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• Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
Dr. Chongo Shapi.
- Bsc.HB, MBChB.
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
• Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Hyaline Membrane Disease)
• RDS occurs primarily in premature infants; its incidence is
inversely related to gestational age and birthweight. It occurs in
60–80% of infants less than 28 wk of gestational age, in 15–30% of
those between 32 and 36 wk, in about 5% beyond 37 wk, and
rarely at term. The risk of developing RDS increases with maternal
diabetes, multiple births, cesarean section delivery, precipitous
delivery, asphyxia, cold stress, and a history of previously affected
infants. The incidence is highest in preterm male or white infants.
The risk of RDS is reduced in pregnancies with chronic or
pregnancy-associated hypertension, maternal heroin use,
prolonged rupture of membranes, and antenatal corticosteroid
• Surfactant deficiency (decreased production and secretion) is the primary cause of RDS. The
failure to attain an adequate FRC and the tendency of affected lungs to become atelectatic
correlate with high surface tension and the absence of pulmonary surfactant. The major
constituents of surfactant are dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), phosphatidylglycerol,
apoproteins (surfactant proteins SP-A, -B, -C, -D), and cholesterol ( Fig. 101-1 ). With advancing
gestational age, increasing amounts of phospholipids are synthesized and stored in type II
alveolar cells ( Fig. 101-2 ). These surface-active agents are released into the alveoli, where they
reduce surface tension and help maintain alveolar stability by preventing the collapse of small air
spaces at end-expiration. The amounts produced or released may be insufficient to meet
postnatal demands because of immaturity. Surfactant is present in high concentrations in fetal
lung homogenates by 20 wk of gestation, but it does not reach the surface of the lungs until later.
It appears in amniotic fluid between 28 and 32 wk. Mature levels of pulmonary surfactant are
usually present after 35 wk. Though rare, genetic disorders may contribute to respiratory distress.
Abnormalities in surfactant protein B and C genes as well as a gene responsible for transporting
surfactant across membranes (ABC transporter 3 [ABCA3]) are associated with severe and often
lethal familial respiratory disease. Other familial causes of respiratory distress (not RDS) include
alveolar capillary dysplasia, acinar dysplasia, pulmonary lymphangiectasia, and
• Synthesis of surfactant depends in part on normal pH, temperature, and
perfusion. Asphyxia, hypoxemia, and pulmonary ischemia, particularly in
association with hypovolemia, hypotension, and cold stress, may
suppress surfactant synthesis. The epithelial lining of the lungs may also
be injured by high oxygen concentrations and the effects of respirator
management, thereby resulting in a further reduction in surfactant.
• Alveolar atelectasis, hyaline membrane formation, and interstitial edema
make the lungs less compliant, so greater pressure is required to expand
the alveoli and small airways. In affected infants, the lower part of the
chest wall is pulled in as the diaphragm descends, and intrathoracic
pressure becomes negative, thus limiting the amount of intrathoracic
pressure that can be produced; the result is the development of
atelectasis. The highly compliant chest wall of preterm infants offers less
resistance than that of mature infants to the natural tendency of the
lungs to collapse. Thus, at end-expiration, the volume of the thorax and
lungs tends to approach residual volume, and atelectasis may develop.
• Deficient synthesis or release of surfactant, together with small
respiratory units and a compliant chest wall, produces atelectasis
and results in perfused but not ventilated alveoli, which causes
hypoxia. Decreased lung compliance, small tidal volumes,
increased physiologic dead space, increased work of breathing,
and insufficient alveolar ventilation eventually result in
hypercapnia. The combination of hypercapnia, hypoxia, and
acidosis produces pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction with
increased right-to-left shunting through the foramen ovale and
ductus arteriosus and within the lung itself. Pulmonary blood flow
is reduced, and ischemic injury to the cells producing surfactant
and to the vascular bed results in an effusion of proteinaceous
material into the alveolar spaces ( Fig. 101-3 ).
• The lungs appear deep purplish red and are liver-like in
consistency. Microscopically, extensive atelectasis with
engorgement of the interalveolar capillaries and
lymphatics can be observed. A number of the alveolar
ducts, alveoli, and respiratory bronchioles are lined with
acidophilic, homogeneous, or granular membranes.
Amniotic debris, intra-alveolar hemorrhage, and
interstitial emphysema are additional but inconstant
findings; interstitial emphysema may be marked when an
infant has been ventilated. The characteristic hyaline
membranes are rarely seen in infants dying earlier than 6–
8 hr after birth.
• Signs of RDS usually appear within minutes of birth, although they may not be recognized for
several hours in larger premature infants until rapid, shallow respirations have increased to
60/min or greater. A late onset of tachypnea should suggest other conditions. Some patients
require resuscitation at birth because of intrapartum asphyxia or initial severe respiratory distress
(especially with a birthweight <1,000 g). Characteristically, tachypnea, prominent (often audible)
grunting, intercostal and subcostal retractions, nasal flaring, and duskiness are noted. Cyanosis
increases and is often relatively unresponsive to oxygen administration. Breath sounds may be
normal or diminished with a harsh tubular quality and, on deep inspiration, fine rales may be
heard, especially posteriorly over the lung bases. The natural course of untreated RDS is
characterized by progressive worsening of cyanosis and dyspnea. If the condition is inadequately
treated, blood pressure may fall; fatigue, cyanosis, and pallor increase, and grunting decreases or
disappears as the condition worsens. Apnea and irregular respirations occur as infants tire and
are ominous signs requiring immediate intervention. Patients may also have a mixed respiratory-
metabolic acidosis, edema, ileus, and oliguria. Respiratory failure may occur in infants with rapid
progression of the disease. In most cases, the symptoms and signs reach a peak within 3 days,
after which improvement is gradual. Improvement is often heralded by spontaneous diuresis and
the ability to oxygenate the infant at lower inspired oxygen levels or lower ventilator pressures.
Death is rare on the 1st day of illness, usually occurs between days 2 and 7, and is associated with
alveolar air leaks (interstitial emphysema, pneumothorax), pulmonary hemorrhage, or IVH.
Mortality may be delayed weeks or months if BPD develops in mechanically ventilated infants
with severe RDS.
• The clinical course, x-ray of the chest, and blood gas and acid-base
values help establish the clinical diagnosis. On x-ray, the lungs may
have a characteristic, but not pathognomonic appearance that
includes a fine reticular granularity of the parenchyma and air
bronchograms, which are often more prominent early in the left
lower lobe because of superimposition of the cardiac shadow (
Fig. 101-4 ). The initial roentgenogram is occasionally normal, with
the typical pattern developing at 6–12 hr. Considerable variation
in films may be seen, depending on the phase of respiration and
the use of CPAP or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP); this
variation often results in poor correlation between
roentgenograms and the clinical course. Laboratory findings are
initially characterized by hypoxemia and later by progressive
hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and variable metabolic acidosis.
• In the differential diagnosis, early-onset sepsis may be
indistinguishable from RDS. In pneumonia manifested at birth, the
chest roentgenogram may be identical to that for RDS. Maternal
group B streptococcal colonization, organisms on Gram stain of
gastric or tracheal aspirates or a buffy coat smear, and/or the
presence of marked neutropenia may suggest the diagnosis of
early-onset sepsis. Cyanotic heart disease (total anomalous
pulmonary venous return) can also mimic RDS both clinically and
radiographically. Echocardiography with color flow imaging should
be performed in infants who fail to respond to surfactant
replacement to rule out cyanotic congenital heart disease as well
as ascertain patency of the ductus arteriosus and assess
pulmonary vascular resistance.
• Persistent pulmonary hypertension, aspiration (meconium,
amniotic fluid) syndromes, spontaneous pneumothorax, pleural
effusions, and congenital anomalies such as cystic adenomatoid
malformation, pulmonary lymphangiectasia, diaphragmatic
hernia, and lobar emphysema must be considered, but can
generally be differentiated from RDS by roentgenographic
evaluation. Transient tachypnea may be distinguished by its short
and mild clinical course. Congenital alveolar proteinosis
(congenital surfactant protein B deficiency) is a rare familial
disease that manifests as severe and lethal RDS in predominantly
term and near-term infants (see Chapter 404 ). In atypical cases of
RDS, a lung profile (lecithin:sphingomyelin ratio and
phosphatidylglycerol level) performed on a tracheal aspirate can
be helpful in establishing a diagnosis of surfactant deficiency.
• Avoidance of unnecessary or poorly timed cesarean section, appropriate
management of high-risk pregnancy and labor, and prediction and possible in
utero acceleration of pulmonary immaturity (see Chapter 96 ) are important
preventive strategies. In timing cesarean section or induction of labor, estimation
of fetal head circumference by ultrasonography and determination of the lecithin
concentration in amniotic fluid by the lecithin: sphingomyelin ratio (particularly
useful with phosphatidylglycerol in diabetic pregnancies) decrease the likelihood
of delivering a premature infant. Antenatal and intrapartum fetal monitoring
may similarly decrease the risk of fetal asphyxia; asphyxia is associated with an
increased incidence and severity of RDS.
• Administration of betamethasone to women 48 hr before the delivery of fetuses
between 24 and 34 wk of gestation significantly reduces the incidence, mortality,
and morbidity of RDS. Corticosteroid administration is recommended for all
women in preterm labor (24–34 wk gestation) who are likely to deliver a fetus
within 1 wk. Repeated weekly doses of betamethasone until 32 wk may reduce
neonatal morbidities and the duration of mechanical ventilation
• Prenatal glucocorticoid therapy decreases the severity of RDS and
reduces the incidence of other complications of prematurity, such
as IVH, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), pneumothorax, and
necrotizing enterocolitis, without adversely affecting postnatal
growth, lung mechanics or development, or the incidence of
infection. Prenatal glucocorticoids may act synergistically with
postnatal exogenous surfactant therapy. Prenatal dexamethasone
may be associated with a higher incidence of periventricular
leukomalacia than betamethasone. The relative risk of RDS, IVH
and death is higher with antenatal dexamethasone treatment
when compared with betamethasone.
• Administration of a 1st dose of surfactant into the trachea of
symptomatic premature infants immediately after birth
(prophylactic) or during the 1st few hours of life (early rescue)
reduces air leak and mortality from RDS, but does not alter the
incidence of BPD.
• The basic defect requiring treatment is inadequate
pulmonary exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide;
metabolic acidosis and circulatory insufficiency are
secondary manifestations. Early supportive care of
LBW infants, especially in the treatment of acidosis,
hypoxia, hypotension (see Chapter 98 ), and
hypothermia may lessen the severity of RDS. Therapy
requires careful and frequent monitoring of heart and
respiratory rates, oxygen saturation, PaO2, PaCO2, pH,
bicarbonate, electrolytes, blood glucose, hematocrit,
blood pressure, and temperature
• Arterial catheterization is frequently
necessary. Because most cases of RDS are
self-limited, the goal of treatment is to
minimize abnormal physiologic variations
and superimposed iatrogenic problems
• Treatment of these infants is best carried out
in a specially staffed and equipped hospital
unit, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
• The general principles for supportive care of any LBW infant
should be adhered to, including developmental care and
scheduled “touch times.” To avoid hypothermia and minimize
oxygen consumption, infants should be placed in an isolette or
radiant warmer and core temperature maintained between 36.5
and 37°C (see Chapters 97 and 98 ). Use of an isolette is preferable
in very low birthweight (VLBW) infants due to the high insensible
water losses associated with radiant heat
• Calories and fluids should initially be provided intravenously. For
the 1st 24 hr, 10% glucose and water should be infused through a
peripheral vein at a rate of 65–75 mL/kg/24 hr. Subsequently,
electrolytes should be added and fluid volume increased gradually
• Excessive fluids (>140 cc/kg/day) contribute to the development
of PDA and BPD.
• Warm humidified oxygen should be provided at a
concentration initially sufficient to keep arterial levels
between 50 and 70 mm Hg (85–95% saturation) to
maintain normal tissue oxygenation while minimizing the
risk of oxygen toxicity. If the PaO2 cannot be maintained
above 50 mm Hg at inspired oxygen concentrations of 60%
or greater, applying CPAP at a pressure of 5–10 cm H2O by
nasal prongs is indicated and usually produces a sharp rise
in PaO2.
• Early use of CPAP for stabilization of at-risk VLBW infants
beginning in the delivery room is also common
• CPAP prevents collapse of surfactant-deficient alveoli,
improves FRC, and improves ventilation-perfusion
• Another approach is to intubate the VLBW
infant, administer intratracheal surfactant,
and then extubate to CPAP. The amount of
CPAP required usually decreases abruptly at
about 72 hr of age, and infants can be
weaned from CPAP shortly thereafter. If an
infant managed by CPAP cannot maintain an
arterial oxygen tension above 50 mm Hg
while breathing 70–100% oxygen, assisted
ventilation is required.
• Infants with severe RDS and those with complications
that result in persistent apnea require assisted
mechanical ventilation
• Reasonable indications for assisted ventilation:
1. Arterial blood pH < 7.20
2. Arterial blood PCO2 of 60 mm Hg or higher
3. Arterial blood PO2 of 50 mm Hg or less at oxygen
concentrations of 70–100% and CPAP of 6–10 cm
H2O, or
4. Persistent apnea
• Intermittent positive pressure ventilation delivered by
time-cycled, pressure-limited, continuous flow
ventilators is a common method of conventional
ventilation for newborns
• Other methods of conventional ventilation include
synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (the
set rate and pressure synchronized with the patient's
own breaths), pressure support (the patient triggers
each breath and a set pressure is delivered), and
volume guarantee (a mode in which a specific tidal
volume is set and the pressure delivered varies)
• Assisted ventilation for infants with RDS should
always include PEEP (see Chapter 70 ). When using
high ventilatory rates in a mode without inspiratory
flow termination, care should be taken to avoid the
administration of inadvertent PEEP.
• The goals of mechanical ventilation are to
improve oxygenation and elimination of carbon
dioxide without causing pulmonary barotrauma
or oxygen toxicity
• Acceptable ranges of blood gas values, after
balancing the risks of hypoxia and acidosis
against those of mechanical ventilation, vary
between institutions and range between a PaO2
of 50–70 mm Hg, a PaCO2 of 45–65 mm Hg, and a
pH of 7.20–7.35
• During mechanical ventilation, oxygenation is
improved by increasing either the FIO2 or the
mean airway pressure
• The latter can be increased by increasing the
peak inspiratory pressure, gas flow, the
inspiratory: expiratory ratio, or PEEP
• Excessive PEEP may impede venous return,
thereby reducing cardiac output and decreasing
oxygen delivery despite improvement in PaO2.
• PEEP levels of 4–6 cm H2O are usually safe and
effective. Carbon dioxide elimination is achieved
by increasing the peak inspiratory pressure (tidal
volume) or the rate of the ventilator
• Many ventilated neonates receive sedation or
pain relief with benzodiazepines or opiates
(morphine, fentanyl), respectively
• Midazolam is approved for use in neonates, and
has demonstrated sedative effects
• Adverse hemodynamic effects and myoclonus
have been associated with its use in neonates
• If used, a continuous infusion or administration of
individual doses over at least 10 min is recommended to
reduce these risks
• Data are insufficient to assess the efficacy and safety of
• Diazepam is not recommended due to its long half-life, its
long-acting metabolites, and concern about the benzyl
alcohol content
• Continuous infusion of morphine in VLBW neonates
requiring mechanical ventilation does not improve
mortality rates, severe intraventricular hemorrhage, or
periventricular leukomalacia. The need for additional
doses of morphine is associated with poor outcome.
• High-frequency ventilation (HFV) was developed to
reduce lung injury and/or improve gas exchange in
patients with severe respiratory disease. HFV
achieves desired minute ventilation by using smaller
tidal volumes and high rates (300–1,200 breaths/min
or 5–20 Hz). HFV may improve the elimination of
carbon dioxide, decrease the mean airway pressure,
and improve oxygenation in patients who do not
respond to conventional ventilators and who have
severe RDS, interstitial emphysema, recurrent
pneumothoraces, or meconium aspiration pneumonia
• High-frequency jet ventilation may cause
necrotizing tracheal damage, especially in the
presence of hypotension or poor
humidification, and high-frequency oscillator
therapy has been inconsistently associated
with an increased risk of air leaks, IVH, and
periventricular leukomalacia
• Both methods can cause gas trapping. High-frequency oscillation
strategies that promote lung recruitment, combined with
surfactant therapy, may improve gas exchange, but have not been
shown to reduce the risk for BPD
• Elective use of high-frequency oscillation or jet ventilation, when
compared with conventional ventilation, does not offer
advantages if used as the initial ventilation strategy to treat VLBW
infants with RDS. There may be a small reduction in the rate of
BPD with high-frequency oscillation, but the evidence is
weakened by the inconsistency of this effect across trials and this
finding is not statistically significant. Of concern is the increase in
acute brain injury in one trial, which used a low-volume strategy
during jet ventilation.
• Multidose endotracheal instillation of exogenous
surfactant to VLBW infants requiring 30% oxygen and
mechanical ventilation for the treatment (rescue
therapy) of RDS dramatically improves survival and
reduces the incidence of pulmonary air leaks, but it
has not consistently reduced the incidence of BPD.
Immediate effects include improved alveolar-arterial
oxygen gradients, reduced ventilator mean airway
pressure, increased pulmonary compliance, and
improved appearance of the chest roentgenogram
• A number of surfactant preparations are available,
including synthetic surfactants and natural surfactants
derived from animal sources.
• Exosurf is a synthetic surfactant. Natural surfactants
include Survanta (bovine), Infasurf (calf), and Curosurf
(porcine). Although both synthetic and natural surfactants
are effective in the treatment and prevention of RDS,
natural surfactants appear to be superior, perhaps
because of their surfactant-associated protein content
• Natural surfactants have a more rapid onset and are
associated with a lower risk of pneumothorax and
improved survival
• Surfaxin, formerly known as KL4 surfactant, is a novel
synthetic lung surfactant containing phospholipids and an
engineered peptide, sinapultide, designed to mimic the
actions of human surfactant protein B (SP-B)
• Surfaxin use for the prevention and treatment of
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
demonstrates a lower all-cause mortality
compared to Exosurf and equivalency to the
natural surfactants Survanta and Curosurf
• Rapid testing of pulmonary maturity soon after
birth by examining tracheal aspirate secretions
may reduce the number of unaffected infants
treated with surfactant and permit early rescue
therapy within the 1st 1–2 hr of life.
• Rescue treatment is initiated as soon as possible in the 1st 24 hr of life. Repeated dosing is given
via the endotracheal tube every 6–12 hr for a total of 2 to 4 doses, depending on the preparation.
Exogenous surfactant should be given by a physician who is qualified in neonatal resuscitation
and respiratory management and who is able to care for the infant beyond the 1st hr of
stabilization. Additional on-site staff support required includes nurses and respiratory therapists
experienced in the ventilatory management of LBW infants. Appropriate monitoring equipment
(radiology, blood gas laboratory, pulse oximetry) must also be available. Furthermore, each
institution should have an approved protocol for the administration of surfactant. Complications
of surfactant therapy include transient hypoxia, bradycardia and hypotension, blockage of the
endotracheal tube, and pulmonary hemorrhage (see Chapter 101.9 ).
• Premature infants requiring ventilator support after a week of age experience transient episodes
of surfactant dysfunction associated with deficiency of SP-B and SP-C, which are temporally
associated with episodes of infection and respiratory deterioration. Treatment with exogenous
surfactant, SP-B, SP-C, or strategies to increase endogenous surfactant protein production may be
beneficial in infants with respiratory failure and surfactant dysfunction. In one study of VLBW
infants at 7–30 d with stable ventilatory requirements, a dose of surfactant produced a transient
decrease in the concentration of supplemental oxygen. The associations between respiratory
deteriorations and surfactant function and composition as well as the short- and long-term safety
of surfactant treatment for these events in chronically ventilated infants need further
• Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) decreases the need for extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in term and near-term infants
with hypoxic respiratory failure
• The response to iNO is equivalent to that to HFOV in term or near-
term infants with RDS
• A positive response to combined therapy suggests that alveolar
recruitment by HFOV may allow iNO gas to reach the pulmonary
resistance vessels.
• Low-dose iNO may decrease the incidence of BPD in critically ill
premature infants. A reduction in the rate of death or BPD in
infants <1,000 g treated with iNO was observed in one study. iNO
treatment of RDS may also be associated with improved
neurodevelopmental outcome.
• .
• Weaning strategies from ventilators vary widely and are
influenced by lung mechanics as well as the availability of
ventilatory modes (pressure support). Once extubated, many
infants transition to nasal CPAP to avoid postextubation
atelectasis and hypoxia
• Synchronized nasal intermittent ventilation has been shown to
decrease the need for reintubation in VLBW infants. High flow (1–
2 L/min) or warmed, humidified high flow (2–8 LPM) nasal
cannula oxygen is commonly used to support term and near-term
infants following extubation and to wean premature infants off
nasal CPAP. Preloading with caffeine may enhance the success of
• Metabolic acidosis in RDS may be a result of perinatal asphyxia
and hypotension and is often encountered when an infant has
required resuscitation (see Chapter 100 )
• Sodium bicarbonate, 1–2 mEq/kg, may be administered
over a 15–20 min period through a peripheral or umbilical
vein, with the acid-base determination repeated within 30
min, or it may be administered over a period of several
hours. Often, sodium bicarbonate is administered on an
emergency basis through an umbilical venous catheter.
Alkali therapy may result in skin slough from infiltration,
increased serum osmolarity, hypernatremia,
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, and liver injury when
concentrated solutions are administered rapidly through
an umbilical vein catheter wedged in the liver. Sodium
bicarbonate may exacerbate a severe respiratory acidosis,
especially if ventilation is ineffective
• Monitoring of aortic blood pressure through an umbilical or peripheral arterial catheter or by
oscillometric technique is useful in managing the shocklike state that may occur during the 1st hr
or so in VLBW infants who have been asphyxiated or have severe RDS (see Fig. 94-2 ).
Hypotension and low flow in the superior vena cava (SVC) have been associated with increased
CNS morbidity and increased mortality and should be treated with cautious administration of
volume (crystalloid) and early use of vasopressors. Dopamine is more effective in raising blood
pressure than dobutamine. Hypotension may be refractory to pressors, but glucocorticoid
responsive, especially in neonates <1,000 g. This hypotension may be due to transient adrenal
insufficiency in the ill VLBW infant. Treat with intravenous hydrocortisone (Solu-Cortef) at 1–2
mg/kg/dose Q 6–12 hr (see Chapter 98 ).
• Periodic monitoring of PaO2, PaCO2, and pH is an important part of the management; if assisted
ventilation is being used, such monitoring is essential. Blood should be obtained from the
umbilical or peripheral artery. Tissue PO2 may also be estimated continuously from
transcutaneous electrodes or pulse oximetry (oxygen saturation). Capillary blood samples are of
limited value for determining PO2, but may be useful for evaluating PaCO2 and pH. Radiopaque
umbilical catheters should have their position checked roentgenographically after insertion (see
Fig. 101-4 ). The tip of an umbilical artery catheter should lie just above the bifurcation of the
aorta (L3–L5) or above the celiac axis (T6–T10). Preferred sites for peripheral catheters are the
radial or posterior tibial arteries. Placement and supervision should be carried out by skilled and
experienced personnel. Catheters should be removed as soon as patients no longer have any
indication for their continued use—usually when the infant is stable and the FIO2 is <40%.
• Because of the difficulty of distinguishing
group B streptococcal or other bacterial
infections from RDS, empirical antibiotic
therapy is indicated until the results of blood
cultures are available. Penicillin or ampicillin
with an aminoglycoside is suggested;
however, the choice of antibiotics is based on
the recent pattern of bacterial sensitivity in
the hospital where the infant is being treated
(see Chapter 109 ).
• The most serious complications of tracheal intubation are
asphyxia from obstruction of the tube, cardiac arrest
during intubation or suctioning, and the subsequent
development of subglottic stenosis. Other complications
include bleeding from trauma during intubation, posterior
pharyngeal pseudodiverticula, need for tracheostomy,
ulceration of the nares because of pressure from the tube,
permanent narrowing of the nostril as a result of tissue
damage and scarring from irritation or infection around
the tube, erosion of the palate, avulsion of a vocal cord,
laryngeal ulcer, papilloma of a vocal cord, and persistent
hoarseness, stridor, or edema of the larynx.
• Measures to reduce the incidence of these complications include skillful
intubation, adequate securing of the tube, use of polyvinyl endotracheal tubes,
use of the smallest size tube that will provide effective ventilation to reduce local
pressure necrosis and ischemia, avoidance of frequent changes and motion of the
tube in situ, avoidance of too frequent or vigorous suctioning, and prevention of
infection through meticulous cleanliness and frequent sterilization of all
apparatus attached to or passed through the tube. The personnel inserting and
caring for the endotracheal tube should be experienced and skilled.
• Risks associated with umbilical arterial catheterization include vascular
embolization, thrombosis, spasm, and vascular perforation; ischemic or chemical
necrosis of abdominal viscera; infection; accidental hemorrhage; and impaired
circulation to a leg with subsequent gangrene. Although the reported incidence
of thrombotic complications varies from 1% to 23% at necropsy, aortography has
demonstrated that clots form in or about the tips of 95% of catheters placed in
an umbilical artery. Aortic ultrasonography can also be used to investigate the
presence of thrombosis. The risk of a serious clinical complication resulting from
umbilical catheterization is probably between 2% and 5%.
• Serious hemorrhage on removal of the catheter is rare. Thrombi may form in the
artery or in the catheter, the incidence of which can be lowered by using a
smooth-tipped catheter with a hole only at its end, by rinsing the catheter with a
small amount of saline solution containing heparin, or by continuously infusing a
solution containing 1–2 units/mL of heparin. The risk of thrombus formation with
potential vascular occlusion can also be reduced by removing the catheter when
early signs of thrombosis, such as narrowing of pulse pressure and disappearance
of the dicrotic notch, are noted. Some prefer to use the umbilical artery for blood
sampling only and leave the catheter filled with heparinized saline between
samplings. Renovascular hypertension may occur days to weeks after umbilical
arterial catheterization in a small number of neonates.
• Umbilical vein catheterization is associated with many of the same risks as
umbilical artery catheterization. An additional risk is cardiac perforation and
pericardial tamponade if the catheter is incorrectly placed in the right atrium;
portal hypertension can develop from portal vein thrombosis, especially in the
presence of omphalitis.
• Extrapulmonary extravasation of air is another complication of the management
of RDS (see Chapter 101.3 ).
• Some neonates with RDS may have clinically significant shunting through a patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA). Delayed closure of the PDA is associated with hypoxia, acidosis, increased
pulmonary pressure secondary to vasoconstriction, systemic hypotension, immaturity, and local
release of prostaglandins, which dilate the ductus. There is a relationship between early adrenal
insufficiency, ductal patency, airway inflammation, and the development of BPD. Shunting
through the PDA may initially be bidirectional or right to left. As RDS resolves, pulmonary
vascular resistance decreases, and left-to-right shunting may occur and lead to left ventricular
volume overload and pulmonary edema. Manifestations of PDA may include (1) apnea for
unexplained reasons in an infant recovering from RDS; (2) a hyperdynamic precordium, bounding
peripheral pulses, wide pulse pressure, and a continuous or systolic murmur with or without
extension into diastole or an apical diastolic murmur, multiple clicks resembling the shaking of
dice; (3) carbon dioxide retention; (4) increasing oxygen dependence; (5) x-ray evidence of
cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings; and (6) hepatomegaly. The diagnosis is
confirmed by echocardiographic visualization of a PDA with Doppler flow demonstrating left-to-
right or bidirectional shunting. VLBW infants with PDA are at increased risk of more prolonged
and more severe RDS, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and death. Prophylactic “closure,” closure of
the asymptomatic but clinically detected PDA, and closure of the symptomatic PDA are three
strategies to manage a PDA. Interventions include fluid restriction, the use of diuretics, the use of
cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors, and surgical closure. Short-term benefits have to be balanced against
adverse effects such as transient renal dysfunction and a possible increase in the risk of intestinal
• There is no evidence available that any of the strategies examined result in long-term benefit, in
particular, disability-free survival. Much uncertainty about “best practice” therefore remains.
Many infants respond to general supportive measures, including diuretics and fluid restriction.
Medical and/or surgical ductal closure is indicated in premature infants with PDA when there is a
delay in clinical improvement or deterioration after initial clinical improvement of RDS.
Pharmacologic or surgical closure of the PDA is often followed by a dramatic decrease in
ventilatory and oxygen requirements. Indomethacin is the drug of choice for medical closure of
the PDA. Intravenous indomethacin is given in three doses every 12–24 hr; treatment may be
repeated 1 time. For infants <48 hr, the 1st dose is 0.2 mg/kg, while the 2nd and 3rd doses are 0.1
mg/kg. Between 2 and 7 days of life, all doses are 0.2 mg/kg. Over 7 days of life, the 1st dose is
0.2 mg/kg and subsequent doses are 0.25 mg/kg. Prophylactic low-dose indomethacin reduces
the incidence of both IVH and PDA and improves the rate of permanent ductal closure, but it does
not improve the long-term prognosis. Contraindications to indomethacin include
thrombocytopenia (<50,000/mm3), bleeding disorders, oliguria (<1 mL/kg/hr), necrotizing
enterocolitis, isolated intestinal perforation, and an elevated plasma creatinine level (>1.8
mg/dL). Infants whose PDA fails to close with indomethacin or who have contraindications to
indomethacin are candidates for surgical closure. Surgical mortality is very low even in the
extremely low birthweight group. Complications of surgery include Horner syndrome, injury to
the recurrent laryngeal nerve, chylothorax, transient hypertension, pneumothorax, and bleeding
from the surgical site. Ligation rather than division can also result in recanalization, but this is
rare. Inadvertent ligation of the left pulmonary artery or the transverse aortic arch has been
• Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a result of lung injury in infants requiring mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen. The clinical,
radiographic, and lung histology of classic BPD described in 1967, in an era before the widespread use of antenatal steroids and postnatal
surfactant, was a disease of more mature preterm infants with RDS treated with positive pressure ventilation and oxygen. BPD is a disease
primarily of infants <1,000 g born at less than 28 wk gestation, many of whom have little or no lung disease at birth, but develop progressive
respiratory failure over the 1st few weeks of life.
• When compared with infants with classic BPD, most current infants with BPD do not have the prominent airway changes of squamous metaplasia
and peribronchial fibrosis, severe alveolar septal fibrosis, or hypertensive vascular changes. Airway muscle thickening and derangements in elastic
fiber architecture persist. The morphometric features currently found in BPD include alveolar hypoplasia, variable saccular wall fibrosis, and
minimal airway disease. Some specimens also have decreased pulmonary microvasculature development. The histopathology of BPD indicates
interference with normal lung anatomic maturation, which may prevent subsequent lung growth and development. The pathogenesis of BPD is
multifactorial and affects both the lungs and the heart. RDS is a disease of progressive alveolar collapse. Alveolar collapse (atelectotrauma) as a
result of insufficient PEEP, together with ventilator-induced phasic overdistention of the lung (volutrauma), promotes injury. Oxygen induces
injury by producing free radicals that cannot be metabolized by the immature antioxidant systems of VLBW neonates. Mechanical ventilation and
oxygen injure the lung by their effect on alveolar and vascular development. Moreover, inflammation (measured by circulating neutrophils,
neutrophils and macrophages in alveolar fluid, and pro-inflammatory cytokines) contributes to the progression of lung injury. Several clinical
factors, including immaturity, chorioamnionitis, or acquired infection potentially with genital mycoplasma species, symptomatic PDA, and
malnutrition, contribute to the development of BPD.
• BPD is usually defined as a need for supplemental oxygen at 36 wk after conception. Another definition of BPD is based on the severity of disease
( Table 101-2 ). BPD can also be defined by standardized oxygen saturation monitoring at 36 wk PCA. Neonates on positive pressure support or
receiving >30% supplemental oxygen are diagnosed with BPD. Those receiving 30% oxygen or less undergo a stepwise 2% reduction in
supplemental oxygen to room air while under continuous observation and oxygen saturation monitoring. Outcomes are “no BPD” (saturations
88% or greater for 60 min) or “BPD” (saturation <88%). This test is highly reliable and correlated with discharge home in oxygen, length of hospital
stay, and hospital readmissions in the 1st yr of life.
BPD usually develops in neonates being treated with oxygen and PPV for respiratory
failure, most commonly respiratory distress syndrome. Persistence of the clinical
features of respiratory disease (tachypnea, retractions, crackles) is considered common
to the broad description of BPD and has not been included in the diagnostic criteria
describing the severity of BPD. Infants treated with greater than 21% oxygen and/or
positive pressure for nonrespiratory disease (e.g., central apnea or diaphragmatic
paralysis) do not have BPD unless parenchymal lung disease also develops and they have
clinical features of respiratory distress. A day of treatment with greater than 21% oxygen
means that the infant received greater than 21% oxygen for more than 12 hr on that
day. Treatment with greater than 21% oxygen and/or positive pressure at 36 wk PMA or
at 56 days' postnatal “acute” event, but should rather reflect the infant's age or
discharge should not reflect days' postnatal age, or discharge.
* A physiologic test confirming that the
oxygen requirement at the assessment
time point remains to be defined. This
assessment may include a pulse oximetry
saturation range. BPD, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia; NCPAP, nasal continuous
positive airway pressure; PMA,
postmenstrual age; PPV, positive pressure
The occurrence of BPD is inversely related to gestational age. Instead of showing imp
• Infants at risk for classic BPD usually have severe respiratory distress requiring prolonged periods
of mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy. Additional associations include the presence of
interstitial emphysema, lower gestational age, male sex, low PaCO2 during the treatment of RDS,
PDA, high peak inspiratory pressure, increased airway resistance in the 1st wk of life, increased
pulmonary artery pressure, and possibly a family history of atopy or asthma. Genetic
polymorphisms may increase the risk of developing BPD. In some VLBW infants without RDS who
require mechanical ventilation for apnea or respiratory insufficiency, BPD that does not follow
the classic pattern may develop. Overhydration during the 1st days of life may also contribute to
the development of BPD. Vitamin A supplementation (5,000 IU intramuscularly 3×/wk for 4 wk)
in VLBW infants reduces the risk of BPD (1 case prevented for every 14–15 treated). Early use of
nasal CPAP and rapid extubation to nasal CPAP are associated with a decreased risk of BPD.
• Severe BPD requires prolonged mechanical ventilation. Gradual weaning should be attempted
despite elevations in PaCO2 since hypercarbia may be the result of air trapping rather than
inadequate minute ventilation. Acceptable blood gas concentrations include a PaCO2 of 50–70 mm
Hg (if pH >7.30) and a PaO2 of 55–60 mm Hg with an oxygen saturation of 95% or higher. Lower
levels of PaO2 may exacerbate pulmonary hypertension with resultant cor pulmonale, and also
inhibit growth. Airway obstruction in BPD may be due to mucus and edema production,
bronchospasm, and airway collapse from acquired tracheobronchomalacia. These events may
contribute to “blue spells.” Alternatively, blue spells may be due to acute pulmonary vasospasm
or right ventricular dysfunction.
• Treatment of BPD includes nutritional support, fluid restriction, drug therapy, maintenance of adequate oxygenation, and prompt treatment of
infection. Growth must be monitored because recovery is dependent on the growth of lung tissue and remodeling of the pulmonary vascular bed.
Nutritional supplementation to provide added calories (24–30 calories/30 mL formula), protein (3–3.5 g/kg/24 hr) and fat (3 g/kg/24 hr) is needed
for growth. Diuretic therapy results in a short-term improvement in lung mechanics and may result in decreased oxygen and ventilatory
requirements. Furosemide (1 mg/kg/dose intravenously twice daily [bid] or 2 mg/kg/dose orally bid) given daily or every other day is the
treatment of choice for fluid overload in infants with BPD. This loop diuretic has been demonstrated to decrease pulmonary interstitial
emphysema (PIE) and pulmonary vascular resistance (VR), improve pulmonary function, and facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation and
oxygen. Adverse effects of long-term diuretic therapy are frequent and include hyponatremia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, azotemia, hypocalcemia,
hypercalciuria, cholelithiasis, renal stones, nephrocalcinosis, and ototoxicity. Potassium chloride supplementation is often necessary.
Hyponatremia should be treated with fluid restriction and a decrease in the dosage or frequency of furosemide. Sodium chloride supplementation
should be avoided. Thiazide diuretics with inhibitors of aldosterone have been used in infants with BPD. Several trials of thiazide diuretics
combined with spironolactone have shown increased urine output with or without improvement in pulmonary mechanics in infants with BPD.
Adverse effects include electrolyte imbalance. Inhaled bronchodilators improve lung mechanics by decreasing airway resis tance. Albuterol is a
specific β2-agonist used to treat bronchospasm in infants with BPD. Albuterol may improve lung compliance by decreasing airway resistance
secondary to smooth muscle cell relaxation. Changes in pulmonary mechanics may last as long as 4–6 hr. Adverse effects include hypertension
and tachycardia. Ipratropium bromide is a muscarinic antagonist related to atropine, but with more potent bronchodilator effects. Improvements
in pulmonary mechanics have been demonstrated in BPD after ipratropium bromide inhalation. Combination therapy of albuterol and
ipratropium bromide may be more effective than either agent alone. Few adverse effects have been noted. Cromolyn sodium inhibits release of
inflammatory mediators from mast cells. Some studies have shown a decrease in inflammatory mediators in tracheobronchial aspirates of infants
with BPD who were treated with this drug. With current aerosol administration strategies, exactly how much medication is delivered to the
airways and lungs of infants with BPD, especially if they are ventilator dependent, is unclear. Because significant smooth muscle relaxation does
not appear to occur within the 1st few weeks of life, aerosol therapy in the early stages of BPD is not indicated. Methylxanthines are used to
increase respiratory drive, decrease apnea, and improve diaphragmatic contractility. These substances may also decrease pulmonary vascular
resistance and increase lung compliance in infants with BPD, probably through direct smooth muscle relaxation. They also exhibit diuretic effects.
All of the effects cited here may accelerate weaning from mechanical ventilation. Synergy between theophylline and diuretics has been
demonstrated. Theophylline has a half-life of 30–40 hours, is metabolized primarily to caffeine in the liver, and may have adverse effects, such as
tachycardia, gastroesophageal reflux, agitation, and seizures. Caffeine has a longer half-life than theophylline. Both are available in intravenous
and enteral formulations. Caffeine has fewer adverse effects than theophylline.
• Preventive therapy of BPD with postnatal dexamethasone may reduce the time to extubation and may decrease
the risk of BPD, but is associated with substantial short- and long-term risks, including hypertension,
hyperglycemia, gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sepsis, and poor weight
gain and head growth. Survival is not improved, and infants who have been treated with dexamethasone have
an increased risk of neurodevelopmental delay and cerebral palsy. The use of dexamethasone for the prevention
or treatment of BPD is not recommended. The routine use of dexamethasone in infants with established BPD is
not currently recommended unless severe pulmonary disease exists. A rapid tapering course starting at 0.25
mg/kg/day and lasting for 5–7 days may be adequate. Inhaled beclomethasone does not prevent BPD, but
decreases the need for systemic steroids. Inhaled corticosteroids facilitate earlier extubation of ventilated
infants with BPD.
• Physiologic abnormalities of the pulmonary circulation in BPD include elevated pulmonary vascular resistance
(PVR) and abnormal vasoreactivity. Acute exposure to even modest levels of hypoxemia causes large elevations
in pulmonary artery pressure in infants with BPD with pulmonary hypertension. Higher oxygen saturations are
effective in lowering pulmonary artery pressure. The current recommendation for treatment of patients with
BPD and pulmonary hypertension is to avoid oxygen saturations below 92%, and in those with established
pulmonary hypertension to maintain levels of 94–96%.
• Low-dose iNO has no acute effects on lung function, cardiac function, and oxygenation in evolving BPD. The use
of low-dose iNO may improve oxygenation in some infants with severe BPD, allowing decreased FIO2 and
ventilator support (see RDS).
• The long-term prognosis is good for infants who have been weaned from oxygen before discharge from the
NICU. Prolonged ventilation, IVH, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, and oxygen dependence beyond 1 yr
of life are poor prognostic signs. Mortality in infants with BPD ranges from 10% to 25% and is highest in infants
who remain ventilator dependent for longer than 6 mo. Cardiorespiratory failure associated with cor pulmonale
and acquired infection (respiratory syncytial virus) are common causes of death. Survivors with BPD often go
home on a regimen of oxygen, diuretics, and bronchodilator therapy. Prevention of sleep-associated hypoxia
and high caloric formulas improve growth and cardiorespiratory outcome.
• Non-cardiorespiratory complications of BPD include growth failure, psychomotor
retardation, and parental stress, as well as sequelae of therapy such as
nephrolithiasis, osteopenia, and electrolyte imbalance. Airway problems such as
tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy, vocal cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis, and
tracheomalacia are common and may aggravate or cause pulmonary
hypertension. Subglottic stenosis may require tracheotomy or an anterior
cricoid–split procedure to relieve upper airway obstruction. Cardiac
complications of BPD include pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, systemic
hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and the development of
aortopulmonary collateral vessels, which, if large, may result in heart failure.
Pulmonary function slowly improves in most survivors due to continued lung and
airway growth and healing. Rehospitalization for impaired pulmonary function is
most common during the 1st 2 yr of life. There is a gradual decrease in symptom
frequency in children aged 6–9 yr as compared to the 1st 2 yr of life. Persistence
of respiratory symptoms and abnormal pulmonary function tests are present in
children aged 7 and 10 yr. Airway obstruction and hyperactivity and
hyperinflation are noted in some adolescent and adult survivors of BPD. High-
resolution chest CT scanning or MRI studies in children and adults with a history
of BPD reveal lung abnormalities that correlate directly with the degree of
pulmonary function abnormality
• Early provision of intensive observation and care of high-
risk newborn infants can significantly reduce the
morbidity and mortality associated with RDS and other
acute neonatal illnesses. Antenatal steroids, postnatal
surfactant use, improved modes of ventilation, and
developmentally appropriate care have resulted in low
mortality from RDS (≈10%)
• Mortality increases with decreasing gestational age.
Optimal results depend on the availability of experienced
and skilled personnel, specially designed and organized
regional hospital units, proper equipment, and lack of
complications such as severe asphyxia, intracranial
hemorrhage, or irremediable congenital malformation
• Surfactant therapy has reduced mortality from RDS
approximately 40%; the incidence of BPD has not
been measurably affected.
• Although 85–90% of all infants surviving RDS after
requiring ventilatory support with respirators are
normal, the outlook is much better for those weighing
more than 1,500 g. The long-term prognosis for
normal pulmonary function in most infants surviving
RDS is excellent. Survivors of severe neonatal
respiratory failure may have significant pulmonary
and neurodevelopmental impairment.
• Email to Colleague Print Version

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  • 1. PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH • NEONATOLOGY • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) Dr. Chongo Shapi. - Bsc.HB, MBChB. 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
  • 2. • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Hyaline Membrane Disease) • INCIDENCE. • RDS occurs primarily in premature infants; its incidence is inversely related to gestational age and birthweight. It occurs in 60–80% of infants less than 28 wk of gestational age, in 15–30% of those between 32 and 36 wk, in about 5% beyond 37 wk, and rarely at term. The risk of developing RDS increases with maternal diabetes, multiple births, cesarean section delivery, precipitous delivery, asphyxia, cold stress, and a history of previously affected infants. The incidence is highest in preterm male or white infants. The risk of RDS is reduced in pregnancies with chronic or pregnancy-associated hypertension, maternal heroin use, prolonged rupture of membranes, and antenatal corticosteroid prophylaxis.
  • 3. • ETIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. • Surfactant deficiency (decreased production and secretion) is the primary cause of RDS. The failure to attain an adequate FRC and the tendency of affected lungs to become atelectatic correlate with high surface tension and the absence of pulmonary surfactant. The major constituents of surfactant are dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), phosphatidylglycerol, apoproteins (surfactant proteins SP-A, -B, -C, -D), and cholesterol ( Fig. 101-1 ). With advancing gestational age, increasing amounts of phospholipids are synthesized and stored in type II alveolar cells ( Fig. 101-2 ). These surface-active agents are released into the alveoli, where they reduce surface tension and help maintain alveolar stability by preventing the collapse of small air spaces at end-expiration. The amounts produced or released may be insufficient to meet postnatal demands because of immaturity. Surfactant is present in high concentrations in fetal lung homogenates by 20 wk of gestation, but it does not reach the surface of the lungs until later. It appears in amniotic fluid between 28 and 32 wk. Mature levels of pulmonary surfactant are usually present after 35 wk. Though rare, genetic disorders may contribute to respiratory distress. Abnormalities in surfactant protein B and C genes as well as a gene responsible for transporting surfactant across membranes (ABC transporter 3 [ABCA3]) are associated with severe and often lethal familial respiratory disease. Other familial causes of respiratory distress (not RDS) include alveolar capillary dysplasia, acinar dysplasia, pulmonary lymphangiectasia, and mucopolysaccharidosis
  • 4.
  • 5. • Synthesis of surfactant depends in part on normal pH, temperature, and perfusion. Asphyxia, hypoxemia, and pulmonary ischemia, particularly in association with hypovolemia, hypotension, and cold stress, may suppress surfactant synthesis. The epithelial lining of the lungs may also be injured by high oxygen concentrations and the effects of respirator management, thereby resulting in a further reduction in surfactant. • Alveolar atelectasis, hyaline membrane formation, and interstitial edema make the lungs less compliant, so greater pressure is required to expand the alveoli and small airways. In affected infants, the lower part of the chest wall is pulled in as the diaphragm descends, and intrathoracic pressure becomes negative, thus limiting the amount of intrathoracic pressure that can be produced; the result is the development of atelectasis. The highly compliant chest wall of preterm infants offers less resistance than that of mature infants to the natural tendency of the lungs to collapse. Thus, at end-expiration, the volume of the thorax and lungs tends to approach residual volume, and atelectasis may develop.
  • 6. • Deficient synthesis or release of surfactant, together with small respiratory units and a compliant chest wall, produces atelectasis and results in perfused but not ventilated alveoli, which causes hypoxia. Decreased lung compliance, small tidal volumes, increased physiologic dead space, increased work of breathing, and insufficient alveolar ventilation eventually result in hypercapnia. The combination of hypercapnia, hypoxia, and acidosis produces pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction with increased right-to-left shunting through the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus and within the lung itself. Pulmonary blood flow is reduced, and ischemic injury to the cells producing surfactant and to the vascular bed results in an effusion of proteinaceous material into the alveolar spaces ( Fig. 101-3 ).
  • 7.
  • 8. • PATHOLOGY. • The lungs appear deep purplish red and are liver-like in consistency. Microscopically, extensive atelectasis with engorgement of the interalveolar capillaries and lymphatics can be observed. A number of the alveolar ducts, alveoli, and respiratory bronchioles are lined with acidophilic, homogeneous, or granular membranes. Amniotic debris, intra-alveolar hemorrhage, and interstitial emphysema are additional but inconstant findings; interstitial emphysema may be marked when an infant has been ventilated. The characteristic hyaline membranes are rarely seen in infants dying earlier than 6– 8 hr after birth.
  • 9. • CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS. • Signs of RDS usually appear within minutes of birth, although they may not be recognized for several hours in larger premature infants until rapid, shallow respirations have increased to 60/min or greater. A late onset of tachypnea should suggest other conditions. Some patients require resuscitation at birth because of intrapartum asphyxia or initial severe respiratory distress (especially with a birthweight <1,000 g). Characteristically, tachypnea, prominent (often audible) grunting, intercostal and subcostal retractions, nasal flaring, and duskiness are noted. Cyanosis increases and is often relatively unresponsive to oxygen administration. Breath sounds may be normal or diminished with a harsh tubular quality and, on deep inspiration, fine rales may be heard, especially posteriorly over the lung bases. The natural course of untreated RDS is characterized by progressive worsening of cyanosis and dyspnea. If the condition is inadequately treated, blood pressure may fall; fatigue, cyanosis, and pallor increase, and grunting decreases or disappears as the condition worsens. Apnea and irregular respirations occur as infants tire and are ominous signs requiring immediate intervention. Patients may also have a mixed respiratory- metabolic acidosis, edema, ileus, and oliguria. Respiratory failure may occur in infants with rapid progression of the disease. In most cases, the symptoms and signs reach a peak within 3 days, after which improvement is gradual. Improvement is often heralded by spontaneous diuresis and the ability to oxygenate the infant at lower inspired oxygen levels or lower ventilator pressures. Death is rare on the 1st day of illness, usually occurs between days 2 and 7, and is associated with alveolar air leaks (interstitial emphysema, pneumothorax), pulmonary hemorrhage, or IVH. Mortality may be delayed weeks or months if BPD develops in mechanically ventilated infants with severe RDS.
  • 10. • DIAGNOSIS. • The clinical course, x-ray of the chest, and blood gas and acid-base values help establish the clinical diagnosis. On x-ray, the lungs may have a characteristic, but not pathognomonic appearance that includes a fine reticular granularity of the parenchyma and air bronchograms, which are often more prominent early in the left lower lobe because of superimposition of the cardiac shadow ( Fig. 101-4 ). The initial roentgenogram is occasionally normal, with the typical pattern developing at 6–12 hr. Considerable variation in films may be seen, depending on the phase of respiration and the use of CPAP or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP); this variation often results in poor correlation between roentgenograms and the clinical course. Laboratory findings are initially characterized by hypoxemia and later by progressive hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and variable metabolic acidosis.
  • 11.
  • 12. • In the differential diagnosis, early-onset sepsis may be indistinguishable from RDS. In pneumonia manifested at birth, the chest roentgenogram may be identical to that for RDS. Maternal group B streptococcal colonization, organisms on Gram stain of gastric or tracheal aspirates or a buffy coat smear, and/or the presence of marked neutropenia may suggest the diagnosis of early-onset sepsis. Cyanotic heart disease (total anomalous pulmonary venous return) can also mimic RDS both clinically and radiographically. Echocardiography with color flow imaging should be performed in infants who fail to respond to surfactant replacement to rule out cyanotic congenital heart disease as well as ascertain patency of the ductus arteriosus and assess pulmonary vascular resistance.
  • 13. • Persistent pulmonary hypertension, aspiration (meconium, amniotic fluid) syndromes, spontaneous pneumothorax, pleural effusions, and congenital anomalies such as cystic adenomatoid malformation, pulmonary lymphangiectasia, diaphragmatic hernia, and lobar emphysema must be considered, but can generally be differentiated from RDS by roentgenographic evaluation. Transient tachypnea may be distinguished by its short and mild clinical course. Congenital alveolar proteinosis (congenital surfactant protein B deficiency) is a rare familial disease that manifests as severe and lethal RDS in predominantly term and near-term infants (see Chapter 404 ). In atypical cases of RDS, a lung profile (lecithin:sphingomyelin ratio and phosphatidylglycerol level) performed on a tracheal aspirate can be helpful in establishing a diagnosis of surfactant deficiency.
  • 14. • PREVENTION. • Avoidance of unnecessary or poorly timed cesarean section, appropriate management of high-risk pregnancy and labor, and prediction and possible in utero acceleration of pulmonary immaturity (see Chapter 96 ) are important preventive strategies. In timing cesarean section or induction of labor, estimation of fetal head circumference by ultrasonography and determination of the lecithin concentration in amniotic fluid by the lecithin: sphingomyelin ratio (particularly useful with phosphatidylglycerol in diabetic pregnancies) decrease the likelihood of delivering a premature infant. Antenatal and intrapartum fetal monitoring may similarly decrease the risk of fetal asphyxia; asphyxia is associated with an increased incidence and severity of RDS. • Administration of betamethasone to women 48 hr before the delivery of fetuses between 24 and 34 wk of gestation significantly reduces the incidence, mortality, and morbidity of RDS. Corticosteroid administration is recommended for all women in preterm labor (24–34 wk gestation) who are likely to deliver a fetus within 1 wk. Repeated weekly doses of betamethasone until 32 wk may reduce neonatal morbidities and the duration of mechanical ventilation
  • 15. • Prenatal glucocorticoid therapy decreases the severity of RDS and reduces the incidence of other complications of prematurity, such as IVH, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), pneumothorax, and necrotizing enterocolitis, without adversely affecting postnatal growth, lung mechanics or development, or the incidence of infection. Prenatal glucocorticoids may act synergistically with postnatal exogenous surfactant therapy. Prenatal dexamethasone may be associated with a higher incidence of periventricular leukomalacia than betamethasone. The relative risk of RDS, IVH and death is higher with antenatal dexamethasone treatment when compared with betamethasone. • Administration of a 1st dose of surfactant into the trachea of symptomatic premature infants immediately after birth (prophylactic) or during the 1st few hours of life (early rescue) reduces air leak and mortality from RDS, but does not alter the incidence of BPD.
  • 16. • TREATMENT. • The basic defect requiring treatment is inadequate pulmonary exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide; metabolic acidosis and circulatory insufficiency are secondary manifestations. Early supportive care of LBW infants, especially in the treatment of acidosis, hypoxia, hypotension (see Chapter 98 ), and hypothermia may lessen the severity of RDS. Therapy requires careful and frequent monitoring of heart and respiratory rates, oxygen saturation, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, bicarbonate, electrolytes, blood glucose, hematocrit, blood pressure, and temperature
  • 17. • Arterial catheterization is frequently necessary. Because most cases of RDS are self-limited, the goal of treatment is to minimize abnormal physiologic variations and superimposed iatrogenic problems • Treatment of these infants is best carried out in a specially staffed and equipped hospital unit, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
  • 18. • The general principles for supportive care of any LBW infant should be adhered to, including developmental care and scheduled “touch times.” To avoid hypothermia and minimize oxygen consumption, infants should be placed in an isolette or radiant warmer and core temperature maintained between 36.5 and 37°C (see Chapters 97 and 98 ). Use of an isolette is preferable in very low birthweight (VLBW) infants due to the high insensible water losses associated with radiant heat • Calories and fluids should initially be provided intravenously. For the 1st 24 hr, 10% glucose and water should be infused through a peripheral vein at a rate of 65–75 mL/kg/24 hr. Subsequently, electrolytes should be added and fluid volume increased gradually • Excessive fluids (>140 cc/kg/day) contribute to the development of PDA and BPD.
  • 19. • Warm humidified oxygen should be provided at a concentration initially sufficient to keep arterial levels between 50 and 70 mm Hg (85–95% saturation) to maintain normal tissue oxygenation while minimizing the risk of oxygen toxicity. If the PaO2 cannot be maintained above 50 mm Hg at inspired oxygen concentrations of 60% or greater, applying CPAP at a pressure of 5–10 cm H2O by nasal prongs is indicated and usually produces a sharp rise in PaO2. • Early use of CPAP for stabilization of at-risk VLBW infants beginning in the delivery room is also common • CPAP prevents collapse of surfactant-deficient alveoli, improves FRC, and improves ventilation-perfusion matching.
  • 20. • Another approach is to intubate the VLBW infant, administer intratracheal surfactant, and then extubate to CPAP. The amount of CPAP required usually decreases abruptly at about 72 hr of age, and infants can be weaned from CPAP shortly thereafter. If an infant managed by CPAP cannot maintain an arterial oxygen tension above 50 mm Hg while breathing 70–100% oxygen, assisted ventilation is required.
  • 21. • Infants with severe RDS and those with complications that result in persistent apnea require assisted mechanical ventilation • Reasonable indications for assisted ventilation: 1. Arterial blood pH < 7.20 2. Arterial blood PCO2 of 60 mm Hg or higher 3. Arterial blood PO2 of 50 mm Hg or less at oxygen concentrations of 70–100% and CPAP of 6–10 cm H2O, or 4. Persistent apnea • Intermittent positive pressure ventilation delivered by time-cycled, pressure-limited, continuous flow ventilators is a common method of conventional ventilation for newborns
  • 22. • Other methods of conventional ventilation include synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (the set rate and pressure synchronized with the patient's own breaths), pressure support (the patient triggers each breath and a set pressure is delivered), and volume guarantee (a mode in which a specific tidal volume is set and the pressure delivered varies) • Assisted ventilation for infants with RDS should always include PEEP (see Chapter 70 ). When using high ventilatory rates in a mode without inspiratory flow termination, care should be taken to avoid the administration of inadvertent PEEP.
  • 23. • The goals of mechanical ventilation are to improve oxygenation and elimination of carbon dioxide without causing pulmonary barotrauma or oxygen toxicity • Acceptable ranges of blood gas values, after balancing the risks of hypoxia and acidosis against those of mechanical ventilation, vary between institutions and range between a PaO2 of 50–70 mm Hg, a PaCO2 of 45–65 mm Hg, and a pH of 7.20–7.35
  • 24. • During mechanical ventilation, oxygenation is improved by increasing either the FIO2 or the mean airway pressure • The latter can be increased by increasing the peak inspiratory pressure, gas flow, the inspiratory: expiratory ratio, or PEEP • Excessive PEEP may impede venous return, thereby reducing cardiac output and decreasing oxygen delivery despite improvement in PaO2.
  • 25. • PEEP levels of 4–6 cm H2O are usually safe and effective. Carbon dioxide elimination is achieved by increasing the peak inspiratory pressure (tidal volume) or the rate of the ventilator • Many ventilated neonates receive sedation or pain relief with benzodiazepines or opiates (morphine, fentanyl), respectively • Midazolam is approved for use in neonates, and has demonstrated sedative effects • Adverse hemodynamic effects and myoclonus have been associated with its use in neonates
  • 26. • If used, a continuous infusion or administration of individual doses over at least 10 min is recommended to reduce these risks • Data are insufficient to assess the efficacy and safety of lorazepam • Diazepam is not recommended due to its long half-life, its long-acting metabolites, and concern about the benzyl alcohol content • Continuous infusion of morphine in VLBW neonates requiring mechanical ventilation does not improve mortality rates, severe intraventricular hemorrhage, or periventricular leukomalacia. The need for additional doses of morphine is associated with poor outcome.
  • 27. • High-frequency ventilation (HFV) was developed to reduce lung injury and/or improve gas exchange in patients with severe respiratory disease. HFV achieves desired minute ventilation by using smaller tidal volumes and high rates (300–1,200 breaths/min or 5–20 Hz). HFV may improve the elimination of carbon dioxide, decrease the mean airway pressure, and improve oxygenation in patients who do not respond to conventional ventilators and who have severe RDS, interstitial emphysema, recurrent pneumothoraces, or meconium aspiration pneumonia
  • 28. • High-frequency jet ventilation may cause necrotizing tracheal damage, especially in the presence of hypotension or poor humidification, and high-frequency oscillator therapy has been inconsistently associated with an increased risk of air leaks, IVH, and periventricular leukomalacia
  • 29. • Both methods can cause gas trapping. High-frequency oscillation strategies that promote lung recruitment, combined with surfactant therapy, may improve gas exchange, but have not been shown to reduce the risk for BPD • Elective use of high-frequency oscillation or jet ventilation, when compared with conventional ventilation, does not offer advantages if used as the initial ventilation strategy to treat VLBW infants with RDS. There may be a small reduction in the rate of BPD with high-frequency oscillation, but the evidence is weakened by the inconsistency of this effect across trials and this finding is not statistically significant. Of concern is the increase in acute brain injury in one trial, which used a low-volume strategy during jet ventilation.
  • 30. • Multidose endotracheal instillation of exogenous surfactant to VLBW infants requiring 30% oxygen and mechanical ventilation for the treatment (rescue therapy) of RDS dramatically improves survival and reduces the incidence of pulmonary air leaks, but it has not consistently reduced the incidence of BPD. Immediate effects include improved alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients, reduced ventilator mean airway pressure, increased pulmonary compliance, and improved appearance of the chest roentgenogram • A number of surfactant preparations are available, including synthetic surfactants and natural surfactants derived from animal sources.
  • 31. • Exosurf is a synthetic surfactant. Natural surfactants include Survanta (bovine), Infasurf (calf), and Curosurf (porcine). Although both synthetic and natural surfactants are effective in the treatment and prevention of RDS, natural surfactants appear to be superior, perhaps because of their surfactant-associated protein content • Natural surfactants have a more rapid onset and are associated with a lower risk of pneumothorax and improved survival • Surfaxin, formerly known as KL4 surfactant, is a novel synthetic lung surfactant containing phospholipids and an engineered peptide, sinapultide, designed to mimic the actions of human surfactant protein B (SP-B)
  • 32. • Surfaxin use for the prevention and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) demonstrates a lower all-cause mortality compared to Exosurf and equivalency to the natural surfactants Survanta and Curosurf • Rapid testing of pulmonary maturity soon after birth by examining tracheal aspirate secretions may reduce the number of unaffected infants treated with surfactant and permit early rescue therapy within the 1st 1–2 hr of life.
  • 33. • Rescue treatment is initiated as soon as possible in the 1st 24 hr of life. Repeated dosing is given via the endotracheal tube every 6–12 hr for a total of 2 to 4 doses, depending on the preparation. Exogenous surfactant should be given by a physician who is qualified in neonatal resuscitation and respiratory management and who is able to care for the infant beyond the 1st hr of stabilization. Additional on-site staff support required includes nurses and respiratory therapists experienced in the ventilatory management of LBW infants. Appropriate monitoring equipment (radiology, blood gas laboratory, pulse oximetry) must also be available. Furthermore, each institution should have an approved protocol for the administration of surfactant. Complications of surfactant therapy include transient hypoxia, bradycardia and hypotension, blockage of the endotracheal tube, and pulmonary hemorrhage (see Chapter 101.9 ). • Premature infants requiring ventilator support after a week of age experience transient episodes of surfactant dysfunction associated with deficiency of SP-B and SP-C, which are temporally associated with episodes of infection and respiratory deterioration. Treatment with exogenous surfactant, SP-B, SP-C, or strategies to increase endogenous surfactant protein production may be beneficial in infants with respiratory failure and surfactant dysfunction. In one study of VLBW infants at 7–30 d with stable ventilatory requirements, a dose of surfactant produced a transient decrease in the concentration of supplemental oxygen. The associations between respiratory deteriorations and surfactant function and composition as well as the short- and long-term safety of surfactant treatment for these events in chronically ventilated infants need further investigation.
  • 34. • Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) decreases the need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in term and near-term infants with hypoxic respiratory failure • The response to iNO is equivalent to that to HFOV in term or near- term infants with RDS • A positive response to combined therapy suggests that alveolar recruitment by HFOV may allow iNO gas to reach the pulmonary resistance vessels. • Low-dose iNO may decrease the incidence of BPD in critically ill premature infants. A reduction in the rate of death or BPD in infants <1,000 g treated with iNO was observed in one study. iNO treatment of RDS may also be associated with improved neurodevelopmental outcome. • .
  • 35. • Weaning strategies from ventilators vary widely and are influenced by lung mechanics as well as the availability of ventilatory modes (pressure support). Once extubated, many infants transition to nasal CPAP to avoid postextubation atelectasis and hypoxia • Synchronized nasal intermittent ventilation has been shown to decrease the need for reintubation in VLBW infants. High flow (1– 2 L/min) or warmed, humidified high flow (2–8 LPM) nasal cannula oxygen is commonly used to support term and near-term infants following extubation and to wean premature infants off nasal CPAP. Preloading with caffeine may enhance the success of extubation. • Metabolic acidosis in RDS may be a result of perinatal asphyxia and hypotension and is often encountered when an infant has required resuscitation (see Chapter 100 )
  • 36. • Sodium bicarbonate, 1–2 mEq/kg, may be administered over a 15–20 min period through a peripheral or umbilical vein, with the acid-base determination repeated within 30 min, or it may be administered over a period of several hours. Often, sodium bicarbonate is administered on an emergency basis through an umbilical venous catheter. Alkali therapy may result in skin slough from infiltration, increased serum osmolarity, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, and liver injury when concentrated solutions are administered rapidly through an umbilical vein catheter wedged in the liver. Sodium bicarbonate may exacerbate a severe respiratory acidosis, especially if ventilation is ineffective
  • 37. • Monitoring of aortic blood pressure through an umbilical or peripheral arterial catheter or by oscillometric technique is useful in managing the shocklike state that may occur during the 1st hr or so in VLBW infants who have been asphyxiated or have severe RDS (see Fig. 94-2 ). Hypotension and low flow in the superior vena cava (SVC) have been associated with increased CNS morbidity and increased mortality and should be treated with cautious administration of volume (crystalloid) and early use of vasopressors. Dopamine is more effective in raising blood pressure than dobutamine. Hypotension may be refractory to pressors, but glucocorticoid responsive, especially in neonates <1,000 g. This hypotension may be due to transient adrenal insufficiency in the ill VLBW infant. Treat with intravenous hydrocortisone (Solu-Cortef) at 1–2 mg/kg/dose Q 6–12 hr (see Chapter 98 ). • Periodic monitoring of PaO2, PaCO2, and pH is an important part of the management; if assisted ventilation is being used, such monitoring is essential. Blood should be obtained from the umbilical or peripheral artery. Tissue PO2 may also be estimated continuously from transcutaneous electrodes or pulse oximetry (oxygen saturation). Capillary blood samples are of limited value for determining PO2, but may be useful for evaluating PaCO2 and pH. Radiopaque umbilical catheters should have their position checked roentgenographically after insertion (see Fig. 101-4 ). The tip of an umbilical artery catheter should lie just above the bifurcation of the aorta (L3–L5) or above the celiac axis (T6–T10). Preferred sites for peripheral catheters are the radial or posterior tibial arteries. Placement and supervision should be carried out by skilled and experienced personnel. Catheters should be removed as soon as patients no longer have any indication for their continued use—usually when the infant is stable and the FIO2 is <40%.
  • 38. • Because of the difficulty of distinguishing group B streptococcal or other bacterial infections from RDS, empirical antibiotic therapy is indicated until the results of blood cultures are available. Penicillin or ampicillin with an aminoglycoside is suggested; however, the choice of antibiotics is based on the recent pattern of bacterial sensitivity in the hospital where the infant is being treated (see Chapter 109 ).
  • 39. • COMPLICATIONS OF RDS AND INTENSIVE CARE. • The most serious complications of tracheal intubation are asphyxia from obstruction of the tube, cardiac arrest during intubation or suctioning, and the subsequent development of subglottic stenosis. Other complications include bleeding from trauma during intubation, posterior pharyngeal pseudodiverticula, need for tracheostomy, ulceration of the nares because of pressure from the tube, permanent narrowing of the nostril as a result of tissue damage and scarring from irritation or infection around the tube, erosion of the palate, avulsion of a vocal cord, laryngeal ulcer, papilloma of a vocal cord, and persistent hoarseness, stridor, or edema of the larynx.
  • 40. • Measures to reduce the incidence of these complications include skillful intubation, adequate securing of the tube, use of polyvinyl endotracheal tubes, use of the smallest size tube that will provide effective ventilation to reduce local pressure necrosis and ischemia, avoidance of frequent changes and motion of the tube in situ, avoidance of too frequent or vigorous suctioning, and prevention of infection through meticulous cleanliness and frequent sterilization of all apparatus attached to or passed through the tube. The personnel inserting and caring for the endotracheal tube should be experienced and skilled. • Risks associated with umbilical arterial catheterization include vascular embolization, thrombosis, spasm, and vascular perforation; ischemic or chemical necrosis of abdominal viscera; infection; accidental hemorrhage; and impaired circulation to a leg with subsequent gangrene. Although the reported incidence of thrombotic complications varies from 1% to 23% at necropsy, aortography has demonstrated that clots form in or about the tips of 95% of catheters placed in an umbilical artery. Aortic ultrasonography can also be used to investigate the presence of thrombosis. The risk of a serious clinical complication resulting from umbilical catheterization is probably between 2% and 5%.
  • 41. • Serious hemorrhage on removal of the catheter is rare. Thrombi may form in the artery or in the catheter, the incidence of which can be lowered by using a smooth-tipped catheter with a hole only at its end, by rinsing the catheter with a small amount of saline solution containing heparin, or by continuously infusing a solution containing 1–2 units/mL of heparin. The risk of thrombus formation with potential vascular occlusion can also be reduced by removing the catheter when early signs of thrombosis, such as narrowing of pulse pressure and disappearance of the dicrotic notch, are noted. Some prefer to use the umbilical artery for blood sampling only and leave the catheter filled with heparinized saline between samplings. Renovascular hypertension may occur days to weeks after umbilical arterial catheterization in a small number of neonates. • Umbilical vein catheterization is associated with many of the same risks as umbilical artery catheterization. An additional risk is cardiac perforation and pericardial tamponade if the catheter is incorrectly placed in the right atrium; portal hypertension can develop from portal vein thrombosis, especially in the presence of omphalitis. • Extrapulmonary extravasation of air is another complication of the management of RDS (see Chapter 101.3 ).
  • 42. • Some neonates with RDS may have clinically significant shunting through a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Delayed closure of the PDA is associated with hypoxia, acidosis, increased pulmonary pressure secondary to vasoconstriction, systemic hypotension, immaturity, and local release of prostaglandins, which dilate the ductus. There is a relationship between early adrenal insufficiency, ductal patency, airway inflammation, and the development of BPD. Shunting through the PDA may initially be bidirectional or right to left. As RDS resolves, pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, and left-to-right shunting may occur and lead to left ventricular volume overload and pulmonary edema. Manifestations of PDA may include (1) apnea for unexplained reasons in an infant recovering from RDS; (2) a hyperdynamic precordium, bounding peripheral pulses, wide pulse pressure, and a continuous or systolic murmur with or without extension into diastole or an apical diastolic murmur, multiple clicks resembling the shaking of dice; (3) carbon dioxide retention; (4) increasing oxygen dependence; (5) x-ray evidence of cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings; and (6) hepatomegaly. The diagnosis is confirmed by echocardiographic visualization of a PDA with Doppler flow demonstrating left-to- right or bidirectional shunting. VLBW infants with PDA are at increased risk of more prolonged and more severe RDS, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and death. Prophylactic “closure,” closure of the asymptomatic but clinically detected PDA, and closure of the symptomatic PDA are three strategies to manage a PDA. Interventions include fluid restriction, the use of diuretics, the use of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors, and surgical closure. Short-term benefits have to be balanced against adverse effects such as transient renal dysfunction and a possible increase in the risk of intestinal perforation.
  • 43. • There is no evidence available that any of the strategies examined result in long-term benefit, in particular, disability-free survival. Much uncertainty about “best practice” therefore remains. Many infants respond to general supportive measures, including diuretics and fluid restriction. Medical and/or surgical ductal closure is indicated in premature infants with PDA when there is a delay in clinical improvement or deterioration after initial clinical improvement of RDS. Pharmacologic or surgical closure of the PDA is often followed by a dramatic decrease in ventilatory and oxygen requirements. Indomethacin is the drug of choice for medical closure of the PDA. Intravenous indomethacin is given in three doses every 12–24 hr; treatment may be repeated 1 time. For infants <48 hr, the 1st dose is 0.2 mg/kg, while the 2nd and 3rd doses are 0.1 mg/kg. Between 2 and 7 days of life, all doses are 0.2 mg/kg. Over 7 days of life, the 1st dose is 0.2 mg/kg and subsequent doses are 0.25 mg/kg. Prophylactic low-dose indomethacin reduces the incidence of both IVH and PDA and improves the rate of permanent ductal closure, but it does not improve the long-term prognosis. Contraindications to indomethacin include thrombocytopenia (<50,000/mm3), bleeding disorders, oliguria (<1 mL/kg/hr), necrotizing enterocolitis, isolated intestinal perforation, and an elevated plasma creatinine level (>1.8 mg/dL). Infants whose PDA fails to close with indomethacin or who have contraindications to indomethacin are candidates for surgical closure. Surgical mortality is very low even in the extremely low birthweight group. Complications of surgery include Horner syndrome, injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, chylothorax, transient hypertension, pneumothorax, and bleeding from the surgical site. Ligation rather than division can also result in recanalization, but this is rare. Inadvertent ligation of the left pulmonary artery or the transverse aortic arch has been reported.
  • 44. • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a result of lung injury in infants requiring mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen. The clinical, radiographic, and lung histology of classic BPD described in 1967, in an era before the widespread use of antenatal steroids and postnatal surfactant, was a disease of more mature preterm infants with RDS treated with positive pressure ventilation and oxygen. BPD is a disease primarily of infants <1,000 g born at less than 28 wk gestation, many of whom have little or no lung disease at birth, but develop progressive respiratory failure over the 1st few weeks of life. • When compared with infants with classic BPD, most current infants with BPD do not have the prominent airway changes of squamous metaplasia and peribronchial fibrosis, severe alveolar septal fibrosis, or hypertensive vascular changes. Airway muscle thickening and derangements in elastic fiber architecture persist. The morphometric features currently found in BPD include alveolar hypoplasia, variable saccular wall fibrosis, and minimal airway disease. Some specimens also have decreased pulmonary microvasculature development. The histopathology of BPD indicates interference with normal lung anatomic maturation, which may prevent subsequent lung growth and development. The pathogenesis of BPD is multifactorial and affects both the lungs and the heart. RDS is a disease of progressive alveolar collapse. Alveolar collapse (atelectotrauma) as a result of insufficient PEEP, together with ventilator-induced phasic overdistention of the lung (volutrauma), promotes injury. Oxygen induces injury by producing free radicals that cannot be metabolized by the immature antioxidant systems of VLBW neonates. Mechanical ventilation and oxygen injure the lung by their effect on alveolar and vascular development. Moreover, inflammation (measured by circulating neutrophils, neutrophils and macrophages in alveolar fluid, and pro-inflammatory cytokines) contributes to the progression of lung injury. Several clinical factors, including immaturity, chorioamnionitis, or acquired infection potentially with genital mycoplasma species, symptomatic PDA, and malnutrition, contribute to the development of BPD. • BPD is usually defined as a need for supplemental oxygen at 36 wk after conception. Another definition of BPD is based on the severity of disease ( Table 101-2 ). BPD can also be defined by standardized oxygen saturation monitoring at 36 wk PCA. Neonates on positive pressure support or receiving >30% supplemental oxygen are diagnosed with BPD. Those receiving 30% oxygen or less undergo a stepwise 2% reduction in supplemental oxygen to room air while under continuous observation and oxygen saturation monitoring. Outcomes are “no BPD” (saturations 88% or greater for 60 min) or “BPD” (saturation <88%). This test is highly reliable and correlated with discharge home in oxygen, length of hospital stay, and hospital readmissions in the 1st yr of life.
  • 45.
  • 46. BPD usually develops in neonates being treated with oxygen and PPV for respiratory failure, most commonly respiratory distress syndrome. Persistence of the clinical features of respiratory disease (tachypnea, retractions, crackles) is considered common to the broad description of BPD and has not been included in the diagnostic criteria describing the severity of BPD. Infants treated with greater than 21% oxygen and/or positive pressure for nonrespiratory disease (e.g., central apnea or diaphragmatic paralysis) do not have BPD unless parenchymal lung disease also develops and they have clinical features of respiratory distress. A day of treatment with greater than 21% oxygen means that the infant received greater than 21% oxygen for more than 12 hr on that day. Treatment with greater than 21% oxygen and/or positive pressure at 36 wk PMA or at 56 days' postnatal “acute” event, but should rather reflect the infant's age or discharge should not reflect days' postnatal age, or discharge. * A physiologic test confirming that the oxygen requirement at the assessment time point remains to be defined. This assessment may include a pulse oximetry saturation range. BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; NCPAP, nasal continuous positive airway pressure; PMA, postmenstrual age; PPV, positive pressure ventilation. The occurrence of BPD is inversely related to gestational age. Instead of showing imp
  • 47.
  • 48. • Infants at risk for classic BPD usually have severe respiratory distress requiring prolonged periods of mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy. Additional associations include the presence of interstitial emphysema, lower gestational age, male sex, low PaCO2 during the treatment of RDS, PDA, high peak inspiratory pressure, increased airway resistance in the 1st wk of life, increased pulmonary artery pressure, and possibly a family history of atopy or asthma. Genetic polymorphisms may increase the risk of developing BPD. In some VLBW infants without RDS who require mechanical ventilation for apnea or respiratory insufficiency, BPD that does not follow the classic pattern may develop. Overhydration during the 1st days of life may also contribute to the development of BPD. Vitamin A supplementation (5,000 IU intramuscularly 3×/wk for 4 wk) in VLBW infants reduces the risk of BPD (1 case prevented for every 14–15 treated). Early use of nasal CPAP and rapid extubation to nasal CPAP are associated with a decreased risk of BPD. • Severe BPD requires prolonged mechanical ventilation. Gradual weaning should be attempted despite elevations in PaCO2 since hypercarbia may be the result of air trapping rather than inadequate minute ventilation. Acceptable blood gas concentrations include a PaCO2 of 50–70 mm Hg (if pH >7.30) and a PaO2 of 55–60 mm Hg with an oxygen saturation of 95% or higher. Lower levels of PaO2 may exacerbate pulmonary hypertension with resultant cor pulmonale, and also inhibit growth. Airway obstruction in BPD may be due to mucus and edema production, bronchospasm, and airway collapse from acquired tracheobronchomalacia. These events may contribute to “blue spells.” Alternatively, blue spells may be due to acute pulmonary vasospasm or right ventricular dysfunction.
  • 49. • Treatment of BPD includes nutritional support, fluid restriction, drug therapy, maintenance of adequate oxygenation, and prompt treatment of infection. Growth must be monitored because recovery is dependent on the growth of lung tissue and remodeling of the pulmonary vascular bed. Nutritional supplementation to provide added calories (24–30 calories/30 mL formula), protein (3–3.5 g/kg/24 hr) and fat (3 g/kg/24 hr) is needed for growth. Diuretic therapy results in a short-term improvement in lung mechanics and may result in decreased oxygen and ventilatory requirements. Furosemide (1 mg/kg/dose intravenously twice daily [bid] or 2 mg/kg/dose orally bid) given daily or every other day is the treatment of choice for fluid overload in infants with BPD. This loop diuretic has been demonstrated to decrease pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) and pulmonary vascular resistance (VR), improve pulmonary function, and facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation and oxygen. Adverse effects of long-term diuretic therapy are frequent and include hyponatremia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, azotemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, cholelithiasis, renal stones, nephrocalcinosis, and ototoxicity. Potassium chloride supplementation is often necessary. Hyponatremia should be treated with fluid restriction and a decrease in the dosage or frequency of furosemide. Sodium chloride supplementation should be avoided. Thiazide diuretics with inhibitors of aldosterone have been used in infants with BPD. Several trials of thiazide diuretics combined with spironolactone have shown increased urine output with or without improvement in pulmonary mechanics in infants with BPD. Adverse effects include electrolyte imbalance. Inhaled bronchodilators improve lung mechanics by decreasing airway resis tance. Albuterol is a specific β2-agonist used to treat bronchospasm in infants with BPD. Albuterol may improve lung compliance by decreasing airway resistance secondary to smooth muscle cell relaxation. Changes in pulmonary mechanics may last as long as 4–6 hr. Adverse effects include hypertension and tachycardia. Ipratropium bromide is a muscarinic antagonist related to atropine, but with more potent bronchodilator effects. Improvements in pulmonary mechanics have been demonstrated in BPD after ipratropium bromide inhalation. Combination therapy of albuterol and ipratropium bromide may be more effective than either agent alone. Few adverse effects have been noted. Cromolyn sodium inhibits release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells. Some studies have shown a decrease in inflammatory mediators in tracheobronchial aspirates of infants with BPD who were treated with this drug. With current aerosol administration strategies, exactly how much medication is delivered to the airways and lungs of infants with BPD, especially if they are ventilator dependent, is unclear. Because significant smooth muscle relaxation does not appear to occur within the 1st few weeks of life, aerosol therapy in the early stages of BPD is not indicated. Methylxanthines are used to increase respiratory drive, decrease apnea, and improve diaphragmatic contractility. These substances may also decrease pulmonary vascular resistance and increase lung compliance in infants with BPD, probably through direct smooth muscle relaxation. They also exhibit diuretic effects. All of the effects cited here may accelerate weaning from mechanical ventilation. Synergy between theophylline and diuretics has been demonstrated. Theophylline has a half-life of 30–40 hours, is metabolized primarily to caffeine in the liver, and may have adverse effects, such as tachycardia, gastroesophageal reflux, agitation, and seizures. Caffeine has a longer half-life than theophylline. Both are available in intravenous and enteral formulations. Caffeine has fewer adverse effects than theophylline.
  • 50. • Preventive therapy of BPD with postnatal dexamethasone may reduce the time to extubation and may decrease the risk of BPD, but is associated with substantial short- and long-term risks, including hypertension, hyperglycemia, gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sepsis, and poor weight gain and head growth. Survival is not improved, and infants who have been treated with dexamethasone have an increased risk of neurodevelopmental delay and cerebral palsy. The use of dexamethasone for the prevention or treatment of BPD is not recommended. The routine use of dexamethasone in infants with established BPD is not currently recommended unless severe pulmonary disease exists. A rapid tapering course starting at 0.25 mg/kg/day and lasting for 5–7 days may be adequate. Inhaled beclomethasone does not prevent BPD, but decreases the need for systemic steroids. Inhaled corticosteroids facilitate earlier extubation of ventilated infants with BPD. • Physiologic abnormalities of the pulmonary circulation in BPD include elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and abnormal vasoreactivity. Acute exposure to even modest levels of hypoxemia causes large elevations in pulmonary artery pressure in infants with BPD with pulmonary hypertension. Higher oxygen saturations are effective in lowering pulmonary artery pressure. The current recommendation for treatment of patients with BPD and pulmonary hypertension is to avoid oxygen saturations below 92%, and in those with established pulmonary hypertension to maintain levels of 94–96%. • Low-dose iNO has no acute effects on lung function, cardiac function, and oxygenation in evolving BPD. The use of low-dose iNO may improve oxygenation in some infants with severe BPD, allowing decreased FIO2 and ventilator support (see RDS). • The long-term prognosis is good for infants who have been weaned from oxygen before discharge from the NICU. Prolonged ventilation, IVH, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, and oxygen dependence beyond 1 yr of life are poor prognostic signs. Mortality in infants with BPD ranges from 10% to 25% and is highest in infants who remain ventilator dependent for longer than 6 mo. Cardiorespiratory failure associated with cor pulmonale and acquired infection (respiratory syncytial virus) are common causes of death. Survivors with BPD often go home on a regimen of oxygen, diuretics, and bronchodilator therapy. Prevention of sleep-associated hypoxia and high caloric formulas improve growth and cardiorespiratory outcome.
  • 51. • Non-cardiorespiratory complications of BPD include growth failure, psychomotor retardation, and parental stress, as well as sequelae of therapy such as nephrolithiasis, osteopenia, and electrolyte imbalance. Airway problems such as tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy, vocal cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis, and tracheomalacia are common and may aggravate or cause pulmonary hypertension. Subglottic stenosis may require tracheotomy or an anterior cricoid–split procedure to relieve upper airway obstruction. Cardiac complications of BPD include pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, systemic hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and the development of aortopulmonary collateral vessels, which, if large, may result in heart failure. Pulmonary function slowly improves in most survivors due to continued lung and airway growth and healing. Rehospitalization for impaired pulmonary function is most common during the 1st 2 yr of life. There is a gradual decrease in symptom frequency in children aged 6–9 yr as compared to the 1st 2 yr of life. Persistence of respiratory symptoms and abnormal pulmonary function tests are present in children aged 7 and 10 yr. Airway obstruction and hyperactivity and hyperinflation are noted in some adolescent and adult survivors of BPD. High- resolution chest CT scanning or MRI studies in children and adults with a history of BPD reveal lung abnormalities that correlate directly with the degree of pulmonary function abnormality
  • 52. • PROGNOSIS. • Early provision of intensive observation and care of high- risk newborn infants can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with RDS and other acute neonatal illnesses. Antenatal steroids, postnatal surfactant use, improved modes of ventilation, and developmentally appropriate care have resulted in low mortality from RDS (≈10%) • Mortality increases with decreasing gestational age. Optimal results depend on the availability of experienced and skilled personnel, specially designed and organized regional hospital units, proper equipment, and lack of complications such as severe asphyxia, intracranial hemorrhage, or irremediable congenital malformation
  • 53. • Surfactant therapy has reduced mortality from RDS approximately 40%; the incidence of BPD has not been measurably affected. • Although 85–90% of all infants surviving RDS after requiring ventilatory support with respirators are normal, the outlook is much better for those weighing more than 1,500 g. The long-term prognosis for normal pulmonary function in most infants surviving RDS is excellent. Survivors of severe neonatal respiratory failure may have significant pulmonary and neurodevelopmental impairment. • Email to Colleague Print Version