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SBC174 Evolution (& Ecology)
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Course Outline 
and Timetable 
Yannick Wurm 
Dave Hone 
Semester A: Evolution 
Lectures from Yannick Wurm (YW), and David Hone (DH).! 
Week 1: YW – Introduction, Historical context, Neo Darwinism! 
Week 2: YW – Geological Aspects, Drivers of Evolution, Levels of Evolution! 
Week 3: YW – Ultimate vs Proximate, learning from fossils, learning from DNA! 
Week 4: YW – Human Evolution! 
Week 5: YW - Genetic Basis of Evolution! 
Week 6: DH – Selection, Gene Flow, and Mutation! 
Week 7: Mid semester break, no lectures.! 
Week 8: DH – Founder Effects, Inbreeding, and Hybrid Zones! 
Week 8: Computer Practical (afternoon) [PopG Tutorial]! 
Week 9: DH – Evolution of Sex, Sexual Selection! 
Week 10: DH – Systematics, Speciation! 
Week 11: DH - Evolution of Parasites, Antibiotics! 
Week 12: DH – Convergence, Revision Session 
Mondays: 9-10 a.m in Maths MLT (Maths Lecture Theatre) 12-1pm in Laws 2.10! 
Note: the workshops will be in week 8 of Semesters A and B. 
20% Workshop 
Final Grade: 
80% Exam
Semester B: Ecology 
Week 1: Introduction to the course, Introduction to ecology! 
Week 2: Survivorship curves, Food webs and interactions! 
Week 3: Niches, Biomes and Habitats! 
Week 4: Ecosystem Services, Productivity! 
Week 5: Extinctions, Global Warming! 
Week 6: Invertebrates & global warming, Pollinators! 
Week 8: Invertebrate Ecology, Plants (global view) - WORKSHOP! 
Week 9: Microbes, Plankton! 
Week 10: Salt Marshes, Woodlands,! 
Week 11: Invasive species, Ecological Solutions! 
Week 12: UK Conservation, Review session 
All lectures by David Hone 
Final Grade: 80% Exam; 5% Workshop; 15% Fieldcourse
Bradwell Street 
Math Lecture Theater 
Bancroft Road 
Leatherdale Street Moody Street 
Bancroft Road 
Bancroft Road 
9 Arts Quarter 
35 37 
24 34 
23 22 
8 10 
Grantley Street 
6 7 
Holton Street 
58 57 
Westfield Way 
West Gate East Gate 
Alderney Road 
Longnor Road 
Mile End Hospital 
Portelet Road 
Green Tube Station Mile End Road Mile End Tube Station
SBC174/SBS110: Evolution (& Ecology) 
“Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in 
the Light of Evolution” 
Theodosius Dobzhansky 1973
Recommended Reading
Paperback 352 pages 
Publisher: Profile Books! 
Amazon price: £5.89
Paperback 596 pages ! 
(11 Aug 2005)! 
Publisher: Oxford University Press! 
Amazon price: £26.99
+Lots of stuff on youtube. 
+Anything in Nature, Science, Trends in Ecology & Evolution…
Lecture 1: Introduction and some 
historical perspectives
Early ideas 
Two camps: Fixity of species or change? 
350 B.C. Aristotle:! 
individuals in a “Species” are identical and unchanging 
1749 Buffon Histoire Naturelle encyclopedia: ! 
The earth is very old. Species change. 
1785 Hutton. Geologist: ! 
Uniformitarianism: Changes in nature are gradual. 
1798 Cuvier: ! 
Fossils show extinct species (due to catastrophe). ! 
Species don’t change.
“Evolution by Natural Selection”
Are there other types of 
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
1. Linnaeus:1700s 
2. Lamarck: 1744—1829! 
3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
Carolus Linnaeus (1707—1778) 
• Swedish! 
• 180 books classified nature: 
“revealing the order of life created 
by God.”: “God created, Linnaeus 
• Devised the binomial naming 
system: Genus species ! 
• Thought that species do not 
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
• Linneaus: each species was 
separately created.
J-B. de Lamarck (1744—1829) 
• Worked most of his life at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris)! 
• He promoted the idea that species change.
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
1. Linnaeus:1700s! 
2. Lamarck: 1744-1829 
3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
• Linneaus: each species was 
separately created. 
• Lamarck: characteristics acquired by an 
individual are passed on to offspring.
Giraffe necks 
• Lamarck: stretching giraffes 
lengthened their necks to 
reach tree-top vegetation. 
This acquired characteristic 
is passed to offspring.! 
• Darwin & Wallace: giraffes 
with long necks out-compete 
those with short 
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
1. Linnaeus:1700s! 
2. Lamarck: 1744—1829! 
3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) 
Published on “principle of population”:! 
Human populations increase faster 
(geometrically=exponentially) ! 
than food production (increases 
arithmetically = linearly)!
Charles Lyell (1797-1875) 
Geologist, strong proponent of 
uniformitarianism (slow gradual change) 
Uniformitarianism. 4 ideas: ! 
• Accepted by all scientists:! 
1. Natural laws are constant across space and time! 
2. Principle of parsimony: try to explain the past by causes 
now in operation without inventing extra, fancy, or unknown 
causes, however plausible in logic, if available processes suffice. ! 
• Debatable:! 
3. Change is slow, steady, and gradual.! 
4. Change is evenly distributed throughout space and time.!
Darwin & the Voyage of the Beagle 
Galápagos finches 
1° 30' 
0° 30' 
0° 30' 
1° 30' 
92° 91° 30' 91° 90° 30' 90° 89° 30' 89° 
777 m 
Cabo Ibbetson 
Canal de Pinta 
Punta Mejía 
340 m 
Punta Montalvo 
Punta Calle 
San Salvador 
(Santiago / James) 
Canal de Marchena 
Bahia Darwin 
(Darwin Bay) 
El Barranco 
Seymour Norte 
(North Seymour) 
Baltra (South Seymour) 
Punta Carrión 
Plaza Sur 
Santa Cruz 
75 m 
Santa Fé 
253 m 
Punta Flores 
>790 m 
Cabo Berkeley 
Punta Vicente Roca 
Cabo Douglas 
Bahia de 
(Banks Bay) 
Punta Tortuga 
Tagus Cove 
Punta Espinosa 
La Cumbre 
1 476 m 
Punta Mangle 
Punta Moreno 
0 (km) 500 
Galápagos Islands 
San Cristóbal 
Cabo Chalmers 
Cerro Pelado 
Bahia James 
(James Bay) Bahia Sullivan 
Canal Isabela 
907 m 
Canal de San Salvador 
Cerro Dragón 
367 m 
Bahia Conway (Conway Bay) 
Bahia Ballena (Ballena Bay) 
Cabo Barrington 
Canal de Pinzón 
458 m 
Cabo Woodford 
Cuatro Hermanos 
Punta Veintimilla 
Puerto Villamil 
Los Gemelos 
Punta Cormorant 
Puerto Velasco Ibarra 
Sombrero Chino 
Daphne Mayor 
Bahia Tortuga 
(Tortuga Bay) 
Cerro Crocker 
Bahia Post Office 
(Post Office Bay) 
(Santa María / Charles) 
Cerro Brujo 
(Kicker Rock) 
Bahia d'Esteban 
Canal de Santa Fé 
Cerro Tijeretas 
Punta Wreck 
Punta Rocafuerte 
864 m 
Santa Canal de Hancock Bank 
Campión (Champion) 
Punta Ayora 
Bahia Gardner 
(Gardner Bay) 
Punta Albemarle 
1 707 m 
Canal Bolívar 
1 330 m 
Cabo Marshall 
Bahia Isabel 
(Elizabeth Bay) 
Cabo Hammond 
Punta Cristóbal 
Caleta Iguana 
Bahia de 
Punta Valdizán 
Punta Pitt 
Bahia Rosa Blanca 
Punta Suárez 
1 130 m 
Cabo Rosa 
Cerro San Joaquin 
Punta Sur 
Punta Cevallos 
Punta Sur 
Cerro Pajas 
640 m 
Sierra Negra 
1 124 m 
Cerro Azul 
1 640 m 
730 m 
Cerro Alieri 
92° 91° 30' 91° 90° 30' 90° 89° 30' 89° 
• Analysis -> finches derived from one ancestral species arriving from 
the mainland to populate and diversify across the islands (adaptive 
1,707 m 
1,500 m 
1,250 m 
1,000 m 
750 m 
500 m 
250 m 
100 m 
50 m 
-200 m 
-500 m 
-750 m 
-1,000 m 
-1,500 m 
-2,000 m 
-2,500 m 
-3,000 m 
-3,500 m 
-3,650 m 
0 (mi) 300 
90° 85° 80° 75° 
0 (km) 100 
0 (mi) 60 
Projection: UTM (WGS84 Datum) 
Alternate Name 
Provincial Capital 
Cantonal Capital 
© BskyB - David Attenborough - Galápagos 2013
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) 
• Darwin at about 30 years old, 
three years since returning from 
his voyage aboard HMS Beagle 
• The Origin of Species was 
published several decades later in 
1859 (prompted by competition 
from Alfred Russel Wallace).
Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) 
• Wallace in his thirties. (National 
Portrait Gallery, London.)! 
• In 1858 he came up with similar 
ideas to Darwin about the 
mechanism of evolutionary change
BBC Two - Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero, Wallace in Borneo
BBC Two - Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero, Wallace in Borneo
Read at the Linnean Society
Evolution by natural selection 
Under optimal conditions, populations indefinitely increase in size. 
Because they do not:! 
* either not all animals reach maturity! 
* and/or some animals breed less 
Individuals within a population differ (natural variation) 
Some differences (traits) affect survival/reproduction 
Some of these traits are heritable: passed on from parents to 
Advantageous traits lead to increased relative survival of certain 
3 Schools of evolutionary thought 
• Linneaus: each species was 
separately created. 
• Lamarck: characteristics acquired by an 
individual are passed on to offspring. 
• Darwin & Wallace: viewed evolution 
as descent with modification.
Giraffe necks 
• Lamarck: stretching giraffes 
lengthened their necks to 
reach tree-top vegetation. 
This acquired characteristic 
is passed to offspring.! 
• Darwin & Wallace: giraffes 
with long necks have more 
offspring than those with 
short necks. 
Actually: sexual selection??
(1859) "The Origin of Species"
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection 
theory |ˈTHēərē, ˈTHi(ə)rē| 
noun ( pl. theories ) 
A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an 
explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; 
a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by 
observation and experiment, and is propounded or 
accepted as accounting for the known facts. 
(Oxford English Dictionary)
Darwin's Theory of Evolution (1859) 
"The Origin of Species" 
• There is inherited variation within species.! 
• There is competition for survival within species.! 
• Natural selection is the process whereby genetically inherited 
characteristics become more or less common in a population as a 
function of the differential reproductive success of the bearers of these 
•This process occurring independently on two populations of a single 
species leads to the accumulation of differences between the populations 
- and ultimately to speciation.
Ideas on how the diversity of life was/is produced date back 
to the ancient Greeks! 
These ideas developed considerably in the 1800s, 
culminating in the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
• But environmental conditions change: 
Natural selection leads to 
adaptive change 
What was advantageous yesterday may be a disadvantage today. 
Evolution=change doesn’t only 
occur by natural selection!! 
• Also: ! 
• genetic drift! 
• (sexual selection)! 
• artificial selection (selective breeding)! 
• mutation
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
1. The Fossil Record: Palaeontology 
order Reality: there is 
sequential order to 
the fossil record
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
2. Comparative anatomy 
• Comparison of forelimbs among 4 
Homology vs. analogy 
• Homology - vertebrate forearms: the bat wing, mouse forearm, and 
human arm are homologous structures as all are composed of similar 
bones inherited from a recent common ancestor.
Homology vs. analogy 
• Analogy: The wings of bats, butterflies, and birds evolved 
independently, not from a recent common ancestor. But they have a 
similar function, flight, and so are analogous. 
(convergent evolution)
Morphological series - evolution 
of limbs from fins 
• Note homology of structures
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
3. Comparative Embryology 
• Embryonic retention of ancestral characteristics in vertebrates (e.g. gills 
and tails)
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
4. Vestigial features I 
• Whales: hips and hind limbs are reduced to small bones with no function. ! 
• In primitive snakes, the remnants of hind limbs persist (forelimbs are 
Femur Pelvis
Vestigial features II 
• The human appendix 
is a vestigial structure, 
reduced from the 
caecum of primate 
• Others: muscles to move ears, “goose bumps”
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
5. Domestication (artificial selection) 
Von Holdt et al. 
(2010) Nature 
464, 898-903
Brassica oleracea
Darwin’s evidence for evolution 
1. The Fossil Record 
2. Comparative Anatomy 
3. Comparative Embryology 
4. Vestigial Structures 
5. Domestication (artificial selection)
Patterns and processes in 
evolutionary thought 
“The Modern Synthesis” 
The same thing... but with better understanding of 
how things work. 
• Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection! 
• Mendel’s Laws of Heredity (1866, 1900; see SBS 008)! 
• Cytogenetics (1902, 1904 - )! 
• Population Genetics (1908; see later lectures) ! 
• Molecular genetics (1970s- ; see SBS 633/210 and later 

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2014 evolution-week1

  • 2. Being a student... Taking notes...
  • 3. Course Outline and Timetable
  • 4.
  • 6. Semester A: Evolution Lectures from Yannick Wurm (YW), and David Hone (DH).! Week 1: YW – Introduction, Historical context, Neo Darwinism! Week 2: YW – Geological Aspects, Drivers of Evolution, Levels of Evolution! Week 3: YW – Ultimate vs Proximate, learning from fossils, learning from DNA! Week 4: YW – Human Evolution! Week 5: YW - Genetic Basis of Evolution! Week 6: DH – Selection, Gene Flow, and Mutation! Week 7: Mid semester break, no lectures.! Week 8: DH – Founder Effects, Inbreeding, and Hybrid Zones! Week 8: Computer Practical (afternoon) [PopG Tutorial]! Week 9: DH – Evolution of Sex, Sexual Selection! Week 10: DH – Systematics, Speciation! Week 11: DH - Evolution of Parasites, Antibiotics! Week 12: DH – Convergence, Revision Session Mondays: 9-10 a.m in Maths MLT (Maths Lecture Theatre) 12-1pm in Laws 2.10! Note: the workshops will be in week 8 of Semesters A and B. 20% Workshop Final Grade: 80% Exam
  • 7. Semester B: Ecology Week 1: Introduction to the course, Introduction to ecology! ! Week 2: Survivorship curves, Food webs and interactions! ! Week 3: Niches, Biomes and Habitats! ! Week 4: Ecosystem Services, Productivity! ! Week 5: Extinctions, Global Warming! ! Week 6: Invertebrates & global warming, Pollinators! ! Week 7: READING WEEK! ! Week 8: Invertebrate Ecology, Plants (global view) - WORKSHOP! ! Week 9: Microbes, Plankton! ! Week 10: Salt Marshes, Woodlands,! ! Week 11: Invasive species, Ecological Solutions! ! Week 12: UK Conservation, Review session All lectures by David Hone Final Grade: 80% Exam; 5% Workshop; 15% Fieldcourse
  • 8. 47 BL Bradwell Street Math Lecture Theater BL 38 60 53 52 Bancroft Road Leatherdale Street Moody Street Nuevo Burial Ground Bancroft Road Bancroft Road 9 Arts Quarter 35 37 25 24 34 23 22 33 19a 19 17 61 55 62 64 56 63 16 18 20 15 15 12 8 10 15 11 Grantley Street 6 7 5 4 Holton Street 3 2 2 14 54 40 39 13 27 26 31 29 28 46 46 49 58 57 59 55 44 41 48 51 50 45 43 42 32 36 Geography Square Library Square The Curve Godward Square Westfield Way West Gate East Gate Alderney Road Longnor Road Mile End Hospital Portelet Road Green Tube Station Mile End Road Mile End Tube Station
  • 9. SBC174/SBS110: Evolution (& Ecology) “Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution” Theodosius Dobzhansky 1973
  • 11.
  • 12. Paperback 352 pages (2010)! Publisher: Profile Books! ! Amazon price: £5.89
  • 13.
  • 14. Paperback 596 pages ! (11 Aug 2005)! ! Publisher: Oxford University Press! Amazon price: £26.99
  • 15. +Lots of stuff on youtube. +Anything in Nature, Science, Trends in Ecology & Evolution…
  • 16. Lecture 1: Introduction and some historical perspectives
  • 17. Early ideas Two camps: Fixity of species or change? 350 B.C. Aristotle:! individuals in a “Species” are identical and unchanging 1749 Buffon Histoire Naturelle encyclopedia: ! The earth is very old. Species change. 1785 Hutton. Geologist: ! Uniformitarianism: Changes in nature are gradual. 1798 Cuvier: ! Fossils show extinct species (due to catastrophe). ! Species don’t change.
  • 18. Define: “Evolution by Natural Selection”
  • 19. Are there other types of evolution?
  • 20. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought 1. Linnaeus:1700s 2. Lamarck: 1744—1829! 3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
  • 21. Carolus Linnaeus (1707—1778) • Swedish! • 180 books classified nature: “revealing the order of life created by God.”: “God created, Linnaeus arranged”! • Devised the binomial naming system: Genus species ! • Thought that species do not change.
  • 22. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought • Linneaus: each species was separately created.
  • 23. J-B. de Lamarck (1744—1829) • Worked most of his life at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris)! • He promoted the idea that species change.
  • 24. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought 1. Linnaeus:1700s! 2. Lamarck: 1744-1829 3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
  • 25. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought • Linneaus: each species was separately created. • Lamarck: characteristics acquired by an individual are passed on to offspring.
  • 26. Giraffe necks • Lamarck: stretching giraffes lengthened their necks to reach tree-top vegetation. This acquired characteristic is passed to offspring.! • Darwin & Wallace: giraffes with long necks out-compete those with short necks.
  • 27. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought 1. Linnaeus:1700s! 2. Lamarck: 1744—1829! 3. Darwin & Wallace: 1800s
  • 28. Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) Published on “principle of population”:! Human populations increase faster (geometrically=exponentially) ! than food production (increases arithmetically = linearly)!
  • 29. Charles Lyell (1797-1875) Geologist, strong proponent of uniformitarianism (slow gradual change) Uniformitarianism. 4 ideas: ! • Accepted by all scientists:! 1. Natural laws are constant across space and time! 2. Principle of parsimony: try to explain the past by causes now in operation without inventing extra, fancy, or unknown causes, however plausible in logic, if available processes suffice. ! • Debatable:! 3. Change is slow, steady, and gradual.! 4. Change is evenly distributed throughout space and time.!
  • 30. Darwin & the Voyage of the Beagle 1831-1836
  • 31. Galápagos finches 1° 30' 1° 0° 30' 0° Equator 0° 30' 1° 1° 30' 92° 91° 30' 91° 90° 30' 90° 89° 30' 89° PACIFIC OCEAN Marchena (Bindloe) Pinta (Abington) 777 m Cabo Ibbetson Canal de Pinta Punta Mejía 340 m Punta Montalvo Punta Calle San Salvador (Santiago / James) Genovesa Canal de Marchena Bahia Darwin (Darwin Bay) El Barranco Seymour Norte (North Seymour) Mosquera Baltra (South Seymour) Punta Carrión Plaza Sur Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) (Tower) 75 m Santa Fé (Barrington) Darwin (Culpepper) Wolf (Wenman) 253 m Redonda Punta Flores Ecuador >790 m Cabo Berkeley Punta Vicente Roca Cabo Douglas Fernandina (Marlborough) Bahia de Bancos (Banks Bay) Punta Tortuga Tagus Cove Punta Espinosa La Cumbre 1 476 m Punta Mangle Punta Moreno Isabela (Albemarle) 0° QUITO 0 (km) 500 5° Galápagos Islands San Cristóbal (Chatham) Cabo Chalmers Cerro Pelado Bahia James (James Bay) Bahia Sullivan Punta Baquerizo Canal Isabela Cabo Nepean 907 m Rábida (Jervis) Punta Alfaro Bahia Cártago Punta Espejo Canal de San Salvador Cerro Dragón 367 m Bahia Conway (Conway Bay) Bahia Ballena (Ballena Bay) Cabo Barrington Pinzón (Duncan) Eden Canal de Pinzón 458 m Cabo Woodford Cuatro Hermanos (Crossman) Albany Punta Veintimilla Chico Puerto Villamil Tortuga (Brattle) Los Gemelos Punta Cormorant Puerto Velasco Ibarra Floreana Bainbridge Sombrero Chino Daphne Mayor Bahia Tortuga (Tortuga Bay) Cerro Crocker Puerto Isidro Ayora Bahia Post Office (Post Office Bay) (Santa María / Charles) Cerro Brujo León-Dormido-Felsen (Kicker Rock) Bahia d'Esteban Canal de Santa Fé Cerro Tijeretas Puerto Baquerizo Moreno Punta Wreck Española (Hood) Bartolomé Lobos Punta Rocafuerte 864 m Punta Nuñez Cruz Caamaño Santa Canal de Hancock Bank Campión (Champion) Enderby Punta Ayora Caldwell Gardner Gardner Bahia Gardner (Gardner Bay) Punta Albemarle Wolf 1 707 m Canal Bolívar Darwin 1 330 m Bahia Urbina (Urbina Bay) Cabo Marshall Bahia Isabel (Elizabeth Bay) McGowen Reef Cabo Hammond Punta Cristóbal Caleta Iguana Istmo Perry Bahia Villamil Bahia de Hobbs Punta Valdizán Punta Pitt Bahia Rosa Blanca Punta Suárez Punta Garcia Alcedo 1 130 m Azufre Cabo Rosa Cerro San Joaquin Punta Sur Punta Cevallos Punta Sur Cerro Pajas 640 m Sierra Negra 1 124 m Cerro Azul 1 640 m 730 m Cerro Alieri 92° 91° 30' 91° 90° 30' 90° 89° 30' 89° • Analysis -> finches derived from one ancestral species arriving from the mainland to populate and diversify across the islands (adaptive radiation). 1,707 m 1,500 m 1,250 m 1,000 m 750 m 500 m 250 m 100 m 50 m 0 -200 m -500 m -750 m -1,000 m -1,500 m -2,000 m -2,500 m -3,000 m -3,500 m -3,650 m 0 (mi) 300 90° 85° 80° 75° 5° COLOMBIA PERU PANAMA COSTA RICA ECUADOR PACIFIC OCEAN 0 (km) 100 0 (mi) 60 Projection: UTM (WGS84 Datum) Island Alternate Name Peak Provincial Capital Cantonal Capital Village Airport Isabela (Albermarle)
  • 32. © BskyB - David Attenborough - Galápagos 2013
  • 34. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) • Darwin at about 30 years old, three years since returning from his voyage aboard HMS Beagle (1831-1836)! • The Origin of Species was published several decades later in 1859 (prompted by competition from Alfred Russel Wallace).
  • 35. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) • Wallace in his thirties. (National Portrait Gallery, London.)! • In 1858 he came up with similar ideas to Darwin about the mechanism of evolutionary change
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. BBC Two - Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero, Wallace in Borneo
  • 39. BBC Two - Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero, Wallace in Borneo
  • 40.
  • 41. Read at the Linnean Society
  • 42. Evolution by natural selection Under optimal conditions, populations indefinitely increase in size. Because they do not:! * either not all animals reach maturity! * and/or some animals breed less Individuals within a population differ (natural variation) Some differences (traits) affect survival/reproduction Some of these traits are heritable: passed on from parents to offspring Advantageous traits lead to increased relative survival of certain lineages
  • 43. 3 Schools of evolutionary thought • Linneaus: each species was separately created. • Lamarck: characteristics acquired by an individual are passed on to offspring. • Darwin & Wallace: viewed evolution as descent with modification.
  • 44. Giraffe necks • Lamarck: stretching giraffes lengthened their necks to reach tree-top vegetation. This acquired characteristic is passed to offspring.! • Darwin & Wallace: giraffes with long necks have more offspring than those with short necks. Actually: sexual selection??
  • 45. (1859) "The Origin of Species"
  • 46. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection theory |ˈTHēərē, ˈTHi(ə)rē| noun ( pl. theories ) A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation and experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts. (Oxford English Dictionary)
  • 47. Darwin's Theory of Evolution (1859) "The Origin of Species" • There is inherited variation within species.! • There is competition for survival within species.! • Natural selection is the process whereby genetically inherited characteristics become more or less common in a population as a function of the differential reproductive success of the bearers of these characteristics.! •This process occurring independently on two populations of a single species leads to the accumulation of differences between the populations - and ultimately to speciation.
  • 48. Summary Ideas on how the diversity of life was/is produced date back to the ancient Greeks! ! These ideas developed considerably in the 1800s, culminating in the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
  • 49. • But environmental conditions change: ! Natural selection leads to adaptive change What was advantageous yesterday may be a disadvantage today. Evolution=change doesn’t only occur by natural selection!! • Also: ! • genetic drift! • (sexual selection)! • artificial selection (selective breeding)! • mutation
  • 50.
  • 51. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 52. 1. The Fossil Record: Palaeontology Random order Reality: there is sequential order to the fossil record
  • 53. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 54. 2. Comparative anatomy • Comparison of forelimbs among 4 vertebrates.
  • 55. Homology vs. analogy • Homology - vertebrate forearms: the bat wing, mouse forearm, and human arm are homologous structures as all are composed of similar bones inherited from a recent common ancestor.
  • 56. Homology vs. analogy • Analogy: The wings of bats, butterflies, and birds evolved independently, not from a recent common ancestor. But they have a similar function, flight, and so are analogous. (convergent evolution)
  • 57. Morphological series - evolution of limbs from fins • Note homology of structures
  • 58. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 59. 3. Comparative Embryology • Embryonic retention of ancestral characteristics in vertebrates (e.g. gills and tails)
  • 60. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 61. 4. Vestigial features I • Whales: hips and hind limbs are reduced to small bones with no function. ! • In primitive snakes, the remnants of hind limbs persist (forelimbs are absent). Femur Pelvis
  • 62. Vestigial features II • The human appendix is a vestigial structure, reduced from the caecum of primate ancestors. • Others: muscles to move ears, “goose bumps”
  • 63. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 64. 5. Domestication (artificial selection) Von Holdt et al. (2010) Nature 464, 898-903
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 69. Darwin’s evidence for evolution 1. The Fossil Record 2. Comparative Anatomy 3. Comparative Embryology 4. Vestigial Structures 5. Domestication (artificial selection)
  • 70. Patterns and processes in evolutionary thought New hypotheses New understanding of evolutionary! processes New research New findings/ observations
  • 71.
  • 72. “Neo-Darwinism” or “The Modern Synthesis” The same thing... but with better understanding of how things work. • Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection! • Mendel’s Laws of Heredity (1866, 1900; see SBS 008)! • Cytogenetics (1902, 1904 - )! • Population Genetics (1908; see later lectures) ! • Molecular genetics (1970s- ; see SBS 633/210 and later lectures)