estimate placental mammals had a life span above 25 years and a body mass above Eomaia 1 kg. This is similar or carnivores, but markedly different from mice or shrews, challenging the dominant scansoria 
to current primates, cetartiodactyls, 
view about mammalian evolution. Our results imply that long-lived mammals existed in the Cretaceous era and were the most successful opening new perspectives about the conditions for survival to the Cretaceous–Tertiary crisis. 
Key words: phylogeny, GC-content, dN/dS ratio, GC-biased gene conversion, placentalia, fossils.
3. DNA sequence clarifies current 
Three-spined stickleback 
Gasterosteus aculeatus 
Example 1. 
Bill Cresko et al; David Kingsley et al
colonization events 
less than 10,000 
The freshwater populations, despite their younger age, are divergent both from the oceanic ancestral populations and each other, consistent with our supposition that they represent 
independent colonizations from the ancestral oceanic population. 
These results are remarkably similar to results obtained previously 
from some of these same populations using a small number microsatellite and mtDNA markers [55]. This combination large amounts of genetic variation and overall low-to-moderate 
differentiation between populations, phenotypic evolution years in the ago 
coupled with recent and freshwater populations, presents ideal situation for identifying genomic regions that have responded 
to various kinds of natural selection. 
Patterns of genetic diversity distributed across the 
To assess genome-wide patterns we examined mean nucleotide 
diversity in Saltwater: 
(p) and heterozygosity (H) using a Gaussian smoothing function across each linkage group (Figure 4 and S1). Although the overall mean diversity and heterozygosity are 0.00336 and 0.00187, respectively, values vary widely the genome. Nucleotide diversity within genomic regions from 0.0003 to over 0.01, whereas heterozygosity values from 0.0001 to 0.0083. This variation in diversity across genome provides important clues to the evolutionary processes 
that in are Freshwater: 
maintaining genetic diversity. For example, expected (p) and observed (H) heterozygosity largely correspond, 
they differ at a few genomic regions (e.g., on Linkage Group Genomic regions that exhibit significantly (p,1025) low levels diversity and heterozygosity (e.g. on LG II and V, Figure and Figure S1) may be the result of low mutation low recombination rate, purifying or positive selection consistent across populations, or some combination of [9,36,105–107]. 
F = Freshwater 
S = Saltwater 
Bill Cresko et al; 
Different amounts of 
armor plating
RAD = Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing 
each locus sequenced 
5–10 times per fish. 
F = Freshwater 
Bill Cresko et al; 
The freshwater populations, despite their younger age, are more 
divergent both from the oceanic ancestral populations and from 
each other, consistent with our supposition that they represent 
independent colonizations from the ancestral oceanic population. 
These results are remarkably similar to results obtained previously 
from some of these same populations using a small number of 
microsatellite and mtDNA markers [55]. This combination of 
large amounts of genetic variation and overall low-to-moderate 
differentiation between populations, coupled with recent and rapid 
phenotypic evolution in the freshwater populations, presents an 
ideal situation for identifying genomic regions that have responded 
to various kinds of natural selection. 
Patterns of genetic diversity distributed across the 
To assess genome-wide patterns we examined mean nucleotide 
diversity (p) and heterozygosity (H) using a Gaussian kernel 
smoothing function across each linkage group (Figure 4 and Figure 
S1). Although the overall mean diversity and heterozygosity values 
are 0.00336 and 0.00187, respectively, values vary widely across 
the genome. Nucleotide diversity within genomic regions ranges 
from 0.0003 to over 0.01, whereas heterozygosity values range 
from 0.0001 to 0.0083. This variation in diversity across the 
genome provides important clues to the evolutionary processes 
that are maintaining genetic diversity. For example, while 
expected (p) and observed (H) heterozygosity largely correspond, 
they differ at a few genomic regions (e.g., on Linkage Group XI). 
Genomic regions that exhibit significantly (p,1025) low levels of 
diversity and heterozygosity (e.g. on LG II and V, Figure 4 
and Figure S1) may be the result of low mutation rate, 
low recombination rate, purifying or positive selection that is 
consistent across populations, or some combination of factors 
In contrast, other genomic regions, such as those on LG III and 
XIII (Figure 4), show very high levels of both diversity and 
heterozygosity. The most striking such region, found near the end 
Figure 1. Location of oceanic and freshwater populations 
examined. Threespine stickleback were sampled from three freshwa-ter 
(Bear Paw Lake [BP], Boot Lake [BL], Mud Lake [ML]) and two oceanic 
Population Genomics in Stickleback 
S = Saltwater 
20 fish per population 
45,789 loci genotyped
Differentiation between populations (FST) 
Population Genomics Freshwater 
Saltwater vs. 
Figure 6. Genome-wide differentiation among populations. FST across the genome, with colored bars indicating significantly (p#1025, blue; p#1027, red) and reduced (p#1025, green) values. Vertical gray shading indicates boundaries of the linkage groups and scaffolds, and gold shading indicates the nine peaks of substantial population differentiation discussed in the text. (A) FST between the populations (RS and RB; note that no regions of FST are significantly elevated or reduced). (B,C,D) Differentiation of each single freshwater from the two oceanic populations, shown as the mean of the two pairwise comparisons (with RS and RB): (B) BP, (C) BL, (D) ML. Colored plot represent regions where both pairwise comparisons exceeded the corresponding significance threshold. (E) Overall population differentiation 
between the oceanic and freshwater populations. (F) Differentiation among the three freshwater populations (BP, BL, ML). 
PLoS Genetics | 8 February 2010 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 Freshwater 
vs. Saltwater 
FST bewteen 2 populations: 0 = populations have same alleles in similar frequencies 
1 = populations have completely different alleles 
Bill Cresko et al; David Kingsley et al
Nine identified regions 
• Identified regions include: 
• 31 that likely to affect morphology or osmoregulation 
• some previously identified via crosses; most new 
• E.g. EDA gene. 
• “rare” recessive allele (found in 1-5% of ocean individuals) 
• the “rare” allele went to fixation in all freshwater 
populations (ie. all individuals homozygous for the 
rare allele)
Example 2: Little fire ant Wasmannia 
DNA identifies family relationships 
* males (haploid) carry only maternal DNA 
* workers and new queens (all diploid) carry 
DNA from their father and their mother 
Fournier et al 2005
NATURE|Vol 435|30 June 2005 LETTERS 
Table 1 | Genotypes of queens (Q), their mates (M) and workers (w) in one nest (E-3) at each of the 11 microsatellite loci 
Individual Waur-225 Waur-275 Waur-418 Waur-566 Waur-680 Waur-716 Waur-730 Waur-1166 Waur-2164 Waur-3176 Waur-1gam 
Q-1 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-2 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-3 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-4 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-5 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-6 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-7 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
Q-8 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 
M-1 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-2 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-3 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-4 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-5 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-6 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-7 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
M-8 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 
w-1 223 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 160 214 95 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 
w-2 225 269 115 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 95 95 298 320 230 244 288 282 
w-3 223 269 105 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 160 214 97 95 298 320 230 244 298 282 
w-4 225 269 115 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 288 282 
w-5 223 269 105 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 
w-6 225 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 160 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 288 282 
w-7 223 269 105 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 
w-8 225 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 298 320 230 244 288 282 
The identities of mates were determined by the sperm collected in the queen’s spermathecae. Queens and males’ genotypes illustrate their clonal production, whereas workers’ genotypes are 
consistent with normal sexual reproduction. Paternal alleles are in italics. 
reproduction (that is, by ameiotic parthenogenesis). In 33 of the 34 
nests, all queens (n ¼ 135) and gynes (n ¼ 9) cohabiting in the same 
nest shared an identical genotype at each of the 11 loci (Table 1 and 
Fig. 1). The single exception was nest B-12, in which queens differed 
at 1 of the 11 loci: four queens were heterozygous at Waur-2164 
and the remaining three queens were homozygous for one of the
Downloaded from on January Here: 
reproduction (that is, by ameiotic parthenogenesis). In 33 of the nests, all queens (n ¼ 135) and gynes (n ¼ 9) cohabiting in the same 
nest shared an identical genotype at each of the 11 loci (Table 1 Fig. 1). The single exception was nest B-12, in which queens differed 
at 1 of the 11 loci: four queens were heterozygous at Waur-2164 
and the remaining three queens were homozygous for one of two alleles. This variation probably reflects a mutation or recombi-nation 
* workers carry DNA 
from mother & father 
* new queens are 100% 
clones of their mother 
* new males are 100% 
clones of their father 
event in one queen followed by clonal reproduction within 
the nest. The history of this genetic change could be reconstructed 
from the genotypes of queens collected in neighbouring nests (Figs and 2). Nine queens from two neighbouring nests (B-11 and B-had the same genotype as the four heterozygous queens for locus 
Waur-2164, indicating that the mutation or recombination event 
probably was from a heterozygote to a homozygote queen. The three 
homozygote queens from nest B-12 had a unique genotype in population, which further supports this interpretation. 
A comparison between nests supports the view of restricted female 
gene flow, with budding being the main mode of colony formation. 
Within three of the five sites of collection (A, C and D) all queens the same genotype at the 11 loci (Fig. 2). In one of the two other 2680 M. Pearcy et al. Sib mating without inbreeding 
(B), all queens from 8 of the 17 nests also had an identical genotype, 
whereas in the other site (E) the queen genotypes were different in three nests sampled. Taken together, these data indicate that queens 
belonging to the same lineage of clonally produced individuals 
frequently head closely queen located nests. mate 
Moreover, genetic differen-tiation 
between sites was very strong, with a single occurrence genotypes shared between sites (the eight queens of nest E-3 genotypes identical to the most common genotype found at site showing that gene flow by females is extremely restricted. 
In stark contrast to reproductive females, the genotypic analyses 
revealed that workers are produced by normal sexual reproduction 
(Table 1). Over all 31 queenright nests, each of the 248 genotyped 
workers had, at seven or more loci, one allele that was absent queens of their nest. Moreover, the 232 workers from the 29 nests which the sperm in the queen’s spermathecae was successfully 
obtained had all genotypes consistent with those expected under 
Figure 2 | Neighbour-joining dendrogram of the genetic (allele-shared) 
distances between queens (Q), gynes (G) and male sperms (M) collected 
over all the five sites (A–E). The collection number of each nest is given 
two other ant species: emeryi [21,22]. study, it is likely also translates sib mating on the W. auropunctata studies have shown derive from a characterized by single male genotype. and a single male is also compatible a single mated gynes workers males 
Interestingly, lay male eggs that least two potential being clonally genome could [21]. Indeed, Figure 2. Clonal reproduction in queens and males. The 
figure summarizes the reproduction system of P. longicornis 
in the study population. Maternal (light) and paternal 
(dark) chromosomes are displayed. Contribution to the 
genome of the offspring is indicated by arrows (dashed
Example 3: Species-interactions via 
DNA sequencing 
Correspondences Screening mammal 
biodiversity using 
DNA from leeches 
Ida Bærholm Schnell1,2,†, 
Philip Francis Thomsen2,†, 
Nicholas Wilkinson3, 
Morten Rasmussen2, 
Lars R.D. Jensen1, Eske Willerslev2, 
Mads F. Bertelsen1, 
and M. Thomas P. Gilbert2,* 
With nearly one quarter of mammalian 
species threatened, an accurate 
description of their distribution and 
conservation status is needed [1]. 
For rare, shy or cryptic species, 
in the medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis) 
viruses remain detectable in the blood 
meal for up to 27 weeks, indicating viral 
nucleic acid survival [4,5]. To examine 
whether PCR amplifiable mammalian 
DNA persists in ingested blood, we 
fed 26 medical leeches (Hirudo spp.) 
freshly drawn goat (Capra hircus) 
blood (Supplemental information) then 
sequentially killed them over 141 days. 
Following extraction of total DNA, a 
goat-specific quantitative PCR assay 
demonstrated mitochondrial DNA 
(mtDNA) survival in all leeches, thus 
persistence of goat DNA, for at least 
4 months (Figure 1A; Supplemental 
We subsequently applied the 
method to monitor terrestrial 
mammal biodiversity in a challenging 
environment. Haemadipsa spp. leeches 
were collected in a densely forested 
biotope in the Central Annamite region 
expression in 
Figure 1. Monitoring mammals with leeches. 
(A) Survival of mtDNA in goat blood ingested by Hirudo medicinalis over time, relative to freshly 
drawn sample (100%, ca. 2.4E+09 mtDNA copies/gram blood). Mitochondrial DNA remained 
detectable in all fed leeches, with a minimum observed level at 1.6E+04 mtDNA/gram blood 
ingested. The line shows a simple exponential decay model, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.43 (Supplemental 
information). (B) Vietnamese field site location and examples of mammals identified in Hae-madipsa 
spp. leeches. From left to right: Annamite striped rabbit, small-toothed ferret-badger,
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Sbc174 evolution2014 week3

  • 1.
  • 2. Mini-summary • Neo-darwinism/Modern synthesis • Major transitions in evolution • Geological timescales • Geological drivers of evolution
  • 3.
  • 4. Vulcanism • Local climate change (e.g. thermal vents, hot springs...) •Global climate change: Emission of gasses & particles. •New geological barriers (migration...) •New islands (“Malay archipelago”, Galapagos... Hawaii... ) Deccan traps Eyjafjall ajokull
  • 5. 3. Major geological drivers of evolution Conditions on earth change. •Tectonic movement (of continental plates) •Vulcanism •Climate change •Meteorites
  • 6. 3. Major geological drivers of evolution Meteorite impact ? Vulcanism ? Climate change Tectonic movement Consequences: • Large scale migrations • Speciation • Mass extinctions • Adaptive radiations
  • 7. 1.Major transitions in evolution 2.Geological timescales 3.Major geological drivers of evolution 4.Recent major extinction events
  • 8. 4. Recent major extinction events Pg fraction of genera present in each time interval but extinct in the following interval KT: K-Pg Cretaceous–Paleogene Permian-Triassic Triassic-Jurassic Ordovician–Silurian Late Devonian To d a y
  • 9.
  • 10. Carboniferous/Permian Pangaea - single supercontinent •Oxygen levels. • Tetrapods and early amniotes. • Tropical conditions around equatorial landmasses. • Damp forests: tall trees & lush undergrowth: giant club mosses, lycopods, ferns & seed ferns. • Decaying undergrowth forms coal. • Good habitats for terrestrial invertebrates including spiders, millipedes and insects (e.g. giant dragonflies, scorpions).
  • 11. Early Permian mammal-like reptiles Dimetrodon (sub-class Synapsida = “mammal-like reptiles”)
  • 13. Permian-Triassic Extinction Went extinct: •Up to 96% of marine species & 70% of terrestrial vertebrates •21 terrestrial tetrapod families (63%) • 7 orders of insects Sun et al Science 2012
  • 14.
  • 15. Jurassic/Cretaceous •Mammal-like reptiles were replaced as dominant land vertebrates by reptiles (dinosaurs). • Lizards, modern amphibians and early birds appear. • The conifer- and fern-dominated vegetation of the Late Triassic continued into the Jurassic.
  • 16. Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 66 million years ago 75% of all species became extinct (50% of genera). Including: Ammonite Mosasaur (marine reptile) Non-bird dinosaurs Most Plant-eating insects Subsequently, many adaptive radiations to fill newly vacant niches. eg. mammals, fish, many insects
  • 17. Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 66 million years ago
  • 18. Evidence for Chixulub impact Magnetic field near site Crater: 180km diameter; bolide: 10km.
  • 19. Cretaceous–Paleogene (KT) extinction 66 million years ago •Bolide impact at Chixulub. •huge tsunamis • cloud of dust and water vapour, blocking sun. •plants & phytoplankton die (bottom of food chain) --> animals starve •dramatic climate & temperature changes are difficult (easier for warm-blooded?) •Additional causes? • Some groups were ALREADY in decline •Additional impacts? •Deccan traps (India) - 30,000 years of volcanic activity (lava/gas release)
  • 20.
  • 21. Ongoing Anthropocene extinction •Hunting •Habitat destruction, modification & fragmentation Diprotodon, Australia, extinct 40,000 ya Dodo, Mauritius, extinct since 1662 ! ! Passenger Pigeon North America; extinct since 1914. Glyptodon, Americas, extinct ~12000 years ago
  • 22. Extinct New 1.Zealand E5 megafauna were not in decline before human colonization Morten Erik Allentofta,b,c,1, 1.Rasmus Gilberta, E4 Hellerd,e, Charlotte L. Oskamb, Eline D. Lorenzena,f, Marie L. Halec, M. Thomas P. Christopher Jacombg, Richard N. Holdawayc,h, and Michael Bunceb,i,1 aCentre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum, University of Copenhagen,1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; bAncient DNA Laboratory, School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Perth, WA 6150, Australia; cSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; dDepartment of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark; eInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, 6 P-2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal; fDepartment of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; gSouthern Pacific Archaeological Research, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand; hPalaecol Research Ltd., Hornby, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand; and iTrace and Environmental DNA Laboratory, Department of Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6102, Australia Edited by Robert E. Ricklefs, University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, and approved February 10, 2014 (received for review August 7, 2013) The extinction of New Zealand’s moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) fol-lowed the arrival of humans in the late 13th century and was the 0.8 final event of the prehistoric Late Quaternary megafauna extinc-tions. Determining the state of the moa populations in the pre-extinction period is fundamental to understanding the causes of the event. We sampled 281 moa individuals and combined radio-carbon dating with ancient DNA 0.6 analyses to help resolve the ex-tinction debate and gain insights into moa biology. The samples, which were predominantly from the last 4,000 years preceding the extinction, represent four sympatric moa species excavated from five adjacent fossil deposits. We characterized the moa assem-blage 0.4 using mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite markers developed specifically for moa. Although genetic diversity differed significantly among the four species, we found that the millennia preceding the extinction were characterized by a remarkable de-gree 0.2 of genetic stability in all species, with no loss of heterozygos-ity and no shifts in allele frequencies over time. The extinction event itself was too rapid to bemanifested in the moa gene pools. Contra-dicting previous claims of a decline in moa before Polynesian settle-ment in New Zealand, our findings indicate that the populations were large and stable before suddenly disappearing. This interpre-tation is supported by approximate Bayesian computation analyses. Our analyses consolidate the disappearance of moa as the most rapid, human-facilitated megafauna extinction documented to date. birds ranging in size from the ∼12-kg North Island morph of Euryapteryx curtus to the ∼250-kg females of the two Dinornis species (8). Moa inhabited a variety of habitats across the New Zealand archipelago until their extinction shortly after the ar-rival of Polynesian settlers, estimated at approximately the late 13th century (8–10, 12). The abundance of well-preserved ar-chaeological sites containing evidence of large-scale exploitation of moa (e.g., ref. 13) brings the controversy of the role of humans in the extinction event into sharp focus. Early claims of environmental changes or poor adaptive abil-ities of moa as causes for the extinction (reviewed in ref. 8) have now been largely replaced by the view that direct or indirect human impacts—including hunting, fires, and the introduction of exotic species—were the primary drivers (14–18). Ecological modeling suggests that such human-mediated extinction could have happened within 100 y of Polynesian colonization (10). In contrast, it has been argued, based on limited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data, that moa populations had already col-lapsed before human arrival, as a consequence of volcanic eruptions or diseases, suggesting that humans were just one of several additive factors responsible for the extinction (19). To address this issue, we investigated the demographic tra-jectories of four sympatric moa species in the four millennia leading up to their extinction. We genotyped 281 individuals of Dinornis robustus (Dinornithidae), Euryapteryx curtus, Pachyornis 0.0 D. robustus P. elephantopus E. curtus E. crassus 20 10 0 Time (kyr) Time (yr BP) Polynesian colonization 40 30 3000 2000 1000 0 1.E3 B Expected heterozygosity H Log Ne*τ E Fig. 3. Demographic history and genetic diversity. (A) Bayesian skyline plot
  • 23. Ongoing Anthropocene extinction •Hunting •Habitat destruction, modification & fragmentation •Pollution/Overexploitation •Spread of invasive species - & new pathogens •Climate change !
  • 24. Rainforest loss in Sumatra Margono et al 2012
  • 25.
  • 26. Summary. •The history of the earth is divided into geological time periods • These are defined by characteristic flora and fauna • Large-scale changes in biodiversity (mass extinctions) were triggered by continental movement and catastrophic events
  • 27.
  • 28. A. Proximate vs Ultimate? B. Fossilization & learning from Fossils
  • 29. Why is X? Why does ? Two types of answer: Proximate explanations: mechanisms responsible for the trait. (generally within the lifetime of an organism) Ultimate explanations: fitness consequences of the trait. (generally over many generations)
  • 30. Some examples •Why do waxwings migrate South in winter? •Proximate: a mechanism in their brains senses days are getting shorter/colder •Ultimate: Those migrating South have been better at surviving the winter. •Why do human babies cry? •Proximate explanations: cold? hunger? wants attention? high level of a stress hormone? neural signal for pain? •Ultimate: babies that don’t cry when they need help are less likely to survive.
  • 31.
  • 32. Fossils & Fossilization 1. How fossilization works. Some examples of fossils. 2. Dating fossils. 3. What we can learn from fossils? y . wurm {@} qmul . ac .uk
  • 33. Geological context Three broad classes of rock: •Sedimentary rocks: formed by particles (mineral or organic) gradually settling out of solution, then compacting to form rock •Igneous rocks: formed by the cooling of magma •Metamorphic rocks: modification of existing rocks under high pressure and heat
  • 34. Fossils: only in sedimentary rocks (deposited on oceanic shorelines, lake beds, flood plains...) ! Weathering or erosion can expose the older layers
  • 35. Fossilization •Two main types: •Permineralization • “Natural cast” process • Fossilization is rare & only in sediment... •Ancient material also occurs: • in amber •by mummification • in ice
  • 36. Fossil formation at Sterkfontein Limestone deposits were laid down 2.5 billion years ago when the area was a shallow sea. Caves eventually form below the surface. ‘Pot holes’ form between the surface and the caves. Debris, including animals, fall in! Compaction and cementing with water and limestone produces “Breccia”.
  • 37. Fossil preservation •Hard part like shells, bones and teeth are usually all that remain • Soft tissues fossils are rare
  • 38. Why are fossils rare? • Fossils don’t form often: •Predators, scavengers, insects consume corpses •Bacteria and fungi decompose remains •Even faster in tropics (acid soil, warm, humid...) ! •Best locations for fossil formation:: • arid deserts, deep water (with low O2)
  • 39. Recmeonvt ecmonetnintse..n. tal LAURASIA GONDWANA Triassic 200 TETHYS Equator Mya SEA Pangaea - single supercontinent
  • 40.
  • 41. Why are fossils rare? • Fossils don’t form often: •Predators, scavengers, insects consume corpses •Bacteria and fungi decompose remains •Even faster in tropics (acid soil, warm, humid...) ! •Best locations for fossil formation: • arid deserts, deep water (with low O2), cold ! • Fossils can be lost: •mountains: lots of erosion •Metamorphosis and subduction of rocks destroys fossils ! •Most are still buried rather than exposed at the surface
  • 43. Plesiosaur fossil Aquatic reptile; not a dinosaur. But same time (Mesozoic Era). A typical fossil skeleton.
  • 44. More typical… Parts of head, and anvil/brush of Akmonistion zangerli, shark from Carboniferous of Scotland
  • 45. Belemnites • very abundant during Mezosoic
  • 48. Archaeopteryx - late Jurassic (150Mya) Feathers, like soft tissue, are rarely preserved. But here imprinted in the rock.
  • 49. “Fuzzy Raptor” (a dromaeosaur)
  • 50. The earliest Eutherian Mammal? Lower Cretaceous of China, 125 Mya Eomaia scansoria Ji et al., (2002) Nature 416, 816-822 A climbing mammal from a lake shore environment
  • 51. Leptictidium tobieni Paleogene (Messel Shales, Germany) Soft tissues + gut contents are preserved Bipedal (extinct) mammal.
  • 52. Dinosaur footprint •At the time, this footprint of a dinosaur pressed into soft mud and became preserved in the now hardened rock. Can inform us on locomotion.
  • 53. INSECT IN AMBER • This mosquito was imbedded in tree sap that subsequently hardened into amber, preserving the insect within.
  • 54. Neanderthal skull from Iraq (≈50,000 years old) ! Very rarely, DNA can be extracted and sequenced from such sub-fossils
  • 55. Some animals get trapped in ice
  • 56. Fossils & Fossilization 1. How fossilization happens & some examples. 2. Dating fossils 3. What we can learn from fossils?
  • 57. Dating methods • Absolute - the item itself is dated ! • Relative - strata above (younger) and below (older) are dated and the item expressed relative to these Best method depends on context & age.
  • 60. Stratigraphy As sediment collects, deeper layers are compacted by the ones above until they harden and become rock. Deeper Fossils are older than those above. Thus positions within the rock layers gives fossils a chronological age.
  • 61. Index (Zone) Fossils •Index fossils: diagnostic fossil species that help dating new finds ! ! •Here, Locality 3 has no layer B (wasn’t formed or eroded).
  • 62. Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) *
  • 63.
  • 64. Fossils & Fossilization 1. How fossilization happens & some examples. 2. Dating fossils 3. What we can learn from fossils?
  • 65. What can we learn? Fossils can sometimes directly or indirectly tell us a great deal about the behavior of an organism, or its lifestyle
  • 66. Fossilized tracks at Laetoli (Tanzania) Footprints preserved in volcanic ash from: 3 hominids (Australopithecus afarensis) Numerous other mammals
  • 67. Fossil Ichthyosaur giving birth • Such special preservations can inform us about the reproductive pattern in this species (live birth) .
  • 68. Fossil Eggs Information on development and social/reproductive behavior
  • 69. Interpreting fossils •Careful interpretation: helps make sense of fossilized remains •Analysis of hard parts can tell something about soft anatomy (e.g where muscles are (.e.g muscle scars). •Geology: --> environment (freshwater/marine/swamp)) • Infer from living organisms & relatives.
  • 70. Hallucigenia sparsa (Cambrian Period) From the Burgess Shale (Canada). Example of a soft bodied animal fossil, also very old!
  • 71. © BBC - Life in the Undergrowth Now re-interpreted as an Onychophoran ("velvet worm")
  • 72.
  • 73. Colors don’t fossilize... …or do they? (discovered fossilised melanosomes)
  • 74.
  • 75. Fossils - Summary • Fossils form in sedimentary rock • Fossilization is a rare process • Usually, only the hard parts like bone, teeth, exoskeletons and shells are preserved • Fossils of different ages occur in different strata, and “index fossils” can be used to cross-reference between different geographic locations •Careful interpretation is required.
  • 76.
  • 77. DNA & learning from DNA.
  • 78. DNA in evolution • Species relationships previously based on: •bone structures •morphologies •development •behavior • ecological niche • .... 1. DNA sequences change DNA holds lots of additional information: 2. Evolutionary relationships 3.Current evolutionary contexts
  • 79. 1. DNA sequences change DNA mutations occur all the time. Reasons: • mistakes in DNA replication or recombination •mutagens (radiation, chemicals) • viruses • transposons Inherited: only if in germ line. Not inherited from soma.
  • 80. Types of mutations • Small: replacement, insertion, deletion. E.g.: original: GATTACAGATTACA Point mutation new : GATTACATATTACA original: TGCAGATAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGCAGAT new : TGCAGATAGAGAGAGAGAGCAGAT Polymerase slippage in satellite •Big: inversions, duplications, deletions Mutations are the source of genetic, inheritable variation
  • 81. What happens to a mutation? •Most point mutations are neutral: no effect. • --> Genetic drift, hitchhiking... (--> elimination or fixation) • Some are very deleterious; Some increase fitness. • --> selection eliminates or fixes them Eg. antennapedia (hox gene) mutation: See population genetics lectures & practical
  • 82. 2. DNA clarifies evolutionary relationships between species Human: GATTACA Peacock: GATTGCA Amoeba: GGCTCCA Human Peacock Amoeba
  • 84. Molecular clock •Basic hypothesis: more differences - more time has passed • Allows relative timing • Allows “absolute timing” • But: • rate of differentiation differs: • between lineages •between contexts • small amounts of data: unreliable •Differential segregation of alleles (see future lectures) Time Genetic change
  • 86. An issue with sequence phylogenies •Can be ambiguous if not enough information.
  • 87. Ambiguities in mutations ancestral sequence species 1. species 2. What happened
  • 88. An issue with sequence phylogenies •Can be ambiguous if not enough information. •Used to be expensive. •Mitochondrial gene vs. nuclear gene. Several genes? •Whole genome sequencing is now dirt cheap! No longer a problem! (for establishing relationships in past 200-400 million years...)
  • 89. This changes 454 everything. Illumina Solid... Any lab can sequence anything!
  • 91. Cows are more closely related to whales than to horses Cetacea Artiodactyla Cetartiodactyla
  • 92. Bat echolocation Echolocation Evolved twice! Teeling 2002 Flight
  • 94. Ancient DNA Hair sequencing
  • 95.
  • 96. Ancient DNA: below 2km of icecriterion many putative abundance as is typical efficiently low-level due to DNA Approximately the John to and the order genus Saxifraga with more than Arctic environment plant diversity to that which consists purple and by confirming Glacier study showing record In contrast sample, that could very REPORTS Fig. 1. Sample location and core schematics. (A) Map showing the locations of the Dye 3 (65°11'N, 45°50'W) and GRIP (72°34'N, 37°37'W) drilling sites and the Kap København Formation (82°22'N, W21°14'W) in Greenland as well as the John Evans Glacier (JEG) (79°49'N, 74°30'W) on Ellesmere
  • 97. Their presence indicates a northern boreal for-est ecosystem rather than today’s Arctic environ-ment. Ancient Biomolecules from Deep Ice Cores Reveal a Forested Southern Greenland Eske Willerslev,1* Enrico Cappellini,2 Wouter Boomsma,3 Rasmus Nielsen,4 Martin B. Hebsgaard,1 Tina B. Brand,1 Michael Hofreiter,5 Michael Bunce,6,7 Hendrik N. Poinar,7 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen,8 Sigfus Johnsen,8 Jørgen Peder Steffensen,8 Ole Bennike,9 Jean-Luc Schwenninger,10 Roger Nathan,10 Simon Armitage,11 Cees-Jan de Hoog,12 Vasily Alfimov,13 Marcus Christl,13 Juerg Beer,14 Raimund Muscheler,15 Joel Barker,16 Martin Sharp,16 Kirsty E. H. Penkman,2 James Haile,17 Pierre Taberlet,18 M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1 Antonella Casoli,19 Elisa Campani,19 Matthew J. Collins2 The other groups identified, including Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae, are mainly surface (m.b.s.)] indicating the depth of the cores and the positions of the Dye 3, GRIP, and JEG samples analyzed for DNA, DNA/amino acid racemization/luminescence (underlined), and 10Be/36Cl (italic). The control GRIP samples are not shown. The lengths (in meters) of the silty sections are also shown. Table 1. Plant and insect taxa obtained from the JEG and Dye 3 silty ice samples. For each taxon (assigned to order, family, or genus level), the genetic markers (rbcL, trnL, or COI), the number of clone sequences supporting the identification, and the probability support (in percentage) are shown. Sequences have been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers EF588917 to EF588969, except for seven sequences less than 50 bp in size that are shown below. Their taxon identifications are indicated by symbols. Order Marker Clones Support (%) Family Marker Clones Support (%) Genus Marker Clones Support (%) JEG sample Rosales rbcL 3 90–99 Malpighiales rbcL trnL 2 5 99–100 99–100 Salicaceae rbcL trnL 2 4 99–100 100 Saxifragales rbcL 3 92–94 Saxifragaceae rbcL 2 92 Saxifraga rbcL 2 91 Dye 3 sample Coniferales rbcL trnL 44 27 97–100 100 Pinaceae* rbcL Spruce Pine It is difficult to obtain fossil data from the 10% of Earth’s terrestrial surface that is covered by thick glaciers and ice sheets, and hence, trnL knowledge of the paleoenvironments of these regions has remained limited. We show that DNA and amino acids from buried organisms can be recovered from the basal sections of deep ice cores, enabling reconstructions of past flora and fauna. We show that high-altitude southern Greenland, currently lying below more than 2 kilometers of ice, was inhabited by a diverse array of conifer trees and insects within the past million years. The results provide direct evidence in support of a forested southern Greenland and suggest that many deep ice cores may contain genetic records of paleoenvironments in their basal sections. The environmental histories of high-latitude 20 25 100 100 Picea Pinus† rbcL trnL 20 17 99–100 90–99 Taxaceae‡ rbcL trnL 23 2 91–98 100 Poales§ rbcL trnL 67 17 99–100 97–100 Poaceae§ rbcL Grasses trnL 67 13 99–100 100 Asterales rbcL trnL 18 27 90–100 100 Asteraceae rbcL trnL 2 27 91 100 Fabales rbcL trnL 10 3 99–100 99 Fabaceae rbcL Legumes trnL 10 3 99–100 99 Fagales rbcL trnL 10 12 95–99 100 Betulaceae rbcL regions such as Greenland and Antarctica are poorly understood because trnL much of 8 11 The samples studied come from the basal 93–97 98–100 Alnus rbcL impurity-rich (silty) ice sections of the 2-km-long trnL 7 9 91–95 98–100 Dye 3 core from south-central Greenland Lepidoptera COI 12 the 97–fossil 99 evidence is hidden below kilometer-thick *Env_2, trnL ATCCGGTTCATGAAGACAATGTTTCTTCTCCTAAGATAGGAAGGG. ice sheets (1–Env_3). 3, We trnL test ATCCGGTTCATGAAGACAATGTTTCTTCTCCTAATATAGGAAGGG. the idea that the Env_4, trnL ATCCGGTTCATGAGGACAATGTTTCTTCTCCTAATA-TAGGAAGGG. (4), the 3-km-long Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) core from the summit of the Greenland ice sheet (5), and the Late Holocene John Evans Glacier on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, northern Canada (Fig. 1). The last-mentioned sample was included as a control to test for potential exotic DNA because the glacier has recently overridden a land surface with a known vegetation cover (6). As an additional test for long-distance atmospheric dispersal of DNA, we included †Env_5, trnL CCCTTCCTATCTTAGGAGAAGAAACATTGTCTTCATGAACCGGAT. Env_6, trnL TTTCCTATCTTAGGAGAAGAAACATTGTCTTCATGAACCGGAT. ‡Env_1, trnL ATCCGTATTATAG-GAACAATAATTTTATTTTCTAGAAAAGG. basal sections of deep ice cores can act as archives for ancient biomolecules. §Env_7, trnL CTTTTCCTTTGTATTCTAGTTCGAGAATCCCTTCTCAAAACACGGAT. 112 6 JULY 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE of the frozen control for potential have entered the cracks or during Polymerase chain the plasmid DNA of the outer interior, confirming had not penetrated Using PCR, we short amplicons the chloroplast DNA trnL intron from from the Dye 3 and samples. From Dye amplicons of invertebrate subunit I (COI) mitochondrial Attempts to reproducibly the GRIP silty ice Formation sediments results are consistent data demonstrating of biomolecules Evans Glacier silty because these samples younger (John Evans sample (Fig. 1A, DNA from the five and Pleistocene samples from the (volumes: 100 g the samples studied of vertebrate mtDNA. 1Centre for Ancient Genetics, University of Copenhagen, A previous study of short sequences by means Search Tool likely (15). Denmark. 2BioArch, Departments of Biology and Archaeology, University of York, UK. 3Bioinformatics Centre, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 4Centre for Comparative Genomics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 5Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany. 6Murdoch University Ancient DNA Research Laboratory, Murdoch University, Willerslev 2007 Birch Butterflies Daisies/Sunflower
  • 99. What common ancestor of placental mammals radiated after K-T (Cretaceous-Palogene) extinction? Genomic Evidence for Large, Long-Lived Ancestors to Placental Mammals J. Romiguier,1 V. Ranwez,1,2 E.J.P. Douzery,1 and N. Galtier*,1 1CNRS, Universite´ Montpellier 2, UMR 5554, ISEM, Montpellier, France 2Montpellier SupAgro, UMR 1334, AGAP, Montpellier, France *Corresponding author: E-mail: Associate editor: Naruya Saitou Molecular evolution analysis: Mol Biol Evol 2013 •Earliest placental mammals (ie. eutherians) •body mass >1kg; lifespan >25years Abstract It is widely assumed that our mammalian ancestors, which lived in the Cretaceous era, were tiny animals that survived asteroid impacts in shelters and evolved into modern forms after dinosaurswent extinct, 65Ma. The small size ofmost mammalian fossils essentially supports this view. Paleontology, however, is not conclusive regarding the ancestry mammals, because Cretaceous and Paleocene fossils are not easily estimate the longevity and body mass of early placental mammals. ie. linked very to modern different lineages. Here, from we use full-genome Analyzing 36 fully sequenced mammalian reconstruct two aspects of the ancestral genome dynamics, namely GC-content “mouse-evolution and like” nonsynonymous over rate ratio. Linking these molecular evolutionary processes to life-history traits in modern species, we estimate placental mammals had a life span above 25 years and a body mass above Eomaia 1 kg. This is similar or carnivores, but markedly different from mice or shrews, challenging the dominant scansoria to current primates, cetartiodactyls, view about mammalian evolution. Our results imply that long-lived mammals existed in the Cretaceous era and were the most successful opening new perspectives about the conditions for survival to the Cretaceous–Tertiary crisis. Key words: phylogeny, GC-content, dN/dS ratio, GC-biased gene conversion, placentalia, fossils.
  • 100. 3. DNA sequence clarifies current relationships
  • 101. Three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Example 1. Bill Cresko et al; David Kingsley et al
  • 102. Independent colonization events less than 10,000 The freshwater populations, despite their younger age, are divergent both from the oceanic ancestral populations and each other, consistent with our supposition that they represent independent colonizations from the ancestral oceanic population. These results are remarkably similar to results obtained previously from some of these same populations using a small number microsatellite and mtDNA markers [55]. This combination large amounts of genetic variation and overall low-to-moderate differentiation between populations, phenotypic evolution years in the ago coupled with recent and freshwater populations, presents ideal situation for identifying genomic regions that have responded to various kinds of natural selection. Patterns of genetic diversity distributed across the genome To assess genome-wide patterns we examined mean nucleotide diversity in Saltwater: (p) and heterozygosity (H) using a Gaussian smoothing function across each linkage group (Figure 4 and S1). Although the overall mean diversity and heterozygosity are 0.00336 and 0.00187, respectively, values vary widely the genome. Nucleotide diversity within genomic regions from 0.0003 to over 0.01, whereas heterozygosity values from 0.0001 to 0.0083. This variation in diversity across genome provides important clues to the evolutionary processes that in are Freshwater: maintaining genetic diversity. For example, expected (p) and observed (H) heterozygosity largely correspond, they differ at a few genomic regions (e.g., on Linkage Group Genomic regions that exhibit significantly (p,1025) low levels diversity and heterozygosity (e.g. on LG II and V, Figure and Figure S1) may be the result of low mutation low recombination rate, purifying or positive selection consistent across populations, or some combination of [9,36,105–107]. F F F S S F = Freshwater S = Saltwater Bill Cresko et al; Different amounts of armor plating
  • 103. RAD = Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing each locus sequenced 5–10 times per fish. F F F = Freshwater Bill Cresko et al; The freshwater populations, despite their younger age, are more divergent both from the oceanic ancestral populations and from each other, consistent with our supposition that they represent independent colonizations from the ancestral oceanic population. These results are remarkably similar to results obtained previously from some of these same populations using a small number of microsatellite and mtDNA markers [55]. This combination of large amounts of genetic variation and overall low-to-moderate differentiation between populations, coupled with recent and rapid phenotypic evolution in the freshwater populations, presents an ideal situation for identifying genomic regions that have responded to various kinds of natural selection. Patterns of genetic diversity distributed across the genome To assess genome-wide patterns we examined mean nucleotide diversity (p) and heterozygosity (H) using a Gaussian kernel smoothing function across each linkage group (Figure 4 and Figure S1). Although the overall mean diversity and heterozygosity values are 0.00336 and 0.00187, respectively, values vary widely across the genome. Nucleotide diversity within genomic regions ranges from 0.0003 to over 0.01, whereas heterozygosity values range from 0.0001 to 0.0083. This variation in diversity across the genome provides important clues to the evolutionary processes that are maintaining genetic diversity. For example, while expected (p) and observed (H) heterozygosity largely correspond, they differ at a few genomic regions (e.g., on Linkage Group XI). Genomic regions that exhibit significantly (p,1025) low levels of diversity and heterozygosity (e.g. on LG II and V, Figure 4 and Figure S1) may be the result of low mutation rate, low recombination rate, purifying or positive selection that is consistent across populations, or some combination of factors [9,36,105–107]. In contrast, other genomic regions, such as those on LG III and XIII (Figure 4), show very high levels of both diversity and heterozygosity. The most striking such region, found near the end Figure 1. Location of oceanic and freshwater populations examined. Threespine stickleback were sampled from three freshwa-ter (Bear Paw Lake [BP], Boot Lake [BL], Mud Lake [ML]) and two oceanic Population Genomics in Stickleback F S S S = Saltwater 20 fish per population 45,789 loci genotyped
  • 104. Differentiation between populations (FST) Population Genomics Freshwater Saltwater vs. Saltwater vs. Freshwater Figure 6. Genome-wide differentiation among populations. FST across the genome, with colored bars indicating significantly (p#1025, blue; p#1027, red) and reduced (p#1025, green) values. Vertical gray shading indicates boundaries of the linkage groups and scaffolds, and gold shading indicates the nine peaks of substantial population differentiation discussed in the text. (A) FST between the populations (RS and RB; note that no regions of FST are significantly elevated or reduced). (B,C,D) Differentiation of each single freshwater from the two oceanic populations, shown as the mean of the two pairwise comparisons (with RS and RB): (B) BP, (C) BL, (D) ML. Colored plot represent regions where both pairwise comparisons exceeded the corresponding significance threshold. (E) Overall population differentiation between the oceanic and freshwater populations. (F) Differentiation among the three freshwater populations (BP, BL, ML). doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000862.g006 PLoS Genetics | 8 February 2010 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 Freshwater vs. Saltwater FST bewteen 2 populations: 0 = populations have same alleles in similar frequencies 1 = populations have completely different alleles Bill Cresko et al; David Kingsley et al
  • 105. Nine identified regions • Identified regions include: • 31 that likely to affect morphology or osmoregulation • some previously identified via crosses; most new • E.g. EDA gene. • “rare” recessive allele (found in 1-5% of ocean individuals) • the “rare” allele went to fixation in all freshwater populations (ie. all individuals homozygous for the rare allele)
  • 106. Example 2: Little fire ant Wasmannia DNA identifies family relationships Normally, * males (haploid) carry only maternal DNA * workers and new queens (all diploid) carry DNA from their father and their mother Fournier et al 2005
  • 107. NATURE|Vol 435|30 June 2005 LETTERS Table 1 | Genotypes of queens (Q), their mates (M) and workers (w) in one nest (E-3) at each of the 11 microsatellite loci Individual Waur-225 Waur-275 Waur-418 Waur-566 Waur-680 Waur-716 Waur-730 Waur-1166 Waur-2164 Waur-3176 Waur-1gam Queens Q-1 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-2 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-3 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-4 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-5 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-6 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-7 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Q-8 223 225 105 115 100 112 263 263 171 171 184 198 158 160 95 97 298 306 230 230 288 298 Males M-1 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-2 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-3 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-4 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-5 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-6 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-7 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 M-8 269 107 118 265 187 192 214 95 320 244 282 Workers w-1 223 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 160 214 95 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 w-2 225 269 115 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 95 95 298 320 230 244 288 282 w-3 223 269 105 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 160 214 97 95 298 320 230 244 298 282 w-4 225 269 115 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 288 282 w-5 223 269 105 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 198 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 w-6 225 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 160 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 288 282 w-7 223 269 105 107 100 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 306 320 230 244 298 282 w-8 225 269 115 107 112 118 263 265 171 187 184 192 158 214 97 95 298 320 230 244 288 282 The identities of mates were determined by the sperm collected in the queen’s spermathecae. Queens and males’ genotypes illustrate their clonal production, whereas workers’ genotypes are consistent with normal sexual reproduction. Paternal alleles are in italics. reproduction (that is, by ameiotic parthenogenesis). In 33 of the 34 nests, all queens (n ¼ 135) and gynes (n ¼ 9) cohabiting in the same nest shared an identical genotype at each of the 11 loci (Table 1 and Fig. 1). The single exception was nest B-12, in which queens differed at 1 of the 11 loci: four queens were heterozygous at Waur-2164 and the remaining three queens were homozygous for one of the
  • 108. Downloaded from on January Here: reproduction (that is, by ameiotic parthenogenesis). In 33 of the nests, all queens (n ¼ 135) and gynes (n ¼ 9) cohabiting in the same nest shared an identical genotype at each of the 11 loci (Table 1 Fig. 1). The single exception was nest B-12, in which queens differed at 1 of the 11 loci: four queens were heterozygous at Waur-2164 and the remaining three queens were homozygous for one of two alleles. This variation probably reflects a mutation or recombi-nation * workers carry DNA from mother & father * new queens are 100% clones of their mother * new males are 100% clones of their father event in one queen followed by clonal reproduction within the nest. The history of this genetic change could be reconstructed from the genotypes of queens collected in neighbouring nests (Figs and 2). Nine queens from two neighbouring nests (B-11 and B-had the same genotype as the four heterozygous queens for locus Waur-2164, indicating that the mutation or recombination event probably was from a heterozygote to a homozygote queen. The three homozygote queens from nest B-12 had a unique genotype in population, which further supports this interpretation. A comparison between nests supports the view of restricted female gene flow, with budding being the main mode of colony formation. Within three of the five sites of collection (A, C and D) all queens the same genotype at the 11 loci (Fig. 2). In one of the two other 2680 M. Pearcy et al. Sib mating without inbreeding (B), all queens from 8 of the 17 nests also had an identical genotype, whereas in the other site (E) the queen genotypes were different in three nests sampled. Taken together, these data indicate that queens belonging to the same lineage of clonally produced individuals frequently head closely queen located nests. mate Moreover, genetic differen-tiation between sites was very strong, with a single occurrence genotypes shared between sites (the eight queens of nest E-3 genotypes identical to the most common genotype found at site showing that gene flow by females is extremely restricted. In stark contrast to reproductive females, the genotypic analyses revealed that workers are produced by normal sexual reproduction (Table 1). Over all 31 queenright nests, each of the 248 genotyped workers had, at seven or more loci, one allele that was absent queens of their nest. Moreover, the 232 workers from the 29 nests which the sperm in the queen’s spermathecae was successfully obtained had all genotypes consistent with those expected under Figure 2 | Neighbour-joining dendrogram of the genetic (allele-shared) distances between queens (Q), gynes (G) and male sperms (M) collected over all the five sites (A–E). The collection number of each nest is given two other ant species: emeryi [21,22]. study, it is likely also translates sib mating on the W. auropunctata studies have shown derive from a characterized by single male genotype. and a single male is also compatible a single mated gynes workers males Interestingly, lay male eggs that least two potential being clonally genome could [21]. Indeed, Figure 2. Clonal reproduction in queens and males. The figure summarizes the reproduction system of P. longicornis in the study population. Maternal (light) and paternal (dark) chromosomes are displayed. Contribution to the genome of the offspring is indicated by arrows (dashed
  • 109. Example 3: Species-interactions via DNA sequencing Correspondences Screening mammal biodiversity using DNA from leeches Ida Bærholm Schnell1,2,†, Philip Francis Thomsen2,†, Nicholas Wilkinson3, Morten Rasmussen2, Lars R.D. Jensen1, Eske Willerslev2, Mads F. Bertelsen1, and M. Thomas P. Gilbert2,* With nearly one quarter of mammalian species threatened, an accurate description of their distribution and conservation status is needed [1]. For rare, shy or cryptic species, in the medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis) viruses remain detectable in the blood meal for up to 27 weeks, indicating viral nucleic acid survival [4,5]. To examine whether PCR amplifiable mammalian DNA persists in ingested blood, we fed 26 medical leeches (Hirudo spp.) freshly drawn goat (Capra hircus) blood (Supplemental information) then sequentially killed them over 141 days. Following extraction of total DNA, a goat-specific quantitative PCR assay demonstrated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) survival in all leeches, thus persistence of goat DNA, for at least 4 months (Figure 1A; Supplemental information). We subsequently applied the method to monitor terrestrial mammal biodiversity in a challenging environment. Haemadipsa spp. leeches were collected in a densely forested biotope in the Central Annamite region how new into John expression in differentiation. sex 586. genes central fish. determination Magazine R263 Figure 1. Monitoring mammals with leeches. (A) Survival of mtDNA in goat blood ingested by Hirudo medicinalis over time, relative to freshly drawn sample (100%, ca. 2.4E+09 mtDNA copies/gram blood). Mitochondrial DNA remained detectable in all fed leeches, with a minimum observed level at 1.6E+04 mtDNA/gram blood ingested. The line shows a simple exponential decay model, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.43 (Supplemental information). (B) Vietnamese field site location and examples of mammals identified in Hae-madipsa spp. leeches. From left to right: Annamite striped rabbit, small-toothed ferret-badger,