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Toby Jackson
Existing Product – Empire Front Cover
A bold masthead to make it stand out,
with effects and a good colour, this fade
effect on the bottom also makes it fade
into the characters and the background,
this emphasizes that the characters are
standing out more
The main characters on the front cover
to show who is in the film, (from left to
right), Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron
Man, Thor, Black Widow. They've all
been in Marvel films for a long time, so
this front cover may appeal more to the
audience who have seen the older
marvel films, or those who have been
enjoying the films since the start. This
film was highly anticipated so they could
be trying to bring in more of an
audience. It also shows Iron Mans new
suit of armour, which could interest the
audience as they might not have seen it
much before
Extra parts to the magazine to
make people interested, this 2-
magazine bumper pack also
connotes that it is worth the
money because you get more,
which is a good advertising way to
make the audience buy the
A good background colour (purple) that fits
the rest of the font colours (pink and white)
and makes the characters stand out. The
connotations of purple are loyalty or
importance in characters, which shows how
important all the main characters are on the
front cover in the film as they're trying to
save a lot of people, and how they need to
be loyal to one another with no betrayal so
they can work together. Purple also has
meanings of creating a balance between
awareness and peace, which is exactly what
the Avengers are trying to do in this film, be
aware of what will happen and help people
The film title is bold, so it is easily readable,
especially the 'Endgame' as that is the main
part of the title, as the 'Avengers' is a
series. This makes the audience remember
what the film title is so they can watch it if
they're interested
Free items to interest the audience,
this also could appeal more to the
younger audience as you get a free
toy, so it is appealing to all ages
The adjective 'exclusive' makes the audience
feel as if it is rare or limited, so it makes it
worth the purchase, and the phrase 'movie
event of the decade' wants the audience to
feel like they're missing out on a good and
once in a lifetime experience fi they don't
buy the magazine
Existing Product – Film Stories Front
Lots of text on screen to interest
the audience, also gives them a
preview on what's inside the
magazine, having lots of text like
this connotes the magazine wants
the show people what's inside of it
so the audience understand what
to expect if they buy it
Sticking to the similar theme of
white and yellow text around the
front cover contrasts very well, and
having similar, bold font and capital
letters in the text, this stands out
on the darker blue background
which will catch the audience's
Two characters / actors on the
front page to show they're in the
magazine, appeals to their fans.
Having two famous people like
Dwayne The Rock Johnson and
Stephen Merchant will be eye
catching to the audience they
might recognise them, because
Stephen is a famous actor, and
director and The Rock is a famous
actor, and athlete, lots of people
who watch a lot of films (their
primary psychographic target
audience) could recognise them or
appreciate their work in films
Gives information on what will be
in the magazine, so the audience
are aware
Having rhetorical questions like
this makes the audience think
and answer the question
themselves, which is good way
of making the audience
interested and involved with
the questions
This front cover shows who is
featuring in the magazine which is
a good idea because it brings in
more of an audience, the people
that are interested in their part of
the magazine
Existing Product – EM Back Cover
List of interviews on the back to
show the information and contents
of the magazine, putting these
names on the back and what their
job is (actor, actress or director) is
effective because people
interested in the actors of the
series will read
This description of the Harry Potter
actor (Daniel Radcliffe) talking
about his next adventure is a good
description because the audience
interested in the Harry Potter films
will be intrigued to read about the
future of the series and the
Barcode for people wanted to buy
the physical copy of the magazine,
which shows you can get physical
copies and online copies of the
magazine, which brings in more of
an audience
An important image of the main
character (Harry Potter) on the
back, which takes up the whole
Promoting their online
website on the back cover
too, to appeal to more of the
audience online
Very bold and good colour choice as it fits
with the background, the main three colours
are red, black and white and they contrast
very well, having a darker, night time
background also makes the white and red
stand out more and shows the importance of
those colours. The connotations of red could
be danger, which sums up what could
happen in this film as the main characters
(Harry Potter and his friends) are in danger.
Existing Product – Empire Contents
Collectable's magazines, promoting their other magazines so they get
more sales and showing the front covers, so the audience know what to
look out for
List of information for each page so
the audience know which pages
include what films, the title being
in red font and the page number
and information being in white
font make it a lot clearer and stand
out on the darker background. This
is good for the audience because it
makes it easier for them to
understand and read. The colour
scheme of red matches the
character and gives connotations
of danger, which links to the
character of Thorin and shows he is
danger in the film.
Image of a character (Thorin
Oakenshield), from The Hobbit on
the contents page with his sword
from the film, the way he is holding
his sword in a horizontal direction
separates the title and the date
(December 2012) to the features
and the list of contents for each
page. This is effective because it
makes the contents page spread
out and clear, especially when
there is a lot of writing and
Bold title with bright eye-catching
colours, having the white font with
a red stroke around fits well with
the rest of the contents page, as
most of the other text is white,
with red too. This works well
because the background is dark
A sticker related to The Hobbit,
which appeals to the fans because
it is 63 pages of Middle Earth
magic, so it is lots of information
for fans of the series
Existing Products – New Films Double
Page Spread
The use of red and black text on the
white background is effective
because it is clear and easy to read.
The connotations of red could mean
danger; therefore, it is
understandable because it is about
an action film
The masthead is keeping with
the main colours of red and
black, because it is similar to
their logo (a white letter 'S'
with a red background,
wearing a black mask and
covering his face could mean
this connotes danger and
ystery within the character
An over shoulder shot
of the two main
characters, this over
shoulder shot is used
to show both
communicating with
each other
Having a quote as a
headline is effective
because it is the first part
the audience will see and
read; therefore, it catches
their attention and makes
them interested in reading
There are different
shapes to add more to
the design, it makes it
clearer and easier to
read because it isn't just
all writing
Red font on the titles at the start of the paragraphs,
this makes it more appealing instead of just black
text on a white background
Existing Products – New Films Double
Page Spreads
Sticking to the colour
scheme of blue, white
and red. This is effective
because this is the same
colours that represent
Spider-Man, the
character in the film
they are writing about.
The black font is suitable
because it stands out on
the white background,
like how the 'new films'
masthead stands out
and is eye catching on
the blue background
Having two
shades of blue
on the
fits on the
white text and
makes it more
eye catching to​
Having a large image of
Spider-Man here makes
it clear what film they're
writing about and makes
it appealing to the
audience who are
interested in it,
especially with it
showing the main
Having the same collum layout
when writing and having
paragraphs to split it up and make
it more clear to read is something
I will use in my magazine
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
• They have good colours that work together, e.g., red and white,
black and red, or purple and white. They also have lots of writing on
the front cover to show what is featured in the magazine, they also
have images of the characters in the films advertised on the front
and back cover and in the magazine
• What aspects of the research will you include within your own
• I will use writing and information boxes on my front cover to show
my audience what is in the magazine, also I will include images of
the main characters from the films I am writing about in my
magazine too. Also, I will use a good font that is colourful, so it
stands out from the background with a stroke that suits well with
the other colours on screen
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: From this I know what is important about a magazine cover and how to interest my
• What this says about my audience: This connotes my audience is interested in seeing the main
character background image as 80% of the responses said, so I know it is important to make it very
clear and obvious who the main image is, also I will add in bright colours to the front cover too
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use either the film posters of Fast and Furious
9, Spider-Man 3 or Godzilla vs Kong for my front cover, this is because they're upcoming and highly
anticipated films releasing in 2021. I will also use colours like the image on the front cover, to make
it colourful and eye-catching for my audience
Audience research
• Observation: I can tell that 40% of my audience are into action films, and the other 40% are into
adventure films, and the 20% are into comedy films
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience will be most likely to read a film
magazine about action or adventure, and a bit of comedy, I also know my audience wouldn't be
interested in a horror film or any other genres to read about
• How will your product appeal to this audience: This has helped me because now I know to write
and do my film magazine around action and adventure films, and my own film idea I will write
about will be based around the adventure genre
Audience research
• Observation: I can tell 60% of my audience is interested in Marvel films, including Black Widow (a confirmed film releasing in 2021), and
Doctor Strange 2 (another upcoming film next year) and the new Spider-Man film, in cinemas later in 2021, 20% of my audience said
Godzilla vs Kong which is also an action film coming this year
• What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience is familiar and they know a few upcoming films releasing this year, from
80% of the answers named a film. I also know that a lot of my audience are interested in Marvel films, as 60% of the answers named a
Marvel action film. Also, that my age demographic primary target audience (teenagers) who filled out this google form are interested in
action / adventyre films, which works out well for my film idea.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include lots of actions films in my magazine, including Marvel and the new Spider-
Man because it is highly anticipated by my primary target audience (teenagers). Also, I will mainy include films that are upcoming and
going to be released this year or the year after because the majority of the responses are more interested in them
Audience research
• Observation: I can observe that my responses are similar, because 80% of them are action / adventure films,
whereas The breakfast Club is a 1985 drama film. 1917 is a recent WW1 film with elements of action, and
adventure as the main characters must travel quite far to get to their destination. All the other films are action
fiction films, Fast and Furious 5, the older Spider-Man and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith are fairly older films,
wheres Avengers Infinity War and 1917 are both recent in the past few years
• What this says about my audience: This says my audience are usually into action and adventure films with a good
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will write mostly about action and adventure films in my
magazine as it is clearly the most requested, and I could have an interactive section of my magazine where I write
about films that the audience enjoy (from those responses)
Audience research
• Observation: I can tell that the majority of my audience is more excited to write about films to be released soon,
as 60% of my responses said that, and 40% of my audience prefer to read about films that are already out
• What this says about my audience: That it is close, and my primary target audience (teenagers) would overall
prefer to read films to be released soon, this is because it could create excitement for the films and the audience
would want to see the film in cinemas
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include the section of my magazine where I write about the
audience's favourite films, as all of them are already out for a few years or more so I can use that section to appeal
to the audience that prefer to read about films that are already out, this is because it is also the films they sent
into the responses, so it is interactive for the audience
Audience research
• Observation: I did some research on Google for the most anticipated Marvel film of 2021 (because
that’s what my audience is mostly wanting to read about) and lots of different films and TV shows
came up, including some on DisneyPlus streaming service, like Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki etc.
Also, it included some of the films like Black Widow, Spider-Man 3 etc.
• What this says about my audience: There are lots of Marvel films my audience will be excited to
watch this year, which means I can write about them to appeal to my audience
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include DisneyPlus TV shows in my magazine
so it can appeal to those who enjoy watching films, and those who enjoy watching the new and
upcoming TV shows on DisneyPlus
Interview 1
• Do you enjoy the new Marvel TV shows on DisneyPlus?
• Yeah, I've watched the newest one and I'll be
interested in reading about the new ones coming soon
• Would you be interested in reading about action and
adventure films?
• I would like to because I like those genres
• Would you be more interested in reading a magazine if
it had exclusive interviews and photos?
• Yeah it makes the magazine more interesting because
they're exclusive
Interview 1
• Observation: I can observe that my audience enjoys DisneyPlus
Marvel shows and is interested in the adventure and action genres,
which is similar to the other responses
• What this says about my audience: My primary target audience
(teenagers) that I have interviewed / had responses from on the
market research enjoy similar types of film genres, mainly
adventure and action. I also my target audience like Marvel films
too and are interested in exclusive interviews in my magazine
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure I
include writing about the DisneyPlus shows, especially the future
ones being released soon. Also, I will focus on doing adventure and
action genre films in my magazine. When I do my film trailer for my
film idea I will have a page on my magazine for it and I will have
exclusive interviews, as I am the director I will do an interview
where I write about my trailer
Interview 2
• Do you enjoy the new Marvel TV shows on DisneyPlus?
• Yes I do, I'm looking forward to the new ones coming
• Would you be interested in reading about action and
adventure films?
• They're my favourite genres so yes I would
• Would you be more interested in reading a magazine if
it had exclusive interviews and photos?
• Yes probably because that means there is more to the
magazine and they're usually interesting to read,
especially if they're about a film I'm looking forward
Interview 2
• Observation: From this interview, I can tell that both people enjoy
Marvel and the DisneyPlus shows, as well as their favourite genres
are similar with adventure and action and enjoy exclusive
• What this says about my audience: My primary target audience,
who are teenagers, is who I am aiming my magazine at and most of
them from my responses and inerviews enjoy similar things, which
is good because I know what to include on my magazine
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure I
include everything from these interviews and my market research,
because now I know what my target audience enjoys, including
adventure, action genres, Marvel films and TV series, exclusive
interviews from the director of my own film idea etc.
1. Toby Jackson. (2021) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on
9th March)
2. Karl Shepherd. (2021) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 9th
3. Sam Smith (2021) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 9th March)
4. Adam Smith. (2019). Empire Magazine. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021.
5. Alexandra Goldstein. (2019). Film Stories. Available:
pre-order-your-copy-now/. Last accessed 23rd March 2021.
6. Adam Smith. (2012). Empire Magazine. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021.
7. Matt Mueller. (2020). Screen Daily. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021.

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Research 1

  • 2. Existing Product – Empire Front Cover A bold masthead to make it stand out, with effects and a good colour, this fade effect on the bottom also makes it fade into the characters and the background, this emphasizes that the characters are standing out more The main characters on the front cover to show who is in the film, (from left to right), Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow. They've all been in Marvel films for a long time, so this front cover may appeal more to the audience who have seen the older marvel films, or those who have been enjoying the films since the start. This film was highly anticipated so they could be trying to bring in more of an audience. It also shows Iron Mans new suit of armour, which could interest the audience as they might not have seen it much before Extra parts to the magazine to make people interested, this 2- magazine bumper pack also connotes that it is worth the money because you get more, which is a good advertising way to make the audience buy the magazine A good background colour (purple) that fits the rest of the font colours (pink and white) and makes the characters stand out. The connotations of purple are loyalty or importance in characters, which shows how important all the main characters are on the front cover in the film as they're trying to save a lot of people, and how they need to be loyal to one another with no betrayal so they can work together. Purple also has meanings of creating a balance between awareness and peace, which is exactly what the Avengers are trying to do in this film, be aware of what will happen and help people The film title is bold, so it is easily readable, especially the 'Endgame' as that is the main part of the title, as the 'Avengers' is a series. This makes the audience remember what the film title is so they can watch it if they're interested Free items to interest the audience, this also could appeal more to the younger audience as you get a free toy, so it is appealing to all ages The adjective 'exclusive' makes the audience feel as if it is rare or limited, so it makes it worth the purchase, and the phrase 'movie event of the decade' wants the audience to feel like they're missing out on a good and once in a lifetime experience fi they don't buy the magazine
  • 3. Existing Product – Film Stories Front Cover Lots of text on screen to interest the audience, also gives them a preview on what's inside the magazine, having lots of text like this connotes the magazine wants the show people what's inside of it so the audience understand what to expect if they buy it Sticking to the similar theme of white and yellow text around the front cover contrasts very well, and having similar, bold font and capital letters in the text, this stands out on the darker blue background which will catch the audience's attention. Two characters / actors on the front page to show they're in the magazine, appeals to their fans. Having two famous people like Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Stephen Merchant will be eye catching to the audience they might recognise them, because Stephen is a famous actor, and director and The Rock is a famous actor, and athlete, lots of people who watch a lot of films (their primary psychographic target audience) could recognise them or appreciate their work in films Gives information on what will be in the magazine, so the audience are aware Having rhetorical questions like this makes the audience think and answer the question themselves, which is good way of making the audience interested and involved with the questions This front cover shows who is featuring in the magazine which is a good idea because it brings in more of an audience, the people that are interested in their part of the magazine
  • 4. Existing Product – EM Back Cover List of interviews on the back to show the information and contents of the magazine, putting these names on the back and what their job is (actor, actress or director) is effective because people interested in the actors of the series will read This description of the Harry Potter actor (Daniel Radcliffe) talking about his next adventure is a good description because the audience interested in the Harry Potter films will be intrigued to read about the future of the series and the characters Barcode for people wanted to buy the physical copy of the magazine, which shows you can get physical copies and online copies of the magazine, which brings in more of an audience An important image of the main character (Harry Potter) on the back, which takes up the whole background Promoting their online website on the back cover too, to appeal to more of the audience online Very bold and good colour choice as it fits with the background, the main three colours are red, black and white and they contrast very well, having a darker, night time background also makes the white and red stand out more and shows the importance of those colours. The connotations of red could be danger, which sums up what could happen in this film as the main characters (Harry Potter and his friends) are in danger.
  • 5. Existing Product – Empire Contents Page Collectable's magazines, promoting their other magazines so they get more sales and showing the front covers, so the audience know what to look out for List of information for each page so the audience know which pages include what films, the title being in red font and the page number and information being in white font make it a lot clearer and stand out on the darker background. This is good for the audience because it makes it easier for them to understand and read. The colour scheme of red matches the character and gives connotations of danger, which links to the character of Thorin and shows he is danger in the film. Image of a character (Thorin Oakenshield), from The Hobbit on the contents page with his sword from the film, the way he is holding his sword in a horizontal direction separates the title and the date (December 2012) to the features and the list of contents for each page. This is effective because it makes the contents page spread out and clear, especially when there is a lot of writing and information Bold title with bright eye-catching colours, having the white font with a red stroke around fits well with the rest of the contents page, as most of the other text is white, with red too. This works well because the background is dark A sticker related to The Hobbit, which appeals to the fans because it is 63 pages of Middle Earth magic, so it is lots of information for fans of the series
  • 6. Existing Products – New Films Double Page Spread The use of red and black text on the white background is effective because it is clear and easy to read. The connotations of red could mean danger; therefore, it is understandable because it is about an action film The masthead is keeping with the main colours of red and black, because it is similar to their logo (a white letter 'S' with a red background, wearing a black mask and covering his face could mean this connotes danger and ystery within the character An over shoulder shot of the two main characters, this over shoulder shot is used to show both characters communicating with each other Having a quote as a headline is effective because it is the first part the audience will see and read; therefore, it catches their attention and makes them interested in reading on There are different shapes to add more to the design, it makes it clearer and easier to read because it isn't just all writing Red font on the titles at the start of the paragraphs, this makes it more appealing instead of just black text on a white background
  • 7. Existing Products – New Films Double Page Spreads Sticking to the colour scheme of blue, white and red. This is effective because this is the same colours that represent Spider-Man, the character in the film they are writing about. The black font is suitable because it stands out on the white background, like how the 'new films' masthead stands out and is eye catching on the blue background Having two shades of blue on the background fits on the white text and makes it more eye catching to​ audience. Having a large image of Spider-Man here makes it clear what film they're writing about and makes it appealing to the audience who are interested in it, especially with it showing the main character Having the same collum layout when writing and having paragraphs to split it up and make it more clear to read is something I will use in my magazine
  • 8. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • They have good colours that work together, e.g., red and white, black and red, or purple and white. They also have lots of writing on the front cover to show what is featured in the magazine, they also have images of the characters in the films advertised on the front and back cover and in the magazine • What aspects of the research will you include within your own work? • I will use writing and information boxes on my front cover to show my audience what is in the magazine, also I will include images of the main characters from the films I am writing about in my magazine too. Also, I will use a good font that is colourful, so it stands out from the background with a stroke that suits well with the other colours on screen
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: From this I know what is important about a magazine cover and how to interest my audience • What this says about my audience: This connotes my audience is interested in seeing the main character background image as 80% of the responses said, so I know it is important to make it very clear and obvious who the main image is, also I will add in bright colours to the front cover too • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will use either the film posters of Fast and Furious 9, Spider-Man 3 or Godzilla vs Kong for my front cover, this is because they're upcoming and highly anticipated films releasing in 2021. I will also use colours like the image on the front cover, to make it colourful and eye-catching for my audience
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: I can tell that 40% of my audience are into action films, and the other 40% are into adventure films, and the 20% are into comedy films • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience will be most likely to read a film magazine about action or adventure, and a bit of comedy, I also know my audience wouldn't be interested in a horror film or any other genres to read about • How will your product appeal to this audience: This has helped me because now I know to write and do my film magazine around action and adventure films, and my own film idea I will write about will be based around the adventure genre
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: I can tell 60% of my audience is interested in Marvel films, including Black Widow (a confirmed film releasing in 2021), and Doctor Strange 2 (another upcoming film next year) and the new Spider-Man film, in cinemas later in 2021, 20% of my audience said Godzilla vs Kong which is also an action film coming this year • What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience is familiar and they know a few upcoming films releasing this year, from 80% of the answers named a film. I also know that a lot of my audience are interested in Marvel films, as 60% of the answers named a Marvel action film. Also, that my age demographic primary target audience (teenagers) who filled out this google form are interested in action / adventyre films, which works out well for my film idea. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include lots of actions films in my magazine, including Marvel and the new Spider- Man because it is highly anticipated by my primary target audience (teenagers). Also, I will mainy include films that are upcoming and going to be released this year or the year after because the majority of the responses are more interested in them
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: I can observe that my responses are similar, because 80% of them are action / adventure films, whereas The breakfast Club is a 1985 drama film. 1917 is a recent WW1 film with elements of action, and adventure as the main characters must travel quite far to get to their destination. All the other films are action fiction films, Fast and Furious 5, the older Spider-Man and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith are fairly older films, wheres Avengers Infinity War and 1917 are both recent in the past few years • What this says about my audience: This says my audience are usually into action and adventure films with a good storyline • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will write mostly about action and adventure films in my magazine as it is clearly the most requested, and I could have an interactive section of my magazine where I write about films that the audience enjoy (from those responses)
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: I can tell that the majority of my audience is more excited to write about films to be released soon, as 60% of my responses said that, and 40% of my audience prefer to read about films that are already out • What this says about my audience: That it is close, and my primary target audience (teenagers) would overall prefer to read films to be released soon, this is because it could create excitement for the films and the audience would want to see the film in cinemas • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include the section of my magazine where I write about the audience's favourite films, as all of them are already out for a few years or more so I can use that section to appeal to the audience that prefer to read about films that are already out, this is because it is also the films they sent into the responses, so it is interactive for the audience
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: I did some research on Google for the most anticipated Marvel film of 2021 (because that’s what my audience is mostly wanting to read about) and lots of different films and TV shows came up, including some on DisneyPlus streaming service, like Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki etc. Also, it included some of the films like Black Widow, Spider-Man 3 etc. • What this says about my audience: There are lots of Marvel films my audience will be excited to watch this year, which means I can write about them to appeal to my audience • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include DisneyPlus TV shows in my magazine so it can appeal to those who enjoy watching films, and those who enjoy watching the new and upcoming TV shows on DisneyPlus
  • 17. Interview 1 • Do you enjoy the new Marvel TV shows on DisneyPlus? • Yeah, I've watched the newest one and I'll be interested in reading about the new ones coming soon • Would you be interested in reading about action and adventure films? • I would like to because I like those genres • Would you be more interested in reading a magazine if it had exclusive interviews and photos? • Yeah it makes the magazine more interesting because they're exclusive
  • 18. Interview 1 • Observation: I can observe that my audience enjoys DisneyPlus Marvel shows and is interested in the adventure and action genres, which is similar to the other responses • What this says about my audience: My primary target audience (teenagers) that I have interviewed / had responses from on the market research enjoy similar types of film genres, mainly adventure and action. I also my target audience like Marvel films too and are interested in exclusive interviews in my magazine • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure I include writing about the DisneyPlus shows, especially the future ones being released soon. Also, I will focus on doing adventure and action genre films in my magazine. When I do my film trailer for my film idea I will have a page on my magazine for it and I will have exclusive interviews, as I am the director I will do an interview where I write about my trailer
  • 19. Interview 2 • Do you enjoy the new Marvel TV shows on DisneyPlus? • Yes I do, I'm looking forward to the new ones coming soon • Would you be interested in reading about action and adventure films? • They're my favourite genres so yes I would • Would you be more interested in reading a magazine if it had exclusive interviews and photos? • Yes probably because that means there is more to the magazine and they're usually interesting to read, especially if they're about a film I'm looking forward too
  • 20. Interview 2 • Observation: From this interview, I can tell that both people enjoy Marvel and the DisneyPlus shows, as well as their favourite genres are similar with adventure and action and enjoy exclusive interviews • What this says about my audience: My primary target audience, who are teenagers, is who I am aiming my magazine at and most of them from my responses and inerviews enjoy similar things, which is good because I know what to include on my magazine • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure I include everything from these interviews and my market research, because now I know what my target audience enjoys, including adventure, action genres, Marvel films and TV series, exclusive interviews from the director of my own film idea etc.
  • 22. Bibliography 1. Toby Jackson. (2021) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 9th March) 2. Karl Shepherd. (2021) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 9th March) 3. Sam Smith (2021) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 9th March) 4. Adam Smith. (2019). Empire Magazine. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021. 5. Alexandra Goldstein. (2019). Film Stories. Available: pre-order-your-copy-now/. Last accessed 23rd March 2021. 6. Adam Smith. (2012). Empire Magazine. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021. 7. Matt Mueller. (2020). Screen Daily. Available: Last accessed 23rd March 2021.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.