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Retail design
Submitted By:
Yasmeen. S ,B-Sc I.D
What is Retail?
The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for
use or consumption rather than for resale
Interior Exterior
Interior Retail
Exterior Retail
People love to look , window-shop , and buy. Shopping as an experience should provide fun
Which in turn provides profits .A successful store or shop is one that is designed to
merchandise in addition to looking good. A store can be divided into two basic principle
The exterior , which gives identification, encompasses the store front, show windows,
and displays, and the interior, where the promise of the store front display is delivered.
Briefly stated, the store front initiates the sale, and the interior consummates it.
The store front and the design of the façade must be attractive in order to catch the
shoppers attention and to draw the customers in from the street or from the mall in
shopping centers. Graphic Identification with bold color, lighting, lettering and logos and
attractive display of merchandise are the Initial steps.
Principles of retail shop design
In order to design satisfactory shops, the first requirement is an understanding of
those portions of current merchandising theories which affect the design problem.
Briefly, “MERCHANDISING PSYCHOLOGY” consists of, first Arousing interest
second Satisfying it.
With staple goods the first phase is almost automatic. With non staple goods,
accessories, or specialties other than ” demand goods are to be sold, methods of
arousing may become more complex. The second phase-the actual sale-involves
factors of convenience which are desirable in order to make buying easy, to satisfy
the customer completely, and to achieve economy of space and time for the store
management. Both phases affect the design of retail shops, and are closely
. Attracting Customers
Inducing entrance
Organizing Store spaces
Interior display
ATTRACTING CUSTOMERS : This can be accomplished by means of advertising, prices,
show-window displays, or new or remodeled quarters, which occupies much of a
merchant’s efforts. Of these, storefronts and display windows are important to the store
INDUCING ENTRANCE : Show windows, in addition to attracting passerby, should induce
them to enter the store . Show windows may be opened up to display the shop’s interior ; or
closed in, to give privacy to customers within door Locations require study in relation to
pedestrian traffic flow , grades of sidewalks and store floors , and interior layouts of the shop.
In colder climates drafts and outdoor temperature changes can be controlled at the door.
Organizing store spaces: organizing store spaces, and consequently the merchandise to be
Sold into departments, enables customers to find objects easily and permits store keepers to
close check on profits and losses from various types of goods. Store” lighting” and “dressing”
are simplified. Even small shops benefit from a measure of departmentalization ; in large shops
The practice becomes essential as a methods of training salespeople, of handling controlling,
and wrapping stock becomes more complex.
Interior displays: interior displays require particular attention in specialty shops. Types
range from displays of staple goods which assist customer in selection, to display of accessories
which the sale of staple goods may suggest to the customer problems of arrangement with
regard to merchandise, departments, and routers of customers approach are involved.
Conveniences: conveniences: intended primarily for the customer’s benefit, while
strictly allied to the problems of attracting trade of selling goods, are necessary to some
types of shops . A florist ,for instance, provides a card writing desk or counter in the shops .
conveniences Include:
 Telephone booths
 Drinking fountains
 Lavatories and powder rooms
 Desks for writing cards or checks
 Stools or chairs at counter
 Vanity tables or triplicate mirrors
In regard to finishes and equipment, the idea may be extended to include :
floor surfacing for comfort;
acoustic treatment of ceilings and possibly walls;
illumination of pleasant, some times special, quality; and air conditioning;
All these have found profitable investment in various cases. Their necessity
or desirability depends upon the extent of the type of shop, its location or the
climate of the locality.
A Successful retail shop is an efficient selling machine or sales factory. In addition
to servicing the customers , the employees have to be considered so they can
give better service to the customer . merchandise and space must be organized
to help the customer in making selection and to help the sales person in selling.
easy circulation and exposing the Customer to the maximum amount of merchandise
are a part of a good design .avoid monotony In circulation and display of merchandise.
The location and the design of the cashier and wrapping unit are important and
provide for several Persons to be serviced. Often this acts as a control center.
Flexibility so that fixtures and departments can be moved or modified in part of
present day merchandising. Fixtures should be minimized and merchandise emphasized.
Design and use fixtures so that full attention is thrown on the merchandise.
DEPARTMENTALIZATION benefits to be derived from segregation of
merchandise by types have been touched upon previously. All these
are factors in decreasing the average time per Sale, an important figure
in large store accounting and in small stores with rush periods.
Impulse goods: impulse or luxury goods are high profit articles usually high in price
Convenience items: convenience items are stocked for the passer by who happens in
But who may return for other purchases if properly impressed, often these are not in
themselves strictly profitable merchandise.
Demand goods: demand goods are also staples, like conveniences but are articles
Which the customers start out with a definite idea of purchasing.
Demand or staple goods
Convenience items
Impulse or luxury items
Principles of shop design
Plano gram
The layout of the store.
How to keep provision and other material in the store.
Visual Display is more Important.
A Person first moves toward the left first unnoticeably by
himself .
Door and store windows should always be where there heavy
Departmentation increase the sale.
Always stocks should be placed in front of the display and
counter table so that the person can access the boots easily.
Different types of plans
Key Points
Never sacrifice function for aesthetics
Use 100% of space allotted
Types of Plan:
Straight plan of retail space
Pathway plan of retail space
Diagonal plan of retail space
Curved plan of retail space
Varied plan of retail space
Geometric plan of retail space
•Straight plan is a conventional plan that walls
E-Projections to create small space.
•It is an economical plan to execute and can be
adopted for any kind of store. From gift shops to
apparel outlets, drug store, Grocery stores to
departmental stores.
•Variety in the straight plan should be
introduced by raising the floor level of the shop,
this type of plan, pulls customer to the back of
the store.
•This plan is good for book store also.
Straight Plan Of Retail Space
Pathway plan pulls patron thoroughly, the store
to the end (rear) with out interpretation of floor
fixture. The path can have any space E-create a
•This type of plan is suited for layer stores over
5,000 sq feet and on one level.
•The path way plan is a very good organizer and
pulls the shopper from the front to the end of
the store.
•This plan is good for clothing store because it
doesn’t give cluttered feeling.
•This plan focuses the shopper’s attention on the
of Retail SpacePathway plan
diagonal plan of retail
• For self service store’s a diagonal plan is better.
•The cashier is in the central location with sight
lines to all area’s of the space.
•Soft goods and hard good store including drug
& food store can take advantage of the diagonal
•This plan is having a dynamic quality, because
it is not based on straight line it invites
movement & circulation.
Curved plan of retail
Curved Plan:This plan is good for boutique's and
saloon’s (or) other high quality store.
•The curved plan creates an inviting special
environment for the customer.
•It is also costs more to construct that angular
(or) square plan.
•Curved theme’s can be emphasized with wall’s,
ceiling’s & corner’s to complete the look specify
circular floor fixture can be made transparent
sheet (Acyclic sheet).
Varied plan of retail
Varied Plan:
•For product that require backup Merchandise
to be immediately near to selling.
•The Varied plan is highly functional, it is a
variation of straight line plan with a certain area
allowed for Carton Storage near the perimeter of
the wall.
•The plan has a bellow effect.
•This type of store is good for Jeweler, hardware
and tobacco shop.
geometric plan of retail
Geometric plan:- The designer creates fonts with
shapes derived from showcase racks.
•This plan is the most exotic of the six basic
plan’s and designer can use, wall angles to
restate the shapes, dominating the sales floor.
•This is a very good plan for apparel and shoe &
gift shop.
Layouts and dimensions
Principles of retail organization
Once the brand has been established and the market for its products is fully understood
An analysis of the retailers current building stock or an investigation into finding a suitable
Site begins . The brand guidelines for interior demonstrate a typical size of the store for the
implementation of the scheme.
The over all principles of the interior layout can be broken down into four areas
The entrance,
Main circulation,
Pace & finally sales in the form of display,
Payment areas
- Exterior: façade, logo
- Threshold, transition
- Shop windows
- Transparency
- Interaction
- Mystery, posters
- Display
In general though, it will be a new element-
Fitted as part of the overall scheme-
Or an existing element preserved in its original form
Or updated to meet building and planning regulations.
Window displays are regularly updated to show the
Latest products in store.
Often , the customers will also be able to see the past
Window displays to the store beyond, allowing transparency
And interaction. Sometimes the view is blocked by displays,
giving a feeling of mystery and bringing the customers focus
To the display
The design of the Entrance to a store is very important.
It needs to Entice the customer in and give a glimpse of the
Products beyond the threshold
Entry area-starting point
Open, spacious area
Time to pass , feel ,sense , experience
Leisure , display , seating, main flow
Access for all users with disabilities
Once beyond the threshold, the entrance space the starting point of the interior is an area of the store that is often left open and spacious, giving the
customer time to pause and take in the store environment and to make way for
People entering and exiting the store comfortably.
In large stores it is a place to meet friends before and after shopping, sometimes
With seating areas on the sides out of the main flow of traffic.
Façade, entrance
Shop window
Window display
For example
-Visual identity
-up to date
-display, testing,
Sensing, discussing
Signage is an important element of the entrance, used to navigate
Customers to a correct department or to clearly signpost shop amenities.
Lifestyle graphics are also featured in the windows and entrance for brand
The entrance is a key main area for featuring new in-store merchandise.
This could be in the form of a feature display, or a promotional event
Including food tasting, free samples, make overs or sprays of perfume
For example.
Human circulation
and pathways
Circulation diagram
Routes, arrows,
Way of communication,
and interest
One of the first task the retail designer faces when the site
Has been decided is to work out the circulation around the
Space, taking into consideration the design guidelines and
Principles of the scheme alongside the structural nature of the
Interior .circulation diagrams are produced as ways of thinking
And describing different schemes to the client.
The diagrams are produced by looking at the plans and sections
Of the interior and drawing arrows and routes over the technical
Drawings . the circulation plan is often drawn in unison with an
Adjacency plan(often on the same drawing),which shows how the
Areas of the space will be divided into product place to sell, space
To browse and ancillary areas. These drawings form the starting
Point for planning the interior layout.
The circulation performs two main tasks in the retail scheme.
The first is to allow for the flow of people in the form of walkways
These must be wide enough for at least two people to pass each other comfortably.
Whether walking or a person in a wheelchair, or pushing a pram.
The second is to take the customer to the merchandise and allow them ample space
to browse without bumping into other people or displays.
- zig - zag
-free flow
The principles of circulation are quite simple and are governed by the ways
In which people move around the spaces. There are many ways that this can
happen but each is based around a handful of solutions . circulation can work
Horizontally , allowing the customer access through the shop front, with product
Displayed either side of the walkway and with an exit at the back: or vertically
With merchandise displayed over more than one floor . this scheme is more
complicated In the sense that stairs, lifts and escalators need to be negotiated
And methods for enticing people on to the upper floors must be considered
Circulation on a zig-zag or figure-of-eight fashion across the store allows for point
Of interest to be included and create a longer journey and a variety of ways to
Travel around the space. The circular pattern takes customers from the front to
the back and then to the front again.
Grid layout between racks
Free flow between fixtures in retail design
Circulation loop
Circulation loop along fixtures
Free flow along fixtures
Display of products
Selling the products
Or services
Display of products
Presentation and
Essential part of
Store organization
The most important thing about any retail interior is
its ability to sell products and sustain the business . the
Entrance, circulation and the pace are all important design
Issues for the retail designer to contend with , but it is the
products and the way in which they are displayed that is
The biggest challenge, it is important to mention that although
It is the most essential area for development within the scheme
It would not function without the other areas we have already
-fixture and
Furniture: low, high
Mid floor
-display: customer
Made hooks and
-using interior walls,
Fixed, hang,
-free standing: low
Cabinets, shelves,
Drawers, display
Product display
Taking up a large part of the retail designer’s remit
Is the design of the fixture displays. Some fixtures can be
Bought in a kit form and either used directly in this state,
Or adjusted with finishes to suit the interior design; other
Fixtures are custom made. Custom made pieces work
Particularly well if the scheme is to be rolled out; the cost
Of making the fixture becomes cheaper with larger production
Quantities. For one-off stores, an off the shelf system may be
Better solution. These elements , although not at the forefront
Of the customers experience, are the vehicles that drive the
Interior scheme and make the space function and sell products
Products can be displayed in a variety of interesting ways, but
Can be broken down into two different types:
Wall- display and
Display areas are the heart of the retail store.
Display is the mechanism that presents the merchandise to the shoppers in its
Best favorable light and that allows the shopper to evaluate and select product
For purchase
Apple store
Areas in a store
-storage area
For products and
-supporting rooms
For furniture, fixtures and
Fittings repair
And storage
-fitting areas
-”back of the house”
Room for employees
These spaces consists of fitting rooms and staff/customer
Consultation areas, these are supported areas, and although
Used for selling, they do not necessarily contain displayed stock.
The design of these spaces is just as important as that of the main
Displays. Because they are used by the public they are carefully
Considered in order that they work alongside the branded interior
In terms of finish and graphics, and so that they convey a positive
Image of the customer service.
The ancillary space refers to the area that is put aside to house the
functional elements of the store , aside from selling. This area
support the running and managing of the store on a daily basis
And provides essential areas for storage and facilities for staff and
is often referred to as ‘back of house’. Public toilets are often provided
In larger retail stores and come under the heading of “ancillary”.
Fitting rooms
-”Try and experience
Before buy”
-dividers, curtains, doors,
Mirrors, lighting and
Position of luminaires
Hooks, shelves, fixtures
Screens, seat, shop
-space to catch the
In fashion stores, fitting rooms are essential for customers to “try
Before they buy". There have been some trends in fitting room design
Over the years that are worth mentioning. High street fashion stores
Once favored one big open space for all with mirrors all around. Some
Stores also had a small amount of very tight cubicles with badly fitted
Curtains alongside the open space, making the trying on of clothes an
Uncomfortable experience for many. Most now have separate spacious
Cubicles for changing with mirrors on all sides, a fixed seat, hooks for
own clothes and bags and a solid lockable door for added discretion.
The entrance into the fitting room can be a key area to enhance the
Shopping experience. In large stores, this space contains seating and
Sometimes even entertainment for those who have to wait.
Points of sale
Points of sale
These drawings depict the various
Positions of the check desk and
How they sit alongside the
Merchandise and work with
Circulation. The design of the
cash desk coincides with the
overall design scheme. It is
Often well lit and easy to see
From all around the store.
The point of sale marks the end of the journey around the store
And is the point at which a customer will pay for goods. The
location of the point of sale is very important. In large stores
There will be access to till points in several locations, often relating
To a department, one in menswear and the other in womenswear
For example, in supermarkets, the till points are usually located
Usually located in front of the exit doors. This allows for heavy
Traffic flow in a runway fashion and indicates the end of the
Overall process: at the back of the store with a feature wall behind
It so that it can be seen from the shop front: hallway into the store
Along the side of the wall, dividing the product display; or at the
Front of the store, close to the entrance and making the end of the
Shopping experience.
Principles of retail organization
Once the brand has been established and the market for its products is fully understood
An analysis of the retailers current building stock or an investigation into the finding
A suitable site begins, the brand guidelines for the interior demonstrate a typical
Size of the store implementation of the scheme.
The over all principles of the interior design layout can be broken down into four areas:
PACE and finally
SALES in the form of DISPLAYS, FIXTURES and
The design of the entrance to a store is very important. It needs to entice the
Customer in and give a glimpse of the products beyond the threshold.
The shop front's main task is to communicate to potential customers the essence
Of the interior and to display a glimpse of what can be found on the other side
of the glass
In most cases, the shop front/shop window is a draw to buyers to make them
feel comfortable when approaching the store and venturing over the threshold.
For others, it is an opportunity to window-shop and aspire to buy into the lifestyle
On view.
In some instances, the shop front and entrance are designed to deter the public
from entering, with security on the door.
The shop façade must first focus on the essence of the brand
Done through graphic communication : fascia signage, a projection sign, window details
And lifestyle graphics as part of the window displays ; the material from which a
New shop front is constructed, or how an existing shop front can be adopted to meet
The design requirements ; the merchandise in the window and the brand message/slogan
That is conveyed by the window display; and the position of the entrance door and how
this will be managed.
In the city neighborhood
The approach to shop front design will vary depending on the location(building
regulations) and the impact of the design of the neighborhood shops façade.
In shopping center
In the case of shopping centers, neighboring retail outlets and arcades will have to be
Retail outlets and arcades will have to be considered
Contract between the retailer and landlord to outline what can and can’t be done to the
Unit or building.
The traditional shop front
The design of the traditional shop front has a sense of symmetry and is set out in
proportion to the existing building’s elevation. In most cases, unless the brand’s design
states it, it is unusual to put a ‘new’ traditional shop front into a site unless required to do
so for planning reasons or to suit the design scheme of an arcade or shopping centre as a
replacement of an existing older shop front. If this is the case, then restrictions may also
be in place regarding the application of signage and the colour in which the shop front can
be painted. In some instances, a standard font, text size and colour may be specified as
well as the type of signage. Signage may have to be painted onto the fascia rather than
applied on a fascia box, and a standard projecting sign to match all others in the centre
may be part of the conditions.
The contemporary shop front
The design of the contemporary shop front focuses on allowing light and
visual access right into the store from the street. The look is clean, with
glazing reaching from floor to fascia panel, or sometimes with the fascia
situated inside the glass, sat in a brushed stainless steel frame. Sometimes the
glazing is frameless around the internal elements. The signage is influenced
by the brand, using contemporary fonts and ways of representing text.
Illuminated sign boxes are the normal application in contrast to a traditional
painted sign
The sign above the window of a shop, where the shop’s name is written.
The front side of a store facing the street; usually contains display
windows displaying items for sale or otherwise designed to attract
customers to the store. Usually, the term refers to larger windows in
the front façade of the shop. Display windows at boutiques usually
have dressed-up mannequins in them.
Shop window
Traditional shop front
Full circle
Miss sixty
Miss sixty
The front Room of St Marlins Lane’s hotel is a dynamic retail space. It has housed
various creative collaborations with partners including The Convenience Store,
Wallpaper, Angela Hill, The Design Museum and Newness. This time it will be
converted by ELIPS DESIGN into an idyllic Italian beach, complete with tradition
decking, colored beach cabins, sun umbrellas, chairs and tables. The customers will
be transported to the Mediterranean in the heart of London’s busting center enjoying
their gelato DRI DRI. The beach cabins are thought in the way to divide the space
and create a back of the house for storage. The sun umbrella are wall stickers to
create more perspective in a bi dimensional space.
Window decales
Illuminated box
Printed logo
Thank -you

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Retail design project yasmeen

  • 3. Retail The sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale Merchandise Interior Exterior
  • 5. INTRODUCTION People love to look , window-shop , and buy. Shopping as an experience should provide fun Which in turn provides profits .A successful store or shop is one that is designed to merchandise in addition to looking good. A store can be divided into two basic principle parts: The exterior , which gives identification, encompasses the store front, show windows, and displays, and the interior, where the promise of the store front display is delivered. Briefly stated, the store front initiates the sale, and the interior consummates it. The store front and the design of the façade must be attractive in order to catch the shoppers attention and to draw the customers in from the street or from the mall in shopping centers. Graphic Identification with bold color, lighting, lettering and logos and attractive display of merchandise are the Initial steps.
  • 6. Principles of retail shop design In order to design satisfactory shops, the first requirement is an understanding of those portions of current merchandising theories which affect the design problem. Briefly, “MERCHANDISING PSYCHOLOGY” consists of, first Arousing interest second Satisfying it. With staple goods the first phase is almost automatic. With non staple goods, accessories, or specialties other than ” demand goods are to be sold, methods of arousing may become more complex. The second phase-the actual sale-involves factors of convenience which are desirable in order to make buying easy, to satisfy the customer completely, and to achieve economy of space and time for the store management. Both phases affect the design of retail shops, and are closely interrelated. . Attracting Customers Inducing entrance Organizing Store spaces Interior display Conveniences
  • 7. ATTRACTING CUSTOMERS : This can be accomplished by means of advertising, prices, show-window displays, or new or remodeled quarters, which occupies much of a merchant’s efforts. Of these, storefronts and display windows are important to the store Designer.
  • 8. INDUCING ENTRANCE : Show windows, in addition to attracting passerby, should induce them to enter the store . Show windows may be opened up to display the shop’s interior ; or closed in, to give privacy to customers within door Locations require study in relation to pedestrian traffic flow , grades of sidewalks and store floors , and interior layouts of the shop. In colder climates drafts and outdoor temperature changes can be controlled at the door.
  • 9. Organizing store spaces: organizing store spaces, and consequently the merchandise to be Sold into departments, enables customers to find objects easily and permits store keepers to close check on profits and losses from various types of goods. Store” lighting” and “dressing” are simplified. Even small shops benefit from a measure of departmentalization ; in large shops The practice becomes essential as a methods of training salespeople, of handling controlling, and wrapping stock becomes more complex.
  • 10. Interior displays: interior displays require particular attention in specialty shops. Types range from displays of staple goods which assist customer in selection, to display of accessories which the sale of staple goods may suggest to the customer problems of arrangement with regard to merchandise, departments, and routers of customers approach are involved.
  • 11. Conveniences: conveniences: intended primarily for the customer’s benefit, while strictly allied to the problems of attracting trade of selling goods, are necessary to some types of shops . A florist ,for instance, provides a card writing desk or counter in the shops . conveniences Include:  Telephone booths  Drinking fountains  Lavatories and powder rooms  Desks for writing cards or checks  Stools or chairs at counter  Vanity tables or triplicate mirrors
  • 12. In regard to finishes and equipment, the idea may be extended to include : floor surfacing for comfort; acoustic treatment of ceilings and possibly walls; illumination of pleasant, some times special, quality; and air conditioning; All these have found profitable investment in various cases. Their necessity or desirability depends upon the extent of the type of shop, its location or the climate of the locality. IN CONCLUSION
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  • 15. A Successful retail shop is an efficient selling machine or sales factory. In addition to servicing the customers , the employees have to be considered so they can give better service to the customer . merchandise and space must be organized to help the customer in making selection and to help the sales person in selling. easy circulation and exposing the Customer to the maximum amount of merchandise are a part of a good design .avoid monotony In circulation and display of merchandise. The location and the design of the cashier and wrapping unit are important and provide for several Persons to be serviced. Often this acts as a control center. Flexibility so that fixtures and departments can be moved or modified in part of present day merchandising. Fixtures should be minimized and merchandise emphasized. Design and use fixtures so that full attention is thrown on the merchandise. SELLING AREAS: DEPARTMENTALIZATION benefits to be derived from segregation of merchandise by types have been touched upon previously. All these are factors in decreasing the average time per Sale, an important figure in large store accounting and in small stores with rush periods.
  • 16. Impulse goods: impulse or luxury goods are high profit articles usually high in price Convenience items: convenience items are stocked for the passer by who happens in But who may return for other purchases if properly impressed, often these are not in themselves strictly profitable merchandise. Demand goods: demand goods are also staples, like conveniences but are articles Which the customers start out with a definite idea of purchasing.
  • 17. Demand or staple goods legend Convenience items Impulse or luxury items Principles of shop design
  • 18. Plano gram The layout of the store. How to keep provision and other material in the store. Visual Display is more Important. A Person first moves toward the left first unnoticeably by himself . Door and store windows should always be where there heavy traffic. Departmentation increase the sale. Always stocks should be placed in front of the display and counter table so that the person can access the boots easily.
  • 21. Different types of plans Key Points Never sacrifice function for aesthetics Use 100% of space allotted Types of Plan: Straight plan of retail space Pathway plan of retail space Diagonal plan of retail space Curved plan of retail space Varied plan of retail space Geometric plan of retail space
  • 22. •Straight plan is a conventional plan that walls E-Projections to create small space. •It is an economical plan to execute and can be adopted for any kind of store. From gift shops to apparel outlets, drug store, Grocery stores to departmental stores. •Variety in the straight plan should be introduced by raising the floor level of the shop, this type of plan, pulls customer to the back of the store. •This plan is good for book store also. Straight Plan Of Retail Space
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  • 24. Pathway plan pulls patron thoroughly, the store to the end (rear) with out interpretation of floor fixture. The path can have any space E-create a pattern. •This type of plan is suited for layer stores over 5,000 sq feet and on one level. •The path way plan is a very good organizer and pulls the shopper from the front to the end of the store. •This plan is good for clothing store because it doesn’t give cluttered feeling. •This plan focuses the shopper’s attention on the Merchandize of Retail SpacePathway plan
  • 25. diagonal plan of retail • For self service store’s a diagonal plan is better. •The cashier is in the central location with sight lines to all area’s of the space. •Soft goods and hard good store including drug & food store can take advantage of the diagonal plan. •This plan is having a dynamic quality, because it is not based on straight line it invites movement & circulation.
  • 26. Curved plan of retail Curved Plan:This plan is good for boutique's and saloon’s (or) other high quality store. •The curved plan creates an inviting special environment for the customer. •It is also costs more to construct that angular (or) square plan. •Curved theme’s can be emphasized with wall’s, ceiling’s & corner’s to complete the look specify circular floor fixture can be made transparent sheet (Acyclic sheet).
  • 27. Varied plan of retail Varied Plan: •For product that require backup Merchandise to be immediately near to selling. •The Varied plan is highly functional, it is a variation of straight line plan with a certain area allowed for Carton Storage near the perimeter of the wall. •The plan has a bellow effect. •This type of store is good for Jeweler, hardware and tobacco shop.
  • 28. geometric plan of retail Geometric plan:- The designer creates fonts with shapes derived from showcase racks. •This plan is the most exotic of the six basic plan’s and designer can use, wall angles to restate the shapes, dominating the sales floor. •This is a very good plan for apparel and shoe & gift shop.
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  • 36. Principles of retail organization
  • 37. Once the brand has been established and the market for its products is fully understood An analysis of the retailers current building stock or an investigation into finding a suitable Site begins . The brand guidelines for interior demonstrate a typical size of the store for the implementation of the scheme. The over all principles of the interior layout can be broken down into four areas The entrance, Main circulation, Pace & finally sales in the form of display, Fixtures, Payment areas
  • 39. - Exterior: façade, logo - Threshold, transition - Shop windows - Transparency - Interaction - Mystery, posters - Display In general though, it will be a new element- Fitted as part of the overall scheme- Or an existing element preserved in its original form Or updated to meet building and planning regulations. Window displays are regularly updated to show the Latest products in store. Often , the customers will also be able to see the past Window displays to the store beyond, allowing transparency And interaction. Sometimes the view is blocked by displays, giving a feeling of mystery and bringing the customers focus To the display The design of the Entrance to a store is very important. It needs to Entice the customer in and give a glimpse of the Products beyond the threshold ENTRANCE:
  • 40. Entry area-starting point Open, spacious area Time to pass , feel ,sense , experience Leisure , display , seating, main flow Access for all users with disabilities Once beyond the threshold, the entrance space the starting point of the interior is an area of the store that is often left open and spacious, giving the customer time to pause and take in the store environment and to make way for People entering and exiting the store comfortably. In large stores it is a place to meet friends before and after shopping, sometimes With seating areas on the sides out of the main flow of traffic.
  • 44. -Visual identity LOGO -colors -branding Experience -up to date Products -display, testing, Sensing, discussing Signage is an important element of the entrance, used to navigate Customers to a correct department or to clearly signpost shop amenities. Lifestyle graphics are also featured in the windows and entrance for brand Enhancement. The entrance is a key main area for featuring new in-store merchandise. This could be in the form of a feature display, or a promotional event Including food tasting, free samples, make overs or sprays of perfume For example.
  • 46. circulation Human circulation and pathways Circulation diagram Routes, arrows, Way of communication, and interest One of the first task the retail designer faces when the site Has been decided is to work out the circulation around the Space, taking into consideration the design guidelines and Principles of the scheme alongside the structural nature of the Interior .circulation diagrams are produced as ways of thinking And describing different schemes to the client. The diagrams are produced by looking at the plans and sections Of the interior and drawing arrows and routes over the technical Drawings . the circulation plan is often drawn in unison with an Adjacency plan(often on the same drawing),which shows how the Areas of the space will be divided into product place to sell, space To browse and ancillary areas. These drawings form the starting Point for planning the interior layout.
  • 47. The circulation performs two main tasks in the retail scheme. The first is to allow for the flow of people in the form of walkways These must be wide enough for at least two people to pass each other comfortably. Whether walking or a person in a wheelchair, or pushing a pram. The second is to take the customer to the merchandise and allow them ample space to browse without bumping into other people or displays.
  • 48. -horizontally -vertically -spine-lead -circular -loop - zig - zag -free flow The principles of circulation are quite simple and are governed by the ways In which people move around the spaces. There are many ways that this can happen but each is based around a handful of solutions . circulation can work Horizontally , allowing the customer access through the shop front, with product Displayed either side of the walkway and with an exit at the back: or vertically With merchandise displayed over more than one floor . this scheme is more complicated In the sense that stairs, lifts and escalators need to be negotiated And methods for enticing people on to the upper floors must be considered Circulation on a zig-zag or figure-of-eight fashion across the store allows for point Of interest to be included and create a longer journey and a variety of ways to Travel around the space. The circular pattern takes customers from the front to the back and then to the front again.
  • 50. Free flow between fixtures in retail design
  • 53. Free flow along fixtures
  • 55. Selling the products Or services Display of products Presentation and Distribution Essential part of Store organization The most important thing about any retail interior is its ability to sell products and sustain the business . the Entrance, circulation and the pace are all important design Issues for the retail designer to contend with , but it is the products and the way in which they are displayed that is The biggest challenge, it is important to mention that although It is the most essential area for development within the scheme It would not function without the other areas we have already Considered. sales
  • 56. -fixture and Furniture: low, high Mid floor -display: customer Made hooks and Hangers -using interior walls, Fixed, hang, -free standing: low Cabinets, shelves, Drawers, display Product display Taking up a large part of the retail designer’s remit Is the design of the fixture displays. Some fixtures can be Bought in a kit form and either used directly in this state, Or adjusted with finishes to suit the interior design; other Fixtures are custom made. Custom made pieces work Particularly well if the scheme is to be rolled out; the cost Of making the fixture becomes cheaper with larger production Quantities. For one-off stores, an off the shelf system may be Better solution. These elements , although not at the forefront Of the customers experience, are the vehicles that drive the Interior scheme and make the space function and sell products Products can be displayed in a variety of interesting ways, but Can be broken down into two different types: Wall- display and Mid-floor-fixtures.
  • 57. Display areas are the heart of the retail store. Display is the mechanism that presents the merchandise to the shoppers in its Best favorable light and that allows the shopper to evaluate and select product For purchase
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  • 60. Areas in a store
  • 61. -storage area For products and Stock -supporting rooms For furniture, fixtures and Fittings repair And storage -fitting areas -”back of the house” Room for employees These spaces consists of fitting rooms and staff/customer Consultation areas, these are supported areas, and although Used for selling, they do not necessarily contain displayed stock. The design of these spaces is just as important as that of the main Displays. Because they are used by the public they are carefully Considered in order that they work alongside the branded interior In terms of finish and graphics, and so that they convey a positive Image of the customer service. The ancillary space refers to the area that is put aside to house the functional elements of the store , aside from selling. This area support the running and managing of the store on a daily basis And provides essential areas for storage and facilities for staff and is often referred to as ‘back of house’. Public toilets are often provided In larger retail stores and come under the heading of “ancillary”.
  • 62. Fitting rooms -”Try and experience Before buy” -dividers, curtains, doors, Mirrors, lighting and Position of luminaires Hooks, shelves, fixtures Screens, seat, shop Assistant… -space to catch the Breath, In fashion stores, fitting rooms are essential for customers to “try Before they buy". There have been some trends in fitting room design Over the years that are worth mentioning. High street fashion stores Once favored one big open space for all with mirrors all around. Some Stores also had a small amount of very tight cubicles with badly fitted Curtains alongside the open space, making the trying on of clothes an Uncomfortable experience for many. Most now have separate spacious Cubicles for changing with mirrors on all sides, a fixed seat, hooks for own clothes and bags and a solid lockable door for added discretion. The entrance into the fitting room can be a key area to enhance the Shopping experience. In large stores, this space contains seating and Sometimes even entertainment for those who have to wait.
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  • 66. Points of sale These drawings depict the various Positions of the check desk and How they sit alongside the Merchandise and work with Circulation. The design of the cash desk coincides with the overall design scheme. It is Often well lit and easy to see From all around the store. The point of sale marks the end of the journey around the store And is the point at which a customer will pay for goods. The location of the point of sale is very important. In large stores There will be access to till points in several locations, often relating To a department, one in menswear and the other in womenswear For example, in supermarkets, the till points are usually located Usually located in front of the exit doors. This allows for heavy Traffic flow in a runway fashion and indicates the end of the Overall process: at the back of the store with a feature wall behind It so that it can be seen from the shop front: hallway into the store Along the side of the wall, dividing the product display; or at the Front of the store, close to the entrance and making the end of the Shopping experience.
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  • 68. Principles of retail organization
  • 70. Once the brand has been established and the market for its products is fully understood An analysis of the retailers current building stock or an investigation into the finding A suitable site begins, the brand guidelines for the interior demonstrate a typical Size of the store implementation of the scheme. The over all principles of the interior design layout can be broken down into four areas: THE ENTRANCE MAIN CIRCULATION PACE and finally SALES in the form of DISPLAYS, FIXTURES and PAYMENT AREAS
  • 72. The design of the entrance to a store is very important. It needs to entice the Customer in and give a glimpse of the products beyond the threshold. The shop front's main task is to communicate to potential customers the essence Of the interior and to display a glimpse of what can be found on the other side of the glass In most cases, the shop front/shop window is a draw to buyers to make them feel comfortable when approaching the store and venturing over the threshold. For others, it is an opportunity to window-shop and aspire to buy into the lifestyle On view. In some instances, the shop front and entrance are designed to deter the public from entering, with security on the door.
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  • 74. The shop façade must first focus on the essence of the brand Done through graphic communication : fascia signage, a projection sign, window details And lifestyle graphics as part of the window displays ; the material from which a New shop front is constructed, or how an existing shop front can be adopted to meet The design requirements ; the merchandise in the window and the brand message/slogan That is conveyed by the window display; and the position of the entrance door and how this will be managed.
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  • 84. In the city neighborhood The approach to shop front design will vary depending on the location(building regulations) and the impact of the design of the neighborhood shops façade. In shopping center In the case of shopping centers, neighboring retail outlets and arcades will have to be Retail outlets and arcades will have to be considered Contract between the retailer and landlord to outline what can and can’t be done to the Unit or building.
  • 85. The traditional shop front The design of the traditional shop front has a sense of symmetry and is set out in proportion to the existing building’s elevation. In most cases, unless the brand’s design states it, it is unusual to put a ‘new’ traditional shop front into a site unless required to do so for planning reasons or to suit the design scheme of an arcade or shopping centre as a replacement of an existing older shop front. If this is the case, then restrictions may also be in place regarding the application of signage and the colour in which the shop front can be painted. In some instances, a standard font, text size and colour may be specified as well as the type of signage. Signage may have to be painted onto the fascia rather than applied on a fascia box, and a standard projecting sign to match all others in the centre may be part of the conditions.
  • 86. The contemporary shop front The design of the contemporary shop front focuses on allowing light and visual access right into the store from the street. The look is clean, with glazing reaching from floor to fascia panel, or sometimes with the fascia situated inside the glass, sat in a brushed stainless steel frame. Sometimes the glazing is frameless around the internal elements. The signage is influenced by the brand, using contemporary fonts and ways of representing text. Illuminated sign boxes are the normal application in contrast to a traditional painted sign
  • 87. The sign above the window of a shop, where the shop’s name is written. Fascia The front side of a store facing the street; usually contains display windows displaying items for sale or otherwise designed to attract customers to the store. Usually, the term refers to larger windows in the front façade of the shop. Display windows at boutiques usually have dressed-up mannequins in them. Shop window
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  • 105. The front Room of St Marlins Lane’s hotel is a dynamic retail space. It has housed various creative collaborations with partners including The Convenience Store, Wallpaper, Angela Hill, The Design Museum and Newness. This time it will be converted by ELIPS DESIGN into an idyllic Italian beach, complete with tradition decking, colored beach cabins, sun umbrellas, chairs and tables. The customers will be transported to the Mediterranean in the heart of London’s busting center enjoying their gelato DRI DRI. The beach cabins are thought in the way to divide the space and create a back of the house for storage. The sun umbrella are wall stickers to create more perspective in a bi dimensional space.
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