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Respiratory distress in neonates
Presenter- Dr. Aftab Ahmad Siddiqui
Moderators- Prof. S M Ali, Prof. F. K Beig, Dr. K Afzal, Dr. Kashif Ali,
Dr. Shaukat, Dr. Iraj Alam
Presence of at least 2 of the fallowing features are essential
1)Tachypnea (RR>60 PER MIN..)
2)Retractions (intercostal retractions and /or sub costal)
3) Expiratory grunt
Clinical presentation of respiratory
distress in the newborn includes;
 cyanosis,
 grunting,
 inspiratory stridor,
 nasal flaring,
 poor feeding,
 tachypnea (more than
60 breaths per minute),
 Lethargy.
 retractions in the:
 intercostal,
 subcostal, or
 suprasternal spaces.
Perinatal history
h/o of polyhydramnios -- congenital diaphragmatic hernia/TEF
h/o of oligohydramnios -- pulmonary hypoplasia
h/o of PROM -- congenital pneumonia
h/o of pretem delivery -- respiratory distress syndrome
h/o of MSAF -- meconium aspiration syndrome
Perinatal history
 IUGR with Resp. distress -- Congenital infection/MAS
 LGA with Resp. distress -- Decreased surfactant/
 Well baby for 1-2 days then resp. distress -- Sepsis/IEM
Obstruction of the airway Lung parenchymal disease
1- Choanal atresia
2- Congenital stridor
3- Tracheal or bronchial stenosis
1- Meconium aspiration
2- Respiratory distress syndrome
3- Pneumonia
4- Transient tachypnea of the newborn
(retained lung fluid)
5- Pneumothorax
6- Atelectasis
7- Congenital lobar emphysema
Non-pulmonary causes Miscellaneous
1- Heart failure
2- Intracranial lesions
3- Metabolic acidosis
1- Disorders of the diaphragm e.g.
(diaphragmatic hernia)
2- Pulmonary haemorrhage
3- Pulmonary hypoplasia
0 1 2
Cyanosis None In room air In 40% FIO2
Retractions None Mild Severe
Grunting None
Audible with
Audible without
Air entry Clear
Decreased or
Barely audible
Under 60 60-80 Over 80 or apnea
> 4 = Clinical respiratory distress; monitor arterial blood gases
> 8 = Impending respiratory failure
 A score of 7 or more is indicative of impending resp. failure.
 Choanal Atresia
 Tracheoesophageal fistula
 Transient tachypnea of newborn
 Hyaline Membrane disease (RDS)
 Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
 Congenital pneumonia
 Pneumothorax
Choanal Atresia
 The back of the nasal passage (choana) is blocked, usually by
abnormal bony or soft tissue (membranous).
 Bilateral choanal atresia is a serious life-threatening condition as babies
are obligate nasal breathers.
 The distress may improve when the baby cries.
Choanal Atresia
 Choanal atresia. Rhinogram
demonstrating blockage of
radiopaque dye at the posterior
 Oral airway which is the initial
treatment of choice can also be
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
 A tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) is a congenital communication between the
trachea and esophagus.
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
 Clinical features-
 Maternal polyhydramnios and absence of stomach gas on prenatal
 Copious, fine white frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth and nose.
Secretions recur despite suctioning.
 Episodes of coughing and choking in association with cyanosis esp. during
 Inability to pass a NG/OG tube.
Tracheo-esophageal fistula
 A very common cause of neonatal respiratory distress,
constituting about 40 percent of cases.
 Infants are usually full term/late preterm.
 They are not at risk for other illnesses.
 It occurs due to delayed clearance of fetal lung fluid.
 Change in hormonal milieu (surge in glucocorticoids and
catecholamines) near end of pregnancy and labor facilitates
fetal lung fluid clearance.
 Risk for TTN increases if normal labor is bypassed
(Caessarian/Precipitate labor).
 cesarean delivery
 Precipitous labor
 Preterm birth
 Male sex
 Macrosomia,
 Maternal diabetes
 Maternal Asthma
 Multiple gestation
 Tachypnea immediately after birth or within 6 hours with mild
respiratory distress.
 A-P diameter of chest may be increased (barrel shape).
 Usually responds to supplemental Oxygen @ FiO2 <40 %.
 Respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation are rare.
 Symptoms usually last 12 to 24 hrs but in severe cases it can last till
72 hours.
Radiological features of TTN-
 Retained lung fluid with characteristic
prominent perihilar streaking (sun-burst
 Coarse fluffy densities may reflect
alveolar edema
 Hyperinflation with widening of
intercostal spaces.
 Fluid filled interlobar fissure.
 It is supportive with close observation because the condition is
usually self limited.
 Low flow supplemental oxygen may be necessary for several
 More severe cases- CPAP.
 Oral furosemide (Lasix) has not been shown to significantly
improve status and should not be given
Respiratory distress
(hyaline membrane
• Inadequate pulmonary surfactant due to preterm birth.
• Alveoli with low surfactant tend to collapse, leading to atelectasis,
VQ mismatching, hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis.
•Repetitive reopening & collapse of alveoli can damage the fragile
lung architecture leakage of protein-debris into the airways
(hyaline membranes).
•These debris impair the function of what little surfactant is present.
RDS- Introduction
Structure of lung surfactant
Major constituents of surfactant are dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (lecithin),
phosphatidylglycerol, apoproteins (surfactant proteins SP-A, -B, -C, -D), cholesterol
RDS- Introduction
 With advancing gestational age, increasing amounts of phospholipids
are synthesized and stored in type II alveolar cells .
 Wk 20: start of surfactant production and storage. Does not reach lung
surface until later
 Wk 28-32: maximal production of surfactant and appears in amniotic
 Wk 34-35; mature levels of surfactant in lungs
Incidence of respiratory problems in preterms
 Prematurity
 Maternal diabetes
 Caesarean delivery without preceding labor
 Precipitous labor
 Foetal asphyxia
 Genetic factors (white race, history of RDS in siblings, male
 Thoracic malformations that cause lung hypoplasia, such as
diaphragmatic hernia
Secondary surfactant deficiency may occur in infants with the
 Pulmonary infections (eg, group B beta-hemolytic streptococcal
 Pulmonary hemorrhage
 Meconium aspiration pneumonia
 Oxygen toxicity along with barotrauma or volutrauma to the lungs
Prenatal Prediction-RDS
 Assessment of fetal lung maturity (FLM)- testing amniotic fluid obtained by
 Lecithin/Sphingomylin ratio- Risk is very low if the L/S ratio is >2
 The TDx-FLM II- measures the surfactant-albumin ratio, >55mg
surfactant/gm albumin correlates with lung maturity.
 Lamellar body counts- >50,000 lamellar bodies/microliter predicted lung
 Presence of Phosphatidyglycerol (PG)
 Foam stability index (FSI)- stability foam when amniotic fluid is shaken
with ethanol.
 Signs of RDS start in minutes to hours after birth
 Tachypnea, prominent (often audible) Grunting, Flaring, Retractions,
and Cyanosis relatively unresponsive to oxygen
 Breath sounds normal or harsh bronchial
 Crepitations esp over posterior lung bases
 RDS tends to get worse over the first 1 to 3 days after birth, and then
usually improves gradually over a few days
 Tachypnoea and grunting may decreases or disappear with fatigue and
apnoea may occur.
 Initially, ABG or SpO2 may show only hypoxemia or desaturation. The
PaCO2 may be normal because of tachypnea.
 Later, with fatigue, the PaCO2 will rise - respiratory acidosis. With
imminent respiratory failure, there may be metabolic acidosis due to
inadequate oxygen delivery to tissues. (Mixed acidosis)
 If inadequately treated, hypotension, fatigue, cyanosis, and pallor
increase- MODS.
 ABG/Capillary blood gas – low PaO2, high PaCO2, respiratory/mixed
 Chest X-ray (AP&Lat) – Reticulogranular (ground-glass) pattern and air
bronchograms, lungs are diffusely and homogeneously dense due to
widespread collapse of alveoli with low lung volume.
 Blood glucose, Electrolytes, RFT
 Complete blood count
 Blood culture
1. Warmth - radiant warmer/ incubator
2. Maintain Hydration
3. Nutrition
a) Initially D5W or D10W (with protein, if
b) NPO if RR > 60 or moderate/severe
work of breathing
c) Gavage feeds if stable
d) Consider parenteral nutrition if
enteral feeds are delayed
4. Antibiotics if at risk for pneumonia/sepsis
5. Supplemental oxygen
6. SpO2 monitoring, with appropriate target
for infants at risk for ROP.
7. Exogenous surfactant
8. CPAP or mechanical ventilation, as
 Oxygen Therapy
 Target SpO2
 <30 weeks or wt< 1.250gm – 88 to 92 %
 >30 weeks or wt > 1.250gm- 88 to 95%
 Blood gas monitoring- Frequent measurements during acute
stage, do ABG after 30 min of changes in FiO2/ventilator setting.
 Indication- In infants with RDS start CPAP as soon as possible.
 The most common cause of failed CPAP is ???
 Starting pressure 5 to 7 cm H2O, at flow of 5 to 10 L/min, FiO2
titrated to target SpO2.
 Use OG tube to decompress swallowed air.
 As the infant improves, start tapering FiO2, when FiO2 requirement
is 0.3 bring CPAP to 5 cm H2O.
 Discontinue CPAP if no distress and FiO2 remains <0.3.
Bubble CPAP
 Problem encountered with CPAP
 Decreased venous return.
 Raised pulmonary vascular resistance – increased Rt to Lt. shunt.
 Hypercarbia- if CPAP is too high with low tidal volumes.
 Nasal prongs may fail to generate pressure if crying or mouth
 Pulmonary air leak syndromes
 Damage to nasal septum
 Surfactant Therapy
 Indicated for all diagnosed cases of RDS.
 “Early rescue” (before 2 hours of age) is preferable to delayed
 Prophylactic surfactant can be given in very premature (<27
weeks) neonates.
 Repeated doses (upto 4) can be given, most infants require only
one or two doses.
Administration of Surfactant –
 Given through endotracheal tube – If not on ventilator use ‘INSURE’
technique (INtubate SURfactant Extubate).
 Given as bolus through ET tube as rapidly as tolerated.
 Neonates posture can be changed to allow better distribution of
Surfactant (though no evidence supports this practice).
 If intubation is difficult/risky LMA can be used.
Surfactant Preparations and their sources
Doses (*use package insert)
Curosurf - 2.5 mL/kg (200 mg/kg
Infasurf - 3 mL/kg (105 mg/kg
Survanta - 4 mL/kg (100/kg mg
Exosurf - 5 ml/kg
Surfactant therapy reduces mortality rates most effectively in infants
<30 weeks and those of birth weight <1250 gm
 Mechanical Ventilation
 Indications-
 Respiratory acidosis with a
PaCO2 >55 mm Hg or rapidly
 PaO2 <50 mm Hg or SPO2 <90%
with an Fio2 above 0.50.
 Severe Apnoea
 Ventilator settings-
 Rapid rates
 Moderate Peep (4-6 cm H2O)
 Low PIP
 Short Ti 0.24-0.4 sec
 Low tidal volume 3-6 ml/kg
 Early extubation to nasal CPAP
Congenital pneumonia
 Pneumonia that presents within the first 24 hours after birth.
 The 3 categories of congenital pneumonia are as follows:
 True congenital pneumonia - already established at birth, infection occurs
by Hematogenous, Ascending or Aspiration.
 Intrapartum pneumonia - acquired during passage through the birth
 Postnatal pneumonia - originates after the infant has left the birth canal
*Pneumonia in association with sepsis presenting beyond 24 hrs is well known
and not discussed here.
Congenital pneumonia
 Etiology
 Group B Streptococcus (GBS)
 Escherichia coli
 Haemophilus influenza
 Other gram-negative bacilli
 Listeria monocytogenes
 Enterococci
 Occasionally, Staphylococcus aureus
 Rarely, Mycoplasma pneumonia/Ureaplasma urealyticum
Congenital pneumonia
 Etiology- Atypical organisms
 Cytomegalovirus
 Treponema pallidum
 Toxoplasma gondii
 Rubella
 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
 Congenital tuberculosis
 Congenital candidiasis
Congenital pneumonia
 Etiology – Developing countries
 Escherichia coli
 Enterobacter aerogenes
 Group B streptococci
 Klebsiella
 Pseudomonas
 Staphylococcus
AP X ray in an infant born at 28 weeks‘ was performed following apnea and
profound birth depression. Subtle reticulogranularity and prominent distal air
bronchograms were consistent with respiratory distress syndrome, prompting
exogenous surfactant and antimicrobial therapy. Initial smear of endotracheal
aspirate revealed few neutrophils but numerous, small, gram-negative
coccobacilli. Culture of blood and tracheal aspirate yielded florid growth of
nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae.
Case 1
Full-term infant with progressive respiratory distress from birth following delivery to a
febrile mother through thick, particulate, meconium-containing fluid and recovery
of copious meconium from the trachea. Right clavicle is fractured without
displacement. Note the coarse dense infiltrates obscuring the cardiothymic
silhouette bilaterally with superimposed prominent air bronchograms. Listeria
monocytogeneswas recovered from the initial blood culture.
Case 2
Congenital pneumonia
 Work up-
 Blood gases, B. Glucose, Electrolytes, RFT, Blood culture
 Imaging- X-ray, USG, CT
 Tracheal aspirate
 Bronchoscopy
Congenital pneumonia
 Treatment
 Supportive measures (oxygen, warmth, hydration, nutrition
 Antimicrobial therapy
 Respiratory support ( airway patency, CPAP, Ventilation)
 Maintain optimal hemoglobin (13-16 g/dL)
Meconium aspiration syndrome(MAS)
 Acute or chronic hypoxia and/or infection can result in the passage of
meconium in utero.
 5% of neonates born through MSAF develop meconium aspiration
syndrome (MAS).
 Meconium itself, or the resultant chemical pneumonitis, mechanically
obstructs small airways, causes atelectasis and a “ball-valve” effect.
Meconium aspiration syndrome
 MAS classification-
 Mild MAS- requiring <40% oxygen for <48 hours.
 Moderate MAS- requiring >40% oxygen for >48 hours without air leak.
 Severe MAS- requiring assisted ventilation for >48 hours, often
associated with PPHN.
There are bilateral course interstitial markings and widespread
alveolar opacification.
MAS- Treatment
 Supportive measures, Oxygen, Antibiotics
 Respiratory Support
 CPAP- consider CPAP if FiO2 requirement is > 0.40
 Mechanical ventilation- if excessive carbon dioxide retention (Paco2 >60
mm Hg) or persistent hypoxemia (Pao2 <50 mm Hg).
PIP requirement is high (30-35 cm H2O), PEEP selected 3-6 cm H2O,
Adequate expiratory time should be permitted (I:E=1:2 or 1:3).
MAS- Treatment
 Surfactant –
 Endogenous surfactant activity may be inhibited by meconium.
 Used in infants with deteriorating course and who require escalating
 Washing meconium from the lungs with bronchioalveolar surfactant
lavage is not recommended.
 Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in 0.07% of otherwise healthy
appearing neonates.
 One in ten of these infants is symptomatic.
 More common in newborns treated with mechanical ventilation.
There is a large right pneumothorax demonstrated on AP and lateral films
with a pig-tail catheter in situ with its tip at the apex.
 Treatment-
 Conservative therapy – if no underlying lung disease or complicating therapy
(ventilator), no significant respiratory distress, and have no continuous air leak.
The extrapulmonary air will usually resolve in 24 to 48 hours.
 Needle aspiration- Thoracentesis with a “butterfly” needle or intravenous
catheter. Needle aspiration may be curative in infants not receiving
mechanical ventilation.
 Chest tube drainage- needed esp. in those on ventilator. These air leaks are
continuous and will result in severe hemodynamic compromise if left untreated
Thank you

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Respiratory distress in newborn

  • 1. Respiratory distress in neonates Presenter- Dr. Aftab Ahmad Siddiqui Moderators- Prof. S M Ali, Prof. F. K Beig, Dr. K Afzal, Dr. Kashif Ali, Dr. Shaukat, Dr. Iraj Alam
  • 2. Presence of at least 2 of the fallowing features are essential 1)Tachypnea (RR>60 PER MIN..) 2)Retractions (intercostal retractions and /or sub costal) 3) Expiratory grunt Introduction
  • 3. Clinical presentation of respiratory distress in the newborn includes;  cyanosis,  grunting,  inspiratory stridor,  nasal flaring,  poor feeding,  tachypnea (more than 60 breaths per minute),  Lethargy.  retractions in the:  intercostal,  subcostal, or  suprasternal spaces.
  • 4. Perinatal history h/o of polyhydramnios -- congenital diaphragmatic hernia/TEF h/o of oligohydramnios -- pulmonary hypoplasia h/o of PROM -- congenital pneumonia h/o of pretem delivery -- respiratory distress syndrome h/o of MSAF -- meconium aspiration syndrome
  • 5. Perinatal history  IUGR with Resp. distress -- Congenital infection/MAS  LGA with Resp. distress -- Decreased surfactant/ Polycythemia/CHD  Well baby for 1-2 days then resp. distress -- Sepsis/IEM
  • 6. Obstruction of the airway Lung parenchymal disease 1- Choanal atresia 2- Congenital stridor 3- Tracheal or bronchial stenosis 1- Meconium aspiration 2- Respiratory distress syndrome 3- Pneumonia 4- Transient tachypnea of the newborn (retained lung fluid) 5- Pneumothorax 6- Atelectasis 7- Congenital lobar emphysema Non-pulmonary causes Miscellaneous 1- Heart failure 2- Intracranial lesions 3- Metabolic acidosis 1- Disorders of the diaphragm e.g. (diaphragmatic hernia) 2- Pulmonary haemorrhage 3- Pulmonary hypoplasia CAUSES OF RESPIRATORY DISTRESS
  • 7.
  • 8. 0 1 2 Cyanosis None In room air In 40% FIO2 Retractions None Mild Severe Grunting None Audible with stethoscope Audible without stethoscope Air entry Clear Decreased or delayed Barely audible Respiratory rate Under 60 60-80 Over 80 or apnea Score: > 4 = Clinical respiratory distress; monitor arterial blood gases > 8 = Impending respiratory failure DOWNE’s SCORING OF RESPIRATORY DISTRESS
  • 10. SILVERMAN-ANDERSON RETRACTIONSCOREFORPRETERMS  A score of 7 or more is indicative of impending resp. failure.
  • 11.  SOME IMPORTANT CAUSES OF RESPIRATORY DISTRESS ARE DESCRIBED IN SOME DETAIL  Choanal Atresia  Tracheoesophageal fistula  Transient tachypnea of newborn  Hyaline Membrane disease (RDS)  Meconium Aspiration Syndrome  Congenital pneumonia  Pneumothorax
  • 12. Choanal Atresia  The back of the nasal passage (choana) is blocked, usually by abnormal bony or soft tissue (membranous).  Bilateral choanal atresia is a serious life-threatening condition as babies are obligate nasal breathers.  The distress may improve when the baby cries.
  • 13. Choanal Atresia  Choanal atresia. Rhinogram demonstrating blockage of radiopaque dye at the posterior choanae.  Oral airway which is the initial treatment of choice can also be seen.
  • 14. Tracheo-esophageal fistula  A tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) is a congenital communication between the trachea and esophagus.
  • 15. Tracheo-esophageal fistula  Clinical features-  Maternal polyhydramnios and absence of stomach gas on prenatal ultrasound.  Copious, fine white frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth and nose. Secretions recur despite suctioning.  Episodes of coughing and choking in association with cyanosis esp. during feeding.  Inability to pass a NG/OG tube.
  • 17. TRANSIENT TACHYPNEA OF THE NEWBORN (TTN)  A very common cause of neonatal respiratory distress, constituting about 40 percent of cases.  Infants are usually full term/late preterm.  They are not at risk for other illnesses.
  • 18.  It occurs due to delayed clearance of fetal lung fluid.  Change in hormonal milieu (surge in glucocorticoids and catecholamines) near end of pregnancy and labor facilitates fetal lung fluid clearance.  Risk for TTN increases if normal labor is bypassed (Caessarian/Precipitate labor).
  • 19.  RISK FACTORS:  cesarean delivery  Precipitous labor  Preterm birth  Male sex  Macrosomia,  Maternal diabetes  Maternal Asthma  Multiple gestation
  • 20. CLINICAL PICTURE- TTN  Tachypnea immediately after birth or within 6 hours with mild respiratory distress.  A-P diameter of chest may be increased (barrel shape).  Usually responds to supplemental Oxygen @ FiO2 <40 %.  Respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation are rare.  Symptoms usually last 12 to 24 hrs but in severe cases it can last till 72 hours.
  • 21. TTN Radiological features of TTN-  Retained lung fluid with characteristic prominent perihilar streaking (sun-burst pattern)  Coarse fluffy densities may reflect alveolar edema  Hyperinflation with widening of intercostal spaces.  Fluid filled interlobar fissure.
  • 22. TREATMENT- TTN  It is supportive with close observation because the condition is usually self limited.  Low flow supplemental oxygen may be necessary for several hours.  More severe cases- CPAP.  Oral furosemide (Lasix) has not been shown to significantly improve status and should not be given
  • 24. • Inadequate pulmonary surfactant due to preterm birth. • Alveoli with low surfactant tend to collapse, leading to atelectasis, VQ mismatching, hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis. •Repetitive reopening & collapse of alveoli can damage the fragile lung architecture leakage of protein-debris into the airways (hyaline membranes). •These debris impair the function of what little surfactant is present. RDS- Introduction
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. Structure of lung surfactant Major constituents of surfactant are dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), phosphatidylglycerol, apoproteins (surfactant proteins SP-A, -B, -C, -D), cholesterol
  • 28. RDS- Introduction  With advancing gestational age, increasing amounts of phospholipids are synthesized and stored in type II alveolar cells .  Wk 20: start of surfactant production and storage. Does not reach lung surface until later  Wk 28-32: maximal production of surfactant and appears in amniotic fluid  Wk 34-35; mature levels of surfactant in lungs
  • 29. Incidence of respiratory problems in preterms
  • 30. RISK FACTORS-RDS  Prematurity  Maternal diabetes  Caesarean delivery without preceding labor  Precipitous labor  Foetal asphyxia  Genetic factors (white race, history of RDS in siblings, male sex).  Thoracic malformations that cause lung hypoplasia, such as diaphragmatic hernia
  • 31. Secondary surfactant deficiency may occur in infants with the following:  Pulmonary infections (eg, group B beta-hemolytic streptococcal pneumonia)  Pulmonary hemorrhage  Meconium aspiration pneumonia  Oxygen toxicity along with barotrauma or volutrauma to the lungs
  • 32. Prenatal Prediction-RDS  Assessment of fetal lung maturity (FLM)- testing amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis.  Lecithin/Sphingomylin ratio- Risk is very low if the L/S ratio is >2  The TDx-FLM II- measures the surfactant-albumin ratio, >55mg surfactant/gm albumin correlates with lung maturity.  Lamellar body counts- >50,000 lamellar bodies/microliter predicted lung maturity.  Presence of Phosphatidyglycerol (PG)  Foam stability index (FSI)- stability foam when amniotic fluid is shaken with ethanol.
  • 33. CLINICAL COURSE-RDS  Signs of RDS start in minutes to hours after birth  Tachypnea, prominent (often audible) Grunting, Flaring, Retractions, and Cyanosis relatively unresponsive to oxygen  Breath sounds normal or harsh bronchial  Crepitations esp over posterior lung bases  RDS tends to get worse over the first 1 to 3 days after birth, and then usually improves gradually over a few days
  • 34.  Tachypnoea and grunting may decreases or disappear with fatigue and apnoea may occur.  Initially, ABG or SpO2 may show only hypoxemia or desaturation. The PaCO2 may be normal because of tachypnea.  Later, with fatigue, the PaCO2 will rise - respiratory acidosis. With imminent respiratory failure, there may be metabolic acidosis due to inadequate oxygen delivery to tissues. (Mixed acidosis)  If inadequately treated, hypotension, fatigue, cyanosis, and pallor increase- MODS. CLINICAL COURSE-RDS
  • 35. Investigations-RDS  ABG/Capillary blood gas – low PaO2, high PaCO2, respiratory/mixed acidosis.  Chest X-ray (AP&Lat) – Reticulogranular (ground-glass) pattern and air bronchograms, lungs are diffusely and homogeneously dense due to widespread collapse of alveoli with low lung volume.  Blood glucose, Electrolytes, RFT  Complete blood count  Blood culture
  • 37. Management-RDS 1. Warmth - radiant warmer/ incubator 2. Maintain Hydration 3. Nutrition a) Initially D5W or D10W (with protein, if possible) b) NPO if RR > 60 or moderate/severe work of breathing c) Gavage feeds if stable d) Consider parenteral nutrition if enteral feeds are delayed 4. Antibiotics if at risk for pneumonia/sepsis 5. Supplemental oxygen 6. SpO2 monitoring, with appropriate target for infants at risk for ROP. 7. Exogenous surfactant 8. CPAP or mechanical ventilation, as needed.
  • 38. Management-RDS  Oxygen Therapy  Target SpO2  <30 weeks or wt< 1.250gm – 88 to 92 %  >30 weeks or wt > 1.250gm- 88 to 95%  Blood gas monitoring- Frequent measurements during acute stage, do ABG after 30 min of changes in FiO2/ventilator setting.
  • 39. Management-RDS  CPAP  Indication- In infants with RDS start CPAP as soon as possible.  The most common cause of failed CPAP is ???  Starting pressure 5 to 7 cm H2O, at flow of 5 to 10 L/min, FiO2 titrated to target SpO2.  Use OG tube to decompress swallowed air.  As the infant improves, start tapering FiO2, when FiO2 requirement is 0.3 bring CPAP to 5 cm H2O.  Discontinue CPAP if no distress and FiO2 remains <0.3.
  • 41. Management-RDS  Problem encountered with CPAP  Decreased venous return.  Raised pulmonary vascular resistance – increased Rt to Lt. shunt.  Hypercarbia- if CPAP is too high with low tidal volumes.  Nasal prongs may fail to generate pressure if crying or mouth opening.  Pulmonary air leak syndromes  Damage to nasal septum
  • 42. Management-RDS  Surfactant Therapy  Indicated for all diagnosed cases of RDS.  “Early rescue” (before 2 hours of age) is preferable to delayed treatment.  Prophylactic surfactant can be given in very premature (<27 weeks) neonates.  Repeated doses (upto 4) can be given, most infants require only one or two doses.
  • 43. Management-RDS Administration of Surfactant –  Given through endotracheal tube – If not on ventilator use ‘INSURE’ technique (INtubate SURfactant Extubate).  Given as bolus through ET tube as rapidly as tolerated.  Neonates posture can be changed to allow better distribution of Surfactant (though no evidence supports this practice).  If intubation is difficult/risky LMA can be used.
  • 44. Surfactant Preparations and their sources Doses (*use package insert) Curosurf - 2.5 mL/kg (200 mg/kg phospholipid) Infasurf - 3 mL/kg (105 mg/kg phospholipid) Survanta - 4 mL/kg (100/kg mg phospholipid) Exosurf - 5 ml/kg
  • 45. SURFACTANT Surfactant therapy reduces mortality rates most effectively in infants <30 weeks and those of birth weight <1250 gm 45
  • 46. Management-RDS  Mechanical Ventilation  Indications-  Respiratory acidosis with a PaCO2 >55 mm Hg or rapidly rising,  PaO2 <50 mm Hg or SPO2 <90% with an Fio2 above 0.50.  Severe Apnoea  Ventilator settings-  Rapid rates  Moderate Peep (4-6 cm H2O)  Low PIP  Short Ti 0.24-0.4 sec  Low tidal volume 3-6 ml/kg  Early extubation to nasal CPAP
  • 47. Congenital pneumonia  Pneumonia that presents within the first 24 hours after birth.  The 3 categories of congenital pneumonia are as follows:  True congenital pneumonia - already established at birth, infection occurs by Hematogenous, Ascending or Aspiration.  Intrapartum pneumonia - acquired during passage through the birth canal.  Postnatal pneumonia - originates after the infant has left the birth canal *Pneumonia in association with sepsis presenting beyond 24 hrs is well known and not discussed here.
  • 48. Congenital pneumonia  Etiology  Group B Streptococcus (GBS)  Escherichia coli  Haemophilus influenza  Other gram-negative bacilli  Listeria monocytogenes  Enterococci  Occasionally, Staphylococcus aureus  Rarely, Mycoplasma pneumonia/Ureaplasma urealyticum
  • 49. Congenital pneumonia  Etiology- Atypical organisms  Cytomegalovirus  Treponema pallidum  Toxoplasma gondii  Rubella  Neisseria gonorrhoeae  Congenital tuberculosis  Congenital candidiasis
  • 50. Congenital pneumonia  Etiology – Developing countries  Escherichia coli  Enterobacter aerogenes  Group B streptococci  Klebsiella  Pseudomonas  Staphylococcus
  • 51. AP X ray in an infant born at 28 weeks‘ was performed following apnea and profound birth depression. Subtle reticulogranularity and prominent distal air bronchograms were consistent with respiratory distress syndrome, prompting exogenous surfactant and antimicrobial therapy. Initial smear of endotracheal aspirate revealed few neutrophils but numerous, small, gram-negative coccobacilli. Culture of blood and tracheal aspirate yielded florid growth of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae. Case 1
  • 52. Full-term infant with progressive respiratory distress from birth following delivery to a febrile mother through thick, particulate, meconium-containing fluid and recovery of copious meconium from the trachea. Right clavicle is fractured without displacement. Note the coarse dense infiltrates obscuring the cardiothymic silhouette bilaterally with superimposed prominent air bronchograms. Listeria monocytogeneswas recovered from the initial blood culture. Case 2
  • 53. Congenital pneumonia  Work up-  CBC, CRP  Blood gases, B. Glucose, Electrolytes, RFT, Blood culture  Imaging- X-ray, USG, CT  Tracheal aspirate  Bronchoscopy
  • 54. Congenital pneumonia  Treatment  Supportive measures (oxygen, warmth, hydration, nutrition etc)  Antimicrobial therapy  Respiratory support ( airway patency, CPAP, Ventilation)  Maintain optimal hemoglobin (13-16 g/dL)
  • 55. Meconium aspiration syndrome(MAS)  Acute or chronic hypoxia and/or infection can result in the passage of meconium in utero.  5% of neonates born through MSAF develop meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS).  Meconium itself, or the resultant chemical pneumonitis, mechanically obstructs small airways, causes atelectasis and a “ball-valve” effect.
  • 56. Meconium aspiration syndrome  MAS classification-  Mild MAS- requiring <40% oxygen for <48 hours.  Moderate MAS- requiring >40% oxygen for >48 hours without air leak.  Severe MAS- requiring assisted ventilation for >48 hours, often associated with PPHN.
  • 57. There are bilateral course interstitial markings and widespread alveolar opacification.
  • 58. MAS- Treatment  Supportive measures, Oxygen, Antibiotics  Respiratory Support  CPAP- consider CPAP if FiO2 requirement is > 0.40  Mechanical ventilation- if excessive carbon dioxide retention (Paco2 >60 mm Hg) or persistent hypoxemia (Pao2 <50 mm Hg). PIP requirement is high (30-35 cm H2O), PEEP selected 3-6 cm H2O, Adequate expiratory time should be permitted (I:E=1:2 or 1:3).
  • 59. MAS- Treatment  Surfactant –  Endogenous surfactant activity may be inhibited by meconium.  Used in infants with deteriorating course and who require escalating support.  Washing meconium from the lungs with bronchioalveolar surfactant lavage is not recommended.
  • 60. Pneumothorax  Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in 0.07% of otherwise healthy appearing neonates.  One in ten of these infants is symptomatic.  More common in newborns treated with mechanical ventilation.
  • 61. There is a large right pneumothorax demonstrated on AP and lateral films with a pig-tail catheter in situ with its tip at the apex.
  • 62. Pneumothorax  Treatment-  Conservative therapy – if no underlying lung disease or complicating therapy (ventilator), no significant respiratory distress, and have no continuous air leak. The extrapulmonary air will usually resolve in 24 to 48 hours.  Needle aspiration- Thoracentesis with a “butterfly” needle or intravenous catheter. Needle aspiration may be curative in infants not receiving mechanical ventilation.  Chest tube drainage- needed esp. in those on ventilator. These air leaks are continuous and will result in severe hemodynamic compromise if left untreated

Editor's Notes

  1. These causes helps to differenciate between pulmonary causes and cardiac causes or acidosis Grunting occurs when the child expires against a closed glottice to generate auto PEEP
  2. These perinatal histories are imp these point towards cause of respiratory distress
  3. IUGR <10 percentile wt , LGA commonly occurs in infant of diabetic mothers where polycythemia causes sluggish flow which result in resp. distress CHD are PDA ,VSD ,Cardiac coushion defect ,
  4. Incidence
  5. Min score is 0 and max 10 , these scoring helps in grading improvement or deterioration on cpap
  6. Baby is present with severe resp. distress in delivery room itself in case of B/L chonal atresia baby impoves on crying
  7. Dye in nose reveling posterior nasal block so gudal airway is inserted
  8. Upper part of esophagous developed from retropharyngeal segment and lower part from pregastric segment
  9. Presence of maternal polyhydramnios and single umbilical artery should alert dr , Complication is aspiration pneumonia
  10. A stiff red rubber catheter can not passed into stomach as it get coiled 7 to 10 cm from mouth
  11. This is benign self limiting disease
  12. Fio2 < 40 % required
  13. In the absence of surfactant surface tension increases so alveoli tends to collapse during expiration and more negative pressure is required during inspiration to open alveoli
  14. CLD or BPD occurs because of barotrauma and O2 toxicity that causes damage to alveolar cells
  15. Surfactant is produced by type 2 alveolar cells
  16. L/S ratio and TDx-FLM2 the presence of blood and meconium interfere with interpretation with the test Lamellar bodies are packages of phospholipids produced by type 2 alveolar cells PG tests major advantage is blood and meconium is not interfere in interpretation and disadvantage is sensitivity of this test is low
  17. Reticulogranular pattern and air bronchogram
  18. Adequate hydration is to be maintained because of increase of insensible losses but avoid overhydration because it can cause pulmonary edema and symptomatic PDA