black and white color template office theme hidden slides zero font style times new romen no transition size 5.8mb slides 46 size 11.0mb size:4.00 mb size 3.84mb size:4.27mb theme retrospect 26 slides size 2.0 mbs slides 73 size 141kb bl no animation tabulation design size 244kb 11 slides color dark and light blue template facet software powerpoint presentation language english no drawing and smart art use view is normal 21 slides are basic of study content alignment is at left font color is black yellow and red view slide share writing style times new romen size almost small 36 template wisp notes 3 words 1078 size 102kb lay out: tiltle nad contents part of evolution 24 slides blue and white backgropund data taken from a very valid book of fisheries simple white and black design age and growth of fishes detyermination 27 slides that is general preparation for a class presentati diagram also included material taken from net browsers and book design is educational subject black color of fonts backgroung color is gray air pollutanta effects on enviornment heavy metals defostation etc. volacnoes eruption niterogen carbon dioxide sulphur air pollution and primary pollutants
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