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Respiratory distress in the neonate is a common
and it can be a serious neonatal emergency. Respiratory
distress is said to be present when tachypnea (RR >60
min) is accompanied by chest retractions and or grunt. It
can be due to respiratory and non-respiratory
Causes Early recognition and prompt
treatment is essential to improve outcomes
Respiratory distress in a neonate can be recognized by
the presence of varying combinations of tachypnea
(RR >60/min), chest retractions, grunting, flaring of ala
enasi and cyanosis. The gestation, age at onset, severity
of distress and presence of associated clinical features help
in arriving at diagnosis. It should be noted that chest
retractions are mild or absent in respiratory distress due
to non-respiratory causes. if a term baby born to a mother
with meconium stained liquor develops respiratory
distress within the first 24 hr, the most likely cause is
meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). A term baby with
uncomplicated birth developing tachypnea in the first few
hours of birth is likely to have transient tachypnea of
newborn. Presence of suprasternal recessions with or
without stridor indicates upper airway obstruction.
Pulmonary causes of respiratory distress
Cause Time of onset Remarks
Respiratory distress
Meconium aspiration
Transient tachypnea of
First 6 hr of life
First few hr of life
Any age
First 6 hr after birth
Common in preterm
Common in term, post-
term and small for date
babies; history
of meconium stained liquor
Often bacterial
Tachypnea with minimal
distress; lasts for 48-72 hr
Persistent pulmonary
Tracheoesophageal fistula,
diaphragmatic hernia,
Any age
Any age
Any age
Severe distress; cyanosis
Sudden deterioration;
usually during assisted
May show associated
polyhydramnios in
esophageal atresia
Non-pulmonary causes of rapid breathing
 Cardiac Congestive heart failure; congenital heart
 Disease
 Metabolic Hypothermia, hypoglycemia, metabolic
 Acidosis
 Central nervous System Asphyxia, cerebral edema,
 Chest wall Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy,
 Werdnig-Hoffman disease
Cardiac disease. Cardiac etiology for respiratory distress
should be suspected if a neonate with distress has cyanosis
or hepatomegaly. Congenital heart disease and
or rhythm disorders can present as congestive
cardiac failure in the neonatal period. Transposition of
great vessels (TGV) and hypoplastic left heart syndrome
usually present on day one with progressive distress. Most
other cardiac conditions present after the first week of life.
A preterm neonate having a systolic murmur with
and hepatomegaly is likely to have patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA).
Neurological causes. Neonates with birth asphyxia,
hemorrhage, or meningitis can present with tachypnea
and respiratory distress. These neonates are usually
lethargic with poor neonatal reflexes
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) or
Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD)
RDS is common in preterm babies less than 34 weeks
gestation. The overall incidence is 10-15% but can be
high as 80% in neonates <28 weeks. In addition to
prematurity, asphyxia, acidosis, maternal diabetes and
cesarean section can increase the risk of RDS
In RDS, the basic abnormality is surfactant deficiency.
Surfactant is a lipoprotein containing phospholipids like
phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol and
proteins. Surfactant is produced by type II alveolar cells
of lungs and helps reduce surface tension in the alveoli.
In the absence of surfactant, surface tension increases and
alveoli tend to collapse during expiration. During inspiration
more negative pressure is needed to keep alveoli
patent. There is inadequate oxygenation and increased
work of breathing. Hypoxernia and acidosis result in pulmonary
vasoconstriction and right to left shunting across
the forarnen ovale. This worsens the hypoxernia and the
neonate eventually goes into respiratory failure. Ischernic
damage to the alveoli causes transudation of proteins into
the alveoli that forms hyaline membrane. Surfactant production
starts around 20 weeks of life and peaks at 35 week
gestation. Therefore any neonate less than 35 week is prone
to develop RDS.
Clinical Features
Respiratory distress usually occurs within the first 6 hr of
life. Clinical features include tachypnea, retractions,
grunting, cyanosis and decreased air entry. Diagnosis can
be confirmed by chest X-ray. Radiological features include
reticulogranular pattern, ground glass opacity, low lung
volume, air bronchograrn and white out lungs
in severe disease.
Moderate to severe hyaline membrane disease. Note
homogenous opacification of lungs obscuring heart borders and
presence of air bronchogram (arrows)
Neonates suspected to have RDS need to be cared for in
neonatal intensive care unit with IV fluids and oxygen.
Mild to moderate RDS can be managed with continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP is a non invasive
modality of support where a continuous distending
pressure (5-7 cm of water) is applied at nostril level to
keep the alveoli open in a spontaneously breathing baby
This is an excellent modality of respiratory
support which minimizes lung injury and other
such as air leak and sepsis. Preterm babies
developing severe RDS often require mechanical
ventilation. Preterm babies are at risk of lung injury by
excessive pressure and high oxygen. High saturations of
oxygen (above 95%) can produce retinopathy of
(ROP) which can blind the infant.
Since surfactant deficiency is the basis of RDS,
exogenous surfactant is recommended as the treatment
of choice in neonates with RDS. Surfactant is indicated in
all neonates with moderate to severe RDS. The route of
administration is intra tracheal. It can be given as a rescue
treatment (when RDS actually develops) or prophylactically
(all neonates less than 28 weeks irrespective of
presence or absence of RDS). Surfactant decreases duration and level of
support of ventilation in neonates and
therefore improves outcome. Many babies can be
INtubated, given SURfactant and rapidly Extubated
(lnSurE approach) to CPAP. This avoids the
need for mechanical ventilation in many neonates.
RDS has generally a good prognosis if managed
appropriately. Survival is as high as 90% in very low birth
weight babies (<1500 g). In the absence of ventilatory
support, most neonates with severe disease will die
Continuous positive airway pressure being provided to a
preterm baby
Prevention of RDS
Administration of antenatal steroids to mothers in
labor ( <35 week) has been a major breakthrough in
management of preterm infants. Antenatal steroids
reduces RDS, intraventricular hemorrhage and
in preterm neonates
 Benefits of administering antenatal
 Reduction in neonatal mortality by 40%
 Reduction in respiratory distress by 50%
 Reduction in intraventricular hemorrhage by 50%
 Reduction in occurrence of patent ductus arteriosus,
 necrotizing enterocolitis, hemodynamic instability
Pneumonia is a common cause of respiratory distress in
both term and preterm babies and is caused by bacteria
such E. coli, S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Neonatal
pneumonia may be due to aspiration or occasionally due
to viral or fungal infection. Though group B streptococcal
pneumonia is common in the West, it is uncommonly
reported in India.
Pneumonia is a common cause of respiratory distress in
both term and preterm babies and is caused by bacteria
such E. coli, S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Neonatal
pneumonia may be due to aspiration or occasionally due
to viral or fungal infection. Though group B streptococcal
pneumonia is common in the West, it is uncommonly
reported in India.
The neonate has features suggestive of sepsis in addition
to respiratory distress. Chest X-ray shows
pneumonia8.46), blood counts are raised and blood
culture may
be positive.
Pneumonia. Note heterogeneous opacities in both the lung
Treatment includes supportive care and
specific antibiotic therapy. Ampicillin or cloxacillin
gentamicin is usually used. If the pneumonia is due to
hospital acquired infection, antibiotics like
with amikacin may have to be used.
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn (TTN)
Transient tachypnea of the newborn is a benign
disease occurring usually in term neonates and
is due to delayed clearance of lung fluid. These babies
have tachypnea with minimal or no respiratory
Chest X-ray may show hyperexpanded lung fields,
prominent vascular marking and prominent interlobar
fissure Oxygen treatment is often adequate.
Prognosis is excellent.
Transient tachypnea of newborn. Note hyperinflated lungs,
prominent bronchovascular markings and horizontal fissure (arrow
Surgical Problems
Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) should be suspected in
any neonate with excessive frothing. Diagnosis can be
confirmed by a plain X-ray with a red rubber catheter (not
infant feeding tube, it is soft and gets coiled up) inserted
in stomach; the catheter generally stops at 10th thoracic
vertebrae in presence of esophageal atresia. Presence of
gastric bubble suggest concomitant TEF.
Diaphragmatic hernia should be suspected in any
neonates who has severe respiratory distress and has a
scaphoid abdomen. This condition can be detected during
antenatal ultrasonography. Chest X-ray shows presence
of bowel loops in the thoracic cavity.
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasla (BPD)
CLD occurs because of barotrauma and oxygen toxicity
that causes damage to the alveolar cells, interstitium and
blood vessels. Inflammatory mediators are released and
there is increased permeability causing leakage of water
and protein. In later stages, there is fibrosis and cellular
hyperplasia. Severe lung damage leads to respiratory
failure. These babies continue to require prolonged oxygen
therapy or ventilatory support.
Presence of air in the pleural cavity (pneumothorax) is
most common in babies with meconium aspiration
syndrome and those being ventilated (Fig. 8.48).
Transillumination of the chest can help in diagnosis.
Needle aspiration or chest tube drainage is a life saving
procedure in this situation
Apnea is defined as cessation of respiration for 20 seconds
with or without bradycardia and cyanosis or for shorter
periods if it is associated with cyanosis or bradycardia.
Apnea is a common problem in preterm neonates. It could
be central, obstructive or mixed.
Apnea of prematurity occurs in preterm neonates
between the second to fifth days of life and is because of
the immaturity of the developing brain. Central apnea can
also occur because of pathological causes like sepsis,
metabolic problems (hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia), temperature
instability, respiratory distress, anemia and
polycythemia. Obstructive apnea can occur because of
block to the airway by secretion or improper neck
Treatment is supportive and involves correction of
underlying cause. Apnea of prematurity is treated with
aminophylline or caffeine. Prognosis is good in apnea
prematurity. In other cases it depends on the
Meconium Aspiratrion Syndrome (MAS)
Meconiurn staining of amniotic fluid (MSAF) occur in
10%-14% of pregnancies. Neonates born through MSAF
can aspirate the meconium into the lungs and develop
respiratory distress (meconium aspiration syndrome;
MAS). Aspirated meconium can block the large and small
airway causing areas of atelectasis and emphysema which
can progress to develop air leak syndromes like
Presence of atelectasis and emphysema can cause
ventilation perfusion mismatch in these babies that can
progress to respiratory failure. Meconium also induces
chemical pneumonitis.
Clinical Features and Course
MAS usually occurs in term or post term babies and small
for dates babies. Infants usually develops respiratory
distress in the first few hours of life that often
in subsequent 24-48 hr. If untreated, distress can progress
to respiratory failure. Complications include
other air leak syndromes (pneumopericardiurn,
pneumomediastinurn) and persistent pulmonary
Chest X-ray shows bilateral heterogeneous
opacities, areas of hyperexpansion and atelectesis and air
Meconium aspiration syndrome. Note hyperexpansion of
lungs and heterogeneous opacities in right lung
Clinical course in these babies can be complicated by
severe pulmonary hypertension. A good supportive care
in terms of maintenance of normal body temperature,
blood glucose and calcium levels, ensuring analgesia and
avoiding unnecessary fiddling pay good dividends.
Oxygenation and ventilation is maintained by judicious
use of oxygen and mechanical ventilation. With ventilatory
support, 60-70% neonates survive, but in the absence of
ventilatory support, mortality is high in severe disease
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN)
It is caused by a persistent elevation in pulmonary vascular
resistance resulting in right to left shunt across the
ovale and/ or ductus. The disease is more common in term
and post-term babies and occurs as a result of persistent
hypoxia and acidosis. Hypoxia and hypercarbia cause
pulmonary vasoconstriction. This increases pulmonary
vascular pressure and results in right to left shunting
Common causes include asphyxia, respiratory distress
due to MAS, RDS, diaphragmatic hernia, etc. Primary
pulmonary hypertension can also occur because of an
abnormal pulmonary vasculature secondary to chronic
intrauterine hypoxia.
The neonate usually presents with severe respiratory
distress and cyanosis. It is often difficult to differentiate
PPHN from cyanotic congenital heart disease.
helps in ruling out congenital heart disease
and may demonstrate right to left shunt across the forarnen
ovale. Ventilatory support is mandatory. Nitric oxide, a
selective pulmonary vasodilator is an effective therapy.
Respiratory distress

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Respiratory distress

  • 2. Respiratory distress in the neonate is a common problem and it can be a serious neonatal emergency. Respiratory distress is said to be present when tachypnea (RR >60 per min) is accompanied by chest retractions and or grunt. It can be due to respiratory and non-respiratory Causes Early recognition and prompt treatment is essential to improve outcomes
  • 3. Approach Respiratory distress in a neonate can be recognized by the presence of varying combinations of tachypnea (RR >60/min), chest retractions, grunting, flaring of ala enasi and cyanosis. The gestation, age at onset, severity of distress and presence of associated clinical features help in arriving at diagnosis. It should be noted that chest retractions are mild or absent in respiratory distress due to non-respiratory causes. if a term baby born to a mother with meconium stained liquor develops respiratory distress within the first 24 hr, the most likely cause is meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). A term baby with uncomplicated birth developing tachypnea in the first few hours of birth is likely to have transient tachypnea of newborn. Presence of suprasternal recessions with or without stridor indicates upper airway obstruction.
  • 4. Pulmonary causes of respiratory distress Cause Time of onset Remarks Respiratory distress syndrome Meconium aspiration syndrome Pneumonia Transient tachypnea of newborn First 6 hr of life First few hr of life Any age First 6 hr after birth Common in preterm neonates Common in term, post- term and small for date babies; history of meconium stained liquor Often bacterial Tachypnea with minimal distress; lasts for 48-72 hr Persistent pulmonary hypertension Pneumothorax Tracheoesophageal fistula, diaphragmatic hernia, lobar emphysema Any age Any age Any age Severe distress; cyanosis Sudden deterioration; usually during assisted ventilation May show associated malformations; polyhydramnios in esophageal atresia
  • 5. Non-pulmonary causes of rapid breathing  Cardiac Congestive heart failure; congenital heart  Disease  Metabolic Hypothermia, hypoglycemia, metabolic  Acidosis  Central nervous System Asphyxia, cerebral edema, hemorrhage  Chest wall Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy,  Werdnig-Hoffman disease
  • 6. Cardiac disease. Cardiac etiology for respiratory distress should be suspected if a neonate with distress has cyanosis or hepatomegaly. Congenital heart disease and cardiomyopathies or rhythm disorders can present as congestive cardiac failure in the neonatal period. Transposition of great vessels (TGV) and hypoplastic left heart syndrome usually present on day one with progressive distress. Most other cardiac conditions present after the first week of life. A preterm neonate having a systolic murmur with tachypnea and hepatomegaly is likely to have patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
  • 7. Neurological causes. Neonates with birth asphyxia, cerebral hemorrhage, or meningitis can present with tachypnea and respiratory distress. These neonates are usually lethargic with poor neonatal reflexes
  • 8. Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) or Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD) RDS is common in preterm babies less than 34 weeks of gestation. The overall incidence is 10-15% but can be as high as 80% in neonates <28 weeks. In addition to prematurity, asphyxia, acidosis, maternal diabetes and cesarean section can increase the risk of RDS
  • 9. Etiopathogenesis In RDS, the basic abnormality is surfactant deficiency. Surfactant is a lipoprotein containing phospholipids like phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol and proteins. Surfactant is produced by type II alveolar cells of lungs and helps reduce surface tension in the alveoli. In the absence of surfactant, surface tension increases and alveoli tend to collapse during expiration. During inspiration more negative pressure is needed to keep alveoli patent. There is inadequate oxygenation and increased work of breathing. Hypoxernia and acidosis result in pulmonary vasoconstriction and right to left shunting across the forarnen ovale. This worsens the hypoxernia and the neonate eventually goes into respiratory failure. Ischernic damage to the alveoli causes transudation of proteins into the alveoli that forms hyaline membrane. Surfactant production starts around 20 weeks of life and peaks at 35 week gestation. Therefore any neonate less than 35 week is prone to develop RDS.
  • 10. Clinical Features Respiratory distress usually occurs within the first 6 hr of life. Clinical features include tachypnea, retractions, grunting, cyanosis and decreased air entry. Diagnosis can be confirmed by chest X-ray. Radiological features include reticulogranular pattern, ground glass opacity, low lung volume, air bronchograrn and white out lungs in severe disease.
  • 11. Moderate to severe hyaline membrane disease. Note homogenous opacification of lungs obscuring heart borders and presence of air bronchogram (arrows)
  • 12. Management Neonates suspected to have RDS need to be cared for in neonatal intensive care unit with IV fluids and oxygen. Mild to moderate RDS can be managed with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP is a non invasive modality of support where a continuous distending pressure (5-7 cm of water) is applied at nostril level to keep the alveoli open in a spontaneously breathing baby
  • 13. This is an excellent modality of respiratory support which minimizes lung injury and other complications such as air leak and sepsis. Preterm babies developing severe RDS often require mechanical ventilation. Preterm babies are at risk of lung injury by excessive pressure and high oxygen. High saturations of oxygen (above 95%) can produce retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) which can blind the infant.
  • 14. Since surfactant deficiency is the basis of RDS, exogenous surfactant is recommended as the treatment of choice in neonates with RDS. Surfactant is indicated in all neonates with moderate to severe RDS. The route of administration is intra tracheal. It can be given as a rescue treatment (when RDS actually develops) or prophylactically (all neonates less than 28 weeks irrespective of presence or absence of RDS). Surfactant decreases duration and level of support of ventilation in neonates and therefore improves outcome. Many babies can be INtubated, given SURfactant and rapidly Extubated (lnSurE approach) to CPAP. This avoids the need for mechanical ventilation in many neonates. RDS has generally a good prognosis if managed appropriately. Survival is as high as 90% in very low birth weight babies (<1500 g). In the absence of ventilatory support, most neonates with severe disease will die
  • 15. Continuous positive airway pressure being provided to a preterm baby
  • 16. Prevention of RDS Administration of antenatal steroids to mothers in preterm labor ( <35 week) has been a major breakthrough in management of preterm infants. Antenatal steroids reduces RDS, intraventricular hemorrhage and mortality in preterm neonates
  • 17.  Benefits of administering antenatal glucocortlcoids  Reduction in neonatal mortality by 40%  Reduction in respiratory distress by 50%  Reduction in intraventricular hemorrhage by 50%  Reduction in occurrence of patent ductus arteriosus,  necrotizing enterocolitis, hemodynamic instability
  • 18. Pneumonia Pneumonia is a common cause of respiratory distress in both term and preterm babies and is caused by bacteria such E. coli, S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Neonatal pneumonia may be due to aspiration or occasionally due to viral or fungal infection. Though group B streptococcal pneumonia is common in the West, it is uncommonly reported in India.
  • 19. Pneumonia Pneumonia is a common cause of respiratory distress in both term and preterm babies and is caused by bacteria such E. coli, S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Neonatal pneumonia may be due to aspiration or occasionally due to viral or fungal infection. Though group B streptococcal pneumonia is common in the West, it is uncommonly reported in India. The neonate has features suggestive of sepsis in addition to respiratory distress. Chest X-ray shows pneumonia8.46), blood counts are raised and blood culture may be positive.
  • 20. Pneumonia. Note heterogeneous opacities in both the lung fields
  • 21. Treatment includes supportive care and specific antibiotic therapy. Ampicillin or cloxacillin with gentamicin is usually used. If the pneumonia is due to hospital acquired infection, antibiotics like cephalosporins with amikacin may have to be used.
  • 22. Transient Tachypnea of Newborn (TTN) Transient tachypnea of the newborn is a benign selflimiting disease occurring usually in term neonates and is due to delayed clearance of lung fluid. These babies have tachypnea with minimal or no respiratory distress. Chest X-ray may show hyperexpanded lung fields, prominent vascular marking and prominent interlobar fissure Oxygen treatment is often adequate. Prognosis is excellent.
  • 23. Transient tachypnea of newborn. Note hyperinflated lungs, prominent bronchovascular markings and horizontal fissure (arrow
  • 24. Surgical Problems Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) should be suspected in any neonate with excessive frothing. Diagnosis can be confirmed by a plain X-ray with a red rubber catheter (not infant feeding tube, it is soft and gets coiled up) inserted in stomach; the catheter generally stops at 10th thoracic vertebrae in presence of esophageal atresia. Presence of gastric bubble suggest concomitant TEF. Diaphragmatic hernia should be suspected in any neonates who has severe respiratory distress and has a scaphoid abdomen. This condition can be detected during antenatal ultrasonography. Chest X-ray shows presence of bowel loops in the thoracic cavity.
  • 25. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasla (BPD) CLD occurs because of barotrauma and oxygen toxicity that causes damage to the alveolar cells, interstitium and blood vessels. Inflammatory mediators are released and there is increased permeability causing leakage of water and protein. In later stages, there is fibrosis and cellular hyperplasia. Severe lung damage leads to respiratory failure. These babies continue to require prolonged oxygen therapy or ventilatory support.
  • 26. Pneumothorax Presence of air in the pleural cavity (pneumothorax) is most common in babies with meconium aspiration syndrome and those being ventilated (Fig. 8.48). Transillumination of the chest can help in diagnosis. Needle aspiration or chest tube drainage is a life saving procedure in this situation
  • 27. Apnea Apnea is defined as cessation of respiration for 20 seconds with or without bradycardia and cyanosis or for shorter periods if it is associated with cyanosis or bradycardia. Apnea is a common problem in preterm neonates. It could be central, obstructive or mixed. Apnea of prematurity occurs in preterm neonates between the second to fifth days of life and is because of the immaturity of the developing brain. Central apnea can also occur because of pathological causes like sepsis, metabolic problems (hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia), temperature instability, respiratory distress, anemia and polycythemia. Obstructive apnea can occur because of block to the airway by secretion or improper neck positioning.
  • 28. Treatment is supportive and involves correction of underlying cause. Apnea of prematurity is treated with aminophylline or caffeine. Prognosis is good in apnea of prematurity. In other cases it depends on the underlying
  • 29. Meconium Aspiratrion Syndrome (MAS) Meconiurn staining of amniotic fluid (MSAF) occur in 10%-14% of pregnancies. Neonates born through MSAF can aspirate the meconium into the lungs and develop respiratory distress (meconium aspiration syndrome; MAS). Aspirated meconium can block the large and small airway causing areas of atelectasis and emphysema which can progress to develop air leak syndromes like pneumothorax. Presence of atelectasis and emphysema can cause ventilation perfusion mismatch in these babies that can progress to respiratory failure. Meconium also induces chemical pneumonitis.
  • 30. Clinical Features and Course MAS usually occurs in term or post term babies and small for dates babies. Infants usually develops respiratory distress in the first few hours of life that often deteriorates in subsequent 24-48 hr. If untreated, distress can progress to respiratory failure. Complications include pneumothorax, other air leak syndromes (pneumopericardiurn, pneumomediastinurn) and persistent pulmonary hypertension. Chest X-ray shows bilateral heterogeneous opacities, areas of hyperexpansion and atelectesis and air leak
  • 31. Meconium aspiration syndrome. Note hyperexpansion of lungs and heterogeneous opacities in right lung
  • 32. Management Clinical course in these babies can be complicated by severe pulmonary hypertension. A good supportive care in terms of maintenance of normal body temperature, blood glucose and calcium levels, ensuring analgesia and avoiding unnecessary fiddling pay good dividends. Oxygenation and ventilation is maintained by judicious use of oxygen and mechanical ventilation. With ventilatory support, 60-70% neonates survive, but in the absence of ventilatory support, mortality is high in severe disease
  • 33. Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN) It is caused by a persistent elevation in pulmonary vascular resistance resulting in right to left shunt across the forarnen ovale and/ or ductus. The disease is more common in term and post-term babies and occurs as a result of persistent hypoxia and acidosis. Hypoxia and hypercarbia cause pulmonary vasoconstriction. This increases pulmonary vascular pressure and results in right to left shunting
  • 34. Common causes include asphyxia, respiratory distress due to MAS, RDS, diaphragmatic hernia, etc. Primary pulmonary hypertension can also occur because of an abnormal pulmonary vasculature secondary to chronic intrauterine hypoxia. The neonate usually presents with severe respiratory distress and cyanosis. It is often difficult to differentiate PPHN from cyanotic congenital heart disease. Echocardiography helps in ruling out congenital heart disease and may demonstrate right to left shunt across the forarnen ovale. Ventilatory support is mandatory. Nitric oxide, a selective pulmonary vasodilator is an effective therapy.